****************************************** FATAL FRAME STRATEGY GUIDE (PS2 VERSION) ****************************************** by Chozo Abigaba hogwoodj@yahoo.com Copyright February 2003 Other walkthroughs by me (available at www.GameFaqs.com & faqs.ign.com) Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly NOTE: This Walkthrough was written for the PLAYSTATION 2 version of this game. There are some differences in the more recent X-Box version; the Finder looks different and there are different Bonuses to unlock, for one thing. I don't know if the story or game play is any different, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of this file if you are playing on the X-Box. **I wrote this walkthrough for several reasons. First, I think this is an engrossing and terrifying game that deserves a proud place among the other games of its genre. Without relying on goriness or the 'gross-out', Fatal Frame delivers plenty of scares and is just as unnerving to play as Silent Hill or Resident Evil. The storyline is intriguing and draws you inexoribly along as the game progresses. The music and sounds are eerie and perfectly suited to intensifying the frightening atmosphere. One of my favorite things about this game is the Japanese style and setting; the old mansion is a welcome relief from the 'facility' locale that so many other survival-horror games force you to manage. Cute little Miku, the intrepid and brave girl who explores the mansion, is another perk (!). The biggest flaws in this game are the terrible voice-acting (an endemic flaw found in most games) and, unfortunately, the uninspired and repetitive puzzles. Despite these drawbacks, Fatal Frame is still a solid, well-made game that is interesting and fun! The second reason I wrote this walkthrough is to provide thorough and complete information about the game for the novice and veteran alike. The Walkthrough portion takes you through the game room by room, and includes information on finding all the items and capturing all the ghosts in the game. I've also included some sections detailing the mechanics of the game and offering some survival strategies. At the end of this file there is a section describing all the Special Features that become available to those who have finished the game but still have an appetite for more; Fatal Frame has a lot of extras that make replaying the game worthwhile. Finally, there's the Ghost List, a built-in menu that you can unlock by defeating the game. The REAL reason, of course, that I wrote this was because I wanted to and it was fun, so why not? There's no information here about the controls, since there are 8 different controller settings and you may not use the same configuration as I do. There's no section about the characters, story, etc, either; you will learn all about them as you play the game and, in my opinion, is the basically the whole point of playing. In the Walkthrough, I won't describe in detail what you see in the cutscenes or paraphrase the dialogue; I feel it's best to let the game speak for itself. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, corrections, validations, accolades or diatribes. CONTENTS: ********* I. The Camera II. Ghosts III. General Tips and Strategy IV. Walkthrough V. Special Features VI. Ghost List *************** I. THE CAMERA *************** The Mystical Camera is your main tool and sole weapon in Fatal Frame. You will use it to take pictures of ghosts and to reveal hidden clues. To take pictures, you must be in Finder mode. You switch back and forth from Finder mode by pressing O. When the Finder is active, you will change to a 1st-person point of view through the aiming window of your camera. There are several icons and meters around the edge of the Finder window; here is a list of what it all means: -FILAMENT: The filament is at the top center of the window. It is sensitive to ghosts and will glow when one is nearby. A BLUE glow signals the proximity of a Hidden Ghost or Clue. An AMBER glow warns you of a moving ghost; either a Vanishing Ghost or an Attacking Ghost. The filament glows brighter when you are facing in the direction of the ghost; this will allow you track an attacking ghost even when it is hidden behind a wall or screen. -STAMINA: The blue column on the right is your stamina. When a ghost hits you with its attack, you will lose stamina; the amount that you lose depends of the type of ghost that hit you and what sort of attack it hit you with. Most ghosts can deplete from 1/4 to 1/2 of your stamina with a successful attack; so always try to keep your distance! -BONUS FUNCTIONS: In the lower right corner, next to the Stamina meter, you will see a little window for displaying the current Bonus Function (if any) that you have active. The number right next to the Bonus Function icon shows how many Spirit Stones you have left. (If you have 10 or more Spirit Stones, the indicator will just say '9'.) -MYSTIC POWER: At the bottom center of the window is the Mystic Power meter. When you aim the camera at an attacking ghost, you will begin to charge up Mystic Power as long as the ghost remains in sight; if the ghost moves out of view, the power will slowly drain away. The indicator will turn blue as power is accumulated; when the maximum power is reached the indicator will turn red, showing that you can now take a Zero Shot. The more Mystic Power you have when you take a picture, the more damage you will inflict on the ghost. At first, your camera will be able to charge up to 6 units of Mystic Power. If you upgrade your camera's Basic Functions, you can boost this to 12 units of charge and greatly increase the rate at which it accumulates. -FILM COUNTER: At the lower left corner is a counter showing how many frames of film you have left in your camera. -SPIRIT POINT COUNTER: Whenever you take a picture of an attacking ghost, you will earn Spirit Points. The ghost's energy will be absorbed and displayed next to this symbol, which is right above the Film Counter at the lower left corner of the screen. -CAPTURE CIRCLE: The main feature of the Finder is the Capture Circle, which is the big circle in the center of the window. This circle glows when you are aiming at a ghost; a blue glow indicates a normal shot can be taken, while an amber glow indicates the ghost you are battling is attacking you or is otherwise especially vulnerable. If you wait and take your shot when the circle is glowing amber you will deal extra damage and earn bonus points. The targeting cross in the middle of the Capture Circle will automatically lock on to anything within the Circle's radius. You can increase the size of the Capture Circle by spending Spirit Points to upgrade your camera. -GHOST STAMINA: When in battle with a ghost, its stamina will be displayed as an amber meter in the upper left corner. Some strong ghosts have stamina greater than the meter can display. When you shoot a ghost, the amount of damage you inflict will be briefly displayed here; this amount depends on how much Mystic Power you have and how well you have aimed. -BASIC FUNCTIONS: Each of the Basic parameters of your camera can be improved (from Level 1 up to Level 4) by spending Spirit Points. Here's how many points you'll have to spend for each level of increase: LEVEL: 1 2 3 4 RANGE: 0 4000 12000 24000 SPEED: 0 2000 6000 12000 MAX POWER: 0 6000 18000 36000 -BONUS FUNCTIONS: There are five Bonus Functions that you can unlock by spending Spirit Points. They are: PRESSURE (16000): Pushes the ghost away from you. SLOW (16000): The ghost can only move in slow-motion. SEE (12000): The ghost will not turn invisible. PARALYZE (18000): Completely immobilizes the ghost. SEARCH (14000): Your finder will track the ghost automatically. Bonus Functions are used with the L1 trigger and require 1 Spirit Stone per use. Only one Bonus Function can be active at a time. You can begin purchasing these as soon as Miku has beaten her first ghost; but as I've stated elsewhere in this file, you're better off maxing out the Basic Functions before you start purchasing the Bonus Functions. -SHUTTERBUG MOMENTS: If you want to earn an 'S' rank for your photo, you'll have to score over 7000 Spirit Points in ONE SHOT. How is this possible? By earning bonus points with a "Shutterbug Moment". When you shoot an Attacking Ghost, you'll see the Points earned displayed in the lower-right corner. Your score is based on the damage you inflict, which in turn is based on how much charge you've accumulated and how accurately you've aimed at the ghost. Here is a list of the different types of "Shutterbug Moments" and what you must do to earn them: - ZERO SHOT: You get a Zero Shot if you hit the ghost when you're Mystic Power is charged up all the way and you shoot when the Capture Circle turns amber. If you don't wait for an amber circle, you won't get the bonus. - SPECIAL SHOT: The killing blow. You'll only get this bonus in conjunction with another one, such as the Zero Shot or Core Shot; in other words, if you hit the ghost will full charge or perfect aim when it's stamina is low, you get a big bonus for overkill. - CORE SHOT: A core shot is very well-aimed. You'll see a small targeting circle tracking an enemy ghost when you have it in your sights. If you can line up the inner crosshair of the Capture Circle perfectly with this tracking recticle, you can earn the Core Shot. This is hard to do with a fast-moving ghost, but if you have the Slow or Paralyze function you can really do some serious damage this way. - CLOSE SHOT: If the ghost is very very close to you when you shoot it, you will get a bonus. This kind of shot is very difficult to earn. - DOUBLE SHOT/TRIPLE SHOT: There are rare encounters when you must battle multiple ghosts at once (such as the People Killed). If you get two or three ghosts in one picture you can earn a bonus. - FIND SHOT: Take your shot after you've hit with the Search Function to get this bonus. - SLOW SHOT: Take your shot after you've hit with the Slow Function to get this bonus. - BIND SHOT: Take your shot after you've hit with the Paralyze Function to get this bonus. Most of these bonuses can stack together. For instance, you can get a Slow, Zero, Core, Special shot all at once and the bonuses will combine; this is the secret to earning that 'S' rank. If you can combine 3 or 4 bonuses in one accurate shot, you'll get a huge score! It takes some practice; using the Bonus Functions will help you aim at those fast-moving ghosts as well as add to the bonus so don't hesitate to use them if you're going for a high score. -SPECIAL FUNCTIONS: These upgrades to the Camera won't become available until you have met certain requirements. Like Bonus Functions, they must be purchased with Spirit Points and can only be equipped one at a time. Unlike Bonus Functions, they don't require Spirit Stones. These are upgrades are very expensive and extremely powerful; you'll enjoy replaying the game and using these functions to give those ghosts a merciless pounding. - SENSE (44000): Enables a radar that allows the Camera to discern the direction of a ghost. Four little arrows will appear around the targeting circle and will flash to show you which direction to aim in; this works even if the ghost is behind an obstruction. This becomes available after you have beaten all 20 Battle Mode missions. - TRACK (???): Your camera will automatically move to track ghosts that are in view; basically, this function allows the camera to aim for you. This function is very hard to unlock. To obtain it, you must score an 'S' rank photo (7000+ points) on every single Battle Mode scenario. - ZOOM (80000): You can zoom in or out using the L2 and R2 buttons. Your field of view gets much wider when you zoom out, but your Capture Circle remains the same size; the effect is to greatly increase your range for tracking ghosts. Since zooming out also makes things seem further away, it makes aiming at nearby ghosts a lot easier. You'll quickly develop a habit of automatically zooming out every time you switch to the finder if you have this Function equipped. It becomes available after you have completed the game for the first time. - NONE (74000): This allows you to take shots with your camera without using any film. By the time you've earned this upgrade, however, you'll probably have plenty of spare film so you won't have much use for this. It becomes available after you've beaten the game in Nightmare Mode. - ZERO (96000): Without doubt, this is the most powerful upgrade you can make to your camera. When equipped, YOUR MYSTIC POWER METER WILL ALWAYS BE FULLY CHARGED! Sweet! Assuming that by the time you get this Function you'll have raised your Max Value all the way up to level four, you will be defeating ghosts so quickly and easily that you'll begin feeling sorry for them (if you didn't already). Even the Family Master and Headless Priests will pose no threat when you have this equipped. You can only purchase this after you have collected 100% of the ghosts in the game. (That's 108 different ghosts! See the Ghost List section at the end of this file.) ************ II. GHOSTS ************ As you make your way through Himuro Mansion, you will encounter a lot of ghosts; some dangerous, some benign. I will alert you of a ghost encounter with this symbol: '!!', followed by the ghost's TYPE and NAME. There are three basic types of ghosts: !!-Hidden ghosts These ghosts cannot move or harm you, but they are often well-hidden. Some doors in the Mansion are held shut by the will of a Hidden Ghost, and you are required to find and capture the ghost to progress through the game; capturing the other hidden ghosts is optional. When one of these ghosts is near, your filament may glow blue; sometimes, though, the ghost is so well hidden that it won't cause your filament to react. Whether your filament glows or not, you can discern the presence of a hidden ghost by listening carefully for the sound of STATIC. When you hear this sound, position yourself in the place where the sound seems the loudest and switch to Finder Mode. The ghost may be above you or below you, or concealed by some obstruction; it is usually only barely visible as a faint, translucent shimmer. When you've aimed the camera correctly, the capture circle will turn blue. Snap the shutter to capture the ghost. Each hidden ghost has a unique entry in your Ghost Collection. Always try to capture this kind of ghost because they are often worth a lot of Spirit Points, especially from the Second Night onwards. !!-Vanishing ghosts Vanishing ghosts can be the most difficult to capture; this is because they show themselves for a very short time, and if you don't capture them before they disappear you will NEVER get another chance. Ever. If you can capture these, Spirit Points are your valuable reward. These ghosts always appear in reaction to your movement--when you open a door or approach a certain location, or when you pick up a certain object. Some of these ghosts move, some don't; none of them can actually attack you or hurt you. In fact, they often appear to show you some clue about what to do next. The amount of Spirit Points you receive is variable, and depends on how quickly and how well you have aimed; the maximum points you can earn is different for each particular encounter. Try to capture as many of these as you can; some of them are extremely hard to photograph, so don't worry if you miss a few. Here are some tips for collecting this kind of ghost: First, when a vanishing ghost appears, your filament will glow amber, you will feel Miku's heartbeat speed up, and there will (usually) be some sort of dramatic music. Quickly turn to face the ghost (if it doesn't appear right in front of you) and tap O to switch to the Finder; sometimes your character will automatically aim in right direction. When your capture circle turns BLUE, take a picture. Some ghosts remain visible for a longer time (but no more than a few seconds) and are easier to capture; some will flash by in an instant, and require a very fast and precise reaction -- if you're determined to capture every ghost in Fatal Frame, be prepared to quit and restore your game several times to get some of these. Be careful of snapping a picture too early; even if it seems you have the ghost well in your sights, you won't actually capture it unless the capture circle is glowing BLUE. Each ghost encounter counts as a unique entry in your Ghost List; if the ghost's NAME appears when you take the picture, you'll know you have succeeded. !!-Attacking ghosts These ghosts are the main obstacles you will encounter. A ghost battle can be one of two kinds: fixed or random. The fixed ghost battles allow you to progress through the game; when this kind of battle starts, the doors to the room your are in will all be sealed until you have defeated the ghost - if you don't win, you can't advance. Random ghost battles occur when you spend too much time idling around; these battles are optional, and if you don't want to fight the ghost you can run away. If you decide to run, you can expect the ghost to chase you for a room or two, but it won't follow you much farther than that before it disappears. The kind of ghost that appears in a random encounter depends on what night it is; tougher ones appear on later nights. I'll give strategies for defeating each kind of ghost as we go along. ****************************** III. GENERAL TIPS & STRATEGY ****************************** --The first thing you should do when you start playing Fatal Frame is press Start to access the Options menu and set the Controller setting to TYPE B. With TYPE A, the Default or Objective type, you move Miku by pressing the stick in the desired direction relative to the display. To move toward the foreground of the screen, press down on the stick; to move toward the background on the screen, press up on the stick, and so on. This is similar to the way control is governed in a game like Mario 64. In Fatal Frame, however, this is a disadvantage. You have no control over the perspective in this game, so you must constantly adjust your movement depending on the changing camera angles. And while she is supple, Miku is not even a fraction as agile as Mario. In Type B or Subjective mode, pressing up on the stick makes Miku walk forward in the direction she is facing. Angling to the left or right makes Miku turn toward her left or her right, and pressing straight down on the stick makes Miku about-face. Any veteran of games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill will be quite used to this configuration. In Fatal Frame, this type of control will save you from veering off whenever the camera angle changes. --Do not spend ANY Spirit Points on the camera's Bonus Functions until you have maxed out all the Basic Functions. Why? Improvements in the Basic Functions work all the time in every battle; Bonus Functions only work one at a time, and since there are not many Spirit Stones to be found in the game you won't be able to make very much use of them anyway. Even worse, the Bonus Functions will fail (wasting the Spirit Stone) if the ghost disappears or dodges, and the stronger ghosts (against which the Bonuses would be the most useful) can sometimes simply resist the effect. When your camera gains ranks in the Basic Functions though, you will enjoy a noticeable increase its effectiveness; when all the ranks are maxed out, you will be dealing heavy damage to the strongest ghosts with ease, even with the weakest films! --Keep moving! This applies not only when you're battling ghosts, but when you are exploring the mansion as well. When you are exploring, random ghosts can appear and attack you if you spend too much time in one area. This can happen to you in any room, even in rooms with a Save Point! If you keep up a quick pace through the rooms, however, you will encounter only a few random ghosts. These ghosts can appear quite suddenly right on top of you -- some of the game's most terrifying moments. You want to avoid them in order to save your health and film for the main encounters (and to spare your sleep from nightmares). If you are feeling confident with your photography, you can seek out these encounters to earn extra Spirit Points, but even an easy ghost can cause a lot of damage if it surprises you in a confining area. There is no 'safe' room anywhere in Himuro Mansion, I'm afraid. If you ever have to set the controller down for a moment, be sure to press Start and pause the game if you don't want to come back and find poor Miku's been taken by the ghosts! --In order to battle ghosts effectively, you must pay attention to their patterns of attack. Each ghost moves and attacks you different ways, and in the end you will only be able to survive if you can adapt your tactics to the situation. The space that you are battling in is critically important, too; a ghost that is a cinch to fight in a big open space can be deadly if you have fight it in a small room. I will describe the patterns of the ghosts in the walkthrough as they are encountered. Be warned! Some of the toughest ghosts use attacks that are totally unfair! These dirty tricks include teleporting, blinding or paralyzing you, sending Wisps after you, becoming invisible or invulnerable, etc. Also, healing items in Fatal Frame are not abundant; you can't even replenish your health at a Save Point! You must know the attack patterns of the ghosts so you can take evasive action before you get hurt. ***************** IV. WALKTHROUGH ***************** (This walkthrough will take you through the game room by room. You can check your position in the game by pressing Select to bring up the Map. Each room on the Map screen is conveniently labeled, and I will use the same names in the text. In Fatal Frame, you will advance through the game in 5 episodes: Intro, 1st Night, 2nd Night, 3rd Night, and Final Night. Each episode takes place in Himuro Mansion, but you will find as you play through the game that things will change from one night to the next; some doors that you couldn't open before will be unlocked, open doors that you've passed through may become sealed, new items will appear for you to collect, etc. For the most part, your path through the game is pretty linear. There are a few optional tasks from time to time, though, and I will point these out as we go along.) *************** INTRO: HIMURO *************** **The introduction is the only time in Fatal Frame in which you will play as Mafuyu. During this portion of the game, everything you see will be grainy and monochrome; don't worry, your perception will become much clearer for the main part of the game. ENTRANCE ******** When the game begins, you take control of Mafuyu right after he enters Himuro Mansion. There's an area with dirt floors and ruined lattices in the S, and a few stairs leading up to a platform in the N. Before going up the stairs, go left and find your first ghost... ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Child Behind (500) No, it's not some kid's butt. Approach the wooden lattice in the SW corner, and aim through the holes in the lattice to take a picture of the ghost on the other side. ------ Now you can proceed into the room and look around. The floor looks unsound, but don't worry - in Fatal Frame you can never be hurt by anything except the undead, lucky you! If you check the E wall you will find a strange mask, but you can't pick it up until later on. Check the spark in the NE corner to find TYPE-14 FILM and TUTORIAL 1. Also note the Save Point in the NW corner. The door to the next room is in the W wall. ROPE HALLWAY ************ It's a hallway with lots of dangling ropes hanging from the ceiling. You enter this hallway at the S end, so head north. Don't worry about the ropes, they won't impede you. As you head down the hall, you'll meet your first Vanishing Ghost... ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Rope Hallway Man (~175) When you are about halfway down the hall, this ghost will appear at the north end. He's not too fast and he appears right in front of you, so you should be able to capture him easily as he walks by the mirror. ------ You'll find a mirror at the north end of the hall, and two doors. The W door is locked, so take the E one. FIREPLACE ROOM ************** There's a fire pit in the middle of the room, and lots of furniture and antiques along the walls. You won't find any items in this room, but there are a couple of ghosts... ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man Looking Down (~250) This ghost will appear just as you finish walking past the fire pit, so be wary. The camera will shift to a point of view from high in the rafters and you will see the ghost up there on a wooden beam looking down on you from behind. Simply press O to switch to the Finder and you will aim automatically! The ghost lingers for a moment or two, so this one should be easy. ------ Now head through the open doorway in the W wall into the little room with the bookshelves. Your filament will glow blue... ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Angry Man (500) In the little library at the bottom of the broken staircase, aim your camera up and behind the bookshelves to capture this ghost. ------ Now you can head up the stairs to the balcony. When you get up there you will see a sparkle on the floor. Pick it up to begin a cutscene. ... In the scene, Mafuyu picks up a notebook, but no new notes will appear in your File menu except TUTORIAL 3. When the scene ends you will begin your first battle! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Bound Man Bound Man is a very easy ghost to defeat because of his low stamina and slow movement. Just switch to finder and keep the ghost in your sights as he drifts toward you. You should be able to get maximum charge before he reaches you. If you want to get extra points, hold the charge and wait for him to lunge toward you before taking your shot (the Capture Circle will turn amber). You will cause big damage and the ghost will be stunned and flung backwards (this is called a Zero Shot); just stay put and shoot him once more to finish him off. If you didn't knock him backward, stop aiming and run to the other side of the balcony before trying again. Two good shots will end it. ------ If you continue along the balcony, you will see a ghost appear on the lower floor. Don't bother trying to capture it, you won't be able to; it just appears to show you where to go next (No, really, you CANNOT capture this ghost. There is no entry for it in the Ghost List). Go back downstairs and you'll notice that the door to the Rope Hallway is open... Go through the door. ROPE HALLWAY ************ Just head down the hallway toward the Entrance. Before you can make it all the way down the hall, there will be a cutscene. ... Congratulations, you've made it to the end of the Intro! ************************************ FIRST NIGHT: THE STRANGLING RITUAL ************************************ RANDOM GHOST: Bound Man, Broken Neck **From this point on, you will be controlling Miku as she searches the mansion for her brother Mafuyu. You take control of her in the Entrance, just like you did with Mafuyu. Your goal for this night is to discover the fates of the novelist Junsei Takamine and his two companions, Editor Ogata and Assistant Tomoe. It was the disappearance of this party that brought your brother Mafuyu to Himuro in the first place. Along the way, you will find clues about your missing brother and about the history of Himuro Mansion. ENTRANCE ******** Head up the stairs to explore the room. In the NE corner, where Mafuyu found the Type-14 Film in the Intro, you will find a HERBAL MEDICINE. That's the only thing you can pick up here, so head for the door to the Rope Hallway. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man at Partition (~300) As you open the door to the Rope Hallway, a ghost will appear behind the screens near the Save Point. Since you don't have a camera, you can't capture him. You can only collect this ghost on your second (or more) time through the game, when you will have your camera right from the start. ------ After the ghost disappears it will leave behind a Wisp. Approach it to hear the ghost's message; after the Wisp vanishes you can pick up OGATA'S NOTES 4. Continue now into the Rope Hallway. ROPE HALLWAY ************ As you approach the mirror at the end of the hall, you will see a cutscene. ... When that is over, you will receive the CAMERA and several files: MAFUYU'S NOTES 1, OGATA'S NOTES 1, 2, 3, and 5, and the news clip "STAR MYSTERY NOVELIST MISSING". As soon as you regain control of Miku, a ghost will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man on a Beam (~200) The instant that the cutscene is over and you've collected the items, turn around to face back down the hall, draw your camera out and aim up to find this ghost. He is lying on one of the rafters in the ceiling, looking down at you. ------ Now continue on through the E door into the next room. FIREPLACE ROOM ************** As you enter, you'll see a shining HERBAL MEDICINE next to the Lion Mask along the wall. Search the tall dresser right next to it to find TAKEMINE'S NOTES 1 and "QUAKE BREAKS HOLY MIRRORS". Be careful as you pass the edge of the firepit, for you will encounter a vanishing ghost just like Mafuyu did. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Bro's Shadow (~400) What?! This time, the ghost IS Mafuyu! As soon as you pass the fireplace switch to the finder and aim up and to the left to capture Mafuyu as he's climbing the stairs to balcony. Aim quickly!! ------ When that's over, keep searching along the line of drawers to find TYPE-14 FILM. You can find another box of TYPE-14 FILM shining in the little library room in the SE corner. Next, head up the stairs and check the door in the N wall, by the screens. Hm, it is locked with a brass padlock, so let's find a key. Before you go back downstairs, continue along the balcony to the top of the broken staircase. Ignore the shining thing for now and walk up to the edge to find a vanishing ghost... ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Hallway Man (~200) As you approach the edge of the broken stairs, a ghost will appear in the little library room below you. To capture him, quickly bring up the camera and aim straight down. (Sometimes this ghost doesn't appear. If this happens, leave the room and then come right back and try it again. Also, he won't show up unless you've tried to open the locked door on the balcony.) ------ Now you can pick up the HERBAL MEDICINE. You will see yet another vanishing ghost as you head back down the stairs; this is a tough one to capture... ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man at Screen (~1250) This ghost appears when you are about halfway down the stairs. He is right next to you (on Miku's right), walking in the opposite direction from you; this ghost walks right into the wall. You must immediately, upon the first slightest twinge of the filament, aim and swivel (using the Sq button to accelerate) around to the right and down to see the ghost. Even worse, you must aim between the obstructing posts of the banister on the stairs! This ghost only lingers for a couple of heartbeats, so you must be very fast and a little lucky! Whew! ------ Go down and check the screen that you saw the ghost walk into. There will be a cutscene ... and you will receive TUTORIAL 2. The blue filament tells you that there's new something to take a picture of, so take out the camera and take a shot of the screen to see the door hidden behind it. If you now check the screen a second time you will see a second cutscene ... and the door is revealed. Go through. **Before you continue, you should quickly run back to the Entrance and SAVE THE GAME; there's a battle coming up soon. LAMP HALLWAY ************ This hallway is decorated with hanging votive lamps. Just inside the door you'll see a Wisp; check it and you will hear a message from Editor Ogata. His ghost haunts this area of the mansion, so we'll be seeing a lot more of him. Apparently he knows something about the key we are looking for (remember?). Continue down the hall; you can check the hanging lamps if you like but they don't conceal any items. All the way at the other end of the hall you will find some locked doors and a shining HERBAL MEDICINE. Grab it, head back to the angle in the hallway and open the door to the next room. LIBRARY ******* I'm not sure why this room is called a Library, since there aren't any books in here. At first, your view of the room is obstructed by a line of screens. Enter and check the dresser that you will see in front of you to find "DEAD BODY FOUND ON MOUNTAIN". Hmm, could there be something strange going on in this mansion???? Hmmm... As soon as you round the end of the screens and enter the main part of the room, a ghost will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing ghost: Wandering Man (~300) It's Editor Ogata again. He appears right in front of you as you walk into the room, and he slowly walks toward the closet in the NE corner. This is an easy one, just switch to the Finder and shoot! ------ Continue into the room and head toward the scary voice that you will hear coming from the closet. That's right, head TOWARD it... You'll see some TYPE-37 FILM shining underneath the window. Once you've got that, go ahead and open the closet. Get ready to draw your camera, there will be a very quick Vanishing Ghost appearance immediately after a short cutscene. ... ------ !!-Vanishing ghost: Dead Man's Body (~1000) This ghost is, by far, one of the most difficult to capture, It's Editor Ogata, lying dead in the closet. He appears for just a split second after the cutscene ends. You must raise your camera the very instant you regain control of Miku while aiming just a little down and to the right. As soon as you see the finder appear, take your shot! If you are fast and lucky, you will get the ghost. Much more likely, you will have a perfectly clear picture of the ghost.. but it won't count and it won't be worth any points. That's right, it's unfair! You mustn't wait to check your aim when you draw the camera and shoot, you must trust it. You might want to wait until your second time through the game to give this one a serious try. ------ Now pick up the TAPE RECORDER and you'll see another cutscene. ... Along with it you've found WHITE TAPE 1. All the White Tapes were made by Editor Ogata. Select the tape from the Item menu if you want to listen to some very poor voice acting. While you collected these items, a new door has opened behind you. Go through the door to the next room. KIMONO ROOM *********** There's a lot of kimonos hanging on racks in this room. The first thing to do here is to try and capture another ghost! This is another difficult one... ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man at Window (~500) To trigger this appearance of Ogata, turn left from the door and run past the kimonos. The ghost will appear in the main part of the room. To capture him, you'll have to do something about the big kimono that is blocking your view. When the ghost appears, keep running another step or two, keeping as close to the kimonos as possible. Quickly turn and face into the gap between the two kimonos, then draw your camera and aim through the gap to snap Ogata before he disappears! ------ Now you can start picking up the items. Just to the right of the door you entered is an HERBAL MEDICINE. Approach the two kimonos in the SW corner to find a hidden ghost. ------ !!Hidden Ghost: Woman in Kimono (1500) She is hidden behind the kimonos, so you must get right up against the narrow gap and aim through it to get a correct view of this ghost. ------ As you approach the window on the other side of the room, you will see a cutscene. ... The Editor has finally noticed you, which is not good. As soon as the scene is over you will enter a battle. ------ !!Attacking Ghost: Editor's You will fight this ghost several times. The first time is the easiest; Ogata has very very low stamina in this battle. Just aim and let your camera charge. Ogata will hesitantly stumble toward you; hold your fire until the circle turns amber and you can defeat the Editor in one shot. ------ When the battle ends, the camera will react and you will now be able to spend Spirit Points to make upgrades; you'll also get TUTORIAL 4. You should immediately begin upgrading your Basic Functions as much as possible. If you've collected all the easier ghosts and made some Special or Zero Shots during the battles, you should have around 7000 or 8000 Points at this time. When you finished making upgrades, you can finally pick up the shining WHITE TAPE 2 by the window. When you now turn to leave the room, your filament will glow as you pass the little mirror stand. It's a small, locked dresser with a recess shaped like a hand mirror. Use your camera to obtain the ORNAMENTAL LION MASK photo. This mask shown in the picture was in the Fireplace Room, so now we must go back there and check the place shown in the photo to get the missing mirror. Return to the Library. LIBRARY ******* Head for the door that leads back to the Lamp Hallway -- then take a deep breath. As you open the door, Editor Ogata re-appears right behind you!! It seems he's not finished yet! ------ !!Attacking Ghost: Editor's This battle is a little bit harder than the first one, because the ghost has taken you by surprise and you must fight him in a smaller area. He has a little bit more stamina than he did before, too. When the ghost appears, you have two choices. Your first option is to instantly switch to the Finder, use the Triangle button to spin around, and take a pic of him as he lunges at your back. If you're quick, you'll probably get a Core shot and stun the Editor. If you fail, tap X and you might be able to escape and run into the Hallway. The other option is to just run into the hallway and get some distance between you and the Editor before aiming. Run out to the left and you'll have more room. This ghost is slow, so you should have no trouble getting away. As you run down the hall the ghost (like all ghosts) will move through solid obstacles to pursue you. When you are several good paces ahead, turn and aim to charge your shot. Like the other ghosts you've fought, try and wait for the amber circle. If you fail to knock the ghost back after your shot, you should still run past or away from him to get more distance before taking another. Two good shots will do the job. ------ LAMP HALLWAY ************ After defeating the Editor you will most likely be here. Continue to the Fireplace Room. FIREPLACE ROOM ************** Walk over to the Lion mask and examine it to obtain the RED HANDMIRROR. Before you return to the Library to use this item, quickly run back to the Entrance and SAVE THE GAME. You will soon have a decisive battle with the Editor. After saving the game, come back and enter the Lamp Hallway again. LAMP HALLWAY ************ This hallway is probably not your favorite place right now. On this trip through the hallway there are TWO more vanishing ghosts that you can try to capture. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man in Closet (~250) As you round the angle of the hallway, the Editor will appear for a moment at the far end of the hall; well, most of him will anyway. This one is easy; he's stationary and he appears right directly ahead of you, so all you have to do is raise the camera and shoot! ------ (You can go down the hall and check out the closet where the ghost just appeared to see a scary cutscene if you want; you won't get any items though.) To trigger the next ghost, open the door to the Library. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Standing Man (~800) He's right in front of you!! The Editor is persistent. It's a startling appearance, but if you calmly aim and shoot as soon as the door is opened, you'll capture him. Don't delay, because he disappears quickly. ------ Whew! Now you can enter the Library. Nothing happens in here, so continue into the Kimono Room. KIMONO ROOM *********** A convenience of Fatal Frame is that "key" puzzles like this one solve themselves automatically. Just step over to the mirror stand and examine it, and you will be prompted to use the Red Handmirror. Get ready to draw your camera, there will be a very fast ghost appearance AND battle immediately after the cutscene. ... The drawer unlocks and you receive the EDITOR'S PHOTO and BRASS KEY (for the locked door in the Fireplace Room, remember?). ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man Behind (~1500) IMMEDIATELY after pressing X to clear away the last message after the cutscene, switch to finder while pressing Triangle to spin around, and immediately hit the shutter to capture the Editor as he looms up right behind you! He vanishes very very fast; don't waste any time when you are bringing up the camera. You won't have to aim, other than tapping Triangle to spin; he'll be dead in your sights. You can get this ghost only if you act quickly! ------ You now must battle the Editor one final time. ------ !!-Attacking ghost: Editor's [BOSS BATTLE] This time Ogata has a lot more stamina, so this is a much harder battle. You will have to make several good shots; between each shot, you must run to a better position before quickly turning and aiming again for another attack. (This is typical of ghost battling in general...) Don't hesitate to abandon your shot if the Editor gets too close, or if you lose track of him. The greatest danger to you occurs when the Editor teleports, which he will do from time to time. When a ghost teleports, it will completely vanish from your finder and your filament will usually go dark. Also, each ghost usually makes a characteristc sound when it teleports that you must be alert for. The ghost usually appears right behind you (or right in front of you, if it teleports while you are running). If you are aiming, you should either stop aiming and run, or tap Triangle and try to save yourself with a quick shot. If you are running, STOP and quickly prepare to run in the opposite direction. Until you feel confident, it is best to run rather than risk taking damage. Keep up this strategy, always moving between shots to keep your distance. ------ When the battle is over, you will receive a SPIRIT STONE. Whew! You're through with that guy for a while! Now you can run back to the Fireplace Room; this time, the Editor won't bother you. FIREPLACE ROOM ************** You will see Mafuyu run upstairs in a short cutscene as you enter this room. ... I know you are anxious to save after defeating the Editor. Don't worry, just go upstairs and use the Brass Key on the door. There is a Save Point just a few paces away. When the door opens, go through and enter the Tatami Room. Don't explore this room just yet, first make an immediate right turn and open the door in the E wall to enter the Anteroom. ANTEROOM ******** SAVE THE GAME here, then look around for some items. The shining item next to the dolls is the RED TAPE 1. In the NE corner you will find another item, HIRASAKA'S NOTES 1. The Red Notebooks and Tapes signal that we have entered the part of the mansion haunted by Mr. Takemine's assistant, Tomoe Hirasaka. We will have many encounters with her soon. Keep searching and you will find TYPE-14 FILM in the small drawer in the NE corner. The little door in the N wall is locked for now, so after you've collected the items here go back out the W door into the Tatami Room. TATAMI ROOM *********** In case you don't already know, 'tatami' is the Japanese word for the little woven mats that are used to pad the floor in this room. You can explore and find some items lying around. Check the urn in the corner to find a MUNAKATA RESEARCH SCRAP. In the opposite corner of the room there is HERBAL MEDICINE lying on the ground. Enter the little alcove in the W wall; as you walk in the perspective will change and if you look carefully you will see something shining on the ground in the distance near one of the legs of the low table. Go back and search that spot to find a hidden STONE MIRROR. Before you try the doors in the alcove, return to the main room and open the double doors in the N wall to access the Observatory. OBSERVATORY *********** This is the smallest "room" in the game; it's not even a room, just a balcony. From here, you can look down and see the Cherry Atrium; we'll be going there soon. You may see the ghostly silhouette of a person in one of the windows (it's just for atmosphere). All there is to do here is grab the HERBAL MEDICINE in the corner. You can encounter a random ghost here if you linger too long; just grab the item and return to the Tatami Room. TATAMI ROOM *********** Enter the alcove. Of the two doors here, one has been boarded over, so let's go through the other door. It leads to the Walkway. WALKWAY ******* The Walkway consists of some narrow hallways and a staircase. You will encounter ghosts here, so prepare yourself. The first thing you will see is a big closet behind you. Open it and take the TYPE-37 FILM. As you proceed down the hall you will meet a ghost. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman at Mirror (~300) This is your first chance to photograph Mr. Takamine's assistant, Tomoe Hirasaka. She appears a short distance in front of you just as soon as you start to walk down the hall; she will stand and look into the big mirror for a second or two. They don't get any easier than this! ------ After Tomoe vanishes, she will leave behind a Wisp. Listen to Tomoe's message, then pick up HIRASAKA'S NOTES 2 lying there in front of the mirror. Next, go down the branch of the hallway across from the mirror, and at the end you will find HERBAL MEDICINE. There's a door here that you can't open, so now the only way to go is back to the mirror and then down the stairs. You will battle a new ghost when you get to the bottom of the stairs, so you might want to duck back to the Anteroom and SAVE THE GAME. At the bottom of the stairs a cutscene plays. ... Now it's time for a battle! ------ !!Attacking Ghost: Man with Long Arms This ghost isn't too hard if you use the right tactic. Before you start fighting, press Start to check the map. The lower level of the Walkway is a big loop. This means you can fight the ghost here without getting trapped. When the fight begins Long Arms will be close. Turn and run all the way to the corner at the other end of the hall; Long Arms will chase you slowly. When you get to the corner, turn and aim back down the hall to charge up on Long Arms as he follows you down the corridor. He will speed up as he gets closer, reaching for you with his ... long arms! (What else?) If you want to wait for a Zero Shot, be careful of the ghost's movement; his head will bob from side to side as he attacks you. After taking your shot, run down the hall to the next corner to turn around and charge up for another shot. Keep this up until the ghost is defeated; Long Arms will take 3 good shots before vanishing. ------ Now you can explore the lower level. There's not much here. If you check the E leg of the Walkway you will notice a big crevice in the wall. The vantage point you enjoy at this spot is probably the best place in the game to get a great look at Miku... isn't she cute?? She looks a little worried. Check the crevice to find a news article, "TAKEN BY GHOSTS?". If you look again at the map you will see there are 3 exits from here. The south door leads the Grand Hall, where you can find some items and have a ghost battle; going to this room is optional. The door in the W leg of the hall is locked for now. If you just want to proceed with the game, to through the north door to the Burial Room. GRAND HALL [Optional] ********** This room is divided into five smaller rooms by a series of partitions. Open up the 3 double doors separating the rooms and make your way to far end, checking the sides of the rooms for items as you go along. Right off the bat you'll find HIRASAKA'S NOTES 3 near the S wall. The next section is empty. In the S of the center section there is TYPE-14 FILM. The remaining items are in the last section; enter it by walking through the gap in the torn paper wall. Here you'll find a MUNAKATA RESEARCH SCRAP in the S and SACRED WATER in the N. The door here, which leads back to the Rope Hallway, is held closed by a knot made from hair... eww. You can't open this door, so head back to the Walkway... But you won't escape from the room without battling a ghost! ------ Attacking Ghost: Floating Woman This ghost's biggest threat is its speed. It floats, of course, and swoops from side to side as it circles around you. Because of the many walls in this room, the ghost will often become hidden as it flies around. Fortunately, the ghost has low stamina, so if you are aggressive you can end the battle quickly. Floating Woman will appear without warning as you are crossing the room to leave. She's right in front of you, so turn and run back to the torn wall. Aim back into the room from here and charge your camera during the moments the ghost is visible as it swoops back and forth across the doorways. When you are fully charged, don't wait for it to get close, just shoot! Be careful to time your shot when the ghost is visible. If you get off two fully charged shots before the ghost reaches you, you can win. If you don't, the ghost will eventually swoop straight at you, so be ready to hit X and try to escape the damage if you get caught. But do your best to end the battle fast so you don't get hurt. ------ Now you can return to the Walkway; go all the way around and take the door in the N. BURIAL ROOM *********** You'll enter into a short hallway formed by long wall that juts into the room. The blue glow from the filament is a reaction to a clue that is waiting for you in the main part of the room. Ignore the glow for now and go right to check the end of hall for TYPE-37 FILM. Now turn and go around the wall to see the rest of the area. As you enter, a ghost will appear. ------ Vanishing Ghost: Wandering Woman (~300) It's Tomoe again; she is walking across the room to the door on the other side. She appears right in front of you, and since her motion is directly away from you aiming is easy. ------ Now it's item grabbing time! In the SW corner is a table littered with broken candles. Search there for the STRANGLING RITUAL scroll. The RED numbers on this scroll are the combination needed to enter the locked room in the Walkway. Before we go back there and unlock it, search along big memorial shelf to find more items: HIRASAKA'S NOTES 4 and a SPIRIT STONE. As you near the door in the E wall, the filament will react. There are many doors in Himuro Mansion that are sealed shut by a Hidden Ghost somewhere; this is such a door. To open it, you must capture the ghost that's holding it shut. If you take a picture of the door, you will get a clue about where to find this ghost: STOREHOUSE? The place shown in the photo is unfamiliar. Let's search for it. You should now exit this room through the door in the N wall, which leads to the Rubble Room. RUBBLE ROOM *********** Hooray, it's a Save Point! You can check for items before you SAVE THE GAME if you want; you won't find any ghosts here now. In the corner in the N, near the door, is the FIVE STONES DOCUMENT. Nearby, along the W wall, is TAKAMINE'S NOTES 2. Finally, check near the save point for some HERBAL MEDICINE. After colleting items and saving, go back through the Burial Room into the Walkway. WALKWAY ******* The locked door is in the W leg of the hall. There are several doors like this one in Fatal Frame that require you to enter a 4-digit combination. The dial of buttons represent the numbers 0 - 9, COUNTER-CLOCKWISE, with 0 AT THE TOP. (The dial is explained by the Editor in OSAKA'S NOTES 5). The inscription mentions the date of the Strangling Ritual, so check the RED NUMBERS on the Strangling Ritual scroll to learn the code: 1312. Get ready to use the camera, because a ghost will appear as soon as you step through the door. STOREHOUSE ********** ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Girl Pointing (~300) You've seen this helpful girl a few times before. She appears for a moment right in front of you as soon as you take your first step into the room, so quickly aim the camera and shoot! Another easy one! ------ So this is the room shown in the photo you took of the sealed door. The Hidden Ghost is in here somewhere. To find it, head toward the back of the room. You will see a ladder, and your filament will go crazy. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Seductress (500) She doesn't seem very seductive any more. This ghost is in the little alcove behind the ladder. It is partially obscured by a big chest, but you should have no trouble finding it. ------ Since this is a Storehouse, you can find a lot of items here. Be sure to pick them up quickly because a random ghost can ambush you in this room if you stay too long. First, climb the ladder and you'll find a SPIRIT STONE shining in the corner. Search the dresser against the back wall to find a MUNAKATA RESEARCH DOCUMENT. Finally, before you climb back down the ladder, search the floor behind the short dresser near the edge of the platform and you'll find some hidden TYPE-74 FILM lying on the ground. Next, check the three boxes stacked together at the base of the ladder to find another SPIRIT STONE. Keep searching along the same wall and you'll find a shining HERBAL MEDICINE and an article "GIRL, THOUGHT TAKEN BY GHOSTS, FOUND". Finally, search the box to the right of the suit of armor in the corner to find TYPE-37 FILM. That's everything, so now head back to the Burial Room. BURIAL ROOM *********** Now that the ghost's seal is broken, you can open the E door and enter the Cherry Atrium. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* This is the area that we saw earlier, from the Observatory. You'll notice a trail of blood on the ground as you enter. Follow it around the first corner and a ghost will appear ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman on Porch (~450) Tomoe will appear right ahead of you as soon as you round the the first corner. You must take the picture quickly, because she is walking away from you and will quickly disappear behind the next corner. Other than that, this one isn't very hard. ------ After Tomoe vanishes she will leave behind a Wisp. After you listen to it, you can explore this room. There are TWO sealed doors in the S, and your filament will react as you move around the walkway. Photograph the door in the S wall and you will see a picture of a WATERWHEEL IN PHOTO. Next, snap the door in the SE and you'll see a JAPANESE DOLL SHELF. Now our next task is find these two areas shown in the photos and capture the hidden ghosts there to unlock these doors. Don't forget to grab TAKAMINE'S NOTES 3 shining on the ground near the spot where you saw the Wisp of Tomoe. Now you can head out into the open area. There will be a ghost appearance here, so be careful... ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman in Atrium (~300) It's Tomoe again. This time, she will appear as you pass by the corner of the big shrine in the NW corner. She is heading for the door in the N wall, and since she appears right in front of you it shouldn't be tough for you to capture her. ------ Now let's check out the area around the building in the NW corner. This is the Moon Shrine, and you won't be able to get inside until later on. If you approach the W corner of the shrine, you can find a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Woman in Pain (750) She is near the W corner of the Moon Shrine. Look for a blue glow from your filament, then switch to the Finder. You'll have to aim downward to capture this ghost. ------ That's it for ghosts in this area (for now...). You can find some more items though. The spark on the steps of the Moon Shrine is the RED TAPE 2. If you check behind the W pillar of the gate at the bottom of these same steps, you will find a hidden STONE MIRROR. Finally, check the SW corner of the atrium for a SPIRIT STONE. Ok, that's everything here so exit this room by the N door to enter the Abyss. ABYSS ***** This is another outdoor room on the edge of a swamp. As you enter, you will see a cutscene. ... When that's over, you can begin to explore. Here's the waterwheel that we've been looking for. First, pick up the RED TAPE 3 shining on the ground right in front of it; you'll see another cutscene. ... Next, you can take a picture of a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Woman Pulled In (500) If you are facing the waterwheel, this ghost will be on the left side. Walk around until you get a blue filament, then draw your camera to take the shot. ------ Capturing this ghost will break the seal on the S door of the Cherry Atrium. Before you go back there, head toward the N edge of the area to find a shining STONE MIRROR on the ground. You'll notice a blue filament as you approach this spot; the reaction is caused by the unlit garden lantern nearby, so draw your camera and take a picture of LIT GARDEN LANTERN. You don't have any way to light it yet; we'll come back later. Before heading back to the Cherry Atrium, check the little nook in the SW corner to find some TYPE-37 FILM. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* Before you open the unsealed door in the S, you might want to run back to the Rubble Room and SAVE THE GAME. You'll be fighting a ghost in the next room. When you're ready, open the door in the S wall and get ready for a ghost appearance! DOLL ROOM ********* ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman Turning (~500) It's Tomoe yet again! Her ghost will appear in the room as soon as you open the door. If you draw your camera right away, before you enter, you won't be able to see the ghost; you must run a couple of strides into the room before you try to take the picture. This ghost lingers a little longer than most, so even with the extra steps she should not be hard to capture. ----- After you photograph Tomoe, she will leave behind a Wisp. Enter the room and speak to it. Once you have done this, you will be able to find the Hidden Ghost that is sealing the final door in the Cherry Atrium. It is hiding behind the dolls in the SW corner. You will have to do battle after you capture the Hidden Ghost, so you should first check around the room for items. Check the boxes at the left end of the shelf on the W wall to find a SPIRIT STONE. The shining item in the SW corner is HIRASAKA'S NOTES 5. Finally, check the sparkle on the left end of the shelf on the W wall to find another SPIRIT STONE. Now you're ready to capture the Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Child Onlooker (500) To find this ghost, stand at the center of the big shelf covered with dolls. Draw your camera and look toward the SE corner to find this ghost peering at you over the end of the shelf. ------ There will be a cutscene ... and now a child's ghost has come to battle you! ------ Attacking Ghost: Crawling Girl This girl crawls slowly toward you, so you must aim downwards to shoot it. Like most ghosts, it appears very close to you, so you should immediately flee to the opposite side of the room, then turn and draw your camera. The main difficulty in battling this ghost is that it likes to remain completely invisible for extended periods. Furthermore, it has a deceptively long reach. Do not let this ghost get close to you, because you might not get a chance to shoot it before it grabs you. As soon as you get a good charge, take the shot at your first chance; then run to the farthest corner of the room from the girl while she is stunned. If she stops crawling and begins to sit up, she's about to use a paralyzing attack, so try to interrupt it with a Core Shot when the circle turns amber. She will probably teleport behind you once or twice as well, so listen for the telltale chiming sound. Remember, she can crawl over the big hole in the floor but you must run AROUND it. If you can keep her at bay, you should survive unharmed; she will take 3 or 4 good shots to take down. ------ Once you have defeated Crawling Girl, you can return to the Cherry Atrium. You might want to SAVE THE GAME in the Rubble Room before you go any farther. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* Before you can cross to the E door of the Atrium, you must confront another ghost. A very tough vanishing ghost will flash by right before the battle. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman who Jumps (~1500) This is a very hard capture. Her appearance is triggered as you move E along the walkway. As you move along the railing, the perspective will suddenly shift from a point behind you to a point out in the yard. The ghost will then plummet from the roof directly above you into the yard below, and is only visible for a split second as it speeds downward. In order to make this capture, you must be facing out into the yard when the ghost appears; as you move down the walkway, hug the railing and angle Miku outwards so she is facing as much to the left as possible. Then, the INSTANT that the perspective changes, switch to the Finder and hit the shutter. If you were lucky, you faced in the right direction. Hopefully, you've been able to upgrade the Range of your camera a couple of times; this will make aiming much easier. You can go to the Rubble Room and SAVE THE GAME just before you trigger this ghost if you want to keep trying. ------ Next, the battle. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Broken Neck This is the same spirit as the Woman who Fell (it's not Tomoe, though.) The ghost is quite near when the battle starts. It floats in the air and moves slowly toward you, then suddenly attacks and rushes toward you with great speed. The challenge of Broken Neck is due to its broken neck; it's so badly broken that its head dangles back and hangs between the ghost's shoulder blades... Gruesome! When the ghost is 'facing' you, you can't see the head and you can't hurt it. Fortunately, it has to turn and show its face before it can attack. Just stay put and aim, then wait for it to rush you. It will raise its arms out just before it rushes in, and your circle will glow amber. If you hit, you'll knock the ghost back; just keep aiming and repeating the process. If you missed, you may stun it but it won't be knocked back; you should therefore run six or seven paces away, then turn and aim again. Two or three good hits will do the trick. ------ Whew! There will be much harder battles in this room later on, believe it or not. Now you can go and open the door in the E and enter the Stairway. STAIRWAY ******** This is another set of narrow halls and stairs like the Walkway. There's a big mirror here, too. The similarity doesn't end there, because you'll also have to battle Long Arms in this place later on (but not tonight). Before that, some Vanishing Ghosts will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man Turning (~300) As soon as you open the door, draw your camera and take a picture of Mr. Takamine himself. He's just ahead of you, in front of the mirror. Simple! ------ After that, go in and talk to the Wisp that's left behind. You will receive the LIGHTER (for the lantern in the Abyss) and TAKAMINE'S NOTES 4. Head N along the hallway and another ghost will appear. (Don't worry about exploring the upper floor just yet.) ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman at Corner (~300) Tomoe appears again to show you the way. She's just ahead, where the hallway bends to the left. She's slow-moving, but you should still draw your camera as soon as the filament starts to glow in order to capture her before she disappears around the corner. ------ In the place where Tomoe appeared you'll find HIRASAKA'S NOTES 6. Continue on toward the door in the N end of the hall, then go through into the Fish Tank Room. FISH TANK ROOM ************** Your first battle with Tomoe is about to occur, and it couldn't happen in a worse place. There is only a narrow path of planks and ledges to walk on here. You can't fall off the edge, so don't worry about that; the real challenge will be moving around in this room while trying to battle a ghost. There's no use putting it off, so enter the room and cross the first plank to find HERBAL MEDICINE. As you cross the next plank, Miku's heart will begin to race and you will see a cutscene. ... ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Assistant's Tomoe floats slowly around, occasionally groping toward you. She doesn't have much stamina, and since this terrain makes the battle tricky you want to end it quickly. When the battle starts, stay put and draw your camera. You should be able to get a good charged shot as she drifts slowly toward you. After shooting, turn and run back to the 1st plank and aim again. Take advantage of the few seconds when Tomoe is stunned after taking damage to reposition yourself. If she wanders off into the walls, be patient and keep your distance. Eventually she will emerge and you can begin charging. Just make sure you're not next to the wall that she went into! Try to get in two good shots quickly and you can end the battle unscathed. ------ After the battle you will get the RED TAPE 4. Now you can go all the way to the N door of the room, where you will find HIRASAKA'S NOTES 7. Before continuing to the next area, let's return to the Abyss and use the Lighter to obtain an item we'll be needing soon. As you make your way back to the S door, there is a Hidden Ghost that you can capture. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Monk into Dark (1000) There is no clue from the filament until you switch to the Finder, so in order to discern this ghost you must listen for the sound of STATIC. The ghost is hiding near the ceiling. The best place to stand is on the 2nd ledge from the N wall; you will hear static when you are walking on this ledge. Stand next to the E wall, then draw your camera and aim up into the room to find the ghost. ------ Now go through the Stairway and Cherry Atrium back to the Abyss. ABYSS ***** Remember the unlit lantern that is here near the N edge of the yard? Examine the lantern and use the Lighter. After the lantern is lit, a hidden compartment will open and you will receive the BLACK CARVING. This is the key to a puzzle lock that you will have to solve in just a bit. Once you have this item, return to the Cherry Atrium. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* A Vanishing Ghost will appear as you make your way back through this area. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Woman Hanging (~300) This ghost appears at the end of a noose that's tied to a limb of the cherry tree in the NE corner of the Atrium. You'll find out more about this spirit later on. It will appear as you begin to pass by on your way from the N door. Just draw your camera when the ghost appears and Miku will aim automatically, making this an easy capture. ------ You can talk to the Wisp that remains, but you won't receive any items. At this point, you can return to the Rubble Room and save. There's a valuable Vanishing Ghost that you can now capture there as well. Go through the Burial Room and enter the Rubble Room. RUBBLE ROOM *********** SAVE THE GAME, then head toward the locked double doors in the N to find a ghost. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Blinded Woman (~1600) As you approach the N door, this macabre ghost will appear right in front of you for a split second. Be prepared to draw and shoot as you head toward the north; the Blinded Woman's appearance is startling and you mustn't panic. Just quickly switch to the Finder and shoot; she's right in front of you! (You will become painfully familiar with this ghost later on.) ------ We're now ready to open the north door of the Fish Tank Room and go on to the next area. You will pass through the Burial Room and the Cherry Atrium without incident, but a ghost will appear when you enter the Stairway. STAIRWAY ******** You will encounter another Vanishing & Attacking Ghost combo in this room. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Female Head (~500) As you enter, the severed head of a woman will appear and roll UP the staircase. It's a small, moving target, so you must draw your camera and aim quickly. Fortunately, it persists for a few seconds. If you've been able to upgrade the Range of your Finder, you will have a much easier time! ------ The Female Head immediately reappears as an Attacking Ghost as soon as it has rolled up the steps. This ghost counts as a separate entry in your Ghost List from the Vanishing Female Head. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Female Head This battle should be a piece of cake. The Head will float around you and rush right at you; fortunately, it appears far away, giving you time to charge up before it reaches you. It remains visible almost all the time, so just concentrate on timing your shot when it gets close and the circle turns amber. If you damage the Head with a Special Zero Shot in this way, it will be almost finished; just one more weak shot will end the battle in no time. ------ Now is a good time to head upstairs and collect the items from the top floor. If you go all the way to the boarded-up door at the N end of the hall you'll find a MUNAKATA RESEARCH DOCUMENT. There's another scrap by the door at the S end of the hall, "MISSING GIRL'S NEW HOME FOUND". That's all to find up here, just some light reading. Now you can go back downstairs and return to the Fish Tank Room. FISH TANK ROOM ************** To pass the N door, you must enter a 4-digit combination similar to the earlier door in the Walkway. The dial is always the same: Counter-clockwise with 0 at the top. This time the inscription mentions the 'chosen maiden'. Check the Strangling Ritual document, and this time take the last 4 RED LETTERS as the code: 3669. After unlocking the door, open it and enter the Backyard. BACKYARD ******** This is a large outdoor area that is crawling with ghosts. Fortunately, there is a Save Point here too. First, make your way along the fenced-in path to reach the open yard. Make a beeline for the Save Point inside the little shed in the SE corner and SAVE THE GAME. There is a SPIRIT STONE shining on the ground nearby. Now head N into the yard; you will see a well just ahead of you. At this point, the ghosts begin to appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man in Backyard (~250) It's Mr. Takamine. He's slowly walking down the path ahead of you. About the same time, the lid of the well will pop up and a girl's voice will plead with you. You must ignore these distractions, calmly draw your camera, and take the shot. ------ A Wisp will be left behind, but DO NOT APPROACH IT. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Girl Pleading (~750) After capturing Mr. Takamine, don't take a single step. Turn around (face S), draw your camera, and look up. You'll see a barred window high up on the wall. Keep this location well in mind, then leave Finder mode and slowly walk toward the Wisp. As you pass the well, you will hear chimes and your filament will glow amber. As fast as you can, turn and aim at the window and take a picture of the girl. This is a tough ghost, but fortunately you just saved the game if you want to try again. ------ Grab the shining item on the lid of the well; it's the BLUE TAPE 1. (Blue tapes are from Mr. Takamine... he's getting closer all the time.) After you talk to the Wisp, turn and face the well. There is a Hidden Ghost that you can now capture. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Girl Turning (750) From the place where Mr. Takamine's Wisp was left behind, turn to the SE and face the unobstructed part of the wall between the well and the trees. You'll the ghost plainly. ------ Once you've captured it, you can find a STONE MIRROR lying on the ground in the spot where the ghost was hiding. Before you continue N along the path, you may want to go back and SAVE THE GAME. Your final battle with Tomoe is about to take place. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Assistant's [BOSS BATTLE] Tomoe attacks with the same patterns she used in the Fish Tank Room. She has a lot more stamina this time, but the advantage of battling her in an open area will more than make up for it. Tomoe is slow, but will only be visible about half the time, so be careful to take your shots just after she's reappeared. You should be able to win by running 5 or 6 paces, turning and taking a fully charged shot, then running away another 5 or 6 paces, turning, etc. When Tomoe doubles over, she's about to launch her rushing attack, so take your shot quickly and run to a better position. Like most serious ghosts, Tomoe can teleport. You should be able to recognize the characteristic sound a teleporting ghost makes by now; when she uses this technique get ready to run! She has a lot of stamina, but be patient and let your shots charge up as much as possible; you will spend about 6 or 7 good shots to defeat her! ------ When the battle's over, once again go back and SAVE THE GAME before continuing N to the end of the path. There you will find TAKAMINE'S NOTES 5 shining on top of a grave stone. Take it, then open the concealed door in the N wall. FOREST PATH *********** This area is basically a long staircase through the woods leading to a Shrine. You will see a cutscene as you enter. ... Now you can head up the stairs, capturing a couple of ghosts on the way. As you walk up, a bird might dive bomb you! While this is startling, it won't hurt you. At about the halfway point, the perspective will switch to a side view from among the trees. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Warped Man (1250) When the perspective switches, the camera will be facing directly at this ghost, which is between the trees on the E side of the path. To capture it, listen for the static and walk toward the E edge of the stairs, then draw your camera and aim between the trees to find the ghost. ------ As you proceed further up the stairs, a Vanishing Ghost will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Standing Man (~200) The perspective will change once again as you proceed up the path, moving from among the trees to a point behind you. This is when Mr. Takamine will appear. He's at the top of the steps, partially hidden behind the right pillar of the Shinto gate. You should be able to draw and take a shot of him without much trouble. ------ A Wisp will remain after he vanishes. Talk to it, then head up to the doorway of the Shrine. On either side of the door you will find a STONE MIRROR and TYPE-37 FILM. Once you have these items, check the door to the Shrine. It is locked with a puzzle lock. There are several doors like this in Himuro Mansion (you may have noticed a couple of them earlier.) To open it, you must match up the sliding tiles with their corresponding symbols on the edge of the diagram; you can only slide tiles along the WHITE pathways, and you only have a limited number of moves (displayed in the lower right corner). When you've matched up the four sliding tiles, the Black Carving that you obtained from the lantern will fill the remaining hole and the door will open. There's no penalty for getting it wrong, you can try as many times as you like. I will give the solution by indicating which positions to select, numbered CLOCKWISE WITH 1 AT THE TOP. Solution: 4 2 3 5. When the door is unlocked, enter the Narukami Shrine. Your confrontation with Mr. Takamine will occur in this place. NARUKAMI SHRINE *************** Enter the little shrine and check the spark on the altar. It's the BLUE TAPE 2. Once you've picked up the item, a Vanishing Ghost will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Crucified Man (~400) Mr. Takamine has met a terrible end, it seems. To find him, draw your camera as soon as you've picked up the Tape, then tap Triangle to spin around and aim UP. The ghost is hanging from the ceiling. You must draw and aim quickly to capture him. ------ After the ghost vanishes, you will see a cutscene. ... The Novelist's Ghost has come to fight you! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Novelist's [BOSS BATTLE] You do not want to fight the Novelist in this tiny shrine. You should immediately run outside into the Forest Path to get some room, and to make it harder for the ghost to hide from you. This is a tough battle. Junsei has a lot of stamina and a variety of attacking techniques. Furthermore, he flickers in and out of sight fairly quickly, so it is tricky to time your shots correctly. The only advantage you can exploit is the fact that he is relatively slow. You should be able to run a good distance away before turning and aiming to charge up a shot. His attacks come slowly as well, so try and save up a full charge; as soon as you're charged, don't wait for him to approach. Just let him have it! If you see him begin to use a special attack, go ahead and shoot him immediately to cancel or delay his attack. If he bends over and clutches his head, he's about to use a paralyzing attack; if he raises his hands over his head, he's about to teleport and drop right on top of you. Be ready to evade his grapple by pressing X. You'll have to hit him with 7 or 8 good shots to win. ------ FOREST PATH *********** At the end of the battle with Takamine, you will be here. The last photo you took in the battle was of the SHINTO GATE. Could something be hidden there? Go to the gate and check the base on the east side, where you saw the Standing Man earlier. Search that spot and you'll find the HEADLESS BUDDHA. That's nice, someone broke its head off and splattered it with gore. You'll also find the FIVE BUDDHAS DOCUMENT. As you head back into the Shrine you'll find TAKAMINE'S NOTES 6. Head into the Shrine. NARUKAMI SHRINE *************** Approach the altar and you'll see a line of Buddha statues. Place the Headless Buddha you just found on the shelf and a grid of holes will open; your filament will also light up. Take a picture of the holes and you will see the statues have been placed in the holes. You must take the 5 statues and arrange them to match the picture. Each statue is marred in one of five places; each one goes in a certain hole: Left Arm -> Upper Left Left Leg -> Lower Left Head -> Top Center Right Leg -> Lower Right Right Arm -> Upper Right When all the statues are in the right place, the altar will open and you will receive a piece of the HOLY MIRROR. Apparently, this Mirror is the key to breaking the curse on the Mansion. As soon as you get the piece, however, Kyrie appears in a cutscene. ... There's no way you can fight her and win; Miku gets her first rope marks. On that happy note, the 1st Night comes to an end. ************************* SECOND NIGHT: DEMON TAG ************************* RANDOM GHOSTS: Bound Man & Broken Neck **You've seen some hints during the 1st Night about Folklorist Mr. Munakata, whose family moved into the Mansion several generations ago and then mysteriously disappeared, along with several local children. Your goal during the 2nd Night is to seek out these spirits and learn whatever you can from them to help you find Mafuyu. (Note: If you've been a diligent ghost-hunter, you should have earned enough Spirit Points by now to upgrade most of your Basic Functions to at least Level 3. This advantage will be crucial to surviving the upcoming battles.) DOLL ROOM ********* After a cutscene ... you will begin the Night in this room. You just got a piece of the Mirror -- and now you've already lost it! Getting it back won't be easy. If you check the map, you'll find that all the rooms you've explored are still marked, but the doors are missing! The rooms of the Mansion are the same, but the pathways among them have changed; the doors will be added to the map once again as you discover which are open and which are locked. There are new items to be found everywhere, so you must be careful and double-check all the areas that you've been to before. Let's get started then. If you check the SE corner where you saw the ghost children running through a secret door, you'll get a blue glow from your filament. Take a picture of the wall; the photo shows a DEMON TAG SCROLL. You need to find this scroll to open the secret door. On the little shelf in the same corner there is a box of TYPE-14 FILM. In the middle of the room, check the cushion lying on the ground to find MAFUYU'S NOTES 2. In the center of the W shelf is a doll display with a locked drawer. We'll need to find a way to open this as well. At the N end of the shelf is a shining SPIRIT STONE. Hm, could this place be haunted? Now check the shelf on the other side of the room; you'll find YAE'S PAPERS 1 in the little boxes at the N end, and HERBAL MEDICINE at the other end. You've got everything? Then head out the N door into the Cherry Atrium to battle a new ghost. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* There will be a Vanishing Ghost appearance the instant you open the door from the Doll Room. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Child on Porch (~1000) As soon as you open the door from the Doll Room, draw your camera and aim through the lattice right in front of you. A child will run by your field of view from left to right; you must have a quick reflexes with the shutter to capture this ghost. ------ After this ghost runs by, head out into the Atrium. The blood trail that was here before is gone now. As you head along the walkway, you will see a cutscene ... and you'll be attacked by the Blinded Woman! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded Ok, get ready to hate this ghost, because you are going to battle her several times during the 2nd Night. Since she is blind, she can only move slowly and aimlessly, groping ahead with out-stretched arms; she does have keen hearing, however. If you move around, this ghost will hear your footsteps and rush toward you to attack; this is a very fast and damaging attack that she can start from any distance away. Your best strategy whenever you must battle this ghost is: DO NOT MOVE. Just stay put and keep aiming until you get maximum charge, then wait. When the Mystic Power meter turns RED and the Capture Circle turns AMBER, take a ZERO SHOT. This is important; if you don't take a Zero Shot, Blinded will know where you are and immediately rush you, so if you miss the shot quickly dodge out of her way! Blinded has one other trick that you must watch out for: she likes to teleport. If you ever see the ghost vanish and you hear the (hopefully) familiar chime, tap the Triangle button as fast as you can to spin around because I guarantee the ghost is standing right behind you! It's ok, just stay calm and wait for your shot. Two strong shots will beat her... this time. ------ That was a tough battle; hopefully you didn't get hurt too badly because you'll have to battle this ghost many more times (and often in a much smaller space, ug!). Now you can enter the Atrium and have a look around. If you head toward the door to Abyss, you can find a Vanishing Ghost. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Hanged Woman (~750) This is the spirit of Yae, the Folklorist's Wife whose Diary you found earlier back in the Doll Room. She will appear as you head N toward the Abyss, just as you are passing by the left side of the stone monument. She doesn't stay long, but since she is stationary you should just quickly draw and shoot as soon as the Filament starts to glow. ------ After Yae disappears, she will leave behind a Wisp. Listen to its message, then look around for a couple of items. In the middle of the path that leads to the Shrine is a box of TYPE-37 FILM. Search in the NW corner near the Shrine to find a Spirit Stone. That's all; you should now head through the SW door to the Burial Room. BURIAL ROOM *********** As soon as you enter, check the memorial shelf nearby to find the BLIND DEMON RITUAL. There's more red numbers on this scroll that you'll use later on to unlock some doors. Further in, you'll see that some candles have been arranged on the little table in the corner. More loose ends! You'll have to come back here later when you have a way to light them. (Why didn't Miku keep the Lighter??) The S door, leading to the Walkway, is now locked, but at the dead-end just past the door you can find more TYPE-37 FILM. Now go through the N door to the Rubble Room. RUBBLE ROOM *********** Now is your chance to SAVE THE GAME. Once you've done that, head to the door in the N. Your filament will glow blue, so take out the camera and take a picture of the door. It has another one of those puzzle locks; the missing tile is shown in the picture of the STONE ON THE WELL. If you recall, the well was in the Backyard, so we'll head there next. Before you leave, you can grab some more TYPE-37 FILM in the SW corner. Make your way through the Burial Room and the Cherry Atrium and take the SE door to the Stairway. STAIRWAY ******** There are many ghosts in this area. The first one will appear as soon as you enter. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Kid Running Away (~750) This is a very tough shot to get! The kid will appear a short distance N of the big mirror and run at top speed up the hallway. You must run too; dash into the room as soon as the door opens and angle to the left. Head for the hallway that leads north, and just as you get close to the post at the bottom of the stairs quickly draw and shoot. You have to run, draw, aim and shoot very quickly to get this ghost; if you are successful you'll have taken a shot from a point that allows you see most of the way down the hall to capture the child just before he reaches the corner. ------ When you follow the ghost you just saw up the hallway, you will have a battle with Long Arms. If you need a STONE MIRROR, you can find one shining at the edge of the broken floor to the left of the stairs. Ready? Now head N along the hallway to see a cutscene ... and begin the battle! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Man with Long Arms In this encounter, Long Arms has about twice as much stamina as he had the first time you fought him. Your main difficulty, however, will be due to the fact that you must conduct the battle in a much smaller area than before. At first, use the same tactic you did in the Walkway: back down the hallway, then turn and charge up a shot. You probably won't be able to defeat Long Arms before he can make his way into the entrance; when this happens, use the brief moment when Long Arms is stunned from a strong shot to run past him and continue the battle as you make your way N. Three or four good shots will finish the battle. ------ Now go and check out the door at the N end of the hall. There is TYPE-14 FILM here. Your filament will glow; take a picture of the door and you will see FOOT OF STAIRCASE? There's a Hidden Ghost there, so go back to the bottom of the staircase at the S end of the hall to find it. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Vengeance in Wall (750) Stand at the foot of the stairs and aim up into the ruined area underneath the upper risers to find this ghost; look above the spot where you found the Stone Mirror. It's a big floating face. ------ Now the N door should be unsealed. Before going to the Fish Tank Room, head upstairs to find another Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Monk out of Dark (1250) To find this ghost, go up the stairs and make your way north along the balcony. As you approach the end of the railing, you will hear static. Move right up to the rail, and aim your camera at the window that's high on the wall above the landing. ------ There are no items up here, and both of the doors are locked, so go back down and take the N door to the Fish Tank Room. FISH TANK ROOM ************** The child that you've been following will appear again as you enter this room. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Kid Running Away (~750) This kid is fast, so you must once again draw and aim very quickly to capture him. He'll appear as soon as you've taken your first step into the room, and he'll run across the first plank that's right in front of you. His movement is somewhat oblique, so you might have to aim slightly to the left as you draw the camera. ------ Now make your way to the N end of the room; you'll find TYPE-37 FILM and HERBAL MEDICINE on the way. You must enter another 4-digit code to unlock the door to the Backyard. This time the inscription asks for the date of the Blind Demon Ritual, which is revealed in the scroll that you found in the Burial Room: 2611. Unlock the door and enter the Backyard. BACKYARD ******** In order to obtain the Blue Carving from the well in this area, you will have to battle a ghost. First, you should head straight for the Save Point and SAVE THE GAME. The battle will begin when you approach the well, after a cutscene. ... ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Girl in Well This poor girl will attack in a pattern very similar to Tomoe, and you should use similar tactics against her. She will float slowly around, occasionally making sudden darts to the side, until she ultimately rushes forward to attack. You can protect yourself from this attack by taking your shot when the circle turns amber. She will teleport from time to time as well, so immediately run if she disappears and you lose track of her. If you keep a safe distance and make three or four strong shots, you will win the battle. ------ When you have defeated the girl, go to up the well and search it to find the BLUE CARVING. You can also to take a picture to receive a photo of the GIRL PULLED INTO WELL. After you SAVE THE GAME, you are ready to head back and use the Blue Carving on the puzzle lock in the Rubble Room. Before you go back, though, you can take an optional trip back to Narukami Shrine to collect a Hidden Ghost; you are almost certain to encounter a Random Ghost if you do. To take this option, exit the Backyard through the door in the N and follow the Forest Path to Narukami Shrine. When you're ready to move on, go back through the Fish Tank Room and return to the Stairway. NARUKAMI SHRINE [Optional] *************** ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Tormented Ones (2500) You had to risk battle with Broken Neck to find your way to this room, but the high score is worth it. You'll see this ghost if you aim at the big mirror to the left of the altar. Don't stand too close, or you won't be able to fit the entire image in your Finder window. ------ STAIRWAY ******** As you pass through on your way back to the Rubble Room, you will have your next confrontation with Blinded. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded She will appear as you are approaching the big mirror from the north; she'll be a behind you, coming down the stairs. In this battle, she has slightly more stamina. You must stick to the same tactic as before. Hold your ground and aim, keep a ready finger on the Shutter button, and take your shot when the Capture Circle turns amber. As always with this ghost, you can only avoid being rushed if your shot is strong enough to knock Blinded back (a Zero Shot). If you only score a normal shot, quickly dash out of the way because she will charge as soon as the stunning effect lapses. Don't run more than a stride or two, because she will hear you and charge again! It will probably take three shots to do the job. ------ Whew! Unfortunately, you've not seen the last of her by a long shot. You should be able to make it the rest of the way back through the Cherry Atrium and Burial Room to the Rubble Room without meeting any more ghosts. RUBBLE ROOM *********** Here you can SAVE THE GAME, then head for the N door. Now you can use the Blue Carving to complete the puzzle lock on this door. The sequence of moves is more complicated this time: 2 5 4 3 1. When you've unlocked the door, open it and enter the Corridor. CORRIDOR ******** It's been a while since you have seen a new area. This is just a long hallway with lattices on the walls. As you approach the bend in the hallway, there will be a ghost appearance. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Bro's Shadow (~750) As you approach the bend in the hallway, you will see Mafuyu appear ahead of you. You must draw your camera very quickly to capture him before he disappears around the corner. If you stay on the left side as you go north down the hall, you will be able to see farther down the hall and this shot will be easier. ------ It seems that you are getting closer to your brother! At the end of the hall you will find MAFUYU'S NOTES 3. You'll also find another pair of doors with a puzzle lock. Again?! Well, just take a picture of the door and you'll see a STONE BURIAL MOUND? This grave is located in the Abyss, although you couldn't get to it during the 1st Night. This is where you must go next to find the carving that's missing from the door. Go back through the Rubble Room, Burial Room, and Cherry Atrium to the Abyss. ABYSS ***** When you were here on the 1st Night, the piers leading out into the swamp were broken. Now they seem to be in good shape. Before you head out to find the stone monument, check the alcove in the SW corner to find a Hidden ghost. Be careful because you can sometimes encounter a random Bound Man in this area; fortunately, Bound Man is the easiest ghost to defeat. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Burned Man (1250) This sufferer is easy to spot if you enter the SW alcove. Just aim at the wall at the back of the alcove to find it. ------ Now head N out along the pier. At the first little island, you will find SACRED WATER. Continue to the end of the pier and you'll find the Stone Monument. Search it and you will obtain the PURPLE CARVING. Also, if you search the ground behind the monument, you can find a STONE MIRROR hidden behind the grave. As you make your way back to the Corridor to use the Purple Carving, there will be two ghost appearances. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* As you head south across the Atrium, be ready to take some quick shots of Vanishing ghosts. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Observatory Man (~500) This ghost will appear just as you are passing the corner of the Shrine. As his name states, he appears above you on the 2nd floor balcony, in the Observatory. When you draw the camera, aim up and a little to the left to find him. This ghost isn't too hard. ------ There's another ghost coming, and this one is a little bit harder. It will appear as you approach the steps to the porch. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Girl under Porch (~2000) This girl will appear just as you reach the first step up to the porch. She will emerge from underneath the deck right next to you, on the right side. Quickly draw the camera as soon as the perspective changes, then aim down and to the right to capture this ghost before she disappears. You must be able to aim precisely, because this ghost doesn't stay for very long. ------ Continue on to the Rubble Room, where you can SAVE THE GAME, then return to the Corridor to open the next puzzle lock. CORRIDOR ******** Check the door at the N end to use the Purple Carving on the lock, which is the most complicated one yet. Here is the pattern of tiles to select if you can't figure it out: 4 2 3 5 4 1 2. When you've unlocked the door, open it and enter the Demon Mouth. DEMON MOUTH *********** This room is a huge gaping pit with a ledge all the way around the top and ladders leading down to the floor of the pit. You will see a cutscene when you enter ... and then you can run around to the ladders and climb down to the bottom. There are some sinister-looking pillars and a huge set of doors down here. When you check the doors, a Vanishing ghost will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man before Door (~500) When you examine the doors, this ghost will appear. It is the Folklorist, Ryozo Munakata. He is facing the small recess in the wall next to the door, so you'll have to turn to the right to aim at this ghost. Be sure to aim quickly, because the ghost lasts a very short time. ------ A Wisp is left behind. Talk to it, then take a picture of the place where the man was standing. There's a niche in the wall next to the door, and in your photo an image of the Blinding Mask will appear. It looks like some kind of gruesome torture device. You'll have to find this mask to open the door and follow Mafuyu. Check near the fallen brazier on the left side of the door to find a MUNAKATA RESEARCH DOCUMENT. As you make your way back to the ladder, Blinded attacks you once again. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded She's back! Once again, use the tactic that I have described in earlier battles with this ghost. Do not move or Blinded will rush you; just aim patiently and wait for the circle to turn amber so you can take a Zero Shot. Be prepared to dodge a few steps to either side if you fail to knock the ghost back. Blinded has slightly more stamina than before in this battle, but you should still be able to finish it in 3 shots. ------ The last photo that you take of Blinded during the battle will show an image of the ROW OF CANDLESTICKS that are on the table in the corner of the Burial Room, and you will receive the MATCHES. Now that you have these, let's to back to the Burial Room and light the candles. Climb and go through the Corridor and Rubble Room to the Burial Room. Don't forget to SAVE THE GAME on your way, because Blinded will attack AGAIN after you've lit the candles. BURIAL ROOM *********** A Vanishing ghost will appear as soon as you open the door from the Rubble Room. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Girl Pointing (~300) It's been a while since you've met a Vanishing Ghost that's easy to capture. It's the helpful little girl again, and she'll be standing straight ahead of you as you open the door, gesturing toward the candles. Just draw and shoot. ------ Now you can go examine the candles. There are six of them, three white ones and three red ones. The white ones are lit now, but if you take a photo of them you'll see that the red ones are lit instead. Your job is to make the candles match the photo. Use the Matches to light them, but there's a trick: whenever you light a candle, the candles that are on either side of it will go out (if they are lit) or light up (if they're not). If you light them in the correct order, you can extinguish the white ones and light the red ones at the same time. If you get stuck, the solution is (numbering the candles from left to right): 4 2 5 4. When you have done this, all the candles will light and the drawer behind them will unlock. You will get the SCROLL. Before you can take this back to the Doll Room and hang it on the wall, Blinded will attack! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded This ghost just won't leave you alone! This small room is not an ideal battleground, but that won't matter much since your main tactic will be the same as before: don't move! When Blinded appears she will be sneaking up behind you; draw and press Triangle to spin around and begin charging your shot. Because you are in the corner, it may be difficult to keep the ghost in your sights. Use the filament to keep track of her position if she disappears behind a wall and be ready to hit the shutter if the Capture Circle turns amber. Remember, Blinded CANNOT find you if you don't make a sound, so don't try to run to a better vantage point or you'll just get tackled. Her stamina is not any higher than before; three shots should do it (although it's possible to win with only two). ------ Go back to the Rubble Room now and SAVE THE GAME if you like. Then return to the Cherry Atrium and take the S door to the Doll Room. DOLL ROOM ********* Before you can place the Scroll on the wall, you must confront Crawling Girl again. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Crawling Girl You fought this girl in this room during the 1st Night. She's exactly the same this time; in fact, she'll probably be much easier now since you have a much stronger Camera than you did before (and because you've had a lot of practice fighting ghosts since then, too). A further advantage comes from the fact that the floor isn't broken now (that's odd, isn't it?), so you don't have worry about maneuvering around some big hole in the middle of the room. You can probably end this battle quickly with two strong shots. ------ After defeating the ghost, take a picture of the shimmer that is left behind and you will get a photo of GIRL PULLED THRU DOOR. Now you can use the Scroll on the wall to reveal a secret door that will lead to the Kimono Room. If you are an avid collector, you might want to go back to the Rubble Room and save first, because as soon as you pass through the secret door an extremely difficult Vanishing ghost will appear. KIMONO ROOM *********** ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Kid Hiding (~1500) Ok, they don't get any more difficult than this. The ghost will appear as you take your first steps into the room. He will run across your field of view from right to left, behind the row of kimonos. To capture him, you must quickly aim and time the shutter with perfect accuracy as he flashes by in the narrow gaps between the kimonos. You will have the most time to aim and prepare if you point at the left-most gap. The timing is critical, because he appears in the gap for only a split second; capturing this ghost will almost certainly require several tries. None of the other Vanishing Ghosts that remain in the game will be as hard as this one. ------ Now you can check out the room. In the NE corner there is a shining SPIRIT STONE. If you examine the mirror stand you will find YAE'S PAPERS 2. Continue through the sliding door in the E wall to the Library. LIBRARY ******* There are a couple of new items here. If you open the closet where you found the Tape Recorder, you will find TYPE-74 FILM. Then check the dresser in the SW corner to find a SPIRIT STONE. Now head toward the door to the Lamp Hallway. You'll hear a child running down the hall as you approach the door. LAMP HALLWAY ************ The lamps hanging in this hall might start swinging mysteriously as you walk by; there is a strong spirit nearby. If you check the dead end to the north, you will find TYPE-37 FILM. After grabbing the film, take the S door to the Fireplace Room. FIREPLACE ROOM ************** In this room, you will finally confront the child that stole your Mirror Piece. There will be cutscene as you enter. ... The grandfather clock in the corner will open, and the Boy Hiding will come running out to attack you! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Boy Hiding [BOSS BATTLE] This ghost is fast and aggressive, so expect a tough battle. He will run and teleport in a bewildering way, but if you're aware of his patterns you can avoid getting ambushed. His most common tactic is to run after you and try to grab you. He is fast, so if you can get away and turn for a shot you might not have time to build up much charge before he gets too close or teleports away. He will crouch down before jumping up for a strong attack; if you see this, snap immediately to get score extra damage and avoid the attack. The most difficult thing about fighting this ghost is that it teleports very frequently, so you are often forced to abandon your aim and run to a better position. He doesn't always teleport behind you; sometimes he will teleport up into the rafters and you will have to aim UP to find him. He won't stay there long, and when he teleports back again he'll be running straight for you so keep moving and don't waste time panning around with the Finder searching for him. Run until you know where he is, then aim and try to do as much damage as possible. The Boy Hiding has average stamina, but you won't be able to fully charge every shot; you'll probably need 4 or 5 decent hits to win. ------ At last you have finally recovered the MIRROR PIECE! Now your immediate task is to search for the Blinding Mask. Begin by exploring the room for clues. If you take a picture of the clock you will get a photo of BOY PULLED INTO CLOCK and you can pick up the CHILD'S WRITING. Enter the little library room next to the clock and you'll discover that the broken staircase is now intact! Climb up the stairs and check the dresser at the top to find FOLKLORIST'S DIARY 3. Now head over to the door that leads to the Tatami Room. It's sealed by a Hidden ghost. Take a picture, and you'll see something ON THE BEAM... it's the Rope Hallway. There are no other items here, so go back downstairs and go through the NW door. ROPE HALLWAY ************ There's a Hidden Ghost here that is sealing the door to the Tatami Room. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Vengeance (750) When you reach the midpoint of the hallway, your filament will begin to glow. Stop and draw your camera, then aim up to find this ghost hiding near the ceiling. ------ Before you go back to the Tatami Room, continue through the S door and check out the Entrance. ENTRANCE ******** You can SAVE THE GAME here, then go over to the E wall. There used to be a mask hanging here on the wall, remember? It's gone now, but you can get the FURIOUS-LOOKING MASK photo if you take a picture of the spot where it hung. Now there are two masks to search for. If you go down the steps to the area by the front door you can find some HERBAL MEDICINE. Now it's time to return to the Tatami Room, but you can make an optional trip to the Grand Hall first to find some ghosts and items. GRAND HALL [Optional] ********** You can return to this room through the door at the N end of the Rope Hallway. You will see a cutscene as you enter and all the partitions will open. ... ------ !!-Ghost Battle: Longhair Woman The ghost will appear at the far end of the room when the battle begins. Unfortunately, this advantage will quickly disappear because Longhair is a very fast ghost. She will swoop around you in a spiral, circling you as she closes in. Keeping your aim on this ghost will be difficult, because she moves very quickly and will often disappear behind the many partitions. Even worse, she will often teleport. Sometimes she uses this move just to confuse your aim a little, but sometimes she will appear directly above you! If she teleports and your filament goes out, RUN! She's about to grab you! Your best strategy is to keep as much distance between yourself and the ghost as possible, but don't get too close to the walls so you can command the widest possible view. Begin aiming and charging your shot; use the Square button to accelerate your aim. When you've charged up, don't wait for her to get close. Just take your shot at the first clear opportunity. While the ghost is stunned, run to a better position and take aim once again. Be ready to abandon your shot and run if the ghost gets too close or begins coming at you from behind. You'll need three or four good shots to win the battle. ------ After the battle you can look around for some items. Check the alcoves between the partitions and you'll find TYPE-14 FILM and HERBAL MEDICINE. You can also find a Hidden ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Evil Woman (1750) This ghost is well hidden. To find her, search the southern alcove between the first two partitions on the west side of the room. Your filament will begin to glow when you get close. Aim your camera up and into the corner. ------ That's everything here, so go back through the Rope Hallway to the Fireplace. FIREPLACE ********* As you climb the stairs to the balcony, you will hear someone playing on a koto. Head across the balcony and you will see the silhouette of musician in the paper window; but the shadow will vanish as you get closer. There must be something important hidden nearby... To find out, go through the door to the Tatami Room. TATAMI ROOM *********** There will be several ghost appearances in this little room. The first one occurs the moment you open the door. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man in Study (~1000) It's Mr. Munakata. He will be moving away from you toward the little alcove that's ahead of you and to the left. To capture him, begin running forward as the door opens so you can take a step into the room before you raise the camera. Aim quickly to the left and take the shot. ------ The ghost will leave behind a Wisp. As you walk toward it, it will move away from you and into a small room that was blocked off during the 1st Night. Talk to the Wisp and look around; there is a safe in here. Take a picture of the safe and you'll see KEY IN THE PHOTO. So you need to find a key, but the picture didn't give you any hint about where to look. Before we head out in search of the key, look around for items. Search the bookshelf next to the safe for FOLKLORIST'S DIARY 2. In the window of the safe room there is TYPE-14 FILM. Out in the main part of the room, you can find a STONE MIRROR in the urn in the corner, and MAFUYU'S NOTE 5 on the corner of the low table. Your next destination will be through the door across from the safe room to the Walkway. Before you go, you can step through the SE door to the Anteroom and SAVE THE GAME; you won't find any new items though. When you're ready, go to the Walkway. WALKWAY ******* First, open the closet to your left to find some TYPE-37 FILM, then begin walking down the hallway. As you pass by the mirror, you will have another battle with Blinded! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded This is your FIFTH battle with this ghost (but who's counting?). She'll come at you from the S branch of the hallway. You should be developing some skill with dispatching this ghost by now. Remember, don't move, charge up your shot, and wait for the Capture Circle to turn amber. While Blinded has a little more stamina than before in this battle, it should be quite easy if you stick to your tactics. ------ Once you've beaten the ghost, head toward the end of the S branch of the hall and you'll find the door here is sealed by a ghost. Take a picture of the door and you'll see LIGHT THRU CREVICE. Do you remember this place? It's downstairs, so head back to the mirror and take a left to go down the stairs. The crevice shown in the photo is in the E leg of the hall. Go there to find the hidden ghost that's sealing the door upstairs. There is a STONE MIRROR in the crevice as well. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Girl Hiding (750) Find the crevice in the E leg of the Walkway and draw your camera. Aim at the back of the crevice and you'll see the ghost lurking. ------ The there are locked doors in the N and S halls of the Walkway leading to the Burial Room and the Grand Hall respectively. You can unlock these doors as you pass by them if you like. Now that you've captured the Girl Hiding, you can go upstairs and open the S door, which will allow you to access a new area. Before you go there, run around to the W leg of the hallway to find the door to the Storeroom. You'll have to enter another 4-digit combination to open it. The inscription asks for the age of the maiden in the Blind Demon Ritual, so check that document to find the code: 7925. Use the dial to enter the code and unlock the door. STOREROOM ********* First check the area by the suit of armor in the corner. You'll see a SPIRIT STONE shining there; one of the boxes will rattle its lid at you, but try not to panic. Check the drawers to the left of the armor for TYPE-14 FILM. Look in NW corner for a SPIRIT STONE. There's nothing upstairs except for the sound of a ghost sobbing. Now you're ready to go back to the Walkway. WALKWAY ******* Go upstairs and take the south branch of the hallway. Open the unsealed door at the end and enter the Koto Room. KOTO ROOM ********* This mansion is just full of hidden rooms! Let's go in and look around. There will be a cutscene as you approach the photographs. ... After that, check the table to find YAE'S PAPERS 3. Now go to the NE corner and you'll find...the BRONZE KEY! The gramophone will play a recording when you pick up the key. There's another door here, but you won't be able to unlock it yet. You'll find the koto here too, but you can't play with it. Now return to the Tatami Room via the Walkway. WALKWAY ******* You have a good chance of encountering a Random Ghost here (Broken Neck). You should be able to handle an easy ghost like this one on your own; aim and shoot, then run away while the ghost is stunned and take aim once again. If the ghost rushes you, wait for it to get close and take a Special Shot. You don't have to fight it if you don't want to though; just run away (back to the Tatami Room, for instance). After pursuing you through a couple of rooms, it will give up. I recommend that you just fight it, however. TATAMI ROOM *********** Go into the room with the safe and use the Bronze Key to open it. You'll see a cutscene. ... Then you'll find a MUNAKATA RESEARCH DOCUMENT describing the Mask of Reflection. It seems you'll need to find this mask now as well... Get ready to draw your camera because there will be a ghost appearance as soon as you've read the Document. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man before Study (~400) Mr. Munakata will appear in the alcove to your right, walking slowly past the doorway to the study. As soon as you've cleared away the last message after the cutscene, push to the right on your controller so that you can turn and capture him before he disappears. He won't be visible for long, but if you start turning right away you should be able to capture him in time. ------ Before you leave the room, get ready to try for another shot of the Folklorist. He will appear as soon as you step out into the alcove. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Observatory Man (~400) This is a difficult capture, and counts as a separate entry in your Ghost List. Mr. Munakata will appear as soon as you've stepped into the alcove. He will be walking slowly away from you and heading for the double door that leads to the Observatory. He's only visible for a very short time, so you must be switch to the Finder the INSTANT that you step through the doorway out of the study. If you take more than ONE STEP into the alcove, the ghost will disappear, so don't try to approach it. ------ It seems that the Folklorist is trying to lead you somewhere. Follow him and go through the N door to the Observatory. OBSERVATORY *********** When you enter, you will see a cutscene. ... It looks an item has appeared by the tree in the Cherry Atrium, so let's go down there and get it! But what is the best way to get there? I'll show you. First, return to the Tatami Room, then exit through the SE door to the Anteroom. ANTEROOM ******** This is a good time to SAVE THE GAME. After that, go do the little door in the N and you'll be able to unlock it. Go through the door and you'll be in the Stairway. Now all you have to do is go downstairs and exit through the SW door to return to the Cherry Atrium. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* You will have a tough ghost battle in this room as soon as you try to pick up the item here, so make sure you have full health. Go down the steps and approach the tree in the corner. You'll see something shining on the ground... it's a Photo Album. Examine the spot and you will see a cutscene. ... You won't be able to get the Photo Album without dealing with Yae first! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Woman Hanging [BOSS BATTLE] This is the spirit of Yae, the Folklorist's wife. She is not only fast, but she has a lot of stamina to boot. You will want to keep a safe distance when you battle this ghost; fortunately, the Cherry Atrium provides you with plenty of room to run around. Try to get as far away as you can (but don't go back up the porch), then take aim. This ghost floats fairly high in the air as it chases after you, so you must always aim more or less UP to get a shot. It has a quick attack so waiting for the Capture Circle to turn amber can be risky. It's best to just go ahead and take your shot as soon as you have a full charge. Then, while Yae is stunned, run away! Get as far away as you can before aiming again. Since she is pretty strong, you will need five or six good shots to win. ------ When you take your last shot of Yae, you will see a ROW OF JAPANESE DOLLS. This is a hint to return to the Doll Room. First, go back to the Photo Album you saw and pick it up. You will receive YAE'S DEATH NOTE and three photos: DEMON TAG GIRLS PHOTO, FAMILY PHOTO, and KIRIE PHOTO. So the little girl that's been helping you out from time to time is actually Kirie? Your next destination is the Doll Room, so use the S door from the Cherry Atrium to get there. DOLL ROOM ********* First thing to do here is take a picture of the Doll Shelf that's on the W wall. In your photo, you'll see that a doll covering her eyes has appeared. Turn around and check the display of dolls that's on the other side of the room. There are 5 dolls here, but you can only take one. You know it's not the doll in the center, because she isn't covering her eyes. To interpret the clue, "Who is in front of the back?", you must use this center doll as a reference. "The back" is the doll that is behind the center doll, so you must take the one "in front" of that one; that is, pick the doll on the back right corner. You will receive the KAGOME DOLL. Now go over to the W shelf and use the Doll to complete the display. A drawer will open and you'll finally get the ANGRY MASK. All right! Now let's go back to the Entrance and hang this Mask back up on the wall. The quickest way to get there is through these rooms: Cherry Atrium, Burial Room, Walkway, Grand Hall, Rope Hallway. ENTRANCE ******** In the next part of the game, you will be collecting masks. These masks are actually keys that you will need to open some secret doors. Unlike most key items in Fatal Frame, you will be able to use each Mask in more than one place. SAVE THE GAME, then go to the E wall and hang the Angry Mask back on the wall. This will unlock a secret door, allowing you to go through and enter the Hidden Pass. HIDDEN PASS *********** That's right, there's an entire wing of the Mansion left that you've never explored! This tiny hallway is full of secret doors that you can only pass if you use the right Mask. The first thing you should do upon entering the passage is turn around and check the door you just came through, and you'll be able to take the Angry Mask back off the wall and carry it with you. Now you can go down the hall. At the first corner, look for some TYPE-37 FILM shining on the ground. Get ready to capture a Vanishing ghost as you continue down the hallway to the east. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Hall Wanderer (~400) It seems you are still on Mr. Munakata's trail. He will appear in front of the door in the E branch of the hallway. He's stationary and will stay for a second or two; this one is easy! ------ Before you follow the ghost, go down the N branch of the hall. There is a seal on the door to your right. Take a picture of the door and you will see MASK ON THE PILLAR. It looks like there's a mask hanging here, too, but you can't seem to take it or open the door. Leave it for now and go all the way to the N end of the hall. The door here leads back to the Lamp Hallway. Don't go through it, just take down the JOYFUL MASK. Return to the S end of the hallway to find a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Talking Ghosts (2000) This ghost is very well hidden. You'll have to aim very carefully to find it. Listen for the sound of static as you walk in the intersection of the N and E hallways; your filament won't react much until you start aiming. The ghost is above the rafters, near the ceiling in the corner at the W end (right above the spot where you found the Type-37 Film). To see this ghost, stand in the intersection and aim up and to the W. You'll have to use the L stick to move around as you are aiming to get a clear shot (when the Capture Circle turns blue). ------ Ok, now you can to back down the E branch. There is SACRED WATER shining at the very end of the passage. When you've got that, check the door with the Sad Mask and go through to the Mask Room. MASK ROOM ********* You will have another battle with Blinded in this cramped room, but if you stick with your usual tactic you won't find the tight quarters to make any difference. After entering, turn and take the SAD MASK with you. To the left is a box of TYPE-74 FILM shining on the ground. Get it, then go to the right and talk to the Wisp of Mr. Munakata. The Blinding Mask is nearby! As you continue around the platform, you'll see another secret door, but the Mask is missing. It's hanging on the pillar in the center of the platform. Climb the steps up to the platform and you'll see a spark; it's a MUNAKATA RESEARCH DOCUMENT. Now go to the W side of the pillar to find the mask, but as you move to take it you will see a cutscene ... and Blinded will attack. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded It's a good thing you don't have to move when you fight this ghost, because there's very little room. As before, stay put and aim until you get a Zero Shot. If Blinded becomes hidden behind a wall, use your filament to keep track of her position and be patient; eventually she will stumble back into view and you can resume charging. If you miss your shot or try to move, her rushing attack is sure to hit you since you can't run very far, so stay still and time your shot carefully. You'll probably need four shots, but if you've boosted the Maximum Charge of your Camera you can win with only three. ------ There is still one more encounter with Blinded to look forward to, but you'll be safe from her for a while. Take the HAPPY MASK from the pillar and hang it on the secret door in the N wall, then go through and enter the Square Garden. SQUARE GARDEN ************* This is a garden area surrounded by a covered walkway; if you look at the map you'll see it's not perfectly square. Leave the Happy Mask hanging on the door, and explore the walkway before you go down into the garden. Just inside the door you'll a sparkle at your feet. It's MAFUYU'S NOTES 4. Go W and N along the walkway and you'll find HERBAL MEDICINE in the NE corner. There are two doors nearby; one of them leads back to the Lamp Hallway, and you should unlock it now but don't go through. The double doors are shut with another puzzle lock. Take a picture of the doors and you'll see that the missing carving is on SOME STONE MONUMENT? This Monument is right there in the Garden, so continue around the Walkway and go down the steps. Walk over to the Monument and check it to find the GOLD CARVING. If you look behind the Monument, you'll see a SPIRIT STONE shining on the ground. When you've got the items, go back to the N door and use the Gold Carving to solve the puzzle, just like you've done before. The solution is: 2 4 1 3 2 4. Before you go through the door, be sure to SAVE THE GAME, because you'll confront the powerful spirit of the Folklorist in the next room. BUDDHA ROOM *********** This is a big room with an altar at the N end and huge Buddha statues along the walls. If you check the SE corner you'll find a box of TYPE-14 FILM. There's a table in front of the altar; shining there is the MASK OF REFLECTION. It's lying there right in the open; can it be that easy? Of course not! As soon as you get the Mask you'll be attacked by Mr. Munakata. ------ !!-Ghost Battle: Folklorist's [BOSS BATTLE] This is a very strong ghost. He will teleport frequently, often spoiling your shot and forcing you to run. You're in a pretty big room, so use this to your advantage and try to get as far away as you can. Be careful not to get caught behind the pillars, because if you make a wrong turn and get stuck the ghost is sure to grab you! Munakata likes to turn invisible just before his lunging attack, so take your shot before he gets too close, then run away while he's stunned. Be ready to immediately run if you see the ghost teleport, because he's probably less than a second away from grabbing you. A good tactic is to run into the farthest corner and lure the ghost in that direction. Aim and take your shot as he closes in, then run to the diagonally opposite corner while he's stunned to get as far away as you can. If you can keep him in the center of the room, you'll have a place to go if he teleports behind you. Your best chance to get a Core Shot is before he uses his howling attack; Munakata will crouch down low for a moment before unleashing a howl that can damage you even at a distance. If you see him crouch, shoot! Since you were able to save the game in the previous room, don't waste your healing items if you get hurt repeatedly; instead, exit the game and try again. After five or six strong hits you will win. ------ The nifty thing about the Mask of Reflection is that it can be used to open all of the secret doors! This means that you can take all the other Masks and hang them on the pillar, then use the Mask of Reflection to keep using the doors. By the way, there is a door in the W wall of this room that leads to the Stairway. It's locked, though, and you can't open it. Return to the Square Garden. SQUARE GARDEN ************* SAVE THE GAME as you soon as you enter this room. As you climb back up onto the walkway and head for the Mask Room, a ghost will attack you. ------ !!-Ghost Battle: Wandering Man This is your first meeting with this type of ghost, which has the appearance of a rotting corpse. He will float quickly around you, trying to flank you and dash in for the attack. The attack pattern will remind you strongly of Broken Neck, but this ghost is faster, and will occasionally teleport as well. The ghost will appear as you enter the S part of the walkway; when he does, just ignore him and keep running to the next corner before you turn and aim. Don't wait for the Zero Shot; shoot as soon as you get full charge. If you get your shots quick, you can avoid getting hurt because this ghost doesn't have much stamina. Two full shots will defeat him. ------ The spirits are becoming more and more aggressive; you are getting close to obtaining the Blinding Mask. Take the chance to SAVE THE GAME again, then go to the S door. The Happy Mask is still here, so go through the door. MASK ROOM ********* After you enter, take the HAPPY MASK with you. Now you have five masks! Mount the platform and check each of the four sides of the pillar to hang four of the masks. Miku will automatically hang the right mask on the right hook, and you don't have to worry about doing it in any particular order. When all are in place, the locked door that you found in the Hidden Pass will open. Go to the S door, and use the Mask of Reflection; it will hang on the wall and turn into the Sad Mask, thus unlocking the door! Go through to the Hidden Pass. HIDDEN PASS *********** After you've passed through the door, you don't need the Mask of Reflection anymore, so just leave it hanging there; go to the N branch of the passage and through the door on the right that you just unlocked to enter the Blinding Room. BLINDING ROOM ************* Such a spectacularly ornate room, and it's somehow perfectly preserved... This chamber is where the Blinding Ritual once took place. Climb up to the little shrine and you will get the BLINDING MASK. Don't worry, you've fended off the Mask's guardians for now so you won't be attacked. In the SW corner there is a SPIRIT STONE. Ok, now that you have the Blinding Mask, you must take it to the Demon Mouth and use it to open the big doors there. Let's get going! First, return to the Hidden Pass. HIDDEN PASS *********** As you enter this hallway, you'll get one last chance to capture Mr. Munakata. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man in Hall (~600) He will appear in the intersection of the E and N passages, moving from left to right. Fortunately, he moves very slowly so you should have ample time to aim and take your shot. ------ A Wisp will be left behind. After talking to it, hurry back to the Entrance. When you obtained the Blinding Mask, all the other masks returned from the Mask Room to their respective doors, so you won't have any trouble getting through. ENTRANCE ******** SAVE THE GAME and make your way back to the Demon Mouth. It's quite likely that you will run into a Random Ghost along the way, so be prepared for a quick battle (or to run!). Your path will go through these areas: Rope Hallway, Grand Hall, Walkway, Burial Room, Rubble Room (be sure to SAVE THE GAME!), Corridor, and finally Demon Mouth. DEMON MOUTH *********** You will have a final encounter with the Folklorist and with Blinded in this room before you can open the doors at the bottom of the pit. Mr. Munakata will appear as soon as you set foot in the room, after a cutscene. ... ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Folklorist's [BOSS BATTLE] If you thought this was a tough battle before, you're in for an even bigger challenge this time because you're limited to the narrow ledge around the rim of the pit. You will have a very hard time getting any shots if Munakata disappears into the wall, so if this happens run around toward the other side and try to lure him into the center of the room. If he teleports, veer away as quickly as you can! Keep moving until you've got both some distance and line of sight, then charge as much as you can and take a shot. Don't wait for him to come to you, and instead take your shots from a distance. There's no neat trick for beating this ghost; you must rely on the skills you've developed by fighting the weaker ghosts and use every opening you get take shots. It will probably take six good ones to finally beat him. ------ You're not safe yet! Climb down the ladders and approach the niche in the wall. After another cutscene ... you will have your final battle with Blinded. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Blinded [BOSS BATTLE] This time, Blinded has a LOT more stamina. Keep calm and patiently begin taking shots at this ghost in the usual way: without moving! If you get spotted, try your best to dodge out of the way, then stop and try again. Don't run too far or she will hear you and make another attack. You'll need six or seven strong shots this time, it's a long battle. ------ After all that struggle, you can finally place the Blinded Mask in the niche. The doors will open in a cutscene ... as you pass through to the Banned Path. BANNED PATH *********** This collapsed tunnel seems to lead deeper under the Mansion. The body of Mr. Munakata is here, and from him you will obtain your second MIRROR PIECE. There will be a cutscene ... and Kirie will appear! Just wait for her grab you; there is no way to escape... And with that, you have survived to the end of the 2nd Night! *********************** THIRD NIGHT: CALAMITY *********************** RANDOM GHOST: Broken Neck, Wandering Man, Wandering Monk, People Killed, Bound Man **During the 3rd Night, you will encounter the spirits of the people from Himuro Mansion who died long ago during the "Calamity", when the Holy Mirror was broken. These ghost battles will be your toughest yet; now is the time to use the stronger films that you've gathered. If you have been a diligent ghost hunter, you should have earned enough points by now to have maxed out all the Basic Functions of your camera; now you can begin to purchase Bonus Functions with your Spirit Points if you like. Fortunately, this Night is much shorter than the previous one; there are only a couple of Vanishing Ghost appearances to watch out for. There are several Hidden Ghosts, however, and on this night each one of them is worth 3000 points! The most dangerous thing about the 3rd Night is the chance of encountering the Wandering Monk in a random battle. The Wandering Monk is a very strong ghost, and you are always better off running away than trying to stay and fight. If you stick to the main tasks you can minimize these encounters, but you'll miss out on a lot of Hidden Ghosts; the choice is yours. DEMON MOUTH *********** After a cutscene, ... you'll begin in the Demon Mouth. First, go through the big doors and return to the Banned Path, which you didn't get the chance to explore at the end of 2nd Night. BANNED PATH *********** This is a crumbling tunnel that leads deep into the earth. The roof is held up with wooden beams. As you pass the first bend, your filament will react to a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Munakata (3000) Here is the place where Munakata met his end. He's on the left side of the path where it makes its first bend, and you'll have to aim down a little bit to find it. ------ As you continue to the end of the path you'll find HERBAL MEDICINE and a SPIRIT STONE. The end of the path is blocked by a cave-in. Approach it and you'll see a cutscene. ... Mafuyu is just on the other side of the rubble! After the scene, pick up a scroll about THE CALAMITY. There are more combination lock codes on this scroll. You can't get past this landslide, so turn around and head back to the Demon Mouth to begin a battle. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost(s): People Killed That's right, GhostS. This is your first battle against multiple ghosts; in fact, there are THREE of them! How can you hope to survive? Fortunately, each of the three ghosts is a fairly weak and easy ghost. Each one will lurch toward you very slowly, and then eventually make a feeble lunging attack -- very much like Bound Man. If you wait at the end of the path you can pick them off one by one as they come toward you. If you run past them and then aim, you can use this "opportunity" to score a Double or Triple Shot by shooting more than one ghost at a time; you can earn a lot of Spirit Points this way. Since they are slow and don't stray too far from each other, you should really have little trouble here. Each ghost will fall after two shots. ------ As you approach the doors you will see a cutscene, ... and then you can pick up THE MOON SHRINE document. Apparently you can bypass the cave-in if you can somehow get into the Moon Shrine and descend into the Moon Well. Sounds scary... Well, continue back to the Demon Mouth. DEMON MOUTH *********** There are no new items here, so just climb out and go to the Corridor. CORRIDOR ******** A ghost will attack as you run down the Corridor. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Floating Face It looks a little bit like a face, but you won't be able to tell very easily because most of the time this ghost is invisible, discernable only as a faint shimmer. The ghost will slowly float in pursuit of you, and will try to rush you if you give it enough time. It's basically the same as fighting a Broken Neck, except the Floating Face is a little bit slower and a lot more invisible. Move back and take aim, using the Filament to guide you. Look carefully for it's shimmering outline; when it IS visible, it often resembles little more than a faint puff of smoke. You should be able to charge up as it approaches, then take your shot before it gets too close. Watch the Capture Circle to make sure you've got the ghost targeted properly, and wait for it to glow before you shoot. When the ghost is stunned, run past it to the other end of the hall, turn and aim, etc. This ghost has a very weak attack, if you calmly take your shots and keep your distance, you'll be fine. Three shots should do it. ------ When you've beaten Floating Face, continue through the S door to the Rubble Room. RUBBLE ROOM *********** I'm sure you'll be glad to SAVE THE GAME. You'll notice there's a seal on the door leading the Burial Room now. Take a picture of the door and you'll see the RUBBISH HEAP IN PHOTO. The photo is showing you the pile of rubble in the NE part of the room. Go over to this area and aim your camera into the rubble to find the Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Crushed Woman (1000) You can find this ghost if you aim your camera at the pile of rubbish in the NW part of the room. Walk around the pile until you see a blue filament, then start aiming from that spot. It won't appear until you re-enter the room after taking a shot of the sealed door. ------ That removes the seal from the S door, so now you can go to the Burial Room. BURIAL ROOM *********** Let's see, the Moon Shrine was in the Cherry Atrium, so let's go there first. As you head for the E door, a Vanishing ghost will appear. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Man in Atrium (~1000) This man is actually the Himuro Family Master! An easy capture, he will appear ahead of you and walk slowly towards the door. Just aim and shoot! ------ Before you follow the ghost, check the end of the hall in the S for HERBAL MEDICINE. Then go on to the Cherry Atrium. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* Enter the Atrium and head over to the Moon Shrine. The doors are sealed with a puzzle lock just like always, but now you can take a picture of the doors and you'll see a HUGE ALTAR? It's the altar in the Buddha Room, so you'll have to go there and get the carving that will complete the puzzle. Before you return to the porch, go over to the cherry tree and you can find a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Yae (3000) Aim up into the branches of the cherry tree to find this image of Yae. It lingers here at the place where she took her own life. ------ Now go back to the porch and head for the E door; a Vanishing Ghost will appear as you approach the door. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Turning Mask Man (~1500) The Himuro Family Master appears once again as you head along the porch toward the E door. He will be standing right in front of the door and will slowly turn to face you. You have a good second or two to take your shot; it's not hard at all. Believe it or not, that's the last Vanishing Ghost you'll see during this night! ------ Before you go to the Buddha Room, you might want to quickly run back to the Rubble Room and SAVE THE GAME. There is a tough battle coming up! When you're ready, take the E door to the Stairway. STAIRWAY ******** No new items here, just go through the door to the Buddha Room. BUDDHA ROOM *********** You will hear some mysterious chanting voices in here... Go over to the altar and grab the item there. It's 4 pieces of CEREMONIAL ROPE and the DOCUMENT ON BINDING. You must place the 4 ropes on the 4 Buddha statues to open the altar, and the document tells you in what order to do it in: right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. Going by the map, the correct order is NW, NE, SW, SE. As you place each rope, a ligature mark will appear around the statue's neck. When all 4 ropes are in place the altar will open and you can now get the TEAL CARVING. There will be a cutscene ... in which the Himuro Master enters. You can't leave without beating this ghost! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Family Master [BOSS BATTLE] This is a very tough battle. The Master is the only ghost that will attack you with a weapon; a katana. He will glide steadily toward you, blinking in and out and teleporting from side to side, making aiming difficult. Before he attacks he will draw back his sword; don't wait for the circle to turn amber! If he's going to attack, instantly take a shot to stun him for brief second while you run away! When he swings that sword, he takes a big step forward and reaches as far as he can, so if you don't run promptly you'll be hit! Your plan should be similar to the way you fought the Folklorist in this same room on the previous night. Flee to a far corner, then turn and aim. Charge up as much as you can before he gets too close, then take your shot. While he is stunned, run straight through him and make a beeline for the opposite corner, then turn and repeat. The Master has a variety of special attacks for you as well. Sometimes he will use his sword in a two- or three-swing combo, so when you're running from him make sure he's finished attacking before you stop and draw your camera. Also, you may notice that the Master is accompanied by several decapitated heads that float around behind him; if the Master starts laughing, it means that he's send the heads out to chase you and grab you so he can get in a good blow with his sword. Try to get a Core Shot when he stops to laugh; if you succeed you can spoil the attack. At any rate, you'll have to be a skilled dodger to succeed in this battle. This ghost has very high stamina, and you'll use six or seven fully charged shots before the battle is over. ------ That was a strong ghost! You're not through with him yet, however. Now that you have the Teal Carving, you can to back to the Cherry Atrium via the Stairway. Before you unlock the Moon Shrine, however, you can go to the Anteroom (use the SW door on the 2nd floor of the Stairway) to SAVE THE GAME. You won't find any new items in the Anteroom. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* Go to the Moon Shrine and check the door to activate the puzzle lock. It's just like the other puzzle locks that you have seen, but the pattern is more complicated. The order of tiles to select is: 5 3 2 1 4 5 3. When the door is unlocked, go through into the Moon Shrine. MOON SHRINE *********** There's a big ornate cabinet in the middle of the room that's covering the entrance to the Moon Well. If you examine the cabinet, you can open it to find the MYSTERY OF THE CABINET document. You have to find the ghosts of the 5 men who pulled the ropes in the Strangling Ritual to move the cabinet: the Himuro Family Master and his 4 priest assistants. When you've taken the document, the 4 sides of the cabinet will begin to shimmer. If you take a picture of each side of the Cabinet, you will see the location of a Stone Monument (a.k.a. a GRAVE). These are the graves of the 4 priests. The S shows a HUGE STONE MONUMENT (in the Square Garden). The W side shows STONE MONUMENT IN PHOTO (in the Cherry Atrium). The N side shows a STONE BURIAL MOUND (in the Abyss). Finally, the E side shows GRAVESTONE IN PHOTO (in the Backyard). Now you have to visit each of these graves and battle a tough ghost! The first priest awaits you in the Cherry Atrium, so leave the Moon Shrine and return there. You can run quickly back to the Rubble Room and SAVE THE GAME before you approach the grave, if you want to. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* To battle the 1st Priest, approach the grave in the center of the Atrium. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Headless Priest I All 4 Priests will attack in the same basic pattern; each one also has different special moves that you have to watch out for as well. Anytime you are fighting a Priest, the ghost's head will sometimes disappear. When this happens, the ghost moves much slower and can't use most of its special attacks, but it's also completely invulnerable, so keep your distance and wait for the head to come back before you resume your attack. They will appear right on the grave and begin gliding toward you, attempting to grab you. This is the Priest's strongest attack and you must avoid it at all costs! This particular Priest likes to use MAGIC against you. That's right. The Priest will stop and make some gestures, then fling out a Wisp that will home in on you and circle around you. If the Wisp touches you, you'll get hurt, but it's not nearly as damaging as being grabbed. If Wisp is on your tail, you will have to run for a while before it will dissipate, and if you don't keep moving at top speed it will probably nail you. Whenever the Priest begins gesturing, get ready to shoot! You'll have a tiny second when the Circle turns amber to get a Core Shot and spoil the Wisp. Your main goal, however is not to waste time running around avoiding Wisps, but to quickly get shots on this ghost and end the battle as fast as you can. Get as much charge as you can and keep hitting him and running away, hit and run. You'll win after six or seven shots. ------ When the ghost is defeated, check the S side of the Stone Monument to find the PRIEST'S WRITINGS 1. Before you take on the next Priest, run back to the Rubble Room and SAVE THE GAME. Then return here to the Cherry Atrium and take the N door to the Abyss. ABYSS ***** First, check the side of the waterwheel nearest the door and you'll find a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Hirasaka (3000) Tomoe is still here at the waterwheel where she died. To find her, aim at the left side of the wheel where it comes up out of the water. ------ Then proceed to the end of the piers to initiate battle with the next priest. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Headless Priest II This Priest will be headless for most of the battle; during this time, he can only drift slowly toward you. You can easily avoid him, but you can't hurt him, so you must patiently wait for his head to return so you can get a chance to damage him. You might have to wait quite a while; when the ghost first appears (headless), you might have to wait for him to chase you all the way back to the waterwheel before his head appears. When it finally happens, the Priest will suddenly become very dangerous. He will keep moving toward you, only now he will swoop from side to side as he does so. Use the Sq button to accelerate your camera, and pay attention to the rhythm of his movements; if you can match the rhythm, you can keep him in your sights and charge up for a nice Zero Shot as he closes in. If you lose track of him, run away because when he grabs you it can drop your stamina from 'untouched' to 'almost dead'. If you can match the side-to-side motion of this ghost the battle won't be too hard. Four or five shots will do the trick. ------ Afterwards, check the Stone Monument for the PRIEST'S WRITINGS 2. There's only two priests left! Return to the Cherry Atrium, take the E exit to the Stairway, then take the E door to the Buddha Room. Enter the Square Garden through the S door of the Buddha Room to challenge the next Priest. SQUARE GARDEN ************* Go down to the Garden area and SAVE THE GAME before you approach the Stone Monument. The Priest will appear to battle you as walk up to the grave. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Headless Priest III This Priest has a special attack in which he drops into the ground and teleports behind you, then emerges from below to clutch at your ankles. You'll have an easier time dodging this attack if you immediately run back up onto the walkway and conduct the battle from there. Aim at the Priest and keep backing away as he slowly drifts toward you. When his head appears, he'll begin an attack; he'll either use the teleporting ambush or he will throw a Wisp at you. If you see him begin to sink into the ground, take a shot to stun him and start running; don't wait for a Zero Shot. If you see him start to gesture like he's winding up to pitch you a baseball, he's about to make a Wisp; you CAN interrupt this attack with a Zero shot. This is one tough ghost, but hopefully you have the skills to match. You'll need six or seven good shots to win. ------ When the battle is over, you can pick up the PRIEST'S WRITING 4. Ok, there's only one Priest left! SAVE THE GAME once again; your next destination is the Backyard. Before you to back through the N door to the Buddha Room, you have the option of collecting some Hidden Ghosts. You should only try this if you're feeling brave however, because you'll be harassed by Random Ghosts. If you want to collect the ghosts, go through the west door to the Lamp Hallway. LAMP HALLWAY [Optional] ************ There are no items here, just go through the door into the library. LIBRARY [Optional] ******* There are also no items here, but there is a hidden ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Ogata (3000) Open the closet where you found the tape recorder, and aim your camera inside. You'll find Editor Ogata's ghost still lingers here where he sought his final refuge from Kirie. ------ Got him? Now go back to the Lamp Hallway and go through the secret door in the south branch that leads to the Hidden Pass. Head down the passage and go through the first door you see to enter the Blinding Room. BLINDING ROOM [Optional] ************* ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Blinded Demon (3000) This ghost is hiding in the paper lantern that's in the middle of the room. To capture it, stand close to the lantern and aim down with your camera. ------ There is also a box of TYPE-74 FILM here. Now go back to the Hidden Pass and go down the east branch of the hallway and enter the Mask Room. MASK ROOM [Optional] ********* The only thing that's here is SACRED WATER (behind the pillar) and probably a random Broken Neck. After you've grabbed this item, retrace your steps back to the Square Garden, and SAVE THE GAME!! SQUARE GARDEN ************* When you're ready to go after the last priest, go north through the Buddha room and the stairway, to the Fish Tank Room, where you'll be attacked by a ghost. FISH TANK ROOM ************** ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Long Hair Woman You've defeated this ghost before, but since this time you are in the Fish Tank Room the battle is more difficult. You will have a slight advantage that you didn't have during your previous encounter in the Corridor; since this room is somewhat wider than the Corridor, Long Hair won't vanish behind the walls quite as much as she swoops toward you. Get as much charge as possible, and take your shots before letting the ghost get close to you. You'll have to do some clever maneuvering to get a safe vantage point from which to take aim; if Long Hair tries to flank you or moves behind the walls, run away and wait for her to reappear. Fortunately, she dosn't have extremely high stamina, and you can end the battle after about three or four good shots. ------ After you've beaten the ghost, you'll notice there's some TYPE-37 FILM here. Grab it and go towards the north door. You'll have to enter a 4-digit combination to unlock it. Check the Calamity scroll to find the code: 1347. When you've unlocked the door, go through to the Backyard. BACKYARD ******** Before you approach the monument at the north end, SAVE THE GAME!!! Then head over to the monument to battle the Final Priest. As you pass by the well, you'll see a cutscene ... and the ghost will appear. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Headless Priest IV This Priest has two attacks. He will, like the other Priests, occasionally throw a Wisp at you; there's a very small chance for you to get a Zero Shot when he winds up to throw. Much more dangerous is his leaping attack, in which he Priest will jump into the air and dive toward you with arms outspread and try to grab you. You can get a Zero Shot pretty easily when he performs this attack as he closes in, but the attack can come without warning, so you should always try to keep your eye on this ghost so you don't get landed on. If you can't see where he is, keep moving! If you stand still, he could easily pounce on you. Just be aware of the ghost's movements and you should be able to defeat him without too much trouble. Expect to use five or six good shots. ------ Yes! You've beaten all four priests! If you check the edge of the path you'll be able to get the PRIEST'S WRITINGS 3. Now before you go on, you can take an optional trip to Narukami Shrine to get a hidden ghost. After you've visited the Shrine (if you choose), it's time to go back to the Moon Shrine. Return through the Fish Tank Room, Stairway, and Cherry Atrium to the Moon Shrine. NARUKAMI SHRINE [optional] *************** If you haven't picked it up already, there's a STONE MIRROR on the shrine's porch. There's also some TYPE-90 FILM. Enter the shrine to find Mr. Takamine. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Takamine (3000) The novelist still haunts the spot where Kyrie found him. Aim up at the ceiling to capture this ghost. ------ Now you can return to the Backyard and save the game. MOON SHRINE ******** Ok, now that the four priests are gone, check each side of the cabinet and you'll see there are 4 switches. Did you notice that as you defeated each priest, you saw a symbol appear in the final picture? You must press the corresponding symbol on each side of the cabinet. Numbering the symbols 1-4, here's the solution: W-4, N-3, E-2, S-1. When you've pressed all 4 switches, a panel will rise out of the front of the cabinet. Now what?! You have to bring the Master's Seal here to finish opening the entrance to the Moon Well. Take a picture of the panel and you'll see a stream of blood appear in the picture. To find the Family Master, you must follow the trail of blood, which will lead you to the Grand Hall. Go back to the Cherry Atrium, Burial Room (you can SAVE THE GAME in the Rubble Room before you continue), and Walkway, then take the S door to return to the Grand Hall. GRAND HALL ********** You'll have a rematch with the Himuro Family Master when you enter this room. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Family Master [BOSS BATTLE] He will attack you in much that same way that he did before; gliding slowly toward you, occasionally flickering to one side or the other, until he ultimately takes a big swipe at you with his katana. There are a couple of big differences in this battle, though. First, it will be harder to keep a bead on this ghost because of all the partitions that he can hide behind. You'll have to be able use the Right control stick while in Finder mode to change your position if you want to build up a good charge. Second, the Master has a new and dangerous attack. He will begin by crouching down and drawing back his sword, then he will suddenly rush toward you and try to slice you up. His rush is VERY fast, and he can start it from any distance away; therefore, much like the Headless Priest IV, you must do your best to keep this ghost in your sights so doesn't take you by surprise. When the battle begins, he'll be on the other side of the room from you, so take as many shots as you can while he closes in! This is a hard battle, and you should try to end it as quickly as possible! It will take seven or eight good shots to win. ------ When the battle is finally over, you will get the MASTER'S SEAL. Now you can enter the Moon Well, but before you to back to the Moon Shrine you can find a Hidden Ghost in this room. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Family Master (3000) To find this final image of the Family Master, go to the W end of the hall and aim up at the little altar that's high on the wall. ------ Ok, now go back to the Moon Shrine. MOON SHRINE *********** Insert the Master's Seal into the panel and the cabinet will recede, revealing a ladder that leads down into the Moon Well. Hm, Miku doesn't look too thrilled about this... Let's go down the ladder and see what's at the bottom. MOON WELL ********* This horrible room houses the remains of the original Rope Maiden. Check the corpse and you'll find a third MIRROR PIECE, and an empty place where a Hairpin used to rest. As soon as you pick up the Mirror, Kirie will come for you! There will be a cutscene ... and Miku will be saved at the last minute by the young Kirie as you flee the Well. The 3rd Night will end after your dramatic escape. ******************** FINAL NIGHT: KIRIE ******************** **You've come a long way; only the final confrontation with Kirie remains. The Final Night begins in the Koto Room. KOTO ROOM ********* Your first goal is to find the Hairpin that was missing from the shrine in the Moon Well. If you check the table with the photographs, you'll find the KOTO MUSIC. Go and play this song on the koto and the door to the Attic will open. Go up the stairs and through the door! ATTIC ***** This is a narrow catwalk suspended over the 2nd floor. The first thing you'll see is hole in the floor. Look through the hole to begin a quick ghost battle. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Floating Head You fought this ghost earlier in the Stairway, way back on the 1st night. Floating Head is very easy to defeat; it will appear some distance away and begin floating toward you. Take aim and let your camera charge and then hit the shutter when the head gets close; you can win this battle with one shot. ------ Continue to the point where the catwalk makes a short jog to the N and you'll see a shining HERBAL MEDICINE. There's also a Hidden ghost here. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Long Hair Woman (3000) Just W of the place where you found the Herbal Medicine, you'll see there's a piece of woven mat lying on top of the beams overhead. The ghost is above this mat, so you'll have to stand off to the side and aim above the mat to find the ghost. It's a little easier to find if you stand to the E of mat (where the catwalk bends to the N). ------ Just before you reach the door at the end, you'll see another peephole. Look though and you'll see a cutscene ... of Kirie in the Anteroom. After the cutscene is over, head through the door. You'll be in a very short passage with another door at the E end. Go through and you'll be in the Buddha Room. BUDDHA ROOM *********** You're back in the Buddha Room, but this time you're high in the rafters. Miku won't run here, but she won't fall off either. There's a place to SAVE THE GAME, and some items. At the end of the first rafter you'll see TYPE-37 FILM shining. As you head across the next beam, you can find a hidden ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Truth Binder (5000) To find this ghost, stand on the beam above the altar and aim your camera down. The ghost is right on the altar. ------ You'll also notice some items down on the 1st floor; you'll have a chance to grab these items shortly. If you need a STONE MIRROR, you can find one on the other side of the post behind the Save Camera. When you're ready, to through the E door to the Dungeon. DUNGEON ******* This room is a small prison! Go through the cage door and pick up the items you see here; you will find KIRIE'S DIARY 1, 2, 3, and 6 if you check the bookshelves. You'll also find the HAIRPIN; you'll see a cutscene when you pick this up. Ok, get ready, because Kirie will appear when you exit the cell. ------ !!-Vanishing Ghost: Girl in White (~1500) This ghost will appear right in front of the N door when you exit the cell. She won't move, so if you just draw and shoot you can capture her with no problem. ------ Head for the door and Kirie will emerge from the big mirror behind you. Don't try to fight her yet, just run! Go through the N door and you'll be in the Stairway. STAIRWAY ******** Kirie is still chasing you! Don't panic, just run down the stairs and return through the S door to the Cherry Atrium. CHERRY ATRIUM ************* As you run along the platform, your filament will go dark and your vision will return to normal. Whew! Kirie won't bother you anymore until you go back to the Moon Well. Before you go there, you can make some optional side trips to collect some extra files and ghosts. When you're ready, return to the Moon Shrine and climb back to the bottom of the Moon Well. BUDDHA ROOM [Optional] *********** Come back to the 1st floor of this room via the Stairway and you can find 3 files in the N end of the room: PRIEST'S NOTES 1, 2 and 3. ANTEROOM [Optional] ******** You can find some files here if you check the dolls on the dresser (where you saw Kirie standing during the cutscene in the Attic). You will find KIRIE'S DIARY 4 and 5. ABYSS [Optional] ***** There are two Hidden Ghosts here. To find them, head out onto the pier. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Kirie's Love (4000) Go to the island between the two piers and move around the left edge until you see a blue glow from the filament. Draw and aim out into the swamp to find this ghost. ------ Continue out to the Stone Monument to find another ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Burdened Man (4000) Stand behind the Stone Monument and find a spot where your filament glows. Aim out into the swamp and you'll find this ghost floating in the distance. ------ MOON WELL ********* There are some new items down here for you to grab: SACRED WATER and TYPE-74 FILM. Grab these items, then check the Shrine to replace the Hairpin and the door in the W will unlock. Now is the time to SWITCH TO YOUR STRONGEST FILM and SAVE THE GAME. This will be your last chance to save before the end. When you're ready, go through the door in to the Hell Pass. HELL PASS ********* You'll see a cutscene as you approach this pass, which is a narrow ledge leading through an enormous natural cavern. After the cutscene, you'll be attacked! ------ !!-Attacking Ghosts: Long Hair Woman and Wandering Man Both ghosts will attack you at the same time. Fortunately, the will appear at the far end of the room, so you should stay put and take shots as they approach. Try to take out the Wandering Man first because he is faster. Don't wait for them to get close; just take your shot as soon as you get full charge and you should be able to defeat both ghosts before they can reach you. Each one will take two or three full shots. ------ As you continue along the path you can find HERBAL MEDICINE and TYPE-37 FILM. There's also a Hidden Ghost here. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Man at Bottom (4000) When you're about halfway down the path, hug the left side and you'll hear static and maybe get a faint glow on your filament. Draw your camera and aim down into the darkness, then use the Right Stick to move back and forth until the Capture Circle glows. ------ Go through the next door to the Rope Altar. ROPE ALTAR ********** You'll see a cutscene as soon as you enter. ... This is the room where the Strangling Ritual was performed. You'll be attacked by a ghost as soon as the cutscene ends. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Shrine Maiden This incarnation of a Shrine Maiden isn't very hard. This ghost won't move toward you like other ghosts; the only way it can move is by teleporting. It will try to appear behind you and reach up at you through the ground. When you here the teleport sound, run forward a couple of steps, then turn and aim at the ground to shoot the Maiden before she teleports again. This is an easy battle, which you will win after three good shots. ------ After the battle, you can find a STONE MIRROR shining here. There's also a Hidden Ghost. ------ !!-Hidden Ghost: Six Vengeance (4000) This ghost is near the ceiling directly above the altar. You'll have to get as close to the altar as you can before drawing your camera and aiming upwards. ------ Ok, to continue through the next door to the Baptismal Path. BAPTISMAL PATH ************** This is a curved hallway supported by tilting wooden beams. As soon as you enter, you'll see some TYPE-37 FILM shining to the right of the door. Grab it, then run over and check behind the outcropping on the left side of the door to find a hidden SACRED WATER. Then go down the hall to begin a ghost battle. ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Shrine Maiden This battle with the Maiden is harder than the first one. She'll appear behind you just after you pass the halfway point down the hall. This ghost crawls on the ground directly toward you, and she is FAST! You'll have to turn and aim quickly to capture it before she grabs you; then, while she's stunned, run just a step or two and aim again. As soon as the stunning wears off she'll start bearing down on you again! Don't forget to use strong film for this battle; also, using a Bonus Function like Paralyze or Slow will greatly improve your chances by giving you time to build up full charge. Try to end this battle quick, with three or four shots. ------ After you've beaten the Maiden, go through the next door to have your final confrontation with Kirie. HELL GATE ********* This is a large cavern; at the end of the path is the massive Hell Gate... and it's open! To begin the battle with Kirie, approach the spire in front of the gate and check the side that's facing the gate; you'll see a place where the Holy Mirror used to rest. After a cutscene ... Kirie will appear! ------ !!-Attacking Ghost: Kirie [BOSS BATTLE] Despite her fearsome power, this battle is really not too hard. Kirie moves very slowly; and while she can teleport she won't do this very often. Do not let Kirie get close to you under any circumstances, because one touch is completely fatal, even if you have full stamina! If you have a Stone Mirror, you can survive ONE contact, but that's your only chance. Get as far away as you can before you begin to take aim. While battling Kirie, you'll be shaken by occasional tremors that will throw off your aim; don't panic, just wait for the tremor to pass and then reacquire your target. You can only hurt Kirie if you have FULL CHARGE; when your Power meter is full the circle will turn amber and you can take your shot! Shoot immediately, then start charging again; Kirie will usually vanish for a moment after you hit her but she'll reappear in the same spot if you wait just a moment. She has a lot of stamina, and you'll need seven or eight shots to win. ------ After the battle, there will be a cutscene ... and your camera will open and you'll find that the final Mirror Piece was inside. When the scene ends, you'll be face to face with Kirie near the base of the path!! Be careful, because you can still get killed here! Quickly turn and run back to the Hell Gate. DON'T START RUNNING BEFORE YOU TURN AROUND or you'll run right smack into Kirie (and die, if you don't have a Stone Mirror). On the left side of the spire you'll see the MIRROR PIECE shining on the ground. Quickly grab it, then check the side of the spire facing the door to replace the Mirror and cleanse Kirie of the Malice... Congratulations, you've beaten the game! Hooray! Now you can sit back and watch the final cutscene ... ! NOTE: If you defeat the game in Nightmare Difficulty, you will see a different ending! So what are waiting for? Pick that controller back up and try the Battle Mode! And you think you're Camera is strong now, just wait until you try some of the Special Functions! You can find out all about this kind of thing in the next section. ******************** END OF WALKTHROUGH ******************** ********************* V. SPECIAL FEATURES ********************* **If you load the Clear Data after you've beaten the game, you'll see a new set of menus that allow you to access various Special Features. There's still a lot of game left! I will describe the various features and give the requirements you have to meet to unlock them. STORY MODE ---------- You can select options for replaying the game. - CHAPTER: You can choose to either Continue a current game, or you can start playing at the beginning of any chapter: Intro, 1st Night, 2nd Night, 3rd Night, or Final Night. Unlock it by defeating the game in Nightmare Difficulty. - DIFFICULTY: Normal is the default setting. After you have completed Battle Mode you can choose Nightmare difficulty. In this setting, ghosts will have pretty much the same stamina, but their attacks will do at least twice as much damage. This means one attack from a ghost like Blinded will kill you (unless you have a Stone Mirror). Also, the Filament on your camera will not be able to track ghosts that are behind a wall or other obstruction, which makes battles a lot harder. If the ghost's stamina meter appears in the upper left you know you're aiming in its general direction. When you win the game with Nightmare setting, you will see a different ending!! - COSTUME: There are four costumes to choose from: Normal, Special1, Special2, and Special3. The Normal costume is the default white blouse and red scarf. Special1 costume features a dark brown cardigan and cute little gloves (they look like driving gloves). The Special2 costume has a deep blue blouse with a fancy design on the back and white stockings (with garters!); Miku even has blue hair! The Special3 costume has a dark cardigan and patterned scarf, leather skirt, black stockings; also Miku wears pale lipstick and has a darker complexion. But apart from being cute, when Miku wears a Special costume she will run just a little bit faster!! Costume1 becomes available after you defeat the game for the first time. To unlock Costumes 2 & 3, you must also beat the game in Nightmare mode. - GAME START: After choosing your settings, select this option to start playing. - EXIT: Um, exit the menu. BATTLE MODE ----------- Battle Mode consists of 20 different ghost encounters. Some of these have multiple ghosts, and most of them are much harder than any ghost battle you have in Story Mode. - COSTUME: You can choose different costumes; look at the previous section. - CAMERA SETTING: The usual Camera Menu that you use in Story Mode. Here you can choose what bonus and special function you want to equip, and purchase upgrades for your camera. These are the settings you will use in the battles; during the battle, you won't be able to change them. You can change your loaded film here too, but each battle has it's own predetermined type and amount of film that you must use. - PHOTOGRAPH: Look at a Photo Album of the shots you've taken in Battle Mode. - SAVE: Save your progress. - MISSION SELECT: There are 20 different 'missions'. At first, you can only choose from among the first 5. When you've beaten all of these, you'll be able to scroll over and select from missions 6 - 10. Beat these to unlock 11 - 15, and so on. These battles have slightly different rules than the battles you have in Story Mode. The main differences are: -You can't use any healing items, not even a Stone Mirror. -You get ONE Spirit Stone to use. That's all. -The type and amount of film loaded depends on the battle; these shots don't consume or add to the film in your inventory. -You cannot change your enabled Bonus or Special functions during the battle. After each battle you will get a rank equal to the highest scoring single shot taken. You'll also get a Spirit Point bonus based on your time and performance, but these factors don't affect your rank in any way. You get to keep all Spirit Points even if you die or quit in the middle of the battle (but you won't get the bonuses, of course). The 20 different missions are as follows: MISSION GHOST(S) LOCATION FILM # OF SHOTS 1 Editor's Doll Room 14 10 2 Broken Neck Entrance 14 10 3 Floating Woman Forest Path 14 10 4 Assistant's Tatami Room 14 10 5 Novelist's Backyard 14 10 6 Longhair Woman Corridor 14 10 7 Wandering Monk Abyss 14 10 8 Blinded Grand Hall 14 10 9 Broken Neck & Entrance 14 10 Editor's 10 Folklorist's Backyard 14 10 11 Headless Priest Cherry Atrium 14 10 12 Longhair Woman & Entrance 14 10 Crawling Girl 13 Blinded Abyss 14 10 14 Crawling Girl & Backyard 14 10 Girl in Well 15 Family Master Fish Tank Rm 14 10 16 Headless Priest & Grand Hall 37 20 Headless Priest 17 Assistant's & Kimono Room 37 20 Novelist's 18 Woman Hanging & Backyard 37 15 Folklorist's 19 Family Master Buddha Room 37 10 20 Kirie Rope Altar 74 50 -Some of these battles, especially 15 and 16, are very very hard. My best advice for you is to repeat the easier battles until you get 80000 Spirit Points and purchase the Zoom function for your Camera as soon as possible. Whenever you aim, zoom out (using the R2 button). This will have the effect of expanding your field of view, making it much easier to aim at the ghosts and much easier to capture multiple ghosts in one shot. This function will make a big difference and is well worth the time taken earning the needed points; if you repeat the easiest battles so you can end them quickly and earn big bonuses, you'll earn enough in no time! SOUND TEST ---------- You can play back all the different music tracks from the game! You can choose this after beating the game once. GHOST LIST ---------- The Ghost List becomes available after you've beaten the game. You can look at it anytime during Story Mode or Battle Mode by selecting it from the Menu. All of the different ghosts that you have captured will be listed here, along with a stock picture (not one of your own pictures) and a caption telling you who the ghost is/was. There are 108 entries in the list, and your Success Rate is displayed as both a ratio and as a percentage. The Ghosts are listed in the order that you can capture them during the game, with Attacking Ghosts first, then Vanishing Ghosts, Hidden Ghosts, and finally Seal Ghosts (Hidden Ghosts that seal some door somewhere). I've shown where to capture all 108 in the Walkthrough. If you can get a 100% Success Rate, you will unlock the extremely powerful Zero Function on your Camera. RANKING ------- You can look at your Ranking any time after you've beaten the game; just go to the Menu anytime during Story Mode or Battle Mode and it will be there for you to select. The Ranking shows you the top 10 scoring single shots that you've made anytime in the game (in Story Mode OR Battle Mode). Fatal Frame does not explicitly tell you what the grading system is, but from capturing many many ghosts I've come up with the following (estimated) table: SCORE GRADE 7000-9999 S 6000-6999 A+ 5000-5999 A 4000-4999 A- 2500-3999 B 1000-2499 C 1-999 D SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ----------------- Special Camera Functions become available as you achieve various goals in Fatal Frame. These are described in the Camera section at the beginning of this file. **************** VI. GHOST LIST **************** There are a total of 108 ghosts. -ATTACKING GHOSTS 1. Bound Man 1 2. Bound Man 2 3. Female Head 4. Man w/Long Arms 5. Broken Neck 6. Editor's 7. Assistant's 8. Novelist's 9. Floating Woman 10. Wandering Man 11. Crawling Girl 12. Boy Hiding 13. Girl in Well 14. Long Hair Woman 15. Wandering Monk 16. Blinded 17. Woman Hanging 18. Folklorist's 19. Floating Face 20. People Killed 1 21. People Killed 2 22. People Killed 3 23. Shrine Maiden 24. Headless Priest 1 25. Headless Priest 2 26. Headless Priest 3 27. Headless Priest 4 28. Familiy Master 29. Kirie -VANISHING GHOSTS 30. Rope Hallway Man 31. Man Looking Down 32. Man at Partition 33. Man on a Beam 34. Bro's Shadow 1 35. Hallway Man 36. Man at Screen 37. Wandering Man 38. Dead Man's Body 39. Man at Window 40. Man in Closet 41. Standing Man 42. Man Behind 43. Woman at Mirror 44. Wandering Woman 45. Girl Pointing 1 46. Woman on Porch 47. Woman in Atrium 48. Woman Turning 49. Woman who Jumps 50. Man Turning 51. Woman at Corner 52. Woman Hanging 53. Blinded Woman 54. Female Head 55. Man in Backyard 56. Girl Pleading 57. Standing Man 58. Crucified Man 59. Child on Porch 60. Kid Running Away 1 61. Kid Running Away 2 62. Bro's Shadow 2 63. Hanged Woman 64. Observatory Man 1 65. Girl under Porch 66. Man before Door 67. Girl Pointing 2 68. Kid Hiding 69. Man in Study 70. Man before Study 71. Observatory Man 2 72. Hall Wanderer 73. Man in Hall 74. Man in Atrium 75. Turning Mask Man 76. Girl in White -HIDDEN GHOSTS- 77. Child Behind 78. Angry Man 79. Woman in Kimono 80. Woman in Pain 81. Monk into Dark 82. Girl Turning 83. Warped Man 84. Monk out of Dark 85. Tormented Ones 86. Burned Man 87. Evil Woman 88. Talking Ghosts 89. Long Hair Woman 90. Man at Bottom 91. Six Vengeance 92. Ogata 93. Hirasaka 94. Takamine 95. Blind Demon 96. Yae 97. Munakata 98. Family Master 99. Kirie's Love 100. Truth Binder 101. Burdened Man -SEAL GHOSTS- 102. Seductress 103. Woman Pulled In 104. Child Onlooker 105. Vengeance in Wall 106. Vengeance 107. Girl Hiding 108. Crushed Woman ************ POSTSCRIPT ************ **That's it. If I receive any corrections, etc, I may include them in an update; the main purpose of this file is to provide all the essential information needed to complete the game; I've left out conjectural plot analysis and painstaking details. I hope you may have found some part of this file to be helpful or interesting, and if not then I hope you find something that works better for you. If nothing avails you, just wait until 2004, when a Fatal Frame movie is due to be released (if the previews are accurate...)