Hitman 2: Silent Assassin FAQ/Walkthrough Author: - Nogarda Contact/Questions/Queries/Contributions: - nogarda@hotmail.com ##################################################################### C O N T E N T S ##################################################################### - What You Need To Know - Main FAQ/Walkthrough - The Gontranno Sanctuary - Anathema - St Petersburg Stakeout - Kirov Park Meeting - Tubeway Torpedo - Invitation To A Party - Hidden Valley - At The Gates - Shogun Showdown - Basement Killing - The Graveyard Shift - The Jacuzzi Job - Murder At the Bazaar - Motorcade Interception - Tunnel Rat - Temple City Ambush - The Death Of Hannelore - Terminal Hospitality - St Petersburg Revisited - Redemption At Gontranno Sanctuary - Your FAQ'S** - Secrets - Credits and Contributors - Legal Stuff - Version History ##################################################################### ##################################################################### *Currently doing ** Requires YOUR contribution ##################################################################### ##################################################################### What you need to know... - This FAQ will focus on getting you through each level with a fair degree of stealth, but will focus on the main course to take to the end of the mission. - Expect more strategies to be added on completion of the main FAQ at this current time (14/10/2002) will focus on completing the stage. - This isn't going to get those who follow this guide the same results at the end, as where all different. - This is scroller friendly to those who just want another opinion or how to kill someone, just look out for the break lines between stages. - Your not going to get perfect silent assassin ranks on your first playthough or collect every weapon in one sitting, forget about it. - Mr. 47 has an uncanny knack of drawing attention to himself so don't expect to be having a chat with a guard in some of these levels. - Patients is essential at times, so becoming a bullet magnet in missions will get you killed take your time. - This FAQ will only get better with your contributions. Of either new strategies or general tips. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Main Walkthrough Mission 0 The Gontranno Sanctuary This is just a briefing stage getting you familiar with the controls of the game as if like me you have the pc version and the original hitman the control system has changed. But has been made easier for quick connivance. But if you don't have a scroll mouse change the zoom settings for up and down for sniper scopes etc. When you begin you'll be in the garden shed (mission shed). Follow the instructions to exit the shed and meet father Vitorrio. Go through the door to the left of the shed and into the church. Continue upstairs and turn a 180 and step to your right you should see a wood type box next to a curtain (confession booth for you non religious types :D). Enter watch the cutscene. And then find the box this is just outside so when you have control over 47 again. Turn to the right to see a door go through and through one more to the main entrance outside across the way is a box walk towards it to cue another cutscene. After watching you have a choice continue with the tutorial or get on with mission one. If you continue allow Diana to instruct you. If after you are comfortable go to the shed and press the action button on the laptop. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 1 Anathema - Kill the "Don" Guiseppe Guillani - Take Key to Prison cell from Don Guillani - Rescue Vittorio in the basement - Escape - Check map for known exit points OK read well so you know what your doing before you set off via studying the map and looking at the entry points. (3) If you wish to do this and achieve the silent assassin rank you only need one bullet, ever per mission. (And even then.) You have 3 choices. Enter as the postman The mafia guard or, The delivery boy. I personally choose the mafia guard, as it is by far the easiest. One problem is the other mafia guard coming from behind. but quickly pop the urinating guard with the SILENCED pistol to the head and holster the gun. Walk towards the mafia guard wait till your either past him or he runs to the body shoot him also in the head and choose a costume. Drag the bodies away from the door encase the guard behind it happens to stroll along. If he's not there he's over by the kitchen back way entrance. Run into the nearest wooden door which leads to a nice red car, and a nice R96 blaster sniper rifle. Pick this up running back to the start point crouch to make the scope less shaky in snipe mode. Aim at the balcony on the left. And if you've done all the above in less than a minute thirty the don should still be swinging his golf club like the dead don he's going to be in five seconds line up his head in the cross hair and fire. One dead don. But this would present a problem in due time. Head down to the entrance with the sniper rifle, and drop it on the road. Go through the door you 1st went through and walk to the left of the garage. This has a 40% chance of succeeding but if your quick you can make the guard nearest to you face you as you pop him as his corpse discreetly hides itself behind the low ramp. But more often than not the other guard will come running to alert. If you didn't kill the don, he'll now be tucked away in his room with his hand cradling a 6 round magnum along with his attorney nursing a double barrel shotgun. Standing next to the balcony entrance. If the guard didn't come running and neither did the postman, lucky you. You can walk up the far end of the stairs unholstering your gun and popping an unaware guard who was behind the concrete pillar and his friend Fredrick too (no that's not his real name before you e-mail me.) Now look through the keyhole and wait for the maid to disappear, before you jump in silently placing a lead bullet in the guard's forehead. Turn a sharp left and then hang a right when in the next room wait for the guard to come down becoming down the stairs and pump him full of lead till he's dead. (The best thing about stairs is they hate shooting back on them so use the opportunity.) Then go up the stairs sideways with your gun at the ready popping the guard on the upper level. If a guard is through the next keyhole directly in front of you kill him fast and silently. Then get a preferred weapon with a full clip(s) and enter the small room slightly turn to your left while in the door way killing the don then a full turn to the left killing a crooked attorney. When you're victorious in the 10-second firefight. 2 things will happen. Either a guard directly across the way from whence you came in will come or you will escape Scot free with no one other than you the wiser. Grab the don's magnum and room key to where your friend Victorrio is being held. And make a decision do you take the shotgun, the golf club or the sniper rifle out on the road? (Or nothing if you're going to be miserable.) As you can then holster your weapon(s) and go the way you came and make your way into the kitchen. Go down the stairs and use the key on the iron door. After a brief word with Diana you can now escape one of two ways. Through the main entrance on foot Or If you met the don's brother steal the car in the garage for a cool car sequence escape. (If you wish to look for the dons brother if you didn't meet him. And would like to test drive his car go to the back of the house where the pool is. He's there with the don's son who must have a thing against bald people and shoots on you almost instantly. Then nick the car keys and make your way to the garage.) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 2 St. Petersburg Stakeout - Get to locker #137 - Assassinate the general - Escape Attachments Target video Map of area Photo of the meeting window encircled. This is a big map but easy to navigate through. (Especially if you go through it as a 'get out of my way' putting bullets through flesh.) The first thing to do though is turn right as you run toward locker 137 pick the lock and take what is provided holster the svd sniper rifle and leave the night-vision goggles. You won't be in a dark place long enough. And navigating through the sewers is easy when plotting your route before hand. You should now make your way up to the pillars. And continue straight if a citizen runs kill them with your silenced pistol and walk up the escalators to time a confrontation with a patrolling guard shooting him in the head. Turn down the stairs killing the guard down here. Take his clothes and head through the door pick the next lock and run through the sewers towards the northwestern ladder. Climb up and take the back alley taking out your pistol and killing the guard with his back to you. Leave him where he drops and down the stairs. Check the map and see where the guards are coming from the north circling the target building. If there's two heading away from you and no one heading near the brown building. Run to the direction of the corner of the blue building and go in to the first door of the brown building. Head straight then take the first right and then up the spiral staircase to either floor 3 or 4 your choice. And head to the nearest open window. (Shattering glass on your side draws guard's attention to you. Bad thing.) The general you have to kill is the one whose head is blocked by the wood of the window frame. And the guy in red continually leans behind of. (Only shoot when the biker type guy is not near him. Take your time, line him up and kill him. (So don't shoot the guy with the shades, or the eye patch or the general with a beard. ) Then walk out like nothing happened and make your way back to the metro for your escape and the mission stats. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 3 Kirov Park Meeting - Assassinate the general - Assassinate the Russian Mafioso - Escape This mission is very easy when you know how. 1st walk to the top of the steps and stand still look over the road to see a Russian solider coming round the corner. He'll move when the limo starts to pass him. This is you cue to dash across the road side step and unholster your 9mm pistol SD. Place a bullet in the back of his head. Then drag him in the gap of the green bins pass the equipment point. Now steal his clothes and grab the svd sniper holster it. And pick up one of the car bombs. Take the additional ammo if you can carry it. Now look at the road to see a manhole you have to climb down. Check the map and go to the next nearest ladder. This is where the general's limo is parked over. Climb high enough up the ladder to place the car bomb and then make your way to the most northwestern ladder. Climb up here and equip your pistol and shoot the guard who is patrolling between the streets and the water tower (behind the crates gives you no hassle as even you can't see him if you kill him right. Walk towards him and unlock the door he was guarding. Then dash to the ladder and when you get to the top turn towards the right. And aim at the hole in the park wall. If you where relatively fast. Both the general and the Russian Mafioso should have stopped this gives you a clear shot at them both. If you can get the shot with both heads in the scope crosshair, then two birds with one stone and a thumb's up towards the silent assassin rank. But to save you're self-time and ammo just pop the Russian Mafioso. Then the general will run like a sissy to his car as he goes to pieces.... literally :D (what?) Then return the way you came. And walk or run to the speedboat. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 4 Tubeway Torpedo - Kill the general - Rescue the US General - Escape unharmed This mission is a bit of a nerve wrecker first time through. So drop the SVD Sniper rifle if your still carrying it or the AK47 if you where a difficult sod. Run across the walkway towards the big red arrow that was on the map. (You did look at the map right?) And before you pop up 47's shiny baldhead alerting the guard. Wait till his back is to you, he'll stay like this for a full minute and walk off. Choose your own method of rendering him unable to move. With a bullet, wire, or the cloth. Drag him back towards the sewer, and steal his clobber. And you'll need to make a b-line to the crates northeast of your position. Once you obtain your gear walk towards the truck and climb in the back. Then crouch to be hidden from anyone who may notice. When you arrive in the next area check the map. (The great thing is you can watch a guards patrol path and make your move when your ready) the two guards when faced away briefly, won't gets suspicious when you just walk normally around, but will wonder 'what the...' if your spotted climbing out the back of the van. So when they do. Walk around to the right and wait for the guard walking the alley to start back up and follow him. Kill him as he can screw you up later. Then walk to the door. Look through the keyhole and wait till you see the guard walking up the stairs nearest you before entering. If you want get the magnum ammo from the desk draw. (Or if you haven't changed clothes yet. Do so. NOW. Walk down the stairs to the elevator and go to floor 1. Holster all guns and walk past the guard and camera. (The attention meter will flash but will lower as you go out of range.) If you wish pick the lock to get the AK propped on the locker through the mesh gate. Or wait and enter the surveillance room. Stop and look at the map. The path-leading round the upper end of the room is the way you need to go. If you can see the sign written in Russian and the stop signs. This is the path to trouble. So walk around and go in through the door leading back to the warning door. If you then look to your right you'll see a green surveillance panel. Shoot the green lights at the bottom to turn it off. Exit the way you came and continue down the corridor. Avoid the nearest patrolling guard before running down the hall walking round the corner to basement level 2. Here you have to avoid the one patrolling guard as you dash to the furthest door around the corridor. If you wish, you can kill him as he comes out of the guardroom he shouldn't notice you first off. Then pick the lock. Once through in the next room you can see the general and the prisoner (from the original hitman.) Shoot through the glass and kill the general. If the guards weren't alerted by the shots, this saved you some trouble. Take the combat knife for your collection and the gun for some ammo. Then exit the door nearest the elevator and go to floor B1. After the scene sidestep out of the elevator shooting the guard. Holster and run to the blast room (the one with the yellow spikes.) Equip the bomb, arm and drop it next to the wall. Step back six spaces making sure the general isn't in front of you. Then blow the wall. The guards are all now alerted and out for your blood. So run to the left across the bridge and head northeast. Across another walk way and down a little to the metal door. Wait for the general who will come in a few seconds and trigger a cut scene, to the end of the mission. (A Contribution from BradR: I wanted to point out that in the 4th mission where you save the prisoner from the general in the interrogation room, that you can make it down to the 2nd basement via the elevator if you pick the lock next to the guard quarters and change into the officer's uniform in there. (Once the surveillance is down of course) The seated guard near the elevator with the book won't stop you from using it with that uniform on (different hat basically). Also I walked out of the "sewer bomb room" after dropping the mini- bomb, the guard came in after I did this, then when he started walking down the hall again I went back into the sewer room and set off the bomb with the remote. Lo and behold the guards weren't alarmed and I could walk right past them in the sewers to the exit. I'm not sure if that is a bug or not, kind of seems like it. ) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 5 Invitation to a Party - Kill General Mikhal -Secure the briefcase -Escape with the briefcase This mission starts on a low pier to the right of the target building. Up above up having a smoke is a waiter. Dispose of him by any means necessary. Take his key and drag him to the pier steps so he's out of the way. Then wait for the guard walking the outside perimeter. To walk as so you can shoot him in the head. Take his clothes and holster the submachine gun. Use the key on the door rather than picking it. And go to the front door entrance. And walk straight into the ballroom dead ahead and stand next to the piano player to not draw attention to you. If you faced the door you just came in through you can see the spetnaz agent