Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas In-Depth Guide Vehicle Database and Statistics Author: REDjackeT: The Cow Deity E-Mail: TheCowDeity@Hotmail.Com Current Version: 0.04 (Lazy ascii art follows) GGGGGGGGG TtTtTtTtTtT AAAAAAAAA GGGGGGGGGGG tTtTtTtTtTt AAAAAAAAAAA GGG GGG TtT AAA AAA GGG GGG tTt AAA AAA GGG TtT AAA AAA GGG GGGGGG tTt AAAAAAAAAAA GGG GGGGGG TtT AAAAAAAAAAA GGG GGG tTt AAA AAA GGG GGG TtT AAA AAA GGGGGGGGGGG tTt AAA AAA GGGGGGGGG TtT AAA AAA SAN ANDREAS (Maybe I'll redo it later) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()-=_+?/ If all that doesn't line up right, you're in beeeeeg trouble. *** BIG NOTICE! *** This guide may contain spoilers, so don't read it if you don't wanna read them, ok? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------- Search for the cheese name listed after each section to jump directly there. Section 1. (Swiss) Guide Intro - Generic BS - Version History - To Be Added Section 2. (Asadero) Vehicle Attributes Key - Intro - The Attributes Key - Model Flags - Handling Flags - Extra Handling Data - Bike Handling - Boat Handling - Plane/Heli Handling Section 3. (American) Cars - Intro - Car Listing Section 4. (Cheddar) Bikes and Bicycles - Intro - Bike Listing Section 5. (Muenster) Boats - Intro - Boat Listing Section 6. (Provolone) Airplanes and Helicopters - Intro - Aircraft Listing Section 7. (Gorgonzola) Radio Controlled Vehicles - Intro - RC Listing Section 8. (Colby) Other Section 9. (Parmesan) F.A.Q. Section 10. (Gouda) Contact Info Section 11. (Feta) Legal - Legal - Authorized Sites Section 12. (Pepper Jack) Thanks - General Thanks - Submitted Help Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1. (Swiss) Guide Intro Generic BS ---------- This guide is an attempt to list out the vehicles present in GTA: San Andreas as well as describe them, maybe have some picture links, and display their stats as defined in the handling.cfg file on the GTA:SA disc. I created one of these for Vice City, but it was flawed (I found out my tiny little error) but may be re-releasing a fixed one if I ever find the original ever again. This one so far seems fairly accurate, and this time I got the flags right, hopefully anyway. Purpose ------- What is the real purpose of the guide? Again, same as above, to list out, describe, and state locations within the game. It is also a potential mod helper, since stats modifiers are attempting to be defined. You can potentially mod the stats of vehicles for GTA:SA by modifying the file. This would require a mod chip and a DVD burner, as well as an ISO editor to replace the handling config file. I have not tried this, but given the SAME file for Vice City and GTA 3 can be modified for the PC version (same format, same location in the directory structor) I don't see why this isn't possible (also for GTA 3 and VC). Those who have an xbox modchip and are storing their FULLY LEGAL copy of VC and GTA 3 could probably go in and edit the file via ethernet connection (I also lack this xbox modification currently, but I shall be modding both soon). Note that I take no responsibility for wasted dvd's or you screwing up your PS2/XBox, I'm just saying it very well may be possible. I will not answer e-mails asking "How do I access my xbox HD via the ethernet?" or "How do I extract/edit/burn a PS2 dvd for use?" or anything related to moding the handling.cfg file. Version History --------------- NOTICE: I enjoy cheesecake far too much... I know it has been a long while, but deal with it... 0.04 - Changed E-Mail policy. - Fixed Center of Mass by flipping the description for Y and Z. - Fixed some more attribute discriptions. - Added more car descriptions, locations, and counter-parts. - Fixed descriptions for Thrust Y/Z/AppZ in extra boat handling data. - Added ANDROM/Andromeda stuff in the FAQ section. 0.03 - Added extra Bike/Boat/Plane handling data. Granted, I have no idea what it all does, but it is there. - Added extra handling data descriptions, or at least a space for it since I really don't know what all of it does. - Added Description/Location/Counterpart template to the Cars section, only two have anything actually filled out. - Removed ABS listing since all are set to 0. - Fixed Max Velocity description to remove the K/MPH conversion as it is not needed any further. - Fixed Animation Group text, they all no longer say "Standard Car". Forgot to change a string number into an integer, sorry. - Version 0.02 stated that the list was sorted alphabetically, no, it still isn't. Sorry, I have to finish other things before I do it. - Fixed two of the authorized sites, sorry, my bad. - Added a few more authorized sites. 0.02 - Redid the Vehicle Attributes Key section to make it more readable. Also renamed it from the "Listings Key" since that name sucks. - Fixed the Vehicle Attributes Descriptions based on various e-mails and help I have obtained. - Combined the Center Of Mass X, Y, Z into a single stat. - Updated the Thanks section, and split it into two subsections. - Switched Steering Lock to be listed under Suspension. - Added in Decoded Vehicle Flags for Models and Handling. - Added in Car Names. - Sorted the Car List alphabetically. (LIES!) - Listened to Fernando on WCTR some more, he is funny. - Numbered the vehicles (there are 210 entries including RC cars). - Did some other changes that I don't quite remember. 0.01a - This update is currently only on, but it is legit. - Added "To Be Added" section under "Version History". - Corrected the spelling error in CHEDDAR, silly me. - Added Thanks to my GF. - Fixed the previous version history thingy with the right verson number. - Added several sites to the authorized listing sites. - Added my full internet handle. - I'd just like to thank everyone for their e-mails so far. 0.01 - First version of the guide, has all the cars listed in the car section of the handling.cfg parsed out. Read the car section's intro to find out important information. To Be Added ----------- - Bulletproof Car Locations - Various spelling/grammar errors. - Various fixes to attribute information. - Add car locations, descriptions, and pictures. - Lick my mouse. - Add car names. (almost done) - Add bikes, boats, planes, and everything else. - Organize vehicles by type and alphabetically. - Add mod-garage information. - Massive updates to the thanks section. - Reformat the entire guide. - Reorganize the Table of Contents. - Weep over the slow destruction of my S and C key's label, and plot destruction for those who aided in its pain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2. (Asadero) Vehicle Attributes Key Intro ----- Below is the basic layout of each vehicle. Later on I plan on including image links (if I can find a host) and car descriptions (send some in if you like, I may post them and maybe give you credit... maybe... Also note that for non-car entries, there will be some extra stuff when I actually finish off those sections. Also note that the CAR NAME header isn't in yet for all vehicles because it just isn't. Soon, soon... and soon it will be alphabetical rather then completely ass random. Note again that I don't know what everything does, and if you think you know what it does, drop me a line via the contact section and you'll get credit, if you give me decent information and you give reasons why you think it is the answer. Make it a 500 word persuasive essay and it's due by next time we meet, which should be soon... oh so soon... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Attributes Key ------------------ 000.) Car Name -------------- This is the in-game name of the vehicle along with a number, ooo. Description ----------- A text blurb about the vehicle, including any special notes or whatnot. Location -------- Static location, if any, along with where its mostly found driving around. GameFAQs.Com has a badass locations map for static vehicle locations by Lady Gamer. Great map... Counterpart ----------- The Real-Life(tm) version of whatever the car is based on looks mostly. Some of the counterparts may seem wrong to you, they are mostly opinion. Vehicle ID ---------- The game gives an eight (8) character or less code to identify the vehicles in the config file such as LANDSTAL or VOODOO. It may or may not reflect the actual ingame name. This isn't all that important really. - Dimensions Mass ---- The Mass of said vehicle in Kilograms. Higher means heavier, and thus can knock around vehicles easier. Beefcake-like vehicles tend to be slower. Turn Mass --------- Affects how quickly it turns, or how heavy the vehicle 'feels' while turning. Higher is bad and means your titanic-class vehicle will take longer to change directions. That's what you get for driving a boat on wheels. Drag Multiplier --------------- Affects acceleration I would assume. It tells you how much drag said vehicle has. Trucks are less aerodynamic and have a bigger multiplier, which is bad. Also seems to have an affect on the temperature of my feet. Center of Mass -------------- I condenced this into one field. The center of mass is written X, Y, Z and tells you where, from the car's dead center, the actual gravitational center is. In reality (ewww) tall vehicles have a center of mass issue and can tip easier. Rear engine cars tend to have their center of mass near the rear and vice versa. Vice city... mmm... Oh, sorry. Center of mass affects handling since it can be easier to type with a taller center of mass, or easier to slide the cars hiney if there is more "junk in the trunk" (oversteer). X = Left to right, Negative would be right I think, but all of these are zero, since cars tend to be balanced left to right. Y = Front to back, Negative would be to the rear ladies and gentlemen. Like I said above, rear engine cars tend to be heavier in the ass section of the vehicle, while front engines tend to be more weighty in the fore section. Z = Talledness may not be a word, but I feel you should understand what it means. A negative number would mean the cars CENTER-O-MASS is lower and thus not as easy to tip as well as the opposite. NOTE: This is now reflected correctly based on tests in GTA3 and Vice City as well as data analysis (which I should have done in the first place, no?) Percent Submerged ----------------- This is a percentage of how much of the vehicle stays afloat when someone decides to see if it can swim. That's the one car they haven't really put in GTA yet, one of the boat-mobiles that actually CAN swim, like a "Duck" landing craft. Anyway, a value higher then 100% will, obviously, sink instantly. This isn't all that important, really. - Traction Multiplier ---------- One would assume that this number affects how much grip your car has, but you know what they say about when you assume something. You make an ass out of you and whomever you try to pin the crime on. Wait, that's not what my health teacher said. Anyway, the higher the better since it lets your wheels do their job more effectively. Loss ---- Affects how much traction you lose when it rains or when you decide to do a little sight seeing without the aid of an actual road. Also note that for wheeled vehicles, actual bodies of water tend to have a big loss to your traction, eh? Bias ---- The difference between the front wheel's traction and the rear's. I think higher means more grip in the back, but I'm not entirely positive on that. It's written as a percent, so .5 means 50% (I'll fix it so it says actual percents later). A higher number will make the car more likely to oversteer (the car's ass may fly out) while a lower number may cause the car to understeer (not steer enough). A dead even 50% won't really make the car do either to any extreme degree. - Transmission Number of Gears --------------- Like when someone says "I have a 6-speed automatic in my brand new Jaguar, you puny surf!" they mean the car has six (6) gears. I doubt this really effects anything in this game except the visual spasm the vehicle makes when changing gears, and the engine pitch change. There are no gear ratios listed anywhere. Max Velocity ------------ How fast the vehicle can go on flat, even, paved terrain measured in Kilometers per Hour (KPH). To get MPH for all us, sissy non-meteric using scumballs the MPH conversion is listed as well. One would think higher would be better, no? Unless you can't handle it, punk. Engine Acceleration ------------------- The really important thing to note here is that the higher the number, the faster you get off the line and to your top speed. You'll notice some large vehicles have a high acceleration, but generally those don't have a top speed worth two and a half damns on the black market. It's measured in m/(s^2) or Meters per second per second as people have pointed out to me (also known as velocity change per second). Note that NPCs seem vastly unaffected by this (I also feel that they don't seem to be affected by max velocity as well). Engine Inertia -------------- Once you stop putting the *ahem* "FINGER TO THE PLASTIC!" and actually let off the X button (or whatever button you use, sicko), this value will tell you how fast the vehicle will slow down. I couldn't tell you if this is measured in ms^2 or not since the guide doesn't explicitly say that, but I do not believe it is. My personal belief after looking at some of the values is that it may be a multiplier used against acceleration or braking stats, but I'm not entirely sure on that at all. Just note the important thing for now, higher means you'll slow down faster. Drivetrain ---------- Cars pretty much come in three different drivetrains, front wheel drive (FWD), rear wheel drive (RWD), and four wheel drive (4WD). I think we can all deduce that that actually means. In reality FWD tends to understeer (not steer enough) while RWD tends to oversteer (ass end wants to spin out from under you) and 4WD cars tend not to do either. That can change depending on the car, some 4WD's oversteer or understeer more then others while there are quite a few RWD's that understeer (like that blue whale of a Bently GT is supposed to, so I hear anyway). Also, 4WD cars are better offroad, with FWDs coming up in a far second, and RWDs behind them, generally speaking. I've had more luck with RWDs in snow then FWDs though, in my experience. Basically, RWD cars in this game have their rear ends swing out a bit more (kinda like the stallion used to in gta3/vc) while FWDs don't, but may not steer enough and are generally not as fast as many RWDs. 4WDs are more neutral. Engine Type ----------- There are three engine types in San Andreas (pretty much the major types in the real world as well) and they are Petrol (Gas), Diesel (Loud), and Electric (Whiny). I don't think this has any major affect on the game except visual. Electric vehicles don't smoke, they spark when heavily damaged. - Braking Brake Deceleration ------------------ Measured in ms^2, this value tells you how fast you can cease your vehicle's movement. NPCs are not affected by the same rules, just as a note. The higher this value, the sooner you come to a complete stop and no longer have to remain seated. Thank you for flying Kerplunk Airlines, have a wonderful day. Buh-Bye! Brake Bias ---------- Like all bias, difference between the front braking power and the rear. When slamming on the brakes, this may or may not allow you to have some control on the vehicle. A higher number, I believe, has more power to the rear, which may cause your rear (yes, your actual behind) to swing out funky. ABS --- Anti-Lock Braking System is what ABS means (some people call it the Assisted Braking System as well, these people are witches and must be burned for the entertainment of the Lawn Gnome Army) and in reality it prevents your wheels from locking up when on loose traction (like your mom! HA!) or when you slam on them too hard because you didn't see the orange Navigator earlier for some reason. In this game (according to Dallas who e-mailed me on the subject, so blame him) it seems to help you have more control over your vehicle during non-paved surface braking and general button-mashing in attempt to make your vehicle actually stop before you hit that cop, again. Note: This stat was removed because all vehicles were set to No (0). It does, however, exist within the handling config file. - Suspension Steering Lock ------------- Measured in degrees, this little value tells you how far the wheels will turn in any given vehicle to the left or right. So, if it says 35.0, that means it can turn 35 degrees to the right, or 35 degrees to the left. If you think a higher number means you can turn sharper, then you win the grand prize. What is the grand prize? A spray of Lime-A-Way in the face! Force Level ----------- This affects how hard the suspension itself is. The higher this is, the stiffer the shocks and less bouncy the car will be. Damping Level ------------- This affects how much of what affects the suspension transfers to the chassis. The higher this is, the less affect it has on your chassis the less it affects your handling. High Speed Damping ------------------ Most cars are zero, but I believe it has a multiplier effect towards bounciness against the damping level while traveling at the ever vague "high speeds". I'd like to tell you more, but gosh darnit, I really don't know any more. Upper Limit ----------- When I look at my Grand Cherokee I always see the large gap between the tire and the wheel well and I think to myself, "Ahh, curb destruction at its finest!" This value effects