Gauntlet Dark Legacy FAQ By OrochiJin- Tim Garza May 9, 2001 V0.2 Disclaimer: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. If you decide to use this FAQ it cannot be changed in any way. This FAQ is copyright 2001 Tim Garza AKA OrochiJin. There will be no permissions to post this FAQ aside from those listed at the end. Please e-mail for permission first. Gauntlet Dark Legacy is Copyright Midway Games ------------------- Updates ------------------- Version 0.2 May 9, 2001 Added Mountain, Castle, and Sky walkthroughs. Please note, if a stage doesn't have a Runestone, Legend Item, or Secret Character, I'm just going to pass over them for now. I want to get the locations of the important items up first, then I'll go back and fill in items about the other levels. Yes I fixed a few glaring errors that a lot of people pointed out to me (thanks BTW). That's what I get for writing notes wile playing multiplayer at 3AM in the morning ^_^. Otherwise, a lot of info added. I need to do the Castle and Sky Runestone notes again since I lost them. Version 0.1 May 7, 2001 – Start of FAQ Well this will be my second FAQ ever. Could be the start of a career here. Nah. After a full weekend of multiplayer and notetaking I'm ready to start. Forbidden Province walkthrough is up. Next is the mountain realm. I'm working on it ^_^ -------------------- Table of Contents: -------------------- 1. Overview 2. Let's Get Started! (Game Start and Character Selection) 3. Controls 4. How to attack 5. The items you seek 6. Level Walkthroughs - Start - Forsaken Province - Mountain - Castle - Sky - Forest 7. The Enemies/Traps 8. Items 9. Frequently Asked Questions 10. To Do List 11. Credits/Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the world of Gauntlet Dark Legacy. As a hero from one of the eight realms, you have been chosen by the wizard Sumner to locate the 13 runestones needed to seal the evil demon Skorne back up again. Garm, an evil wizard tried to control Skorne using only 12 of the 13 necessary runestones, and instead Skorne took over! Garm is now missing, and may be dead. Along the way to defeating Skorne, you'll face 8 menacing bosses and a horde of enemies all to stop you. After looking in the FAQ's for the arcade version, I've noticed the location of the items and runestones are not in the same place as the arcade. Interesting to say the least. Also in order to open up new worlds to play, you must locate crystals and golden items to allow you to continue on. All this will be covered though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Let's Get Started! (Game Start and Character selection and stats) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At the main screen you're presented with either Start or Options. There's the standard options but the two you will want to pay attention to are : Difficulty : Easy, Normal or Hard. Affects # of enemies and such Multiplayer : Normal : Means it's all nice and peaceful. Stun : Your shots stun other players. Hurt : Your shots HURT other players. Once done, go back and hit start. You'll be given a chance to enter in a name (or secret code). This name will work for all your characters (except secret ones, you're stuck with the secret code as a name and you can only play the character the code gives). Next, there are 8 initially selectable characters at start with 8 hidden characters to be unlocked. Please note, at the end of a stage, you can switch characters, but in doing so, you will only have unlocked what that character does. Using a lvl37 Knight who has made it to the Sky stages, then switching to a new warrior does not give him access to the Sky stages. He will start from the beginning. The same does not apply in multiplayer, if the Lvl37 knight is still in the game, and another player uses a new warrior, the warrior can go to the sky stage. BUT the warrior doesn't get credit for any runestones the knight may have. He will get credit for any they find while he is in the game. The characters are as follows: ---------- Warrior ---------- The Warrior hails from the Mountain region, and looks to slay the Dragon so that peace may return to his realm. He's is one of the two strongest starting characters, and even has better speed than the Knight and Valkyrie! His magic as you may guess is the worst. Beginning Statistics Strength – 600 Speed – 350 Armor - 300 Magic - 100 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Turn Junk to Silver Lvl 50: Turn Junk to Gold ---------- Dwarf ---------- Short and stocky, but fun to play. The Dwarf is from the Ice Kingdom. The other of the strong starting characters, with good speed and horrid magic abilities. Note that he has stronger starting armor than the Warrior. Beginning Statistics Strength – 600 Speed – 300 Armor - 350 Magic - 100 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Turn Junk to Silver Lvl 50: Turn Junk to Gold ---------- Valkyrie ---------- The Valkyrie is a good beginning character to use. She's not really weak in any area, and a high armor rating allows her to take damage well. Her home is the Castle Stronghold. Beginning Statistics Strength – 300 Speed – 300 Armor - 450 Magic - 300 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Freeze Traps for 10 seconds Lvl 50: Destroy Traps ---------- Knight ---------- The Knight is a good character as well to start. He adds a bit of strength, but loses that amount in magic power. He makes his home in the Sky Realm. Beginning Statistics Strength – 350 Speed – 300 Armor - 450 Magic - 250 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Freeze Traps for 10 seconds Lvl 50: Destroy Traps ---------- Wizard ---------- This is the person you let pick up potions during the adventure. Capable of screen clearing magic spells, he needs to be in the back of the team (one look at that armor rating tells you why). He lives in the Desert. Beginning Statistics Strength – 250 Speed – 350 Armor - 150 Magic - 600 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Change poison fruit to good fruit. Lvl 50: Change poison meat to good meat. ---------- Sorceress ---------- She gains more speed than the wizard, but the strength is even weaker. She calls the Forbidden Province home. Beginning Statistics Strength – 200 Speed – 400 Armor - 150 Magic - 600 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Change poison fruit to good fruit. Lvl 50: Change poison meat to good meat. ---------- Archer ---------- The fastest of the starting characters, her weaknesses are in strength and speed. But you're not looking to go toe to toe with this one anyway. The Archer and her clan live in the Forest. Beginning Statistics Strength – 250 Speed – 600 Armor - 200 Magic - 300 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Show hidden walls. Lvl 50: Destroy hidden walls. ---------- Jester ---------- Quite a character, he is. Better magic than the archer, but even worse strength. His home is the Dream World. Beginning Statistics Strength – 200 Speed – 600 Armor - 200 Magic - 350 Special Magic Abilities Lvl 25: Show hidden walls. Lvl 50: Destroy hidden walls. ----------------------------- Additionally there are 8 hidden characters to get in the game. To do so, you must find the hidden secret levels in the game and collect all the coins before time runs out in the level. Their starting stats are the same as another character EXCEPT they have different Turbo attacks. See the chart to match them up to their alter ego. They are as follows (see walkthrough for locations) Name Location World Alter Ego ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Medusa – Ghost Town Forsaken Province Sorceress Minotaur – Dagger Peak Mountain Warrior Falconess – Tower Armory Castle Valkyrie Unicorn - Toxic Spire Sky Knight Tigress - Ancient Tree Forest Archer Jackal - Ice Wizard Ogre - Desert Dwarf Hyena - Dream Jester ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- While there are multiple control schemes, we'll list the default here. D-Pad or Analog – Move X button - Weak attack [] button - Strong attack circle - magic triangle - turbo attack L1 - Charge (defense while moving) L2 - Team attack (when near another character) R1 - Strafe R2 - Block Start (during battle) – Settings End Level Start (in tower) - Settings Manage Character (Go to Save/Load/Change menu) Shop Inventory (Lists crystals, shards, weapons) End Game ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. How to attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 4 basic attack types. Melee, missile, magic, and turbo. Melee Your basic hand to hand combat, or is it? You can now perform combos and they help! Try these button combos out, and for an example, this is what the Knight does. XXX – basic mace swings X[] – mace swing, then hunches over with spikes sticking out XX[] – mace swings, then a full circle swing XX[][]- mace swings, full circle, then a uppercut to finish Each character has their own versions. Try them out! --------------- Missile attacks --------------- The standard Gauntlet attacks. You'll throw you're sword/fireball/bombs from a distance. New to this though: X button – A fast weak attack []button – A slower, but more powerful attack. There is a 1-2 lag startup on these attacks ------------- Magic attacks ------------- You now have 3 different ways to use magic. Tap the circle button causes you to drop the potion. It's area of effect and damage is dependant on your magic stat. Holding the circle button causes you to throw it like a grenade. Same rules as above apply. Double tapping the circle button creates a shield around you. Time is determined by stats. There are different types of magic – Red, Green, Yellow, and Blue Red – Fire based Blue – Lightning based Green – Poison based Yellow – Light based Of course, magic is the only way to kill Death, and if Death is hiding in a treasure chest (use x-ray glasses to see) you can use a potion to change him into food! ------------- Turbo Attacks ------------- There are two levels, noted by looking at the meter above your level of experience. If it is full yellow and filling up red, that is one type of attack. If it fills up red, and is flashing, that is the other level. Using the knight as the example again: Yellow to Red – Ball and Chain – Circular attack around Knight Flashing full – Wheel of Death – Ball and Chain followed with a straight line wheeling attack. For one level of turbo, you may combo attack. This is done by running up to a teammate and pressing L2. An example is the knight's Dive Bomber. He picks up the other character and sends them flying around in a circle of death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. The Items you seek ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some new additions to the home version for what you need to collect. They can be broken into the following categories: Scrolls : These helpful scrolls will give you clues to the locations of the other items. Crystals : Needed to open other realms. You'll find these all over the place. Note that while you may find multiple colors in levels, you'll primarily find the ones you need to unlock the next realm first. Forbidden Province – 15 Yellow Mountain - 100 Red Castle - 125 Purple Sky - 150 Silver Forest - 175 Green Desert - 200 Ice - 225 Dream - 250 Runestones : Needed to get to the final stages. Strewn throughout the levels and hidden. Forbidden Province, Sky, Ice, Dream – 2 in each world Mountain, Castle, Forest, Desert - 1 in each world Gold Items : Needed to open the paths to the other realms. These are gained either from killing Gargoyles or finding hidden ones. 12 Golden Fangs to open West Wing 20 Golden Feathers to open East Wing 28 Golden Claws to open Battle Grounds Legend Items : Boss weapons that weaken, damage, or protect. Hidden in stages, but you'll get an intro movie before a stage to show where the weapons is. Parchment of Fire – Haunted Cemetery of the Forbidden Province Used on Yeti. Sets him on fire for damage. Javelin of Blinding – Volcanic Cavern of the Mountain Region Used on the Plague Fiend. It blinds him, making most of his attacks miss. He will regain his sight though. Ice Axe – Castle Barracks of the Castle Stronghold Used on Dragon. It freezes him in place for a time allowing you to let him have it. Good Book – Mothership of the Sky Realm Used on Lich. Scimitar of Decapitation – Gnarled Branches of the Forest Used on the Chimera. Automatically kills the lion head, leaving you with only two heads to kill. Lamp of Dark Obstruction – Used on Genie. Toxic Bellows – Used on Spider Queen. Poisons her and drains life. Latern of Revelation – Used on the Shadow Wraith. Damages the wraith and cancels his attacks. Soul Savior – Used on Skorne. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you start, you're in the tower. The wizard gives you a quick explanation, and when you are ready, you'll notice 15 crystals onscreen. Collect these, and a message will appear telling you that you have enough crystals to open the Forsaken Province. First though, talk to the Wizard, and you'll see the following menu: General Hints : Hints on how to play the game. Guardians : Hints on the next boss you must face. Runestone : He'll clue you into a Runestone location. Legend Items : A general clue to the location of the next Legend item. Go to the upper left and enter the realm of the Forsaken Province. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Forsaken Province ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 5 stages to this realm. Poison Fields – Runestone Ghost Town - Medusa Haunted Cemetery – Parchment of Fire Mausoleum - Runestone Lich's Crypt ------------------------- Poison Fields - Runestone ------------------------- Welcome to the world of Gauntlet! Make your way through the level til you reach a scroll which states "There is a well guarded vault ahead". After the scroll use the platform to go up, and as soon as you come down on the other side of the mill, there will be a general waiting (the tall guy with a scythe). Eliminate him, then attack the door on the hut to the north. Here's the runestone! ------------------- Ghost Town - Medusa ------------------- In the tavern there is a gold item. Proceed to the tavern, where the music changes. On the second floor, before the rooms with the maggots, you should see a bullseye on the wall. Hit it to reveal a gold fang downstairs. Go back to collect it. There is a good amount of treasure waiting on the hangman's gallows also. To get this, run up the gallows, hit the switch there. Come back down, and head to the upper left, where there will be another switch. Trigger this to raise the money up. Watch out for the Death at the bottom of the gallows. To unlock Medusa, make sure you throw every switch you find. One should show a cutscene of a small bridge being lowered in an area of ramps (the belfry the scroll speaks of). At the end of the stage, don't exit, but go up the ramps to the right of the exit. As long as you triggered that earlier switch you will be able to get to the top. Here is the level to unlock Medusa. You must collect the 25 coins before time runs out (add 25 coins per player in multiplayer). If you fail, you'll have to come back to the level for a second try. Hit or miss, go back down the ramps and exit the stage. ---------------------------------------- Haunted Cemetery – The Parchment of Fire ---------------------------------------- You'll see the intro movie, which is all you need in this stage. Make your way to the fountain of fire. Here you're looking for switches. The first switch will cool the fire off. Run to the upper left past the fountain for switch 2 to turn the statue. Hhead right from here to switch 3 to create the steps to the Parchment. Keep in mind, all the switches needed are in the fountain area, don't leave this area until you find them all. --------------------- Mausoleum - Runestone --------------------- At one point, you will lower a checkered bridge with 2 guards via a switch. Right after this bridge, start looking for a switch (the first one on the wall after the bridge lowers a crystal, so that's not it). Once found, you'll see a cutscene of meat and a switch raising up near that bridge you crossed. Go back to the meat, hit the switch, and a ramp will be made to the altar where there is treasure. Go there, and attack the wall behind it to find the runestone. At this point you should have had no trouble collecting 100 red crystals to open the Mountain Realm. Go there or continue to face.. --------------------- Lich's Crypt --------------------- Welcome to the Lich's world! If you have the Good Book from the Sky stage, well this'll be fun. Not only will it damage him, but it will freeze him for a little bit. More than enough time to lay into him. He has six basic attacks. Throw: He'll either throw one or two things at you. He throws two to stop you from dodging attacks. Hand : He raises his hand, and a bone hand raises from the ground to slow you down. Earthquake: Slams his axe into the ground creating cracks. Standing on the cracks will cause damage. Jump attack : He jumps at you swinging his axe WIDE. Use turbo attacks if you can't get out of the way since you'll be invincible for a second or two. Axe Spin : He'll spin in place with his axe. Not a very far area of attack, easy to dodge. Maggots : He'll spit out something and maggots will begin to crawl. Just destroy the generator. Grab : He grabs you and chokes for massive damage. Don't stay too close to him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mountain Region ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 6 Stages to this realm The Valley of Fire - Runestone Dagger Peak - Minotaur The Cliffs of Desolation The Lost Cave The Volcanic Cavern – Javelin of Blinding The Dragon's Lair ------------------------------ The Valley of Fire - Runestone ------------------------------ Well, Gauntlet Legends players should be familiar with this level. It's a much shorter version of the original one. There is the one runestone like before, and it's in the same place as well. To get it, cross the bridge where the runestone is, and go up the stairs. Destroy a wall here to find the switch. Go back down and get your third runestone. Finish the level. ---------------------- Dagger Peak - Minotaur ---------------------- Easy to find since this level is pretty straightforward. After the Gargoyle, go up. Kill the Golem here, and head right to the entrance to the secret level. --------------------------------------------- The Volcanic Cavern – The Javelin of Blinding --------------------------------------------- "If you retrieve the golden fang, you can get the legend item" The first time you see the rocks fall, head left. Here, the rocks will fall a second time. Destroy the wall to the left of the falling rocks for the switch that turns the platform with the golden fang. Continue through the level. When you reach the platform, where the golden fang is, pass it as you can't get it since it's down in a hole. Along the wall right after the golden fang platform, there is a treasure chest. Destroy the wall to the left of it for the other switch. Hit it, then backtrack to the fang. Get it, and a platform will appear leading to the Javelin. Near the end of the stage, there is a platform that takes you down to get the Javelin. It's right where the Pojo item is. ----------------- The Dragon's Lair ----------------- The Dragon! If you have the Ice Axe from the Castle level, then as soon as the battle begins, you'll freeze him. Lay into him with all you have, and it'll be an easy fight from there. Main attacks: Fire breath : Wide sweeping attack Fireballs : One to two aimed to one character, sometimes two. Stomp : Slams the ground. Unblockable? Need to verify. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Castle Stronghold ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Castle consists of 5 stages: Castle Courtyard Dungeon of Torment - Falconess Castle Barracks Castle Treasury Chimera's Keep ------------------------------ Dungeon of Torment – Falconess ------------------------------ Simple to find. From start, head right. Unlock the two gates which lead right to the gargoyle, who happens to be perched on the bonus level. ------------------------- Castle Barracks – Ice Axe ------------------------- After the first bridge you lower, there is a second bridge which you can't. Continue on. In the room with the dinner table, pass it to reach another table. Hit the switch here and see the cutscene of a small platform lowering. Go back to the first table and up the stairs. Kill the general, and past him is a golden feather and a switch. This lowers the second bridge earlier in the level. Backtrack, cross the bridge, and destroy the wall to the left for the Ice Axe. -------------- Chimera's Keep -------------- The Scimitar of Decapitation eliminates the Lion's head, making it only 2 left to kill. His basic attacks: Each head fires shots of a different type : Poison, fire, lightning. If all heads are there, they will combine to do a screen sweeping breath attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sky Realm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sky Realm has 5 stages: Toxic Spire – Unicorn Cloud Docks - Runestone Sky Shipyard - Runestone Mothership – The Good Book Vat of the Plague Fiend --------------------- Toxic Spire – Unicorn --------------------- When you actually reach the spire itself, and you're climbing the staircase with the barrels being rolled at you, start hitting the walls of the spire. You'll find a fake wall with a switch. Hit it, then head straight out from the wall onto the small platform with slimes on it. There is a second switch which will lower a wall around the bonus level at the top of the spire. ----------------------- Vat of the Plague Fiend ----------------------- The Javelin of Blinding will blind him, causing his acid attacks to miss. His area sweeping tentacle attacks will not however. His basic attacks: Spit Acid: One to two shots aimed at a character Tentacle sweep: Screen sweep with tentacles. Flood: He'll melt into the ground, and the three vats on screen will spew out slime. Just don't be near them when he does it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Forest has five stages: The Acid Swamp The Twisted Roots of Evil - Runestone The Ancient Tree - Tigress The Gnarled Branches – Scimitar of Decapitation The Realm of the Spider Queen ------------------------------------- The Twisted Roots of Evil - Runestone ------------------------------------- Locate an area with 2 locked gates to your right with a General behind one (this will be in the very bottom of the area, meaning you can't go downwards any more.) A bridge to the left holds a switch which brings the Runestone platform down. The Runestone will be right past the scroll that says "Search the next bend." ---------------------- Ancient Tree – Tigress ---------------------- Another easy to find bonus level. Work your way through until you find the Gargoyle, who once again guards it. ----------------------------------------------- The Gnarled Branches – Scimitar of Decapitation ----------------------------------------------- The clue is "Pale Crystals and Fierce Generals mark a sacred and ancient hollow". Locate an area where you find X ray glasses, a General, and two crystals resting against a tree. Destroy the tree between the two crystals to find the Scmitar just out of your reach. Continue forward, and reach a platform which raises up to take you to a Golem. Before that platform, there is treasure behind a rail at the bottom of a staircase. Get the treasure, which will trigger the platform to raise the Scimitar. Backtrack to collect it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Enemies/Traps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are multiple groups of enemies: Grunts: Your typical enemies, and the most common too. Can be soldiers, armor, demons and the like. Archers and Bombers: They like to attack from a distance and tend to back away when you rush them. Ankle biters: Scorpions, maggots, and slime Generals: Take a lot of damage, and will chase you Death : Two kinds, Red and Black. Red steals 100hp then leaves. Black drains a level. Using Anti Death, you do the same to them. Golems : Huge enemies that take a lot of damage, and have area attacks such as stomps and such. Gargoyles : Dragon looking creatures. Can be of fire, lightning or poison types. Spikes/Buzzsaws: Will pop out of the ground at intervals. Can be avoided with Levitation. Beams: Wall to Wall traps. Fires in intervals. Explosive Treasure Chest : When you open it, a small Mask pops out and ticking can be heard. Run! Sharpened Logs/Sickle: Get in your way in the Forest. Red barrels: Explosive. Can be used to your advantage. Green barrels : Poisonous: Can be used to your advantage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Items ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of items available in the game. The shop prices are noted. Fruit: 50 Gives 20 Health Keys: 100 Open chests and gates. Levitation: 150 Allows you to walk over floor traps with no damage. Meat: 250 Gives 100 Health Potion: 250 Magic Growth: 300 Makes your character bigger. Acid/Fire/Lightning Breath: 350 Wide area attack in front of you. Acid/Fire/Lightning Amulets: 350 Add that status to your weapons Super Shot: 400 A shot that can cut through groups of enemies. 5 Shots Reflect Shield: 400 Reflects arrows and other missle attacks back towards attacker. Electric Shield: 425 Uses lightning on enemies in front of you. Fire Shield: 425 A wall of Fire in front of you. Good for close combat. Phoenix: 450 Familiar who follows and shoots a fireball when you attack. Rapid Fire: 450 Shot speed increases. Hammer: 500 Acts as a full screen magic spell. 3Way: 550 Fires your weapon in 3 directions in front of you. Invisible: 600 Enemies will ignore you. Invulnerable: 600 Invincibility for a short time. X-Ray Glasses: 650 Allows you to see what is in chests/barrels. Gas Mask: 650 Protects you from poison gas. Anti Death: 750 Allows YOU to steal from Death, not vice versa. The items below are PERMANENT stat boosters. Add 10 to Strength :1000 Add 10 to Armor :1000 Add 10 to Speed :1000 Add 10 to Magic :1000 The following items may only be found in battle: Shrink enemies. Weakens enemies. Time Stop Freezes all enemies/traps. Extra Speed A big boost of speed for a short time. Pojo Turns you into a chicken! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Frequently Asked Questions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. So what are the codes for the hidden characters? A. Check the GameFAQs message board for Gauntlet DL or check the FAQ section. The codes are there. I'm not going to add them to here. Q. I've cleared the first realm, and I'm level 18 Warrior. I want to start a new character, but I'm back at start. Help! A. Please note, at the end of a stage, you can switch characters, but in doing so, you will only have unlocked what that character does. Using a lvl37 Knight who has made it to the Sky stages, then switching to a new warrior does not give him access to the Sky stages. He will start from the beginning. The same does not apply in multiplayer, if the Lvl37 knight is still in the game, and another player uses a new warrior, the warrior can go to the sky stage. BUT the warrior doesn't get credit for anything found prior to him being in the game. He will get credit for any they find while he is in the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. To do list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Redo my notes for the Castle and Sky Runestones which I seem to have lost. Add the Desert, Ice and Dream worlds next. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Credits/Thanks to: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My multiplayer teammates, Charles and John. Though John is annoying as a jester(especially when he blows red barrels up in your face) he is a good member to have along. Nothing like the joy of yelling at each other "I needed that food idiot!" all night long. My poor neighbors :) Thanks again to the one and only CjayC, for all his hard work for the gaming community at Please note the list of web sites below. If you see this FAQ on a site NOT listed below, please email me.