真・三國無双3 Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Dim Sum Snack & Fairy Wine Locations Version 2.00 (4.4.03) Written by 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) 真┃・┃三┃國┃無┃双┃3┃ ━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛ SHIN SANGOKU MUSOU 3 点心 & 于吉仙酒 DIM SUM SNACK & FAIRY WINE LOCATIONS ------------------------------------- [ 夷陵 YI LING ] 夷陵の戦い Battle of Yi Ling Dim Sum Snack - Inside the stone maze, second column from the left, second row from the bottom. Fairy Wine - After 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang creates ship bridge event, the wine is on the center rock. 荊州攻略戦 Campaign for Jing Dim Sum Snack - Dead end to the South of the 武陵 Wu Ling fort. Fairy Wine - South just outside the 桂陽 Guei Yang fort wall. 荊州鎮圧戦 Unification of Jing Dim Sum Snack - Can not find. Fairy Wine - Can not find. --- [ 五丈原 WU ZHANG PLAINS ] 街亭の戦い Battle of Jie Ting Dim Sum Snack - Map bottom right area, top right corner. Fairy Wine - Map top right fort, top right corner. 五丈原の戦い Battle of Wu Zhang Plains Dim Sum Snack - Map bottom left area. (After wooden bulls appear and make it through safely.) Fairy Wine - Map bottom left area. (After wooden bulls appear and make it through safely.) Fairy Wine - Right side of map, area North of the bridge, top right corner, to the right of the fort gate. 天水の戦い Battle of Tian Shui Dim Sum Snack - Left bridge, South shore, right corner. Fairy Wine - Right bridge, South side, dead end to the bottom right. --- [ 合肥 HE FEI ] 合肥の戦い Battle of He Fei Dim Sum Snack - Map top castle, on the highest level of the castle. Fairy Wine - To the left of the center hole, beside some houses near the entrance of the path between the two entry points. 石亭の戦い Battle of Shi Ting Dim Sum Snack - Outside map top castle, in front of the bottom entrance. Fairy Wine - Inside map top castle, bottom right corner. 孫堅討伐戦 Campaign Against Sun Jian Dim Sum Snack - Map bottom left corner, North of the river. (Musou Mode only) Dim Sum Snack - Map South. (Free Mode only) Fairy Wine - Map top right corner. (Musou Mode only) Fairy Wine - Map top left corner. (Free Mode only) 二喬奪還戦 The Two Qiaos Dim Sum Snack - Map bottom center area, near the top left corner of that area. Fairy Wine - Map top left area, bottom right corner of that area. --- [ 漢中 HAN ZHONG ] 定軍山の戦い Battle of Mount Ding Jun Dim Sum Snack - Beside the entry point at the center of the map. Fairy Wine - Map bottom left, inside the fort top left corner. 漢中防衛戦 Battle of Han Zhong Dim Sum Snack - Beside the map left center entry point. Fairy Wine - Map top left corner, in front of the big stone staircase. 黄巾殲滅戦 Eliminate Zhang Jiao Dim Sum Snack - Map top center area, high center platform, bottom right corner. Fairy Wine - Map top right corner, to the right side of the verticle stairs. --- [ 官渡 GUAN DU ] 官渡の戦い Battle of Guan Du Dim Sum Snack - Outside the bottom castle, at the bottom left. Fairy Wine - Inside small fort at the far left of the map, at the top center of the fort. 曹操討伐戦 Campaign Against Cao Cao Dim Sum Snack - In front of the map top entry point, beside the stairs of the wooden platform. Fairy Wine - Inside map bottom castle, bottom right corner. 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress Dim Sum Snack - Inside map left fort, bottom left corner. Fairy Wine - North tip of the path to the North of the map right circular mountain path. --- [ 冀州 JI PROVINCE ] 冀州の戦い Battle of Ji Province Dim Sum Snack - Can not find. Fairy Wine - Map left, just North of the castle wall. 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion Dim Sum Snack - Map top area, top right corner. Fairy Wine - Area North of the castle wall, top right corner. 冀州防衛戦 Dong Zhuo in Ji Dim Sum Snack - Map top left corner. Fairy Wine - Inside bottom fort, from the right center, go downward a little bit. --- [ 許昌 XU CHANG ] 関羽千里行 Guan Yu's Escape Dim Sum Snack - Map top left, rectangular area to the left of the 4th gate, bottom right corner. Fairy Wine - Map top right building, outside the building at the bottom left corner. 許昌の戦い Battle of Xu Chang Dim Sum Snack - Inside the map top right castle, at the top are two entry points, the snack is between the left entry point and the castle gate below it. Fairy Wine - Map bottom left, the rectangular area to the left of the two bridges, bottom right corner of that area. [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate Dim Sum Snack - Bottom left within the square fort. Fairy Wine - To the left of the map bottom right entry point, on the other side of the low fort wall. --- [ 呉郡 WU TERRITORY ] 建業の戦い Battle of Jian Ye Dim Sum Snack - Center two layered fort, in the inner layer, top wall, go up the ramp stairs. Fairy Wine - Bottom fort, on the right side of the building in the center. 江東平定戦 Unification of Jiang Dong Dim Sum Snack - Inside map bottom fort, to the left of the center building. Dim Sum Snack - Inside map top fort, to the left of the bottom entrance. (Musou Mode only) Fairy Wine - Inside map left fort, in the smaller center fort, bottom left corner. Fairy Wine - Inside map top fort, to the right of the bottom entrance. (Musou Mode only) 呉郡攻略戦 Campaign for Wu Territory Dim Sum Snack - Two layered fort, in the inner layer, bottom wall, go up the ramp stairs. Fairy Wine - In the bottom right fort, top right corner. --- [ 洛陽 LUO YANG ] 玉璽争奪戦 The Imperial Seal Dim Sum Snack - Bottom right area, bottom right corner. Fairy Wine - Bottom right area, bottom left corner. 