///////////////////////// / DYNASTY WARRIORS 4 / / Stage Events Guide / / Version 1.4 / / June 18, 2003 / ///////////////////////// Created by James Turner (popemobile) E-mail: zaxon (at) magpage (dot) com INTRO/PURPOSE: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 The purpose of this FAQ is to compile a list of all known events (things that trigger special cutscenes, as well as quirky/important non-cutscene ones) with step-by-step instructions on how to get them. If you know of any events not listed here, or have corrections/additional information regarding what's here, you're encouraged to send me an email at the address above. All help will be credited. SUBMISSIONS: If you have some additional info you'd like to submit to this FAQ, please send it to the address listed above. Also, please include whether you'd like to be credited by your real name, internet/gameFAQs handle, or both. UPDATES: 1.4 - Whole lotta misc info and some corrections/confirmations added. I've been having computer problems so sorry to anyone whose e-mail I didn't reply to. 1.3 - Lots of corrections and confirmations, and a number of new misc events. 1.2 - Added a few events (Nanman, Ru Nan), made some minor corrections, and added lots of misc events. Thanks to everyone who's been contributing! 1.1 - Fixed a couple of glaring errors (Wan castle and Zhang Fei's bridge event), added a couple events I missed, and filled in a number of holes. KEY: * - standard event that is very hard to miss # - not that hard to get, but not as common either ! - unusual event that is easy to miss ----EVENTS BY STAGE AREA---- *Note: These are organized by the area sub-groupings as found on the free mode select screen. Also, "Misc Events" are non-cutscene events. They are generally either minor events like ambushes and such, or Musou-mode only things you can get depending on what actions you take on prior stages in a specific act. //////////////// YI LING /////////////// Battle of Yi Ling --- Sides available: Wu and Shu * Shu Camp Engulfed in Flames (Both sides) This event occurs when Zhu Ran's fire attack is succesful. For Shu side, simply do not kill Zhu Ran and his task force leaders and the event will trigger. To get Zhu Ran's task force to appear, you have to go investigate the area indicated when you recieve a message relaying Zhuge Liang's orders to tighten security around the watchtower. If you don't go investigate, the event will occur without Zhu Ran appearing. (Thanks in part to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) For Wu side, after Zhu Ran is spotted, you'll get a message from Lu Xun about the fire attack strategy. Simply protect Zhu Ran untill he gets to the target location. (Thanks in part to AtomicEntity) * Zhuge Liang's Arrival (Both sides) Zhuge Liang arrives and bridges the northern waterway. For both sides, this will occur a certain amount of time into the battle. If you prevent the fire attack while playing Shu side, this event doesn't seem to trigger. Clearing the Stone Sentinal Maze while playing on Wu side also seems to speed up the event. Note that if you are playing as Zhuge Liang, this event will be triggered by entering Bai Di castle. In this case, morale will be raised, but only Yan Yan will cross the bridge and attack the Wu camp. (Thanks to Vivi Orunitia 72 for this last bit of info.) * Stone Sentinal Maze (Wu side) This event shows your character getting lost in the maze. To trigger it, go run around the Stone Sentinal Maze. It'll happen after enough time is spent in the maze. -Misc Events: (Shu) If you are playing as Zhuge Liang, there will be a conversation early in the stage involving Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Zhao Yun involving tighter security. (Shu) Defeat Meng Huo 7 times in the Nanman campaign, and he will arrive with a Nanman unit as reinforcements for Shu. (Wu) Take all three territories in Race for the Nan Territory, and Guan Yu will arrive with a reinforcement unit for Shu. Campaign for Jing --- Sides available: Shu only * Huang Zhong and Wei Yan Defeat Huang Zhong without having defeated Wei Yan and Han Xuan. Huang Zhong will withdraw and the event will trigger shortly thereafter. (Note: In Musou mode, this is only available before you've unlocked Huang Zhong and Wei Yan.) -Misc events: - If you rescue Pang Tong at the Battle of Luo Castle prior to doing this stage, Pang Tong will arrive as reinforcements (in addition to the usual reinforcements you get). (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this one.) Unification of Jing --- Sides available: Wu only * Victory After defeating all four enemy commanders, you will get a brief cutscene announcing the victory. Nothing special. -Misc events: Enemies join forces -> one trigger is defeating Yan Baihu's sub officer, Yan Yu. Another is entering Liu Biao's castle. ///////////////// WU ZHANG PLAINS ///////////////// Battle of Jie Ting --- Sides available: Shu and Wei # Burning Gate (Shu side) This event is triggered if both you and Zhang He get close enough to the southern gate. He will set the gate on fire, making it unpassable. (You can still rescue Ma Su, though.) * Zhang He and his Ballet Troops (Wei side) Trigger this event by following Sima Yi's instructions and surrounding Ma Su. This is one of the funnier events in the game, IMO. ! Execution of Ma Su (Shu side) To view this cutscene, you must lose the level by not rescuing Ma Su. Basically, don't defeat any enemy officers and let Ma Su be overrun. -Misc events: (Shu) If you defeat Xiahou Yuan at Mt. Ding Jun prior to this stage, Xiahou Yuan will show up as the final general you need to defeat to rescue Ma Su. He will also make a comment about being late when he arrives. (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this one.) (Wei) If you don't surround Ma Su in time, he will send smoke signals to the main Shu forces. After that if you attempt to enter Ma Su's camp you will trigger ambushes. (Wei) If you defeat Ma Su early enough in the stage (before he is surrounded or sends smoke signals to the main force), the stage will end. (Thanks to AtomicEntity for this one) Battle of Wu Zhang Plains --- Sides available: Shu and Wei # Arbalest counter-attack (Shu side) Approach Zhang He's position in the upper left hand side of the map. This should trigger an enemy archer ambush. Wait a few moments, and Zhuge Liang will instruct you to use the arbalest, after which the cutscene will occur. # Taunting Sima Yi (Shu side) Approach the main Wei camp before Zhuge Liang's "death" scene. * Zhuge Liang's "Death" (Both sides) After a certain amount of time a cutscene will show up where Zhuge Liang appears to die. I think you can trigger this event to occur while playing on Wei side by entering the main Shu fort at the bottom center of the map. * Zhuge Liang Lives (Both sides) This cutscene is triggered once Sima Yi gets close enough to the main Shu camp. It's slightly different depending on which side you play. * Victory at the Supply Depot (Wei side) Go to the supply depot at the bottom left hand corner of the map, and defeat Liao Hua. -Misc events: (Both) If you kill the enemy hostage on Mt. Ding Jun before he returns to camp, an enemy general unit will show up during this battle and say a "Revenge for" whoever line. For Shu side the enemy general will be Xiahou Yuan, while on Wei side it will be Huang Zhong. (Thanks to AtomicEntity for the specifics) (Wei) If you surround and defeat Ma Su at Jie Ting, Sima Yi will taunt Ma Su when his unit appears as reinforcements. (Both) If you clear Jie Ting before playing this stage, Zhuge Liang's Wooden Ox supply unit will show up. (Shu) If a Shu officer approaches Sima Zhao (in the upper right corner) early on in the stage, Sima Zhao will initiate a fire attack. This "fire" attack is rather pointless as far as I can tell, and will stop once you defeat him. (? ?) I vaguely recall playing this stage once where after the Zhuge Liang lives event, Sima Yi did NOT retreat, but instead continued to push forward. Anyone else seen this and know how to cause it? I'm pretty sure it was Shu side. Battle of Tian Shui --- Sides available: Shu only # Zhuge Liang's Offer to Jiang Wei Follow Zhuge Liang's directions exactly. First defeat