how high up the tires can go into the wheel well. The higher this is, the further up they can go, and the more curbs, bumps, and old ladies you can safely traverse. Lower Limit ----------- Opposite as the above and written as a negative. This is how far down the wheels will strech from their default position. This helps with divits, coming off of curbs, bumps and old ladies, as well as pot holes and heads. Front and Rear Bias ------------------- The difference in traction between the front and rear tires. A number above .5 may cause the car to understeer more, while a value above .5 may cause the exact freaking opposite, oversteer (booty shaking). Anti-Drive Multiplier --------------------- Not any forking idea, and out of the mass of e-mails I recieved, not one else seems to know either. Fat load of good you all are! - Other Seat Offset Difference ---------------------- Not important, just how far off from the middle the seats in the vehicle are located for when the people sit down. Collision Damage Multiplier --------------------------- This, contrary to what I said before, effects how much damage you take, not dish out. The higher this is, the more damage you get when you smack into things. This, so some have said, does not have any bearing on weapon damage. Monitary Value -------------- How much the vehicle costs ingame. This ties into the import/export dock as how much money you get for an undamaged vehicle, and the cost of importing a vehicle from your list. This also ties into the sex appeal stat. A more expensive vehicle will raise your stat more. This also may have some affect on your property damage stat, but it apparently doesn't use the entire amount at least, according to Burton, who only got $7055 added on after destroying a $19000 Fortune. That value might have been the least amount you can get for the vehicle though and, thus, since it was destroyed you only get the least instead of the total car value. Model Flags ----------- Not all that important, but these are special flags that affect the model of the vehicle in some way, shape, or form. Look below for a complete list on the Model Flags and what they (or at least what I think they) do. Handling Flags -------------- These are fairly important as they actually affect the handling of the vehicle in some special way such as making them better offroad. There is also the mod shop tags in this section for the Low Rider and Street Racer shops. Headlight Type -------------- This USED to affect what the light square looked like in front of the vehicle's headlights. Since there is no square there anymore, I think this affects the light cast onto the ground. 0 = Long 1 = Small 2 = Big 3 = Tall Rearlight Type -------------- Same, only for the asslights. 0 = Long 1 = Small 2 = Big 3 = Tall Vehicle Animation Group ----------------------- Not very important, but this tells you what group of animation this vehicle uses. I'll change the numbers to whatever their ID is actually for (like general car, or some specific vehicle or vehicle set as defined by the handling configuration file, yo). Model Flags Key --------------- No Flags -------- There is only a zero listed, and thus there are no applicable flags. This should not happen on non-car vehicles except the list below. If a non-car that is not on the below list is listed with no flags on the model flags you should e-mail me about it. Exemption List -------------- RC Tiger RC Cam RC Bandit Is_Van ------ This vehicle is a Van, probably tells where the rear passengers sit. Is_Bus ------ This vehicle is a bus, wow! Same deal I guess. Is_Low ------ GET LOW! GET LOW! This vehicle is low, neat. This doesn't mean it is a Low Rider though. That's in the "Handling Flags Key" section Is_Big ------ It's so big, can I touch? Reverse_Bonnet -------------- A Bonnet, for those not in the know or from the UK, is what "those" people call the hood. So a reversed bonnet would open from the windshield instead of the front. An example would be certain Corvettes and the current Jaguar XK series. Hanging_Boot ------------ More UK speak. Boot means trunk. A hanging "Boot" would be a what is also called a "Liftgate" for minivans and SUVs. Tailgate_Boot ------------- Generally just called a Tailgate, but its the downward swinging door on a pick-up truck. This vehicle has that style "Boot" on it. NoSwing_Boot ------------ Probably there to define that there is no trunk, or it doesn't open. No_Doors -------- The car lacks doors, and not because you got nailed by the police again. The two buggies lack doors, as well as the Go-Kart and Golf Cart. Tandem_Seats ------------ That means that the passanger will sit directly behind the drive, like on bikes or if you had a really weird thin car. Sit_In_Boat ----------- Where's the little man in the boat?! Convertible ----------- This car has a drop top. Let the wind flow through your hair. If you still have any, baldy. No_Exhaust ---------- I dunno what this means... *giggle* (SARCASM LADIES!) Double_Exhaust -------------- This one has thrown me for a loop. (SARCASM GIRLS!) No1FPS_Look_Behind ------------------ My (and Craig's) guess is you're not allowed to look behind yourself while piloting this vehicle in first person view. Max says, "this means that when you look back you dont get a clear view like you do looking forward, you will see CJ's face." I don't actually understand, but whatever... Force_Door_Check ---------------- This requires a check for doors to be run, I suppose. Axle_F_NoTilt ------------- The front axle doesn't tilt at all, I suppose. Axle_F_Solid ------------ Solid, Baby! One solid axle from wheel to wheel exists in the front. Axle_F_McPherson ---------------- "That's a really nice strut suspension!" - Mike Nelson, MST3k I don't know a crapload about cars, and I know even less when it comes to the suspension, but I believe this is the setup where there is no solid axle between the front wheels. Kinda like an Independent suspension. Feel free to correct my stupid ass. Axle_F_Reverse -------------- The front axle is... reversed? Axle_R_NoTilt ------------- No Tilting the pinball machine, beyatch! Same as the "F" one, only for the rear. Axle_R_Solid ------------ Get funky. Same as the "F" one, only for the butt. Axle_R_McPherson ---------------- I loved the MST3k Space Mutany episode. That movie was so lame. Same as the "F" one, only for the caboose. Axle_R_Reverse -------------- About FACE! Same as the "F" one, only for the tail end. Is_Bike ------- This vehicle is a bike, weee! Again, probably so the game knows where to sit the people who climb on. Is_Heli ------- This is Chopper Charley 4, I'm gonna try landing on some unsuspecting Ford Excursion, over. Is_Plane -------- IN THE SKY! IT'S A BIRD! No, dumbass It's a plane... you idiot. Is_Boat ------- PIRATES! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Yar! Bounce_Panels ------------- When you damage your vehicle, this probably tells the game that the damaged bumpers will bounce around as you drive. Double_RWheels -------------- The rear wheels have two sets of tires on each rear axle, like many of the large box-style cargo trucks. Force_Ground_Clearance ---------------------- The vehicle has a massively limited ground clearance I suppose that it MUST abide by or pay the penalty. The penalty you ask? Being forced to spend three days locked in a small room with various Jerry Springer guests. Is_Hatchback ------------ This car has a Hatchback, weee. Flag_Too_Long ------------- This is a unique flag, as it isn't a RockStar flag, It's one I added. The Tornado has a 4 as the very last digit in it's model flags listing. There is no ninth flag defined in the handling.cfg file. So, because I don't know what the 4 means, I put in this flag to keep my program from crashing. I'm not sure if there actually is a ninth flag set or if this was a bug. Handling Flags Key ------------------ No Flags -------- There is only a zero listed, and thus there are no applicable flags. You know what that means, right? PARTY! Wait, no... Fondue? 1G_Boost -------- Apparently gives an extra speed boost in first gear, so says "Max". 2G_Boost -------- Same deal, except in second gear. NPC_Anti_Roll ------------- When the NPC is driving this vehicle, he wont roll on his own. NPC_Neutral_Handl ----------------- When an NPC is piloting this potential weapon of mass destruction, the handling values do not apply. No_Handbrake ------------ We're sorry, but the emergency brake you are attempting to use is currently out of service. Please try again later. Steer_RearWheels ---------------- You know how the forklift and bulldozer have rear wheel steering? This is the flag that specifies that. HB_RearWheel_Steer ------------------ Instead of inducing some rear-wheel locking action, the handbrake button will cause the rear wheel to turn opposite the front ones, like the MONSTER TRUCK! Alt_Steer_Opt ------------- I'm guessing this means that there are two ways to steer the vehicle who owns this flag. Wheel_F_Narrow2 --------------- The Front wheels on this car are very narrow, me thinks. If this actually affects the handling of the vehicle, then narrow tires would be better in rain or snow since they can push said rain or snow away from pavement quicker. At least, that's how it's supposed to work in reality. Wheel_F_Narrow -------------- The Front wheels on this car are narrow, wee! Same thing above about the possible handling bonus in rain. Wheel_F_Wide ------------ The Front wheels on this turkey are wide. Wider tires generally hold dry pavement better since there is more surface area to grab, but generally don't do as well in the rain and snow since it has to move MORE bad stuff from under the tires. Wheel_F_Wide2 ------------- Same as above, only this time they are very wide. Like, wider then a whale baby! Wheel_R_Narrow2 --------------- Here we go again, but this time for the back wheels! Wheel_R_Narrow -------------- Same as the front, only for the back. Wheel_R_Wide ------------ I shouldn't be writing this stuff at 6 AM after a lack of sleep. Same as the Wide front tires, only for the ass end. Wheel_R_Wide2 ------------- More of the same, only, again, for the rear tires. Hydraulic_Geom -------------- Not sure on this one yet. Hydraulic_Inst -------------- I'm guessing "Hydraulic Install" is what it means. Not sure if it means you CAN install hydraulics or if they MAY come preinstalled. Hydraulic_None -------------- Guessing this car never gets hydraulics, or can't have them installed, not sure yet. Nos_Inst -------- Also guessing that this means NOS can, in fact, be installed. Offroad_Ability --------------- Bonus to offroad terrain traction. Offroad_Ability2 ---------------- A different, maybe lesser bonus to offroad traction. Halogen_Lights -------------- SO BRIGHT! MY EYES! AAARRRG! Proc_RearWheel_1st ------------------ Say what? Use_MaxSP_Limit --------------- Guessing "Use Max Speed Limit" but, I don't know what that speed limit is, or what the hell it means. Low_Rider --------- This car is a low rider, so anything requiring the use of a low rider, like the low rider mod garage (Los Santos), must have a vehicle with this flag on it. Street_Racer ------------ Same as Low_Rider, only this time for Street Racers (Rice burners) and its respective mod garage (San Fierro). Swinging_Chassis ---------------- The Chassis swings? Kinky. Extra Handling Data ------------------- There are three different kinds of extra handling data: Bike, Boat, and Plane/Heli. Every vehicle of that type has only one of those EXCEPT the Skimmer Sea Plane. That one has a Boat and a Plane/Heli listing. Also note that the Vortex, the Hover Craft, is indeed listed correctly as a Plane/Heli and it NOT a Boat or other vehicle. Bike Handling ------------- Lean Forward COM ---------------- I'm guessing this alters the center of mass while leaning forward, yet I do not know exactly how yet, yet... Lean Forward Force ------------------ One might think that this would tell you how much of an affect you have on this crotch loving, two wheeled machine of dismemberment while leaning forward, but I don't know exactly. Lean Back COM ------------- See above, -forward +back... Lean Back Force --------------- I suppose this would state how much of an affect you have on the bike when you lean back, but I can't be sure on that. Max Lean -------- Maximum angle you can lean on a bike left or right. This does affect handling on the bike. Full Animation Lean ------------------- Basically, this is when the animation of you moving left or right reaches a stopping point, normally before you hit the max lean angle. This doesn't seem all that important. Higher means that CJ and the bike angle further, but does it really matter? Des Lean -------- All it said was "DESLEAN" so... I have no idea. Speed Steer ----------- One would think this would change how the bike handles at higher speeds. From what is listed in the data, I'm inclined to think lower is better. Slip Steer ---------- My best guess is that while you lack real traction, like when you're sliding because you did something stupid, this affects how much actual control you're left with. Based on what I've seen in the numbers, higher seems better. No Player COMz -------------- The one called "Max" has said something about this. What was it? Oh yeah... This determines how upright the bike will stay if you bail from it. Wheelie Angle ------------- Easy, How high of a wheelie angle can be done on this bike. My guess is that this is really the max angle you can do while the game will still count it as a wheelie. Higher means you have a better margin for error really. Stoppie Angle ------------- Same as Wheelie Angle, only for the other way. That was easy, now I can go do other things like... umm... right. Wheelie Stab Multiplier ----------------------- I'm gonna take a stab (HA!) at this and say it affects the bike's stability while in a wheelie. I don't know if thats what they mean by STAB, but this is the only thing I could think of. Wheelie Steer ------------- My guess is that it dictates how well you can steer while in a wheelie. One may even go so far to say that the higher the number, the more control you have over said temporary unicycle. Stoppie Stab Multiplier ----------------------- Same as the Wheelie version, only this time for raising your ass! Boat Handling ------------- Thrust Y -------- In Vice City, this value affects how sharply the boat turns. The higher, the better. I jacked this value on the Squalo in VC to 1.5 and the sucker turned on a quarter. Well, not quite, maybe like turned on a 20" sprewell. Thrust Z -------- According to a Vice City test, the Z thrust dictates how high the nose (or ass if you are going backwards) pops up during thrust. I put it to 2.1 on the Squalo and it wanted to do an end-over-end, which was kinda neat. Thrust App Z ------------ Sadly, the pirate text had to go now that I know what this does. This value states how quickly the nose will rise to its limit, which is defined above. The higher this is, the faster the nose rises. Set too high will cause the boat to bounce faster off the limit, which can negatively affect speed and handling. This affects how quickly it falls during deceleration, both natural and forced. Arrr, now I DO be knowing, ya still lilly livered sea dog. Aq Plane Force -------------- The Plane may refer to the water, and if so, that may mean that this is how much the water affects the vessel. If THAT'S true, then I dunno what would be considered a bad value or not right now. Aq Plane Limit -------------- Uhh... huh? Aq Plane Offset --------------- Well, it goes along with the other two... somehow... Wave Audio Multiplier --------------------- One might assume that this means the waves sound louder with a higher number. Granted, we all know from elsewhere in this guide that assuming anything may leave you with nothing but broken dreams, and a damaged rectum. Move Resistence (X, Y, Z) ------------------------- RESIST THE MOVEMENTS IN YOUR SOUL WITHIN THESE X, Y, AND Z VALUES! Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z) ------------------------- Affects how difficult it is to turn that boat like object you are driving. No not the Cabbie, the boat that goes in water. No, not like your bathtub. LRB Camera Height ----------------- The actual name was listed as "Look_L_R_BehindCamHeight" so I guess that this dictates the camera height when looking left, right, or behind. Hence, why I called it the LRB (left, right, behind) Camera Height. I so smrt. Plane/Heli Handling ------------------- Thrust ------ The higher this number, the faster the plane will go. Ties in with acceleration and planes may very well use this instead of the acceleration value. Thrust Falloff -------------- Kinda like Engine Inertia, only for planes. Shows how quickly the speed will melt away after releasing the "throttle", if you will. Yaw --- Yaw is left and right movement. Dunno how the value works yet though. Yaw Stab -------- Not positive, but stability while moving Yaw ways... hehehe... Side Slip --------- Uhh... maybe it means "Side Step" like, when you turn with the rudder? I have no idea though. Roll ---- Affects how fast you can roll counter-/clock-wise, I guess. I know the values are kinda weird, but it seems like higher is better, since the Stunt Plane rolls a hell of a lot better then the Shamal and has a higher value. Roll Stab --------- Again, as with the rest of the STAB things, I'm not exactly positive, but I'm going to say for now that it affects stability while rolling. Pitch ----- How quickly you can point the air vehicle up or down, me thinks. Pitch Stab ---------- Stability in doing the above, I suppose. Form Lift --------- Uhh... Attack Lift ----------- KILL! Gear Up R --------- Affects something with the landing gear when it is up, or how it goes up, if possible within your aircraft. Written as GearUpR in the config file. Gear Down L ----------- Same as above, only the other way, I guess. Written as GearDownL in cfg file. Wind Multiplier --------------- One would guess, just by looking at it's tag, that it may very well tell you how the air vehicle is affected by the wind. My guess is, the higher the number, the more of an affect the wind has against you. Move Resistence --------------- How much the vehicle resists moving? Dunno. Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z) ------------------------- How much of a bastard it is to turn in all directions, I suppose. My guess is that a higher value means it is a bastard, while a lower number actually has a father. Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z) -------------------------- I guess this will bleed off more of your speed if you're traveling in a direction with a higher Speed Resistence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3. (American) Cars Intro (PLEASE READ) ------------------- New Special Note: Not all cars listed have their in-game names. Also, I did check them all to see if they printed out, but I may have missed one or messed one up. Also note that some of the odds and ends vehicles like the train and what not are still in this section, I still haven't moved them. To find out what the different stats mean, check Section 2, if you dare. Car Listing ----------- 001.) Land Stalker ------------------ Description ----------- The Landstalker is GTA's generic SUV type vehicle. It comes with room for four and has the inate and ever useful ability to tip over. Weee! Location -------- I don't know of any unique spawns, but I see it more in the major cities then in the desert/country. Counterpart ----------- Early 90's Explorer/Blazer. Vehicle ID: LANDSTAL - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5008.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.2 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 2.4 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.14 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.27 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.23 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: 2G_Boost, Halogen_Lights, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002.) Bravura ------------- Description ----------- Bravura Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Cavalier Vehicle ID: BRAVURA - Dimensions Mass: 1300.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2200.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.7 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 08.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.31 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 57% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Is_Van Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003.) Buffalo ------------- Description ----------- A rather nice sports vehicle the Buffalo is. It seats two and seems to have some sort of offroad bonus (has offroad_ability2 flag) and I do seem to think it handles pretty well both on and offroad. Location -------- I've seen it in San Fierro and Las Venturas. There is a static spawn next to Catalenas hideout. Counterpart ----------- Camero Z28 Vehicle ID: BUFFALO - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.7 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.24 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004.) Line Runner ----------------- Description ----------- It can finally hitch a friggin trailer. The Linerunner finally has some damn use besides knocking the fork out of other cars. Slow and holds two people, but can take quite a few rounds. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- MACK Semi Cab Vehicle ID: LINERUN - Dimensions Mass: 3800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 19953.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.95 Loss: 0.65 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.40 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 005.) Perenial -------------- Description ----------- I like this car... oh wait... No, I hate this car. The ever-slow and ever-present Perennial is a really old station wagon that has existed since the days of Liberty City. It handles like a boat but does seat four. Only drive if your only other option is death. Smoke drives one, but that doesn't make it cool. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Mid 70's Dodge Stationwagon Vehicle ID: PEREN - Dimensions Mass: 1200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.37 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 006.) Sentinel -------------- Description ----------- This is a fairly well known car to anyone who has played GTA 3 and Vice City. In those games, there was a faster Sentinel (the Mafia or XS) and it was one of the best sedans in the game. Now, it still is a nice car, but now you need NOS to get anywhere really fast. Still a pretty nice car. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- BMW 5 Series Vehicle ID: SENTINEL - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 007.) Dumper ------------ Description ----------- This is one massive Dump Truck baby. The right stick's up and down motion will control the back. Slow ass, but damn if it ain't big with big beefy tires-o-doom. Location -------- Hunter Quarry after beating a story-line mission (I forget which). Counterpart ----------- Catapillar 700 series Off-Highway truck Vehicle ID: DUMPER - Dimensions Mass: 20000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 200000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.5, -0.4 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.78 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.30 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow, Hydraulic_None, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Monster Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008.) Fire Truck ---------------- Description ----------- The Fire Truck is... a... fire... truck. The truck can fire a stream of water which can be aimed with the right stick. That is useful for knocking down people while the vehicle itself is very useful for knocking around smaller vehicles. Click R3 to start the fire truck missions and save some lives! Like your own when you get rewarded for them. Location -------- Fire Stations or you can "accidentally" set a car/person/building on fire. Counterpart ----------- A Fire Truck Vehicle ID: FIRETRUK - Dimensions Mass: 6500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 36670.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 27.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.00 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.47 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.26 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Is_Big, NoSwing_Boot, Reverse_Bonnet, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 009.) Trash Master ------------------ Description ----------- The Trashmaster is your basic garbage truck. Nothing really special about it. It's slow, but not very easy to tip despite its height issue. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Garbage Truck, maybe a GMC or Mack Truck. Vehicle ID: TRASH - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 3.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010.) Stretch ------------- Description ----------- Limos are always seen as status symbols if you actually own one, but why own one when you can gank one like the Stretch? It's slow and pretty long, so it can be hard to turn, and doesn't hold more then 3 extra people, but you can color it pink and put nitro on it. Weee! Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Lincoln Towncar Limo Vehicle ID: STRETCH - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 10000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 180.0 KPH / 111.78 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.72 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Axle_F_Reverse, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Halogen_Lights, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011.) Manana ------------ Description ----------- Yet another evil car that has been around since GTA 3. The Manana does handle pretty damn well, but is so slow that it's not worth taking even if you can find one, which I haven't noticed too many of them on the street. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Toyta Tercel Vehicle ID: MANANA - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1400.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 19.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.31 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.2 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 012.) Infernus -------------- Description ----------- Ah, the Infernus is back again, and yet again it has a different form. This time it still looks like an Acura/Honda NSX. It still has a tendency to slide, but it does have the highest listed top speed, along with the Turismo. These aren't all that common either. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Acura/Honda NSX Vehicle ID: INFERNUS - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2725.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.25 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 240.0 KPH / 149.04 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 51% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.19 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.37 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.72 Monetary Value: $95000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Wheel_R_Wide, Proc_RearWheel_1st, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 013.) Voodoo ------------ Description ----------- No longer a gang car, the Voodoo is back anyway. It also doesn't always have hydraulics, but some of them you find will. You can always get it modded at the Low Rider shop for some though. A nice 2 seater car, but there are better. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Chevy Biscayne Vehicle ID: VOODOO - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4411.5 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.1, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.95 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 45% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 23.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.50 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.6 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.41 Monetary Value: $30000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: NPC_Neutral_Handl, Hydraulic_Geom, Halogen_Lights, Low_Rider Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 014.) Pony ---------- Description ----------- The only van in the game that is decent is the Burrito and maybe the Rumpo. The Pony is just so slow it almost actually causes me physical pain. It may have a decent top speed, but it takes forever to get there. Unless you have no choice, lose it and leave it. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Econoline Van Vehicle ID: PONY - Dimensions Mass: 2600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 8666.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.25 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.6 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 25% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 015.) Mule ---------- Description ----------- Mule Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford/Chevy Box Truck Vehicle ID: MULE - Dimensions Mass: 3500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 14000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.1 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.46 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.53 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, NoSwing_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 016.) Cheetah ------------- Description ----------- The Cheetah is back again, and still looks the same (more detail, but still the same shape). This car is pretty nice as its quick and handles well. The thing does seem to blow up rather easily though. There are no police Cheetahs that I know of, sorry. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ferrari Testarossa Vehicle ID: CHEETAH - Dimensions Mass: 1200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.2, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 230.0 KPH / 142.83 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 48% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.6 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.40 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $105000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Is_Hatchback, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 017.) Ambulance --------------- Description ----------- Ambulance Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Modified Ford Truck Vehicle ID: AMBULAN - Dimensions Mass: 2600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 10202.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 47% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 155.0 KPH / 96.255 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.40 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.58 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.33 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 018.) Moonbeam -------------- Description ----------- What can one say about the Moonbeam? Well, you could say it's a mini-van and that you shouldn't drive the son-of-a-beach unless you absolutely need to. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Areostar Vehicle ID: MOONBEAM - Dimensions Mass: 2000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5848.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $16000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 019.) Esperanto --------------- Description ----------- Again, another car from GTA past, the Esperanto is back. This time around it doesn't have as much as a greased-up wheels quality to it's handling. I would have thought that this sucker would have been considered a Low Rider, but it is not. Seats 2 souls, lucky or unlucky depending on how you like this car. It isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Cadillac Eldorado Vehicle ID: ESPERANT - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4350.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.88 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 28.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 1.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.18 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.36 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 020.) Taxi ---------- Description ----------- The regular Taxi in GTA SA can do the Taxi side job and as in GTA 3 and VC are made out of police cars. Which is fairly true to life as many taxies are police packaged crown vics or chevy caprices. The odd thing about the Taxi is that there is a normal civilian model floating around. This isn't weird except that the Taxi is front wheel drive but the Police and Premier are rear wheel drive. It was the same in GTA 3 and VC for whatever insane reason. Still, the Taxi handles nicely and isn't a bad car if there are no sports cars or bikes around. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Taxi Modified Chevy Caprice Vehicle ID: TAXI - Dimensions Mass: 1450.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4056.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.25 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 45% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 180.0 KPH / 111.78 MPH Engine Acceleration: 19.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 9.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 54% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.51 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 021.) Washington ---------------- Description ----------- The Washington is a pretty nice four door sedan. Nothing really special about it. It handles well and is resonably quick as well as it does take quite a bit of damage before turning into a fireball. FBI vehicle fans may be sad to note that the FBI Washinton is listed in the handling.cfg, but is commented out and not listed in the game. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: WASHING - Dimensions Mass: 1850.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.65 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 180.0 KPH / 111.78 MPH Engine Acceleration: 21.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 65% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.35 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.24 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $18000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 022.) Bobcat ------------ Description ----------- The pickup trucks have been expanded to include more then just the old fathful Bobcat and Walton. Unlike the Walton, the Bobcat doesn't actually suck. If this is your only option, don't weep, the Bobcat is quite a nice vehicle and you could definately do worse. It does have four wheel drive, so that may help when you decide the road isn't taking you where you wish to go. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Ranger/Chevy S-10 Vehicle ID: BOBCAT - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 57% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.18 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Tailgate_Boot Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_R_Wide, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 023.) Wr. Whoopie ----------------- Description ----------- Wr. Whoopie Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: MRWHOOP - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4108.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 145.0 KPH / 90.045 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 50.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.24 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.77 Monetary Value: $29000 Model Flags: Is_Big, NoSwing_Boot Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 024.) BF Injection ------------------ Description ----------- I've always liked the BF Injection and I still do. It's small, quick, handles well especially minus pavement. It does have a little rear end swing to it now, but nothing that can't easily be corrected. It seats two and still has no doors, so be careful around police. Location -------- Behind the Snake Farm directly south west of the Airplane Graveyard airstrip. Counterpart ----------- Custom Dune Buggy Vehicle ID: BFINJECT - Dimensions Mass: 1200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.1, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.38 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, No_Doors, No_Exhaust, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Big Vehicle Animation Group: BF Injection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 025.) Premier ------------- Description ----------- The Premier is somewhat special in the fact that it is the only time so far that the non-police or non-taxi version of the same car has appeared. The Preimer is not a bad car at all, but pretty average on all fronts. It is kind of funny to see that this has rear wheel drive, same as the Police, but the Taxi has front wheel drive, but maybe it's just me. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Caprice Vehicle ID: PREMIER - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3921.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.4, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 53% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.12 Front & Rear Bias: 38% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.24 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Neutral_Handl, OffroadAbility2, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 026.) Enforcer -------------- Description ----------- The Enforcer SWAT van is back and still hunting you down after three stars or so. Not much has changed about it really, except a visuals upgrade. Still slow, but tough, and packed with people who want to gun your ass down. You can do Vigilante missions from this sucker, but I wouldn't recommend it. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Modified Ford Truck Vehicle ID: ENFORCER - Dimensions Mass: 4000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 17333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.40 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.32 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.16 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Van, Reverse_Bonnet, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 027.) Securicar --------------- Description ----------- Securicar Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: SECURICA - Dimensions Mass: 7000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 30916.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.50 Loss: 0.7 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.27 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 028.) Banshee ------------- Description ----------- Vice City saw a change to the Banshee's looks that I wasn't overly thrilled with. I think the single circle rear lights didn't appeal to me as much. Now it's back from being a Vette to being what it was in GTA 3, a Viper-styled vehicle of badassedness. Not much has changed in how it handles, even from VC. It still is one of the fastest accelerating vehicles, even if it doesn't have the best top speed. It is very controllable and can take quite a bit of damage. This is probably the most balanced sports car in my opinion. It can start to oversteer if you let it, but you can correct it very easily. The only vehicle I find more balanced then this would maybe be the Bullet. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Dodge Viper, though there were arguements that it looked like a Shelby Series 1 back when GTA 3 came out. Vehicle ID: BANSHEE - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.20 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.89 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 33.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 34.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.15 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.49 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 029.) Bus --------- Description ----------- Bus Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BUS - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 130.0 KPH / 80.73 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 50.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Is_Bus, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Bus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 030.) Rhino ----------- Description ----------- Every GTA game since its inception back in the land of top-down view has had a tank. GTA 3 and VC had a rather odd looking wheeled tank (kinda looked like it was left over from WW 2 if ya ask me) but now SA has changed that. Meet the new and improved Rhino. The controls have changed (for better or worse, it could have been a bit better, imo) and it now looks like a modern day tank. It still doesn't have real treads, but it has multiple large drive wheels like the M1A1 tank it was modeled after so it looks better there as well as everywhere else. You even enter through a top hatch and not some bizzaro door that made no real sense. It also went from Green to more of a Desert Sand color. Once you get to Las Venturas, stealing one isn't to hard either. Location -------- Six Star Wanted Level or (easier to get) go to the Military Base/Restricted Area west of Las Venturas. It sits in a hanger in the north-eastern corner. Counterpart ----------- M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank Vehicle ID: RHINO - Dimensions Mass: 25000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 250000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 2.50 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 80.0 KPH / 49.68 MPH Engine Acceleration: 40.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 150.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.4 Damping Level: 0.02 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.22 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.09 Monetary Value: $110000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Force_Door_Check, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: HB_RearWheel_Steer, Wheel_F_Wide2, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Tank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 031.) Barracks OL ----------------- Description ----------- Barracks OL Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BARRACKS - Dimensions Mass: 10500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 61407.5 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.7 Bias: 47% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 180.0 KPH / 111.78 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.00 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.47 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.62 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.26 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Is_Van, Convertible, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 032.) Hotknife -------------- Description ----------- The all new Hotknife is a rather odd vehicle. It comes only in a custom purple paintjob and you can see the rear suspension at work. It looks pretty cool and does boost your sex appeal by quite a bit. Is it worth the effort to get? I dunno, but it does look neat. Location -------- Get all gold ratings in the Driving School and it will spawn outside of it. Counterpart ----------- 30's Ford Coupe Hot Rod Vehicle ID: HOTKNIFE - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3400.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.20 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Wheel_R_Wide2 Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033.) Semi Trailer 1 -------------------- Description ----------- I'm just guessing that this is a Semi Trailer. I dunno what else it would be, nor do I know which one this is yet. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ARTICT1 - Dimensions Mass: 3800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 30000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.5 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.45 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Double_RWheels Handling Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 034.) Previon ------------- Description ----------- Previon Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: PREVION - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 45% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 7.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 65% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 2.0 Upper Limit: 0.31 Lower Limit: -0.18 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.21 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 035.) Coach ----------- Description ----------- Coach Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: COACH - Dimensions Mass: 9500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 57324.6 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 35% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.7 ms^2 Brake Bias: 35% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.04 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.48 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: Is_Bus Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Coach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 036.) Cabbie ------------ Description ----------- Just like the Taxi before it, the Cabbie has come back. It seems to handle better then before and is faster then the regular Taxi. It does have a boat quality to it that you need to watch out for. I was looking forward to having a Borgnine or Zebra styling upgrades in the modshop, but there aren't any. You can put NOS on it though. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- 50's-ish Styled Taxi, I can't remember the make/model right now. Vehicle ID: CABBIE - Dimensions Mass: 1750.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4351.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.9 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 6.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 44% - Suspension Steering Lock: 40.0° Force Level: 0.7 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 2.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.30 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 037.) Stallion -------------- Description ----------- Stallion, oh how I love thee. At first in GTA 3, I hated this thing, but then I grew to love it. I loved it's awful handling for some reason, but I really loved how it looked. Well, I still love its looks, but now it actually handles well. This car is WAY better now that it doesn't slide at the drop of a hat. It will oversteer if you let it on dry pavement, and it does still slide quite a lot in the rain and during off-road sessions, but not as much as before. This is a pretty solid and common vehicle and one of my personal favorites. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Mustang Vehicle ID: STALLION - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3921.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 23.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.2 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.64 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 038.) Rumpo ----------- Description ----------- Rumpo Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: RUMPO - Dimensions Mass: 2000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4901.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.4 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.4, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.6 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.43 Lower Limit: -0.11 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Is_Van Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 039.) Romero ------------ Description ----------- Romero Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ROMERO - Dimensions Mass: 2500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5960.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.8, 0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 1.25 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040.) Packer ------------ Description ----------- The Packer finally has the use it always should have. Now that the game physics allow you to car surf, you can finally put a vehicle on the Packer and transport it. Also, there are two poles on either side of the car loader, this is because the upper section of it can level out by using the right stick (it will move up) which will allow you to actually move without the vehicles falling off. Still, you need to be extra careful otherwise the cars can still fall off. Bikes are pretty hard to transport, but if you're careful, it should be ok. And, as always, it can be used as a mobile ramp, you just have to watch out for the poles now. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: PACKER - Dimensions Mass: 8000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 48273.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 35% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 13.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.7 ms^2 Brake Bias: 35% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.04 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.56 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: Hydraulic_None, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 041.) Monster ------------- Description ----------- While the Sandking was pretty neat, a truely massive hugewheeled vehicle would have been nicer. Wish granted, the Monster Truck is here. Its big, pretty fast, and handles damn well, plus it can pretty much run over any normal car with ease. It also doesn't have a handbrake. Instead, hitting the handbrake button will have the rear wheels turn opposite the front wheels, giving you harder cornering abilities. This can be a bit weird at first, but is useful if you end up stopping and having to turn around quickly. Be very careful when using the rear wheels at higher speeds as you can spin this sucker out very quickly. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: MONSTER - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.35 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 45.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.30 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 1G_Boost, HB_RearWheel_Steer, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Monster Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 042.) Admiral ------------- Description ----------- Admiral Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ADMIRAL - Dimensions Mass: 1650.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3851.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.05 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 8.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.19 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.55 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 043.) Tram/Trolly ----------------- Description ----------- Tram/Trolly Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: TRAM - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4795.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.97 Loss: 0.77 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.0 Lower Limit: -1.00 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Is_Van Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 044.) Train ----------- Description ----------- Train Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: AIRTRAIN - Dimensions Mass: 25500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 139272.5 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.7 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.00 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.47 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 1.00 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 045.) Semi Trailer 2 -------------------- Description ----------- Semi Trailer 2 Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ARTICT2 - Dimensions Mass: 3800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 30000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.5 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.45 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Double_RWheels Handling Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 046.) Turismo ------------- Description ----------- The Turismo seems pretty much like a better handling Infernus. I don't slide nearly as much with the Turismo, and it's just as fast with 240 KPH on its top end. It looks pretty sharp as well, not that I find the Infernus ugly or anything. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Lamborghini Countache with a rather large wing Vehicle ID: TURISMO - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.3, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 45% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 240.0 KPH / 149.04 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 51% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.13 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.17 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.72 Monetary Value: $95000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Wide, Wheel_R_Wide2, Proc_RearWheel_1st, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 047.) Flatbed ------------- Description ----------- Flatbed Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FLATBED - Dimensions Mass: 8500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 48804.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.3 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.7 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 80.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.00 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.47 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.62 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.43 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Van, Convertible Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 048.) Yankee ------------ Description ----------- Yankee Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: YANKEE - Dimensions Mass: 4500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 18003.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 40.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.8 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.35 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.45 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, NoSwing_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 049.) Golf Cart --------------- Description ----------- Weeee! I loved the Golf Cart in Vice City, especially when I had a golf club and dressed as a golfer. Then I'd be the Mad Golfer and whoop the crap outta people. The most upsetting thing about the Golf Cart is that you can not mod it *Cry*. It may be slow and have no doors (bad if your being hunted by the po-po) but it does have the advantage of not really being able to be tipped over. Sure, it may get on it's side, but turn the wheels to the sky, push the gas, and you'll flip back on your tires. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- An Electric Golf Cart with a Roof, do you need the exact make/model? Vehicle ID: GOLFCART - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 13.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.13 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_F_Wide2, Wheel_R_Wide2 Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 050.) Solair ------------ Description ----------- Solair Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Taurus Wagon Vehicle ID: SOLAIR - Dimensions Mass: 2000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.2 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.24 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.48 Monetary Value: $18000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 051.) Top Fun ------------- Description ----------- Top Fun Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: TOPFUN - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 2.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.43 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: Is_Van Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052.) Glendale -------------- Description ----------- Glendale Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Dodge Dart Vehicle ID: GLENDALE - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.05 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.84 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.2 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.22 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.23 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: 2G_Boost, Proc_RearWheel_1st, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 053.) Oceanic ------------- Description ----------- Oceanic Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Plymouth Belverdere Vehicle ID: OCEANIC - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4529.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.67 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.23 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.45 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Proc_RearWheel_1st, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Big Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 054.) Patriot ------------- Description ----------- In the real world, the cloestest you can get to driving a tank down the street in real life would be to have a Hummer H1 or decomissioned military Humvee, which is what the Patriot is (Military Humvee). This sucker is badass offroad and has some armor to boot. It also is pretty quick off the line, considering it's pretty heavy. The new exhaust placement is pretty interesting, I have to say. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- AM General Humvee Vehicle ID: PATRIOT - Dimensions Mass: 2500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 7968.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 4.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.35 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.28 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Big Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 055.) Hermes ------------ Description ----------- I love how the Hermes looks. It is pretty quick for an older car I must say. It has a bit of boatness to it in the corners, but doesn't slide since it's front wheel drive. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- '49 Mercury Vehicle ID: HERMES - Dimensions Mass: 1950.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4712.5 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 3.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 28.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 58% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.42 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 056.) Sabre ----------- Description ----------- Another car I love the looks of would be the Sabre. It's pretty damn quick and handles very well and holds two people total. I miss the Sabre Turbo, which is commented out in the handling.cfg file. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Chevelle Vehicle ID: SABRE - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 53% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 2G_Boost, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 057.) ZR350 ----------- Description ----------- The ZR-350 is unique in that it is the only car with working flip up headlights. It's not a bad car, but can slide really easily. Also, despite looking like a street racer, it is not classified as one and can not be modded in the special street racer garage. This car sometimes comes with a wing, but not always and may make it look like a different car from the ass end. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Mazda RX-7 Vehicle ID: ZR350 - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2979.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.31 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.24 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Proc_RearWheel_1st, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 058.) Walton ------------ Description ----------- Walton Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Farm Truck Vehicle ID: WALTON - Dimensions Mass: 1850.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3534.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.18 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.19 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Tailgate_Boot Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 2G_Boost, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059.) Regina ------------ Description ----------- Regina Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: REGINA - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3800.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.2 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.24 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.48 Monetary Value: $18000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 060.) Comet ----------- Description ----------- The Comet is back from Vice City and looks basically the same. I don't see this car nearly as much as other sports cars, and almost didn't think it was in the game, but I did spot it and drive it... into a lake. Anyway, it is a nice car with no real oversteering going on (since it has four wheel drive) and is pretty quick, just kinda hard to find one. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Porche 911 Targa Vehicle ID: COMET - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2200.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.14 High Speed Damping: 3.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Convertible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 061.) Burrito ------------- Description ----------- Burrito Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Dodge Ram Van Vehicle ID: BURRITO - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.87 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 2.0 Upper Limit: 0.40 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Is_Van Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 062.) Camper ------------ Description ----------- The Camper is a VW Bus, only it looks longer to me and I don't think many VW Buses had such nice rims on them. I personally would rather inject the fat from Roseanne's ass into my eye rather then drive this thing, but The Truth's Camper has a pretty neat paint job. Location -------- On top of Mt. Chiliad. Counterpart ----------- Volkswagen Bus Vehicle ID: CAMPER - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.6 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.5, -0.4 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 063.) Baggage ------------- Description ----------- Weeee, the Baggage is back. I dunno why I liked this thing in Vice City, probably because the Baggage and the Golf Cart were the closest things to Go-Karts in the game. Its slow, electric, and small, but it does turn rather sharply. Location -------- All over the major city airports. Counterpart ----------- Does it really matter? Vehicle ID: BAGGAGE - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.4, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.00 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, Double_Exhaust, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 064.) Dozer ----------- Description ----------- One of the larger land vehicles out there, the Dozer is basically a rather large construction bulldozer. It features rear wheel steering (which helps a lot) and you can move the rather large Destruct-o-Plow up and down with the right stick. Location -------- - The mine/quarry/construction (I dunno what it is) site near Angel Pines. - Hunter Quarry outside of Las Venturas after beating a storyline mission. Counterpart ----------- Catapillar 800 Series Wheel Dozer Vehicle ID: DOZER - Dimensions Mass: 10000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 35000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 20.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.5, -0.5 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 60% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 100.0 KPH / 62.1 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 150.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 35% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Tandem_Seats, No_Doors Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels, Wheel_F_Narrow, Hydraulic_None, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Dozer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 065.) Rancher ------------- Description ----------- Rancher Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Bronco Vehicle ID: RANCHER - Dimensions Mass: 2500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 7604.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.35 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 54% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 066.) FBI Rancher ----------------- Description ----------- FBI Rancher Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Suburban Vehicle ID: FBIRANCH - Dimensions Mass: 3500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 11156.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.7 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.34 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.30 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067.) Virgo ----------- Description ----------- Virgo Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: VIRGO - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3435.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.86 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 32.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.31 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.85 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 068.) Greenwood --------------- Description ----------- Greenwood Location -------- Spawns outside of Sweet's House in Los Santos Counterpart ----------- *Dodge Diplomat Vehicle ID: GREENWOO - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.32 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.22 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 069.) Hotring Racer ------------------- Description ----------- Hotring Racer Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Nascar Vehicle ID: HOTRING - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.4 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, -0.4 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 220.0 KPH / 136.62 MPH Engine Acceleration: 26.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 10.0 Upper Limit: 0.29 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 60% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.20 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Proc_RearWheel_1st, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 070.) Sand King --------------- Description ----------- Sand King Location -------- Near the Big Ear (that space telescope) in the Desert, west of Las Venturas. Counterpart ----------- Modified Ford Bronco Vehicle ID: SANDKING - Dimensions Mass: 2000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.6 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.31 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.38 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Wide2, Wheel_R_Wide2, Hydraulic_Geom, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard High ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 071.) Blista Compact -------------------- Description ----------- Small, quick, and steady is what the Blista Compact is all about. It may not be really fast, but it handles really well and doesn't slide out. I kinda like this little two seater and its definately not a bad car to be stuck with. Some may find it better then sports cars due to its easy to control nature. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Honda CRX Vehicle ID: BLISTAC - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2141.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.4 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.10 Percent Submerged: 50% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 26.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.12 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Hatchback, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Proc_RearWheel_1st, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 072.) Boxville -------------- Description ----------- Boxville Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BOXVILLE - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 23489.6 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.82 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.9 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 35% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.6 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 073.) Benson ------------ Description ----------- Benson Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BENSON - Dimensions Mass: 3500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 13865.