=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 2 (XBOX) FAQ/Strategy Guide (Version 1.1; May 20th 05) Written by TestaALT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents: ------------------ 1. What's New? 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Basics 5. Offense Strategies 6. Defense Strategies 7. Career Mode 8. Create a Player 9. Training Blues 10. Boxers 11. Appendices 12. Frequently Asked Questions 13. Credits 14. Legal Disclaimer 15. Contact Info ============================================================================= 1. What's New? ============================================================================= Version 1.1 (05/20/05): - Added list of Boxers with their ratings. Version 1.0 (05/19/05): - Original version of document. ============================================================================= 2. Introduction ============================================================================= Did you watch the last task on The Apprentice, too? If so, then you probably went right out and bought Fight Night Round 2, like me. FNR2 is perhaps the best boxing game since the NES days. The fluid motion of the punches with the Right Joystick is absolutely crazy. It's literally like we're the boxer in the ring. The Career options, famous boxers, and Create a Player options make this game truly wonderful. However, this game is short-lived in the end. Ephemeral is the word I'm looking for. Although it's pretty tough to master, once you do it's over. Just like this. ;) ============================================================================= 3. Controls ============================================================================= Left Joystick: Movement A: Signature Punch B: Illegal Punch X: Taunt Y: Clinch Left Trigger: Lean Right Trigger: Block Right Joystick Northwest: Right Jab Right Joystick Northeast: Left Jab Right Joystick East and Counterclockwise: Right Hook Right Joystick Left and Clockwise: Left Hook Right Joystick Southeast and Counterclockwise: Right Uppercut Right Joystick Southwest and Clockwise: Left Uppercut Wind Back Hooks/Uppercuts: Haymaker ============================================================================= 4. Basics ============================================================================= Punches ------- It wouldn't be a Boxing game without punching. Don't worry - you don't have to remember any combination of buttons, just what type of punch is the best in what type of situation. The Right Analog Stick controls your punching pretty fluently, so you can really bash into an opponent if you desire. :D Jabs ---- Jabs are short, straight punches - they strike quickly and efficiently. Jabs don't leave much room open for the opponent to wail on you, which is definitely a plus. However, they don't pack a strong punch. Mainly, jabs are either used in succession three or four times to get off a small combo, or executed to start a more deadly combo. If the opponent is trying to block your jab in one area, it leaves them open to more brutal attacks in other areas. Hooks ----- Although slower than Jabs, Hooks are designed with a little more damage in mind. They're your main arsenal for quickly beating up on an opponents face, and are especially deadly in combination with uppercuts. Hooks are your basic side punches to the face - you're hand goes down and hooks over to one side of the opponent's face. Also, Hooks are wonderful if you're targetting a certain side of an opponent's face. Mixing up hooks is essential, considering its simple to put your guard up. Uppercuts --------- These bad boys definitely leave a mark. Uppercuts start low and cut up to an opponent's chin (obviously). Use them fluently with Hooks and Jabs to mix it up. Open with uppercuts if the opponent doesn't have his guard up, and when you need to mix things up. Otherwise, I would use Uppercuts with Hooks - in the middle of a combo. Don't perform Uppercuts too often, as they leave you open for punches and blocks if the opponent sees you executing them like crazy. Haymakers --------- There are two types of Haymakers you can perform: Hooks or Uppercuts. Sound familiar? It's basically the same deal as the regular punches, but you wind up your punches before you throw them. The tradeoff for the slowness is that they pack quiet a punch (heh). Even if the opponent blocks a Haymaker, it will still do a little damage to them. Use Haymakers in situations where you have the time to execute them. That might possible be when the opponent is fatigued, parried - just open for a big, slow attack. Don't abuse Haymakers because they take a away a ton of energy. Defenses -------- This is definitely overlooked in the beginning portion of the game - you're great offense supplements a poor defense. If you always have your opponent on the ropes, swinging right and left viciously, he might need defenses, but you certainly don't. That changes rather quickly as the game progresses because the AI turns aggressive. Leans ----- Leans are a cool way to dodge your opponents attacks. You have complete control over where you are leaning, and can lean in different directions rather quickly. So, you can lean your way out of most of the punches in the game. They are absolutely a lifesaver when one is on the ropes or about to be punched by a huge haymaker. You can also duck with the lean controls and get a few gut punches in, effectively countering most of the opponents upper misses. One can't move around the ring and lean at the same time. Blocking -------- Keep your guard up! Blocking either renders punches ineffective or mitigates the damage taken severely. It isn't like your arms can protect your entire body, though. You'll have to move your arms to where the opponent is trying to hit you for blocking to work. Might seem hard at first, but it is fairly easy to learn. You *can* move and block at the same time, so use the technique as a shield if you want to get away. Parry ----- Parrying is very effective when you're facing stronger, more aggressive opponents. Basically, you block the attack and also get the opponent open for a counterattack. Parrying is like a stun, but instead of you controlling the stun, the stun is determined by the power of the punch. Learning to Parry is learning to win. Again, you can only Parry one side of your body, so you have to be good at knowing where punches are going to be hit. Counterattack ------------- Counterattacking is, well, countering an opponents move after you've blocked/parried their attack. It's a great way to get hits while you're on the defensive front. The opponent is "open" after you've blocked their attack, giving you just enough time for a counterattack. Usually, though, you can only get one hit in because they're already moving back when you throw the first punch. Clinches -------- A neat, new feature is the ability to clinch your opponent. It's the best way to get life back in a KO moment. Instead of having to block your way back to health, you can instead clinch your opponent and get some health back to fight. It can also be used as a time waster - use it when you're getting beat on badly. Clinches can be pushed away, so be sure to put some sort of thought into it when you throw them. KO Moment --------- When one boxer's health expires, they're in a KO moment. That is, if they get smacked around a little here, they'll find themselves kissing the mat. Mainly, you'll either want to hit very hard as the aggressor and block/clinch as the person who's out of health. Remember that you can clinch your way out of a KO moment and regain a small amount of health, so it is definitely not a sure deal when you get to this point. KO moments last a just little while, so you can dodge opponents out of a KO moment. Ring Movement ------------- Boxers move in decently fast, but you can't rely in sidestepping/retreating to end an opponent's flurry; boxers move slow enough backwards that this type of strategy is almost impossible unless you have a head start. You're always facing your opponent, also. The Ropes --------- Around the ring are ropes to fence you in. Use them to your advantage. If you're pounding on someone in the corner, they won't have an escape route and will have to maneuver their way out. You should always try to be backing your opponent into the ropes. Cutman ------ Obviously, your boxer is going to get banged up in the fight. If you're too bloodly or bruised up, a referee can even stop the fight! However, the boxer's loyal cutman is always on his side of the ring, making sure he doesn't look too aweful. You control the cutman, and you can either reduce swelling or cuts. The numbers are from one to one thousand in four areas of the face. Penalties --------- Amazingly, this game has the Illegal Punch option. I didn't even list it because it doesn't have any really good uses besides a great way to lose points. The first time you Illegally Punch you simply get a warning. After that, though, you lose point after point until you are finally disqualified. Don't do Illegal stuff, kids, unless you want to lose a fight. Stoppages --------- There are two ways a game can be stopped by the referee: the three- knockdown rule or injury rule. For the former, the 3-KO rule has to be ON in the options screen. If someone gets knocked out three times in a single round, with the rules in effect the fight will be over and the aggressor will be rewarded a TKO. Great when you beatdown on people, but pretty lame in the upper brackets. The stoppage rule is similar, but it has to do with how much injury a player has. If a boxer getting absolutely impounded in, the referee will stop the fight and award a TKO to the crusher. ============================================================================= 5. Offense Strategies ============================================================================= Mix Things Up ------------- Don't ever stick to a certain punch and especially in a certain area - the opponent will get used to it after a few hits, parry, and make you pay. Try to also mix up the type of punches and the area in which you hit them. If you spend the whole fight knocking the opponents head, he'll soon realise this and put his block up. A good repetoire of punches makes it more difficult for the opponent to figure out how to block, so try doing all the punches in your combos. Keep Your Guard Up ------------------ Even while on the offense, always keep your guard up in some way. Whether it is putting your block up, or staying in a lean position, you should always go back to some sort of defense directly after your barrage. If you don't, the opponent will do the exact same thing you did to them. It would be two people bashing each other in if nobody sidestepped the attacks in some way. Use The Ropes ------------- Probably one of the most useful strategies in the earlier part of the game is to not only pummel the target with punches, but also lead them into the ropes, afterwards a corner, so they don't have any place to run. If you do this, you'll have a lot less misses because the opponent won't have the option of running away. The Ropes are somewhat risky, though, because the opponent might be smart enough to get out of it and box you in. Open Them Up ------------ In the beginning of the fight the opponent will have his guard up, and it's your job to open him up. To do this, try to take a step back, dodge/block doggedly, and wait for your opponent to make a mistake. When they catch air, take advantage of him with a small combo. Follow Through -------------- Don't just jab them once, jab them a few times, along with a couple uppercuts, too. If they're allowing you to hit them, follow through and bang them a few more times. Of course, use different punches in different locations, or you'll find a block/parry will stop you. Jabs ---- Use them in a staredown to possibly open them up or at least get a few punches in. You can Jab consecutively pretty fast. Jabs aren't big punches, so don't use them as your main offense. You *might* want to throw a Jab in the middle of a combo to mix things up, but you should leave the damage to the hooks and uppercuts. Hooks ----- See the opponents guard down? Hook'em up! Seriously, Hooks are the bread and butter of your arsenal. They should be in the middle of your combos, after you either open the opponent up, or they make a mistake. Uppercuts --------- Uppercuts make things interesting; instead of hooking/jabbing away, you have that third option to pummel the opponent in. They rise up and inflict damage on the chin, so you have a chance to really open up the opponent with uppercuts. I wouldn't go crazy with Uppercuts, though, as the AI recognises them and backs away. Haymakers --------- Little punches are good and fun, but Haymakers really lower the opponents health. They take a long time to wind up, but in the end, if you connect, it will be worth it. But that's just the problem - the opponent is smart enough to back away if they see a Haymaker wind up. So, you should only use them when the opponent is fatigued, stunned, or otherwise stupified by your blows. If you go Haymaker crazy and end up catching air, it will lower your fatigue, so don't abuse Haymakers. KO Moment --------- The opponent will definitely be blocking in a KO moment, if they're worth anything at all. So, it's pretty hard to hit them if they have their block up and are backing away from you. Try to lure them into a corner while accurately throwing punches. Mix things up and hope they penetrate his defense. If they don't, back them into the ropes/corners and get a couple hits in on them. That should be enough to take them down. In addition, Jabbing is actually useful because they're so fast and break blocks. I've actually knocked people out with Jabs, of all things! Oh, and be sure to punch the foe as they're falling to the ground. It will make it that much harder for them to get up. Shell Up -------- One of the best ways to attack is to wait for the opponent to make a mistake. With that in mind, hold the Lean button and duck. Dodge the foe and wait for him to take a punch in the air while you're ducking. When this happens, punch him in the gut a few times with some hooks and uppercuts, maybe even a jab or two. While he's busy in the air, you can get a good two-three punches on him in the gut. This, in turn, leads to damage and worse fatigue. Parry-Punch ----------- Just as the header states - parry and punch them afterwards. It's tough to master, but parrying is your bread and butter for tougher opponents. Combos ------ Just a small reiteration of all the above points. Open them up and pound them with a few heavy duty hooks and uppercuts - maybe even a Haymaker if they're really open. The key to offense is small three or four punch combos. Nickle and diming WILL get you somewhere, but nothing gets a match done quicker if you know how to execut combos effectively. Punch'n'Run ----------- Simple: jab at the enemy, run back, and repeat. You'll control the tempo of the fight if you do this. It potentially leads to your opponent becoming open in some way. I used this mainly for higher ranking fights that I otherwise could not win. Friend = Parry -------------- Parrying is the make it or break it skill for higher ranked fights. The opponent is so aggressive, they just won't get off you unless you stun them a little bit. Learn to master the Parry and you will master the game. Parrying is awesome because it opens the opponent up every time. Signature Punches ----------------- Huge wind ups and a big chance of missing if the opponent can walk. Great if they're on the ropes or the opponent gets careless and misses up high. Signature punches really open them for a couple punches, but really blow energy. Definitely only use them in certain situations, and never open up with them if the opponent isn't occupied with a stun or punch. ============================================================================= 6. Defense Strategies ============================================================================= Parry ----- What better way to get out of a beatdown rather than stun the opponent? If you know where the opponent throws a punch, you can Parry them and get out of a combo. Parrying also starts up the offense. Blocking -------- Blocking is great because you can move away while blocking. Though it sometimes doesn't mitigate all the damage, it severely absorbs it. There's no better getaway than with a shield, and Blocking really gives you a shield. Very useful in KO moments, as well. Leaning ------- Leaning can be VERY effectively because the opponent doesn't hit you at all, wastes judge points, and opens up for counterattacks. I like to roll the thumbstick when leaning, or stay in the duck position. Move as the punches come, of course. Leaning is definitely not a sure thing, so put your block up while Leaning. Clinching --------- Getting bloody, and need to waste time? Clinching will do just that, grabbing your opponent for a few seconds. Use it when you need to waste time or break tempo. The Clinches main focus, though, is to recover from KO moments. If you Clinch your opponent while in a KO moment, you recover some health and are not in a hectic situation. Cutman ------ Cuts take precedence over Swells. Focus on the area most hurt, overall. If you have too much to do, try to spend a little while with each area to effectively patch up your boxer. Follow the highlighted spot with your Right Thumbstick - it's very simple but requires you to not be asleep at the wheel. You only get thirty seconds, so work efficiently and quickly. Stay Away From Ropes -------------------- If you're on E and want to waste time, don't run into a corner, please. Instead, try to circle around the opponent while Blocking or Leaning. If a foe get you on the ropes, it will substantially increase their chance to hit you, or knock you out. Learn Opposition's Tendencies ----------------------------- If the opponent always throws high, block high. If they're more of a speedy, jab type of person, try blocking. If they're one punch hitters, leaning is your friend. What makes FNR2 so interesting is that you can effectively counter everything. If you're on your defensive game, you'll be ni-hi unhittable. ============================================================================= 7. Career Mode ============================================================================= Without Career Mode, FNR2 would be an arcade game. In Career Mode, you can either play the career of a famous boxer, or box with a created boxer. In both situations, you start out in the Amateur League. Amateur League -------------- Ever seen that movie, Million Dollar Baby? Well, the Amateur part of the game is similar to the first fights the heroine has. Haven't? Well, she pulverizes the living daylights out of everyone in the first fights! It's like one or two punches and... BAM, they're down! The Amateur League is just like this. You can swing your way passed every single round because the opponent doesn't know how to block. It's great if you're learning how to throw punches and such, because you don't really have to worry about the foe fighting back. You can EASILY win every round by hammering away. For the first five fights, you'll have training programs before the fights. These teach you how to execute all the moves in the game. Really learn how to do everything, don't just mash away and hope for the best. You'll need to know all of the game's mechanics later in the game. It's recommended that you stay at least for the first five fights, so you can get all the training programs in. After that, it's another four fights until you can contend for the Amateur Belt (Nine Wins). You can only get this once, so I suggest you stick around and get it. Your opponent in that match is a good warmup to Pros, but you can still swing away and win. The Professionals ----------------- Whoa... ten thousand! And we get a ranking, how cool is that? The opponents in the Professionals are much more difficult than the Amateurs, but if you use my strategies you should turn out all right. For the 50-20 ranking fights, you can fight people a good 4-5 ranks above you. Remember to get the lowest weeks to fight, also, as old age will kill you in the end. ^_^ For ranks 50-40, take people on a good 4-5 ranks ahead of you. Be smart, and open opponents up. You can use a Cheap Lean strategy, too. Duck, dodge the opponents frenzy, and wait for them to throw an air punch. Bash away at their stomache after this, you should get a few good hits in. When they're low on health you can get aggressive and miss a little, while backing them in a corner. Repeat for sure wins. Ranks 40-20 are relatively difficult because you'll need _skill_ to defeat opponents. Use the block function with the punch function, remember! Save energy, open them up, and pound away. Cheap strategies won't work here, but you should still be able to take opponents a good 2-3 ranks above (or below) you. From 20-1, it's all about Parrying. Opponents are super aggressive, tougher, faster, and more powerful than you, so you have to play the chicken little Parry strategy. Parry an attack to open them up, throw a couple punches in, and repeat. Take on people around your rank unless you're crazy. The Belts --------- You get most of the belts by doing something in particular during a fight. > Precision Punch Award: Accuracy over 70% in a winning fight. > Dominating Defense Award: If opponent's punches % is below 40% in a winning fight. > Haymaker Trophy: 50 Haymakers landed in a fight or 500 Haymakers landed in a career. > Iron Man Fitness Award: All Ratings to 100%. > "Ko King" Trophy: Win 10 fights in a row by KO to earn. > Lifetime Achievement Award: If, after 20 years, you've won 75% of your fights. > Everlast Pound for Pound Belt: Unify belts in 3 weight classes to earn. > Unified Class Belt: Unify two of the belts to earn. > Amatuer Belt: Win Amateur title fight. > All Professional Weightclass Belts: Win in title fight for weightclass. ============================================================================= 8. Create a Player ============================================================================= Nothing in Create a Player makes a difference until you get to Ratings. Here, you'll want to specialize in what you think you'll focus on mostly during fights. Here are the attributes: Power: How hard the Boxer can punch. Speed: The Speed at which a boxer can throw a punch. Agility: How fast the boxer can move around the ring. Stamina: Controls how fast energy is gained and lost. Chin: How well a Boer takes a punch to the head. Body: How well a Boer takes a punch to the Body. Heart: Speed of regaining health and KO get-ups. Cuts: Ability to resist cuts, swells, and bruises. ============================================================================= 9. Training Blues ============================================================================= Combo Dummy ----------- Increases Speed, Agility, Chin, and Heart. Follow the combinations displayed on the combo dummy by hitting the lighted areas in the correct order. Pull and hold the left trigger to throw punches to the combo dummy's body. Heavy Bag --------- Increases Power, Speed, Stamina, Chin, Body, Heart, and Cuts. Balance throwing combos and resting score points. Comboing with low energy scores less points. You can only score by comboing on the lighted area. Rest when bad is not lit. Weight Lifting -------------- Increases Power, Stamina, Body, and Cuts. Move the left or right thumbstick up to raise the blue bar to the red target zone. Releasing the thumbstick lowers the blue bar. Timing and smooth motion are key to effectively completing reps. ============================================================================= 10. Boxers ============================================================================= Featherweight Boxers -------------------- Marco A. Barrera Power: 1.