=============================================================== Dynasty Warriors 4 Character Guide for Sun Jian By septmyou Email me at: septmyou@hotmail.com Okay, First Things First: Legal Stuff This document was written by me (obviously) and anyone can use this guide as long as they have my permission. Version Info Version 1.0: First Version. Guide started and completed. Version 1.1: Updated the 10th Weapon and FAQ sections. Added Contact Info. Version 1.2: Updated the Orbs section in (5.)Strategies. <-- BIG! Updated the FAQs section. Added how to get to "The Imperial Seal" stage in (4.) Added the ranks when you earn the costumes in (3.) =============================================================== Table of Contents: -Legal Stuff -Version Info (1.)Who Was Sun Jian? (2.)Sun Jian's Move List (3.)Sun Jian's Costumes (4.)Sun Jian's Level 10 Weapon (5.)Strategies for Sun Jian (6.)Credits (7.)Frequently Asked Questions -Contact Info =============================================================== 1. Who Was Sun Jian? This HUGE pile of info about Sun Jian can be found in: Kongming's Archives, www.kongming.net Place of Birth: Fuchun County, Wu Prefecture (Presently Fuyang, Zhejiang Province) Lifespan: AD 155 - 192 (37 years) Titles: Grand Administrator of Chang Sha, Marquis of Wucheng, Martially Glorious Emperor Family: Lady Wu (wife), Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Yi, Sun Kuang, Sun Lang (sons), Sun Shang Xiang (daughter), Two daughters (one married to Pan Mi, another married to Hong Zi) Sun Qiang (twin brother) Sun Jing (brother), Younger Sister (married to Xu Zhen) Da Qiao, Lady Wang of Langya, Lady Wang of Nanyang, Lady Xu, Lady Xie, Lady Pan, Lady Bu, Lady Yuan (daughters-in-law) Yuan Shu (relative-in-law) Sun Jian (Style Name Wentai) came from a poor family in the south and was presumably the son of a merchant. When his mother was pregnant, she dreamed that her intestines came out of her and wound up at the Chang Gate of Wu. She was frightened because she did not know whether it was a good sign or not. When Jian was born, he was a boy of no ordinary appearance; he was generous, intelligent and fond of unusual behavior. When Sun Jian was a young man, he was appointed as junior civil officer in the county administration. When Sun Jian was seventeen, he accompanied his father on a trip to Qiantang, where a local pirate Hu Yu had taken control of the waterway. Sun Jian grabbed his sword and climbed up the bank towards the pirates. When he came in sight of the pirates, Wentai pretended to give orders to troops for deployment. This scared the pirates and they scattered, Sun Jian pursued and cut off one man's head as evidence of his victory. Around this time (AD 171), a rebellion broke out in Kuai Ji lead by Xu Chang; a man who was said to have supernatural powers. Sun Jian raised troops in Wu county and was appointed as Major. During the battles, Sun Jian attracted the attention of the Imperial Protector of Yang, Zhang Min, who recommended Sun Jian to the court. Wentai was then appointed Assistant of Yandu County in Guangling Province (presently Yancheng in Jiangsu Province). At this point in his life, Sun Jian was nineteen years old and married to the Lady Wu. The Lady's family was originally from Wu County but migrated to Qiantang. Wentai was captivated by the Lady's beauty and character and asked to marry her. The Wu family was reluctant, but Lady Wu was able to smooth things over and convinced them that it was her risk to take. Sun Jian continued to serve as Assistant in three different counties, first in Yan Du, then at Xu Yi and later at Xia Pi. Sun Jian remained in Xu Province to serve as Imperial officer. Wherever Sun Jian went, he gained a good reputation and the people loved him. Many of his old friends and young adventurers came to visit him, and Wentai treated them as family. Ten years later (AD 184), Zhang Jiao of Julu county began a large scale uprising against the Imperial Han Court, known as the Yellow Turban rebellion. Among the people sent out to fight the rebellion was Zhu Jun, a man from Kuai Ji. Zhu Jun recommended Sun Jian's appointment as Associate Major. Sun Jian once again raised troops in his region and marched out to join Zhu Jun's army with a thousand soldiers under his command. Sun Jian followed Zhu Jun in all his battles and it was said that wherever he went, Wentai was always successful in his battles. Together with Zhu Jun, Sun Jian defeated the Yellow Turbans at Wan castle; which was the rebels' last stronghold north ofthe Yangtze. At the end of the year, Sun Jian was memorialized several times to the crown as promoted to major With Separate Command. Through the recommendation of Zhu Jun, Sun Jian then served Huangfu Song and later Zhang Wen as