----------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDAL OF HONOUR: FRONTLINE - FAQ/WALKTHROUGH V 1.0 Created by Aaron Baker --------------------------------------------------------------------- "You are about to embark on the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these past few months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in combat. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking." -Dwight D. Eisenhower Weapon and Enemy sections by CGorman (Used with permission) (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/medal_of_honor_d.txt) _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SECTION 1 - GUIDE INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ INFORMATION =========== Medal of Honour: Frotnline (PS2) An FAQ/Walkthrough, Version 1.0 Created by Aaron Baker Email: Wayalla1@yahoo.com.au TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= SECTION 1 - GUIDE INTRODUCTION 1. Information 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction 4. Version History 5. Warning 6. Navigating 7. Review SECTION 2 - GAME BASICS 1. Controls 2. Story 3. Memory Card 4. Strategies 5. Alarms 6. Objiectives 7. Your Allies 8. Options SECTION 3 - WALKTHOUGH MISSION 1: D-DAY 1. Your Finest Hour 2. Into the Breach MISSION 2: A STORM IN THE POSRT 3. Seaside Stowaway 4. Special Cargo 5. Eye of the Storm 6. A Chance Meeting MISSION 3: NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK 7. Rough Landing 8. The Golden Lion 9. Operation Repunzel MISSION 4: SEVERAL BRIDGES TOO FAR 10. Nijmegen Bridge 11. Yard by Yard 12. Arnhem Knights MISSION 5: ROLLING THUNDER 13. On Track 14. Riding out the Storm 15. Derailed MISSION 6: THE HORTEN'S NEST 16. Clipping Their Wings 17. Enemy Mine 18. Under the Radar 19. Stealing the Show SECTION 4 - LISTS 1. Health Kits 2. Weapons 3. Enemys 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. Medal Walkthrough SECTION 5 - SECRETS AND MISC 1. Basic Cheats 2. Enemy Cheats 3. Gallery Movies 4. Glitches 5. Secrets SECTION 6 - BASIC GUIDE STUFF 1. Copyright 2. Email Policy 3. Websites 4. Credits INTRODUCTION ============ The Medal of Honour Games = Great! Absolutely great. I first played Medal of Honour about 3 years ago when I borrowed it, and I was instantly hooked. It was such a great game, back on the Playstation. It was by far the best thing I had played on my Playstation, until Metal Gear Solid, Syphon Filter 3 and Tenchu 2 came along. So, If you haven't caught the hints above, I really liked the game. I later actually bought the game, and then started playing through all of the missions. Later on, I then played Medal of Honour: Underground, and once again I thought it was absolutely great, stunning graphics and absolutely great level designs, it was better than the original, but only just I say. Later on I wrote a FAQ for Medal of Honour Underground and submitted it to the site. Then, finally, in the middle of 2003, I bought this great game, and I was once again hooked. It was so great! Now I present to you my guide for Medal of Honour: Frontline. I first started this guide exactly 6 days after I bought the game, I completed it very easily, it must be because the game is easy, or from my previous Medal of Honour expiriences. Here, in my guide you can find a Walkthrough to the game, and other things such as Weapons, Health Kits and how to get some Gold Star ratings. Also alot of your questions are answered in the Frequently Aksed Questions section of the guide. Read on. VERSION HISTORY =============== VERSION 1.0 ----------- First version of document. WARNING ======= Just a notice, please email me before using this guide on your site. Please see full Coyright notice at the end of the document, because I don't feel like putting it all the way up here. Current sites to host: www.gamefaqs.com http://faqs.ign.com NAVIGATING ========== Having trouble finding what you need in the guide? Well, if you wantr to locate something in particular, press CTRL + F. This will bring up a search box, and lets just say that you want to try and find the Mission Walkthrough for "Operation Repunel" then type that into the search box and go through the choices until you get to the walkthrough. It is easier than going through all these different levels looking for where you are at. REVIEW ====== Story You Play as Jimmy Patterson (The same player you use in the original Medal of Honour) in the Second World War. You get to do mission that go aloong with the war, like D-Day, when the soldiers stormed the beach. I like the story, and it makes it really feel like it is full on war. I will give the story a..... 9/10 Controls Very, very good. A lot of people say that the Controls for Frontline are very bad; well don't listen to them, because the controls are great. Sure, the original control setup is very bad (unless you have been using it for the previous Medal of Honour games.) Well, you can actually change the setup. there are a lot of setups to choose from, like Classic Medal of Honour, Sharpshooter, Easy Fire and also Custom. Yes, you can customise your own controls so it fits you. With this, there should be no one grumbling about the controls. I give the controls for Medal of Honour Frontline a..... 10/10 Gameplay Great as well. This is a first person shooter, as you might know already. The Gameplay is excellent, but there are a few things that let it down. Aiming can be a bit hard at times, even awhen using the L1 button to aim. If you attempt to aim at someone without using the L1 aim, then if you try to get the cursor on an enemy, it can be hard unless you strafe. The reason for this is that if you move your view, it will either take the cursor too far away from the enemy, or not close enough. There are some glitches in it as well, like when an enemy gets stuck in the wall. Other than a few other things, the Gameplay is alright. I give the Gameply a..... 15/20 Difficulty Just like in most games nowadays, there are difficulty settings. Medal of Honour: Frontline has Easy, Normal and Hard. I must say that a lot of the missions are really easy to complete, but there is some hard ones. Some involve dodging bazooka bullets (which can kill you in two hits on Easy) and battling literally hundreds of enemies at one time (the last level in the game.) Also, to make it feel like pure war, there is a cheat that you can enable that makes Enemies kill you in one shot. Now in the war, this is like what it would be, because there are no medics around where Jimmy is going. Trying doing the D-Day mission with this, and it would be like what really happened in the war. Because of this cheat, I give the difficulty a..... 10/10 Missions There are 19 levels and 6 missions. In the previous Medal of Honour games, there were about 8 missions and 25 levels. But all the missions in the previous Medal of Honour were quite small compared to Frontline. The missions in Frontline get very big towards the end of the game. But still, 19 missions will still be very easy to complete for previous Medal of Honour players. There are a good selection of levels, like you get to play on the Beach of Normandie, and fight the Germans there, as well as other places like inside big Mansions, Market garden and Secret Weapon locations. Overall, I give the missions/levels a..... 9/10 Replayability Absolutely Awful, seriously. Once you have completed the game, the only thing that is left to do is to get the Gold Stars. There is nothing else to do than getting these gold stars, and once you get the Gold Stars, you will find yourself with nothing left to do, and the game will probably get left on your shelf and start to get dust on it. I give the Replayabaility for Fronntline a..... 3/10 Grpahics Great, absolutely great. Weapons, enemies and surroundings are dojne absolutely perfectly, and once again it feels like the real war itself. The enemy costumes have been done very, very well, down to perfection. Places like the Nijmegen bridge and the beach look so real, you could swear it was the war. I like the graphics in Frontline, and I will give them a..... 9/10 Sound Absolutely great, once again. The sounds of the bullets are so real, and also the music in the background is great too. There is sometimes things such as siren sound effects, that give the felling of real war. The musci is set to the occasion, like when someone sets off an alarm, the music will change to a battle sequence music. It is very good and I give the music in Frontline a..... 10/10 Bonuses Well, when you complete a mission with ALL with Golden stars, then you will recieve a nice looking Medal that you can view from it's box (as well as your other records, for example Accuracy and Head Shots) and also you can view a History Movie and the making of it, which is really good and educational. There is also some other bonus movies, such as Medal of Honour Paintball, and from the Animators desk. But, the real bad thing about it is that there is NO MULTIPLAYER. For this, I give the Bonuses a..... 6/10 Story - 9/10 Controls - 10/10 Gameplay - 15/20 Difficulty - 10/10 Missions - 9/10 Replayabaility - 3/10 Graphics - 9/10 Sound - 10/10 Bonuses - 6/10 Total: 81/100 = 8/10 - Needs Multiplayer _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SECTION 2 - GAME BASICS _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ CONTROLS ======== Most people say that Medal fo Honour Frontline has Horrible Controls. I believe that this is not true. If you don't like the controls, then you can change them to what you want by going to the custom setup in the Controls section. Here is what I use, but is not the defualt, so be sure to change it to what you really want. Left Analog stick Left/Right Strafe Left/Right Left Analog stick Up/Down Move Forward/Backward Right Analog sitck left/right Turn left/right Right Analog stick up/down Look down/up Cross Action Square Previous Weapon Circle Next Weapon Triangle Jump L1 Aim Mode R1 Shoot L2 Crawl R2 Reload L3 Centre Viewpoint R3 Melee Attack Select Call HQ Start Pause/View Objectives NOTE: L3 is pressing the left analog stick in, R3 is pressing the right analog stick in. STORY ===== Medal of Honour: Frontline is based on the war. You Play Jimmy Patterson (Just as you did in the very first Medal of Honour.) He takes on all of these missions, and even D-Day. You start on June 6th, 1944, which is D- Day. You have to go around destroying things like boats that could turn the war into the Germans Favour, which you don't want. You have to battle it out, and try to win the war with the help of the allies. MEMORY CARD =========== Once you start up the game, Medal of Honour: Underground will automatically load up your most recently activwe sae. So, if you have 5 saves on your memory card, the most recent one that you have saved on will be automatically loaded. If this isn't the one you want to load, then go to play and press right. Then select Load Game and you can load any game on your memory card. If you forgot to save at the end of a mission, or you didn't want to save, but then thought you better, then you can save here as well. Just go to save, and you can choose where you want to save it to. All missions you have done will be saved. If you want to start a new game, then click on new game. It will automatically start you off in the Boat on the D-Day mission, and the level is called "Your finest Hour." SRATEGIES ========= I think that this should come so far up int he FAQ because you will defnetly need to know this before the walkthrough, and it is more importent than weapons and health kits and all the other things, so that is whay it is so far up in this FAQ. Staying alive is essential in this game, you need to stay alive in order to complete missions. HEADSHOTS If you want to kill someone really quickly, then headshots is the way to go. Headshots will kill someone in one shot. To get a precise headshot, go into aim mode (for me it is the L1 button) and then press the fire button. The best weapoons for using the headshots on are the pistols. SAVING AMMO With pistols, it only takes about 2 (in the early mission) or 3 (in the middle mission) or 4 (in the later missions) bullets to kill an enemy, so don't go and waste a hole clip on just one enemy, it is really just a waste of ammunition, which you might need. SAVE BETTER WEAPONS for example, in the last mission in the game, you will defenetly need to use the BAR on the last level, sosave the ammo for it by using the Walther or whatever other weapon you have. There is nothing worse than coming to a level that you need to use a machinegun on when you have already wasted your machinegun bullets on an easier level which easily could of been done with a Pistol. LEAVE BIG PACKS If you find a big Field Surgeon pack for example, and you have 95% of your health left, then do not use it. it is a waste to use something that gives you back 50% of your health to regain that small %5 health. Leave it, and if you need it later on in the level, then you can come back to it. Same goes for the medical kits. BIGGEST THREAT Lets just say there are 5 enemies: 2 have a Panzershrek, 1 is on the machinegun, another enemy is using a pistol, and the last enemy is using a Thompson machinegun. Which order do you think you should take them out? You need to take out the one which will do the most harm to you if you happen to get hit by the enemy. So, this is the order you should kill all of those enemies: The two Panzershrek guys : If you are hit by a Panzershrek, nearly half of your health will be lost. The guy on the M-Gun: Those things are rapid fire, and can kill really quickly. Enemy with the Thomspon Mcahinegun: Thompson can kill you quicker than a Pistol. Then the guy with the Pistol ALAMRS ====== Alarms can be annoying, because all the emenies will now know of your presence, which is defently a bad thing. It also sound really annoying also. Enemy soldiers will press the alarm when they are near it and if they see you. Turn the alarm off by pressing the action button. To destrtoy an alarm, thorw a grenade near the alarm and let it explode, or shoot at it. Whichever way is good. OBJECTIVES ========== To view what objectvies you have int he elevl, at any time, press the start button. It will cross off each objectove once you do it. Most objectives are done in order that they are shown on the list. YOUR ALLIES =========== On some missions, you will get some friends that help you battle. These missions are D-Day, Seaside Stowaway and also Arnhem Knights. They can kill some Germans for you, but you will still have to eb the main gunner in your team. OPTIONS ======= PASSWORD Here you can enter a special cheat code, and certain things can happen. Enter these codes that you find into the Engima machine, and if it is correct, you will open up a cheat. BONUS After putting in your password, go back to the options screen and check the bonus listing just next to it. In here you can turn your bonuses on or off. CONTROLLER Here, you can change different settings for the controller. here they are: Configuration: Choose what controller setup you want Invert Y axis: When looking, up = down, and down = up. Cross hairs: Turn the little aiming cursor on or off Greande cook: On means that you can hold it to shorten the time it takes to explode. Vibration: When certain events happen, chooxe whether the controller will vibrate or not. _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SECTION 3 - WALKTHROUGH _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ MISSION 1: D-DAY ================ YOUR FINEST HOUR ---------------- I think that it is great that you are able to play on the beach; it gives the full affect of what it would be like for the soldiers that were on the beach in the war. You start off in a boat, and you cannot move. You cannot equip your weapon yet either. Use the R3 analog stick (provided you arte using Left analog to move Jimmy and the Right analog stick to turn and look up and down.) There will be one soldier in the boat who will puke. He's probably sea sick, or just doesn't like the sound of war. Look to your left, and you will see a bomber bomb the hell out of the boat next to you. You viewpoint will most likely change because of that explosion. Alot of this will be happening on the beach, so be prepared for it. The captain will then speak to your crew members about how you have to meet him on shore. Once you are near the beach, the Captain will yell, "Clear the ramp." Jimmy will then fall into the water. Don't worry, Jimmy will automatically make it back to shore, so you don't need to control him here, until he gets up onto the beach. While underwater, bullets will fly everywhere. Jimmy will not get hit here, but many of his teammates will. Once up on to the beach, look for a boat on shore. Behind this boat will be the captain, and this is the first mission objective complete. When you are at the boat, duck to avoid being hit by any bullets coming from the bunker. Try not to be hit by any bullets just yet. The captain will tell you what to do next. Your next objective is to rescue the pinned down soldiers. There are four of these guys that you need to rescue. I'm not sure if where these guys are pinned down to are random, but here is where the were for me: From the captain, head all the way to the right just along the sea shore. Keep going and you will eventually come across a soldier that is hiding behind one of those X things. Aim the M1 Garand of the Pistol at the bunker on your right. Aim for where you can see the bullets coming out and shoot up there. There are explosions every few seconds, so you will need to aim quickly and just shoot all you have got to try and kill one enemy up in the bunker. Once that enemy has been killed, you have rescued one soldier. Move back to where the captain was at that boat, and then head upwards onto the beach and you will find a little bunker. In this bunker will be a pinned down soldier. Stay in this little crater and pop up and shoot with your M1 Garand or your pistol. Hide again if you need to. Kill the enemy in the bunker to your left, and you rescue the solider. Move to the right along the beach, and also upward. Just after the medic will be one of the X things and a soldier will be hiding behind it. You should stay hiding. Go into aim mode, then strafe out and shoot and then release the strife button and you will go back to hiding. So go out, shoot a few bullets then hide again and reload or whatever. This next guy is near the left of the beach, once again hiding behind one of those X things. Kill the soldier in the bunker and then you have completed the mission objective. Your next mission objective is to meet your squad at the single embankment. I just call it under the bunker. So head straight for the bunker, and you will then be underneath it. Crawl by the fence and listen to what the captain now has to say. Private Jones is the engineer, and he is trapped down to the right of the beach. So from where you are now, head right along the beach, near the fence and at the end of the beach will then be the engineer. You are supposed to provide cover fire so that he can make it back to the squad and blow the fence. He will most likely make it all the way back to the squad by himself, so you really don't need to do anything here, but if you want to provide some cover fire, then do so. Once at the fence, go near the captain and away from the fence. Crawl to avoid being hit and the fence will then be blown up. Your next objective is to meet with the Captain and the base of the bunker. Go through where the fence was blown up, and head to the left. Strafe and dodge the bullets coming at you, then run to the base of the bunker and collect the field surgeon kit and also some ammo. Wait for the captain. You now need to cross the minefield. Going straight through the minefield is a bad idea, although the mines don't even take off that much health from Jimmy. What you need to do is to go to the right of the fence. Run to the left of it, then up farther will be a little hole in the fence. Run through it and stick to the fence. Take it all the way along, avoiding the mine field and get to the trench, where the machine gun that you need to use against the Germans is. There are two medical canteens under the bunker, so grab them. Then go in the trench and eliminate the two enemies in here. Turn to the right, and jump up to the machine gun. Instead of first shooting at the nests, look down and shoot the first lot of guards in the nest who only come once you have manned the machine gun. Then look up and shoot the Nests. There will be a little explosion, and it will say that the nests on the hill have been destroyed. Now once again look down and there will be some more soldiers. Shoot them all, then run down and to the right and wait for the captain there. Level completed. INTO THE BREACH --------------- No, I have not made a spelling mistake in the title of the level. When I first saw the level name, I thought it was "Into the beach" because you are partly on the beach and all, so yeah. Your main mission objective in this mission is to destroy that whole bunker with the help of your captain. The Germans are using the bunker to shoot the machineguns and killing the Allied soldiers, which of course is bad. You need to kill all of the soldiers then leave a smoke grenade on the deck so that the Allied Bombers can find the Bunker, and then bomb it so that it will be no longer operational. Once that is out it means that the Allies can take the beach easily because of no bunkers shooting at them. You start off this mission where you left of the last one, in the trench. There is no going back, so you cannot go back onto the beach. If you try to jump over the broken part of the wall, you can't, it wont let you. Go to the captain and he will tell you what to do. You will take the first bunker, and the Captain will take the other one. A soldier will run around the corner, only to be shot by the Germans using the machine gun. The same is in store for you if you don't quickly kill them. There are Germans controlling the machineguns, but there are barrels next to them. Turn and aim around the corner and quickly shoot the barrels using your M1 Garand. Sometimes the Pistol will take two bullets to destroy the barrel, which isn't good. The M1 Garand can do it in one shot. Once