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate Dim Sum Snack - Map center castle gate (Hu Lao Gate), South half of the gate wall, go up the stairs. Fairy Wine - Map center castle gate (Hu Lao Gate), North half of the gate wall, go up the stairs. 潼関の戦い Battle of Tong Gate Dim Sum Snack - Beside the top left entry point. Fairy Wine - Map left, in the part of the river that you can cross. --- [ 徐州 XU PROVINCE ] 下[丕卩]の戦い Battle of Xia Pi Dim Sum Snack - In the castle, at the North end of the water duct. Fairy Wine - Little island at the bottom right of map. 黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace Dim Sum Snack - Map top triangular area, bottom left corner, on the lower level. Fairy Wine - Map top triangular area, bottom right corner, on the lower level. 劉備討伐戦 Campaign Against Liu Bei Dim Sum Snack - Top left of the map bottom entry point, between two houses. Fairy Wine - From the lower right gate of the center castle, go East, there is a pot beside a building. 呂布逆襲戦 Lu Bu's Offensive Dim Sum Snack - Can not find. Fairy Wine - At the bend of the river North of the castle, the wine is at the corner on the inside of the bend. Fairy Wine - To the North of the map bottom left entry point. --- [ 成都 CHENG DU ] 成都制圧戦 Campaign for Cheng Du Dim Sum Snack - Under the map top left entry point is a square-ish rock, there's a path to the bottom right of that rock, the snack is at the Southern tip of that path. Fairy Wine - From the intersection at the bottom of the map, there are 3 paths going left, the wine is in the middle path. 成都の戦い Battle of Cheng Du Dim Sum Snack - After 魏延 Wei Yan defects to 魏 Wei, the blocked mountain path top left of the map left intersection will open up, the snack is in that path. Fairy Wine - From the star shaped intersection at left bottom of map, there are 3 paths going left, the wine is along the middle path. (Beware of land mines.) [各佳]城の戦い Battle of Luo Castle Dim Sum Snack - Bottom right area, outside the castle, at the top left corner of that area. Fairy Wine - Dead end within the 落鳳坡 Luo Feng Po (Fallen Phoenix Hill) after the falling rock trap. --- [ 赤壁 CHI BI ] 夏口の戦い Battle of Xia Kou Dim Sum Snack - Can not find. Fairy Wine - Land middle area, inside the area of houses surrounded by broken walls, the wine is at the bottom right of that area. 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi Dim Sum Snack - Map top right big square ship, top right corner. Fairy Wine - From the map bottom center ship, go up one ship, then go left one ship, the wine is at the North end of that ship. 長江防衛戦 Battle of Chang Jiang Dim Sum Snack - In front of the map right bottom entry point is a small fenced camp area, the snack is inside the camp beside an archer tower. Fairy Wine - Alcove to the bottom right of the map top entry point, the wine is among five pots gathered together. --- [ 襄陽 XIANG YANG ] 樊城争奪戦 Seige at Fan Castle Dim Sum Snack - Castle top left corner, up on the castle wall. Fairy Wine - Castle bottom right corner, up on the castle wall. 樊城の戦い Battle of Fan Castle Dim Sum Snack - Near the center of the castle, to the top right. Fairy Wine - Near the center of the castle, to the bottom left. 劉表奇襲戦 Assault on Liu Biao Dim Sum Snack - Beside the map bottom right entry point. Fairy Wine - Inside map top left fort, top right corner. --- [ 汝南 RU NAN ] 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po Dim Sum Snack - Small top left room within castle, top right corner. Fairy Wine - Small top left room within castle, bottom left corner. 汝南の戦い Battle of Ru Nan Dim Sum Snack - Small top left room within castle, left side. Fairy Wine - Small top left room within castle, bottom right corner. --- [ 南陽 NAN YANG ] 宛城の戦い Battle of Wan Castle Dim Sum Snack - Bottom row with 2 squares, right square. Fairy Wine - Second row from the bottom with 4 squares, left square. 呂布の乱 Lu Bu's Revolt Dim Sum Snack - Bottom right corner. Fairy Wine - Left bottom square. --- [ 南中 NAN ZHONG ] 南蛮夷平定戦 Nan Man Campaign Dim Sum Snack - Left poison pond, near the center slightly to the right. Fairy Wine - Near the top right of the map are 2 horizontal paths parallel to each other, the wine is at the right end of the bottom path. 南蛮防衛戦 Defense of Nan Man Dim Sum Snack - Map top fort, near the center slightly to the bottom right, beside an archer tower. Fairy Wine - The two parallel paths at the right of map, at the right end of the bottom path. --- [ 南郡 NAN TERRITORY ] 長坂の戦い Battle of Chang Ban Dim Sum Snack - Inside the center castle, bottom left corner. Fairy Wine - Inside the center castle, within the walled area at the bottom right corner. 南郡の戦い Race for Nan Territory Dim Sum Snack - From the castle top right corner, go South, the snack is on top of the first staircase you run into. Fairy Wine - Inside the castle, within the walled area near the bottom right corner. 麦城の戦い Battle of Mai Castle Dim Sum Snack - Inside the castle, South of the right entry point. Fairy Wine - Directly South of the castle top entrance is a walled area, the wine is at the top left corner within that walled area. ------------------------------------- This guide is written based on the Japanese version of the game "真・三國無双3" - "Shin Sangoku Musou 3". Shin Sangoku Musou 3 official website: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/products/products/ee/new/smusou3/index.htm This information can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html And at Muni Shinobu's Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Guide: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/ssm3/index.html This Document Copyright 2003 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu"