_____________________________________________________ . . . G A U N T L E T D A R K L E G A C Y . . Author: Chapel Collins (monkeydance994) . . Version: 1.0 . . Current Completeness: Partial . . Started: Feb. 26, 2007 . . Finished: . . . ._____________________________________________________. ================= Table o' Contents ================= Introduction---------------------------------------------------01 Playing the Game-----------------------------------------------02 Runestones.................................. 2.1 Items of Legend............................. 2.2 Generators.................................. 2.3 Character Stats------------------------------------------------03 Knight...................................... 3.1 Valkyrie.................................... 3.2 Archer...................................... 3.3 Jester...................................... 3.4 Dwarf....................................... 3.5 Warrior..................................... 3.6 Wizard...................................... 3.7 Sorceress................................... 3.8 Walkthough-----------------------------------------------------04 Forbidden Realm............................. 4.1 Mountain Realm.............................. 4.2 Castle Realm................................ 4.3 Sky Realm................................... 4.4 Forest Realm................................ 4.5 Desert Realm................................ 4.6 Ice Realm................................... 4.7 Dream Realm................................. 4.8 Battlefield................................. 4.9 Hell........................................ 4.10 Enemies--------------------------------------------------------05 Weak Enemies................................ 5.1 Medium Enemies.............................. 5.2 Strong Enemies.............................. 5.3 Semi-Bosses................................. 5.4 1. Generals................... 5a.1 2. Gargoyles.................. 5a.2 Bosses...................................... 5.5 1. Lich....................... 5b.1 2. Dragon..................... 5b.2 3. Chimera.................... 5b.3 4. Plague Fiend............... 5b.4 5. Spider Queen............... 5b.5 6. Genie...................... 5b.6 7. Yeti....................... 5b.7 8. Wraith..................... 5b.8 Death....................................... 5.6 Other Items----------------------------------------------------06 Amulets..................................... 6.1 Food........................................ 6.2 Power Meter................................. 6.3 Invincibility............................... 6.4 Invisibility................................ 6.5 Anti Death.................................. 6.6 Golden Items................................ 6.7 Barrels..................................... 6.8 Traps....................................... 6.9 Potions..................................... 6.10 Treasure.................................... 6.11 Thanks---------------------------------------------------------07 Legal Information----------------------------------------------08 Press Ctrl + F and then type in the first three letter of the section name followed by the number listed bt it. Only for the main sections, intro, walkthrough, and the like. =============================================================================== Introduction .:int01:. =============================================================================== Hi. Welcome to my fifth FAQ for Gauntlet Dark Legacy. This is a very good game that is a great remake of a great arcade game. I hope you will enjoy the game. =============================================================================== Playing the Game .:pla02:. =============================================================================== There are things you will have to do to progress in each level, other than kill everybody and get to the portal. ************** Runestones ************** Runestones are sacred stones that are hidden throughout each realm. There could be at least two in a realm, or just one. There is always one in each realm. You have to get these in order to proceed to hell, the final area, reffered to as the "underworld" throught the game. *************** Items of Legend *************** Items of legend are not required, but they are helpful. These are things that are also hidden throughout each realm, but only one to a realm this time. They are a weapon of some sort, used for beating a boss. They take a good chunk out of the bosses incredibly large health bar. Yuo can only use it once though, so be wise. **************** Generators **************** Possibly the most common thing in the game. These spawn enemies. They come in the shape of gravestones, mirrors, holes in the ground, etc. You must destroy these to stop the enemies from spouting. If you are itching for some infinate experience it's as simple as "don't kill the generators" and they wont stop coming and you can keep killing. There are three levels of generators Badly Damaged: Spawn Weak Enemies Damaged: Spawn Medium Enemies Healthy: Spawn Strong Enemies =============================================================================== Character Stats .:cha03:. =============================================================================== ************ Knight ************ Stats: Str = 350 Spd = 300 Amr = 450 Mag = 200 ************ Valkyrie ************ Stats: Str = 300 Spd = 300 Amr = 450 Mag = 300 (pretty well rounded if you ask me) ************ Archer ************ Stats: Str = 250 Spd = 600 Amr = 200 Mag = 300 ************ Jester ************ Str = 200 Spd = 600 Amr = 200 Mag = 350 ************ Dwarf ************ Str = 600 Spd = 300 Amr = 350 Mag = 100 ************ Warrior ************ Str = 600 Spd = 350 Amr = 300 Mag = 100 ************ Wizard ************ Str = 250 Spd = 350 Amr = 150 Mag = 600 ************ Sorceress ************ Str = 200 Spd = 400 Amr = 150 Mag = 600 =============================================================================== Walkthough .:wal04:. =============================================================================== =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Realm One: The Forbidden Province =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 1: The Poisoned Fields =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What attractive enemies... -> Get the items and go straight and destroy the generator -> Turn left, open the chest and go through the opening -> Follow to the intersection -> Go in which ever direction pleases you (except back) =) -> Turn left at the windmill -> Follow this path into the area with the weird haystack things -> Go up, and the first wall you see is fake; shoot it to reveal a chest -> Keep going past it and up the elevator -> Go through and down the staircase and be ready for a general -> Go to the right and you will come to a river -> Turn left and go along this path -> On the wooden thing, the chest has some health -> Use the switch and go down the elevator -> Clear the area and go to the north of the bonfire and along this path -> Keep going and you'll get to a river -> Go over the bridge -> Go left and go up the ramp at the end -> Go right along the stone area -> Destroy the box and get on the elevator -> Go down the stairs -> Go to the right and through the area between the burning boxes -> Go up the path and avoid the flame shooters -> Keep going but don't open the chest by the gate, it'll blow up -> Go through the gate -> In the next area, activate the switch to the north -> Go to the right and around -> Activate the other switch behind the tree -> Now go through the gate and over the bridge -> GENERAL ALERT -> Now keep going through. -> There will be a statue that looks like a ghost. It's Death. Use a potion on him to kill him. -> Activate the switches and exit through the portal MISSION COMPLETE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 2: Ghost Town =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Kill the zombies and then the generators -> Grab the keys and exit through the gate -> !!GENERAL ALERT!! -> Go through the house -> Turn left and down -> Shoot the gate by the red barrels and go through -> Keep going and enter the barn by the green trough -> Shoot the doors and the wall straight ahead -> Use the switch -> Go up the ramp and along the balcony -> Down the new ramp and into the bar -> Leave the bar -> Go into the bar on the other side -> Go up the ramp and shoot the target -> Go back down to get your prize -> Go back up and through the area before the target -> Go out and use the elevator -> Go up and turn right -> Get ready for your first golem. These are kinda like gargoyles, except not as rewarding -> Keep going through this area -> Go through the next graveyard and kill the gargoyle -> Now go around and get in the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 3: Haunted Cemetary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Who else was reminded of Raiders of the Lost Ark? -> Walk up to the gate and say open sesemie -> Walk over the bridge -> Go into the graveyard -> Turn right in the entrance and use the switch -> Go around the central cemetary and through the gate -> Go over this walkway -> In the cemetary, kill the gargoyle -> There's some meat to the right -> Go through the gate on the left -> Follow this path -> Turn right at the end -> Shoot the wall next to the switch and use the switch hidden there -> Now go back and through the newley opened gate -> When you get to the flaming pool, do this to get the item of legend 1. Use the switch directly behind the pool 2. Go to the opened door and use the switch 3. Go back by the first switch and use the bew one 4. Use the next switch -> Now that the IOL is ours, go to the right of the pool -> Keep going this way and you'll reach the main cemetary -> Turn left -> Turn right and you'll come to the tomb -> Use the switch behind the tomb -> No go to the right until you come to a golem -> After the golem is dead, go through the door the switch opened -> Fight through here to find the portal at the end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 4: Mausoleum =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Use the switch toward the top -> Go to the right -> Shoot the target -> Cross over the bridge -> Follow this path -> Use the switch behind the roots -> Cross the next bridge -> Go up the stairs -> Use the switch behind the rubble at the top of the area -> Cross the new bridge -> Go through the rubble -> Use the two switches at the top when you get out of the rubble -> Cross the bridge -> Go straight up and use the switch, but not the ground switch -> Now go up the stairs -> Follow this area and you will come to a chapel (yay, my name!!) -> You'll come to a gargoykle; kill it -> Keep going -> Shoot the target on the big statues chest -> Ride down the hands -> Get off and follow down the ramps -> Use the switch by the ramp -> Go down and across the stone bridge -> !!GENERAL ALERT!! -> Keep going along the stone bridge -> Use the switch and get in the portal =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Realm Two: The Mountain Kingdom =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 1: Valley =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= That guy has a nipple ring... ouch... -> Go straight up the stairs -> Keep going up the stairs -> Kill the gargoyle -> Up the stairs once again, into the portal ... that was short... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 2: Dagger Peak =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This level is great for wasting keys... be careful. -> Kill the first guys -> Go right -> Go up the ramp -> Go left -> Kill the general and go where he came from -> Turn right and up the ramp -> Go up ramp after the gate -> Kill the gargoyle -> Keep going and kill the golem -> Go up the ramp and avoid the gate -> Get in the portal These levels are short... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 3: Cliff =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Go up the ramp -> Go to the right and back down -> Keep to the right -> Kill the general and use the switch -> Go through the gate -> Keep going right -> On the rock "bridges", look out for falling boulders -> Kill the golem at the end and go through the gate -> Keep to the right and cross the bridge -> Cross the bext bridge -> Kill the gargoyle and then go down the ramp -> Turn right and get in the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 4: The Lost Cave =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Go right and kill the golem -> Go up -> Go straight by the crystals and turn rihgt by the fire trap -> Go by the fire traps -> Turn left in the area with the chest -> Go right and down -> Go over the "bridge" with the fire traps -> Go down by the chests -> Go right -> Go around the middle rocks to the chest by the lava river -> Go over the little rock bridge -> Go straight and get in the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 5: Volcanic Cavern =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Go left and cross over the rock bridge -> Go left again -> Go right -> Go down over the bridge -> Get the scroll that says something about a golden item in the barrel to the right -> Go straight and kill the kamikase -> Go left and kill the general -> Now kill all the other things -> Shoot the wall closest to the bridge you came in on -> Use the switch -> Now go right -> Go right and get to the area with two red barrels -> Go down to the bottom thing that is sticking out -> It looks like a cow doesn't it? Go to the cows head -> Turn left nand shoot the part of the wall that's sticking out -> Go right now and get the item of legend -> Go left and kill the golem -> Use the switch at the bottom of that area -> Get the IOL -> Now go back up and go right -> Kill the gargoyle and get in the portal Okay, this may be the first time you don't have enough crytsals to go to the next realm. This is definately the most annoying part of the entire game. You need to go back and re-do a level and get some more crystals. You will also most likely need to do the same for the golden items so you can get to the next are containing the realms. I recommend you do this level again; it has crystals and two golden items. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Realm 3: The Castle Stronghold =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 1: The Courtyard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Kill the enemies first off -> Go down and kill the general -> Now go right and up -> Work your way through the traps and gates -> Go to the gargoyle and kill him -> Go to the right -> Over the bridge and kill the death -> Go to the right and open the last gate -> Go past the wooden door -> Go as far up as you can, shoot the rubble in front of the chest, and use the chest. Now use the switch. -> Go back to the wooden gate we missed and get the golden item -> By the treasure chest, go right -> Down the stairs -> Go through the second gate -> Go around the burning thing until you get to a ramp -> Go up and kill the general -> Now go up again -> Go right -> Ignore the gate -> Keep going right -> Ignore this gate to -> Go up the stairs and down the others -> Guess what you have to do with this gate? Open it and use the switch -> Keep going right and ignore all except the portal (of course) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 2: The Dungeon of Torment =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Head down the stairs first -> Go through the two gates -> Kill the gargoyle -> Use the switch on the wall -> Up the stairs -> Go down the other stairs -> Go through the chests and go up -> Cross the wooden bridge -> Go through all the bridges and up the big staircase -> Go up a wooden ramp -> Use the switch on the wall to lower the portal -> Now go through the other two locked gates -> Go up theses stairs and get in the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 3: Barracks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Where to go, where to go... -> Go left -> Go around to the area we saw first -> Use the switch and go over the bridge -> Go up and cross the next bridge -> See the bridge that is still up? Remeber it. -> Go up the stairs and over the bridges -> Kill the general and go up the stairs -> Go up by the kitchen -> Go down at the left and go through the key gate -> Kill the baddies here and use the switch on the top wall -> Go back to the kitchen, but go up and shoot the wall that cuts you off. -> Get the golden item and use the switch -> Remember the bridge I told you to remember? Go to it -> Shoot the area of the wall that has ice around it and get the IOL -> Back at the kitchen; go through the gate in the place you used the switch -> The scroll says death awaits in the shower... -> 0_0 OH MY GOD!!! -> Kill the gargoyle that is also waiting -> Use the switch by the gate you came in on -> Now go down and through the shower; kill the death while you are at it -> Navigate through here and get the golden item when you reach it -> Go through the kitchen and past the green crap -> Follow this area left -> Work your way through the bunkers -> Go through the watery area -> Go through these bunkers -> Kill the golem -> Use the switch on a locker and go into the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 4: Armory =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Go up -> Go down and to the left -> Up the stairs -> Go left -> Go up and use the gate -> Up these stairs -> For a free level, use the chest to the immediate right of the stairs. Now open the top chest and a black death will come out. Use your antideath on it and you will gain a level. -> Go right and through the gate -> Go down the stairs, right, and up, use the switch -> Get the new keys -> Use the switch and cross over the gap **NOTE: If you find this not working, wait until a baddie gets on the area where the gap would be. Then get off the switch. Because the game won't let the baddies fall, the area has to stay up, allowing you to cross. -> Go down and turn left -> Navigate through the left area -> Go up the stairs and use the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 5: Treasury =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Go down the stairs and get the items -> Go back up, through the gate and up the stairs -> Clear this area -> GO left and kill the gargoyle -> Go down, and down again when the screen changes -> Use the switch -> Now go back and turn left and go through the gate -> Go through the next gate and continue left -> Go down the stairs and up the others -> Kill the general -> Keep going right, use the switch and then the teleport -> Use the other swicth and go right -> Use the teleport -> Go left, then through the right gate -> Go up the stars and get in the portal =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Realm 4: The Sky Dominion =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 1: Spire =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Try to get to the front of the boat and shoot the general from there -> Get off the boat and go straight -> Go left through the gate -> Go left and use the switch -> Now go right, then up, and up the stairs -> Use the switch to the right -> Clear out the left area -> Go back to the right and go through the two posts -> Kill the General -> Keep going -> Go left at the end, down the ramp -> Use the switches that are kinda under the place you were just on -> Now go back up the ramp and go through the newly opened gate -> Kill the gargoyle and go left -> Use the swicth and go up the top ramp -> Keep going and you'll come to the spire -> Walk along it -> Avoid the first winged thing -> Use the switch on the wall -> Now use the next wallswitch -> Go in and shoot the back wall -> Now go to the platform behind you -> Use the switch -> Go up a little more, get on the winged platform and use the switch -> GO back and use the last switch -> This unlocks a coin hunt -> Now go all the way up, get on the balloon -> Get off and use the portal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 2: Docks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -> Go straight and down the ramp -> Stay off the runway as you'll get hit by a plane most likely -> Go left -> Go up the ramp at the end -> Shoot the boxes at the left edge and go through -> Turn right and use the switch -> Now go back to the left and cross over the bridge -> Kill the general -> Get back off toward the bottom -> Use the switch at the right -> Go down and kill the gargoyle -> Go through the gate -> Go left, use the switch and go up the elevator -> gO to the right down the ramp and follow this path -> Open the gate at the end and use the plane thing -> Get off here and head to the right and across the bridge -> Follow this path and go around the boxes -> Cross over the bridge -> =============================================================================== Enemies .:ene05:. =============================================================================== You will find that enemies are... plentiful. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Regular Enemies =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ ************** Weak Enemies ************** Weak enemies are most common in the early levels. They usually only tale one hit to kill at about level seven. ************** Medium Enemies ************** These are a little tougher. Pretty common everywhere. They are about two hit kills at level 5. ************** Strong Enemies ************** These are the brutes. They are more common at the later levels. They are usually big and have big weapons. They take about three hits at level 5. =-+-=-+-=-+ Semi-Bosses =-+-=-+-=-+ These are pretty strong that are not very common. ************* Gargoyles ************* Gargoyles are big creatures that look a lot like dragons. When killed, they drop a golden item, used to open gates leading to different realms. ************* Generals ************* Generals are the leaders of the grunts. They are much bigger, they sprint, and they attack you and knock you over. They also block, so your attacks don't affect them, which is annoying. =-+-=-+-=-+ Bosses =-+-=-+-=-+ Bosses are the realm leaders. They are hard as living crap to kill, and have a friggin' TON of health. The Lich Boss of: Forbidden Province Item of Legend: Book of Protection, found in Sky Realm This is one of the first hard guys. Wait till level 30. Keep moving, and won't hurt you much at all. He does a lot of physical attacks so go in a circle around the edge. If he spits out those maggots, just ignore them until you get to them while turning your circle. Then kill it. Light amulets and full health are key for this battle. That speed thing wouldn't hurt either. The Dragon Boss of: The Mountain Kingdom Item of Legend: Ice Axe, found in Castle Realm This is the easiest guy in the game. You could probably beat him around level 12. When he is about to use the shockwave thing, move to the very back of the arena. It should miss you there. Move from left to right shooting. Don't even worry about cover, just shoot. Don't worry about items either. Chimera Boss of: Castle Realm Item of Legend: Scimitar of Decapitation, found in Forest Realm. The other easy guy. Fight him around level 20. Stay in the back, and don't go after the food, as you'll probably lose more health than you'll gain getting to it. Forget the cover. In fact, I'd destroy it so you have a clear shot at the Chimera. Get a tri-shot and any of the amulets for this battle. Plague Fiend Boss of: Sky Realm Item of Legend: Javelin of Blinding Dang, I hate this guy. He is HARD, and the cover hurts you. Keep behind cover, but away from it at the same time. Then the acid won't affect you. Have an amulet of some sort, and attack away. The Spider Queen Boss of: Forest Realm Item of Legend: Now the bosses get hard. This person is freaking fast. I definitely recommend the item of legend for her, which is found in the Desert Realm. Stay in one spot until she turns toward you, then run. Go in circles. Try to get really high speed stats so you can move around and dodge the Spider Queen. Get amulets and full health and a speed shoe to help. Genie Boss of: Desert Realm Item of Legend: Lamp of Dark Obstruction, found in Dream Realm One of the easiest bosses in the game if you ask me. Get a tri-shot and a light amulet. He will go down QUICK. Like, REALLY quick. Ignore the grunts and try to ignore the Genie's blue, ever-present, B U T T . Yeti Boss of: Ice Realm Item of Legend: Parchment of Fire, found in the Haunted Cemetary Not very hard. Use whatever cover you get, and have tri-shot and fire amulet. Wraith Boss of: Dream Realm Item of Legend: Lamp of Dark Obstruction One of the harder ones. Use a tri-shot, light amulet, and speed shoes. You will also want to have plenty of health. =============================================================================== Other Items .:oth06:. =============================================================================== ------- Amulets ------- These are items that power up your attacks. They are element related, but generally it doesn't matter what element. ---- Food ---- Food is health. Save ALL your money for this, and don't buy anything unless you have full health. ------------- Invincibility ------------- Makes you invulnerable for a short time. ------------ Invisibility ------------ Makes you unseeable. ------------ Anti-Death ------------ Anti-death can be holy. It does what the death would do to you, exept you do it to death. It is also a level gained if you use it on a black death. ------------ Golden Items ------------ Golden Items are what you get for killing gargoyles. They open new doors that lead to new realms. You will probably have to re-do some levels to get the required amount of Golden Items. -------- Barrels -------- Barrels are like traps. There are green, red, and regular ones. The regular barrels have items in them. The reds explode, damaging everything nearby. The greens explode with poison gas. -------- Traps -------- Traps are things that damage you, normally on the ground. They are things such as rolling razors that pop out every few seconds, spikes, things like that. AVOID THEM. --------- Potions --------- These are very useful. They emit a magical circle that kills or damages enemies in the way. You can use it in different ways by throwing it, etc. by pressing the 0 button in different ways. They also give you a little health after a certain level. --------- Treasure --------- Money. Use it to buy things in the store. NEVER BUY ANYTHING BUT STATS OR HEALTH. IT IS LAW. If you buy something else, it goes away after a few minutes. Stats are only supposed to be used after about level 50, unless yourt character has a REALLY SUCKY stat that needs to be fixed. =============================================================================== Thanks .:tha07:. =============================================================================== I'd like to thank: My cousin, (also my living game guide) for getting sick of this game and giving it to me GameFAQs for hosting it You, for reading Megadeth, for keeping me company as I write this now (welcome to our fortress tall!!) Anyone else I forgot, thanks! =============================================================================== Legal Information .:leg08:. =============================================================================== This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted by Chapel Collins 2007 It is for use only by GameFAQs without my permission, and chances are you won't get it. Any trademarks or copyrights listed are property of their respective owners =============================================================================== ___ _________ / | / | __ \ ___ / |/ | | | \ / " \ / __ _ | |__| | <\_^_/> /___/ \/|___|_____/ O U T | |