to your left on the opposite side of the piano. And the ambassador is in the far corner. If you wait, the general will come in and soon walk back out. Follow a bit behind him and wait for him to enter his room. The maid will leave soon after giving you a clean assassination. Soon the spetnaz agent will hold up the ambassador and take him to the safe with the briefcase. (Check the map it's easier.) Then make you way to the office they are going too. You can either enter the side room then enter when the safe door is now open message appears. Or you can wait out side the office door gun at the ready and wait till the spetnaz agent comes out. Pump him full of lead and take the briefcase from his cold lifeless hands. Holster and then exit the building. If guards become alerted, just run. The chances of them killing you on a full to 3/4 of and energy bar are small if you just run. Watch the small scene to find your new destination and the stats screen. The other method is to enter as the waiter. But stop of at the equipment point, outside the main gate. Grab the poison and go to the kitchen, grab a champagne glass and use the poison on it. Then when the General comes into the ballroom, will be disposed off. Leaving you able to tail the ambassador and spetnaz agent. This is also the way to earn a silent assassin rank on this mission also. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 6 Tracking Hayamoto - Eliminate Hayamoto Jr. - Place Tracking Device on Hayamoto Jr. - Escape You start off at a point just behind a carved rock blocking the guard patrolling the main entrance and the two guards patrolling the front half of the main driveway. And one more, taking his time doing the upper driveway near the garage. When the door guard goes inside and the two guards nearest you, go to the main exit. Run to the guard nearest the garage. Shoot him in the head then drag his body in the garage next to the banged up car. Take his clothes and gun. Then go to the opposite side of the car. (If you briefly look at the door to your left theirs a space on the left, where you'll need to stand in 5 seconds, as the right is occupied by a trash can.) Till the action menu appears saying 'honk horn' do so then dash to the left of the door. The guard who was previously staring at the door on the opposite side will come in running wondering 'what.... huh?' as you quickly put him out of his misery and enter. Now behind the shutter round the corner is a bored patroller. So unholster you 9mm pistol SD and fire at the shutter. Holster and wait for the guard to notice the bullet hole wondering what happened and ask you 'do you kno-' (not literally again) as you by then place a bullet through his skull. Drag him passed the curtain hiding his body from anyone. Then go out into the now empty hallway. Hugging the shutter to the nearest door. Leading to the storeroom. (The only person to pass through this room is the sushi girl when junior has ran out of sushi.) Now wait for the patrolling guards are a) round the corner b) heading towards the back door and c) the cook has left the kitchen. Then head to the door on the left of the one the guard has just opened to get some poison sushi. Then quickly head to the sushi plate on the kitchen side drop the transmitter and sushi and enter the storeroom. And exit into the garage. Watch the map to see the sushi girl heading to the 'sushi a'la transmit' (hmmn al nice and beepy : D) When Junior kicks the bucket, you can now leave this place. Runs as the guards will fire on sight. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 7 Hidden Valley -Find the secret entrance This one gave me a bit of a headache. As one the sniper can kill you in one hit if he spots you and if you are only partially hidden behind a tree. And b) trying to find a quiet route through. Now the best thing to do is run forward in and out of the tree shadow's for the sniper towards the left. Staying to the left of the truck. Hide in the tree shadows and some twigs in the view of the sniper and wait for the ninja's in black to go in the tunnel. Run diagonally to the side of the tunnel and flip the sniper the bird. Check the map to see where the guard currently is by the truck. Wait for him to turn around. For you to then kill him. Take his clothes for the time being as you collect your crossbow and bolts. Then holster as you run/walk to the wooden type hut. Which is actually a tunnel hole. Go down the ladder lifting the camera to a height so the red pipes block the door at the bottom, as a ninja will pop in the room, to check for a second. Wait till he goes to get to the bottom. And bring out you 9mm Pistol SD open the door and kill him. Make sure he doesn't shoot as you'll of blow any chance of being undetected. Take his clothes dragging his corpse behind a few boxes and enter the truck waiting for you get in and crouch in the back. If any guard spots you. Unholster you pistol SD and shoot him as he checks your ID. By the time anyone realizes he's dead you'll be at the final check station. When you get through it. Jump out as the truck turns around and dash to the entrance to your right, to trigger the stats screen. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 8 At The Gates - Enter the Castle This mission is the best chance you get to be a sniper. So sidestep left crouch and aim at the guard on the ledge. Zoom in as required then wait for the scope to slow down, and the guard to stroll in between two trees. When he does place one bolt in the side of his head (if you hit him face on they tend to withstand the bolt and look around for you. 30% of the time finding you. Giving you unneeded attention.) When he's down, check the map to see where the nearest guard is. He should be far enough out the way for you to be twenty yards from the dead guard you just shot. Thus give yourself room and cover by aiming in between the trees and killing him when he turns around walking towards your crosshairs on the side. Fire when he lines up and quickly as possible step out killing the third guard walking the path. All in the space of thirty seconds of the second shot fired you, need to pop down and drag the third dead guard around the corner to either the left or the mini alcove on the right and repeat for the second guard. Take the clothes and wait for both the guard walking the far ridge, and the last guard walking the path. Eliminate as required. But do it so the guard walking the path is out of the snipers sights. You'll only make them be on the look out for you and the others. Now with the path patrols out of the way run to the last set of trees before a clearing and wave your way through as to see the sniper in the guard tower as you crouch. Wait till he checks his gun (i.e. turns sideways) and kill him. If you kill him head on he 60% of the time drops his custom sniper rifle for you. Now as your still zoomed in, stand and aim to the right, to see the sniper looking over the first generator. If you don't feel you have a good shot at the side of his head move to the second ridge. Then shoot. This also gives you a nice clear shot of back of the last remaining snipers head. Expose of in your sweet time and aim and kill the guard patrolling the generator fence. Then holster and dash to the generator. Pick the lock and turn off the generator. The security lasers are now disabled on the front entrance. Now run through the door careful not to run into the patrolling guard inside, (You should run right behind him) and to the right staying out of the window view, of the two snipers with their backs to them. Now wait till the guard patrolling the inner section you ran through comes out the side door before you run to the second generator. Subsequently turning it off. Now dash to the ramp leading to the upper door and enter. In here is the third and final generator that Diana told you of. Run to it and switch it off. Now open the corner door and make the patrolling guard follow you in where the third generator is, if you are spotted. (80% chance.) Then shoot him here or near the door entrance so the rooftop ninjas can't see and then walk on through the last laser fence and in the door to your immediate right up around the stairs and in the open door. End of the mission see how you did. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 9 Shogun Showdown -Secure Missile Guidance System -Eliminate Hayamoto Sr. -Escape the Castle On this mission you can be very stealthy and get away with mass homicide. You are in a t-shaped alcove leading to a small flight of stairs guarded by about four-five guards. Drop your crossbow and head into a secret wooden door to the right when facing the stairs. Unholster your 9mm Pistol SD and look through the keyhole of the next door you come to at the top of the stairs. You can see the black ninja strolling bored. Open the door the moment he turns his back and place a well aim bullet in his skull. Careful as if you step on the wooden floorboards to much the guards in your next destination will come running ahead of you, either sneak slowly across the floor two steps at a time waiting a second or two. Or more preferably take a step into the room and sidestep until you are facing the first wooden pillar in the room. Walk along the pine beam and the area around the pillars till you get to the body. Drag his body closer to the pine beam if he's to far across the floor. Take his clothes and submachine gun SD, and then run across the beams to attract the guards down below. Shoot them dead and go down the stairs. You'll have noticed the beamed door. (You'll be heading here again soon this is basically the main room.) Now if you look through the keyhole of the door you'll see the tail end of a helicopter and one or two scattered guards. Patrolling the area in the snowfield gear, so to avoid a firefight, head through the secret wooden panel door. Follow it as far as it goes and wait for the guard to go behind the curtain. This is your cue to walk out and take the keycard on the shelf to your immediate right. Take it and either head through the door on your left avoiding the guards by crouching around the corners and killing ID checking guards. Heading to the upper western door. Here is a rafter ninja along with a patrolling guard who may give you hassle if you take your sweet time. If you left the guards alive then walk through grab some breathing space by heading upward to the right. The patrolling guard may have been near but will carry on as you continue on up. If he is walking straight in front of you great, go to your immediate right and through the shutter door. In the next room are two guards minding their own business playing Chinese checkers or something, head through the laser gate via the action window that will appear and grab the remote bomb and remote on the opposite box. (To the right of the laser lock door.) Exit when you've got what you want, as there are about 6 submachine guns propped against the wall with some ammo. Exit the way you came back to the main room with the creaky floorboards. Now head on through the laser door. Go down stairs to the museum. If you are in 1st person mode there is the guard from the opening cutscene just around here. Shoot him dead. Now when you are through the laser gate the missile guidance system is to the middle left of the room and to the middle right is the katana blade for you budding collectors out there. If you decide to take the katana just make sure it's holstered, as no one will pay you any attention. Ok now to assassinate Hayamoto Sr. You can do this two ways. One is the direct hands on approach, killing anyone that is suspicious of you, or the preferred way of a fireworks display. So if you want to kill him hands on good luck. He's on the top floor. Or to have a better chance of escape rig the helicopter with the remote bomb. And wait at the position you started in, after you set off the alarm. So to do this, head to the 4th floor you should be able to navigate through the shutter doors and get to the computer room (from the stairs. Go right to get to the first door, immediate left then up and round the left corner post into the next room) to the right side of the chair you can use the action menu that appears to turn on the alarm and send Hayamoto running, to non other that the helicopter. So head to the start position. WALK, to the stairs and holster your weapon the guards will run straight past you. When your at the stairs run to the floor one laser security gate and use the secret passage way to get to the start point and have the map up of the courtyard. The moment you see the red dot appear, wait till it approaches the middle, close the map and blow the bomb. Then run out the door to your right, to get the stats screen. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 10 Basement Killing -Get to locker #137 -Assassinate Charlie Sidjan -Find an exit This mission from a map point of view looks quite intimidating. But so long as you're in the main lobby the suspicion metre won't even flicker a heartbeat. First you will need to get to locker #137, (same number again? What are the chances :D.) While avoiding the Malaysian police. So to do this wait next to the door a few yards away. Then check the map. Two guards patrol in and out of this locker room. One is across in the adjacent room and one that patrols from the lobby, through the hall leading to the locker on the opposite side, from the one you want. So wait till you view the blue circle move back towards the lobby. Close the map and as the policeman walks away to patrol the perimeter wall, go in the hall. If you quick you can get into the room and behind the shower curtain that is here. The guards can't see you in here when behind the curtain. Admire its nice bubble pattern while the guard stares idiotically at the locker before leaving in this time. Open the locker and grab only the smoke bomb. And hide behind the shower curtain for the next guard to check the room. Now leave back into the lobby the lobby policeman that comes through here should be on his way back. Now walk to the room across the way to the door staring at you. This leads to the laundry room and one patrolling officer. Wait till he leaves the hallway and is in the lobby. Enter the laundry room and arm the smoke bomb down a laundry shaft. When it goes off don't be there. Either hide crouched behind the far corner washing machine, or the storeroom, as the officer will now be staking the hallway. Walking past him now will only raise his suspicion metre to full. When he leaves the hall, make sure you leave a good ten seconds after. Now that your suspicion free, (in theory mind.) walk over to the door parallel on the opposite side. Here should be firemen walking in and out. Enter when they've all vacated the locker room and change into a fireman's uniform to not raise any suspicion. (Grab the fire axe weapon collectors, you can't holster this and it won't raise suspicion in this uniform anyway.) Now head out to the lobby and enter through the metal detectors. And to the elevator in the right hand corner, hit the basement level one button and ride it down. (Now the way I did this gave me no other method. So if you find another let me know, add your username to get credited.) So go behind the last generator drop the axe and bring out you 9mm Pistol SD. The guard that appeared when you got off the elevator should have stopped rotating around out in front of the two guards behind the bulletproof glass. So when his back is to you shoot him in the head and holster your gun. If you shot him right, the only thing showing will be his shoes or lower leg, not enough for the guard facing hid way to notice him. So unless you're paranoid, (this game can do that to a person,) leave him where he lies and go over to the office. Open the door gun at the ready. And kill them before they have chance to think. And shoot the computer screen facing you. The message, surveillance disabled will pop up. When this does, open the door to the side of the elevator (it doesn't work YET!) and go down the stairs round the corner. Through the door you can see your target. Pick the lock and hit sneak mode. Walk around the scattered crisp/potato chips, and then when you're close enough drill his head with enough bullets to make him dead. After the cutscene, exit to the office and enter that elevator that didn't work before. Watch 47 get changed like superman. (Collectors should have made a quick detour to grab the fire axe they dropped.) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 11 The Graveyard Shift - Place the hacking device - Find an Exit Fist things first head left out the elevator to the kitchen. Drop the axe if you brought it. Then check your map. You need to first head to the system administration room. Look through the keyhole of the door outside the kitchen. You should see an officer walk past. When he's about to head out of view on the right exit and turn a left through the first set of black double doors. This are the cubical stations matrix fans will undoubtedly pick up on. Well here you have to do something similar dashing past the office workers and the officers patrolling the back hallway. The best way is to silently kill an office worker or the guard patrolling past the kitchen. Then enter the systems admin' room and kill the system administrator. If you mess it up he'll stay in the guardroom for 5 minutes before contemplating on returning. When he's dead grab the keycard, on the desk. When you have it, head to the window and shoot the panel of glass out leading to the skybridge for later. When you're ready, head to the server room. Use the keycard to open the door and plant the hacking device on the computer to the left of the room. This signals Clara who is standing in for Diana. Now just head to the skybridge and navigate your path across. You can crouch- walk passed the lights at each end of the vents. But otherwise are impossible to go through. You'll have to walk past avoiding the two guards who when close enough can be taken out with little effort. Then navigate your way through towards the window cleaner station, to end the mission. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 12 The Jacuzzi Job - Kill Charlie Sidjan - Steal Money - Steal Statue This mission is a bit of a messy one. As if you wait the girl in the orange bikini will come at you with a magnum revolver. Then you have to be fast, you'll need to run in and out in the space of a few seconds down and outside into the next section. If your seen this will turn into one hell of a firefight and guards coming from down stairs the moment you take the money or the statue. Charlie if alerted will practise holding his breath with the white haired bikini girl next to him. Take out your Silenced pistol and eliminate Charlie. Head into the adjacent opposite room and open the painting and then the safe and take the money. Head into the living room and steal the statue. Then either you can wait for the on coming guards and kill them/run into the elevator to end the mission. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 13 Murder at The Bazaar - Eliminate Lieutenant Ahmed Zahir - Get map of location of warheads - Eliminate Colonel Mohammad Amin - Get Key From Colonel This mission is about the easiest to get a silent assassin rank on first time. As soon as you gain control of 47, head on the northwestern path, and past the back-alley, and round the corner. You should see two guards in front and a path leading to the back of the building they are guarding. Run round and pick the lock. When he's done get in to sneak mode and open the door and go in. the very moment the door shuts behind you two AK47 armed guards will stroll around the corner. While in sneak mode equip your fibre wire and walk backward up the stairs to get a great view of Ahmed the first target. Sneak around behind him, (lift the camera or enter First person mode to get a better range distance) and silently kill Ahmed. Drag him around the other end of the bed and take his clothes and map. Two objectives down, two to go. Check your map and notice the two guards around the back way have come through into the building. Wait till they leave via the front door and head out back. If you were quick, you can save time by beating the guard into the back-alley. (If not you'll have to shadow him, walking to the corners, as he starts to move around the corner walk freely straight ahead.) When down here continue straight towards the guards in the distance. If you where to check your map there's a ladder nearby, so this is your target. Straight ahead of you, and to the right, in front of the wall, go up here and up the steps to the propped open window. Crouch down and wait patiently for the Colonel with his bodyguard to appear. If you find when lining up the colonel's head is blocked via your own enter first person mode, to get a more accurate shot. If you where quick enough for the bodyguard not to see you, then your on target for silent assassin. But because of the way he's facing, you may get caught so is best to put a bullet in his head as well. Now head through the front entrance of the bazaar, the suspicion metre will flash up very high but if you keep walking down the bazaar they will stop and ignore you. If you want to play it safe find an empty bazaar shop and crouch behind some crates till the soon to be patrolling guards pass in and out. Then when the concerned bazaar owner from the assassination runs out the bazaar grab the Colonel's key and revolver if you wish. Then walk out the back way of the bazaar to the wooden gate to end the mission. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 15 Motorcade Interception - Find your contact - get the weapons - Kill the local Khan - Spare the UN-troops This mission's difficulty is dependant on how stealthy you are, as you can do this without killing a guard. Making it very easy to get to your contact point. But if you need a uniform for the lesser part of suspicion, I recommend eliminating the guard walking the back alley at the northern end of the map. Other than the one civilian that passes through here, you shouldn't get any hassle. But expect the mission to fly out window if AK bullets start to fly. So from the start check the map to see the target point, walk to it, chat to a guard if you can get their attention without plugging them a few times, as no one gives a monkey's your there. (They soon will though :D.) Walk a north-eastly path around the building that looks similar to the one Mr. Zahir was in the previous mission, around the boxes to trigger a chat with your contact, after the brief interval. Grab the M196 and the .50 calibre ammo. And wait behind the last set of boxes you come to when exiting the contact area. If you notice across the way is a darkened brown wall, different from the rest, when the way is clear of civilians and guards, dash behind and if needed crouch. This should now give you a view of the next set of stairs you have to go to. Check the map again, and dash up and across the wooden beam, climb the ladder and crouch next to the little slab for your concealment. Aim ready. The khan is either already on the road by now or about to enter the area. When the driver of the Khan's limousine blocks his head. Shoot the bonnet of the leading UN- jeep. The Driver/Guard of the Khan's limousine will dash out of the car giving you a clean shot of the Khan. Take the shot, then holster. Climb back down. But by this time the Guards will have been alerted and be ready to pounce on a child holding a slingshot at this point. And nine out of ten chances a guard has already spotted you by the tree area down on the streets. When you get of the stairs, turn around and head down following the wall. You'll run past two or three guards, but if you notice the shrubs near the wall this is your exit point. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 16 Tunnel Rat - Access the base - Kill Yussef Hussein - Transport the cargo to the surface If you have the M169 in your possession from the murder at the bazaar mission you'll find this first section a little easier. So enter sniper mode and zoom in if required at look at the wall ahead a distance to notice a guard bored of patrolling, (again? what is it with these lazy guards. It's no wonder we kill them so good :D) and kill him when he's around half way round the wall he's patrolling. To be safe drag him behind the first wall you passed. Or leave him where he is. Now take his clothes. If you want to safe your self the trouble of later navigate the walls sniping the 2 guards patrolling around the big tin hut and the one near the helipad. If you wish to wait till the end of the mission to do it so be it. Enter the first door you come to leading down into the underground base. (Careful of the circling guard) pick the lock and enter. Dependant on which entrance you choose you'll see a either a few crates and a patrolling guard. Along with to additional guards who are chatting, before the other goes to patrol this corner sector. If you enter the one near the helipad, you'll see two guards kicking the daylights out of the poor civilian. (If you only see the one, he will become back momentarily, also killing the one guard will make the one approaching suspicious and call for reinforcements.) When both of them are kicking him then kill them, making sure the guard patrolling the path to the right doesn't come. Drop the bodies either in the water or a little way up the stairs. If on the other hand you came the other way wait till the guards are chatting and the guard patrolling the path to the right is heading away. Shoot both in the head. And drop them in the water. On the box next to them is the night vision goggles. If you walk down the path towards three guards are standing you should see a guard down a corridor, he's next to the power generator for the base, silently dispose of him. (Dispose of the body if you wish, no need really.) no toggle the power off and wait for the guards to come one by one. Easy pickings. After the surrounding guards are dead, head to the door at the east part of the map. As once you save the prisoner he tells you he's in here. Open the door, Hussein should either have his back to you or will be in the storeroom with his back to you again. Quickly dispose of him and shut the door behind you. So if you have done it so far without killing the guards they won't see his mangled corpse. If the guards are all dead just head on over to the elevator (with the power on) otherwise, all you need to do. Is turn off the power and in the darkness sneak passed the guard near the western path, into the locker container with the warheads, when the power comes on enter the elevator and head to the surface. The guard facing the elevator will come back as you are going up. Walk towards the switch to end the mission (or open the door to kill the two patrolling guards around the heliport. Upon their deaths the stats screen will appear.) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 17 Temple City Ambush -Meet with Agency Contact This mission is very hard to complete if you are caught running or holstering any non-concealable weapons. So walk to the furthest hitman symbol on the map (comeback if you want the S16 pump action shotgun. Try avoiding the cult member as much as possible theirs a number of steps, and wall spaces to hide in momentarily. Civilians will always walk on by but will stay no the wiser to your activities. Check the map to make sure the coast is clear and enter the contact point via the front door the side door is locked. Walk closer to the agent (yet again the guy from hitman: codename 47 and who you rescued during the St. Petersburg missions), after the conversation you'll be given some new objectives to for fill; - Kill two assassins - Take photos of assassins - Bring photo's back to Agent Smith for I.D So before leaving the room check the map and look around the second square sector on the map, (this is the market square.) you will see two orange circles, these are your enemies. You can take just the pictures. By staying out of view of the ground stalking assassin and take his photo when he looks toward you. And by just seeing the snipers face can then take them back to Agent Smith who will then disclose the location of the hidden passage. Watch out for the additional assassins poised to kill anyone that enters the carpet shop. You can sneak around the back way just out of view and sneak in with only the suspicion metre hitting full. But the easiest way, yet also destroying any chance of a Silent Assassin rank. Is to kill them in cold blood. So the moment you get the ground assassin in view whip out your 9mm Pistol SD and kill him with only a few citizens running off. Instantly drag him behind a flight of stairs that head into the upper levels of the city area. Wait, for the civilians to either calm down or head up the stairs nearest to the snipers location. Sneak around behind him and dispose of him as you wish. Once dead or out cold take his picture and if you haven't already, go down and take the other assassins picture. Head back to Agent smith to find the secret location, and then after the cutscene, walkout and to the right. Around the corner is a ladder leading to the last two assassins ready to kill you at the exit. Take out the weapon of choice and blast them dead. (if you're a collector and didn't get the R93 Sniper rifle from the Anathema mission take it now. Or if you want to have a bit more power head to the first hitman point for the S16 shotgun and ammo, before heading to the exit. (Be warned that only a neon sign saying 'kill me now' would be more effective at getting you attention.) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 18 The Death Of Hannelore - Pick up Key to Hiding Place - Kill Dr. Von Kampard - Hide Body of Dr. Von Kampard in hiding place - No civilians must be killed For this mission you'll start off behind a paddleboat up for repairs. Almost immediately walk to the right hand side to see a guard with his back to you prime from strangulation. Drag him behind the boat and take his clothes (and gun if you wish). Head straight over to the grass. On the opposite side walk as to see either the patrolling guard going towards the backdoor or helipad, and the guard standing by the door or for a much needed urine relief. If the guard is by the door walk to the corner so to be out of the way of suspicion from the patrolling guard and the doorman. Check the map to watch the movements and as they both look away from the door, walk in. Check the map to see the 3 exclamation marks scattered about the place, these are just cult uniforms readily at your disposal. Change if you wish, as it doesn't make a difference (or at least not for me.) then watch for the lone guard next to the storeroom to go admire himself in the bathroom mirror. This gives you time to slip in the side room and the storeroom unnoticed. Grab the key from the hook on your left as you enter. and wait for the same to happen again (NOTE: there is also poison inhere along with a M10 and a AK, I couldn't find the place to put the poison, yet also didn't need it.) The doctor is in here office on the second floor, so get out of the storeroom into the courtyard. Across the way you should spot the guard patrolling the perimeter and the doorman from the left going over to chat to the doorman on the right. Make your way into the unattended door, and into the office. Through here is a corner room leading into the main hall area of the building in a big round circle shape. If you hang about the nurse and patient the guards will be alerted, if a firefight ensues Dr. Kampard will run and hide in a different room. But if you can make your way across the room without alerting the nurse and into the side room in here a patient will be coming in and out of on regular intervals. Knock him out in the room and take his scrubs, as patients are the only ones aloud upstairs. Then go kill Dr. Kampard and drag her into the hiding place without being seen by another patient or the nurse. And exit the way where you left the other set of clothes. Out into the hospital garden and to the speedboat at the end of the pier. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 19 Terminal Hospitality - Kill Cult Leader - Escape the Hospital Island Check your map. Just around the corner is a boat guard on the main deck area outside. Wait for him to start patrolling the other side of the boat. (Starboard, I think?) Then head up the stairs, hopefully avoiding the guard patrolling the pier bridge, use the boxes for cover. If you haven't seen him yet, there's yet one more guard patrolling the main courtyard. Crouch and crawl up along the right side of the steps about half way up them, to avoid being spotted by the boat guard. Wait for the guard ahead to turn away towards the pond. (You can sneak by when he's stationary but either he will turn seeing you. Or the boat guard will spot you. Most defiantly if you try to fibre wire him.) When the coast is clear, quickly run behind the little mud hill and follow the concrete wall to its end. Turn to check the way the boat guard is facing and run straight (not down the break in the ground) you should be near the brown shrine area. Careful as dependant on when you arrived here the one patrolling guard will be coming around the back. Wait for him to go around the back facing the pond. If you've concealed yourself from view, in third person pan the camera around a little to the right. This should give you a good look at your target, a cult uniform. (Someone's gone skinny-dipping :D ) Wait for the patrolling guard to join his friend with their backs to you and dash to the uniform, put it on and dash into the path to your immediate left. (Let me just say the other exclamation mark inside the shrine is only a R93 Sniper rifle, which is of no use unless you're killing everything in sight. Along with the AK and Desert Eagle.) So now in your lovely new costume, check the map when you are out of view. You will notice a guard patrolling the cliff area. If he's facing away from the balcony good run forward and hang a left into the gap along the wall. If you've not doubt guessed the window is prime ready for you to enter, do so. There's nothing of use in here and in the next room is a nurse typing away at here keyboard. Semi- alert. (She only has a thing for doctors, they all do. That came out wrong _.) Pick the lock, hopefully avoiding the prying eyes of your cliff patrolling guard. Before entering if you don't have a uniform on, the nurse will instantaneously dash to alert Punjab and his pals. Submachine guns, Desert Eagles at the ready. So when you walk in, walk the opposite side of the room. She'll only be on full black suspicion on the metre. Through here maybe another nurse, but you don't have a choice but to enter, as if you stop in the other room the nurse will throw a fit running. If not avoid any close contact with nurses, especially on the stairs. When you can, go upstairs and walk to your left if you went you the right side, or to the right if you decided to go up the left side from down stairs. Walk diagonally forward to the right. Don't go around the corner yet. You're safe so long as you can keep a distance from anyone. Thus check your map, the head nurse will step out of her office to her luxury balcony. (You may of noticed her on it when you where about to enter through the window.) When she does head through into the next room. Here is all you will need. The key for the door ahead and a pair of nightvision goggles. When you pick them both up, head into the previously unopenable door, and change into the doctors' uniform. As you best, be aware of by now, no costume is full proof in this game. So this costume helps avoid a little more suspicion and any in a few minutes. Now you can choose the easy, yet get caught route. Or the fewer guards the better route. If you opt for option a) continue out the way you can and across past the guard into the elevator. But the chances are the guard at the top of the stairs will see through you. Option b) will involve just waiting for the nurse to sit back down, as you sneak by on to the balcony. Avoid being in view of any Sikh guards and hop down and enter the first spiral staircase. Down to the first door and through. Walk down the thin corridor and out the next door when the coast is relatively clear. Hang a left to the door and enter it. Wait for the guard to come in the opposite one. This gives you one less guard to worry about next to the elevator. When he's entering the door, exit out the way you came and head to the elevator. Call it up, and enter. If you wish this is the best place to save, now to the basement. In your doctor's uniform (if your not your gonna die the moment you step out that elevator.) walk out to your left, walk as to avoid any guards. (They shouldn't get suspicious to begin with but it's safer.) And head round the right or left. This part is your choice, just pick the lock of the door leading to a ladder on your map. Enter on up and head round till you see a door size opening. (the peep holes we'll come to in a minute.) Pass on through and down the ladder. DO NOT TURN OFF THE GENERATOR YET! Pick the lock and look at the map. Across from you is a room containing a doctor. Wait till he's in the medicine room. Open the door and open the door ahead. Straight in front of you is the scalpel. Take it and exit back into the generator room. (NOTE: This maybe different either concerning what difficulty level you have. I have no confirmation of this part being/not being random.) But Climb back up the ladder. Ignore the grates on the floor these are of no use to you, other than to watch patrolling guards. Look in the four port hole/observation windows; in the wall if you see a doctor and a nurse this won't be the room the cult leader is in. You need to see two cult members in their orange uniform. Check the map and note where you are. Then check the basement map, the room directly above you. Is the one you need to head to in a moment. Now head out to the generator. Toggle the generator, and head towards the room the cult leader was in. the two cult members will have exited into the nearest room. The Sikh guards won't be able to see you, but will notice you if you bump into them. Avoid the guards via hugging the walls and enter the room the cult leader was in (for me it was the bottom right room.) Head on in and when prompted, kill the cult leader after the quick 'operation', head out to the nearest side door, up the spiral staircase. If you walk into the bright area where the elevator is you'll find the elevator won't work through lack of power. And the cult members will fire on you. When on the first floor make your way back to the window you entered through, watch out for any patrols. Following the way back to the speedboat. (SPOILER ALERT:: +h4+ \/\/45 n0+ 4 g1!+c|-| u 54\/\/ (l33+ coding, as I know how the people that read spoilers by accident didn't read the warning)) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 20 St. Petersburg Revisited - Kill Sergei Zavorotko - Escape to Metro If you are reading this through, and you are about to play this mission for the first time, play it through first. If you read on, you'll find a lot of spoilers. Ok first of all leave everything that is placed as a pick up point. Go up to the escalator, and down the side like in the 'Stakeout' mission. Pick the lock, but instead go back and up the stairs where the civilians go. To make less hassle later in the mission, walk a immediate right across the road. (Careful of traffic, if theirs any.) You should see some blockade stands and some space to squeeze through. Head over passed the truck. Now RUN following the tire tracks in the snow. Run and look at the window second from the left on the second floor of the Pushkin building, you'll notice a familiar looking sniper come to the window sniping you. Ignore him momentarily and run a forward left, then head into the apartment building. Now, if you check the map there are two back doors. You want the furthest one from you. (The most northerly on the map.) Head across to your right, through the doors till you get to the main flight of stairs. Now sneak down the corridor to the small door, as you turn left. Look through the keyhole. You should see either a bald headed guard at a slight angle, or the shadow of another guard. Check your map, select the streets and watch the back of the building concentrating on the two guards nearest your location. Wait till the bald guard has walked off and patrolled, then as the guard in the purple tone suit walks away while in SNEAK MODE open the door and walk around behind him take out the fibre wire and strangle him. Then quickly drag him in the apartment building, grab his Desert Eagle .50. You are now armed with real bullets. Now navigate your way out the front of the apartment building. (The guard will of noticed the other guard now. If you left him outside.) head over to the Pushkin building and sneak the moment you reach the main door. Up the stairs to the right, arm yourself and open the door. The sniper looks even more familiar now. Wait for the doors to close as you manoeuvre forward to the side. And fire one shot he should fall over dead dropping the W2000 sniper rifle. This shouldn't, but more than likely will alert the guards. (Ok it has been brought to my attention that strangling 17 is very possible, just that you must be directly behind him as though he is more alert than other guards it does work.) Walk to the corpse to trigger the cutscene. Afterward. If you didn't alert the guards, head on out the way you came, back down to the metro station and get the stats screen to pop up. If they where alerted, your in a bit of a fix as the guards are now crawling the main path to the metro. Head down to the sewer opening you came through in the 'Stakeout' scenario and exit via the metro exit and run up the stairs passed the guards aiming S16 shotguns and Desert eagles at you to the exit point. (Contribution towards strangling Mr.17 by Tris: It is indeed possible to strangle him with the fibre wire. This is how I did it: Exit the metro station, turn to the North and cross the road, head straight across and stand next to the blockade between 2 houses. Head West between more houses, again head north. You should now be near the rear of the agency keep close to the wall as long as you have nothing drawn the agents tend to leave you alone, and 17 can't see or hit you. Go in the front door, head upstairs Head to where Agent 17 is, pull out your Fibre Wire and run at him with attack held then release when next to him. Job done. As a slight note as soon as you open the door get a move on he will drop the rifle and shoot you with the desert eagle. Stash 17's body out of the way steal his clothes and rifle and walk off the level. Silent Assassin ratings all 'round. Cheers Tris.) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Mission 21 (Final Mission) Redemption at Gontranno Sanctuary - Take out All of Sergei's Bodyguards - Kill Sergei Zavorotko After the Initial cutscene you have two choices. Run to the right side pillar duck and wait for the guard patrolling the garden gate to be walking away from you, while crouch-crawling along the side making sure your out of sight of the speed walking guard patrolling the rest of the main entryway. This is quite hard to achieve especially more cause even if you do the guard on the opposite side of the door will notice you. (I've tried numerous times to sneak past these guards but mange to get caught each time.) So if you don't want to hang about. I suggest a straight run for the gun-shed. Grab a pistol or submachine gun, crouch and wait for a guard to come, popping him in the head each time another guard is dead. After the five patrolling guards are dead. Aim at the guard in the climbing training area. Shoot him till he disappears from view. Now, for your next decision, do you enter the front way or the back way? If you enter the back way you have a one in ten chance of survival seeming as the guards in the chapel all have SVD or Custom Sniper rifles aimed at you. So if the ground guards don't get you the upper sanctum snipers will. You best method of entry is the front. Use anything that will get the job done. If you have one take a Uzi, AK47 or the SMG-6SD. A few quick rounds and the guards won't know what happened. With your weapon at the ready, open the front door of the church and fire to a slight right. If you didn't use a silenced weapon the guard behind the right side wall will jump out. Shoot him and then if he wasn't alerted continue to the left opening the door, opening fire. But there is a possibility the guard inside the main chapel will come in from the right, if so kill him too. Head up around the stairs, open the door ahead and open fire when the door opens killing the three guards above the confession booth. Make sure you stay in the doorway for cover from the other snipers. Exit out and open the door to your left. Shoot the guard with his back to you and if you can't get a good aim at the guard holding the Custom Sniper Rifle walk up the three steps fire 3 or four rounds at his head, to dispose of him. Now either walk out and back going up the opposite flight of wooden stairs. or continue across walking sideways killing the remaining sniper staying away from the banister. If you went around open the door and open fire till there on their backs. Now head down stairs and reload. Equip another weapon if you so desire. And open the door, I find using the door as cover helps to concentrate on one target, instead of avoiding the guard while taking a guard out. So slowly side step out taking out each guard that comes into view. When the all of the guards on the right side are dead, you can freely take out the guards on your left or right side depending on your insertion method, as they are looking over at the corpse on the opposite side. Now the message 'aim at the demons heart to kill the beast' type message will appear. If you wish to figure this part out yourself do so it's not mind-boggling, but if you don't. Go upstairs and grab either the custom sniper rifle if you're a collector and haven't got it yet, or the SVD Sniper rifle. You'll have to walk up the right side of stairs or walk round the upper curved pathway. Then to make sure you don't get seen. Aim at the heart stained glass window in the confession booth, instead of over the banister aim at through the gaps. This way Sergei won't see you in a moment. When you have the shot take it and trigger a cutscene. After Sergei appears crouch down and wait for him to come up to the upper balcony. Slowly walk to get his head partially in view and fire. If you got the head shot, enjoy the ending. If not and he saw you, crouch down momentarily, and wait for Sergei to head for the Crucifix. You can get a much clearer shot from this position and should get the head shot. If you're a bad aim and missed again, he'll repeat his cycle of the upper balcony and the crucifix. Eventually when you kill him enjoy the ending you've just completed Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. ##################################################################### T H E E N D ##################################################################### Your FAQ's SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS TO nogarda@hotmail.com IF YOU SEND IN A QUESTION IN REGARDS TO HITMAN 2 SILENT ASSASSIN INCLUDE YOUR INTERNET USERNAME TO BE CREDITED. Q. In the level in which you kill go to the prison to kill the general, after saving the prisoner how do you arm and drop the bomb to blow the sewer wall? As whenever I do it blows up in my face. I would appreciate it if you could tell me as I have been stuck for ages there. (Sent by Abhay Chopra) A. Well to do this walk face up to the wall, arm the bomb and drop it walk behind the green storage unit place for your convenience, make sure the general is either next to you or a further distance from the bomb. Take out the remote detonator and blow the wall. Of course enemy soldiers don't like fireworks, and want to shoot anything bald and moving. So run, get to the door yourself as the general will soon come, he's got a bad leg or something. Ending the stage. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Secrets Complete any mission with an end rank of 'Silent Assassin' to be awarded the Silver Ballers SD. Complete any mission(s) earning a second end rank of 'Silent Assassin' to be awarded with the Sawn-Off Shotgun. Complete any mission(s) earning four end ranks of 'Silent Assassin' to be awarded with the M4. (NOTE: If you have found any additional secrets or cheats for either PC, XBOX or Playstation 2 versions of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin send them to me at nogarda@hotmail.com along with your user/name to be credited.) ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Credits I would like to thank myself for doing this guide. My girlfriend for her time, patients and support, IO Interactive for making the sequel to one of the best games I have ever played, EIDOS for publishing it, and most of all GAMEFAQ's for posting my FAQ. Contributors: Panophobia, Supieriorfisherman and Redeemo for helping me with the St. Petersburg Revisited mission, much appreciated. Magnus432, for sending in the M4 secret. BradR, for his insight on 'Tubeway Torpedo'. KB, Magus 432, and Tris for methods and confirmation you CAN strangulate Mr. 17 in St. Petersburg Revisited. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Legal Stuff This guide is exclusive to GAMEFAQ's if you find this guide anywhere else contact me at nogarda@hotmail.com. (c) 2002 IO Interactive. Hitman2: Silent Assassin is a trademark of Eidos Interactive. Eidos, Eidos Interactive, and the Eidos Interactive logo are registered trademarks of Eidos Interactive, Inc. All rights Reserved. IO Interactive logo, are trademarks of IO Interactive. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Version History Version 1.0 (14/10/2002) Have done everything up to the 'Tunnel rat' stage included legal stuff and credits Version 1.1 (16/10/2002) Completed the main walkthrough as to completion of the missions, next task to add some more possibilities for each mission. Version 1.2 (17/10/2002) Added the list of contributions I received, and yes you CAN strangle Mr. 17.