all enemy generals outside the castles. Then, after Jiang Wei exits his castle, take out his two sub-generals. Finally, to trigger the cutscene, lead Jiang Wei to Zhuge Liang. Also, if you play in Musou mode and have already unlocked Jiang Wei, Cao Ren will take Jiang Wei's place. If you follow all of Zhuge Liang's instructions, Cao Ren will simply retreat instead of switching sides. (Thanks to Joe Caputo and SquarePantera@sluggy.net for this) /////////////// HE FEI /////////////// Battle of Hei Fei --- Sides available: Wu and Wei * Sun Jian Ambushed (Both sides) Occurs after Sun Jian crosses the bridge. * Sun Jian Retreats to Safety (Both sides) Occurs after Li Dian is defeated (Wu side) and Sun Jian gets close enough to the bridge. For Wei side, it'll occur shortly after Sun Jian's rescue troops appear. If doesn't seem to be happening, you may need to clear the area around the bridge of enemies. * Zhang Liao Arrives to Tear the Heart Out of Wu! (Wu side) This event will occur a short while after Zhang Liao initially retreats and the "Sun Jian Ambushed" event occurs. * Gan Ning's Arrival (Both sides) Occurs when Gan Ning's reinforcements arrive, a set amount of time into the stage. -Misc events: (Wu) Clear the Siege of Fan Castle stage first, and Sun Shang Xiang will arrive with a catapult unit to attack He Fei castle's front gate. If you are playing as SSX, the event will not occur, but you can still get the catapult - just move to the catapult's arrival area (slightly south and to the left of the main castle gate) and it will show up. (Wu) If you do not clear the Siege of Fan Castle prior to this stage, reinforcements for Wei from Fan Castle will arrive during the battle. (Wu) Clear both Siege of Fan Castle and Shi Ting and Lu Meng will send a message warning Sun Jian of the ambush at the bridge. This will negate the "Sun Jian Retreats to Safety" event listed above, and Sun Jian's rescue troops will appear early, raising morale. (Wu) Defeat Cao Xiu at Shi Ting, and he will arrive as reinforcements. If you don't clear Shi Ting first, the reinforcements will still arrive, but without Cao Xiu and farther north up the map. (Note - no reinforcements arrived when I was playing as Lu Xun.) (Wei) If Wu forces break through one of the side gates, reinforcements will arrive from Fan Castle with a catapult to attack the main gate. (need to confirm if clearing Fan Castle is a requirement or not) (Wei) If you're playing as Zhang Liao, Sima Yi will give you more specific instructions about luring Sun Jian. Also, Sun Jian may challenge you to a duel right at the beginning of the stage. If you defeat him before the Sun Jian Ambush event occurs, Taishi Ci will arrive early and tell Sun Jian to fall back to safety. A few minutes later, Sun Jian will reappear and tell his forces to continue their march. Also, if you defeat Sun Jian before the Ambush, the Ambush will be nullified. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net and AtomicEntity) ?(Wei) Rescue Cao Xiu at Shi Ting, and he will arrive as reinforcments. (need to confirm this one)? Battle of Shi Ting --- Sides available: Wu and Wei * Cao Xiu Ambushed (Both sides) Triggered once Cao Xiu gets close enough to the castle gate to the north of the map. To ensure success on Wu side, defeat Jia Kui before he reaches Cao Xiu. To prevent the event on Wei side, defeat Ding Feng then approach Cao Xiu. -Misc events: (Wu) If you defeat Zhou Fang before he returns to Wu's ranks, Lu Xun's plan will be ruined, and he will unleash the ambush troops early. Also, be careful - the castle gate will remain CLOSED if you do this, so you won't be able to get the fairy wine or defeat any of the Wei reinforcement generals. I waited untill the 10 minute mark to see if the gate would open if Lu Xun was defeated (I was playing as SSX, so Lu Xun wasn't the commander), but the Wei forces inside the castle barely went after him. *Shrug* (Wu) If you clear the Siege of Fan Castle first and defeat Zhen Ji, she will show up with the Wei reinforcements and give you some sass. (Wei) Clear the Siege of Fan Castle first, and a catapult unit from Fan castle will arrive to help attack the main castle gate. Campaign Against Sun Jian --- Sides available: Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, Yellow Turbans, Yuan Shao -Misc events: (All) Enter the main castle at the north of the map early in the stage to prevent Sun Jian's plans. All Ambush units will appear. If you don't enter the castle, your forces will stumble onto a number of ambush and fire attacks, and your commander will grow impatient and advance. (Commander advance occurs around 10 minutes in). (All) If you enter the main castle after the first ambush on the right side of the map occurs then you'll trigger Sun Jian's arrival, but with a different message. (Something along the lines of "You're fast, but it's too late now") (Need to confirm -> after event or a certain amount of time?) (All) Ambush events: Gan Ning ambush: Occurs after you defeat his sub-officer, on the left side of the map. Will also occur if you wait long enough, and then head into the ambush area. Sun Shang Xiang ambush: Occurs after the bridge is destroyed and when your side's troops approach her ambush spot (a little north of the round little unpassable hill on the right path, I think). The gate from the right path to the center area will be opened after the fire attack that occurs with this ambush. Sun Jian ambush: The "fast" way to trigger this is to simply enter the Wu castle, after which your character will make a comment about there being no one there. Sun Jian and Sun Ce will then appear at the bottom of the map near your commander. The "slow" way is to wait around, let Sun Shang Xiang's ambush occur, wait for your commander to advance, and then head up the left path. Right before you trigger Gan Ning's ambush, Sun Jian's ambush will trigger. If you do it this way, it'll include a fire attack, and Sun Ce's unit will appear near your Commanding Officer, and Sun Jian will appear in the same place to the south. (Note: there's probably other combinations that'll get you the "slow" way too, this is just one I used last time I did this.) The Two Qiaos --- Sides available: Wu # The Eligible Bachelors Clear the stage with Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Da Qiao, or Xiao Qiao. # Captured! This occurs if any of your allied officers are defeated. If Da Qiao or Sun Ce is defeated, Da Qiao will be in the cutscene; if it's Xiao Qiao or Zhou Yu, it'll be Xiao Qiao in the cutscene. -Misc events: - After you've met up with all your allies, Dong Zhuo's forces will arrive and start searching for you. You can either avoid the enemy or get spotted. To avoid the enemy, hide in either the far left or inner right paths. In the inner left path, you'll get spotted by Dong Zhuo, and on the outer right path you'll get spotted by a scout on horseback. (Thanks to AtomicEntity for info on the previous two events) -If you successfully avoid being spotted, Xiao Qiao will make a remark about getting revenge against Dong Zhuo, and your character will say something about having to make a decision. /////////////// HAN ZHONG /////////////// Battle of Mt. Ding Jun --- Sides available: Wei and Shu * Hostage exchange (Both sides) This cutscene starts the stage every time. * The Old Man of Shu (Wei side) Approach Huang Zhong to trigger this rather amusing scene. -Misc events: (Shu) If you rescue Ma Su in Jie Ting prior to this stage, Ma su will arrive as reinforcement unit. (Both) Cao Cao's main force will arrive either a set amount of time into the stage or after Xiahou Yuan is defeated. (Both) After Shu takes Mt. Ding Jun, Huang Zhong will charge down and attack. This'll come with a comment from either Huang Zhong or Xiahou Yuan (depending on if you're playing as Shu or Wei, respectively) about being able to see the entire Wei camp from atop Mt. Ding Jun. If you're playing as Shu, you'll also get a message stating that Huang Zhong has been isolated after he charges down. Battle of Han Zhong --- Sides available: Shu (any?) Eliminate Zhang Jiao! --- Sides available: Shu, Wei, Wu * Rockslide (All sides) Triggered by ally troops approaching the North fortress. # Wind attack (All sides) Triggered by ally troops approaching the slope with the stairs before Zhang Lu either meets with Zhang Jiao or is defeated. * Zhang Lu and Zhang Jiao Do not stop Zhang Jiao from joining with Zhang Lu. Notes on this stage: If you allow Zhang Lu and Zhang Jiao to join, they will cast a magic spell that will cause all other ally officers (except for the commander, of course) and their troops to switch to the Yellow Turban side. If you defeat Zhang Lu before he reaches Zhang Jiao, only some of the ally troops will defect. To defeat Zhang Lu you must first defeat all his soldiers. (Use the two fortresses to stop them long enough to defeat them all.) After the spell is cast, you need to destroy the 3 ceremonial implements near Zhang Jiao's position to end it. If you allowed Zhang Lu and Zhang Jiao to join up, the spell will only be partially broken after you destroy the ceremonial implements (the officers who switched sides will not change back.) (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) -Misc events: (All) If you defeat Zhang Lu prior to defeating all his troops, he will reappear, and your commander will instruct you to go after the troops first. If you continue to defeat Zhang Lu while he still has troops alive, he will give you a different taunt after the third time. Once you defeat all Zhang Lu's troops, the "real" Zhang Lu will be spotted and you can finally finish him off. (Thanks in part to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) ///////////// GUAN DU ///////////// Battle of Guan Du --- Sides available: Wei and Yuan Shao # Lu Bu's Arrival (Wei side) Skip the Battle of Xia Pi in Musou mode and Lu Bu will show up a certain amount of time into the level, triggering this cutscene. # Yuan Shao's Toys (Both sides) Yuan Shao's siege rams will show up when his main force approaches Guan Du castle. When playing as Wei side, you need to let Bai Ma and Ya Jin castles fall to Yuan Shao before he will advance that far. ! Wu Chao in Flames (Both sides) Occurs when Cao Cao succesfully takes Wu Chao Supply depot. For Yuan Shao's side, shortly after the ram shows up, a message will pop up stating Cao Cao's forces are attacking Wu Chao. If you do not go and stop the attack the event will take place. For Wei side, you must wait untill the siege ram shows up, then follow Cao Cao out the side gate of Guan Du and protect him untill he reaches Wu Chao. Then, defeat the officer guarding Wu Chao (Chunyu Qiong) as well as the reinforcement officer (Lu Wei Kuang) and the cutscene will be triggered. # The Walls Come Tumbling Down (Both sides) If playing as Yuan Shao, protect the ram untill this event occurs. If playing as Wei, there'll be 4 (or 3? not certain) rams you need to destroy to prevent this event. -Misc events: (Both) Guan Yu and Liu Bei will leave the battle after meeting up. (Both) If you are playing the stage for the first time or in Free mode, Zhang He will defect if the supply depot is captured. (Wei) If you clear the map of all enemy generals and sub-generals except for Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao will retreat, ending the stage. (Yuan Shao) Defeat Guan Yu before he slays Wen Chou, and a valuable item report will show up. If you go to the designated spot (on the circular path south of Yan Jin castle), you will trigger an ambush. The "valuable item" is nothing more than a meat bun. (Thanks to Vivi Orunitia 72 for clearing this one up!) Campaign against Cao Cao --- Sides available: Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, Yellow Turbans, Yuan Shao * Trapped (All sides) Shortly into the stage you'll get a cutscene where Cao Ren isolates one or two of your allied officers by destroying the central bridge south of your starting point. This often occurs on its own, otherwise you can trigger it by approaching the bridge from the west. -Misc events: (All) There are two ambushes, one just under the left castle and the other at the top of the circular path on the right side of the map. After the first ambush, you can nullify the second by going to its trigger point from behind. Your strategist will tell you where the ambush point is, so check your history if you're having trouble. (All) After you enter the main Wei castle at the bottom of the map, there Cao Cao will order the gates closed to divide your side's forces, and an ambush will appear inside the castle. Shortly thereafter Xiahou Dun will appear to the north of the map and will head for your main camp. Yellow Turban Fortress --- Sides available: Han, Yellow Turbans * Phantom Army (Han side) Enter the left fortress to trigger this. * Magic Winds (Han side) Approach the circular path on the right of the map to trigger this. Note: To stop the phantom army, destroy the two ceremonial implements at the bottom of the fort. To stop the winds, destroy the three windmills at the bottom of the circular path. Also, all of these will eventually occur on their own even if you don't do them yourself... the advance of the Han forces will meet the requirements. (Thanks to Tenken for this bit of info) /////////////// JI PROVINCE /////////////// Battle of Ji Province --- Sides available: Wei * Yuan Shao's Arrival This event will occur some time after either Yuan Shang or Yuan Tan are defeated. -Misc events: -You can get either Yuan Shang or Yuan Tan to join your side (temporarily, at least.) To do this, first wait for a conversation among either Yaun Tan or Yuan Shang's sub-officers (it can be either one's). They will tell their lord to forsake his brother or somesuch. While you are waiting, do not defeat any of the Yuan Brothers' sub-officers. Shortly after the conversation, Cao Cao will make a comment about the rift between the two brothers, and he will instruct you to take out the third brother, Yuan Xi. Do so, and Cao Cao will then instruct you to negotiate with either of the remaining Yuan brothers... you're free to pick either one, just go up to them and they should surrender. After the either of the two brothers is defeated, the Yuan Shao's arrival event will occur. If the brother who joined you is still alive, Yuan Shao will give'im hell, and he'll go back to Yuan Shao's side. (Thanks to Vivi Orunitia 72 for this one!) Yellow Turban Rebellion --- Sides available: Han, Yellow Turbans * Zhang Jiao (Both sides) This is the standard stage-opening cutscene. * Zhang Bao's Power (Han side) Triggered by entering the left fortress. * Zhang Liang's Power (Han side) Triggered by entering the right fortress. -Misc events: - If you defeat Zhang Liang and/or Zhang Bao in Fortress/Menace, they will not be in this stage and thus their cutscenes nullified. Instead, one of the nearby officers will say something about having revenge, and that officer will get the blurry "important officer" aura, and become harder to defeat. (Thanks in part to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) - If you defeat both Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao prior to this stage (so that neither of them shows up in this stage), Zhang Jiao will summon a rock slide when you approach the hill path leading to his position. (Thanks to Ryon Levitt for this one) Dong Zhuo in Ji --- Sides available: Wei (Any?) ////////////// XU CHANG ////////////// Guan Yu's Escape --- Sides available: Wei, Shu * Guan Yu and Zhang Liao (Both sides) This is the standard stage-opening cutscene. * Escape/Reunion (Both sides) Occurs when both Guan Yu and the Carriage safely reach the escape point. # Carriage Destroyed (Wei) To get this, destroy the carriage (Duh). If you defeat the carriage early in its journey, it will reappear at the escape point, and Liu Bei and Zhang Fei will arrive as backup units. You will have to go destroy it again to get the cutscene. If you destroy it later in its journey (right at the fourth gate did it for me, but I don't know if that's the limit.), that'll be enough to trigger the cutscene. -Misc events: (Shu) Xiahou Dun will begin his pursuit as soon as you clear the fourth gate. (Wei) If you play as Zhang Liao, Guan Yu will make a unique comment when the two meet. (Thanks to Tenken for this one) Battle of Xu Chang --- Sides available: Wu, Shu, Nanman * Enemy Reinforcements (All) Some time after the supply depot/siege ramp event described below, a large Wei force will attack from behind and trigger this cutscene. * Cao Cao's Final Stand (All) Triggered by allied forces getting close to Cao Cao. -Misc events: (All) Shortly into the stage your side's Siege ramp will arrive. Right after this, Wei will launch an ambush at your supply depot at the bottom left of the map. Your strategist will inform you to pick one to protect. (If your character is strong and you hurry, you can do both - clear the ramp's path, then zip over to the supply depot and defeat Xu Zhu.) (All) A Pang De (or Cao Ren - depending on what side you play?) ambush party lies in wait in the bottom right section of Xu Chang castle. The ambush will come with a comment from Sima Yi (if he's still alive). (Thanks in part to Chris Pauliukonis) (All) There are spike barriers guarding each of the main castle gates. To destroy the spike barrier you need to defeat the guard captain that is inside the castle behind the barrier. After you destroy all of them, Sima Yi will make a comment about the spike barriers having been sabotaged. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) (All) Sima Yi's explosives trap - When you first enter Xu Chang castle (or is it just when one of the gates open?), you'll get a message about Wei forces falling back, and your strategist will make a comment about Sima Yi being "up to something". S/he'll also instruct you to pull back and view the area from outside the castle. When you head farther into the castle, you'll get a message that explosives are laid out in the castle, and your strategist will tell everyone to get out quickly. After you move out of the blast area (leave the castle courtyard or go up onto the walls), Sima Yi will make a comment and the explosion will occur, eliminating all troops (enemy and ally alike, but not officers) in the area. (Thanks in part to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) This event is a bit confusing, as you would think there would be some signifigance to your strategist telling you to scout the area from outside the castle, but I've found none. If anyone knows anything more about this event, send it on in! Battle of Si Shui Gate --- Sides available: Allied, Dong Zhuo # Supply Depot (Allied side) First you must enter the supply depot by jumping over the small wall that blocks its back road. (Check the map to see where the back road is.) Then, defeat the officer (Fan Chou) in the supply depot to get this event. Note: If you capture the supply depot before Hua Xiong charges (see below), the Hua Xiong's Defeat event will be nullified. * Hua Xiong's Defeat (Allied side) To get this, you must wait untill Sun Jian falls back after not getting his supplies from Yuan Shu. After that you'll get a "Hua Xiong is charging!" message, and Yuan Shao will say something like "Is there no warrior here that can defeat Hua Xiong?" Once Yuan Shao says this, go and defeat Hua Xiong to get this cutscene. Note: You can get both this and the Supply Depot event... you just need to wait untill Hua Xiong charges and Yuan Shao says his line before you capture the depot. -Misc events: (Allied) Li Jue will retreat and thus end the stage not long after you defeat Hua Xiong. If you defeat his two sub-officers before he gets away, you can delay his retreat, and in the meantime Zhang Liao will arrive with reinforcements. (Allied) A certain amount of time into the stage, reinforcements will arrive for Dong Zhuo's forces (they'll open Si Shui's north gate, too). If Zhang Liao has not yet been unlocked by Wei or you're in free mode, he will lead the reinforcements and head for Yuan Shao. Unless victory is imminent, you'll want to go help! (Thanks to AtomicEntity for this one) (Dong Zhuo) Early in the stage Sun Jian will send a messenger to Yuan Shu. Li Jue will instruct you to slay the messenger. If you don't, Li Jue will rant about the incompetance of his forces, and Hua Xiong will come under heavy attack (he'll be defeated unless you go help him). (Dong Zhuo) If Hua Xiong is defeated, Li Jue will begin preparations for a retreat. He will say lines about retreating 4 times, untill finally saying "Si Shui gate is lost. Retreat!" and actually retreating. If he retreats before you clear the stage, you'll lose. ////////////////// WU TERRITORY ////////////////// Battle of Jian Ye --- Sides available: Shu, Wei, Nanman * Multiple Sun Jians (All sides) Either defeat an enemy sub-officer or wait around a bit and this event will occur. * The Sun Family Unites (All sides) Defeat Huang Gai, Zhou Tai, or Taishi Ci to trigger this. -Misc events: (All) After one of the phantom Sun Jians is defeated, another will appear (along with Zhuge Jin) as an ambush unit behind your main camp. This'll also happen if you just wait long enough after the phantom Sun Jians appear. Also, when you defeat the real Sun Jian any remaining phantoms will dissappear, and if the ambush hasn't occurred yet, it will be nullified. (Thanks in part to AtomicEntity) (All) You must defeat the four Suns in order - Jian, Ce, Quan, and Shang Xiang. Any that you defeat out of order will simply appear again. You will get a message instructing you to go after the commander if you continue to defeat the wrong ones. (Thanks in part to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) Note: There was a rumor on the message board a while back about a Sun Shang Xiang surrender event. From what I can tell, there's been absolutely no confirmation of this, and general concensus is that it's a hoax. Unification of Jiang Dong --- Sides available: Wu * A Friend in Need (Yuan Shu's Loyalty) Defeat Liang Gang and open the gate to the central castle to trigger this event. Yuan Shu will arrive with reinforcements to protect the enemy commander's retreat. ! Defeat at the Supply Depot Allow Zhou Yu to be defeated (takes 10 minutes, usually, but I've had it happen in 5), and this event will be triggered. -Misc events: -If you clear the Campaign for the Wu Territory first, there will be an extra Dim Sum Snack and Fairy Wine located in the supply depot, and Zhou Yu will mention the supplies taken from that stage being used to lure the enemy in his opening comments. Campaign for the Wu Territory --- Sides available: Wu * Taishi Ci and Sun Ce's "New World" This event is triggered by defeating Taishi Ci. * Taishi Ci's Decision This will occur some time after the "New World" event listed above. Note: These previous two events will only occur if you are playing in free mode or have not yet unlocked Taishi Ci. -Misc events: -If you clear Assault on Liu Biao before Yuan Shao shows up as reinforcements in that stage, then Yuan Shao will arrive as reinforcements in this stage. (Thanks to AtomicEntity for this one) /////////////// LUO YANG /////////////// The Imperial Seal --- Sides available: Wu # The Enemy Finds the Seal Search your 70th crate with Dong Zhuo still alive and his forces will find the seal, triggering this cutscene. * "Is this... the Imperial seal?" (Victory) Find the seal to trigger this. You can do this by either searching 100 crates, (the 99th crate you smash open will reveal the location of the 100th, which has the seal in it) or defeating Dong Zhuo after the "Enemy Finds the Seal" event described above (he will begin withdrawing immediately after the cutscene, so you will have to hurry.) Also, the seal will show up with around 3:00 minutes remaining in the stage, regardless of how many crates you have searched. (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this last bit of info.) -Misc events: You will get several messages from an allied soldier saying a valuable item has been found and that it may be the imperial seal. None of these crates contains the seal, but they do count towards the 100 you need to find the seal. Also, if you search each crate shortly after getting the message, it will contain an item. Battle of Hu Lao Gate --- Sides available: Allied, Dong Zhuo * Siege Ram (Allied side) This cutscene will occur once any allied officer breaks through one of the three initial gates. * Fall of Hu Lao Gate (Allied side) Occurs under either of two conditions - you can just wait around long enough and the gate will eventually fall, or you can take out the