================================================ Hitman 2 --- Silent Assassin ver 1.6 ================================================ Thanks for the support!!! Written by Acid Wolf. Email- acid_wolf2000@yahoo.com.sg This is a game created by IO Interactive and also a trademark of Eidos Interactive. This faq/walkthrough is created solely on self-interest. And also i like the way this is game is made. So therefore i own this document and nobody may reproduced this document for any monetary gains. This walkthrough is not to be altered, translated and is only for the reading pleasure of those gamers using this walkthrough. This includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides, etc., in ANY way. It is only for private and personal use. You may not edit or change any of it's content and claim it is yours. If i find out, you will get it. For those who may want to post this faq on some websites, may do so after dropping me an email about it. Note: that this faq is solely for personal usage. Thanks for all that. All contents copyright 2002- Acid Wolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ======================== Brief introduction Controls Display Hints Tricks of the trade Walkthrough Fun Stuff Weapons Equipment Cheats Thanks!!! ================== BRIEF INTRODUCTION ================== The is a sequel to the fame Hitman Codename 47. The same old Mr. Tobias Reiper (his travel name) will bring us into his dark world of silent killings. Well this sequel is the continuation of the first game but if you miss the first game, you can just enjoy Hitman 2 as much as the first one. The Hitman 2 has improved a lot from the old interface, skills, and alot more minor details both in gameplay & graphics. The weapons fire power is much more powerful than the first game. Just checkout the double ballers which is Mr. 47 trademark weapons for this sequel. It packs a whole lot more punch than the good old AMT 1911 'Hardballer'. The inverse kinematics is still the same as the first game. Different targeting will result in different 'poses of dead'. Hitman 2 has a new scoring system which will determine whether you are a born assassin or not. Try not to be trigger happy, a civilian killer or just plain noisy killer. Try to take out the intended target without much commotion. Remember stealth is the way to complete this game with top marks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============ CONTROLS ============ Basically the general guide for controls is included in the game in .pdf format. This means that you will need Acrobat Reader to read it. You can also configure your own set of keys. For me, i use the numpad + the mouse. A small tip for you guys is try to set your normal turn left, right keys into strafe left and right. You may wonder how to turn. Using the mouse to turn is much faster than using the keys. Trust me on this one. During the game, you may have just kill someone and try to take his items or just to pick up a particular item among the items. Do the following to pick up weapons, items, drag and many more: - Hold the action when you have either the drag, pick weapons or pick item command at the top left side of the screen. - After you have hold the action button, scroll through the list if there are more than one command/items using the move forward & move backward buttons. - Just highlight the command you want and then let go of the action button for it to execute that command. You have to practice using the action button for the commands as in certain situations, you are not given any amount of time to search the body and then stash it somewhere hidden from prying eyes. So in such cases, you have to choose the drag command first, hide the body and then search it to your heart's content. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== DISPLAY =========== The display of Hitman 2 is very easy to understand. At the top left is your health gauge which shows the health bar. Below it is the 'Spook meter' or known as the threat meter a newly included feature for Hitman 2. It is to determine whether the surrounding guards or characters suspect Mr.47 or not. - The longer the moving bar, the more suspicious Mr.47 is. (The bar is black in color in this stage). - When the moving bar is red in color, you are the prime suspect and probably the guards are looking for Mr.47. - To lower the threat meter, hide Mr.47 in a secluded spot and wait for the meter to go down and hope that once you are out of your hidding place, the guards will not remember your face. Just below the threat meter, is the compass(Yes!!! No need to buy the compass). Now for the top right. It shows the weapon that you have chosen to use. If no weapons are selected, it will be blank in this area of the screen. You can either open the inventory and select the weapon or item you want and then left clicked the mouse to equip it. For weapons, you can also press the default 1-7 for weapons to lockpicks. Just to the right of the selected weapon, there is a 'spare ammo' area where all the spare ammo is shown. Below the spare ammo area, is the current ammo for the selected weapon. There is a cursor at the center of the screen for you to take aim at something or someone. Messages will be shown at the bottom left of the screen from hints to warnings. ----- Map ----- Here are the legend of what you may see on the map. - Luminious green -- Mr.47 - Red -- target to be taken out - Orange -- enemy: guards, etc - Green -- innocent: civilians, bystanders,etc - Blue -- police - White -- VIP: person you have to protect or person crucial to the game - Exclamation(blinking) -- Point Of Interest(POI) - Lightning mark -- generator - Hitman icon(blinking) -- agency pickup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========= HINTS ========= --Nobody's perfect so play the scenario once to get the hang of the surroundings. --Pickup any weapons, ammos and other items you came across. --This one for the one's above. Try not to take every items as some are found at highly guarded place. --Do not share your enjoyment of carrying a weapon with others(don't take it out when needed). This rule applies after picking up a weapon. --Rifles to bigger weapons cannot be hide under the suit so carry discreetly. --For the one above, check whether the weapon you pickup can be kept under wraps by pressing the holster key. --Wire is for the feel of being a hitman and knife is for the feel of being a killer(swift). --Always sneak behind when approaching a unknowing target. --Make sure nobody will run into your little throat slitting operation. --For the one above. Choose your weapon of choice before hand. --Use NVG if you think it is getting dark. --Take note of the surface you are walking/running on. Some produce far more noise than others. --Grab a disguise if possible when you are certain that you are out of place in enemy infested areas. --Bring a silenced weapon when given the chance. --Try to kill with minimal sounds so as not to alert the guards. You are a professional hitman. Not Rambo! Need not takeout every guards. --Try not to kill civilians as they will included at the rating screen. Same for cops. --Watch patrolling guards to gain knowledge of their paths. --Certain characters can only access certain place like delivery boy to the kitchen. If you are out of place, you will be more suspicious and more prone to attacks. --Try to keep away from other characters should you change into their clothes. E.g guards. These characters will somehow recognize their comrades up close. And this will give you away even if you are temporary one of them. --Do not cause too much noise including running in guards infested area. It will attract much attention. --Takeout lamps or lights to increase the amount of shadows for concealment. --Use your map offen so as not to get lost. You can trust most of the maps. --Use the map to gain knowledge of the patrolling area and routes the guards take. --Use the map to checkout if the direction your target is facing before planning appropriate action(for use if target is in the adjacent room). --Need not hide every corpse if not given time to do so. Instead just try not to be at the scene of crime. So as not to raise any alarm. --Should you know that you need to restart the game, try to explore the place further so as to know the number & placing of guards. This is ensure that you know something further up in the game so as to take the required precaution and proceed faster in the game the next time you restart. --Go for one shot one kill rule so as not to waste ammo & time(for the next kill or escape). Aim for the neck onwards and up. May not applied if you have shotgun. --Never touched the dead when there are guards nearby. This will aroused their suspicion. --Try to collect as many weapons as possible for use at the next mission. --Always holsters your big weapons. E.g the SVD sniper when holstered looks no less than a AK provided that the enemy does not take a closer look. --Do not run or do anything silly in front of cameras. --Stay or keep a distance from the guards as they are paranoid having somebody snooping behind them. --Civilians are more alert than the guards on some missions so don't try anything funny in front of them. --Hold down the fire button when you are equipped with the wire to prepare it for a faster kill. This cut down lag time when you want to kill a target till the very last minute. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== TRICKS OF THE TRADE ==================== -------------------- How to carry 2 guns -------------------- The game is designed that Mr.47 will use 2 ballers when equipped. ------------------------ How to knock someone out ------------------------ Sneak up to your potential target then use either one of your weapons(ammo type). Mr. 47 will use the butt of that weapon to knock out your victim. Note: this is temporary so you may have to find other ways of disposing your potential target. ----------------------------- How to prepare the fiber wire ----------------------------- Hold down the "Attack" key when you have equipped with the wire. Hitman will tighten the wire. Next sneak up to a target and releases that key to fiber-wire him to death. This way will cut down on the time to "tighten" the wire when you press the attack key at the last minute. ---------------------------- How to change clothes faster ---------------------------- When Mr.47 starts to go down to get that clothing, quickly press & unpress the view map button/key once will do. ---------------------------------- How to prepare anaesthetics faster ---------------------------------- When Mr.47 starts taking out the syringe, quickly press & unpress the view map button/key once to get it fill with anaesthetics fast. ------------------------------------- How to open locked doors much faster ------------------------------------- When Mr.47 starts to go down on the door(lockpicking), quickly press & unpress the view map button/key once will do(after you hear the lockpicking noise). If after one try, he is still lockpicking the door, try again multiple times for it to work. -------------------------------------------- How to sneak and kill an enemy w/o knowledge -------------------------------------------- Hit sneak mode then creep up on the enemy and kill him with your weapon of choice. You can run towards an enemy's back till the last minute and take him out with your weapon of choice(requires precision and small amount of time for Mr.47 to stop in his tracks). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== WALKTHROUGH =============== You will start each mission with a short briefing on the story and a cutscene. You can open up the mission screen using the mission briefing key. Checkout the map first using the map key. Hitman 2 has made the map more interactive. The map will show the guards movement, civilians movement, cops movement and vip movement. Checkout the 'Legend' at the bottom left side of the map screen (click on it). You can check different maps regarding the that particular mission by left clicking on the top left tab of the map screen. Note: the game play is still on even if you open up the map (there is no pause). Hitman 2 will start a particular mission with weapons intended for that mission. If you want more weapons, you just have to acquire them on site. A cutscene will start playing with Mr.47 plucking and tending to the monastery gardens. Note: all directions are based on the locations given by the map. Except the left & right directions. Note: some the approaches may use different insertion and execution methods so you can mix & match some of them to create your own. ************************************************************************ --------- Sicily --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= The Gontranno Santuary ======================= This is a pretty easy one. You will start in side the garden shed where Mr.47 lives in. The message at the bottom left of the screen will show some hints to playing the game. Just follow it. Move to the door and hold down the action key and choose the commands you want. Exit the shed and a cutscene will show Mr.47 talking to the Padre Vittorio -father of the monastery & a good friend of Mr.47. After the cutscene, move to the ruins just in front of the garden shed and follow the instructions given at the message area on the screen. Once you hear the monastery bells rang, go up the stairs to the left side of the well. Go to the courtyard and head through the door at the northside. Go through the left door at the end then turn to the first right door. See the confession box there? Go on in to another cutscene. Hint: If you are not sure how to get to the confession box, checkout the map and move towards the blinking POI icon. After Mr.47's confession, a new cutscene will show Padre being kidnapped by 2 guys. And one of them leaves a note for Mr.47. Once you have gain control of Mr.47, go get that parcel and another curscene. Looks like Giuseppe Giulliani wants to charge Mr.47 for staying at the monastery for $500,000.00. Mr.47 has no choice but to shelf his retirement plans for a while. Get back to the shed to another cutscene. Mr.47 old contact Diana will help our friend for a price on digging information on Giuseppe Giulliani of Palermo in Sicily. Next you can equip the ballers and fire either at the bucket at the well or the watermellons just at the east wall of the ruins. Head over to the other wooden shed an you can lockpick the door there to get in. There are 2 .45 ACP ammo and the binoculars on the tables. There are anaesthetic & fiber wire on the weapons boards. Note: what ever weapons you have collected at each missions, they will be hang in this tools shed. After you get used to the controls, you may get back to the garden shed and operate on the laptop for your next mission. Note: there are special weapons in this game & they can be obtained in any of the missions you play. But only by getting silent assassins ratings will then unlock the Silver Ballers .45 suppressed, Sawn-off shotgun, and the M4 rifle(you got to get 5 silent ratings in one go). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========== Anathema ========== ---Objectives: -Kill "Don" Giuseppe Giulliani -Take key to prison cell from Don Giulliani -Rescue Vittorio in the basement -Escape- check map for known exit point Weapons & items location: ......................... Study --- 2 shotgun ammo, 1 MAG ammo, 1 Deagle, 2 pistol ammo Room(north)of the hall --- 2 .45 ACP ammo 3 rooms(north)of kitchen --- 7 sniper ammo, 10 shotgun ammo Garage --- 1 R93 sniper, 2 .45 ACP ammo Guard in white shirt --- 1 Deagle, 1 car key Cook --- 1 spoon Kitchen --- 1 kitchen knife Boss bedroom --- 1 golf club Southwestern balcony --- 1 golf club 2nd floor southeast room --- 2 shotgun ammo, 2 MAG ammo, 1 pistol ammo Lawyer's office --- 5 sniper ammo Guard at front door --- 1 shotgun Lawyer in green shirt --- 1 shotgun Don --- 1 revolver, 1 room key Mailman --- 1 flowers (special)--- Silver baller .45 suppressed(have to get the silent assassin rating: use approach 03) Approach 01 ------------ After the cutscene, move to the delivery van on the other side of the villa. Make sure no one is around especially the delivery boy and then place all your pistol and ballers at the crates of grocery on the ground. Next move to the postman carrying the flowers to the villa and then choke him with your fiber wire(since he is constantly moving, he may notice you and run). You have to catch him up to do it(he'll stop temporary at the boundary wall). Strip him of his flowers and his uniform. Next move to the front gate and the guard there will check you for weapons. Once the frisk search came up empty, open the gates and go to the front doors. The female servant will take the flowers from you. After you have handed the flower over to her, stay there and wait for the servant to head through the door in front of you. The nearby guard will follow her. Once the guards disappear, move to the alcove(under the stairs) to the left side of the stairs and wait. Note: do not run there!!! It you do it right, the guard will reappear the moment you reach the alcove. Now hit the sneak button and bring out the fiber wire and take him out. Drag him to the same alcove where you hid and take his clothes & 9mm pistol. You may want to get your original ballers & 9mm SD pistol back. Head to the kitchen and take the weapons from the grocery crates on the kitchen floor(stay clear of the cook!!!). Head up the stairs at the kitchen and through the door on your left. From the balcony turn left and walk on the ledge. Move around till you reach the roof. From the roof top, move to the nearest door crouch and wait(there are probably guards down at the pool side and they can spot you if you move around the balcony from your position). Check the map and wait till the Don move away from the office and sneak inside. Exit through the other door to the other side of the balcony and wait for the Don to come back. Once the Don is back inside the room, hit sneak mode and kill him. Note: use the wire for soundless kill so as not to alert the guards outside. Take the prison key from the Don corpse. Head back the same way you came here till you reach the kitchen. Instead of going back to the front doors, head down to the basement from the kitchen. Use the key you got from the Don at the door there. Mr.47 will find that Padre has been move to other location. Time to get out of there. Either you can change back to the postman and get out or just run as fast as you can through both the main gate or side door. Approach 02 ------------ Move to the side door and wait at the right side of the wall. A guard will take a leak at the trees. Using this opportunity, hit the sneak mode and kill him. Take his clothes and 9mm pistol. Go through the door and head for the garage. Use the back door and get the sniper rifle. Head back to the hill and sniped the target: Don. He will be taking his last swing at golf on the balcony. Once he is dead, move back into the villa through the side door and take the stairs to the basement at the east side of the villa. Exit into the kitchen and head upstairs through the stairs there. Move to the Don's body and take the prison key. Move back to the basement and unlock the door there. When the objective changes, get out through the same side door to the exit point after you have taken the R93 sniper rifle from the garage. Note: never linger too long in front of a guard. Walk past them quickly especially on the 2nd floor. Approach 03 (best way) ---------------------- -can get silent assassin rating by using anaesthetic instead of killing. If you do it right & fast, when you get out, the guard you anaesthetic by the trees will start to wake up. Move to the side door of the villa. Hide yourself at the right side of the door and wait for the guard to take his leak at the trees before taking him out. Change into his clothes and take his weapon. Move into the villa compound and go into the basement through the stairs at the east side of the villa. Head up into the kitchen at the other end and from the kitchen, go up the stairs at the kitchen. Go onto the balcony through the left door there. Move along the ledge at the right side of the door all the way till your reach the roof. Note: part of the railings to the ledge are removed. -If the 2 plain clothes guards are not there by the pool, move around the balcony to open up the other door. Hit sneak mode and take out the Don using the fiber wire. -If both the plain clothes guards are there, wait for the Don to leave the office and then you just have to go through the office to the other side of the balcony and wait for the Don to come back. Note: should you take a longer time to reach here. You have to take note of the servant that will bring the flowers into the Don's office. You wouldn't want her to bump into your killing operation would you? After completed your objective, take the prison key and head back the same route till you came to the basement. Open the door there to change the objectives. On your way out, you can take the R93 sniper rifle from the garage and go through the side door to your freedom. Approach 04 ------------ Start out by heading to the delivery van. Once you reach there, take out the delivery boy and get into his clothes. Place your weapons into one of the grocery crate and carry it into the kitchen. When you past the 2 guards at the door there, do not stop. Keep walking till your threat meter empty. Head into the basement and get back your weapons from the crate. Head up into the kitchen at the other end and from the kitchen, go up the stairs at the kitchen. Go onto the balcony through the left door there. Move along the ledge at the right side of the door all the way till your reach the roof. Note: you shouldn't take the kitchen door(one that is guarded) because the cook most probably will recognize you. -If the 2 plain clothes guards are not there by the pool, move around the balcony to open up the other door. Hit sneak mode and take out the Don using the fiber wire. -If both the plain clothes guards are there, wait for the Don to leave the office and then you just have to go through the office to the other side of the balcony and wait for the Don to come back. Note: should you take a longer time to reach here. You have to take note of the servant that will bring the flowers into the Don's office. You wouldn't want her to bump into your killing operation would you? After completed your objective, take the prison key and head back the same route till you came to the basement. Open the door there to change the objectives. On your way out, you may have to take out the guard guarding the side door. But before that you can take the R93 sniper rifle from the garage and then through the side door to your freedom. Approach 05 ------------ Start blasting all the guards that come to stop you when you try to enter the villa. Take the car key from the plain clothes guard(white shirt with pistol holstering belt). Kill the Don and take the prison key before heading into the basement and open the door there. After which, go to the garage, take the R93 sniper rifle and then drive the red car out of there in style. Note:all the above approaches are just possible ways of entering and killing the Don. You can mix & match the approaches to get the ideal result for you too. Hint: for the side door approach, you can along the southern walls to reach the south-western side of the villa and wait for the Don to appear onto the balcony. Once he has enter into the scene and decided to take the golf swing, you can shoot him from the ground level. You may have alerted the guards but at least nobody is suspecting you. Even if they did, send them to accompany the Don. Alternate Play --------------- -Kevin Hackett - As soon as you start, run down to the side door beside the trees. Wait on the right with the anaesthetic, and when the guard comes out to relieve himself sneak up and empty the whole 5 bottles into him. Now, grab his clothes and walk through the door. Walk into the garage through the back door, grab the sniper rifle and back out again. If you walk (always walk, there's a nosy guard nearby)backwards/left towards the side door to the compound that you came in through, the balcony of the house can be spotted(still within villa compound). If you've kept walking without stopping, the Don should be standing with his back to you just visible around the corner on the balcony. In a few seconds he'll turn and start walking around to the front. Shoot him just as he starts walking and he'll fall through the broken railing and land on the ground outside the house. You can now stroll over and pick up the key without even entering the house! The rest is pretty simple. I found the guards out front to be very twitchy, so I tend to go all the way around the back of the house to get to the cellar steps. Check in the cell, back out and through the side door to the still-sleeping guard and then run. This play will have One shot, no alerts, no close calls, guaranteed Silent Assassin rating. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ----------------- St. Petersburg ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== St. Petersburg Stakeout ======================== ---Objectives: -Kill the general at the meeting -Don't harm anyone else attending the meeting -Return to the subway train to escape Weapons & items location: .......................... Locker 137 --- 2 sniper ammo, 3 pistol ammo, 1 nightvision google, 1 9mm pistol, 1 SVD sniper rifle most soldiers --- 1 AK some soldiers --- .54 pistol Brown/black suit guards --- 1 9mm pistol (special)--- Sawn-off shotgun(have to get the silent assassin rating: use approach 01) Approach 01 (best way) ---------------------- At the start, move to the north where the lockers are at your position. Lockpick the locker 137(flashing red icon) and take the weapons & ammo inside. Beware of passengers walking around as they will call for soldiers to investigate should they see you carry a weapon around. After the weapon pickup, head onto the railway tracks at the west side. Use the rail tracks as a cover and wait till the passengers move away from the main stairs. Once the coast is cleared, move up the stairs and turn left and up the short flight of stairs there. You will came across the escalator(not moving). Head up but look out for a moving soldier in this area. Check the map and you will see a room at the southern part of the map. Move into the area and enter through the only door there(just to your right if you are standing at the stairs and facing down the stairs). Make sure that the soldier in this room has move to the far right just behind the lockers before you enter into the next room. You have to lockpick the other door there to gain access to the sewers. Once you are in the sewers, make your way to the north right exit using the map. Make sure the coast is cleared before you approach the truck and change into the soldier's uniform near the truck. Go back into the sewer and head for the north left exit using the map. At this point remember to holster your SVD sniper rifle. After you have exited the sewer, head down the slope behind you. From the map, move to the extreme western part. Your destination is the apartment building(with a exclamation icon in it) to the north of the Puskin building. You just have to keep a safe distance from the soldier just to the west of the manhole where you exited. You can run but should that arouse any suspicion, just walk. When you have past the soldier west of that manhole, move northeast direction towards the apartment building. Keep track of 2 soldiers that will patrol around the Puskin building on the main road surrounding that building. Go through the first door of the apartment building and move down the corridor to reach the back. Turn right at the first junction. Look for the spiral stairs that leads up. You objective is to move onto either the 2nd or 3rd floor(higher the better) where you can get a clear shot at the intended target. Once you get onto the desired floor,move into the extreme southern room where the windows are not boarded up. Note: 2nd floor has 2 unboarded windows & 3rd floor has only one unboarded window. Use the SVD sniper to snipe the target. Aim for the left side window of the Puskin building. Look for the general that is seated nearest to that window. Note: he will use his right hand to carry the wine glass. After you have taken out the target, quickly move back the same way you have come here. Note: soldiers may barge into the same room once you have shot the target. Avoid all the soldiers and move back all the way to the sewer and back to the metro station. Once you get near the metro train, you will clear this mission. Approach 02 ------------ Same as approach 01 but to kill everyone you came across. You can either snipe the target or just make a pathway of dead bodies in the Puskin building if you decided to make your way into it. Just make sure you do not kill the wrong target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== Kirov Park Meeting ====================== ---Objectives: -Kill general Makarov -Kill his mafia connection, Igor Kubasko Weapons & items location: ......................... Agency pickup --- 1 SVD sniper rifle, 1 9mm pistol SD, 2 Car-bombs, 2 pistol ammo, 1 sniper ammo All soldiers --- 1 AK each Bodyguards --- 1 9mm pistol each (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Starting position, you will face the building. Run to the 3 trash containers where the agency pickup will be placed. Do this quick as instantaneous, a limo will past these containers coming from the north and a soldier that will patrol into this area(check map). Take the weapons plus the car-bombs but minus the SVD sniper rifle(will attract attention and since it is not used). Move to the nearest manhole and through the sewer, head to the southern most part where you will exit the manhole there. Just go to the top of the ladder there and stay out of sight(still at the top of the ladder). Once you have something cover up the manhole(the limo is on top), place the car-bomb and go back down into the sewer. Now move to the northern most end of the sewer counting from the right and exit through the manhole there. Look out for the limo driver that move around this area. Wait till he moves behind the building for a leak before sneaking up on him and take him out. Change into his clothes and move to the north end of the Kirov park where you will see another limo parked just beside a manhole. Place the 2nd car-bomb to that limo and go back the same way you have come here. Once you have reached the pier, just wait for fireworks display and then escape there. Note: there are no soldiers, bodyguards in contact with except you have to take out the limo driver for the clothes. Best for the silent assassin rating. Approach 02 ------------ At the start of the mission, run to the agency pickup point(check map). Once you reach the 3 trash containers, go to the center of those containers and hide(crouch) between the 2 joining containers. You have to do this fast as a limo will approach down the road and will past the containers. The limo will sound the alarm if you are too close to the Kirov park. There is another threat coming from the soldier that will patrol into the area(check the map). These 2 will happen almost instantaneously. Take the weapons and car-bombs there(between the 2 containers facing the road). After the coast is cleared, head down into the sewer from the nearest manhole. From the sewer, move to the 3rd manhole exit(north side) counting from the right. Make sure you will encounter no one when you exit through there. You will found yourself at the most north end of the Kirov park just behind the building. Run east from that point and when you reached the end move south past the first building. Take out the patrolling soldier to the north of the Cathedral called 'The Saviour'. Lockpick the northern door to gain access. Move up the stairs and take out another soldier at the top. Once everything is set, use the SVD sniper and make head shots at the 2 intended targets inside the park. You can try the 1 bullet 2 heads shot. Just line them up and shoot. Go for their heads as penetration through the first target will be thorough and the bullet will exit with enough force for the second target. Once they are down, make sure you run like hell to the pier to exit this mission. As by now the whole place will be swarming with soldiers and bodyguards. Note: not recommended as it allow unnecessary contact with the soldiers, causes alarms and quite messy considering you are the 'Legend' of the trade. Hint: you can do this approach after you have placed the car-bombs to ensure 'insurance' kills should you missed or just manage to take out one target only. The mafia will run to the north limo & the general will escape by the south limo. Take your pick. Approach 03 ------------ Move to the trash containers as fast as you could and hide(crouch) in between the 2 trash container facing the road. If you do this right, a limo will pass by you from the north and a soldier will patrol into the vicinity. Take the weapons & car-bombs and wait till the coast is cleared before you go down the nearest manhole. Once in the sewer, move to the extreme left side of the sewer till you see only 2 manhole there. Go up the 2nd manhole counting from the left. Check the soldier(at the radio tower) and make sure the coast is clear before you move in between the 2 buildings just north of your manhole. Make a right turn and go past 3 trash containers and take out the soldier there. Lockpick the gate there and go up the radio tower. Use the SVD sniper to the direction of the Kirov park. Part of the wall of the park has tumbled so you should be able to see the 2 targets. The trick is to snipe them both with one bullet. Wait till they have finished talking and starts to move northward, somehow they will 'overlap' each other(walking side by side). Aim at their heads and snipe them. If you do this right, the surrounding soldiers & bodyguards will not be alerted. After the sniped, move back to the pier to escape. Hint: you can place both car-bombs first before using the sniper rifle on them. This acts as 'insurance' in case only one of them is down. The mafia will run to the north limo & the general will escape by the south limo. Take your pick. Note: using this approach 03, only one soldier is in contact with Mr.47. And the soldier plus the limo driver if you decided to plae car-bombs first. It is also one of the better ways but the success rate is quite low. you have to be real good with the rifle. Alternate play --------------- "Marty Borton" jumpballus@yahoo.com Run to the wall (infront of you ) at the start of this mission and wait for the soldier to get close to you. You can knock him out take his clothes and drag him to the agency pickup point. After that take his AK and casually walk to the park. When you see the target, take out your SD pistol and fire at their heads. Holster the weapon take out your AK and make your way to the exit. It should took about 5 minutes and with no alerts. A Silent assassin rating is possible. The only downside is 2 shots count. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================== Tubeway Torpedo ================== ---Objectives: -Find your equipment ot the Army depot. Marked "FCK" -Kill General Mikhail Bardachenko -Free the prisoner from 2nd basement Note 1: should you use the all equipment cheat, the included bomb will not work. You got to take the bomb at the crates for it to work!!! Note 2: try to place the bomb first before rescuing the agent then blow up the sewer wall. Weapons & items location: ......................... 1st Agency pickup --- 2 pistol ammo, 1 9mm pistol SD, 1 Mini-bomb, 1 Bomb remote, 1 pager, 1 nightvision googles, 1 phone Warehouse west of manhole(starting) --- 1 AK, 4 5.56mm ammo Warehouse west of headquarter --- 1 AK, 1 5.56mm ammo Top left-side of headquarter --- 1 AK, 4 5.56mm ammo Headquarter POI --- 1 Mag ammo, 1 Deagle, 1 soldier uniform 1st basement southern most POI --- 1 officer uniform Most soldiers --- 1 AK each Some soldiers --- 1 9mm pistol each Interrogating officer --- 1 combat knife, 1 9mm pistol SD (General Mikhail Bardachenko) (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01 ------------ Mr.47 will start in the sewer. From that point, check the map and go over to the 'BIG' red arrow and up the only ladder there. From the map, you will be inserted to the northern eastern part of the army depot. Once you are out of the manhole, find a place to hide(move away from the manhole). The map will show 2 soldiers by the north side of the truck, 1 soldier by the western gate, 1 soldier moving along the southern part of the army depot and the last soldier will move between the south side of the truck & the cargo just south of the manhole. The trick is to choreograph all the movements of the soldiers in the army depot. Make sure that when the west gate soldier starts to move towards the gate, both the 2 south soldiers are stationary. Meaning the soldier moving between the south side of the truck & the cargo just south of the manhole has stopped at the cargo & facing south. And the southern patrolling soldier has also stopped just south of the soldier mention above & facing southwest. Once everything is in place, go between the cargos towards the truck's left side. Cut across the area to the shed. You should see the cargo label "FCK" to the left of the shed. Go around the "FCK" cargo to get the agency pickups. When you have clean out the agency box, time to go for the truck. Using the same trick of having the soldiers moving to their same positions, move quickly to the truck and go up the back of the truck. Never mind the 2 soldiers facing your direction as their field visions is blocked by the truck. Once you are in the back of the truck, crouch down and hide yourself. Now kust let the truck brings you to the Headquarter. Check the map when the truck have stopped. When you see the 'middle' soldier moves to the manhole and starts facing southeast, get your butt out of the truck pronto and then turn right and move behind the cargo you see there. Check your map again. You'll see that 3 soldiers patrolling this area. 1 will move from the truck into the north entrance of the headquarter. The other soldier by the south gate will remains stationary there. Only the 'middle' soldier will move from the south manhole to the truck and back. The trick is to wait for the 'middle' soldier & the north patrolling soldier to move away from the truck. Once they have done that, run north after the north patrolling soldier. By now he should be inside the headquarter. Move till the end and hide behind the cargo there. Wait for the soldier to come out before you move into the headquarter. Make sure you do not bump into the other soldier patrolling inside the headquarter. When you are inside the headquarter, hide youself using the cargos to your right. Once the patrolling soldier starts to go up the metal stairs next to the door you came in, follow him at a safe distance. Make sure that before you follow him, the soldier that moves from the truck into the headquarter does not see you doing it. Once you reached the end, turn left into a room where you will change into the soldier's clothes and take the weapon there. Now head to the elevator and take it to the 1st basement. Note: You have to be very careful as security cameras are everywhere. You can spot them by looking for a green light mounted on the walls. Just keep out of the camera angle before you do something silly or getting out those big guns you have. When you reached the 1st basement, there is a soldier in front of you. Wait for him to walk further down the corridor before moving in the same direction. Take out the camera on your right. Take them out using the 9mm pistol SD after you keep out the camera's lens. Move till you reached the last alcove to your left before the corridor turns right. But before you hide yourself in the alcove, take out the camera to the left side of the wall. Wait for the soldier to walk past you before you turn into the corner. There is another soldier patrolling down the corridor. Just wait for him to move further down the corridor before you move to the T-junction where the left turn leads you into the control room. Stop behind the camera there and take it out. Quickly get back out to the T-junction and take out the light bulb to the left side. Make sure neither of the soldiers will bump into you. Once that bulb is out, hide at the alcove to the right of that bulb. When the soldier move past you, get out of the alcove and move further down the corridor. Go around the end to a fence door. There is a weapon there if you need it. Now to move into the control room using the nearest door from your location. Wait for the patrolling soldier to get out of the way before you went in turn left & stop. Once you are inside, take out the table lamp just in front of you and the 2 hanging light bulbs. The soldiers may get paranoid but no harm done. Just move normally to the server room and shoot at the server(will turn red) there to cut off the surveillance cameras. Note: now all cameras have red lights on them. Get out of the server room through the other door and move down the corridor. Lockpick and get into the POI room just beside the guards room. Change into the officer uniform. Next move to the sewer station and place the bomb there(just equip & drop it). Make sure the soldier patrolling between here and the elevator is not in the area. When the patrolling soldier is at the elevator, run into the western guard quarters and wait for the soldier to move south to the sewer station. Now with the new uniform, get to the elevator and take it down to 2nd basement. It is quite linear here so the way is to get to the south eastern corner & wait for the soldier to move into the southern room. Now simply walkpast the doorway of the southern room to get to the observation room. Lockpick the door there to get in. The objective is to kill the general. Equip with the 9mm pistol SD and shoot at the glass panel and take out the general instantaneously. Climb through the window and view the cutscene. You can take the weapons off the general for collection. Follow the agent to the elevator. Take it back up to 1st basement. You'll get another cutscene(lucky that soldier by the desk is not bother by the call). Exit the elevator and head towards the sewer station. On the way, you will encounter another soldier but just simply walk past him before he remember anything. Once you reached the sewer station, take out the bomb remote and left click on it to blow up the wall there. Go through the hole turn left and move towards the exit(check the map). View the cutscene before the next mission. Hint: after you have go through the blown up wall, walk as per normal to the exit. Those soldiers will never suspect you. Note: for the placing of bombs, sometimes the bomb will not work if you place & detonate it at the same time after you have rescued the agent. Raystlinn Hint1: you can also aenesthetics the very first guard & still get the silent rating. Approach 02(best way) --------------------- This approach is somehow similar to the approach 01. From the starting till you reached 1st basement, it is all the same. When you reached the 1st basement, follow the soldier in front of you till you reach the last alcove to your left before the corridor turn right. Wait for the same soldier you follow to go past you towards the elevator. Move to the T-junction ahead and turn left.Make sure the other soldier patrolling here does not suspects you. Notice the soldier behind the door there has his back to you. Once the 2 soldiers patrolling along the corridor has move away from the T-junction, open the door and use the anaesthetic on the soldier. Walk along the corridor that takes you around the server room to the door on the other side. Note: the door that link from the control room to the server room does not allow common soldier entry. Once you are in the server room, take out the server(will turn red after sabotage) and exit the room. Go southward till you past the 2 guard quarters and go into the POI room(require lockpick). Change into the officer uniform. Next move to the sewer station and place the bomb there(just equip & drop it). Make sure the soldier patrolling between here and the elevator is not in the area. When the patrolling soldier is at the elevator, run into the western guard quarters and wait for the soldier to move south to the sewer station. Now with the new uniform, get to the elevator and take it down to 2nd basement. It is quite linear here so the way is to get to the south eastern corner & wait for the soldier to move into the southern room. Now simply walkpast the doorway of the southern room to get to the observation room. Lockpick the door there to get in. The objective is to kill the general. Take out the pager and drop it near the table furthest away from the door. Wait for the patrolling soldier to stops just outside of the observation room before you equip with the handphone and left click on it. The pager will beep thus get the attention of the general in the interrogating room. Move to the southwest side of the room and wait for the general to enter. Once he stops near the pager, use the 9mm pistol SD and take him out(head shot). Take his weapons for collection. Move to the interrogating room for a cutscene. Follow the agent to the elevator. Take it back up to 1st basement. You'll get another cutscene(lucky that soldier by the desk is not bother by the call). Exit the elevator and head towards the sewer station. On the way, you will encounter another soldier but just simply walk past him before he remember anything. Once you reached the sewer station, take out the bomb remote and left click on it to blow up the wall there. Go through the hole and move towards the exit(check the map). View the cutscene before the next mission. Hint: after you have go through the blown up wall, walk as per normal to the exit. Those soldiers will never suspect you. Note: playing this approach will only need to use 2 bullets(1 for server & 1 for general). If you expend more than 2 bullets(shoot the glass panel), you'll get professional rating. Approach 03 ------------ Just kill every soldiers you encounter as weapons & ammo are plenty. But you will not take the truck that goes to the Headquarters. Instead, go down the west manhole & then move right till the end of the sewer. Exit and go up & across the wall with wooden stairs. Alternate play --------------- "Michael Moore" munk_mann@hotmail.com Kill the first soldier at the crates, hide his body then just take his clothes and you can walk freely throughout. This means that you will not have to get the spare clothes at the headquarters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== Invitation to a party ====================== ---Objectives: -Kill the General -Secure the suitcase Weapons & items location: .......................... Waiter(white shirt) by the river --- 1 door key Guest moving from west side --- 1 invitation card Agency pickup --- 2 pistol ammo, 1 9mm pistol SD, 1 poison Southeast corner of ballroom --- 1 cheque 1st floor northwest 2nd room --- 1 Mag ammo 1st floor southwest 1st room --- 2 pistol ammo 1st floor room opp. southeast office --- 1 Deagle 2nd floor 1st room right of ballroom --- 2 Mag ammo 2nd floor southeast office --- 2 SMG ammo Northern room of basement --- 2 SMG ammo Basement far right POI --- 1 waiter uniform Basement 'middle' POI --- 2 pistol ammo, 1 9mm pistol, 1 SMG, 2 SMG ammo 2nd floor balcony(secret doorway*) --- 4 sniper ammo, 1 W2000 sniper rifle, 1 tux clothes Kitchen --- 1 kitchen knife, 3 champagne glass Waitresses --- 1 dust broom each Waiters(inhouse) --- 1 chocolate each Most guards --- 1 SMG each Some guards --- 1 9mm pistol each Spetznaz agent --- 1 .54 pistol (special)--- M4 rifle(have to get the silent assassin rating: use approach 01). To get it, get all 5 silent assassin ratings in one go. * --- the doorway is actually part of the wall. It's at the extreme south of 2nd floor and to the left of the main hall stairways. You will get open door option when you approach it. This leads onto the main embassy balcony. Note: i do not recommend using the invitation card to get in as it is too much of a hassle and the time taken is much longer. For the basement insertion, i recommend only for getting in but not out as by now all the basement guards are on patrol. Approach 01(best way) --------------------- At the start head southward towards the agency pickup. Take what ever you need there then move towards the southeast gate of the