DYNASTY WARRIORS 4 OPENING EDIT FAQ (VERSION 2.60) By Xurreall a.k.a (Jasper Yap) (xurreal@hotmail.com) ******************************************************************************* |||| T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S |||| 1. F O R E W O R D 2. F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S 3. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y 4. G U I D E 4.1-> Strike 4.2-> Might 4.3-> Grace 4.4-> New Face 4.5-> Dance 4.6-> Gate 4.7-> Duel 4.8-> Flurry 4.9-> Jump 4.10-> Brute 4.11-> Juggernaught 4.12-> Trio 5. F U N F A C T S 6. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S 7. L E G A L S T U F F ******************************************************************************* 1. F O R E W O R D ------------------- This is a faq for the opening edit of Dynasty Warriors 4. Most of this guide is finished, however this guide has a lot of rough edges. So any contributions/suggestions is welcome (You will be credited properly). It's up to you readers to inform me of any mistakes, corrections and the sort. Also if you have better descriptions of any events send it to me and you will be properly contributed IF I like it. As I said, this guide is still rough. I may do some drastic changes or I may not. Oh yah, this is also my very first FAQ so if my format is hard to read or anything give me suggestions on how to improve it. That's all I have to say now. Enjoy the FAQ 2. F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ----------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the opening edit? A: It allows you to put in any character of your liking in the opening scene of the game. Q: How do I get it? A: You unlock all FOURTY TWO CHARACTERS. Shu --- Liu Bei | Zhuge Liang |\ Zhang Fei | \ Guan Yu | \ Ma Chao | \ Wei Yan | 11 Characters Zhao Yun | / Jiang Wei* | / Yue Ying | / Pang Tong |/ Huang Zhong | Wei --- Cao Ren | Cao Cao |\ Xiahou Yuan | \ Xiahou Dun | \ Xu Huang | \ Sima Yi | 11 Characters Zhang Liao | / Zhang He | / Xu Zhu | / Dian Wei |/ Zhen Ji | Wu -- Zhou Tai | Sun Jian |\ Sun Ce | \ Sun Quan | \ Lu Xun | \ Taishi Ci* | \ Sun Shang Xiang | 13 Characters Da Qiao* | / Xiao Qiao* | / Zhou Yu | / Gan Ning | / Huang Gai |/ Lu Meng | Others ------ Lu Bu |\ Diao Chan | \ Meng Huo* | \ Zhu Rong* | 7 Characters Zhang Jiao* | / Dong Zhuo | / Yuan Shao |/ 11 + 11 + 13 + 7 = 42 characters. (Note: Created warriors do not count) * - Indicates not unlocked by convectional means Q: I unlocked all characters but it's not there... A: 1) It's under Option -> Opening 2) You haven't unlocked all characters Q: So how do I unlock (Insert Character)? A: Consult the other FAQ's, this is only an opening edit FAQ. Q: Can I change which side the soldiers are on in the opening? A: Not to my knowledege, no. Q: Your FAQ is incorrect about the fan users A: It IS correct I am refering to Sima Yi's and Zhuge Liang's feather fans NOT the fans of the Qiao's. 3. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y -------------------------------- (August 1st 2003) Version 2.60 - Addition to Fun Facts (Thanks to James Webb) (July 28th 2003) Version 2.57 - Small addition/correction to Fun Facts. (Thanks to Kyle McNamara) (July 27th 2003) Version 2.55 - Small correction on not crediting Dane Faith for one of his submissions to Fun Facts. Went the further step of adding list of 42 characters in the Q&A section. (July 26th 2003) Version 2.50 - Holy Crap! Huge update in the Face section. (Thanks to Dane Faith!!) some more Fun Facts (Thanks to Dane Faith, RalphTheRobopon) and a typo (Thanks to Jeremy Holmes) (June 17th 2003) Version 2.05 - Zhen Ji in Juggernaught moved to unique (June 12th 2003) Version 2.00 - Xu Zhu in Grace moved to unique (Thanks to Dane Faith! for the correction) (June 9th 2003) Version 1.95 - Zhang He in Might moved to Sun Ce/Meng Huo Group. Some spelling corrections. Added small sentence into Dance description (June 7th 2003) Version 1.90 - Yue Ying In Grace Moved to Unique Section. Zhang He in Grace Moved to Sun Ce/Meng Huo Group. COMPLETED JUMP SECTION!! Added another section FUN FACTS (June 6th 2003) Version 1.55 - Corrected a single spelling mistake. Authorized use of Faq in Neoseeker. (June 3rd 2003) Version 1.50 - Added a few characters that got missed out and a few misc. changes (Thanks to Sam Chiang!) Double Weapon Users added in Trio.Corrected Format (May 30th 2003) Version 1.00 - Completed and submitted FAQ to GameFaqs. 