two Guard captains and the gate will fall once the ram reaches the gate (if it hasn't already). * The Mighty Lu Bu (Allied side) Occurs right after the Fall of Hu Lao Gate event. * Luo Yang in Flames (Both sides) For allies, this event is triggered by any allied officer entering Luo Yang (in other words, pass through the gate Diao Chan is defending). For Dong Zhuo, this event will only occur if you cleared Si Shui Gate first. To trigger it, simply approach either Sun Jian, Liu Bei, or Cao Cao. -Misc events: (Allied) If you do not defeat Hua Xiong at Si Shui Gate, he will arrive as reinforcements right near Yuan Shao (Musou mode only). (Dong Zhuo) If Diao Chan is defeated, Lu Bu will have some angry words for Dong Zhuo. (Dong Zhuo) Yuan Shao's arrival - If you cleared Si Shui gate first, Yuan Shao will arrive as soon as the fire attack is initiated (see Luo Yang in Flames event listed above). If not, he'll appear once either Cao Cao or Liu Bei is defeated. If he hasn't arrived after awhile, there are two different messages Dong Zhuo will say about finding him. (The first comes when you pass Hu Lao Gate... the second after a while or at a certain point on the map?) Battle of Tong Gate --- Sides available: Wei, Shu * The Ice Castle (Both sides) This is triggered by any Shu forces approaching the Gate just north of Cao Ren's position. (Thanks in part to Chris Pauliukonis) * Cao Cao meets with Han Sui (Both sides) Wei will bridge the river to the north, and Cao Cao will advance towards Han Sui. When he gets close enough, this event will take place. ! Lots of Horses (Shu side) The exact purpose and cause of this event are somewhat of a mystery... However, some known requirements are that you have to prevent Han Sui from defecting (see below) and then lower Cao Cao's morale to 2 stars. -Misc events: (Both) Han Sui's defection -> For Wei side, your strategist will say something about Ma Chao and Han Sui being the only enemies who matter, and suggest driving a wedge between them. Wei will bridge the Wei Shui river, and Cao Cao will head over and initiate the Cao Cao meets with Han Sui event listed above. After that, Han Sui will defect if you go and lower his morale by defeating his soldiers and sub officers. For Shu side, Han Sui will defect unless you put a stop to it... to do this you need to defeat all the enemy officers down in the lower left quadrant of the map, then defeat Xu Huang before he gets near Han Sui. (Shu) If Han Sui defects to Wei, a short while later Pang Tong and Zhang Fei will arrive as reinforcements for Shu. (Shu) If Ma Chao appraoches Cao Cao at any point in the stage, he will yell at Cao Cao and give Shu a morale boost. ///////////////// XU PROVINCE ///////////////// Battle of Xia Pi --- Sides available: Wei, Lu Bu * Xiahou Dun's Eye (Both) This will happen a random(?) amount of time into the stage. (Not sure about this - might be triggered by XD approaching enemy forces) # Chen Gong's Surrender (Wei side) To get this, first cause Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Hou Cheng to surrender. (Approach them and give'em a couple whacks and they'll desert Lu Bu). After this (?also need to defeat the other two officers?), you'll get a message saying Chen Gong's unit has ceased resistance. Approach Chen Gong and the event will trigger. * Xia Pi's Stream (Wei side) This scene will occur after Wei forces enter the castle. (Thanks to Steven "Stobot" Osuna for this one). * Damming the Stream (Wei side) Shortly after the Xia Pi's Stream event listed above, your strategist will give you instructions to dam the stream. Go to the designated spot and the event will trigger. # Guan Yu's New Steed (Lu Bu side (and Wei w/ Guan Yu?) ) After the stream is dammed (see event above), Red Hare will be spotted on the little island in the southeast. Guan Yu will soon head after the horse, and the event will trigger if he reaches it before anyone else. -Misc events: (Both) A certain amount of time into the stage, Lu Bu will open one of the north gates and lead a carriage out. If the carriage succesfully escapes, Yuan Shu will arrive a little while later with reinforcements. (Wei) If you defeat Diao Chan, Lu Bu will go berserk, and defeating him will become much more difficult. (Wei) If Lu Bu and Diao Chan are the only enemy officers left, they will retreat and the level will end (in victory) once Lu Bu gets away. If you didn't destroy the carriage, you'll have to wait for Yuan Shu to arrive and defeat him as well. Yellow Turban Menace --- Sides available: Han, Yellow Turbans * Rainstorm (Han side) One trigger is approaching the hill path that leads to Zhang Liang. Another is if you enter the castle stream in the area of the ambush. Otherwise, I think it may just be triggered by allied forces advancing into that area? * Spirits of the Earth (Han side) Occurs when Han forces get near Zhang Liang's position. -Misc events: (Han -> Volunteer Forces) If you are playing under Shu and defeat one of the officers in Cao Cao's or Sun Jian's area, that commander will thank the volunteer forces. Note that Edit characters will also be playing under Shu. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net and Dane Faith) (Han) Shortly after the Rainstorm event (see above), Yellow Turban forces will appear from the mists to ambush Huangfu Song. After this ambush is cleared, Huangfu Song will exit the fortress from the North and will be ambushed again. In both these cases you'll want to go help him ASAP. (Credit to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) (Yellow Turbans) Huangfu song will retreat after you have defeated two of the three main generals outside the walls (Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian). (Thanks to mr_greenturtle for this one) Campaign Against Liu Bei --- Sides available: Yellow Turbans, Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao # Mi Fang's Surrender (All sides) Defeat Mi Fang three times BEFORE Liu Bei's castle gates open. That means you have to do it before Zhao Yun (or Jian Yong on Yellow Turbans side) arrives, and either Zhang Fei or Guan Yu (Guan Yu or Zhao Yun on Yellow Turbans side) still has to be alive. -Misc events: (All) If you defeat both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei (or Guan Yu and Zhao Yun on Yellow Turbans side), Liu Bei will get angry and charge out of his castle. (All) After you release Mi Fang for the second time (see Mi Fang's Surrender event listed above), he will reveal Mi Zhu's ambush party. If you don't capture and release Mi Fang twice, then the ambush will be sprung later on and your commander will be in danger. Lu Bu's Offensive --- Sides available: Wei * Lu Bu's Fury Follow your strategist's instructions and trap Lu Bu in the castle by closing all the gates. After the fire attack is initiated, you'll get a message from a confused soldier, all gates will reopen, and the music will stop. After that, simply reenter the castle to get this scene. If at any point you allow Lu Bu to leave the castle, this event will be nullified. Also note that if any of Wei's officers are still in the castle when the fire attack occurs, you'll get a message saying they've been injured and have withdrawn (with the exception of Cao Cao, who will be injured but not withdraw). /////////////// CHENG DU /////////////// Campaign for Cheng Du --- Sides available: Shu ! Liu Zhang's Surrender Do the following WITHOUT getting close to Liu Xun. You have a limited amount of time, so use a horse and don't dally. Step one: Capture Li Yan by following Zhuge Liang's directions - lead him to the ambush spot, then after Guan Ping shows up, defeat Li Yan. (Refuse to duel if he challenges you.) Step two: Defeat all officers at the bottom of the map. Go back through Luo castle and head down to the southern pathway. Defeat ALL officers down here - that includes the sub-generals! Make sure you defeat each of the following: Deng Xian, Leng Bao, Liu Han, Zhang Yi. Step three: Defeat northern sub-generals. Go back the way you came and up through Luo castle and into the forest again. Check the locations on the start button screen map, and defeat Liu Xun's sub-generals one by one. You'll probably want to do Yan Yan last as he is the closest to Liu Xun. Make