真・三國無双3 Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Stage Flow Charts Version 2.00 (4.4.03) Written by 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) 真┃・┃三┃國┃無┃双┃3┃ ━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛ SHIN SANGOKU MUSOU 3 STAGE FLOW CHARTS * All the Unlocking Requirements are tested and re-tested. The requirements listed for all the Gaiden Side Stories might not be the absolute bare essential requirements, but by doing the described steps, the Gaiden Side Stories are guaranteed to be unlocked. ------------------------------------- [ 蜀伝 Shu Scenario ] Initial Characters 劉備 Liu Bei, 関羽 Guan Yu, 張飛 Zhang Fei            ┏━━┓            ┃C1┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓         ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓        ┃G1┃ ↓        ┗━━┛ ↓         ↓   ↓          →→→↓             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C2┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓→→→         ↓   ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓  ┏━━┓        ┃G2┃ ↓  ┃G3┃        ┗━━┛ ↓  ┗━━┛         ↓   ↓   ↓          →→→↓←←←             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C3┃            ┗━━┛             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C4┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓         ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓        ┃G4┃ ↓        ┗━━┛ ↓         ↓   ↓          →→→↓             ↓        ←←←←← →→→→→       ↓           ↓     ┏━━━┓       ┏━━━┓     ┃C5a┃       ┃C5b┃     ┗━━━┛       ┗━━━┛       ↓           ↓    ←←←↓        ←←←↓   ↓   ↓       ↓   ↓  ┏━━┓ ↓      ┏━━┓ ↓  ┃G5┃ ↓      ┃G6┃ ↓  ┗━━┛ ↓      ┗━━┛ ↓   ↓   ↓       ↓   ↓    →→→↓        →→→↓       ↓           ↓     ┏━━━┓       ┏━━━┓     ┃C5b┃       ┃C5a┃     ┗━━━┛       ┗━━━┛ C = Chapter 章 G = Gaiden Side Story 外伝 --- 蜀伝一章 桃園の誓い Chapter 1 : Oath at the Peach Garden 黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion Unlocking Requirement - Selectable initially. --- 蜀外伝一 黄巾再び Gaiden 1 : Yellow Turbans Once More 黄巾殲滅戦 Eliminate Zhang Jiao Unlocking Requirement - Clear 蜀 Shu Musou Mode once. In 一章 Chapter One, skip 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 蜀伝二章 反董卓包囲網 Chapter 2 : Anti-Dong Zhuo Seige Net [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate Unlocking Requirement - Clear 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion. --- 蜀外伝二 関羽千里行 Gaiden 2 : Guan Yu Thousand Mile Journey 関羽千里行 Guan Yu's Escape Unlocking Requirement - In 一章 Chapter One, skip 黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace. In 二章 Chapter Two, at [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Shi Shui Gate, do not find the enemy food supply, 袁紹 Yuan Shao says "Is there no one who can take down 華雄 Hua Xiong!?" message, defeat 華雄 Hua Xiong, 袁紹 Yuan Shao says "Who was it that defeated 華雄 Hua Xiong?" message, player announces self event → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 蜀外伝三 英傑集う漢 Gaiden 3 : Man Joined By Heroes 汝南の戦い Battle of Ru Nan Unlocking Requirement - Clear 蜀 Shu Musou Mode once. In 二章 Chapter Two, choose 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate first, clear the stage without defeating 呂布 Lu Bu, but defeat 董卓 Dong Zhuo, meaning not let him retreat and escape → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 蜀伝三章 劉備逃亡戦 Chapter 3 : Liu Bei Escape Battle 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po 長坂の戦い Battle of Chang Ban 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi Unlocking Requirement - Clear 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate. --- 蜀伝四章 天下三分の計 Chapter 4 : Strategy to Divide the Country into Three Kingdoms [各佳]城の戦い Battle of Luo Castle 荊州攻略戦 Campaign for Jing 成都制圧戦 Campaign for Cheng Du Unlocking Requirement - Clear 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi. --- 蜀外伝四 怒りの馬超 Gaiden 4 : Angry Ma Chao 潼関の戦い Battle of Tong Gate Unlocking Requirement - In 四章 Chapter Four, skip [各佳]城の戦い Battle of Luo Castle. During 成都制圧戦 Campaign for Cheng Du, if you haven't unlocked 馬超 Ma Chao, then 馬超 Ma Chao will appear as back-up troop general, defeat 馬超 Ma Chao and clear the stage → 外伝 Gaiden. If you have already unlocked 馬超 Ma Chao, then ホウ徳 Pang De will appear as back-up troop general, defeat ホウ徳 Pang De and clear the stage → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 蜀伝五章a 孫呉の最期 Chapter 5a : End of Sun Wu or 蜀伝終章 三国時代終焉 Final Chapter : End of the Three Kingdoms Era 樊城の戦い Battle of Fan Castle 南蛮夷平定戦 Nan Man Campaign 夷陵の戦い Battle of Yi Ling Unlocking Requirement - This will be chapter 5 if in 三章 Chapter Three, during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang pray for wind and 黄 蓋 Huang Gai fire attack are not successful. (Or didn't happen yet.) 建業の戦い Battle of Jian Ye Unlocking Requirement - This will be the final stage when this is the 終章 Final Chapter. --- 蜀外伝五 天水の麒麟児 Gaiden 5 : Young Genius of Tian Shui 天水の戦い Battle of Tian Shui Unlocking Requirement - In 三章 Chapter Three, skip 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po. During 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, do not ensure the success of the pray for wind and the fire attack so 五章 Chapter Five will be 孫呉の最期 End of Sun Wu →外伝 Gaiden. --- 蜀伝五章b 曹魏の最期 Chapter 5b : End of Cao Wei or 蜀伝終章 三国時代終焉 Final Chapter : End of the Three Kingdoms Era 定軍山の戦い Battle of Mount Ding Jun 街亭の戦い Battle of Jie Ting 五丈原の戦い Battle of Wu Zhang Plains Unlocking Requirement - This will be chapter 5 if in 三章 Chapter Three, during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang pray for wind and 黄 蓋 Huang Gai fire attack are successful. To ensure the pray for wind is successful: Clear 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po before entering 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi. And during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, Defeat 徐庶 Xu Shu before ホウ統 Pang Tong meets with him. Protect 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang until he prays for the wind. To ensure the fire attack is successful: Defeat 曹仁 Cao Ren, and clear the center big horizontal bridge area of enemies before 黄蓋 Huang Gai appears to set the fire. 許昌の戦い Battle of Xu Chang Unlocking Requirement - This will be the final stage when this is the 終章 Final Chapter. --- 蜀外伝六 董卓の復活 Gaiden 6 : Resurrection of Dong Zhuo 漢中防衛戦 Battle of Han Zhong Unlocking Requirement - In 二章 Chapter Two, during 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate, defeat all enemy generals except 董卓 Dong Zhuo and let 董卓 Dong Zhuo escape. With 曹魏の最期 End of Cao Wei as 五章 Chapter Five, skip 定軍山の戦い Battle of Mount Ding Jun → 外伝 Gaiden. ------------------------------------- [ 魏伝 Wei Scenario ] Initial Characters 曹操 Cao Cao, 夏侯惇 Xiahou Dun, 夏侯淵 Xiahou Yuan            ┏━━┓            ┃C1┃            ┗━━┛             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C2┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓         ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓        ┃G1┃ ↓        ┗━━┛ ↓         ↓   ↓          →→→↓             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C3┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓→→→         ↓   ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓  ┏━━┓        ┃G2┃ ↓  ┃G3┃        ┗━━┛ ↓  ┗━━┛         ↓   ↓   ↓          →→→↓←←←             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C4┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓→→→         ↓   ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓  ┏━━┓        ┃G4┃ ↓  ┃G5┃        ┗━━┛ ↓  ┗━━┛         ↓   ↓   ↓          →→→↓←←←             ↓        ←←←←← →→→→→       ↓           ↓     ┏━━━┓       ┏━━━┓     ┃C5a┃       ┃C5b┃     ┗━━━┛       ┗━━━┛       ↓           ↓    ←←←↓        ←←←↓   ↓   ↓       ↓   ↓  ┏━━┓ ↓      ┏━━┓ ↓  ┃G6┃ ↓      ┃G6┃ ↓  ┗━━┛ ↓      ┗━━┛ ↓   ↓   ↓       ↓   ↓    →→→↓        →→→↓       ↓           ↓     ┏━━━┓       ┏━━━┓     ┃C5b┃       ┃C5a┃     ┗━━━┛       ┗━━━┛ C = Chapter 章 G = Gaiden Side Story 外伝 --- 魏伝一章 乱世の奸雄 Chapter 1 : Villainous Ambition-ist of the Chaotic Time 黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion Unlocking Requirement - Selectable initially. --- 魏伝二章 反董卓包囲網 Chapter 2 : Anti-Dong Zhuo Seige Net [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate Unlocking Requirement - Clear 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion. --- 魏外伝一 黄巾再び Gaiden 1 : Yellow Turbans Once More 黄巾殲滅戦 Eliminate Zhang Jiao Unlocking Requirement - In 一章 Chapter One, skip 黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace. During 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion, defeat all enemy generals except 張 角 Zhang Jiao, then eliminate the entry point beside him, 張角 Zhang Jiao escapes → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 魏伝三章 曹操の台頭 Chapter 3 : Cao Cao Makes His Presence 宛城の戦い Battle of Wan Castle 下[丕卩]の戦い Battle of Xia Pi 官渡の戦い Battle of Guan Du Unlocking Requirement - Clear 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate. --- 魏外伝二 関羽千里行 Gaiden 2 : Guan Yu Thousand Mile Journey 関羽千里行 Guan Yu's Escape Unlocking Requirement - In 一章 Chapter One, skip 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress. In 二章 Chapter Two, clear both stages → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 魏外伝三 袁家の執念 Gaiden 3 : Persistence of the Yuan Family 冀州の戦い Battle of Ji Province Unlocking Requirement - In 二章 Chapter Two, skip [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate. In 三章 Chapter Three, during 官渡の戦い Battle of Guan Du, defeat all enemy generals except 袁紹 Yuan Shao and let 袁紹 Yuan Shao escape → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 魏伝四章 劉備掃討戦 Chapter 4 : Liu Bei Wipe Out Battle 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po 長坂の戦い Battle of Chang Ban 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi Unlocking Requirement - Clear 官渡の戦い Battle of Guan Du. --- 魏外伝四 錦馬超 Gaiden 4 : Well-Groomed Ma Chao 潼関の戦い Battle of Tong Gate Unlocking Requirement - In 四章 Chapter Four, skip 長坂の戦い Battle of Chang Ban → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 魏外伝五 逆襲の呂布 Gaiden 5 : Lu Bu Retaliates 呂布逆襲戦 Lu Bu's Offensive Unlocking Requirement - In 二章 Chapter Two, during 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate, defeat 呂布 Lu Bu. In 三章 Chapter Three, skip 下[丕卩]の戦い Battle of Xia Pi, and during 官渡 の戦い Battle of Guan Du, defeat 呂布 Lu Bu. In 四章 Chapter Four, don't skip 長坂の戦い Battle of Chang Ban → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 魏伝五章a 孫呉の最期 Chapter 5a : End of Sun Wu