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.3 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.46 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.53 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, NoSwing_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 074.) Mesa ---------- Description ----------- I love Jeeps, the brand I mean, but yeah, I do like Wranglers and CJs. The Mesa is your basic Jeep type vehicle. When someone says "Jeep" most people think of something that looks like this car. It's pretty quick and really nice offroad. Altogether it is a pretty nice vehicle, but you don't see them on the road much in San Andreas. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Jeep Wrangler Vehicle ID: MESA - Dimensions Mass: 1300.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1900.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.32 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 35% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.18 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.30 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Tailgate_Boot, Convertible, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 075.) Bloodring Banger A ------------------------ Description ----------- The Bloodring Banger is your basic demolition durby vehicle and comes in two flavors, A and B, this is verion A which is heavier and not as quick as the B version. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BLOODRA - Dimensions Mass: 2100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5146.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.2 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 3.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.24 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.28 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.30 Monetary Value: $500 Model Flags: No_Doors Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow, Proc_RearWheel_1st, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: BF Injection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 076.) Bloodring Banger B ------------------------ Description ----------- This is the other Bloodring Banger (B model) which is lighter and quicker. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BLOODRB - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3866.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 26.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.2 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.28 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.30 Monetary Value: $500 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow, Proc_RearWheel_1st Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 077.) Super GT -------------- Description ----------- You may very well grow to hate this car, as it is featured in the final driving school test. It has an tedency to oversteer, so don't hold the gas in turns unless you want to spin around, which can be useful at times. Overall, the Super GT isn't bad, it just isn't as great as other vehicles that don't spin out as easily. Location -------- Get atleast bronze awards in the Driving School and it will appear in the parking lot outside (next to the far wall). It is also seen on the streets. Counterpart ----------- *Toyota Supra GT Vehicle ID: SUPERGT - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2800.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.2, -0.24 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.86 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 230.0 KPH / 142.83 MPH Engine Acceleration: 26.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.40 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $105000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 078.) Elegant ------------- Description ----------- Elegant Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Buick Roadmaster Vehicle ID: ELEGANT - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.30 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 079.) Journey ------------- Description ----------- Weee, an RV, yay so much fun. It's a shame you can't climb ladders like the one on the back of the Journey. Would be fun to use it as a mobile sniping platform. I suppose you could just jump up there though... Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- A Winnabago without wings (Another little SB joke). GMC RV of some kind. Vehicle ID: JOURNEY - Dimensions Mass: 3500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 13865.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.62 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.11 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.46 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.53 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, NoSwing_Boot Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 080.) Petrol Trailer -------------------- Description ----------- I think this is the Petrol/Liquids trailer for the Road Trains and Linerunners. Not much to say about it except that it does explode well. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- A liquids trailer... weee... Vehicle ID: PETROL - Dimensions Mass: 3800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.35 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Double_Exhaust, Axle_R_Solid, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 081.) Road Train ---------------- Description ----------- The Road Train is a far more bad ass looking semi cab then the line runner. It looks like it can and WILL kick your ass. For whatever reason, I always feel like this thing moves quicker then the Linerunner, despite the stats saying they are the same. This sucker is heavier then the Linerunner though, and I think it can push away objects easier. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Mack Truck with Sleeper Vehicle ID: RDTRAIN - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 28000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.5, -0.4 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.95 Loss: 0.65 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 0.7 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Axle_R_Solid, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 082.) Nebula ------------ Description ----------- Nebula Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Dodge Stealth/Avenger if ya ask me. Vehicle ID: NEBULA - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 58% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 083.) Majestic -------------- Description ----------- Majestic Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Buick Grand Mational / *Chevy Monte Carlo Vehicle ID: MAJESTIC - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3267.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.13 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Axle_R_McPherson Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 084.) Buccaneer --------------- Description ----------- Buccaneer Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BUCCANEE - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.86 Bias: 54% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 54% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Axle_R_McPherson, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 085.) Cement Truck ------------------ Description ----------- Cement Truck Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: CEMENT - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Axle_R_McPherson Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow, Hydraulic_None Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 086.) Tow Truck --------------- Description ----------- The Tow Truck is one of two vehicles that can tow another car. You can operate its lifter arm by using the right stick. Simply lower the arm all the way, back into the desired vehicle, wait for it to catch, and lift the arm again. You can tow occupied vehicles and dump them in the river if you like or stick them in your garage for safe keeping. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford F350 Heavy Duty Tow Truck Vehicle ID: TOWTRUCK - Dimensions Mass: 3500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 12000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.25 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 25% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: Is_Van, Axle_F_McPherson, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow, Wheel_R_Wide2, Hydraulic_None, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 087.) Fortune ------------- Description ----------- The Fortune is one of the few new cars I could totally peg for what it was a rip-off of as soon as I saw it. This sucker is pretty quick and handles well as well as being fairly common and easy to find. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Thunderbird Vehicle ID: FORTUNE - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4166.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.84 Bias: 53% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 088.) Cadrona ------------- Description ----------- Cadrona Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Toyota Carolla Vehicle ID: CADRONA - Dimensions Mass: 1200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.15, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.86 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.08 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 089.) FBI Truck --------------- Description ----------- FBI Truck Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FBITRUCK - Dimensions Mass: 4000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 10000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 54% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.32 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.16 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 090.) Willard ------------- Description ----------- Willard Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: WILLARD - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4350.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.32 Lower Limit: -0.14 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 091.) Forklift -------------- Description ----------- The Forklift is a new little fun vehicle that has a use for fun and in a mission. You can move the fork-lift part up and down with the right stick, lifting certain objects or trying to tip over cars. It has rear wheel steering, which is nice for maneuvering, but bad for moving quickly down the street and highish speed cornering. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- A Forklift Vehicle ID: FORKLIFT - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.2, -0.35 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 60.0 KPH / 37.26 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.14 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Steer_RWheels, Hydraulic_None, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 092.) Tractor ------------- Description ----------- Tractor Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: TRACTOR - Dimensions Mass: 2000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.90 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 70.0 KPH / 43.47 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 90.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 20% - Suspension Steering Lock: 50.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.05 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Reverse_Bonnet, Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, No_Exhaust, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 1G_Boost, Hydraulic_None, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard but Upright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 093.) Combine ------------- Description ----------- Combine Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: COMBINE - Dimensions Mass: 8500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 48804.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.88 Loss: 0.7 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 80.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.00 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.47 Lower Limit: -0.11 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 1.20 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.43 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Axle_F_Solid, Axle_R_NoTilt Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Monster Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 094.) Feltzer ------------- Description ----------- Feltzer Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FELTZER - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Convertible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 095.) Remington --------------- Description ----------- Remington Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: REMINGTN - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.4, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 56% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 23.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.50 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.5 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.00 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.6 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.21 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.41 Monetary Value: $30000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Hydraulic_Geom, Halogen_Lights, Low_Rider Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 096.) Slamvan ------------- Description ----------- Slamvan Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: SLAMVAN - Dimensions Mass: 1950.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4712.5 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 40.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 28.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.14 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.36 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.42 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Hydraulic_Geom, Low_Rider Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 097.) Blade ----------- Description ----------- Blade Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BLADE - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.2, 0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.84 Bias: 53% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 44% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Axle_R_Solid, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Hydraulic_Geom, Low_Rider, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 098.) Freight ------------- Description ----------- Freight Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FREIGHT - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 65000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: 0.0 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 099.) Streak ------------ Description ----------- Streak Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: STREAK - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 65000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.) Vincent ------------- Description ----------- Vincent Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: VINCENT - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.32 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 56% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101.) Bullet ------------ Description ----------- Bullet Location -------- - All silver in the driving school will spawn one in the parking lot of said learning facility. - Parking lot of the Burger Shot in the northern area of San Fierro. - Seen driving around San Fierro and the Northern and Strip sections of Los Venturas. Counterpart ----------- Ford GT/GT-40 Vehicle ID: BULLET - Dimensions Mass: 1200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.15, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 230.0 KPH / 142.83 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 58% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.13 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.15 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $105000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Double_Exhaust, Is_Hatchback, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Wheel_R_Wide, OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Long Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102.) Clover ------------ Description ----------- The poor Clover is one of two rusted vehicles roaming San Andreas. Don't let its looks fool you, it's pretty quick and handles well, kinda like the Sabre. If the rust bothers you, go to the general mod shops and have it sprayed one color, like... pink... Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Chevy Nova Vehicle ID: CLOVER - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Axle_F_Reverse, Axle_R_Solid, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_R_Wide2, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103.) Sadler ------------ Description ----------- Sadler Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: SADLER - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.7 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.05 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 3.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Tailgate_Boot, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_R_Wide, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104.) Ranger ------------ Description ----------- Ranger Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Chevy Blazer Vehicle ID: RANGER - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4108.