sure you defeat each of the following: Lei Tong, Fei Guan, Wu Lan, Yan Yan. After you complete these steps, Liu Xun will be the only enemy officer on the map. If you've done it right so far, at this point you'll get a message saying Liu Zhang is considering surrender... at that point you can attack Liu Xun. Shortly after you attack him, Liu Zhang's reinforcements will arrive - Pang De (or Ma Chao if you haven't unlocked him yet) will attack from the west and Ma Dai and (?) will strike Liu Bei's position at Luo castle. If you defeat all these officers (and Liu Xun if you didn't finish him off already), Liu Zhang will surrender without ever leaving his castle. A couple things to beware of - Liu Bei will be in danger from the reinforcements, so he'll need your help quickly. If you can take Pang De out fast enough, you can get him done before heading back to the castle. Otherwise, if he's taking too long, leave him and get back to Liu Bei. If you leave him, beware, though... if left unchecked, Pang De might defeat Guan Ping, and that seems to trigger Liu Zhang leaving his castle and cancelling the event (need to confirm this). -Misc events: - If you rescue Pang Tong at the Battle of Luo Castle, Pang Tong will warn Zhang Fei of ambushes right after Zhang Fei makes his comment about the forest. - If you clear the Battle of Luo Castle after the Campaign for Jing, morale boosting supplies will arrive during this battle. (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this one) Battle of Cheng Du --- Sides available: Wu, Wei, Nanman * Zhang Bao's Stand (Nanman, Wei sides) Shortly into the stage Zhang Bao (Zhang Fei's son, not the Yellow Turban) will appear at Jin Yan Bridge, triggering this event. * Zhang Fei Destroys Jin Yan Bridge (Wu side) Zhang Fei will taunt the Wu forces and destroy Jin Yan Bridge early in the stage. # Secret Path (Wei) If you get Wei Yan to betray Shu and join Wei (see Misc event below), this event will occur when Wei Yan gets close to the path. * Arbalest (All sides) Approach Luo Castle and Zhuge Liang will order the arbalest to begin its attack, triggering this event. * Siege Rams (Wei side) If playing as Wei, your siege rams will arrive shortly after the Arbalest event. # Walls Destroyed (Wei side) If your rams aren't destroyed, after enough time they will start breaking down Luo Castle's walls, and you'll get this scene each time one falls. * Catapults (Wu side) If playing as Wu, your catapults will arrive shortly after the Arbalest event. * Juggernauts (All sides) This event is triggered by approaching the southernmost path on the left side of the map. * Mines (All sides) This event is triggered by allied forces entering the mined path. The mined path is the middle one of the paths that branch upwards from the southernmost path on the left side of the map. * Liu Bei's Loyal Subjects (All sides) When you get near Liu Bei, you will get a message saying Cheng Du's gates have opened, and this event will trigger. -Misc events: (Wu) Some time after Zhang Fei destroys Jin Yan bridge, Lu Xun will replace it with a bridgelayer. (Wei) You can get Wei Yan to join your side. To do this, do NOT go near Wei Yan. Wait untill Yue Ying and Zhuge Liang scold Wei Yan for not following orders, then take Luo Castle. (Nanman) You can get Zhu Bao to join your side. To do this, defeat either of his sub officers Yong Kai or Gao Ding (the other will join along with Zhu Bao). If Zhu Bao is freed from the enclosure, you can still get him to switch sides by defeating either sub-officer. (All) If you take Luo Castle, Ma Chao will appear inside it some time after you do so. (Wu) Cheng Pu and Zhu Ran will show up as reinforcments for Wu around the middle south area of the map sometime during the battle. Don't know what the exact trigger for this is. (All) Liu Bei will make a comment about living up to the prayers of his subjects some time after the peasants emerge from Cheng Du (see Liu Bei's Loyal Subjects event listed above). (Wu) If your catapults (see event above) are not destroyed, you will get messages saying Luo castle's arbalest unit has been partially destroyed each time the catapults take out an arbalest. The first time you destroy an arbalest Shu will open the gates and charge out to attack. (All) If you take too long defeating Ma Su after the assault on Luo Castle begins, he will start launching ambushes in the Luo Castle area. (All?) If you approach Shu's main camp from the south without having taken Luo Castle, you'll get a message that all of Cheng Du's gates have closed. I'm not exactly sure what the point of this is. Perhaps a requirement for another event? Battle of Luo Castle --- Sides available: Shu * Luo Feng Po (Pang Tong Ambushed) This scene will occur right at the beginning of the stage. After Pang Tong is ambushed, he will be defeated very quickly unless you go and help him. * The Renowned Strategist Feigns Defeat After either Zhang Yi or (?name?) is defeated, your strategist will begin a plan to capture Zhang Ren. Your strategist will first taunt Zhang Ren into leaving Luo Castle's walls; a short while later you will get this event. Note: If you rescued Pang Tong from the ambush, he will be the strategist. Otherwise Zhuge Liang will take over when he arrives as reinforcements. * Zhang Ren Isolated After your strategist leads Zhang Ren South past the bridge, you will get a message that preparations are complete to destroy the bridge. Simply head over near the bridge and it will be destroyed as part of this event. -Misc events: - You'll get a message that Luo Castle is not opening its gates if you approach the gates before Zhang Ren has charged out. - If you clear the Campaign for Jing first, you will recieve extra reinforcements (need more details) (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele) //////////// CHI BI //////////// Battle of Xia Kou --- Sides available: Wu ! Gan Ning's Advocate Defeat Gan Ning with Su Fei still alive, and you will get this event (after which Gan Ning will surrender and Su Fei will withdraw). * Ships Collide Shortly after Huang Zu's flagship lands near the Wu camp, Zhou Yu will say something about gunpowder on the ship still to the north. Smash the gunpowder and the ship will begin to move. After a few minutes, the ships will colilde and this scene will be triggered. -Misc events: -If you clear the Defense of Nanman stage prior to playing Xia Kou, when Ling Tong arrives as reinforcements (see below) his unit will include elephant troops and he will make an announcement as such. (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this one.) -After Huang Zu retreats early on in the stage, you'll get a message saying Ling Cao has begun a solitary pursuit. If Ling Cao takes enough damage (or maybe if you just don't go help him? not completely sure about this), after a while Ling Tong will arrive as reinforcements and say "Father! I'm coming" or somesuch. Battle of Chi Bi --- Sides available: Allied (Wu and Shu), Wei * "Hero of Chaos indeed..." - Prayer Failure (Allied side) This scene occurs if Zhuge Liang's prayer is a failure. When playing Shu side this will occur if Zhuge Liang is defeated. When playing Wu side this will occur if Wei troops get past the torches near the altar. * "There is no magic here..." - Prayer Success (All sides) This scene occurs if Zhuge Liang's prayer is a success. If playing as Zhuge Liang, you will get a message after (requirements?) saying preparations are complete and instructing you to head for the altar. * "BURN!" (All sides) This scene will occur if Huang Gai succesfully carries out the fire attack. To ensure this, go and clear out the area (and defeat Zhen Ji in the process) where Huang Gai will be arriving. To prevent it while playing as Wei, simply defeat Huang Gai when his ship arrives. -Misc events: (Allied) To ensure Pang Tong's ploy is a success, defeat Xu Shu. (Wei) To cause Pang Tong's ploy to fail, simply get near him and he will retreat. (Wei) If you clear Bo Wang Po first, Zhuge Liang will "reopen" his wound from that battle and be very easy to beat. (Wei) If you clear Chang Ban first, Zhuge Liang will make a comment about not being able to replace the troops Shu lost at that battle in time. (Wei) If you defeat Zhou Yu, Wei's forces will begin to advance. (Allied) If all three of the Allied special attacks (Wind, Pang Tong, and Fire attack) fail, Wei will launch a counter fire attack. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net for this one) (Wu) If you do not clear the Defense of Nanman stage first, Zhou Yu will make a comment about having to allocate extra troops to handle that. (Shu) If you don't clear Bo Wang Po first, Wei will receive supplies from Bo Wang Po about 5 minutes in and will get a morale boost. (Shu) If you clear the Battle of Chang Ban first, Zhao Yun will make a comment about that battle when he arrives (very early in the battle). (Shu) Approaching Pang Tong's position from the South will cause Pang Tong to make a comment about defeating Xu Shu first for his ploy to work. If you are playing as Pang Tong, you will also get a message after you defeat Xu Shu telling you where you need to go to enact the ploy. FIRE EVENTS - (all sides) These are the various possible outcomes after Huang Gai succeeds. - If Pang Tong's ploy is successful, a Wei soldier will report that the flames cannot be contained and are spreading to all ships. - If Zhuge Liang's prayer is successful, Cao Cao will comment that the winds are feeding the flames - If both succeed, you will get the above two, as well as a message that Cao Cao's unit is falling back. - If Zhuge Liang's prayer is a failure, the winds will blow the flames back onto the Allied fleet. Battle of Chang Jiang --- Sides available: Wu * Meng Huo and Zhu Rong This scene will occur after Meng Huo and Zhu Rong arrive as reinforcements, a set amount of time into the stage. -Misc events: Reinforcements will arrive for Dong Zhuo if you defeat one of his officers or a set amount of time into the stage. Note: If you want to hear Meng Huo's second Duel quote (In musou mode, all characters say something different when they challenge you a second time after being defeated once), you have to duel him in this stage. I got it by doing this stage first, then the Nanman campaign in the next act... I haven't confirmed it the other way around. (You can also duel Zhu Rong in Defense of Nanman, so this does not apply to her.) //////////////// XIANG YANG //////////////// Siege of Fan Castle --- Sides available: Wu, Wei -Misc events: (Wu) If you protect your siege weapons long enough, Lu Meng will advance when any of the Siege Ramps finish setting up, and Wu morale will rise. If enough of the siege weapons get wiped out, he will advance earlier on. (Wu) At about 10:20 into the stage, a Wei Supply Captain will appear on the map. If you take him out, Wei morale will fall... otherwise it'll trigger more Cao Ren troops inside the castle. (Wu) If you play Shi Ting first and successfully ambush and defeat Cao Xiu in that stage, then Zhou Fang will arrive as reinforcements in this stage. (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this one) (Wei) If the Wu general at the east gate (is it always Taishi Ci?) is still alive after the castle gates open, Sima Yi will say something about a fire attack. Just follow the directions to initiate the fire attack. (Wei) At some point you may get a message about Wu's supply route having been spotted. The supply gate is down in the lower right hand corner... if you go and defeat the captain, it'll lower Wu's morale. There's also a roaming supply captain wandering about that you can defeat, though I'm not sure if defeating him has any effect. (Not sure what triggers the supply route being spotted.) Battle of Fan Castle --- Sides available: Shu * "God of war, my foot!" After the first Wu reinforcement officer (Jiang Qin, I believe) arrives, two Shu officers (Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang) will desert to Wu and take some troops with'em. You'll get the cutscene when this occurs. Also note that troops will steadily continue to defect untill you defeat Mi Fang and Fu Shi Ren. (Thanks to AtomicEntity for pointing out that I hadn't mentioned the troop defections) * Wu's Arrival Occurs a set amount of time into the stage. After the cutscene, Lu Meng, Lu Xun, and Zhou Tai will appear and join the enemy forces. -Misc events: -When Guan Yu approaches the castle, there will be a message from the enemy officer (Pang De?) about starting an archery assault. If you've cleared the Nanman campaign prior to this stage, Guan Yu will respond by ordering Nanman armor troops to the front. (Thanks to Vivi Orunitia 72.) Possible outcomes after Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang defect: -If you defeat Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang within a certain amount of time, you will get a message from Guan Yu saying the traitors have been punished and to reassemble the unit. -If you defeat Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang before the Wu's Arrival event listed above, you will get Guan Yu's message (see previous entry) and when Wu arrives, Lu Meng will make a disparaging comment about the reliability of the Shu traitors. -If you do not defeat Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang in time, you'll get a different message from Guan Yu where he says he's been surrounded. (Thanks in part to Vivi Orunitia 72.) Assault on Liu Biao --- Sides available: Wu * Liu Biao Demands an Explanation You'll get this scene when you approach Liu Biao. -Misc events: Sun Jian will immediately head right into an ambush. To rescue you him, you need to break through the gate as quickly as possible and get to his side. Otherwise he'll die pretty quick, especially on Hard. //////////// RU NAN //////////// Battle of Bo Wang Po --- Sides available: Shu, Wei * Fire Attack (Both sides) Occurs after Zhuge Liang's first special attack. For Shu, just follow his directions and lead Xiahou Dun to the ambush spot. For Wei, it seems to happen regardless of what you do. If you're playing as Xiahou Dun, for example, Dian Wei will rush into the ambush instead. (Thanks in part to AtomicEntity) # Prelude to the Three Kingdoms - Zhuge Liang and Cao Cao (Both sides) After successfully initiating all ambush/special attacks (follow Zhuge Liang's instructions to get these - the fire attack, two ambushes, and Zhang Fei's appearance at the supply depot), this event will occur when/if Zhuge Liang gets close to Cao Cao. To get this with Wei, you have to be playing as Cao Cao. After Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei appear behind the main Wei camp, move Cao Cao close to Zhuge Liang to trigger the same event, only with Cao Cao speaking instead of Zhuge Liang. -Misc events: (Wei) Your strategist will tell you to defeat the enemy officers one by one to foil the enemy ploys. In other words, defeat the enemy officers fast enough and the ambushes and such will be nullified. There doesn't seem to be any way to stop the final ambush/supply depot fire attack, however. (Thanks in part to AtomicEntity) (Wei) If you clear the Battle of Chang Ban first and get the Zhang Fei's Valor event, a scared Wei soldier will say something about "that monster from Chang Ban" when Zhang Fei shows up to burn the supply depot. (Shu) If you fail to follow Zhuge Liang's instructions for any of the special attacks, the whole plan will unravel and any remaining ambush events will be nullified. If you take too long to initiate one of the attacks, or simply kill the officer you're supposed to bait before that ambush has occurred, Zhang Fei and/or Guan Yu will appear and start to recklessly charge towards the Wei forces. (Thanks in part to AtomicEntity) (Shu) If you rescue Liu Bei's son at Chang Ban prior to doing this level, Liu Bei will start the level by thanking you for doing so and asking for your continued support. Battle of Ru Nan --- Sides available: Shu * Zhao Yun's New Lord This event occurs when Zhao Yun gets close to Liu Bei. (Zhao Yun appears a few minutes into the stage with no announcement) (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net for reminding me of this one) ////////////// NAN YANG ////////////// Battle of Wan Castle --- Sides available: Wei * Dian Wei's Stand Occurs when Cao Cao and Dian Wei meet. * Rescue Occurs shortly after Cao Cao gets trapped (Due to the "flames preventing further