assistant. Though the Yellow Turbans had been defeated, a new uprising occurred in Liang Province, where Qiang tribes' people and non-Chinese auxiliary forces rebelled against the crown and headed towards the ancient capital of Chang An. Together with Dong Zhuo; Sun Jian fought a hard battle against the northerners but were eventually very successfull. Upon his return to the capital, Wentai was promoted to Gentleman Consultant. In the year AD 187, Sun Jian was sent south to serve as Grand Administrator of Chang Sha. Though prosperous, the region of Chang Sha was plagued by rebels and caitiffs. Sun Jian took command of the Prefecture, with his base in Linxiang, and successfully eradicated the rebels Ou Xing, Zhou Chao, Guo Shi and Guan Gu. Though Sun Jian was responsible for the military safety of Chang Sha, he had no business in defeating rebels in other prefectures. Wentai did not care much for these formalities and ensured the safety of all surrounding prefectures. The court approved of his attitude and granted him the title of Marquis of Wucheng. Sun Jian remained as administrator for two more years and his success against the rebels justifies his position. Wentai was a valued supporter of the court and when civil war tore up the country in AD 189, he prepared an army to aid the Emperor in the north. Along his way to the north, Sun Jian killed Wang Rui the Inspector of Jing, and Zhang Zi the rand Administrator of Nanyang. Sun Jian joined Yuan Shu's forces in Luyang and was appointed as Gentleman of the Household and recommended as Acting General Who Smashes the Caitiffs and Inspector of Yu Province. Sun Jian relinquished his title as Grand Administrator and accepted the authority of Yuan Shu. Sun Jian volunteered to take the vanguard in the attack against Dong Zhuo as Yuan Shu's Chief Lieutenant. Sun Jian's success was enormous and even though he got no real support from the other lords, he was able to drive back Dong Zhuo's attacks. But when Sun Jian wanted to advance further on Luo Yang, Yuan Shu cut off supplies when one of his officers hinted that Wentai might rebel if he takes the Capital. Sun Jian rushed back to Yuan Shu's base at Luyang to reassure him. Dong Zhuo became desperate and sent men to bribe Sun Jian with promises of promotion. Sun Jian wanted nothing to do with Dong Zhuo and said, "Dong Zhuo has turned against the heavens and defies all law. He has destroyed the Imperial House and overturned its power. I shall not be able to rest until I have killed you and all your families, as a sign to the world. How can I make peace and alliance with you?" Sun Jian pressed his advance and fought Dong Zhuo personally at Dagu Pass among the graves of the former Han Emperors. Dong Zhuo's army was beaten and retreated to Mianchi. After one final skirmish with Lu Bu, Sun Jian¡¯s forces were able to march into the capital. Among the ruins of the city, Sun Jian found the Imperial Jade Seal, the token of Han Legitimacy and a national heirloom. Abandoning the desolate capital site, Sun Jian went back to Yuan Shu in Luyang. Sun Jian continued to fight under Yuan Shu and was sent to attack Zhou Yu in Yangcheng together with Gongsun Yue. Relations between Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao broke down and Shao made a strategic alliance with Liu Biao in the south. To deal with this new threat, Yuan Shu again appointed his most successful commander to lead the attack. Sun Jian routed Huang Zu in Xiang Yang and sent his forces back over the Han River. However, Sun Jian was the victim of a surprise attack when leading a small contingent into the wilderness and was killed in battle. Wentai's body was taken in possession by the enemy, but was brought back to Sun Jian¡¯s relatives by Huan Ji; a follower of Sun Jian during the latter¡¯s time in Chang Sha. Sun Ben and Sun Jing gathered Sun Jian¡¯s forces and went back to Yuan Shu. Sun Jian was buried at Qua in Danyang Commandery; the grave was called "Gaoling" or "The High Mound" . Sun Jian, a brilliant military strategist and leader of his successful family, earned the respect of many by his continued excellence in the field of battle. His second son Quan eventually became an Emperor in AD 229, and Jian was memorialized as Martially Great Emperor. =============================================================== 2. Sun Jian's Move List Key: S = Square T = Triangle T: Two 360 degree spins. The charge time is fairly long. Not very effective when you get to the harder stages (see Strategies section) ST: A slash followed by a jumping slash. This is Sun Jian's first launcher combo, but once you have the level 4 weapon, replace this with SSSST. SST(T): Sun Jian's Charge Rush. Two slashes followed by many diagonal slashes, and finishes with a stunning