the enemies in there are dead, walk down through the door. You can see the machine gun but you can't get to it yet. Go past all of the smoke and head to the left. There is a field surgeon pack, which you shouldn't need if you are playing on easy. If you are playing on Normal or Hard, then you might need to get it. Go around the next corner, and ignore the stairs for now. Run into the room with the barrels, and then shoot the two enemies in here. Run into the next room and shoot the two enemies in here. Collect the ammo then man the machinegun. Lots of Germans will come from outside. Just keep on shooting the machinegun, and as soon as they fall into your bullets they will die. Leave none behind. That is the machineguns bunker all clear. Collect some more ammo around if you want. Run out of this room and a new enemy will spawn. Shoot him. A little explosion will occur and a guy will fall down the steps. He is not dead though, use a Melee attack while he is on the ground to kill him fully, then you can go up the stairs. Run up the next two sets of stairs, killing the enemy at the top. You will then hear a radio. Turn to the right, and then go in the room just here. Shoot the guard at the radio, and then shoot the actual radio. That's a mission objective completed. Now you need to find the smoke grenades. Run back out of this room and to the right. Run around into the next room, and a German will tip the table over and start shooting. Shoot this guy in the head first. The other enemies will peep around the corner, so shoot them then. Once the enemies are killed, run out of the room and shoot the next enemy. Now you will see a ladder. Climb to the top of it, and head in the room. One guard will be sitting down in here. Shoot him before he notices you. Grab the field surgeon pack in the next room if you need it, and kill the enemy. In the next room you will see a ladder. The hatch at the top cannot be opened, so there is no point going up it. Run into the next room and one enemy will be in the corner to your right. Shoot him and collect all of the ammo that lies around in this room. Head into the next room, which is a dug out underground section. On the left will be a Smoke Grenade, so that is a mission objective completed. Two guards in this underground cut out section will be hiding behind the pillars. Shoot them when they pop out to shoot you. Continue on. The next room looks like a storage room because it has got alot of crates. There are a few enemies in here also, so be careful. Use the crate for cover as you take out the three enemies. Duck if you need to. Run down into another underground section. One enemy will pop out from the left and shoot him when he does. Continue. Run down into another storage like room and you can hear two German Soldiers talking to each other, and breathing loudly. Instead of shooting them both, they are sitting next to a barrel. Strafe out and shoot the barrel and they will both die. Collect the field surgeon pack. Shoot the barrel beside the door before the Germans do, and run into the underground section and use your Thompson to drench the area with bullets and kill all of the enemies in this room. Remember to try and take out the enemies that will do the most harm to you first, like take out the machine gunners first, then the guys with the crappy pistols. Beside the table is a little doorway, run through it and collect some Thompson bullets, then go through the doorway to the right as you came in to the section with the table. Shoot the enemy here if you haven't already. Turn to your left and take out the enemy and grab the field surgeon pack. Run around the corner and you will see a ladder. Climb the ladder up all the way to the top. Once you are on this ladder you will be able to hear machinegun fire, this is coming from the bunker. Drench the whole area of the bunker with machinegun fire. Some of the Germans don't even notice you (probably because of all the noise from the machineguns.) You can even Melee attack some of the Germans in there. You cannot get control of the machineguns, unfortunately, but really, why would you want to when all that is on the beach is the Allies. Just wait on this Gun Deck for a while, and even help out by shooting and the enemies in the gun deck to your right if you want to. The Captain will do that anyway. He will leave a Smoke Grenade, and the bomber will come in and destroy the gun deck. Now it's your turn to leave the smoke grenade. Go up to the box and press the action button. Now, run like hell out of the door you came through. Look to your left now to see an open door. Run through this door and you will be out in a trench. The Bombers will bomb the Gun Deck. Turn the corner to your left and a German will be shot. Turn to your right, and you complete the level. MISSION 2: A STORM IN THE PORT ============================== SEASIDE STOWAWAY ---------------- I like this mission, it gives me the real feeling of war, because you need to do things like capture bridges (the one that the tank is on) and try to take over the city, which was what alot of the war was about. This level isn't really that hard, but you can sometimes get abit lost because it can be difficult to realise what you are doing. You start in Saint Mathieu, France. You are surrounded by shrub, in like a little forest section with crates. You need to find your way into the city. Walk forward and press the action button at the little case. There, the first mission objective (which was to collect the resistance drop at insertion point) is now completed. That was pretty easy. You can melee the crates if you want to, but there isn't anything inside of them, so don't bother. Here are your objectives: Collect resistance drop at insertion point Man Machinegun in Church tower Secure Submarine fuelling roster Breach wall to docks Locate submarine fuelling docks Stow away in cargo crate A fair amount of mission objectives you have in this mission. Run forward down the path and you will then see a road. An allied convoy will drive up the road, only to be shot to bits by the Germans and a wheel will come flying back at you. Don't worry; you wont get hit by it or anything. There will be Germans everywhere in this next section, so your best bet will be to take the machinegun. Run up to the convoy that was just destroyed, and a machinegun will be on it. Press the action button and you will take control of the machinegun. Now, just shoot bullets everywhere. The Germans are everywhere, left, right and centre. Just riddle each section with bullets and watch out for those enemies that decide to peep around the corner and shoot at you. The machinegun doesn't have any aim, so you will need to just drench an area with bullets and hope that it gets the Germans. You also have some Allies here. They will help you kill some of the Germans in this first section. You can let them do that work, or you can help them out and kill the Germans. If you accidentally shoot a friend with the machinegun, he will just get back up and start fighting again, they usually do not die from friendly fire unless it is an explosion (Grenades for example.) Before progressing, head to your right and to your left. There is alot of ammo all around here, so collect it all. Then go and help your allies. Up farther are a few German Soldiers. Run up there. A bomber will bomb a section of the road, so stay clear of it. Now you will be able to see some of the German soldiers. Use your M1 Garand and aim and shoot them. When you need to reload, stay behind a building or something so that you don't get hit by any of the German fire. Alot of the Germans will decide to use a building as cover, then peep around the corner and shoot at you. The way to overcome this is to just aim to where you think they will reveal a part of their body when peeping around the corner. When they finally peep around the corner, and then shoot them and they will most likely die. Try to get the first shot on them. At the end path there is a few Medical Canteens, so collect them if you need some health. Turn the corner on the left side of the road into like a broken house section. Turn the next corner and there will be a little hole in the wall. To get under this wall, press the crouch button and go under. Come out the other side to hear some firing. You will most likely see one of your teammates shooting, and then a bazooka shell will come flying at him. This is from the tank. More of your soldiers will most likely be killed from this tank. Run straight across the bridge, ignoring just about everything. Head to the right of the tank, and you will see a machinegun. Press the action button to use the machinegun. Fire it straight at the tank, and it will then eventually be disabled. There, it shouldn't cause much damage now. Get off the machinegun now. Look around this section by the machinegun to find a room with some ammo and some medical canteen bottles. Run to the end of the road, and first turn to the right. There will be three enemies here, shoot them all. Where two of these enemies were, go into the room and collect a medical pack. Return to the road, and head in the room on your right. There will be a dead soldier as well as a radio by him. It will tell you to get to the top of the Church and use the machinegun up there. Run around the barrier. Climb the ladder all the way to the top. Once at the top, drop off the ladder, and press the action button to man the machinegun at the top. Now you can shoot from the machinegun down. Make sure that you disabled the tank, because I remember once I didn't destroy the tank first, and it shot me with a bazooka bullet. In fact, you don't even really need to shoot from the machinegun if you don't want to (incase you want your accuracy to increase or something), but I still say that it is fun to use the machinegun. Just fire down at all of the enemies you can see, and kill them all. The allies will help you shoot them also. Just also remember when going down the ladder, don't accidentally drop, or you will lose some of your health, which can usually be fixed by the field surgeon pack that is just lying there waiting to be picked up. Once down from the tower, head to your right along the road. At the corner will be an enemy, so shoot and kill him. Then turn the corner. Run into the room on your left. It will have a barricade stopping you from getting into the next room, but you can still shoot through it. The men in there will most likely not know that you are present until you shoot one of them, so make it a headshot. Shoot the rest of the enemies if you want to, then crawl through the hole on your left. Once out of the hole, shoot the enemy then get up. Look out and shoot the guards in the next area if you haven't already. One of your team will come out and help you fight also. Kill the remaining Germans. Head to the right and go down the road. Both the left and the right ways will be blocked (although the right has a field surgeon pack if you need it). Run forward, across the road and crawl under. Keep on crawling under, and you will hear one of the guys being interrogated. You cannot save this guy; he will always be killed before you can get to him. Once you see the German, shoot him and on the wall will be the Submarine Fuelling Roster. That's a mission objective completed. Once you come out of this room, there will be some German soldiers shooting at the allies. They haven't noticed you yet, so get a grenade, cook it if you like, then throw it and let it kill all of the Germans. You cannot control this machinegun. Run up and help the allies kill any of the remaining Germans, if any. At the end of this road will be some goodies (Grenades and a Medical pack) so get it if you need it. Then head back, and on your right will be a bunch of barrels and a rag by them. Ignite the rag, and then move back. By igniting the rag, it will catch onto the barrels, and the barrels will then explode, and break open the wall. Once the barrel explodes, a mission objective is completed. You have breached the wall to docks. Run forward and grab all of the ammo that is lying around. Here there is two ways to go, choose any of them because they both lead out to the same thing. The one on the left may be slightly better, because then you can ambush the Germans. At the end of the left path, look to your right, and maybe cook a grenade and throw it by the machinegun. It will explode killing some of the Germans. You can control the machinegun if you want to. There is nothing much else to do around here, so head over to the truck. By the truck will be some Cargo crates. Go to these crates and the level is complete. SPECIAL CARGO ------------- On this mission, you will be on a submarine. Well, actually it is a U Boat. You only start with your basic pistol, because the rest of your weapons were apparently too big to fit on board the boat. You start off in the same crate that you went into on the last level. Before you actually get to shoot someone, the Germans will talk about how heavy the crate was. When you get control of Jimmy, shoot open the crate and shoot the two enemies in here. There really isn't anywhere in this room to reload, so make sure that you can kill the enemy in the 6 shots that you have remaining, which is 3 for each enemy (You actually start with 7 bullets a round in your pistol, but because you used one to shoot open the crate, you will now have 6 bullets.) Additionally, if you need to, you can just Melee attack the enemy when they are on the floor but not dead yet. Collect both of their ammo, because you might need it and then press the action button to open the door. You will hear two enemy soldiers talking to each other in German. You wont be able to understand what they say. On the room to your right will be one solider. Kill him by whatever means necessary, and collect the Medical kit inside. Run back out, and on the right will be a door. Open the door and inside will be some ammo for your Colt Pistol and the MP40. Run forward into the next room and kill the three enemies in here. Because there are three of them, hide behind the wall, then peek out and shoot them like that. Kill all three of them, then run into the room and collect their ammo and grab the medical canteen bottles lying around on the tables if you need them. Two more enemies will pop up from behind a table. Shoot them quickly. Go past the table and into the next room. In here will be two enemies. One of them is an enemy with a normal gun, and the other is a chef that throws knives at you. He actually takes a few more bullets to kill than the other enemies, and those knives can cause alot of damage. Two more enemies will come from around the corner. Once again kill both of them. Move back to the door if you need to, then peek out and kill them. Grab the medical canteen on the table if you need it. Turn the valve in the next room; go past the smoke and to the left. Crawl under this set of smoke, and turn the valve at the end of the path. Then turn back and go through the path on your left, and go through the next door into the next room. Press action to open the door, then you will be able to see about 5 enemies in this next room. They haven't noticed you yet, so get out your machinegun, and fire rapidly at them killing them all. Once you fire the first shot, they will then notice you are there, but by that time, half of them will be dead. On your left will be a ladder, you cannot go up it yet. Instead, head forward and you will be in the engine room. You need to place an explosive on the box, and then move back to avoid the explosion hurting you. Also use a melee attack to open the crate; there will be a Field Surgeon pack inside. Get it if you need it. Now it looks like you can't go anywhere, but don't be fooled. Walk up to where the explosion was, and crawl to your left. Go through the pipe. Climb the ladder to the top, and you will hear two more Germans talking to each other. You cannot see them yet. Shoot open the barrier, and then shoot the two Germans when they come in. There is a little secret to this level. Before you put the explosives on the Torpedos, open the door and shoot the enemies in this room. This way you will be killing them first, and you can go back and hide to reload. If you would have planted the explosives first, you would need to run through the door, and there are alot of enemies in the room, and you cannot go back otherwise the explosion will kill you. Also there would be no room or time to reload, and everyone would keep using Melee attack on you. So once you have eliminated the enemies, then go back and set the timed charges on the torpedos. Collect the medical canteen if you need it, and press the action button to open the next door. There will be two enemies in here, one talking. They will not know of your presence until you shoot or attack one of them. Melee attack the guy near the door, then shoot the other guy. You will be able to hear the radio, but not able to see it just yet. Open the next door, and there will be a guy using the radio. Kill him before he notices you, and then shoot the radio to destroy it. That's a mission objective completed. Continue up, around the corner. Kill all of the enemies that you can see. Keep going to the end, and you will come to another torpedo room. Place the explosives in the room, which is the Fore Torpedo room. That is a mission objective completed. The level is nearly completed. Run back, and a few more enemies will then spawn. The room straight in front of you will have the Enigma Code book. Grab it, and keep going back. Run back and there will be a ladder and a hatch at the top. Make sure that you have completed all of the objectives, then you can climb up the ladder, and press the action button to release the hatch, and you have now completed the level. EYE OF THE STORM ---------------- The main mission objective of this level is to attempt to try and find the whereabouts of the U boats, so then you can go in there and sink them. You start off on top of the ship that you were riding on in the last mission. You have scrambled up top, and the Boat has been anchored at the dock. You can now get off the boat, and you are at the yard near where the U Boat is being kept. You have afew mission objectives here. They are: Find the resistance drop, Find the rooftop hatch near U Boat pen 2, Destroy Supply trucks, Acquire deployment roster and finally Infiltrate Wet Docks Facility. Just a warning, this level is crawling with enemies, so watch out for snipers and any other enemies that are hidden. This mission is pretty long also, but you should be expecting that because you are this far in the game, all missions will be this big, even bigger as the game progresses on farther. At the start, you can get off the ship to the right. So do that. You will be able to hear some guards talking. One guard will be sitting down, and will notice you. Quickly put a bullet into his brain and run to where he was. There will be a Sniper up on the tower, but ignore him first and use your pistol or whatever other weapon to shoot the other guard. Once that is done, crawl behind the crates, and pop up and shoot the Sniper. Don't stay up for too long, otherwise you will be shot. Once he is dead, he will fall down from the tower. Run up by the room you can see on your right. On the crates around the back you will be able to get a medical canteen and also some ammo. Reload your weapons while you are here, then go back out. Turn to see an enemy, kill him. Run up to the next corner and turn to your left. If you keep going forward, you will come to a staircase on your right. Go up this staircase. When near the top, you will then find a ladder. Use this ladder to get to the roof. Once you are on the roof, a message will come through the loud speakers. Don't worry about it. Turn to your left and shoot the enemy. Another German will be on the rooftop between the two buildings. Shoot and kill them both and make your way across to the second roof. Once you are on the next roof, turn to your right to see a Cache. This has the weapons in it. Go up to it and press the action button to open it. Now we get two good weapons; a Sniper Rifle and some grenades. Look with the sniper rifle to where you came up the ladder. Now look to the left abit two find some guards. Because they haven't seen you, it is a perfect opportunity to get them in a headshot, although in the body will do as well, because it will kill them in one shot. Once both of them are dead, run back across the bridge to the next rooftop. You will hear the boat that you just came on explode. This is because you planted all of the explosives on it. From when you are looking at the ladder, turn to your left to see an enemy on the roof of another building. Use the Sniper Rifle once again to pick him off. Climb back down the ladder and head to your right, where you will see some more enemies. Shoot them all and hide behind the crates if you really need to. Make sure you don't leave yourself out in the open here, because you will more than likely be shot by the other enemies on the boat. The Germans will usually attempt to hide behind the pillars of the tower, so shoot them when they pop out and attempt to shoot you. Be sure to shoot the enemy ont he tower as well. He is acting like a Sniper, so be sure to kill him first. There is a machinegun on the boat, and one guy to the right of it. You must prevent this guy from ever making it to that machinegun, otherwise you will defenetly be sorry. Use your sniper rifle and pick him off before he can get to it. If, for some reason he does get to that machinegun, then peek out and shoot him to kill him. More guards will come to the machinegun now, so you will need to pick them off using the Sniper Rifle before they can get there. Around this next corner will be some more enemies, so stay behind a crate or something and peek out and then shoot them. Instead of turning the corner to the right, keep on going forward and at the end will be one more enemy. Melee attack the crates and inside will be a Medical Canteen and also a Medical pack, which in total will give you pack about 30% of your total health, which when you think about it is alot. Turn back, and the guards who were around the corner will now be peeking around the corner shooting at you. Do what you usually do; Wait until they peek out, then shoot them to kill them. Hide behind the crates and pop up if you really want to. Then turn the corner which will now be on your left. There will most likely be some more guards around here, so if there is, then shoot and kill them. There is also some ammo up here, so grab it. Around the next corner, which is on your left, will be some more enemys, they usually hide behind a crate or something like that. Shoot them all then run up. Melee attack the crates here to find two Medical Canteens and also a Medical Kit. Wow, that's alot of health. It would be best if you use your machinegun for this next bit. When you turn the corner, there will be alot of enemies. Use your machinegun and drench the whole area full of machinegun fire. A trick you can do is get them to notice you, then run back to the corner and go around it and wait for the enemies to come to the corner, and then you can kill them with ease once they turn around the corner to attempt to kill you. Also, you can peek around the corner and shoot them with your Sniper Rifle, whichever way is good. More enemies will be up at the next corner, so kill them too. If you are running low on health, then you can take path back that is beside where you just went and there will be some ammo and a field surgeon pack. Grab them. This next bit is quite difficult due to the amount of enemies. First look up to your left and find one sniper, then face the wall on your right and peek out. At the end you will see a machinegun and one guard. Shoot this guard in the head or in the torso and he will most likely die from it. You have stopped him from getting to that machinegun, and if he does get there, well, it makes it harder to kill him and you will lose alot of health, so be careful not to let him get to it. Look out to the left and you will see an enemy on the train. This guy has a MP40 machinegun, so get rid of him first. Run up to where you killed the first guy, which is at the machinegun, then press the action button to use it and shoot with it. Now, you can take the oath down to your right and get some ammo, so if you need some, take this path down. Shoot the enemies down here if you need to. Watch out on your left, as there is two men on a boat. Duck behind the sandbags if you need to, then pop up and shoot them. There is a room at the end with one commander and some greandes and a field surgeon pack. Shoot them enemy, then grab the goods. This will also spawn alot more men outside, se pe prepared with your machinegun, then shoot them all with it. The run back, past the machinegun and run to the right of the train. There will be a hole heap of enemies, but they don't usually appear until you decide to shoot off the guy on the catwalk, so do that first. Around the back of the train is some more ammo and health, and on the crates that you could see when you came into this big area is a Field Surgeon pack. Once the enemies are killed, go to where the crates are, which holds the field surgeon pack. Look to your right and you will see one guard. Kill this guard. You will notice that to the left of thatone guard will be a ladder going up. Take this ladder all the way to the top of the rooftop. Once you are up on the roof, hide. There will be a message saying about the U Boat, and that there is an American on the rooftop, and the enemies are going to scan it. Take your time hiding, and cycle through and reload your weapons. When you are ready, pop out and shoot the closest enemy to you. Then pop back in and shoot again. Just keep doing this, and when you cannot see anymore enemies, run up and you will now be able to see some more of them. Run across the little catwalk, and onto the next rooftop. Once again there will be more enemies that will hide and pop out. Just shoot them when they decide to look around the corner. Run across the next rooftop, and you will find the hatch which is near the U Boats, so that is a mission objective completed. Now, before you go down, equip your grenades. Then, quickly jump down there, hide behind the pillar, and cook the grenade for a few seconds. Then throw it down at the ground and still hide. it will explode, hopefully killing some of the enemies down there. No just take the rest out with your colt or a different weapon. Remeber to hide behind the pillar if you need to reload at this time. Once they are dead, more enemies will appear. Most of them hide behind the pillars. You can take a ladder upand get some much needed supplies if you want to. Be sure to turn that annoying alarm off, it is to the right as you are looking towards the door. Press action to turn it off. Throw a grenade out the doorway, as there is a few enemies waiting out there. Once you go outside, there will bealot of enemies that appear from up farther and from behind the snadbags. Shoot them all. Run up forward, past the barriers and once again there will be some more enemies. Shoot them using the Sniper Rifle, because sometimes they don't even know of your presence. Also there is one German to the right. Now here you can take either path, because they both lead out to the same place. Kill all of the Germans around by the supply trucks and on any of the paths. By the Supply trucks will be alot of enemies, and vene a Sniper on a tower. Use the Sniper Rifle to kill him. Once you are clear of all of the enemies, then you need to plant charges on the supply trucks. Go to the front of each truck, and you will see a box on each one of them. Press the action button at this box, and you will plant a charge on them. Move back and watch each of these trucks explode. But the full mission objectives isn't over yet. Once the third truck has exploded, then the garage door will open. Pull out your machinegun, and shoot all of the enemies that come out of the garage. The alamr will most likely be turned on, so press the action button once all enemies are gotten rid of to stop the alarm sounding. Once that is done, walk into the hallway and turn to your right. Kill the guard that pops around the corner and take the path to the end. Open the door and inside will be one enemy sitting down on the left side of the room. Shoot him in the head. On the table where he was will be the Deployment roster. Get it. Go back out the door and there will be another enemy. Shoot him and then run back outside. Outside there will be more enemies. Once they are gotten rid of, there will be another supply truck that has come. Plant a charge on it and wait for it to explode. Once it has, use the beam and infiltrate the wet docks facility. Level completed. A CHANCE MEETING ---------------- This level is once again a very big level, maybe even bigger than the last level. But, this level is actually surprisingly easy to complete, and it has alot of Medical Kits, Medical Canteen bottles and also Field Surgeon packs, but those machinegunners can take quite a bit off your health. You start this level from where you left off the last level; beside a few crates. You have a lot of mission objectives in this level. Here they are: Sabotage engines in research facility, Acquire Engine Blueprints, Infiltrate U Boat Bunker, Destroy all U Boats, Blow up the Fuel Deopt, and finally Find the Dock gates. This level really reminds me of the third mission in Medal of Honor on the Playstation, where you had some of the same objectives, but instead of destroying the U Boats, you have to get on board the U Boat to sink it. Your main mission objective is to sink the U Boats. From the start of the level, head to your left. Kill the two enemies here. If you were to go to the right straight away, these guys would shoot you in the back, taking off some much needed health. So, instead head to the left. The enemies will usually pop around the corner and peek shoot at you. When they show their heads or any other body part, then shoot at them and hopefully kill them. Run around to where they were and collect some ammo. Run back around and there will be some more enemies. One will pop around the corner. Kill him, then turn the corner, and with your Sniper Rifle, aim at the enemies you can see. There will be a Sniper on the warehouse roof, which is on your right. Hide behind the thing sticking out and shoot him. Turn the corner, and you will be able to see a train. Behind the crates in front of you will be an enemy, so use the Sniper Rifle and pick him off. Then run up abit and you will be faced with more enemies. Watch out for the Nazi sneakily walking along at the back. Enemies will come to the corner and peep around it, so shoot them when they do that. There is also a Nazi on top of the train, kill him too. There is also two men in the carriages and another one will appear around the corner, be sure to kill them all. In the next warehouse area will be a lot of guards, and even a machinegun, so watch out. First of all, look to your right and you will see a truck, and some enemies near it as well. Shoot the enemy and run over to the truck. Shoot the sniper in the tower and any other Germans that you can see. Watch out for the Germans occupying that machinegun near the towers, make sure you use the Sniper Rifle and shoot any Germans before they decide to get to that machinegun, because if they do get there, well, you know what I mean. Also watch out for snipers in this section, look up at all of the towers, because there is bound to be a lot of them. If you hear some shooting, then you must know that there is a Sniper or someone left. Also climb onto the crates then onto the trucks for much needed ammo and health. Check all around; there is a lot of ammo and stuff to be found. When you are ready, turn the corner. Around the corner will once again be a lot more enemies. Kill the first lot that come on ground, then use your Sniper Rifle and shoot the one on the roof, who sometimes has not even noticed you yet. Instead of turning the corner, face the wall and peek out to your left. You will see another Sniper ont he roof; shoot him. Now go around the corner. Collect some grenades and ammo near the train, and look inside to where a few enemies are. Use your Sniper Rifle to pick off any enemies that haven't noticed you, and try to make it more spectacular; get them in a headshot. Run in to where you shot those guards and collect all of the ammo that is just lying around everywhere. Get it, and continue on down the path. At the end it will ask you to open the door, so do that. Press the action button. Straight in front of you will be a Scientist; shoot him. There are a lot of enemies in this section, so shoot them all. Once that is done, you come to your first mission objective; which is to destroy the engines in Research facility. There are 3 engines, go up to the box on them. Then press the action button to put an explosive on it. Put explosives on all three boxes and engines, and then run out the way so that the explosion won't affect you. More enemies will come around the corner from where you have to go next. Pick them all of, and then run up to where they were. Run up past the crates and shoot the next enemy you see. On your left after the corner will be a little section with a few enemies and also some ammo. Kill the enemies in there and get the ammo. Some more men will likely come and try to shoot at you, so shoot at them back and kill them. In the next room will be two scientists, kill them both. Run up to the desk, and you will find the Engine blueprints. Grab them and the medical kit on the table. A door will open, and an enemy will come through. Kill him and run up through that doorway. In the next room will be another lot of enemies. Aim down near the barrels and you will see a Normal guard, a commander and also a scientist. Shoot them all, and then shoot the rest of the guards in this room. Also be sure to eliminate the guards working on the scaffolding. Once all enemies are killed, search the room and grab all the health and ammo, there seems to be a lot of it in this room. Go up the stairs and go to the right. This is where one guy was shooting ant you. Grab the ammo on the table and run back to the vent and shoot it open. Once you are in the vent, a little cut-scene will come up, and the Germans are talking about an operation. Now is defiantly the best time to sniper off any unaware Germans. Look to your bottom left to see an enemy, kill him. Look straight ahead to see another two guards. Kill them both. This bit has got quite a lot of enemies on the ground. Go around the corner and melee attack to open the vent. Look to your right and Sniper off the guard you can see, then look to the ground. You will be able to see about 3 or 4 guards. Hide behind the pillar, then peek out and shoot to kill them. I don't believe you can get down here. Run up into the next room and collect the health. Scientists will come charging in, so kill them. Run into the next room on your left and melee attack the box, and it will leave behind a field surgeon pack. Yay. Get it if you need it, or leave it if you don't really need it. Run up to the control panel and shoot the German. Press the button on the control panel, and it will cause a loading accident at the boat. So that is the first U Boat destroyed. There will be all of these massive explosions. Look to your right now, and you will see that there are some more enemies. Kill them all. Now run down the stairs, which is through the door that is now open, and was previously locked. There will once again be a fair amount of enemies in the section with the U Boat that you just destroyed, so be sure to kill them all. Collect ammo and health all around this section, and then run to where the stairs are. Avoid the fire from the barrels. There is about 3 enemies on the steps, and stay under them then peep out and kill the enemies, then run up the steps. Grab the ammo and continue down the path. Shoot the next enemy. This next section will have a lot of enemies also, so be prepared for some fighting, and reload all of your weapons while you can. Immediately pop out and shoot the guy to your left, then staying up top, shoot the enemies below you, if there are some enemies that you cannot get from up here, then go down the ladder and shoot them. Run around the catwalk first and grab some ammo and a field surgeon pack. Now climb down the ladder. Run and get onto the cannon. The doors will open, so shoot out the door on your right and you will destroy the fuel depot. The cannon usually wont reach the enemies here, but you can try if you want to. What I like to do is go up the ladder that you cam from, and use your sniper rifle to shoot down at the enemies. There is a hole heap of them. Get back on the cannon now, and shoot the barricade next to the wire door. This will blow up the barrier so that you can get past. Run past the barrier into the little room and run across the catwalk onto the ship. Place the explosives, then run away from it and go out the door to the gates. That's level completed. Make sure you hear the explosion before you decide to exit the level, otherwise you will fail. MISSION 3: NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK =============================== ROUGH LANDING ------------- I hate this level; it is so hard to get a gold in this level, which really does piss me off. The other really bad thing about it is that you have to keep someone alive, which I also hate, protection missions. That guy who destroys the tank cannot die at all just keep that in mind. You start off in Market Garden, in Holland I think it is. You have been dropped in by parachute, and there is a guy waiting for you so that you can battle your way through destroying the tanks and make it into the city. Okay, here goes. You only have a few mission objectives in this level. They are: Protect Corporal Barnes as he Destroys the tanks, Kind the Kerosene, and one more objective that you don't get until later, which is to create a distraction so that you can get into the city. First of all, to find something hilarious, look to your left and zoom in with the Sniper Rifle. One of your men will be caught on a windmill while parachuting down. Okay, now turn back and run to the Corporal. Equip your Colt Pistol for the first part of this level; towards the end you can use the Thompson, because you will lose all of your weapons at the end of this level anyway. Speak to that Barnes guy, and he will says stuff to you about how this is your first drop. Run up farther and it will show you that there is a guy stuck on the Windmill. You cannot help this guy, he will eventually be shot by Germans and die. Run up, and look in a window to your left. Shoot the guard inside here. Follow Barnes as he goes up by the truck, and kill the enemy you face. There is a lot of enemies here. Go back when you need to reload, then pop out with all guns blazing. Once all are dead, collect all of the ammunition that they leave behind and continue up farther. In the next section will once again be some more enemies. There is pretty much nothing over the left side of the level here, so you don't even need to bother about going there. Run over to Barnes and you will see a tank. It will sometimes fire at you, so move to avoid it if it does. Let Barnes go up and place C4 next to the tank. Now just wait a while and it will explode, along with the tank. That's one tank gotten rid of. There is more ammo and health in a little shelter on the right, so grab some supplies then head over the bridge. Run up farther and you will eventually come up to a little house on the left. Do not shoot the guy in here; even though the bullets will just go straight through him. He has been lost from his division and has been hiding here. You finally get someone else to help you battle the Germans. Okay, crawl under and grab all of the ammo under here. Now continue on your mission. In this next section, there will once again be some more enemies. Eliminate them, then go out in the open. There are a lot of guards here too. Shoot them all. The tank is on the left side, but firs clear out all of the enemies in the area, and then focus about the tank. Let Barnes get to the tank, and then run away from it. Watch as it explodes, and that's one less tank you have to worry about. Follow your team as the head across the bridge, and encounter some more resistance. Shoot all the enemies, and remember to pull back if you need to reload. Aim your Sniper Rifle and shoot the German killing that old guy. Now there is a tank blocking the bridge that you need to go across, so you now need to find another way around. Head around the right side of the houses, and you will see another bridge. Go across this bridge, and at the end of the bridge you will see a campfire with some enemies huddled around it. The best thing to do here is to cook a grenade, then throw it at let the grenade do the rest. But if you want to, you can do it the old fashioned way; just shoot everyone at the campfire. Don't run over the campfire as well, or you will lose health. Grab the kerosene bottle by the campfire, and that is a mission objective complete. Continue up. Now should be the time that you should use your Thompson. To your left will be a tank. Shoot the two enemies in this section first, and then worry about the tank. Barnes will run and plant a charge next to the tank. Watch as he does it, and make sure that any bullets that come from the tank, if any, don't hit you. Continue up farther, and kill the next lot of Germans that you encounter. Continue up, and you will eventually come into another big section. The tank here is on your left. So, run to your left and take out the few enemies that are guarding the tank. Then move out and shoot the rest of the Germans so that Barnes doesn't have to worry about them, so he can go straight for the tank instead of battling the Germans. Once the tank has been destroyed, run up and kill of the Germans farther on. Use your Sniper Rifle and spot and kill the guy being a Sniper on the Windmill. You can go up on the Windmill if you want to, because there is some ammo and a Field Surgeon pack. Continue up into the next section and kill the guards that are littered around the place. Kill all the Germans and press action at the rocket launcher. I'm not sure if this actually gets rid of the tank. Run up into the next section and kill the Germans. You will hear the sounds of air strikes, or so it seems. Don't worry about them. Clear the area, and watch out for the tank. Let Barnes place the explosives near the tank, and then just stay away from the tank, and let it explode. Collect any ammunition and any health lying around, then continue. That's a mission objective completed. Only one more to go now. Barnes will now tell you that you two have to part ways. You have to make it past the guards and get through the crates. Remember that Kerosene that you picked up from the fire? Well you have to use this to light up the haystack, which is on your right. Go up to it and press action. Now, what I do here is go to either the left or the right of the gates and just stay here for a while. After awhile, the gates will open. Now, cook a grenade, run out and throw it in there, then run back. It will explode, killing the enemies. Then go through the gate and you have completed the level. THE GOLDEN LION --------------- When first playing this level, I was stuck on trying to find where the tools are to sabotage the vehicles in the motor pool. I must of spent about 1 hour or so trying to figure out where it was; I tried just about everything, every door, every box, every pathway and everything. But there was one door that I missed. Damn, just damn. Because of what happened to me, this mission seemed very, very long. You once again have some objectives, here they are: Locate tools to sabotage vehicles, Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit, Meet operative at garage, Find an officer's uniform, and finally meet contact in Golden Lion bar. The get an officers uniform objective will not come up until later in the level, so don't worry about it now. You start off in a back alley, with all of your weapons. Head down he alley, and come out by a few boxes. There will be two guards here. Cook a grenade and throw it over, or Sniper their heads off, or just drench the whole area with bullets; any way is good, as long as you kill them. Now, take control of the machinegun. More enemies will come from the right path towards you. You can hear guards walking, but shoot a bullet, and now you will be able to hear enemies running at you. Look at the corner wall and you will now eventually see some enemies peeping around this corner. Just rapidly shoot, and kill all of the enemies that come at you using the mounted machinegun. USUALLY only one enemy will ever come from the left, so once you kill that one guy, you can focus on the guards coming from the right. Once you kill all of the enemies, then you are safe for now. Instead of heading down the path to you're right, head to the left. There may be some enemies down here, so if there is, easily kill them. Down here there is a field surgeon pack (which you really shouldn't need) and also some ammo for your weapons. Collect them, and then go back. Now you can take the right path, but first melee some of the crates and there may be some goodies inside of them for you. Cool. Because of all the enemies that you killed on the road using the machinegun, there should be some ammo on the road. Collect it all, then continue up farther. Get out something like your pistol or machinegun (not the sniper rifle) and at the end of the road, head in the room to your right. In here will be a few guards, shoot them both. Alternatively, you could just lob a cooked grenade in there to blow them all up, as well as the crates. Now grab any ammo and health lying around, and aim your Sniper out the doorway. Zoom in as far as you can, and you will be able to see one guard all the way down the end. Aim at his head or at his Torso, then fire a bullet. This should kill him. Because of what you just did, it will attract some enemies to you. They will come racing to the corner. Note that the barrels on the left do not explode, they will break though, but not explode. When you think you are ready, head out os this section. There may be some enemies just up forward, so be ready and be careful. Shoot anything that moves. When you are once again ready, cross the bridge onto the next section. You might hear some shooting going on from the right section of this path; ignore it for now. You need to concentrate on sabotaging the vehicles. You will see a little path, go down tis path and come out the other end of it. As you come out the path, head to your right and pull out your machinegun, because this section will be littered with Germans. Try not to let the alarm go off. Approach the vehicles, and around them will be all of these enemies. Stay in the alarm room shooting out at these enemies and duck when you need to reload. Because you are in here the enemies will most likely not come in here. So shoot and kill everyone. Run in to the room to the left of the room you are in now, and on the bench will be the tools for sabotaging the vehicles. There is one vehicle with you in this room, so disable it my going to the hood, lifting it up, and using the tools to sabotage the engine. Run back into the other room. Crawl down near the hood of the truck, and you will open the oil pan, and all this oil spills out. Sabotage the rest of the cars by either going to the hood or the bonnet. One even has a medical kit inside which is kind of a bonus. Okay, another mission objective has now be completed. Go back the way you came, and take the path back out. Head to your left and do not cross the bridge. Instead, keep going up. Use your Sniper Rifle to aim, and you will see two enemies. Aim and shoot them both in the head or the Torso before they notice you. Reload and run up farther. There will be some crates, with enemies hiding behind them. Either shoot the crate or shoot the enemy when they decide to poo their heads above the crates. Those crates can be destroyed, so do that if you need to. Grab any health or ammo that was left by the Germans, then head down the path to your left. Take the path down, then turn and go to your right. Take this windy path along to the very end, and then press the action button to open the door. Inside will be a truck. There is also some ammo and health inside here, so get it if you need it. A mission objective is now complete, which is "Meet operative inside garage." He will tell you to take out the vehicles so that you cannot be followed. First, look out with your Sniper Rifle. Shoot one German in the head. Now run out and use your Thompson to littler each German with bullets. One German will likely run to the Alarm and set it off. Just try to shoot every single enemy. There is a bloody lot of Snipers in the area also, so be careful. Be sure to throw a grenade in next to the alarm to destroy it. Do that, and also sabotage all of the vehicles that you can see. Once all of that has been done, you can now return to the truck, and you will automatically hop in the back. The ruck will run down the fence, and go past a lot of Germans. Your best bet against them is to just leave them alone. When you need to, then jump out of the truck (it does it automatically for you) and shoot the Germans. There is once again a lot of Snipers, so be careful. Go straight for the enemies on the ground first, and then once they are gotten rid of, hide and take care of the Snipers, the the Vehicles, and when the area is finally clear, take out the alarm using a grenade. Once all that is complete, head back to the truck. You will once again be on the truck as it goes through the city. He will smash through the fence once again. You will be let off in the park. Shoot the guard by the doorway first, then move back and shoot the enemies down the other end of the park. Be sure to hide when you reload. Now, once you have eliminated those enemies, return to the doorway and cook a grenade and throw it though the doorway. Let it explode and kill all of the enemies. Run through the doorway and shoot the Snipers and the guards behind the crate and using the corner to peek out. Once all this is done, there will be a plank on the door, which means the truck cannot get through (although I'm sure he could of just ran it down in the first place.) Get back to the truck, and press the action button to get on. Make sure you got all health before getting on the truck; otherwise you cannot get it again. More Germans will shoot at you, and once again, ignore them all. When you get off, take are of the guards by the alarm first, then kill all of the other enemies and go to the laundry truck. In the back will be officers uniform. Get it and sabotage the rest of the vehicles so that they cannot follow you. I just ignore all Snipers here. Once everything is destroyed or sabotaged, then get back to the truck and press the action button. The truck will crash through the gates once more. Here will be some more enemies by an alarm; I say ignore them once again. The truck will be destroyed when it reaches the bridge, and there is nothing you can do about that. Shoot the remaining guards. Run across the next bridge and to the right. You will come to the Golden Lion bar. Press the action button to disguise as a German and open the door. Inside the bar will be a lot of Germans. You cannot get your gun out here, so all of the Germans inside the bar do not count towards that 95% that you need to get rid of in the level. First off, you cannot get upstairs because there is a few guards at the door. Go to the piano player and press the action button to tip him. The two guards will then go and get drunk. Now head up stairs, and by the two guards will be some beer. Spill all three gasses, and a fight will break out. Head down, and to your contact in the corner. Go to him and then go out the next room to the truck, and the level is now completed. OPERATION REPUNZEL ------------------ This, in my opinion is the best level in the game. For some reason, i just absolutely love this level! Especially when you get to use the Shotgun, and the feeling inside the big Mansion is quite spooky, especially when you reach the part with the Hitler signs and it is a darkened room with one German in there. That is cool. The truck you took from the last level, at the end of it, has taken you here, to a Party. You still have your disguise, and also a Silenced Pistol, but do not use it yet. Just a note, these guards outside do not count towards the 95% of the total enemies that you need to kill. When I first played the level, I did not kill all of these guards, and I got a Gold Star, which shows that you don't need to kill them. For fun you can still attempt to kill them though. If for some reason you show your weapon or decide to shoot it, the guards at the front will react straight away and attempt to fire at you. Guards will come from the left and right to help the battle. You have only 11 bullets to do this battle with, so make them count. If you do show your weapon and need to fight, what you must do is either 1) Go for pure headshots. Aim at the enemy's head, and shoot a bullet at it. This can be bad because the enemy may strafe and move away from your aim. 2) This is the better option: Shoot the enemy in the leg, arm or the Torso first, and then they will be stunned for a few moments, which means that they cannot shoot at you. While they are stunned, use your Melee attack on them, and they will die. Don't just use the Melee attack on it's own, otherwise the enemy will do it back, you need to get them while they are stunned, so do that. Also, you can use your full 11 bullets outside, because inside you will find a new weapon, with a lot of ammunition, and can kill very quickly. The enemies outside do not drop any ammo for you also, so you can't gain any back off of them. Now, all new players to the level should attempt to do the start of this mission in stealth. If you want to do it in stealth, they do not press the Next Weapon or Previous weapon buttons while outside. If you do, your weapon will be changed to the Pistol, and you have just blew your cover. Keep on your Identification, and go out from the truck, and head to the left. Note that you can show your papers to the guards at the door and they will say things such as: "You don't look familiar" and "Get in there, you are late." So head to the left of the house. Ignore the guard around the side, at at the end of the path on the left will be two guards; you cannot go through that door. Instead look to your right. You will see an open entrance. Crawl in, and you will be able to see one guard on the left. No matter what happens, this guy will see you, and say that you are not a German. Once this happens, your cover has been blown, that's if it hasn't been blown all ready. If you are all out of ammo, then go to the corner and grab a shotgun off of the crates before you kill him, then shoot him. If you have some ammo left in the Pistol, then shoot him and casually walk over to the crates in the right corner of the room and grab it. Now will be best to use this great weapon. Go in the first room on your left to see two enemies. Shoot and kill them both, right in the back. If you really wanted to, you can sneak up to these guys, then use a Melee attack on them instead of wasting your precious ammo. Turn back to the hall, and head down it. On your left will be a locked door; you need to get a set of keys (which is your first objective, press the start button and you can view the rest of them if you want to.) Head into the room on the end, and look to your right. There will be some enemies here, and even some in the room with you, so be sure to hide when reloading, and pop out and shoot the enemies if you need to do so. Once you hear no more voices, no more gunfire, and no more sounds of feet, head upstairs. Upstairs will be some more guards. Shoot all of the enemies that are up in this room. Grab the Shotgun shells and the Medical Canteen from the table, and also on a little rack will be the Key Set, which is your very first objective (Find Kitchen key Set) completed. Okay, once that has been done, head back downstairs. Run down the hall that you used to get in to the upstairs section. On the right of the hall will be a door that was locked before (see the above paragraph). Now that you have acquired the keys to this room, press the action button to use these keys and you will open the door. Magic. Okay, on your left will be a guard, and also forward of you will be an enemy, so be sure to kill them both. You will not be able to seethe guards at first, but after awhile, they will pop there heads up so that you can see it, then blow their heads off. Head through the storage room, and into another lightened room. Continue into a small passageway, and turn left at the first corner. Turn around the next corner and you will see some more enemies. Use your wonderful Shotgun and put a shell into the enemy's Torso. This should definitely kill him. In the little room on your left will be a field surgeon pack; be sure to get it if you are low on health. Head around the next corner, and shoot the enemy. On the table is a Medical Pack, and there is also a Field Surgeon pack. If you don't need these, then leave them here in case you need to come back for them a little later in the level. When you are ready, go into the kitchen. Don't fully go in yet. You will see a Chef in the Kitchen. Using your Silenced pistol, fire a bullet at his head and kill him. The Chef throws knives and can hurt you, so that is why you have to take him out first, plus he is the first guy that you can see in the kitchen. When you are ready, head into the kitchen. There will be three workers in the kitchen, and to start with, all of them are working on something. Take advantage of this my Melee attacking them to save some ammo, or if one gets up, shoot him. There is some bread on the table. In case you don't know, every time you eat some bread, it will give you back about 10% of your health, which can be a lot if you don't have much health left. There is about 5 bits of bread in the kitchen, so that can raise your health by 50%. A message saying "This bread is delicious" will confirm that you ate the bread, that as well as your health will go up. Once everyone in the kitchen has been killed, run out of the kitchen into the next area. You will need to open the door by pressing the action button. You will now be in the restaurant section, since there are tables with plates on it, and also the Kitchen is nearby. There are a lot of enemies in here. Two of them are by the tables, and another two are up at the big table. Shoot whomever you like first, just make sure you end up killing them all. Go up to where the two guards that were at the Hitler table, and behind where they were standing is some ammo and two medical packs. Grab them if you are low on health, then continue on to the next section. There will be a lot more guards here. Stay behind the wall and then peek out and kill the first lot of enemies. Once they are dead, then turn the corner to your left and take out all of the enemies in this room, there certainly is a lot of them. You do have some grenades (well you more than likely picked them up somewhere), so cook a grenade, then peek around the corner and throw one in there, then move back and watch it explode. Hopefully that will kill all of the enemies in there; if not, finish the job using the Shotgun or the Silenced Pistol. Head out into the next room. Kill the guards in here. There will be a Drunk German at the bar, he will not attack you at all, but if you want to get that 95% rating, you better kill him. If you want to save some of that precious ammo, then you can use your Melee attack to kill him. He will fall down and die. Sometimes he will even lie down and go to sleep, you can still Melee attack him and shoot him while he is doing this. When you are ready, head out of the room outside. Up above you there will be some a huge pile of enemies. The best thing to do is to run outside, turn around and throw a grenade up on the balcony above you. Go back inside just incase it bounces back down. If you need to, throw another grenade up there and let it explode. There are also two enemies on the ground, so shoot them as well. When you are ready, make a dash for the stairs and go up them. If there is till some enemies left up here, kill them. If you need to reload, then you can hide behind the statues and do that, but they are breakable. Run up the next set of stairs and collect all of the Machinegun ammo lying around; too bad you don't have a machinegun. Run up, around the next corner and shoot the two next enemies. Turn the corner into the Hitler room. You will be able to see one man in the Speakers Position, you can either use your Silenced Pistol to kill the guy, or you cannot kill him at all. Watch what happens if you don't kill him. So, what will you do? If you do kill him, nothing special happens. If you don't kill him, he will eventually see you, and pull out a Panzershrek. He will then shoot down the middle pathway, so that you cannot get across, and enemies will storm in on you. The pathway will fall down and create a ramp, so you can still get on it, and use it as a path. Using your grenades, throw a grenade into the doorway of the next room, and let it explode killing the enemies. Also search the last painting with the Nazi sign on it, and you will find a map, which is the second objective in the mission completed (Search the paintings to find map.) In the next room will be a lot of clocks. None of them hold what the fourth objective is (Destroy clocks to find documents.) So head throw the clock room, and throw a grenade into the next room killing the two guards in there. Run up the stairs, and wait at the doorway, you will now be in the Library. You will see one guard just ahead of you, using your Silenced pistol; shoot the guy in the head. Run upstairs into the next section of the library and shoot the two guards up here using the Shotgun. Now turn back and shoot the guard by the Exit to the library. Turn into the next room and shoot the first enemy. Ignore the first room; instead go in the second one. Throw a grenade in (if you have any left) and let it explode killing the guards inside. Once inside the room, turn to the left and shoot the cooko clock, it will have some information in it, which is the third objective (Destroy clocks to find documents). Also, look at the painting on your left. It doesn't have anything in it, but you will know what I mean once you see it. Head out of this room and to the sauna. Kill the old guys in here, and throw a grenade into the next section, it will kill both guards. Once they are dead, run in and press the action button to turn the valve. Just wait for a few seconds and a little door will open Press the crouch button and crawl under. At the end will be a lady with a radio. Listen to what she has to say, which is just about how they are transporting the prisoners tonight, and how you have to hurry, and also grab some supplies. Head to the right of her, and stock up on ammo and health. You will also now finally get a STG44, which is a machinegun, which can come in handy. When you are ready, head upstairs. Now if you want to get the 95% enemy thing, open the door at the end of the room, and go into the hallway and kill the enemies. The real passage way is behind the bookcase, so press the action button to move the bookcase away from the wall. Go through the secret passageway and come out at the end. Before you open the door at the end of the path, hold a grenade. Once you open the door, throw it in then quickly switch back to your Shotgun. Let the Grenade explode, then go in with your Shotgun and shoot whoever is left in the room. One of the guards will drop the set of keys to the cell door, which is objective 4 (Find keys to cell door.) Collect the ammo on the ground, and before you decide to let out Gerrit, run upstairs. Clear out all of this upstairs area with Grenades and Weapon fire. Remember to kill the two Snipers on the clock tower. Once everything here is fine, then go back and press the action button to unlock the door and let Gerrit out. Just run all the way upstairs, to the end and wait for Gerrit here. Don't worry; he will make it all the way by himself, because you killed all of the enemies for you. Once you are at the end and Gerrit is with you, it will tell you to press the action button to motivate Gerrit. Press the action button and the barrier will break, and Gerrit will fall down. Before you fall down after Gerrit, look down. You will be able to see a truck with hay in it. When you jump, you have to land on this pile of hay; otherwise you will lose a lot of health, or even die. There are no health packs down there, so if you do miss the hay, then your chances of getting a Gold Star are zero. Once you have landed, get off the hay, and got to the vehicle, and you will commandeer the Enemy vehicle (which is objective 6, commandeer enemy vehicle) and the level is now complete. MISSION 4: SEVERAL BIRDGES TOO FAR ================================== NIJMEGEN BRIDGE --------------- Now this level is a short level compared to the last three levels that you have played. But getting through the level can be hard, due to some well place machineguns, and a lot of Snipers on the bridge. You only really have 3 objectives; they are: Diffuse the explosives under the bridge, disable the AA Gun, and escape in the medical supply truck. Your first objective will be to disable the explosives under the bridge. You will start the mission on a path next to one of your team mates. Turn around and speak to him. He will say that there is good reason that Nijmegen Bridge (Yes, he tells you the proper pronunciation of the word, if you didn't know it already) is rigged to blow. You must diffuse these charges because you need to cross the bridge. Okay, first, look towards the bridge. You only start off with a stupid little Silenced Pistol, so you will need to find some more ammo as you go along on your mission. When you are looking at the bridge, you will see two guards who haven't noticed you (unless you were stupid enough to shoot at them). Take your time here, and press the L1 button to aim at the enemys' heads. Shoot them both off. Once you shoot one bullet, then the other guy will know you are there. In order to stop him shooting you, you can duck behind the barrier. Now crawl up and shoot the enemy. Run up and you will be on a broken bit