Evil Dead Regeneration Powerups and Extras This is my first FAQ. Copyright 2005, Shane McCarthy Extras 1. Location: Sunny Meadows Insane Asylum In the room where you first start, through the glass in the office. (NOTE: You must first see the cutscene with the handgun to be able to break the glass.) 2. Location: Sunny Meadows Insane Asylum In the leftmost bathroom by the elevators, hiding in a stall. 3. Location: Sunny Meadows Insane Asylum: After you enter secret passage from doctor's office it's in the first open door on the right. 4. Location: Sunny Meadows Cemetery: After you get attacked in the cemetery, follow the fence on the left until you find an opening out onto the river. Follow the river back towards the entrance and you will get extra #4. 5. Location: Sunny Meadows Cemetery: After the save point just past extra #4, you will see another river as the ground starts to shake. Jump into the river and backtrack for extra #5 6. Location: Sunny Meadows Catacombs: After you possess Sam again, climb in through the hole and head down the hill. At the base of the hill you'll find another river. Follow the river to the right to get the Extra. Just watch out for those spikes. Jump repeatedly to exit the river without dying… again. 7. Location: Sunny Meadows Catacombs Just before you exit the level, when you cut open the pathway through with the chainsaw, check on the right hand side of the doorway. Extra #7, Baby. 8. Location: The Woods After you beat receive the harpoon weapon, backtrack to where you first encountered the wolf creatures. The drawbridge can now be pulled down with the harpoon, allowing you to receive extra #8. 9. Location: The Woods. When you are attacked by the flying creatures, you are in the right area. There are climbable boxes on the building to the left of the ravine, climb them and head back the way you came - you'll find ANOTHER pullable drawbridge, yank it down and run across. There you'll find a pullable cart, yank it and collect extra #9 from where it used to stand. 10. Location: Forsaken Mines As soon as the level starts turn right and yank the pullable mine cart, Taaa Daaa. Extra #10. 11. Location: Forsaken Mines Peepers Second egg, turn right and break the boxes. You'll find Extra #11. 12. Location: Port Turnham Shipyard After you receive the rocket launcher, you will enter a room where fat deadites will attack you from the storage containers. The first storage locker on the right has Extra #12 in it. 14. Location: Port Turnham Shipyard On the way to the Second Egg you blow up the gate and enter a yard and you are attacked. Kill all deadites, then instead of heading for the second egg, go to the end of the yard, on the right you'll see the Extra. You'll be ambushed, destroy them and collect extra #14. 13. Location: Port Turnham Shipyard After the Deadite ride, you'll enter a warehouse. Kill all the deadites and get up to the upper level. As you head out of the building, turn left and collect the Extra #13 before you cross the bridge. 15. Location: Swamp Ride the deadite. Turn right and smash the rocks, you'll collect Extra #15. 16. Location: Swamp After you waste the large deadite and go through the pipe, you'll find Extra #16 through a cracked concrete covered archway. Turn right out of the tunnel, then left under the bridge to find it. 17. Location: Port Turnham When you start the level take the first alley on the right, break the box and get, you guessed it, Extra #17. 18. Location: Port Turnham You'll find an electrified stretch of road at an intersection, blow out the transformers with the rocket launcher and you can cross. Follow the path until you reach the shed. Go behind it for Extra #18. 19. Location: The Temple When you start turn right and continue until you find Extra #19 at the cliff's edge. 20. Location: The Temple When you find the arena, Metal design on blood covered floor - full of deadites to make deader. After they are defeated the stairs will rise, at the head of the stairs turn right or left and follow the wall towards the other side of the arena. Congratulations, you just found Extra #20. HP Upgrades 1. Location: Sunny Meadows Cemetery: After you possess Sam fr the first time and beat the large deadite You will enter the area he ran through. Backtrack into the Cave Sam had to climb through and cut the branches back by the entrance - there is a health upgrade there. 2. Location: Sunny Meadows Catacombs: After you use sam tounlock the gate, you'll find the upgrade in an alcove on the right hand side as you travel down the corridor. 3. Location: Forsaken Mines After the save point, you'll find a pullable cart on the right as you walk down the track - yank and find upgrade #3. 4. Location: Swamp After you waste the large deadite and go through the pipe, turn right out of the tunnel, then climb up the concrete onto the island and cross the bridge, break the boxes to find upgrade #4. Rage Upgrades 1. Location: The Woods After you get the harpoon weapon, follow along the path killing miners until you see a drawbridge on the left. Pull it down and run across here's your first upgrade. 2. Location: Forsaken Mines When you reach "Peeper's" The giant eye door. Make your way up to. You'll find a breakable box with the upgrade inside. 3. Location: Port Turnham After the Deadite Ride you'll find a save point, take the next alley on the left, it'll get you to a ladder and the rage upgrade is on the roof. Contact If you find anything else or have comments feel free to contact me at playrgm at yahoo dot com. I won't be able to answer every question, but if you check out this FAQ, you will see I covered most of them. 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