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Hi kids! Do you like eyelids? Adrenaline has learned to suppress her killing urge whenever her inbox is flooded with tons of 100K+ attachments, along with other stupid game questions and spam. Despite all that, her computer still hasn't been smashed to pieces. And you people think she is such a monster. Ryan is being reasonably patient with all the 10-year-olds he must put up with despite his deepest desires. But that's not the point! Here's the deal: if you e-mail us, please, please make sure your question cannot be answered in the guide. We are not accepting any more contributions, unless it is a completely newly discovered secret, like finding a way to play as Pogo the Monkey or something. Contact us: toiletrabbit(at)hotmail(dot)com (Adrenaline) thesilvercell(at)hotmail(dot)com (Ryan Kavanagh) ----------------------------------- --- WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S GONE --- ----------------------------------- Version 2.1 | November 3, 2002 Hello there, videogamers! Come one, come all to probably the last update you will see for this guide. Vice City is out now, and people won't be paying much attention to GTA3 or this guide. They have all flocked to Rockstar's latest masterpiece. In this update, I've proofread what I could. (I was actually getting really annoyed, so it was a bit rushed. Excuse the remaining errors and jargon you will run across.) In addition to that, I've finished listing the Police Bribe and Heart locations. Any contributions that I have gotten in the last 2 months have been added in. What else? Nothing really. Just because I claim this might be the last update the world will ever see of this guide, it doesn't mean I won't update when there is a NEED to. It's been fun, guys, but it's time for me to move on. Version 2.0 | September 2, 2002 By VERY dreadful misfortune, I've managed to screw up my old hotmail account and practically lose 80% of all GTA3 contributions that were sent to me in the past 9 months! It's a big loss. I sincerely apologize to everyone who has sent me something within that timeframe. Now, this should be a mixture of good and bad news: I've went and completely re-did some sections, like the Hidden Packages, Rampages, etc. The information is accurate and nigh- flawless. I actually wanted to send in this update back in April, but I just never got around to it. Now we're in the month of September. In short, I've spent nearly 6 months on this update!!!! AND STILL, I AM NOT DONE. I need to proofread and spell check it, then finalize it with some secrets and better organization. So why don't I just finish it up? Well, unlike you just taking advantage of my hard work and sitting there, I unfortunately must go back to school and do other things. So I thought I should just hastily slap together what I have and send it in to let everyone know I haven't completely abandoned this guide. Expect that the next update will the last. And yeah, this is pretty long, so I should go now. ~AdrenalineSL [Old updates deleted.] _____________________________________________________________________________ ==--==--==--==--==--== TABLE OF CONTENTS ==--==--==--==--==--== 01. Introduction 02. Chapter One: Game Basics Controls Basic Shiznat Methods of Mayhem Car Handling The Authorities Gotta Have The Right Stuff! Other Stuff 03. Chapter Two: Game Walkthrough Portland Staunton Island Shoreside Vale 04. Chapter Three: Urban Chaos RC Toyz Missionz 4x4 Offroad Challenges Import/Export Garages Emergency Vehicle Crane Vehicle Missions Rampage Locations Unique Stunt Jumps Hidden Packages 05. Chapter Four: Miscellaneous Weapon Locations Item Locations Vehicle Database Secret Vehicles Tips & Tricks Game Enigmas Cheat Codes Frequently Asked Questions 06. Chapter Five: Outro Legal Junk Special Thanks Sources Contributor Credits _____________________________________________________________________________ Just a note: ************ I want to apologize for the wordiness of those features which describe the locations of special items, weapons, etc. It is kind of hard to make them as concise and clear as possible when the GTA3 world is so stupendously HUGE. You'll see what I mean when you finally get to the Hidden Packages, Rampages, and Unique Stunt Jumps sections. And um, look over there...a goat! _____________________________________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \ | | -/ /-| | - - - - INTRODUCTION - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/ "I play violent video games! I can snap at any moment!" -- Penny Arcade Killing isn't a laughing matter. Except when it's done in Grand Theft Auto 3. Grand Theft Auto 3 (hereby referred to as GTA3) isn't what you call just any game. It's more like a film--underground life lifted straight from a gangster movie. Think The Godfather or Reservoir Dogs. Yeah, now you've got it. With this game, Rockstar was trying to blot out the line separating cinema and video gaming and intertwine them. The final result is what has become one of the hottest selling games in video game history. GTA3 sets its course in the heart of Liberty City, where all things know no bounds, and a bloody death site is never too far away. You, as the nameless main character, conspire with your girlfriend and another law-breaking hooligan in an attempt to rob a bank in Carser City. It was the perfect heist. Or so you thought. Things go as planned until you find that a method of egress seems nearly impossible. The victim of a treacherous double-cross, you find yourself sprawled out on the street while your girlfriend escapes with your other partner-in-crime. The police comes with cuffs and pins the entire robbery on you. Your trip to prison introduces you to a fellow convict that goes by the name of 8-ball, with whom you eventually escape. The two of you head into Liberty City. There, you are introduced to your first of many crime bosses. Your quest for revenge starts here. And so begins your immersion into Rockstar's world. For an enterprising criminal, you have a huge task ahead of you. This guide will help make things like, whacking a crime boss, obtaining a Hidden Package, overcoming a Unique Stunt Jump, finding the best rides, and many other things, seem like pie. We do not guarantee this guide alone will help you attain that elusive 100%, but it will help you achieve it little by little. This guide shines from the vantage of having spent 80+ hours alone on the game to compile all non-mission based information (Hidden Packages, item and weapon locations, etc.) contained in this document. You don't want to know the TOTAL amount of time (hint: averages 200 hours). We hope you will find it an invaluable resource for your Grand Theft Auto III needs. Thank you for choosing this guide. It's time to get on with it! ______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \ | | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER ONE: GAME BASICS - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/ Welcome to Liberty City. Please enjoy your stay. There's a map of the city packaged with the game. Your only ticket out now is to walk the path of a criminal and embark on a spree of wanton violence. Your past, identity, and everything you thought you had is up in smoke and being blown away by a light swirl from the harbor. What do you think takes to be a gangster? With GTA3, you have plenty of time to refine your car-jacking skills, selective guns from a wide arsenal for gun fights with the local gangs, cars upon cars, and more. If you need fast cash, feel free to beat down common citizens and steal their money. Just don't get busted by the cops. Not everyone is who they appear to be. If you do what you're told, you'll earn quick cash and pave your way to the easy life. Just remember not to double-cross your mob boss. Fooling around with gangs isn't the right way to make friends. And lastly, don't leave home without a bat or some semi-automatic. Learn fast and you'll survive. The theory of Natural Selection begins here. This is what "survival of the fittest" is all about. Enjoy your stay. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= CONTROLS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> D-Pad - * Move your character around * Steer vehicle Left Analog Stick - * Move your character around * Steer vehicle * Honk car horn (depress analog stick) Right Analog Stick – * Look behind you * Pan around the area * Activate community service missions Square Button - * Jump * Brake & reverse Circle Button - * Use weapon or punch when you have no weapons equipped * Drive-by shooting (with Uzi) Cross Button - * Sprint * Accelerate Triangle Button – * Enter/hi-jack vehicle * Get out of vehicle L1 Button - * Adjust third-person angle * Change radio stations in vehicle L2 Button – * Scroll through weapon inventory (going left) * Change to side angle of vehicle/rear angle (with R2) R1 Button – * Target an enemy (with gun) * Handbrake (instant stop) R2 Button – * Scroll through weapon inventory (going right) * Change to side angle of vehicle/rear angle (with L2) START Button - Open main menu SELECT Button - Change camera modes <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= BASIC SHIZNAT =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> --- MANAGING GAME FILES -------------- Unlike most games, in which the title screen gives you the options to start a New Game, Load Game, etc., GTA3 just kicks into the game engine immediately. If you've just begun a game, the system will automatically start a new game so you could build up your empire from scratch. If you already have a save file, the system takes you to the point where you last saved. So how in the blue hell do you start a new game? I'm glad you asked that. When you gain control of the character, pop into the menu screen and scroll through the pages until you come across "Load Game, New Game, and Delete Game". Select whatever command and...kapow! There you have it. --- HIDEOUT -------------------------- Every criminal has got to have a hideout, right? Well, you're a criminal, and you've got a hideout. Your ex-convict pal will introduce you to your hideout in Portland. It appears on your radar as a green icon. Each island will provide a hideout. When you move to your new hideout, the old one is still accessible. With the hideout, you can save your current game progress. Though if you die and didn't save beforehand, you will still be able to continue your game. That's the beauty of GTA3. Game overs don't exist. Anyway, by heading into your hideout, you will advance the clock by 6 hours. The Hideout isn't used only for saving. It also serves as a refuge from the cops, and as a repair shop for your car. It is also home to an array of regenerating weapons. See Hidden Packages section for details. --- RADAR ---------------------------- On the lower left corner, you will find a circular map with icons. The white dot represents your current location and shows where you're headed. The red or green dots that appear on the outer rim of the circle mark your next destination. These appear only when you are currently on a mission. Other icons, like an 8-Ball, a spray can, a phone, etc., will mark the locations of special shops and places you need to visit. Your radar is indispensable; it's your ultimate weapon to survival in Liberty City. --- BLUE ARROW ----------------------- GTA3 is a vast, 3D world with millions of things to do and see. So how is it possible to determine which person, car, or any object is the real deal in a mission? That's quite simple. A large, blue arrow will point down on the object (usually a vehicle) or person. It will become more apparent as you get nearer. Watching for this indicator is very crucial in some missions. --- REAL TIME ------------------------ Time does elapse in Liberty City. Time affects how the city functions. Some mob bosses won't give out jobs until a certain time. More police cars patrol each area of town near the wee hours of the night and early dawn. More prostitutes prowl for business during the night. Scores of gangsters come out of hiding to rendezvous with one another. Before you know it, night becomes day, and day becomes night. What you do with your time is up to you. As far as I know, there is no foreseeable goal in GTA3, other than to beat the living crap out of people. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [TELLING TIME] Look in the upper right corner of your screen. You will see a timer. It's the time of the day. The reason it might seem as if it's not is that it goes from 13 to 23. It's military time. So, 23:47 would be 11:47 PM and 13:01 would be 1:01 PM, etc. Submitted by Kevin Melnick. Extra thanks goes out to: Eminem41188, J.Shipley, The Doctor What, and Danny "LaCe" as a little nod for helping out. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [TIP] Submitted by SSMGSNY60 My way of telling military time is this: take 1600, take away the 1 and two 0's, and you get 6. Now subtract 2 from that that number. You'll get 4, then add the two 0's back on and you'll get 4:00PM. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ --- WEATHER -------------------------- "Today's forecast--Sunny. High in the upper 70's with a cold front swirling slowly overhead. Looks like we're gonna get a slight drizzle in the evening, folks." While you won't have an anchorman reporting the weather in Liberty City, you will, indeed, witness some of the coolest weather effects a game has to offer. In the world of GTA3, the weather is always unpredictable, and you will get what you least expect. However, the weather doesn't really hinder your motives--it's just there for pretty looks. When the fog rolls in, it'll impair your vision. Other neat weather effects can cause the citizens of Liberty City to react differently--not by much, though. --- WASTED --------------------------- Getting wasted is like dying in other games. However, it doesn't trigger an instant game over. That's the cool thing about GTA3. You simply get transported to the nearest hospital to get your wounds treated. After being discharged from the hospital, you'll have to pay up $1000 to compensate for the medical bills. You'll also lose all your weapons, and consequently fail any mission you were attempting at the time of your "demise". --- BUSTED --------------------------- Getting Busted is not as bad as getting wasted. It's less painful. Basically, you get arrested and taken to the nearest police station, where they will deduct $400 and confiscate all your weapons. You will automatically fail any mission you were attempting at the time of your arrest. You don't get Busted for nothing. You have to have a wanted level of at least 1 and be pulled over and dragged out of a car. --- AEROBIC EXERCISE ----------------- Your character is capable of sprinting for a short distance. At first, he can get tired very easily. His muscles need an abundance of oxygen to keep them working. If he keeps exercising his intake of oxygen, he can eventually build the stamina to run a greater distance. By exercising, your character will be able to run as far as a few blocks nonstop! Be sure to give him daily exercise. Once he's able to run farther, he will, consequently, take longer to recuperate when exhausted. --- WEAPONS -------------------------- As you find and add weapons to your inventory, you can decide which to use at any time. The weapon which you are currently equipped with is displayed in the orange box on the top right corner. You can find weapons from power-up's, or by picking up the weapons of fallen gang members. They always tend to drop weapons (if they are carrying any). The weapons range in weight and destruction power. Like real-life weapons, the armaments in GTA3 have recoil times and mass, too. With some weapons, you will be able to run with them in hand. With other weapons, you may have to remain in a stationary position to fire. --- STATISTICS ----------------------- An in-game diary keeps track of everything you do. Simply pop open the pause menu, and wait for the stats to scroll up. It's a great way to see what you've been doing and what you need to do. Sprinkled throughout Liberty City are items, jump ramps, and many other things that this journal tallies. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= METHODS OF MAYHEM =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Many ways to deal with everyday life in Liberty City starts here. Everything you need to know to become a Scarface-wannabe. --- LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! ----------- Grab a baseball bat, a handgun, a flamethrower, your fists or anything that can knock a common citizen dead on the concrete of urban streets, and whack an unlucky bystander. Inciting a royal rumble with citizens can cause them to chase after you and fight back, or turn tail and scamper away. Once the victim starts to cower on the floor, hover over him and kick (or beat) him 'til he screams in agony. That's when you know he's had enough. At this point, he will have also dropped all his money. Bounce around to the green power-ups to collect the cash. Each stack is worth either $25 or $50. A single person could drop a whole vault of money. What a great (and dirty) way to earn fast cash. --- YOU STEAL MAH CAH! ---------------------- Stop a car or just press Triangle to attempt to open the vehicle door. If you press Triangle as a car slowly passes by, you will chase after it, but it is unlikely you can catch up to it unless it stops. Anyway, by entering a car or any other vehicle, you will pull out the driver and put yourself behind the wheel. Some drivers will be overcome with fear and run away, screaming. Angry drivers tend to be persistent with pulling you out of their car and beating you to a bloody pulp. Gangsters show a disposition to drag you out and pull away with their own car. To avoid getting thrown out of a car, immediately after you're set behind the wheel, step on the reverse or acceleration gear and get the hell out! If you attempt to hijack a police car with the officer inside, you'll automatically secure a wanted level of 1. --- HIT-AND-RUN ----------------------------- Don't like to stain your hands with blood? Then why not just run pedestrians over and stain the wheels instead? Yes, that will do. Simply hop into a car and start squashing innocent civilians, but don't let the cops catch you. However, if you run over too many at one time, you'll be awarded with 1 star (on the Wanted Level meter, that is). This method is better than whacking people with your bat since they will not hold a grudge against you if you run them over. Direct contact with the wheels instantly kills them, but if you just gently tap them with the fender or whatever, they will miraculously survive! Mow them down several times to wring their cash or weapons. Then hop out of the car and collect the goods. Yes, we are truly evil. Some civilians are quick on their feet and will leap to the side. There are even some suicidal people who will dive onto the road when you drive toward them. I can tell you now that the average life span in Liberty City is about 30 years of age. --- CAR EXPLOSIONS -------------------------- Once the car is caught in flames, park it near a congested area of people and run away! When the car lets out a large boom, nearby civilians will let out a scream of pain, as they feel the wrath of a poorly managed car. If an explosion occurs, and it injures (or kills) an innocent civilian, surrounding bystanders will be curious and crowd around the crash site. Better yet, this act of defacing property doesn't penalize you! --- GUN FIGHTS ------------------------------ If you attack a gangster armed with a weapon, his back-up will appear and gun you down. If you don't have an automatic, you'd better run for your life. Brawls with gangsters fascinate the cops, and they will come to break it up and chase after only YOU. Not the big, faceless cretins. That's the twisted part about Liberty City. Other people can fight with the cops and not get arrested, but if you merely point a finger, they will jump down your throat and be all over you. --- HOLD-UPS -------------------------------- With a gun, simply target someone, preferably a mafia member, where he can see you, and he'll put his hands up. However, he won't stay in place too long, especially if he has a gun. He will draw his own gun and be gun-blazin' mad! If he targets you at close range, you'll receive double the damage. If you hold anyone else up, they'll just run away screaming and call you names. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= CAR HANDLING =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Ah, one of the greatest aspects of GTA3--car-jacking, and then some. --- SO MANY CARS, SO LITTLE TIME ------------ There's a point to being selective in which cars you'll hijack since each one has individual performance and handling attributes. Vans tend to be clumsy, but they do not flip over as easily as certain muscle cars. Each car has its advantages and fallbacks. Need a fast car? Just pull over any of the Cheetahs. Need a durable vehicle? No problem. Just grab a Flatbed, or if you're lucky, get your hands on a Rhino. If you're looking to ditch the cops nipping on your ass, fast cars don't necessarily boost the success rate of escaping. Once you move to other places, you will find more than enough fast cars to go around (and other cars, too). --- DRIVING --------------------------------- Driving is not really the problem; controlling the car is. If you put on the full throttle on a long straightway, the car's speed will hit its peak, which will make it harder for you to control. It's always good to slow down. Not only for turns; you can also avoid banging up the traffic and road kill. Going fast won't help you escape the binding of the law enforcements, so don't think everything you do needs to be done apace. You can, however, power slide and do crazy stunts, which are recorded in the statistics journal. --- RADIO STATIONS -------------------------- Head-bang to dope beats and mad vibes. You can set your radio to the radio station that gets your adrenaline pumpin' while driving. Each station was individually programmed to have DJs, commercials and their own songs. There are 10 stations in all, each are likely to suit your tastes in music. When you enter a stranger's car, it will already be tuned to a certain station. --- CAR TROUBLE ----------------------------- Never worry about scraping your car against walls, crashing headlong into a brick wall at 120MPH, colliding with other cars, or knocking down lamp posts and other street objects. That is, until you start to see heavy smoke billowing from the engine. This indicates the car is letting out an enraged roar of pain. Still nothing to worry about. However, once the engine shoots up in flames, bail out NOW! The cars about to explode, and if you're in it, you have just ordered an instant WASTED! Scramble out of the car and get as far away as possible. If you are caught in the range of explosion and sent to kiss the floor, expect to watch your health meter lose some points. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= THE AUTHORITIES =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> The Liberty City Police Department are sworn to oath to keep the city a safe place, to help old ladies cross the street, to care for stray dogs, to put criminals to justice, and to give up their donut-eating habits for crime- fighting...Yeah, right. They're not interested in the local gangs, or even street brawls with other people. They have only one goal in mind: to annihilate you. --- BAD COP, NO DONUT ----------------------- Police cars and single officers cover every street in the city. So if you see a corpulent fool in blue, swinging his baton like an idiot, that's your cop from the friendly neighborhood. If you do anything devilish while they're around, they will give chase. They are persistent bastards, and if necessary, they will not hesitate to shoot you dead. --- WANTED LEVEL ---------------------------- There are six star slots right below your health meter. They represent your Wanted Level, or the rating of criminal behavior. By deviating from missions and putting others in danger, you can easily get one star for a wanted level of 1. The six wanted levels make it increasingly harder for you to be safe from the cops. As physical stars begin to fill in the blanks, the police force will do whatever it takes to detain you. They will resort to shooting you and even calling in the army. The police start to get dangerous at level 2. Below is a chart of what the police force will deploy depending on your delinquency. Level Reinforcement Team ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Single police officer or car. Any other policeman who sees you will attempt to knock you out. ** Policemen will shoot and become persistent. Many police cars. *** Numerous police cars that come from many directions. A helicopter is searching overhead. **** SWAT team. Skilled drivers. ***** FBI--Fast and extremely skilled guys. Two helicopters. ****** The army rolls in with a tank. Start running... --- INCREASING WANTED LEVEL ----------------- Increasing your wanted level is very simple. Simply hijack a car, go on a massacre, start a gun fight, murder someone, etc. when an officer is around for an instant level 1. Target a police officer with your gun for an instant level 2. No questions asked; no warning. Continue to take out the police numbers to increase your wanted level like crazy. So basically, start tapping into your criminal mastermind and wreak havoc. --- DECREASING WANTED LEVEL ----------------- Now that the heat is all over you, how are you going to handle it? First, the fundamentals. Plan your getaway in a car, unless you have only 1 star, then travel around on foot. The police can pinpoint exactly where you are if you seem to be out in the open. So make scarce appearances in busy places. Even then, the police will still somehow be able to track you down. I do not know how they do it, but I think real-life police officers should learn from them. If you have a wanted level of 3-6, lying low will not help at all. They will track you down and nail you. The only way to lose them is to use the paint shop (Pay 'n' Spray) and give your car a new engine and paint job. The cops won't recognize you thereafter and will cut off all pursuits. An alternative is to collect an item called a Police Bribe, an icon that embodies a yellow star. You can find these scattered around each district (See Item Locations). These bring down your Wanted Level one at a time. --- DITCHING THE COPS ----------------------- As explained above, you can either collect the Police Bribes, remodel the car or just lie low until the madness abates. For people who have 1 star, it is very easy to curtail. But if you constantly bump into patrolling officers and law enforcement vehicles, it may be harder. Hop into a car and drive away anywhere like mad (and do so before a cop pulls you out of the car). You can also run into alleyways and onto roofs. If you are being chased by a single officer, outrun him and turn a corner. They never follow you for too long. When the police find that you are impossible to catch, they will just forget about you and move on until you stir up some trouble again. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= GOTTA HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF! =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> If you're gonna be bangin' it up in Liberty City, you gotta have and know the right stuff! --- WEAPONS --------------------- Every criminal needs something for protection from the law enforcements. GTA3 has just the things you need. Need a rocket launcher? No problem. Need explosives? You got it. Need to let out some steam on the local citizens? We're with ya. ______________ | Baseball Bat | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Don't count on a baseball game going on anywhere, so take off the Yankee's hat, and start clubbing people! The bat is a short-ranged weapon; it's great for reaping dough the dirty way. It hurts more than planting your fist in someone's face, and it doesn't take as many hits to knock him dead either. Of course, this weapon is not preferred when you're up against a gun...It's common sense, ya know? _________ | Handgun | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ While it's a gun, and guns are cool, the Handgun isn't really reliable. If you were engaged in a gun fight with the FBI, for example, you will drop dead on the concrete before you could open fire. The Handgun is generally weak in fire power, but it _does_ get the job painfully done. It's also light and travel friendly, so you could run and shoot with it. You don't need a Rocket Launcher to shoot down the local citizens, do you? _________ | Shotgun | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Shotgun is your friend. It packs a punch. It kills a person at moderately close range with one shell. Helluva lot better than the handgun. The impact can also drop other civilians surrounding your target. Because of its heavy nature, the shotgun will allow you only to walk with it in hand. It's bad for long distance sniping. ______________ | Sniper Rifle | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Sniper Rifle works best when you are ensconced somewhere, where you won't be disturbed while you get a bead on unaware citizens. When you press the aim button, it goes into a first-person view—you will be looking through the scope. Use the cross-hairs for precise shooting. Sniper Rifles are to be used from afar on slow-moving targets. _______________ | Flame-thrower | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Toast to the new millennium, or something. This bad ass, portable hipster is sick. Pull the trigger, and a stream of roaring fire will shoot out. You must stay in place for the flame-thrower to ignite and incinerate all those around you. Just remember that anything you set ablaze, the fire could be spat right back at you. _________ | Grenade | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bah. We always hate these things; other people seem to find a lot of uses for them, though. By holding circle, you will pull your arm back, and the longer you hold it, the further the grenade will go. Sounds cool, huh? Well, there's a catch. If you hold on to it for too long, then it will blow up in your own hands! That can never be too good. You also have to be careful when throwing them. They might hit an object and bounce back at you. You can buy them from the Ammu-nation shop in Staunton Island. __________________ | Molotov Cocktail | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A classic weapon that still works like a charm. The Molotov is a glass bottle filled with corrosive, inflammable liquid with a damp rag that's soaked in fuel stuffed in the neck. When thrown, the ground or object will swell up in a huge fire and set everything around it on fire. You can't get careless when using these. You might end up setting yourself ablaze. By the time you relieve yourself from the fire, you will probably have very little health points left. _______ | AK-47 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The AK-47 is an automatic weapon that works well against a flock of agitated gangsters, and in fairly close-combat. However, it loses its accuracy over long distances. Its awesome fire power is too heavy for you to be able to run and shoot with it at the same time, so it restricts you to walking only, or standing still. Fear not, you can still blast ugly scumbags into oblivion. ______ | M-16 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ A pretty bad-ass assault rifle that's used by the army guys when they come after you in the game. When you use it and try to aim, you will immediately zoom into first-person perspective with a center cross-hair, with which to aim. When you pull the trigger, a crazy barrage of bullets will drown its victim to death. It's so sick, it will probably become your favorite weapon. You cannot move or do anything active while firing this weapon. It is very effective against the police. _____ | Uzi | ¯¯¯¯¯ The Uzi is awesome. This rapid-fire machine gun pumps out shots faster than the AK and is always great to have around when angry mobsters start to get rowdy. The Uzi is the only weapon that can be used for drive-by shootings, which is done by driving by in a car...and shooting. To do this, enter any car. When you do, the Uzi will be automatically equipped. Then press L2 or R2 to stick your arm out, and press the Circle button to let the chaos ensue! _________________ | Rocket Launcher | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ No one is brave in front of a Rocket Launcher. When crooks see you waving the weapon menacingly anywhere, they will steer clear of you and wouldn't touch you with a 40-foot pole. This massive weapon needs the support of your shoulder to aim and fire. Therefore, you won't be able to move at all, and you will be vulnerable when this is equipped. The impact of the missile spells disaster. Short-range use is never recommended. Fire too close, and you can ensure a free ride to the hospital. The Rocket Launcher is generally used to obliterate helicopters, or to torch the civilian cars and stuff. --- ITEMS ----------------------- There are only a few items that help you through the tough times in Liberty City. Let's not get too greedy. _______ | Heart | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hearts fully restore your health only when you're injured. When you find one of these charms, your health will instantly be nurtured to max. Otherwise, you won't be able to pick it up. Hospital entrances usually carry these around. Other times, they are well hidden in alleys and apartment corners. ________________ | Hidden Package | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When you first pick one of these up, you'll think "I have to pick up 100 of these g'damn suckas?!" Yeah. "What do I get out of it?" You can check that out in the Hidden Packages section for more information. When you amass them in tens, you will earn special items or weapons that will be produced at your hideout. You also earn $1000 for each Hidden Package you find. Not a bad deal. So, $1000 x 100 = Lots o' dough. You do the math. ______________ | Police Bribe | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As explained in the Authorities section, you can use these to curtail your Wanted Level by one. If you don't have a Wanted Level, you will not be able to pick them up. I recommend getting one only if you have a Wanted Level of 4 or higher. The Police Bribe icon is recognized by a yellow star in the center of the icon. _______________ | Rampage Skull | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Pick up a Rampage icon when you're not currently on a mission to initiate a "side mission", which generally involves assassinating a set number of gangsters of a certain group, within the allotted time. As you begin the challenge, you are provided with a pre-selected weapon. You will not be able to cycle among the other weapons you have. Complete the mission to earn some extra cash. Fail, and the icon relocates. See Rampage section for details. _______ | Armor | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ An armor is basically what it implies; it protects your health. When you find an armor, a second meter--this one is green--will appear to the left of your health meter. Now that you have a safeguard, the armor will absorb any damage done to you, leaving your health untouched. However, once the armor begins to deteriorate, you will begin to take direct damage again. _________________ | Adrenaline Pill | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ These pills slow down movement, but allows for insane jumps. Punching people won't be a problem anymore. The pill gives you superhuman strength to knock people 10 feet into the air and 20 feet away. Unfortunately, they won't instantly be killed. You could even tow cars with your bare hands. Think Matrix, where the impossible is made possible. This item looks like a Tylenol pill, but works better. The effect will wear off after about 40 seconds. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= OTHER STUFF =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> --- CAR ALARMS --------------------------- Parked cars are usually ripe for the taking. However, some cars have alarms installed into it, so that if you try to steal it, the alarm goes off. The blaring sound will attract nearby law officers, or if you drive it onto the busy streets, you'll eventually get a Wanted Level of 1. If you drive them around long enough, the alarm will eventually stop ringing. It usually lasts for about 10 seconds. --- NO LAWS ------------------------------ Don't worry about running red lights or defacing property. The police don't like to concern themselves with such petty misdemeanors. If you really want to get their attention, you should try murdering one of their men. If you are posing a threat to the society and corrupting the tranquil flow, they will take the bait and hunt you down. While the attention to detail is great, the citizens of Liberty City won't report any potential criminals to the police, even if there were 20 witnesses who watched you run over a helpless elderly lady. --- HONE YOUR DRIVING SKILLS ------------- Trying to get away from the authorities will quickly become a daily chore if you're feeling evil and constantly causing trouble. A getaway by car will need exceptional car handling skills. So when you're not bogged down by a mission, or frolicking off to explore, hop into a car and touch up your driving skills. Learn to pull away from a corner without losing too much speed, and play with the cops so that they get blown to bits by obstructions. --- AMMU-NATION -------------------------- Ammu-nation is a special store that carries fire arms. As you complete more and more missions, the store will begin to sell better weapons. Otherwise, they will just be "Out of Stock". You can also use Ammu-nation as a safe house to hide from the police...when you have a Wanted Level of 1, that is. Aside from Ammu-nation, there are two other places, at which you can purchase weapons: Phil's Army Surplus Store and an independent shop set up in Shoreside Vale--it's behind the police station. Each shop offers different weapons for a set amount of money. Just walk into the power-up, and money will automatically be subtracted from your wallet. A few seconds later, the power-up will have regenerated. Now that's what I call service! Here are the prices for all the weapons you can buy. +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Weapon | Price | | Weapon | Price | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Handgun | $250 | | Uzi | $800 | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Uzi | $800 | | Grenades | $2000 | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Rocket Launcher| $25,000 | | AK-47 | $3000 | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Molotovs | $2000 | | Sniper Rifle | $10,000 | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Flamethrower | $25,000 | | Armor | $3000 | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Shotgun | $1500 | | M-16 | $5000 | +----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ --- PAY 'N' SPRAY ------------------------ Your life saver from the cops. It's a paint shop that could give your car a cosmetics make-over. Not only that, but it also helps completely wipe out all the current stars on the Wanted Level. Although each time you use it, it sucks up $1000 from your pocket. Once you get it repaired once, you can go into the Paint 'n' Spray an infinite number of times to get it re-sprayed to a color you like. A new paint job is complimentary as long as you don't damage the car in ANY WAY. Don't try to paint over police cars! They like it the way it is. The shop is labeled on the radar as a spray-can. Usually, a small shop called 8-Ball's Bomb Shop neighbors the Pay 'n' Spray. There, you can fit your vehicle with an explosive, which is triggered by the engine's ignition. Set the bomb with the Circle button. 8-Ball Garage Locations: ```````````````````````` - Harwood, Portland In the back of the junkyard near the Easy Credit Autos. - Newport, Staunton Island In the alley behind the multi-story carpark, next to the Pay 'n' Spray - Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale In the building across from Liberty Pharmaceuticals. Pay 'n' Spray Locations: ```````````````````````` - Red Light District, Portland Near Luigi's Sex Club Seven - Newport, Staunton Island In the alley behind the multi-story carpark, next to 8-Ball's - Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale In the building across from Liberty Pharmaceuticals. ______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \ | | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER TWO: GAME WALKTHROUGH - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/ ___________________ ____________________________/ \__________________________ (____________________________ PORTLAND __________________________) \___________________/ Each district will lead to another. You will know if you have entered another district when the name of that area appears on the bottom right corner. Districts ---------- Hepburn Heights Harwood Red Light District Callahan Bridge Trenton Portland View Saint Mark's Chinatown Callahan Point -GIVE ME LIBERTY- Rewards: A hideout A new crime boss This is your first mission, so obviously, it won't be very hard. Simply turn around and hop into the car with 8-ball. Now, a purple dot will appear on your radar. Head in that direction. In this time, get used to driving, because you'll be doing it a lot more than you think you will. When you reach the dot, you'll find out that it is your new hideout. You can save here, but not right now, in the middle of your first mission. You and 8-ball get a change of clothing. Now, hop back in the car again and follow the new beeping dot. This will take you to Luigi's club. The bouncer will tell you to go around back, so head through the alleyway. After a cut scene, you'll have a new employer by the name of Luigi (no, not that Italian plumber). _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUIGI GOTERELLI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The master pimp Luigi works the lowest step of the figureheads ladder. He owns and maintains a Sex Club in the Red Light District. The letter "L" will appear on your radar once you've started taking his jobs. Don't let him down, and he'll connect you to the bigger dough. -LUIGI'S GIRL- Rewards: $1500 This is your first mission for a crime boss. To start with, steal a car. When you do, a pink dot will appear on your radar. Head towards the dot. It turns out to be a blue circle. Stop inside the circle. The girl next to it, Misty, will climb in. Now, head back to Luigi's by following the pink dot (or L) on your radar. Stop in the blue circle. Mission Complete! How does it feel to be a well paid taxi-driver? :P -DON'T SPANKA MA BITCH UP- Rewards: $4000 This can be easy or hard, it's your decision. First, grab a car. You need to drive towards the pink colored dot on your radar. It helps greatly if you have the baseball bat. When you can see the Blue Arrow hovering over a person, then you know you've found him. When you get out of the car, he will run at you. Use either your fists or a baseball bat to kill him. Or, you can kill him by running him over a few times with your stolen vehicle. It's cleaner, and you don't even have to get out of the car. Anyways, after he's dead, take his car. A new dot will appear on your radar. Follow it to find the Pay 'n' Spray, an autobody shop around the corner from Luigi's. Go inside the garage. Exit the car and walk out of the garage to complete the mission. -DRIVE MISTY FOR ME- Rewards: $1000 New employer Hmm, yes, another easy mission. It seems you really are Luigi's personal taxi driver, aren't you? Anyways, grab a car and head towards the dot. Stop inside the blue circle and honk the horn (L3) to let Misty know you're here. Misty will come, walking out of the building. After she gets in the car, a new dot will appear on the radar. Head towards it. Park in front of the blue light and a cinematic scene will take over. Once you complete this mission, Joey will begin to provide you with jobs, but it's better to finish off Luigi's requests before going to a new boss. Also, during the time you've had Misty with you, she can help you fight with any punk ass bitches that try to pack heat. But don't let her die. -PUMP ACTION PIMP- Rewards: $4000 Now, you need to get a "piece" in order to do this mission. First, follow the gun icon on your radar. It leads to a store called "Ammu-Nation", which specializes in selling fire arms. Talk to the shop owner. He says he's been expecting you and has prepared a piece for you ahead of time. You can find it waiting for you behind the shop. Head outside and go down the alley behind the store. The gun is resting in the center of a small, empty lot. There are a couple of targets here, in case you want to practice. However, in Liberty City, constant gun shots will attract the cops! Find yourself a set of wheels and head towards the dot on the radar. When you reach the car (a Diablo Stallion), ram it off the road and attempt to turn it over. Do anything in your power to try to lure the pimp out of his car. Once the pimp is lying helplessly in the middle of the road, run him over a few times with your car. You can also start shooting him if you want more of a challenge. If you can lure him out of his car, it'd be easier and safer since he likes to brandish a good ol' shotgun. -THE FUZZ BALL- Rewards: $2000 - $4000 Now, you have six minutes to run around town, pick up hookers and take them to a police ball. Sounds fun? Start cramming nearby girls into a VAN. Not a car. It'll take one passenger per ride. Go to the nearest green dot. Pick up the hooker and deposit her to the police ball--the pink dot. Pull into the Blue Marker, and the hooker will get out. Now, go and find a new hooker. You have to get at least four of them to the fuzz ball in order to complete the mission. Additional drop-offs can net your some extra cash. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [FUN STUFF] Submitted by Diablo And a fun alternate strategy for Luigi's The Fuzz Ball, before you start the mission go to Joey's part of the map and jack a Coach. Go back to Luigi's and start the mission. You can fit all 8 hookers in the bus, although it is slower than by using taxi cabs and cop cars like I usually do. And when you have all 8 and you park in the blue circle at the old school hall, when the first hooker gets out she usually falls down, and when the second hooker comes out of the bus she falls down and the first hooker gets up and walks in the school hall, and when the third hooker comes out of the bus she falls down and the second hooker gets up and so on and so forth. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOEY LEONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you've begun to take Joey jobs, a phone will sound nearby. It's the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory, and Marty Chonks, the owner, wants some business taken care of. You can choose to take them by approaching the phone booth on the other side of the street. -MIKE "LIP" LAST LUNCH- Rewards: $10,000 This is one of my favorite missions just because the idea of it makes you a bit giddy. You have to steal a guy's car, put a bomb in it, then return it to where you've found it. Well, to start, steal a car and head towards the pink radar dot. It'll lead you to the diner. Enter the vehicle with the blue arrow pointing down on it. Now, you have to be really careful when taking it to 8- Ball's (the new pink dot on the radar) because if you damage it, then you have to make a special trip to the Pay 'n' Spray to repair the damages, fool! When you get to 8-Ball's, drive into the garage. When the garage door opens, your car will be fitted with a brand spankin' new bomb. Press circle to activate it, but don't do that just yet. Drive all the way back to the diner; the way is marked on the radar. When you get there, you have to park the car how you found it, right between the lines. Afterwards, press circle and exit the car. Now, just stick around until the timer reaches zero. Then watch Lips splatter his food all over his car. -FAREWELL "CHUNKY" LEE CHONG- Rewards: $10,000 This mission is easy. It helps if you have a gun, so head over to Ammu-Nation and grab the pistol set out for you from the back. Now, head towards the pink dot. You can't drive there because there are poles that prevent cars from going in. So get out and run through them to start a cutscene. It will show Chunky managing a noodle stand (Chow mein, anyone?). This is where it can get difficult. See all the guys standing around wearing blue? Those are Triads, and they don't like you. Some will pull out Uzis on you, while others will run at you with baseball bats. You can stand there and kill them, but then Chunky might slip away. To avoid raging Triads, enter Chinatown without becoming an instant hit; don't try to target Chunky, as you might accidentally target a grumpy Triad instead. Run towards his stand, and he will flee into an alley, towards his car. Try to kill him before he gets there. If you don't get to him in time, grab the nearest car and chase after him. Hunt him down, and ram him off the road, or some evil way to that extent. He killed himself in my game. He got run over. Yay. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Lardawg In the "Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong mission, you can drive a car into the blocked off area. Steal a patriot and drive it up to the posts, then back up and get out. Then steal 2 cars, parking them side by side with the hoods touching the posts (the cars must be right next to each other). Get in the patriot and floor it right over the two cars. Now you can just run him down, a lot easier than on foot. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Brendan Marks There is a car parked on the South side of the blocked off area. It's Chunky's. Steal it and have a bomb planted in it. Park it back where you found it. Be sure to come at Chunky from another direction so he doesn't run away from his getaway car and just wait for the explosion. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -VAN HEIST- Rewards: $20,000 This mission is pretty cool. You need to steal a Securicar and deliver it to the warehouse at the Portland Harbor. Let's get to work. Grab a nearby car, preferably a van, or some strong vehicle. Now, make your way towards the pink dot on the radar. It'll move, so move with it. When you see it, start ramming it. The damage meter displayed on the side tells you how much damage you're causing. When the bar maximizes, the van stops and the security guards bail out. If the cops see you doing this, they will be on you like a rat to a moldy banana; it can easily bring your Wanted Level to 3. Take the security van. A new dot is on the radar, so head towards it. It'll take you to an abandoned warehouse. Park the van inside the garage and calmly exit. Cha-ching. -CIPRIANI'S CHAUFFEUR- Rewards: $3000 A new crime boss Uzi in stock at Ammu-Nation Start by driving out of Joey's garage. I hated the limo, but you may like it. It's big and clumsy. Now, head towards the pink radar dot; it's a laundry place. Park in the blue circle and a cut scene will take over. When it's over, Cipriani will be back in the limo. Why so obedient? Oh, crap! Looks like he intimidated a bunch o' Triads. Now the heat is all over yo' ass! Put the pedal to the metal and get the hell out of there. Drive Cipriani home as indicated on the radar. After the mission's over, a big T will appear on the radar, and the Uzi will be in stock at Ammu-Nation. -DEAD SKUNK IN THE TRUNK- Rewards: $10,000 Start by stealing a car. Head towards the, you guessed it, pretty pink dot on the radar. It'll take you to a restaurant with a parked car out front. Get out of the car and take the one with the blue arrow marked over it. Doing so will trigger a cutscene, and the Forelli brothers will be coming after you. Back up onto the road and try to head down it. You might get banged up by the brothers, but keep on racing past them. When you reach the crusher, park the car in the blue circle, get out and run away. You can also stand there and watch the car get lowered into the crusher, if for some bizarre reason, you want to. But stay away from the Forelli brothers until the car gets eaten up. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Dave Goldberg Before you get the car with the body in the trunk, you can ambush the ambushers! You will find 2 black cars hiding near the diner. One near the entrance to the Callahan Point Tunnel and the other behind Greasy Joe's diner sign. They will ignore you even if you try to open their car doors. But grab a car, I suggest the 18 wheeler cab in the diner parking lot, and start ramming their cars until they explode. They won't go down quietly and will fight back so make sure your car has some muscle. You only have to take on 1 car at a time. After you have exploded both cars, then take the car with the body in the trunk and enjoy your quiet ride to the crusher. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -THE GETAWAY- Rewards: $30,000 Another one of my least favorite missions. Joey must be famous for this. Grab a car. Now, you have to head towards the pink dot on the radar. Be really careful that you don't get a wanted meter, otherwise, you'll have to find a way to get rid of it completely. Anyways, head towards the radar dot and park in the Blue Circle. Honk the horn and three guys will come running out. After they get in the car, take them to the new radar dot. They'll hop out of a car and run inside the bank, when they come out and get back inside your car, floor it. You NEED to get out of here. The cops are after you! Head for Pay 'n' Spray and get your car repainted to diminish the wanted meter. Now, head back to the thieves hideout by going to the pink radar dot. Park in the blue circle to trigger a cut scene, and the end of the mission. _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TONY CIPRIANI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A total momma's boy. He listens to his bad-ass, elderly lady for tips on how to fare with the Triad sleazebags. Once you start taking jobs from him, Triad members will be hunting you down every time you catch their eye or step into their territory. -TAKING OUT THE LAUNDRY- Rewards: $20,000 This mission is hard when you don't know how to do it. At the beginning, Tony suggests that you stop by 8-ball's and get some grenades. Heed his advice and stop by 8-Ball's to collect the Grenades. They have no real use, but they will be added to your inventory when the mission is over. Now, grab the nearest car and head towards any of the three green dots on the radar. It'll lead to one of three fish trucks owned by Mr. Wong. You need to destroy them. Park a car in front of truck. Toss the driver out and take off with your new wheels! At this point, you have a few ways of demolishing it. You can drive it around until it blows up, you can take it to the crusher, you can throw it in the lake; so many choices, so little time. Do the same to the remaining two. -THE PICK-UP- Rewards: $10,000 The objective is to grab a suitcase full of money and bring it back to Tony's restaurant. What are you waiting for? Grab a car and drive to the pink radar dot. Get out of the car and run down the alleyway. As soon as you pick up the suitcase, a bunch of Triads barricade all the exits. I don't care how you do it, nor do I want to know how you do it, but kill all of them. The safest way to do it is to floor the pedal and run them over. Before you breach the alley entrance back on to the streets, step in reverse and squish any remaining Triads. The last one can be found inside the Belly-Up truck, blocking one of the exits. Drag the driver out and beat him to death. Once they're dead, head back to Tony's restaurant. Pull into the Blue Marker to claim your money. -SALVATORE CALLED A MEETING- Rewards: $15,000 A new crime boss Head to the pink dot on the you-know-what with a stolen car. Walk into the blue circle to trigger a cutscene. The limo in Joey's garage is ready and you climb in the driver's seat. As you pull out of the garage, head towards the new pink dot, Luigi's club. Pull up in front and honk the horn to let him know you're there. After he gets in the limo, head to Toni's. Pull up on the side of the road and park in the Blue Marker. Honk the horn to call Toni out. As soon as he gets in, a couple of Triad trucks will appear from different directions and charge after you. Floor it towards the new pink dot. You'll have to go up a steep hill to get there. There is a Triad truck on the side of the road. Squeeze past the little space beside it and follow the dirt path around to find a house. Park the limo into the garage to escape the Triad rampage. -TRIADS AND TRIBULATIONS- Rewards: $30,000 This mission is somewhat hard. You have to whack 3 Triad warlords. Take the car outside Toni's place and wait for his men to get in. Then, drive towards the pink dot. It's where you had to kill Chunky Lee Chong. Anyways, don't get out of the car just yet, there are a lot of Triads guarding their leader. Get out of the car and fire a couple of warning shots at them, then get back in the car. When the little punks come running at you, run them over. After a while, get out, grab their guns, and run into the area, firing at the leader. Head to the second pink dot on the radar. There will be a warlord standing in front of a convenience store. He's just out in the open, all by himself. Sounds a little easy to me. When you get near him, a flock of Triads will appear from inside the building with their guns upholstered. The easiest way is to run them over with your car, but you can also put a couple of bullets through their head if you want. Afterwards, ditch your current car and grab the Triad truck (the one with Belly-Up on the side) and start driving towards the final dot. This last warlord is hiding inside the Triad fish factory, and the only way to get in is to drive a fish van. Luckily, you've already stolen one. The gate will slide open when you get near it. The warlord inside is randomly placed; sometimes he'll be right in the middle, sometimes he'll be behind the building. If you go to the left, there's a hidden package behind the building. Anyways, hunt around for the triad. He might be accompanied by other Triads, or he may be by himself. Simply run him over a few times or put some lead into him. When he's dead, you'll complete the mission and get your money. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [OTHER TIPS AND STRATEGIES] Thanks to KingLink On the "Triads And Tribulations" mission in the Grand Theft Auto 3 game, in Portland, there is an easier way and a harder way for you to kill the Triads in the compound. The easiest way we have found is to lob a grenade from the hill that faces the Triad leader into the compound. We found this to be quite simple once you know how. The hardest way is to get a fast car and using the same hill, you must accelerate quite fast and hit the ramp and land inside the compound. Exit the car and blow away any Triad men there (you should have the two guards and a shotgun). /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ Thanks to Astrologik (D-Ko) Follow the directions on killing the first two Triad bosses, then for the third, park a Triad Fish Truck in the way of the gates. This effectively props them open for as long as you need. Run back down the road towards the hideout and grab the Semi truck at the store on your right. Drive it back to the last warlord and just run him and his cronies over after luring them off of the loading docks. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [TIP] Submitted by James Light Here's another strategy that I ended up figuring out, when I trashed my Fish Truck, and was too scared to try and get another one out of Chinatown. Around the back of the compound is a hill high enough to see beyond the walls. From here, you can aim with your AK-47, and pick the guys off when they're close enough. They won't (can't) return fire, and you can easily kill the final Warlord. The only drawback is that the Warlord has to be standing in that area of sight, and not hiding around the side. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -BLOW FISH- Rewards: $30,000 You never can get enough of these easy missions. Anyways, grab a car and get a move on over to 8-ball's. There is a Trashmaster marked with a blue arrow over it here. When you enter the vehicle, a damage meter appears. If you do enough damage to it, you'll blow yourself up! Don't worry though, unless you crash A LOT, you should be fine. The idea of the mission is to drive this truck all the way back to the Triad Fish factory. It'll permit the Trashmaster to enter. Head around to the back of the building and park in the Blue Marker. Push circle and exit the truck. Your timer will shift to about 30 seconds. Start running for the gate Entrance while trying to avoid the flying gun shots. When you reach the gate, the truck will explode, taking the factory with it. Mission Complete! _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALVATORE LEONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The head of the Leone Family gang. Also the father of Joey. As soon as you start missions with this guy, you'll soon realize he pays the big greens around Portland. Working with him and doing the job right will get you well- deserved recognition everywhere. The Don is stirring up bad blood with the Columbian Cartels, then add along Toni's little skirmishes with the Triads. Anything involved with Salvatore will get you an instant hit with either of the opposing gangs! -CHAPERONE- Rewards: $10,000 Stupid limo. You have to drive the limo for this mission. Well, actually, as the name implies, you have to bring Maria around town, basically, to where she wants to go. Head towards the pink dot on the radar. It'll lead to the reservoir, where Maria will purchase some hot SPANK from a her drug dealer, Chico. He also tips off that there is some huge party going on at Atlantic Quays and that she should check it out. When she gets back in the car, head towards the new pink dot. It leads to the warehouse party. When Maria gets out and tells you to stay there, stay put! She will go inside, a few moments later, police will be everywhere. When she enters the vehicle, high-tail it out of there! There'll be gun fire every where and others trying to escape the scene. Head towards the pink dot. It's Salvatore's house. Park the car in the garage to complete the mission. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [USELESS TRIVIA] Thanks to Steve Thomas There's a Cheetah yours for the taking in Portland during the "Chaperone" mission. When you take Maria to the club, you can hop out of the limo and steal the Cheetah in the middle of the line of three club patrons' cars, and haul it back to your garage. Then get back to the limo in time to catch Maria exiting the club during the raid. You end up with the Cheetah earlier than waiting until you get to Staunton or Portside Vale. You can even race the other Cheetahs with it in the Turismo. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -CUTTING THE GRASS- Rewards: $15,000 I suggest grabbing a taxi for this one. It shouldn't be hard to find, since they're found just about everywhere. Anyways, when you get one, head towards Luigi's club, aka, the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, there'll be a taxi with a blue arrow hovering over it. Wait for Curly to come out of the club and get in the taxi. The object of this mission is to not let ol' Curly know he's being stalked. A Spookometer appears right below other statistics that reflects Curly's current paranoia. The taxi won't show up on your radar, so you have to keep it within viewing range. Stay far back from the taxi and stop whenever the taxi stops. Curly eventually leads you to the Portland Harbor. After he's gotten out of the car, stop in the middle of the Blue Circle. After a cut scene, you'll be left playing again. There's a pink dot on the radar; it's Curly. Go around the building to find him. Try to run him over. He does have a shotgun though, so if he shoots the car, the engine might get caught on fire. Anyways, when he's dead, you'll receive your payment. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Mercer Prescott Steal a cab and when you get to Luigi's, park as close as you can to the cab already waiting there. There's a good chance that Curly Bob will jump in your cab instead so all you have to do is drive him to the harbor. Extra thanks to Markus and IcemanX-treme. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -BOMB DA BASE- Rewards: $150,000 This mission is comprised of two acts. Act I occurs while you're at the don's place receiving details of your new mission, and it ends as you leave the mansion. Act II requires you to amass $100,000 to cover the expenses of 8-Ball's insanely pricey explosives (which probably don't even cost half that much). If you have completed every mission up to this point, you should have more than enough money to fork over 100 grand. You can find 8-Ball in the auto yard in Harwood. Go around the back, next to the bomb shop, to find a Blue Marker. Step into it to trigger the sequence, in which he asks for the money. If you don't have it, pick up a Taxi and earn some extra cash with the fares. Once you have the money, speak with 8-Ball again to begin the mission properly. His hands are still bandaged, so he gives you the honor of beheading Cartel members with the Sniper Rifle. Take a car and smash through the glass windows of Easy Auto to pick up the Banshee. Hey, when you're doing a job this big, you'd want to do it with style. Follow the blip to the Portland Harbor. Move into the Blue Marker, and 8-Ball will step out, instructing you to find a vantage point to snipe out the Columbians. As he leaves to the nearby freight crates to take cover, exit the vehicle and follow the building structure around the corner. Don't get too close to the Cartels, or you'll compel them to shoot. Climb the first set of stairs and stop at the top. This is the best spot since you won't be needing to adjust the altitude of your scope to compensate for every single Cartel member. TIP: If you want to stall 8-Ball, surround him with some cars, but at least leave an opening for him to get out. Fire the first shot, and the game's on! Your first two targets are standing at the bottom of the ramp. Once they're out, move the scope up and adjust it so that it is always in level with the Cartel members. That way, you won't have to keep re-adjusting. Now you can move the sniper rifle to the right, while picking off the Cartel members one by one. You have to pin down every one of them, or they'll kill 8-Ball as he approaches. Once all the members on deck have been wiped out, it's all up to 8-Ball to plant the explosives and scram! \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [TIP] Thanks to goblin I found that sniping the Cartels can be hard, so there is a pill just up the way inbetween the little portables (mobile home type-things) and I used that. It helps to slow things down when sniping. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [THE HARD, BUT FUN WAY] Submitted by Liam Devlin You're not going to succeed your first time, or I'm going to Hell for lying; the first thing you need to do is get out of your car, go on the roof and recon. Get an idea of who's where and a head count. 8-Ball is your liability here. To ensure that you don't do anything useful he immediately runs after your first shot. The car you are driving isn't particularly relevant, but, of course, the Banshee is faster and may give you more control over the situation. Drop off 8-Ball at the box and move up close enough that you can target the first two Colombians with your AK-47 (Doesn't anyone use later models yet?). Fire on the two guards and jump back into your car. Back up and run over 8-Ball to slow him down. Drive onto the ramp wedge it so 8-Ball can't get through. Take out your Molotov Cocktails and apply topically and liberally to armed Columbians. Now the trick here is 8-Ball will eventually get past that car so you have to keep moving whip out your AK and move along, make sure you have everyone before you advance. There is one or two in back that don't come out immediately. I finally pulled all this off and missed him. He killed 8-Ball, nullifying my efforts and pissing me the bleep off. Again, it's not extremely necessary, but there is something poetic about beating this mission in a matter of 40 seconds, running in guns blazing with KMFDM - A Drug Against War as a soundtrack. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -LAST REQUESTS- Rewards: $20,000 Salvatore is pleased with your progress, so he gives you an easy mission. You need to grab a car from outside Luigi's and take it to a crusher. Well, grab the Mafia Sentinel outside Sal's house and head in the direction of the pink dot. When you get near it, a message will appear on your pager. It's Maria and she says she wants to meet with you. Well, ditch your current mission and head towards the new pink dot. It's a slip just under the Callahan Bridge. Pull into the blue circle and a cut scene will take over. Head towards the pink dot . It's Staunton Island! A cut scene will appear when you pull into the Blue Marker. Afterwards, Asuka tells you about your new hideout. It'll be on your radar. A big "A" will also appear, representing Asuka. ==== AFTERMATH ======================== After this mission, you'll be at Staunton Island. Portland is now history. My friend, this is your new home for awhile. However, you can still access Portland via the Callahan Bridge and Subway. Many things open up for you like the Subway and Porter Tunnel to the commercial district. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the new surroundings. It's going to be a long stay. Why not do something heinous to kill time. _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARTY CHONKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Owner of the Bitch 'n' Dog Food factory in Trenton. The payphone to receive his calls and missions can be found right at the entrance to his compound. His missions are no-brainers and they usually involve escort service for his pals. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [USELESS TRIVIA] Thanks to Jacob Busby If you put the titles of the four Marty Chonks missions together you get "The Crook, The Thieves, The Wife, Her Lover"--not a million miles away from the 1989 film starring Michael Gambon and Helen Mirren "The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover". \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -THE CROOK- Reward: $1000 All of the missions with this guy are basically the same so get used to them. Approach the gate to the factory and they will open for you. Go to the back corner of the confinement and get into the car with the Blue Arrow over of it. Now, drive towards the pink dot on the radar. You will pull up beside Chonk's bank manager. When the manager gets into the car, bring him back to Marty's by following the radar. Park in the Blue Marker and a cutscene will begin. Afterwards, deliver the car to the crusher to get rid of the evidence. Marty is a paranoid, little fellow. -THE THIEVES- Reward: $3000 Enter the factory parking lot and jump in the Sentinel waiting for you. Go to the pink dot and pick up the two thieves for Marty. Drive them back to the factory and park in the Blue Marker. When that's over, head to Pay 'n' Spray by following the pink dot. Get the car repainted and drive it to the next dot to complete the mission. -THE WIFE- Reward: $2000 Now, like the other two missions, go and get the car in the factory parking lot. Drive it to Classic Nails, where Marty's wife will be waiting for you. Escort her back to the factory and park in the Blue Marker. When the cut ends, you'll need to dump the car in some water. Well, go find a body of water. It's all around Portland. Park the car on the edge, so that the front of it is hanging over the edge. Get out of it and go to the back of it. Push it into the water, or get another car and force it into the water. -HER LOVER- Reward: $4000 I bet you can't guess what you have to do next, huh? Once again, go into the factory parking lot and grab the car. Now, take the guy back to Marty's. Usually, Marty is still in the building, but this time, he's standing in the parking lot. The wife's lover gets out of the car and goes over to talk to Marty, wait, not talk to him. He pulls out a shotgun and blows Marty to hell. Oh well. You get paid, and there's also no more repetitive missions from Mr. Chonks. _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL BURRO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Contact with El Burro of the Diablos can be made by stepping into the Blue Marker next to the payphone in Hepburn Heights. He is the first of many crime bosses to honor you for your rising status among the ranks. Yay for you! -TURISMO- Reward: $10,000 For this mission to be successful, you need a fast car. I suggest either a Banshee, a police car, or a Mafia Sentinel. Once you have a good car, race towards the pink dot. Park in the Blue Marker and a timer will begin its countdown. Once the big zero flashes on the screen, floor the gas pedal and burnout! All the other drivers are lunatics driving Cheetahs. They will really mess you up, if you let them. The race goes through 18 check points scattered all around Portland. I suggest completing this mission before doing Asuka's first mission in Staunton Island. Otherwise, the Mafia and their nice shotguns will be after you when you drive through Saint Marks. -I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM- Reward: $6000 After you've had your mission briefing, a pink radar dot will appear. Follow it around the corner to find a briefcase bomb! Hop out of the car and then hop right back in. A new radar dot will appear. Follow it to Saint Marks to find an ice cream truck. Get inside of it and a new dot will appear in Portland View. At the end, park in the Blue Marker. Now, push down the Left Analog Stick (L3) to blast the jingle. The Forelli brothers will come crawling from behind the warehouse in a few moments. When they start shooting at you, hop out and run away. When you're at a safe distance, hold down Circle to detonate the bomb. If all the brothers aren't dead, then grab a car and run 'em over. -TRIAL BY FIRE- Reward: $10,000 Finally, a mission that's as fun as it is, twisted. Head towards the pink radar. It will lead you to the end of Chinatown. Get out of your car and run down the alley. There's a flame-thrower here. Once you do, you'll have to do something like a Rampage mission--A Triad burn-fest. How much gas does it take to incinerate 20 Triad members, Mr. Owl? You have two minutes to kill 20 Triads. Luckily, they don't have any weapons, so run around lighting up anything that moves. Or, if you're not quite that cruel, only go after the people dressed in blue overalls. When you've killed enough, the mission will be complete, but now the Triads will pull out their guns so I suggest hightailing it out of there. -BIG 'N' VEINY- Reward: $20,000 This mission may have a gross name, but don't let it fool you. Wait, let it fool you. You might not be sickened by the thought of the mission then. Anyways, hop into the van with the blue arrow over it. Drive forward to find the first of the porn mags. You have 20 seconds to do so. Every mag you collect adds 1 second to your timer. Follow the trail of mags all around the city until you reach an alley. Pull up beside the guy here and the timer will stop. Kill the man by running him over. Next, hop back in the van and head to the "bookstore" by following the pink dot on the radar. You'll get paid. ___________________ ____________________________/ \__________________________ (____________________________ STAUNTON ISLAND __________________________) \___________________/ Honestly, your hideout in Portland was much better and not to say, a lot more comfortable than some friggin' elevator shaft. The good news is that your car garage can now house 2 cars, but there are crazy ways to cram a few more in there. Staunton Island--the commercial district, where all the nice cars are found rippin' the busy streets. A lot more things to see, a lot more things to do. Each district will lead to another. You will know if you have entered another district when the name of that area appears on the bottom right corner. Districts ---------- Newport Fort Staunton Belleville Park Torrington Bedford Point Liberty Campus Rockford Aspatria _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASUKA KASEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Long-time friends with Maria, a sexy, new crime boss for you. A member of the Yakuza crime syndicate, she'll prove to you that she can do anything just as well as the big boys. Pretty soon you'll be wrapped around her pinky and she'll have you eating out of her palm. Working with Asuka eventually leads you to her brother, Kenji. -SAYONARA SALVATORE- Rewards: $25,000 Before beginning this mission, I suggest you explore Staunton Island and take in the pretty sights. Also, make sure you know the fastest route from Asuka's condo to the Callahan Bridge. Chart a small route for yourself. This mission requires you to travel from Staunton to Portland in a certain amount of time. I like this mission. Yep, I do...Grab a car and start heading towards the dot on the radar. Grab a Sniper Rifle at Ammu-Nation as you pass by it. Head back the bridge back to Portland. Continue to follow the dot to get to Luigi's club. If you hang around outside, the mission fail, so go into the alleyway beside the building, straight across from the club. There is a flight of stairs here. Follow them to the roof. Position yourself in the corner, so that you can see the entrance to the club perfectly. Now, wait. Around the time that he's supposed to be leaving the club, several Mafia men will be filing out from the entrance. Soon after, Salvatore will follow. Before he enters the Mafia Sentinel, put one shot through his head and the mission will be complete. His body guards will just disperse and walk away. Hehe. Since Salvatore is a chickenwuss, he'll order a slew of men toting automatics to guard him. Don't let them see you before Salvatore leaves the club or they will bite onto your crotch and never let go. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [QUICK ROUTE] Submitted by Derrick Chalom aka funkymushroom In the mission "Sayonora Salvatore", you mention finding a quick route to Luigi's sex club. The quickest route I have found so far, is not to go by land, but to go to the harbor by Asuka's condo, and look for a boat called a Speeder, which is the fastest boat around. It then takes about 3 seconds to get to Callahan Point in Portland. From there, you run to the nearest road point, jack a car, and you are right on the main strip leading to Luigi's, leaving you enough time to setup. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Submitted by Charlie Williams An alternate method is to start stealing cars and crash them into the driveway of his club (about six will really seal it). Wait for his convoy and lob a grenade at them, even if you miss his car with the grenade, the chain of explosions will get him eventually. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -UNDER SURVEILLANCE- Rewards: $15,000 New Crime Boss I dislike this mission. I dislike it a lot. Start by grabbing the Stinger outside of a Asuka's. Go up to Ammu-Nation and get a sniper rifle. Now, head towards the dot on the far right hand side. It will lead you into the park. As soon as you can see a floating arrow in the distance, stop, get out of the car and take aim with your sniper rifle. There's two of them there, so fire a shot at each and get back in your car. Head to the dot in the middle. It's a big, black van. If it sees you, it will begin charging at you. Try to get behind it. Steal it and run over the two surveillance guys. A grenade will also work. Now, for the last dot. Instead of going down the street towards the dot, go to the casino. Follow the stairs all the way to the roof. Here, you'll have a clear view of the apartment buildings in front of you. Pull out your sniper rifle and start firing at them. I think there's about seven of them. When they all drop to take a brief dirt nap, your mission will be complete. There's a hidden package behind the helicopter on the roof. After completing the mission, King Courtney pages you for extra missions, and also, you are now capable of getting jobs from Asuka's brother, Kenji when you visit his casino. -PAPARAZZI PURGE- Rewards: $5,000 Now, the idea is to kill the reporter sitting on a boat in the water. Head down to the docks and grab a police boat. If there isn't one floating in the docks you are on, then drive one over to the other docks and get the police boat. Now, start chasing down the reporter. A damage meter will appear. You can use the Circle button to fire the police cannon at it. That's the easy way. You can also chase the reporter all around the lake. When you get back to where you started, he'll dock his boat and begin running up the stairs. You'll need to follow him. He'll get into his car and begin to drive around. Just hunt him down and kill him. Mission over, you get paid. -PAYDAY FOR RAY- Rewards: $10,000 New Crime Boss This is basically a go-to-a-payphone-and-follow-my-instructions mission. Finding the payphones will be pretty hard. Scale every inch of the following areas in order: Torrington, Belleville Park, Liberty Campus, and Belleville Park again. After the sick chase around the city, you finally meet Ray in the f-in bathroom! Talk about elegance. I suggest parking the Stinger right beside the Blue Marker outside Asuka's door before you enter. This way, when the mission begins, you don't waste time running to the car. Anyways, begin driving to the first pink dot. When you get there, try to park right beside the payphone. Run in front of it to pick it up. When it's over, hop into the car and race to the next pink dot. If you see a Cheetah on your way, make sure you grab it because it's faster than the Stinger. Once you've answered all 4 phones, the timer will disappear. Head to the new pink dot in Belleville Park. Head down the stairs and enter the men's restroom. At this point, you can also start to accept jobs from Ray, but finish with Asuka first, ok? \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [TIP] Submitted by Tranthas In "Payday for Ray", Asuka has you run all over creation for the paranoid cop. Your guide has Our Hero using a Stinger. I just ran the mission myself, and it's loads easier if you go to the opposite corner of the parking lot from where Asuka's door is, and pull the Banshee from a parking space down there. The alarm will go off, but it cuts out by the time you get the Banshee parked out front of Asuka's place. The Banshee is faster than the Stinger, if you don't mind losing some turn stability -- it tends to fishtail. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -TWO-FACED TANNER- Rewards: $20,000 Grab the Stinger outside of Asuka's and head to Ammu-Nation. Get an Uzi. Now, head towards the pink dot on the radar. It's the casino. Park in the blue light and a cutscene will take over. Tanner will come walking down the stairs and get into a car. Now, start chasing him. You have only one problem though, the moment you hit him, he'll call for backup. In other words, your wanted level will go up to four. Now, drive up along side Tanner and hold either R2 or L2 (depending on what side of him you're driving on) and push Circle to enact a drive-by shooting. This will do insane amounts of damage to his car really quickly. Even after the cops start ramming you like crazy, just get beside Tanner and pull out the Uzi. Like I said, easy, right? Sometimes, using the Uzi might set his engine on fire. He'll get out and start running away. In that case, just run him over. When he's dead, you're wanted level will go back down to zero. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Submitted by WQQY (Zurax) First you have to do the first 2 missions from Ray! Then you will have access to the rocket launcher after completing "Arms Shortage"! Get rocket launcher before leaving. Then go back to Asuka and start "Two Faced Tanner". Go to the Casino but instead of driving your car into the blue circle, walk into it with launcher in hand. When he gets in his car, fire a missile. One shot with the launcher and he is toast! Mission complete! \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [USELESS TRIVIA] Submitted by Diablo A dumb piece of trivia is that the Two-Faced Tanner mission is most likely a shot at Driver 2 for PlayStation 1. Look at the facts, the guy's name is Tanner, he drives an older style car, Asuka says that he is a double agent working for the cops, that he is "strangely animated" and "more or less useless out of his car." In Driver 2, the guy's name is Tanner, the story is set in the 70's complete with the older style cars, he's a double agent working for the cops, when he gets out of the car his walking animation is really weird, and he can't do anything out of the car except run. The guy in GTA even sorta looks like the Driver Tanner. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAY MACHOWSKI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ray does not set a good first impression of himself, especially when you end up meeting him in a grimy, public restroom. He has pretty cool jobs for you and pays fairly well. That's good enough. No complaints, right? -SILENCE THE SNEAK- Rewards: $30,000 Well, this is an interesting mission. You need to kill somebody inside a witness protection house. Well, grab a car and head to Ammu-Nation. Get a couple clips of Uzi ammo. Now, head to the pink dot on the radar. You should pull into a back alley. Stop the car and the camera will pan upwards so that you see an open window. Get out of the car and throw one of the grenades you got from Ray through the window. The place will catch on fire and the witness will begin to run away. Hop into your car and chase him down. Use the Uzi's to do some serious damage to the car. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to N.C. What you do is take fire truck in front of the garage the guy escapes from. After you do this, throw the grenade in the window, then when the garage door opens, throw a grenade at the fire truck. This way the grenade does some damage to the truck, but it also sets the fire truck on fire. When the fire truck explodes, it makes his car catch on fire and his car will explode killing him and the two guards. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -ARMS SHORTAGE- Rewards: $10,000 New Weapon Shop For me, this was one of the hardest missions in the game, at least at first, then, I'm not sure if it was by luck or skill that I happened to beat the mission. I'm hoping it was skill though... :P Anyways, grab a car and head towards the pink dot. Pull in to the gate and run into the blue light. A short cut scene will come on, with you talking to Phil. Afterwards, run behind him and grab the guns. Now, switch back to a weapon that you can run with. Run to the back of the area to find a stack of cardboard boxes (check around for them before you step into the blue light if you don't know where they are) Then, jump up on them to reach the top of the wall. Now, run back on it towards Phil. Step onto the big box. Jump across to the next one and you'll get a rocket launcher. Hold R1 to aim with it. When a couple of Cartel Cruisers pull up in Phil's parking lot, fire a rocket at them. Three cars will pull up. One rocket each. If you look to your left, there's another Columbian that has some how appeared in the alley. Shoot a rocket at him. If there are any more of them around, kill them. When the message "Go check on Phil" appears at the bottom of the screen, go and talk to him. The mission will be complete, and you get to buy some bigger guns. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Riggs Well, first it's a cute title considering the dude's only got one arm. But the easiest way to beat this mission is 1) make sure you have grenades. 2) as soon as the mission starts, get the barracks OL and park it in front of the gate. 3) kill the Cartel member (sometimes there's two) that comes around the building. 4) lob a few grenades over the truck, at different distances and directions. and 5) run around the building with the AK-47 or M-16 to finish off any that are left (they'll show up as green dots on the radar so you'll know what to expect.) /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Submitted by cHiLLy (Charles W. Agnello) One of the big problems is killing all of the Colombians before they rush into the small enclosure. Before starting the mission drive the Barracks OL in front of the gate and position it so that there is a small opening, just enough for a Colombian to fit through. Now start the mission, stand off to the side of the opening next to the wall where you pick up the M-16, Uzi, and shotgun, and use your uzi or ak-47 to take them out as they run through the opening. Don't forget about the 2 Colombians coming from the back way. The great thing about limiting the access is that Phil will probably kill all of the Colombians for you. Make sure you have full armor just in case one of them slips through. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -EVIDENCE DASH- Rewards: $10,000 A new crime boss Now, this mission is really easy, with the right car of course. Jack a fast Car: a Stinger, a Cheetah, etc. Head towards the pink dot on the radar. It's a truck, and it's moving pretty fast, hence the reasoning behind grabbing a fast car. Simply drive up to it and ram it with your car. A little orb will fall out, and you're wanted level will shoot up to two. Grab the orb and head after the truck again. You need to ram it 5 more times to get a total of 6 orbs. When you have them, you need to torch the car. Well, you should be an expert at that by now, just drive around hitting everything and it should ignite soon enough. You can also step outside of it and blow it up with guns. The choice is yours. Be creative at how you'll dismantle the van. -GONE FISHING- Rewards: $15,000 There's not a lot to do in this mission. Simply head to the docks. Don't go down to the one by Asuka's, go to the next one over, there's a police boat waiting for you. Now, you need to drive to the other side of Portland. It'll take a while, and if you get turned around, follow the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, a brief cut scene will show Ray's friend "fishing". Head towards him and he will begin to speed away. Go after him. Using Circle, you can fire the police cannons. There's a damage meter to the right and when it's full, his boat will explode. Be careful, though, he will drop mines when you chase him for too long. -PLASTER BLASTER- Reward: $10,000 Like any car-ramming mission, chances are you are always on the verge of making your Wanted Level sky-rocket. This mission is no exception. Violently ram the ambulance until the damage meter bursts. As the sheathed witness makes his escape, start squashing him several times over until his "armor" gives. By this time, your Wanted Level will be of 3 or more, so get the hell out before the cavalry rolls in! _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENJI KASEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Asuka's brother, Kenji, owns the huge casino in Torrington. That's where you go to pick up jobs from the guy. -KANBU BUST-OUT- Rewards: $30,000 Now, when you start, a message will appear on your screen saying to steal a police car. Well, that seems like a hint to go find a cop car, don't ya think? The easiest way to find one is to run over some innocent pedestrians. After a while, a star will light up on your wanted list and a cop will appear shortly, stop your car so that he will get out of his car. Then, run over and steal it. Now, you need to head to 8-ball's to fit a bomb in the car. Do this by following the pink radar dot. No, you don't need to go back to his place in Portland, 8-ball has conveniently set up one in Staunton Island. After the bomb is planted, go to the police station. Park the car in the blue circle and press Circle to activate it. Get out of the car and run to the SWAT team van behind you. When the car gets blown up, a hole will appear in the wall. Drive over to it and Kenji's friend will climb into the back of the van. Take the passage on the right. Your wanted level will shoot up to 3 stars, so you'll have a couple of cops and a helicopter after you. If you go down the right alley, then you'll run into a police bribe, therefore, reducing your wanted level to 2. Once you leave the area, ditch the vehicle for a another one. Follow the pink dot to the Pay 'n' Spray next to 8-Ball's shop. Park it inside to completely lose your wanted level. Now, head to the last pink dot. -GRAND THEFT AUTO- Rewards: $25,000 This mission can be easy, or it can be hard, that's up to you. The idea is to steal three cars and take them to a garage in mint condition. Well, you only have 6 minutes, so if you were to get them all there in mint, well, you just wouldn't have enough time. There is a Pay 'n' Spray next to the garage. Simply follow the red radar dots to find one of three cars: a Stinger, an Infernus, and a Cheetah. Just drive back to the pink dot with the car. If it's not in mint condition, which I'm pretty sure it won't be, then drive into Pay 'n' spray. Get the car repaired and drive into the garage next door. There is a van outside of the Pay 'n' Spray, so you can use that to reach the next car you need to steal. -DEAL STEAL- Rewards: $25,000 When the mission starts, look at the radar and head north. When you reach Newport, you will see a lot of Yardie Lobos, only you might not recognize them. They are red with a white hood over them. When you get in one, a dot will appear on the radar. Head towards it. It's Kenji's contact. When he gets in the car, drive towards the new dot on the radar. It'll lead you to the hospital. Either drive down the stairs or go around and enter the parking from the far end. Either way, drive into the Blue Marker and honk the horn. This triggers a short cutscene. When it ends, a lot of Columbians will begin shooting at you. Simply squash all of them. Afterwards, get out of the car and pick up their guns. Start firing at both of the vehicles until they blow up. Now, collect the money-filled briefcase and take it back to the casino by following the pink radar dot. Hit-and-run! HIT-AND-RUN! -SHIMA- Rewards: $10,000 Now, exit the casino and grab one of the Stingers racing past. Head towards the first pink radar dot. It's a briefcase full of money, so get out of the car, pick it up and get back in the car. Now, head to the new radar dot. It's another briefcase, so get out again and pick it up. Now, head towards the third dot. Pull up into the Blue Marker beside the fire station. A cutscene will ensue. Afterwards, return to your car and drive to Portland. Head towards the green dot and knock off the gang members. Collect the briefcase full of money that they drop. Finish the mission by heading back to Staunton Island and following the pink dot back to the casino. -SMACK DOWN- Rewards: $10,000 Well, for some reason, Kenji is mad at you, so you don't exactly want to fail this mission. It's pretty straight forward. You need to kill 8 out of the 16 or so SPANK dealers around the city. Just follow the pink dots around the radar and run over the dealers as soon as you see them. They're pushovers. All you have to do is hit them once with your car and they'll die. But before they do, they could set your car engine on fire with the Uzis every single one of them is holding. If you wait too long to kill them, then they'll sell their stash and get off the streets. _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONALD LOVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You can find Donald lounging at the Love Media Building in Bedford Point. The typical pretty boy with loads of cash! -LIBERATOR- Rewards: $40,000 Now, as soon as you start, a text mission will appear on the screen telling you to head north to Fort Staunton to find a Columbian gang car AKA, the Cartel cruiser. It's a big blue truck with a white bar on the back. Anyways, grab one (there's literally dozens in Fort Staunton) and head towards the pink radar dot. Stop outside the gate and it will open. Now, drive through and run over the first Columbian you see. Now, trample all the others in the area. Careful though, because they all have AK47s. If your engine lights on fire, hop out. There is a car in almost every garage around you. Now, there are two closed garages at the end of the area. Go over to them. Go through the one on the right. Kill the Columbian here and get out of the car. Go and talk to the oriental gentleman. Now, get back in the car and he'll get in with you. Drive all the way back to the Love Media building to complete the mission. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to SSJKRILLIN First do as it says and go get a Cartel Cruiser!! After that get a few grenades or molotovs and drive to the place where the Asian guy is. Don't go to close to the fence because you don't want to open it-yet! So park the car a few feet away and go right to the fence. Lob a few grenades and/or molotovs. this will kill most of the Columbians and leave about two or three left!! Run over the rest of them with cartel cruiser. When you have to open the garages to find the Asian man. In case he is in the garage you pick run away immediately to lure the Columbian out so there is no danger in killing the Asian man! After you get him go to the little pink dot. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -WAKA GASHIRA WIPEOUT- Rewards: $30,000 In this mission, your objective is to assassinate Kenji Kasen, so make sure you've completed all of his missions before you do this one. Anyways, drive back to Fort Staunton and grab a Cartel Cruiser. A pink dot will appear on your radar, indicating where the five-story garage is. It's just up the street. Start driving up the ramps leading to the roof. That's where Kenji is having his meeting. When you get to the fourth floor, drive to the right side of the floor and head up the ramp. Go between all the cars and run over Kenji. Turn around and drive over the unique jump ramp. When you get to the ground, speed your way out of Newport, towards some reward money. -A DROP IN THE OCEAN- Rewards: $10,000 A timer appears on your screen. Head towards the pink dot on your radar to find some docks. Hop into either a police boat or the speed boat. Then head towards the yellow radar dot. This is the plane that will fly overhead. Follow it and pick up whatever packages it drops. It will drop six in total. When you get each one, your wanted level will raise. When you're done, you'll be up to 5 stars. Head back to the docks, get out of your boat and run up the stairs. Hop into the Stinger and floor it. The FBI is after you, so you'll have to drive fast. Get all the way back to the Love Media building. Mission Complete. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Submitted by Nick Leon Grab a car and normally go to where Asuka's missions are. Try to hurry to this area since this is a timed mission before the plane drops the packages. Grab the Yakuza Stinger or the Banshee, and park it about four cars away from the stairs, so you could run to it in about 2 seconds when you get everything. You can find these in the parking lot near Asuka. Now grab a police boat or a speeder, and get ready for the 6 packages. Each will bring up one star. Make sure you get all of them before the police does. Now go back to the docks and run up the stairs. Go into your car that you parked earlier and go up that sidewalk ramp (risky; it may flip) or go out the drive in/out area. Instead of flooring it all the way to Donald Love, go up until you see the alley near the multi-story building. Go in the alley and up the ramp until you find the Pay 'n' Spray. Go in and your 5 stars will be gone. Then you can go to Donald Love with no hassle. But remember! No cars dealing with the police or FBI can be accessed in the Pay 'n' Spray; it won't allow it! \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KING COURTNEY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -BLING-BLING SCRAMBLE- Reward: $1000 per checkpoint Get a fast car before entering this mission. There are a total of 15 points spread out around Staunton Island. One will appear at a time. The objective is to race around trying to collect more than the other drivers. Don't worry. This time you're not up against maniac drivers in Cheetahs. This time, you're only up against nutcases in Patriots and those other heavy vehicles. You will need a fast car, like an Infernus or Cheetah. A Banshee works well, except it isn't nearly as "durable" as the aforementioned two. Race around town and collect the checkpoints before the other drivers do. Sometimes they will beat you to it, but you shall prevail! -UZI RIDER- Reward: $10,000 As soon as you hang up the phone, a car will pull up behind you. The guys will get out, give you an Uzi with unlimited ammo and will let you drive. Now, drive back to Portland. Go to Hepburn Heights AKA, the pink dot on the radar. You need to do a total of 10 drive by shootings at the Diablos. When they're dead, go back to Staunton Island and park the car at their hideout. -GANG CAR ROUND-UP- Reward: $10,000 This mission is pretty cool. You need to steal a Stinger, a Diablo Stallion, and a Mafia Sentinel. Well, start with the Stinger, there are quite a few on Staunton Island. Get one and drive it to the pink radar dot. It must be in mint condition for them to accept it though. For the other two cars, you must travel back to Portland to find them. The Diablo Stallion can be found around Hepburn Heights and the Mafia Sentinel is found, driving around Saint Marks. -KINGDOM COME- Reward: $10,000 Maybe it was just me, but the only way I found that I could beat this mission was to go buy a AK47 and a rocket launcher. Take a fast car and answer the payphone. After that, you must race towards the pink dot. When you get to it, you'll discover that it's an old Esperanto. Climb inside. There's a letter inside from Catalina. A Spanked up Madman will come at you. They're also known as suicide bombers. Now, climb out of the car. There are four trucks with madmen around you. I found that the best way was to blow them up with the rocket launcher. If a madman gets too close to you, RUN. They will blow up in your face and do some serious damage. When all 4 trucks are gone, the mission is complete. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Modium First, you go to the Ammu-Nation and grab some armor and an Uzi or two. Then grab a fast car and answer the phone. Run over to where the Esperanto is parked, and hop in it. When the SPANKed-up madmen come charging at you, drive to where the van is that they first showed in the cutscene with the Madmen (it's to the Southwest of the Esperanto when you first enter it) and drive past the van as fast as you can, and back onto the street. Stay close to the tunnel though, and hop out of the Esperanto. Next, turn around, and lock onto the Madman coming towards you with the Uzi, and blow him away. You have to make it quick, because if you shoot him when he's too close, he'll blow you up too. After you take him out, another will run out of the van towards you, take him out too, and make your way towards the van. When you're close enough (but not too close) shoot one of the Madmen right as he leaves the van, and he should take the van out with him. You can do this with the rest of the vans as well, just make sure you know where the Madmen are at all times, and if they get too close to you, switch to your fists and run away as fast as you can. With some patience, you should be able to take out all of the vans, and win the mission. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [TIP] Submitted by Tristan Newman Get ANY car that is explosion-proof (I used the bullet-proof cheetah). When you get the cutscene in the Esparanto, get out and run to the to your Bp Car. Park next to one of the vans and don't get out. A madman will explode not damaging your car but setting the van on fire. Just move on to the other vans. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Submitted by cHiLLy (Charles W. Agnello) When you are in the Esperanto as the mission first starts do a drive-by on the guy just to your left. After the van blows up (you may have to kill a second spanked-up dude) run out of that back area and get back to the street. Make a left follow the street and make another left. Go a little ways and on your left should be some concrete steps that lead to a ledge that overlooks the area with the spanksters. Depending on how you want to do this you can use the rocket launcher to take out the vans, use the sniper rifle to kill the spanksters as they exit the van, or use the Ak-47, basically do whatever it takes to complete the mission. I took out the van closest to that ledge with grenades next I took out the spanksters beneath me, and then dropped back in using my uzi to take out the spanksters and that last van. The only problem using the grenades is that the explosions can hurt you even if you are on the ledge. It worked for me. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ __________________ ______________________________/ \_________________________ (______________________________ SHORESIDE VALE _________________________) \__________________/ Your hideout is in Wichita Gardens, in a very decent-looking apartment. w00t! Each district will lead to another. You will know if you have entered another district when the name of that area appears on the bottom right corner. Districts ---------- Pike Creek Wichita Gardens Cochrane Dam Cedar Grove Francis International Airport _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONALD LOVE II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Still lounging around Love Media building, Donald is too busy counting his money and plotting ways to get his hands on the money plates. Visit him there to continue his jobs. -GRAND THEFT AERO- Rewards: $50,000 Reunion with an old crime boss Now, this mission is a long one, and if you die, it's annoying to replay it, so do it right the first time! Anyways, head to the Love Media building and get your briefing with Donald. Your mission is to pick up a package in a plane on Shoreside Vale. Grab a car and head to Ammu-Nation. Grab two rounds of sniper rifle bullets, the extra is in case you're not exactly a perfect shot with the thing. Hop into a car and start heading towards the pink radar dot. There are two ways to get to Shoreside Vale. One is to use the bridge by Belleville Park (not the Callahan bridge), the other is to use the underground tunnel. I'd prefer the bridge myself. Anyways, when you get to Francis International Airport, go towards the back of it to find an airport hanger. Head to the doorway. You may want to run back a few meters, though. Leave the car and pull out your sniper rifle. Drop all the Columbians inside. Then run into the hanger and hop into the plane. The package is gone! The Cartels must have taken it! Walk out of the hanger and the camera will zoom in on a Pan-Lantic construction Van. Seems the Cartels must have taken it there! Hop into a car and drive back to Staunton Island and towards the pink dot. When you get to the construction area, you will notice that the dot is inside a big blue maze. Circle the building from far away and snipe any Columbians that you can see. For most of them, you'll have to climb to the top of the building overlooking the maze. When it's safe to enter the maze, run through it and enter the Blue Marker. -ESCORT SERVICE- Rewards: $40,000 This mission is easiest with a heavy vehicle that can take a lot of damage, like a bus, fire engine, or a Barracks OL. Once you have a good car, head to Love's Media building. After the briefing, there will be a Securicar in the alley beside you. Hop into your car and drive over to it. When you get close, it will start moving. Now, stay behind it. Every once in a while, look behind you to see if any Columbians are coming at you. If they are, just try to move over so they can't get to Donald's friend. After a while, he'll pull into a garage in Shoreside Vale. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Riggs The easiest way to win is do nothing. I found this one out by accident, as one time while I was following the Securicar my car was flipped and it took me a minute to find another. By the time I did, the Securicar was pretty far off, so I figured I was screwed and went to mess around with some Yardie scum until the mission failed and I could try again. Well, it didn't fail, and I noticed the damage bar was hardly increasing at all. A couple minutes later, I got the message saying I needed to scout out the end of the tunnel, so I caught up to the now-stopped van, bringing a couple more Cartel cruisers out to mess with it. I didn't follow the Securicar, and the mission passed after a minute or two. Apparently, if you're not near the Securicar, the Columbians don't mess with it--you just have to meet up with it at the end of the tunnel. Pretty easy. By the way, if you haven't found a securicar yet, one usually appears outside Love's building at the very start of the mission, just after the one you're protecting drives off. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -DECOY- Rewards: $35,000 I must be the only person that found this mission almost impossible. Simply head over to Shoreside Vale and go to where Donald's friend brought his car. There are FBI and SWAT teams covering the area, but don't worry about them right now. Hop into the car. As soon as you do, your wanted level will shoot up to a whopping six stars! That means the army is after you. Better get a move on. You need to drive this car around for three minutes without it blowing up. It's not exactly an easy task, though. I found that the easiest way is to head towards the underground tunnel and go back to Staunton Island. The police can't overrun you so you only take damage from behind, which isn't a lot. By the time you reach Staunton, you'll only have about 30 seconds left, so simply drive around the city until the timer reaches zero, and you get paid. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to jjkgamers Here is a very easy way to beat the "Decoy" mission if you're having trouble with the others. First, get a large car, like a stretch or something. Any car will do. Park it in front of the SWAT cars and go get the Securicar. Now come out and drive past the SWAT vans and down the road until you get to the airport. Now, go in the back way that leads to the runways. Drive around in here until time runs out. Usually only 1 car comes after you, or maybe none at all. Have fun! /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [TIP] Thanks to TOEJAM1087 In the Donald Love Missions, there is a Decoy mission. Instead of going into the tunnel to get away from all of the cops and swat teams, go to the save house in Shoreside Vale, take the armored car and drive into the garage and stay in there until the remaining time is up. Nothing can hurt you while the car is in the garage. It just seemed to work better for me. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -LOVE'S DISAPPEARANCE- Rewards: None This isn't really a mission, but it does have it's own lovely title screen, so I decided to add it. As soon as you enter Love Media building, it will show a scene of the courtyard where Love usually is. He's no longer there. Oh well, that's one crime boss down, 2 more to go. _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAY MACHOWSKI II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ray's first mission of Shoreside and his last. -MARKED MAN- Rewards: $20,000 Prizes from his lock-up This is Ray's last mission, and one of his easiest. First, before you start the mission, make sure you have a fast car. As soon as your mission starts, run up to your car and get in. As soon as Ray gets in behind you. Take off towards the underground tunnel. You can't take the bridge to Shoreside because the FBI is watching it. When you get to the end of the underground tunnel, head forward. There is a pink dot on your radar. Follow the road and park in the big blue circle. Ray will get out and give you the key to his lock-up back in Staunton. Well, there's a new pink dot on your radar, so I think you'd better head towards it. It leads to his lock up, which has a couple of guns and a bullet-proof Patriot! \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [MANY WAYS TO SHORESIDE] Thanks to Matt Hixson You mentioned that there are only two ways to get to Shoreside Vale: a bridge and a tunnel. If I'm correct, I may have found a third way. I picked up Ray in a Stinger and drove it down to the subway. When I got to the tracks, I took a left and eventually ended up just outside the airport. It was blind luck on my part, but it worked and I had something like 20 seconds to spare. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASUKA KASEN II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ She has moved to the Pan-Lantic construction sites, in Columbian territory. Visit her to take up on more of her jobs. -BAIT- Reward: $35,000 Now, this is a very easy mission. Drive over to Shoreside Vale. There will be a yellow radar dot along with three pink ones. Head towards any of the pink ones. A Cartel Cruiser will be waiting there. Get it to follow you. Now, you can head to the yellow dot if you want, but I suggest going around to the other two pink dots to round up all three cartel cruisers. Then, head to the yellow dot. This is where Asuka's men are waiting. I suggest hiding in the back corner, behind the box while Asuka's men kill the Columbians. As soon as the Columbians drop on the floor, the mission ends successfully. -ESPRESSO-2-GO- Reward: $40,000 This mission is so hard if you don't develop a strategy. What's that? You don't want to? Well, I guess that's why you're here. My suggestion is to drive around Staunton Island. You see, the coffee shops don't appear on the radar. It appears only when you enter the neighborhood with one. So drive around and make sure you can see all 5 of the Staunton Island shops on the radar. Now, drive to Portland to uncover two more coffee shops there. To destroy them, ram them with your car at a relatively fast speed. As soon as you destroy the first one, a timer will appear at the top with 8 minutes left. You must destroy all the other coffee shops before the time runs out. Finish up in Portland and drive over to Staunton. Run around the city and destroy the 5 here. Now, take the bridge to Shoreside Vale. As soon as you reach the airport, one pink dot will appear on your radar. Continue up the road, where you'll find the last one. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to John Kaelin On the Expresso-2-Go, I had a lot of trouble, b/c my car kept on blowing up on me after destroying a few shops, so, I went to the Army surplus area on the second island where you do the 'Arms Shortage' Mission, and bought at least 15 rockets, or more. And then I went and started the mission, I drove around to be able to see all the shops, I then went to the third island and worked myself to the first, and when I got close to one of the shops, I jumped out and shot a rocket at the shop and blew it up, and it gets rid of the pesky Columbians that run out of the spank shops, this is a really handy tactic for all the shops in Staunton Island and most of the others on Shoreside Vale, and Portland. it cut almost a minute to a minute and a half off of my time on the mission. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -S.A.M.- Rewards: $45,000 For this mission, grab the Stinger and head towards the pink dot. You'll have to go down some stairs to reach it. You'll appear on an old, rickety dock. Pick up the rocket launcher and hop into the boat. Go towards the blue dot. You'll be near a buoy. Behind the buoy is a landing pad for an airplane. Park your boat on the ramp here and get out of it. Straight ahead, you'll see a Columbian standing beside a car. Get fairly close to him, pull out your rocket launcher and shoot one missile at his car. This should kill him. Go and get his gun. Shoot the Columbian standing on the runway. Now, go stand at the part that is closest to the buoy. There should be a yellow dot on your radar now. Pull out your rocket launcher and watch where it goes. Eventually, an airplane will appear right in front of you. Blow it up with the rocket launcher and it will crash on the runway. Your wanted level shoots up to 4. Grab the 8 items the plane dropped and head back to your boat, hop in and go back to the docks. Run up the stairs and grab a car. Go back to the construction yard. when you get there, enter the blue light. -RANSOM- Reward: Nothing Well, like Love's Disappearance, this isn't a real mission either. Basically, Asuka's been murdered, and Maria's been kidnapped by Catalina. The ransom is $500,000. If you have the money, great, head towards the big C on your radar. If you don't have it, then grab a police vehicle. Press R3. You'll enter the vigilante mission. This is sort of a glitch, though. Head towards the criminal. When you get close, pause the game. Then un-pause it, and the criminal will crawl out of his car, run over him to get your money. If you kill lots of criminals in a row, your prize money increases. It's a great way to get money. _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATALINA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Maria's been kidnapped by none other than Catalina, and you need to fork over $500,000 from your pocket as ransom money! Well, it's not that bad, if you think about it. Then you gotta sink her chopper before she gets away! -THE EXCHANGE- Reward: $1,000,000 Ouch, this mission is a HARD one. Well, to start off, drive to Catalina's by following the big C. Step into the blue light to trigger a cutscene. When it's over, run forward and grab the gun. Turn and run to the Cartel Cruiser. Hop in and run over all the Columbians in the area. Get out and collect their weapons since they took all of yours. There is a guy up on a balcony, but don't worry about him. Exit the compound through the gate you came from. It will show a helicopter that's starting to take off. You're supposed to follow it to find Catalina. Well, go in the opposite direction of the helicopter and follow the path to the dam. At the entrance, there are a couple of Cartel Cruisers. Kill the Columbians with your guns and run down the path. There is a Sniper Rifle on the right. Go forward and kill the Columbians beside the Cartel Cruisers. Pull out your sniper rifle and snipe the guys perched on the balconies of the two towers on the right. Hop into one of the Cartel Cruisers and drive over all the Columbians around here. If they drop a gun that glows blue, then pick it up! There is a guy wielding a flame thrower at the end. Whack him and run up the stairs. There will be three people standing there. Kill the one on the left, and the one on the right. The one in the middle is Maria, and if you kill her, you die. Anyway, around this time, Catalina's helicopter should be taking off. Kill the Columbian standing beside the box and run to the far end of the roof to find a Rocket Launcher. Take aim and fire at the helicopter. When it blows up, the mission is complete. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [ALTERNATE STRATEGY] (Uses Rhino) Thanks to Riggs This made the final mission 10 times easier for me. Before starting the mission, go get a tank and store it in your Shoreside garage. It's a tough fit, but you can do it. Save your game, grab a car, and start the mission. Instead of taking the truck that's outside, go in the garage and take that one. There's body armor next to it, allowing you to recharge. Drive down to your hideout and get in the tank, and turn the turret around so it's facing directly behind you. Take a right just out of your hideout, then another right, then go right over the cliff to your left. The tank's hard to flip, but if it does just start over. As soon as you hit the ground, start firing behind you and revving the engine--the recoil from the tank will help you climb the hill. Now, with only a minute or two gone by, you should have a tank at the dam gates. Drive right through the Cartel Cruisers and turn your turret around. Blow up the next set of Cruisers, take out the two Barracks OL's with the turret, and run over or shoot the remaining Cartel members on the ground. You can ignore the two in the towers, but make sure to shoot the guy who's standing on the building all the way at the end. Just aim at him, and the shell will explode just below him and kill him (if you don't, his M- 16 will be lethal while you climb the stairs.) Get up there, take his -16 (you'll still be out of range of the other 3 Cartel guys) and use it to take them out. Grab the rocket launcher, wait for the chopper to come close, and congrats; you've won. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [TIPS] Thanks to KramerS It makes the last mission easier if you go down to your home before following the 'copter. You pick up tons of ammo and then can use the sniper to pick off the Cartel first from behind the Cruisers, and then from atop the staircases. If you use an Uzi for the other guys, you still have a minute at the helipad to destroy the 'copter. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-ICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ D-Ice's payphone is in Wichita Gardens. You'll hear it ringing as soon as you enter. -UZI MONEY- Reward: $10,000 The idea is to enact drive-by shootings at 20 Nines. Nines are the guys in purple shirts and black pants. Crazy, but beware, they will get their Rumpo XL's after you soon after. Sometimes, a glitch prevents you from completing this mission properly. The Nines will re-spawn as red jacks, which look exactly the same, except they wear red instead of purple. Just keep trying until you do it. All of the Nines are located in Wichita Gardens, the area right around D-Ice's payphone. -TOYMINATOR- Reward: $5,000 You know all of those Toyz mission where you get to drive around remote cars blowing up gang members? Well, this is just like that. Drive towards the pink radar dot to find none other than a Toyz van. Hop in. Now, the only difference between this and the other missions is that you only have 4 RC cars to blow up the three enemy cars. If your car hits another car, then it'll blow up. If it gets out of range, it will blow up. Take your time. Because you can only afford to mess up with one car. -RIGGED TO BLOW- Reward: $20,000 It seems that somebody has planted a bomb in D-Ice's car. So grab a fast car and race to the pink dot on the radar. You'll find a blue Infernus sitting there. Hop in and drive all the way back to Portland via the tunnel. You can't afford to hit more than a few cars, otherwise you'll get blown to hell. When you reach the garage in Saint Marks, go inside. When the door opens up again, the bomb will be defused. Now, drive it back to where you've found the car, near your hideout in Shoreside Vale, in mint condition. If you rough it up, head to the nearest Pay 'N' Spray to get it fixed. -BULLION RUN- Reward: $25,000 Now, I suggest grabbing a fairly big vehicle for this mission, it makes that much easier. Head to the pink dot on the radar. There will be platinum spread throughout the entire area, so start collecting it. The police will start coming after you, but you have a big vehicle to take the damage. When you have about 15 pieces, haul your vehicle to the new pink dot. Pull into Garage number 2 to empty your stash. Now, head back for more. Keep doing so until you have 30 pieces total. That's when the mission will be accomplished. -RUMBLE- Reward: $10,000 This mission may seem hard at first, but it can be beaten in about a minute total. When it starts, hop in a car and ride to the pink dot to find D-Ice's brother. After a short conversation, grab a baseball bat, and if you get it, you may as well get some armor too. Hop back in the car and drive to Cedar Gardens. It's right by D-Ice's payphone. When you can see all the Nines, run out. Put the bat away. Run around so that all the Nines are clustered in a big group. Then, pull out your baseball bat, turn around and start smacking everybody in sight. If they're in a group, then hitting one will knock a bunch of them down. Then proceed to hit them while they're down so to speak. * Congratulations on beating the story mode of Grand Theft Auto III. All you have to do is complete everything else! Yay! ______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \ | | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER THREE: URBAN CHAOS - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/ Conquering Grand Theft Auto III is only the beginning! There are many things left undone! Many things left undiscovered! Read this section to find out what they are! You might already know about them, but--you never know--you might even find something that you haven't noticed yet. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= RC TOYZ MISSIONZ =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Pilot little remote control cars rigged with bombs to other vehicles to blow them up! And you get paid to do so! Oh man, Liberty City rocks! RC Toyz missions are triggered when you enter light-blue vans that look like Moonbeams. These Toyz vans have a special insignia painted on their sides. There are four in all. -MAFIA MASSACRE- Reward: $1000 per car Location: Saint Mark's, in alley across the street from Mama Cipriani's. To activate this mission, head to Saint Marks. Right across the street from Tony Cipriani's restaurant is a dark alley. Run into it. There is a blue van with a white circular logo on the side. Climb in it to start the mission. These missions are pretty fun. You get to drive a little remote-controlled car around. For the purpose of this mission, you must drive it into as many Mafia Sentinels as you can. For every car you blow up, you get $1000. There are two ways to detonate your car. Either drive into the vehicles wheels, or push circle. -DIABLO DESTRUCTION- Reward: $1000 per car Location: Hepburn Heights, at the bottom of stairs to El Train station To activate this mission, head to Hepburn Heights. Near the pay phone used to accept El Burro's business, there is a blue van with a white circular logo on the side. Climb in it to start the mission. This mission is pretty fun. You get to drive a little remote-controlled car around. For the purpose of this mission, you must drive it into as many Diablo Stallions as you can. For every car you blow up you get $1000. There are two ways to detonate your car. Either drive into the vehicles wheels, or push circle. -CASINO CALAMITY- Rewards: $1000 per car Location: Torrington, in parking lot one block west from Kenji's casino Head to Kenji's casino to activate the mission. Right across the street from it is a blue van with a blue circle on the side. Run over to it and hop in. Climb in it to start the mission. These missions are pretty fun. You get to drive a little remote-controlled car around. For the purpose of this mission, you must drive it into as many Yakuza Stingers as you can. For every car you blow up, you get $1000. There are two ways to detonate a car. Either drive into the vehicles' wheels, or push circle. -RUMPO RAMPAGE- Reward: $1000 per car Location: Wichita Gardens, in a corner behind two billboards behind the hide- out. To activate this mission, head to your hideout. Right behind it, there is a blue van with a white symbol on it, it's hidden behind a tree and a few advertising boards. Run over to it and hop in. This mission is pretty fun. You get to drive a little remote-controlled car around. For the purpose of this mission, you must drive it into as many Rumpo XLs as you can. For every car you blow up, you get $1,000. There are two ways to detonate your car. Either drive into the vehicles' wheels, or push circle. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= 4x4 OFFROAD CHALLENGES =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> These missions are very frustrating, but they serve as a nice diversion from the weary, everyday missions. Basically, what you do is drive a vehicle--not just any vehicle--through a series of checkpoints. You must tag all the checkpoints scattered around the area to complete the mission. Time is essence. You will have a time limit placed on you. Each checkpoint you hit will add some seconds to the timer. Have fun. -PATRIOT PLAYGROUND- Rewards: $30,000 Location: Portland View, enter the Patriot parked at the Supa-Save market. In this mission, you must race around, collecting checkpoints. You start with a limited time, and with each checkpoint you collect, you get more time. In this particular mission, you must get inside a Patriot. Not just any Patriot, though. There is one parked outside of the "Supa Save" grocery store in Portland View. Go to the right of the Police Station and follow the grass to the other side of the road. There's a huge sign that says Supa Save, so pull into the place to find a Patriot parked outside. Hop in to start the mission. -A RIDE IN THE PARK- Reward: $30,000 Location: Belleville Park, near house For the mission, you must drive a LandStalker through a bunch of checkpoints. The Stalker is located in Belleville Park. Head into the park itself and go to where the pond is. There is a small cottage there with a LandStalker parked outside. I bet ya' can't guess what THAT's for. :P Hop in to start the mission. Now, the timer starts once you get the first checkpoint. There are two checkpoints right near you, but I suggest saving them for last. But HOW you do it is up to you. Just keep doing it over and over again, developing different strategies. -MULTI-STORY MAYHEM- Reward: $30,000 Location: Trenton, go to parking garage in a Stallion; get out and re-enter. For this mission, you get to drive a Stallion. Go to Newport and head to the 5-story parking garage here. You need to jack a Stallion, so if there's none in the immediate area around the parking lot, then head inside, get a Stallion and drive it back outside. You see, you have to get into a Stallion from outside the garage. When you do so, the mission briefing screen will show up. Now, drive into the garage. Start with the first floor and make your way upwards. At the top, there is one that is just past the ramp. Get all the others before jumping the ramp to reach it. -GRIPPED!- Reward: $30,000 Location: Cedar Gardens Like the other checkpoint missions, you must race through a bunch of check- points, while gaining more time. This is the hardest of the four missions in the game. The Patriot you must use is in Cedar Gardens, where you fought the rumble with D-Ice's brother. Hop in and have fun! <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= IMPORT/EXPORT GARAGES =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> You must have received a page about an Import/Export garage, otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this, genius. There are two Import/Export garages. One in Portland, and the other is in Shoreside Vale. Portland's garage is located at the Portland Harbor. You will have to weave around the numerous buildings to find it. Look for a blue garage with a car roster pasted next to the door. If you have trouble finding it, do some taxi missions. Some passengers will ask you to take them there. The one in Shoreside Vale is behind the Fudge Packing Corp in Cochrane Dam, marked by a maroon-colored garage. Again, if you can't find it, do some taxi missions. P o r t l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Securicar Blista Moonbeam Mule Coach Yankee Flatbed Bobcat Linerunner Dodo Trashmaster Bus Patriot Rumpo Mr Whoopee Pony By collecting and delivering them to the garage, you'll receive $200,000 and 16 GTA3 pick-ups, which means you can use any of these cars at any time. Most of the ones listed above are easy to find around Portland. Some of them, like the Dodo, can only be obtained once you reach Shoreside Vale or Staunton Island. Now, I will help you find those harder-to-find vehicles. I cannot guarantee you will find them easily; the purpose of this is to give you a general idea of where they are. The descriptions found in the Vehicle Database could supplement the information here, so refer to that section if you need more help. SECURICAR: Forget about using the Securicar from the "Van Heist" mission. It won't accept any vehicles if you have a Wanted Level. Instead, travel to Staunton Island and drive around the Aspatria/Rockford area. At a certain time (during the afternoon to early evening), you might find many Securicars driving around. COACH: There is a bus company located in the Trenton area. There, you will easily find a parked Coach. FLATBED: This vehicle appears sporadically. I found it in several different places at once: Bedford Point, Fort Staunton, and Aspatria. I could not find a set place, at which this vehicle would appear. Just search around those districts during the morning (like 11:00 AM). TRASHMASTER: I believe you can use the one from the "Blow Fish" mission, but I'm not so sure because I haven't tried that. Anyway, I happened upon a few of these around Bedford Point and the Aspatria area, near the football stadium. These appear usually about 6 o'clock in the evening. MR. WHOOPEE: Mr. Whoopee's don't normally drive around any of the islands. It appears during Firefighter missions. The ice cream trucks are usually the ones on fire. Once you find one, put out the fire before it wrecks the entire vehicle. It should still be intact if you managed to save it before it had blown up. DODO: This biplane with clipped wings can only be found at the Francis Inter- national Airport in Shoreside Vale. There are a few of them: one in a hangar, and one hanging out with the helicopters, I believe. BUS: As with the Securicar and Trashmaster, I found a copious amount of Buses around the football stadium, on the street in front of Phil's Army Surplus store. The Bus is smaller than the Coach. In fact, it looks like a bus that transports prisoners. S h o r e s i d e V a l e -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sentinel Perennial Cheetah Landstalker Banshee Manana Stinger Idaho Infernus Stallion Esperanto Taxi Kuruma Cabbie Stretch BF Injection By collecting and delivering them to the garage, you'll receive $200,000 and 16 GTA3 pick-ups, which means you can use any of these cars at any time. Most of the ones listed above are easy to find around Portland and Staunton Island, and some at Shoreside Vale. I will help you find those harder-to-find vehicles. I cannot guarantee you will find them easily; the purpose of this is to give you a general idea of where they are. The descriptions found in the Vehicle Database could supplement the information here, so refer to that section if you need more help. BF INJECTION: This vehicle becomes available after you complete Asuka's first mission in Staunton Island, "Sayonara Salvatore". Head to Hepburn Heights in Portland and wait around the apartments, where El Burro's phone is. The BF Injection will eventually appear about 20:00--earlier or later. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= EMERGENCY VEHICLE CRANE =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> At some point, you'll receive a page about a crane on a big ship in Portland Harbor that will offer cash in exchange for certain vehicles. It's located further past the Import/Export Garage at the Portland Harbor. Look for a rectangular-shaped parking spot with yellow stripes on the floor. Also look for a crane magnet suspended in the air. In fact, it's next to the parked Yankee. Park any of the listed vehicles within the provided space and step out of the vehicle. These are the vehicles which are needed: Ambulance FBI Car Fire Truck Enforcer Police Car Barracks OL Rhino Tank Each car nets you $1,500. Not bad money considering that you don't do much to earn the dough. However, there are some, like the Rhino and FBI Car, that take a little risky work to obtain. FBI CAR: Stealing a FBI car is very tricky. It's even more tricky if you want to do it without cheat codes. I hate to say this, but if you want to avoid frustration, you're going to have to use cheat codes. Here's what you do: stand at the top of the stairs to the football stadium with the FBI in pursuit. If you're lucky, some of them will leave their vehicles and approach you. Now quickly enter the Decrease Wanted Level code. The FBI and the entire police force will have a change of heart and return to headquarters. Quickly jack the FBI car and speed away with it. ENFORCER: An Enforcer is a SWAT vehicle that can be found parked behind the police station in Torrington. Use the Police car out in front to gain entrance to the back parking lot. Take the Enforcer without a hassle. Simple, eh? BARRACKS OL: There is a Barracks OL parked in front of Phil's Army Surplus store, located in Rockford. If you don't know where it is, wait for the "Arms Shortage" mission. RHINO TANK: Getting your hands on a Rhino is suicidal. If you plan on getting it the hard way, you need to have access to Shoreside Vale. That way you can get 6 stars, at which point the army will come after you. For more details, you will have to refer to the Rhino Tank FAQ found at GameFAQs. The easy way is to finish the "Exchange" mission, and claim Phil's prize. Oh yeah, you could also enter the cheat code for a tank to drop from the sky. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= VEHICLE MISSIONS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> As always, if you withdraw from your vehicle at any time, the mission will automatically end (except for the Vigilante mission. You will be given some time to enter another police vehicle). I'd also recommend that you complete each task at hand before you build up any vendettas with the local gangs. If you set one foot on their territory, and they don't think very highly of you, it will make it very hard to complete some of these missions. Just a word of warning. Other than that, knock yourself out! --- TAXI -------------------------- It resembles the Arcade game, Crazy Taxi. Crazy Taxi-esque fares and Crazy Taxi-esque driving is what it takes. Although you should forget the Crazy part when transporting your passengers to their destinations. Pick up a passenger and be an obedient driver, who will take his passengers anywhere, even across the Sahara Desert for cash. Of course, there is no need for the extreme in Liberty City. There's always someone who needs to get somewhere quickly. Your passengers will almost always be in the vicinity as you begin the mission, or after you drop off another customer. Time is the name of the game, and if you don't get to the specified location within the allotted time, your passenger becomes impatient and storms off on a whim. While you do need to make use of the time and reach your destination quickly, you also have to consider the safety of your passengers. Drive the car as though a very delicate nuclear weapon is strapped to it. At the same time you need to drive down the cement roads faster than the average granny. As long as you don't encounter frequent collisions, your passenger will be nice enough to stay. Otherwise, you can expect him to flee. Also, when you pull over to pick someone up, try to look presentable. Mortifyingly banged up cars, as if it had just been disinterred from the crusher, aren't appealing. If the person shows no interest in entering your vehicle, be a good lad and grab another. Another taxi can't be too far, ya know. The more your car is damaged, the more likely a passenger will demand to leave the vehicle. Potential customers appear as green blips, while the destination comes up as a magenta blip. You also get a bonus for every five consecutive fares you complete. --- VIGILANTE --------------------- When stealing a police car, always open the door on the passenger side. If you open it with the cop inside, he'll place you under arrest on the spot. As he gets out, run away and lure him elsewhere, but not so far that he returns to his abandoned vehicle. Then make a run for it and jump in his car, then drive away with his smooth ride! These snobby law enforcements obviously don't have firm values of right and wrong. They will chase you down even if you're on a mission to take out one of their wanted criminals. The culprits are always in vehicles that appear as green blips on the radar. Just remember: You're not here to be a benevolent cop out to arrest the bad guys. No, you're here to be a donut-consuming pig who's on a mission to eliminate them. I'm sure you have your own ways to devise a macabre kill. Normally, you need to ram them off the road or get the culprit to leave his vehicle and travel by foot. However, here's an interesting bug: pause the screen and let the stats scroll up a little, now un-pause. This causes the racing culprit to mysteriously pull over of his own volition and get out of his car. Then you can just run him over. You can do this for every runaway vehicle you encounter, and they will yield to the bug! However, you need to come in moderately close range for this to work, and sometimes, it may not. That doesn't happen too often though. Police Station Locations: ````````````````````````` Portland View, Portland Torrington, Staunton Island Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale --- PARAMEDIC --------------------- You've been going around, clobbering the innocent citizens of Liberty City and now you're feeling guilty. So, there is some human in you. Walking the career path of a paramedic is just the thing to absolve all your sins, you evil bastard. This is pretty hard, but the payoff is worthwhile. When you get behind the wheel of a paramedic's vehicle, press the L3 button to activate the mission. As it begins, you're given very little time, despite the long distance drive you're going to have to make to pick up the victims. Pull up beside the mortally wounded person (they are easily distinguished from the rest of the bystanders; not only because they have a blue arrow over their heads, but because they lose gallons of blood with each step). Each person you fetch credits you with an additional 30 seconds--subtract or add a little. Just remember not to kill your patients; you can kill anyone else. Quickly deliver them to the hospital (indicated by a magenta blip) and park in the blue marker. Once you've successfully rescued all the wounded patients located at each point on the radar, your Paramedic Mission Level will increase, and as it increases, so does the difficulty. The number of victims will increase with the mission level. If you mess up, you will be forced to start over from Level 1. You need to save every single victim to proceed to the next level. I'd suggest luring the Ambulance to you by killing people, one by one, 'til they're all nice and bloody. When the Ambulance rushes to the wounded victims, you can steal the vehicle. You're asking, why can't you just take the ones from the hospital? Well, you'll have a much harder time trying to rush your patients to the hospital with unyielding traffic. However, with the sirens already turned on, you can persuade traffic to move to the side. It doesn't help THAT much, but considering the ridiculously clumsy handling of the paramedic vehicle, you'll need all the advantages you can get. You can press the L3 button to turn on the emergency sirens only when your "normal" sirens are already on. Make sure you brake as you come to a corner. Never accelerate while turning. Otherwise, the hefty vehicle will tip over, and you will end up endangering the life of the patient. I mean, he IS already gravely injured; you don't want to split his lungs open. Hospital Locations: ``````````````````` Portland View, Portland Rockford, Staunton Island Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale --- FIREFIGHTER ------------------- Too bad you have already made a name for yourself in the dirty business. You can repent by lending a hand in saving people from incinerating themselves. Despite the thin blanket of tranquility that belies Liberty City's true criminal form, people here are pretty reckless, always setting themselves on fire and stuff. It's your job to go around putting out these fires with your trusty water hose on top of your shiny red engine. Fire hazards come up as red blips on the radar. Speed to the scene as fast as possible and extinguish the fire by pressing the Circle button. The Right Analog Stick turns the hose to the left and right directions. A ribbon of murky water will spout from the hose and snuff out the flames. For every fire you successfully extinguish, you get $250. Fire Station Locations: ``````````````````````` Harwood, Portland Edge of Aspatria/Belleville Park, Staunton Island Francis International Airport, Shoreside Vale <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= RAMPAGE LOCATIONS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Rampage missions usually ask you to execute a certain number of gangsters or blow up as many cars as possible. Each mission provides a pre-selected weapon for you to use. This weapon has unlimited ammunition, so don't worry about being frugal. During the mission, you cannot cycle among your weapon inventory. You can trigger Rampage missions by collecting an icon with an inscribed skull in the center. Once you've accessed a Rampage mission, you must successfully complete it within the allotted time. If you fail, the icon will relocate. Once you find the second location of the icon and fail again, it will return to its original position. So there are two possible locations for each Rampage icon. For each Rampage you complete, you get an incremental prize value of $5000. So you get $5000 for the first one, then $10,000 for the second and so on. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [TIP] Thanks to Darren All you need to do is have one star in your wanted level, and have a police man follow you when you pick up the icon. When the rampage starts the police man will still follow you, but because he is there the gangs won't shoot at you. Leaving you to freely pop them off without any hassle. Except for a police man that randomly punches you in the back of the head. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ [TIP] Thanks to Daniel Feit You can use a Rhino to beat nearly any Rampage with ease. For whatever reason, the Rhino's powerful cannon counts! This comes in handy when the Rampage is in especially hostile territory (like St. Mark's). This trick (bug?) works on any rampage EXCEPT those which require a headshot. This also works on the rampage-esque missions "Trial by Fire" and "Uzi Money." For those rampages where vehicles are the target, you can shoot them OR simply run over them. /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ P o r t l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01. Murder 30 Diablos in 120 seconds Weapon: M-16 Location 1: Red Light District In the alleyway of building across from Luigi's Sex Club 7. Location 2: Chinatown On the right side of the Old School Hall building (the place where the police ball was held); in the corner between the building and Callahan Bridge. Tips: The latter location is the better. Start by spraying the bunch that suddenly appears on the dirt path outside the basketball court. Stay there until it appears as though you've decimated the Diablos. Then head out onto the streets to lure more Diablos out of their homes. 02. Destroy 13 vehicles in 120 seconds Weapon: Rocket Launcher Location 1: Trenton In an alley behind the building facing the Old School Hall at the edge of Chinatown. The entrance to the alley is on the west side of the building when facing it. The Rampage icon is to your immediate right as you enter. Location 2: Callahan Point Behind a tree in the apartment complex. Go to the right of Greasy Joe's diner and head up the grassy slope, toward the apartments. You should see it behind the last tree. Tips: This one is actually very troublesome because you're forced to work with such a destructive weapon. If you disturb the peaceful citizens, they might go up to you and brawl. If you fire a rocket while any one person is in the way, you will immediately drop dead because of the powerful blast. I would recommend getting atop an unmanned car and fire at various vehicles (don't taunt the police!) from there. I would also recommend doing this at Location 2, mainly because the Triads won't be breathing down your neck. 03. Kill 20 Mafia in 120 seconds Weapon: AK-47 Location 1: Saint Mark's Behind Mama Cipriani's restaurant. Go up the steep street and look to either your left or right (depends on which side you are on) to find a parked Mafia Sentinel. In front of the car are two storage garages. Between them is this Rampage icon. Location 2: Saint Mark's Go to the long sloping alleyway behind the yellow building that's across from Mama Cipriani's. It's in the backyard of the yellow mustard building. Tips: This should be fairly easy. Your only concern is your health. As you murder more Mafia members, their comrades will take revenge and attempt to drop you on the spot. Wearing an Armor, accompanied by perfect Health is recommended. 04. Destroy 10 vehicles in 120 seconds Weapon: Grenades Location 1: Saint Mark's On the El-Train tracks. Go to the El-Train station behind the hospital in Saint Mark's, and head in the direction of the hospital. Location 2: Trenton On the El-Train tracks. Go to the Chinatown El-Train station. Run in the direction of the Callahan Bridge and keep going until the text Trenton appears on the lower right of screen. Tips: This is actually pretty hard. You have to time the explosion of the grenade right. 05. Kill 20 Triads in 120 seconds Weapon: Shotgun Location 1: Trenton In a very narrow space between the Mean Street Taxi building wall and the adjacent building. Mean Street Taxi is located near the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. Location 2: Portland View On a high ledge behind Sweeney's General Hospital. Take the ramp between the hospital and the police station to the grassy hill. Climb the concrete ledge and follow it to the end. Tips: The main problem with this Rampage is that the shotgun is effective only at short range. This means that you'll be under heavy gunfire. The better place is Location 1. There, you can confine yourself in a small space and control the flow of Triad members. This also helps put them into small, scattered groups. With the shotgun, you will surely have the upper hand. 06. Kill 25 Triads in 120 seconds! Weapon: Uzi Location 1: Chinatown In the corner of a L-shaped alley behind SAMO'S WOK, which is the very traditional, Chinese style building that has a Rockstar billboard posted on top of it. It's at the edge of Chinatown, before reaching Callahan Point. Location 2: Portland View Supa Save Convenience Store. Tips: The safer place to do this is at the second location. Use the low- hanging wall that separates the street from the grassy slope in front of the Supa Save to protect yourself from the Triads wielding bats. It also holds most of the Triads at bay. This trick kind of slows things down just a bit. However, once some cars get in the way, you'll be forced to go out onto the streets to hunt some Triad scum. S t a u n t o n I s l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 07. Destroy 8 vehicles in 120 seconds Weapon: Shotgun Location 1: Belleville Park In one of the corners inside the actual park. Near the street leading to Callahan Bridge. Location 2: Belleville Park In another one of the corners inside the actual park. Not too far from the basketball courts. Tips: Since you have only the shotgun, which is the bane of this Rampage mission, you're going to have to stand in front of the cars to stop them. It takes about three shells from the shotgun to set a car's engine afire. Sometimes the drivers may get hysterical and drive off like maniacs. What you can do is drag drivers out of their cars and then shoot the engines. It's up to you, really. 08. Explode 25 Yardies in 120 seconds Weapon: Grenade Location 1: Belleville Park Alley behind fire station Location 2: Liberty Campus In the small alley at the very back of the brown building, behind St. Matthias University. Tips: The best way to complete this is to just use the tank cheat. 09. Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds Weapon: M-16 Location 1: Liberty Campus Back alley on the St. Matthias University campus. Location 2: Fort Staunton In the corner of the Pan-Lantic construction site, under the half-finished structure, near a parked Cartel Cruiser. Tips: See Rampage 07 for tips. 10. Pop 17 Yardies heads in 120 seconds Weapon: Sniper Rifle Location 1: Torrington Take the fire exit stairs on the side of the AMCo building to the second floor, where you will find this icon. Location 2: Torrington At Kenji's casino. Take the stairs to the fourth floor of the casino. You'll find it at the end of the catwalk, behind the neon sign. Tips: The former location is the better. Head down the stairs and stand on the sidewalk. Because the sniper rifle's shot is muffled by a suppressor, the other Yardies won't retaliate. Just don't stand out in the open. Pop only the heads; hitting other body parts will be discounted. 11. Torch 16 Yakuza in 120 seconds Weapon: Molotov Cocktail Location 1: Newport To the left of Unique Stunt Jump number 12. It's sitting in front of a doorway on the street above Asuka's apartment complex. Location 2: Newport Head to the alley behind the multi-story carpark, where you will find 8-Ball's place and the Pay 'n' Spray. The icon is just past 8-Ball's garage. Tips: I recommend going to the area near Asuka's condo. It seems that area is a popular hang-out spot for Yakuza members. Go for groups of Yakuza, not just individual members walking down the street. 12. Annihilate 30 Yardies in 120 seconds Weapon: Rocket Launcher Location 1: Bedford Point Church cemetery. If you go to the right of the church and wrap around the entire building, you'll find an entrance to the cemetery. Location 2: Bedford Point Hidden in some bushes beside the stairs to the light brown building. Some people call this the "projects" area. Tips: The rocket launcher causes a lot of trouble, especially since you may engage some Yardies in close-range combat. Chances are you may also pour the police into the mix by accidentally wrecking too many vehicles. Just shoot your targets from afar. 13. Burn 25 Yakuza in 120 seconds Weapon: Flame-thrower Location 1: Bedford Point In corner of the nigh-empty parking lot behind the brown-ish building. Location 2: Bedford Point Behind church, in corner. Tips: As always, head out to the street to find many Yakuza prowling the streets. Visualize them as chicken drumsticks. Happy BBQ. S h o r e s i d e V a l e -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 14. Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds Weapon: Rocket Launcher Location 1: Pike Creek Roof of Turtle Head Fishing Co. Take stairs to roof. Location 2: Francis International Airport Outside the airport, behind a "Badfellas" billboard. Tips: The first location is better since you can start blasting cars away from the rooftop. Chances are you will accrue a rather big Wanted Level. By staying on the rooftop, you're safe from the ravaging "ground troops", meaning you only have a helicopter to deal with. If you successfully complete the Rampage, the Wanted Level will completely disappear. However, the second location also has its advantages. Parked cars count, and there are plenty of parked cars at the airport. 15. Remove 15 Columbian heads in 120 seconds Weapon: Sniper Rifle Location 1: Pike Creek Scattered among the debris in alley between building and the street wall at the Undercover Storage Company warehouse area. Location 2: Pike Creek On roof of a four-garage building behind the police station. Tips: The Columbians are hard to deal with because they've already built a strong grudge against you. Neither locations generate a lot of Columbians for you to decapitate. You have to be absolutely safe from all their gunfire, or you'll be visiting the hospital one too many times. 16. Fry 20 Columbians in 120 seconds Weapon: Flame-thrower Location 1: Cedar Grove Behind the one-car garage with the Landstalker parked outside the purple-ish house. Location 2: Cochrane Dam Near the Import/Export garage behind the Fudge Packing Corp. Tips: Incredibly hard. Use the tank cheat. ^_^ 17. Behead 20 Hoods in 120 seconds Weapon: M-16 Location 1: Wichita Gardens Behind the orange and white "Squid" billboard on the hilltop near the dirt road to Shoreside Vale. Location 2: Cedar Grove Behind the red "GASOLINE" billboard just off the S-curve road that leads to Wichita Gardens. Tips: Not much I can say here. Apply the same tactics as you did in Rampage number 10. 18. Splatter 20 Hoods in 120 seconds Weapon: Shotgun Location 1: Wichita Gardens Roof of three-car garage at the back of the apartment complex where D-Ice's phone is. Jump from overpass to roof. Location 2: Francis International Airport Behind the blue "Sumo" billboard facing the street entrance of the airport. Tips: Again, use the tank cheat for this one. 19. Splatter 20 Columbians in 120 seconds Weapon: Any vehicle of your choice Location 1: Francis International Airport Behind "FatburgerKid" billboard facing the airport building. Location 2: Pike Creek Grassy area across from the Burke's Supply Company--the building behind the hospital. Tips: You would want a very durable vehicle like a Flatbed. So have one ready before you begin this mission. The Columbians carry an astounding amount of firepower, so a normal vehicle cannot possibly live through twenty Columbian murders. 20. Drive-by and destroy 7 vehicles in 120 seconds Weapon: Uzi & vehicle Location 1: Pike Creek Beside the pay booth at the Punk Noodles factory across from Turtle Head Fishing Co. Location 2: Cochrane Dam Next to boulder on side of the circular path, at the base of dam. Tips: I recommend going for parked cars. ^_^ <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= UNIQUE STUNT JUMPS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Unique Stunt Jumps are fun! You know it's a Unique Stunt Jump when the camera switches to a dramatic close-up of your vehicle flying over whatever--be it a river, some buildings, cars, etc. To successfully complete a Unique Stunt Jump, you must completely clear a specific obstacle. By clearing it, I mean the front and rear ends of the vehicle cannot touch the obstacle at all, nor can it touch any objects surrounding the obstacle. You are awarded only once for each Unique Stunt Jump. For each Unique Stunt Jump you clear, you will get an incremental prize value of $5,000. Your first jump is worth $5000. The next is $10,000. The one after is $15,000 and so on. When trying these Unique Stunt Jumps, you will need a vehicle with a very good acceleration. Weak durability, too, since vehicles with low durability tend to be lighter, enabling you to complete jumps more easily. (I don't think physics matter much here.) TIP: I used the Banshee alone to complete all of my Unique Stunts. It's fast. It's awesome. I recommend using it. A Cheetah, Infernus, etc. will work just as well. P o r t l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01. Red Light District On the very long street that connects several different districts and can lead to Callahan Point, there is a trapezoid-shaped building, and on it is a yellow sign that reads: "HI-PRESS GAS HOT STEAM". It's actually just next to the pedestrian walkway of the El-Train tracks. You must clear the walkway leading to the Chinatown El-Train platform without hitting anything. 02. Trenton There is a wooden kicker ramp behind the Liberty City Sawmill. Clear the roof of the building it's facing. Completely. 03. Chinatown There's a ramp leaning against the subway walls in the center of town. Make a clean jump off the ramp to trigger the cinematic camera. Get on top of the El-Train tracks above the subway to get the credit. 04. Callahan Bridge On grassy area under the center divider of the Callahan Bridge. Approach the bridge from the last Unique Jump in Trenton and head in between the traffic, driving along the grass (basically the center of the bridge, but you're not actually on it). You should come off a mound and land on the area further down. Now make a 180-degree turn and go back the way you came, toward the mound. From this side, the mound slopes up in a more obtuse angle, forming a perfect launch ramp. Your car will be kicked up and over the girders. That's your Unique Stunt. 05. Callahan Bridge When the bridge opens, drive toward Staunton Island. Once you pass the center median, and it starts to level, make a U-turn and return the way you came. Drive along the center divider until you hit an incline, a black and white striped ramp that will cast you high into the air. If you can land on the grassy area without hitting anything beforehand, then you will get the reward for the jump. 06. Portland View When you enter the Portland Harbor, your Unique Stunt is to your right: a wooden ramp with four containers ahead of it. That's right. You must fly over ALL FOUR containers to be credited with this jump. Your car must have good acceleration and HIGH SPEED to pull this one off. The Banshee works quite well. Don't forget that you must enter the start of the jump with good control, so that your car doesn't go wild when it takes to the air. 07. Atlantic Quays At the edge of the harbor is a dirt mound that launches you clear over the water. Land safely on the pavement on the other side for this to register. You have only one chance at a time. If you mess up, you will be sent straight to the hospital and have water pumped out of your lungs. 08. Atlantic Quays To me, this was the hardest jump the game could ask of you. You have to cover a very long distance, and it was a miracle that I finally got it to register after countless tries. The problem is that as soon as you hit the ramp, you're bound to lose some speed. Oh, wait, you need to know where the Unique Stunt Jump is first! It's near where you landed from the last Unique Jump. Anyway, notice that it will launch you over a small lot and two building rooftops. You only need to clear the first one. Again, the Banshee is the ideal car for this. Now back up to the far pier to give you enough time to reach the Banshee's highest speed. The hard part is to align your car directly behind the ramp so that you fly cleanly off the top. The key is to approach the ramp straight on, and not at an angle. You need relatively good handling skills for this to work. S t a u n t o n I s l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 09. Newport Go toward the warehouses south of Asuka's condo. At the very end of the concrete is a dirt mound, which is the start of this Unique Jump. The idea is to gain enough speed to fly over the water and land on the pavement on the other side. Start by the yellow container and use the trapezoid-shaped ramps to help you build up your speed. However, go slowly up these ramps, or you'll take a premature trip into the air. Just remember that you need to land safely on the other side without going over the edge or hitting the wall. 10. Newport Drive to the very top of the multi-story carpark near 8-Ball's garage. At top most level, there is a slanted chunk of concrete wedged in the corner. Move the parked car out of the way and back up directly behind it. As you approach the ramp and prepare for the jump, stick to the left side of the ramp rather than the middle. Doing this will send you to the lot below, next to some vegetation. If you've gathered enough momentum to be launched far enough, this jump should register. 