or 呉伝終章 三国時代終焉 Final Chapter : End of the Three Kingdoms Era 樊城争奪戦 Seige at Fan Castle 石亭の戦い Battle of Shi Ting 合肥の戦い Battle of He Fei Unlocking Requirement - This will be chapter 5 if during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang pray for wind is prevented. To prevent the pray for wind: In 四章 Chapter Four, clear 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po. During 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, meet with ally ホウ統 Pang Tong at the top left of the map before he reaches ally ships to see through his fake alliance. Defeat 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang before he prays for the wind. To prevent the fire attack: (optional) Defeat 黄蓋 Huang Gai after he appears at the center of the map, before he reaches ally ships to set the fire. 建業の戦い Battle of Jian Ye Unlocking Requirement - This will be the final stage when this is the 終章 Final Chapter. --- 魏伝五章b 蜀漢の最期 Chapter 5b : End of Shu Han or 呉伝終章 三国時代終焉 Final Chapter : End of the Three Kingdoms Era 定軍山の戦い Battle of Mount Ding Jun 街亭の戦い Battle of Jie Ting 五丈原の戦い Battle of Wu Zhang Plains Unlocking Requirement - This will be chapter 5 if during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang pray for wind is not prevented. You have to have cleared 博望坡の戦い Battle of Bo Wang Po in 四章 Chapter Four in order for 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang's wind prayer to succeed. 成都の戦い Battle of Cheng Du Unlocking Requirement - This will be the final stage when this is the 終章 Final Chapter. --- 魏外伝六 董卓の復活 Gaiden 6 : Resurrection of Dong Zhuo 冀州防衛戦 Dong Zhuo in Ji Unlocking Requirement - Clear 魏 Wei Musou Mode once. In 二章 Chapter Two, during 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate, defeat all enemy generals except 董卓 Dong Zhuo and let 董卓 Dong Zhuo escape. In 三章 Chapter Three, skip 宛城の戦い Battle of Wan Castle → 外伝 Gaiden. ------------------------------------- [ 呉伝 Wu Scenario ] Initial Characters 孫堅 Sun Jian, 黄蓋 Huang Gai, 孫尚香 Sun Shang Xiang            ┏━━┓            ┃C1┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓→→→         ↓   ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓  ┏━━┓        ┃G1┃ ↓  ┃G2┃        ┗━━┛ ↓  ┗━━┛         ↓   ↓   ↓          →→→↓←←←             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C2┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓         ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓        ┃G3┃ ↓        ┗━━┛ ↓         ↓   ↓          →→→↓             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C3┃            ┗━━┛             ↓          ←←←↓         ↓   ↓        ┏━━┓ ↓        ┃G4┃ ↓        ┗━━┛ ↓         ↓   ↓          →→→↓             ↓            ┏━━┓            ┃C4┃            ┗━━┛             ↓        ←←←←← →→→→→       ↓           ↓     ┏━━━┓       ┏━━━┓     ┃C5a┃       ┃C5b┃     ┗━━━┛       ┗━━━┛       ↓           ↓    ←←←↓→→→        ↓→→→   ↓   ↓   ↓       ↓   ↓  ┏━━┓ ↓  ┏━━┓     ↓  ┏━━┓  ┃G5┃ ↓  ┃G6┃     ↓  ┃G6┃  ┗━━┛ ↓  ┗━━┛     ↓  ┗━━┛   ↓   ↓   ↓       ↓   ↓    →→→↓←←←        ↓←←←       ↓           ↓     ┏━━━┓       ┏━━━┓     ┃C5b┃       ┃C5a┃     ┗━━━┛       ┗━━━┛ C = Chapter 章 G = Gaiden Side Story 外伝 --- 呉伝一章 江東の虎 Chapter 1 : Tiger of Jiang Dong 黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion Unlocking Requirement - Selectable initially. --- 呉外伝一 黄巾再び Gaiden 1 : Yellow Turbans Once More 黄巾殲滅戦 Eliminate Zhang Jiao Unlocking Requirement - In 一章 Chapter One, skip 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress. And