4. G U I D E ------------ |4.1 STRIKE | Scene 1 -> Boulder Flying Towards Your Character Action Taken By | v <> Downward Strike Breaking the Boulder Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Xu Zhu Xu Huang Cao Ren Zhou Yu Gan Ning Huang Gai Huang Zhong Pang Tong Zhu Rong Dong Zhuo Zhang Jiao Readies Him/Herself Into A Stance Then a Downward Strike Zhang Liao Lu Meng Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu Ma Chao Jiang Wei Yue Ying Wei Yan Lu Bu <> Slow Turn Then Breaking Boulder With Weapon In Right Hand Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Shang Xiang Zhang He <> Another Character Jumps Down and Helps Break The Boulder Zhuge Liang (Assist By Yue Ying) Lui Bei (Assist By Zhao Yun) Cao Cao (Assist By Dian Wei) Sima Yi (Assist By Xu Huang) Zhen Ji (Assist By Cao Ren) Sun Quan (Assist By Gan Ning) Sun Jian (Assist By Huang Gai) Da Qiao (Assist By Sun Ce) Xiao Qiao (Assist By Zhou Yu) Yuan Shao (Assist By Zhang He) Diao Chan (Assist By Lu Bu) <> Character Actions Unique Only For These Characters Meng Huo/Sun Ce -> Extends Both Arms Outwards Then Strikes Boulder Zhou Tai -> Readies Himself to Pull His Sword Then Slashes the Boulder Dian Wei -> Head butt (!!) ******************************************************************************* |4.2 MIGHT | Scene 2 -> Character 1 Fights Off Enemies Then Deflects Arrows -> Character 2 Instructs Bow Units to Attack Action Taken By | V (( Character 1 )) <> Spins Weapon Around In Front of Self Deflecting Arrows. Short Taunt Zhang Liao Xu Huang Lu Meng Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu Ma Chao Jiang Wei Yue Ying Wei Yan Lu Bu <> Hits and Deflects Each Arrow. Short Taunt Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Cao Cao Dian Wei Sima Yi Zhen Ji Xu Zhu Cao Ren Zhou Yu Zhou Tai Gan Ning Huang Gai Sun Quan Sun Jian Zhuge Liang Lui Bei Huang Zhong Pang Tong Zhu Rong Dong Zhuo Yuan Shao Zhang Jiao <> Deflects Arrows With Both Weapons. Short Taunt At The End. Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Diao Chan <> Also Deflects with Both Weapons But Slightly Different Technique Sun Ce/ Meng Huo/ Zhang He (( Character 2 )) No Difference With Any Character ******************************************************************************* |4.3 GRACE | Scene 3 -> Jumping Spinning Attack <> Slashes Enemy And Does A Spinning Slash In The Air Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Cao Cao Sima Yi Dian Wei Zhen Ji <- Kicks Enemy Instead Xu Zhu Cao Ren Zhou Yu Gan Ning Zhou Tai Huang Gai Sun Quan Sun Jian Zhuge Liang Liu Bei Huang Zhong Pang Tong Zhu Rong Dong Zhuo Yuan Shao Zhang Jiao <> Spins And Hits Enemies In The Air And Lastly Strikes A Soldier Coming At Them As They Touch The Ground Zhang Liao Xu Huang Lu Meng Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu Ma Chao Jiang Wei Wei Yan Lu Bu <> Jumps and Does Spinning Hit to Dispatch Jumping Enemies Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Diao Chan <> Hits A Single Enemy And Does Aerial Spinning Hit. Camera Angle Slightly Different Sun Ce Meng Huo Zhang He ======> Starts Off & Ends Similiar To Sword Users, Does 360 Spinning Attack In The Air Similiar To Polearm Users. Doesn't Raise Head After Air Attack. Taunt Unique Yue Ying ======> Jumping Spinning Attack Similiar to His Musou And Ends With A Not So Graceful Landing:) Xu Zhu ******************************************************************************* |4.4 NEW FACE | Scene 4 -> Standing on Mountain Top Then Throws Away Scarf <> Xiahou Dun Cao Cao Xiahou Yuan Zhang Liao Sima Yi Xu Huang Cao Ren Zhou Yu Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Jian Sun Quan Lu Meng Gan Ning Huang Gai Sun Ce Zhou Tai Zhao Yun Guan Yu Zhang Fei Zhuge Liang Liu Bei Ma Chao Huang Zhong Jiang Wei Wei Yan Pang Tong Lu Bu Yuan Shao <> Dian Wei Xu Zhu Dong Zhuo Zhang Jiao Meng Huo <> Zhang He Zhen Ji Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Yue Ying Diao Chan Zhu Rong <> Zhang Fei Yuan Shao Zhen Ji Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Yue Ying