embassy. Make sure no guards is around before you lockpick that gate and go in. Head into the building through the main doors. Should you do this fast enough, the ambassador will now move to the safe. Note: there are 4 safes in this building each in 4 individual offices on both the 1st & 2nd floors. Follow the ambassador to the safe. Once the ambassador when into the room, wait outside with your anaesthetic. Once you get confirmation that the safe has being opened, go inside. By now the ambassador will see you come in and run further in thus trapping himself or he will talk to you. Just put him into dreamland(small doses of anaesthetic will do) and take the briefcase. Note: even if the ambassador wakes up, he will stay in that room for the rest of the evening and will not alert the guards. Wherever you are, head to the 1st floor northwest section. You will see a maid inside the northwestern most room. Wait for the general to head back into the ballroom before you do this. Prepare your anaesthetic and go into the room where the maid is. Knock her into dreamland and hide her body behind the desk. Move to the north part of the room and lies in wait. Wait for the general to come in before you cap that guy with a 9mm pistol SD bullet. Next go get that briefcase and exit the embassy through the main doors. All the way to your initial starting point. Note: the Spetznaz agent will be running around outside of the embassy after you have pick up the briefcase. Just avoid him or you may want to cap him for his weapon. Hint: you can walk pass the patrolling guards outside the embassy. To get the .54 off the spetznaz agent, you can use your remaining anaesthetic on him. Drop the briefcase somewhere safe. Watch the agent's movement and you will see that he will run from the north to the south of the building to the east of the embassy. Just lie in wait at the point of his stop and then sneak up on him to knock him out. Quickly grab the .54 from him then get back the briefcase and to your escape boat. Approach 02 ------------ Note: using this approach also can get you a silent assassin rating but it takes far too much time. At the start, go towards the agency pickup at the south side of the embassy. Remember to take the poison. Next move to the southeast gate of the embassy and lockpick the gate there to get inside. Once inside, go northwards till you see a guard move along the eastern wall. Do not get his attention. Move down the path that is not covered by snow(slope down). Keep to the right of the path. Do it right and the guard who patrols along the wall will not notice. Wait for him to move away before you move to the only door there. Check the map and look for the guard's position inside the basement. Once he has move away from the door(along south side of the room), go in and move behind in a safe distance. Get into the small room in front of you. Hide there till the guard move from the tail of the car to the front. Now you have to be quick. Move silently from the small room to the back of the car and crouch down. As the guard moves away from the car, stand up and get into the POI room counting from the right. Change into the waiter's clothes and head out. The guard you will encounter on your way to the kitchen will be suspicious but take no notice. Just move casually. Take the champagne glass and head up the stairs. On the way, equip yourself with the glass and next choose the poison. Now watch Mr.47 spike the "drinks". Do this spiking thing somewhere out of prying eyes. Next move into the ballroom at the 1st floor and offer this special concoction to the general(in green uniform). If he is not here, wait for him. Once he has taken the drink, move away and look for the ambassador. Know the location as to which safe contains the briefcase. You may not make it to that safe the first time so wait for the second chance. Note: guards will be alerted should a waiter go up onto the 2nd floor. Especially when the guards at the circular stairs spot you walking on the 2nd floor. When you get "Stand still!" message appearing at the bottom screen, you know the guards are onto you although it may take a while. Hint 1: if the safe is on the 2nd floor southwest corner, go up to that floor using the stairway at the northeast section of the embassy. Move to the west along the corridor from there. Stop at the end of the door & go through it. Turn left and go through the door there and walk through the room. When you exit from the room, you will be on the 2nd floor at the main hall. 'Stick' to the wall to your right(the circular will be on your left) and move ahead. Turn left once you reached the door to the end. 'Stick' to the wall and move south and through the door there. Now you are cleared to approach the safe. Hint 2: basically it is the same approach as hint 1 but you do not have to go past the main hall or ballroom. Once the ambassador opens the safe or not, you can go in and put him out on the dream wagon. If the safe is not yet open, take the combination from him and open the safe. Take the briefcase & chocolate(no purpose yet) if you like. Now to get back to 1st floor. By now you probably have guards patrolling on the 2nd floor. Simply avoid them by constantly checking your map to know their current location. Move back the same way you came onto the 2nd floor. Once you are at the 1st floor, find a place and drop the briefcase temporary. Now move the ballroom and wait for a guest that carry a piece of invitation card to move out of the embassy. I think he is going back so follow him till you get a chance to knock him out and then grab his clothes. Get back into the embassy take the briefcase where you have left it and get out of there. Just move to the exit to clear this mission. Note: the Spetznaz agent will be running around outside of the embassy after you have pick up the briefcase. Just avoid him or you may want to cap him for his weapon. Hint: you can walk pass the patrolling guards outside the embassy. To get the .54 off the spetznaz agent, you can use your remaining anaesthetic on him. Drop the briefcase somewhere safe. Watch the agent's movement and you will see that he will run from the north to the south of the building to the east of the embassy. Just lie in wait at the point of his stop and then sneak up on him to knock him out. Quickly grab the .54 from him then get back the briefcase and to your escape boat. Approach 03 ------------ Capped everyone you come across and you will get a high meter for your aggression bar. But no to forget your real mission. Approach 04 ------------ Capped the waiter at the dock and take his clothes. Go into the embassy using the side door through the kitchen and make your way onto the 2nd floor without notice. Avoid the guards and go into the secret doorway. Synchronize the guard's movement at the balcony and head out. Take out the guard and grab the tux. Now you are one of the guest. Play the rest os the mission as per normal.......... Alternate play --------------- thinkingisbad@fuse.net The alternate play is pretty much the same as approach 02. Except after you poison the general in the ballroom, you wait for the Spetsnaz agent to hold up the ambassador. You then follow them to the location of the safe, waiting in the adjacent room. You can look through the keyhole, and wait for the agent to kill the ambassador. As he walks to the safe to nab the briefcase, open the doors to the room and cap him in the head with a silenced weapon. This way, you get the .54 pistol, and the ambassador is dead, leaving no witnesses. Then, exit the embassy as normal. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -------- Japan -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== Tracking Hayamoto ==================== ---Objectives: -Kill Hayamoto JR -Plant bug on Hayamoto JR's corpse -Escape Weapons & items location: .......................... Most Guards(black suit) --- 1 SMG Some Guards(black suit) --- 1 9mm pistol Guards(white singlet) --- 1 SMG Room left of center POI --- 2 pistol ammo Center POI --- 1 chef's robe Room right of center POI --- 1 SMG, 2 SMG ammo Northeastern POI --- 1 Fugu fish, 1 kitchen knife Garage(southeast) with POI --- 3 SMG ammo (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- You will be inserted just behind a boulder. Wait for the guard at the main entrance to disappear into the house before you plan to move. Next make sure the 2 guards nearest to you are moving towards the main exit. Now move towards the main building and 'stick' to the building. To the east side of the main entrance, is another guard walking to the far eastern side. Grab this chance and move to the garage and head inside. Sound the horns of the car without wheels and then hide(crouch) on to the right side of the door leading into the house. Once the guard has moved right up to the car, quickly move(do not run) to the door and go in. Go through the right side doorway and go around to the other side which leads to a room with paper doors. Note: there are 2 room with paper doors but the one i'm talking about is the left one(check map). Wait for the southern guard to move to the east before you head through the paper doors. Turn right into the first doorway you see there. Head northwards and through the 2 rooms. At the 2nd room, check your map for 2 guards that patrols at the next corridor you are going to be. If you moves fast enough from the start till now, the corridor will be 'empty' temporary. Go through the nearest POI(center one). Change into the chef's robe and wait for the corridor guards(2 of them) to move away. Once they are temporary gone, move to the POI at the northeast of this house. Take the Fugu fish and head back into the kitchen. Place both the transmitter & the Fugu fish onto the sushi palette at the southern most end of the kitchen counter. Now head through the door to the north of the kitchen. You will encounter a chef along the way but just keep your cool and move outside. Head east and avoid the guard patrolling in the eastern garden. Go around the garage and past the main entrance to the same boulder you started with. Hide there till the first 2 objectives are completed. Just crouch and move to the exit using the bushes & flowers as cover. Take the chance to sprint to the exit after the 2 guards stops in front of the boulder. Hint: try to keep a safe distance away from any guards or others. Even if you did, just quietly walk away. Approach 02 ------------ You will be inserted just behind a boulder. Wait for the guard at the main entrance to disappear into the house before you plan to move. Next make sure the 2 guards nearest to you are moving towards the main exit. Now move towards the main building and 'stick' to the building. To the east side of the main entrance, is another guard walking to the far eastern side. Grab this chance and move to the garage and head inside. Wait for the guard outside of the garage to move west before you exit the garage and head into the eastern garden. Stay clear of the guard here and move yourself to the garden fence at the north where it splits the west garden from the east garden. Note: once you are in the east garden, an extra guard will occassionally move into the east garden from inside the house. Check you map to make sure that you will not bump into his when you move to the northern fence. Get behind the fence there and wait for the chance to knock out the chef when he came out. Hide his body behind the boulder. Next move to the POI at the northeast of this house. Take the Fugu fish and head back into the kitchen. Place both the transmitter & the Fugu fish onto the sushi palette at the southern most end of the kitchen counter. Now head back through the door to the north of the kitchen. Head east and avoid the guard patrolling in the eastern garden. Go around the garage and past the main entrance to the same boulder you started with. Hide there till the first 2 objectives are completed. Just crouch and move to the exit using the bushes & flowers as cover. Take the chance to sprint to the exit after the 2 guards stops in front of the boulder. Hint: try to keep a safe distance away from any guards or others. Even if you did, just quietly walk away. Note: there is another way to escape and that is to take the same route where you enter into the kitchen at approach 01. Just have to move fast to avoid the sushi waitress, and then knock out the guard guarding the door into the garage. Just head into the garage and exit it through the automatic sliding door of the garage before the guard that patrols in front od it is heading east. You have to move fast enough back to the 1st boulder where you have started behind, avoiding the guard that may come out through the main entrance of the house and hoping that the 2 guards at the boulder will face west. Approach 03 ------------ Finished off everyone of them as you charge into the room where Masahiro Hayamoto's JR is and kill him. Place the transmitter onto him and escape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ Hidden Valley ================ ---Objectives: -Find the secret passage Weapons & items location: .......................... Agency Pickup --- 1 nightvision googles, 3 crossbolts, 1 crossbow White spots ninja Guards --- 1 SMG-SD6, 1 SMG ammo Black ninja Guards --- 1 SMG-SD6, 1 SMG ammo White ninja snipers --- 1 Custom W2000 (special)--- No special weapon Note: how to get the crossbow will be included in all the approaches. It you do not want to get the crossbow, just run & hide behind the trees till the area where the trucks will be stopping. Do not worry if the truck got away. Just wait for the next one(plenty of it). There is a problem with this mission. At sometime further into the mission, you may get 'guards are alerted'. This is because the truck that is on the move somehow manage to run over a guard. So this alert or kill will be counted into your ratings so you just have to move fast enough to overcome this problem. Approach 01 ------------ Start by running & hiding behind the trees to your left. Move closer to the nearest building there. Note: try not to stay in the open for too long. As the ninja sniper can aquire a target lock on you. Move along the northern side of the building till you reach the northeast side. Do not turn into the corner abruptly as there is a white ninja patrolling there. The goal is to wait for him to turn his back & walk a few steps away from you before you move. Turn around the corner and 'stick' to the building and move south. Just by the building is the crossbow & ammo. Take them and hide behind the stationary truck there. Wait for a chance to run towards the nearest tree to the east from the truck. From there, wait till the white ninja faces west before you move through the trees(use them for cover if you think you cannot make it) till you reach the wooden shed where the entrance into the underground is. Head down the ladder about 1 quarter down and check the map. Wait for the guard down there to enter into the room directly below. Once he has gone out of the room, get down and wait. Once he has entered the adjacent room, exit the room and head out onto the main tunnel. Hide yourself till the truck moving from the west stops nearby. Get onto the truck and crouch down. Let the truck takes you past the 3 patrolling ninjas just around the corner (they may spot you). . After the truck has past those ninjas, it will stop. Get down and move along the central pillars between the 2 tunnel tracks. Check your map and you will see that there is a room where a ladder is inside it. Your goal is to get to the ladder. Wait for the black ninja to get into the room(north of the ladder) and move just behind the boxes before you entered into the same room then exit through the door on your right. Note: you have to wait for the ninja to start facing southwest & started moving before you open that door. Once you are through, get up the ladder there and exit the wooden shed. Head southwards and take the trees as your cover. Wait for the ninja guard to start walking southwest, before you move past him 'sticking' to the hills on your left. Once you leave the guard behind, head east and get down the other ladder(inside wooden shed) there. Check map and wait for the ninja to patrol around the room below. Once he is out of the room, get down from the ladder and wait for him to enter into the adjacent room. Go after him but syop just outside the room his is in. He will move behind the boxes. That's where your queue is. Move quickly through the door there and then turn left and exit through the other door. Now you are at the tunnel tracks. Head east using the central pillars as cover. At the corner, 3 ninja guards are moving apart & walking around the central pillars in a figure of eight pattern. Take note at which side of the pillar when the guard moves. Grab at the chance where one of the guards start moving southwards. Follow him at a distance. Check at both sides of the pillars(you sould be hiding between the pillars) and note which guards is moving towards you. Dodge the on coming guard by staying out of sight but keep on moving southwards till you past the second guard. Just stay out of sight of the third guard before you find some place to hide at the southern corner. Note: there may be a truck waiting near the northern room on the tracks. You can hide inside and wait for it to take you outside. But at certain point of the game, the truck can 'stuck' there for a long time. Check your map and you will see another room with ladder at the north side of the track. Sneak in and use the truck parked inside as your cover and move around it(there's a guard there). Head to the ladder there and head up. Head northeast to the building. Note: as you get out of the shed, do not wander to much off the southside as the ninja sniper can spot you from the southern tower. Run around the building and all the way to the exit point. Approach 02(best way) --------------------- At the start, run & hide behind the trees to your left. Move closer to the nearest building there. Note: try not to stay in the open for too long. As the ninja sniper can aquire a target lock on you. Move along the northern side of the building till you reach the northeast side. Do not turn into the corner abruptly as there is a white ninja patrolling there. The goal is to wait for him to turn his back & walk a few steps away from you before you move. Turn around the corner and 'stick' to the building and move south. Just by the building is the crossbow & ammo. Take them and hide behind the stationary truck there. Wait for a chance to run towards the nearest tree to the east from the truck. From there, wait till the white ninja faces west before you move through the trees(use them for cover if you think you cannot make it) till you reach the wooden shed where the entrance into the underground is. Head down the ladder about 1 quarter down and check the map. Wait for the guard down there to enter into the room directly below. Once he has gone out of the room, get down and wait. Once he has entered the adjacent room, exit the room and head out onto the main tunnel. Hide yourself till the truck moving from the west stops nearby. Get onto the truck and crouch down. Let the truck takes you past the 3 patrolling ninjas just around the corner (they may spot you). After the truck has past those ninjas, it will stop. Get down and move along the central pillars between the 2 tunnel tracks. The next trick is to move as near to the check point as possible(using the pillars). Wait for the same truck that you ride in stops at the check point. Take note that the 2 guards facing each other will move to the back of the truck. Using the pillar as cover, move quickly past him. Take cover at the next pillar. If you turn the camera angle to north, you will see 2 guards facing the front of the truck. The time is to wait for them to move away. The guard nearest to you will move to the same pillar youe are at but on the opposite side. The other guard will move northwards onto the kerb. Using their time of moving, make a quick dash to the next pillar. Stop there till the truck starts moving. Run with the truck and you will clear that check point. Once the truck stops at the corner near the room(with ladder), you can either use the trick at approach 01 to get pass the 3 patrolling guards or just hop onto the truck and wait for it to take you all the way till the end where the exit is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== At the Gates =============== ---Objectives: -Get to the castle undetected -Wait for briefing on alarm grid Weapons & items location: .......................... White spots ninja Guards --- 1 SMG-SD6, 1 SMG ammo Black ninja Guards --- 1 katana White ninja snipers --- 1 Custom W2000 (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01 ------------ It's a white color world. Head to your right along the mountain. Moving south, hide yourself behind some trees and wait for the ninja guard who patrols here. The guard will move along the edge of the ledge towards the north side of the ledge. You can either knock him out before he reaches the north side or after. Since he moves very slowly, you can sneak up to him real easy. Take his clothes and then move along the south side of the map to the east. Check the map to see a guard moves along the pathway that leads to the front of the castle. Along the way, 2 more guards will move at the opposite direction. Find a way to get to the northern side of the mountain. Stay away from the guards. Hug the mountain and move along it to the first sniper tower(southern most) you came across. Wait for any guards at the path to move away before you cut across to the east side. Get to the higher ground and then go north. You will come across a small fenced area with a guard who patrols near it. Either you fired a shot at the generator(has a rounded feature) which it's explosion will take out the guard or just use the boulders there to get near the guard and then knock him out with anaesthetic then off the generator switch. Note: the explosion which kills the guard there will not be counted as a kill at the rating screen towards the end. Head north and get pass the northern most guard with his back to you. Move to the northwest side of the castle and go through the doorway(laser alarm deactivated) there. Go through the conceal wooden door to your right. Go up the stairs and move till the end of the room. Exit through the door and walk towards the east side(towards the laser fence). Get onto the ledge that is adjacent to the building. Note: you may want to save here, as it is quite tricky. Sometimes the 2 guards on the 2nd floor at the main entrance may see you. The trick is to press northwest key or left+forward key and get onto the small ledge to the side of the building that will leads you south. You have to run once you get onto that small ledge. Move fast to the end and then drops down to the west side of the ledge by releasing the direction keys. As you drop down, press the left key to have Mr.47 'stick' to the left wall. This is because the wall below the ledge is a little slope which will absorb the impact of Mr.47. Get further south through the rock garden. Deactivate the 2nd generator from the console there. Using the rocks there as your cover for a guard will patrol into the garden(check map for the castle page for guards movement at the 2nd floor of the main entrance). Go up the slope walkway north of the garden and go through the door there. Walk along the left wall(with curtains along it). You will be able to go pass the 2 black ninjas up at the roof. Once you reached the end, off the 3rd security switch and stop at the nearest door. Check the map for a patrolling guard just outside. He moves in a clockwise direction so using this pattern, head out turn left and go up a little slope after you pass the laser fence. As you reach the top, turn right to see another deactivated laser doorway. Go through it and then all the way to clear this mission. Approach 02(best way) ---------------------- Head to your right along the mountain. Moving south, hide yourself behind some trees and wait for the ninja guard who patrols here. The guard will move along the edge of the ledge towards the north side of the ledge. You can either knock him out before he reaches the north side or after. Since he moves very slowly, you can sneak up to him real easy. Take his clothes and then move along the