The Challenge 21 Guide This guide will give advice about how to defeat Challenge 21 of Grabbed by the Ghoulies (the Challenge is called "Play It Again, Son!"). You can access this Challenge by getting a Gold rating in each of the previous 20 Challenges (see my other guide for this game if you're having trouble doing that). Some global knowledge about this Challenge: --The idea of this Challenge is basically a hard mode for the original game. Yup, the entire game. --Rather than Cooper, Amber is the controllable character (unfortunately, not with analogous storybooks or bosses or dialogue-which would have been so sweet), but she doesn't seem to be weaker or stronger than Cooper in any fashion where fighting or running are concerned. --There are none of Ma Soupswill's soups (good or bad) in this version of the game. No more "Energy Boost," no more "One-Hit Wonder," no more "Miniature Cooper," and especially no more "Challenge Complete." But also no more "Reverse Controls," no more "Slo-Mo Cooper," etc. It's actually kind of liberating not to have to think about collecting them and relying only on weapons and your own skill. --Amber has 10 Energy in each and every room (remember, with no possible higher total due to the lack of soups), which renders the game much more "cautious, get in some hits, then pull back" action than "whack away!" action in some rooms. Interestingly, however, it also means that she has more energy than Cooper did in some rooms. --This also means that any failed Super Scary Shock is a death for the player (since a Super Scary Shock failure costs, conveniently, 10 Energy), and you must take each Shock, as there are no "Shocker Blockers" lying about. --Keys in the FIND THE KEY! Challenge are always inside items with the Rareware logo on them, so don't waste time wrecking plain old boxes and such in your search. --Always remember that hitting a Ghouly with a weapon when he or she is standing deals more damage than if you do so when they are knocked down. --I won't mention every Shock (the red ones that spread from a certain point outward). Just know that if you see one coming, you should get out of the way. Enough of this introductory stuff, let's get it on: Chapter 1: The Rescue Scene 1, Grand Hallway ("Imps are Wimps"): Upon being given control of Amber, beat the few Imps scattered around at the beginning, whereupon you will be issued both an indestructible chair and a... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL! Wipe out those Imps with the chair; just don't get over-eager and get yourself killed (start playing the caution game early and you'll save yourself a lot of grief). The game will automatically take you to the next room once you complete the Challenge. Scene 2, Trophy Room ("'Shocking...Positively Shocking.'"): Just take care of each Super Scary Shock as you head down this hallway. They're not very hard just yet, anyway (only four buttons each). Scene 3, Billiard Room ("In and Out"): Head for the open doorway on the opposite side of the room; ignore the Skeletons unless you have a thirst for blood (errr...for marrow, rather). Scene 4, Gaming Room ("The Easiest Key"): The door is shutting and an ectoplasmic question mark is showing up on that door so that means a... CHALLENGE: FIND THE KEY! Luckily, the placement of the key is not random in this room, so the Imps won't be too much of an impediment. Just smash the Xbox box, and the door will be open for your continued enjoyment. Scene 5, Billiard Room ("Swing Away!"): So, there's the open door, guess we'll just run on over to it (maybe we'll pick up a pool cue right now just in case) then it appears we have a... CHALLENGE: KILL 8 SKELETONS! take care of. Eliminate the first three Skeletons with some pool cue smashes (so you stay out of their reach). There are two pool cues (six swings) and three skeletons. They each have 20 Energy, and hitting them with a melee weapon takes 10 Energy (if they're standing up). You do the math. After that, there are Skeletons all over the place. Just gather them 'round the pool table without letting them land too many blows and meet your quota with a single swing of the recreational equipment. That opens the door, so go on. Scene 6, Lower Corridors ("'I Just Don't Like the Way They Move'"): As you head down this hallway, you'll encounter your first, and hopefully last, plain ol' Shock from the ringing telephone. After you get over that, just keep on walking. POW, a Spider pops out of one of the vases. There are more near the end of the hallway as well. You can kill them as they show up (if you're the violent type...or happen to like seeing pink-haired, teenage girls smashing large arachnids), or you can just keep running till you make it to the exit door. Scene 7, Cinema ("Just Like in Indiana Jones!"): As you progress past the area with the projector and the first prisoner, some Ghoulies will pop out just before a left turn. You can safely run past them with almost no trouble at all. You'll have control taken away for a moment (there was a comic-strip segment here before in the original playthrough). When it comes back, all you have to do is run further into the room just past the Haunted TV and step onto the fireplace threshold. You'll promptly be taken to the next room. Scene 8, Gaming Room ("Have a Seat!"): Smash the first chair (on those tables) you can reach and soon thereafter, you'll draw a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL HAUNTED CHAIRS! The first thing you should do is destroy all of the chairs that have come off of their tables so that they don't become Haunted Chairs later when you defeat the current one sliding around on the floor. So break lifeless chairs while avoiding the more mobile one. When there's only one chair left on the table, pick it up and use it on its sentient counterpart. That should clear this room. The other thing to mention is that inside the Xbox box are three Skeletons. Their first instinct is to kill you, but if they get hit by a Haunted Chair, they will attack it instead. You can use them if you like, but I think it's more of a Pandora's box than an Xbox box if you ask me. Scene 9, Basement ("A Long Walk for a Short Drink of Battle"): So you're walking down a long, twisting hallway, populated by quite a few Spiders and any number of melee weapons. You can kill and use these as you desire (you don't even have to be all that careful since Spiders are weak and you only have one guy to kill at the end and will have the perfect weapon when the time comes). So walk and walk and walk until you get to the end and a door slams in your face and it's time for a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL MUMMIES! (which is to say, in this case, one Mummy) After you've dealt a few useless blows to the Mummy, Crivens'll pop up with some advice and a candle. Utilize both and get rid of that shriveled pile of gauze. Then the next room is all yours. Scene 10, Relic Store ("Light my (Mummy on) Fire"): Watch the first-person segment of this level until you're given the cue to defeat the Super Scary Shock. Do so, then defeat the Mummy who put you in such a tizzy, and get a... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL! your reward. Basically, just swing the candle at Mummies (especially if they're clumped together in groups, which is useful advice for use of any melee weapon), and make sure you don't use up its energy store too fast. Run around if it needs to recharge and always stay out of reach. Above all, never let them use that large club thing (it must have a special name, but I don't know what it is) they pull out if you're dizzied by their initial blow. If necessary, get out of being dizzied by quickly spinning the left analog around and get back to burning monsters. You'll get through it, and the door shall become ajar. Scene 11, Cellar ("The Shock comes from Sapphic Overtones in Tandem with Disturbing Amounts of Narcissism"): The first thing you've gotta do is calm Amber down from seeing her monstrous self's desire to plant its lips on the more beautiful version of itself. So press the right set of buttons to do so. Now, you can get rid of the two Skeletons that show up and then leave, or you can leave them to beat on the grosser version of yourself while you move on. Scene 12, Ye Olde Archives ("Break the Door Down!"): Walk slightly forward and a couple of Spiders might decide they're interested in making your acquaintance (though you can keep them from being activated by veering right from the start). Reward them with death if they do. Then travel down the middle aisle of this room between the two wine racks (always travel down the middle aisle as the others will trigger more Spiders, and in some cases, other types of enemies). Two more Spiders on the large wine cask at the end of this aisle will approach and meet the same fate as the others. In destroying these guys, try not to hurt either the nearby barrel or the set of bottles near the cask (especially not the bottles, though). You can do this by backing up into the large aisle you walked down and killing them there. After the Spiders are finished, smash the large cask for another barrel. Pick up one of the barrels and head over to the door to find out it's not what it seems since it starts a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR! Get back slightly and toss the barrel at this monstrosity (it has 60 Energy and you just took 15). Then move back to the wine cask you left earlier and pick up the bottles. Fire all six at the Door (that's 30 more taken care of). Then pick up the other barrel and heave it to end the battle. If you accidentally destroyed the barrel earlier when fighting the Spiders, go back to the start before triggering the Challenge and grab the bottles there. Then just use that set on the door, and follow that up with the set mentioned before near the cask. At any rate, that's a Chapter concluded. Chapter 2: The Restoration Scene 1, Kitchen ("Conforming to the Fire Code"): Immediately, you're thrust into a... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL! Not much advice to give here. Careful of the phone on the counter as it often issues a regular Shock. Spray the Fire Imps as the opportunity arises, and don't get hit by the fire they spit at you. Once you've won, a Skeleton will emerge from the exit door. Thrash or avoid as you choose, but get to the door. Scene 2, Scullery ("A Fart Worse than Death"): Work through here killing anything (like Spiders) that might impede your progress later. An important note is that there is a spider in the pile of dishes opposite the exit door that you should take care of (since odds are good that you'll hit the upcoming Zombie into them). Then face up to the... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL ZOMBIES (the Zombie) IN 25 SECONDS! ...they throw at you near the door. Just pummel him into a corner and never let up and you'll get the job done. Then move on. Scene 3, Lower Corridors ("Cruisin'"): Just dash to the exit ignoring the Haunted Chairs. Scene 4, Embassy Ballroom ("Don't Crash the Party"): Near the start, you'll have to get over a Super Scary Shock. After that, DO NOT go on the dance floor. If you do so, touch a Ghouly on the floor, and start the Challenge, it makes the room a billion times harder than it needs to be (which is almost not at all). Rather, grab the plant near the entrance to the dance floor (but on the side of the railing that's not actually on the dance floor) and head to the far end of the tables on the left side of the room as you face the dance floor. Go to the railing parallel to the far table and toss the plant onto the floor hitting as many Skeletons as you can. Your goal here is to clear the dance floor of as many Ghoulies as possible (you'll find out why soon), and since Skeletons are weaker than Zombies, that's who we're aiming for. Now, pick up the bottles on the back table, get up against the back railing, and carefully aim yourself at the Skeleton blocking the exit to the dance floor. Hit him with two bottles, and then let him recover from his dizzy spell. After he does so, throw a couple more to kill him. Use the remaining two bottles in your hands on a random Skeleton (if there are any in range who have 5 Energy left due to the plant you threw, they should be your targets). If you see any more Skeletons with 5 Energy, pick up bottles either on the nearby table or the railing closer to the dance floor entrance and finish them off and then use four more bottles to smash another Skeleton (like you did to the one guarding the exit). Now fling the plant near the far table onto the dance floor using the same rationale as before. Finally, use the last group of bottles to take care of as many Skeletons as you can. All right, now it's time to walk onto the dance floor. You want to weave among the Ghoulies and make it to the exit of the floor without touching any of them. If you can do that, the Challenge won't start and you won't have an overwhelming battle to overcome. Instead, you'll walk freely off the floor, up the stairs, past the angered Mummy, and out the door. Scene 5, Conservatory ("Don't Let 'em Swarm You!"): This is the first room that I think can be sort of hard if you don't know what you're doing. Kill the lone Ninja Imp you see wandering around and start the... CHALLENGE: GHOULY'S GOT A KEY! Ninja Imps everywhere! Pick up a melee weapon and head over to the side of the room directly clockwise from the exit door. This is where the Ninja Imp with the key spawns (he's glowing gold every couple of seconds). Kill him, and then sprint for the door. The problem here is that the Ninja Imps suddenly gather together and come at you with breakneck speed. Do not get trapped anywhere and get to the door as fast as you can. Scene 6, Boathouse ("Playing it Switzerland"): If you attack both of the Zombies here, you'll activate a Challenge, but if you leave them alone (or only kill one), you can walk unhindered to the next room. Scene 7, Lighthouse Store ("I Thought You Were S'posed to Turn to Stone"): Time for another... CHALLENGE: FIND THE KEY! It's basically just a matter of staying out of the Medusa's way while you wreck the room to get hold of the key. You can't even attack the Medusa very well because you're hampered by the squirt gun (swinging it rather than firing with it can be a bit of a pain). Don't let her get you in her green headlights either, as that will bring up a Super Scary Shock you must overcome. After you get the key, you can kill the Zombie near the door if you want. That wasn't so hard, was it? Scene 8, Lighthouse Living Quarters ("Cheaters Never Prosper"): The two Zombies in here are busy fighting each other over a card game. The only enemy that'll take any of your time is the Zombie Pirate that pops from the open door. Kill him (yay, squirt gun) or go around him and move on. Scene 9, Lighthouse Lantern Room ("Don't Guard it Too Well, Do They?"): Go upstairs, grab the glowworms from the glass enclosure upstairs, then head back where you came from. One Imp will be on the stairs as you head down. Kill or don't as you choose. Leave here. Scene 10, Lighthouse Living Quarters ("They're Coming Out of the Woodwork!"): Head toward the exit door to start up the... CHALLENGE: KILL 10 ZOMBIES IN 50 SECONDS! Zombies are now popping out everywhere and are being spawned by the Haunted TV. With the squirt gun in hand, this isn't too much of a problem. Just let it recharge decently and try to always take out the nearest Zombie so that they never get close enough to do damage. Then move on out of here. Scene 11, Lighthouse Store ("Tread Lightly"): This room is just a matter of getting around the Medusas to get to the wide open door. Scene 12, Boathouse ("Not the Face!"): Head for the open door on the other side of the room, but don't think this room's just a matter of course, 'cause instead it's a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HUNCHBACK! ...when you get to that seemingly unguarded door. This guy's annoying to fight but not usually capable of defending himself. Hit him once anywhere on his body to make him be still for a second (so he doesn't turn his weak spot-his face-away from you), and then pummel his face with your fists. Use your fists rather than a weapon because a weapon is an instant knockdown and takes 10 Energy away, but your fists means each individual blow you land takes 1 Energy till he's dizzied when you'll throw the knockout blow to take 10 more. This is more efficient. Also, it's very difficult to hit him with weapons since you have to use one hit to make him stand still, then move around quickly to hit him in the face (by which time he's usually recovered). After a knockdown, back off a decent distance till he gets up again, then quickly close in and repeat the process explained before. There are some Imps set against their fellow Ghouly in the barrel near one corner of the room (near a map with a black "X" on it), but I think they're not that useful and using them is much slower than just taking him on yourself. There are also some Spiders set against you sitting in various items around the room. The only other thing to be aware of in fighting the Hunchback is he'll occasionally go on this crying jag that he won't come out of till you hit him. Unfortunately, doing that makes him go red (invulnerable) and causes him to launch into a pretty devastating spin attack where he moves slightly faster than you can. To avoid this, go around an object that you can keep circling so that you can always keep him away from you (in this room, it's the large pile of junk in the center of the room). I think you might be able to stop him from ever crying by always hitting him just after he's recovered from a knockdown, thus not allowing him to do anything but get hit some more. Anyway, when he's gone, so is this room. Scene 13, Dining Room ("Keep your Friends Close..."): Once you go far enough into this room, the Captain will notice you and send one of his boys after you. Punish that unlucky candidate with regular blows until he's dead (don't hurt any of the weapons sitting around; you're gonna want to use all of them). Once that's happened, you'll have a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL ZOMBIE PIRATES AND THE CAPTAIN ZOMBIE PIRATE! ...thrown at you. This is kind of a pain. It's a lot of running around and getting in a couple of blows whenever you see a chance at dealing out hits they won't be able to give back to you (such as when one of them becomes separated from the rest of the group). Luckily, you do have aid. Hit the Captain with a hamburger or something near the start (don't get crowded behind the buffet table) and the nearby Skeletons will join in the fun and be on your side (stay out of their way when they toss weapons and such). What you want to do at the beginning of the fight (besides get the Skeletons involved) is use the melee weapons and smaller projectile weapons (like hamburgers) sitting around and save the larger projectile weapons (like cakes) mostly for later. I tend to keep them running around the long table in the middle of the room, and occasionally turn around to hit one, or try to split one away from the others and deal out a thrashing for a few moments to him. After you've done enough damage to the initial group, reinforcements will show up. I try to gather them all together and then toss a large projectile weapon into the middle of them (without hurting the Skeletons). You will eventually run out of weapons, so just hope the Skeletons are doing their job and maybe you'll be down to two or three Pirates by the time your weapons are spent. Then it's up to you to get them each on their own and take them out (or set them up to be hit by Skeletons). Always try not to damage any of the weapons sitting around if you can help it, and good luck. Scene 14, Embassy Ballroom ("Unleash the Ancient Evil"): This time it's even easier to get through here without combat. There's a speaker at the bottom of the stairs near the stereo equipment up on the stage/platform thing in this room. Grab it and get up on the mini-staircase thing (where the Mummy was dee- jaying on your first trip through this room) near the railing of the stage. Toss the speaker onto the dance floor. There was a Mummy inside! And it's against it's fellow Ghoulies! The other Ghoulies are obliviously dancing while it wreaks havoc among them. Now all you have to do is let Mr. Mummy take care of almost everybody on the floor (you can go to the bathroom or get a cup of coffee if you want) and then make your way practically unhindered to the exit of the floor. You'll receive a Super Scary Shock near there, but overcome that, and it's on to the next room. Scene 15, Lower Corridors ("More Running Down Hallways"): You might get hit a time or two by the Ninja Imps that pop out, but no big deal as you make your way over to the exit. Scene 16, Scullery ("Looking Out for the Little Guy"): Head toward the exit door, and up will start a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL ZOMBIES BUT NOT TO ANY IMPS! There are two Zombies. If you can smash them both into the same corner and keep hitting them both repeatedly, it will make things easy. If not, after you kill the first (or within a certain time, I think), an Imp will pop out that you'll need to not smack around. Also, some of the smashable things around have Imps inside. Just hit what you have to and not what you shouldn't and you'll make it. Scene 17, Kitchen ("Impaled on his Own Sword"): After talking to Ma Soupswill, the door to the next room will open and a Zombie Pirate shall emerge. Head on over there, and after he puts his sword down to pick up a chest to heave at you, pick up the sword and deal him a fatal blow. Then move on. Scene 18, Ffffreezer ("Leave Them Out in the Cold"): Run through to the exit door without looking back. Scene 19, Garbage Yard ("Speak Softly and..."): Walk on through this place and then up will start a... CHALLENGE: KILL 30 SPIDERS USING ONLY WEAPONS! Not too much trouble really. As long as you keep moving when you're not attacking, the Spiders shouldn't be able to get more than a couple of hits on you. Use melee weapons if they're in small groups, but if they're following you in a large pack, you might consider picking up a trash can and taking out about half a dozen in one go. Also worth noting is the large dumpster you can swing around. Use that when the second wave appears (after you kill the first twelve, twelve more pop out all at once). Gather them around and swing the dumpster around. Soon the door will open. Scene 20, Wood Shed ("Running and Smacking"): You could probably run through this room without taking too many hits, but I tend to hit the Flying Imps that pop out as well as the Spiders that come my way (just to be secure...all right, and also vicious). Very linear (like much of the game), pretty simple. Scene 21, Farmyard ("Motley Mob of Monsters"): Before you kill that lone Imp hitting Fiddlesworth, open up the fenced-off area (so you can get to the Skeletons in the Challenge quickly) just to the right of the exit door as you face it. Then kill that Imp to set off a tough... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL IN 60 SECONDS! It's difficult to avoid getting the Reaper involved on this one with the time limit so tight, but you can try. You've got two Ninja Imps, two Zombies, two Skeletons, two Flying Imps, and a Zombie Pirate to eliminate. I don't really think there's a "best" way to do this. There are plenty of weapons about, and I just tend to try to kill whatever's nearby. If the Zombie Pirate drops his sword to start heaving chests, pick it up and whack him for a quick kill before he gets the chance. If the Reaper gets in on the action, just thank goodness that he kills other Ghoulies and that the death of the last Ghouly is an automatic trip to the next room (you don't have to make it to the next doorway). Scene 22, Chicken Shed ("To Be Fair, YOU'VE Probably Been Eating THEM for Years"): Walk down the extremely linear pathway, killing any Chickens that have a taste for your blood. When you get to the end, grab the egg there and head back the way you came. Soon after you start doing that, up will pop a... CHALLENGE: STAY ALIVE FOR 60 SECONDS! Work your way back along the path, shooting any nearby Chickens, especially any who are flapping and about to attack. If none are in sight, spin the camera around and see if any are coming from behind. Just keep it together, and you'll get through here with little trouble. Scene 23, Farmyard ("Get Out of Dodge"): Just book it to the other end of this room and get through the door. Don't stop to tangle with any enemies on the way. Scene 24, Workshop ("Smash and Burn!"): Immediately begins a... CHALLENGE: KILL 8 GHOULIES AND FIND THE KEY! First, take care of the Skeleton with the frying pan. I tend to let him swing at me, just dodging his blow, and then break him into pieces. After that, Mummies pop out that you'll have to knock into the fire. There aren't usually overwhelming numbers of them, so it shouldn't be too tough. When you're not hitting Mummies, break objects with the Rare logo. If a couple of Mummies sneak up on you together, try to knock them both down with a weapon and then pummel them into the fire. At any rate, not a terribly difficult room, and let's move on just like you will. Scene 25, Lower Corridors ("One Good Toss"): Immediately, you're given a... CHALLENGE: DON'T GET HIT! All you have to do to make sure this requirement is met is take the nearby tossable vase and hit all four of the nearby chairs with it (they're Haunted, you'll find). Then you can roam freely to the exit...well, there's a Super Scary Shock to handle once you get there, but I know you're plenty capable. Scene 26, Pantry ("Diligent Elimination"): So walk part of the way into the room and up will dart a Coat to signal a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL HAUNTED COATS! ( Haunted Coat) The thing with Haunted Coats is that when you hit them, they tend to float a few feet in the direction they were hit, so you have to pin them against a wall to really destroy them. Do so to this one to complete the Challenge and an Imp or two will pop out. Do yourself a favor and whack them now to avoid trouble later. You might also break the low cabinets nearby to free and then kill a couple more Imps. Break open the nearby fridge with the hamburgers in it and note the position of a flour sack on the floor in this room. Now head for the door to start up another... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR BUT NOT TO ANY IMPS! So now you see why we killed Imps while the Challenge was not on. First, grab the bag of flour and toss it at the Door. Next, use the hamburgers to bring its Energy down to 15. Now, just walk up to it at an opportune moment and bang it to pieces with your regular blows. That clears this room, so walk on. Scene 27, Kitchen ("Fowl is Fair"): The way I tend to take out Mr. Ribs is by using large throwable objects a couple of times and then using a smaller pile of six to finish him off. He grows faster with less Energy, but you can hit him real good with your fists at the start of this room. At any rate, you're never in danger of being hit, so I'm not gonna write any more about this. Scene 28, Grand Hallway ("That's an Antique!"): You're given this little warning... CHALLENGE: DON'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY! the start, but it's not a difficult order to follow. Walk over to the open door (kill Haunted Paintings if you want). Scene 29, Cloakroom ("The Random and the Not-So-Random"): After you activate a Haunted Coat in here, you'll start up a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL OF A RANDOM SPECIES IN 60 SECONDS! Now, the species they want you to eliminate changes with each time you play this room. It's either the Mummy, Flying Imps, Zombies, or plain old Imps. Each species resides in one of the Haunted Coats. The Mummy is in the Coat directly to the right of your starting point (behind a coat rack), the Zombies straight ahead from the starting point on a coat rack, the Imps ahead and to the right on a coat rack, and the Flying Imps straight ahead on the opposite side of the room near a chest and two large windows. Take out whichever one you need to and then the Ghoulies that pop from it. If it's the Mummy, you can kill him by kicking him out of a window. After that, get to the door. Scene 30, Sitting Room ("Switcheroo"): Pick up the lamp on the table and throw it over at the chair in one corner of the room (it would have come to life later). Then head for the door to begin the... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL BUT NOT TWO OF SAME TYPE IN A ROW! Two Skeletons and two Zombies. I tend to go Skeleton, Zombie, Skeleton, Zombie because Skeletons are easy to kill and having one less Ghouly around is a good thing. Plus, when you get the last Zombie on his own, you have all the time in the world to whack him into a corner and beat on him till he's dead. The Challenge gets easier the more Ghoulies are dead. Go to it, and use the paintings (and other stuff) sitting around to smash 'em good. Then head for the exit. Scene 31, Music Room ("Run Away!" *in Monty Python voice*): Do as my title says, toward the exit door, but you will have to take care of a Super Scary Shock there. Scene 32, Walled Garden ("Take the Dung-y and Run"): Whack the Zombie Pirate ordering about the Skeletons (who will then be your best mates) and then pick up the Dungweed near them. That'll bring up a... CHALLENGE: DON'T GET HIT! Run toward the exit door (up some stairs near a flower bed). Pick off anything that attempts to impede your progress. If you do get hit, it's not such a big deal. You have the soda gun, and any projectile-firing weapon is the Reaper's worst enemy as you can pretty much eternally fend him off with one. Get out of here. Scene 33, Study ("Kill It! (or is it "Them"?)"): Let's begin with a... CHALLENGE: FIND THE KEY! You still have the soda gun, so go ahead and kill that Jessie and Clyde just to make things simple. Then smash the Rare urns to find the key. Easy enough, let's leave. Scene 34, Music Room ("I Hate this Room and So Will You"): First, destroy the two busts along the wall directly to the right of your starting point, or a very annoying Cursed Mummy emerges from one of them later. Destroy any weapons you can currently reach with your gun (such as the guitar on the cushion in front of you). Then, walk a few steps into the room and it's time for a... CHALLENGE: STAY ALIVE FOR 60 SECONDS AND KILL 30 NINJA IMPS! This part of it is pretty easy. Pick off Ninja Imps as you please, being careful not to use ammunition too quickly. Once you've met both of the requirements above, Bass Buffbrass will appear to relieve you of the wonderful gun you're toting. Before you let her do that by going near her, eliminate any stray Ninja Imps meandering about and take care of any more weapons lying around. After you've handed it to her and try to leave, you'll get another... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HUNCHBACK! ...and it's the worst in the game. Not so much because the Hunchback is a relatively annoying enemy (who you'll deal with in the same manner as last time), but because there are Skeletons thrown into the mix that sometimes bring their own weapons with them (you got rid of the ones that might have been picked up otherwise). Kill one and another will appear soon to take its place (maybe with weapons). The best you can really hope for is to disarm the initial three (if any of them bring weapons) with a couple of attacks and then let them stick around, since, as described before, killing one brings on another who might be armed. If the Hunchback goes into his crying, whimpering, dangerous mode, you can try to get him to hit the Skeletons and thus turn them against him, but they're very ineffective at fighting him. You pretty much have to do it yourself and that means leading the Skeletons away, and then running back to deal with the Hunchback who doesn't always position himself too well in terms of letting you do this conveniently. You only have time for a few hits even under the best circumstances. After you get ol' Hunchy down to about 14 or 15 Energy, whack one or two of the Skeletons and then finish him off before reinforcements arrive. Sometimes you get lucky and they leave you to deal with the Hunchback for a long time. Good luck. Once you're over this hump (ha ha), it's never as hard again, I don't think. Scene 35, Sitting Room ("Efficient Melee: A Study in Oxymorons"): Another immediate... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL WITH JUST 15 HITS! There's one Haunted Painting around, and you want that to be the final tally in this room. Go up to all the other paintings around the perimeter of the room, grab it and then break it (with the "B" button) while staying away from the one that moves. After you've broken them all, pick up the lamp on the table and kill the Painting. You can even kill it with regular hits if you like. Scene 36, Cloakroom ("Make a Break for it Without any Breaking"): There's this clause from the start... CHALLENGE: DON'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY! The open door is on the left. Occasionally something will pop out to oppose you, but your main concern is sneaking around the Medusa. If you can manage that, this room shouldn't give you any trouble. If you do attempt to kill something, make sure you don't knock them into anything. If you fail the Challenge, just try to run about. The Reaper won't be very quick on his feet (errr...very quick on his floatation) in the first few seconds of his presence anyway. Not a terribly troublesome room. Scene 37, Grand Hallway ("So Hard to Get Good Help These Days"): Kill the two nearby Skeletons in maid outfits, then approach the exit to set off the... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR USING ONLY WEAPONS! There are two sets of throwable objects up at the top of the first flight of stairs. Use both on the Door and don't get the Skeletons on your back and this room is over. Scene 38, Kitchen ("Upholding the Fire Code Once More"): Head forward to get the fire extinguisher and it's time yet again for a... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL IN 90 SECONDS! Same deal as last time. Just more of them. After you kill all but one or two of them in the first batch, more will fly from the large pot. If it seems like you've killed all of them but the Challenge has not been lifted, the few you haven't gotten are probably flitting about in a corner (probably near Ma Soupswill). The time limit is not terribly stringent, so just avoid hits and deal death as much as you can without too much worry. Onward! Scene 39, Cellar ("The Skeleton and the Spider"): Start up with a... CHALLENGE: GHOULY'S GOT A KEY BUT DON'T GET HIT! Straight ahead from the entrance door, on the opposite wall from it is a wine cask (don't open any of the others) which contains an armed Skeleton and a key- bearing Spider (who runs from you). Dispatch the Skeleton before he can deal a blow, and then get rid of the Spider. It's a bit tough to corner him, but it's better than opening up another cask to get weapons since it brings on so many other Ghoulies who will almost certainly hit you. Anyway, track the Spider down and whack it to get out the key. Then you can leave without opposition but for a slight Super Scary Shock. Scene 40, Ye Olde Archives ("Doesn't This Cause a Rip in the Space-Time Continuum or Something?"): You've got one hit to give in this battle. Take two of them and your monstrous self is the winner. This battle is all about excellent weapon usage. If you whack her successfully one time with a melee weapon, then you can just run around the room tossing boxes and bottles at her whenever you come across them. You'll get her down, and this Chapter will be over. Chapter 3: The Riddle Scene 1, Grand Hallway ("Think You Can Manage to Walk Through a Door?"): Yup, walk on over to the open door and that's that. Scene 2, Housekeeping Store ("Needle-in-a-Haystack Stew, Sprinkled with Just a Pinch of Annoyance"): Automatically once again... CHALLENGE: FIND THE KEY BUT DON'T KILL THE HAUNTED TV! Part of this is down to simple luck. If you get the key early on in your search (and early in the room's layout), then you can just tear past the TV before it's even spawned anything. If you have to look around a lot, then it's possible the room will be so full of enemies that you won't be able to meet your objective before they overwhelm you. But work fast and that won't happen. Next! Scene 3, Crivens' Quarters ("Swatting Pests"): Another automatic... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL FLYING IMPS BUT USING ONLY WEAPONS! Dispatch the initial group of these guys with melee weapons (if they fly close to your face and attempt to hit you, hit them before they can manage it, or if you're busy with something else, try to keep moving so they can't quite reach you). Keep moving if you hear one of them start to do their dive-bomb attack and they'll miss you and hit the floor (where you'll be able to whack them out of existence). After you've got the last of the first set, another bunch will pop out. Try to get them around the large swingable weapon in the middle of the room, and use it at the right moment. There might be a few left. Just pick up whatever else is laying around and finish them off. Then it's off to the next room without even having to get to the door. Scene 4, Housekeeping Store ("What Do You Think You're Laughing At?"): Inside one of the cabinets in this room is the Ghouly whose presence will signal the next... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE WARLOCK! This cackling imbecile can be eliminated with careful use of objects in the room as shields and good utilization of opportunity. Stand in the center of the room after he's disappeared. If you see where he appears and can rush over there in time before he's fired off a spell, then do so and smack him around. If he's too far away, just dodge behind something and wait for a good chance. Soon you'll be out of here, as long as you can take the Super Scary Shock waiting for you near the end. Scene 5, Grand Hallway ("Smash and Slash"): Ignore the Haunted Painting (or kill it if you like) near the start and grab a nearby potted plant. Use it on the Skeletons and the head of the first staircase, and then hit them all while they're down to finish them. Then pick up the nearby vase and wait for the two Zombie Pirates to drop their swords to fling chests at you. Toss the vase at them after they've put down the swords (or even if only one of them has). Then pick up the sword, and kill them with stabs from it. Then the door is all yours. Scene 6, Upper Corridors ("Moronic Mummies"): Cooper only had 1 Energy in this room, and Amber has ten so consider yourself lucky there. First, kill the two Haunted Paintings that come at you in the short hallway here. Now, you can try to get through the Mummies fighting each other when you see a chance or you can make your own opportunity by flinging one of the hampers in a corner (I think they're hampers) into the Mummies and then walking through the doorway. Scene 7, Bathroom ("Insubordination: Breaking the Rules, Turns Out Cheaters DO Prosper"): Kill as many of the Haunted Coats laying around the room as you can (there are five and you can definitely kill four) before the... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL WITHOUT USING WEAPONS! ...begins. Take care of any remaining Haunted Coats with just your fists (try to only activate one of them at a time so they aren't ganged up on you). But after you eliminate them and the next set of enemies emerges (Ninja Imps), it's clear that it'd be tough to follow the requirements and survive. Kill the lone Imp (not a Ninja Imp) to bring out the Skeletons who are the last of your opposition. Gather as many enemies as you can around that bathtub and swing to get rid of most of them and bring on the Reaper. There will likely be a few Ninja Imps left but you can definitely get all the Skeletons with a little bit of skill and luck. Pick up some weapons and finish off those remaining enemies. If it takes too long, the Reaper will get faster and faster so lead him around the bathtub as much as you can if such becomes the case. Anyway, you'll make it and go on. Scene 8, Schoolroom ("The Reaper? He'll Be Here in Just a Minute"): Here's a simple... CHALLENGE: DON'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY AND THE REAPER'S COMING IN 60 SECONDS! Just run through here without attracting the Medusas' ire and you won't have any trouble. The occasional Imp will pop out, but just keep running to the door. Scene 9, Infirmary ("Preemptive Attrition"): Do not talk to Fiddlesworth until you've followed the instructions below. The key to getting out of this room easily is to not start up the (very annoying) Challenge. To do so, kill the first Medusa you see with the bowl of fruit near the bed and the potted plant in one corner. After that grab the bottles on the medical supply cart, and position yourself so you can fire into the gap between Fiddlesworth and the wall. Hit the other Medusa with all six shots, and she'll go down. Now talk to Fiddlesworth. You'll get the squirt gun (which would have been a hindrance when some of your enemies are Medusas), but the Challenge will never start up (for some reason, killing the Medusas makes this not happen). So just walk through the next doorway. Scene 10, Dunfiddlin Cottage Garden ("All Manner of Undead"): You can kill or not kill the Zombies as you choose, but I do. Especially because the Zombie Pirates often fling those chests which instantly kill you. You'll encounter your first Vampire on your way, which you can't do anything about with your current weapon (which is odd because you'd think "sacred water" would work on Vampires). Eventually you'll get to Fiddlesworth and lose the squirt gun in favor of Ol' Edna. Then you can move on to the next room. Scene 11, Greenhouse ("In Case of Emergency, Don't Break Glass"): Walk a little bit into this room and up starts the... CHALLENGE: GHOULY'S GOT A KEY BUT YOU'VE ONLY GOT 12 HITS TO FIND IT AND YOU CAN'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY! The Ghouly in question is a Vampire Chicken on the far side of the greenhouse, near the exit door. You can kill almost everything in your way and still have a shot left for said Chicken as you go through the room, but if you can avoid killing, it'll be useful since you're less likely to break a pot or something and violate the rules. There's a large, bare patch near the middle of the room where you'll get a Super Scary Shock, but you can avoid it by walking around the perimeter of this patch instead of through the middle. At any rate, don't let that distract you from reaching the Chicken. The Chicken in question glows gold occasionally, so you'll know it when you see it. If you bring on the Reaper by accident, it's not such a big deal since you have a gun in hand and can hold him off while you continue your Chicken hunt. Anyway, after you've got the key, keep going. Scene 12, Potting Room ("The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"): Go forward to pick up the piece of the rhyme; eight Ghoulies will pop out (four Skeletons, two Vampires, and two Vampire Chickens) and then it's a... CHALLENGE: KILL 6 GHOULIES BUT NOT TWO OF SAME TYPE IN A ROW! This isn't so bad. Just keep running about and plugging whatever Ghouly is appropriate. You'll need to kill at least one Vampire to meet the requirements so try to take care of that early on. I try to go in this order: Skeleton, Vampire, Skeleton, Vampire Chicken, Skeleton, Vampire Chicken. Of course, any combination within the rules is perfectly viable, but I think that one is the easiest. After you've completed the Challenge, kill whatever two Ghoulies are still wandering about while you still have the gun on hand 'cause when you go to the door, you'll hand over your weapon and soon thereafter start up another... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HUNCHBACK IN SIXTY SECONDS! Just do what you've done to this guy before. Try to be quick about it. If you don't take care of him in time, hope that he's in good position for the Reaper to take care of him for you. Either way, get to the door. Scene 13, Greenhouse ("Asian Invasion"): Run past the Ninja Imps (you can pick up a weapon to fend off any that get too close). There'll be a Super Scary Shock at the same patch of ground as last time which you can avoid in the same way, but other than that, it's just booking it to the door. Scene 14, Dunfiddlin Cottage Garden ("Wanna Play a Game of Worms?"): Lots and lots of Spiders on your way down. Take care of them or just keep running, whichever you feel like. When you get down to the picket fence, head through the gate (avoiding the Worm) and, soon after, up starts a... CHALLENGE: GHOULY'S GOT A KEY BUT YOU'VE ONLY GOT 80 SECONDS TO FIND IT! The Worm with the key is in the beehive on the right side of the yard as you face the exit door. Smash it (avoid the Shock if it pops up), and then get the Worm that was inside to blow up. End of Challenge, end of room. Scene 15, Dunfiddlin Cottage ("Mildly Annoying"): In one of the cabinets or barrels that is about, the Warlock is enclosed (there are also Flying Imps in some of them, but you can take care of them pretty fast if you stumble on them). Find him and it's time for the inevitable... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE WARLOCK WITH JUST 20 HITS! Inside one of the other cabinets or barrels are a load of weapons to use on the Warlock. Just use the furniture as a shield and smack him with a weapon whenever you see an opening. Then head for the door that a bunch of Flying Imps will emerge from to set off the next... CHALLENGE: KILL 6 GHOULIES USING ONLY WEAPONS AND NOT TWO OF SAME TYPE IN A ROW! Luckily, the Flying Imps are going to take out one or two of their own breed on the initial dive-bomb attack. After that, you have to run about hitting the Zombies whenever you can (and only killing them when they're the appropriate enemy to eliminate), and trying to get the Flying Imps to harm themselves and the Zombies instead of you. One tip is that if a Zombie is charging at you with a swinging arm, you can get him close, then back off at just the right time to get his arm to come off and use as a weapon. Keep moving and make sure to kill the appropriate species as you go through here. This Challenge has proven fairly difficult for me sometimes, but you'll get through it eventually. After you succeed, move on. Scene 16, Workshop ("Evasive Action"): Toss the nearby large urn into the fire. It contains a Cursed Mummy, and you definitely don't need that brand of headache later. Next, start destroying any weapons laying about (I think the quickest way is to pick them up and then press the "B" button to break them rather than smashing them) and get rid of the other large urn on the opposite side of the room near the fire before the door shuts and you're given a... CHALLENGE: SURVIVE 90 SECONDS WITHOUT USING WEAPONS! Skeletons are everywhere and that means that some of them will get the bright idea to use weapons on you. You need to try and make sure that doesn't happen too often. Move about the room getting rid of any weapons you see (especially throwable ones like potted plants), and at the same time avoiding blows from your opponents. If a Skeleton gets hold of a weapon, steer very clear, or if you feel lucky, try to get it to use them on one of the other Skeletons. I tend to run around in circles, leading them as one large bunch and trying not to allow one or two to stray from the pack and go the other way around the fire. Just try to keep moving and don't get yourself cornered under any circumstances. Soon enough, the door will open and on you go. Scene 17, Farmyard ("The Looooong Walk"): Don't kick the stone ring near here. It has two worms inside it you don't particularly need to have in the open. As for handling these Jessies and Clydes up here, there is a point beyond which these guys cannot walk (the gap in the stone fence through which you must walk to enter the main part of the yard where your enemies roam). Lead the first one up to that point (but be out of its reach) and then start pummeling it once it's turned around. Take 10 Energy away from it with each set of blows, let it recover (don't deal the knockdown blow or you'll have to lead it back to the point it can't cross again), then repeat. Deliver the killing blow when it has 20 or less left (10 individual blows for 1 Energy each, plus the knockdown blow for 10 more). Do the same to the second one. Finally, pick up a barrel and walk toward the exit door, around which the last Jessie and Clyde is marauding. Toss the barrel at it and run to the exit while it's down. Scene 18, Foundry ("Enforced Pacifism PLUS An In-Depth Look at the Role of Luck in Video Games"): Immediately, you have a... CHALLENGE: FIND THE KEY AND DON'T KILL ANY GHOULIES! deal with. This Challenge in conjunction with the next one can be pretty harrowing. You have to smash the Rare objects lying around and find the key knowing that most of these objects contain enemies. If you just don't feel like fending off (but not killing) Ghoulies while searching around, quit every time a Ghouly pops out and start the room again until you find the key on your first try. Then go to the door and start the next... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR IN 50 SECONDS! What's really annoying is that even if you kill the Haunted Coats that probably popped out before, they contain Fire Imps that you have no chance at killing with your current weapons. If you don't kill the Haunted Coats, they impede your progress on the Door terribly. That's why I think finding the key early is so helpful, and though it's a bit like cheating, my qualms aren't too big. Anyway, there are two piles of throwable objects (one tin cans, the other glass bottles) near a pillar in the middle of this room. Use both on the Door to kill it and keep going. Note: you could also violate the rules early on and use the Reaper to kill the Haunted Door, but it's kinda troublesome. Scene 19, Stables ("Amber: Breaking Down Walls for Girls Everywhere"): After you've picked up the fire extinguisher, you want to smash any barrels or large crates lying around on your way through this room. This will release Fire Imps you can then quickly kill which won't then be a big hassle to you later. Go through doing that, smashing walls and gates, and killing all Fire Imps you can reach. You'll reach a point where a Spider will come after you and soon after that encounter a Super Scary Shock. Take care of that, and then kill all the Spiders before picking up the next piece of the rhyme and starting this... CHALLENGE: DON'T GET HIT, DON'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY, AND THE REAPER'S COMING IN 90 SECONDS! Simply run back the way you came. Since you killed all the Fire Imps inside scenery before, they won't pop out to bring hassle now, but you will have to deal with three Fire Imps that came from the exit door. Carefully kill them (get near a gap in the wall at the appropriate point and spray them once they're in range), and you won't have a worry in the world since the time limit isn't too tough to meet. Get to the door and let's go on. Scene 20, Foundry ("Switch Hitting"): After losing the Fire Extinguisher, go in and put two Mummies into the flames which will cause a Skeleton to emerge for each Mummy you killed. After that, run towards the exit to start a... CHALLENGE: KILL 6 GHOULIES BUT NOT TWO OF SAME TYPE IN A ROW! First, kill a Skeleton you created earlier. Now, this Challenge can be pretty aggravating, but you have some help. There is an Imp in each of these places: the first barrel on the left from the start, the burlap sack nearest the exit, and a crate near the exit (I think these locations are accurate and never randomized). After destroying the Skeleton, loose an Imp and murder it. Then kill another Skeleton. Then kill another Imp. Now it's just a matter of killing one Mummy, and then the last Imp. Not so hard once you have a good method of attacking the problem. Now get to the door. Scene 21, Farmyard ("You'd Think It Would Cease Being so Super Scary and Shocking Around the Third Time"): This room is entirely just a test of your quick button-pressing abilities. In essence, it's like the second room of the house, but with longer button combinations. Moving on... Scene 22, Woodshed ("Cruelty to Animals"): You can go through the first part of the room avoiding Medusas or killing them with throwable weapons. Some of these throwable weapons contain Worms, so keep that in mind. You'll pick up Ol' Edna near the end. Use it to kill the lone Vampire, then head for the door to start the... CHALLENGE: KILL 10 VAMPIRE CHICKENS IN 45 SECONDS! Hit one of the (for now) plain Chickens to make all of them build an egg wall around themselves and emerge as Vampire Chickens. Then blast 'em to pieces. Not very difficult at all. Then get to the door. Scene 23, Garbage Yard ("Insubordination: Breaking the Rules Part II, You Almost Don't Have a Choice"): Let's have another... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL HAUNTED CHAIRS USING ONLY WEAPONS AND...WITHOUT USING WEAPONS?! Cooper's dilemma in this room actually had a fairly easy solution (involving Miniature Coopers). Amber has to get out of here with the Reaper almost certainly on her tail. First, though, let's get rid of all those chairs lying around so that they don't decide to come alive later. After you've finished that job, I would suggest using the dumpster to kill one chair (or both if you can manage it, the Reaper's here either way), and then quickly finishing off the other. Then it's just a matter of weaving around the Reaper to get out of here. There is one viable (but difficult) way of getting through here without breaking the rules. If you can get one of the Haunted Chairs to slide into and kill the other, that will loose a Mummy from a dumpster who's a traitor to his kind. He'll kill the other chair for you and that will be that. He'll also help if you kill only one Chair with the dumpster swing, or if you kill both, he'll keep Death occupied so you can make it to the door without being harried. Scene 24, Ffffreezer ("Can My Friends Play, Too?"): Break open fridge doors while you can before the... CHALLENGE: KILL 9 GHOULIES WITH JUST 10 HITS! ...starts. Doing this will loose the Ghoulies fettered inside the refrigerators. They're on your side. Release the other Ghoulies inside fridges, and then just keep running in circles around the central freezer until they've done your job for you (if there's one enemy left to kill, perhaps you can get an Imp somehow). After that, make it to the door. Scene 25, Kitchen ("Snaking Around Trouble"): Get around the Medusas (and some Fire Imps) and get to the door. Scene 26, Laundry ("A Magical Performance!"): Inside some of the hampers are Ninja Imps and Spiders you should kill if you come across. But inside one of them is the Warlock. When you find him, you start this... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE WARLOCK BUT DON'T GET HIT! So use the washers as cover and move in whenever you have an opportunity. If he looses some enemies with any of his shots, try and take care of them without taking a hit. Just play cautious, but move in quick when you see your chance. Soon we'll be headed for the next room. Scene 27, Servants' Dormitory ("Run for Cover!"): You are immediately given this little stipulation... CHALLENGE: DON'T USE WEAPONS! Now, there are three Jessies and Clydes throughout this room that can be irksome. But you can take care of them with little hassle. Each of them has a point they cannot go beyond. The first cannot get close to your starting point, the second cannot go down the stairs that lead up into the area it patrols, and the third has a similar set of stairs it can't go down. Kill each of them in the same manner as you did to two of them in the farmyard. Get them to point where they can't cross, then run in and pummel them ten times. Let them recover, ten more, down to 20 Energy, when you pound them to oblivion. I would also kill the enemies one at a time sitting inside various aspects of the scenery just to have a better time of it later. Now, get to the exit door and add one Challenge to the previous one for this combination... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR WITHOUT USING WEAPONS! There's a pretty good way to do this similar to the thing you did with the Jessies and Clydes. There are some points in this room the Door cannot go into-such as the gap between one of the bunk beds and the wall. Get inside one of these gaps and then wait for your chance to hit the Door. Then run back to the place where it can't retaliate. Do this until you kill it. You could also use a weapon on it and get Death to finish the job for you. At any rate, get to the exit. Scene 28, Servants' Bathroom ("Outrunning Death"): Guess what? We start with a... CHALLENGE: STAY ALIVE FOR 80 SECONDS BUT THE REAPER'S COMING IN 20! So while we have 20 seconds, let's make use of them. Note: DO NOT activate any of the Haunted Coats in this room! Run to the back left corner of the room (looking at it from the entrance) and smash the stall door on the left side of the room there to reveal the staircase to the exit. Walk slightly into this hallway to trigger the Shock there (so that you don't do it when you're running up the stairs at the end of this level with the Reaper in hot pursuit), and then turn around. Go inside the open stall near here and grab some rolls of toilet paper. Now, the Reaper should be here any second now. Stay at this end of the large central set of mirrors and when the Reaper's about halfway down one side of the mirrors, go to the opposite side and begin circling these mirrors. Just make sure to not attract the Reaper to go in the opposite direction by circling too quickly and thus running straight into him as he comes around the wrong corner. He'll gain speed as time goes on, so at first you need to let him catch up a little, while with about 20 seconds left, you should just be running pell-mell. Around 15 seconds left, you should start carefully tossing the rolls of toilet paper at him (let him recover from each individual blow before tossing another). This should take you down to about 5 seconds. After tossing the last one, dash for the staircase and the exit door, which should be open by the time you reach it. Scene 29, Attic ("Race to the Bottom"): Here's the start of this one... CHALLENGE: REAPER'S COMING IN 45 SECONDS! Up the stairs to get a gun and then a Super Scary Shock. After that, run through the room fast, destroying chests and such that block your progress. Don't stop to kill anything. Just run and you'll get another Super Scary Shock on your way out. If things go right, you'll make it to the door just before the Reaper shows up. Scene 30, Grand Hallway ("Soda Isn't Good for your Bones"): The three weapon- bearing Skeletons here are easily smashable with your soda gun. Then just proceed through the open door. Scene 31, Experiments Chamber ("Amber: Quick-Draw Gunslinger with Friends in Low Places"): Break the locker in the back to start up a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE WARLOCK IN 15 SECONDS! Just quickly note where the Warlock has gotten to and shoot him. Do that one more time with enough speed and this particular Challenge is complete. Now walk toward the door to let Ms. Buffbrass lift the gun off you. Try to leave and it's once again time for a... CHALLENGE: KILL 8 GHOULIES USING ONLY WEAPONS! First, kill the Imp and the Spider that show up. From then on, it's time to take it easy on yourself. On the rightmost side of the large machine near the exit door, you can smash the dial and let loose 3 Ninja Imps who have a grudge against their fellow Ghoulies. Let them take on the other guys. Once you're down to two or three Ghoulies to go, you can take a risk and kill your own Ninja Imps to quickly reach your goal or you can play it safer and wait for them to do their job. If they get killed in the process, it counts in your favor anyway. At any rate, once the job is done (by them, mostly), head on to one of the bigger annoyances in the game. Scene 32, Krackpot's Lab ("The Long, Hard Slog PLUS Insubordination: Breaking the Rules Part III, Death for the Undead"): Here's a tough... CHALLENGE: FIND THE KEY, GHOULY'S GOT A KEY, AND DON'T KILL ANY SKELETONS! There are points in this room that the Jessies and Clydes roaming about cannot reach such as the caged area to the right of your starting point. You can use these to kill them as you have before (just be careful not to get hit by the Shocks they set off by screaming at you). There are also a number of projectile and melee weapons lying about for use as you please. It does make it much easier to handle the rest of the room if the Jessies and Clydes are dead, but it's not completely necessary. With them dead or not, your first step in completing the Challenge is to smash the Rare tubes near the entrance/exit door (filled with liquid, green stuff). Most of them contain Worms you must run from, but one holds the key you must find. The next step is to free the Vampire with the Key and a Skeleton. Each is trapped behind large, prison-style bars, one on each side of the room. After you've got both out, kill the Skeleton to bring the Reaper. He's your friend right now as he's the only way you'll get the key inside the Skeleton. Lead him to touch the Vampire, and then run for the door fast. Scene 33, Experiments Chamber ("More Friends in Low Places"): Those marauding Skeletons look pretty dangerous. Why don't we let our old friends, the Ninja Imps, handle this for us? They're in the same place as before, so bust 'em loose. If a Skeleton does a good job with a throwing weapon, he might take out our little guys, but you can always just start this room over if that happens while there are still a lot of Skeletons around. At any rate, once the population has decreased to a manageable level, just zip over to the exit. Scene 34, Grand Hallway ("Shocks, and Doors, and Imps, Oh My!"): You're instantly transported, upon exiting the last room, up in front of the Baron's open door. Walk forward to trigger a Super Scary Shock. Once that's done, break open the vase right next to the large doorway leading into this hallway, then the vase far to the left as you face the exit door. They contain weapons you'll want soon. Walk up to the exit. What do you know? It's a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR IN JUST 10 HITS! Run over to the vase on the left. Toss the smaller, throwable vase at the Door, then use the bottles to hurt it and keep it stunned while you sneak back over to the other vase you broke before. Grab the other small, throwable vase, and stand right near the exit door when you toss it at the Door and kill it. Then, you'll get another... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL IN 20 SECONDS! Stupid little Imps! Smash 'em good! The last few will try to run, so track them down before they ruin your chances at finishing this Challenge successfully. If they do successfully evade you and the Reaper shows up, there's a ladder that came out of the vase near the door that you can use to smack the Grim Reaper (or attack the remaining Imps) and then run for the door...where you'll encounter another Super Scary Shock. But you've come this far, so that's probably not such a big deal to you. Chapter 4: The Reckoning Scene 1 (and only), The Baron's Quarters ("The Angel and the Jerk"): Be very careful the entire time here and do NOT let the Baron hit you with the plane's propeller, for that is death. Hit the Baron (I use fists but you can use weapons if it makes you feel more secure), then back off when he tries to swing at you. Hit him again, and dodge again. Hit him a third time, and he'll be dizzy, so you can knock him down. That doesn't damage him, but it does give you a weapon that will. Pick up the propeller toy he dropped, and when he's not glowing red, whack him. Do this successfully three times, and he'll pull out another copy of the thing you just used on him. Use the same strategy as before (he'll be a bit quicker to respond to your attacks this time), and his energy will be down to 140. He'll now pull out the Red Baron. Always move perpendicular to the point the Baron chooses to fly into. I tend to stick around his desk as he usually flies into that if you steer him in that direction. You have to get two regular hits on his plane before you'll get a weapon capable of hurting him. The only time he's very easy to hit is once he's tried to fly the plane at you and crashed. I strongly suggest using throwable weapons here as it's easy to mess up and strike the propeller of the plane and die. After you've gotten those two hits, you'll get the soda gun. Now, wait for him to crash (he's only vulnerable then) and fire at him. Having been damaged, he calls for assistance. Kill each of the four Skeletons (especially the one with the throwable weapon) with a pop of your gun. Now wait for the Baron to dive again. Shoot him once more. Now he'll call out Zombies who will each take two shots of your gun. Then it's dive time for the Baron and shoot time for you once again. Next up on the menu, we have four Worms. A shot each will dispatch them. Then, the Baron dives, and you shoot the Baron. Lastly, it's a lovely set of Zombie Pirates for our contestant. Be careful that none of them hit you with those chests they like to throw. Two hits each and they're gone. Now it's just you and the Baron. All you can do is move when the time is right and fire when you have a shot. You'll knock him down, and your last tough battle is won and this short Chapter is complete! Chapter 5: The Race Scene 1, Grand Hallway ("Utterly Unnecessary"): Run to the exit door. Ever get the feeling some of these rooms are here to make the tally come to a nice, round 100 rooms? Scene 2, Bathroom ("He Wants One More Pummeling, Apparently"): We have a... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HUNCHBACK WITHOUT USING WEAPONS! overcome. Not much to say here. Handle him as you have before. You can kill him in about 40 seconds if you play it right. Then, onward! Scene 3, Conservatory ("Insubordination?: Difficult Requirements"): Having taken care of the hostage, it's yet another... CHALLENGE: KILL 20 GHOULIES WITH 5 HITS! The Spiders and Worms here do not attack. Gather Spiders about you and lay into them with melee weapons. If you can get four on each swing, you'll make it out. You can also kill a bunch with the swingable toy chest. Good luck, and if the Reaper comes, just kill a couple more Spiders as fast as you can. Scene 4, Dunfiddlin Cottage ("Insubordination: Breaking the Rules Part IV, Doing Yourself a Favor"): You're immediately given this... CHALLENGE: DON'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY! In the interest of speed, however, we're going to ignore that. Before you talk to Mr. Ribs, smash one of the TVs. That'll call down the wrath of the Reaper. Go talk to Mr. Ribs. Then get past the Death-man to the open door. If you hadn't smashed the TV, an annoying Challenge would have popped up after talking to Mr. Ribs. As it is, you have a fairly easy walk to the next room. Scene 5, Dining Room ("Mutiny!"): After Mr. Ribs, it's another... CHALLENGE: KILL 'EM ALL USING ONLY WEAPONS! The lone pirate near one door puts down his sword to start heaving chests. Pick that up, and you'll hopefully be able to kill at least four pirates in three swings. Then you'll only have one to deal with, and lots of throwable weapons at your disposal. Next! Scene 6, Pantry ("A Surprising Lack of Action"): One Super Scary Shock before Mr. Ribs, and one after. That's all there is to this room. Scene 7, Relic Store ("I'm Tired of Fire Jokes"): Go forward to Mr. Ribs, grab the candle and then it's time for the... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO ALL MUMMIES AND ZOMBIES BUT NOT TO THE CURSED MUMMY! I would say concentrate on the Mummies first, and only hit them when they're standing. Two hits on each in that position and they're done. Make sure to let the fire recharge decently. Luckily, if you run out of fire and there are only Zombies left, that's not such a big deal with a melee weapon in hand. Move around and don't get wrapped in the Mummies' gauze if you can help it. Try not to get cursed by the Cursed Mummy, either. Keep on truckin'. Scene 8, Laundry ("Insubordination: Breaking the Rules Part V, In the Name of Efficiency"): Here's the next... CHALLENGE: KILL 3 SKELETONS BUT NOT TWO OF SAME BREED IN A ROW! Go to the far side of the washers from your current position. Bust them open to get three Skeletons out. Get in position with a hamper and then toss it at all three of them. Then kill them all. You've got the Reaper on you, but it's just a short walk to the exit...though with a Super Scary Shock near the end as well. Scene 9, Walled Garden ("Insubordination: Breaking the Rules Part VI, FIVE rules? F*#% that!"): After talking to Mr. Ribs, you'll get just a few stipulations in this... CHALLENGE: KILL 4 GHOULIES WITH JUST 4 HITS, BUT DON'T KILL ANY SKELETONS, DON'T KILL TWO OF THE SAME BREED IN A ROW, AND DON'T DAMAGE THE SCENERY! Ignore them. Blast Skeletons and Ninja Imps apart to quickly meet your quota. If ol' Reap gets anywhere near you, blast him away. Get to the door. Scene 10, Cinema ("Insubordination, Breaking the Rules Part VII, Au Revoir, Monsieur Porte"): Kill the Haunted TV near the start, and then walk on. By the window, you'll encounter a Haunted Coat. Kill it to bring out a plethora of weapons that will be useful later. Head further on, freeing prisoners, and handing over your awesome gun for the last time. At the door, you'll get your second-to-last... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE HAUNTED DOOR USING ONLY WEAPONS! They couldn't have left you the soda gun? Ah well, let's take care of it the old-fashioned way. Run back to the weapons from the Haunted Coat. Toss the throwable weapon at him, then the pile of throwable weapons. After that, we're not gonna use melee weapons when they're so hard to time right with the Door. Rather, we wait for the proper opening, and then pound him into oblivion with our fists. Then we run before the Reaper can claim his due. Scene 11, Lower Corridors ("The Last Sprint"): Run, run, RUN to the door. Scene 12, Grand Hallway ("Bidding Ghoulhaven a Fond Farewell"): It's just a matter of getting around the Medusas here to make contact with Mr. Ribs. Then we say goodbye to this place. Scene 13, Front Gate ("Strength in Numbers-Soupswill's Revenge"): It's time for the last... CHALLENGE: DEATH TO THE IMPS! Swarms and swarms of these buggers are coming at Ma Soupswill! Well, not much to say about this. Soupswill and her spoon are very capable of owning the Imps, but you should play fairly conservatively. If they ever manage to come at you from more than one angle, get some distance from them and make them come at you from the same place so that you can take them out with a single whack. Keep at them, whack any that get close, and finish off this crazy game/Bonus Challenge! This FAQ copyright yours truly--2004 Uilnslcoap. Grabbed by the Ghoulies game by Rare, trademark Rare, produced by Microsoft, copyright Rare TM, etc. Rare is a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Game Studios, blahdy, blahdy, blah. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders (thank you cut and paste!). Well, I guess that's all. I hope the two people who read this guide find something in here to ease their troubles. See you on the next guide, and have a good day.