blow. Very effective, this is one of my very favorite moves. Spam like a food-crazed maniac (Meng Huo) when facing officers or big crowds. Both ways, super effective. SSST: Sun Jian does three slashes, turns 180 degrees, and thrusts his sword backwards into the enemy. I personally don't like this one because it only hits the front (or so it seems) SSSST(T): Sun Jian does 4 slashes, then slices his sword vertically up into the air, launching up a single enemy. Press T again to launch that sucker back down to the ground, causing a small earthquake. This is very effective, but the extra T gives them as much damage as a jump charge (which just plain sucks). I'd just juggle him. SSSSST: Sun Jian slashes 5 times, then launches a wave of energy directly in front of him. This is a character-unique move, and if you ask me, it looks sweet. Packs quite a punch against officers. Musou: Numerous slashes to the front. This is very easy to control, and you can get more than 10 hits if you control it just right. And for the final blow, he dashes forward with his sword held sideways (kinda like Zhou Tai's Musou except he doesn't turn), sending enemies far back into the depth of the screen. Spam this whenever the chance comes. True Musou Quote: "My sword will prevail!" Again, the same thing except element is added. =============================================================== 3. Sun Jian's Costumes Costume 1 (Default): Sun Jian has a horned helmet, and has on a gold chestplate and sash. Costume 2 (Earned at Rank 11): Same as 1, but the main color is now silver instead of gold. Costume 3 (Earned at Rank 7): The horn on his helmet is taken away, and his sash becomes longer. His sash now also has a butterfly design on its back. Costume 4 (Earned at Rank 7): Same deal as 3, except the colors are like Costume 2. Costume 5 (Earned at Rank MAX): Get that OldSkool feeling back with this Dynasty Warriors 3 original Costume. Costume 6 (Earned at Rank MAX): The OldSkool feeling silver replacement. Is silver better than gold? I leave that decision to you. =============================================================== 4. Sun Jian's Level 10 Weapon Name: Savage Tiger Power: +54 Stage: The Imperial Seal HOW TO GET TO THIS STAGE: In Chapter 2 of Wu's Musou Mode, select "Hu Lao Gate" first. Requirements: Defeat Li Jue, Zhang Liao, Diao Chan, and Lu Bu before completing the stage. Thanks Muni, I wouldn't even have earned the Savage Tiger without your help. Remember to be on Hard mode and have your level 9 "Lone Tiger" to earn this weapon. I suggest that you have your Sun Jian close to being maxed out before you attempt to get the Savage Tiger. After you get the "Sun Jian has earned.." message go find the 99 boxes and find the seal to end the stage. Or you could just wait about 25 minutes until your allies find a valuable item in the northwest section of Luo Yang, which is the Imperial Seal. **** Need help with finding all the boxes? Well, clementchong has made a map of the stage, with the locations of the boxes marked. He must have put a lot of effort into this stuff. Print a copy out if you feel like clearing this stage the fast way. =============================================================== 5. Strategies for Sun Jian Moves to Avoid: First of all, the obvious one: Don't use ST if you have a much better launcher (SSSST). I don't think anybody is gonna make this mistake, but just a gentle reminder. And for the starters out there: don't even try the T against officers in hard mode. You will die before you're even done charging for the attack. It is possible it might work in easy mode but nowhere else. You would get knocked out of the charge by Sergeants in Hard Mode. Fighting Strategies Against normal troops: Stick with SST, SSSST, and SSSSST for crowd clearing. When your Musou bar is full, don't hesitate to use your Musou attack, as it is extremely effective for crowd clearing. Against officers: If you are facing a very strong officer, try to get most of his troops dead before taking on the officer. Again, I find SST very effective against officers, and if you ever have the opportunity, go for the SSSSST. Duels: Be cautious in approaching. The enemy officer will almost always guard, so you should too. Use the L1 button to your advantage. Parry and send him/her flying. Run at them and hit them right before they get back up. Abuse SST Item Combinations Saddle: Depends on what you're trying to do. Looking for items? Hex Mark. Need for Speed? Red Hare. Need weapon exp and a minor taste of invincibility? Shadow Runner. Depends. Orbs: You have 6 choices. 1. Fire - Sets your enemies on fire. Enemies take burn damage while they are on fire. Nuff said, I rate it ****/*****. 