south side of the map to the east. Check the map to see a guard moves along the pathway that leads to the front of the castle. Along the way, 2 more guards will move at the opposite direction. Find a way to get to the northern side of the mountain. Stay away from the guards. Hug the mountain and move along it to the first sniper tower(southern most) you came across. Wait for any guards at the path to move away before you cut across to the east side. Get to the higher ground and then go north. You will come across a small fenced area with a guard who patrols near it. Either you fired a shot at the generator(has a rounded feature) which it's explosion will take out the guard or just use the boulders there to get near the guard and then knock him out with anaesthetic then off the generator switch. Note: the explosion which kills the guard there will not be counted as a kill at the rating screen towards the end. Head into the main entrance of the castle. Once you pass the first laser doorway, check the map and gain the knowledge of a patrolling guard here. Make sure that guard is cleared of the area to the right at the 2nd floor before you do this. Go through the conceal wooden doorway to your right. Head up the stairs and then head through the doorway to your left which leads you into the rock garden. Go south of the garden and off the switch from the 2nd console there. Using the route where you get into the castle, head back out of the castle. Remember to get clear of the patrolling guard in this area. Move east then north, passing the fence area which house the 1st generator. Once you reach the northeast area of the castle, check the map for a guard at the north end of the castle. Get to the northwest side once his back is to you. Through the northwest laser doorway, look to your right and go through the wooden doorway(conceal). Move up the stairs and through the room to reach the last door. Open it and walk across to the laser doorway to the northeast from that doorway. Run till the end to clear this mission. Note: after you shutdown the 2nd console you can use the last part of approach 01: up slope walkway, pass the black ninjas, off the 3rd switch then head for the exit. Approach 03 ------------ Just snuff out anyone that stands in between you and the exit. Do not for get to off the switches to the security consoles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================== Shogun Showdown ================== ---Objectives: -Eliminate Hayamoto -Secure missile guidance system -Escape the castle Weapons & items location: .......................... Wings northeast POI --- 1 keycard Wings south POI --- 4 SMG-SD6, 1 SMG ammo, 1 bomb remote, 1 bomb Museum --- 1 .22 SD, 1 guidance sys. 2nd floor --- 1 katana White spots ninja Guards --- 1 SMG-SD6 Black ninja Guards --- 1 katana or 1 SMG-SD6 or 1 Deagle Lei Ling --- 1 special card Geisha --- 1 special card Hayamoto --- 1 katana, 1 special card (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way 01) ------------------------ Move near the stairs and head through the conceal wooden door to your right. Head up the stairs and either check your map(you are at the 1st floor) or peep through key hole to get the location of the guard in the next room. Once he has turn his back to you, go out through the door and turn left and move till you reaches the crates at the end by 'sticking' to the left wall. Note: by stepping onto the wooden boards will make alot of noise thus giving yourself away. Try to move along the floor beams from one pillar to another. Wait there for a chance(make sure the patrolling guard in this room does not spot you) to head north to the set of stairs there. Go down the stairs, turn right and go through the conceal wooden door there. Walk till the end through the other door and wait once you are out of the door. Keep the red hanging banner to your left between the buddha(golden statue) northwest of your direction and you. Check the map(you are at the wings) and make sure that the 3 courtyard guards nearest to you will not move into the same room. Note: even they move into the same room, they will not see you and will sit down in front of the buddha to pray. Grab the keycard for the laser fence for the museum till the 1st floor to your right side on the shelf. Head along the corridor but make sure that the guard that patrols at the end does not spot you. When you reach the intersection where a black ninja(with katana) is hidding at the roof to your left, move closer to the wall to your right and pass that intersection. Move around the end corner keeping the patrolling guard out of sight. Go through the door at the end. Now there is a long corridor up ahead and you have to get to the end. Use the same trick of putting a safe distance between you and the patrolling ninja and then move pass the intersection where the ninja at the roof is on your left. Go around the corner and through the door there. Walk pass the first room to your left then when you are about to reach the 2nd room, 'stick' to the right wall and move till the intersection. At the intersection, turn left and toggle sneak mode. You may want to save here. Slowly open the first door you came across after you move to the right side of the door. Sneak into the room and straffe to the right once you are inside. Change into the black ninja's clothes. Head back out and now to get to the nearest POI. Retrace your steps to the first room(2 ninjas inside) and go in. Try not to get too close. Off the laser fence with the keycard you pick up earlier. Take the bomb remote, bomb and the SMG-SD6 if you need them. Get back to the 1st floor off th laser fence there and walk pass the 2 ninja guards there. Turn right and go down the stairs into the basement. Move across the basement to the door at the other end. Go further down and off the laser fence(without guard) there. Move into the museum and take the guidance sys. & the .22 SD weapon. Head back all the way to the 1st floor then go up onto the 2nd floor. Move to the stairs to the other side of this floor. Get up the stairs to reach 3rd floor. Follow the stairs and up one floor to reach 4th floor. Make sure the geisha is not on this floor as once she sees you, she will either notify Hayamoto or sound the alarm. Head into the room where Lei Ling is and after the cutscene, you will get a special card(for the laser fence at the 5th floor). Note: only a special card can get you past the laser fence on the 5th floor. Either you take it from the geisha or Lei Ling as they holds the same card(Hayamoto also has one). Make sure the geisha is not on this floor before you head back down to the 3rd floor. Go through the sliding door there. Move northwards passing the sleeping guards and then up the stairs at the north side. At the 4th floor, move up one floor to reach 5th floor. Move into the room there and run about in front of the guard that carry the SMG-SD6. The other 2 katanas guard will ignore you. Once the guard with the SMG-SD6 walks towards you, move back the same way where you arrive here. Make sure he follows you till the 4th floor. From there, you should make your way back to the 4th floor where Lei Ling is passing the sleeping guards at 3rd floor. Note: the guard that follows you from the 5th floor will stop at the 4th floor near the stairs after you lure him there and ditch him. Now make sure the geisha is not at the 4th floor before you move into the room there(not Lei Ling's room). Hide behind the screen there and use whatever method to knock out the geisha once she came into the same room. Note: even if the geisha runs, you can catch with her easily. After you have taken care of her, move up to 5th floor walk pass the 2 katanas guards up the stairs that will take you to 6th floor where Hayamoto is. Move slowly up the stairs but do not let Hayamoto sees you. Wait for Hayamoto to move near the window before you get onto the same floor. Move behind him but at a distance. Wait for him to move back to the table before you climb through the window. Align your weapon to Hayamoto's head from outside the window and then simply blow his head with one shot. Note: you can also pop Hayamoto from inside the same room but once he is dead, 4 katanas' ninjas will drop down from the roof to take you on. Not worth it. Drop your weapon and move along the roof and then back inside through the window on 4th floor. Get Lei Ling and move all the way to the 1st floor. Walk through the laser fence after you have deactivated it and move southeast to the wooden door there. Move down the stairs back to the starting point and out to the exit. You can also use the helicopter to escape. Note: Lei Ling will still catch up with you even though she has stopped in her tracks at certain points during the escape. You may get alerts when you exit using the helicopter. Approach 02(best way 02) ------------------------- Move near the stairs and head through the conceal wooden door to your right. Head up the stairs and either check your map(you are at the 1st floor) or peep through key hole to get the location of the guard in the next room. Once he has turn his back to you, go out through the door and turn left and move till you reaches the crates at the end by 'sticking' to the left wall. Note: by stepping onto the wooden boards will make alot of noise thus giving yourself away. Try to move along the floor beams from one pillar to another. Wait there for a chance(make sure the patrolling guard in this room does not spot you) to head north to the set of stairs there. Go down the stairs, turn right and go through the conceal wooden door there. Walk till the end through the other door and wait once you are out of the door. Keep the red hanging banner to your left between the buddha(golden statue) northwest of your direction and you. Check the map(you are at the wings) and make sure that the 3 courtyard guards nearest to you will not move into the same room. Note: even they move into the same room, they will not see you and will sit down in front of the buddha to pray. Grab the keycard for the laser fence for the museum till the 1st floor to your right side on the shelf. Head along the corridor but make sure that the guard that patrols at the end does not spot you. When you reach the intersection where a black ninja(with katana) is hidding at the roof to your left, move closer to the wall to your right and pass that intersection. Move around the end corner keeping the patrolling guard out of sight. Go through the door at the end. Now there is a long corridor up ahead and you have to get to the end. Use the same trick of putting a safe distance between you and the patrolling ninja and then move pass the intersection where the ninja at the roof is on your left. Go around the corner and through the door there. Walk pass the first room to your left then when you are about to reach the 2nd room, 'stick' to the right wall and move till the intersection. At the intersection, turn left and toggle sneak mode. You may want to save here. Slowly open the first door you came across after you move to the right side of the door. Sneak into the room and straffe to the right once you are inside. Change into the black ninja's clothes. Head back out and now to get to the nearest POI. Retrace your steps to the first room(2 ninjas inside) and go in. Try not to get too close. Off the laser fence with the keycard you pick up earlier. Take the bomb remote, bomb and the SMG-SD6 if you need them. Now move into the courtyard through one of the doors where there are no guards. Move towards the heli-pad. When you approach the heli-pad, one of the guards will move towards you for ID. Do not let him. Simply move onto the heli-pad and move to the right side of the helicopter and use the helicopter as your wall. By now the guard that wants ID will stop at the left side. Wait for the guard at the north side of the courtyard to moves in front of the door there before you plant the bomb onto the helicopter. Get back to the 1st floor off th laser fence there and walk pass the 2 ninja guards there. Turn right and go down the stairs into the basement. Move across the basement to the door at the other end. Go further down and off the laser fence(without guard) there. Move into the museum and take the guidance sys. & the .22 SD weapon. Head back all the way to the 1st floor then go up onto the 2nd floor. Move to the stairs to the other side of this floor. Get up the stairs to reach 3rd floor. Move to the northwest section of this floor to reach the surveillance room(many monitors). Push the button on there to sound the alarm. Quickly get your butt all the way to the starting point and wait for Hayamoto to run around like a clown escorted by 4 bozos. Wait till Hayamoto boards the helicopter and fly off a few yards high before you blow him up with the remote. After which move to the exit just behind you. Hint: this method will have no alerts, close encounters, kills(bomb kill will not be registered) and still gets silent assassin. But the downside is you cannot safe our loose friend: Lei Ling. Approach 03(best way 03) ------------------------- Move near the stairs and head through the conceal wooden door to your right. Head up the stairs and either check your map(you are at the 1st floor) or peep through key hole to get the location of the guard in the next room. Once he has turn his back to you, go out through the door and turn left and move till you reaches the crates at the end by 'sticking' to the left wall. Note: by stepping onto the wooden boards will make alot of noise thus giving yourself away. Try to move along the floor beams from one pillar to another. Wait there for a chance(make sure the patrolling guard in this room does not spot you) to head north to the set of stairs there. Go down the stairs, turn right and go through the conceal wooden door there. Walk till the end through the other door and wait once you are out of the door. Keep the red hanging banner to your left between the buddha(golden statue) northwest of your direction and you. Check the map(you are at the wings) and make sure that the 3 courtyard guards nearest to you will not move into the same room. Note: even they move into the same room, they will not see you and will sit down in front of the buddha to pray. Grab the keycard for the laser fence for the museum till the 1st floor to your right side on the shelf. Head along the corridor but make sure that the guard that patrols at the end does not spot you. When you reach the intersection where a black ninja(with katana) is hidding at the roof to your left, move closer to the wall to your right and pass that intersection. Move around the end corner keeping the patrolling guard out of sight. Go through the door at the end. Now there is a long corridor up ahead and you have to get to the end. Use the same trick of putting a safe distance between you and the patrolling ninja and then move pass the intersection where the ninja at the roof is on your left. Go around the corner and through the door there. Walk pass the first room to your left then when you are about to reach the 2nd room, 'stick' to the right wall and move till the intersection. At the intersection, turn left and toggle sneak mode. You may want to save here. Slowly open the first door you came across after you move to the right side of the door. Sneak into the room and straffe to the right once you are inside. Change into the black ninja's clothes. Head back out and now to get to the nearest POI. Retrace your steps to the first room(2 ninjas inside) and go in. Try not to get too close. Off the laser fence with the keycard you pick up earlier. Take the bomb remote, bomb and the SMG-SD6 if you need them. Get back to the 1st floor off th laser fence there and walk pass the 2 ninja guards there. Turn right and go down the stairs into the basement. Move across the basement to the door at the other end. Go further down and off the laser fence(without guard) there. Move into the museum and take the guidance sys. & the .22 SD weapon. Drop the bomb near the pedestral where the guidance sys. was placed. Head back all the way to the 1st floor then go up onto the 2nd floor. Move to the stairs to the other side of this floor. Get up the stairs to reach 3rd floor. Move to the northwest section of this floor to reach the surveillance room(many monitors). Push the button on there to sound the alarm. Quickly get your butt all the way to the starting point and wait for Hayamoto to run around like a clown escorted by 4 bozos. Wait till Hayamoto reaches the museum(check the map) and move near the guidance sys. pedestral before you use that bomb remote. Blow Hayamoto up at the museum. Just move to either to the helicopter exit or the exit at the starting point. Note: you may get alerts when you exit using the helicopter. Hint: this method will have no alerts, close encounters, kills(bomb kill will not be registered) and still gets silent assassin. But the downside is you cannot safe our loose friend: Lei Ling. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ----------- Malaysia ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== Basement Killing =================== ---Objectives: -Find and kill Charlie in the basement -Disable the surveillance system for direct elevator Weapons & items location: .......................... Ground floor: southeast corner room --- 1 MAG. ammo, 1 Deagle Ground floor: firedept room --- 9 fire axe, 1 fireman clothes Agency pickup --- 1 smoke bomb, 3 9mm pistol ammo, 1 9mm pistol SD Basement: store room --- 3 9mm pistol ammo Basement: POI --- 1 9mm pistol Security guard --- 1 9mm pistol Pizza boy --- 1 pizza (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01 ------------ Get to the southeast corner of the hall and then get through the door there. Make sure no guards are around before you do this. Check the map to make sure that the patrolling guard is in the room opposite the room where the agency pick up is. Get into the room where your stashed equipment is(locker 137). Grab what ever you need including the smoke bomb. Head back out into the main hall. The next route to take is the laundry room. There is a fixed patrolling guard plus an another guard moving into the area from the main hall. Wait for the guard to move towards the guards room(southeast corner) and the laundry patrolling guard moving towards the laundry room, head through the door and hide at the northern store room. Now wait for the patrolling guard to move back outside before you head into the laundry room. Get over to the laundry chute and drop the smoke bomb. If you are fast enough, you can get back to the same store room before the guard outside came back in. Otherwise, hide behind the washing machine and wait for a chance to get back into the store room. After the guard moves into the laundry room, move along the south side to reach the fire-dept room. By now the fire alarm will be sound, therefore no firemen will stop you from entering into their office. Grab the fireman clothes and a fireaxe. Run past the metal detector and into the basement. Get to the central POI at the basement. Use your pistol SD at the computer monitor nearest to the door that leads into lower basement. This will disable the surveillance equipment. If you do not have a weapon, lockpick the small locker on the wall for a 9mm pistol. Run into the lower basement and take out the target with your weapon of choice. Run back out into the room where the surveillance room is and turn right and get into the elevator to clear this mission. If you are fast enough, the guards will not be back so soon. Note: you have to move really fast from the moment you drop the smoke bomb as the other firemen will rectify the problem fast enough. I talking about speed. Approach 02(best way) ---------------------- Move towards the agency pick up point. Wait for the guard to get into the opposite room before you get to the pick up point. Open locker 137 & take the smoke bomb plus the weapon inside. Head back out into the main hall and move northwards. There is a fixed patrolling guard plus an another guard moving into the area from the main hall. Wait for the guard to move towards the guards room(southeast corner) and the laundry patrolling guard moving towards the laundry room, head through the door and hide at the northern store room. Now wait for the patrolling guard to move back outside before you head into the laundry room. Get over to the laundry chute and drop the pistol SD. Keep the smoke bomb with you though. Hint: select the pistol SD, take it out & drop it into the laundry chute. If you are fast enough, you can get back to the same store room before the guard outside came back in. Otherwise, hide behind the washing machine and wait for a chance to get back into the store room. After the guard moves into the laundry room, move along the south side to reach the west side of the main hall. Hide yourself somewhere inside the men's room. Now just wait for the pizza delivery boy(like a clown) to walk into the same room. Take him out and hide his body in one of the cubicle. Changes into his clothes and get to the food dept. but beware of a guard that patrols between the main hall and food dept. Try not to stay too close as he will see through your disguise. You just have to wait for a piece of information with an order for Mr. Sidjan(your target). Get to the counter and wait for the other pizza guy to pass you the 'mee goreng' (it's a malay dish of fried noodles) which is far apart comparing with pizza. Take the delivery pass the security scanner(no beep cause no weapon except for fiber wire). Head towards the elevator and get down into the basement. Stay away from the guards in the basement as you are not welcome here. They will give warnings that will not register as alerts at the ratings screen. The goal is to use the machinery as cover and move around till the southern most guard starts to move towards the laundry room to the east side. Using this chance move after him an then hide yourself at the store room nearest to the laundry room. Wait for the guard to get back out to the machine area before you when into the laundry room and look for the pistol SD you previously dropped. Move back to the same store room to hide. As the guard starts to enter into the laundry room, equip with the smoke bomb then press your left mouse to arm it. 47 will drop it onto the ground of the store room. Head back out to the machinery area and find a safe place and wait for some action. The fire alarm will be trip and the guards will scramble for safety and will take no notice of you. Move into the center POI room and use the pistol SD at the computer monitor nearest to the door that leads into lower basement. This will disable the surveillance equipment. If you do not have a weapon, lockpick the small locker on the wall for a 9mm pistol. Run into the lower basement and take out the target with your weapon of choice. Hint: for silent assassin, you are allow only one shot at this mission. You will use that one shot at the monitor so just crept up at the target and fiber wire him to death. Run back out into the room where the surveillance room is and turn right and get into the elevator to clear this mission. If you are fast enough, the guards will not be back. Approach 03 ------------ The great massacre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== The Graveyard Shift ====================== ---Objectives: -Plant hacking device -Find an exit Weapons & items location: .......................... Note: all POI take reference from the elevator. Southeast POI --- 1 key card(access aircon room), 1 9mm pistol ammo Southern most POI --- 1 9mm pistol SD, 1 9mm pistol ammo Northwest POI --- 1 9mm pistol ammo, 1 nightvision googles Sys. ADM. --- 1 9mm pistol, 1 9mm pistol ammo System administrator --- 1 key card(access server room) East guard room --- 1 fireaxe, 1 9mm pistol ammo Guards --- 1 9mm pistol, 1 9mm pistol ammo (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- You started at the elevator. Get out turn right and head south of the elevator. Stop at the door there and wait for a patrol guard south of the door to move west. By close chance, another guard will exit the west guard room and headed for your direction. Once the south guard have just move pass the south door, move out and close the door. This will prevent the guard behind you from spotting you. After the south guard has move up north, start moving towards the