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 2 Body: 2 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3 Diego Corrales Power: 1.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 2.5 Body: 3 Heart: 4 Cuts: 2 Derrick Gainer Power: 1 Speed: 4 Agility: 4 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3 Body: 1.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3.5 Kevin Kelley Power: 1.5 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 2 Body: 2.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 2 Juan Manuel Marquez Power: 1.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 2.5 Body: 3 Heart: 4 Cuts: 4 Rafael Marquez Power: 1 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3 Body: 2.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 3 Erik Morales Power: 2 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 4 Body: 3 Heart: 4 Cuts: 3 Manny Pacquiao Power: 2 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 2 Body: 4 Heart: 4 Cuts: 3 Lightweight Boxers ------------------ Mike Anchondo Power: 1.5 Speed: 4 Agility: 4 Stamina: 4 Chin: 3.5 Body: 3 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3 Diego Corrales Power: 2 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3 Body: 3 Heart: 5 Cuts: 2 Roberto Duran Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 2.5 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3.5 Arturo Gatti Power: 2 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 2.5 Body: 3 Heart: 4 Cuts: 2 Juan Lazcano Power: 2 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 2.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3 Jesse James Leija Power: 2 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3 Body: 2.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 3 Floyd Mayweather Power: 2 Speed: 4 Agility: 4 Stamina: 4 Chin: 3.5 Body: 2.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 2.5 Shane Mosley Power: 1.5 Speed: 4 Agility: 4 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3 Body: 2 Heart: 2.5 Cuts: 2.5 Welterweight Boxers ------------------- Miguel Cotto Power: 3 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 2 Body: 3.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 4 Roberto Duran Power: 3 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3 Arturo Gatti Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 2.5 Body: 2.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 2.5 Ricky Hatton Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3.5 Body: 2.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 2.5 Ray Leonard Power: 2.5 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3.5 Body: 2 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3 Ricardo Mayorga Power: 2.5 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 2.5 Body: 3.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 3 Shane Mosley Power: 1.5 Speed: 3.5 Agility: 3.5 Stamina: 3.5 Chin: 3.5 Body: 2 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3 Ray Robinson Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 1.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 2 Micky Ward Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 2.5 Heart: 4 Cuts: 2.5 Middleweight Boxers ------------------- Bernard Hopkins Power: 3 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 4 Heart: 4 Cuts: 4 Jake Lamotta Power: 3 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3.5 Body: 3 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 2 Ray Leonard Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility:3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3.5 Body: 3 Heart: 4 Cuts: 3.5 Ray Robinson Power: 3 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 2.5 Jermain Taylor Power: 3 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3.5 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 4 Ronald Wright Power: 2.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3.5 Body: 2.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3 Light Heavy Boxers ------------------ Evander Holyfield Power: 4 Speed: 2 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3 Roy Jones Jr Power: 3.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 3 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 4 Jeff Lacy Power: 4 Speed: 2 Agility: 2 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3 Body: 4 Heart: 3 Cuts: 4 Antonio Tarver Power: 3 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 4 Body: 3 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3 James Toney Power: 3.5 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 4 Body: 3 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3.5 Heavyweight Boxers ------------------ Muhammad Ali Power: 4 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 3 Body: 3 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3 Chriss Byrd Power: 4 Speed: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 3 Chin: 4 Body: 3 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3.5 Joe Frazier Power: 4 Speed: 2 Agility: 2 Stamina: 2 Chin: 3 Body: 4 Heart: 4 Cuts: 4 Evander Holyfield Power: 3.5 Speed: 2 Agility: 2 Stamina: 3 Chin: 3.5 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3.5 Roy Jones Jr Power: 3 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 3 Body: 3.5 Heart: 2.5 Cuts: 4 Sonny Liston Power: 3.5 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 3 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3.5 Rocky Marciano Power: 4 Speed: 2 Agility: 2 Stamina: 2 Chin: 4 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3 Cuts: 3 Ken Norton Power: 3.5 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 3.5 Body: 3.5 Heart: 3.5 Cuts: 3.5 James Toney Power: 3.5 Speed: 2.5 Agility: 2.5 Stamina: 2.5 Chin: 4 Body: 3 Heart: 3 Cuts: 4 ============================================================================= 11. Appendices ============================================================================= Rings ----- Unlock these rings by fighting there: 1. Staples Center 2. Boma Stadium 3. 65 Lower Flushing 4. County Fairgrounds 5. The Viceroy 6. Collina Del Mar 7. The Elevese 8. Hisako Ballroom 9. Atlantic City Basic Trunks ------------ Solid I-VII (No Ratings Boost) Warthog I-III (No Ratings Boost) Howitzer I-III (No Ratings Boost) Broadsword I-III (No Ratings Boost) Hornet I-III (Cuts +1) Full Auto I-III (Cuts +1) Mustang I-III (Cuts +1) Double Edged I-III (Cuts +1) Drawers I-III (Cuts +1) Tiger I-II (Cuts +1) Fancy Corner I-III (Cuts +1) Get Lost I-III (Cuts +1) Powers of 3 (Cuts +1) Powers of 33 (Cuts +1) Powers of 333 (Cuts +1) Dingos I-II (Cuts +1) Argyle Love I-II (Cuts +1) Hey Cowboy I-III (Cuts +1) All Stars I-III (Cuts +1) The Hurrican I-III (Cuts +1) Custom Trunks ------------- Twisted I-III (Cuts +3) Ghostly I-II (Cuts +3) Full Throttle (Cuts +3) Hawaiin Fun (Cuts +3) Flame Job I-III (Cuts +3) Captain Camo I-III (Cuts +3) Big Money (Cuts +3) Stars N Stripes (Cuts +3) Aloha I-III (Cuts +3) The Cheetah I-II (Cuts +3) Holyman I-II (Cuts +3) The Panther (Cuts +3) The Vandal (Cuts +3) Memphis Bell I-III (Cuts +3) Assassin (Cuts +3) The Axe (Cuts +3) Samurai (Cuts +3) The Patriot (Cuts +3) Harps (Cuts +3) Spitfire I-III (Cuts +5) Atomic Smash I-III (Cuts +5) Golden Eagle (Cuts +5) Pucker Up (Cuts +5) Headhunter I-III (Cuts +5) King's Crown (Cuts +5) The Dragon I-II (Cuts +5) Kid Lightning I-III (Cuts +5) Leone I-II (Cuts +5) Pollo Diablo I-III (Cuts +5) Emperor I-III (Cuts +5) Big Boy Boa I-III (Cuts +5) Bulldog I-II (Cuts +5) X-Treme (Cuts +5) Sleepy Time (Cuts +5) Ace I-II (Cuts +5) The Beast I-II (Cuts +5) Zen I-III (Cuts +5) Licenses Trunks --------------- Barrera (Cuts +5) Black Hercules (Cuts +5) The Bronx Bull (Cuts +5) Chico (Cuts +5) Cotto (Cuts +5) Destroyer (Cuts +5) Dinamita I-II (Cuts +5) El Matador (Cuts +5) El Terrible (Cuts +5) Executioner (Cuts +5) The Greatest (Cuts +5) Hands of Stone (Cuts +5) The Hitman (Cuts +5) Irish (Cuts +5) Jones Jr (Cuts +5) Kelley (Cuts +5) Lazcano (Cuts +5) Left Hook (Cuts +5) Leija (Cuts +5) Leonard (Cuts +5) Lights Out (Cuts +5) Liston (Cuts +5) The Magic Man (Cuts +5) Mighty Mike (Cuts +5) Mosley (Cuts +5) Pretty Boy (Cuts +5) Rapid Fire (Cuts +5) The Real Deal (Cuts +5) Robinson (Cuts +5) Smoke (Cuts +5) Smokin' (Cuts +5) Taylor (Cuts +5) Thunder (Cuts +5) Winky (Cuts +5) Low-Style Shoes --------------- Lo-Tops I-VI (No Ratings Boost) Lo-Pros I-V (Agility +1) EA Lo-Pros I-V (Agility +1) Medium-Style Shoes ------------------ Mid-Tops I-V (No Ratings Boost) Mid-Pros I-V (Agility +3) EA Mid-Pros I-V (Agility +3) High-Style Shoes ---------------- Hi-Tops I-V (No Ratings Boost) Hi-Pros I-V (Agility +5) Ea Hi-pros I-VI (Agility +5) Custom Shoes ------------ EA Champs I-VIII (Agility +5) Gloves ------ Basic Blue Gloves (No Ratings Boost) Basic Red Gloves (No Ratings Boost) Pro Gloves I-III (Speed +1) Pro Gloves IV-VI (Power +1) Pro Gloves VII-IX (Speed +3) Pro Gloves X (Power +3) "V" Gloves I-II (Power +3) "V" Gloves III (Power +5) "V" Gloves IV (Speed +5) Mouthguards ----------- Mouthguard (No Ratings Boost) Single Guard (Chin +1) Pro Guard (Chin +2) Double Guard (Chin +3) Deluxe Guard (Chin +5) Foul Protectors --------------- Basic Guard I-II (No Ratings Boost) Basic Guard III-IV (Body +1) Pro Guard I (Body +1) Pro Guard II-IV (Body +3) Pro Guard V-VIII (Body +5) Signature Head Punches ---------------------- Back N Straight Bolo Punch The Jackhammer No Hands Weaving Punch Signature Body Punches ---------------------- Back N Straight Bolo Punch The Jackhammer No Hands Weaving Punch Illegal Head Punches -------------------- Head-Butt Back Hand Elbow Shot Illegal Body Punches -------------------- The Low Blow Knee Taunts ------ Right Here Beat Chest Ali Shuffle C'mon! Tap Gloves Wind Up Shine Glove That's Right! Chicken Jumpin' Jacks Cross This Line One Hand Wake Me I'm Scared Shake What's With Him Thinking Time's Up Snap! Wassup? Zombie Chest Tattoos ------------- No Chest Tattoo Linda Dragon Laetitia Celtic Tree Nicole Alpha/Omega Shanice Barcode Nicole's Face Chi-Rho Who's Next Glove On Fire! Prayer Jesus Lucifer Skull Tiger Head Celtic Lion Virgin Mary Back Tattoos ------------ No Back Tattoo Michelle Ouroboros East Coast West Coast Angela Desiree Jessica The Real Deal Barcode Skull Eagle and Snake Spider Everlast Wolf Face Crossed Axes Grim Reaper Who's Next Left Arm Tattoo --------------- No Arm Tattoo Celtic Cross Family Crest Trident Ichthy's Shauna Thorns Undefeated Celtic Lion Triquerta Eye of Horns Aum Jesus Caduceus Virgin Mary Eagle Right Arm Tattoo ---------------- No Arm Tattoo Celtic Cross Family Crest Trident Ichthy's Shauna Thorns Undefeated Celtic Lion Triquerta Eye of Horns Aum Jesus Caduceus Virgin Mary Eagle ============================================================================= 12. Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================================= A: What!? I can't get all the trophies!? Q: Don't start in Featherweight or Heavyweight; they can't get all the trophies. ----- A: What does _____ cost? Q: Look at the fight store, they're usually one or two thousand. ----- A: How do I unlock _____? Q: As you play the game and win tournaments/weightclasses, you'll unlock better stuff. ----- A: What does age have to do with anything? Q: In your 30s, your statistics will start to decline and slowly fall. At 65 you're forced to retire. ============================================================================= 13. Credits ============================================================================= * EA Games for making a great boxing game! ============================================================================= 14. Legal Disclaimer ============================================================================= This document is Copyright (c) 2005 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form and under any circumstances without the complete consent of the author. It may not be sold, altered, or published in any way without the advanced permission of the author. All sources, which have contributed to this document, are cited and/or credited in some form. The only sites I allow this document to be viewed at are: GameFAQs IGN If you see this document at any other site please email me as I do not allow this document to be published at any other sources. Please do not ask me if you want this document on your website, as the answer will most likely be no. These terms have become binding once the recipient (or reader) opened this document. Violation of these terms are strictly prohibited and will result in a lawsuit. Please do not take these terms as threats and/or not read them as they are all very much true. I can sue you for an act of plagiarism and will not hesitate to do so. Thank you for reading this legal disclaimer and have a nice day! ============================================================================= 15. Contact Info ============================================================================= Contact me via email (TestaALT@aol.com) or AIM (TestaALT) if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this guide. Just make sure that you put the game name in the subject line. If you don't, I'll probably delete you're email thinking it's spam. Also, make sure that the question isn't answered in the latest version of the document, which can be found at GameFAQs. Try to ask me legibly, as I can't decipher chickenscratch. For AIM, just beep me whenever you like. Thanks for reading, and check some of my other work at: -> http://gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/23249.html <- -- End of File --