HH HH IIIIIII TTTTTTT MMM MMM AAAAAAA NNN NN 222222 : HH HH III TTT MMMM MMMM AA AA NNNN NN 22 : S I L E N T HHHHHH III TTT MM MM MM MM AAAAAAA NN NN NN 222222 : HH HH III TTT MM MMMM MM AA AA NN NNNN 22 : A S S A S S I N HH HH IIIIIII TTT MM MM MM AA AA NN NNN 222222 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H I T M A N 2 : S I L E N T A S S A S S I N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console: Playstation 2 Author: Belfast IsJericho Real Name: Mark Fletcher E-Mail: m_s_fletcher[at]hotmail[dot]com (Please read the E-Mail Policy stated below before sending me an e-mail). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System: PAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is for the PAL Version of the game. I am not covering the NTSC Version of the game and should the publishers make any changes, you won't find them in the guide. ---------------------------------------------------------- You can download this guide onto your Computers hard drive provided it is for personal use only. Should you download it and put it onto any site without my permission, it would infringe currently existing copyright laws and allow me to sue you. ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- This guide was created using Wordpad with font Courier New (Western) and font size 10 with 79 characters per line. If you save the guide to your hard drive, it is best viewed in the aforementioned font. ---------------------------------------------------------- This is for the unedit version of the game. This means that the three levels which were edited from the revised copy still exist in the FAQ. Please ignore those levels if you have the edited copy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= E - M A I L P O L I C Y ========================= This is the final version (once again). That means I am not accepting any more submissions for this guide. I recently got rid of the game having gotten bored of that. That means I have no desire whatsoever to look back on this FAQ once I have sent this version in. Due to the fact that I do not have the game anymore, that means I will NOT be able to answer questions on the game. Please refrain from sending in any questions regarding the game. As far as e-mail's do go, please abide by the following rules. *********** PLEASE DO - *********** o Send in any glaring errors in the FAQ. This includes a completely screwed up Method that I have written down for a level, or a method in the wrong place. This would be like an Anathema Method Walkthrough placed as Method 4 on Redemption at Gontranno Sanctuary or something similar. o Send in comments about the FAQ. This means its layout, if it helped you or not and in what ways I could improve the layout for future FAQ's. *************** PLEASE DO NOT - *************** o Send in anything else. o Send me ANY chain mail. If you send me chain mail, I'll be forced to block your account. o Send in any questions about the game. I no longer have the game, therefore I cannot answer any questions you may have regarding it. I do not intend to update this FAQ again. This means that any submissions sent in will be deleted on sight. If you feel that what you have to contribute could really help people, then send it to any of the other FAQ's that are currently still open for submissions. Anything that has Hitman 2 - Submission in the title will be deleted on sight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S... ==================================== _______________________________________________________________ | Section | Reference | --------------------------------------------------------------- | 01 | Introduction | | 02 | Copyrights | | 03 | Version History | | 04 | Controls | | 05 | Screen Layout | | 06 | Weapons | | 07 | General Tips | | 08 | Anathema | | 09 | St. Petersburg Stakeout | | 10 | Kirov Park Meeting | | 11 | Tubeway Torpedo | | 12 | Invitation to a Party | | 13 | Tracking Hayamoto | | 14 | Hidden Valley | | 15 | At The Gates | | 16 | Shogun Showdown | | 17 | Basement Killing | | 18 | Graveyard Shift | | 19 | Jacuzzi Job | | 20 | Murder at the Bazaar | | 21 | Motorcade Interception | | 22 | Tunnel Rat | | 23 | Temple City Ambush | | 24 | The Death of Hannelore | | 25 | Terminal Hospitality | | 26 | St. Petersburg Revisited | | 27 | Redemption at Gontranno Sanctuary | | 28 | PAL/Demo Changes | | 29 | Credits | | 30 | Closing Words | --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Use Control + F to locate something you are looking for. When you press it, a search field will come up in a box. Enter what you are looking for in the field and click Find. It should locate it for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 01 | INTRODUCTION | 01 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Story/Plot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Former contract killer, 47, is trying to lead a peaceful life in Sicily. He becomes good friends with the Priest and confides in him about his past. But, the priest is beaten and kidnapped by a gang. 47 is forced to come out of retirement to try and track down his missing mentor. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 02 | COPYRIGHTS | 02 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Please appreciate the time and effort that I have put into making this FAQ as informative as possible, I won't be best pleased if you rip it off in any shape, form or manner if you don't ask me. If you do ask me for permission, I have nearly no problems in allowing you to post it on your site so long as full credit is given to me, Mark Fletcher aka Belfast IsJericho. If, during browsing other sites, discover this guide on any site that is not listed below, please send me an e-mail so that I can have the matter at hand dealt with as quickly as possible. And finally, if you do rip it off and refuse to remove it after repeated requests, I WILL sue you for money. There are a few games coming out that look quite good and the money I receive from you for Copyright Infringement would assist me in buying all of them. This guide can only be seen on http:\\www.gamefaqs.com I do not intend for this guide to be put on any site other than GameFAQ's. If you find it on any other site then do not hesitate to contact me with the URL of the site and the direct URL to the guide. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 03 | VERSION HISTORY | 03 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ [48.3KB] [30th November] [Version 1.0] I started the FAQ yesterday, but I managed to complete the first version of the FAQ by today. I hope to add detailed methods on how to obtain Silent Assassin rankings at a later date. [53.0KB] [7th December] [Version 1.1] I am breaking the large chunks of text up into smaller paragraphs. I'm also adding in optional methods for a couple of missions like Anathema. I do, however, feel that certain missions are only made harder by doing them any other way so an alternate method is not needed. Only a few more extra methods, a detailed analysis of your results after mission completion and a quick revamp of the layout to do before the final version. [63.4KB] [8th December] [Version 1.2] I've got all the missions done with about half having an alternate method. I've detailed the Results Screen and broken the large chunks of text into smaller, more readable, paragraphs. I have no idea what is wrong with the KB Size. My computer says 121KB but when it comes up it only appears to half that. I'll have to enquire. I'm only after a few reader submissions now before I submit the final version so send them in. [70.5KB] [12th December] [Version 1.3] I've done everything that I wanted to do. I have reorganised the controls into a more readable table and added in a SINGLE reader contribution... People are enthusiastic when it comes to contributing stuff to a guide. Thanks go out to Alex Page for the aforementioned contribution. I added in a couple of alternate methods. Although the guide size is smaller than other guides already up, I am satisfied that it fulfils its purpose of helping you complete the game. You effectively complete the game when you beat all the missions and get all the weapons. This is what I have covered and I am pleased with it. [115KB] [7th January] [Version Final] I was hoaking through my hard drive to try and find a text file I had lost when I came across this. With me currently embarking on a Getaway FAQ, I thought that now might be an appropriate time to reformat the FAQ. The old format was pretty dire and I thought the FAQ needed a bit of sprucing up. I used the same format that I used for my The Getaway FAQ, with the Shield-Banners and the format of I. II. III. A. B. C. etc. It should make the file much easier to read. I also included a new section to detail the changes that happened between the demo and the final version and from the unedited to the edited PAL Version. This is the final version and I do not intend to do anything else to this FAQ. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-THIS FAQ IS FINAL. NO MORE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AND NO MORE -=-= =-=-QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED REGARDING THIS GAME. I DO NOT HAVE THE GAME -=-= =-=-ANYMORE SO THEREFORE I CANNOT GIVE YOU ANY ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS. -=-= =-=- -=-= =-=-THANK YOU. -=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 04 | CONTROLS | 04 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. General Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________________ | Playstation 2 Button | Action | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | START | Starts game; Pause/Resume | | Directional Buttons | Select Menu Icon or | | | directional buttons | | X Button | Accept Menu Selection | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Gameplay Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________________ | Playstation 2 Button | Action | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Directional Button Up | Zoom In/Scroll up list | |Directional Button Down | Zoom Out/Scroll Down List | |Directional Buttons Left and Right | Lean Left and Right | |Double Tap and hold Directional | | | buttons left and right | Step out Left and Right | |Left Analog Stick | Move 47 | |Right Analog Stick | Move Camera and Crosshair | |X Button | Use (open door/pick-up/drag | | | etc) | |Square Button | Holster/Quick Inventory | |Triangle Button | Inventory/Exit Sniper or | | | Keyhole | |O Button | Drop Item | |L1 Button | Press to sneak/Hold to crouch | |L2 Button | Run (press once to toggle or | | | hold down) | |L3 Button | Hold down to slow down aiming | | | speed | |R1 Button | Fire/use item/Go into Snipe | | | Mode | |R2 Button | Reload | |R3 Button | Toggle 1st and 3rd Person | | | Camera View | |Select Button | Map and Briefing Menu | |Start Menu | Pause and Options Menu | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 05 | SCREEN LAYOUT | 05 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. In-Game Screen Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||A D E F |||| ||||B |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| C G |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A - Health Meter: Displays the current health status of 47. When you're bar goes below a certain points, it turns red. This tells you that a couple more well aimed shots and 47's dead. B - Suspic-o-meter: Tells you how suspicious other people are of you. When the metre is full of red, the guards will open fire on you. Keeping an eye on it can tell you if you need to find an alternate route, get a different disguise, take out the guy in your way etc. C - Compass: This tells you the direction 47 is facing and is essential when Info flashed up to go the "North-East Side of the house" etc. D - Drop-down Menu: This tells you you're current options such as dragging an enemy, picking up a weapon. When several options are open to you a list will appear, to select from the list. To select from a list, hold in X, move down to your desired selection and release X for 47 to perform the action. E - Weapon: Shows the current weapon in your hand. F - Ammo: Current amount of ammo left. Below is a row of bullets indicating how much is left in a 'clip' G - Crosshairs: Shows you where the shot will hit should 47 fire. Useful in 3rd Person as you can aim indiscretely, press R1 and fire without being seen at all. In first person view, you have your weapon up and ready to fire making people suspicious of you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Results Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are twelve categories on the Results Screen. Your score in each will decide what ranking you obtain. These range from Mass Murderer to the Silent Assassin ranking, which is the best in the game. A. Shots Fired ======================================== This tells you how many shots you fired. If you fired alot, then this deteriorates your score and counts against you as 'Agression'. B. Head Shots ======================================== This tells you how many head shots you obtained on your way throughout the game. A head shot is a one hit kill, so these don't count against you if you are trying to obtain Silent Assassin. C. Close Encounters ======================================== This will tell you how many Close Encounters you had on your way throughout the level. Too many of these will count against your ranking and lower your Stealth Metre. D. Alerts ======================================== This is when the guards find you next to a dead body and start shooting at you, or indeed any other time the guards start shooting at you. It will count against your Stealth Metre. E. Enemies Killed ======================================== Tells you how many enemies you have killed. So long as you use a headshot or Fibre Wire, then it won't count against you in either Metre. F. Enemies Harmed ======================================== This will tell you how many enemies you pacified, or temporarily knocked out. This can be done by using Anaestetic, or by going up behind them and hitting them with the butt of your gun. G. Innocents Killed ======================================== This can greatly decrease your ranking, plus there is no cause to kill civilians at any time, so you only have yourself to blame if you get any form of score other than 0 in this section. H. Innocents Harmed ======================================== This will tell you how many innocents you pacified, or temporarily knocked out. This can be done by using Anaestetic, or by going up behind them and hitting them with the butt of your gun. I. Mission Time ======================================== This will tell you how long it took you to complete the mission. Each level could take about 10 minutes, and anything lower than 7 and a half minutes is considered a job well done for 47. J. Aggression Meter ======================================== This tells you how aggressive you were through the game. This is mainly because you used your bullets when they weren't necessary or didn't kill enemies with one shot. K. Stealth Meter ======================================== This tells you how much you got through the level unseen. The larger the bar is filled up, then the higher your ranking will be. L. Ranking ======================================== There are a ton of rankings. The top two are 'Silent Assassin' and 'Professional', so obtaining either of them on a level is pretty good. The worst is Mass Murdered, which is inevitably brought about the shoot anything and everything approach. Silent Assassin is much more skillful and requires the following elements: -A large amount of stealth. Some people say that you need full stealth, but I have obtained Silent Assassin on Anathema with about 98% stealth. -No Close Encounters or Alerts. Do not let guards see you hanging around suspiciously, or running around the grounds or anything like that. Hide all bodies well and try and update your disguise as the level instructs you to. e.g. When you are wearing a soldiers uniform but you require a generals uniform to deflect suspicion when you enter, find one and then come back. -Kill only the target. This is not necessarily true. So long as the guards you kill do not see you when you kill them, then this won't count against you. -No Aggression. If you use a gun to kill the target, it MUST be a one shot kill otherwise it will count against you. Also, if you are killing a guard with a gun, you have to kill him with one shot. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 06 | WEAPONS | 06 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Close Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Must be used from directly behind or very near to your enemy. A. Fibre Wire ======================================== Description: A strangulation chord. Cannot be detected by metal detectors. Found: Always with you. Notes: It requires two hands, so you will drop any rifles or non-concealable weapons you are carrying B. Anaestetic ======================================== Description: Used to pacify, not harm your enemy. You need to be right behind your opponent to use it. Found: You automatically have it. Notes: The more the dosage given, the longer they stay knocked out. C. Kitchen Knife ======================================== Description: Multi-Purpose slicing tool. Found: In the Kitchen of most levels. D. Combat Knife ======================================== Description: Specialist Combat Knife, mainly used by the military. Found: Tubeway Torpedo, 2nd Basement Level, Interogation Room on the Generals Corpse. Notes: The funniest way to kill people. Sneak up behind and slit their throat. E. Scalpel ======================================== Description: Surgery Tool. Found: Office, Basement in Terminal Hospitality (Marked as Point of Interest on Map). Notes: Used to kill the cult leader. F. Golf Club ======================================== Description: Titanium sporting driver. Found: Don's bedroom, Anathema. Notes: Hard to use properly. G. Fire Axe ======================================== Description: Standard Fire Axe, can be used to knock down doors. Found: Basement Killing in Fire Department. Notes: Very effective when the enemy is knocked out on the ground from Anaestetic. H. Katana Sword ======================================== Description: Beautifully crafted ancient instrument of war. Found: At the Gates, from the Ninjas in the rafters. Notes: Hard to use properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Pistols and Handguns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Ballers ======================================== Description: Handguns. Found: From the start. Notes: Highly effective and can send enemies flying for yards. Great to use on rooftops. B. Ballers SD ========================================+++ Description: Handguns with Silencer. Found: Complete Anathema with Silent Assassin ranking. Notes: Effective, concealable and silenced. One of the best guns. C. 9MM Pistol ======================================== Description: Hand Gun. Found: Pretty much everywhere, lying around, on