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If you DO want to know any of that just contact me through my email provided at the end of this walkthrough and I will gladly tell you that there are plenty of other faq's out there that have the things that you are looking for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 15/04 Version 0.8 - 80% of the walkthrough complete. November 20/04 Version 1.0 - Walthrough complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE YOU START ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is laid out in a simple way. The walkthrough will go in the order that the objectives of each mission are to be carried out. The name of the objective will be at the start, followed by the way the objective will be accomplished, then the next objective, and so on. This walkthrough was written while playing on the Normal difficulty. Remember that to get a gold star for each level you must eliminate 95% of the enemies and finish with 75% health. Tips will be given for the first mission. The first half of the walkthrough is more detailed and more step-by-step than the second half. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. D-Day A. Your Finest Hour B. Into the Breach 2. A Storm in the Port A. Seaside Stowaway B. Special Cargo C. Eye of the Storm D. A Chance Meeting 3. Needle in a Haystack A. Rough Landing B. The Golden Lion C. Operation Repunzel 4. Several Bridges Too Far A. Nijmegan Bridge B. Yard by Yard C. Arnhem Nights 5. Rolling Thunder A. On Track B. Riding Out the Storm C. Derailed! 6. The Horten's Nest A. Clipping Their Wings B. Enemy Mine C. Under the Radar D. Stealing the Show ############################################################################### 1. D-DAY ############################################################################### <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 1-A. Your Finest Hour <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Tips : Pick up all the ammo and health packs lying on the ground during the first part of the mission, you'll need them to survive. Also, crouch as much as you need to, or else you'll quickly take lots of damage. Difficulty: Medium Duration : Short _____________________________ Meet the Captain on the Shore ````````````````````````````` You are about to storm the beaches of Normandy. After a brief cutscene, you will gain control of your character's ability to look around. There will be some dramatic moments nearby, but none of it will affect you. Soon, the captain will give you a few words of wisdom, and eventually, a projectile will hit your boat. Once that happens, a cutscene will play, showing that you miraculously survived the direct hit on your boat and magicaly swam up to the shore while your buddies drop to the bottom of the ocean floor. Once you gain control of your character for the first time, stay still. Look to your immediate left and you will see a destroyed Higgins boat lying on the beach. Go there, and you will find your captain. __________________________________ Rescue 4 Pinned Down Squad Members `````````````````````````````````` If you managed to hear anything at all the captain just told you, you would have learned that you have to go out and save some squad members. Wait for him to give you some cover fire, the go to east. You will hear a guy calling from behind a hedgehog (those metal frames scattered all over the beach). Fire three to five shots at the eastern bunker, and he will be recued. Now move right again, this time a little bit more up, and there will be another guy calling for help. Save him. Once he's rescued, run parallel along the western bunker towards a big hole in the ground. There will be another squad member calling for help. Save him. Now, run all the way to the west side of the beach, and save the last guy hiding behind a hedgehog. __________________________________ Rejoin Squad at Shingle Embankment `````````````````````````````````` Once the last guy is saved, run towards the dip in the embankment. Just run there, and you've rejoined your squad. ____________________________________ Rescue Engineer at End of Embankment ```````````````````````````````````` Stay where you are, crouching, and watch a guy attempt to go rescue the engineer. He will soon die, and it will be your turn to go. Stay close to the embankment, crouching sometimes, and run to the eastern end, until you see an engineer hiding behind a demolsihed wooden structure. He'll tell you to cover his movement, so fire on the wastern bunker when he's done talking to get him moving. Once he moves, he shouldn't stop, so just follow him, and watch him blow the barb wire obstacle. _________________________________________ Rendezvous with Captain on Base of Bunker ````````````````````````````````````````` Once the barb wire is clear, watch the first guy run through and follow him. You can shoot at the bunker if you want, as long as you keep moving. Near the base of the bunker is a surgeon's pack and ammo. Pick it up. Once the guy reaches the base of the bunker, stay there, and don't follow the idiot. He will keep on running, and will eventually be blown up by a mine. Stay at the bunker and wait for your captain's next instructions. ___________________________________________ Cross the Minefield and Man the Machine Gun ``````````````````````````````````````````` This next part is a little bit tricky. The captain will tell you to clear the minefield, although you just saw one of your guys die from trying to do that. Wait for your captain to lay covering fire and give you the command to go. Once he does, run towards the holes in the ground, running diagnally to the next one. Once you cleared the minefield. Turn right and shoot the German soldier at the base of the ladder. Once he's dead, go up the ladder and man the gun. _________________________ Destroy MG Nests on Ridge ````````````````````````` Once the gun is manned, shoot at the sandbags to destroy the two nests. You'll have to do this pretty fast so that you won't take too much damage or even die. __________________________________ Eliminate Enemy Soldiers in Trench `````````````````````````````````` Once the MG nests are destroyed, stay on the machine gun, and aim down at the trench. There will be a bunch of German soldiers. Keep shooting until the message at the top of the screen says objective complete. You might have to go inside the trench to mop up. Once the objective is complete, the captain will cross the minefield and jump inside the trench. Go to him to complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 1-B. Into the Breach <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Tips : Since there's a lot of close quarter combat in here, use your weapon's melee attack to hit the enemy when you are close to a soldier and are in the process of reloading. There are field surgeon packs lying around every- where in this level, so don't worry too much about taking damage. Feel free to rush through. Difficulty: Easy Duration : Short ________________________ Clear Machine Gun Bunker ```````````````````````` You start off in the trench that you finished the previous level on. Walk up to your buddies to receive the orders from the captain. When he's done talking, an idiot will start to run but will immediately get shot. Walk up to the corner and get ready to fire. What you want to do is quickly peek around the corner and be able to look past the door to see barrels on the ground. Shoot them to take care of the guys manning the machine gun. Once the barrels have been blown up, get inside and walk down the hallways to get to that machine gun. There will be three soldiers waiting for you to come, so be ready, and take them all out (the last one using his buddy as a shield at the machine gun). Once the three guys have died, your first objective is cleared. Now go and man that gun because there will be three soldiers coming in to try and recapture the bunker. ____________________________________ Destroy Radio Link to Upper Gun Deck ```````````````````````````````````` Once you've taken out the trench brigade with your machine gun, backtrack until you hit the stairs. Beware, because there will be a soldier waiting to ambush you around the corner. Once you near the stairs, a soldier will fall to the ground because of the blast. Don't wait for him to get up, kill him immediately. Walk up the stairs. Shoot the guy blocking your way. Once you make it to the top, go on until you hear radio chatter. Go to the right to find the radio. Kill the guy there and shoot the radio. ___________________ Find Smoke Grenades ``````````````````` Your next objective has magically been delivered to you as "find smoke grenades." Head out back to the stairs, but don't go down. Instead, there will be a bewildered guard looking down them, so just shoot him and head on. The next path you take will greet you with 2 soldiers, one of them flipping a table to try and find some cover. To your astonishment, this wooden table will block all of your shots and none of your rounds will penetrate the table. Shoot him when he is exposed, and clear the room by taking out another soldier guarding the door. Go on to find another soldier just aimlessly wandering around the base of a ladder. Go up the ladder. Go through the doorway to find a guard smoking. Kill him, and kill his friend just a few seconds later. Go on and you will see a hatch in the ceiling. It will be slammed shut after a guy tosses a potato masher down to the ground. Watch your distance, and just wait for it to go off before you proceed. After that dramatic incident, fight your way on until you reach some ground-tunnels. As you enter, look left to see a box on the ground. There are smoke grenades inside there, so pick them up. ____________________ Clear Both Gun Decks ```````````````````` Now fight your way through the tunnels and rooms until you are forced to go up a ladder. Kill the guy at the radio, and open the door nearby to get on the gun deck. There will be another door in here, but it's closed for now, but remember it. You are now on the gun deck that you were just firing on moments ago. Massacre everyone here and in the other bunker, and look for your captain in the other bunker to give you some orders. Plant the smoke grenades, and get out of there. Go through the door that was previously locked, and go down the trench to find your captain. *****************************MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!