during 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion, defeat all enemy generals except 張角 Zhang Jiao, then eliminate the entry point beside him, 張角 Zhang Jiao escapes → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 呉外伝二 二喬を娶らば Gaiden 2 : Two Qiaos Taken 二喬奪還戦 The Two Qiaos Unlocking Requirement - Clear 呉 Wu Musou Mode once. Choose 黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress first, then choose 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion next → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 呉伝二章 反董卓包囲網 Chapter 2 : Anti-Dong Zhuo Seige Net [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate Unlocking Requirement - Clear 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion. --- 呉外伝三 皇帝の印 Gaiden 3 : Emperor's Seal 玉璽争奪戦 The Imperial Seal Unlocking Requirement - In 二章 Chapter Two, choose 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate first → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 呉伝三章 小覇王 Chapter 3 : Junior Fierce Ruler 劉表奇襲戦 Assault on Liu Biao 呉郡攻略戦 Campaign for Wu Territory 江東平定戦 Unification of Jiang Dong Unlocking Requirement - Clear 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate. --- 呉外伝四 虎に仇なすもの Gaiden 4 : Adversaries of the Tiger 荊州鎮圧戦 Unification of Jing Unlocking Requirement - Clear 呉 Wu Musou Mode once. In 三章 Chapter Three, choose 江東平定戦 Unification of Jiang Dong first → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 呉伝四章 赤壁合戦 Chapter 4 : Chi Bi Joint Battle 夏口の戦い Battle of Xia Kou 南蛮防衛戦 Defense of Nan Man 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi Unlocking Requirement - Clear 江東平定戦 Unification of Jiang Dong. --- 呉伝五章a 蜀漢の最期 Chapter 5a : End of Shu Han or 呉伝終章 三国時代終焉 Final Chapter : End of the Three Kingdoms Era 南郡の戦い Race for Nan Territory 南蛮夷平定戦 Nan Man Campaign 夷陵の戦い Battle of Yi Ling Unlocking Requirement - This will be chapter 5 if during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang pray for wind is successful. To ensure the pray for wind is successful: Defeat 徐庶 Xu Shu before ホウ統 Pang Tong meets with him. Protect 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang until he prays for the wind. To ensure the fire attack is successful: (optional) Defeat 曹仁 Cao Ren, and clear the center big horizontal bridge area of enemies before 黄蓋 Huang Gai appears to set the fire. 成都の戦い Battle of Cheng Du Unlocking Requirement - This will be the final stage when this is the 終章 Final Chapter. --- 呉外伝五 武神関羽 Gaiden 5 : Guan Yu the God of War 麦城の戦い Battle of Mai Castle Unlocking Requirement - Clear 呉 Wu Musou Mode once. In 四章 Chapter Four, skip 夏口の戦い Battle of Xia Kou. With 蜀漢の最期 End of Shu Han as五章 Chapter Five, during 夷陵の戦い Battle of Yi Ling, clear the stage without defeating 関羽 Guan Yu → 外伝 Gaiden. --- 呉伝五章b 曹魏の最期 Chapter 5b : End of Cao Wei or 呉伝終章 三国時代終焉 Final Chapter : End of the Three Kingdoms Era 樊城争奪戦 Seige at Fan Castle 石亭の戦い Battle of Shi Ting 合肥の戦い Battle of He Fei Unlocking Requirement - This will be chapter 5 if during 赤壁の戦い Battle of Chi Bi, 諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang pray for wind and 黄蓋 Huang Gai fire attack are not successful. Also if the wind and fire success did not happen because you cleared the stage before they happened. 