of road. Collect the two ammo packs left by the enemies and run to the left. Use your newly acquired Sniper Rifle and pick off the two enemies walking on the right of the road. Shoot one in the head for an instant kill, then the other one will notice you; so kill him as well. Look with your Sniper Rifle up farther, and first of all shoot the enemy by the Machinegun. You have to try and not get any enemy to get to that Machinegun. Aim and kill the enemies up farther, preferably using the Sniper Rifle, but you might want to save some ammo for later on in the mission, so don't use it too much. If an enemy does get to the machinegun, either duck behind the crates, and pop up then shoot, or run behind the machinegun. If you run behind the machinegun, then they cannot shoot you with the machinegun, and will go off of it, and revert back to using the pesky little pistol, which will take ages to kill you. If you want to, you can press the action button to grab control of the machinegun. Once you have control of it, more enemies will come from down below. Shoot them when they come up the path. This needs to be done if you are going for a Gold Star. When you are ready, head to where the Germans were coming up. Take the path down. Run all the way down, and you will see one guard on the ground, and one standing up guarding him. Aim your Pistol or Sniper Rifle at the Guard standing up, and shoot him in the head, preferably. So you have just took out the guy that possessed the most threat to you, now you can easily kill the enemy while he is getting up. If you want to, you can just Melee him while he is getting up, and you will save some ammo. Look on the pillar to your left; there will be an explosive on it. Press the action button to diffuse the explosive. Run down, and diffuse the next explosive. Run up farther and pick off the two next guards and disable the next two lots of explosives, one you will need to turn around to diffuse. After going out of this section, there should only be 4 charges left to diffuse. Head up to the top of the bridge. If you look to your right, there will be a whole bunch of enemies. Here it is best if you use your MP40, because it will be way to difficult if you try to take them all on with your Pistol, or your Sniper Rifle, and since you are out of Grenades, you have to do it this way. Try not to waste so much ammo on each enemy, a few bullets (5) in each enemy will kill them easily, just make sure that they are in the Torso or above. If you need to reload, then it will have to be done by hiding, not out in the middle of the conflict zone. You can use the side of the Shelter to hide, or you can go back down to the path, this is also a great spot for luring enemies, and then killing them Another thing you can do is get to the machinegun, but I find I get hit a lot while trying to get there, and it puts my accuracy way down, and well, yeah, but do what you want. In the Sheltered section there should be some ammo and a Medical Kit, so grab them, then head towards the bridge. This next bit can be tough, there are so many Snipers on the bridge, and it can be hard to tell where they are. The best thing to do is to hide behind the Pillars (the big things supporting the bridge.) Now you can pop out, and where the shots are coming from is where the Sniper is. Use this process and eliminate all of the snipers. This next section up farther is once again very hard. There is a lot of men, all with machineguns, and there is also one mounted machinegun, be careful. Hide when you need to reload, then pop up and shoot. If you need to, you can sniper the enemies off from far back. Now, if you are going for the 95% of enemies killed in the level, then you can go up the ladder to the top of the bridge. The ladder is located on the pillar next to the shelter; go up it to the top. Up here there will be about 3 enemies; so kill them all, and they will fall off the bridge, be sure NOT TO FALL OFF yourself, if you do fall off, you will die, no doubt about it, even if you do have full health, not even Jimmy can survive a fall from that high. You cannot move along the top of the bridge anymore than this area, because there are ropes blocking you off. Next to one is also a Medical pack, if you need it. When you are ready, use the ladder to go back down to the ground. When you're ready, collect the ammo then continue on. Man the machinegun at the end of the path, and shoot the enemies that come for you. Now run down to where they were, and collect all ammo that they left. Now you come to another bit where you have to disable the charges from under the bridge. Run down the path, and use your Sniper Rifle to get rid of the three enemies down here. Take out the one that poses the most threat to you first (The ones standing up.) Diable the two explosives this end, now run down and kill the guards at the end, turn around and disable the charge, then turn back and on the pillar will be a charge; diffuse it by pressing the action button. Now continue up to the road. Once you do that, it will say that all charges have been diffused, which is the first mission objective complete, which is (diffuse charges under bridge.) Head straight for the machinegun, and take out all of the enemies in this section. Collect ammo. At the end of the road will be three more enemies; kill them using your machinegun. Run down the road more and you will hear a truck go past. Shoot the guards that come out of it, collect the supplies then head along the road more. Once down far, you will hear the AA Gun go off. It wont hit you or anything, but the explosions affect your view, so watch out. Shoot the enemies in the section to your left. Run up, and kill the enemies and head in the pathway to your right. Shoot the enemies that come down the stairs and go up to the AA Gun. Kill the guard, and press action to ignite the rag. Run back down and you will hear the explosion. Kill the remaining enemies, and head straight for the truck outside. Level completed. YARD BY YARD ------------ This is certainly a very long level, and also a very hard level, especially with all of the enemies and Snipers in this level. It is best to use your MP40 in this level, because of two reasons 1) The Pistol works crap in this level, and 2) You wont really be needing it in the next level, which is two good enough reasons to use your Machinegun in this level. Your first objective is to get the Supply truck through all of these checkpoints; which means that you need to destroy these checkpoints. The other objectives are "Destroy the Radio" (which seems to be in a lot of levels) and "Find your way to central Arnhem". You start of in Arhem, in a back alley. Arnhem is in Holland, by the way. As you start, run up forward, and keep going to the door. Open it. You may realize that there were a lot of guards to your left, but you need to ignore them, because you need a better weapon to face them with, like a Mounted Machinegun. Fighting them with your MP40 will just waste ammo, ensure you will get hit, and miss a lot of the enemies. So, run straight for the door, and press the action button and Jimmy will open it. Run up the stairs, to the next door and head into the room that is on your left. Here you will see one guard. There are many ways you can kill this guy. If you want to save ammo, then press the crouch button and go right up to him and use your melee attack. This can sometimes be bad because he might turn around suddenly, and hit you as well, which will mean you will lose health. The other way is to get one of your weapons and shoot him in the head. That is very effective, and will kill him in one shot. Now run up to where this guy was, and there will be a machinegun. Press the action button and you will gain control of the machinegun. Now you need to kill all of the enemies down here, as well as explode a barrel. you can just go straight for the barrel and hit it, and all the enemies will die, so do that. If you want to though, you can still kill everyone down there with the machinegun. The barrel that you need to explode is on the right of the sandbags; just drench that area with machinegun fire, and when it explodes you have cleared the very first checkpoint. If you are facing the enemies, sometimes when you shoot them and they go to the ground they are not dead, they might get back up, so be ready and shoot them again. You will be able to hear the truck go through the checkpoint, and a message will come up on screen saying that there are three more checkpoints that you need to clear. In the toilet area there is a Field Surgeon pack, but I'm sure that you wont need it, so leave it here for later, and come back to it if you do need it. Now head down the stairs just by the machinegun, and you will most likely hear some footsteps of the Germans. Where you are now is the kitchen. There is a few enemies in here, so kill them all using your MP40. The only real good place to hide to reload is back upstairs. If you lost some health in the kitchen area, then don't go back and get the field surgeon pack. If you don't know already, bread gives you back about 10% of your health, and there is two pits of bread in this kitchen section, so get them both and you will regain some of your health. Head out the door, and to the left. This is where all the Germans were killed. There should be a lot of ammo lying around, so grab it all. When you are ready, head to the right (out of the kitchen.) Run up, and two enemies will come out of the narrow path on the left. Kill them both. Now head down this narrow path and you will come out in a little alleyway. On the right side of this alley way will be a door; press the action button to open it. Now you will be able to see two enemies sitting down. Aim your silenced pistol at one of their heads, and shoot at it. Kill the first guy, then kill the second guy by shooting him when he is trying to get up. They cannot shoot when they are on the ground. Grab the medical canteen and open the door. Kill the enemies by the stairs, and then head up them. Press the action button to open the door on your right. Go inside this room. If you want, you can look out the window. Out the window you can see enemies, but don't shoot at them; wait until you get to the mounted up machinegun. Instead, head to the left of the room and crouch down. Press the action button to open the little door, then crawl through it and open the next door to get out. If you head to your left, you can open the door, kill the German on the toilet and grab a field surgeon pack. Head to the right and you will find a mounted machinegun, and piles of enemies down here as well. You don't have to kill all of the enemies, all you have to do is to shoot the barrel, which will explode the crates and kill the enemies. The barrel that you need to explode is to the left of the sandbags this time. If you want to use the machinegun to kill the enemies, well that's fine, just watch out for the enemies getting back up. Now head back out of this room, and go down the stairs where you will find some more enemies. Shoot them all. Now head to the left and go out the door. Once outside, grab the medical canteen and open the next door. Look out onto the road and you will find more enemies here. Because they don't know you are watching them yet, take your time using the silenced pistol and shoot one of them in the head. Stay here and shoot all of the enemies that come for you. Stay back and reload if you need to. An old man will come to you at one stage; he is not an enemy and any bullets you direct towards him will go straight through him. Once they are all dead, head down the narrow path. Open the very first door into a backyard and you will hear people talking. Run up to the door and press the action button to open it. Inside will be innocent civilians, you cannot harm them. Any bullets will just go straight through them. They will get up and tell you to leave. Ignore them and steal the bread on the table. This will regain some of your health. Run through the next room and go up the stairs, where you will now hear some gunfire coming from the outside checkpoint. Ignore the door on your left, instead crawl and open the little door. Crawl through and get out of here. Shoot the guard on your left, and run up and gain control of the machinegun by pressing the action button. Use the machinegun to destroy the barrel, which is on the right side of the sandbags. This will kill all of the enemies as well as crates and stuff all around the barrel. You will also now be able to hear a tank. For me, it came from the left, so aim the machinegun there, and shoot bullets at it until it explodes. Look back and kill the enemies. Now run down the stairs killing the enemies. Run to the left, and grab the bread on the table and open the next door. Here will be two guards outside, so kill them. Run to the left and open the door. Run across and grab the field surgeon pack if you need it, as well as some ammo. Head down the narrow path on your left. At the end, turn to the right and shoot the bunch of enemies with the civilian. Kill them all, throw a grenade first, and then finish them off with the MP40. Head down the path where they came from and into the next house. Kill all of the enemies (I think there is about 5 downstairs) and then head upstairs and kill the guard. Open the small door to the left, crouch under and get out of here. If you look out the window, you can see the soldiers marching. Use the machinegun to shoot down at the barrel to explode everything and complete your first objective, which is "Clear enemy checkpoints from main road." Now run downstairs and shoot all of the enemies that you can see down here. Run outside and shoot the enemies and grab the Medical Canteen and some ammo and head out the door. Follow the path to the right, and head straight for the machinegun, ignoring all of the enemies. Go on the machinegun and fire straight at the tank. You need to get rid of this first; otherwise if you are hit with a bazooka shell, you will lose half your health. Once the tank explodes, then focus on the other enemies and head down the path on your left. Grab your Sniper Rifle and shoot the two Snipers in the window at the other end. If you take the first room on your left, use the ramp and get help from the guy. He will be killed though. Check the other rooms for ammo and health. Go in the last room on your right. Kill the enemies, and open the door. Shoot the radio then head back out this room. Take the path up the stairs and kill the enemies. Head to the left and go down the stairs and you are in Central Arnhem, and the long level is completed. ARNHEM KNIGHTS -------------- This mission seems quite long, but really if you do something special, you can do this really, really quickly. Here is the trick. Most people stick around to shoot all of the enemies. But, if you are just trying to complete the level, and not get a Gold Star, then you can just run through the battle areas, ignoring everyone. This is an easy way, but you will still have to battle the enemies that get in the way, and also the thanks that get in your way. Objectives will have the be done (The Panzershrek Squad Eliminated, and also the Tanks destroyed.) This is my second favorite level in the game, only second favourite to the good old "Operation Repunzel." This level really gives the true feeling of all out war, and I'm guessing this is why a lot of other people like this level too. You start off where you left off at the end of the last level, which is by a set of stairs. Run down the stairs and go to the guy by the wall. Next to him is a B.A.R; Grab the ammo. This is the weapon that you will most likely be using for most of the level, because it can kill very quickly, which is what you need. Listen to what the guy has to say. Head to the left and into the war zone. Here there are whole stacks of enemies just ahead. Use your Shotgun to take them out, you need to save your BAR ammo for later in the level, so that you don't run short. To the left are two Snipers on a top floor, so kill them. Also on some Rubble to the right is two more enemies. If you look forward after eliminating the enemies, you will see a Sniper; kill him. If you still hear some gunfire, you know someone is still around. When you reach the end of the path, it seems that it is blocked off. Instead head to the left of the rubble, and you can now get around quite easily. This next bit will also be a full out war part. First thing you should do is go straight for the Mounted machinegun on the right side of this section. Press the action button to use it, and shoot the Germans on the right. After awhile, a tank will appear; shoot at this before it starts to shoot at you. Just keep firing to knock it out. Now head to the left, and hide. Pop out and kill the enemies that you see. Also grab some health here. There is a little room, which contains a lot of health and ammo, and two guards are in there. You will know what I mean when you are near there. When you are ready, head to the left. Go to the right of the rubble to get around it. Run around the corner and you woll be in another massive war section. This section is like the first one, except there are just about no friends to help you in this battle. Use your Shotgun or BAR to get rid of all the enemies. Take the set of steps up to your right and shoot the enemies up here. Grab the health and head up the next lot of stairs on the right, which will bring you to the roof. Now you can look down and shoot the enemies that you can find. Do not fall down; otherwise you will lose a lot of health. When you are ready, continue on down the path, into a house section. Grab the medical pack and all then go down the next set of stairs to the ground. Go past the rubble and you will now be into a massive battle. This part has a lot of Panzershrek soldiers, and a machinegun that can take your health off so quickly. This time you get some help from your team, but a Paznershrek shell will usually blow them up. There is nowhere to really hide and Sniper them off, because if you try to hide, they will shoot a rocket at you, and splash damage will occur, or you will get hit fully by one. Try lobbing grenades over there, and see what happens. Pick off the soldiers when they come to you, and when you think you have gotten rid of the Panzershrek soldiers, then you can hide, then pop out and kill the enemies. A message will eventually come up saying that you have neutralized the squad. If you are not trying to get a Gold Star, then quickly run (because more enemies will quickly appear.) Run next to the machinegun, and by the rubble. Then head to your left. In the next section will be some more soldiers and a tank. Use your newly acquired Panzershrek to kill the soldiers, but unfortunately it does not work on the tank. Once all enemies are killed, you can then run up to the machinegun and destroy the tank. Once that is done, move up farther, and on the left will be a door; open it. This is the last mission objective complete, and you have now completed the level and also the mission. MISSION 5: ROLLING THUNDER ========================== ON TRACK -------- A new mission starts. You need to find Strugemist's Train, and board it and follow him to a secret location to see where this hidden weapon is being made. You start in Emmerich, in Germany. The opening Cut-scene will show Strugemist saying about how he wants to leave because of the food. Just watch it. After the cut-scene it will show Jimmy on a balcony, looking down at the Germans. You have 5 mission objectives in this level. They are: Steal Officers Uniform, Steal officers ID Papers, Enter train station, Destroy station Controls, and finally, board Sturmegeist's train. From the start, turn around. Grab the silenced pistol on the ground and open the first door. Now go into the room on your left. On the bed will be the Officer's uniform that you need to take, and on the ground next to the bed will be the ID Papers. If you haven't guessed already this will be an undercover mission for actually most of the level. Remember, when someone wants to see your ID Papers, press the shoot button when you have them selected and you will show your papers, and hopefully the guard will let you past. Just remember that if any time you show your weapon in front of a guard, you cover will be blown, and you will need to fight your way out. If you are just trying to complete the level, then just go undercover. If you are looking for the Gold Star, you will need to eliminate all ofthese enemies outside, so do that. Go outside this room, and you will see a door with steam coming under the door. The guy must be in the shower or something. Still with your disguise on, head downstairs, and into the kitchen like section. Go into the next room, and show your papers to the one guard. Hewill ask you if you have left your papers in your room. Show him your papers, or just kill him. Open the door on the left, and you will now be outside. if you are going for the gold, go around shooting everyone outside. There is three (sometimes 4) guards by the door that you need to go in, one next to the gate, which is to the right as you go outside, and two guards sitting down in the upper left corner from when you face outside. Eliminate all of these guys if going for gold. If going in disguise, which I should think most people doing this level first time are, open the door and Enter the train station, which is already your third objective completed (Enter train station.) Now once I didn't even show my gun here and the guy who I stole the clothes off of came to the door and said "He stole my pants." By him saying that, my cover was blown, but I have done the mission many more times, and that has never happened to me again, so I'm not really sure what was going on then, maybe it just sometimes randomly happens. Open the next door into another room, and open the next one into another room with two guards in it and also a field surgeon pack. If you are trying to get gold, then you might of taken some hits outside; so grab the field surgeon pack. Of course if you are still undercover, then you will not need to grab the field surgeon pack. Ignore the two guards and open the door and run down the steps to the right of them. Across from this door will be another door. Open it. In the room you were just in will only be two guards walking along. Shoot them if you need to. Once the door is open, head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs will be an alarm system, and also the station controls and two enemies. If you have been noticed, the enemies will fire at you. If you are still in undercover mode, then they will not shoot at you straight away. Now you have to blow your cover, no matter what. In order to destroy the station controls, you must shoot them using your pistol, which means the Germans will find out who you really are. There are two enemies in here, and more will most likely come up the stairs. Pull out your gun and try to get both enemies in the head. How shoot bullets into the station controls, which is just by the window. Watch out for more enemies as they come up the stairs. Once you think everyone is dead, you can now head down the stairs, as the door is now open. Run into the next room, and if you have any, throw a grenade in there next to the chef. When it goes off, it should kill him. If you don't have any grenades, then a simple pistol bullet to the head will do just fine. There is also some bread on the bench, which will give you some of your health back. Open the next door, and you will see one drunk guard and a lot more Germans sitting down drinking. Shoot one of the ones drinking in the head to kill him instantly. Now the rest will get up, so use whatever weapon to kill them. If you have any, you can throw a grenade in the room, but I had run out at this point. Kill all of the enemies in here, then go to the next door. Kill any guards in this next room, and you will come to a train section. In this area is a lot of guards. It will be best if you use your MP40 in this next section, because there is a lot of enemies, and machinegun will best do the job. Turn to the left and shoot the enemies. Go back in when you need to reload. Head along the little pathway, and go downt he stairs killing any Germans that you encounter. If you are looking for a Gold Star, then you will need to kill all of the enemies in this section. If not, you can just skip most of these enemies. There is a door that can be opened opposite where you came in (from the balcony above.) If you do decide to kill all of the enemies in this section, then there is a Medical Kit in the fenced off area, another one by the front of the train, and also a Field Surgeon pack up the stairs. It gives you the chance to increase your health to full. When you are ready, open the door and take the narrow passageways along killing the Germans. You can open a door into a fenced off area and grab some health and grenades if you need them, then go back out and head to the left. Go up the stairs and into a seated area. Grab the health and shoot all Germans. Continue on. Go into the next section with a train. There is more enemies. You can choose to fight these guys, or ignore them by going to the door opposite the staircase where you come down to get on the ground by the train. here, go up the stairs and follow the path along. In the next room will be three enemies and some health, kill the enemies and grab the health. Run across the walkway and go down the stairs. Watch as the roof collapses and kills the enemies. Run down, and grab the ammo and shoot any remaining Germans down here. Turn into the section on your left, and do the same thing; kill everyone. In here you will be able to see the train that you can board, sp jump on the train, and it will say train boarded, and the level is now completed. RIDING OUT THE STORM -------------------- This is one of my favourite levels in the game, it feels really cool to be on the train, and going through the train killing the Germans on board, as well as fighting off other trains that come along. Because of the smallness of this level, I find that it is hard to miss any enemies, which means that this is one of the easiest mission to get the Gold Star on, you just have to remember to destroy the trains that shoot at you, which are beside you when you start. You have three mission objectives in this mission. They are: Destroy Radio, Hunt Down Sturmegeist, and Steal Sturmgeist's Briefcase. Spelling that guys name is a real pain. As you start, run up forward; do not waste any time. You can either use your grenades to destroy the train, or you can just leave it. If you want to use your greandes, run up forward and when you get to the cannon, hide behind it (crouch behind it) then pop up and throw a grenade att he train going alongside you. If you get the timing and all right, it will hit the train, and it will explode, causing you no damage. This will also stop it firing at you. Now, once you are ready, press the action button to open the door into the main section of the train. In this section is two guards up forward. You can throw a grenade in there if you want to, and you will kill them both, but if you feel like it, you can shoot and get them in the head with a pistol bullet. In the next room will be two guys sleeping on a bunk. You can easily Melee attack these guys, and you will kill them easily and not lose any health from it. Because those guys didn't have any weapons out, you cannot collect any ammo from them, and since you didn't lose any from killing them, everyones happy. Up farther, you will see three guards by the door. Once again throw a grenade by them, and wait back and let it explode and it will hopefully kill all of the Germans by the door. Open the door and kill the enemy in this room. Open the next door, and you will now be outside. Stay back, because there is a train that shoots at you. First focus on killing the enemies that come towards you, and then start throwing grenades at the train. The train will respond will Bazooka Shells, so be very careful. Pull back when you need and look for any health that you may have missed/left behind purposely and grab it. When you are ready, continue on. Shoot the barrels by the cannon. Run past the cannon and press the action button to open the door and make sure your weapon is reloaded. Shoot the enemies inside, then run up. Open the next door, kill all enemies and run to the end. Open the next door and you will be able to hear the radio. Shoot the guard just by the radio, and run up to it and shoot it. It will eventually explode after taking so many hits. Once the radio has been destroyed, the door outside will now be open. Another train will be on your right, so destroy it using your grenades. The back one is easily destroyed. Shoot any enemies out here as well, then continue on, and open the next door and you will once again be back in the train. Kill enemies, run out the train again. Shoot the barrels by the train to destroy them. Do this to both lots. Open the door. Supirsingly this room doesn't have any enemies, so you can just easily walk through here and not get hit. In this next room will be sturmegist. He will talk abit, then run away and leave you with some of his guards. Using your machinegun, shoot all of the guards here. On the ground will be that sturmegist guys breifcase, so walk over it and you will automatically pick it up. If you are looking for a Gold Star in this level, then it will be better if you didn't use a grenade to kill all of the enemies right here at the end, because the explosion can sometimes harm you. Go back and get all of the health that you need to get the gold star. When you are ready, open the door and you will see sturmegist hanging off the back of the train, and the level is now complete, you can't kill him. DERAILED -------- This is certainly a hard mission, especially with all of these Snipers around the place, and also with the machinegun embankments all over he place, this level will really test your skills. May I suggest that you use your STG-44 for most of this mission, because you will lose all of your weapons after this level, and it is the best out of all of your weapons. You will start off of a train, and on the tracks. Your mission objectives for this level are as follows: Infiltrate train yard, Find the Demolition Charges, Destroy Fuel Depot and Find transportation to Gotha. Seems like a pretty long level, and it is. Instead of going forward from the start, head to the path on your right. Take the path to the end and shoot the enemy sitting down. Go up the ladder, and press the action button by the door to open it. In here will be some enemies, and because it will take time to go back down the ladder, the enemies are in close range with you and will use the Close Combat attack, and take some health off, just watch out for this. Clear the bunker of enemies. Getting rid of this machinegun bunker was good because if you go down on the ground, this machinegun will pretty much keep shooting at you, and there really isn't anywhere to hide, so you are stuffed. In this bunker is also some ammo and a health pack. if you want to, you can gain control of the machinegun by pressing the action button but no enemies come, so it really isn't worth it. When you are ready, head back down the ladder and back on to the main track. Continue forward and kill the two enemies on the right side of the track. Collect there ammo, and run up to see the machinegun bunker that you just took out on your right, and some grenades behind the sign. Collect everything here, and when you are ready, head between the barbed wire. Follow the tracks up and you will find a a train. Either side of the train will be some enemies, so pull back and shoot them all. They all have machineguns, like you, so be careful not to let them all attack you at once, otherwise the result could be bad. Go to the right or left side of the train, and jump in. Inside will be some ammo for your STG-44 as well as some grenades. Cool. Continue up shooting any enemies that you can see/find. At the very end of the path there is a set of gates. Press the action button to open them. This next bit will be very hard. Head to the right once the door is open, and they will say that you are inside, and suddenly close the gates to stop you from going back out. Head to the right by the sanbags, and kill the two enemies hiding behind it. This bit will be very hard, there is thousnads of enemies as well as Panzershrek soldiers shooting at you. You need to run up, and go to the left into the sheds that carry the trains. Grab the explosives from isnide one of them. In the first shed will be the charges that you need, in the second will be the train, but you need to line up the turntable first. Go into the house, and to the top using the stairs. There will be some enemies, so kill them. Ignore all fire outside, and hit the three switches to light up the turntable. Run back downstairs and to the train carrage. Press the action button to ride it, and go across the turntable. The best thing to do here is to ignore all of the enemies while riding the train. Ignore all enemies, and run straight for the gate. Blow open the gate and shoot all of the enemies that you can find in the area. Kill the enemies and place demo charges on the two big fuel canisters. Move back and let the explosives do the work. Now kill the rest of the enemie and place explosives on the next two big fuel conisters, ignoring the enemies up the top (because they will get killed by the explsoion when you set the charges to blow it up.) Hop on the train carrage, and take it along. Once on the train, it is better to ignore all of the enemies that you encounter, just either attempt to shoot them, or don't bother about shooting them, the aiming on this game is really crappy, so it is hard to hit. This next bit is really hard also. There is machinegun bunkers and all. let the train hit the wall and you will automatically get off of it. Go through the little hole in the gate. Go through the hole in the gate. If you are not looking to get the gold star, then just run through with ease. Ignore everyone, and go straight for train which will take you to Gotha, and the levels is now complete. MISSION 6: THE HORTEN'S NEST ============================ CLIPPING THEIR WINGS -------------------- This will be a very, very hard mission, because it is the last one in the game. From here, the levels will only get harder, so be very, very, very careful, and don't die. You have to destroy the secret plane being made by the Germans, but that is the main objective of the mission, not the one of the level. This level has the biggest amount of objectives in any other level in Medal of Honour: Frontline. lets take a look at them. Here they are: Find the weapons stash, Find the ammo room, Find the spy camera, Photograph 5 blueprints, Locate Plans for the HO-IX, Find a way into the Manufactouring plant, Destroy the test engine, and finally, Exit the facility. Yes, that is a lot o objectives, but you will actually go through them all pretty quickly, but the level is still very long and crawling with a lot of enemies. May I suggest that you use your Walther Pistol for most of this level. Before you say "You foo!", there is a good reason. This is the easiest level in the mission, so for the harder missions, you will want to use your better weapons, so you need to save ammo for your better weapons by using your Walther. I know that you only start off with the Walther, but later on in the level you will find a weapons stash (look at your very first objective, "Find the weapons stash.") which carries all these good weapons. What happens to a lot of people is that they use their BAR (the very good weapon), and waste a lot of the ammo for it in the first level, and when they come to the last level, where you really need a massive amout of ammo for it, they have got to little, and find themselves using a stupid Walkther Pistol against enemies that have a Bazooka. Think smart. Now lets actually start the walkthrough. You start in a vent of the facility. From the start of the level, move forward and press the action button; this will open the vent so that you can get out and fight. There is one enemy along this path, so he is either on your left or right, and he should of noticed you by now. Press the crouch button to get up standing, and shoot the guy shooting at you. Once he is dead, now run downsatirs. You will defently hear some more gunfire; this is coming from inside the room, there is a guard inside there. Kill the guard and grab the much needed ammunition that he leaves. There is no other health or ammo inside the room. What there is though is a panel on the wall. Press the action button by it (it is on the left as you come into the room) and it will open the garage door, so that you can continue on with your mission. Run back outside the room, and ehad to the right. You will see that now the garage door is open. Run towards the open door and shoot the enemies inside here. Run up the little ramp, and more than likely a guard will come through the door; so shoot him. Now move into the next room. Go through the doorway into the next, and here is the Weapons stash. On the tables in a Gewer (Sniper Rifle), BAR (Bowring Automatic Rifle) and also a Bazooka (I think we all know what a bazooka is). The open problem that you have got is that there is no ammunition for all of these weapons just yet. Look at your second objective, which is "Find the ammo room." Once you get to the ammo room, there will be a stack of ammo for you to grab for all of these weapons. Yay. Once you are ready, head through the doorway. Head into the room will all of the beds in it. In this room there are all these trunks beside the beds. The one on the left as you come in contains some Walther bullets, so press the action button to opent he trunk, and you will automatically add them to your pistol. Go along pressing the action button to open these crates. Along this wall is four more trunks. One contains a Medical Canteen, and another (the one right at the end) will contain some ammo. Asleep on the bed will be a guard, so Melee attack him before he wakes up. If he does wake up, then shoot at him and kill him. Head around the next corner, and there will be some more trunks and also some more guards asleep on the beds. Melee attack them if they haven't noticed you. If they have, then shoot to kill them. Here you are going to do objective three before you do the second objective. Head to the vry end of this room, and you will find one more trunk. Press the action button to open it, and you will see a spy camera in there. This is the third objective, and you need it to do the fourth objective, which is "Photograph 5 blueprints." Once you have obtained the Spy Camera, look to your left. Press the action button to open the door, and inside will be one enemy. Shoot him from the doorway, and now enter the room. This is the ammo room, it contains all the ammo for the weapons that you picked up before. On the table is some grenades, on the ground next to the grenades is some Gewer (Sniper Rifle) ammo, and on the benchesis Some Walther bullets and next to them is some bazooka shells and Bowring Automatic Rifle bullets. Now that you are all equipped with loads of ammo, head back out the door. Remember to still have equipped your Walther, because you will need to use your Bowring Automatic Rifle later on in the level, or mission. Run back out, and you will nwo notice that on your right, just around the corner will be an open door. One enemy will come through it, so shoot him then cook a grenade and lob it through the doorway. Let it explode killing anyone and everyone who gets in the explosive range. This bit can be really hard because you have a chef throwing knives at you that can do a huge amount of damage, usually even more damage than a bullet from one of the Germans. The best thing to do here is to hide behind the pillars. The pillars are the big poles holding up the roof, if you didn't know that already. When you think you are ready, make a dash to the left of the kitchen window. The reason for this is that you need to use the wall as a barrier so that the chef cannot throw any knives at you to take your health down. From where you are, look back and shoot any enemies. Now, if you wish, you can use your peek attack and stay behind the wall, and then peek out and shoot the chef afew times, then go back behind the wall when you think he is about to attack. Do this using your Walther Pistol, or switch to your Sniper Rifle for this part. There is also other guards inside the kitchen area with the chef, so be careful that you don't get hit by the bullets coming from the Germans while trying to take out the chef. Also (this has happened to me a few times, and really taken by health down low) they sometimes attempt to throw a grenade out here, to where you are. Be careful that any explosion from a grenade will not harm you. Usually you can hear if a grenade is being thrown. Before moving on, for your troubles there is some bread on the table. If you don't know, when you eat bread, you can regain (I think it is) 10% of your health back. Now run into the kitchen. Once again, on the table will be some more bread that you can eat. once you eat it, a message will come on screen saying "This bread is delicious." Shoot anyone else who may be alive in the kitchen area. Look around for any more bread, and any more ammo that the guards in the kitchen may have dropped when you decided to kill them. Once you are ready, head down the steps. Kill the guard on the left, then turn back to the right and kill the scientist that comes around the corner. If he doesn't come around the corner, then run around the corner and meet him, then shoot him. Continue on going around the corner, and you will eventually come into a seciton with afew scientists. Do not go to the doorway anhd enter the room yet, because there is some nasty scientists in this room. Instead, get one of your grenades and cook it. Now throw it in the doorway, and stay back. Let the grenade explode, and hopefully it will kill the scientists in there. If it has, then run into the room. In the next section you will see some more scientist; leave them. You cannot shoot them because of the glass barrier protecting them, and they wont see you, and shoot at you. The door is locked, so now you are wondering what to do, right? Well, there is a button on the control pannel. Walk up to the control pannel, and when it says "Press action to push button", press the action button. Just wait here, and watch what happens. Where the scientists are is a wind tunnel, and you just turned on the fan in the wind tunnel. This has extreme power. The way the enemies react to the wind looks extremely fake to me, but whatever. All of the saicentists and the plane will be pushed by the wind into the wall at the end, and they will explode, and all of them will die, causing a fire at that end. The fan will eventually stop, and your view will be changed bacause of the explosion (it is sometimes annoying when that happens.) Once the fan has stopped, opent he door into the wind tunnel. There is no ammo left by the sicentists. Also, if you walk over the fire, you will lose health, so don't do it. Head over to the next room. Through the doorway will be three enemies. Stay back and cook a grenade, then throw it through the doorway. This will explode killing all three enemies hiding behind the wall. Now, go through the doorway and around the corner. You will now come into a lab like center, which will contain all of the 4th objective, which is "Photograph 5 blueprints." Run up, and take the first path on the right. Shoot the guards down here, preferably using something like your Sniper Rifle. Now take the first door on your right. Press the action button to open the door. In this room will once again be a lot more enemies. Throw a grenade through the doorway and run back so that you don't get caught in the explosion of the grenade. Now run inand shoot whoever is left in the room. press the action button to take a picture of the blueprint, then run into the next room. In here will be another blueprint on it's side; take a picutre of it by pressing the action button. When you come out the room, head to your left. Collect any ammo you see from the guards you killed using the Sniper Rifle awhile back, and turn to the path on your left and go in the door which will now be on your right. Photograph the blueprint from behind the