***************************** ############################################################################### 2. A Storm in the Port ############################################################################### <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 2-A. Seaside Stowaway <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Easy-Normal Duration : Short-Medium __________________________________________ Collect Resistance Drop at Insertion Point `````````````````````````````````````````` Right where you start off, go to the boxes near the tree, and press the action button to pick up the resistance drop. _______________________________ Man Machine Gun in Church Tower ``````````````````````````````` Once that pointless objective is done, go through the walkway until you see a jeep full of troops drive by. Follow it, and you will eventually see it crash. Go to the wreckage and man it's gun and use it on the enemy troops in front of you. Once it looks like the battle is over, get off the gun and check the alley to the left and the small store to the right to mop up. Pick up all the supplies here and move down the main street. Fight your way through, picking off guys from a distance with your trusty M-1 Garand. At the end of the street, pick up the two canteens in the alley and turn left to go inside a ruined building. Keep going until you see a crawlspace. Crouch down and go under it. You will hear action in the distance. Go to it, and you will soon discover that a battle is taking place. Look to your right to see a bridge and a tank on the other side. If you're not careful, you will take a lot of damage. Taking that thing out is your first priority. What you want to do is stick to the right to walk through a short alley. You will eventually come up to the river, and will have a good view of the tank. Thankfully, there is a box of grenades to aid you. From this point, throw grenades at the tank, and if you hit it on the turret, it should be disabled. Take out the troops from here too. Once it seems clear, cross the bridge and mop up. Now head down the street and you will see a destroyed church. Look up to see the gun. Before you head in, go to the right and you will see a number of Nazis hiding in a room. Use your grenades to take care of them safely. There is also a sneaky one running around, so don't miss him. Once they're all dead, pick up the supplies and head into the church. Once inside, you will see a dead soldier, with his radio beside him. Get to that gun and man it. Kill as many soldiers from here as you can, but you'll have to come back down and get close to the battle to effectively defeat all the enemies. _______________________________ Secure Submarine Fueling Roster ``````````````````````````````` Facing the church, head left and fight your way on. You will eventually reach an opening to some sort of store. Go inside and pick off the 2 soldiers from a distance. Once they fall to the ground, go under the crawlspace to the left, and kill everyone in the marketplace. If you're lucky, you'll get one of your guys to help you fight the battle, if not, he'll just show up once the area is cleared. Pick up the supplies and head on to the next street. Once there, you will see a destroyed tank to your left, so oddly parked that you'd wonder what kind of drivers the German army were hiring at that time. Ignore that atrocity and head through the doorway right in front of you. Crouch and go under the crawlspace. You'll soon hear an interrogation taking place. Just keep going until you reach the exit, where you'll see a soldier execute a prisoner. Kill him and go to the paper hanging on the wall. That's the submarine roster. ____________________ Breach Wall to Docks ```````````````````` Before you exit the room and head out onto the street, take out a grenade and get ready to throw it. Once you exit, look to your right, and there will be a gun with three German soldiers. Throw the grenade right at them, and they should all die. Go man the gun and help out your buddies. Once the area looks empty, go to the left to see a big opening. There will be a dead end, but a lot of suspicious looking barrels near a wall. Fire two shots at the red barrel to complete the objective. _____________________________ Locate Submarine Fueling Dock ````````````````````````````` Go through the destroyed wall. You will reach a big opening with two paths. Go to the one to your right and kill the soldier on the machine gun. Man it, and fire on the soldiers ahead. Once that's done, you'll have to man the machine gun and walk through the other paths to trigger more soldier spawns. If you don't do this, you won't get the gold medal. So walk around the area once or twice, manning both machine guns, and you should trigger the remaining soldiers to come out and fight. Once it seems everyone's been taken care of, go to the fueling dock to complete the objective. _____________________ Stowaway in the Cargo ````````````````````` Once you are ready, go to the boxes near the truck to complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 2-B. Special Cargo <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Easy Duration : Short _______________________ Sabotage U-Boat Engines ``````````````````````` When you gain control of your character, open the hatch and kill the two sailors. Open the door and look to your immedaite right, there will be a sailor in the washroom. Kill him and go to the door on the right just ahead. Open it to get some supplies. The next room is going to be chaotic, so just take your time and kill everyone in the kitchen/mess hall. After that, you will come upon the steam room. Don't touch the steam or you will take damage. While shooting at the enemies, you'll want to turn off the steam by pressing action on the valves, and ducking under the steam to get to the next valves, and so on. It's pretty linear stuff, and very brief. Once you've turned off all the steam, open the door to the next room and be ready to dodge some bullets. There should be about 4 sailors firing at you the moment you open the door, and I don't know how anybody but Jesus could survive such a volley of well aimed shots, but what I recommend is to take out your MP-40 and just spray that room until everybody dies. Place the demolition charges in the red box, and move away from the explosion. __________________________________ Set Explosives in Aft Torpedo Room `````````````````````````````````` This explosion will disable the engines and create a hole in the wall for you to advance in the level. Crouch and get in there. Go all the way, and climb the ladder. You will hear voices at the top. There are two sailors in the room you are in, which is the torpedo room. Fire at them to open the crate, and set the timed explosives on the torpedo. ___________________________ Disable Radio Communication ``````````````````````````` With your MP-40 at the ready, open the door to start spraying at the most poorly trained pistol users in the Kriegsmarine. Once this room is cleared, open the door to the next room and massacre all the unprepared sailors in here. Head on to the next room to find the radio and it's operator. Destroy this abomination to complete the objective. ___________________________________ Set Explosives in Fore Torpedo Room ``````````````````````````````````` Next, battle your way through the officer's quarters to reach the next torpedo room, and plant the charges. Once the charges have been laid, turn around and head back. _____________________ Find Enigma Code Book ````````````````````` When you return to the officer's quarters, you will witness probably one of the most heroic war cries of a German sailor in a video game. He pops out of a hidden room, so slay him and get into that room to open a cabinet. In there is the code book. _________________________ Escape Through Exit Hatch ````````````````````````` Now, just head back a bit to the periscope room and head up the ladder to complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 2-C. Eye of the Storm <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Normal Duration : Medium-Long _____________________________ Find Resistance Weapons Cache ````````````````````````````` Now things start to get a little bit tougher. This level has lots of open spaces, so there won't be too much of close-quarters combat. Use your MP-40 to shoot the first two workers nearby. Then, aim up and there will be a soldier on a tower. Get rid of him or else he'll become a real pain. Fight your way to the staircase, and go up to the top, up the ladder and onto the roof. Some German will come onto a radio to announce to everyone about the troubles of the day. Kill everyone on the roof and the nearby area. Cross the connecting bridge to the other roof and go right to spot a box on the ground. Open it to collect your new weapons, one of them being a sniper rifle :) __________________________________ Find Rooftap Hatch to U-boat Pen 2 `````````````````````````````````` From this spot, where the cache lies, look to the