most guards. Notes: Not particulary good. D. 9MM Pistol SD ======================================== Description: Hand Gun with removable silencer. Found: Agency Drop Off, St Petersburg Stakeout, it might be available in Anathema but I can't remember. Notes: Deadly and can be used to great effective when carrying a non-concealable rifle. E. Revolver ======================================== Description: Hand Gun. Found: On the Don's Corpse, Anathema Notes: Like the Ballers, it can send enemies flying. Noisy as hell though. F. Deagle ======================================== Description: Hand Gun. Found: In the Study, Anathema. Notes: Not a bad gun, but there are better. G. .45 ======================================== Description: Small Hand Gun. Found: Invitation to a party, on the agent. Notes: Rubbish. H. .22 Silenced Gun ======================================== Description: Silenced Hand Gun. Found: In the museum, bottom left hand corner, Shogun Showdown. Notes: Like the Deagle, not bad but there are better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Assault Rifles and Machine Guns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. AK ======================================== Description: Assault Rifle. Found: Guards, St. Petersburg Stakeout (You need the Sniper, so pick one up on Kirov Park Meeting) Notes: Loud, but powerful. B. SMG ======================================== Description: Sub Machine Gun. Found: Tubeway Torpedo, on many of the guards. Notes: OK, has the option of concealability or silencer. C. SMG-SD6 ======================================== Description: Silenced Sub Machine Gun. Found: Hidden Valley, on many guards. Take the Crossbow out of Hidden Valley however and then come back and pick it up later. Notes: A fantastically effective weapon. D. M4 ======================================== Description: Highly effective weapon. Found: UN soldiers which you can't kill. You can Fibre Wire one, this doesn't seem to count or you can wait for one to get hit down by the M60 on the truck. This is on the Motorcade Intercept level. Notes: Deadly to get, but worth the effort. E. M60 ======================================== Description: Highly Effective Weapon. Found: In a locker, in a room beside the generator. Notes: Effective, but the M4 is better in my opinion. F. Uzi ======================================== Description: Effective concealable gun. Found: Terminal Hospitality, on the first guard up the steps. Notes: What the description says, an effective and concealable gun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Shotguns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Double-Barreled Shotgun ======================================== Description: Effective gun with two shots per clip. Found: On the lawyer, Anathema. Notes: It only has two shots per clip, meaning that it should be used sparingly and then reloaded quickly. B. SP12 ======================================== Description: Effective. Found: Temple City Ambush, meet your first contact and it is leaning against the vehicle beside him. Notes: Sawn-off is better. C. Sawn-Off Shotgun ======================================== Description: A great weapon. Found: A Second Silent Assassin ranking achieved on Anathema awards you with this. Notes: Concealable, powerful, easy enough to get. This is my main choice of gun, but it may not be yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Sniper Rifles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. R93 Sniper Rifle ======================================== Description: Standard Sniper Rifle. Found: Garage, Anathema. Notes: Basic, and not great. B. SVD Sniper Rifle ======================================== Description: Better Sniper Rifle. Found: Agency Pick up on St. Petersburg Stakeout. Notes: Decent enough. C. W2000 Rifle ======================================== Description: Powerful sniper rifle. Found: Murder 'Mr.' 17 on St. Petersburg Revisited and it's yours. Notes: Very effective. D. Custom Rifle ======================================== Description: The best Sniper Rifle. Found: At the Gates, shoot a sniper and it should drop out of the window. I got mine on Redemption at Gontranno Sanctuary when I shot one of the Snipers on the catwalk and ran over to pick up what I thought would be his ammo. Notes: *drools* E. M195 ======================================== Description: Anti-Vehicle Rifle. Found: Agency Pick-Up on Motorcade Intercept. Notes: Not bad, multi-purpose as you can kill people with it as well. F. Hunting Crossbow ======================================== Description: Silent Form of the Sniper Rifle. Found: Agency Pick-Up, Hidden Vally. Notes: My personal favourite, silent but deadly. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 07 | GENERAL TIPS | 07 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ I'd like to point a couple of things out about the guide: 1) It is not aimed at getting you Silent Assassin rankings. Of course, some levels do have walkthourghs which can obtain you a Silent Assassin ranking, but it is not essential to do so. It is merely to pass the levels. 2) It is for the Normal level in the game. I am assuming that people who look at it are new to the game, have it on normal and are seeking to complete a level. Before you start, it is wise to learn a few tricks that will help you as you progress through the levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Silenced Pistols are your friend ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will find Silenced Pistols very useful on all levels. You are able to carry them as well as Rifles at a time and, as the name suggests, it is Silenced, so it will not alert any other guards to your prescense provided they don't actually see you murder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Lights, No Lights ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think that the lights are causing you to be seen, then take the time at some point to shoot them out and move along unseen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Rambo Approach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For people doing it on their first time through, there is nothing wrong with simply shooting anything and everything on your way to the target. Once you complete the mission, you can always come back and try a more tactical approach, but this can be difficult when you don't know the way about the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Walk Before you Run ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever you do, once you have acquired a disguise from a guard, do NOT run. The guards will find that highly suspicious and start shooting at you, without even checking to see if it just a severe bowel movement or if you're a Hitman. Either way, it is more than advisable that you walk from Point A to Point B as opposed to running from Point A to Point B and getting shot down on the way there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Check the Floor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are walking on stone, this won't cause as much noise as snow would if you were walking on it. Be alert as to what surface you are walking on. If you are walking on snow you can walk normally, but if you're on stone flooring, you need to walk or the guards will be alerted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Leave the Dead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have little time before a patrolling guard comes, leave the body of the person you have just killed and get into another room and stay there. DO NOT let the guard see you at the scene or he will put two and two together and start shooting at you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Watch the Guards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some guards have specific patrol routes. It is advisable that if you are going to try and sneak past them, learn their route and take appropriate action at the approriate time. This normally means shooting him in the back of the head when he isn't looking, but you get the general idea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Civilians ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some civilians are good friends with the soldiers and so will report any mysterious behaviour to them. It is advisable not to do anything stupid in front of them. Also, do not kill them. This will take your score down at the final results screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. One Shot Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have time, aim the crosshairs at their head in third person mode and then press fire. They should drop dead. Do not do it in first person mode as they'll find it a bit odd if you start aiming your gun at their head, so they'll start shooting at you. You can also aim it at their chest, which can hit a major organ or at their neck, which could severe the Spinal Cord. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. The Right Costume ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some disguises will only get you so far before you need a higher level of authority disguise to get in there. Other cases are where you are a Delivery Boy. You can only go into the Kitchen in the first level, going anywhere else would result in death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. The Right Weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before making a strategic kill, it is ideal to know what weapon you are going to use. Are you going to use the lengthy yet silent Fibre Wire, or take him out with the Silence Pistol and hide the body? Are you going to pacify him instead of harming etc. All these questions should be answered in your mind before you decide what to do. A decision like this can affect what ranking you obtain as a Fibre Wire kill doesn't count as Aggression whereas a gunshot does. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 08 | ANATHEMA | 08 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the Don -Get the Prison Cell Key -Free Father Vittorio -Escape Before I begin with the missions walkthroughs, I would just like to thank Timbob for his contribution to the guide. He is allowing me to use his list of the numbers of enemies and the number of innocents in the levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start this mission on a hillside. Look down to your right and you should see a Delivery Boy taking grocery boxes into the grounds. Run down and cap him with the Pistol or, if you want, you can try and take him down with Anaestetic. Either way, take his clothes and place your weapons in the crate. WALK into the grounds and turn left. Stand by the wall, drop the crate and remove your weapons from it. If you keep an eye on the door which has the guard standing up the steps, you will see another guard come from the left to talk to him. As soon as you are not in his line of vision, equip the Fibre Wire and choke out the guard. Timing is critical. Drag his body down the stairs and down the stairs into the basement. Once he is in the basement with the door shut, take his clothes and gun. Head forward, right and then keep an eye out for the stairs on your right as they can be hard to miss. Walk up the stairs and into the Kitchen. Once in the Kitchen, head up the stairs to the Study and head out onto the balcony through the door directly in front of you as you enter the study. If you look to your left, you should see a ledge that you can walk on. Look at your map and make sure that none of the guards can see, otherwise they will shoot you. Once you are sure that none of the guards can see you, run around the ledge and you should end up on a roof with a pool area below it and a balcony on the left hand side of the screen. The door you can see that leads onto the balcony is the door to the Don's office. There is one on the opposite side, so head around to the other door. Look at your map and wait until the Don is in the room by himself. When he is, equip your Fibre Wire and enter the room. Choke him out and take the Room Key that he drops. Head out through the door I just told you not to enter and back onto the ledge. Look for the stairs you went down earlier and drop down. Make sure there are no guards there before you do. Anyway, once you are in the basement again, look at the map. You should see a Point of Interest. This is the cell that has Father Vittorio in it. Walk to the cell and go in far enough to trigger Diana talking. When she does, head back out. Turn right and head forward. If the garage is on your right and you have just passed a large protruding wall on your left you are going the right way. There should be a door with a guard staring towards it. Sneak up behind him and choke him out. Head through the door and belt it to the top of the hill. Once you reach a certain point, a cutscene will trigger showing 47 making his way onto the other side of the hill. You should then see your stats for the completed mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one is much easier in my opinion, but it takes the fun out of it. Wait until the guard comes out to relieve himself. Go up behind him, Fibre Wire him, and take his clothes. From here, you have two options: A) Run into the garage, retrieve the Sniper Rifle, bring it back out to the hillside and snipe the Don whilst he plays golf. Then go in via the Basement and follow the route in Method 1 to get to the Don's office. Go into his bedroom and go out onto the balcony to pick up the Key. Drop down and go into the basement, then walk out again. B) Run in through the basement and follow the same route as Method 1. This time you'll be dressed as one of them, so the only time you will need to take care to deflect suspicion, will be when you are running on the ledging. There are other methods, but the main thing to do whatever method you choose is to go through the Kitchen, into the study and around the ledge onto the roof. The following alternate method is another way of getting onto the roof. This requires less hassle than any of the others would to get onto the roof. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Method 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know the guard that comes out to relieve himself? Take a shot at him with your Silenced Pistol in the back of the head. Take his clothes and gun and head into the complex. Equip the gun that you he was holding and go to the far right wall. Go left and you should see a door. Go through the door and look at your map. You will notice two enemies having a conversation poolside. It is essential that both are gone when you go up the ladder to your left, otherwise you'll be shot at. Once they have disappeared, wait until the maid has passed from one side of the pool to the other and gone through the door. Go up the ladder cautiously as guards may see you hurrying up. Once on the roof, crouch down to stay out of sight and slowly make your way along the roof to the end so that you are outside the door on the roof. Look at your map areas to see the position of the Don and of the guys down by the poolside. If the guys at the poolside are not there, then you can go around to the far door. When at the far door, stand outside and look at your map. If you see a guard coming, quickly put away your map and stand still to divert suspicion away from yourself. When the guard is gone, look at your map. Sometimes a maid comes into put flowers in a vase on the desk, so you have to beware of her. When she isn't there, then Don should come walking in from his bedroom. When he is standing beside his desk, equip your Fibre Wire and enter the room. Let the door close behind you and then kill the Don with the Fibre Wire. Lift the Room Key and run out of the door I told you not to go through originally. You should now be back on the roof where you started after coming up from the ladder. Walk to the edge and go right and keep an eye on the basement stairs below. When they are right below you, drop down onto the stairs, and go through the door and go into the cell. Go in far enough to trigger Diana talking about how they got satellite images of the priest being dragged away. Go out of the basement and then go out through the door you came. Go up the hill and when you get near enough to the top then a short cutscene will come on showing 47 looking back at the mansion whilst he leaves over the other side of the mountain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Method 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go straight down the hill and to the wall. Go left and you should see a man standing smoking holding a bunch of flowers. Approach him. You can either kill him or you can knock him out. The problem with knocking him out is that he'll alert guards to your prescence. Kill him using either Fibre Wire or a Silenced Pistol. Pinch his clothes and lift the flowers. Head into the complex and get to the basement. From the basement, go into the Kitchen and go up the stairs. When you get up, you should see a door straight in front of you. Go out the door, and look at your map. Ensure that there are no guards below and then go out and along the ledge. Continue around, ensuring that you don't fall off. The best way to get across is to run towards the wall. This means he'll be running along the ledge whilst running against the wall. Once you are on the roof opposite, look down at the balcony. If you can see anyone, wait until they leave the area. Look at your map, and when you see the two guys below leave the poolside area, step out and onto the other side of the balcony. Crouch down, and look at your map. When you see the Don come in, get out your Fibre Wire and prepare it. Open the door and go through in Sneak Mode. Approach him and choke him out. Pick up the Revolver he drops and the Prison Cell Key. Go out through the door in front of you and out onto the rooftop again. Once you are on the rooftop, find the ledge that you ran along to get to the rooftop in the first place. Run along and once you see the basement steps below, deliberately swing the analog stick in that direction so that 47 lands on the stairs. Enter the basement, and find the old rusty door you passed earlier but couldn't open. Go in far enough to trigger Diana talking. Onec she is done, go out the door and check your maps for both the area you are in and the area outside that you will pass through to make your escape. On occasions, a guard will be standing facing towards the basement door when you open. If he is standing there, keep your map on and wait for him to move away. When he does, bring up the other map and track his movements until he stops. Go out the door and go up. If you see a protruding wall on the left and a garage on the right then you are going the correct way to the exit. You'll see a guard with his back to you in the distance. Get out your Fibre Wire and choke him out. Go out of the door in front of you and run up the hillside until the short cinematic shows 47 running away over the hill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon achieving your first Silent Assassin ranking on Anathema, you will receive a pair of Silenced Ballers. Ballers are the double guns in case you are wondering. They can send your victim flying through the air and make them land 20+ feet away. The fact that they are silenced provides the oppurtunity for some truly brutal murders. Upon achieving a second Silent Assasin ranking, you will receive a Sawn-Off Shotgun. This is a one or two hit kill weapon depending on where you strike them in the body. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 09 | ST. PETERSBURG STAKEOUT | 09 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the General -Don't harm anyone else at the meeting -Escape via the subway ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start in the subway station below ground level. Head over to Locker #137. You'll see it on your map as the agency pick up point. Have your Pistol equipped and head up the stairs. Once you are out in open air, look around and when you see a soldier, cap him and steal his clothes. Walk to the large building indicated on your map. (I know these instructions are a bit vague, but my memory of this particular mission is foggy, so bear with me.) Once you are in the square with the building, look at your map for the point of interest. This indicates the place where you should snipe the guy from. Head into it and get to the fourth floor. Get to the pair of open windows and wait for the meeting to begin. A dialogue between Diana and 47 will happen at periods throughout the meeting as 47 tries to identify which one it is. It is the one in uniform who isn't smoking and is drinking. Only shoot when you hear 47 say 'Identified Target'. When he does, that means you can see him. Snipe him with a shot to the head. If it isn't a shot to the head then you've screwed up. Once he is dead, a couple of soldiers will make their way to your room. Equip your pistol and shoot them before they see you. Head down the stairs and back into the street. Retrace your footsteps back to the subway. Make sure you don't walk into any roadblocks setup. Also, don't worry about carrying the wrong gun. If you stay far enough away from soldiers, they will not realise the difference. Once you make it to the subway station, head down the stairs. When you reach the train doors, the mission is over and your stats will appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go pick up your supplies, but not the Sniper Rifle as it will cause suspicion. Go up the stairs and turn left down into another locker room. Shoot the guard and take his clothes and gun and then head into the sewers. Look at your map and head in the direction of the building. Once you are in the general area, look for a manhole and climb out, then go around the back and wait for the guards to leave. When they do, enter the building. Go up to the second floor and look through the keyhole. Go in the door, and shoot the target dead. Run back down the stairs and back down into the sewers. From here, go back to the train station and get back to the locker room. Run to the doors of the train to complete the mission. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 10 | KIROV PARK MEETING | 10 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the General -Kill Igor Kubasko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission can appear much more difficult than it really is. Head up to the Agency Drop Off point and pick up your supplies. The Car Bombs are all you really need. Head down the manhole nearest to you and head to the northern most ladder. When you are there, you should see a limo driver relieving himself. Sneak up behind him and pinch his clothes. When you have them, walk up to the limo and plant a bomb on it. Head back down into the sewers and head to the south-western most ladder. The car should be parked over it, so plant on the bomb on it. Get out of another manhole and head to the pier. When the bombs go off, head in the direction of the boat and the mission is complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To do this, you'll need to have the Sniper Rifle from the last mission. Come up from the pier and go right. Run by the fence all the way to the building in front of you. When the guard turns his back and walks away, equip your silenced pistol and wait for him. Shoot him in the back of the head. Drag the body and hide it in between the dumpsters and take his clothes. Head left around the corner. Keep an eye on the left, and when you see a door, approach it. The game will give you the option of picking the lock. Make sure no guards are watching and do so. Go up the stairs, but don't go bursting in. When you are near the top, equip your silenced pistol and slowly go up the stairs. Shoot the guard in the back of the head who is standing up there. Now that you are in position. Look over the park with the Sniper Rifle. You'll have to kill both with one bullet, so be careful. There are two times to do this. One at the start when they hug each other and one at the end when they hug each other. When they do hug, have your Sniper Rifle aimed between them and have the bobbing action between their heads and chests. Fire when you think the time is right. When they are both dead, you'll be ambushed at the top of the tower by guards. Drop your Sniper Rifle and equip a Revolver or Pistol. Fire at everything that moves and run back to the pier. When you approach the boat, the mission is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Method 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the pier, equip the Silenced Pistol and wait. Shoot the guard who is walking across the street and drag their body in between the dumpsters. Take their clothes and their gun and wait. When both cars have pulled up, go to an entrance and enter through it. Walk slowly, as the guards may find it suspicious. When they hug, let loose from your AK. Haul it back to the pier to complete the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are able to pickup an AK on both St. Petersburg Stakeout and Kirov Park Meeting. It is advisable that you take the Sniper Rifle from the previous mission and the AK from this mission. This will save you having to come back at a later date to pick up either weapon. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 11 | TUBEWAY TORPEDO | 11 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the General -Rescue the Prisoner -Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start out in the sewers. Head to the right and over the bridge and then go left. Follow the sewers around to the nearest manhole and climb out. You should see a soldier standing beside a crate nearby and the Agency Pick Up point on your map. Pop him in the head with the silenced pistol and drag his body over to you. Steal his clothes, lift his AK and deposit his body down the sewers. Walk over to the Agency Pick Up point and pick up all the things they have left for you. Once you have them, walk up to the back of the truck. Before getting in, ensure noone can see you. When you are sure, hop in the back, duck, and let the truck take you to your destination. Once it parks, there will be three soldiers walking around the area. Get out of the truck and go to the front of the truck. You should see a ramp ahead of you with a soldier pacing it. You can either try and avoid him, or shoot him in the head with the silenced pistol. Once you are past the guard, head into the door on your right and get into the elevator. Go down to the first basement. Head forward until you can't anymore and make a right, take the first left and you should be in front of a locked door. There are two guards that walk past you in the corridor, so look at your map whilst you are picking the lock so you know if you should stop or not. Once the door is open, there will be a general standing there with his back to you. Take him out with a silenced shot to the head, take his clothes and move into the room through the door directly in front of you. On your left, you should see the surveillance system. Shoot the panel to disable the cameras. Head out of the door on the right and follow the corridor round until you come to an enclosed area with bars on either side of the gap that counts as a doorway. There should be an elevator here. Get in and head down to the second basement floor. Once you arrive on the floor, check your map and you should see the large red circle on your map. This is your target, but both of the doors into the interrogation room are locked. Head around the corridor until you come to the door of the 'Surveillance Room' (Similar name. It is where you watch the interrogation going on). When you get to this door, you will realise that it is locked but it gives you the option of picking the lock. A guard patrols the corridor, so when he comes, take him out with the Silenced Pistol, pick the lock and drag his body into the room with you. You should now be able to see the interrogation happening. Get out your silenced pistol and when the General leans against the table beside the glass, shoot him in the head. If he survives, give him another quick shot to the chest or head. When he is dead, approach the window and the game will give you the option of climbing through the window. Do so. Pick up the Combat Knife the General dropped and walk over to the prisoner. A cutscene will show 47 and the prisoner talking for a bit. When it is over, equip your Silenced Pistol and follow him to the elevator. Once you get in the elevator, a cutscene will show a guard pressing the alert button beside the elevator. The guard upstairs will ignore it. Be ready to shoot down the guards if they attack you. Look at your map and find the room where you are going to have blast through the wall. When you find it, head to it and plant the bomb beside the wall. Look at your map and CAREFULLY PLAN the route you need to take to the designated door. When you are certain you know the route (it will take a hell of alot of luck to find it if you don't know the route. Plus the guards are swarming in the sewers once you blow the wall in, not allowing you to look at your map), blast through the wall and run to the door, waiting for the prisoner at times. When you reach the door, the mission is over, and your stats are shown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Problems Arising ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have received several e-mails asking about why when you drop the bomb, it goes off. I am unable to answer that question, but I have done some research through some forums and found some people having the same problem. What most people advise is that crouch down and drop the weapon slowly to ensure that the impact doesn't set it off. I cannot confirm if this works, because I did not experience this problem. Please do NOT e-mail me with anything to do with this specific topic again. Either a question or solution. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 12 | INVITATION TO A PARTY | 12 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the General -Retrieve the Briefcase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start this mission on a pier. Head up the stairs and take out the waiter using Fibre Wire. Take his clothes and the Door Key. Head to the Agency Pick Up Point and get all they leave for you. ENSURE you get the Poison. If you look in front of you from the pickup point, you will see a large house enclosed with walls. Head to the right hand side and follow the wall along until you come to a locked door that gives you the option of picking the lock. Look at your map to ensure that the guard on the other side is not near you. Pick the lock and head through the door. Drop down into the driveway and head towards the garage. Go through the door beside it and go the room straight in front. When you see the guard get out of the path, head into the corridor and follow it around. You should end up in front of the Kitchen. Head through the doors into the Kitchen and pick up a Champagne Glass. Whilst heading upstairs, add the poison to the glass and head into the ballroom. When the General comes in the door, walk towards him and he will take the glass. Do not follow him when he runs off to the toilet to be sick. When the Spetznatz agent holds up the Ambassador, follow them to the room with the vault. Head into the room beside the room they are in and open the connecting doors. When the safe is open, shoot the Agent in the head and retrieve the briefcase. Equip your Pistol, and be ready to run. Belt down the corridor and down the stairs, shooting anything in your way. Once you are out of the house, head to your left and go through the door you come in by. Head to the pier to complete the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appartantly, if you acheive Silent Assassin rankings on Kirov Park Meeting, Tubeway Torpedo and Invitation to a Party, you receive an M4. This would mean that you would not have to kill a UN soldier using Fibre Wire to obtain one and would take alot of hassle off later in the game. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 13 | TRACKING HAYAMOTO | 13 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill Hayamoto Jr. -Plant a Tracking Device on Hayamoto Jr's Body -Escape the complex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the patrolling guard in front of the house heads inside, run to the garage and honk the horn in the car. When the guard comes to invesitage, take him out and steal his clothes. Go out of the garage and head around the back. Head to the north side of the building and wait for the cook. When he comes out, cap him with the Fibre Wire or a Silenced Pistol shot to the head. Enter the Kitchen and go to the room where you can cut a bit of the fish off. Cut a bit off and head back to the Kitchen. Place the fish and tracking device on a plate and head back to the general area where you started avoiding all the guards. When a message tells you Hayamoto has died, head to the gates for completion of the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot anything that moves. You see someone, you shoot them. When you locate Hayamoto, shoot him, plant the tracker on him, and then leave again. Hardly the prettiest of options, but ideal for people who haven't done this mission before. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 14 | HIDDEN VALLEY | 14 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Collect Supplies -Find Secret Entrance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secret Entrance is marked as the EXIT on your map. When you start, do not walk into the open as there is a Sniper. Run from one tree to the next until you reach the wall. The Agency Pickup is just around the corner. Arm yourself with a Pistol and cap the guard. Steal his clothes and then pick up the Crossbow. Walk along the sides, shooting down Snipers with the Crossbow. Stick to the sides and make your way to the exit. When you reach the exit, the mission is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Page has contributed the following as an alternate method to the Hidden Valley mission. I have never tried this, so I am putting in the exact words he sent in his e-mail to me. "In the Hidden Valley mission, all you have to do is wait for the truck to get stuck near where you start the game (this can be done before or after you get the agency pick-up, but the crossbow comes in handy). When the truck becomes un-stuck, it drops back onto the roadway. Simply run into the back of the truck, and ride all the way through the tunnels. You may need to shoot a guard or two in order to get the truck moving again, but if you STAY IN THE BACK OF THE TRUCK until you reach the end, you will be fine (do any shooting from INSIDE the truck)." __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 15 | AT THE GATES | 15 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Get to the castle undetected -Await Briefing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start, equip the Crossbow and shoot down the guy in the distance. Head over to where his body is and take his clothes and gun (You'll have the crossbow at your shed because you completed Hidden Valley with it). Move slowly towards the castle. You'll come across another soldier. Kill him and continue east. Once Diana contacts you, head for the first generator. Take out the guard beside it and shut it down. Carefully make your way to the front entrance. Belt up the ramp and enter the area. Stick to the wall so the Snipers can't see you and shut down the generator there. Diana will contact you telling you there is one generator left that they can't pick up on the map. Go north and to the the right of the ramp. Go through the doors facing each other. You should be outside. There will be a guard walking around, so take him out with the Silenced Pistol. Go to the door at the end of the building to your left. The generator is just to your right. Head back outside. Head north, make a left and go west into the Security Door. Make two rights, and enter the castle. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 16 | SHOGUN SHOWDOWN | 16 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Get Keycard -Kill Hayamoto Sr. -Retrieve Guidance System -Escape Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go through the hidden wooden door to your right and go up the stairs. Look through the keyhole and when the guard turns away, open the door and take him out with the Silenced Pistol. Walk on the beams to the body as the squeaky floorboards may attract attention. Take his clothes and his gun. Walk on the squeaky floorboards and go down the stairs and through the wooden door on your left. Follow the corridor to the Point of Interest on your map. Go through the door and pinch the Keycard from the shelf. Head outside. Can you see the Point of Interest on the map? You need to get here, so head around the hallway and into the room. If a guard is looking suspisciously at you, turn and walk away immediately. Go into the room beside the Point of Interest. You will notice Laser Doors, so deactivate them with the Keycard and pick up the Bomb Remote and Bomb. When you have them, head back outside. There is a Helicopter on the Helipad. Go up to it and the game will give you the option of planting the bomb on it. Do so. Go down the stairs to where you started the mission and return to the squeaky floorboards room, again taking care to walk on the beams. Deactivate the Laser Doors and head right. Go down the stairs and through the door, then head down another set of stairs. When you get to the museum, use the Keycard to deactivate the laser beams and go in. Pick up the Guidance System. Go back again and go into the first floor. Get to the third floor. Be careful as there are some ninjas waiting on the rafters. If you notice them, shoot them before they see you. Once on the third floor, you will notice a mini-maze with a Point of Interest on the map. This is the alarm. Head through the maze to get to the room where it is. There are 4 guards patrolling it, so let loose from your silenced SMG and sound the alarm. Head back down to the first floor and back to where you started the mission. Equip the Bomb Remote, and when Hayamoto gets into the Helicopter and it starts to fly, blow it up and then step to the exit for mission completion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up into the squeaky floorboard room and get a guard uniform. Progress slowly up to the sixth floor and cap Hayamoto when he isn't looking before leaving again. Nowhere near as fun as blowing him out of the sky though. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 17 | BASEMENT KILLING | 17 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill Charlie -Disable Surveillance System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop any gun you are carrying that cannot be put away, such as a Sniper Rifle. Head out of your phone booth and get to the Agency Pickup point. Wait until the guard leaves the room before taking the goods. When you pickup the smoke bomb step out into the corridor and let it off. Get to the other side of the building where the Fire Dept is and wait until all the Firemen are out. Go in and put on the Fire Costume and lift the Fire Axe. Equip it. Make your way to the elevator and go down to the basement (Don't worry about the Metal Detectors as you are a Fireman, the guards will think it is just your Axe). Go through the door to the left of the elevator and go down the stairs. Pick the Lock on the next door and stop. Charlie is straight in front of you on his Computer. Equip the Fire Axe, and SNEAK your way through the Pizza Boxes and crisp packets. If you step on one of them, you may alert Charlie. When you are behind him, raise your axe, hold it there for two seconds and bring it down on Charlie's head. It will kill him instantly. 47 will contact Diana saying that he thinks Charlie has a twin brother. Equip your Silenced Pistol, and head back up the stairs and into the Computer Room. Shoot out the Surveillance System. Be careful of any guards in the room. Dispose of them as necessary. When you have shot out the Surveillance System, step into the elevator for mission completion. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 18 | GRAVEYARD SHIFT | 18 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Plant Hacking Device -Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the elevator, go to the Kitchen and shoot out the Security Camera beside the Coffee Pot with your Silenced Pistol. Wait to the right hand side of the door and when the System Administrator comes in, cap him and steal his clothes. If you look at your map, you will see a System Administrators Office marked as a point of interest. Head over to the office, go in, and pinch the Keycard. Go to the northern end of the building and go into the room with the Computer. When you approach it, the game will give you the option of planting the hacking device. Do so. Now that you have attached it, you need to escape. Look at your map to see the Skybridge. Head towards it and you will notice some large floor to roof windows. Shoot one of them out with your Pistol and jump down. Avoid the guards as you make your way to the exit. When you reach the exit, the mission is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait for the system administrator and take his clothes. When you see a guard, cap him and drag his body into the Kitchen. Take his clothes and walk slowly to the administrators office, killing and hiding bodies as you go. Pick up the keycard and go to the computer room, plant the bug and shoot out a window on the skyroof to escape. There is nothing pretty about it, but it is the easiest option if it is your first attempt at this mission. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 19 | JACUZZI JOB | 19 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill Charlie -Steal Money -Steal Statue -Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head around the balconies until you reach the last balcony. Make sure when you pass the windows you are not seen. Once you reach the last balcony, climb over the wall and look at your map. When she leaves, go inside the room and steal the money from the safe. Go out of the door into the penthouse and go into the door straight in front of you. Cut the fuses and then leave. Go right and then go into the door straight ahead of you. The statue is in this room. Steal the statue, and then look at your map. Look where Charlie is and head to that room. Have your Silenced Pistol ready. When you see Charlies head, shoot him and then rush to the elevator to complete the mission. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 20 | MURDER AT THE BAZAAR | 20 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the Lieutenant -Get the map -Kill the Colonel -Get the key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the road that goes Northwest. Run to the Lieutenants house to beat the guards and go around the back. Pick the Lock and sneak into the house. Sneak up the stairs and take out the Lieutenant as quietly as possible. Take his clothes and nick the map. Head downstairs (be careful of the guards at the bottom. If they pose a problem, shoot them with your Silenced Pistol) and look at your map for the Bazaar. Head to the western entrance to it and enter. Locate the colonel and dispose of his bodyguard with a single shot to the head. Kill the colonel in the same way and take the Key that he drops. Head to the exit on the east of your map. Once there, the mission is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If this is your first time through this mission, you might want to try simply shooting everything. I have tried this method, and by shooting everything the two targets come running out to try and attack you. They are carrying the map and key as well, so you don't need to worry about them. Although you'll probably get an Aggression Level of 100%, it is much easier than trying to sneak about if you don't know the route. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 21 | MOTORCADE INTERCEPTION | 21 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Find the contact -Kill the Khan -Spare UN soldiers -Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you start, find a solitary guard. Cap him and steal his clothes. Head to the Agency Pickup point on your map, this is where the contact is. Once you meet him, he will give you an Anti Vehicle Sniper Rifle. Lift it, and then go out of the alley. Take a right. When you see two buildings connected with a plank, go to the left hand building, go up the stairs, across the plank, and climb the ladder. Face east and wait until a message tells you that the Motorcade is approaching the city (You may have to kill a few guards on ground level that are shooting up at you whilst you wait). When they are approaching, aim the Sniper Rifle and shoot at the engine of the first car in the procession. This will cause the Motorcade to stop. Shoot the Khan who is in the middle seat at the back of the limo. He is probably ducking down, so make sure you know who it is and then fire. Jump down onto ground level from the roof and run to the exit for mission completion. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 22 | TUNNEL RAT | 22 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Infiltrate Base -Kill Yuseff -Transport Cargo to the surface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Sniper Rifle you brought from the last round, head around the ruins shooting guards as they walk. Go up to a body, drop your sniper rifle, and take his clothes and gun. Enter the base from the northern entrance and go down the stairs. Shoot down the two guards beating up the civilian. You will then be told where to find Yuseff. Take out the guard patrolling the corridor. Continue down the hall. The Lieutenants room is on the left. Go through the door, and then go through the next door. Use your Silenced Pistol to eliminate him. Go back to where you shot the two guards and take the hallway left. Go to the elevator. When it comes down, get in, and go to the top. When you do, the mission is over. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 23 | TEMPLE CITY AMBUSH | 23 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Find Contact -Find Agent -Take pictures of assassin's bodies -Take photos to Agent -Go through Secret Passage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go and meet your first contact. Pick up the Shotgun leaning against the truck and listen to his instructions. Make sure you put the Shotgun away, then go and meet your second contact. He will tell you to take out the assassin's and bring pictures of their bodies back to him for confirmation. Take the camera and look at your map. The assassin's are the two yellow dots. One is located above a shop overlooking a square. Go to the area, staying to the wall below him. Go in and up the stairs. Sneak up and take him out with the Fibre Wire. Take his clothes, take his picture, then take his gun. Look at your map, and when you see the other assassin coming into the square, shoot him. Head down and take his picture. Take them back to your contact and he will tell you where the passage is. Head to the EXIT marked on your map. The passage is located behind a rug on a wall, on the left hand wall from the door. Once you near it, a cutscene shows 47 ripping the rug off and going through the passage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other way you could do it, would be to go into the square where the first assassin is, guns ablazing. When he is dead, take his picture and then go to where the second one is. Stay against the wall of the building he is so he can't shoot you. Go into the building, and then up the stairs. Shoot him take his picture and take them back to the contact. From here, just go to the exit. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 24 | DEATH OF HANNELORE | 24 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill the Doctor -Hide the body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait for the guard walking around to come near you. Shoot him in the head with your Silenced Pistol and take his clothes and gun. Go through the door where the two guards are standing and go into the room on your left marked as a point of interest. Put on the patients gown and then head towards the Agency Pickup point. When the guard leaves the connecting room, head into it and then go into the room marked as a Point of Interest. Pick up the Poison and the Key. Head north and go up the stairs. Once up the stairs, look at your map to locate the doctor. When the patient in there comes out, walk in. He will start telling you about different treatments. Shoot her, and then drag her body to the hiding place. Go back down the stairs and return to the place where you got the patients gown. Put the guards uniform back on and head to the boat to complete the mission. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 25 | TERMINAL HOSPITALITY | 25 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill Cult Leader -Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look at your map. When the guard on the boat moves around to the other side and the guard at the top of the stairs moves away, run up the stairs and go to the Point of Interest. It is a place of worship that has a disguise and a few guns. Take the clothes then cap a guard and take his Uzi. Head into the Hospital and go to the elevator. Go down to the basement and go into the Office. The connecting room should be marked as a point of interest. Go in, and you should find a Scalpel. Put your Uzi away and equip Fibre Wire. When a doctor walks past, cap him, drag his body somewhere and steal his clothes. Put away all weapons and check the surgery rooms. Equip your Scalpel, and when the game gives you the option of 'Kill Cult Leader', do so. When he is dead, head left or right to the stairs that lead outside. Pick the lock and flee to your boat. When you reach the boat, the mission is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Method 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cap a soldier and head through the main door of the Hosital. Go into the room on your left and use your Silenced Pistol to eliminate the nurse sitting at her desk. Go through the door and then go through the next one. There should be a doctors uniform sitting there. Put it on, put away your Uzi and head down to the basement via the elevator. Once you reach the basement, find the office with the Scalpel and equip it. Go into each operating theatre at a time, and locate the Cult Leader. Kill him and run outside and back to the boat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Method 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cap a guard and then head down to the basement via the elevator. Find the power system (Point of Interest) and turn out the lights. Go to the office with the Scalpel and get it first then go into the operating theatres. The guards can't see you, so kill the cult leader and then go back and turn the power on as the elevator won't work without it. Go up the elevator, and casually walk out the door and back to your boat. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 26 | ST. PETERSBURG REVISITED | 26 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill Sergei -Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the building where Sergei is. As you approach it, you will hear shots coming at you. Try to ignore them and head to the entrance. Go in and go up the stairs. Equip your Fibre Wire and when you enter the room where Sergei is, ignore him. It is a cardboard cut out. Go into the connecting corridor and go down it. When you enter the room, you should see, what looks like 47 staring out of a window. Sneak up behind him and take him out with the Fibre Wire. Watch the cutscene as 47 informs Sergei that 47 is speaking, not 17. Once the cutscene is over, steal 17's clothes and take his gun. Run back to the Metro Station. When you reach it, you will notice guards at the entrance. I found if you walk towards them, then when they start firing at you, run down into the Metro and approach the train. When you do, the mission is complete. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 27 | REDEMPTION AT GONTRANNO SANCTUARY | 27 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kill all bodyguards -Kill Sergei ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should have a nice collection of guns at your shed by now. If you don't it might be worth replaying a few missions and picking up certain guns. Anyway, when you start, you have nothing. Only Fibre Wire. Wait for the guard you can see to move away, then wait for the guards on the other side to move away from the door. Belt to your shed and pick something like an AK. Shoot down the guards as they come running to your shed. Lift the Crossbow, or Sniper Rifle, and take out the guard standing on the ruined walls. Once you have shot him, equip every weapon you can carry. Equip your Silenced SMG and go to the double door entrance to the church. Be ready with your SMG. Open the door and let loose a flurry of bullets on the bodyguards. Go through the door on your left and take out the guard there. Head up the stairs, and look through the keyhole of each door. Equip your Silenced Pistol, and when you see a bodyguard looking over a balcony directly in front of you with his back to you, open the door and pop him in the head. Walk forward, and pinch his clothes and Sniper Rifle. Shoot the guard at the other end of the balcony and walk over to pick up his gun. I was extremely lucky and picked up a Custom Rifle. I don't know if this will happen to everyone though. When you are there, take out the guards on the opposite balcony, then take out the guards as they stand in the hall below. Go back downstairs, equip a Machine Gun and open the door. Shoot anything that moves. When the message tells you that all of Sergei's bodyguards are dead, go to the Confessional and shoot at the heart. A cutscene will show Sergei holding Father Vittorio. Chase Sergei down and shoot him, then return to Vittorio. He will give you a Cross and tell you to carry it with you. As you leave the church, it will show 47 hang the cross on a splintered piece of wood and walk away, saying that he belongs in the underworld. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 28 | PAL/DEMO CHANGES | 28 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. PAL Demo to PAL Version Changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several changes that are noticeable from the demo version and the released PAL Version. o The faces of the bodyguards are clearer. This allows you to see their expressions more clearly when they are walking past you in the hall staring at you trying to work out if you are Cousin Luigi or the delivery boy. o The graphics themselves are notably improved. Those who have played the demo will have noticed that some elements seemed a little fuzzy. Certainly, when I was playing the demo, I noticed that the van of the grocery boy was a little fuzzy around the edges. This has all been improved since the demo and you are now able to clearly see the difference. o The controls are easier to utilise. You'll notice in the demo that some of the buttons you pressed didn't respond the way you wanted them to. This was more noticeable when you were trying to stealthily move from one piece of roof to the next. Sometimes, when doing this, the controls simply didn't do what you told them to do. This has been fixed from the demo and you are able to move with much more ease. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Unedited PAL Version to Edited PAL Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three levels, depicting the massacre of the Sikhs in 1985 were removed from the game because it was feared that they would cause further offence after several Sikh Communities and groups complained about the depiction being in the game. They said it was created fun out of a terrible disaster. The levels were removed by the creaters. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 29 | CREDITS | 29 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ This is the section where I will thank all who have helped me in producing this guide in the form you currently see it in: Me: For taking the time to write this. CJayC: For posting it. Alex Page: An alternate method on Hidden Valley I am not accepting any more submissions for this guide. It is complete and finished. Any e-mail that contains the words 'hitman 2 submission' will be deleted. If you send it to me again I'll block all forms of contact with you for being ignorant. __ __ / \ / \ /----\===================================================================/----\ | 30 | CLOSING WORDS | 30 | \----/===================================================================\----/ \__/ \__/ I hope that this guide has been informative, and has helped you complete the game. Be aware, that this is not a guide that tells you how to get Silent Assassin rankings on every level, simply how to pass them. ******************************************************************************* ***This guide is Copyright to Mark Fletcher aka Belfast IsJericho, 2002-2003*** *******************************************************************************