advance"). If you have not gotten the Dian Wei's Stand event listed above yet, then Xu Zhu will rescue Cao Cao, otherwise it'll be Dian Wei. -Misc events: If you let Lu Bu escape at the Battle fo Xia Pi prior to playing this stage, Lu Bu will arrive shortly after Zhang Xiu reappears. It'll come with a message saying something about Lu Bu being spotted in the area escaping from Xia Pi. (Thanks to Nik Evans for this one) Lu Bu's Revolt --- Sides available: Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu * Two Ambitions Collide (Lu Bu side) This scene occurs when Lu Bu approaches Dong Zhuo. (any way to get it on Dong Zhuo side?) -Misc events: (Dong Zhuo) If you defeat all enemies on the map except Lu Bu, Lu Bu will make a comment about being all alone. (Dong Zhuo) If Diao Chan is defeated, Lu Bu will make several angry comments placing the blame on Dong Zhuo. (Lu Bu) If Diao Chan is defeated, Lu Bu will become enraged. (Thanks to Tenken for these last two.) /////////////// NAN ZHONG /////////////// Nanman Campaign --- Sides available: Wu, Shu, Nanman * "Monsters!" (All sides) This scene occurs as soon as any allied forces come into contact with Nanman elephant troops. If you're playing as Wu and have already seen the same cutscene in Defense of Nanman, then the event will not trigger here. (Thanks to David "DaveLikesOldCars" Gabriele for this last bit of info) # Fire attack (All sides) For Shu and Wu side, you need to first approach Wu Tugu, and you will get a message from your strategist about the Nanman armor and having a plan. After you get that message, simply "stall" Wu Tugu, just like your strategist said. Basically, go to his position so he'll start coming after you, then just wait several minutes and the event will happen. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net and Vivi Orunitia 72 for this one) For Nanman side, do not defeat Ma Su and the event will occur (You'll get a number of messages leading up to the event). ! Meng Huo Submits (Wu and Shu) To get this, you must defeat Meng Huo all seven times (including the duel), AND get the Fire Attack event listed above. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net for this one) -Misc events: (All?) For Wu/Shu, if Yong Kai and his sub-officers are defeated within a certain amount of time, Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Nu will defect. (?Not sure if this occurs on Nanman side?) (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) (All?) For Wu/Shu, if Yang Feng is still alive after you defeat Meng Huo for the fourth time, he will defect to your side. (Thanks to SquarePantera@sluggy.net) (Nanman) If you defeat all enemy generals except Zhuge Liang, he will retreat to end the stage. (Nanman) Enemy troops fall back from marsh - need more info (Wu and Shu) Zhu Rong's unit will mobilize if you approach her, along with a little comment about the uselessness of men. Will also occur a certain amount of time into the stage or after enough Meng Huo defeats (5, I think). Defense of Nanman --- Sides available: Wu * "Monsters!" This scene occurs as soon as any allied forces come into contact with Nanman elephant troops. (Same as the one in the Nanman campaign.) # Elephant/Bulldozer Knock over the main tower (the one with archers in it) with an elephant and you'll see this cutscene. * Zhu Rong's Fire Attack Don't defeat Zhu Rong after she arrives (around 52:00) and she'll eventually launch a fire attack, triggering this cutscene. This event will also cause Sun Jian to evacuate Wu's camp, so make sure you go and help him out. I believe the exact trigger for the event is Zhu Rong defeating Zhuge Jin. /////////////////// NAN TERRITORY /////////////////// Battle of Chang Ban --- Sides available: Shu, Wei # Zhang Fei's Valor at Chang Ban Bridge (Both sides) For Wei, head straight down the rightmost path, where Zhang Fei and Liu Bei are escaping. After Liu Bei passes the bridge, go down and meet Zhang Fei, and this scene will be triggered. For Shu, first defeat Xiahou Dun so that Liu Bei will start moving down the right path. After he gets past the bridge, you can trigger the event by getting on the bridge with enemies in the vicinity. When playing as Shu, the character defending the bridge in the event will be whatever character you are playing as. * Liu Bei's Fleet (Both sides) When Liu Bei or his forces pass one of the gates, or a certain amount of time passes, this event will happen. * Bridge Destroyed (Shu) After Liu Bei gets past the bridges to the south, he'll instruct you to destroy the two in the center in order to slow the enemy down. Simply head to the trigger point (the south end of each bridge), and destroy either/both of them to get this scene. # Liu Bei's Infant Son (Shu) After you get past one of the bridges to the south, you'll get a message saying Liu Bei's infant son has been left behind in the castle. Go to the spot indicated (check the History listing on your map if you missed it), and break open the crate WHILE RIDING ON A HORSE. You'll get the cutscene as well as the child, which gives you 60 seconds of unlimited musou! * Liu Bei's Escape (Both sides) Occurs when Liu Bei successfully escapes, ending the stage. -Misc events: (Wei) If you enter the center castle, Zhuge Liang will shut the gates on you, and you'll have to defeat him and/or his sub officer to be able to get out. Race for the Nan Territory --- Sides available: Wu * Zhou Yu Takes One for the Team Defeat the officer guarding the main castle (Wang Lang), and after Zhou Yu enters the castle this scene will be triggered. Afterwards, Zhou Yu will fall back and lure Cao Ren into advancing. If you are playing as Zhou Yu, you'll get an extra description of the ploy, and you'll have to move to the spot indicated to trigger Cao Ren's advance. ! Zhou Yu's Frustration Allow the Shu forces to take all three territories, and you'll get this scene. (You'll also lose the level.) -Misc events: If you clear the Nanman Campaign prior to this stage, Zhang Fei will withdraw early in the stage to go handle an attack from the Nanman. Battle of Mai Castle --- Sides available: Wu * Guan Yu's Retreat Occurs after you defeat two Shu officers within the castle. * Guan Yu's Defeat This event ends the stage after you defeat Guan Yu. -Misc events: - After Guan Yu's Retreat event, he will attempt to head for the map gate to the north to escape. Go and defeat the Gate captain to stop him, and he will head to the south gate... defeat the Gate captain down there too. If you do this, Guan Yu's will no longer be able to retreat and will instead launch a full attack. - After the Misc event listed above, you can head back inside Mai castle to trigger Zhang Fei's reinforcements. Also, if the gates close (they will do so if you are in the castle and Guan Yu is not), Guan Suo and Jian Yong will also appear as reinforcements. 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ** THANKS / CREDITS ** -Extra special thanks to: Muni Shinobu for his tireless effort in making the best damn Dynasty Warriors FAQs around. Several of these events I found thanks to his guides. CJayC, for creating and maintaining gamefaqs.com. 'Nuff said. -Thanks to the following contributors: - David Gabriele (DaveLikesOldCars) for lots of misc events and confirmation of assorted stuff. - AtomicEntity for sending in lots of info on many stages. - SquarePantera@sluggy.net for the Meng Huo surrender event as well as tons of other tidbits! - Vivi Orunitia 72 for clearing up the Guan Du (not campaign against Cao Cao!) ambush event, as well as a number of other misc events. - Nik Evans for the Lu Bu appearing at Wan Castle event. - Tenken for several misc events. - Steven "Stobot" Osuna for info on the trigger for the Xia Pi's stream event. - Joe Caputo for information on Cao Ren at Tian Shui. - Dane Faith for confirming Yellow Turban Menace info. - Chris Pauliukonis for info on Xu Chang and Tong Gate - Ryon Levitt for the rockslide event in Yellow Turban Rebellion. ** LEGAL INFO ** This guide is copyright 2003 James Turner. You may not post this guide elsewhere without my permission; however, if you send me an email asking nicely I'm sure I'd be willing to comply. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.