rooftop to your right. There will be two soldiers. Use this time to practice your sniping skills to kill all the soldiers you can from the rooftops. Look at towers on the roof, some troops are pretty far in the distance. Usually if you can hear someone firing at you, there are still people to kill from the rooftop. After about 5-6 soldiers, you can go back down the ladder (you can also kill a few sailors on the battleship from the roof, and this one guy at the top of the crane). By the time you reach the bottom, the U-boat will explode, and a new path will be opened. Watch out, because there will be a lot of people hunting you down. Just attack your way through. Watch out for a bunch of sailors running towards that machine gun on the battleship, you do not want to be nearby when that thing is manned. Use your sniper rifle ammo sparingly because you don't have much of it. Fight your way inside the shipyard until you reach a stairset going down. Break the boxes to the left of the stairset for lots of health packs. When you're ready, go down the stairset, and turn the corner. Once you do, you will see a horde of soldiers firing at you, and these guys are much better than the sailors you faced in the previous level, so back up for some cover. If you wait for a few seconds, they will come to you. When they do, spray them with your MP-40. Use your sniper rifle for the guys that stay put. Fight your way to the top of the next staircase, and snipe that annoying guy on the tower to your left. At this time, you will probably experience one of several lag problems that Frontline contains, but you will have to make do. Once the surrounding area seems clear, head right of the stairset and follow the alley to the end. Once you are at the end, don't expose yourself, stay slightly inside, and from this position, you can ping off 3 guys. One on the roof, one on the train, and one on the bridge. Once they're down, look to the immediate right at the end of the alleyway to find a bewildered German behind a machine gun. Kill him before he makes any use of it. From the alleyway, head to left to pick up some rounds for your sniper rifle behind the big buidling. Once you've done that, go towards that machine gun. From here on for the next few minutes, you are going to be on your own because it's going to be a crazy battle, and enemies will come from every direction imaginable. Just get rid of that machine gun at the far end, and just kill as many people with your sniper rifle as you can. Eventually, it will get quiet. Once it does, head over behind the train and climb your way to the top of the roof. Once this happens, you will be greeted by another radio announce- ment, and more soldiers will pop out of the sky and start firing at you. Just fight your way to the end of the roof, and you will see a hatch. Go down, and you will finally complete the objective. _____________________ Destroy Supply Trucks ````````````````````` I should have mentioned that before you head down, you should have a grenade handy because it's going to be intense as soon as you come down. I recommend crouching and just throw those potato mashers around the room until people stop firing. Once it gets quiet, head down and pick up the supplies you need. Once you're ready, head on out through the door, and make your way down the alley with all the big boxes. Kill the two soldiers in your way, and you'll eventually reach another warehouse facility. Kill the two soldiers here, and head straight. Head right at the end of the warehouse to kill two soldiers, and take out your sniper rifle to kill the guard on the tower. Now head down the road and you will eventually come up to a parking lot with three trucks. Kill all the workers here and bomb the three trucks. There is still one more, but you can't get to it yet. _________________________ Acquire Deployment Roster ````````````````````````` Once the third truck is blown up, the garage doors will fall apart and a new path will be opened. Head inside and turn off that annoying alarm first. Head right at the hallway and into the room just ahead. In here is the roster, pick it up. Now, to complete the previos objective, fight your way back to the parking lot. There will be new guys, because they just arrived in the last truck. Once they've all been taken care of, head left to find the last truck. Bomb it and the structure overhead will collapse, giving you a bridge to cross on, forming a new path. _____________________________ Infiltrate Wet Docks Facility ````````````````````````````` Once you are on it, just follow the linear path, on to the roof. When you are forced to come off the roof and onto some boxes, the level will be complete. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 2-D. A Chance Meeting <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Normal Duration : Medium-Long _____________________________________ Sabotage Engines in Research Facility ````````````````````````````````````` From the start, jump down to the left and walk forward until a soldier jumps out at you. Kill him, move on and you'll spot another soldier just inches from your nose. Shoot him and take the supplies here. Take out your sniper rifle and shoot the guy that's on the roof taking horrible shots at you. Now move on and fight your way through 3 soldiers from the right of the starting point of the level. You'll be in a tight alleyway, and you'll see a train a few feet in front of you. Watch out because there's an ambush waiting for you. There's a few guys, so just take them out with grenades and some well aimed shots. As you move to the end of the rail line, you'll see a machine gun placed on a tram, but you won't be able to reach it. What you have to do is hit the switch near the tram, it's just a stick in the ground on the side the gun is being aimed at. This switch will move the tram a few feet down, and you can get on it by jumping on the box and then onto the tram. You'll have to access this to get gold on this level. These next few minutes are going to be long. It's going to be a big battle in this huge open space, so get your sniper rifle out. The only tip I can really give here is to head right at the entrance of the big yard and hope on the back of that parked truck for a good sniping point. I don't want to elaborate so much here but just fight your way through the 15-20 soldiers until you reach the inside of a building. Once you're inside (you should have killed two workers) go on and open the door to find some scientists working. This is the research facility. Kill everyone here and plant the three charges to complete this objective. _________________________ Acquire Engine Blueprints ````````````````````````` Once the last engine is destroyed, doors will open and more soldiers will come to kill you. Make waste of them and head on. Follow the linear path, and after maybe a minute or two you will see two scientists near a desk. This desk has the blueprints, so just walk up to it to pick it up. ________________________ Infiltrate U-Boat Bunker ```````````````````````` Once you've picked up the blueprints, a door will open to the right, and a guy will come through. Kill him and go through that doorway. Walk to the end of the hallway and you will come to a room where a U-boat is being built. It's going to be another intense battle, so just take your time killing the 10-12 soldiers here. Once that's done, go on up the stairs and head left where there is a vent. Smash open the crate, crouch and get in there. A custcene will play, showing an important official. Once you gain control of your character, look left for the opening, but don't shoot anyone from here, it's not a good spot. Just keep going until you are forced to come out. Kill everyone in this room and proceed and you should be in a hallway. Fight your way through, and you'll notice a big door to your right. It's locked for now, but will be open soon. Just keep going until you are in a control room with two guys. You have infiltrated the bunker. Kill the two guys and turn off that alarm. ___________________ Destroy All U-Boats ``````````````````` See that control panel in this small little room? Press the action button near the thing and a torpedo will drop onto the U-boat, destroying it and the people that were working on it. Take this great spot to kill as many people as you can. After you're done, go to that door that was previously locked, and head downstairs. Win the big battle here with your trusty sniper rifle. Proceed with the level, moving up the stairs and into the next U-boat docking bay. What I suggest you do here is stay at the top, crouched, and pick off everyone with your rifle. Once everyone's dead, get onto the submarine. Before you destroy this baby, you're going to have to use its gun first. __________________ Destroy Fuel Depot `````````````````` Man the gun and aim all the way to the right. Fire at the big box and all hell will break lose. Just fire at everything that moves and fire at the fuel depot outside. Once everyone's dead, get off the gun and move on the other side of the submarine. Plant the charges, and head quickly outside. If you stand too close to the submarine, you will die instantly, so move away. You have now completed the previous objective. _______________ Find Dock Gates ``````````````` Once outside, head towards the big gates, and they swill swing open magically. Walk through to complete the mission. *****************************MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!