Diao Chan Zhu Rong (Note: All of this section is provided by Dane Faith) ******************************************************************************* |4.5 DANCE | Scene 5 -> Character 1 Dances -> Character 2 Enjoying The Entertainment No Particular Changes To Note Here Except Women and Fat Characters (Dong Zhuo, Xu Zhu) Tend To Sit Differently ******************************************************************************* |4.6 GATE | Scene 6 -> Gate Slowly Opens Showing Character's Face Up Close No Difference In Character Placement ******************************************************************************* |4.7 DUEL | Scene 7 -> Character 1 Glides Over a Handful of Enemies, Then Said Enemies Collapse. Begins Dueling. Holds Off Character 2 Deflecting Him/Her Away. Then Readies Him/Herself -> Character 2 Attacks Character 1, Dose Moonsault After Deflection From Character 1. Then Charges At Character 1 After Landing Nothing Remarkable To Note. Except Dual Weapon User Extends Both Weapons Outwards To Deflect. They Also Jump Slightly Different Might Make This Section More In-Depth If There Are Requests ******************************************************************************* |4.8 FLURRY | Scene 8 -> Continuation Of Character 2 From Previous Scene <> Various Slashes Ending With a Downward Slash Zhang Liao Xu Huang Lu Meng Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu Ma Chao Jiang Wei Yue Ying Wei Yan Lu Bu <> Series Of Slashes Ending With a Forward Trust Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Cao Cao Sima Yi Zhen Ji Dian Wei Xu Zhu Cao Ren Zhou Yu Gan Ning Zhou Tai Huang Gai Sun Quan Sun Jian Zhuge Liang Lui Bei Huang Zhong Pang Tong Zhu Rong Dong Zhuo Yuan Shao Zhang Jiao <> Combination Of Slashes Ending With an X slash Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Diao Chan Zhang He <> Continuous Hits Sun Ce/ Meng Huo ******************************************************************************* |4.9 JUMP | Scene 9 -> Jumping Charge Attack Into A Group Of Enemies <> Both Hands Clenching Weapon Driving It Into The Ground Vertically Zhou Yu Sun Jian Sun Quan Lu Meng Gan Ning Huang Gai Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Cao Cao Zhang Liao Xu Huang Zhao Yun Guan Yu Zhang Fei Lui Bei Ma Chao Huang Zhong Jiang Wei Wei Yan Yue Ying Lu Bu Dong Zhuo Yuan Shao Double Weapon Users Driving Right Weapon Into Ground Vertically Sun Ce Zhang He Meng Huo <> Striking Weapon Horizontally At Ground. At Times Looks Like A Knee Strike/ Fist Strike Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Dian Wei Xu Zhu Sima Yi Zhen Ji Cao Ren Zhuge Liang Pang Tong Diao Chan Zhang Jiao Zhu Rong ******************************************************************************* |4.10 BRUTE | Scene 10 -> Grabs A Soldier And Throws Him Around Like A Rag doll No Different With Other Characters ******************************************************************************* |4.11 JUGGERNAUGHT | Scene 11 -> Character Destroys A Juggernaught In One Swift Motion <> Slashes Juggernaught and Clenches Fist As It Explodes Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Cao Cao Sima Yi Dian Wei Xu Zhu Cao Ren Zhou Yu Gan Ning Huang Gai Sun Quan Sun Jian Lui Bei Zhuge Liang Huang Zhong Pang Tong Zhu Rong Dong Zhuo Yuan Shao Zhang Jiao <> Side Swipe Zhang Liao Xu Huang Lu Meng Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu Ma Chao Jiang Wei Yue Ying Wei Yan Lu Bu <> Slashes Both Weapons Inwards/Outwards in a X Cross Motion Lu Xun Inward Taishi Ci Outward Sun Shang Xiang Inward Da Qiao Outward Xiao Qiao Outward Diao Chan Inward Zhang He Inward Sun Ce Inward Meng Huo Straight <> Zhou Tai -> Unsheathes Sword Slashing Juggernaught Zhen Ji -> Similar To Sword Users But Puts Her Left Hand Across Her Face After Slashing the Juggernaught ******************************************************************************* |4.12 TRIO | Scene 12 -> Character 1 Gets Knocked Down By Lu Bu, Gets Picked Up By Character 2 and 3. Attacks Only To be Deflected -> Character 3 Attacks After Character 1 gets Knocked Away By Lu Bu. Only To Get Knocked Away Too -> Character 2 Jumping Attack After Character 3 Gets Knocked Away.