2. Lightning - Delivers an extra blow with a lightning bolt. Enemies around the bolt are hit with more bolts also. Great, just one problem: if you kill enemies with the lightning itself, the lightning gets the kill, not you. Really annoying when you're finishing off an enemy officer and you accidentally hit him with lightning. But with that aside, this is simply excellent for Crowd Clearing. ***/***** because of the kill taking, though. 3. Vorpal - Kills enemy soldiers instantly at a certain probability. When this is applied to an enemy officer, it takes 20% of their HP. Superb, although the instant kill doesnt take effect most of the time. But when it does, you're looking at 500 kills every 10 minutes. ****/***** because it's very dependant on luck. 4. Ice - Freezes enemies (soldiers and officers alike) at a certain probability. When they are frozen, you can give them a solid 20 combo beating. Excellent, but I wouldn't recommend this for Sun Jian. ****/***** when used by Jian. 5. Blast - Delivers extra damage, and even delivers damage to those that are guarding. Sounds really cool, useless crap when you actually try it out. For some reason this is the only level 4 Orb I have, but it's also the only one i have never touched. Why does it suck, you ask? Maybe it's because the "damage" it deals to the enemies that are guarding is less than a millimetre's worth. Flush it down the toilet or do whatever the h*!@ you want to do with it, but don't use it. */*****. 6. Poison - Poisons enemies. When they are poisoned, they take extra damage from your attacks. Yeah, just like the previous orb, it sounds cool but sucks when you use it. The poison lasts less than a second, and you don't actually do more damage to them even if you hit them during poisoned state. This one sucks even more than Blast. Be proud, Poison Orb, for your score is ZERO!!! So, in conclusion, I would say Lightning is the best for Sun Jian. Yeah, I know, it got a lower score than Fire, Vorpal or Ice, but since Sun Jian is a great crowd clearer, just go with it. But if you insist on using another orb, I recommend Fire or Ice. Freeze people and hit them with a solid SSTTTTTT. Items: 1. Tiger Amulet 2. Tortoise Amulet 3. Peacock Urn 4. Dragon Amulet - Remember, Sun Jian is very balanced, so a good Lvl. 15-20 of these four items will still keep him balanced but very improved. So what about the last slot? Meh, pick an item yourself. =============================================================== 6. Credits Thanks to: Muni Shinobu, for his awesome Level 10 Weapons FAQ. And everything else he made about DW. Koei and Omega Force, for making this game about some chinese dudes kicking the crap out of each other. Awesome game. Kongming.net, for having such a great library of documents about Romance of the Three Kingdoms. You can find some parts of the actual book on this site. I hope that's legal. You, for reading this FAQ. Gamefaqs, for posting my Character FAQ. =============================================================== 7. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why did you make a Sun Jian FAQ? A: One, he looks cool (I think so) Two, it wasn't there yet (shame on you all!!!) And Three, I figured I knew enough about him to make a FAQ. Q: I can't get the 10th weapon for Sun Jian! A: Make sure you're on hard mode, you have his 9th weapon, and that you have killed the generals yourself. Also, try killing all the generals on the field, then breaking the boxes. Oh yeah, and I have gotten many questions about the weapon not appearing after killing the designated officers. If this happens, kill ALL the officers on the field. Q: How do I get to the stage for Sun Jian's Lvl. 10 Weapon? A: To get to "The Imperial Seal", simply choose "Hu Lao Gate" first in Act 2 of Wu's Musou Mode. For the people that sent me numerous E-mails about this, I am sorry, I figured everyone was smarter than me and wouldn't need a strategy guide to help me get to this stage. So now it's updated in the "Lvl. 10 Weapon" section. Q: How do I get the costumes for Sun Jian? A: Increase your rank by gaining officer points. Q: How do I get ? A: Consult Muni Shinobu's Items FAQ. It will walk you through every single step of earning . =============================================================== Contact Info If I am missing something important about Sun Jian plese email me at: septmyou@hotmail.com. Questions are fine, too, because they point out that I should add that into my FAQ. Also, give a name like "Dynasty Warriors 4" or "GameFAQs" or something like that, or else I will think it is spam and erase it. I will try to reply as soon as humanly possible. =============================================================== Copyright 2003 Chris Yun This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. You heard that? Screw off, net pirates.