***************************** ############################################################################### 3. Needle in a Haystack ############################################################################### <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 3-A. Rough Landing <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Normal Duration : Medium - Long ____________________________________________ Protect Corporal Barnes as He Destroys Tanks ```````````````````````````````````````````` Walk up to the soldier standing right in front of you. He is Barnes, the demo guy who will blow the tanks in this level. Follow the road, you'll see one of the paratroopers caught in a windmill. Keep folllowing the dirt road and you will witness his execution. Keep folling the road, and eventually there will be soldiers firing at you. Fight through until you see the first tank. Cover Barnes while he goes up to destory it. Once that's done, fight your way down the dirt road and you will eventually find a lone American soldier who's lost and wants to join you. He'll tag along. Keep fighting and you'll eventually come across a tank parked very close to a house. Let Barnes take care of it and move along. Keep going until you reach another set of houses. If you watch from a distance you'll see a German officer beating on a villager. Snipe him from afar, and no one should notice. If you keep going just ahead, you'll see the third tank, but don't go there yet. Head right, into a small encampent to find the kerosene. Once here, pick up everything you need and look for a small pathway in this area. If you find it, (it's left facing the bonfire). you'll come out of the pathway facing the back of a tank, which is a better route than the frontal assault. Kill all the infantry here, and let Barnes destroy the tank. After that's done, there are two paths to take, but you might not notice one of them since they're so far apart. Just take the right one facing the tank. Once you are at the end of that pathway, fight your way to claim the village, and destroy the tank parked inside the building. One more to go. Fight down the dirt road, and you'll eventually come across a windmill, with a sniper (so to speak) firing at you. Kill him and climb the ladder that's behind the windmill to get to the top. Once you are on the top, face the open field to trigger a whole wave of enemy troops to come running and firing at you. Use your sniper rifle to kill them all. This trigger sequence is required for you to get gold on this mission. Once that's done climb down and fight on until you come across a village with a howitzer. Kill the soldiers and press the action button to fire the howitzer at the tank. Once that's done, get off the dirt road to get on a new pathway. Once you're done fighting your way through, you'll reach a large field with hay stacks and mortar fire. Follow the corporal as he safely dodges all the rounds and makes it to the first mortar man. Kill him and take cover as he blows the final tank. Once he does, the objective is complete. _____________ Find Kerosene ````````````` There will be a small sausage fest around a bonfire. Kill the soldiers there and pick up the kerosene (a small red box) near the bonfire to complete this objective. Now go back to the first objective. _____________________________________ Create Distraction to Open City Gates ````````````````````````````````````` Once the last tank is gone, fight your way through and you will eventually come upon another dirt road. This is where the corporal and you split. So just head to that big gate you see in the distance. Go to the hay stack near the windmill, and press the action button to trigger a fire, and to lure the guards to open the gate. There will be five of them, so get a grenade ready. Once those doors fly open, chuck it in and slaughter them. Head inside to complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 3-B. The Golden Lion <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Normal Duration : Medium _________________________________ Locate Tools to Sabotage Vehicles ````````````````````````````````` From where the level starts, move up a bit to see two soldiers resting behind a machine gun. They will magically spot you however, so quickly kill them and jump behind the gun. This will alert more guys towards your position, so wait a bit for everyone to get mowed down. From the gun, head left to clear that place out (it's a dead end there), then come back to clear out the area to the right of the machine gun. As you head on, you will head into a small area where two Germans didn't seem to care much about the firefight that just erupted and killed 10 of their buddies, so massacre them while they try to get off the ground. There should be two of them. Once they're dead, head out onto the main street. Once you make it, a gun fight will erupt, and some major lag is bound to come up. Kill everyone in the area, and cross the bridge. Head left towards the big wooden doors. There will be a small entryway to a thin hallway. Go inside to enter the motor pool. Here there will be a couple of guards, so kill them, and destroy the alarm. Once that's done, open the door beside the alarm booth, and there you will find a parked car and a toolbox on a table. Go to the toolbox and press the action button. ______________________________________ Sabotage Motor Pool to Prevent Pursuit `````````````````````````````````````` From here, open the hood of the first car and cut the wire. Sabotage the other three vehicles nearby to complete this easy objective. Exit the motor pool and head back on the street. ________________________ Meet Operative in Garage ```````````````````````` From the street facing the bridge, head left to continue the level. Fight your way through, and eventually you'll be at the end of the street and be forced to move off into the neghborhood. Go on as far as you can until you reach a dead end. There is a door you can open. Open the door to discover a garage and a truck. This is where the operative is. He'll tell you to clear out the area ahead, so you'll have to go out there. Use your rifle to massacre the most poorly trained Gestapo unit of the Third Reich. There is quite a few of them, so take your time in taking everyone out, especially those sneaky snipers. If you hear shots, find the sniper shooting them. You'll have to move around a bit but eventually you'll find every last one of them. Once everyone's dead, sabotage the three vehicles in this area, and stock up on health (there's a surgeon pack in the garage). Get in the back of the truck once you're ready. Using the operative's mad road skills, you are going to act as the assault man for this truck ride. I suggest using grenades to kill the enemies for this ride (also cooking them) because it's hard to kill more than one enemy at once while riding this truck. This task can become particularly annoying when you're trying to get gold for this level. Eventually, he'll come to a stop, and you'll have to do clear out the area ahead again. Kill everyone, sabotage the two vehicles, and get back on the truck. He'll start driving and will roam through a park. A big wooden door will stop him from proceeding, so he tells you to go unlock it from the other side. Do just that, and make sure you kill all the soldiers, including the ones you might have missed at the front of the park. Once you remove the bar from the door, get back on the truck for another ride. Once you go through another set of drive-by's, you'll come to another stop. Here, the operative will give you a new order. ________________________ Get an Officer's Uniform ```````````````````````` You'll have to find a uniform in this area. First, clear the area of the Gestapo and sabotage all the cars. Once that's done, hop into the back of a German vehicle to find a uniform waiting for you. Get some health and get back into the truck for the final ride of the night. __________________________________ Meet Operative at Golden Lion Club `````````````````````````````````` You'll have to ram through a Gestapo checkpoint, and after that, your driver will lose his ability to dodge every single bullet that's been shot at the truck and finally crash his car and die, forcing you to jump out. Once you land on your feet, there will be three soldiers firing straight at you, so be swift in killing them. Once they're dead, break open the boxes to get some health. Move onto the street. You'll see a bridge just up ahead. There will be two guards there, so try and take atleast one of them out by surprise. Eliminate the other one by force. Cross the bridge and head right. You will eventually come to a dead end, but there will be a bar to enter. Go to the door and enter to put on your clothes. Take some time to relax here, tip the piano player, or to look at the drunken soldiers. Once you're done, head up the stairs and open the door to get to the back of the bar. You'll see two soldiers and 3 pitchers beside them. Go over to the pitchers and press the action button three times to knock them over and hit the German below. This will cause a fight, during which you'll have time to meet the operative, who is the waiter down below. Go to him and he will open the door nearby. Go through the doorway and to the truck to complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 3-C. Operation Repunzel <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Normal-Hard Duration : Medium ____________________ Find Kitchen Key Set ```````````````````` If you want to get gold on this mission, you're going to have to let go of your documents, pull out your pistol, and kill everyone outside in this first area. If not, just head to the left and enter the mansion by the side entrancem and the door will close behind you, and your identity will most likely be revealed by the soldier sitting down. Once he's dead, fight your way to the end of the hallway. I suggest using your melee attack because the pistol is a terrible weapon. Once you make it to the end, head up the stairs and kill the three soldiers here. In this room is the key set, hanging on the wall. ________________________________ Search the Paintings to Find Map ```````````````````````````````` Head back downstairs and open the previously unlocked wooden door. Just past this door is another guy, so kill him too. You should have a shotgun now, so use that instead of your dinky pistol. Fight through these hallways until you make it to the kitchen. There will be some deadly chefs here, so make sure you get rid of everyone. After the kitchen is cleared, go to the double doors and open them to find yourself in a big hall. Kill everyone here and move on. You'll pass through a treacherous hallway, and fight your way to a more fancier hall with a bar. Once again, kill everyone here and get on the stage. Get into the small passageway to continue the level. Once you're out of the passageway, you'll be outside in a garden-courtyard. There are a lot of soldiers here, so take your time in killing them. Fight your way up the path and up the stairs, and you'll be in a grand hall with big red banners. Go to the walkway in the middle and look at the guy at the speaker. He is going to pull out a rocket launcher and blow the walkway. I don't think it is possible to prevent him to do that, but it might. Whatever the case may be, keep advancing and press the action button behind the painting right behind the big red banner close to the wall. That's where the map is. ________________________________ Destroy Clocks to Find Documents ```````````````````````````````` Fight your way to the room just ahead of this painting, and you'll be in a room with a lot of clocks. The documents aren't anywhere here, so just go on and go up the stairs. Fight your way through the library, and then after into the hallway. Down this hallway will be the steam baths and an officer's room at the end of the hallway. Go to the officer's room, kill everyone and break open the clocks on the wall to find the documents. ______________________ Find Keys to Cell Door `````````````````````` Now go to the steam room, kill everyone and switch the valve at the end to open up a secret passageway. Crawl under. Once you're out, you'll see a lady on a radio. She's friendly, and she'll give you a few words. Pick up the supplies here and go up the stairs. Open the door to find yourself in a bedroom. Go out into the hallway to kill three soldiers if you wish, but it's not necesarry to go there. Instead, press action on the book case on the wall to reveal another secret passageway. Go in and follow it to the end first wooden door, which is a bedroom with a canteen in it. Take it and go back to the passageway, and go to the next wooden door. Have a grenade out, and throw it once you open this door. There are several enemies in this room, and it's hard to see them because there's a screen blocking your vision. Just take your shotgun and run in there rambo-style once the grenade blows up. Once this room is cleared, you should have gotten the cell keys. It's a mystery to me where they are exactly, but you always seem to get them once you kill everyone in this surrounding area. ______________ Locate Gerritt `````````````` Once you got the keys, open the door nearby in the screen room to find Gerritt. _______________________ Comandeer Enemy Vehicle ``````````````````````` Once he sees you, he'll follow you. Once he gets up and does that, clear the path for him. So go up the stairs to get to the roof of this mansion, and win the huge fire fight here. Look up at the clock to shoot down two snipers. Once the area is cleared and he snails through, you'll reach what seems to be a dead end, but don't worry, you can smash the railing off once Gerritt gets there. Once he reaches the railing, press action to motivate him. Jump down to your safety, but make sure you land on the haystack below, if not, you'll lose a lot of health. Once you're on the ground, go the German vehicle nearby. *****************************MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!***************************** ############################################################################### 4. Several Bridges Too Far ############################################################################### <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 4-A. Nijmegan Bridge <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Medium ___________________________ Defuse Charges Under Bridge ``````````````````````````` Listen to the wiseman's words and go up the stairs. You'll see two Germans at the top. Walk slowly all the way to the top and right behind them to kill them easily. Once they're dead, pick up their weapons, one being the Gewer rifle. As you proceed, you'll see a patrol of two soldiers walking on the sidewalk on the ride side. Pick them off with your new-found rifle and carry on. You'll hit a roadblock with several soldiers nearby, one of them manning a machine gun nest. You can either pick everyone off with the rifle, or kill the guy behind the gun and charge in to man it yourself. When you do man the machine gun, more soldiers will be triggered to come in from the stairs, so make sure you get everyone here if you want to get gold. Once the area is cleared, proceed down the stairs to find yourself under the bridge. You'll see two guys working on a bomb. Kill them and defuse the charges. There's two in this area, one on a post and the other just underneath the next stair case. Run towards the gunfire and kill the two soldiers playing with the charges there. Defuse the charges here and you should have four more to go. Proceed up the stairs until you're back on the bridge. When you're on it, run forward and move to the right to man the gun and quickly kill the three soldiers and your field of view. Continue on, and you will be under the big arch. This is going to be quite a battle because of the snipers on the top. Kill all the soldiers at the bottom first, but make sure you don't advance far enough for the machine gunners to fire at you. To get rid of them, climb the ladder on the right side to get to the top of the arch. Kill the face-shielded snipers here, and then shoot everyone at the bottom to clear the area. It's easy to fall off here, so make sure that doesn't happen. Go down the ladder to mop up and proceed on until you reach another roadblock with a machine gun nest. Do the same thing here as you did before, and go down the stairs to be under the bridge. Do the same thing here as you did before, and you'll have disarmed all the charges. _________________________ Destroy Anti-Aircraft Gun ````````````````````````` Get on the road, and kill all the soldiers to the right. Go down the road and walk for a bit until you see three guys advancing. Kill them all and keep going. You'll see the road take you to the right, making a u-turn going down. Follow the road and you'll see a car pass by in front of you about 75 metres at an intersection. Kill the guy standing at the intersection and go to the right where you'll see the car and a soldier. Clear this area out and follow the road again. You'll see the AA gun shooting in the distance. Go towards it until you reach the entrance of the AA bunker. You'll see the medical truck down below. Fight your way inside the bunker and go right at the fork. This path will take you to the AA gun, so fight your way to there, and put a round into the barrel near the AA gun to destroy it. ______________________________ Escape in Medical Supply Truck `````````````````````````````` Go down a bit, taking the only path left, and you'll eventually reach the truck after 2-3 soldiers. Go to the front of the truck to start it. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 4-B. Yard by Yard <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Long ______________________________________ Clear Enemy Checkpoints from Main Road `````````````````````````````````````` Move until you see a checkpoint with guards. Don't engage them. Go to the bakery in front of you by opening the door. Move up the stairs and you'll find yourself in a room with a soldier guarding a machine gun. Silently walk up to him and kill him. Man the gun and kill everyone below. Shoot the red barrel near the sandbags to clear the first checkpoint. When you're done go back out- side and go through the checkpoint. Fight your way down the road, and you'll find yourself in a backyard alley after a few steps past the brick structure. Walk to the end of the path and open the door to the right. You'll see two soldiers smokin' and jokin', unknown that you are going to kill them very soon. Kill them. Walk into this house by opening the door, but prepare for an intense fight inside. There are going to be about 5 soldiers here. So use your MP- 40 to make good use of the close-quarters. Once the ground floow is cleared, make your way upstairs, and open the shiny door to your right. Walk in and open the small crawlspace. Crouch and go in to find yourself in another house. Open the door to your right to find a machine gun. Use it and fire at the red barrel to clear the checkpoint. Get out of the room and open the other shiny door to find a soldier in the washroom. Kill him and take the surgeon pack. Now, make your way downstairs and clear the area. Head into the backyard, and out onto the road. Kill everyone here but don't go down the road. There is a small path on the right side of the road. Go there and follow the path to the end. You'll be in another backyard path. Open the door in front and walk in the house. You'll find a family eating their meal. Just avoid the lady and move on. When you're in a big room rounds will go off, so quickly make your way upstairs or you'll be wounded. Open the shiny door if you want, but there's no point of that room. Open the crawlspace and go in to find yourself in the house next door. Enter the door to your left and kill the soldier guarding the machine gun. Use it and fire at the red barrel. One more checkpoint to go. Fight your way out of the house. You'll pick up a shotgun in the backyard. At this point you'll hear the sounds of a tank in motion. Exit the backyard and you'll see a woman look- ing out the window. Look left to find a path. Walk in there to the end and you'll be on the road again. Kill the soldiers to your right. If you want, you can hunt down a tank on this road if you want, but it's not necessary. The next 5 minutes are an exact repeat to clear the next and last checkpoint. Just follow the linear path and you'll eventually destroy the last checkpoint. _____________ Destroy Radio ````````````` From the machine gun, fight your way outside of the house until you are in a backyard alley once again. You'll come across a lady arguing with a German. Shoot him and the soldier beside him. You'll see a machine gun nest. Man it once your left side is cleared. Mow down everyone, especially that tank. Once your done, look to your left, down the long alley. You'll see two unprepared snipers in the windows if you look with your Gewer. Take these two guys out before you proceed. There is also a third guy in there, but you can't see him until you move up a little. Make sure you don't forget him. Fight your way through each backyard, using the ladder as a bridge in one of the yards to get to another one. The last yard to the right is the house with the radio in it. If you're as lucky as I was, the German's would have destroyed it by themselves trying to shoot at me when I was outside. Either way, you still have to get inside to clear the house of the enemy. _______________________________ Find your way to Central Arnhem ``````````````````````````````` Go into the sniper's house and fight your way upstairs. When you're there, looking down the alley, take out your Gewer and aim at everyone who charges down this path. There are going to be a lot of them, so just be patient. Shoot the guys on the roof on each side also. Once the area goes quiet, go out the back of this house to complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 4-C. Arnhem Knights <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Medium-Long _____________________________ Destroy Panzer IV Tanks ````````````````````````````` Neutralize Panzerschrek Squad ````````````````````````````` Meet Jigs in Customs House ````````````````````````````` This is definitely one of the better and more unique levels in the game. This one is different from the rest because here you will engage in actual battles with your allied soldiers against the enemy. This entire level is just battles, so no sneaky stuff. Before I start I just want to point out that you should put no worries towards the allied AI in this level, so don't rush in a battle just to save them, because in the end, they're really nothing but useless. Ok, from the start, just walk until you see a guy with a Browning beside him. Pick it up, and he'll start talking. When you've had enough of him, walk straight into a side door of a house, up the stairs and turn right first to pick up some ammunition. Then turn around and go upstairs. There are a couple of soldiers at the top, firing down at allied troops, so get rid of them. Then look on the other side to find more soldiers firing at your guys, kill them and move to the edge of the floor where you can get a good vantage point against the Germans attacking from the front. Jump down and kill the remaining enemies on the street. There is a sniper on a roof in the distance, so get him too. Congratulations, the first battle has been won. Ok I'm going to split this into many paragraphs or else this is going to be a mess. Continue on through the rubble, picking up supplies and medical kits until you hear the sounds of the next battle. When you see the fighting, quickly run to the un-manned machine gun and fire away. After about 5 seconds, a tank will smash through the rubble to the left. At this time, direct all your fire at the tank, and don't stop until it says ENEMY TANK DESTROYED at the top of the screen. Once the tank is done for, mow down the rest of the enemy. You will have to get off the gun to kill one guy on the roof and other soldiers in a bar shop. You probably took quite a bit of damage this round, so make sure you pick up all the medical canteens in the shop. Continue on until you reach the next battle. Ok this next battle is another house massacre. There are German soldiers firing down from both sides of the buildings, so you're going to have to fire fast and furious if you don't want to take much damage. Just use well aimed shots for this one and things shouldn't be too hard. Move on. The fourth battle is probably the wildest one there is. The Panzerschrek are located here, and they're not the easy type to fight. One shot from them and you're toast, so be very careful, 'cause there's probably 12 of them running around here. If you're lucky, and most of you will be, half or all of the Panzer squad will be eliminated by their horribly placed shots. If this happens don't start celebrating yet, because there could still be three of them running around. To make matters worse, there is a machine gun protecting the Panzer guys, so don't get caught in its line of fire. What I suggest doing is throwing your grenades at a safe location and distance. Once you think the area is clear run in and use your shotgun to mop up the remainder of the squad. Then, man the machine gun to trigger more soldiers. Use the surgeon pack if you took damage. The next battle is just as hard. Again, don't worry about the friendlies. Let them die if you have to take your time. Snipe the guys down the road with your rifle, and then advance to destroy the last Panzer tank. Make use of that Panzerschrek if you'd like, but I must admit it is a hard weapon to use effectively. Also, there is a deadly machine gun nest near that tank, so don't get caught in it's crossfire. Once the area is clear, pick up those health packs for that gold medal, and move into the houses to find Jigs in one of the rooms. *****************************MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!***************************** ############################################################################### 5. Rolling Thunder ############################################################################### <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 5-A. On Track <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Medium _______________________ Steal Officer's Uniform ``````````````````````` Exit your porch, then your room, and head left to the next room. This is where the uniform is. It's on the bed. Pick it up. __________________ Steal Officer's ID `````````````````` Since they couldn't have put the ID right beside the uniform and made this one objective, walk a few steps to pick up the ID on the table near the bed. ___________________ Enter Train Station ``````````````````` With your newly acquired ID and uniform, head downstairs and show the guard your papers to let you through with ease. Head outside, and show your papers to the guard at the entrance of the train station. Once he lets you through, walk inside. By now your cover will be blown, and everybody will be hunting you down. Go back to the square to kill everyone for the gold medal, or proceed into the train station if you just don't care. ________________________ Destroy Station Controls ```````````````````````` Head to the counter and make your way behind it. Open the door and shoot the two soldiers to the left. Pick up that surgeon pack. Advance by opening the unlocked door, down the stairs and into the laundry room. Clear this room and advance through the level until you reach a room with a soldier behind the station controls. Kill him and his buddy, and shoot at the controls to turn the alarm off and complete the objective. ________________________ Board Sturmgeist's Train ```````````````````````` From the control room, head out to the hallway. After a few steps you'll be in a small kitchen. Kill the heavy chef here and proceed on to the bar. This will be a big fire fight, so take your time. Clear this area and make your way to the train docks. You'll see an "Emmerich" sign. Clear this big area. Open up the fenced area for some supplies. Find a door that has a German word above it, that's the door to find to proceed. This level is slightly hard only because you don't have a rifle to make precise shots from afar, so don't be afraid to get up close and personal with the enemy, just aim at the center of mass and not the head. Fight through this linear level, and back track to clear out any enemies or for any health. Eventually you will hear air raid sirens, signalling an Allied bombing raid. You'll reach an outdoor boarding platform with an armored train. Jump on the first open cart to board the train and complete the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 5-B. Riding Out the Storm <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Short _____________ Destroy Radio ````````````` The first thing you want to do is break open the three boxes to your left and pick up a better weapon. Take that free STG and advance indoors quickly before an enemy train starts firing at you. The first rail car will pretty much be the standard for the level. For this level, when indoors, make use of your melee attack and especially your grenades. There's nothing more effective than taking out a group of soldiers in a tight space with a grenade, so make use of them. You will also take quite a lot of damage yourself, so pick up those medikits hanging on the wall here and there. If you want, you can man the train's cannon to take out the enemy train beside you, but be warned that you can take heavy damage if you don't destroy it fast enough. Try to use the melee attack as much as possible. I managed to clear the entire first railcar without a shot fired, and walked away with perfect health. Once the first rail car is cleared, you'll need to head outside to get to the next one. This is the tricky part. There are three soldiers here, and a tank-train right beside you. Try lobbing a grenade or two at the soldiers before you storm in. Throw a grenade at the tank-train to disable it. There's also a Panzerscrek lying around, so use that if you run out of grenades. Once the area is clear, move into the second rail car. Be ready though, because the moment you open those doors, you'll be fired at, and these guys are pretty good at hitting their targets. Counter the ambush by being ready for them and kill everyone here. You will take damage, but there is a surgeon pack, so make sure you pick it up. You will eventually reach the radio. Kill the guy near it, and then destroy it. ____________________ Hunt Down Sturmgeist ```````````````````` Once again, exit the rail car to be outside. Kill the soldiers out here and proceed to the next one. When you are inside, man the turret to knock out the big attack-trian. It will take about 3 shots. Once that's destroyed, advance through the several trams until you get to a lavishly decorated rail car. As you see a door, a cutscene will play, showing Sturmgeist ordering his men to kill you. It's a short cutscene, so get ready for some serious action. This is going to be tricky because you are going to be ambushed by two very deadly SS members. Use a grenade if you have one, or else do it the normal way. Chances are you won't kill them with much health left, so you probably won't get gold on your first try. ____________________________ Steal Sturmgeist's Briefcase ```````````````````````````` Take his briefcase off the desk, and open the door to the next rail car to finish the level. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 5-C. Derailed! <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Long _____________________ Infiltrate Train Yard ````````````````````` From the very beginning, turn right to find a pathway. Go in there and follow it to find an entrance to a bunker. Kill the soldier "guarding" it, and go up the ladder to kill everyone inside (3 tough guys). They will be waiting for you so don't think it's going to be easy. Collect all the supplies here and fire at everyone down below. Once that's done, get back on the tracks. You'll soon see a tram. Get inside to find a panzerschrek. Win the fire fight here, and advance. You'll come to a big gate, the entrance to the train yard. Open it and be amazed that there is no one firing at you. Oh look at the medikit right in front of you, it looks so good and helpful. The moment you advance to that, the whole yard will spring up and ambush you, but atleast you completed the objective. _______________________ Find Demolition Charges ``````````````````````` From the medikit head right to kill the two soldiers behind the sandbags. They have rifles, so use it to kill everyone here from afar. It'll take a good five to ten minutes to clear the surrounding area, but it has to be done. From where you entered this train yard, the demolition charges are located in the left building where a train can be parked. I strongly suggest you clear this whole yard though before you proceed. Go into that control room to trigger more soldiers. It is hard not only because there are so many of them, but many are using panzerschreks, so take your time. Once the area is cleared, head to the control room, and play around with the controls to make the train turntable face so that you can ride the engine on the tracks. __________________ Destroy Fuel Depot `````````````````` Once that's done, go ride the engine into the next train yard. Your ride will eventually crash and you'll have to fight again. Backtrack to kill the solider on the tower, and clear this whole area. There is a semi-hidden entrance to a building at the spot where the engine crashed. You'll have to go there to kill some soldiers for the gold medal. When that's done, follow the tracks to the next train yard. Blow open the gates, and clear this area. It's the fuel depot. It's not as bad as the previous two train yards, so you can relax a little. There are three fuel tanks to destroy. Blow the first two. The next one is a big tank not too far. Once the last fuel tank is blown up, the gates to the next section of the level will swing open. Kill the soldiers quickly. ____________________________ Find Transportation to Gotha ```````````````````````````` Get on the engine to ride to your next destination. You'll encounter several troops on the way, but chances are you won't kill them all. When the engine crashes, back track to mop up what you've missed. Once that's done, go into the final yard of the mission. There's a big bunker here, and a machine gun nest to the right. Make sure nobody is manning those when you are near them. When everyone here is dead, follow the tracks to find a car on rails. Get on it to finish the level. *****************************MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!***************************** ############################################################################### 6. The Horten's Nest ############################################################################### <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 6-A. Clipping Their Wings <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Long ______________________ Find the Weapons Stash `````````````````````` Ho ho ho, look at all these objectives! This is going to be super fun. Get out of this air duct and start fighting. Make your way into the office to hit the switch to open the garage door. Exit the garage and fight your way inside the office rooms. The first one has nothing, the second one has a lot of weapons. This is the Weapons Stash. Make sure you have picked up the sniper rifle, the rocket launcher, and the BAR machine gun. Too bad you have no ammo. __________________ Find the Ammo Room `````````````````` Advance into the hallway and get into the room across, the soldier's quarters. Open up the boxes to find some ammo and canteens. Kill the sleeping soldiers and move into the farthest corner, open the box to find a spy camera, which completes the next objective. The door beside you will swing open. This room has one soldier and lots of ammo in it. This is the Ammo Room. Load all your weapons. ___________________ Find the Spy Camera ``````````````````` Look at the above objective. _______________________ Photograph 5 Blueprints ``````````````````````` Backtrack a few feet to find an open door in the quarters. You'll find yourself in a mess/kitchen. Kill everyone here including the notorious chef. Use grenades to minimize damage. Fight your way out the back of the kitchen and go down the Hallway of the Closed Doors. You'll eventually reach an area with scientists working on a plane. Kill everyone here and flick the switch to kill the three scientists in front of you. After the event is over, the door will magically swing open. Move on to the room on the other side and kill 2-3 soldiers. Make your way through the hallway. You will reach the infirmaries. This is where you will take the blueprints. First kill everyone here. Once that's done, take a right at the first interection and enter the first door to your right. Head in and throw a grenade in the direction of the two scientists.Take a picture of the 1st blueprint. Move to the next room to take a picture of an angled blueprint; the 2nd one. Exit here into the hallway and head left. Kill the scientist at the end of the hallway but turn at the first left. After the turn make a quick right and head inside the room. Kill the scientist and take the 3rd blueprint picture. Move to the next room to take the 4th picture. Head out to the hallway and turn right. Follow the hallway until you see a room to your left. There are two medical kits here, so make sure to pick them up. But watch out, there is a scientist just a few feet away in the nearby room! Kill him and take the picture of the last blueprint. ______________________________ Locate the Plans for the Ho-IX `````````````````````````````` In this same room (with the 5th blueprint) are the plans for the Ho- IX. They are neatly rolled up and very glossy, just sitting there on the desk. Very hard to miss. _______________________________________ Find a Way into the Manufacturing Plant ``````````````````````````````````````` Exit the room and make a left at the hallway. Keep walking until you reach the end, where you will see a huge factory before your eyes. Walk inside to finish this objective. Finding a way into this was easy, but coming out will be a totally different story. Make sure you picked up the Gewer at the Weapons Stash. If not, head back and get it. Also, you are sure to lose a lot of health here, so back-track all the way to the mess/kitchen to pick up loaves of bread to replenish your health. _______________________ Destroy the Test Engine ``````````````````````` Basically, take all the time in the world to finish clearing out the manufacturing plant. Pick off as many people from the hallway as you can before actually fully entering this dreadful hell hole. Key locations to watch for enemies are: back corners- 2nd floor. These are deadly spawning points. There will be about three soldiers from both. Take advantage of all the explosive devices you can use to blow up nearby enemies. Once the room seems empty, proceed to the next area, a smaller manufacturing plant. Use grenades here to take out the enemies and you shouldn't have too much trouble. Move to the next area, where you will see a big engine. This is the Test Engine. First, move to the back room to kill the lone scientist. Then come back and kill the two scientists who ambush you. Now, press the big red button. Nothing will happen. Move to the back room and you will see a Fuel Pressure Switch. Crank it until the dial is in the red zone, then go back to the button. It will now be green. Hit the switch to destroy the engine. A hole in the wall will be created. _________________ Exit the Facility ````````````````` Go to the hole in the wall and you will see a path to the left and a path to the right. Both paths have a single guard , so kill them both. Go down either staircase. You'll see a long hallway down ahead with about 3 guards firing at you. Kill them all with your weapons of choice. At the first intersection head straight. Look left to find a box of bazooka shells. Pick them up and now go left at the intersection. Move on until you see another huge plant ahead. Take your rifle out and get to work. Clear out the top floor and make your way all the way down. There will be three more guys to kill. Once you make it almost all the way down, you'll notice another hell hole coming up. I hope you have enough ammo for your rifle, because there's going to be some more long distance killing ahead. You'll notice that there's a bunch more to kill once you're at the ground floor. Once again, take your time to get the job done. If you are out of rounds for your Gewer, then just storm the front with all you've got. Keep fighting until you see a new area up ahead protected by three soldiers at the entrance. This is the last area, so clear it out and head in. It's a mine. Head up to get on the rail. This is the exit. Good job. Three more levels to go. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 6-B. Enemy Mine <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Short __________________________________________ Ride Minecart to Secret Radar Installation `````````````````````````````````````````` This is definitely going to be different. You only have one objective, so this won't take long to beat, but it could take a long time to get gold. From the start, pick up all the supplies nearby, including the field surgeon pack at the bottom. Once you've got all the weapons, hop into the minecart. Your bazooka is very handy for this mission. The first engagement will consist of two soldiers on a platform...with a barrel nearby. Shoot the barrel to kill them instantly. Thankfully, most of the level will consist of enemies around barrels. The hard parts are the lone Panzer guys. Take them out with your bazooka before they get a shot at you, or else you will quickly lose health. For the most part, shoot the barrels with your rifle, and use the bazooka on lone soldiers. Honestly, I could only get Gold on the easy difficulty, and only managed to get silver on Normal. It is really hard to get gold on Normal. There are only two medical kits to pick up in this level, so try not to get shot. After about five minutes of mine cart survival riding, the level will be over. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 6-C. Under the Radar <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hardest Duration : Very Long ___________________________ Find the Demolition Charges ``````````````````````````` This objective will be the least of your worries for the remainder of the game. Pick up the supplies in front of you. Peek around the corner to see a machine gun nest. Kill the soldier manning it and his buddy feeding the rounds. There will be one sneaky guy behind the house, so kill him too. Pick up the medical kit near the rocks. Go to the side of the house facing the machine gun to find the demolition charges. ___________________________ Disable Both Radar Stations ``````````````````````````` Man the gun to trigger soldiers coming from the right side. There should only be a few of them. Next, kill the two soldiers behind you. Pick up some canteens and make your way to the first Radar Station. Kill the guy inside, and set the charges to blow it sky high. Don't jump down yet. Kill as many guys as you can from above before you come down. Once you come down, you'll notice a machine gun nest has been manned and is firing at you like there's no tomorrow. Stay protected inside the radar station, and don't come out just yet. See that green box just in front of you? Use that as cover. Use the bazooka to take out the guys manning the gun, and sweep up the area. Once the area is clear, go the west side and climb up the ladder. There will be a small ladder immediately to the right once you get to the top, so go up this smaller ladder to sweep up the terrace. Once you kill the two guys smokin' and jokin' at the bonfire, collect their supplies and head back down. More soldiers will come, so kill them all. There will also be a bazooka guy firing at you from afar, so take him out with your rifle. Proceed on and you will soon realize you are in a trench system. There will be two paths. Head left to find out this path leads to a dead end. Head right to see soldiers in the distance. Use a grenade to take them out. Don't miss the field surgeon pack here. Head off the range and get ready to kill more. Unfortunately, these guys will start using grenades, so be careful. Also look out for rear attacks. This next area is a true killer. You will be in a complex trench system with a bunker to the left of you. I recommend taking out everyone closest with grenades first, then use your bazooke to take out the machine gun nest in the bunker. Then, with your rifle aimed at the gun, wait until more people come to man it. Once the area is cleared, look to the right to see a housel. Go up there and clear it. Now proceed to the next area, another big mess. Kill everyone here and make your way inside the bunker. Now, if you are brave enough, man the machinge guns to trigger an enormous amount of enemies. I strongly discourage anyone doing this on their first playthrough of the level, because there is a 90% chance of you dying horribly at trying to kill everyone by manning the machine gun. The trench system makes it very hard to kill all the enemies. But if you do kill everyone, good for you. Now, head up the ladder and kill everyone here. Watch out for yet another machine gun nest firing at you from afar, up above a tower. Kill the guy quickly to prevent major damage. Once he's dead, kill everyone down below. Finally, blow the last radar station. __________________________ Radio Allies Your Position `````````````````````````` Once you've blown the radar station, head down and be ready to fire right away. This next part is going to be hell all over again. There are two more machine gun towers up ahead, and more enemy soldiers. Just take your time clearing out the area. Eventually, you'll reach a big new area. You will hear a conversation of a radioman about his lover. The radio is nearby. Kill everyone here, taking as much time as you can, until you finally reach the radio. Press the action button to complete the objective. _________________________________ Find Entrance to the HO-IX Hangar ````````````````````````````````` The end is near. Exit the radio building and head into the next structure. Fight your way through until you see a hatch in the ground. Enter it to finish the level. Good job. You deserve a coffee. <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 6-D. Stealing the Show <<<------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Difficulty: Hard Duration : Short - Medium _____________________________ Find and Eliminate Sturmgeist ````````````````````````````` When you get control of Patterson, take out the patrolling guard in front of you and don't even think about hitting the SS guys. Once the first guy falls, move back a bit and wait until a group of soldiers comes to you. Use the bazooka to take them all out at once. From here on, back up into the bunker and get used to calling this home for the next thirty minutes. In this bunker is ammunition and six field surgeon packs. Don't use them unless you make 100% efficiency out of them. From this bunker, kill as many soldiers as you can with everything you've got. When it starts dying down, look at the sides to begin mopping up. Man the machine guns to trigger any remaining resistance. Once the area is clear, pick up all the countless ammunition and save the health for later. Head right into the hangar. Move forward to witness a roof being bombed. Head left into the doorway and continue on until you engage in a small firefight near a jet fighter. Kill the enemy. Proceed to the door and open it. A cutscene will play. Once the cutscene is over, get ready for the final battle of the game! Sturmgeist is finally ready to fight, but with all his cronies around him, you sure as hell aren't, so get out your grenades and kill him and his gang the cheap way. _______________ Steal the HO-IX ``````````````` After this last stand, head to the stealthy looking plane in front of you and press the action button to get into the plane. *****************************MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!***************************** ****************************MOH FRONTLINE COMPLETED**************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is Copyright 2004 Gamefaqs.com. It was written exclusively for www.gamefaqs.com and can be reproduced only for private and/or personal use. Any illegal distribution, reproduction or sale of this document will result in legal troubles and penalties will be taken to the fullest extent.