desk, now run into the next room to find another blueprint. Take a photo of it. Now there should only be one blueprint left that you need to take a picture of, then you have completed the level. Now head back out the way you came, and turn the corner to the left, then left again and right into the next room. Turn into the next room and kill the scientist. On the wall on the right is the last blueprint that you need to take a picture of. Press the action button while next to it. In this room will also be the plans for the HO-IX, which is the 5th mission objective "Locate plans for the HO-IX." Now go back out the way you came, and go to the left. ignore any other psths that you ome across. Keep going around, turning the corners. At the end, there will be a massive warzone. This bit is going to be very, very hard to do. Get out your Sniper Rifle, and use the wall as cover. Fire at anyone you can see using the Sniper Rifle. If you want to, run to the right of the catwalk, kill the enemy, then turn to left and jump down. Run around, ducking and shoot any enemies you can see. Ducking is essential because there are so many Snipers around. if you are going for a Gold Star, then you will need to take out all of these guys, but if you are just trying to finish the level, then don't worry about all of the enemies. Make a run through the maze, and at the end turn to your left. Go up the stairs, shoot the guard, and you will now be safe. Now across from you will be a lot more enemies. Shoot them all using whatever weapon you want to. Now you can use the wall as a barrier, and peek out and shoot any enemies that are above you using the Sniper Rifle. If you still hear bullets flying, chances are that there is still some more enemies around. Look at where the bullets are coming from, then take the appropriate steps to kill any enemies. In the room across from you is some Medical Canteens, and along the catwalks is also some ammo and health; grab it all. Run into the next room, and if you har any firing, just ignore it all. Run to the right and go up the steps. Run along the path and get to the next door. Once in this next room, turn to your right. There will be the test engine. Run up, and into the room. Kill the scientist, and there will be a Gague. Keep on pressing the action button and the pressure will be cranked to full. Now run back and press the action button to turn on the test engine. Scientists will now come in the room, so shoot them all. Now will be a good time to use your Bowring Automatic Rifle, because the rest of the level is quite hard to complete. The test engine now made a hole in the wall, so run through the hole. Run to your left or right, and kill the two enemies (one is on each side). Run into the basement section. Stay behind the wall. In this section will be a huge amount of enemies. Put a bazooka shell in the middle of the floor to kill about 3 of the enemies. Now run up with your BAR or whatever over weapon and shoot the enemies behind the crates, or the ones that peep out from behind the wall. Run and collect all ammo left by the guards. There is also a bazooka shell. Head down the path to your right, and kill the guards in the room. Grab the health, then head back out. You will now be able to see another section like the bit just after when you photographed all of the Blueprints. Use your Sniper Rifle and pick off any enemies that you can find in this section. Remember to use the wall as cover, and don't die. Once all of the enemies up top are dead, run and go down the hatch. Get off of the ladder, and run and use the pillar for safety. Pop out and kill the enemies that you can see, now run down and reload. Go to the next hatch and fall down. Shoot the enemy up ahead, and once again run up and use the pillar to hide, then pop out and shoot. Now run to where the catwalk leadsinto another area. This bit will once again be very, very hard to complete. There is a stack of enemies, all using Machineguns, and all after you. The big lava pit will get in your way, and the ladder will cause problems (Eg, when you try to move forward it will take you up on the ladder) so the best thing to do is go around and use a pillar to hide, and make sure you can see the next section very well. If you want to, you can just run down to the ground, shoot the enemies and use the catwalk to get over. Now in the next room with the mine cart will also be very hard. Either let the enemies come to you, or throw a grenade in with them. Grab all the ammo and everything else you can, then run up the ramp to the mine cart, and the level is completed. Damn that was hard. ENEMY MINE ---------- This is more of a fun level, but is also very hard to get Gold on because of your heath can easily be taken down, and the enemies are way too hard to shoot using your BAR (I'm talking about the Snipers here, and the Sniper Rifle isn't that quick, so it is crap.) You are going to be riding down a mine cart on this mission, so be prepared for anything. So this can be a very hard level. Before you start riding the mine cart, run across the track and grab all of the ammo you could possibly need for the big descenet in the mine cart. It will be probably better if you use your BAR on this mission, but you can use something else (Bazooka) if you wanted to. Press the action btton to ride the mine cart. At the first checkpoint, shoot the barrel to kill the two guards. Take the mine cart down, and reload while you are doing so. The mine cart will speed up. Kill the enemy on your left, then shoot one of the many barrels by the enemies on the left. Take it into the next section, and shoot the enemies ahead of you. Reload when there are no enemies left. At the next section, shoot all of the barrels to kill the enemies. The bazooka guy will almost never get you, so shoot barrels to destroy them. Shoot the next lot of barrels on your left by the enemies, and continue on. The rest of the level is exactly like this, so be on the lookout for any enemies that you can see. Thats all I have to say about this level, onto the next. STEALING THE SHOW ----------------- Being the last level of the game and all, of course this level is going to be really, really hard to complete. There are so many Panzershrek soldiers, and they just keep on coming and coming. This may seem really hard, but there is a trick that I didn't know about until about the third time I played at. What you have to do in this mission is Kill that Sturmeigist guy, and steal the plane. Easier said than done. Sturmegist has a lot of guards, and about 50% of them have Bazookas. From the start of the level, head back in and grab the ammo. In here is about 6 Field Surgeon packs, so the game gives you the chance of 3 lives, when you think about it. The only bad thing is that one bazooka bullet takes off half of your health. Stay back by the door, and throw grenades out, or shoot the bazooka out. Keep doing this, and it will take you a long time, but try to kill every enemy. If you do get hit by a bazooka bullet, then run back in and grab a field surgeon pack. Grabbing the machinegun is a very bad idea, because you will be shot by 100 Bazooka bullets because you are not moving. Avoid it. Shoot barrels and everything, just go nuts and shoot! This is the last level of the game, so you don't need to worry about any ammo saving or anything like that. Once the first section is clear, then run into the next section, and the roof of the hagar will collapse. Move back so that you don't get hit, and run into the next section. Kill all guards and take the door on the right into the hangar. A cut-scene will Sturmegist will kick in. He will say that you are going to die. Wait here, and let the enemies come to you. Kill them when they come to the corner. When no more come to the corner, use grenades and bazooka bullets and shoot into the hangar, killing all of the guards. Use machinegun bullets to litter all over enemies. Once sturmegist is dead, press action by the plane, and the Level, Mission, and Game are now complete. Well done. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED MEDAL OF HONOUR: FRONTLINE! _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SECTION 4 - LISTS _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ HEALTH KITS =========== MEDICAL CANTEEN: This just looks like a little bottle. It will regain 10% of your total health. This is the most common thiong of health that you will come across in your missions. It is a little bottle. MEDICAL KIT: This a pack that has a + on it. It will regain 25% of your total health. This can be found in all of the missions, but remember if you don't need it, then don't get it. FIELD SURGEON PACK: The big one. This pack will give you 50% of your total health back. That is the most anything will ever give you. It just looks like a big pack. Don't waste this. BREAD: Yes, bread does heal you. it can be found in certain mission with houses and kitchens, like Yard by Yard. LEVEL HEAL: When you are playing on Easy or normal mode, you will heal between each level (fully on easy, to at least 50% on Normal mode.) On hard Jimmy does not heal. Field Surgeon pack: 50% Medical Kit: 25% Medical Canteen: 10% Bread: 5% WEAPONS ======= -=Bazooka=- Type: Heavy Weapon Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 20 per/min Damage: 1-100 Magazine Capacity: 1 Prefered Range: Medium to far, 20-100+ metres. Side: Allied Information: A wonderful weapon, extremly powerful. -=Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)=- Type: Rifle (Automatic) Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 140 per/min Damage: 10 Magazine Capacity: 20 Prefered Range: 0-4 metres Side: Allied Information: A powerful gun which can kill easily if on target - or at close range. -=Colt .45=- Type: Pistol Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 20 per/min Damage: 84 Magazine Capacity: 7 Prefered Range: Close up, behind. Side: Allied Information: The Colt .45 is the best pistol other than the Silenced Pistol, despite being slow it is extermly powerful. -=Gewehr 43=- Type: Rifle Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 50 per/min Damage: 16 Magazine Capacity: 10 Prefered Range: Distant, a good sniping spot is essential. Side: German Information: I just love this gun, it inflicts plenty of damage as well as being so accurate. -=Mark II Frag Grenade=- Type: Grenade Prefered Range: Medium, 20-40 metres. Side: Allied Information: A great weapon for luring enemys into your line of fire. -=M1 Garand=- Type: Rifle Accuracy: 2 Rate of Fire: 80 per/min Damage: 12 Magazine capacity: 8 Prefered Range: Any! Side: Allied Information: Not overly impressive, you can't reload until you use up a whole magazine, so shoot off the remaining bullets if you are on 2 or 3 for your next assalt. -=MP 40=- Type: Sub-Machine Gun Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 256 per/min Damage: 6 Magazine Capacity: 32 Prefered Range: Close, 0-3 metres. Side: Allied Information: A superb gun, worthy of any solider, it has a great rate of fire and is great at close range. -=Panzerschreck=- Type: Heavy Weapon Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 20 per/min Damage: 1-100 Magazine Capacity: 1 Prefered Range: Medium to far, 20-100+ metres. Side: Germans Information: If you have ever played Medal of Honor: Underground you will remember the wonderful Panzerfaust, well this games two years later and now they have an improved version, the Panzerschreck! -=Shotgun=- Type: Heavy Weapon Accuracy: N/A Rate of Fire: 48 per/min Damage: 5-75 Magazine Capacity: 8 Prefered Range: Medium, 10-30 metres Side: Allied Information: A great weapon, will injure targets even if you miss marginally. -=Springfield '03=- Type: Rifle Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 25 per/min Damage: 16 Magazine Capacity: 5 Prefered Range: Distant, sniping. Side: Allied Information: Unbeliveably slow to reload and with such a short magazine, its even slower, but its also very powerful. -=STG 44=- Type: Rifle (automatic) Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 240 per/min Damage: 10 Magazine: 30 Prefered Range: Close, 1-10 metres. Side: German Information: A very quick gun, it shoots quicker than any other (handheld) gun in the game other than the MP40. -=Stielhandgrante=- Type: Grenade Prefered Range: Medium 25-50 metres Side: German Information: A light weight grenade made with a wooden stick and metal top, it is a hany grenade for long distance trowing. -=Thompson SMG=- Type: Sub-Machine Gun Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 100 per/min Damage: 6 Magazine: 20 Prefered Range: Close, 0-5 metres. Side: Allied Information: A good gun overall, but not the best automatic weapon, the STG 44 is far better. -=Walther P38=- Type: Pistol Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 70 per/min Damage: 9 Magazine Capacity: 8 Prefered Range: Close up, behind. Side: German Information: A fast gun, but you don't get to use it much in the game especially in earlier levels. -=Webley and Scott Silenced Pistol=- Type: Pistol Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 56 per/min Damage: 10 Magazine Capacity: 7 Prefered Range: Near-by, 1-4 metres, out of sight. Side: Allied Information: Very handy for any level, great for surprise, but a bit weak, so aim for head/heart. ENEMYS ====== The following are the different enemys and their discription, also included is a rating of how dangerous an enemy may be. (Credit 007) -=Ambushed Officer=- o German officers do not like when you steal their uniforms as a disguise, so kill them before they discover. The only other place you will find an "Ambushed Officer" is on the levels were you find a solider sleeping in bed, e.g. on the U-Boat or War Train. o They are dressed in white robes. o Danger: 2/10 -=Gestapo Officer=- o Extremely dangerous, with a real officer look, will try ruthlessly to kill you by any means, even if it means his own death. o Wears a grey uniform, with a real officers hat straight from hollywood, and has a very pointy nose. o Danger: 10/10 -=Krieg Dockguard=- o The shipping cargos and the U-Boat fleet are protected from harm by the Krieg Dockguards. They commonly attempt to kill you from a distance, sniping usually, but will come up to you and knock you out if called for. o Wearing a normal army outfit, with a navy coloured uniform, with slight bits of orange and a real army hat. o Danger: 6/10 -=Kreig Motorcycle Trooper=- o Armed heavily with a MP-40, they ride a motorcycles. o Were goggles, and Darck Green uniform, they ride motorcycles and wear the standard army hat. o Danger: 9/10 -=Luft Mechanics=- o Surprisingly dangerous, but still not that much of a threat to your average MOH player. o Wears grey overalls covered in oil. o Danger: 4/10 -=Luft Soldier=- o To get to the HO-IX, you must defeat the Luft soldiers from the German Luft Corps, they are heavily armed. o They wear a grey uniform (with lovely little orange collars!) They also have those tiny Air Corp hats! o Danger: 7/10 -=Pazer Grenadier=- o Heavily armed and capable, despite being few they are nasty. o Wears camouflaged uniform. o Danger: 8/10 -=Rudolf Von Sturmgeist=- o The big guy, the whole game revolves around him, he is the commander in charge of the HO-IX Project. o Black overcoat, with fur edges like a pilots, a pointed hat, and the swastika symbol on the arm. o Danger: 10/10 -=Scientist=- o Scientists are tall thin men with goggles over their heads to put it bluntly, its not too hard to kill them but they are annoying. o Wear white coats, goggles, and a nazi symbol around their necks. o Danger: 3/10 -=SS NCO=- o A well trained soldier, who are probably the most dangerous of their rank. o Looks very like any normal battlefield soldier, dark green uniforms, and brown trousers. o Danger: 8/10 -=SS Schutzen=- o Very like SS NCO. o Same as SS NCO, except for uniform colour is darker, and they wear a air corps hat. o Danger: 8/10 -=SS Officer=- o A short fat officer - who is actually quite dangerous. o Wears an officers uniform, medals, and an officers hat. o Danger: 7/10 -=Strumgeist's Elite Guard=- o A set of top ranking soldier's who work exlcusivly for Rudolf Von, Strumgeist, they are extremely dangerous. o Navy/Black/Purple overcoat, with orange shirt and red tie underneath. o Danger: 9/10 -=Tank Commander=- o A form of ruthless officer who will do anything to eliminate the enemy threat (you!) o Wear head-phones, and a black suit with red bits. o Danger: 10/10 -=Malevalent Chef=- o Armed solely with a knife, the chef will continuously trown knives at you, he appears in several levels in the kitchen, and is quite easy to spot as well as hit. o The Chef is overweight wearing a white apron, black trousers and a nice red chefs hat. o Danger: 8/10 -=U-Boat Captain=- o Not really that dangerous, just a normal captain with a pistol. o White captains hat, and light mustard uniform, very obvious. o Danger: 2/10 -=Wehrmacht Engineer=- o A plain engineer, not that dangerous. o Jet-Black trousers, a white T-shirt! And grey top. o Danger: 2/10 -=Wehrmacht Field Officer=- o These officers carry both Walter pistols and machine guns, they are quite dangerous. o Wears a wierd form of a hat, and a light green uniform. o Danger: 9/10 -=Wehrmacht Grenadier=- o A normal soldier. o Wears a chain of machine gun bullets around neck, as well as a standard green uniform. o Danger: 8/10 -=Wehrmacht Soldier=- o A very resourceful type of soldier. o Wears an officers hat dispite being a soldier, and wears baggy pants. o Danger: 8/10 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ========================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there going to be another Medal of Honour? ANSWER: Yes, a Medal of Honour Rising Sun ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: When will Medal of Honour Rising Sun be released? ANSWER: Check the GameFAQs Data page for it ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: When was this game released? ANSWER: I think it was in the middle of 2002 (June, July) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Are there any other Medal of Honour games? ANSWER: Yes, Medal of Honour (PSX), Medal of Honour Underground (PS2) Medal of Honour: Frontline (PS2, GCN, XBX) and soon to come is Medal of Honour Rising sun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: You have always been spelling Honor wrong, why is this? ANSWER: In Australia (I'm not sure about other places) we spell it with a "u" before the R and after the second "o". I think it is better this way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there any other good FAQs that you could reccomend that I should read? ANSWER: Yes, there are afew other good ones: CGorman's is the best. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/medal_of_honor_d.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I haven't got the game, but are the Panzershrek and the Bazooka the same? ANSWER: No, they are actually two different weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What is the best Pistol, Machinegun, Sniper Rifle, Heavy? ANSWER: For me, it is: Walther, BAR, Gewer and just about any of the Heavy weapons (apart from the Panzershrek are good.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Why don't you like the Panzershrek? ANSWER: Because it is by far the worst weapon for aiming, no crosshair, and only a little gap to see where you are aiming. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Where is the Multiplayer mode? ANSWER: There is none. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Why is there no Multiplayer mode? ANSWER: I don't know ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there Multiplayer mode on the GameCube or XBox versions? ANSWER: Apparently there is on the GameCube, but not to sure about the XBox. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I'm having trouble with the Control setup you use, is there a way I can change it? ANSWER: The control msetup is just the one I use, you don't have to use it, you can change your setup by going into Options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How many Missions/Levels is there in the game? ANSWER: 6 missions, 19 levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How many levels does each mission have? ANSWER: 1st mission: 2, 2nd mission: 4, 3rd mission: 3, 4th mission: 3, 5th mission: 3, 6th mission: 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What is the Gallery? ANSWER: It is a place where you can view the history and the making of the movies, also it has afew extras. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a mission where you can assainante Hitler? ANSWER: No! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How come One bullet in the mission D-Day takes off about 2% health, when in real life it would of killed you straight away? ANSWER: It would be abit harash that on the first mission you die from one bullet, don't you think. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: When was D-Day? ANSWER: June 6th, 1944. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Do you know much about WWI or WWII? ANSWER: No, but I know someone that does. Please direct all questions to Thebigdoubleu, he will own anyone in a debate about Anything to do with the Histroy of the war, or anothing about medal of Honour. His email is: theverybigdoubleu(at)hotmail(dot)com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Do you own any other Medal of Honour games ANSWER: Yes, I do own the first two Medal of Honour games on the Playstation, as well as this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is it possible for Germans to kick and Throw grenades back at me? ANSWER: Yes, they can do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a way I can do a Melee attack? ANSWER: Yes, on the controller setting I use, press in the R3 button. I'm glad that they made it that you didn't have to be out of ammo to use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Why can't the M1 Garand reload in the middle of a clip like all of the other weapons can? ANSWER: Because thats how it is in real life, and the makers wanted to keep with the Relism. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Have you made an FAQ for any other Medal of Honour game? ANSWER: Yes, medal of Honour: Underground for the Playstation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I sent you an email, but I didn't get a reply back, why not? ANSWER: 1) Because you didn't follow the rules 2) I don't bother answering some emails 3) It got lost ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Why don't you bother to reply to some emails? ANSWER: Because I get alot of emails a day (Prolific FAQ author) and most of them are answered in the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Wht is perfectionist mode? ANSWER: Germans can kill you in one hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Are there any cheats for this game? ANSWER: Yes, look in the cheats section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I get a Bronze star? ANSWER: Just complete the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I get a Silver star? ANSWER: Complete the level and eliminate at least 95% of enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I get a Gold star? ANSWER: Complete the level, eliminate at least 95% of enemies, and finish with at least 75% health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Do you have a GameFAQs message board account, if so, what is it? ANSWER: Yes, it is the same as my Contributor name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there any training mission? ANSWER: No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there anything you can do to make the game have more replay value? ANSWER: Try to get a gold star on everything, see how far you can get on each level in Perfectionist mode (just like real war) See how fast you can complete a mission, see if you can get your total accuracy above 50%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Where is this doucment hosted? ANSWER: GameFAQs and IGN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is it possible to do a Melee attack with every weapon? ANSWER: Not with Grenades, but yes, every other weapon, including the Panzershrek and Bazooka. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What is "Hits taken"? ANSWER: How many time you have been shot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How can I destroy a tank? ANSWER: The main way is to find a mchinegun next to it, otherwise use an explosive or let a team mate do it for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there any missions that you have to use a disguise? ANSWER: Yes, there is afew, like Operation Repunzel and Golden Lion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: If one of your team shoots an enemy, will that count towards your 95%, or do you have to kill all of the enemies yourself? ANSWER: All enemies killed will count towards the 95%, no matter how they die, so yes, your team can shoot Germans for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there any mission that you can use a Tank in? ANSWER: No, but you can use a cannon in some. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I like this game, so is there any other FPS like this you reccomend I play? ANSWER: Yes, try the first two Medal of Honours, then TimeSplitters, Red Faction, James Bond: Agent Under Fire and any sequels to the games I just mentioned. Also try Half Life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I kill Germans on the Mine Cart level, it is hard to aim at them and I need to reload often, causing me to miss alot of them, what should I do? ANSWER: If you are just trying to complete the level, then you can just leave them if you want, but if you want a Gold Star, or to make sure that they don't shoot you from behind, then shoot the barrels next to each German. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a way to turn the cursor off, for realism? ANSWER: I think so, go into options, then controller. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What is "Cook Grenade" and what does it do? ANSWER: Pressing reload will make Jommy take the pin out, so the timer will start. So when you throw it, you can make it that it will explode right when it hits the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a way that you can kick back a Grenade thrown at you, like the Germans can? ANSWER: Nope, and if you try, you will most likely be blown up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I kill the Germans hiding behind crates, shooting and only there gun is visible? ANSWER: Try shooting the crate, which will explode, then you have a free hit to kill them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there any bonus levels? ANSWER: No, once you have completed "Stealing the Show" that is the end of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a way that I can stop the reloading when I am in the middle of it? ANSWER: Well, if you really want to, then use your melee attack. It is really useful for something like the Sniper Rifle that takes ages to reload and you are in the middle of a big battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What is the Fraction of 95% because I need to know how many enemies I have to kill? ANSWER: You need to kill 19/20 enemy's in order to get that gold star, as well as the health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What happens if you get all Gold Stars in a level? ANSWER: You get a Medal reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is it possible to play in Paintball mode? ANSWER: No, the cheat is only for a movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Are there any movies based on the war? ANSWER: Try Saving Private Ryan, it has the D-Day, exactly like the level you play in this and other war stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I aim with the Panzershrek? ANSWER: There is no aim, the best you can do is look through that little hole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What is a good way to increase my accuracy? ANSWER: Use a Sniper Rifle or a Shotgun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Do the enemies that you face when you are undercover account towards that 95%, because sometimes you have no weapon and cannot kill them? ANSWER: I don't think so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I'm on Operation Repunzel, but I am stuck with a Pistol and cannot find any more ammo, is there another weapon or more ammo anywhere in the level? ANSWER: As soon as you come in to the house, shoot the guard on your left and in the right corner will be a Shotgun, up by those crates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Where and What is the Enigma Machine? ANSWER: It is in the Options, then Password screen. I think it was a typewriter used in the war. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I get something on the bonus page? ANSWER: Enter a cheat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: If I shoot a barrel and it explodes and kills a nzai, does it count as a miss? ANSWER: Unforunately, it does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a way to aim with the German Machineguns? ANSWER: You mean those mounted ones? Well, no, just aim at where you think the enemy is, then just rapidly shoot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I keep dying because the grenades keep getting kicked back at me, what can I do? ANSWER: Try cooking the grenade and then throwing it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I get a Gold Star on X level? ANSWER: Check the Medal FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: I got more than 100% accuracy? WTF? ANSWER: You used the Shotgun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How come using the Shotgun can gibe me more than 100% accuracy? ANSWER: Once the shotgun fires a shell, it breaks up into little bullets, and if five of these little bullets hit the German, it is counted as 5 hits, but only one bullet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Do you lose health if you run over fire? ANSWER: Yes you do, and until you get off of the fire, you will lose health rapidly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Is there a way to move the Health and Compus from my hud? ANSWER: Press the left button I think it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: What does hud stand for, or mean? ANSWER: Heads Up Display, it's the stuff on screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I complete X objective? ANSWER: Look in the walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How many missions do the previous Medal of Honour game have? ANSWER: I THINK Medal of Honour 1 has: 7 missions -> 25 levels. I'm not sure about Medal of Honour: Underground, but I'm sure it is about the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDAL FAQ ========= This part of the guide will take you through the levels and help you get a gold star on each of the missions. Here goes: 1 - Just completing the level will give you this 2 - Way too easy 3 - Very Easy 4 - Easy 5 - About Average 6 - Average 7 - Getting hard 8 - Hard 9 - Very Hard 10 - Extremely Difficult YOUR FINEST HOUR ---------------- Difficulty : 1/10 : Just Completing the level will get you this No matter what you will get a gold star rating in this level, you have to because of your mission objectives. You will need to kill the first 4 enemies that are pinning down 4 of your team mates. Then rescue the Engineer like usual. He will get back on his own. Now run to the seawall and cross the minefield to the machinegun bunker. Now look down and you will see some enemies. Shoot them all. They will contribute to your total goal. Once the first lot is killed, then another lot will come. Shoot them. There are also some more enemies in the trench which you will need to kill. As I said, you just need to complete the level normally and you will get the medal pretty easily. INTO THE BREACH --------------- Difficulty : 3/10 : Very Easy Yes, this is very easy. First off destroy the barrels and kill the first lot. Now, to spawn alot more enemies, you need to grab the machinegun. Once you have the machinegun, press the action button to get on it and enemies will jump over the wall and start to come towards you. At this time you should just keep on firing at the incoming enemies. They will then stop coming. i really think that it is the only challenge to getting the Gold Star in this level. Be sure to check out other rooms and paths. If you come to a section that has two paths, explore them both. SEASIDE STOWAWAY ---------------- Difficulty : 6/10 : Average This one can be a bit hard to get. When you first start the level, always get the machinegun and this will bring out more enemies, so that you can kill them all. Just remeber, if a firend kills an enemy for you, it will count totwards the 95% thing. There are also some more machineguns around the place, like the one in the church. Once you hop on the machinegun, more of the Germans come from down below, and since this is a mission objective, you will have to kill all of these guys, if you don't, your friends will. At the end of the level there are some more enemies, so kill them before you decide to stow away in the cargo crates. Thats about all, just remember to get the machineguns, and you will be right. SPECIAL CARGO ------------- Difficulty : 2/10 : Way too easy This is soo easy. Because the submarine that you are on is so small, it is nearly impossible to miss any enemies that come for you. The onyl enemy I could think that you would miss is the guy in the toilet on the right as you start, but I think that is the only one. Once you do the second to last objectives, more enemies will come, but that is just about it. Also, when it says that all personal report to the engine room, no enemies come, so that you don't have to go back there. This is way too easy to do. EYE OF THE STORM ---------------- Difficulty : 7/10 : Getting hard This is a bit hard to do. There are so many snipers in this mission, so be careful, be very careful. Once you do the first mission objective, look to the left of the ladder and shoot the two enemies. Now run across the little bridge and kill the next guy on the left, on the roof. There is two guys on the boat just down here, next to a machinegun, so take them out. Also nearly above you is a guard tower, with one enemy, so take him out. When you get to the trucks near the end of the level, once you destroy them, the garage door will open and more enemies will come out; so shoot them all. Always be on the lookout for snipers, because there is a lot of them, if you still hear firing, look for the bullet and you will be able to find the enemy. A CHANCE MEETING ---------------- Difficulty : 8/10 : Hard _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SECTION 5: SECRETS _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ CHEATS ====== Invincibility: Pause game play, then press Square, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, L2, Select, R2. The game will automatically resume. Unlimited ammunition: Pause game play, then press Circle, L2, Square, L1, Select, R2, Triangle, Select. The game will automatically resume. Note: This also effects enemies. Bullet shield: Pause game play, then press Circle, Select, R2(2), R1(2), L1, R1. The game will automatically resume. Master code: Enter DAWOIKS at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable any desired cheat. Silver bullet mode: Enter WHATYOUGET at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Silver bullet mode allows enemies to be killed with one shot. Rubber grenade mode: Enter BOING at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Snipe-O-Rama mode: Enter LONGSHOT at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. This cheat allows all guns to zoom like a sniper rifle. Bullet shield mode: Enter BULLETZAP at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. All bullets that are fired at you will be ineffective and will not damage you. Mission 2 (A Storm in the Port): Enter ORANGUTAN at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Mission 3 (Needle in a Haystack): Enter BABOON at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Mission 4 (Several Bridges Too Far): Enter CHIMPNZEE at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Mission 5 (Rolling Thunder): Enter LEMUR at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Mission 6 (The Horten's Nest): Enter GORILLA at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Complete current mission with Gold Star: Enter MONKEY at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Complete previous mission with Gold Star: Enter TIMEWARP at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Perfectionist: Enter URTHEMAN at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. This cheat allows the Nazis to kill you with one shot. Mohton torpedoes: Enter TPDOMOHTON at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Your bullets will now change into "photon torpedoes". Achilles' head mode: Enter GLASSJAW at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Nazi's can only be killed with a headshot when this cheat is active. Invisible enemies: Enter WHERERU at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. All that you will see is their guns and helmets. Men with hats: Enter HABRDASHR at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Characters will have various objects on their heads. Additionally, enemies will be transformed into hamburgers and french fries during the On the Tracks mission. Making Of D-Day FMV sequence: Enter BACKSTAGEO at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Making Of Needle In A Hay Stack FMV sequence: Enter BACKSTAGER at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Making Of Several Bridges Too Far FMV sequence: Enter BACKSTAGEF at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Making Of The Horten's Nest FMV sequence: Enter BACKSTAGES at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Making Of Storm In The Port FMV sequence: Enter BACKSTAGET at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Making Of Rolling Thunder FMV sequence: Enter BACKSTAGEI at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Paintball FMV sequence: Enter MAGGOTAHOY at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. Animation reel: Enter ANIMREEL at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat. GLITCHS ======= ENEMY THROUGH WALL This is a very common glitch, that seems to happen to me all the time. What happens is that the enemy goes through a wall, and is stuck there. He sometimes can get out, but that hardly ever happens. You cannot shoot him either, so that is bad if you are going for gold. MOUNTED MACHINEGUN Sometimes (this has happened to me on the Ahrnem Knights level) the Machinegun will not be mounted on anything. You can still press action and man the machinegun and shoot, but it still wont be mounted on anything. Wierd. TIME TRIAL ========== This section is for replayability. See if you can complete these levels in under the time limits. YOUR FINEST HOUR ---------------- BRONZE: 8 Minutes + SILVER: 5 Minutes to 8 Minutes GOLD: Below 5 Minutes INTO THE BREACH --------------- BRONZE: 6 Minutes + SILVER: 3 Minutes to 6 Minutes GOLD: Below 3 Minutes SEASIDE STOWAWAY ---------------- BRONZE: 10 Minutes + SILVER: 7 Minutes to 10 Minutes GOLD: Below 7 Minutes SPECIAL CARGO ------------- BRONZE: 7 Minutes + SILVER: 5 Minutes to 7 Minutes GOLD: Below 5 Minutes EYE OF THE STORM ---------------- BRONZE: 15 Minutes + SILVER: 9 Minutes to 15 Minutes GOLD: Below 9 Minutes A CHANCE MEETING ---------------- BRONZE: 16 Minutes + SILVER: 13 Minutes to 16 Minutes GOLD: Below 13 Minutes ROUGH LANDING ------------- *Can't do because of set time limits for Barnes.* GOLDEN LION ----------- BRONZE: 20 Minutes + SILVER: 15 Minutes to 20 Minutes GOLD: Below 15 Minutes OPERATION REPUNZEL ------------------ BRONZE: 17 Minutes + SILVER: 12 Minutes to 17 Minutes GOLD: Below 12 Minutes NIJMEGEN BRIDGE --------------- BRONZE: 14 Minutes + SILVER: 8 Minutes to 14 Minutes GOLD: Below 8 Minutes YARD BY YARD ------------ BRONZE: 20 Minutes + SILVER: 13 Minutes to 20 Minutes GOLD: Below 13 Minutes ARHNEM KNIGHTS -------------- BRONZE: 10 Minutes + SILVER: 6 Minutes to 10 Minutes GOLD: Below 6 Minutes ON TRACK -------- BRONZE: 14 Minutes + SILVER: 10 Minutes to 14 Minutes GOLD: Below 10 Minutes RIDING OUT THE STORM -------------------- BRONZE: 9 Minutes + SILVER: 5 Minutes to 9 Minutes GOLD: Below 5 Minutes DERAILED -------- BRONZE: 15 Minutes + SILVER: 9 Minutes to 15 Minutes GOLD: Below 5 Minutes CLIPPING THEIR WINGS -------------------- BRONZE: 17 Minutes + SILVER: 12 Minutes to 17 Minutes GOLD: Below 12 Minutes ENEMY MINE ---------- *Impossible due to the speed of the mine cart* UNDER THE RADAR --------------- BRONZE: 21 Minutes + SILVER: 14 Minutes to 21 Minutes GOLD: Below 14 Minutes STEALING THE SHOW ----------------- BRONZE: 10 Minutes + SILVER: 6 Minutes to 10 Minute GOLD: Below 6 Minutes _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SECTION 6: BASIC GUIDE STUFF _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ COPYRIGHT ========= This Document Copyright Aaron Baker 2003. This Document Copyright Wayalla, (c) 2003. It may be used for Personal and private use only, and can't be put in a magazine, put on a site that you need to pay money to access this FAQ or just generally sold. This guide is sole property of Aaron Baker. Only authorized websites can have this FAQ, but must not alter the copyright notice at all. This guide is available free of cost from sites, and I am taking time out of my busy life to write this, so be thankful that I am helping you. Do not rip off this guide in Part or Whole, that is illegal and the appropriate steps will be taken if necessary. I didn't write this guide so that someone could just come and rip it off. This guide can only be found at the sites that I have listed below: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.gamers-realm.com http://faqs.ign.com _ _ _ That's it, no one else, unless I decide otherwise. This must be stated specifically in the FAQ if I am allowing anyone else to use this guide. Anywhere else will have to e-mail me first. I have the right to deny your website use of the guide because it is mine. Aaron Baker wrote all of the contents in this file, unless stated otherwise in the credits section at the end of the guide. Cheat Code Central is forbidden to use this guide. If any websites are using this guide without my permission, the appropriate steps will be taken to get the guide off the site. _ _ _ The author of this document can be contacted via e-mail, which is: Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au! Most questions will be answered unless the question is answered in the guide, the title doesn't include the games title or something like that, and also no Spam and stupid e-mails. You are allowed to download this file onto your hard drive, that's the whole point of the FAQ really, to print it because I doubt many people have the console and computer in the same room and no one will want to stay at the computer playing the game. EMAIL POLICY ============ Feel free to contact me at Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au if you have any alternative tips, strategies or anything like that. Make sure you put Medal of Honour in the subject; otherwise it may be deleted and will never be read. WEBSITES ======== Only www.gamefaqs.com and http://faqs.ign.com are allowed to host this document. The latest updates will always be found at www.gamefaqs.com, the original home of this FAQ. CREDITS ======= • First of all, I would like to thank the person responsible for you reading thi, the legendary CJayC. Thanks a heap mate for posting this document on your wonderful site, as well as all of my other work. • Next, the wonderful people at the FAQs section of IGN, for once again, posting this guide on their site. • Now, the legendary CGorman, for writing a great guide and letting me use the enemy and the weapon guides. Thanks a bunch. • Someone who I owe alot for getting this game and being inspired to make this guide and my other Medal of Honour: Underground FAQ is the Legendary "Thebigdoubleu" (GameFAQs username) If you ever want to be OWNed in a Debate about war or Medal of Honour games, then speak to this guy. Thanks! • Gamewinners, without them, I would not have the cheats section, so thanks a lot for all of those cool cheats.