southeast POI room. You have to lock pick that door. Take the key card for the aircon room(red color doorway when you check the map). Now move back out and wait for the same guard that moves behind previously to head south. Once he has stopped at the southern end, move quickly back towards the elevator. Pass the elevator and check your map again. Make sure that northern corridor is cleared of guards. Now go through the northern door and head further north. Turn right into the aircon room at the end. Hint: the next part is somehow important. By the time you have reach the aircon room, the guard will probably move into the northern corridor. That guard will stopped at the center of the corridor before he moves back to where he came from. Wait for him to move back somewhere near the northwest corner before you pulled out your pistol(prefered SD) and shot at the console(has words "server cooler" written on it)at the northern wall of the aircon room. After a few seconds, a message of server overheated will show at the screen. This will cause the administrator to sprint towards the server room. If you have allow the guard to move back southwards before you shoot at the console, you will now have plenty of time to sneak up on the administrator and knock him out without the need take note of the same guard. After the administrator is out cold, get some disguise and plant the hacking device at the computer on the table. Now time to get out of the office. Move towards the southwest side where the skybridge is. Keep a safe distance between you and any of the guards or office workers. Once you reach there, hide & wait for the coast to clear before you use the pistol to shatter the glass window. Now all guards are alerted of the noise and it is a matter of time before they zoom in on you. Hop down onto the skybridge and duck behind the ventilation consoles. You can crouch and move pass the hanging light bulbs. Wait for the 2 guards to stay together and facing southside before you move towards them. When you are about to reach them, crouch down and 'stick' to the left side heading towards the ventilation console. Along the way, athe first guard will move away further in. The second guard will move to your right side. He will not notice you so move on under the hanging light bulbs. After you have passed the light bulbs, move towards the right side of the skybridge then left and further straight till the end following the first guard that move off earlier. Do this fast enough and should the guards there knew about it, they are not fast to react. Approach 02 ------------ Move out of the elevator area and turn left. Move into the kitchen and take out the webcam(filming a coffee pot???) there. Wait at the southwest corner of the kitchen. Check the map to see the administrator to stroll slowly into the kitchen. Take him out and grab his clothes. Now you have a decent disguise but it is not for up-close chat with any of the crew there so stay a relative distance away from them. Walk towards the sys. adm. room avoiding the office workers here as they then to move into this area. Once the sys. adm. room is clear, go in and take the key card(for the server room) plus firepower you like. Next move into the server room and plant the hacking device. After the job, it's time to escape. Move towards the skybridge. Once you reach there, hide & wait for the coast to clear before you use the pistol to shatter the glass window. Now all guards are alerted of the noise and it is a matter of time before they zoom in on you. Hop down onto the skybridge and duck behind the ventilation consoles. You can crouch and move pass the hanging light bulbs. Wait for the 2 guards to stay together and facing southside before you move towards them. When you are about to reach them, crouch down and 'stick' to the left side heading towards the ventilation console. Along the way, athe first guard will move away further in. The second guard will move to your right side. He will not notice you so move on under the hanging light bulbs. After you have passed the light bulbs, move towards the right side of the skybridge then left and further straight till the end following the first guard that move off earlier. Do this fast enough and should the guards there knew about it, they are not fast to react. Approach 03 ------------ Killings........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================== The Jacuzzi Job ================== ---Objectives: -Kill Charlie Sidjan -Steal the money -Steal the statue Weapons & items location: .......................... First room right of exit --- 1 revolver Center POI --- 1 statue Safe behind painting --- 1 money South POI --- 1 nightvision googles Guards --- 1 9mm pistol Ladies --- 1 revolver Backup guards --- 1 SMG (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Climb across the railings then move southeast and climb the railings again(faster than moving along the ledge). Crouch and move along the ledge till center balcony. Check the map for a guard that move into the center balcony. Note: do not check your map or objective screen when you are moving along the ledge(moving pass the glass windows). Mr.47 will briefly 'stand up' even if you press the crouch key. This is not good especially when the guards inside can see you if you do that. Wait for the guard to pass through the center balcony before you climb into the balcony. Once the guards have move away from the living room, go through the right door and take the nightvision googles at the southern POI. Get back out onto the ledge and continue to move eastwards. Stop when you are near the far eastern room(it's the office). Peep inside to see the secretary playing on her computer. You have to time the guard that moves along the corridor outside of the office to that of the secretary. Wait for her to leave the room and the guard outside is not in the vicinity. Move into the office and out through the other door. Go straight into the next door in front of you. This is the fuse room. Take out the fuse and then put on your nightvision googles. By not the office will be vacant so head back into the office. Open the painting & the safe then take the money inside. Remember to close back the painting & the safe(the secretary will check once the power is back on). Get out onto the eastern balcony. Go through the door that leads into the living room. Make sure the guards are cleared of this place. Move towards the middle POI on your map and take the statue. Retrace your steps back onto the balcony and then into the office. Wait for the power to get back on and the technician moves back into the elevator. Now after the technician has moved off, head back into the fuse room and wait. By now the guard probably will re-enter into that area with the secretary. Wait for the guard to move off.Get into the corridor and should the corridor be cleared of guards, move into the western most room where the jacuzzi room is after you stop briefly at the elevator and press the 'up' button. Hide plus sneak mode behind the screen there(towards the right but not against the wall). Wait patiently for the 3 ladies to go powder their noses at the washroom(just opposite the jacuzzi room). Head back out and either you shot or fiber wire the target as even if he knows about it, he is not going anywhere except go underwater. After the target is being taken out, move really fast towards the elevator. If you did not call the elevator earlier, you now have to wait for it. Note: sometimes when the ladies go to the washroom, the guard will still be in the living room thus making your escape easier. Approach 02 ------------ Climb across the railings then move southeast and climb the railings again(faster than moving along the ledge). Crouch and move along the ledge till center balcony. Check the map for a guard that move into the center balcony. Note: do not check your map or objective screen when you are moving along the ledge(moving pass the glass windows). Mr.47 will briefly 'stand up' even if you press the crouch key. This is not good especially when the guards inside can see you if you do that. Wait for the guard to pass through the center balcony before you climb into the balcony. Once the guards have move away from the living room, go through the right door and take the nightvision googles at the southern POI. Get back out onto the ledge and continue to move eastwards. Stop when you are near the far eastern room(it's the office). Peep inside to see the secretary playing on her computer. You have to time the guard that moves along the corridor outside of the office to that of the secretary. Wait for her to leave the room and the guard outside is not in the vicinity. Move into the office and out through the other door. Go straight into the next door in front of you. This is the fuse room. Take out the fuse and then put on your nightvision googles. By not the office will be vacant so head back into the office. Open the painting & the safe then take the money inside. Remember to close back the painting & the safe(the secretary will check once the power is back on). Get out onto the eastern balcony. Go through the door that leads into the living room. Make sure the guards are cleared of this place. Move towards the middle POI on your map and take the statue. Retrace your steps back onto the balcony and then into the office. Wait for the power to get back on and the technician moves back into the elevator. Now after the technician has moved off, head back into the fuse room and wait. After the technician has gone, blow up the fuse once again. Now move to the west jacuzzi room using the googles. Move with your back against the wall where the door is. Tap lightly at the left key till you see the head of Charlie. Make sure you do not see the girl standing there. Wait for the technician to arrive. Take out your weapon and wait for the guard at the corridor to move away before you fire at the head. The target will be dead once the bullet gets him. Turn around and run towards the elevator. Note: once the shot is fired at Charlie, you have about 1-3 seconds before the ladies there pulled out their revolvers and starts blasting at you. So you have to move fast after the shot. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ----------- Nuristan ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= Murder at the Bazaar ======================= ---Objectives: -Eliminate Lieutenant Ahmed Zahir -Get map location of the warheads from Lieutenant -Eliminate Colonel Mohammad Amin -Get key from colonel Weapons & items location: .......................... Guard quarters POI --- 1 SVD sniper rifle, 2 sniper ammo Guards --- 1 AK Lieutenant --- 1 9mm pistol, 1 coordinates Colonel --- 1 key, 1 revolver (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Note: i recommend you to bring any one of your silent weapon plus a knife. E.g pistol SD, ballers SD..... At the start, move towards the Lieutenant quarters. If you move fast enough, the 2 patrolling guards will not be there(at the back door) yet. Lockpick the back door to get in. Hit sneak mode, turn right till your back is facing the stairs to the left of the door you just came in. Slowly move backwards and keep to the extreme left side of the stairs. Move slowly till you stop at the wooden pole which holds the stairs together. If you do this right, you should have only see 'half' of the Lieutenant body on the 2nd floor and he will not detect you. Draw your silent weapon and take him out. Immediately after the Lieutenant is down, move all the way till the 2nd floor. Remember not to run as the guards will follow you upstairs. By now, there will only be 1 guard(one of the 2 guarding the back door) downstairs. The 2 front door guards will still be standing guard. Take the coordinates and sneak till you reached the small table where the beer bottles are. Walk for while near the window there before hitting sneak mode and move back to the stairs. By now, the 2nd guard at the back door will move in and both guards will starts talking but facing in the direction where you make noise in. Sneak back downstairs through the backdoor and walk away. Even if they follows you, the threat meter will never hit the red color zone. Next head towards the bazaar. Enter through the east side and hide behind the crates at the first stall to your left. All you need to do is wait for the colonel to talk a smoke inside the same stall and hit sneak mode. Take him out with your knife(fast & quiet). While still in sneak mode, drag the body behind the crates before taking the key from him. Just walk out of the stall and to your freedom. Approach 02 ------------ Note: i recommend you to bring any one of your silent weapon plus a knife. E.g pistol SD, ballers SD..... At the start, move towards the Lieutenant quarters. If you move fast enough, the 2 patrolling guards will not be there(at the back door) yet. Lockpick the back door to get in. Hit sneak mode, turn right till your back is facing the stairs to the left of the door you just came in. Slowly move backwards and keep to the extreme left side of the stairs. Move slowly till you stop at the wooden pole which holds the stairs together. If you do this right, you should have only see 'half' of the Lieutenant body on the 2nd floor and he will not detect you. Draw your silent weapon and take him out. Immediately after the Lieutenant is down, move all the way till the 2nd floor. Remember not to run as the guards will follow you upstairs. By now, there will only be 1 guard(one of the 2 guarding the back door) downstairs. The 2 front door guards will still be standing guard. Take the coordinates and sneak till you reached the small table where the beer bottles are. Walk for while near the window there before hitting sneak mode and move back to the stairs. By now, the 2nd guard at the back door will move in and both guards will starts talking but facing in the direction where you make noise in. Sneak back downstairs through the backdoor and walk away. Even if they follows you, the threat meter will never hit the red color zone. Next head towards the bazaar. Just to the east side where the 2 guards are guarding the bazaar entrance, is a building with a ladder. Take the ladder, up the stairs and you will be on top of the bazaar. Note: take note of 2 guards patrolling from the east where the exit is and 1 guard from the west through the buildings. They can spot you so stay low and out of sight. Directly in front of you is a opened window. Crouch and hide behind the wooden shut window to that open window's left side. Across the open window is a stall where a merchant is. Wait for the colonel & his guard to stop by that stall before you straffe right and take out the colonel. Do it fast so that the guard will not spot you. Hint: the best way is to wait till both of them starts to move into the stall. You will have a window of 1 second before the guard turn to face you. Using this window of time, kill the colonel first then duck back for cover. After the kill is done, check your surroundings for any patrol guards before you get down from the roof and head back inside. Take the key and exit through the eastern wooden doors. Note: make sure the guards does not see you touch the body or take anything from the body. Approach 03 ------------ Note: i recommend you to bring any one of your silent weapon plus a knife. E.g pistol SD, ballers SD..... At the start, move towards the Lieutenant quarters. If you move fast enough, the 2 patrolling guards will not be there(at the back door) yet. Lockpick the back door to get in. Hit sneak mode, turn right till your back is facing the stairs to the left of the door you just came in. Slowly move backwards and keep to the extreme left side of the stairs. Move slowly till you stop at the wooden pole which holds the stairs together. If you do this right, you should have only see 'half' of the Lieutenant body on the 2nd floor and he will not detect you. Draw your silent weapon and take him out. Immediately after the Lieutenant is down, move all the way till the 2nd floor. Take the coordinates and then go downstairs and starts the killing spree. After the colonel is alerted, he will run towards the northern most gate(at the guards quarters). Take him out as he will be running in your direction. Note: do the colonel before he reaches the gate. After the kill, take the key and run for the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================= The Motorcade Interception ============================= ---Objectives: -Find your contact- Get the weapons -Kill the local Khan -Spare the UN-troops Weapons & items location: .......................... Agency pickup point --- 1 MI95 rifle, 2 .50 CAL ammo Guards --- 1 AK Un-troopers --- 1 M4 or 1 M60 (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Note: you can pretty run about the whole place without raising any alarm if you are in peasant clothes. Run to the northeastern part of the map and wait for a guard that patrols in a clockwise direction around the norteast corner. Wait for a chance to knock him out. If you think that there are just too many guards around, wait for the mosque to sound the prayers(chanting). Check the map to see a couple of the guards will head towards the mosque for prayers. Hint: another way to get the guard's clothing is find a spot where you can hide and drop the MI95 where you think the guard will notice. Wait for the guard to spot that rifle and moves towards it. Now the guard will fall for your trap and survey the surroundings of that rifle. Just cap him and hide his body before you take his clothes. A good location is the area where you get that rifle from your contact. Just drop it near the crates. Note: peasants the roam the streets tend to move much faster than the guards so check the map offen as you never know when you are going to get one pop into your little operation. Hide the body somewhere behind the northeastern building(no one goes there). Next go to the agency pickup point to get your weapon. Take note of the map as your next location will be at the center of the town. Note: before you move off to the new location, nake sure that no peasant sees you carry the MI95 as they will report you to the guards. Their sight distance is way longer than the guards. As for the guards, at a relative shorter distance than the peasants but they will not be alerted if you carry the MI95(at most is a black threat meter). Dodge and hide from the peasants & guards till you reach the center building(with ladder on the map) at the center of the town near the main road. Just opposite the dirt road is a small section of a wall that shape like a 'U'. This 'U' shape wall faces the northeast direction with stacked crates at it's entrance. Go hide behind it. Note: sometimes a guard may patrols into your location at the 'U' shape wall. Just check your map constantly to make appropriate changes if the target has not arrived. After you get message that the motorcade has arrived at the gates, move backwards till you are against the wall. Move further in to the left side of the crates. You should see a small gap between the left wall & the crates. That's your area of fire. Aim at the far background where you see another wall from the opposite building. Zoom in once then aim at the center between the gap. Position the crosshair directly at the place where the lower skin(with rocks embedded in it) of the wall meet the high skin(smooth sand like color) of the wall. After the first UN-convoy passes immediately count 1000, 2000, 3000 & press the trigger. Note: you may want to save to get hang of it. If you do it right, the target will be taken out. If not, the UN-guy in a suit will probably be taken out thus end the game prematurely. After the target is out, run out of your hiding place and southwards. Go through the mosque and exit near the east side where your exit is(a hole in the wall). You can get no alerts or encounters and with only one shot this way. Hint: if you want, you can go back to where you left your peasant clothes and change into it and walk out to the exit without anyone giving a damm about you. Approach 02 ------------ Note: you can pretty run about the whole place without raising any alarm if you are in peasant clothes. Run to the northeastern part of the map and wait for a guard that patrols in a clockwise direction around the norteast corner. Wait for a chance to knock him out. If you think that there are just too many guards around, wait for the mosque to sound the prayers(chanting). Check the map to see a couple of the guards will head towards the mosque for prayers. Hint: another way to get the guard's clothing is find a spot where you can hide and drop the MI95 where you think the guard will notice. Wait for the guard to spot that rifle and moves towards it. Now the guard will fall for your trap and survey the surroundings of that rifle. Just cap him and hide his body before you take his clothes. A good location is the area where you get that rifle from your contact. Just drop it near the crates. Note: peasants the roam the streets tend to move much faster than the guards so check the map offen as you never know when you are going to get one pop into your little operation. Hide the body somewhere behind the northeastern building(no one goes there). Next go to the agency pickup point to get your weapon. Take note of the map as your next location will be at the center of the town. Note: before you move off to the new location, nake sure that no peasant sees you carry the MI95 as they will report you to the guards. Their sight distance is way longer than the guards. As for the guards, at a relative shorter distance than the peasants but they will not be alerted if you carry the MI95(at most is a black threat meter). Dodge and hide from the peasants & guards till you reach the center building(with ladder on the map) at the center of the town near the main road. Go up the steps then cross the plank and drop your weapon there. Now wait for the target to arrive. Note: sometimes the guard may see your rifle and investigate(may be a bug). But most of the time, the guard will not detect that rifle. Take note of the section of the building where you are on top of has a 'U' shape cut-in facing the west. It is to the right side of the ladder(if you face it). You have to be extremely careful as by now the guards at the mosque have finished their prayers and is out on the streets again. Make sure that no peasants or guards will appear to the west side once the motorcade entered into the town. Pickup the MI95 and dropped into the 'U' cut-in section of the building. The convoy will pass you on your left towards the end where their exit is. Use this window of chance to take your target out. After the target is out, run out of your hiding place and southwards. Go through the mosque and exit near the east side where your exit is(a hole in the wall). Hint: if you want, you can go back to where you left your peasant clothes and change into it and walk out to the exit without anyone giving a damm about you. Approach 03 ------------ Note: you can pretty run about the whole place without raising any alarm if you are in peasant clothes. Run to the northeastern part of the map and wait for a guard that patrols in a clockwise direction around the norteast corner. Wait for a chance to knock him out. If you think that there are just too many guards around, wait for the mosque to sound the prayers(chanting). Check the map to see a couple of the guards will head towards the mosque for prayers. Hint: another way to get the guard's clothing is find a spot where you can hide and drop the MI95 where you think the guard will notice. Wait for the guard to spot that rifle and moves towards it. Now the guard will fall for your trap and survey the surroundings of that rifle. Just cap him and hide his body before you take his clothes. A good location is the area where you get that rifle from your contact. Just drop it near the crates. Note: peasants the roam the streets tend to move much faster than the guards so check the map offen as you never know when you are going to get one pop into your little operation. Hide the body somewhere behind the northeastern building(no one goes there). Next go to the agency pickup point to get your weapon. After you got your weapon, move behind the stairs at the northwest building of the map. You can hide just behind the stairs with a wall on one side. Wait for the convoy to arrive and are about to exit before you take aim and take the target out. Not much room for error as the target moves much faster than the first 2 approaches due to the direction you are facing them. Once the target is out, run out of your hiding place and southwards. Go through the mosque and exit near the east side where your exit is(a hole in the wall). Hint: if you want, you can go back to where you left your peasant clothes and change into it and walk out to the exit without anyone giving a damm about you. Approach 04 ------------ Just de-cap anyone who stands in your way. Take the weapon & wait for target to arrive. Once target has arrived in the town, take out the first convoy engine to make it stop. Next move near the limo and blast the target out before you take flight towards your exit. Hint: if you want, you can go back to where you left your peasant clothes and change into it and walk out to the exit without anyone giving a damm about you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= Tunnel Rat ============= ---Objectives: -Access the Base -Kill Yussef Hussein -Transport the cargo to the surface Weapons & items location: .......................... Yussef Hussein --- 1 Deagle Torture guards --- 1 Deagle Guards --- 1 AK Hussein's personal guards --- 1 M60 Eastern circular room --- 3 anaesthetics Guards' room --- 1 M60, 1 AK, 2 MG ammo, 2 5.56mm ammo, 1 guard clothes Southern most POI --- 1 nightvision googles (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way 01) ------------------------ Note: this mission may looks easy but it takes a hell of a long time. Head west when you regain control of Mr.47. When you reach the open field of sands, move south and around the big chunks of wall. Check the map when you reach the corner of that wall. You will see 2 guards walking away from you. One to the west and one towards the north. Your purpose is to get to the southern circular rock entrance into the underground compound. To get there should be a breeze. Make some noise like running near the guard guarding the entrance. Do not let him spot. After he has taken the bait, move along the circular rock entrance to the other side and lockpick the metal door. Get down along the long flight of stairs to reach the bottom. Wait by the side of the stairs conceal as the guard in the next area can see you if you barge in like that. Check the map and you'll see that you are at the southern most stairs. In the next room, there is a stationary guard facing the west side and a patrolling guard that simply moves around this room. Take note of another guard that moves along the southern corridor. Wait for the guard at the southern corridor to move east and the patrolling guard in the room to head north(he'll move into the western corridor). Move into the room but keep the crates between the stationary guard and you. Drop into the sewage drain. Note: if you crouch and move in the sewage drain, Mr.47's head will bob up-down allowing him to breathe. If you stopped, his head will be below the sewage level thus causing him to drown. If that is OK for you, the noise he makes will alert any nearby guards should they hear it. From the sewage, you main concern is to keep away from the wall. You can jolly well choose 2 directions of approach. You can either move clockwise(can get the nightvision googles at the southern most POI but it does not matter to me) or anti-clockwise along the sewage system. Just remember not to drown Mr.47 & not to let any guard sees you. You must reach the small ladder at the northern end where it is north of the center POI(where the generator is). This is a bit tricky as you have 3 guards at the northwest section and a guard facing the southeast at the generator. After you climb out of the sewage system, hide(using sneak mode) behind the crates in front of you. Toggle sneak mode and move towards the generator. Take note of the face of the guard at the generator. Once he faces his right side, moves immediately into the generator direction. Hug the right wall with the guard in front of you and move in. Note: sometimes either the guard at the extreme northwest or the generator guard will spot you. All you need is a little luck and pray they are 'blind to you'. If they did spot you, they will try to on the alarm console but if you are quick enough to disable the power, their actions will be useless. And if you are lucky enough, they will not pursue the earlier matter(spotting you). If not, they will run after you. Cross your fingers!!! If you moves fast enough, you will reach the generator. Toggle generator to off the power to the whole compound. Move away from the generator guard and eastward. I know it's dark but you just need the luminance of the surrounding lights(torch light). Pass the winding tunnel and into the guards' room. When you get into the room, turn right and moves till you get an action of 'Change Clothes'. Do it to get the guard's clothes. Next back a few steps to reach a closet of weapons. Take them if you need them. By now the power will be back on and hopefully you have gotten that guard's clothes. Note: one of the guards previously sleeping in this guards' room have awaken and will patrol the whole compound in a clockwise direction. Move to the entrance directly opposite the winding tunnel and wait(stay a good distance away from the corridor). Check the map and you'll see that a peasant is being torture by a guard at the northeast section of the compound. He will be joined by a guard from time to time moving along the same corridor you are facing. Another guard(with M60) will move along the corridor too. Plan your window of time with both guards away from the door that leads to a circular room. Note: do not let any of the guards sees you entering the door to the circular room. They will follow you. Move into that room. Do not mind the guard opposite this door at the guards' room. He will not tell on you. Remember to close the door(door somehow do not have an automatic door closing system). Hit sneak mode and approach the door to the south side of the circular room. If no noise is made coming in, the target will have his back to you(admiring his collections of white boxes). Sneak in and take him out. Hint: you can get the target's location from the tortured peasant. But that is not neccessary. Get back to the circular room and take the anaesthetics on the table if you like. Still in sneak mode, move to the door that exit this room but do not open yet. Check the map to plan the time window where the 2 guards will move away. Get out, close the door and move to the guards' room northeastern entrance. Once the coast is cleared, move northwards passing the tortured peasant using the sewage drain or just stay away from the guards will do. If you think you are too close to the guards, just get into the drain and crouch. They will not be 'that' suspicious about your action(still dress in guard's clothes). Move till you are at the northwestern section with 3 guards at the same area. Move around the northern most crates passing the northern most guard. Although the threat meter will be in red but only temporary if you move away from him. Next get into the northwest room(top POI). Call the elevator and get in. Press ground floor(the flashing red light & the siren will be on) and move behind the cargo and crouch. This will fool the guards there thinking that the elevator moves on it's own. Follow it up to the ground floor. Get out of the elevator to get a cutscene. Now you have to knock out the 2 guards outside in order to clear this mission. Well there is no way to predict their movement but generally, one guard will stop for a pee just behind the rock entrance facing the structure. And the other will pee at the left side of the rock entrance. Just follow the one that's going to pee behind the rock entrance. Knock him out before you take care of the other one. After both are out, just view the cutscene and cleared this mission. Approach 02(best way 02) ------------------------- Note: this mission may looks easy but it takes a hell of a long time. Head west when you regain control of Mr.47. When you reach the open field of sands, move south and around the big chunks of wall. Check the map when you reach the corner of that wall. You will see 2 guards walking away from you. One to the west and one towards the north. Your purpose is to get to the northern circular rock entrance into the underground compound. Check the map and avoid direct path to the guards and move to the extreme north. Move around the northern most wall to the western side. The entrance should be around the corner to the south. Your aim is to move towards the northwest piece of wall. Make sure the coast is cleared before you move there. Wait for the first guard to patrol behind the rock entrance and the other guard taking a pee to the left of the entrance. Run like hell into the entrance and down the stairs. Hint: the good think is that you do not have to lockpick the door. Hide yourself at the bottom stairs and check the map. You should be at the northern stairs which leads to the torture room. Wait till one of the guard moves off with only one left. Move closer but 'sticking' to the left side of the wall. Wait for a chance where the only guard here moves towards the tortured peasant for another round of punches & kicks. That's your call! Move towards the sewage drain at the northern side(from map) and dropped in. Crouch and move towards the west side where the ladder is. You must reach the small ladder at the northern end where it is north of the center POI(where the generator is). This is a bit tricky as you have 3 guards at the northwest section and a guard facing the southeast at the generator. After you climb out of the sewage system, hide behind the crates(using sneak mode) in front of you. Toggle sneak mode and move towards the generator. Take note of the face of the guard at the generator. Once he faces his right side, moves immediately into the generator direction. Hug the right wall with the guard in front of you and move in. Note: sometimes either the guard at the extreme northwest or the generator guard will spot you. All you need is a little luck and pray they are 'blind to you'. If they did spot you, they will try to on the alarm console but if you are quick enough to disable the power, their actions will be useless. And if you are lucky enough, they will not pursue the earlier matter(spotting you). If not, they will run after you. Cross your fingers!!! If you moves fast enough, you will reach the generator. Toggle generator to off the power to the whole compound. Move away from the generator guard and eastward. I know it's dark but you just need the luminance of the surrounding lights(torch light). Pass the winding tunnel and into the guards' room. When you get into the room, turn right and moves till you get an action of 'Change Clothes'. Do it to get the guard's clothes. Next back a few steps to reach a closet of weapons. Take them if you need them. By now the power will be back on and hopefully you have gotten that guard's clothes. Note: one of the guards previously sleeping in this guards' room have awaken and will patrol the whole compound in a clockwise direction. Move to the entrance directly opposite the winding tunnel and wait(stay a good distance away from the corridor). Check the map and you'll see that a peasant is being torture by a guard at the northeast section of the compound. He will be joined by a guard from time to time moving along the same corridor you are facing. Another guard(with M60) will move along the corridor too. Plan your window of time with both guards away from the door that leads to a circular room. Note: do not let any of the guards sees you entering the door to the circular room. They will follow you. Move into that room. Do not mind the guard opposite this door at the guards' room. He will not tell on you. Remember to close the door(door somehow do not have an automatic door closing system). Hit sneak mode and approach the door to the south side of the circular room. If no noise is made coming in, the target will have his back to you(admiring his collections of white boxes). Sneak in and take him out. Hint: you can get the target's location from the tortured peasant. But that is not neccessary. Get back to the circular room and take the anaesthetics on the table if you like. Still in sneak mode, move to the door that exit this room but do not open yet. Check the map to plan the time window where the 2 guards will move away. Get out, close the door and move to the guards' room northeastern entrance. Once the coast is cleared, move northwards passing the tortured peasant using the sewage drain or just stay away from the guards will do. If you think you are too close to the guards, just get into the drain and crouch. They will not be 'that' suspicious about your action(still dress in guard's clothes). Move till you are at the northwestern section with 3 guards at the same area. Move around the northern most crates passing the northern most guard. Although the threat meter will be in red but only temporary if you move away from him. Next get into the northwest room(top POI). Call the elevator and get in. Press ground floor(the flashing red light & the siren will be on) and move behind the cargo and crouch. This will fool the guards there thinking that the elevator moves on it's own. Follow it up to the ground floor. Get out of the elevator to get a cutscene. Now you have to knock out the 2 guards outside in order to clear this mission. Well there is no way to predict their movement but generally, one guard will stop for a pee just behind the rock entrance facing the structure. And the other will pee at the left side of the rock entrance. Just follow the one that's going to pee behind the rock entrance. Knock him out before you take care of the other one. After both are out, just view the cutscene and cleared this mission. Approach 03 ------------ Grand massacre of guards. Kill everyone at the ground floor and enter through the northern entrance. Save the tortured peasnant and he'll tell you the target's location. Move to kill everyone that comes to stop you from killing the target. After the killings, take the cargo up to clear this mission. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -------- India -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================== Temple City Ambush ===================== ---Objectives: -Meet with the Agency's Contact (After 1st Contact) -Meet Agent Smith -The Agent must survive (After 2nd Contact) -Kill the two assassins and photograph their bodies -bring the photos back to the agent Weapons & items location: .......................... Shop south of right POI --- 2 SMG ammo Southeastern Agency's pickup --- 1 SP12, 2 shotgun ammo Southeastern barrel shop --- 2 SMG ammo Eastern most cloth & sacks shop --- 1 SP12 Opposite the above shop --- 2 7.62mm ammo West of the southern most house --- 2 7.62mm ammo Northeastern barrel shop --- 2 SMG ammo Northwest barrel shop of right POI --- 2 SMG ammo Extreme south of left POI --- 2 SMG ammo South of left POI(90 degree "I" block) --- 2 7.62mm ammo Southwest square block of left POI --- 2 SMG ammo Extreme west --- 2 SMG ammo Large building west of left POI --- 2 SMG ammo Large building north of left POI --- 2 SMG ammo Barrel shop north of right POI --- 2 SMG ammo Extreme north of right POI --- 2 7.62mm ammo Barrel shop northeast of right POI --- 2 SMG ammo 2nd Agency's pickup(random location) --- 1 Deagle Sack shop north of left POI --- 1 SP12 Cultists --- 1 revolver, 1 MAG ammo Cultist with purple turban --- 1 SMG-SD6, 1 SMG ammo Assassin cultist with cap --- 1 9mm pistol SD, 1 pistol ammo Assassin cultist on 2nd floor --- 1 R93 sniper rifle, 1 sniper ammo 2nd wave assassin 01 --- 1 R93 sniper rifle, 1 sniper ammo 2nd wave assassin 02 --- 1 SMG, 1 SMG ammo (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01 ------------ Head towards the agency's pickup point. Your contact will tell you about the location where the agent smith is. Note: since this agent smith's location is random(out of 6 possible locations), i will not touch on the way to get there. Move to the new agency pickup point. Generally you can move about the city undisturbed. The cultists & civilians will ignored you. At most is a black threat meter. Once you arrived at the 2nd agency pickup point, agent smith will brief you on the current situation. Now you have to take out 2 assassins. Check the map for locations of the 2 assassins. You will see that one of the assassin is constantly on the move. The other one which is stationary is the sniper. You have to take out the sniper first. Note: try not to run too offen in front of cultist or civilians as they are more paranoid now. Head to that building that house the sniper and get onto the 2nd floor. Sneak mode then move behind him and kill him. Be sure that the locals will not spot you doing it(it's a big window). Take the sniper rifle, take a photo of the body and wait for the other assassin to walk within range before you take him out. Note: hide yourself well as anyone moving in the town square can see you. Drop the rifle and move towards the dead assassin. Take the 2nd photo and move back to agent smith's hideout. Make sure that guards do not see you take any photos. Note: there is a guard(with purple turban) following or moving near the ground floor assassin. This guard has a green icon on him thus it's difficult to spot him. If you are followed by this purple turban guard, ignore him as he poses no threat unless you draw your weapon. Draw a distance with him before you get back to agent smith otherwise he will kill Smith when the purple turban guard sees him. Give him the photos and he'll give you a key to the secret tunnel. Move to the exit to clear this stage. Hint: if you decided to bring any big guns to the next mission, draw a safe distance away from the purple turban guard then grab that weapon after you visit agent smith. Lastly simply run towards the exit. Note: there are 2 assassins by the window facing the exit but they do no threat if you move fast enough. Approach 02(best way) ---------------------- Head towards the agency's pickup point. Your contact will tell you about the location where the agent smith is. Note: since this agent smith's location is random(out of 6 possible locations), i will not touch on the way to get there. Move to the new agency pickup point. Generally you can move about the city undisturbed. The cultists & civilians will ignored you. At most is a black threat meter. Once you arrived at the 2nd agency pickup point, agent smith will brief you on the current situation. Now you have to take out 2 assassins. Check the map for locations of the 2 assassins. You will see that one of the assassin is constantly on the move. The other one which is stationary is the sniper. You have to take out the sniper first. Note: try not to run too offen in front of cultist or civilians as they are more paranoid now. Head to that building that house the sniper and get onto the 2nd floor. Sneak mode then move behind him and kill him. Be sure that the locals will not spot you doing it(it's a big window). Head back to the ground floor and stay a safe distance away from the assassin. Take note that you are not seen by the purple turban guard(he'll follow you around and shoot you if you draw any weapon). Once the coast is cleared(no civilians or guards round), draw your silent weapon and take him out. Snap a photo quickly and run to agent smith's hideout. Note: there is a guard(with purple turban) following or moving near the ground floor assassin. This guard has a green icon on him thus it's difficult to spot him. If you are followed by this purple turban guard, ignore him as he poses no threat unless you draw your weapon. Draw a distance with him before you get back to agent smith otherwise he will kill Smith when the purple turban guard sees him. Give him the photos and he'll give you a key to the secret tunnel. Move to the exit to clear this stage. Hint: if you decided to bring any big guns to the next mission, draw a safe distance away from the purple turban guard then grab that weapon after you visit agent smith. Lastly simply run towards the exit. Note: there are 2 assassins by the window facing the exit but they do no threat if you move fast enough. Approach 03 ------------ Blasting time!!! But do not erase agent smith though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= The Death of Hannelore ========================= ---Objectives: -Pick up door key to hiding place -Kill Dr. Von Kamprad -Hide the body of Dr. Von Kamprad- Check your map -No civilians must be killed Weapons & items location: .......................... Northeast POI --- 1 patient's clothes Agency's pickup --- 1 poison, 1 door key, 1 9mm pistol SD, 1 AK Southwest POI --- 1 cultist's clothes West POI --- 1 cultist's clothes Northeast of circular hall(1st floor) --- 1 poison Guards --- 1 9mm pistol (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Wait for the approaching guard to turn left then up the hill before you run pass him along the beach to the other end where the Helipad is. Note: there ia another guard patrolling between the building and the Helipad. By the time you run towards the helipad, that guard should be walking towards the building. Once you reach the base of the Helipad, look for a sewer entrance facing the sea. Go in and move to the end where a ladder is indicated on the map. Once you entered into the room(4 alcoves with small drains linking to the center drain, turn right into the first smaller drain. You'll notice that there is a secret entrance behind it. Go till the end to a ladder. Check the map to make sure that no one is near the area(southeast corner from the pond) where you are coming out. Note: there is 2 ways of getting a patient's disguise. 1st, get out of the tunnel and then move east into one of the eastern rooms. Move into a room where a patient has his back to you which makes it easlier for you to knock him out(do not kill him). The 2nd way continue with the walkthrough...... Your next goal is to reach the northeast POI where an extra set of patient's clothes is. Wait for all the eastern rooms are either cleared of patients or they are not looking. Get out and move east into one of the rooms. Move north through the rooms and make sure no one sees you. Grab the patient's clothes at the POI and then move out of the room towards the pond. Move to the southwest corner and through the room and wait. A guard will guard the west entrance to the agency's pickup but he will move from time to time towards the washroom at the extreme southwest corner. Using this chance when he went into the washroom, move into the agency's pickup room. Close the door then take the door key on the wall to your left. Next grab the poison at the northeast boxes at the wall. Now wait again for the guard to take another pee before you move out into the main area with a pond. Time to go upstairs. Walk pass the guards to reach the 2nd floor. Before you enter Dr. Von Kamprad office(northside), check your map for a patient that constantly moves from his room to this floor looking for the Doc. After the patient moves away, go on in to initiate a speech with the Doc. Once she moves away from the table, spike her drink with poison and wait for her to drink the special concoction of death. Drag the body out through the southern door from the office. When you reach the center of the circular hall, move west then towards the hiding place. Hint: this way of moving will not alert the guards as their visions are blocked by the walls. Stashed the body at the hiding place then get back into the secret tunnel and moves back to the open. Before you make a run for the exit, make sure the guards at the front of the mansion has their backs turn to you. Get to speed boat to exit this mission. Approach 02 ------------ Wait for the approaching guard to turn left then up the hill before you run pass him along the beach to the other end where the Helipad is. Note: there ia another guard patrolling between the building and the Helipad. By the time you run towards the helipad, that guard should be walking towards the building. Once you reach the base of the Helipad, look for a sewer entrance facing the sea. Go in and move to the end where a ladder is indicated on the map. Go up the ladder and crouch and wait. Note: since there are small windows around you, civilians or guards can see you if you are standing. Check the map and once the northern guards move to the east to have a talk, the southern patrol guard moves away and no civilians around, get out through the window and head to the southeast corner to hide behind the crates. You may have to move behind the patrolling guard. Once you reach the crates, look for a metal cover on the ground. Get in and wait. Now for a disguise. Note: there is 2 ways of getting a patient's disguise. 1st, get out of the tunnel and then move east into one of the eastern rooms. Move into a room where a patient has his back to you which makes it easlier for you to knock him out(do not kill him). The 2nd way continue with the walkthrough...... Your next goal is to reach the northeast POI where an extra set of patient's clothes is. Wait for all the eastern rooms are either cleared of patients or they are not looking. Get out and move east into one of the rooms. Move north through the rooms and make sure no one sees you. Grab the patient's clothes at the POI and then move out of the room towards the pond. Move to the southwest corner and through the room and wait. A guard will guard the west entrance to the agency's pickup but he will move from time to time towards the washroom at the extreme southwest corner. Using this chance when he went into the washroom, move into the agency's pickup room. Close the door then take the door key on the wall to your left. Next grab the poison at the northeast boxes at the wall. Now wait again for the guard to take another pee before you move out into the main area with a pond. Time to go upstairs. Walk pass the guards to reach the 2nd floor. Before you enter Dr. Von Kamprad office(northside), check your map for a patient that constantly moves from his room to this floor looking for the Doc. After the patient moves away, go on in to initiate a speech with the Doc. Once she moves away from the table, spike her drink with poison and wait for her to drink the special concoction of death. Drag the body out through the southern door from the office. When you reach the center of the circular hall, move west then towards the hiding place. Hint: this way of moving will not alert the guards as their visions are blocked by the walls. Stashed the body at the hiding place then get back into the secret tunnel and moves back to the open. Before you make a run for the exit, make sure the guards at the front of the mansion has their backs turn to you. Get to speed boat to exit this mission. Approach 03 ------------ Wait for the approaching guard to turn left then up the hill before you run pass him. You will see a small hill slope in front of you. Go up the hill(halfway) and wait. If you check the map, you are at somewhere at the center but right in front of the mansion. Wait for the patrolling guard at the Helipad to move back towards the mansion. When you can see that guard, move quickly towards the mansion. You should be up against the mansion. Move to the west side and hide at the bent(using the corner to block his view) but do not let the Helipad patrolling guard sees you. If you check the map, the patrolling guard(which moves along the beach) that stops at the east side will start moving again(towards your direction). Just a seond later, the west Helipad guard will start moving again towards the Helipad. Once the Helipad guard starts moving down the slope, you will move instantaneously around the bent further in and wait there. Now should nothing gone wrong, the guard by the west door will take a leak at the west wall. Using this moment of chance, move into the mansion through the door and make a right turn into the room there. Always make sure that no one is in the next room you are about to enter. Move towards the west POI and changes into a cultist. Move southward from your position. Stop at the last room. Check your map to see a guard guarding the west side of the agency's pickup but he will move from time to time towards the washroom at the extreme southwest corner. Using this chance when he went into the washroom, move into the agency's pickup room. Close the door then take the door key on the wall to your left. Next grab the poison at the northeast boxes at the wall. Now wait again for the guard to take another pee before you move out into the main area with a pond. Now move towards the northeastern POI and change into a patient. Note: only a patient can access onto the 2nd floor. Time to go upstairs. Walk pass the guards to reach the 2nd floor. Before you enter Dr. Von Kamprad office(northside), check your map for a patient that constantly moves from his room to this floor looking for the Doc. After the patient moves away, go on in to initiate a speech with the Doc. Once she moves away from the table, spike her drink with poison and wait for her to drink the special concoction of death. Drag the body out through the southern door from the office. When you reach the center of the circular hall, move west then towards the hiding place. Hint: this way of moving will not alert the guards as their visions are blocked by the walls. Stashed the body at the hiding place then get back into the secret tunnel and moves back to the open. Before you make a run for the exit, make sure the guards at the front of the mansion has their backs turn to you. Get to speed boat to exit this mission. Approach 04 ------------ Walk in through the main door and starting blasting all the bad guys but do not kill the civilians. Take the door key and go upstairs. Blast the Doc and stash her body at the hiding place. Then exit the place. Note: no disguise is needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= Terminal Hospitality ======================= ---Objectives: -Kill the cult leader -Escape the hospital island Weapons & items location: .......................... POI outside temple --- 1 cultist's clothes Temple POI --- 1 sniper ammo, 1 R93 sniper rifle, 1 deagle, 3 AK Agency's pickup on 2nd floor --- 1 room key, 1 nightvision googles 2nd floor POI --- 1 doctor's clothes, 1 anaesthetic Basement top POI --- 1 scalpel Basement center POI --- 1 anaesthetic, 1 scalpel Cultists by sea --- 1 AK Cultists within compound --- 1 UZI, 1 SMG ammo Cultists inside building --- 1 deagle, 1 5.56mm ammo Guards --- 1 SMG or 1 deagle (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Note: since there are a lot of ways of playing this mission, i will not touch on every route to take. Move behind the rocks in front of you. Make sure that the cultist on the yacht is either at the other side of the boat or is facing the northwest direction. Next check out the cultist's position at the crates. When he has his back to you, move towards the crates and hide there(also make sure the cultist at the yacht does spot you). Once the cultist opposite the crate starts to move eastward, move west up the slope. Make sure the cultist on top of the stairs does not sees you. You can move near the wall for extra cover. Get within the area of the temple to the extreme west. There are 2 cultists here but only one does the patrolling. Wait till he has move to the back of the temple before you move towards the POI outside of the temple. Change into their clothes. Note: if you needed any weapon, you can move inside the temple for weapons. Next move to the northwest corner of the hospital. You will find a door there. Go up the spiral stairs to reach 2nd floor. Note: avoid the nurses at all cost when they can tell your disguise better than the guards. Move towards the agency's pickup point and wait outside the southwest corner room. There is a nurse inside so wait for her to get a breather out at the balcony before you move in and lockpick that door. Get in and take the room key plus the nightvision googles. Move into the next room for a doc's disguise. Get back out. By not the nurse will probably be back at her desk. Once you walk through the door and into the room where the nurse is, turn right and move straight towards the stairs at the balcony before the nurse decided to sound the alarm. Now move to the back northwest corner across the roof and take the spiral stairs onto the 1st or 2nd floor. Your next route is to take the elevator down into the basement. Remember to avoid the nurses walking around the place. Once you reach the basement. Get out, turn left and move southwards towards the top POI room. Make sure no guard spotted you lockpicking the door. get in and take the scalpel. Exit and get to the extreme south POI room. Off the generator and put on your NV-googles. Head back out towards the target's area(4 of them) and look for a bald guy lying on the operating table. Note: the guards are so blind that they will squat down in fear of the darkness. So they poses no problem when you walk pass them. Once you know where the cult leader is, wait outside and let the 2 cultists inside to run out. Once the room is cleared, move in and take out the scalpel. Start the operation on the leader(Mr.47: "i always wanted to be a doctor"). After the objective is completed, time to get out. Get out of the room and move towards the west spiral stairs. Get through the bottom door which leads outside. Move towards the exit from there. Party treats ------------- At the end of the exit, another hitman will fire upon you after which will escape through the locked door beneath the stairs. If you follow him, you will be killed by the explosions. That hitman is 17 which is sent to terminate you but for unknown reason, he pulled back. But never mind, you'll get your chance in the next mission. Note: don't bother about the clone as you will never kill him. Approach 02 ------------ Start your weapons. Ready.....Blast!!! ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------------------ St. Petersburg ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========================== St. Petersburg Revisited =========================== ---Objectives: -Kill Sergei Zavorotko (will be cancelled during mission) -Escape to the Metro Weapons & items location: .......................... Agency's pickup at Metro station --- 1 SVD sniper rifle Agency's pickup at the Streets --- 3 sniper ammo 47's Clone Mr.17 --- 1 W2000 sniper rifle Guards --- 1 SP12 or 1 deagle (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) ---------------------- Note: when you are within the area of Puskin building, watch out for a sniper from the window of that building. That sniper is non radar detectable, has a solid aim and may appear at different windows around the Puskin building. Forget about the Locker 137. It's content serve no purpose. Get out onto the streets and move towards the Puskin building. There are two windows you have to look out for on the 2nd floor of the Puskin building. They are the window that faces the river and the window that faces the southeast. Find a place to hide(with a good distance away) and use that binoculars to check out this sniper location. After you have spot him(deja vu???), do not go in that direction where he can sees you. Make a detour and head towards the Puskin building. Walk into the building through the main doors and move up the stairs. If the sniper is at the southern most room, hit sneak mode and move behind him. Try to stay towards his right. Use the wire on him. Note: if the sniper is at the window facing the river, you can move right up at him without any hassle. After which, a cutscene will show. After the cutscene, take the clothes plus the weapon if you want it. Hint: that piece of cloth & the shades is your only ticket out of this building. That orange tie is better than the red one 47 is wearing. Run all the way out to the streets and move towards the nearest manhole southwest(behind a wall and between buildings). Move through the sewers and avoiding the guards(pretty easy to avoid due to the darkness there). Move towards the eastern most area where the door there leads to the Metro area. Wait behind the door and check your map. There will be 2 guards & 2 civilians moving around this area. You have to wait till the guards move to the west side. They will be facing northwest take the chance and run through the door. Move up the stairs turn right, down the stairs and towards the train. You have cleared this mission. Approach 02 ------------ Note: when you are within the area of Puskin building, watch out for a sniper from the window of that building. That sniper is non radar detectable, has a solid aim and may appear at different windows around the Puskin building. Run to the agency's pickup and get the SVD from locker 137. Avoid contact with the civilians as they are very paranoid about having weapons around. Get into the sewers through the door at the Metro(remember the first st,petersburg mission???). Move towards the northwest manhole and exit through it. Wait for civilians to clear the area before you run towards the Puskin building. Head northwest and go into the building there(good sniping spot). Drop your weapon before you walk out through the back door and take the 2nd agency's pickup(ammo for your weapon- how nice of them). Go back in and load the weapon with ammo and go up to either the 2nd or the 3rd floor for a good view into the Puskin building. You should see the target standing in a good pose for you to shoot. Take aim and shoot!!! You must be very sure that you did aim at his head??? Or is it??? Never mind shoot again. Now you are "REALLY" sure the ammo are blanks!!! Now make your way into the Puskin building. Walk into the building through the main doors and move up the stairs. If the sniper is at the southern most room, hit sneak mode and move behind him. Try to stay towards his right. Use the wire on him. Note: if the sniper is at the window facing the river, you can move right up at him without any hassle. After which, a cutscene will show. After the cutscene, take the clothes plus the weapon if you want it. Hint: that piece of cloth & the shades is your only ticket out of this building. That orange tie is better than the red one 47 is wearing. If you have time, take a look at the "TARGET". Run all the way out to the streets and move towards the nearest manhole southwest(behind a wall and between buildings). Move through the sewers and avoiding the guards(pretty easy to avoid due to the darkness there). Move towards the eastern most area where the door there leads to the Metro area. Wait behind the door and check your map. There will be 2 guards & 2 civilians moving around this area. You have to wait till the guards move to the west side. They will be facing northwest take the chance and run through the door. Move up the stairs turn right, down the stairs and towards the train. You have cleared this mission. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ --------- Sicily --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================= The Gontranno Santuary-- Redemption at Gontranno ================================================= ---Objectives: -Kill all Sergei Zavorotko bodyguards -Save Vittorio by killing Sergei Weapons & items location: .......................... Dungeon northwest room --- 1 church key Front & back yards guards --- 1 9mm pistol Guard at backyard's ruins --- 1 SVD sniper rifle Guards on 2nd floor of church --- 1 SMG Guards on 1nd floor of church --- 1 custom rifle or 1 SVD sniper rifle (special)--- No special weapon Approach 01(best way) --------------------- Note: for me it is impossible to clear this mission without any "Warning messages". And there are 21 guards you have to take out to clear one of the objectives. First, wait for the 2 guards to the east side of the courtyard to move northwards. Move behind the southeast pillar. One of the guards will move around the outer perimeter of the courtyard so he will not be a problem. For the slow moving guard, watch him move northwards and sneak behind him. By the time you have reached the eastern doors, the guard on the other side of the doors should have just move pass the doors heading northwards. Open the doors fast and sneak through and close it. Make a right turn run till the end and fall down the ledge. You are now at the gerdens. Note: timing & synchronization is the key to perfect this trick. By the time you closed the doors, it is to prevent that courtyard guard from spotting you after he makes a turn. After the doors closed, you have to run over the ledge at the south side before the guard behind you knows what happen. Now you have to take out the next guard just right around the bent at the bottom stairs. Wait for him to move till the end towards you. Just after he has turned and about to move away, sneak behind him and choke his life out. You have to time this move quick as should the guard reach the other end, the sniper at the ruins may spot you and take a shot at you. Drag the body to somewhere safe and strip him clean. Now you can practically move to the shed without much interruption. Take those silence weapons plus the crossbow if you have it. Open the shed door and stand at the steps. Take aim towards the northwest at the ruins. You should spot a sniper just behind the trees(if not, move closer to the doors). Take him out with your crossbow. Next wait for that guard at the door that leads to the courtyard turn his back to you before you move behind the ruins. From the ruins, you will have a direct shot at the guard at the door. Take him out then get over to his side. Check the map and wait for the guard(at courtyard) at the other end of the door moves either northwards or southwards before you enter the door and take him out with your silence hand weapon. Hide behind the pillar and let the other guard(who patrols the outer perimeter of the courtyard) run towards the body before you take him out also. After this, you have taken out all 5 guards at the monastery gardens. Get into the gardens once again and head towards the door between the ruins and Mr.47's shed(with laptop). There is a guard here which poses no problem to you. Dispose of him and get the church key at the northwestern room. Get back out into the courtyard and turn right. At the north of Mr.47's shed is a secret door. Open it and go through. Hit sneak mode and get up stairs. Note: you have to sneak up the stairs because the footsteps noise will make those guards heads turn towards your direction. Go to the door towards the right of the stairs. Move to the left side of the doorframe. Open that door and you will see a guard(with back face towards you). Move inch by inch till you can get a shot at the head. Note: do not move to the center of the doorway cause a sniper at the far end can shoot you. Next turn to your left and time to take out the 2 guards behind the door to the left of the stairs. Open the door and while still in sneak mode, take out you weapon and start blasting at the 2 of them instantaneously. Once they are out, move back down the stairs. You should see 2 doors side by side. Get through the left door and slit the throat of that guard there. Note: do not use a silent weapon at him as the other guard south from that position will hear the noise. Take out your silent weapon and shoot the guard south of your position. Now move towards the door to the west. There is a guard facing you behind that door. Equip with your weapon, line up that guard & open the door and start shooting. Make sure he is down before he makes any shot. Go up the stairs and open the door to the left. A guard has his back to you so shoot him in the head and change into your long range weapon. Make 1 step up the small stairs there. From there take aim and you will see a sniper's head at the far end just beyond the railings. Kill him and move back out. Now for the other door, crouch and move through the door. Always take note of the northeast side. Just behind the pillar, is a sniper looking to your direction. Once you can only see his head, line that up with your scope and release a shot of death into his skull. Move back out and once again go through the door to the left of the stairs. Crouch and move along the west side. Hint: do not stand in line with the scope of visions of the guards as they can spot you even you are on the 2nd floor. By now you should have left only 6 guards within the church hall. There are 4 guards towards the east side of the church and 1 towards the south side facing your direction. Pick your target one by one and take them out. After all 5 are dead, move around the northern circular walkway and exit thtough the door at the northeast side. Crouch and move into position to take out the last guard behind the pillar towards the west side of the church. After one of the objectives is completed, a speech between Father Vittorio and Mr.47 will play. Get back down and move towards the confession box. Stand facing southwest in the direction of the confession box. You will see a piece of color glass in the shape of a heart inside the confession box. Shoot into that glass panel. A cutscene will show and now just plugged that Sergio to clear this mission. Approach 02 ------------ Note: for me it is impossible to clear this mission without any "Warning messages". And there are 21 guards you have to take out to clear one of the objectives. First, wait for the 2 guards to the east side of the courtyard to move northwards. Get into the courtyard and move real fast towards the southeast corner. Wait for the slower moving guard about to stop before you move to the northeast corner of the courtyard. Get out your fiber wire and hit sneak mode. Wait for the slower moving guard(at east side) to start moving southwards. Once he has moved in front of the doors, sneak up behind him and kill him. Quickly drag his body northwards around the outer perimeter of the courtyard into the courtyard and hide his body at the northeastern corner of the courtyard. Remember that you have to keep a pillar between yourself and the guard moving along the outer perimeter of the courtyard. After the body is stashed, get the dropped weapon and move towards the moving guard(will be at the west side of the church). Keep out of his sight and kill him at the western side. This will not alert any guards. Move over to the east door and wait for the guard behind the door to pass you(heading northwards), go through and cap that guy. Now another guard will rush up the stairs so take him out also. Drop down the ledge at the south side and move quickly towards the tools shed. Take those silence weapons plus the crossbow if you have it. Open the shed door and stand at the steps. Take aim towards the northwest at the ruins. You should spot a sniper just behind the trees(if not, move closer to the doors). Take him out with your crossbow. Next head towards the door between the ruins and Mr.47's shed(with laptop). There is a guard here which poses no problem to you. Dispose of him and get the church key at the northwestern room. Get back out into the courtyard and turn right. At the north of Mr.47's shed is a secret door. Open it and go through. Hit sneak mode and get up stairs. Note: you have to sneak up the stairs because the footsteps noise will make those guards heads turn towards your direction. Go to the door towards the right of the stairs. Move to the left side of the doorframe. Open that door and you will see a guard(with back face towards you). Move inch by inch till you can get a shot at the head. Note: do not move to the center of the doorway cause a sniper at the far end can shoot you. Next turn to your left and time to take out the 2 guards behind the door to the left of the stairs. Open the door and while still in sneak mode, take out you weapon and start blasting at the 2 of them instantaneously. Once they are out, move back down the stairs. You should see 2 doors side by side. Get through the left door and slit the throat of that guard there. Note: do not use a silent weapon at him as the other guard south from that position will hear the noise. Take out your silent weapon and shoot the guard south of your position. Now move towards the door to the west. There is a guard facing you behind that door. Equip with your weapon, line up that guard & open the door and start shooting. Make sure he is down before he makes any shot. Go up the stairs and open the door to the left. A guard has his back to you so shoot him in the head and change into your long range weapon. Make 1 step up the small stairs there. From there take aim and you will see a sniper's head at the far end just