許昌の戦い Battle of Xu Chang Unlocking Requirement - This will be the final stage when this is the 終章 Final Chapter. --- 呉外伝六 董卓の復活 Gaiden 6 : Resurrection of Dong Zhuo 長江防衛戦 Battle of Chang Jiang Unlocking Requirement - Clear 呉 Wu Musou Mode once. In 三章 Chapter Three, choose 江東平定戦 Unification of Jiang Dong first. In 四章 Chapter Four, skip 南蛮防衛戦 Defense of Nan Man → 外伝 Gaiden. ------------------------------------- [ 呂布伝 Lu Bu Scenario ] Initial Characters 呂布 Lu Bu, 張遼 Zhang Liao 呂布伝一章 反董卓包囲網 Lu Bu Chapter One : Anti-Dong Zhuo Siege Net [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate 虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate 呂布伝二章 董卓暗殺 Lu Bu Chapter Two : Dong Zhuo Assassination 呂布の乱 Lu Bu Rebellion 呂布伝三章 奸雄の最期 Lu Bu Chapter Three : Last of the Villainous Ambition-ist 下[丕卩]の戦い Battle of Xia Pi 曹操討伐戦 Campaign Against Cao Cao 呂布伝終章 天下無双 Lu Bu Final Chapter : Kingdom Unrivaled 孫堅討伐戦 Campaign Against Sun Jian 劉備討伐戦 Campaign Against Liu Bei ------------------------------------- [ 董卓伝 Dong Zhuo Scenario ] Initial Characters 董卓 Dong Zhuo, 貂蝉 DIao Chan 董卓伝一章 反董卓包囲網 Dong Zhuo Chapter One Anti-Dong Zhuo Siege Net  [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate  虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate 董卓伝二章 虎狩り Dong Zhuo Chapter Two Tiger Hunt  孫堅討伐戦 Campaign Against Sun Jian 董卓伝三章 奸雄の最期 Dong Zhuo Chapter Three Last of the Villainous Ambition-ist  劉備討伐戦 Campaign Against Liu Bei  曹操討伐戦 Campaign Against Cao Cao 董卓伝終章 呂布の乱 Dong Zhuo Final Chapter Lu Bu Rebellion  呂布の乱 Lu Bu's Revolt ------------------------------------- [ 袁紹伝 Yuan Shao Scenario ] Initial Characters 袁紹 Yuan Shao, 張コウ Zhang He 袁紹伝一章 名門袁家 Yuan Shao Chapter One Noble Family House of Yuan  黄巾賊撃退戦 Yellow Turban Menace  黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress  黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion 袁紹伝二章 反董卓包囲網 Yuan Shao Chapter Two Anti-Dong Zhuo Siege Net  [シ已]水関の戦い Battle of Si Shui Gate  虎牢関の戦い Battle of Hu Lao Gate 袁紹伝三章 奸雄の最期 Yuan Shao Chapter Three Last of the Villainous Ambition-ist  官渡の戦い Battle of Guan Du 袁紹伝終章 袁家の世 Yuan Shao Final Chapter Kingdom of Yuan Family  劉備討伐戦 Campaign Against Liu Bei  孫堅討伐戦 Campaign Against Sun Jian ------------------------------------- [ 南蛮伝 Nan Man Scenario ] Initial Characters 孟獲 Meng Huo, 祝融 Zhu Rong 南蛮伝一章 北からの侵略 Nan Man Chapter One Invasion From the North  南蛮夷平定戦 Nan Man Campaign 南蛮伝二章 呉を喰らう Nan Man Chapter Two Swallow Wu  建業の戦い Battle of Jian Ye 南蛮伝三章 魏を喰らう Nan Man Chapter Three Swallow Wei  許昌の戦い Battle of Xu Chang 南蛮伝終章 蜀を喰らう Nan Man Final Chapter Swallow Shu  成都の戦い Battle of Cheng Du ------------------------------------- [ 黄巾伝 Yellow Turban Scenario ] Initial Characters 張角 Zhang Jiao, 張飛 Zhang Fei, 張遼 Zhang Liao, 張コウ Zhang He 黄巾伝一章 蒼天已死 Yellow Turban Chapter One Heaven Is Already Dead  黄巾砦攻防戦 Yellow Turban Fortress  劉備討伐戦 Campaign Against Liu Bei 黄巾伝二章 黄天当立 Yellow Turban Chapter Two Yellow Sky Must Stand  孫堅討伐戦 Campaign Against Sun Jian 黄巾伝三章 歳有甲子 Yellow Turban Chapter Three The Time Is Come  黄巾賊撃対戦 Yellow Turban Menace  曹操討伐戦 Campaign Against Cao Cao 黄巾伝終章 天下大吉 Yellow Turban Final Chapter The World Shall Have Peace  黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Rebellion ------------------------------------- This guide is written based on the Japanese version of the game "真・三國無双3" - "Shin Sangoku Musou 3". Shin Sangoku Musou 3 official website: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/products/products/ee/new/smusou3/index.htm This information can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html And at Muni Shinobu's Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Guide: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/ssm3/index.html This Document Copyright 2003 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu"