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By Rockstar and DMA design. The walkthrough is complete!(extra mission and normal missions) Version FINAL Started on January 6, 2001 Last updated on January 6, 2001 By GheddonLN(jotazo9@hotmail.com) ======================================= ********************CATALOG INFORMATION ======================================= PRODUCT NAME: Grand Theft Auto(tm)3 PRODUCER: Rockstar $ DMA design. PLATFOMR: Playstation(tm)2 only NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 player. ESRB RATING: Mature(17 or older). SUPPORT: Memory card, DualShock(tm) controller. ========================================== ***************************FAQ INFORMATION ========================================== FAQ NAME: Grand Theft Auto(tm)III FAQ/Walkthrough AUTHOR: GheddonLN. AUTHOR'S NAME: José F. Vargas. FAQ PAGES: 70 FAQ LETTERS(W/O SPACES): 157.000 FAQ LETTERS(W/ SPACES): 207.000 FAQ FILE SIZE: 317 ***************************************************************************** _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | |_________________| **You're currently reading version 0.1 Version 0.1 =========== Date: 1/8/02 Information: Most of the appendixes done, as well as a portion of the walkthrough an extra missions. Got all the gangs, weapons and items. File size: 270KB. Version 0.2 =========== Date: 1/10/02 Information: Everything has been updated towards Staunton. File size: 317KB. Version 0.23 =========== Date: 1/13/02 Information:: The walkthrough is finally complete, as well as the character sections. Tweaked other things, too. Version 0.29 =========== Date: 1/14/02 Information: Changed the ASCII art in the top and in the bottom of the FAQ. Added the car colors and weapon database. Version Final ============= Date: 2/15/02 Information: Last version. ***************************************************************************** __________________ | COPYRIGHT NOTICE | |__________________| ============================================================================= THIS DOCUMENT IS (c) JOSÉ F. VARGAS(GHEDDONLN) 2002. ============================================================================= | The FAQ/Walkthrough for the game "Grand Theft Auto III" was written by J.F| | Vargas | | also known as GheddonLN. You may not copy whole or part of it, unless the | | author gives you permission. You may not post it on a website of any class| | unless you send a message to the author(jotazo9@hotmail.com) and notify | | him. You may not used this document to satisfy monetary needing. Therefore| | this document may not appear on a magazine, on a promotional CD, or similar | You may not steal the author's work. You can obviously print this document| | and share it with your friends. Violating any of this rules will result | | on a drastical legal action by me. You may end up with 10 years in jail or| | paying 500.000. So, DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH THIS BEFORE NOTIFYING ME(You can | print without having to e-mail me, of course). | ============================================================================= THIS DOCUMENT IS (c) JOSÉ F. VARGAS(GHEDDONLN) 2002. ============================================================================= ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================= 1. Catalog information(above) 2. FAQ/Information(above) 3. Version history(above) 4. Copyright notice(above) 0. Introduction 10. Basic information 101. GTA3 for dummies 102. The different ways of mayhem. 103. Car jacking and handling. 104. Last tips. 20. Weapons 201. The baseball bat 202. The handgun 203. The Uzi. 204. The M14 205. The AK. 206. The Rocket Launcher 207. Grenade 208. Molotov Cocktail 209. Sniper Rifle 30. The FAQ/Walkthrough 301. Portland: The beginning 302. Staunton Isle: Cutting our roots. 303. Shoreside Village: "Last requests". 40. Extra missions 50. Items 60. Rampage location 70. Car information 71. Car color database 80. Gang list and strategy 801. The Cartel 802. Yakuza 803. Leone family. 804. The triads. 805. The diablos. 806. The Hoods. 807. The Yardies. 90. Fun stuff. 100. Cheat codes. 200. Flying the Dodo. 300. Characters 400. Hidden Package locator. 500. The "Vigilante" missions 600. Import and Export crane 700. Emergency vehicle crane 800. Credits 900. Outro =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= INTRODUCTION =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= Rockstar certainly did a great job while creating this game. Instead of limiting you to missions, levels or areas, this game gives you an entire city you can explore, filled with car, pedestrians, weapons and murdering. Its liberty city. The worst place in the earth. Is the place where madmen grow. Where law doesn't matters. Is where this adventure takes place. Grand Theft Auto(tm)III is considered a "mayhem simulator" or a "crime simulator" by a lot of people. And, in certain way, they're right. GTAIII puts you in place of a nameless criminal whose main job is to complete his bosses tasks. But in his free time, he can kill people, destroy cars, call for hookers and make everybody cry. This is the core of GTAIII. With this game you can finally feel what a gangter feel in the parody of new york city. Grab a car, and shows what are you made of. Show cops that they should not mess with you. Shows pedestrians they should never walk around the streets by killing them. Show everybody you're the ruler in liberty city. Are you a man or a mouse?. Do you have what it takes?. This game will help you to find your answer. Period. -GheddonLN. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= BASIC INFORMATION =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= ____________________________________________________ | GRAND THEFT AUTO(tm) FOR DUMMIES AND CRIMINALS ALIKE | |____________________________________________________| ***************************************************************************** __________________ || GENERAL CONTROLS || ||__________________|| __________ ~~ __________ | ===L2=== | _| | ===R2=== | | ===L1=== | | | | ===R1=== | |----------|--------------------------|----------| * * PS * * / UP \ playstation / T \ | | | | | | \ |RIGHT-*--LEFT | SELECT START | S--*--C | \ | | | | | | \ / \ DOWN / _____ _____ \ X / \ / * * / \ / \ * * \ | ------------|-------|--|-------|---------------- | | / \_____/ \_____/ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | \_________/ \___________/ Not the best PS2 controller image around, but a decent one nevertheless. **************** WHILE IN FOOT **************** L2 BUTON---------------------Used to change weapons L1 BUTTON--------------------Situates camera behind you. R2 BUTTON--------------------Used to change weapons. R1 BUTTON--------------------Used to lock-on on enemies. SELECT-----------------------Change camera angle. START------------------------Used to bring out the menu. D-PAD------------------------Used to move the main player. ANALOG STICK-----------------Used to move the main player. RIGHT ANALOG STICK-----------Enter first person view. X BUTTON---------------------Used to sprint(run faster) CIRCLE BUTTON----------------Use currently equipped weapon. SQUARE BUTTON----------------Used to jump. TRIANGLE BUTTON--------------Enter a car. R3---------------------------Look behind. **************** WHILE IN A CAR **************** L1 BUTTON---------------------Change radio station L2 BUTTON---------------------Put camera right of the car. R1 BUTTON---------------------Use handbrake. R2 BUTTON---------------------Put camera left of the car. START BUTTON------------------Bring out menu. SELECT BUTTON-----------------Change camera angle. X BUTTON----------------------Accelerate CIRCLE BUTTON-----------------Perform drive-bys SQUARE BUTTON-----------------Reverse. TRIANGLE BUTTON---------------Exit car. D-PAD-------------------------Move car around. ANALOG STICK------------------Move car around. R3----------------------------Activate vigilante missions. L3----------------------------Honk horn. IN-DEPTH CONTROLS ============================================================================= ___________________________________________________________________________ | L2 BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | The L2 button has only one function and is simple: to change your weapons | | Use it to change to the previous weapon(if you have a handgun, press this | | button and you'll end up with a bat). While in a car, use it to peek left | |___________________________________________________________________________| | L1 BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | The L1 button has also just one function: to put the camera behind the | | main character. Use it while in a car to change the radio station. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | R2 BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | The R2 button is L2 button brother. Use it change your weapon for the next| | one(press this button with a handgun equipped and you'll equip the Uzi, | | because it is the next weapon). While in a car, use it to peek right. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | R1 BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | While on foot, use this button to lock-on on your target and improve your | | accuracy. Use this every time you are gunfighting. While in a car, | | pressing this button will trigger the handbrake, making the car stop to | | stop a lot faster. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | SELECT BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Either in a car or on foot, pressing this button will change the camera | | angle. The different cameras include zooming in your character/car, the | | old GTA camera style(camera above you) and the "cinematic camera" | |___________________________________________________________________________| | START BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Use this button to bring up your menu. In the menu, you can look at | | different things such as your stats, mission briefs, controls, radio | | station, screen adjustment options and load/new game/erase game options. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | DIRECTIONAL PAD | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Either by car or by foot, your trusty directional pad will trigger movement | Use it to steer the car and to move the main character across Liberty City| | Its also used to move the crosshair of certain weapons. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | LEFT ANALOG STICK | |___________________________________________________________________________| | The left analog stick has the same usefulness of the d-pad: trigger | | movement. Move it in any direction, and either by car or by foot, the car | | will steer towards that direction and the main character will walk towards| | the direction you moved the analog stick towards. Also used to control | | certain weapons crosshair. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | RIGHT ANALOG STICK | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Use the right analog stick while on foot and you'll access first person | | view and explore to local environments. While on a car, press the right | | analog stick to activate vigilante missions(on certain vehicles only) Also| | while press the right stick while on foot to look behind you. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | X BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | While on foot, pres this button along the left stick to run. In other word| | hold the X button and move the left analog stick. When in a car, press this | button and hold it to accelerate the car. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | CIRCLE BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Press this button to use the currently equipped weapon. Use it to punch | | if you don't have any weapon equipped. In a car, press and hold either | | the R2 or L2 button and press this button to perform drive bys. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | TRIANGLE BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | While on foot, get near a passing car and press TRIANGLE to jack that car.| | If you're inside a car, you'll get out of it when you press this button. | |___________________________________________________________________________| | SQUARE BUTTON | |___________________________________________________________________________| | The square button has two functions while on foot: use it to jump(you can't | jump if you have a wall in front of you) and to evade cars(if you see a car | rushing at you, press this button and the main character will jump). While| | on a car, press this button to apply the brake, When the car stops | | completely, you'll go reverse. | |___________________________________________________________________________| SAVING YOUR GAME ============================================================================= To save your game, you'll obviously have to use Playstation(tm)2 8MB memory card(remember!, this document is not sponsored by Sony and the author has not connection with the company). To save your game, go to your hideout(see below) in any of the districts, and enter the... * Door by the garage(Portland). * Elevator(Staunton) * Double doors north of the garages(Shoreside). Once you enter once of this locations, you'll be able to save your game, as long as you have enough space in your memory card. EXPLORING LIBERTY CITY ============================================================================= Liberty city, being composed by three districts and several towns, speedways and highways, is THE place to explore. But not just to goof around searching for new places, but to get the goodies, the cars, the cash and the prizes. Always take your time and explore the outskirts of this not-so-wonderful city and, maybe, just maybe, you'll find something new, such as a car, and item or etc. YOUR HIDEOUT ============================================================================= As a good criminal, you need a hideout. The hideout is where you'll spend about 20% percent of your time(10% in the streets and 70% in missions). The hideout, depending the location you're on. In Portland, it is located in the long hallway in Red Light district. In Staunton, it is down an alley in Belleville Park. The one in Shoreside is... well, look at your radar for a big, green house symbol. That's your hideout. The hideout is mainly used to save your game. Go through the locations stated in the SAVING YOUT GAME heading, and you'll be able to save your game. The hideout is also used to repair your cars. Tale your car inside the garage, leave it there awhile, and it'll be repaired. It'll also be saved if you leave it in the garage and save your game. Your hideout is also home if you the weapons you gain by collecting hidden packages. THE RADAR ============================================================================= The radar is a circular device located in the lower left portion of the corner. It shows a "radarizated" version of the streets in liberty city. It also shows where you're located, and where you're headed. You can also see your bosses locations and your hideout. During missions, dots will appear in the map. This dots are normally the objectives you have to take/kill/waste/blast/repaint etc. YOU ARE WASTED! ============================================================================= The expression "You are wasted!" in this game signifies "You're dead". You know, when the health bar is completely depleted, your character is considered as a wasted man, and is sent to the hospital. When the doctors to their thing, you'll lose 1.000 as well as all your weapons. Not to mention that you will be "reborn" in the front of the hospital. Not a good thing. YOU ARE BUSTED! ============================================================================= The expression "you are busted!" in this game can be interpreted as "You are going to jail!". When you perform at least one criminality that increases your wanted level by one star, the cops will start to pursue you. If a walking cop takes out of your car, you're busted. If you're in a gunfight or punch fight with them, and you hit the floor(with at least 1 health) you'r busted. Is easier for the cops to bust you while in a car. Always bear that in mind. EXERCISE ============================================================================= As a normal person, your main characters(with I think is called Pops Cops or Eddie) WILL get tired after sprinting for a long time. That doesn't mean you should only WALK. No, no. Run, run, RUN!. That way, you'll be making exercise!. And after long journeys of exercise, you'll notice your character will run longer distances without having to stop for a breath!. He'll be able to run a few blocks nonstop later in the game. If you exercise with him enough, that's it. WANTED LEVEL ============================================================================= The wanted level is represented as stars, located on the top right corner of the screen. The wanted level represents the anger cops hold against you. Few stars mean "good" and lots of stars mean "better". Depending on how many stars you have, the cops may use different strategies: ___________________________________________________________________________ | 1 WANTED LEVEL STAR | The cops are not so persistent and normally only one| | | man or car(with one man on it) will follow you. | |_____________________|_____________________________________________________| | 2 WANTED LEVEL STAR | The cops will start to get annoying and shoot at you| | | with their handguns. More cars with more cops on it | | | will also try to ram you. | |_____________________|_____________________________________________________| | 3 WANTED LEVEL STAR | The cops will start to get REALLY annoying and will | | | shoot at you. Cars will come out from everywhere with | | at least 4 men on it and an helicopter will appear | |_____________________|_____________________________________________________| | 4 WANTED LEVEL STAR | The SWAT teams and SWAT trucks(about 4 men inside) | | | will attack you with their Uzis and try to ram you | | | They'll also form barricades and try to stop you on | | | your way. | |_____________________|_____________________________________________________| | 5 WANTED LEVEL STAR | The FBI comes storming with ultra fast cars(4 per | | | car) equipped with AK. Extremely hard to evade. | |_____________________|_____________________________________________________| | 6 WANTED LEVEL STAR | The army kicks in with tanks, Barrack OL barricades | | | and AKs. Oh, and don't forget the second helicopter | | | Grab your asses and run!. | |_____________________|_____________________________________________________| DECREASING YOUR WANTED LEVEL ============================================================================= There are various ways to decrease your wanted level. For the first two levels, you can go to your hideout and stay low for enough time. The stars will disappear after a while. For three or higher levels, is not that easy. Staying low won't work because helicopters will find you as well as the cops. You'll have to visit Pay 'N' spray or to collect the police bribes. INCREASING YOUR WANTED LEVEL. ============================================================================= I don't know WHY you would want to increase your wanted level, but if you want to do so, here are some tips. The easiest one is to grab a weapon(or a car) and start killing all of the pedestrians you find. Suddenly, the cops will attack you. You could also grab an explosive weapon, and blow cars!. The first one(or the second one) will call for the cops. Lastly, kill/aim/blow anything that has to do with cops. Aim at a policemen, and kill him!. Aim at a police car or helicopter and blow it!. That way, you'll increase your wanted level. HEALTH BAR ============================================================================= The health bars is represented by red numbers and a heart and is located on the top right corner of the screen. You have 100 of your health bar. This health bar is depleted as you take hits from weapons, you feel at least half of the force of an explosion, get rammed by a car, fall from a place too high or touch water. ARMOR BAR ============================================================================= The armor bar is represented by green numbers on the top right portion of the screen, next to the health bar. You have 100 of your armor bar. This armor bar is depleted as you take shots from weapons, feel at least one quarter of the full force of an explosion, get rammed by a car or fall from a place too high. IN-GAME STATISTICS ============================================================================= When you press the START button, the first thing you'll ever seen is your in- game stats. Yes, the game keeps track on nearly everything(or everything) you do, including how many cars you've blowed, crushed, people wasted, criminals killed, best insane stunts and other. Check your stats periodically to see how well are you doing. _________________________________ | THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF MAYHEM | |_________________________________| JUST GRAB A WEAPON AND KILL THEM ============================================================================= Is what the header says. Just select a weapon, a handgun, an uzi, an AK or what's better, the flame thrower!. Then, look for a huge groups of people, an ancient, and aim at them. They may just run or try to hit you with their weapons or guns. To prevent this, pull the trigger and let the bullets pierce through their bodies. When they hit the floor and they start spitting blood, they'll leave their cash behind. What are you waiting for?. Grab the money!. WHEELS OF ASSASSINATION ============================================================================= Instead of grabbing a gun and killing people, you could use your favorite car and start driving above people. They'll die and they won't even know it!. And your hands won't get all bloodish!. When all of the pedestrians you rammed are lying in the floor spitting blood, get out of your car, and collect their cash(and with any luck, their weapons). ATTENTION PLEASE! ============================================================================= Are you requiring huge amount of pedestrians to kill, but you can't find them?. Then call for them. Grab a car and park somewhere with generous amounts of pedestrians. Blow up the car, and people will come and see what happened. They'll form a huge group!. So, select your preferred weapon(the best options are normally automatic weapons and the flame thrower) and start firing! After a few seconds the floor will be impregnated with corpses, blood, and cash!. PYROTECHNICAL ATTACK ============================================================================= To kill people without touching a weapon, use this strategy. Park a car near a group of people walking around(ram some of them along the way) and blow it!. Use either a grenade(to increase causalities) or a rocket(to increase death even more!) and see the car blow along with the pedestrians around the perimeter. An excellent way to collect the cash you need. FREEZE OR I'LL SHOOT! ============================================================================= Select a weapon such as the shotgun(the handgun does the job, too) and aim at somebody(make sure he or she can see your weapon). They will then wave their hand in the air and stay motionless. Once you de-aim them, they will either try to punch you(normal pedestrians), shoot at you(gangsters) or run like scared rabbits!. ______________________________ | CAR JACKING AND HANDLING | |______________________________| SELECT YOUR CAR ============================================================================= Liberty city is loaded with cars and people driving them. Regardless of the situation you're on, select your car. Need to get somewhere fast?. Grab something like a Banshee, Stinger or other and make your way towards your destination. Need to drive without worrying too much?. Grab a van and make your way to wherever you want to go. Need to drive without worrying a SINLE bit?. Grab a Barracks OL and blast your way to freedom. Always, select the car that fits better to your requirements. DRIVE PRUDENTLY ============================================================================= When I say "drive prudently" I don't mean: stop in the red lights, park in the lines etc. I mean, don't go too fast. When you push a car to its limit, it'll become a lot harder to steer. Making it take a curve will normally make the car crash into something or flip. And if a car appears in front of you from a speedway or something, you'll end up crashing on it!. Drive at medium speed. Don't worry, you are not a wuss. You're intelligent. RADIO STATIONS ============================================================================= There are 10 radio stations, and each one has DJs that'll have argument with their pals and give to your ears a small collection of "music". The radio stations also have propaganda as part of their daily program. Select your favorite radio station, and hear what it has to share with you. Each care you jack has a radio station tuned once you jack it. IS TIME TO BAIL OUT!. ============================================================================= When driving at top speeds and crashing at walls, cars, pipes, rocks or similar, your car will suffer damage. When it starts to spit smoke, you should drive with extra care; it will die soon after that. When it starts to spit flames, is time to bail out!. The car will explode soon after that. Cars will get in flames if it receives enough crash damage or if it flips and lands on its roof. ___________ | LAST TIPS | |___________| WATCH OUT FOR PARKED CARS! ============================================================================= Parked cars are normally easy victims for you to jack. But people are careful with their cars. They don't want them to be stole. So they put alarms on them, to be sure a certain man with a black jacket won't stole them. When you enter a car with an alarm, it'll go off. If you drive around polices with the alarm on, they'll try to nail you!. If the cars have alarm, wait them to stop and then drive. DRIVE BY ============================================================================= When in a car, pres either the R2 or the L2 button and then press CIRCLE(be sure you have the Uzi in stock). The main character will then shoot at whatever is located to his left or to right. This technique torches down cars easily, and kills people very fast. This also calls form the cops attention, so watch out!. THE UZI WEAPON ============================================================================= The uzi weapon is excellent. The Uzi is a light, small weapon that lets you to run with it. Its magazine lets you hold 25 bullets. Each bullet is very small, but causes enough damage to kill somebody quickly. Not to mention that its bullet are deployed fast, and can normally take multiple targets easily. Is the weapon to use when you get it. Yes, even against Colombians. ATTACK FROM AFAR ============================================================================= When you get the Sniper rifle, is best to attack targets from afar instead to get near them. Obviously, only do this when you can. Be sure they can see you. Take out the Rifle, search for their heads and blast them into oblivion. This is an excellent way to clean places filled with people(people equipped with gun, to be more specifical). 8-BALL ============================================================================= 8 ball is your sidekick. He lives in a corner of the world's ass. By the crusher in Portland, and in a small alley in Staunton. I haven't found him in Shoreside. When you take a car into his courtyard, he'll rig it with a bomb. Depending the location you're on, the bomb may be a timed one, a remote one or a bomb that explodes when the car engine is started. You'll have to use his assistance in order to finish certain missions. PAY 'N' SPRAY ============================================================================= The pay 'n' spray shop is used to ditch out the cops. Is a "tool" you'll have to rely a lot on(memorize its location; that's importat) because in some missions you'll find yourself with three or four stars you'll have to take out. AMMUNATION/PHIL'S PLACE ============================================================================= Ammunation is the shop for the criminals. Ammunation sell all kind of weapons, and you'll have to use it in a lot of missions. Always get the newest stuff they'll have to offer. Is really important in this game. Remember its core is destruction?. And weapons cause destruction. Phil's place is also called the Army Surplus store. Phil is a military, and therefore, he sells heavy duty such as the AK, M14 and the ROCKET LAUNCHER. In this store you can also get the Barracks OL vehicle and the tank once you beat the game. A store you'll have to rely on a lot. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= WEAPONS =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= BASEBALL BAT ============================================================================= The baseball is the first weapon you'll come across(you find it after completing the first portion of the mission "give me liberty). The baseball, as your first weapon, is really useless. Fighting armed enemies with this weapon is extremely hard and you'll get beaten. This is, however, THE weapon to beat up people in the streets and get their money. Just be sure is not a gangster of some sort. HANDGUN ============================================================================= The handgun is obtained very early in the game. Around your third mission, I think and is the first fire weapon you'll obtain. This weapon has a very small magazine, but decent fire rate nevertheless, as well as power. It has good accuracy as well, and you are going to find yourself using it a lot during the first portion of the game. Never use it to beat up people, and never fight the mafia or the cartel with it. Once you lay your hands on an Uzi, you'll forget about this. UZI ============================================================================= The Uzi is the weapon you'll use during most of the game. Yes, even against the mafia and the cartel. The Uzi, being a light and small weapon, has a small magazine(25 bullets maximum), but also, you can run with it. Excellent feature, specially during gunfights. It has a VERY good fire rate, as well as power. Not to mention to excellent accuracy. Due to its multiple pros, it is what I consider the best weapon in the game. Oh, and don't forget that it's the only weapon that will let you perform drive bys while in a car. SHOTGUN ============================================================================= The Shotgun, being a huge and powerful weapon, stops you from running. Not to mention you'll have to stand still to fire it. It however, is extremely destructive. The shotgun fires at least 3 shells when you shoot, and each one of them can kill a single person instantly. But that's the only good thing of this weapon. You have to reload AFTER each shoot, and it has terrible accuracy. Excellent to torch cars and to kill unarmed pedestrians. AK ============================================================================= The AK is a very expensive weapon, and you'll obtain it pretty late in the game(when you get to Staunton). All this is compensated by its power, accuracy and speed. The AK shoots bullets very fast, and normally all of them hit heir target as long as they're locked-on. The downside?. Not running capabilities and you'll have to stand still to fire it. You are going to use it in a lot of gunfights, though. M16 ============================================================================= The M16 is a variation of the AK, only more expensive, powerful, but with less accuracy. And is not recommended for gunfights. Again, the bullets deployed by this weapon are deployed very fast, so enemies are killed easily. The downside is that: you have to stand still with it and you can lock on with it. Instead of lock-onning targets, when you press R1, a crosshair(like the one of the sniper rifle) will appear, which makes this weapon inadequate for gunfights. Use it to torch cars and kill pedestrians. SNIPER RIFLE ============================================================================= I love this beauty. The sniper rifle has dead on accuracy, extreme power(kills everything but cars in one hit!) but it has slow fire rate and you must reload after each shot. Don't negate its usefulness, though. You CAN use it in a gunfight, and here is how: normally, enemies just stand still while firing at you. Get far from them, take cover, and kill them with this. This weapon IS NOT recommended against Triads or Hoods, unless they don't know you're there. Use it against the cartel and others, though. ROCKET LAUNCHER ============================================================================= Man, this is one hell of a weapon. The rocket launcher is basically a variation of the Sniper Rifle, with the same dead on accuracy, low fire rate and extreme power(it kills EVERY THING in one hit). The rocket launcher is also obtained pretty late in the game, and CAN be used for gunfights. Just apply the strategy I told you about above: get far away from your victims, and chuck at them a rocket or two. Oh, and never waste ammo on pedestrians or in cars(unless you really need to destroy a car) because ammo for this weapon is scarce. FLAMETHROWER ============================================================================= The flamthrower is a weapon you'll come to love. It has good power, accuracy, and "flame rate". Lamentably, the flames are close ranged. The flame throwe will never miss a target, and will torch it easily. The flames are spitted at relatively good speed, making a great weapon. Sadly, it is limited to close range combat because the flames don't have go too far. Use it to torch cars and in close range combat. GRENADE ============================================================================= The grenade is not the best killing device in this game. The grenade has TERRIBLE accuracy, but great power. I won't mention fire rate for hopefully obvious reason. As a throwable weapon, aiming with it is quite a challenge, specially because there is not crosshair or something. Press and hold the S button to throw it. The longer you press it, the longer it flies. Its extremely destructive, but its best used to kill groups of pedestrians. MOLOTOV COCKTAIL ============================================================================= A special "grenade" which creates a pool of flames when it contacts the floor. The pool will torch anything that steps on it, including you if you're not careful. Normal pedestrians as well as gang members are torched down fast with this little toy. Even though it has terrible accuracy, like the grenade, it is extremely useful against huge groups of gangsters. Don't use it on cars, though. --=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= THE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH --=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= ============================================================================ GIVE ME LIBERTY! REWARDS: New hideout, new boss. ============================================================================ ===== FREEDOM FOR ME ===== After you're betrayed by your Colombian coca skinned girlfriend and left to death, you're sent to jail. In the way, some guys do compound and free you, knocking out a few policemen in the process. Unfortunately, something goes horribly wrong and the bridge leading to Staunton is blow up. You were given liberty... ===== HOME, SWEET HOME ===== After all the cinemas, you and your sidekick, 8-ball, must look for a new hideout. Hopefully, there is a car by you. A Kuruma, to be exact. 8-ball can't drive, so its your job to do so. Enter the car by pushing T in front of it, and drive towards the newly appeared sign on the radar. Don't worry about killing people and bumping into police cars; they cops won't do you a thing. Once you get to your hideout, grab the baseball bat, and enter the door by the garage. ===== LET'S GET TO WORK ===== After you get your new clothes, you need to drive towards the newly appeared sign on the radar. You need to use the kuruma again, so make sure you drive correctly if you bumped it a lot. Drive towards the sign, and park on the blue circle. When you do so, 8-Ball will enter Luigi's place to "attend some business upstairs" and you'll meet your new boss: Luigi. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| LUIGI GOTORELLI |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** Luigi Gotorelli is the lowest of all of the bosses you'll have. He also gives you very easy missions, and doesn't pays a lot of money. He, however, will introduce to another bosses and to the world of the mafia. ============================================================================= LUIGI'S GIRL REWARDS: $1.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB A CAR === You need to grab one of Luigi's girl, Misty, and take it back to the Sex Club Seven. First, you need to grab a car. The kuruma you've been using to thus this far is a decent car, and you may want to use it. If it is smoking and not in a decent condition, you should grab another car. Taxis are decent, as well as vans and perennials. When you grab a car, you're ready to continue with the mission. === PICK UP MISTY === Now that you have a car, you must recover Misty, the girl Luigi was talking about. She is a hooker, and therefore, she looks like all of them: black bra and short skirts. She's by the hospital. And don't worry if you can't find here, she has a blue marker above her that'll let you identify her. Park near here, and she'll enter in your car. /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ UN-NECESSARY INFORMATION. I called this "Curious stuff" in my MGS2 guide, and now renamed it "Un- necessary information". Anyway, get out of your car, and hit somebody. With any luck, that somebody will attack you and Misty. If he/she touches Misty, she'll take out a gun and start shooting at that person!. /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ === TAKE MISTY BACK TO THE CLUB === Now that you have misty in your car, you must take her to Luigi's club. Be sure you don't bump into too much cars, because if you do so, yours may explode. Even if you bail out, misty may die in the explosion, making you fail the mission. Luigi's club is represented as a dot on your radar. Take Misty there and park on the marker. Tah-dah!. You've completed your first real mission. ============================================================================= DON'T SPANK MA BITCH UP REWARDS: $4.000 ============================================================================= === COLLECT THE BASEBALL BAT === Luigi's girls have been consuming a new hallucinogen substance called the SPANK, being sold to them by a local pimp. Luigi wants you to show this pimp that nobody messes with his girls. Luigi suggests you to grab a bat, in certain way. If you don't picked up the one in your hideout, you may take the one across Luigi's club. Once you grab it, you may continue with your mission. === LOOK FOR THE SPANK PUSHER === Now, jack a car. A taxi, a whatever. Now, we must search for SPANK dealer who has been goofing around with Luigi's prostitutes. Make your way towards there. The pimp is located in the entrance to the harbor. You can easily identify him because he's around two or three hookers, and has a blue marker above him as well. === KILL THE PIMP === Now, you must kill the pimp. There are two ways to kill the dealer, an easy or hard way. For the first, and harder way, approach him with your car. Then, wait him to run at you. When he does so, get out of your car, and start swinging your bat at him. He'll fall in the floor at start to bleed soon enough. The other way and easiest to perform is just to ram him with your car. He won't know what happened to him. === RESPRAY THE CAR === Now that the dealer is dead, we gotta grab his car and respray it so the cops won't suspect a thing(yes. Even if they see a blood soaked corpse in the floor by the harbors). The car is the on with a blue marker above it. When you enter the car, a new dot will appear in your radar. This dot is the representation of Pay N' Spray. Drive your car towards there and enter the garage. Normally, you would have to pay 1000, but this time around is for free. When the car is resprayed, a new dot appears. === TAKE THE CAR TO THE GARAGE === The dot represents Luigi's garage, were you must take the car so Luigi's men will take care of it and the cops won't follow you. When you arrive at the garage, you'll see that one of them opens itself as you approach it. This is the garage you need to park the car on. Drive the car inside it, and you'll receive your payment. ============================================================================= DRIVE MISTY FOR ME REWARDS: 1.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB A CAR AND PICK MISTY === After you are briefed with Luigi, grab the nearest car. A Taxi is what I prefer. When you do so, drive towards the dot that has appeared in your radar. This dot is located on Hpeburn heights, near of your hideout. Drive towards the dot, and park on the blue circle. When parked on the circle, tap the left stick to honk your horn. When you do so, Misty comes running and will enter your car. === TAKE MISTY TO JOEY LEONE === Now, you must take misty towards Joey place, the man who requested misty services. Joey is located in Trenton. Use the dot on your radar as your guide, and make your ways there. Look for the blue circle and park on it. When you do so, Misty comes out and salutes Joey. Now, you'll be able to take jobs for Joey. Not now, because he's occupied with Misty. You know what I mean... ============================================================================= PUMP ACTION PIMP REWARDS: $4.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB A PIECE === For this mission, you'll need to kill some pimp that's making havoc around. Luigi doesn't like him. Unlike other missions, you need a gun to accomplish this mission. The best place to get this gun, is not other than ammunation!. Ammunation is the black & white sign on your radar. Drive towards there, and enter the store. The owner tells you that you should look for the piece located on the store's courtyard. It turns out to be the handgun. When you grab it, you're ready to move on with the mission. === LOOK FOR THE PUMP ACTION PIMP === Now, follow the purple dot on your radar. As may have noticed, the purple dot moves. It is because is a car. The car is occupied by two people, the pimp and his comrade. The car is a Diablo Stallion and has a blue marker floating above it. When you find the car, you're ready to rumble. === KILL THE PIMP === To kill the duo, you could ram the stallion constantly until it gives up and the pimp comes out, as well as him comrade. The pimp is carrying a shotgun(hence the name "Pump action"). His comrade has a colt .45 handgun(the same you have in possession). When he comes out, quickly ram both because the shotgun is great at torching cars. Or you could either, exit the car and fight him weapon to weapon. I prefer ramming him since is easier. When you kill the pimp, mission is over. ============================================================================= THE FUZZ-BALL REWARDS: $2000($1.000 per add. Girl.) ============================================================================= === TAKE THE GIRLS TO THE FUZZ-BALL === You must take at least 4 of Luigi's girl to the local fuzz ball so the cops will have a very good time. First off, jack a car. Be sure the car you jack is a four doored car or a van. When you get your car, drive towards the green dots on the radar, and park next to them. They will enter your car. Grab three hookers, and take them to pink dot. Then, grab another hooker, and take her to the same pink dot. With the four in place, you could wait the time to run out or grab more hookers. Is your decision. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| JOEY LEONE |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** Joey Leone, even though the son of a millionaire, runs a repairing garage in a place filled with criminals. Not to mention he normally calls for Misty, his favorite girl. He does pay you with good money. ============================================================================= MIKE LIP LAST LUNCH REWARDS: $10.000 ============================================================================= === HEAD TOWARDS MARK BISTRO === After you brief with Joey, jack a car(there is normally a Stallion in the garage by Joey's place). When you have the car, head towards the dot on your radar. It turns out to be Mark's Bistro, the place where Mike Lip is having his supper. There is also a car with a blue marker above it. Jack it. === RIG THE CAR WITH A BOMB === Now, we must rig the car with a bomb, in order to fulfill Joey's disease. The best place to do so, is obviously, 8-Ball's place, the ideal place to rig cars with bombs. It looks like 8 has "evolved", uh?. On your way to his courtyard, be sure you don't bump into many cars. If you bang Lip car too much, then you'll have take it to Pay 'N' Spray. When you reach 8's courtyard, enter the garage and you'll have the car rigged with a bomb. You must activate it with the CIRCLE button. But don't do that in this moment, though. === RETURN THE CAR TO THE BISTRO === Now that the car's been rigged with a bomb, drive back to the bistro(represented in your radar as a pretty dot). On your way there, DON'T bang the car too much or else, you'll have to take it to Pay 'N' spray. When you arrive at the bistro, you must park the car in the blue circle, perfectly. Yes, right in-between the lines. When you do so, press circle and get out the car. Sayonara Lip!. ============================================================================= FAREWELL CHUNKY LEE CHONG REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB A PIECE! === You're going to kill some Chinese punk, so you need to grab a piece. If you still have your colt .45 automatic handgun available, you may skip this step. If you got wasted, busted or just run out of ammo, head towards ammunation's backyard and grab a new colt .45. You may also want to go there if you require ammo. === HED TOWARDS THE DOT === Now, jack a car. Drive towards the dot located on the radar. The dot is located on Chinatown, for more reference. The dot turns out to be enclosed by some objects. Therefore, no car may access the area. When you reach the enclosed area, get out of the car, and ready your colt .45. === KILL CHUNKY === This step is easier said than done. When you approach his stand(has a blue marker above), chunky will hide. The man with blue overalls around(Triads) will then try to kill you also. You may want to ignore them, or kill them. Either way, get near chunky, and he'll run off towards his car which is located on an alley. Lock on at him and kill him before he gets there, or else you'll have to pursue him. If you find yourself pursuing him, throw him into the water or ram him enough so he exits his car. There is another way to accomplish this mission. Instead of scaring Chunky, grab this car and rig it with a bomb. Return the car where you obtained it, and activate the bomb. Then, make Chunky run towards his car. When he enters the car and steers it, it'll explode. Either way, this is an easy mission. ============================================================================= VAN HEIST REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= === RAM THE VAN! === You need a powerful car for this mission. Don't try to use a Banshee or similar, because it'll make the mission hard(it is easy, you know). I recommend the Rumpo that is in the parking lot by Joey's garage. When you get behind the Rumpo's wheel, drive towards the moving pink dot that appears in your radar. Te dot Is a van, and is bulletproof. It also as a damage better. So, ram it until the damage meter fills up(be sure you don't do this in front of the cops or else you'll end up with 3 wanted level stars). When it does so, the guards will bail out and you'll be able to jack the car. Jack the van then!. === TAKE THE VAN TO JOEY'S MEN === Now, we must take the garage to Joey's men, so Joey will pay you the promised money. Drive the car CALMLY towards the dot. Be sue you don't rush or you may end up destroying it or flipping it, and failing the mission. The dots turns out to be an old, abandoned warehouse. There is a garage that opens once you approach it. Park the van there and then exit to finish this mission. ============================================================================= CIPPRIANI'S CHAFFEUR REWARDS: $30.000 ============================================================================= === DRIVE CIPPRIANI === When you get to Joey's place and are briefed with the mission, you'll end up inside a mafia sentinel. It is a decent car, so don't complain. Now, drive towards the dot in your radar. The dot in the radar turns out to be a laundry. Toni enters the laundry with a bat, and then ends up with a lot of Triads on his back!. He'll enter your car. It's time to bail out!. === TAKE CIPPRIANI TO HIS PLACE === Now that you have triads on your back, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get the hell outta here. Just drive far enough from them that they stop pursuing you. When you do so, head towards the dot on the radar(try not to destroy the car, because Cippriani never gets out of it, so if it explodes, he dies and is mission failed). The dot is Mama Cippriani restaurant, which is obviously, property of Toni's mother. Park on the circle, and you finish this mission. ============================================================================= DEAD IN THE TRUNK REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === RECOVER THE CAR === There is a car by a restaurant. A Manana to be exact. Somebody(obviously, employed by Joey) took out a forelli and put the body in the car. You mus then make sure nobody knows the truth by crushing the car. Drive towards the dot on the radar. You'll arrive at a restaurant. There will be a car with a blue marker above it. Enter the car with the blue marker. When you do so, the Forelli brothers appear. === CRUSH THE CAR === You have two cars with Forelli brothers in your ass. They want to bite it, you know. You could get rid of them by ramming them until they come out of their cars and kill them, or just make your best and drive towards the dot on the radar, which is the crusher. Park the car right below the metal thingie(it is marked by a blue circle) and then leave the car, Wait the car to be crushed and you'll receive payment. ============================================================================= THE GETAWAY REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= === PICK JOEY'S BUDDIES === This mission sucks. It's really hard, don't get fooled. Start off by grabbing a four doored car or a van(preferably a four doored, fast car) and drive towards the dot on the radar, being sure you don't bang it. When you get to the dot, park on the blue circle, and tap on the left stick to honk the horn. When you do so, three shotgun armed men come out of the building and get inside your car. === HIT THE BANK === Now, drive towards the dot on the radar. Keep cop attention at minimum(don't bump into cop cars, don't ram pedestrians or cops) and park on the blue circle. When you do so, the three shotgun armed fellas go out the car and enter the bank. You hear screams, gunfire, and then they come out. 30 second to hit a bank? Impressive... === DITCH OUT THE COPS === When the three hitters come out of the bank, your wanted level will skyrocket towards the third star on your wanted level slots. That means that cops will shoot you, ram you and a chopper will be looking for you, too. To ditch out the cops, drive towards pay 'N' spray. Unfortunately, it is not located on the map, so you'll have to find(Remember that I told you to memorize its location in the basics section)it by yourself. It is by the sex club seven. Enter the garage and the cops will leave. === RETURN THE MEN TO THEIR HIDEOUT === Now that the cops are finally out, you may drive towards the pink dot on your radar. Because you have nothing rushing you(unless you need to go to eat) drive calmly so you won't screw the mission. The dot is the same hideout in where you picked them up. Park in the blue circle, and they will get out your car. Oh, and you'll receive payment. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| TONI CIPRIANI |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** Toni is your typical mommy boy. He doesn't have his own apartment, his mother does everything for him. Remember: you mess with Toni, you meet with the triads. ============================================================================= TAKING OUT THE LAUNDRY REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= === COLLECT 8-BALL GRENADE(OPTIONAL) === You must destroy three laundry vans in order to make the laundry you tried to assault pay Toni. Toni suggests you to collect some grenades at 8 balls place. This not mandatory because you don't need the grenades to destroy the vans. But if you want to use the grenades, head towards the sign on the radar, and grab the grenades by the entrance of 8's courtyard. === DESTROY THE VANS === With the grenades or without them, look for those pin, moving dots. These dots are the laundry vans, and you need to destroy them. Drive to the nearest van, and use a grenade to blow it. This is extremely hard to accomplish, though, so I would recommend this way: Follow the van until it parks on a semaphore, and then jack it. Afterwards, take it to the crusher or use the grenades to blow it. Do the same with the remaining two to finally finish this mission. ============================================================================= THE PICK-UP REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB THE BRIEFCASE === The laundry has _finally_ given up, and is going to give Toni the money he wants. According to Toni, there should be a briefcase full of cash by the laundry. Drive towards the dot on the radar. The dot is located on the back of the laundry in where you took Toni a while ago. Go through the alleyway, and grab the briefcase. Once you do so, a couple of triads appear. The game then orders you to waste them all. There are several ways to accomplish this task. The hardest but simplest is to take out your Uzi all of them. Or grab your car and rush them. Once all of them are dead, you must destroy the laundry van with a blue marker above it. Use your uzi to destroy it along the triads inside it. === TAKE THE BRIEFCASE TO TONI === Now that you've finally collected Toni's money, jack a car or use the one you drove here, and head towards the blip on the radar. When you get to Toni's momma restaurant, park the car in the blue circle to finish this mission and receive your money. ============================================================================= SALVATORE CALLED A MEETING REWARDS: 15.000 ============================================================================= === PICK UP THE BOSSES === Salvatore, the leader of the Leone mafia, has called a meeting, and you need to take all of your crime leaders thus this far towards his place. Start off by going towards Joey place following the blip on the radar. Park the car you're using currently in the blue circle. When you do so, you enter the garage, grab a limo, and Joey enters it. Now, it's time to visit Luigi Gotorelli, your old pal. Luigi is, obviously, in his Sex Club Seven at red light district. Drive the limo towards there(be sure you don't torch it because Joey won't get out of the car) and park in the blue marker. When you do so, tap the left stick to honk the horn and call for Luigi. Two out, one left. It's time to pickup Toni. He is waiting for you in the Momma Cipriani restaurant. Drive the best you can towards there, because, if the car catches fire, your bosses won't get out of it and you'll be f**ked. Use the blip on the radar to arrive at Toni's place. Park the car in the blue marker and honk the horn. You now have all of your bosses inside the limo. === HEAD TOWARDS SALVATORE === As soon as Toni gets inside the car, two Triad vans as well as several handgun equipped Triads will try to catch you. Press the X button deeply, and run towards the dot on the map. The dot is, obviously, Salva's house. His place is enclosed by a fence, and the entrance is blocked by two triad trucks. Ram the trucks and make your ways towards the house. Enter the garage and is mission finished, pal. ============================================================================= TRIADS AND TRIBULATIONS REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= === KILL THE FIRST WARLORD === You'll have to kill three of the Triads fat cats in order to make Toni happy. Hopefully, he's lend you two of his men to help you in this task. Grab the kuruma just outside his mother bistro, and drive towards the first dot. The first dot is the same place where you killed Chunky. There are a lot of triads, as well as one with a blue marker above it. This is the warlord. Lock on the triads(be sure Toni's men haven't started to shoot) and shoot at them. This will call for their attention. Take cover, and let Toni's men do the dirty job(be sure they don't die, though). When all of the triads are killed, shoot at the warlord. You're done with the first one, but we still must assassinate two more of them. === SECOND WARLORD ASSASSINATION === Now, we must kill the second warlord. Grab a car, let Toni's men get inside it, and head towards the second blip. The warlord is alone(is only one man with the blue marker above it) and is by a convenience store. Get out of your car, and approach him. A whole bunch of Triads will then attack. You have different ways to kill this sucker. You could either lock on at him from afar and put a few bullets in his chest and he won't even know it. You could also wait all of the triads to appear and ram them with your car so you can collect valuable ammo. Or you just could kill all of the triads and the warlord. When the pimp is dead, search for a Triad truck, and get inside it(there is one by in the same are you killed the second warlord). === THE LAST WARLORD === Finally, head towards the last of the dots. This warlord is enclosed in a fish factory, and the only way to get inside it is to be behind a Triad Van. Hopefully, you already stole one, so the gates will just slide for you. When you enter, I believe the Triads will start shooting at you immediately, or only when you go out of the car. I don't remember. Anyways, the warlord here is always random placed. Sometimes he's there or sometime he's in other place(inside the factory, of course). Because there are a lot of triads here, I would recommend just to ram them. All of the triads you find. You'll suddenly ram the warlord, and the mission will end. Or you could get out of the car, and kill everybody. Either way, when the last warlord is dead, go out the factory and receive your rewards. ============================================================================= BLOW FISH! REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB THE DUST CAR === You must take a dust care 8 has readied for you, and take it to the fish factory where you killed the last warlord. This time around, however, you are going to blow the factory. Head towards the sign on the radar, which is, of course, 8 ball courtyard. There is a dust car with a blue arrow floating above it, next to the garage. When you get inside it, a damage meter appears. If it fill ups(it gets filled up as you bang into cars and others) it'll explode. So drive carefully. === BLOW FISH === Now, drive towards the newly appeared dot. The dot, is, again, the fish factory. The triads will let you to get inside because you are behind the wheels of a dust car. When you get inside, the triads will NOT shoot at you unless you go out of the car. Park the car in the blue marker, and press circle. Then get out of the car. Wait it to blow, and get out the factory. Mission complete, pal. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| SALVATORE LEONE |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** Salvatore is THE boss around here. Being the leader of the Leone mafia, he has power over anything in Liberty City. Not to mention he pays big cash to those who do jobs for him, and do them good. Ah, and don't forget his anger towards the Colombian cartel. You mess with him and you mess with me... eh, with the Colombians(and with me, coz I'm Colombian too!:) ============================================================================= CHAPERONE REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === DRIVE MARIA FOR ME === Maria, Salvatore's daughter, wants to go on chaperone. And you're the one who must drive her car. After you are briefed with Salvatore, you'll end up in the limo, with Maria inside it. Drive towards the dot on the radar. The dot turns out to be a man. Park next to him, and Maria will get out of the car. She'll then purchase something, and then she will return back to your car. Now, head towards the new pink dot. It turns out to be a party. Park in the marker, and Maria will get out the car, and tell you to stay there. Stay there until a cinema showing the police plays. When it does, wait Maria get inside your car, and get the hell out of there, because there are guns blazing. Finally, you must return Salvatore's house. Drive towards the dot in the radar, and enter the garage. When you do, Maria talks with you. She says she likes you because you were really nice with here. She then leaves, and you'll receive your 10.000. Cool, uh?. ============================================================================= CUTTING THE GRASS REWARDS: 1.500 ============================================================================= === CATCH ON CURLY === Salvatore thinks Curly Bob, one of the employees of Luigi's clubs has been ratting the Leone mafia, so, he wants you to find out what's going on. If he IS ratting you, then you will kill him. Start up by grabbing a car. Then, head towards the dot on your radar. The dot is Luigi's sex club seven. You'll spot a taxi with a blue marker above it. Park far away from it, and wait Curly to get inside it. Now, you mist follow Curly. Don't get too near him, or else he'll notice somebody is following him, and is mission failed. Instead, drive far away from it. The radar doesn't shows the taxi, so be sure you're at a decent distance from him, to ensure you won't lose track on him. Follow him towards the dock, and follow to where he is heading. === KILL CURLY === You'll see Curly then talking with two Colombian mobsters. You'll then now he _is_ ratting the Leone family. When he finished his business, run towards him, and lock on him. Then empty an Uzi clip on him, and he'll die soon after that. Or you could grab your car and ram him. Either way, be careful because he's using a shotgun, which is very powerful and can torch your car in one hit. ============================================================================= BOMB DA BASE REWARDS: 150.000 ============================================================================= === CONTACT EIGHT BALL === This is it. Salvatore wants to take out the Colombians for good, and that includes their boat which is located on the harbor. Because you're going to blow something, you should contact with 8-ball. Grab one of the sentinels outside Leone's place, and drive it towards the sign representing 8's place. Enter his courtyard, and step on the blue light to trigger the next scene. === BOMB DA BASE, ACT II === After you step in the blue marker, 8-Ball will come out his house. He'll then tell you that he needs 100.000 dollars in order to cover the expenses. So, collect the money by beating people, taking taxi missions and banging cars. Once you have enough money, enter the blue marker again. 8-Ball will come out with an explosive, as well as a Sniper Rifle. A sniper rifle you'll use. Look for a car(I usually use the Banshee in the store near this place; use a car to destroy the glass and grab the slick wheels) and enter it. Make sure 8 also enters it. Now, head towards the blip on your radar. The dot is, again the docks. Park on the blue marker, and 8-Ball will come out the car. You must now look for a good vantage point. === SNIPING ACTION === Head towards the pink dot, and go up the stairs. Equip the Sniper Rifle, and zoom into one of the Colombians by the entrance ramp. Take aim, and shoot at him. When you do so, 8-ball will head towards the ramp. Kill both Colombians by the ramp, and then kill the one on the left side of the ship(next to entrance). Kill both Colombians in the right, the one crouching and the one above a box. Then, keep killing all of the Colombians as 8 advances. He'll plant explosives, and then enter a black door. When he does so, you'll see a cinema In where he'll run out the ship james bond style, with everything exploding on his back. When the cinema ends, you'll receive the whooping 150.000. Cooooool. ============================================================================= LAST REQUESTS REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= === COLLECT THE CAR === The Leone family has killed a bum, and leaved a shiny Infernus with brains on it. So, you must take it to the crusher before the cops find it. Head towards the dot on the radar(is the backyard of Luigi's club). When you get near the dot(when you arrive at red light district), Maria will page you. She says is a trap!. So, head towards the new dot on the radar. === WELCOME TO STAUNTON === When you arrive at the dot, park in the blue marker. You'll then meet Maria, who'll tell you that Salvatore was going to give you to the cartel. Now, we must escape Portland. Maria also has Asuka with her, one of the Yakuza warlords. Get into the reefer here with your friends, and head towards the dot. Welcome to Staunton. Time to cut our roots. _____________________ | | | | |---S T A U N T O N---| | I S L A N D | | | |_____________________| ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ASUKA KASEN |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** A Yakuza warlord, and even though a woman, she can run and use a weapon like any Yakuza men. The yakuza doesn't like the mafia, so messing with her signifies cutting your roots. ============================================================================= SAYONARA SALVATORE REWARDS: 25.000 ============================================================================= === GET THE SNIPER RIFLE === Finally, a mission a like to repeat and repeat, not because I can't beat it, but because I love killing Salvatore. Now, to complete this mission GheddonLN's way, grab a car, and head towards ammunation. Buy a Sniper Rifle, as well as some clips for it. If you have the sniper rifle, you'll be able to attack Salvatore from afar, making this mission a lot easier. === DRIVE TOWARDS PORTLAND === Jack a nearby car, and head towards the Callahan bridge, located around your hideout. Drive through it. When you arrive at Portland, head towards the pretty blip on your radar. The blip is Luigi's sex club seven, as Asuka said. Don't get near it, or hang around it for too long, or you'll fail the mission. Instead, rush towards the alleyway in the building across Sex Club 7, and head towards the roof. When in the roof, grab the hidden package around for an extra 1.000 and with any luck, a new weapon. Equip your sniper rifle. Being in the roof ensures you won't have to worry about Salvatore's bodyguards. The best is yet to come... === KILL SALVATORE === Take aim, and wait a couple of bodyguards come out the club. Wait a while, and zoom in your sniper rifle. After a couple of seconds, you'll see Salvatore, with his brown smoking and blonde hair. He'll get inside his car, so, land a bullet on him as fast as you can to kill the Leone fat-cat, and complete this mission. ============================================================================= PAPARAZZI PURGE REWARDS: 5.000 ============================================================================= === JACK A BOAT === Now, we must kill a pervert paparazzi who's been spying both Maria and Asuka. He is by Asuka's beachside house, in a boat. I think that you could use the sniper rifle and kill him, but I'm not sure. Instead, follow the walkthrough here. Go down the docks, and grab something like a speeder or a predator, but do NOT grab the reefer or else the mission will be extremely hard to accomplish. Oh, and be sure is a police boat. You need their cannons in this mission. === KILL THE PAPPARAZZI === Now, approach the paparazzi. As soon as you do so, he'll begin to run. A damage meter will also appear. Chase him, and fire your cannons(press the circle button) at him and ram him. He'll go south, and then return to the docks. If he does, he'll grab his car and you'll have to chase him. So, kill him while he's in the sea. Once he's dead, is mission complete. ============================================================================= UNDER SURVEILLANCE REWARDS: 15.000 ============================================================================= === OBTAIN THE SNIPER RIFLE === Again, you'll be using the sniper rifle. Head towards ammunation(It should be marked on your map) and buy one. If you already have one, buy at least 15 bullets more for it(or more bullets if you want/have). Jack a nearby car, and head towards any of the dots on the radar. === WIPEOUT! === One of the dots represents a surveillance team located on the park(by your hideout). Walk around the park, and you should see a couple of men with a blue arrows above them. Get as far as you can from them, take out your sniper rifle, take aim, and kill them!. There are two or three, so you may want to kill them fast, to avoid any kind of confrontation. The other team is conformed of a big, black van. It also has a blue arrow above it. Now, if the van sees you, it'll start to drive towards you anr ram you. If you're on foot, this is extremely bad. You could hug against a wall, and head towards them, silently. When you're near enough them, chuck a grenade to their car and high-tail it out. It'll explode soon enough. Now, drive towards Kenji casino, which is by the last dot. In front of Kenji's casino is a white building, where the last team is. Use the stairs on Kenji's, and climb it to the top floor, the one with the chopper on it. Grab the hidden package by the chopper, and position yourself by its nose. Because the last surveillance tem uses automatic weapons(Uzi, AK, M16) they'll have a hard time hitting you through the chopper's nose. Take aim with your sniper rifle, and waste 'em all. Once you do so, the mission ends. ============================================================================= PAYDAY FOR RAY REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= This missions is very annoying, and I won't use the step-by-step guide I used on all of the missions above. You'll have to search for telephones across Staunton(marked in your radar, of course) before the time runs out. The telephones are in Torrington, in Belleville park(it's around a ramp leading to a highway), Liberty Campus, inside a building complex, and lastly, in Belleville park, again. Start up by grabbing the stinger by Asuka's place, and rushing towards the first blip. Park the car near the phone, answer it, and hop back into your car. Now, drive towards the second dot. You may end up arriving near a ramp leading to a highway. If you do so, go around it, using the alleyway next to it, and answer the phone. Now, head towards liberty campus. Go inside the building complex with a park on it, and grab the phone. Laslty, drive towards the last dot, which is in Belleville park, too. Answer the phone and the timer finally stops. Now that timer has stopped, head towards the last dot. The dot is on the park. Step on the blue circle to finally finish this mission and obtain your payment. ============================================================================= TWO FACED TANNER REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= === FIND TANNER === Tanner, a man who has been employed by Asuka and the Yakuza, has betrayed the Japanese mafia, and you must kill him now. According to Asuka, he should be in Kenji's casino. Grab the stinger or the landstalker(preferably the landstalker) and head towards the dot on your radar. When you arrive at the casino, park in the blue circle. === CHASE AND KILL TANNER === When you do so, Tanner comes out the casino, enters his car(an Esperanto) and starts to run like a rabbit. Chase him(I hope you have the Uzi as well as ammo for it) and when you're near him, press either R2 or L2 and drive by him. Problem is that when the first bullet generously pierces the car metallic doors, the cops as well as the SWAT team comes storming(in other words, you have a wanted level of four). That's why I recommended the landstalker. Now, do no worry about the cops, and do your best to ram Tanner or drive by him. Enforcers and Cop cars will come rushing at you, but your landstalker will survive it if you move fast. When Tanner cars blows, you lose your wanted level and receive payment. NOTE: If Tanner gets out of his car, he'll probably run to the docks. Use the sniper rifle and kill him. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| KENJI KASEN |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= KENBU BUST-OUT REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= === STEAL A COP CAR === After you're briefed with Kenji, a message will appear telling you to steal a cop car. Cop car are not exactly abundant, and when you find one and try to jack it, you could end up busted. So, grab your handgun, or a car, and start killing people. When your wanted level reaches two, the cops cars will appear in abundance, Wait the cops inside it to get out, and jack it!. === RIG THE CAR WITH A BOMB === Now, you must rig the car with a bomb. The best place to do so, is of course, 8-Ball's place, which is located on an alleyway here in Staunton. Because you have at least two wanted level stars by now, stop by the Pay N Spray next to 8-balls. After you do so, enter 8-ball garage to rig the car with a bomb. Now, you have completed two of the mission main objectives. === LIBERATE KENBU === Now, drive towards the dot on your radar. The dot is enclosed by a fence but because you have your police car, you'll be able to enter it. When you do so, head towards the blue circle and park on it. Press circle to arm the bomb and get out of it. When it finally explodes, you'll see a man with black outfits, and your wanted level will be now on three. === TAKE KENBU TO THE DOJO === Now, grab the enforcer here, and wait Kenbu to get inside it. You'll also get 100% armor. Cool. Use the same way you used to enter here. Along you the way, you should pick up a police bribe, diminishing your wanted level and eliminating the helicopter. Now, before heading towards the dojo(marked by a dot on your radar) head towards Pay N spray. Before doing so, get out if the enforcer and jack a civilian car. Head towards PayNSpray then. Do so to eliminate your wanted level, or you WON'T be able to finish the mission. Now that you're free from the cops, drive towards the dot on the radar which is the dojo. Keep cop attention at minimum, because at least one star will prevent you from finishing this mission. Once you get to the dojo, park in the blue circle, and Kenbu will get out the car and get inside the dojo. After he does so, you'll receive payment. ============================================================================= GRAND THEFT AUTO REWARDS: 25.000 ============================================================================= when I saw the name of this mission, I thought this was THE mission of the game. But then, it just turned out to be an extra-annoying mission. You'll have to steal three cars, a Cheetah, an Infernus and a Stinger. You have 6 minutes. Plus, the car must be in mint condition. Now, drive towards the red dots and jack the cars. Because bringing the cars in mint condition the garage would be extremely hard, there is a pay-n-spray next to the garage. Deliver all three cars and receive your money. ============================================================================= DEAL STEAL REWARDS: 25.000 ============================================================================= === STEAL A YARDIE LOBO === after you are briefed with Kenji, go left from his hideout and around the curve. You'll then arrive at Newport. There are a lot of Yardies here, as well as Yardie Lobos. In order to accomplish this mission you'll need that car, so steal one. They're red, with cocoa colored rooftops. They're pretty large, too. Jack one. === CONTACT KENJI'S MAN === Now that you have your Yardie Lobo, head towards the dot in your radar. The dot represents Kenji's contac. He's wearing black suit, has an Uzi, and has a blue arrow above him. Try not to be at top speed or you may ram him, and therefore, failing the mission. Park next to him, and he should enter your car. === OBTAIN THE BRIEFCASE === Now, drive towards the dot, which is the hospital parking lot in Liberty Campus-Fort Staunton. There should be a blue circle there. Park on it, DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR, and tap on the left stick to honk your horn. The cartel will find out immediately that this a Yakuza trap, and start shooting. Go out the car, equip an Uzi, and start killing the Colombians. Once they are death, grab their weapons, and chuck grenades to the cartel cruiser with blue arrows above the, Once they're blown up, grab the briefcase. === TAKE THE BRIEFCASE TO KENJI === Now that you finally obtained the money that was meant for the yardies, drive towards the last dot on your radar, which is, Kenji's place. Drive forwards the area where Kenji briefs you with missions, and park on the blue circle. When you do so, the main character drives out the car and delivers the money to Kenji. Once the cutscene is over, you'll receive your money. ============================================================================= SHIMA REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= After you have been briefed with Kenji, go to Ammunation and get at least one round(50 bullets if I remember correctly) and drive towards the first dot on the radar. Is a briefcase full of money, and collect it. Now, drive towards the next dot, which is another briefcase full of money. There is an armed man by it, so kill him and grab the briefcase. Now, drive towards the third dot, and park on the blue circle. The man there will tell you that he hasn't got the money, and that somebody stole it. Grab a car, and head towards Portland. Now, drive towards the green blip on your radar, which is by El Burro's phone in Hepburn Heights. There are a lot of Diablos there, with blue markers above them. One of the markers is the briefcase. Now, instead of trying to attack them, take out your Sniper Rifle, and kill all of them. Grab the briefcase, and hop back into your car. Now, head towards Staunton again, and drive towards the blip on your radar, which is obviously, Kenji's casino. Go forwards the place where he normally briefs you with missions, and towards the parking lot. Park above the blue circle, and the main character will deliver the money. Once he's done, you'll get 10.000 dollars. ============================================================================= SMACK DOWN REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= Kenji is mad at you because the Yardies ARE right NOW selling SPANK in the streets. So, you must kill them. Grab a car, and head towards the green dots on your radar, which represents the dealer. Run them over fast, or else they'll shoot at you with their Uzis. You have to kill 8 Yardies, and do it fast or else they'll sell their hallucinogen material and get off the streets. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| RAY MACHOWSKI |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= SILENCE THE SNEAK REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= === SILENCE THE SNEAK === First off, head towards ammunation, and grab the grenades. Be sure you have at least more than two of them. Now, jack a car, and head towards the dot. You'll have to enter an alleyway. When you arrive in the dot, get out of the car, and it'll zoom into an open window. Don't do a thing just yet, and grab a couple of cars and put them infront the garage below the open window. Now, take aim, and chuck grenades to the window. You only need one, but it may take a couple of tries. Once the grenade goes through the window, the room inside will catch fire, and a car will try to get out the garage. Due to the barricade you created, it'll have hard time to get out. Chuck grenades to it, and it should blow up, with the barricade. Once the sneak is dead, you'll get paid. ============================================================================= AMRS SHORTAGE REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === CARTEL RUMBLE === Drive towards the dot on the radar, which is the army surplus store. Talk with Phil, and grab both the AK and M16 there. You could also grab a Rocket Launcher which can only be obtained if you climb the boxes on the back part of the store. Now, wait the Colombians to arrive. Equip your M16 or Rocket Launcher, take aim, and blow the three Colombian cars, as well as the Colombians on foot. Go towards the store left alleyway, and blow the last stack of Colombians. Kill all of the Colombians you find, and when the message "Go check on Phil" appears, go and talk with him. After the little chat with him, you'll get pay and you'll be then able to buy weapons for him, which include the AK, M16 as well as the rocket launcher(for 25.000). NOTE: During the mission, you may want to jack the barracks OL here, kill Phil to fail the mission, and store the barracks OL in your garage. Why?. Because the barracks OL which appears DURING THIS MISSION is BP. Is your only chance to obtain it in the whole game. ============================================================================= EVIDENCE DASH REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === DASH THE BOBCAT === For this mission I recommend a resistant car. I would recommend an Stinger, but something like the Cartel Cruiser or the Landstalker is also good. Now, drive towards the purple dot on your radar. The dot is moving. Is a bobcat. Now, use your car, and dash it to death. It'll throw one package per ram. Grab all of them(5), and high-tail it out of there(you'll have a quite high wanted level). === DESTROY THE EVIDENCE === Now, you must destroy the car. You could park the car and grab your preferred weapon, and torch it(the m16 is very good at this). You could also ram it enough so it would catch fire, and then explode. You could also flip it, and see it blow. Or you could park it in the edge of the water, get behind it and push it to the sea. Once you destroy it, your wanted level disappears, and you'll get your money. ============================================================================= GONE FISHING REWARDS: 15.000 ============================================================================= === GRAB A BOAT === head towards the docks by Asuka's house using your car of preference. Go down the stairs by the house next to Asuka's. IF you go down the stairs by Asuka's house, you won't find the kind of boat we're looking for. Grab the predator, and drive towards the east portion of the sea. If you need more help, look at your radar and follow the blip on it. === KILL RAY'S PAL === When you get near enough Ray's pal, you'll see a cutscene. Afterwards, he'll begin to run. A damage meter will also appear. Now, follow him and shoot at him with your cannons by pressing circle until the damage meter is filled up. He'll then die. If you're good enough, you could park far away from him and chuck a rocket at him. I haven't tried, though. ============================================================================= PLASTER BLASTER REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= The man you "killed" in Ray's first mission has some information about Ray. So, he wants you to kill him. Drive towards the dot, which is, of course, the hospital in liberty campus-fort Staunton. Get very far from it, and chuck a rocket on it. You'll then get a message. Now, another ambulance will come out. Chuck a rocket on it and the sneak will come out the ambulance. Chuck grenades/Molotov cocktails/rockets at it until he gives up. Afterwards, you should have a pretty high wanted level, so get out of there towards the pay N spray. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| DONALD LOVE |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= LIBERATOR REWARDS: 40.000 ============================================================================= === JACK A CARTEL CRUISER === You need a cartel cruiser for this mission, so, jack a nearby car and drive towards fort Staunton. While there, look for a Cartel Cruiser. They're blue, with black windows, an empty box on their back and a silver "handheld". There is also one on the construction site, which can be accessed by ramming the fences that enclose it. === LIBERATE THE OLD ORIENTAL GENTLEMAN === Drive towards the dot on the radar. Wait the Colombians to open the fence for you, and enter the compound. Is not mandatory to kill all of the Colombians here, but doing so makes the mission a lot easier. You could either use your car and ram them all, or you could use your weapons and fight them face to face. Or you could get far away from them(park your car in the middle of the fence to prevent it from closing) and use the sniper rifle to kill them. Either way, once they're all dead, look in the garages here for the oriental gentlemen. He's on one of the garages on the right wall. If you enter in the wrong garage, you'll find a Colombian, and obviously, you'll have to kill him. Once you find the right garage, kill the man next to the oriental gentleman, and jack a cruiser here. Be sure the gentleman gets inside it. === TAKE THE GENTLEMAN TO DONALD LOVE === Now, head towards the blip on your radar, which is Love's building. Park on the blue circle, and the oriental gentleman will get out the car and enter the building. Once the cutscene ends, you'll get 40.000 dollars. Coolio. ============================================================================= WAKA-GASHIRA WIPEOUT REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= === OBTAIN A CARTEL CRUISER === Now, be sure you've completed all of Kenji's missions before attempting to complete this mission, because In this mission, you have to kill Kenji. Now, head towards Fort Staunton and jack a Cartel Cruiser, either one passing around or the one in the construction site. === KILL KENJI === Afterwards, head towards the dot on your radar, which represents the 5 story parking lot. Head towards the top roof. When you arrive there, you'll see Kenji men, as well as Kenji. Now, head upwards, and drive towards Kenji, which has a blue arrow above him. Ram him, and use the ramp here to fly out this place. You'll have now three wanted level stars. Push the pedal as deep as you can, and head out Newport. You'll then lose your wanted level and you'll receive your payment as well. ============================================================================= A DROP IN THE OCEAN REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === HEAD TOWARDS THE DOCKS === This is a timed mission. You have about 2 minutes to get to the docks, and get the plane Love was talking about in your sight. Now, jack a car and head towards Asuka's house. Go down the stairs, and grab a boat. Whatever boat you want. Now, head east until you find the plane(use the blip on the radar as reference). === GRAB THE PACKAGES ABD TAKE THEM TO LOVE === Now, the plane will drop several packages. Grab all of them as fast as you can or else the police will jack them, meaning mission failed. Once you grab every packages, your wanted level will skyrocket towards five. When you head back to floor, the FBI will be after you. Jack ANY car here, and rush towards love's place. Park in the blue circle t finally finish this mission. And with all of Staunton's missions. _______________ |SHORESIDE VALE | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| DONALD LOVE II |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= GRAND THEFT AERO REWARDS: 50.000 ============================================================================= === HEAD TOWARDS SHORESIDE === Remember the packages you retrieved in the mission " a drop in the ocean "?. Well, they were only a decoy, and therefore, you must retrieve the real ones. Jack a car and head towards the speedway west from Love's place. Head forwards and take a right when you first can. Then, head forwards towards the bridge. Cross it, and when you arrive at Shoreside, head left into Francis International Airport parking lot. Rush forwards the parking lot, and head towards the hangar marked in the radar as a pink dot. === KILL THE COLOMBIANS AND RETRIEVE THE PACKAGE === Once you get near the hangar door, the Colombians start to shoot at you. Get as far as you can from them, pull out your Sniper Rifle, and start popping heads. If you can seem to kill a group of them with the Sniper Rifle, then chuck a rocket at them(but just one, ok). Now, head towards the dodo there, and enter it. The package is gone!. Exit the hangar, and the camera zooms in a Panlantic truck. The Colombians must have headed towards the construction site... Hop into the truck, and a new dot appears. === RETURN TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE === Use the truck and head towards Staunton. When you get there, head towards the dot which is the construction site. Hop into it, and look for a blue maze. Kill the Colombians outside the maze(one Colombian actually). Now, before entering the maze, you may want to chuck a few grenades into the maze, to kill a few Colombians. Either way, equip your Uzi and come storming into the maze. Kill all the Colombians, and step in the blue light. Finally, we meet again with Catalina, and his sidekick, Miguel. Miguel is pretty scared, mainly because you have a gun. He's about to give you the packages, and then Catalina shoots at him, and then leaves. The story repeats huh?. Asuka then arrives, and after a little chitchat, you'll be in the bottom of the building. Grab the Yakuza Stinger here, and head towards Love's place. Park on the blue light, and is mission complete, pal. ============================================================================= ESCORT SERVICE REWARDS: 40.000 ============================================================================= Now, before being briefed with Love, head towards the army surplus store(Phil's place) and borrow the Barracks OL. Now, go talk to love. After you're done with him, a dot will appear on your radar, as well as the damage meter. The dot represents the car the old oriental gentleman is driving. The damage meter indicates how many damage his car can take. Wait him to get out of the garage. Now, he'll start driving towards Shoreside. Pike Creek to be exact. He drives like a maniac. He doesn't stops on semaphores, he rushes anything in his way, and even you. Be sure you're fairly far from him, and behind him. Colombians(damn, leave us alone!). will try to ram him and shoot at him, so always use the L2/R2 trick to prevent the south Americans freaks to do any damage on the truck. Once it safely arrives at Pike Creek, its mission complete and you'll get your money. ============================================================================= DECOY REWARDS: 40.000 ============================================================================= === HEAD TOWARDS SHORESIDE === This missions is very, very tough. Jack a nearby car, and head towards Shoreside(use the same route I listed above). When you get there, head towards the pink dot on the radar, which is in Pike Creek by the way. On your way there, you'll spot SWAT trucks as well as Police Cars. This is just a glimpse of what is waiting for you. Enter the truck with the blue arrow above it. The carnage has started... === ACT AS A DECOY === After you enter the car, your wanted level will skyrocket and you'll end up with the army, the SWAT team and the FBI after you. That's six stars baby!. Now, don't try to use the "wanted level cheat" because it won't work. And whatever you do, don't get out your car. Now, drive towards the tunnel, doing your best not to flip or to catch fire(check the damage meter). When in the tunnel, the SWAT trucks won't be as painful. Once the timer stops, you'll lose your wanted level, and you'll get your money. NOTE: Do no worry about the FBI and the army. For some reason, they don't attack you frequently(In my case, I didn't saw a single FBI car or an army Rhino). ============================================================================= LOVE'S DISAPPEARANCE REWARDS: NOTHING ============================================================================= This is the toughest mission in the game!. Just kidding. Love is nowhere to be found. You'll look for a while, and then leave. Mission complete pal. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| RAY MACHOWSKI II |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= MARKED MAN REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= For this mission, you'll have to take Ray towards the airport. You can't use the bridge, so follow this directions. After you're briefed with Ray, get inside your car, and head towards your hideout. Ignore it, and head left. Go down, and head right when you can. Then head all the way forwards, and take the SECOND right you can. Then head forwards. Take a right when you first can, and you'll be on the underground tunnel. Drive forwards until you can head either left or right. Head left, and then forwards, until you can head left. Head left then. You'll be then outside the tunnel. Come out storming, because the CIA will shoot at you. Head right towards the airport. Don't enter the parking lot. Instead, head towards the big blue circle. Park on it. Ray will get out. But you haven't finished. Not yet. Now, head towards Staunton again, and towards the pink dot on your radar, which is Ray's lockup. Go down the blue ramp, and the garage will open for you. There are your goodies: a flamethrower(with little ammo, but is good anyway) a Rocket Launcher, an AK, a M16, and lastly, a BULLETPROOF Patriot!. Damn, Ray Rocks. Now, if you find this mission too hard, you should hone your driving skills. What makes this mission hard to accomplish is flipping your car, or torching it. Otherwise is very, very easy. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ASUKA KASEN II |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ ***************************************************************************** Asuka is now in the construction site, In Fort Staunton. You'll have to use the elevator you use in "Grand Theft Aero" in order to reach her. ============================================================================= BAIT REWARDS: 35.000 ============================================================================= Now, jack a car and head towards Shoreside. When there, look for the red dots in your radar, which are the death squad. The first one if by the end of the dam road. Head there, and the squad(Sentinel) will start to follow you. Take it to the yellow dot on the radar, and the Yakuza will completely waste them. If for some reason they can, finish them with a rocket. Now, look for the others, and take them to the trap. Once all of the death squads are dead, you'll receive payment and the mission will be over. ============================================================================= ESPRESSO-2-GO! REWARDS: 40.000 ============================================================================= === UNCOVER STAUNTON STAND === You'll have to destroy the espresso 2 go stands spread around Liberty City. Problem is that they only appear in your radar when you're relatively near them, and when you destroy the first one, you'll have 8 minutes to destroy the rest. Before firing a bullet, uncover all of the stands here in Staunton. Drive around, until all the 5 pink dots are in your radar. You'll know you're near a stand when you see a blue arrow floating around and bullets start heading towards you. After you uncover all of the stands, head towards Portland. === UNCOVER PORTLAND STANDS/DESTROY THE STANDS === When you arrive at Portland, drive around the city, uncovering the two coffee stands here. They're in Trenton and St Marks. After you have uncovered all of the stands, shoot a rocket at one of them. Then search for the other, and destroy it(you could also ram them) Now, head back to Staunton, and using your radar, blast away all of the stands you find. Once all fives are dead, look for the bridge(you could use the tunnel but the bridge is faster) and head towards Shoreside. When you arrive there, a stand will appear. Destroy it, and continue heading forwards until the last one appears. Destroy it, and is mission complete, pal. Here are the locations if you still need more help: P O R T L A N D STAND # 1 ***************************************************************************** - Next to the Portland Docks in Trenton STAND # 2 ***************************************************************************** - By the entrance to Salvatore's beachside house. S T A U N T O N STAND # 3 ***************************************************************************** - By the car park in newport STAND # 4 ***************************************************************************** - inside the car park at Belleville STAND # 5 ***************************************************************************** - By the church in Bedford Point STAND # 6 ***************************************************************************** - Down the one by the church STAND # 7 ***************************************************************************** - Near the star shaped statue at Torrington, by Kenji's casino S H O R E S I D E STAND # 8 ***************************************************************************** - By the subway across Francis International Airport STAND # 9 ***************************************************************************** - at the hospital in Pike Creek's hill top. ============================================================================= S.A.M REWARDS: 40.000 ============================================================================= === BLOW UP THE PLANE === Now, you'll need to blow up a plane full of SPANK, and take the packages back to Asuka. You have limited time to get to the docks and head towards the runaway where the plane will dock. Head towards the docks using the blip on your radar, grab the rocket launcher if you don't have it and jack a speeder. Then steer the boat towards the runaway using the blip. Now, you could stay in the boat and try to blow-up the plane from there, but that's pretty hard because the boats move up and down. Don't forget that if its raining, the movement will be a lot faster and frequent. So, get on land. The plane will then begin to get near the runaway. Shoot a rocket at it, and watch it fall. Now, you'll have five wanted level stars. The SPANK packages should be in the runaway, or around the runaway, so grab your Uzi, and kill any Colombian you find. Grab one of their trucks and collect the packages. Helicopters will be around, so do your best to evade them. Once you collected all of the packages, you are ready to go. === TAKE THE PACKAGES TO ASUKA === Now, you could grab your boat, and head towards the docks. There, grab a car, and head towards the pay N spray(which is near Asuka's resort house, by the way). On your way there, you may get blown up by a chopper. It's very rare they have that much accuracy(I normally use water as my escape route) but if they get a lucky shot, you're basically screwed because boats don't take a good chopper-fire good. Or you could go by land. Jack the Colombian truck, and get out the airport. Now that you're outside, you'll have everybody after you. You could now use the underground tunnel, or use the subway. Both ways eliminate major threats such as the FBI and the SWAT trucks. The subway eliminates everything but officers on foot. Either way, return to the elevator, and is mission over. At last!. ============================================================================= RANSOM REWARDS: NOTHING ============================================================================= This mission is like love's disappearance. Asuka and Miguel has been killed, and Maria is being held hostage by Catalina. You have to take 500.000 to her. Now, if you don't want to waste your money, jack a police car(use the good old way if you can find one; kill peds) and press R3. Now, head towards the criminal, pause and unpause the game. The criminal will get out of the car and you'll get money. Now, it's time for the last mission of the game. Drive towards the big C on your map to start the last mission of the game. ***************************************************************************** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ THE EXCHANGE /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ***************************************************************************** Ok listen up. The main character will punch out a Colombian, leaving his gun in the floor. Grab the weapon he leaved behind, and get inside a Cartel Cuiser. Ram the Colombians around here, and grab the ammunition they leave behind. Afterwards, exit the compound using the gates you used to enter it. You'll see an helicopter flying. Follow the chopper, and go then drive towards the cochrane dam. The bottom of the dam has been barricaded by the Cartel. Take out your AK, and blow one of the cruisers to start a chain reaction. If there is another car alive, blow it up, as well as all of the Colombians here. Grab the ammunition they leave behind. Grab another Cruiser, and go down. There is a Sniper Rifle in the right hand of the road. Now, there is another barricade here. Take out your AK, and start blowing trucks up, as well as Colombians on trucks. Afterwards, take out your Sniper Rifle and kill all of the Colombians in the balconies. As you advance, you'll see the helicopter getting near the dam. It'll start to shoot missiles at you, and a Barracks OL will come storming. If you're lucky enough, the chopper may end up blowing it up. Otherwise, you'll need to drive by it or risk death. At the end of the road, go up the stairs, but watch out. There are loads o Colombians here, and even one has the flamethrower. Take out your sniper rifle and snipe down all the Colombians you can. Stick with the AK if you can't snipe them. Pick the ammo as well as the flamethrower. Be sure you don't hit Maria, though. Grab the Rocket Launcher around here, and look for the chopper. Is almost over. You have only three missiles, so take aim, and shoot a rocket at the chopper. You have three chances, otherwise, is mission failed. Once the chopper is down, go check on Maria. You'll then see the ending cinema. Is finally over... unless you haven't completed every extra mission. --=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= EXTRA MISSIONS --=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= ***************************************************************************** |+||+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| EL BURRO OF THE DIABLOS |+||+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** Brought back from the death after GTA1, El Burro, leader of the Mexican gang the Diablos. He'll give you jobs that "has whatever to do with law-breaking things". ============================================================================= TURISMO REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === RACING === This "mission" consists on racing through 18 checkpoints. Don't forget you'll have to cross them in first place. Grab a fast car such as the Banshee or the Mafia Sentinel, and head towards the door. Park in the blue circle, and wait the race to start. Your opponents are driving Cheetahs, which can be a pain in the ass. Drive towards the checkpoints in first place to finally finish this mission and get 10.000 ============================================================================= I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM REWARDS: ============================================================================= === GET THE BRIEFCASE BOMB === You must blow up certain amount of Forelli brothers. After being briefed with the mission, jack a nearby car and head towards the newly appeared blip. Go around the corner and grab the briefcase bomb. Grab it and hop back your car. === GET THE ICE CREAM TRUCK ! === Now, head towards the newly appeared. Drive towards the dot making your best to not bang the car. The dot is located on Hpeburn Heights, and is a Mr Whoopee Ice Cream truck. Park by it, and get inside it. A new dot will appear then in your radar. Drive the Mr Whoopee towards there, obviously. The best is getting near... === BLOW THEM UP! === Park in the blue circle, tap on the left stick to activate the truck's jiggly music. Wait the Forelli brothers to get near the car, hop out of it and run. Cycle through your inventory until you find the detonator. Select it and press and hold the circle button. The ice cream truck will then blow. If there is any Forelli brother left, grab a car and ram them(or use a gun if you have it). ============================================================================= TRIAL BY FIRE REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= === TRIAL BY FIRE === Grab your car, and head towards the pink dot, which is in the other end of china town. Go down the alleyway, and grab the flame thrower there. Now, we must waste at least 25 triads with it. Look for them(they have blue overalls) and torch them. They don't have weapons, so don't worry. You could also kill everything you find, but you may end up with the cops after you. Once you kill 25 triads. After you kill enough of them, you'll win the mission and the triads will pull out their guns. Run!. ============================================================================= BIG 'N' VEINY REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= === COLLECT THE MAGAZINES === You must grab a collection of adult stuff magazines, and then take them to the bookstore. You have 25 seconds to do so, and +1 second per magazine you get. Follow the trial of magazines. The trial will take you to an alley. When you get there, kill the man, and the timer will finally stop. === TAKE THE MAGAZINES TO THE BOOKSTORE === When you've collected all of the magazines, as stated before, the timer will stop. Now, you must take the collected magazines to the "bookstore". Use the pink blip on the radar as your guide, and head towards it. When you arrive there and deliver the magazines, you'll get paid. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ MARTY CHONKS |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** Marty Chonks owns the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory. He'll contact you via phone(he lives by Joey's place and he doesn't appears on the radar). ============================================================================= THE CROOK REWARDS: 1.000 ============================================================================= === PICK THE MARTY'S CAR === After Marty briefs you with the weapon information, you'll need to collect the car he has ready for you. The car is represented as a pink dot in the radar. Drive towards the dot, and grab the Perennial. Hey, I must say that Marty has pretty bad taste, because the perennial is one of the worst cars in this game. Be sure you don't bang it too much or else you'll fail the mission. === PICK THE BANKER AND TAKE HIM TO MARTY === With your newly acquired Perennial, drive towards the pretty blip on your radar, which turns out to be a blue marker, like always. As usual, park inside the marker, and the banker will get inside your ugly perennial. Now, drive back to Marty's place, which is the dot on the radar. Marty kills the banker then. Now, take the car to the crusher following the blip on your radar, and you'll get paid. ============================================================================= THE THIEVES REWARDS: 3.000 ============================================================================= After you're briefed with Marty, drive towards the blip on your radar. It turns out to be Marty's courtyard. Again, you must pick the car he has readied for you. Fortunately, this time around is not an ugly perennial of some sort. Is a sentinel. Well, Marty really knows how to pick cars, actually. Now, drive towards the dot. The dot turns out to be two thieves, which are outside a café. Pick the up, and take them to Marty's place, using the dot as reference. When you get there, Marty dismisses both thieves. Now, you must repaint the car. Head towards pay 'n' spray, step inside the garage and get it repainted. Lastly, drive the car towards the park in Chinatown using the blip as reference, and park it to finish the mission. ============================================================================= THE WIFE REWARDS: 2.000 ============================================================================= Again, after you're briefed with Marty, head towards the dot in the radar. It turns out to be, AGAIN!!!!! Marty's courtyard. Again, he has readied a car for you. Surprisingly, is a good car. A Esperanto. Good. Now, drive towards the dot on the radar. It turns out to be Marty's wife. Take her inside the car. Drive towards the dot. Be sure you don't bang the car too much or Marty's wife gets damaged, or else you'll fail the mission. Once you SAFELY deliver Marty's wife, you'll need to throw the car into the ocean. Park it in the edge of the docks by your hideout, get behind it, and push the car into the water. ============================================================================= HER LOVER REWARDS: 4.000 ============================================================================= Yet again, after you're briefed with the mission with Marty, you must travel towards the dot on the radar, which turns out to be yet again, Marty's caryard. This time around, he has readied for you a pretty stallion. Stallions have decent speed, handling and resistance, so don't complain. After you've picked the Stallion, drive towards the dot. The dot turns out to be Marty's wife lover. Now, you must take back "her lover" to Marty's place, so he could kill him. Use the dot as your guide, and head there. When you arrive there, Marty is waiting for him. In a surprising twist, her lover pulls out a shotgun and kills marty. Well, at least you receive your money. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| RC TOYZ |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= MAFIA MASSACRE REWARDS: 1.000 Per car ============================================================================= The RC van you need to use for this mission is located in St. Marks, across Mama Cipriani restaurant. You'll find it in a van. It's a light colored van with a blue square on it. Enter it, and the mission starts. Destroy mafia sentinels using the RC vehicles you have. You must destroy as many sentinels as possible. ============================================================================= DIABLO DESTRUCTION REWARDS: 1.000 per car ============================================================================= The RC van you are going to use as your base in this mission is located around the corner from hebpurn heights, by the train station. Get inside the van with a white square on it, and use the RC cars to blow up as much as Diablo Stallions you can. Diablo's are normally around Hepburn heights, sp you should have no problems. ***************************************************************************** |+||+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| 4X4 |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= PATRIOT PLAYGROUND REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= There is a Supa Save grocery store on Portland view, which has a lone, cocoa colored patriot on its parking lot. Once you get inside it, this mission will start. Using the patriot AND ONLY the patriot, race through all the checkpoints(represented as green dots on your radar) between the allotted time. Once you complete this mission(and the other liste in the walkthrough) you're done with Portland. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| KING COURTNEY |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= THE INTERVIEW REWARDS: 1.000 per car ============================================================================= I hope that before you are briefed with Courtney, you have something like a Stinger or Infernus by you. Then, race towards the blip, and park on the blue circle. After a while, the race will start. Go through the checkpoints and you'll receive 1.000 for each one of them. As long as you go through them in first place, you'll win. Oh, and don't forget you can start before the rest racers. Courtney loves cheating. ============================================================================= UZI RIDER REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= this mission is extremely straightforward. You have a perennial, an infinite ammo equipped Uzi, as well as two Yardies. Now, head towards Portland. Use the blips on your radar, and kill all the diablos you find with drive bys(I haven't used any other methid). ============================================================================= GANG-CAR ROUND-UP REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= You'll have to steal a mafia sentinel, a Yakuza Stinger and a Diablo Stallion and take them to a garage, which is represented as a blip in your radar. You'll have to take them in mint condition, or else they won't be accepted, and you'll have to pay 1.000 in pay N spray to repair it. Drive towards the casino and get the Yakuza stinger. Now, drive towards Portland, and head towards hepburn heights. Jack a Diablo Stallion, and take it back to the garage in Staunton. Return back to Portland, and head towards St Marks. Look for a mafia sentinel while being careful of not being shot by a shotgun shell(the mafia). Jack it and take it to the garage to finally complete this mission. ============================================================================= KINGDOM COME REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= Now, you have about 2 minutes in order to get to a car. Jack one around and head towards the blip, which is, of course, the car. When you get there, get inside it, and you'll see a message which was written by Catalina. She says you'll now feel the power of SPANK. A grupito of mad members who are high on SPANK come storming afterwards. Take out your Rocket Launcher and blow the vans before they get near you. Afterwards, get inside your car, and look for the vans and bombers. Kill all of them and is mission complete. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| RC TOYZ |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= CASINO CALAMITY REWARDS: 1.000 per car ============================================================================= The van is in a parking lot directly across Kenji's casino. Get inside it, and start destroying as many Yakuza Stingers as you can. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| 4X4 |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= A RIDE IN THE PARK REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= The car you are going to use is a landstalker located by a wooden house near the park's lake. Get inside it, and start driving through all the checkpoints in the park. There are 20 checkpoints and you have 2 minutes to go through them. ============================================================================= MULTY STORY MAYHEM REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= Take any of the car inside the Trenton carpark and take it outside. Then, get inside the building and jack another. Afterwards, go through all the checkpoints. There are 20 checkpoints and you have 2 minutes to race through them. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| D-ICE |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= UZI MONEY REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= You have an Uzi, a car, and twenty Nines you must kill. Follow the blips on the radar and drive by them. And only drive by them. This is a pretty easy mission as long as you move fast. ============================================================================= TOYMINATOR REWARDS: 5.000 ============================================================================= Follow the blip on your radar, and you'll find a Toyminator van. Get inside it. Now, you have four bomb RC cars and three cars to explode. Follow the blips on your radar, and blow the cars up. You can detonate the RC vehicles by pressing circle or by crashing into something. Remember, you can only screw yourself once. ============================================================================= RIGGED TO BLOW REWARDS: 20.000 ============================================================================= Now, grab a relatively fast car and head towards the blip on your radar. Enter the blue infernus, which is rigged with a bomb. Now, make your way towards the new blip on your radar. Get inside it, and then the bomb will be defused. Take the car to where you found it(use the blip on your radar) and the mission will be finished. ============================================================================= BULLION RUN REWARDS: 25.000 ============================================================================= A plane has crashed and dropped a lot of Platinum you need to grab. Drive around Pike Creek, take the platinum, and take it back to D-Ice's garage. Remember not to pick too many platinum pieces, because it slows downs your car. Be sure you grab about 10 per trip. Also, if you grab too many, the police will come for you. ============================================================================= RUMBLE REWARDS: 10.000 ============================================================================= Now, go to the dot in the radar, and pick-up D-Ice brother. Follow his directions and head towards Wichita Garden. Now, you'll have to kill the Nines here. You can only use baseball bats, no cars and no guns. The best way to do so is to make the Nines make a group, and then swing your bat like a madman. That way, a lot of them will fall. Once you complete this mission, you'll be done with D-Ice(and you'll receive your money). ***************************************************************************** |+||+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| 4X4 |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= GRIPPED REWARDS: 30.000 ============================================================================= The car you need to complete this mission is a Patriot located by Wichita Garden. You have five minutes to finish this mission, and each checkpoint you go through adds 15 seconds. Don't forget you can't get out the car, or else you're pretty much f**cked. ***************************************************************************** |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| RC TOYZ |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= RUMPO RAMPAGE REWARDS: 1.000 per car ============================================================================= Look behind the building that's your hideout. Now, get inside the van, and use the RC cars to destroy as many Rump XL as you can. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= ITEMS =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= HEART ICON ============================================================================= Heart icon are blue colored icons with a red heart in the middle of it. The heart icons are normally found in hospitals, or very well hidden. When you grab one of this, your health bar(the one in red numbers) will be completely recovered. Always use on of this icons when you have at least 50 health or below 50 health. ARMOR ICON ============================================================================= Armor icons are very scarce and are normally well hidden, and that's easily explained due to its usefulness. Armor icons create a second "health" bar next to the health bar when you pick it, giving you double resistance to falls, gunfire and explosions. Always have your armor full when you know you're going to a gunfight. They look like a blue symbol with a green shield in the middle of it. ADRENALINE PILL ============================================================================= Adrenaline pills are as scarce as the armor icons and equally difficult to obtain. The adrenaline pills, which are blue symbols with a white-red pill in the middle of it, have an hallucinogen substance which makes the user to gain extra strength and slow down things. While its effect still lasts, your punch will send people flying. Extremely good for gunfights and sniping. POLICE BRIBES ============================================================================= Police bribes, which are blue symbols with a golden, shiny star in the middle of it, are the hardest items to find, after the hidden packages and the rampages. They're very useful though. Police bribes magically reduce your wanted level by one star, making the cops to become less useful. Unfortunately, this only eliminates one star, as stated above, so, if you have six stars, this doesn't helps too much. RAMPAGE ICON ============================================================================= Rampage icons, on the hardest items to find because they're normally hidden behind crates and other things and in odd camera angles, look like a blue symbol with a white skull in the middle of it. Once you grab one, you'll have a certain amount of time to kill certain people in certain numbers in certain way with certain weapon. HIDDEN PACKAGES ============================================================================= And here it is, the hardest item to obtain in GTAIII. Hidden packages represent contraband products, and you need to collect all 100 of them in order to obtain maximum percentage. Hidden packages look like a white package(duh!) with a red duct tape all around it. When you collect one, you receive 1.000. When you collect certain number of hidden packages, you'll receive a weapon in your hideout. See the section called "hidden packages in this FAQ to learn where they are. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= RAMPAGE LOCATION =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= __________________ | | | --- PORTLAND --- | |__________________| Rampage # 1 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 30 Diablos in 2 minutes Weapon: m16 Location: Red Light District, across Luigi's sex club 7. 2 location: Trenton, in the basketball arenas. Rampage # 2 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 25 Triads in 2 minutes Weapon: Uzi Location: Chinatow, by a Rockstar message 2 Location: Portland view, down the street from Supa Save Market. Rampage # 3 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 13 vehicles on two minutes Weapon: Rocket Launcher Location: Trenton, in the basketball arena by a brown building. 2 location: In Callahan point, by Joey's Greasy Café. Rampage # 4 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 10 vehicles in two minutes Weapon: Grenades. Location: St Mark's, at the train Station. Location: Trenton, at the train station. Rampage # 5 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 triads in 2 minutes Weapon: Shotgun Location: Portland view, in an alley by the Mean Street Taxi building. Location: Portland view, behind the Police Station. Rampage # 6 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 Mafia member in 2 minutes Weapon: AK Location: St Mark's, near Salvatore's place. Location: In St Mark's, south of Mama's cipriani restaurant. Go south one block and look for an alleyway. ______________ | | |---STAUNTON---| |______________| Rampage # 1 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 17 Yardie members in 2 minutes Weapon: Sniper Rifle Location: Torrington, in the roof of the AMCO building Location: Torringotn, in the roof of Kenji's casino Rampage # 2 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 25 Yardie members in 2 minutes Weapon: Grenade Location: Bellevielle park, in an alleyway in the back of the fire station Location: Liberty Campus, south of Liberty Campus. Rampage # 3 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 Yardie members in 2 minutes Weapon: Rocket Launcher Location: Bedford point, hidden in the cemetery by the church Location: Bedford point, near the "projects". Rampage # 4 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 15 vehicles in 2 minutes Weapon: m16 Location: Liberty campus, across the construction site. Location: Fort Staunton, in the construction site. Rampage # 5 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 8 vehicles in 2 minutes Weapon: Shotgun Location: Belleville park, northeast portion of the park Location: Belleville park, southeast portion of the park. _________________ | | | ---SHORESIDE--- | |_________________| Rampage # 1 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 cartel members in 2 minutes Weapon: Sniper Rifle Location: Pike creek, on a ramp by a parking lot. Location: On the roof in the small garage behind the police building. Rampage # 2 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 cartel members in 2 minutes Weapon: Flame thrower Location: Cedar Grove, next to a garage with a landstalker parked on it. Location: By the import/export garage. Rampage # 3 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 southside hoods in 2 minutes Weapon: Shotgun Location: Wichita Gardens, South of the ringing phone Location: Airport, behind a billboard across the airport. Rampage # 4 ============================================================================= Objective: Kill 20 southside hoods in 2 minutes Weapon: M16 Location: Wichita Gardens, ????????? Location: ??????? Rampage # 5 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 15 vehicles in 2 minutes Weapon: Rocket Launcher. Location: Pike Crieke, in the garage with the numbered garages(1,2 etc garages). Location: Behind the badfellas billboard Rampage # 6 ============================================================================= Objective: Run over 20 Cartel Members. Weapon: Vehicle. Location: Behind a billboard by the underground tunnel Location: In the grass north of the Staunton/shoreside connecting bridge Rampage # 7 ============================================================================= Objective: Destroy 7 vehicles in 2 minutes Weapon: Drive by. Location: Pike creek, behind "punk noodles" gate Location: Behind the boulder in the bottom of the dam. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= CAR INFORMATION =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= This are the cars I know about. [AMBULANCE] ============================================================================= The ambulance is a big white and red box. It is slow, but not as slow as a trashmaster. Handling it is somewhat challenging, specially if you're trying to take a curve. It does resists a lot, though. [BANSHEE] ============================================================================= The banshee looks like a Porsche, with white lines on its motor cover. It is an extremely fast car, with average handling. You may end up performing a sudden twist with it if you press R1 while running. It is very, very weak. [BARRACKS OL] ============================================================================= Looks like a military truck. It is green with gray. The Barracks acceleration is medium, but is extremely challenging to take a curve with it. It has very poor handling. It can take extremely huge amounts of damage before giving up. Cars rammed by it are normally pushed away and give up after a few hits. [BLISTA] ============================================================================= Four door minivan. Its acceleration is fairly decent, as well as it handling. It can take average amounts of damage and vehicles take average amount of damage if rammed by this vehicle. [BOBCAT] ============================================================================= Truck with an empty box on its back. Two doors. Fairly fast. Average handling and acceleration. Can resist various hits before giving up. Cars receive moderate amounts of damage after getting rammed by it. Average vehicle. [BUS] ============================================================================= Long box with various black windows. Extremely slow and a pian in the ass to make it turn. It can take lots of hits before giving up and vehicles receive good damage after getting rammed by it. Small vehicles will get pushed away after you hit them. [CABBIE] ============================================================================= Taxi with 70s style. Average acceleration and good speed. Very good handling. Can take moderate amounts of damage, and vehicle don't take too much damage after getting rammed by it. [CARTEL CRUISER] ============================================================================= Blue truck with iron bar on its back as well as an empty box. Good acceleration, not very good at handling. Can take an average number of hits before it gives up. Vehicles take average damage from it. [CHEETAH] ============================================================================= Possibly a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. Very low and with aerodynamic design. Extremely good acceleration as well as speed. Extremely easy to hand, although sometimes is tough to make it turn. It also sudden-curves when you tap R1 while at top-speed. Can't take too much damage. Vehicles rammed by it take average damage. [DIABLO STALLION] ============================================================================= Tweaked version of the Stallion. It is black, with flame pictures on its sides. The motor can be seen. Average acceleration as well as handling. Can't take too much damage and vehicles take little damage after getting rammed by it. [ENFORCER] ============================================================================= White truck with POLICE insignia on it. Not very slow, average acceleration. Bad handling and a pain in the ass to turn. Resists lots of hits and has resistance to bullets and vehicles take very good damage after getting rammed by it. [FIRE TRUCK] ============================================================================= Average acceleration and speed. Not the best handling, not the worst. Very hard to make it turn. Can takes huge amounts of damage. Can push out small cars. Cars take good damage after being rammed by it. Put the siren on so cars and pedestrians will open a path for you. [INFERNUS] ============================================================================= Low ground car, similar to the Cheetah. Extremely fast and has extremely good handling. It also sudden-curves as most speedy cars. Has average resistance and cars take miserable amounts of damage after getting rammed by it. [KURUMA] ============================================================================= Car with a lot of curves. One of the prettiest and amongst the best. Very good speed and very easy to handle. Can't take too much damage, but it'll receive some hits before giving up. Cars don't take too much damage after getting rammed by it. [LANDSTALKER] ============================================================================= A truck with four doors. Has very good acceleration and top-speed, as well as a decent handling. Has pretty good resistance, and cars take very good damage after getting rammed by it. [MAFIA SENTINEL] ============================================================================= Tweaked version of the Sentinel. It is black. Has very good acceleration as well as speed. Very easy to handle and to turn. It can take average-good damage before giving up, but cars don't take enough damage after begin rammed by it. [MANANA] ============================================================================= A small vehicle that is normally yellow. It has two doors only. It has not best acceleration and normal top-speed. It has very low resistance. It gives up very fast and cars don't take good damage after being rammed by it. [PATRIOT] ============================================================================= Truck with four doors and an empty box in its back. Has decent acceleration and top-speed, as well as handling. It can take average amount of damage before giving up and cars take good damage after being rammed by it. [POLICE] ============================================================================= Car with white and black colors. It has a siren above it. It has very good acceleration and is very easy to turn and has very good handling. It can take average amount of damages and cars take average damage after being rammed by it. Use the siren to drive away pedestrians and cars. [RHINO TANK] ============================================================================= Green tank with turret. The turret missiles are extremely powerful. Has miserable speed as well as handling. A pain in the everywhere to make it turn. Can take tremendous amounts of damage before it gives up, and cars receive maximum amount of damage after being rammed by it(or they explode, if you have enough speed). [RUMPO XL] ============================================================================= Van. Good acceleration as well as top-speed. Very good handling. Easy to make it turn. Can take moderate amounts of damage before it gives up. Cars take average damage after being rammed by it. [SECURICAR] ============================================================================= Car which is normally in grey. Bulletproof, I believe. Not so good-not so bad speed, as well as handling. Can take huge amounts of damage and vehicles take the most damage after being rammed by it. Small vehicles are normally pushed away. [SENTINEL] ============================================================================= On of the prettiest cars. Pretty much like the Kuruma, but this one has a rectangular shape. Is the most used by people with smoking and jackets. Has very good acceleration and speed. Very good handling as well. Can take normal damage. Vehicles don't take too much damage after being rammed by it. [STALLION] ============================================================================= Pretty much as the Diablo. Has convertible roof. Has very good acceleration and top-speed. Very easy to handle and to make turn. Can take moderate damage and other vehicles take decent damage after being rammed by it. [STINGER] ============================================================================= Probably the best car in the game. It has two doors and is normally in blue, purple and red. It has excellent acceleration and top-speed. It is very easy to handle and loses no speed while turning. Can take normal damage, but cars don't take too much damage after being rammed by it. [TAXI] ============================================================================= Normal car similar to the cop car. Always in yellow. Very good acceleration and is easy to handle. Easy to make turn. Can take normal damage and cars take normal damage after being rammed by it. [TRASHMASTER] ============================================================================= Big car with an empty box on its back. Normally gray and green. Has poor acceleration and top-speed. Quite challenging to make it turn. Can take high damage before giving up and other cars take huge damage after they're rammed by it. [TRIAD FISH VAN] ============================================================================= Big van used to carry fish. Normally found in green, but there are ones in red and in gray. Has poor acceleration but average top-speed. It is quite easy to make it turn. Can take good damage before giving up, and cars take good damage after being rammed by it as well. [YAKUZA STINGER] ============================================================================= White car with red lines. Property of the Yakuza(duh!). Basically a tweaked version of the normal Stinger. It has excellent acceleration and top-speed, as well as a good handling. Can take average damage before dying, but cars don't take enough damage from it. [YANKEE] ============================================================================= Tweaked version of the Triad Van. See Triad Van for more information. [YARDIE LOBO] ============================================================================= Red car with a convertible, cocoa-colored roof. It has very good acceleration and very good speed. Very easy to handle and to make it turn. Can take good damage before dying and cars take normal damage after being rammed by it. One of the best cars of the game along with the Stinger. ********************** CAR COLOR DATABASE ********************** # This file contains all the info about the car colours. There are two # sections, col which contains the colour table and car which contains # the possible indices into the colour table for each car. # # The end column of the col section is the radio chat version of the car colour. # # Press START on controller to reload this file while the game is running. # # # # # # 1-10 service colours # 11-20 reds # 21-30 oranges # 31-40 yellows # 41-50 greens # 51-60 blues # 61-70 purples # 71-80 greys # # 1-10 dark-light # # col 5,5,5 # 0 black black 245,245,245 # 1 white white 42,119,161 # 2 police car blue blue 179,54,58 # 3 cherry red red 38,55,57 # 4 midnight blue dark blue 134,68,110 # 5 temple curtain purple purple 243,237,71 # 6 taxi yellow yellow 76,117,183 # 7 striking blue bright blue 102,114,146 # 8 light blue grey light blue grey 94,112,114 # 9 hoods light 53,34,36 # 10 red1 dark 90,33,36 # 11 red2 dark 102,43,43 # 12 red3 dark red 99,50,46 # 13 red4 red 132,40,39 # 14 red5 red 138,58,66 # 15 red6 red 104,39,49 # 16 red7 red 139,60,68 # 17 red8 red 158,47,43 # 18 red9 red 163,58,47 # 19 red10 light 210,86,51 # 20 orange1 dark 146,86,53 # 21 orange2 dark 244,114,58 # 22 orange3 dark 211,87,51 # 23 orange4 dark 226,90,89 # 24 orange5 orange 119,42,37 # 25 orange6 orange 225,119,67 # 26 orange7 orange 196,70,54 # 27 orange8 orange 225,120,68 # 28 orange9 orange 195,89,56 # 29 orange10 light 70,72,64 # 30 yellow1 dark 116,119,97 # 31 yellow2 dark 117,119,99 # 32 yellow3 dark 145,138,61 # 33 yellow4 yellow 148,140,102 # 34 yellow5 yellow 153,141,121 # 35 yellow6 yellow 216,165,52 # 36 yellow7 yellow 201,189,125 # 37 yellow8 yellow 201,197,145 # 38 yellow9 yellow 212,200,78 # 39 yellow10 light 26,51,46 # 40 green1 dark 36,47,43 # 41 green2 dark 29,55,63 # 42 green3 dark 60,74,59 # 43 green4 green 45,80,55 # 44 green5 green 58,108,96 # 45 green6 green 58,98,60 # 46 green7 green 124,162,130 # 47 green8 green 76,82,78 # 48 green9 green 86,119,91 # 49 green10 light 28,70,80 # 50 blue1 dark 72,94,132 # 51 blue2 dark 28,39,69 # 52 blue3 dark 31,52,104 # 53 blue4 blue 43,72,120 # 54 blue5 blue 71,92,131 # 55 blue6 blue 68,124,146 # 56 blue7 blue 61,103,171 # 57 blue8 blue 75,125,130 # 58 blue9 blue 128,176,183 # 59 blue10 light 61,35,51 # 60 purple1 dark 28,41,72 # 61 purple2/blue dark 52,57,65 # 62 purple3 dark 64,69,76 # 63 purple4 purple 74,45,43 # 64 purple5 purple 86,62,51 # 65 purple6 purple 65,70,76 # 66 purple7/grey purple 103,39,49 # 67 purple8 purple 131,90,117 # 68 purple9 purple 134,133,135 # 69 purple10 light 23,23,23 # 70 grey1 dark 46,46,46 # 71 grey2 dark 69,69,69 # 72 grey3 dark 92,92,92 # 73 grey4 silver 115,115,115 # 74 grey5 silver 138,138,138 # 75 grey6 silver 161,161,161 # 76 grey7 silver 184,184,184 # 77 grey8 silver 207,207,207 # 78 grey9 silver 230,230,230 # 79 grey10 light 170,175,170 # 80 light1 light 106,115,107 # 81 light2 light 170,175,170 # 82 light3 light 187,190,181 # 83 light4 light 187,190,181 # 84 light5 light 106,111,112 # 85 light6 light 96,99,95 # 86 light7 light 106,115,107 # 87 light8 light 170,175,170 # 88 light9 light 187,190,181 # 89 light10 light 33,41,43 # 90 dark1 dark 52,56,66 # 91 dark2 dark 65,70,72 # 92 dark3 dark 78,89,96 # 93 dark4 dark 65,69,76 # 94 dark5 dark end car ambulan, 1,3 banshee, 54,1, 14,1, 52,1, 61,1, 43,1, 51,1, 12,1, 11,1 bellyup, 19,73, 31,74, 45,75, 58,76, 64,77, 73,76, 34,75, 24,74 bfinject, 54,88, 67,79, 13,89, 63,39, 32,1, 51,78, 12,39, 40,38 blista, 24,72, 34,73, 44,74, 54,75, 64,72, 57,73, 48,74, 26,75 bobcat, 55,1, 65,1, 45,1, 35,1, 24,1, 58,1, 67,1, 14,1 borgnine, 12,73 bus, 19,82, 31,82, 45,82, 58,82, 64,82, 73,82, 34,82, 24,82 cabbie, 6,76 cheetah, 53,77, 15,77, 12,77, 41,77, 72,77, 61,77, 51,77 coach, 56,75, 75,79, 13,76, 44,27, 67,77, 55,52, 21,26, 74,15 columb, 54,76 corpse, 83,75 diablos, 0,0 enforcer, 0,1 escape, 0,0 esperant, 28,28, 18,18, 38,38, 59,59, 69,69, 49,49, 75,75, 41,41, 22,22, fbicar, 71,73 firetruk, 3,1 ghost, 0,2 hoods, 9,73 idaho, 15,79, 49,38, 69,79, 45,79, 51,1, 66,70, 56,70, 12,1 infernus, 10,73, 12,74, 42,75, 50,73, 57,74, 61,75, 54,73, 13,74 kuruma, 51,1, 57,1, 45,1, 34,1, 65,1, 14,1, 12,1, 26,1 landstal, 11,73, 18,74, 23,75, 41,76, 64,73, 52,74, 56,75, 32,76 linerun, 13,76, 28,77, 63,78, 42,76, 54,77, 39,78, 11,76, 60,77 mafia, 72,75 manana, 58,1, 69,1, 22,1, 18,1, 32,1, 45,1, 13,1, 34,1 moonbeam, 12,75, 23,76, 32,77, 43,78, 52,75, 63,76, 53,77, 66,78 mrwhoop, 1,16, 1,56, 1,66, 1,53, 1,67 mrwongs, 17,73, 22,74, 37,75, 46,76, 57,77, 68,76, 32,75, 47,74 mule, 22,77, 32,76, 42,75, 52,74, 62,73, 72,76, 78,75, 1,74 panlant, 72,75 patriot, 70,74, 34,75, 59,76, 36,77, 49,78, 48,76, 43,77, 45,78 peren, 18,1, 37,1, 55,1, 58,1, 23,1, 47,1, 66,1, 31,1 police, 0,1 pony, 1,74, 23,76, 39,77, 45,78, 61,75, 59,76, 33,75, 14,73 predator, 2,1 rcbandit, 17,0, 28,0, 38,0, 46,0, 41,0, 57,0, 67,0, 64,0, 54,0 reefer, 12,35, 50,32, 40,26, 66,36 rumpo, 30,73, 16,72, 1,75, 18,74, 42,73, 60,72, 57,75, 48,74 securica, 4,75 sentinel, 51,73, 61,74, 41,75, 11,76, 64,77, 40,76, 39,75, 10,74 speeder, 1,15, 1,53 stallion, 61,39, 51,39, 42,1, 14,1, 17,0, 25,0, 66,29, 47,29 stinger, 53,73, 42,74, 56,75, 10,76, 63,77, 28,76, 14,75, 67,74 stretch, 72,72, 1,1, 75,75, 78,78 taxi, 6,75, 6,73, 6,76 toyz, 88,75 trash, 1,75 yakuza, 76,14 yankee, 25,72, 36,73, 48,74, 59,72, 67,73, 34,74, 24,72, 18,73 yardie, 11,75 toyz, 8,75 =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= GANG LIST AND STRATEGY =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= __ ___________ | || | Turf: St. Mark's(near Mama Cipriani restaurant). | ||________ | Specialty: Robbery, extortion, protection | | | | Front: Restaurant, clubs | | | | Style: Well dressed, Smart, charming | | | | Wheels: Limos and Mafia Sentinel | | | | Weapons: Shotguns | | | | Strategy: Get as far as you can from them(to prevent | | | | ( shotgun damage) and blast them with your Uzi. You won't | | | | have to fight them obligatorily(in any mission). | |________ | | | || | |___________||__| ----------------- L E O N E ============================================================================= T R I A D S ( ( .%$$$$$$L. Turf: Chinatown ( J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Specialty: Protection, Laundry ( _%$$$%"` "#$$$$L Front: Fish factory ( %%%F .. "%%%) Style: Heavily tattooed and with blue ( .%%#` J) J% 4%%L overalls ( .%%# .# J$$L(%) 4%%L Wheels: Fish van, laundry van. ( (%%% ($$$$$$$$$L (%#) Weapons: Uzi ( (##` .%$$$$$$$$$$$L `4## Handgun ( ##) J$$%%%% #$$$$$$) ##L Baseball bat ( (##` (%%%%%% #%%%$$F 4## Strategy: In all the mission you fight ( ### %%%%%###) #%%%%%% (##) them(or in nearly all of them) you'll ( ### 4%%%F4) _###%%%% (##) have a car in hand. So, use the car to ( ### _J######FF (##) ram them. Otherwise, stick with the Uzi ( ### (########## (##) ( 4## _############. (## ( ##) #############L ##F ( (## `4###F######` (## ( (##L .####F (##) ( 4##. ######` (##` ( (##L ######F (###` ( "##L. (######L J##F` ( ####LJ#######LJ####` ( 4##############` ( "4########F ============================================================================= T H E Y A K U Z A ______ ______ | | | | Turf: Central business district | | | | Specialty: Gambling, protection, counter feinting. | |________| | Front: Casinos | | Style: Impeccably dressed, laughable accent | | Wheels: Yakuza stinger | | Weapon: Uzi |________ _______| Shotgun | | Strategy: It's not mandatory to fight them, but if | | you want to do so, all I can say is to grab your Uzi | | or even the m16/AK and blast them into oblivion face | | to face. | | | | | | \ / \_/ ============================================================================= T H E D I A B L O S ( ( ( ( ( ( #) () ( Turf: Hepburn Heights ( )) J) ( Specialty: Anything that's illegal ( ( ) ( Front: None ( 4_ $ ( ( ` ( Style: Dermis, trainers, red bandanas ( )/. ) . (` ) .J ( Wheels: Diablo Stallion ( ( L $_J%. _$%$L) J"F ( Weapons: Baseball bats ( ) `_%%$$$%_ $%##%$L__``F ( Strategy: I haven't fought any Diablo ( 4. J%%####$%######$L / ( thus this far, only the ones in the ( `.J%%#############%$ / ( mission "Shima" by Kenji. In that ( J%%##############$" ( mission, I used the sniper rifle and ( ("`$###############$_ ( killed them from afar. Because they ( J` ($#$$$F"""4$%$#$) _%.( use baseball bast, I would recommend ( `%____#"`%`._#44)F(4.."$ J" ( the handgun against them. ( JF#.(#/L__JJJ#).F%$` ( ( .J" L_$$$%%%$%%L$ `L. ( ( 4%%% ` (%####$ `. (%%" ( ( .` 4$%F `. ( ( `J` ` `L ) ( ( %` "$L ( ============================================================================= S O U T H S I D E H O O D S . . ) ( ) $%) $%%$) ( Turf: The projects ) .J%%%) $%%%%_ ( Specialty: Being badasses ) (%%%%$ $%%%%L ( Front: None L ( Style: Goold rings and chains and ) $%%%%L ( (%%$F` ` ( hooded sweatshirts. ) `%%%%F ( ( Wheels: Rumpo XL ) () 4%%%%. .. # ( Weapon: Uzi. ) `) (%$$%) .J####. F ( Strategy: Because is not mandatory ) ` `` F. (######. ` ( to fight them, all I can recommend ) ) #F##%%%L ( is to select a weapon and fight ) () .##### ) # (%$$$$ % ( them face to face while using cars ) (. `#####L#. %.J$%%%F ( ( and walls as cover. ) (#%%%$) %%%%$$%` ( ) . (%$$%%( %$$$$%` _ ( ) # "%%) %$%$F (` ( ) ` # $ ` ( ) ._ $$%% ._ ( ) `" "` ( ) .__ .__ ( ) ($ ( ) ( ( ============================================================================= C O L O M B I A N C A R T E L _______________ | | Turf: All around the city | __________ | Specialty: Drugs, smuggling | | \_/ Front: Freight | | O L O M B I A N Style: Snake skin boots, printed shits, cowboy | | hats | | A R T E L Wheels: Cartel Cruiser | | _ Weapon: AK/M16 | |__________/ \ Strategy: Because they use heavy duty weapons, | | their running capability is severely limited. So, |_______________|________________ what I would recommend is to use the Uzi | C o l o m b i a t u p a p á! |and run while shooting. |________________________________| ============================================================================= T H E Y A R D I E S ( () % . ) ( _J#L###%%%$) ( __________$%)#`##J#$$) Turf: Newport(up-town) ( 4#%######LF`._ ##%$$) Specialty: Anything ( `4######) `4 ##%$$######%%%%F Front: None (%%L_ "####) /% ###$$######%%%) Style: Caribbean (%%%%%L. 4##L `LL#%#$$######%#` . Wheels: Yardie Lobo (%%%%%%%L. `##))F##%#%%####### J% Weapon: Baseball bat (%%%%%%%%%$. J4%L####%$`%####F .$%% Strategy: I can't argue how easy (%%%%%%%%%%%$ LJF` #$%#" J$%%% they are. Just use your Uzi and (%%%%%%%%%%%%$$%%) _#$L#`$$ _%%%%%% send them to kingdom come. (%%%%%%%%%%%%%` F (` (F J%$ (%%%%%%%% (%%%%%%%%%%%%%##. /## .$%%)_%%%%%%%%%% (%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /.) ) J#$#$%%%%%%%%%%%% (%%%%%%%%%%%F/% F )###%##%%%%%%%%%%%% (%%%%%%%%%F ()%####$##%$##%%%%%%%%%%%% (%%%%%%%F` $ /__J#$%$%) ($%%%%%%%%%%% (%%%%%F` $" `4$$%%F" `%%%%%%%%%%%% (%%%$ J#% %4%%%%%%%%%% (%%" J##$) ()`4%%%%%%%% (%) .J%##$` (. "%%%%%%% () .%%%##$ ($ `4%%%% ( #%%%###$######_. $#. `"4 ( """""""""$%$%%$#####___ (%###_. ( `4%########%###%%#_. ( "$$####%% ( `"%$$%) ( =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= FUN STUFF =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= This section may be off-placed, but I guess it cannot be helped. HOOKER TRICK ============================================================================= The hooker trick is the trick everybody knows about. To do so, search for a pretty car. A sentinel or similar will do good, but make sure is not a taxi, or an emergency vehicle. Then, look for a hooker. They have black bra and mini-skirts. When you find them, park next to them without scaring them, and wait here to get inside your car. Once she is inside your car, you'll lose 1 dollar per second. When she does, look for an obscure site. Any alleyway or even your hideout will do. Park the car there, and it'll begin to shake. You'll also begin to recover health. Once you reach 125, the hooker will leave. Now, if you want to recover your money, kill the hooker and get it. BULLETPROOF CHEETAH ============================================================================= To get the bullet proof cheetah, you must perform the mission "turismo" by El Burro. Once you get to the start line, you'll see three cheetahs. All of them are bullet proof, but don't try to jack them just yet as they're locked. Do whatever it takes to don't let them start the race(create a barricade with buses). Once the races ends, the drivers will run out the Cheetah. Don't try to jack the car though, as it is locked. Instead, use a car and push it all the way to your hideout. When you get there, put the car in the garage and save your game. Load the game, and you'll have a shiny, new, bulletproof cheetah waiting for you. BULLETPROOF SECURICAR ============================================================================= During the mission van heist, make the drivers inside the securicar get out of it, and then jack the securicar. Now, instead of taking it to Joey's guys, take it to your garage, and out it inside. Now, fail the mission, and return to your hideout. Your BP securicar will be there, so, save your game, and when you load it, you'll have a securicar with you. BULLETPROOF BARRACKS OL ============================================================================= During the mission "arms shortage" there is a Barrack's OL which is bulletproof. Grab the car, and kill Phil to fail the mission. Now, ram any Colombians you find, and drive towards your hideout. Put the car in the garage and save your game. When you reload it, you'll have your BP Barracks OL ready for you(extremely useful in the mission "marked man".). BF INJECTION ============================================================================= The BF injection appears on Hepburn heights, by El Burro phone. It appears between 5:00 and 20:00 in the game's clock. Once you get it, it'll appear randomly just like any other vehicle. This Is an excellent vehicle. EXTRA HEALTH ============================================================================= When you enter an ambulance, you'll recover 25 health points. Do this for a maximum of 100 health points. EXTRA ARMOR ============================================================================= When you enter a Enforcer vehicle, you'll recover your armor points %100. This is extremely useful. You can find an Enforcer in the same place where you find Kenbu in the mission "Kenbu bust-out". Use a police car to get there. FOUR CARS IN STAUNTON GARAGE ============================================================================= Instead of only storing two cars in Staunton's garage, you can store four cars. To do so, make sure the garage door is open using one of the cars you have inside it. Now, grab the third car, and drive it inside. Because the door can't close itself due to the car you parked to block it, you'll be able to store the third car. Now, the car you used to block the garage(the second) put it inside the garage. Do this once again, save your game, and you'll have four cars waiting for you. BORGNINE TAXI ============================================================================= Once you complete 100 Taxi missions(not in a row), the Borgnine Taxi will be created in Harwood(in the Head Radio parking lot). PITCH-BLACK SCRETCH ============================================================================= The pitch black scretch can only be obtained during the "Chaperone" mission. Take the car to your hideout, and park it into the garage. After a while, Maria will get out. Waste her, and you'll fail the mission. But you'll have the pitch black limo on your possession. Cool!. BULLETPROOF BOBCAT ============================================================================= In the mission "Evidence Dash" by Ray Machowski, use a heavy duty car to flip the bobcat. Then you get a message telling you that it was a decoy. Put it on its wheels again, and there you go. A bulletproof bobcat. LYRICS ============================================================================= **COMING SOON!. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= CHEAT CODES =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= Blow Up All Cars ============================================================================= L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1 All Weapons ============================================================================= R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Lots of Money ============================================================================= R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Full Armor ============================================================================= R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Full Health ============================================================================= R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Get the Tank ============================================================================= Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Diminish Wanted Level ============================================================================= R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down Clear Weather: ============================================================================= L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle Foggy Weather: ============================================================================= L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, X Cloudy Weather: ============================================================================= L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Square Rainy Weather: ============================================================================= L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Circle Speed up Time: ============================================================================= Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Wear Any Outfit ============================================================================= Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right Pedestrians Fight Each Other ============================================================================= Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1 Pedestrians Hate You ============================================================================= Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L1, L2 Crazy Pedestrians ============================================================================= R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down Cars float ============================================================================= Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 Perfect handling ============================================================================= R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle Extreme gore---limbs are shot off. (You don't receive confirmation) ============================================================================= Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X Increase Wanted Level ============================================================================= R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= FLYING THE DODO =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= 1. First, find the dodo. The dodo is by the helipad. It is small and red. 2. Second, look for the runaway. When you find it, get on it, and start to accelerate towards it, with the left stick down. Switch to side view, and wait until you see sparks coming out the wheels. When it does so, leave the stick along. The dodo should start to fly then 3. while In the air, tap the left stick down. Do it calmly, and wait the dodo to stabilize itself. 4. Now that you're flying, tap the left stick up if the plane is going down and down If the plane is going up. Do it softly, or you may end up screwing the fly. FUN THINGS TO DO WITH THE DODO ============================================================================= * THE STADIUM Fly around Staunton, look for the stadium. You should see the local team, the cocks. * THE GHOST TOWN Behind the dam in shoreside is the ghost town. It is basically the bank used in the intro scene. Don't try to land on it, because you'll fall through the ground. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= CHARACTERS =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= Luigi Gotorelli ============================================================================= Luigi is the first boss you meet. Therefore, he thinks you're some kind of worthless punk, and doesn't respects you. Instead, he menaces you constantly about "firing" you and all. He owns the sex club seven located on red light district, and doesn't like people who mess with his girls. Misty ============================================================================= Misty is one of Luigi's girl, and the preferred one by Joey. She's a gun with her, so don't even try to punch her unless you want a couple of bullets in your chest. Joey Leone ============================================================================= Joey Leone is the owner of a repair garage located on Trenton. He's the son of the capo of the mafia, Salvatore Leone. He is as old as the man character, so he does respects you. He doesn't like the Forelli brothers, so if you mess with Joey, you mess with the forelli brothers. Toni Cipriani ============================================================================= Toni is a total mommy's boy. Even though a capo in the mafia, he doesn't has his own place, so he's always in mama cipriani restaurant, where he gets ideas on how to beat triads scumbags and give you mission. Don't forget that if you mess with him, you mess with the triads. Salvatore Leone ============================================================================= Leader of the Leone mafia, he lives in a beachside resort house. He has a daughter(Maria) and a son(Joey). He is always messing with the Colombian and the triads, so messing with him is the same as messing with both gangs. Not to mention he betrays you(super hyper spoiler). Asuka Kasen ============================================================================= One of the Yakuza warlord, along with his brother Kenji, she's the one, that, along with Maria, receives you in Staunton. She gives you a hideout, as well as your first mission. Considering that she's a Yakuza, and Yakuza don't like the Leones, you'll have to do some Leone wipeout with her... Kenji Kasen ============================================================================= Kenji Kasen is Asuka's brother. He owns a casino in Torrington, and unlike his sister, he's always in trouble with the Cartel, the Yardies and SPANK. He specializes on extortion and Cartel/Yardie wipeout. Sadly, you'll have to kill him in one mission. Ray Machowski ============================================================================= Ray Is a policeman gone wrong, all work of the money. He is working for the Yakuza(Asuka apparently) and is the hush-husher of this gang. His missions consist, normally, on killing people that know too much about him and destroying evidence that can screw him. Donald Love ============================================================================= Donald Love, the typical playboy millionaire, is a man who everybody knows. However, he has a dark past, and even today, he still keeps doing terrorism acts. He is the one who sends you to kill the Yakuza warlord Kenji and you'll be normally retrieving packages for him. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= HIDDEN PACKAGES =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= Let's get one thing clear: I used a portion of Iain Noble hidden package guide and reformatted it. So, credit goes to him. *********************** ---PORTLAND PACKAGES--- *********************** HIDDEN PACKAGE # 1 ============================================================================= 1: Drive north to the end of the path on Harwood. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 2 ============================================================================= 2: Harwood, roof of Head Radio Station. Get there by jumping off the tracks. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 3 ============================================================================= 3: St. Mark's, on top of the Amco gas station. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 4 ============================================================================= 4: St. Mark's, inside EASY CREDIT AUTOS. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 5 ============================================================================= 5: Portland Beach, at Salvatore's Mansion. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 6 ============================================================================= 6: On a ledge below Salvatore's Mansion. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 7 ============================================================================= 7: Behind the building of Hepburn Heights Towers. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 8 ============================================================================= 8: In parking lot near El Burro phone in Hepburn Heights. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 9 ============================================================================= 9: Between trees in Hepburn Heights. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 10 ============================================================================= 10: One block south from Amco gas station in a small parking lot in St. Mark's. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 11 ============================================================================= 11: Building facing large potholes in St. Mark's. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 12 ============================================================================= 12: Park in St. Mark's. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 13 ============================================================================= 13: Roof of building next to Luigi's Sex Club 7 in Red Light District. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 14 ============================================================================= 14: Roof of Luigi's Sex Club 7. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 15 ============================================================================= 15: Roof opposite Luigi's Sex Club. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 16 ============================================================================= 16: Subway in Chinatown in the bathrooms. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 17 ============================================================================= 17: Rush Construction Company in Red Light District. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 18 ============================================================================= 18: Long alleyway in St. Mark's. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 19 ============================================================================= 19: Tramp Tunnel in St. Mark's. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 20 ============================================================================= 20: Roof of Supa Save in Portland View. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 21 ============================================================================= 21: Alley behind Hong Hung Inc. in Chinatown. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 22 ============================================================================= 22: Chinatown roof. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 23 ============================================================================= 23: Alley behind Roast Peking Duck in Chinatown. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 24 ============================================================================= 24: Inside the gates of the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory in Trenton. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 25 ============================================================================= 25: Roof of Liberty Pharmaceutical in Trenton. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 26 ============================================================================= 26: Roof of Portland Docks. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 27 ============================================================================= 27: In a yard in Trenton. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 28 ============================================================================= 28: Front of Joey's Garage in Trenton. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 29 ============================================================================= 29: Power Plant in Callahan Point. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 30 ============================================================================= 30: Roof of sawmill in Trenton. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 31 ============================================================================= 31: Behind Turtle Head Fish Co. in Callahan Point. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 32 ============================================================================= 32: At the end of the pier in Atlantic Quays. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 33 ============================================================================= 33: Island just south of Portland (accessible by boat *********************** ---STAUNTON PACKAGES--- *********************** HIDDEN PACKAGE # 34 ============================================================================= 34: Army Surplus store. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 35 ============================================================================= 35: Coliseum. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 36 ============================================================================= 36: Top of hospital. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 37 ============================================================================= 37: Stadium. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 38 ============================================================================= 38: East side of University. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 39 ============================================================================= 39: Construction site. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 40 ============================================================================= 40: On top of small bridge where there are girders. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 41 ============================================================================= 41: In Colombian Garage. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 42 ============================================================================= 42: Construction site. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 43 ============================================================================= 43: Connecting alley to 8-Ball's. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 44 ============================================================================= 44: Car park. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 45 ============================================================================= 45: Alley south of Coliseum. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 46 ============================================================================= 46: Jump off of curvy bridge onto rooftop. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 47 ============================================================================= 47: Under road tunnel. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 48 ============================================================================= 48: Basketball court. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 49 ============================================================================= 49: Stadium-Shoreside bridge. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 50 ============================================================================= 50: Under Park bridge. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 51 ============================================================================= 51: End of South dock. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 52 ============================================================================= 52: Alley near Callahan bridge in Newport. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 53 ============================================================================= 53: Museum. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 54 ============================================================================= 54: Pier, south of Callahan Bridge HIDDEN PACKAGE # 55 ============================================================================= 55: Behind Police Station. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 56 ============================================================================= 56: Newport, path to Police Station. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 57 ============================================================================= 57: Behind Church. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 58 ============================================================================= 58: End of an alley that's shaped weird. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 59 ============================================================================= 59: Underground Amco parking. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 60 ============================================================================= 60: Top of Amco roof. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 61 ============================================================================= 61: Bedford Point in a glass-breakable building. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 62 ============================================================================= 62: Doorway, facing an intersection HIDDEN PACKAGE # 63 ============================================================================= 63: On roof in the "projects." HIDDEN PACKAGE # 64 ============================================================================= 64: Behind rocks on pavement near the Pier. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 65 ============================================================================= 65: Behind a building in the "projects." HIDDEN PACKAGE # 66 ============================================================================= 66: Underground car park. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 67 ============================================================================= 67: On top of a pedestrian only walkway. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 68 ============================================================================= 68: Behind "star statue" logo HIDDEN PACKAGE # 69 ============================================================================= 69: On top of Casino. ************************ ---SHORESIDE PACKAGES--- ************************ HIDDEN PACKAGE # 70 ============================================================================= 70: West Dam. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 71 ============================================================================= 71: East Dam. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 72 ============================================================================= 72: Tower 1, Dam. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 73 ============================================================================= 73: "Exchange" helipad in the lower dam. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 74 ============================================================================= 74: Behind boulder, corner of dam. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 75 ============================================================================= 75: Behind the furthest Swank house. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 76 ============================================================================= 76: Front porch, third Swank house. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 77 ============================================================================= 77: Front porch, fourth Swank house. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 78 ============================================================================= 78: Colombian mansion. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 79 ============================================================================= 79: Picnic tables. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 80 ============================================================================= 80: Fudge Packing Factory. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 81 ============================================================================= 81: Cedar Grove, in overpass HIDDEN PACKAGE # 82 ============================================================================= 82: Roof of Police Station. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 83 ============================================================================= 83: Pike Creek, behind drums. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 84 ============================================================================= 84: Behind hideout. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 85 ============================================================================= 85: Wichita Gardens, apartment entrance. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 86 ============================================================================= 86: Wichita Gardens, in between apartments. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 87 ============================================================================= 87: Pike Creek, on blue container. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 88 ============================================================================= 88: Behind hospital. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 89 ============================================================================= 89: Roof of a large building with a weird awning. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 90 ============================================================================= 90: Pike Creek, between Turtle Head Storage. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 91 ============================================================================= 91: Wichita Gardens, under wooden bridge. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 92 ============================================================================= 92: Airport, parking lot. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 93 ============================================================================= 93: Airport, under wing in hangar. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 94 ============================================================================= 94: Airport, on ground next to dome. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 95 ============================================================================= 95: Airport, under a plane. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 96 ============================================================================= 96: In front of airport. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 97 ============================================================================= 97: Subway. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 98 ============================================================================= 98: Airport, helipad. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 99 ============================================================================= 99: Airport runway. HIDDEN PACKAGE # 100 ============================================================================= 100: Airport, end of runway =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= "VIGILANTE" MISSIONS =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= ============================================================================= TAXI MISSIONS ============================================================================= Around Liberty City, you'll see several taxis. Jack one, and press R3 while on it to start the Taxi Vigilante Missions. In this kind of missions, you'll see pedestrians with blue arrows above them(they're also located on your radar). Pick them by parking next to them, and drive towards the location marked on the radar. Don't bang the car a lot or else the ped will run. Once you get the ped to his/her destination, you'll receive payment. Once you deliver 100 successfully to their desired locations, the borgnine taxi will be created at Harwood, in the head radio caryard. ============================================================================= POLICE CAR MISSIONS ============================================================================= Cause some mayhem around Liberty City, and a police car you should appear. Jack it then. You could also jack one outside the police station. When you grab it, press R3. Now, a dot will appear in your radar. This is the criminal. Pursue it, and destroy his or her car(they're normally ancients). You could also get near the car, and press start. Then, press start again, and the criminal will go out the car. Kill him or her then. Once you kill 10 criminals in Portland, you'll obtain a Police Bribe in your Hideout. Once you kill 20 criminals in Portland, you'll obtain another Police Bribe on your hideout. Once you kill 10 criminals in Staunton, you'll obtain a third Police Bribe in your hideout. Once you kill 20 criminals in Staunton, you'll obtain a fourth police bribe in your hideout. Once you kill 10 criminals in Shoreside, you'll obtain a fifth police bribe on your hideout. Once you kill 20 criminals in Shoreside, you'll obtain a sixth police bribe in your hideout. ============================================================================= AMBULANCE ============================================================================= Beat up a few pedestrians, and the ambulance will come storming. Jack it and press the R3. Now, you must search for wounded pedestrians and take them to the hospital. Pedestrians appear as a dot in your radar. Grab them, and take them to the hospital which is also represented as a dot in your radar. Don't bang the ambulance too much or else you'll fail the mission. Once you save a certain amount of pedestrians(50-100) you'll create health icons and adrenaline pills in your hideout. Once you complete ambulance level 12, you'll activate infinite run, allowing you to run without to stop for a breath. ============================================================================= FIRE TRUCKS ============================================================================= Fire trucks are very hard to obtain, but they're normally on the fire station(duh). Use Molotov cocktails and the flamethrower to call for them, too. When you do so, jack it and press R3. Now, use your radar and look for fires you need to put out. Use the right analog stick to control the turret and circle to fire it. Once you out a certain amount of fires(about 20 in each district) the flamethrower will be created in your hideout. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= IMPORT AND EXPORT CRANE =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= There is one if Portland, which is located on the Portland Beach. You'll need to deliver the cars in the list below, which are listed in a board by the crane. * Securicar * Moonbeam * Coach * Flatbed * Linerunner * Trashmaster * Patriot * Mr. Whoopee * Blista * Mule * Yankee * Bobcat * Dodo * Bus * Rumpo * Pony Each car you bring to the crane will earn you 1.500 dollars. Also, once you deliver each one of them, you'll get 200.000 dollars, and you'll be able to get one of the cars listed above for free. ============================================================================= In shoreside, the import and export garage is on pike creek, by the road that connect pike creek with Cedar Grove. The vehicle needed are listed below: * Sentinel * Cheetah * Banshee * Idaho * Infernus * Taxi * Kuruma * Stretch * Perennial * Stinger * Manana * Landstalker * Stallion * BF Injection * Cabbie * Esperanto Each car you bring here will earn you 1.500 dollars. Once you deliver all of the cars, you'll get 200.000 dollars and the ability to pick up the car of your choice for free(any of the ones listed above). =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= EMERGENCY VEHICLE CRANE =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= You'll need to park the vehicles listed below right between the yellow lines. There is not list of park, so refer to the one below. * Police Car * Enforcer * FBI Car * Barracks OL * Rhino * Ambulance * Fire Truck Each car you deliver will earn you 1.500 dollars. Also, once you deliver all the cars, you'll get 200.000 dollars as well as the ability to get one of the cars listed above for free. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= CREDITS =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= C Jay C ---For posting nearly every FAQ I've written, as well as maintaining such a wonderful and incredible site. DMA/RockStar ---For creating the only mayhem simulator in the market until now. Iain Noble ---I used a portion of his hidden packages FAQ(with his permission of course) and reformatted it. Thanks!. Extremefelony.tripod.com/index ---Sorry, I forgot to thanks this page in the last version. I got a lot of information from it, as well as the gang symbols. Sweetpimp/AdrenalineSL FAQs ---I used both to get the locations of rampages. To me ---For typing up this FAQ. =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= OUTRO =--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--=[*]=--=--= I hope you enjoyed both the guide and the game. Now, this is the end. Shameless self promotion---others faq by me ------------------------------------------- Contributed FAQs and Guides Dreamcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skies of Arcadia | Elcian Enemy Strategy | 10/26/01 | 0.2 | 9K Skies of Arcadia | FAQ/Walkthrough | 11/8/01 | 0.8 | 140K GameBoy Color ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemon Crystal | FAQ/Walkthrough (Spanish)| 12/15/01 | 0.1 | 59K | PlayStation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | FAQ/Walkthrough | 11/27/01 | 1 | 32K| PlayStation2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Gear Solid 2 | FAQ/Walkthrough | 1/7/02 | 0.86 | 241K | Xbox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead or Alive 3 | Hayabusa | 11/27/01 | 0.1 | 19K | Contributed Reviews GameBoy Color ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemon Crystal | A great game... no wait... | 8/10 | PlayStation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Potter and the S.S | It's not what I was expecting but still... | 6/10 PlayStation2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half-Life | And here we have one hell of a game! | 9/10 Contribution Summary FAQs/Guides Contributed: 6 (500KB) Reviews Contributed: 3 (8KB) ============================================================================= ###### ## ## ## #### ### ### # # #### ### ### # #### ### ## ## # ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # # # #### # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # ## ## ## # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # # # ## #### ### ### #### ### ## ##### ### ### ### ########## # # -=EOF=-