11. Belleville Park There's a internet café walled by glass windows not too far from Callahan Bridge, and it's before reaching Bedford Point. Anyway, there are stairs leading to the second story of the café, which we'll use as a kicker ramp to launch your car over the busy street and land on the other side. Before you attempt anything, I'd recommend getting a Blista or any vehicle to form a barricade to keep traffic from flowing and messing you up. Now back up to the purple-ish garage at the end of the slant, then step on the pedal. You'll need to approach the stairs perfectly to avoid running into the rails and killing the momentum. You'll need to clear the street and land on the sidewalk, parallel to the bushes. 12. Newport On one of the highways, there are some billboards posted on a section of the Callahan Bridge. They are the Rise FM, Lips 106, and MSX FM billboards near the Museum (except the jump is on the other side). If you follow the highway north, you'll come to the center median, which you can get onto via the incline. Now follow the median through some trees and finally into a steep tunnel which will spit you out onto the Callahan Bridge. Land safely on the road, and you will be credited with the jump. S h o r e s i d e V a l e -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 13. Francis International Airport The first jumbo Rockstar airplane past the first hangar when you enter this vast lot. There are some stairs lined up perpendicular to it. Use them to clear the entire plane. 14. Francis International Airport The last three Unique Stunt Jumps in the airport are in the same lot as the first one. However, they all involve using a set of yellow-striped ramps placed next to smaller buildings, with which to launch you over the buildings and sometimes other obstacles. The first of these can be found near the runway. Just clear the hangar for your reward. 15. Francis International Airport This one is next to a whole bunch of helicopters. All you need to do is fly over the hangar. Don't worry about the helicopters. 16. Francis International Airport The last Unique Stunt Jump in the airport is found in the very back, past the first Unique Jump location listed in Shoreside. Just clear the hangar to earn your cash. 17. Wichita Gardens There's a dirt road off to your right on your way to Pike Creek from the Shoreside Lift Bridge. It's next to the red 69th Street and Mean Street billboards. The path will take you to an old wooden bridge, twisted in a way that it serves as a perfect Unique Stunt ramp. Your objective is to fly over the water and land on the road on the other side, no matter how crazily you land. The tip of the bridge may overturn your car and cause it to spiral, but that's OK. 18. Cochrane Dam The grassy area on the side of the street that's facing the dirt road entrance to the lower part of the dam curves up, forming a perfect kick ramp to launch you clear over the water below. Set up traffic blockades to control the traffic. Kick off the part where it is curved up the most and land on the opposite street for this jump to count. 19. Pike Creek/Cochrane Dam At the Undercover Storage Company is a ramp leaning against a wall. You will see it as soon as you enter. Kick up some dirt and gun it. Stay to the left of the ramp so that you'll get launched into the fenced-in area in the Fudge Packing Corp. building. 20. Pike Creek/Cochrane Dam Same area as the last one, except it's in a narrow alley littered with containers and stuff to the right of the previous ramp. At the end of the alley is a hastily constructed ramp made to send you over to the lot of the building across the street. You'll have to land on the roof of the five-garage building for it to be counted. You'll just need to gain a lot of speed to pull this off. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= HIDDEN PACKAGES =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Hidden Packages are rectangular, white packages stuffed with money. Each time you pick one up, you earn $1000! There are a 100 total sprinkled throughout Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. Every ten packages you collect adds 1% to your overall percentage completion. That means once you collect all 100 packages, you get 10%. So Hidden Packages make up 10% of your game. As you collect them in 10s, weapons and stuff will also start to appear at your hideouts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Packages Prize ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Standard pistol 20 Uzi 30 Grenades 40 Shotgun 50 Armor 60 Molotov Cocktails 70 AK-47 80 Sniper Rifle 90 M-16 100 Rocket Launcher + $1,000,000 bonus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P o r t l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are 33 packages in Portland. Red Light District ------------------ • On the roof of Luigi's Sex Club 7, go from behind and take the stairs. It's behind the billboard. • Hanging on the edge of the roof overlooking the main, long street; from where you got HP No. 1, head down and jump to the lower blue-shaded roof. The package is behind some skylights, on the west edge. • Sun-bathing on the roof of the building opposite Luigi's Sex Club, above the Video Video store. There is an alley with stairs, leading to the rooftop on the west side of the building from the sex club perspective. The alleyway entrance is by the "Fluffy Pillows" sign or the Video Video store. • Inside the "Rush Construction Company" building in front of the Ammu-nation shop. Storm through the glass using a car. Harwood ------- • On the roof of Head Radio Station. Travel along the L-train tracks from the Hepburn Heights station toward Harwood. The building should be to your left. Then make a running jump to the rooftop. • At the north end of the path. Drive north toward Harwood on the pier (where the Chinatown El-Train tracks are) adjacent the harbor. Saint Mark's ------------ • Confined within the glass building of Easy Credit Autos, along with a shiny Banshee. • On top of the AMCo gas station building. Jump atop the street wall from Harwood, then walk along it until Saint Mark's appears onscreen. Then jump onto the lower roof and finally leap to the AMCo rooftop. • Lying on top of some debris. There is a half-constructed or destructed (one of those) building in Saint Mark's. You'll have to do a little rough climbing to get to this one. This place is marked by a tall metal pole, and the building is facing the rupture on the streets--the large potholes blocked off by orange barricades. • At the end of a small L-shaped parking lot behind the AMCo gas station. • Stashed up on a high level ground. Travel over a blue-shaded rooftop on the side opposite the wall protecting Salvatore's beachside mansion. • In a backyard next to the long, narrow inclined alleyway between a yellow building and a gray-ish building, across from Toni's rendezvous location. • In an underground tunnel. The entrance to this tunnel is hidden behind the Supa-save convenience store in Portland View. Portland Beach -------------- • Hidden behind Salvatore's mansion on the cement patio ground. • Dangling on a beach ledge behind Salvatore's mansion. When coming from the mansion, you must drop a long way to reach this and sacrifice some life points. As you near the path that starts to slant, peer over the west edge and drop down. You should land on a ledge, high above the rocks on the beach. Hepburn Heights --------------- • In a V-corner, deep inside an apartment complex. It's the apartment tower across from EL Burro's phone. It's also adjacent the long row of buildings with the driveway to your hideout. As you head to Harwood from your hideout, you should pass by this building. Park in the lot and run around each corner on foot 'til you reach the end. • Snuggled in some bushes on an island that's near El Burro's phone booth. • Placed among a slew of trees. From El Burro's contact phone, look beyond the street at a verdant area of trees. Go in there on foot and you'll eventually find it between some paper-cutout trees. Portland View ------------- • On the roof of the Supasave Convenience store. Look for a high wall that extends toward the roof. The gap is small enough for you to surmount. • Atop the awning above the row of 6 blue garages. Ascend the stairs facing the "Les Cargo" Columbian ship to the rooftop. Then do a running jump toward the gray awning. Atlantic Quays -------------- • At the end of the long, most western pier, behind a blue freight crate. Callahan Point -------------- • Next to the Turtle Head Fish Co.; you must use a Belly-up truck to gain entrance beyond the gates. • Sitting behind the high wall with four billboards, just at the entrance to the Callahan Bridge. • On an island behind the Turtle Head Fish Co. Use a boat. Trenton ------- • Sawmill rooftop. Use the unique stunt ramp nearby to launch yourself onto the roof ahead without clearing it. Then enter the sawmill compounds. Search for a light sawdust mound and use it to reach the higher levels. Head all the way to the back to find it behind the glass windows. • Behind fenced-off section across from Joey's garage. • Veiled in the shadows behind the Bitch n' Dog Food Factory. You need to get inside the gates. • In an abandoned yard. The building you're looking for is directly facing the old school building where the police ball had been held, near the Callahan Bridge. There should be an entrance to the alley on the west side of the building. • Lounging on the roof of the Liberty Pharmaceuticals building, next to the billboard. Get on the L-Train tracks from the Chinatown stop. Then run on the middle "pedestrian" lane so you avoid getting mowed down by an oncoming train. Run all the way to Trenton. As soon as you past the Bitch 'n' Dog Food factory, make a running jump toward the roof across. Then just head to the billboard on the other side. Chinatown --------- • Amid a myriad of scattered cardboard boxes in a L-shaped alleyway adjacent the liquidated Hong Hung Inc building. Bypass the traffic barricades. • Placed among strewn cardboard boxes in an alleyway next to Roast Peking Duck. Knock down the fortress of boxes. • Behind a skylight on a rooftop. Take the stairs in the alley behind the Punk Noodles graffiti. • Beside the restrooms in the subway. For the subway to open, you need to finish Salvatore's "Last Requests" mission. S t a u n t o n I s l a n d -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are 36 packages in Staunton. Aspatria --------- • Behind one of the Rockstar billboards on the outside of the stadium, facing the side road entrance to Phil's Army Surplus Store. It's before entering the Rockford district. • In front of gate entrance to the stadium, at the very top of the stairs. • Infiltrate the Columbian's hideout using a Cartel Cruiser because the gate opens only for a Cartel Cruiser. You will find the Hidden Package in one of the opened garages. If you can't find their hideout, you can wait for Donald Love's first mission to take you there. Rockford --------- • Far northwest corner of garage in Phil's Army Surplus Store. Go to the very back, touching the back wall, and make a left into the narrow path behind the garage. The package is just around the corner. • Roof of the low hospital building. To get it, get a Taxi (any low car will work), drive it down to the hospital and park it next to the small building. Make sure it's parked parallel to it. Now jack the Ambulance nearby and park it in front of or behind the Taxi and next to the building. Jump on the hood of the Taxi and use it to reach the top of the Ambulance. The top of the Ambulance should be high enough for you to jump over to the roof to snag the package. Belleville Park ---------------- • Alley between the fire station and the liquidated Uncle BJ's Deli, in front of brick building. • Corner of lower shoreline road leading to Bedford Point. It's not too far from the fire station. • Middle of basketball court in park, near the cottage and pond. • Beneath the stone arc bridge in the middle of the park. • Roof of the re-opened Uncle BJ's Deli & Groceries building. Jump from the Shoreside Lift Bridge (the curvy part) above it to the rooftop. Newport -------- • At the end of a L-shaped alley across from the internet café in Belleville Park. The alley leads to a dead end below the side of Callahan Bridge. • Second floor of the multi-story parking garage, near the ramp to the third floor. • Inside a garage in the alleyway behind the multi-story parking garage, just across from the ramp leading to the Pay 'n' Spray and 8-Ball's. • End of the last east dock. Head to the second set of docks to the south of Asuka's condo, not the first set near her backyard. • Lying at the end of the second west dock. Drive across the water on a boat, or go on foot to the third set of docks to the far south of Asuka's. • At the top of the stairs of the Museum. Its location is not too far from the Callahan Bridge. It's next to an overpass with Rise FM, Lips 106 and MSX FM billboards. Fort Staunton -------------- • Covered in dirt on the ground level between two wooden poles holding up the half-finished structure at the construction site; the ground level behind the Pan-Lantic Construction billboard. • Inside a half-finished room on the second level of a building that's not too far from the location of the previous Hidden Package. Take the ramp to the first level, then the stairs to the second level. • On top of metal structure located on the far east highway (when looking at a Staunton Island map), near the Pan-Lantic construction site. The street eventually wraps around and heads back toward Rockford. Jump on the girders and carefully balance across to the middle overhang to find this. Bedford Point -------------- • In front of a doorway nook facing a T-intersection. Building next to a display window labeled "Semi". • Perched on the roof behind the light brown building with glass windows that is across the street from the Love Media building (Donald's hideout). Take the stairs at the end of the alley between the two skyscrapers, then jump to the roof on the left to find it. • Underground parking garage. The entrance to the car park is in the same alley. • Parking lot behind the same light brown building (some people call this the "projects" area). It's scattered amongst some cardboard boxes and next to a Kuruma. • Behind some fallen rocks on the concrete before the pier. Drive off into the side road in the grassy area near the "projects" buildings. • Center of pedestrian overpass that's next to the subway in Torrington. • Side of church in an enclosed area. • Second level of glass building across from the AMCo building. Smash the glass windows and take stairs. • End of alley that's next to the Hyaku Dojo and its sign. Torrington ----------- • Behind the giant transparent star statue in front of an office building. • Roof of Kenji's Casino. Climb the stairs to the helipad. • Private parking lot behind the LCPD (police) building. Get in the parked police vehicle to open up the gate to the back. • Lower level of police station, in one of the parking nooks. Use the ramp or stairs from the sidewalk. • Underground parking garage next to the AMCo building. • On a balcony high up on the AMCo building. Take the stairs at the side of the building and work your way up. Liberty Campus --------------- • Near the blue St. Matthias University sign. Follow the pavement around to the end to find it sitting in front of maroon-colored doors. Shoreside Lift Bridge ---------------------- • Suspended high in the air. You must have access to Shoreside Vale before to obtain this one. Head to the center part of the bridge that rises and descends. Get on the median and wait for the bridge to rise. The Hidden Package is hovering high in the air and can only be gotten when the lift bridge is at its peak height. S h o r e s i d e V a l e -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are 31 packages in Shoreside. Pike Creek ----------- • On the awning above the red-toned garages inside the abandoned Turtle Head Fishing Co. Climb the stairs of the opposite building to the rooftop and jump from there to the awning. • Narrow alley behind the numbered storage garages in the Turtle Head Fishing Co.'s inactive factory. • Isolated in a fenced-in area on the side of the red Liberty Pharmaceuticals building, amongst some oil drums in the back. You can use a Rocket Launcher or some explosive to break down the fence. • Roof of building behind the police station. • Small parking lot behind hospital. • Atop a brown container in junkyard behind the Burke Supply Company and the hospital. Jump over the street wall onto the container from the street. Get a low car like an Infernus and park it next to the wall. Use that as a booster to help you jump over it. Cochrane Dam ------------- • Stranded in a fenced-in area inside the Fudge Packing Corp. To get it, you must walk the outside concrete wall and drop in. Getting on top of the wall is the tricky part. You must go around to the Undercover Storage Company warehouse, which is just behind the Fudge Packing Corp. There, you will find a few boards inclined against the wall. Walk up the boards and get on the concrete wall. Start walking left, carefully along the wall, then drop onto the Fudge Packing warehouse roof. Head to the roof of the other warehouse and drop into the fenced-in area. • Behind the right-hand dome building on upper level of dam. • Behind the left-hand dome building on upper level of dam. • Top of the stairs of first watch tower on the lower part of the dam. • Between vertically positioned pipes on the lower dam wall; the "Exchange" helipad. • Base of dam; in corner between the dam wall and the red and white building. Cedar Grove ------------ • Backyard of the first residence when you enter Cedar Grove from Pike Creek. The light gray house with a Stinger parked out front. • Sitting on the porch of the purple-ish house with a Landstalker parked on the driveway. • Front porch of the gray-colored house facing the other street in the back. • Cartel mansion; in the drained swimming pool. Use a Cartel Cruiser to gain entrance. • In an isolated area off of Wichita Gardens. There's a dirt road next to the TITE (or ITE?) billboard, just past D-Ice's phone in Wichita Gardens that will lead to a camping spot. Follow the dirt road to the end to find some picnic tables. The package is lying next to one. • Sidewalk under a tunnel leading to Wichita Gardens. The tunnel seems to be somewhere behind your hideout. Wichita Gardens ---------------- • In grassy area behind your hideout; behind the Toyz van that's behind the blue McAdam and Zip billboards. • Entrance to the apartments, facing the blue and white YIFBC (?) billboard. • Between some buildings in the apartment complex D-Ice's phone is at. • Under a wooden, broken bridge (also a Unique Jump). A dirt road to the side of the street on the way to Pike Creek from the Shoreside Lift Bridge takes you to this spot. Francis International Airport ------------------------------ • In front of the airport on the far left side, behind the Lips 106 and Punk Noodles billboards. • Lowest level of subway beside the subway platform; past the bathrooms. • Flanking a fire truck at the fire station. • Under a wing of one of the jumbo Rockstar planes. • Beneath the tail end of the jumbo Rockstar plane that's already connected to one of the terminals. • On the concrete below the end of the runway (facing Staunton Island), adjacent the harbor. • On a concrete strip below the runway at the opposite end. • Next to a helicopter on the airport helipad. • On ground under the sky restaurant (or dome-shaped thing). ______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \ | | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER FOUR: MISCELLANEOUS - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/ <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= WEAPON LOCATIONS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Handgun ------- * Callahan Bridge, on a ledge of the incoming traffic side of the bridge. Shotgun ------- * Hepburn Heights, in the corner of the apartment building; further from El Burro's contact point. * Saint Mark's, one block west from Salvatore's beachside entrance. Head to the backside roof of building. Climb over small blue rooftops; on the roof of left warehouse garage. * Belleville Park, at the base of the monument. * Bedford Point, on a strip below the Shoreside Lift Bridge. Take a ramp down, off the road to a pier. It's at the end of the concrete pier. * Cochrane Dam, the front catwalk of the building at the base of the dam. Flame-thrower ------------- * Harwood, on the rooftop of Head Radio station; jump from Hepburn Heights El Train tracks. * Underneath the bridge when you come to Shoreside Vale. Uzi --- * Harwood, past the car crusher on the east edge of the harbor. * Saint Mark's, in building adjacent to Mama Cipriani's. Enter from the back arched entryway to a long alley; in the first right alcove with Hidden Package. (Can also enter from 1 Hour Photo shop.) * South from the Callahan Bridge, use the Unique Stunt ramp to launch to the rusted brown roof, not over it. Drop to the private property area (Liberty City Sawmills). Use the pile of light sawdust to the rooftop and follow it down. AK-47 ----- * Saint Mark's, in an alley behind Mama Cipriani's restaurant with a Mafia Sentinel parked there. Follow the thin ledge around the building and down a side ramp. * Bedford Point, at the end of long porch of the white political building near the church. * Fort Staunton, under the red building in-progress at the construction site, next to a white trailer. * Trenton, behind the Liberty Pharmaceuticals billboard across the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. When you get to the St. Mark's El Train tracks, make a right and head toward Trenton until you come to a black roof just past the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. Make a running jump onto the roof and follow it to the end and collect your prize. * Pike Creek, head around the Punk Noodles building across from the Turtle Head Fishing Co. to find this in the back. Molotov Cocktail ---------------- * Fort Staunton, from hideout, go north past one long building complex to a second one. Enter the lot and head up the stairs; on the right alcove. It is in Liberty Campus. * Here is a nice area to find four, yes, four Molotov Cocktails: On the first island, there is a tunnel by 8-ball's bomb shop, and the Car dealership. This tunnel is pretty long. In the middle of it are four bums standing around. They each drop a Molotov pick-up when you waste them; quick and easy way to rack up some Molotovs--and they re-appear too. Just have to wait a little. (Thanks to John Kaelin) M-16 ---- * Cedar Grove, on front porch of pink house. * Cochrane Dam, top of the stairs of second watch tower at lower part of dam. * Bedford Point, behind a wall in the parking lot where "Kingdom Come" ends. As you walk up the ram from the "You weren't supposed to get here sign" it is directly in front of it. After you leave the ramp, if you keep going you will come to a wall. Climb the stairs of the building near it to the roof and jump over it, and you will find the M-16 and an Armor icon. (Thanks to SlyMalice) Sniper Rifle ------------ * Aspatria, on roof of the liquidated Uncle BJ's Deli & Groceries near the fire station. Use the Shoreside Lift Bridge (the part that curves) as a ramp to get there. * Cochrane Dam, in grassy area of the lower part of dam, near the entrance. Rocket Launcher --------------- * On the lower roof of the last residence before reaching Cochrane Dam from Cedar Grove. The house is pink. To get on the roof, do a running jump from the storage house on the small hill in front. Touch the bushes, then run toward the sharp point of the roof and jump. If you jumped at the right time, your character should stumble onto the roof. Then just walk to the other side to get it. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= ITEM LOCATIONS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Here it is. The locations of all the items to be found in the game. Some of the descriptions are very general, as I wasn't able to find any distinguishable landmarks that would help you find some of them more easily. A D R E N A L I N E P I L L S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Saint Mark's, in an alcove between twin warehouse doors of a huge brown building. * Portland View, in the small alleyway between hospital and white building. * Chinatown, the second building towards the hideout from Mr. Wong's Laundry shop; between the gap in the warehouse. * Portland Harbor, between some trailers further past the Cartel Cruise ship and the Police Bribe. * Trenton, behind the Liberty Pharmaceuticals billboard across the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. When you get to the St. Mark's El Train tracks, make a right and head toward Trenton until you come to a black roof just past the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. Make a running jump onto the roof and follow it to the end and collect your prize. * Belleville Park, nestled in the brushes on the long, road island coming from Newport on the main street. * Newport, in a hidden alcove under a protruding roof of the first building on the right when coming from the Callahan Bridge. * Newport-Bedford Point, across from the previous pill, in a glass building; smash the glass to find it on the second story. * Fort Staunton, one block north from hideout; on right side of building, on the porch; take stairs. * Wichita Gardens, out in the open parking lot of the apartment, facing the "Stalkers" billboard. * Pike Creek, behind red "Gasoline" billboard across from the Turtle Head Fishing Co. * From Cedar Grove on the way to Wichita Gardens you'll encounter a small parking lot at the S-curve roads. There, you will find this pill. * Pike Creek, next to the registration office of the Liberty Pharmaceuticals building. * Francis International Airport, between two yellow-striped blocks in the back, near one of the Unique Stunt Jumps. A R M O R -=-=-=-=-=- * Saint Mark's, in an alley behind Mama Cipriani's restaurant with a Mafia Sentinel parked there; follow the thin ledge around the building and down a side ramp. * Trenton, in the fenced off area across from Joey's garage; trespass first fence and go around to the right of the building. * Portland Harbor, in the corner of the dock where the black cruise ship on the other side of the harbor is docked. * South from the Callahan Bridge, use the Unique stunt ramp to launch to the rusted brown roof, not over it; drop to the private property area (Liberty City Sawmills); use the pile of light sawdust to the rooftop and follow it down. * Atlantic Quays, on the second wooden dock; ram fence. * Trenton, behind the Liberty Pharmaceuticals billboard across the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. When you get to the St. Mark's El Train tracks, make a right and head toward Trenton until you come to a black roof just past the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. Make a running jump onto the roof and follow it to the end and collect your prize. * Bedford Point, at the end of long porch of the white political building near the church. * Fort Staunton, from hideout, go north past one long building complex to a second one. Enter the lot and head up the stairs; on the left alcove. * Fort Staunton, on second story of construction building in the Pan-Lantic Construction site. Take the ramp and then the stairs to the second level to find this next to a Heart. * Aspatria, on roof of the liquidated Uncle BJ's Deli & Groceries near the fire station. Use the Shoreside Lift Bridge (the part that curves) as a ramp to get there. * Pike Creek, in one of the opened garages behind the police station. * Cedar Grove, storage garage in the front yard of the Cartel Mansion. * Pike Creek, contained in a fence area at the end of a downward slope next to the Pay 'n' Spray, across from Liberty Pharmaceuticals. * Atop the road tunnel entrance next to the Francis International Airport. Just go from behind toward the back to get to this spot. H E A R T S -=-=-=-=-=-=- * Hepburn Heights, in apartment parking lot near El Burro's contact point; between a lamp post and a small tree. * Harwood, parking lot of AMCo gas station. * Saint Mark's, on a ledge behind Mama Cipriani's restaurant. Head along the street behind Mama Cipriani's until you come to a parked Mafia Sentinel. Head around the building wall to the ledge to find it. * Red Light District, in a small alley behind a building that's next to the XXX magazine store. * Portland View, Sweeney General Hospital. * Chinatown, in a L-shaped alley beside the Hong Hung Inc. building. (The part of Chinatown, where you had to enter and kill Chunky Lee Chong.) * Callahan Point, end of a dirt road that's not far from Greasey Joe's diner. * Trenton, alcove across from the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory. * Trenton, roof of Liberty Pharmaceuticals building. * Portland Harbor, at the very end of the path behind a freight container. As you enter the harbor from Portland View, make a right and head past the Unique Stunt Jump, all the way to the Linerunner. * Rockford, Carson General Hospital. * Fort Staunton, Pan-Lantic construction site; second story of unfinished building. * Belleville Park, grassy area next to the Shoreside Lift Bridge entrance. * Belleville Park, in front of mall entrance facing the center brick road. * Newport, in the pool yard that's across from Asuka's condo. * Belleville Park, under green canopy of building facing the actual park (with many US and French flags). * Newport, end of ledge that's to the right of the museum. * Bedford Point, in front of church doorway. * Bedford Point, hidden among the collection of bushes and trees outside the "glass window" building. * Bedford Point, in triangular alcove facing the street that leads to the lower highway. * Torrington, in front of large building entrance that's facing the stairs to the subway. * Francis International Airport, between two yellow-striped ramps. * Pike Creek, hospital. * Pike Creek, inside opened garage of building behind the police station. * Cochrane Dam, east dam dome. * Cochrane Dam, lower part of dam. * Cochrane Dam, base of dam; on catwalk in front of the red and white building. * Wichita Gardens, corner between two buildings (not far from D-Ice's contact point); in front of tree. P O L I C E B R I B E S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Saint Mark's, middle of long, inclined alleyway located on the next street across from Mama Cipriani's. * Chinatown, floating above the pedestrian walkway to the El-Train station. * Chinatown, in a long, narrow alley behind a building near Punk Noodles. * Chinatown, basketball court. * Callahan Point, roof of Greasey Joe's diner. * Portland Harbor, under metal structure. * Liberty Campus, St. Matthias University's campus. In an area directly behind King Courtney's contact point. * Aspatria, outside along the grass of the football stadium; behind one of the billboards. * Belleville Park, pedestrian walkway on sidewalk near Uncle BJ's Deli & Groceries. * Newport, alley behind the Ammu-nation weapon shop. (You could enter only by foot.) * Newport, middle of dirt path below the Callahan Bridge and the billboards. * Newport, middle of long, narrow side path near the Callahan Bridge and the billboards. Look for the Liberty Soul FM, The Zone and Head Radio billboards. * Torrington, underground exit tunnel below the police headquarters; take ramp. * Bedford Point, between two tall, tanned buildings; head past the subway. * Torrington, floating in the air above curved path; near Kenji's Casino. * Torrington, pathway in front of Kenji's Casino. * Francis International Airport, behind the monument. Follow the street in front of the airport to the end, and head up the stairs to the monument; near subway. * Francis International Airport, middle of the vast lot of jumbo airplanes. * Pike Creek, grassy area on left side of the street that's before reaching the actual Pike Creek neighborhood from Francis International Airport. * Pike Creek, street side stairs of the AMCo building. * Cochrane Dam, the Undercover Storage Company building. It faces the street leading to the top level of the dam. * Wichita Gardens, beside three-garage building in the apartment complex where D-Ice's payphone is. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= VEHICLE DATABASE =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> I'm not gonna go into the intricate details of these vehicles. Most of it is satirical, but that's OK because my knowledge of cars can be inscribed on the head of a pin. You will probably notice a salesman pitch (aren't I a natural?). These "ratings" are just based on pure opinion. Complaining about them is allowed. I just won't care. A car's durability is determined by how long a car lasts before its engine quits. I subjected each vehicle to excessive collisions and wanton abuse. Any questions? Good. Whenever you read short lines that don't make much sense, it just means that I couldn't find anything interesting to say. Just a tip: Most of the "hard-to-find" cars appear around the Aspatria and Rockford area in Staunton Island at certain times. --- CAR LIST -------------------- Ambulance Banshee Barracks OL BF Injection Blista Bobcat Borgnine Bus Cabbie Cartel Cruiser Cheetah Coach Diablo Stallion Enforcer Esperanto FBI Car Firetruck Flatbed Hoods Rumpo XL Idaho Infernus Kuruma Landstalker Linerunner Mafia Sentinel Manana Moonbeam Mr. Whoopee Mr. Wongs Mule Panlantic Patriot Perennial Police Pony Rumpo Securicar Sentinel Stallion Stinger Stretch Taxi Toyz Trashmaster Triad Fish Van Yakuza Stinger Yankee Yardie Lobo Ambulance ---------- Poor guys. They work around the clock thanks to your criminal activities! How does it feel to be behind one? Don't feel any different, eh? Same here. You can usually find these parked at hospitals, but you can also summon them at will. To do that, you just need to beat some people to a bloody pulp. In a matter of seconds, the paramedics will come rushing to their aid, risking life and limb and killing other people in the process! Now that's dedication! Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Banshee -------- A great sports car that resembles the Viper GTS without a hood. You can first find it in Portland, cooped up in the Easy Credit Auto. Smash the glass with a vehicle to get it. The irresponsible salesmen must have left the engine running after a test drive or something. Acceleration: |||| Handling: ||| Durability: || Speed: ||||| Barracks OL ------------ An army vehicle. It's huge and sluggish, but it can sure take a beating before it finally quits. You can find a parked one at Phil's Army Surplus Store. Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: |||| Speed: || BF Injection ------------- First of all, I'm NOT interested in what BF stands for. However, those of you who did send me its so-called "meaning"...heh, that was a good laugh. Anyway, this is a custom-made car by mechanic prodigy Joey Leone. It's available after completing Asuka's first mission in Staunton Island. You can find it parked in front of the apartment building where you picked up Misty. It's there only between a certain timeframe. Very cool little buggy. Looks like one of those offroad vehicles you would use when you're in a safari. What's even more cool is that it almost never flips over. Acceleration: |||| Handling: ||| Durability: ||||| Speed: ||| Blista ------- A family size van, fun for the whole family! If you've got a kid or ten, then this is the perfect vehicle for you! Use it to go pick up your kids after soccer (or football, for you non-Americans) practice! Moms can revel in the safety of this vehicle because it comes equipped with a child safety lock. Now the kids can't commit suicide! And guess what? Give up?! It passed with a 1 star rating in the vehicle safety test! Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Bobcat ------- The ideal pick-up for strapping boys and hitmen, who need a reliable vehicle to transport dead bodies around. If you're one of them, then look no further! The Bobcat is fierce like a bobcat and gets the job done! Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Borgnine --------- The Borgnine is a secret vehicle that becomes available to you after you've completed 100 Taxi missions, meaning that you've successfully dropped off exactly 100 passengers. Once you drop off the 100th passenger, you'll get a page informing you that a new taxi is ready in Harwood. Head to the Borgnine Taxi building near the Head radio station headquarters to find this new and improved taxi, all clean and ready for you. It's basically a red version of the Cabbie, except it's much faster. Acceleration: ||| Handling: || Durability: |||| Speed: ||||| Bus ---- They're a little smaller in size when compared to the Coach. You see, the difference between the Coach and the Bus is that the Bus is a city transportation vehicle to take you among cities, while the Coach is meant to take you out of town or something. So much for my hypothesis... Acceleration: | Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: | Cabbie ------- Another type of taxi, except it looks cooler. I think it's modeled after a very old-fashioned design. Acceleration: |||| Handling: | Durability: || Speed: || Cartel Cruiser --------------- Burn that rubber! A big car for big boys! Just look at that huge exhaust pipe! Hear the sound of that engine running? Wow. Acceleration: ||| Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Cheetah -------- A very awesome sports car with four exhaust pipes! That means quadruple the power! Acceleration: |||| Handling: |||| Durability: || Speed: ||||| Coach ------ Compared to the Bus, a Coach is much bigger in size and shines with some elegance. I imagine that the interior is outfitted with TVs mounted to the ceiling; has very spacious room for all your tossing and turning needs. Think Greyhound in Liberty City. You can find a few of these at the bus station in Trenton. Acceleration: | Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: || Diablo Stallion ---------------- The Diablo's signature muscle car. This is found only in Portland and is one of the better cars around that part. Fiery flames adorn the sides. Very cool. ¿Amigo, que pasa? Acceleration: ||| Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Enforcer --------- The Liberty City SWAT team vehicle is used as effective road blocks. There is one readily available behind the LCPD building in Torrington, Staunton Island. Use the nearby Police vehicle to open the gates. It has the words Police written all over it and is visibly larger than the average police vehicle, so there's no way you could miss this. This can also be used for Vigilante missions. Acceleration: ||| Handling: |||| Durability: |||| Speed: ||| Esperanto ---------- Black shoes, black hat, Cadillac, yeah! Well, it looks like one, doesn't it? A Cadillac, that is; not a black shoe or a black hat. At its top speed, it's rather difficult to maintain control over the vehicle. It tends to understeer around sharp corners. And hey, is that a Jack in the Box ball on the antenna? Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: || Speed: || FBI Car -------- A car that the FBI drives. It's black. Acceleration: |||| Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: |||| Firetruck ---------- A shiny red truck with a hose mounted on top. You use it to put out fires and help kittens down from trees, except there are no kittens in Liberty City. No animals at all. Well, that is unless you call PetsOverNight! Acceleration: | Handling: ||| Durability: ||||| Speed: | Flatbed -------- Looks just like a Barracks OL except it takes a much lighter green color, and it has tray in the back. Acceleration: || Handling: ||| Durability: ||||| Speed: || Hoods Rumpo XL --------------- A shabby-looking version of the Rumpo with graffiti on the sides. Has a very ugly clash of color. Seems the Hoods have no tastes in this kinda stuff. Acceleration: || Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Idaho ------ Hey, haven't I seen this car already somewhere? Yeah, it closely resembles a Stallion or an Esperanto, huh? If you're like me, you'd hardly care to discern which car is which, or which tires belong to which tire company. Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, and that's why you should never let a gorilla eat your tortilla soup. Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: || Speed: || Infernus --------- At first glance, people can get the Infernus confused with the Cheetah and vice versa. Just look at the rear of the car. The Infernus has a low spoiler while the Cheetah does not. Plus, it's a hecka good car. Acceleration: |||| Handling: ||| Durability: || Speed: ||||| Kuruma ------- In Japanese, a "kuruma" is a car, and that's just what this is! Wow! What a revelation! Nothing really special about it or worth mentioning. Acceleration: ||| Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Landstalker ------------ A heavy-duty vehicle made to endure the harsh conditions of everyday city life, especially Liberty City. It's a standard sports utility vehicle, just like the one your next door neighbor has. It's complete with a navigation device used to locate children in case they get lost in the backseat! James Bond must be jealous. Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: |||| Speed: ||| Linerunner ----------- It's a truck! And it moves! What more do you want? Oh yeah, there's also this really neat beeping noise it makes when it backs up! Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Mafia Sentinel --------------- A prime choice for Salvatore's boys. It comes only in the color black, which metaphorically signifies DEATH! Or something. I guess it just matches their style. Fast and efficient, this is one of Portland's most reliable vehicles. Acceleration: ||| Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: |||| Manana ------- Do you know what rhymes with banana?! Be 1337 like me to know the answer! The answer is carrot! On a serious note, this is the worst car in the game. It's the suckiest suckity suck suck to have ever suckity sucked in the whole suckiest of the sucky world. In other words, the Manana sucks. The only thing it's good for is its destined fate in the crusher. Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: || Speed: | Moonbeam --------- Hey, isn't this the type of van kidnappers use in all those kidnapping movies? The Moonbeam, unlike the other two vans, actually have windows all over, so it's easily distinguished from the Rumpo or the Pony. Acceleration: || Handling: ||| Durability: || Speed: || Mr. Whoopee ------------ Anyone hungry for ice cream? Or how about some pee-colored snow cones? Mmmm. Mr. Whoopee has it all! If you press the L3 button (press down on the analog stick, which is normally for honking), you can start up the alluring jingle to attract kids and mafia members alike to eat your popsicles of doom! For some strange reason, Mr. Whoopees can be found in Firefighter missions. You may sometimes encounter Mr. Whoopees which have been set on fire. If you can salvage it before it explodes, you will be free to take it. Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: || Speed: | Mr. Wongs ---------- Mr. Wongs laundry vans, which you probably trashed during one of Tony's heinous missions. Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: |||| Speed: || Mule ----- A standard transport truck. Looks almost like the other three million vans I came across. Acceleration: | Handling: ||| Durability: |||| Speed: || Panlantic ---------- Another van. It has the words "Panlantic Construction Company" streaked across it. They're found mainly in the Panlantic construction sites. Acceleration: || Handling: |||| Durability: |||| Speed: ||| Patriot -------- The Patriot reminds of me of one of those vehicles from World War II. It's a very reliable one, mind you. At times you can find the back of the Patriot covered by a thin blanket or something. Found mainly in Portland. They appear on the other islands too, but not often. Acceleration: || Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Perennial ---------- A family wagon built to survive the great outdoors. Highly resistant to bear attacks. Easy to drive and slow as hell! Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: || Speed: | Police ------ Before anyone asks, you CANNOT get the blue-colored police car. Why? It was changed after the 911 incident since they were modeled after the New York City Police Department vehicles. So, now they're black in color, and there's nothing you can do about it. Acceleration: ||| Handling: ||| Durability: |||| Speed: |||| Pony ----- Can you say repetition? It's just a cheap rehash of most other transport vans like the Rumpo or Moonbeam, except the top of the car is elevated a bit higher than the other vans. Acceleration: | Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: || Rumpo ------ A typical van with a rear two-door opening. Looks kind of like a Pony except there are small windows on the sides, toward the back of the van for proper ventilation or something. Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Securicar ---------- An armored vehicle that transports money. They are blue with "Gruppe Sechs" written on it, which reads "group six" (I once thought it was "group sex," but I apparently lack any knowledge of German [thanks to cute_kitty66 for correcting me]; you know you wish it were that. ^_^). You're bound to run into these during missions. There's also a certain warehouse at the Portland Harbor that will pay you to bring these heavy suckas to them. Read the Tips & Tricks section for details. Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Sentinel --------- The Sentinel resembles a Buick or something. People get this confused with the Kuruma. It looks almost like a Kuruma except the headlights are square- shaped. And the body of the car has a more "block" look to it than the Kuruma. The rear is more elaborate with more lights and stuff. Pretty. Acceleration: ||| Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: |||| Stallion --------- In this kinda old school vehicle, there's a lot of oversteer, and once it starts going, it's kinda hard to get it under control, so be careful. Was that a run-on or what? There are two variations: one with a hood, and one without. Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Stinger -------- Wow, another sports car. Very cool. This comes in two variations: convertible or non-convertible! Acceleration: |||| Handling: ||| Durability: || Speed: |||| Stretch -------- An elongated car that usually comes in white, and sometimes in black. Where are the guys in tuxedos?! The celebrities?! I mean, I pulled the driver out and all I got was some punk in a cap. What's up with these stupid long cars? They can barely turn properly. Does it get people randy, riding in these limos? And I guess it doesn't go really fast because we don't want the important people riding inside to break a nail or even worse, spill brandy all over their trillion-dollar tuxedos. Acceleration: | Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: || Taxi ----- Your everyday yellow taxi. The drivers are almost always Indian males with funny accents. However, I once pulled over a taxi with a road construction worker in the driver's seat. Hm, weird. Rockstar has some kind of stereotype here. Anyway, you'll find this occupying every part of town on all three islands, so live with it. If you ever have trouble finding one, I recommend seeking help. I mean it. Acceleration: || Handling: || Durability: ||| Speed: |||| Toyz ----- Plays host to all your RC Toyz missions. There are four of them. Acceleration: || Handling: ||| Durability: ||| Speed: || Trashmaster ------------ Have you taken out the garbage this week? They go around picking up what you have thrown away and give them to charity. I jacked one around the highway at Fort Staunton that leads to Torrington at about 11 o'clock. I'm sure they also appear around the football stadium at another time. Acceleration: | Handling: ||| Durability: |||| Speed: || Triad Fish Van --------------- The Triad's version of the Yankee. The words Belly-Up Fish and Seafood Processing Plant and the fish insignia mark the sides of the van. These can be found only in Chinatown or around Chinatown. With the Triad Fish Van, you can gain entrance to the top secret Triad Fish Factory! Acceleration: || Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Yakuza Stinger --------------- A custom-built vehicle to suit the tastes of the Japanese Yakuza. Yep, it's an awesome car, no doubt. Acceleration: ||| Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: |||| Yankee ------- To the casual eye, this looks just like another transport truck. To the sharp eye, it's also another truck. Acceleration: || Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| Yardie Lobo ------------ It can be found roaming the streets of Staunton Island. This is the Yardie's baby and is a particularly special car. It has an unique ability to raise and lower itself to perform crazy wheelie stunts! It's a crazy, hydraulics car! The Yardie Lobo is painted red with a white hood over it. It comes in one color so you can't miss it. You might mistake it for a Stallion! Just look at the driver's seat--there should be a leopard skin. The Right Analog Stick is used to manage the car's special movements. Move the stick to the desired direction to "bounce" the car. Experiment with one and go wild! One thing to do for fun is to park it right on a fairly long set of stairs. Then move the Right Analog stick around, and it'll look like the Lobo is dancing! Amazing. Acceleration: || Handling: |||| Durability: ||| Speed: ||| <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= SECRET VEHICLES =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> There are some really awesome vehicles which you may not have been able to find. This feature will fix that. ______________________ | Bullet-Proof Patriot | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bullet-Proof cars are always a luv, and you don't want to leave home without one, especially since there are gangs everywhere who want your head served on a platter. The Bullet-proof Patriot is safely secured in Ray's lock-up, and the only way to get it is to acquire the key to it. And that key is with Ray. The only way to persuade Ray into giving up his key is to become butt-buddies with him. That can be achieved by completing his last mission in Shoreside Vale, after which he will give you the key to his lock-up. It's a one time deal-steal only! So, SAVE your game when you get it! As you enter the lock-up in Newport, you'll receive a warm welcome from a rocket launcher, sniper rifle, flame-thrower and an extra $20,000! Whew! It may be late in the game, but I assure you that you will have many chances to put it to good use! ______________ | BF Injection | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The BF Injection, while it sounds like some bizarre object, is actually an old-fashioned buggy. If you paid any attention to the cinemas when you had gone to absorb the details of Joey's missions, you could have seen him working on it during some of the movies. To get this vehicle, simply complete Asuka's first mission in Staunton Island, "Sayonara Salvatore", and the BF will be created at Misty's apartments in Hepburn Heights. It's parked near El Burro's payphone in-between 22:00 to 5:00. NOTE: I'm NOT interested in what "BF" stands for. I've already received quite a few hilarious possibilities that shouldn't even be mentioned in the guide. __________ | Borgnine | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Complete a total of 100 Taxi missions. They don't have to all be completed in a row; just in total. By doing 100 Taxi missions, I mean that you have to drop off a hundred passengers in all. The new Borgnine taxi will be created in Harwood, at the Borgnine Taxi company located near the Head radio station building. ______________________ | Bullet-Proof Cheetah | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A speedy car and it's bullet-proof! A dream come true. The method to obtain this car doesn't always guarantee you will get it, but if you're patient enough, you will soon be cruising around in a sleek, new BP Cheetah. Yowza! First, enter El Burro's "Turismo" mission, which is his first. (Even if you have already completed it, the Turismo mission can be redone an infinite number of times.) His contact point is in Hepburn Heights. At some point, one of the cars should be a BP Cheetah. Before you drive into the Blue Marker to begin the race, go around Chinatown and round up some Belly-Up trucks, or any heavy truck. Drive them to the starting point of the race. Then park them in front of the Cheetah and the other cars. Do what you can to surround the cars and create a thick blockade. When the race begins, they will have trouble getting through. Don't try car- jack the Cheetah since it's locked. Wait until the race is over. To ensure that the Cheetah doesn't go anywhere, ram it with your car to flip it over. When the mission fails, the driver will bail out of the car, and the Cheetah will be yours to keep. Flip the car back over by ramming it hard. Well, there you go. Your very own BP Cheetah. ________________________ | Bullet-Proof Securicar | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This can't be found, rather, it must be hi-jacked during a mission. The only time it's available in a mission, or anywhere, is during Joey's "Van Heist" mission, where you are instructed to total a Securicar. Well, there you go. That's your Bullet-proof Securicar. Not much. It's slow as hell, but its invulnerable to bullets, right?! _______________ | Mafia Stretch | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Available only during the "Drive Maria For Me" mission from Salvatore. The special Stretch also makes an appearance in the "Salvatore Called a Meeting" mission with Toni Cipriani, but it's impossible to take off with it without bringing your crime bosses along. Maria doesn't mind and won't tag along, so the mission with her is the best time to add this exclusive vehicle to your growing collection. Go along with the mission as usual. After you deposit her at the party in Atlantic Quays, she will leave the limo, giving you full control of the limo! Drive away and idle somewhere until you fail the mission you evil person, you. _____________________ | Bullet-Proof Bobcat | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You can get a Bullet-Proof Bobcat in the mission "Evidence Dash" for Ray. If you flip it over, you will get the message saying that it's a decoy. Then use some car to push it back. _______________ | Ghost MISSING | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There's an additional boat to find. It's available during "Paparazzi Purge" with Asuka or the "Gone Fishing" mission with Ray--both in Staunton Island. In the boats your targets try to escape in, try to keep up with them until they land on shore, or force them to land on the shoreline. When they get out, you could enter it and check out the trippy boat. It makes weird clanking noises. It's a real light-weight, too. If you use your own weight to push it, it'll budge. To use the speedboat, use a heavy land vehicle and push it back into the water, or use your own body mass without moving too far into the water to drown yourself. It's fairly swift, but there's nothing alarmingly special about it other than the fact it's the Ghost MISSING boat. Thanks to Therock200170036 and one other person. Sorry, lost your e-mail. _________________________ | Indestructible Sentinel | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ In Asuka's first Pan-Atlantic Construction Site mission 'bait', Asuka instructs you to lead three of Catalina's death squads to an ambush at Pike Creek. In this mission it's possible (and simple) to obtain one of the most bizarre vehicles of the game -- the almost-indestructible Sentinel. It's the "almost" part which is bizarre. This Sentinel is nearly: - crash-proof Smack it into as many buildings, pedestrians, and other vehicles as you like- -it won't take any damage. If you happen to turn it upside-down, it won't explode *IF* you climb out quickly. Turn it back right-side-up and continue driving. The car will catch on fire if you remain in it too long while it's upside-down or if you get into it while you're on fire, so be careful. Occasionally, the car takes some small visible damage (a broken windshield or a dented door, for example) while upside-down. I'm unsure why. - bullet-proof Take a leisurely cruise through Mafia or Columbian territory with impunity, their weapons can't hurt you. Note that your own weapons *can* damage the car. - explosion-proof After turning over four or five taxis in the Airport parking-lot and parking right next to them as they exploded, the Sentinel seemed as good as new. Note that vehicles which explode due to damage taken from your weapons (grenades, molotov cocktails, etc.) *do* seem to damage your car. How to get your very own nearly-invincible Sentinel: Go to Asuka's construction yard base and begin the 'bait' mission. Drive over the bridge to Shoreside Vale and continue along the four-lane highway until you come to the first sharp right turn. On the South-West corner of the nearby intersection, under a tall Zip advertisement, is the first death squad -- you'll see them on your radar. Before getting their attention. get out of your car, equip your motolov cocktails (you *do* have some, right?) and approach on-foot until the car notices you and begins to move. The car will try to run you over -- simply side-step to avoid it. As the car pulls to a stop and the Columbians get out, hit it with a motolov cocktail (hopefully killing all the Columbians). As soon as all the fires go out, hop in your shiny new car and laugh like a madman. FINAL NOTE: This car will lose its special status simply by being placed in a garage. Thanks to .cael for submitting this information. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= TIPS & TRICKS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Hooker Trick ------------- You must have at least HEARD about this. Basically, you must grab an okay looking car, but not a police car or ambulance. Now, drive up to a hooker. They really stand out in a crowd, with their black boots, red coat and black bra. Anyways, pull up to one, and she should come over and bend over, appearing as if she's talking to you. After a while, she should climb into a car with you. While she's in the car, a dollar will be deducted for every second you spend with her. Talk about expensive! Anyway, head to the nearest alley. Stop your car and keep still. The car will begin to rock, and your health will start to recover. It will be slow at first, but gradually, the pace will pick up a little. Each "session" with the hooker will gain you 40 health points. You can exceed the maximum--up to 125--if you rock it when your health is at 99-- 85 at the least. When the girl leaves the car to stretch, exit your vehicle and make her give you your money back, that expensive bitch! Also, if you pick up a chick in a convertible (without a hood), she'll leave the car with your health full and without going through the car-rockin' interactive frame. Cool! Although she still does take your money. Let the girl go. She's done you a favor, foo. Car Repair Shops ----------------- No need to spend $1000 for the Pay 'n' Spray to get yourself a new paint job and to repair the huge dents on the car. Just park your damaged car in your hideout's garage. Step out and leave to close the garage door. When you open it again, the car will be completely renewed! Too far away from your hideout, or too lazy to return to repair car damages? Simply enter the Full Health code while driving the car to restore that derelict back to life! The damage will still be visible, but it will sustain abuse as if it were a newborn car. How touching. Free Stuff ----------- * Every time you enter and leave a Police Car, you'll exit the vehicle with 5 Shotgun shells! * First, you must get the SWAT team to come in with the Enforcer. Try your luck at stealing this vehicle. When you exit, you'll leave with a full armor at your disposal. * Hop into an Ambulance and when you exit, you'll leave with 20 points added to your health meter. However, if you enter the vehicle with your health already at maximum (125), it will go back down to 100. Securicar Garage ----------------- At the Portland Harbor, head toward the row of blue-colored garages under a gray awning. One of them isn't numbered. If you drive a Securicar into the garage, you will receive $5,000! Do this repeatedly and you can rake in the extra dough! However, every time you deliver another Securicar, $500 will be deducted each time. You could do this until the garage won't accept anymore since you have already wrung every trickle of its dough. Make Some Easy Cash -------------------- There are numerous ways to make cash in Liberty City. Most of the methods involve completing jobs for certain people, Rampages, or Vehicle Missions. However, with this method, you can make money the fun way, without jeopardizing your own life. Simply blow up some cars! That's right. For each car you disintegrate, you will earn some cash. Not a whole lot, but you still get the greens, right? The size, weight and type of vehicle all contribute to the amount of money you will get by blowing up each vehicle. It can range from $30-$70 (The highest I got was $70, so I'm not entirely sure if that's the most you can earn). Make sure you don't do this on a busy street, or you are bound to attract the cop's attention. As an additional note, you can also take cars to the crusher in Harwood to make even more cash! Store 3 to 4 Cars in Your Staunton Hideout ------------------------------------------- As you probably know, the garage in Staunton was originally made to fit only two cars, but with some improvising, you could cram up to four cars in that space. However, four cars in the garage can sometimes get you stuck, as you won't be able to enter the vehicle to drive it out, so be careful. For three cars: you first need to park two cars in the spaces vertically and leave the garage. Fetch a third car and take it to the hideout. The door won't open for you when you're in the vehicle. Now, park the vehicle _right_ next to the garage horizontally, so when you exit the vehicle, you're forced to come out the passenger side. Go around the car to open the garage. Quickly hop back in the driver seat and rush into the garage. The door won't close, but it will make faltering noises. Park your car in a horizontal position and leave. The garage should close and voila! Three cars in the garage. Storing four cars in there follows the same method, except three of them should be squeezed closely together, so the fourth car can be parked behind them in a horizontal position. However, the problem with stuffing more cars into your garage than what the intended capacity permits is that you may not be able to enter your vehicle or get out of one. Just beware. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [SIX CARS IN THE GARAGE] Thanks to Kel Webb I've managed to get 6. Yes, SIX cars into my garage. Here's how: First, park two cars in the garage. When you try to park the third, the "too many cars" message will appear. Get out and get into one of your cars that's already in the garage. Drive this car so that it's half-in and half-out of the garage. Now your garage door won't close because it doesn't know if your putting that car in or taking it out. Now quickly (because your garage door might close, "sawing" your car in half, but not actually destroying the car) drive your third car into the garage and park it. Get out and park your second car (the half-in half-out) back in the garage. Repeat this process until you have a garage stuffed with all the finer cars from the game (I've got an Infernus, Banshee, BP Hummer/Patriot, Mafia Sentinel, FBI car, and a BP Cheetah). Warning: Filling your garage with 6 cars can make it difficult to remove some of the cars, so place the cars that you like to drive a lot near the garage door. Hope this helps gamers out there who really want those cars but can't seem to save them. ED'S NOTE: I've tested this myself and it does seem to work. However, you must park all the cars closely together and all in a vertical position. Like how you normally park a car. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ Evil Stuff ----------- Get into a fire truck and use the water hose mounted on the top to blast away people and cops! Press the Circle button to allow the water to spurt out, and use the Right Analog stick to control the nozzle. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [OTHER EVIL STUFF] Thanks to Darren Fedorchuk 1) In the RC car missions that are activated by entering a TOYZ van, use that RC car to blow up civilians on the sidewalk. Listen to opera (Double Cleff FM) while you do it. 2) On the first mission, "Give me Liberty", take the car to the crusher. Have it crushed while 8-Ball is still inside. 3) On the "Chaperone" mission for Salvatore, kill Chico and get Maria's money back. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ Vehicle Mission Benefits ------------------------- Completing a certain amount of work with each type of vehicle mission rewards well. - Taxi - As explained in the Secret Vehicles section: Complete 100 non-consecutive Taxi missions and a new Borgnine Taxi will be created in Harwood. - Vigilante - Exterminate 10 criminals in each district for 1 Police Bribe. Eliminate an additional 10 to conjure a second Police Bribe. You can do this on all three islands. You get only two for each district. - Ambulance - Save 35 wounded pedestrians, Heart icons will be created at your hideouts. Save 70 citizens, Adrenaline icons will be created at your hideouts. Complete Ambulance level 12, and earn the Infinite Run ability, with which you will never have to stop running from energy loss. - Fire truck - Extinguish 20 fires in each district and the Flame Thrower power-up will be awarded at your hideouts. Taxi Mission With Any Vehicle ------------------------------ Ever wish you could make some taxi fares using a Banshee? Or a tank? Now you could with this very cool trick. First, you need a Taxi. Press down on the Right Analog Stick and HOLD IT DOWN. As long as you don't let go, the mission won't be activated. Now exit the vehicle. You will find that the controls are a bit hard to use. I found that using the D-Pad helps somewhat. Once you've acclimated to the controls, hop into a car of your choice and release the Right Analog Stick. The Taxi mission will begin as it would normally, allowing you to use the car of your choice in place of a yellow cab. However, you might want to note that using this trick might affect how your radar will function in the future. Just use this with caution. Running Without Getting Tired ------------------------------ You can sprint without getting tired; you don't have to do anything arduous to achieve this ability either. Simply tap the X button for as long as possible to keep running. As long as there are no slow-downs in the tapping procedure, your character will keep running, and the game will reset his "respiration" rate each time you press the button (although your fingers will get tired from doing this). Acquiring the Rhino Tank ------------------------- Jacking the massive army tank is almost suicide and is a great feat, so when you manage to lay your hands on one, I'll give you my praise. My method of acquisition is wussy, as it doesn't require fighting. However, if you're a dare-devil and love to see the law enforcements attempt to bust you, then you will need to consult MRorie's excellent Rhino Tank FAQ, found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/31127.html To nab the army's fine ride, simply complete the "Exchange" mission, which is the very last story-related mission. After the sequence, you can head to Phil's Army Surplus shop, where you'll be awarded with his own tank. Simple, eh? \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ [ACQUIRING IT THE HARD WAY] Thanks to MacPheerson In Staunton, go to the area where you have to pick up the car and deal with the spanked-up madmen. Next to one of the areas entrances, there's a building with two staircases leading to each other, then another leading up. Go up on the stairs. Start picking people off with the rifle, and when the cops show up, use the launcher and grenades to kill them. Stray cops will run up the stairs, but cycle to a gun quickly to kill them. Bow the **** out of the enforcement until the army comes. (don't bother w/choppers, you're under a roof. When the tanks stop against the wall in front of you, run down the stairs. The army guys will get out, but the wall stops them from killing you. Run back up and toss grenades or cocktails at them to kill them. Hop the wall, get in a tank and go- drive to the pay n spray entrance. Get out and sprint- get in the van in the nearby garage and get it painted, then go and get your tank- w/no wanted level. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ Speeding up the Tank --------------------- The Tank is pretty damn slow, but you could counterbalance that by spinning the turret 180 degrees, so that it faces the rear. Now start firing the cannon. The force will give the tank extra momentum and uh, stuff. Yeah. It makes it seem as if the tank is skipping. ***************************************************************************** NOTE: The following tricks were submitted by readers. See Contributor Credits to see who contributed what. ***************************************************************************** Flying Tanks ------------- With the dodo cheat, you can use a tank to fly, and get around better than the dodo airplane. Just turn the turret around directly behind you and keep firing, you can stay up indefinitely. ONE IMPORTANT FACT: DO NOT PUT ON PERFECT HANDLELING, as it will make it much harder to fly. Collecting Power-Ups --------------------- In Portland and Staunton Island you can get lots of weapons really quickly. Go to your hideout, go into the garage and make sure you touch the back wall. All weapon/armor/health/etc. pickups will re-spawn. So in these two areas you go in and out and stock up on any weapons you have at your hideout. Hope you can get this to work for you too. Decreasing Wanted Level through Train Rides -------------------------------------------- It takes seemingly forever but works. Just hop on a train and don't get off. Period. It may take a whole game day or so, but as long as you stay in there, they can't touch you. Had a level of 5 stars knocked down to two before I got bored outta my head. : ) Flying the Gap --------------- I found this out when I was cruising around after I had just failed Ray's evidence mission. This has to do with launching a car over the bridge connecting Shoreside Vale and Staunton Island when you can't yet reach Shoreside Vale. 1. First things first, there is now way you can pull this off unless you have two codes activated. The first code you need to activate is the one that is titled "Good handling car"(R1,L1,R2,L1,Left,R1,R1,Triangle). After you have activated it enter this next code. Activate the code titled "Fly" (R2,Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1). 2. After those two codes have been activated you need to steal a regular car like a Taxi or a Bobcat. Don't steal a fast car or the Good handling car code will not work. I don't know about a slow car, you can try it with a slow car if you want to. 3. Ok, after you have stolen a regular speed car drive up to the orange barriers that are supposed to block you from taking a car onto the bridge, go around the barrier on the right side. Now go up the curved on ramp until you get the part of the bridge that goes straight. Dividing the two lanes of the bridge is a barrier. Drive up so that you are on top of that barrier. Now stop once you get to the top. 4. Ok now that you are on top of the barrier you need to go full speed. Start speeding down the top of the barrier, don't make any sudden turns or you will fall off the barrier and you will need to get back on. Stay center as you speed down, now this is where the two codes you activated earlier come into the picture. When you get to the end of the barrier slightly turn to the left so when you jump you will land on the left or right lanes and not the center barrier of the opposite side of the bridge. Right as you turn left or right push down on the R3 button (left or right joystick). When you push the R3 button the code called "Good handling car" will shoot you straight into the air. And you will soon notice that you are not going to plunge into the water, thanks to the code called "fly" your car should float all the way down to the other side of the bridge and onto Shoreside Vale--an impossible place to reach until now. Voila, you have made it the Last Part of liberty city and you haven't even completed all the missions on Staunton Island yet. Drive-by With Any Weapon ------------------------- It's basically a drive-by shooting using every weapon at your disposal. The best car to use for this is a Bobcat. It's harder to jump onto the back so get in front of it, jump onto it, and walk forward until you fall into the back of it. Now you can shoot people with any weapon while the guy drives wherever. But if your wanted level starts going up, the guy will start driving like a maniac in an effort to throw you off. Any other car will work for this as long as you can get on top. You'll have to keep from slipping off though. Dodo Flying Tips ----------------- Gain some speed and hold down. When you see sparks from the tail or hear them (sometimes it's hard to see), press up, and you'll take off. Now here are the three most important things for a good flight: 1. Don't hold on to the gas (X) while in flight. It won't fly for more than 10 seconds or less 2. Only tap left or right constantly to make a turn. The small little wings can't take hard turns. 3. Just fly straight until you start going down. At that point, start tapping, pressing, or holding down until you can't see the red on the nose (Near the spinning blade is a red part on the nose; you don't want to see that). After that, the Dodo will start to go down then back up to a reasonable level. Oh yeah, one more thing: do not do not do not press up! It will screw up flight! Use down and your plane will go back to normal flight! These are your ways of flying the Dodo. Good luck! Easy Vigilante Missions ------------------------ To kill criminal threats with ease to accumulate bribes at hideout... 1) Steal a cop car (or any other law enforcement vehicle). 2) Take it to a hideout and park in garage. 3) Activate Vigilante mission. 4) Wait until they radio where suspect the is. 5) Get out of car. 6) Exit garage and wait until door closes completely. 7) Use "Blow Up All Cars" cheat to eliminate threat. 8) Get back in cop car and repeat until desired number of threats are eliminated. Easy Turismo Race ------------------ 1) Get a tank. 2) Get to starting line. 3) Try to run into car right next to you to blow it up (if you don't hit him don't worry about it, you'll get him later, don't try to shoot them (it's almost impossible). 4) Skip checkpoint #1 and go straight to #2 or #3. 5) Wait for other racers to come and park in middle of road so it is difficult for them to drive past. They will probably run right into you and blow up. 6) When you first see them coming, start shooting at them. 7) Once they are all wasted, simply coast through all the checkpoints. You'll come in first! (Time will be long but you'll pass the mission and get the money.) Hint: You may want to do a trial race in order to find the checkpoints you need to get ahead of the other racers. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= GAME ENIGMAS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Ever wonder why things happen in Liberty City? Don't bother. Thinking about things like that will only make you grow old more quickly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Read the following page and find the "Hard to Reach Places FAQ" by screwy * * to learn about the coolest GTA3 secrets. We hate to regurgitate such * * unique information, especially when he can explain it much better than we * * ever could: * * http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/31127.html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Finger ----------- If you stand in a congested area and hold up the traffic, the drivers will get irritated and start honking at you. Stand there long enough, and your character will finally get steamed and give everyone the finger--or at least something that passes as his middle finger. Fake-Out --------- Not really an awesome discovery, but it's worth mentioning. You can pull out drivers without actually entering the car. However, from experimenting over and over again, I've found out that you could only do this with the more "submissive" citizens--ones that will run away from you. The gruff ones are likely to punch your lights out, so you're automatically put behind the wheel. To toss a driver out without entering, as you try to steal a vehicle, gear the Analog stick down, so that it goes in the opposite direction you're facing. This will tell your character to _not_ enter the vehicle. This might not work sometimes. I haven't been able to get it to work properly all the time, but it's fun to try it. Again, this may not be a worthwhile tidbit, and I may even be incorrect, but like I said, it's interesting to mention. Burn-outs ---------- This is really cool, especially for those people who love seeing smoke billow from screeching tires. Powersliding with the cars can be done in this way, too. Simply accelerate while applying the brakes. This will induce a massive burnout that will leave tire marks on the street! Details! ***************************************************************************** NOTE: The following things were submitted by readers. See Contributor Credits to see who contributed what. ***************************************************************************** Clingy Prostitutes ------------------- I was also able to get a partner (sound odd, right?). I was about to pick up a hooker so I can bring up my health, and right before she got in the car my car was jacked. I was thrown down on the street and the guy drove away. The hooker somehow became attached to me, and everywhere I went, she followed. I even drove real fast to try and get away, but guess what, she ran faster. This is just for laughs. Hope you enjoyed it. Make Cars Commit Suicide ------------------------- On the lit bridge connecting Shoreside and Staunton, wait for the bridge to lift up. When it's up the cars will stop in front of the gap. If you bump into any of those cars, they'll drive straight into the gap and their deaths! It's really funny to watch them do that. You mentioned how you can make cars commit suicide on the Shoreside bridge. Try doing the same thing, but timing it so they get crushed when the bridge lowers back into place. It's tough, but cool--the ass-end of the car sticks out of the road. The Secret Dive ---------------- Either this is a glitch, or a life saver! When a car is coming at you to run you over for a reason (FBI, 3-star police) press square. If you press it at the right time, you will do a dive like the pedestrians do when you drive at them. I was holding X (running) at the time, and while doing that I pressed square when an FBI car came at me; it saved my life! PC Bug ------- ED's note: I cannot confirm that this bug applies only to the PC version of the game because I haven't been able to recreate the whacked out experience you're about to read. The following was contributed by Backslider. Backslider writes: "I just had the strangest experience playing GTA3 on the PC. It was a huge bug that had the coolest visual effect. Essentially, I fell THROUGH the ground, so that I was underneath the Staunton Island! I could look above me and see the ground, and roads, and even water! It took me a long time but I figured out that I was walking on top of the underground tunnel which connects the islands. I could walk around on top of the tunnel all the way to Shoreside Vale -- even though I haven't completed a single mission on Staunton! Once I got underneath Shoreside Vale, I walked off the edge of the underground tunnel, and I fell DOWN so far that I was ABOVE the island, and I finally landed on top of it! So, now I am on the third island without having completed the second! If I try to drive through the tunnel back to the second island, the barrier is still up! It's pretty fun to run around with everything upside down. I can reproduce it pretty easily. There is a place near the hospital on the second island where you can actually walk through a wall. Actually, you have to get pushed through it. I do it by jamming an ambulance in a really narrow space, and trying to wiggle around the side of it. Once you get through the wall, there is no ground modeled inside the hospital (or most buildings), so you just start to fall. The only thing modeled under the islands is the tunnel that connects them. This place on island 2 happens to be directly above the tunnel, so you can fall on it. If you fall anywhere else (not on the tunnel), you will fall until it eventually loops around and you fall out of the sky onto a spot on the island above where you fell. If you stay on the tunnel, you can run back and forth. I ran to the third island, then fell off the side, and back up on the island. I was able to find all the hidden packages, except the one in the subway, because that is still closed, and do other side missions. The only way I found to get back to the second island is with the Dodo. You can fly back, and continue the game, but with more weapons and stuff." Here are some screenshots, so you know what the hell he's talking about. Do NOT take these shots and place them on your own site. I don't see why anyone would want to, but it happens (after all, this is some trippy bug). http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf1-sm.jpg http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf2-sm.jpg http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf3-sm.jpg http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf4-sm.jpg http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf8-sm.jpg The above is an abridged list of his full collection of screenshots. To see more of the Backslider's chronicles, simply replace the number that follows "wtf" in the URL with a number from 1 through 17 (although some of them might be broken links). So, if you want to view screenshot 10, for example, enter this in your web browser: http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf*10*-sm.jpg (Remove the asterisks.) Have fun browsing through them. You will have to forgive the aberrant nature of some of these shots. Screenshots 13 through 17 display an entirely different bug he has encountered. See those vehicles floating in mid-air? Be scared. Be very scared. http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf16-sm.jpg http://www.geocities.com/gta3bug/wtf17-sm.jpg <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= CHEAT CODES =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> Do NOT ask for anymore. Bonds added these. Personally, I (Adrenaline) have never used them (not yet, anyway). Stop asking me for more! And stop asking if I've heard of a so-and-so code!! Thanks for your courtesy. Now, go buck wild! Note: If you ever want to turn off a cheat, like riots with pedestrians, input the code again to disable it. (Thanks to Michael Rosequist) Rhino Tank ----------- Code: Circle x6, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Desc.: A Rhino tank will magically pop out from an invisible garage in the sky and fall on the streets somewhere nearby. If you're not careful, it may end up squashing you. Decrease Wanted Level ---------------------- Code: R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down Desc.: All your troubles with the police will be over once this code kicks into action. Increase Wanted Level ---------------------- Code: R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right Desc.: Feeling a bit lazy? Or maybe you just don't want to hurt your brain too much by devising ways to disembody your local citizens and to deface the beautiful property around Liberty City. Well, you could stir up some intense action like there's no tomorrow with this code. Clear Weather -------------- Code: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle Desc.: Sunny days are good days...for picnics and hit-and-runs. Foggy Weather -------------- Code: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Cross Desc.: On perfectly sunny days, when there is not a cloud in sight, even the thick fog feels like rolling out to play. Cloudy Weather --------------- Code: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Square Desc.: It changes the weather from whatever its current state is to a cloudy, gloomy weather. Rainy Weather -------------- Code: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Circle Desc.: Rain, rain go away; come again another day. Rain is cool and if you like rain, then you could use this rainy weather code. *smiles and thumbs up* Faster Time ------------ Code: Circle x3, Square x5, L1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE. Desc.: It will make the in-game time speed up, morning becomes night quicker and vice versa. Outfits -------- Code: Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right Desc.: This will allow you to assume the role of any character in the game. Well, not any, but many of the pedestrians you see around the city. But even if you assume the guise, it won't fool the cops or the gangs who want you sprawled out on the streets. Riot Madness ------------- Code: Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1 Desc.: The pedestrians will run around beating the hell out of one another, and if you're not careful, you too! But take caution, if you save your game with the code entered, you can never take it off. All Weapons ------------ Code: R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Desc.: It gives you all of the weapons in the game, each fully packed with a finite amount of ammo. Full Armor ----------- Code: R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Desc.: Your character becomes automatically equipped with armor. There is no code that will give you infinite health, unfortunately. Full Health ------------ Code: R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Desc.: Miracle code of life. It pumps your health back to 100. Money ------ Code: R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Desc.: Money, money! Gimme money! More Gore ---------- Code: Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X Desc.: More blood and guts, you sick psychopath. Blow Up All Cars ----------------- Code: L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1 Desc.: Hmm, I THINK it blows up all cars? I don't know. The following codes were submitted by John Kaelin: --------------------------------------------------- Make Cars invisible: L1, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L1, Triangle This code makes the entire body of the car disappear, except the Tires, headlights, taillights, steering wheel, and driver, on all the cars. Slow Down Gameplay: Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R1, R2 This code is one of my favorites, it makes the entire game slow down, as if you took the matrix pill, or if you enter it a few times or more, even slower. Also, to warn you, I noticed I couldn't get out of my car while the game had this code on, I'm not sure if that's the case with your games, but an easy way to unable this code is to go and do a unique jump, the cinematic sequence will be the same speed, and when it cuts, the gameplay will be normal speed, although I didn't save with this one, yet anyway. ;) Speed up gameplay: Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, L1, L2 THE BEST CODE! For me anyway, it makes the game hilariously fast. I was laughing so hard while I was watching my player run crazily around. I entered this code 10X or more on my game, and he ran so fast--I got from my first island base, to my third island base, in under two minutes, running ^_^ and he only takes 1 second to catch his breath. Although it's easy to get busted if you're in a super speedy car; the police will appear out of nowhere and pull you out of your car before you can think to enter the no wanted code if you use it. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> -= FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS =- <>---------------------------------------------------------------------<> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Ok, I've done , but I'm still not able to get 100%! Can you tell me what else I have to do? A: Not really. However, I have finally discovered which things you need to complete to achieve 100% in the game. You need to accomplish the following: - 73 missions, which include everything mission-based listed within this very file. - 100 Hidden Packages - 20 Rampages - 20 Unique Stunt Jumps - 100 Taxi missions (or fares) - - 60 Vigilante missions |- Do not have to be done all at once. - 60 Firefighter missions - - Level 12 on Ambulance missions - Import/Export Garages in Portland and Shoreside Vale completed. - Emergency Vehicle Crane in Portland Harbor completed. Everything else is inconsequential. However, I have learned from a few people that using Cheat Codes to help you accomplish some of these tasks may affect your game. Therefore, if you are still unable to get 100% after completing all these things, the problem lies within the cheats you probably used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I killed Kenji Kasen. Will I still be able to do his missions? A: Of course not, silly goose. Last time I checked, you can't get missions from a dead guy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any way I can enter the football stadium or the observatory? A: According to jjkgamers, you can fly a Dodo into the stadium, but you won't be able to get back out. The word "COCKS" is streaked across the bleachers. Same way with the observatory. I suggest checking out the "Hard-to-Reach Places" FAQ found at GameFAQs for details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't get past the subway or the bridge. It says that it will be fixed after I complete a certain objective. How do I get to the other islands? A: Routes to other islands will not be opened until you've completed every (main) mission in each district. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why can't I get past a Wanted Level of 4? I keep shooting all the cops like you said, but it won't budge! A: People seemed to have misunderstood my answer last time. If you're in Portland, 4 stars can be achieved at maximum. In Staunton: 5 stars. In Shoreside: 6 stars. This means that if you are in Portland, and you still DO NOT have access to Staunton, you can get a maximum of 4 stars. If you are in Staunton Island, and you DO NOT have access to Shoreside, you can get a maximum of 5 stars. However, if you are in Portland, and you DO HAVE ACCESS to Shoreside, you will be able to get all 6 stars! Get it?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \ | | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER FIVE: OUTRO - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/ The unofficial Grand Theft Auto 3 strategy guide was created on November 10, 2001. © 2001-2003 AdrenalineSL and Bonds Legacy. All rights reserved. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole and in part in any form. Playstation 2 and Playstation 2 logos are registered trademarks of Sony, Inc. Grand Theft Auto 3 is a registered trademark of Rockstar, Inc. The authors of this document are in no way affiliated with Sony Entertainment of America. You may not place this document on your website or reproduce it in any way without the author's consent. This Grand Theft Auto III FAQ/Walkthrough was written by AdrenalineSL and Bonds Legacy, who hold all copyright for this document, in whole and in part. This guide may be used for private and personal use only. You may not permit anyone under any patents to reproduce it, in part or in whole, or use it for profitable purposes. All content within this file is owned and created by Stephanie Lee and Ryan Kavanagh. Should you attempt any infringement of these terms under the false belief that you are safe from international copyright law, it must be said that you are a moron. You may download the file through a web browser onto a single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not permit anyone else to modify the file or use it for any commercial purpose, display, performance, sale or rental. It absolutely cannot be decompiled, disassembled, modified, or create derivative works based on the documentation in whole or in part. Do not remove any copyrights. DISCLAIMER: Grand Theft Auto 3, the Grand Theft Auto 3 logo, and all related characters are copyright and property of Rockstar, Inc. ***************************************************************************** Webmasters- If you want to use this guide, just ask for permission. To make this known, here is a list of the official or authorized carriers of this FAQ: GameFAQs Neoseeker Happy Puppy GameShark Game Winners IGN FAQs All other sites are FAQ stealers that do not respect copyrighted works! And if we do grant permission, we reserve the right to ask that it be removed for any reason! We also sincerely urge you to keep ALL our FAQs UPDATED! UPDATED! UPDATED! Outdated versions of FAQs are the devil! Are we clear on both terms here? Great. o| S P E C I A L T H A N K S |o ¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯ Adrenaline and Bonds Legacy would like to thank the following people for helping them make this FAQ possible: - The guys at Rockstar for setting the benchmark for mature games and raising the bar on how far a game can go! - DMA Design (now renamed Rockstar North) for creating one of the best games ever! - CJayC for hosting this guide on his site. - AstroBlue for making the cool art at the top. Sources -------- Some of the sections would not have been made possible without the help of the following: - BradyGAMES OSG for some Hidden Packages Locations and prizes for them. - Sweetpimp324's Rampage FAQ for helping me get my Rampages in my game. - Where ever Bonds got the cheat codes from! Be it IGN, some magazine, rotten gum, or anyone's grandma. Contributor Credits: ---------------------- Thanks to the readers of this FAQ who have taken some time to e-mail us with corrections, tips, hints and suggestions; the guide is immensely improved by their efforts. The people that are listed here are not particularly more special than the other contributors listed throughout the FAQ, but they have sent us small tidbits of information that we have incorporated into our own info. Credit due to them is found here. - Greg for correcting a small error in the Hidden Packages chart. - Ron Savion and dawg88 for correcting the maximum wanted level in Portland. - John Kaelin and Colonel814 for correcting the Securicar Garage money amount error. - Riggs for helluva lot of corrections and various contributions to the FAQ. - cartman420 for the "Running Without Getting Tired" tip. - SaucierSum for some Authority level corrections. - Daniel Feit for numerous corrections on countless errors. - Jon (FLiPNiNeX3) for telling me about the Bullet-Proof Bobcat. - Ifrit (Jonathon D'Aquin) for confirming information regarding Bullet-Proof Bobcat. - munky man for telling me about the other location for the Flame-thrower. - Michael Rosequist for contributing the "Flying Tank" trick in the Tips & Tricks section, as well as numerous other contributions. - AflyingSquirrel and John Shumate for contributing to the "Collecting Power- Ups" trick in the Tips & Tricks section. - CW K for contributing the "Decreasing Wanted Level through Train Rides" trick in the Tips & Tricks section. - John Nolan for contributing the "Flying the Gap" trick in the Tips & Tricks section. - Branded89K for the "Drive-By With Any Weapon" trick in the Tips & Tricks section. - Nick Leon for contributing the Dodo-flying Tips and the "Secret Dive". - Ron Savion for sharing his delightful experience with a prostitute in the Game Enigmas section, under "Clingy Prostitute". - Banzai Man and Riggs for the "Make Cars Commit Suicide" trick found in Game Enigmas. - Ian for tipping me about using the Adrenaline Pill to push cars and stuff. - Andy Smith for being peeved about some of the car stats and correcting some of them. - WickedGuy3 for correcting an error concerning the free health thing. - simonsez222 for contributing "Easy Vigilante Missions" and "Easy Turismo Race" in the tips section. - cute_kitty66 for correcting my pronunciation of "Gruppe Sechs". - Grndmstrluis for correcting an error in the prize money for "Bomb Da Base". - RiCHie for correcting an error in one of the Rampage strategies. "I told you a million times not to exaggerate!" ============================================================================= MUCHAS GRACIAS!! ============================================================================= The Unofficial Grand Theft Auto 3 Strategy Guide Copyright © 2001-2003 Stephanie Lee and Ryan Kavanagh November 2001