beyond the railings. Kill him and move back out. Now for the other door, crouch and move through the door. Always take note of the northeast side. Just behind the pillar, is a sniper looking to your direction. Once you can only see his head, line that up with your scope and release a shot of death into his skull. Move back out and once again go through the door to the left of the stairs. Crouch and move along the west side. Hint: do not stand in line with the scope of visions of the guards as they can spot you even you are on the 2nd floor. By now you should have left only 6 guards within the church hall. There are 4 guards towards the east side of the church and 1 towards the south side facing your direction. Pick your target one by one and take them out. After all 5 are dead, move around the northern circular walkway and exit thtough the door at the northeast side. Crouch and move into position to take out the last guard behind the pillar towards the west side of the church. After one of the objectives is completed, a speech between Father Vittorio and Mr.47 will play. Get back down and move towards the confession box. Stand facing southwest in the direction of the confession box. You will see a piece of color glass in the shape of a heart inside the confession box. Shoot into that glass panel. A cutscene will show and now just plugged that Sergio to clear this mission. Approach 03 ------------ Note: for me it is impossible to clear this mission without any "Warning messages". And there are 21 guards you have to take out to clear one of the objectives. First, wait for the 2 guards to the east side of the courtyard to move northwards. Get into the courtyard and move real fast towards the southeast corner. Wait for the slower moving guard about to stop before you move to the northeast corner of the courtyard. Get out your fiber wire and hit sneak mode. Wait for the slower moving guard(at east side) to start moving southwards. Once he has moved in front of the doors, sneak up behind him and kill him. Quickly drag his body northwards around the outer perimeter of the courtyard into the courtyard and hide his body at the northeastern corner of the courtyard. Remember that you have to keep a pillar between yourself and the guard moving along the outer perimeter of the courtyard. After the body is stashed, get the dropped weapon and move towards the moving guard(will be at the west side of the church). Keep out of his sight and kill him at the western side. This will not alert any guards. Move over to the east door and wait for the guard behind the door to pass you(heading northwards), go through and cap that guy. Now another guard will rush up the stairs so take him out also. Drop down the ledge at the south side and move quickly towards the tools shed. Take those silence weapons plus the crossbow if you have it. Open the shed door and stand at the steps. Take aim towards the northwest at the ruins. You should spot a sniper just behind the trees(if not, move closer to the doors). Take him out with your crossbow. Next head towards the door between the ruins and Mr.47's shed(with laptop). There is a guard here which poses no problem to you. Dispose of him and get the church key at the northwestern room. Get back out into the courtyard and turn right. At the north of Mr.47's shed is a secret door. Go through it and start the massacre. Take out the guards on the 2nd floor of the church first. Crouch plus shoot to clear the 2nd floor. After which, clear out the first floor. When one of the objectives is completed, a speech between Father Vittorio and Mr.47 will play. Get back down and move towards the confession box. Stand facing southwest in the direction of the confession box. You will see a piece of color glass in the shape of a heart inside the confession box. Shoot into that glass panel. A cutscene will show and now just plugged that Sergio to clear this mission. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -------------You have clear all missions---------------- ************************************************************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== FUN STUFF =================== -To draw blood from corpses, use the golf club, katana or the fire axe. Tue Kappel tue@tuekappel.dk During the intro, the newspaper lying on the ground will have the news that OB, a danish football team from Odense, has won over FCK, the largest and most professoinal football team in Denmark. The advertisement next to it is from a restaurant in Copenhagen, and says: "order your christmas party in advance"! When killing the fat little hacker in the basement, the pizza cases will read: "Pizza - med lort på", which in danish means: "Pizza - with shit on top" ! Incidentally, did it strike you, that the Zaitsev Building in the St Petersburg missions is named after the most famous sniper ever, Vasili Zaitsev. If you didn't already watch it, you should get a copy of "Enemy at the Gates". A splendid movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========== WEAPONS ========== The tools shed where Mr.47 kept his weapons will have a couple of weapons 'missing' due to not being collected on some missions. To get them all, just load the extra savegame at 'Redemption at Gontranno' and choose the missions you want to play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hand held I(For sneak attack) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Surgeons Scalpel Type: Surgeon's Scalpel Description: Operating theatre classic Can be used for an operation in one of the mission. ........................................................................ Name: Anaesthetic Type: Chloroform Description: Used to pacify, not harm, your enemy Definitely has to use it with the sneak behind enemy technique. ........................................................................ Name: Combat Knife Type: Specialist Army Knife Description: Standard military double edged light combat knife This is a army knife which is much shorter than the Scalpel & kitchen knife but their uses is the same. ........................................................................ Name: Kitchen Knife Type: Kitchen Knife Description: Standard kitchen multi-purpose slicing tool Good for slicing, dicing & slashing. ........................................................................ Name: Fibre Wire Type: Strangulation cord. Description: Fiber Wire. Does not trigger metal detectors Though slower attack compare to the knives, it gives the rush of seeing your target struggling for breath when you crushed their windpipe. The bonus is it is made of fibre. To prepare it, hold down the "Fire/Attack" button. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hand held II(For close range attack) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Katana Type: Japanese Katana Description: Beautifully crafted ancient intrument of war Very good for hacking down an enemy(either 1 or 2 hack). ........................................................................ Name: Fire Axe Type: Fireman's axe Description: For breaking down doors and other obstacles Very good for hacking down an enemy(either 1 or 2 hack). ........................................................................ Name: Golf Club Type: Golf Club Description: Titanium sporting instrument. Inertia driven Bashing time is never this good. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pistols (For short range) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Silver Baller .45 Type: Semi-Automatic handgun Caliber: .45 ACP Clip Capacity: 7 Length: 21.6cm Weight: 1.076kg More powerful than it's predeccesor the Hardballer. Now hitman will have a pair as a package. ........................................................................ Name: Silver Baller .45 Suppressed Type: Semi-Automatic handgun W. silencer Caliber: .45 ACP Clip Capacity: 7 Length: 41.6cm Weight: 1.257kg Same as the silver baller but with added silenced muzzles. Also comes with a pair for added fire power. ........................................................................ Name: Deagle .50 Type: Semi-Automatic handgun Caliber: MAG. Clip Capacity: 8 Length: 15.9cm Weight: 1.897kg The deagle sure pack a hell of a punch than the normal silver ballers. ........................................................................ Name: 5.45mm Pistol Type: Russian Service Pistol Caliber: 5.45mm Clip Capacity: 10 Length: 16cm Weight: 0.46kg Very common in hitman 2. Makes quite a noise. ........................................................................ Name: .22 Suppressed Type: Pistol with Integral Silencer Caliber: .22 Clip Capacity: 12 Length: 42.2cm Weight: 1.12kg Only one exists in the game. ........................................................................ Name: Revolver Type: Stub-Nosed .357 revolver Caliber: MAG. Clip Capacity: 6 Length: 20cm Weight: 1.06kg Six shooter that has the magnum capabilities. ........................................................................ Name: 9mm Pistol Suppressed Type: Semi-automatic handgun W. Removable Silencer Caliber: 9mm Clip Capacity: 15 Length: 41.7cm Weight: 1.26kg Favourite pistol for me. ........................................................................ Name: 9mm Pistol Type: Semi-automatic handgun Caliber: 9mm Clip Capacity: 15 Length: 21.7cm Weight: 0.95kg Standard weapon for all common enemies. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Submachine guns (For short to medium range) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: UZI 9mm Type: Rugged Sub-machine gun Caliber: 9mm Parabellum Clip Capacity: 30 Length: 47cm Weight: 3.7kg You know if it's the UZI fast rate of fire but can really drain out on your ammo. Should be use for more than one enemy together. ........................................................................ Name: M60 Light MG Type: Light Machinegun Caliber: 7.62 mm Clip Capacity: 100 Length: 110cm Weight: 10.5kg Damn powerful for this one cause it uses the 7.62 mm caliber rounds. ........................................................................ Name: Sub Machine Gun Type: Delayed blow-back Sub-Machine gun Caliber: 9 mm Parabellum Clip Capacity: 30 Length: 68cm Weight: 2.55kg Real drain on your ammo if not kept in check. Basically favours by the SWAT for it's accuracy and for good close combat attack. ........................................................................ Name: Silenced Sub Machine Gun Type: Silenced Sub-Machine gun Caliber: 9 mm Parabellum Clip Capacity: 30 Length: 75.5cm Weight: 3.05kg Same as the SMG w/o silencer. With the silencer attached, you do not have to worry about the noise. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Automatic rifles (For medium range to long range) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: AK Assault Rifle Type: Russian Ak-47 Derivative Caliber: 5.45mm Clip Capacity: 30 Length: 67.5cm Weight: 3.1kg The all time popular rifle. Do not have a good accuracy though. Powerful when up close. Good for storming in on masses(group of enemies). ........................................................................ Name: M4 Rifle Type: Carbine Assault Rifle Caliber: 5.56mm Clip Capacity: 30 Length: 84cm Weight: 2.54kg The M4 have more power and improved accuracy. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shotguns (For short range) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Sawn-off Shotgun Type: 12 Gauge Double-Barreled Shotgun Caliber: 12 guage Clip Capacity: 2 Length: 65.4cm Weight: 2.8kg It's powerful and loud so unless you want the good hardcore action, this is for you. On the down side is you need to reload after each round thus giving more time for the enemies to shoot you. ........................................................................ Name: Double-Barreled Shotgun Type: 12 Gauge Double-Barreled Shotgun Caliber: 12 guage Clip Capacity: 2 Length: 115.7cm Weight: 3.2kg Well it is a longer version of the shotgun. ........................................................................ Name: SP12 Shotgun Type: Full-automatic combat Shotgun Caliber: 12 guage Clip Capacity: 8 Length: 93cm Weight: 4.2kg The shotgun that allows constant firing of 8 rounds of shells. Good for blasting those enemies into space. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sniper rifles (For far range) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: R93 Sniper Type: Sniper Rifle Caliber: .308 Winchester Clip Capacity: 6 Length: 119cm Weight: 4.8kg You'll get this sniper rifle in the early stages of the game. Does not have semi-automatic firing capabilities(after one shot, has to reload for another). ........................................................................ Name: W2000 Sniper Type: Collector's Sniper Rifle Caliber: .300 WinMag Clip Capacity: 1 Length: 90.5cm Weight: 8.31kg Makes quite a loud noise and the worse part is it only has 1 clip capacity. ........................................................................ Name: W2000 Custom Sniper Type: Custom version of the W2000 Sniper Rifle. Few exists Caliber: .300 WinMag Clip Capacity: 10 Length: 90.9cm Weight: 8.6kg A improved version which holds 10 rounds. ........................................................................ Name: MI95 Sniper Type: CAL. 50 Anti-Vehicle Rifle Caliber: CAL .50 Clip Capacity: 6 Length: 114.3cm Weight: 10kg Makes quite a loud noise it's accuracy is deadly spot on. Good for penetrating armour of vehicle or bullet proof glass. ........................................................................ Name: SVD Sniper Type: Russian sniper's rifle Caliber: 7.62mm Clip Capacity: 10 Length: 125.5cm Weight: 4.31kg Loud noise made with decibel as those of a R93 Sniper. ........................................................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Silent range(For long range) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Hunting Crossbow Type: Compound hunting crossbow Caliber: crossbow bolts Clip Capacity: 1 Length: 124.8cm Weight: 2.9kg For silent long range kills. The downside is it has to reloads after every shot. ........................................................................ ================== Equipment & Items ================== ---------- Equipment ---------- Name: Binoculars Use it to survey your surroundings. Spot key points like sniper hideout with it. ........................................................................ Name: Nightvision googles Enables you to move around even in the darkest surroundings. Although the only light are the pair of green 'eyes'. ........................................................................ Name: Lockpick Use for opening locked door. It will be used automatically when a locked door can be lockpick. ........................................................................ --------- Items --------- --------- Anathema --------- Name: Spoon Basically it is useless though. ........................................................................ Name: Room Key For opening important rooms that linked with the mission. ........................................................................ Name: Car Key For operating the red sports car at the Anathema mission. ........................................................................ ------------------- Kirov Park Meeting ------------------- Name: Car-Bomb Rigged onto cars so that once they started up, they'll blow up. ........................................................................ ---------------- Tubeway Torpedo ---------------- Name: Mini Bomb Remote controlled mini-bomb. Don't stand too close to this piece of equipment. Arm the bomb by pressing 'Fire' while holding it to trigger the bomb. You'll need the bomb remote. ........................................................................ Name: Bomb Remote Remote control for remote controlled bomb. Use it to trigger the remote bomb. Remember to arm the bomb before using the remote control. ........................................................................ Name: Pager Personal pager. We use it for the beep only. ........................................................................ Name: Handphone Mobile telephone. Use it to call your pager. ........................................................................ ---------------------- Invitation to a party ---------------------- Name: Door Key To get into the embassy's compound by the side door. ........................................................................ Name: Invitation card To get into the embassy's compound through the main gates. ........................................................................ Name: Cheque Just a cheque. ........................................................................ Name: Poison For killing the general through poisoning. ........................................................................ Name: Champagne Glass To hold the poison that is for the general. ........................................................................ Name: Dust Broom Time to clean the rooms for the guests. ........................................................................ Name: Chocolate It's a chocolate's party. ........................................................................ ------------------ Tracking Hayamoto ------------------ Name: Micro GPS Transmitter The bug on Hayamoto Jr's body. ........................................................................ Name: Fugu fish It's a poisonous type of fish depending on which part you eat. ........................................................................ ---------------- Shogun Showdown ---------------- Name: Key card To get pass the laser doors from the 1st floor down till the basement. ........................................................................ Name: Bomb Remote controlled bomb. Don't stand too close to this piece of equipment. Arm the bomb by pressing 'Fire' while holding it to trigger the bomb. You'll need the bomb remote. ........................................................................ Name: Bomb Remote Remote control for remote controlled bomb. Use it to trigger the remote bomb. Remember to arm the bomb before using the remote control. ........................................................................ Name: Guidance Sys. Quest item. Supposely a guidance system for the warhead. ........................................................................ Name: Special card To get pass the laser doors for the 5th floor. ........................................................................ ----------------- Basement Killing ----------------- Name: Pizza Special delivery. ........................................................................ -------------------- The Graveyard Shift -------------------- Name: Key card For accessing the aircon room. ........................................................................ Name: Key card For accessing the server room. ........................................................................ Name: Hacking device For hacking into the main server. ........................................................................ ----------------- The Jacuzzi Job ----------------- Name: Statue Small statue that cost a fortune. ........................................................................ Name: Money Wads of money. Stack of ringgit. ........................................................................ --------------------- Murder at the Bazaar --------------------- Name: Key Key to warheads. Key to activate nuclear warheads. ........................................................................ Name: Coordinates Location of warheads. ........................................................................ ----------------------- The Death of Hannelore ----------------------- Name: Poison Use this to poison the Doc. ........................................................................ --------------------- Terminal Hospitality --------------------- Name: Room key Use to access the next joining room with the required clothes. ........................................................................ ------------------------------------------------ The Gontranno Santuary- Redemption at Gontranno ------------------------------------------------ Name: Church key Use to access rooms where you couldn't access before during the first mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======== CHEATS ======== Use the "Find files & folders" from the start menu of your Win 95 or 98.Key in 'HITMAN.INI' and the computer will look up this file for you. Open it up once you found it(actually this file is in the hitman folder). Add the line "EnableCheats 1" without the quotations right below the EnableConsole line. NOTE: BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO ALTER THE HITMAN.INI FILE, CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT THE HITMAN.INI FILE ATTRIBUTES HAS ARCHIVE BOX CHECKED AND NO OTHER. (JUST RIGHT CLICK ON THAT FILE AND CHOOSE PROPERTIES AND YOU WILL SEE THE ATTRIBUTES. During gameplay enter the following for each cheat: IOIRULEZ or IOIRULEY - God Mode on/off IOIGIVES - All Weapons and Items IOIHITLEIF - Health IOISLO - Slow motion on/off IOIER - Bomb Mode on/off IOIHITALI - Ali Mode on/off IOILEPOW - Special attack Mode on/off IOIGRV - The force of gravity Mode on/off IOINGUN - Nail rifle Mode on/off IOIPOWER - Mega Power NOTE: If you have a U.S. keyboard, just type IOIRULEZ. On European keyboards the Z and Y change place so you have to type IOIRULEY. NOTE: Make sure you don't enter the cheats too fast. Type them more or less slow. NOTE: key in the same code to turn off that particular cheat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teleportation Cheat =================== There is a special cheat in Hitman 2 that will allow you to teleport 47 anywhere the crosshairs are pointing at the ground. This is very handy to avoid guards, skip portions of a level, or to find the perfect sniping spot. You can teleport anywhere as long as it is a solid, flat surface. You need to be in in 3rd person mode or using the scope or binoculars, because it doesn't seem to work in first-person mode. To enable this cheat, open the ''keyboard.cfg'' file using ''edit.com''. (notepad won't read the file right, as it is an xml file) Add the following lines somewhere in the middle of the file, between the other entries. To bind the cheat to another key besides Page Down(as is listed in the example), replace the ''K_NEXT'' with ''K_*'', where * is any uppercase letter. Mission Win Cheat ================= Using a copy of the codeblock above, replace ''CheatMove'' with ''CompleteLevel''. This allows you to complete the mission instantly. Also rember to change the key binding to another key. These cheats can be found in all major cheats & gaming site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== CONTACT INFORMATION ==================== You can email me at acid_wolf2000@yahoo.com.sg ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== THANKS!!! =========== "Michael Moore" munk_mann@hotmail.com - alternate play to tubeway torpedo iduke@www.com - letting me know about the cheque at invitation to a party "Miguel" Supreme_Bean@netcabo.pt - reminded me about the purple turban guard killing Smith at temple city ambush "Kevin Hackett" robotribe@tiscali.co.uk & Sweettooth18767@aol.com - alternate play to Anathema "Jacob Petersen" jacob.petersen@stofanet.dk - pointing the mistake i have made in one of the mission "del Pozo, Richardo" richardo.pozo@kdefence.com - secret doorway onto the balcony at invitation to a party "Steve Spaulding" stephensemail@att.net - confirming how to get M4 on invitation to a party "Dennis Witt" denniswittdk@hotmail.com - appearance of 17(clone hitman) near the exit of terminal hospitality thinkingisbad@fuse.net - alternate play to invitation to a party "Raystlinn" xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx - use of aenesthetics to knock out the first guard at the tubeway torpedo - need 5 SA ratings to get M4 not 4 "Tue Kappel" tue@tuekappel.dk - additional information about danish stuff that appear in the game "Marty Borton" jumpballus@yahoo.com -alternate play to Kirov Park Meeting with Silent Assassin rating "Connor Philpott" con_man64@hotmail.com -adding the specs. for the SVD sniper rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for your viewing pleasure!!!