(Note: Close-up Camera Angle) <> Downward Strike Xiahou Dun Xiahou Yuan Cao Cao Sima Yi Zhang He Zhen Ji Zhang Liao Xu Huang Xu Zhu Cao Ren Zhou Yu Gan Ning Lu Meng Huang Gai Sun Quan Sun Jian Zhuge Liang Huang Zhong Pang Tong Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu Ma Chao Jiang Wei Yue Ying Wei Yan Lu Bu Zhu Rong Dong Zhuo Yuan Shao <> Extending Both Weapons Outwards To Strike Lu Xun Taishi Ci Sun Shang Xiang Da Qiao Xiao Qiao Diao Chan ******************************************************************************* 5. F U N F A C T S ------------------- -> During the first scene after the camera moves away from your character, look closely at the soldiers behind him/her. Sometimes they look to their left/right I once had ALL the soldiers look to their left. -> Characters during the opening all use their level 9 weapons. (Level 7,8,9 Weapons actually if you are picky about details) -> The Qiao's cowers in Scene 1 but order troops to attack -> Zhen Ji and Diao Chan doesn't order troops to attack after being assisted in Scene 1 -> Lu Xun attacks Wu soldiers in Scene 7 in "Legends of Wei" opening -> In Trio, On the final strike, male characters will yell when striking, the girls don't (This once again includes Zhang He...) (Submitted by Dane Faith) (Note: It has come to my attention that Zhou Yu doesn't yell either) (Submitted by Kyle McNamara) -> In strike, the soldiers will be charging without any weaponry most of the time. When they do have weapons, they are spears, which they will be holding incorrectly (Submitted by Dane Faith) ->Lu Bu never appears in random opening edits (except to save Diao Chan during strike, and during trio) (Submitted by Dane Faith) ->In Legends of Wu, Sun Shang Xiang is dancing for her father. (Submitted by Dane Faith) ->In Legends of Shu, Diao Chan and Dong Zhuo, who aren't in Shu, make up the dance scene. (Submitted by Dane Faith) ->If you just let the game play the demoes and it does all of the scenes, I noticed that the "Brute" scene seems to always be Xu Zhu or Meng Huo, and that the last scene seems to always have three people that are similar, such as Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian, or Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Sun Quan. (Submitted by RalphTheRobopon) ->In the legends of wei, Zhen Ji is dancing for her husbands father (rather than her husband!) (Submitted By James Webb) (Note: Can be excused since Cao Pi isn't in the game, and specifically Zhen Ji is dancing for her Grandfather-in-law) ->If you have Dong Zhuo on the dancer scene (not as the dancer), his beard seems to merge into his body! (Submitted By James Webb) Any Other Reader Submissions Are Welcome. ******************************************************************************* 6. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S ---------------------------------- Thanks to CjayC for posting my faq Thanks to Koei for such a great game Thanks to Sam Chiang aka Jiang Hsuan on a large amount of corrections. Mostly missing characters and a correction on Grace whereby I left out the polearm section. Thanks to Dane Faith about informing me that Xu Zhu's Grace scene is Unique Thanks to Dane Faith (Again!) for submitting the list in the new face section and providing the list of descriptions for it. Also for the new additions of fun facts. Thanks to RalphTheRobopon for his submission to fun facts Thanks to Jeremy Holmes for informing me of a typo. Thanks to Kyle McNamara for his submission/correction in Fun Facts Thanks to James Webb for his submission to Fun Facts ******************************************************************************* 7. L E G A L S T U F F ----------------------- This Guide is under copyright (c) 2003 to Xurreall a.k.a Jasper Yap. This guide may only be reproduced for personal private use only. Under no circumstances should this faq be altered, reproduced or posted on any other website without the author's consent. Currently as of now, only Gamefaqs has permission to host this FAQ. You are most likely allowed to post it on your site as LONG as you have obtained my permission after e-mailing me at xurreal@hotmail.com Please respect the author's hard work. Thank you. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Other Sites Authorized to use my Faq: Neoseeker IGN