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.2 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.7 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.27 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.23 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105.) Hustler ------------- Description ----------- Hustler Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: HUSTLER - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.05 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.45 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.18 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.45 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Proc_RearWheel_1st Headlight Type: Big Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106.) Intruder -------------- Description ----------- Intruder Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: INTRUDER - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4350.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.32 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 54% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107.) Primo ----------- Description ----------- Primo Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera Vehicle ID: PRIMO - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3300.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 54% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 7.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.14 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.32 Lower Limit: -0.14 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108.) Tampa ----------- Description ----------- Tampa Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: TAMPA - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4166.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.15, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.7 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 3.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.50 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109.) Sunrise ------------- Description ----------- Sunrise Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: SUNRISE - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3550.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 17.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.12 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.54 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110.) Merit ----------- Description ----------- Merit Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: MERIT - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, -0.10 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 22.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 9.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.08 Front & Rear Bias: 54% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111.) Utility Truck ------------------- Description ----------- Utility Truck Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy 2500 Utility Truck Vehicle ID: UTILITY - Dimensions Mass: 2600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 8666.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.8 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.18 Front & Rear Bias: 25% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: Is_Van Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112.) Yosemite -------------- Description ----------- Yosemite Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: YOSEMITE - Dimensions Mass: 3000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.35, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.24 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.5 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.30 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot, Axle_R_Solid, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Wide, Wheel_R_Wide, Halogen_Lights, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113.) Windsor ------------- Description ----------- Windsor Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Alfa Romeo Spyder Vehicle ID: WINDSOR - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 180.0 KPH / 111.78 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.65 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Axle_F_Reverse, Axle_R_Solid, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114.) Monster Truck A (USA) --------------------------- Description ----------- Monster Truck A Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: MTRUCK_A - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.35 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 45.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.30 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 1G_Boost, HB_RearWheel_Steer, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Monster Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115.) Monster Truck B --------------------- Description ----------- Monster Truck B Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: MTRUCK_B - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.35 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 45.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.30 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 1G_Boost, HB_RearWheel_Steer, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Monster Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116.) Uranus ------------ Description ----------- Uranus Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: URANUS - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2998.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 47% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Is_Hatchback, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Street_Racer Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117.) Jester ------------ Description ----------- The Jester is a pretty nice vehicle, but I don't quite understand why it has front wheel drive. It handles well and is about as quick as the other Street Racers. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: JESTER - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3600.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.05 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Is_Hatchback, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Street_Racer Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118.) Sultan ------------ Description ----------- The Sultan is one of the fastest, if not THE fastest, sedan in the game. It's a street racer and must use the special San Fierro mod shop to be customized. It handles well thanks to four wheel drive, never really spinning out like other street racers can. Just a note, the model flags say convertible and I don't know why, as the car is clearly not a convertible. I confirmed this twice. Location -------- Wang Cars after a mission. I've seen it in every major city. Counterpart ----------- Subaru Impreza Vehicle ID: SULTAN - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3400.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.4 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: 2G_Boost, Street_Racer Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119.) Stratum ------------- Description ----------- Stratum Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Subaru Legacy Wagon Vehicle ID: STRATUM - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.1 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: Street_Racer Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120.) Elegy ----------- Description ----------- Elegy Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Nissan Skyline Vehicle ID: ELEGY - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 28.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Street_Racer Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121.) Flash ----------- Description ----------- Flash Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FLASH - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2998.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Street_Racer Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122.) Tahoma ------------ Description ----------- Tahoma Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Oldsmobile Cutlass Vehicle ID: TAHOMA - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.3 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Hydraulic_Geom, Low_Rider, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123.) Savanna ------------- Description ----------- Savanna Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- *Chevy Impala Vehicle ID: SAVANNA - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.6, 0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.84 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 52% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 30% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: Hydraulic_Geom, Low_Rider Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124.) Bandito ------------- Description ----------- Bandito Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BANDITO - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2500.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.88 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 5.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 35% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.60 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, No_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Wide, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Big Vehicle Animation Group: Low Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125.) FREIFLAT -------------- Description ----------- FREIFLAT Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FREIFLAT - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: 0.0 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126.) CSTREAK ------------- Description ----------- CSTREAK Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: CSTREAK - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Train Carriage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127.) Go-Kart ------------- Description ----------- Finally a real go-kart in GTA, weeee! I love cars like this and the bandito, they are typically fun. Driving this sucker can be a little weird because it handles almost TOO well, turing very sharply to the point where you can spin it really easily. It isn't overly fast, but it is pretty fun to drive and many of the trucks may just roll right over you. Location -------- Outside Madd Dog's mansion after a story-line mission. You can also acquire one in the go-kart street race behind Wang's Autos. Counterpart ----------- A gas powered racing go-kart. Vehicle ID: KART - Dimensions Mass: 300.0 Kg Turn Mass: 150.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 110% - Traction Multiplier: 0.90 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 90.0 KPH / 55.89 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 20% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.04 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.38 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Convertible, Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, No_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Big Vehicle Animation Group: Go-Kart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128.) Lawn Mower ---------------- Description ----------- It's a lawn mower... wtf else do you need to know? Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ride-On Lawn Mower Vehicle ID: MOWER - Dimensions Mass: 800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 60.0 KPH / 37.26 MPH Engine Acceleration: 12.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.05 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.38 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Convertible, Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, No_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Big Vehicle Animation Group: Standard but Upright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129.) Dune ---------- Description ----------- This vehicle is unique to one location. You can find it outside the entrance to the statium in Las Venturas after you have finished the Dirt Bike event inside said statium. It looks kinda like a flat-nosed box truck jacked up with some big ass wheels. It's not overly fast, but despite its height, it handles pretty well. Location -------- Outside the entrace to the Las Venturas statium after you beat the Dirt Bike event. Counterpart ----------- Hell if I know... Vehicle ID: DUNE - Dimensions Mass: 10000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 50000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.6 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.40 Lower Limit: -0.40 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.29 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Hanging_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 1G_Boost, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130.) Street Sweeper -------------------- Description ----------- Yet another tiny vehicle, but not fun nor useful. I've never seen a street sweeper this small before. I think, instead of this, they should have put in one of those small three wheeled parking enforcement vehicles. This thing is just slow and annoying. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Teeny, Tiny Street-Sweeper. Vehicle ID: SWEEPER - Dimensions Mass: 800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 632.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.3 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 60.0 KPH / 37.26 MPH Engine Acceleration: 12.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.34 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Convertible, Tandem_Seats, No1FPS_Look_Behind, No_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility, Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Big Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131.) Broadway -------------- Description ----------- Broadway Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BROADWAY - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4166.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.14 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Axle_F_Solid, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow2, Wheel_R_Narrow, Hydraulic_Geom, Low_Rider Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132.) Tornado ------------- Description ----------- Tornado Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: TORNADO - Dimensions Mass: 1700.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4166.4 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.1, 0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.3 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.52 Monetary Value: $19000 Model Flags: Axle_F_Solid, Axle_R_Solid, Flags_Too_Long Handling Flags: Hydraulic_Geom, Low_Rider Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133.) DFT-30 ------------ Description ----------- DFT-30 Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: DFT30 - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 3.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Truck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134.) Huntley ------------- Description ----------- Huntley Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: HUNTLEY - Dimensions Mass: 2500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.20 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.62 Loss: 0.89 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.21 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.44 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.35 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_F_Wide, Wheel_R_Wide Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135.) Stafford -------------- Description ----------- Stafford Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: STAFFORD - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.92 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.27 Lower Limit: -0.22 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136.) News Van -------------- Description ----------- News Van Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: NEWSVAN - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 80% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 0.07 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.35 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 45% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.43 Monetary Value: $20000 Model Flags: Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137.) Tug --------- Description ----------- Tug Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: TUG - Dimensions Mass: 800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 632.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.85 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 170.0 KPH / 105.57 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.1 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.34 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.38 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $15000 Model Flags: Convertible, Tandem_Seats, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Big Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138.) Petrol Trailer 2 ---------------------- Description ----------- This "Petrol Trailer 2" may be another Petrol/Liquids trailer, but I dunno. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Petrol/Liquids trailer Vehicle ID: PETROTR - Dimensions Mass: 3800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 30000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.5 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.45 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Double_RWheels Handling Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139.) Emperor ------------- Description ----------- Emperor Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: EMPEROR - Dimensions Mass: 1800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, 0.15 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.80 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 21.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.9 Damping Level: 0.13 High Speed Damping: 3.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.56 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 140.) FLOAT ----------- Description ----------- FLOAT Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FLOAT - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 33187.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.58 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 03.17 ms^2 Brake Bias: 40% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.4 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.45 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.45 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Big Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141.) Euros ----------- Description ----------- Euros Location -------- Near the entrance to the Camel Toe Casino in Las Venturas. It has a massive tendency to not appear, however. Counterpart ----------- Nissan 300zx Vehicle ID: EUROS - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2998.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.3 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Is_Low, Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 142.) Hotdog ------------ Description ----------- It's a Hotdog vending vehicle with a big weener on top. When found, it is manned by a guy you can buy food from, but if you take it, that option goes away and no more food for your fat ass. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: HOTDOG - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 23489.6 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.3 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.72 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.6 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.24 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.6 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.36 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Is_Van, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143.) Club ---------- Description ----------- Club Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Volkswagen Golf/GTI Vehicle ID: CLUB - Dimensions Mass: 1400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.8 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 11.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.7 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.12 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: Proc_RearWheel_1st, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144.) Semi Trailer 3 -------------------- Description ----------- Semi Trailer 3 Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ARTICT3 - Dimensions Mass: 3800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 30000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.5 Percent Submerged: 90% - Traction Multiplier: 0.45 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 30% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.25 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Double_RWheels Handling Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 145.) Police (LS) ----------------- Description ----------- The Los Santos Police Department use suped up versions of the Preimer, just like how real police use suped up versions of civilian cars (Like the Chevy Caprice and Ford Crown Victoria, now adding the Chevy Impala to that list). It has rear wheel drive, just like the Preimer, even though the Taxi has front-wheel drive, again, for whatever weird reason. Just because I found it interesting, I'll tell you that the car was listed as POLICE_LA and not LS. They used the real city names for the three Police cars. The Police handles great, and is pretty damn fast, but the cops can ALWAYS go faster, since they don't follow the same rules as CJ does. Damn Pigs! Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Caprice with Police Package Vehicle ID: POLICE_LA - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 53% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.12 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.24 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Neutral_Handl, OffroadAbility2, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146.) Police (SF) ----------------- Description ----------- The San Fierro Police use the same car as the Los Santos Police. Interesting note is that the car is listed as POLICE_SF, but not because of San Fierro, since the other cars use the real city names instead. It was just a happy coincidence that they both have the same letters. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy Caprice with Police Package Vehicle ID: POLICE_SF - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 53% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.1 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.24 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Neutral_Handl, OffroadAbility2, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147.) Police (LV) ----------------- Description ----------- The Las Venturas Police Department use older police cars (similar looking to GTA 3 and Vice City) and have different uniforms. The car is pretty much the same though. Interesting side note is the car is listed as POLICE_VG, and not LV. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford LTD/Crown Victora with Police Package Vehicle ID: POLICE_VG - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.75 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 53% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.9 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.24 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Neutral_Handl, OffroadAbility2, Swinging_Chassis Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148.) Police Ranger ------------------- Description ----------- Police Ranger Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Ford Bronco with Police Package Vehicle ID: POLRANGER - Dimensions Mass: 2500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 5500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 55% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.2 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.7 Damping Level: 0.06 High Speed Damping: 1.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.25 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.27 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.23 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Hanging_Boot, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Axle_F_Reverse, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Wide2, Wheel_R_Wide2, OffroadAbility2, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149.) Picador ------------- Description ----------- "The front looks like a car, the back looks like a truck. The front is where we sit, and the back is where we EL CAMINO!" Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Chevy El Camino Vehicle ID: PICADOR - Dimensions Mass: 1600.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3800.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.7 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.2, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 165.0 KPH / 102.465 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 20.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 2.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 40% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.20 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Tailgate_Boot, Axle_R_Solid, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_R_Wide, OffroadAbility Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150.) SWAT Van -------------- Description ----------- SWAT Van Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: SWATVAN - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 10000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.7 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 110.0 KPH / 68.31 MPH Engine Acceleration: 24.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.4 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 27.0° Force Level: 0.7 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 1.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.18 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.32 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.06 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Reverse_Bonnet, Axle_F_Reverse, Axle_R_Reverse Handling Flags: Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151.) Alpha ----------- Description ----------- Alpha Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ALPHA - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3400.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.7 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 23.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 7.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.2 Damping Level: 0.12 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.30 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152.) Pheonix ------------- Description ----------- Pheonix Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- Pontiac Firebird Vehicle ID: PHOENIX - Dimensions Mass: 1500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 2.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, -0.15 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.7 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 52% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 26.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 6.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.24 Front & Rear Bias: 59% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.4 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.25 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $35000 Model Flags: Convertible, Double_Exhaust Handling Flags: OffroadAbility2 Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153.) Baggage Handler Trailer 1 ------------------------------- Description ----------- BAGBOXA Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BAGBOXA - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.4, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.00 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Double_Exhaust, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154.) Baggage Handler Trailer 2 ------------------------------- Description ----------- BAGBOXB Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BAGBOXB - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.4, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.00 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Double_Exhaust, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 155.) Airplane Steps -------------------- Description ----------- STAIRS Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: STAIRS - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 2500.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.4, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.00 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Double_Exhaust, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156.) Boxville (Burgler Edition) -------------------------------- Description ----------- BOXBURG Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: BOXBURG - Dimensions Mass: 5500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 23489.6 Kg Drag Multiplier: 3.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 80% - Traction Multiplier: 0.82 Loss: 0.70 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 25.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Diesel - Braking Brake Deceleration: 4.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 60% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.9 Damping Level: 0.08 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 35% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.6 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.36 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.40 Monetary Value: $22000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Is_Van, No1FPS_Look_Behind Handling Flags: 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Tall Vehicle Animation Group: Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157.) Farm Harvester Trailer ---------------------------- Description ----------- FARM_TR1 Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: FARM_TR1 - Dimensions Mass: 400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 400.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.4, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Double_Exhaust, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158.) Street Cleaner Rear ------------------------- Description ----------- UTIL_TR1 Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: UTIL_TR1 - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.00 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 20.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Double_Exhaust, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159.) ROLLER ------------ Description ----------- I dunno what this is, sorry. Location -------- N/A Counterpart ----------- N/A Vehicle ID: ROLLER - Dimensions Mass: 1000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1354.2 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 30.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 13.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.09 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.13 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.26 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: No_Doors, No_Exhaust Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_F_Wide2, Wheel_R_Wide2 Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4. (Cheddar) Bikes and Bicycles Intro ----- These are the bikes, including bicycles. Same rules apply as above, except all the extra handling data is not in yet (it is in a different set of data to be included when I finish my parsing program). These should all be named and have the proper flags and what not, but if you see something wrong, send an e-mail. Bike Listing ------------ 160.) PCJ-600 ------------- Vehicle ID: BIKE - Dimensions Mass: 500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 161.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.6 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 50.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Sport Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.35 Lean Forward Force: 0.15 Lean Back COM: 0.34 Lean Back Force: 0.10 Max Lean: 45.0° Full Animation Lean: 38.0° Des Lean: 0.93 Speed Steer: 0.70 Slip Steer: 0.5 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 35.0° Stoppie Angle: -40.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.009 Wheelie Steer: 0.7 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161.) Faggio ------------ Vehicle ID: MOPED - Dimensions Mass: 350.0 Kg Turn Mass: 119.6 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.8 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 3 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 30.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.12 Lower Limit: -0.17 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.11 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Vespa Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.35 Lean Forward Force: 0.25 Lean Back COM: 0.25 Lean Back Force: 0.04 Max Lean: 35.0° Full Animation Lean: 25.0° Des Lean: 0.90 Speed Steer: 0.75 Slip Steer: 0.8 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 35.0° Stoppie Angle: -45.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.010 Wheelie Steer: 0.7 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162.) Sanchez ------------- Vehicle ID: DIRTBIKE - Dimensions Mass: 500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 195.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.6 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 50.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 14.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Dirt Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.40 Lean Forward Force: 0.40 Lean Back COM: 0.30 Lean Back Force: 0.08 Max Lean: 48.0° Full Animation Lean: 43.0° Des Lean: 0.92 Speed Steer: 0.60 Slip Steer: 1.0 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 45.0° Stoppie Angle: -35.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.010 Wheelie Steer: 0.5 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 163.) FCR-900 ------------- Vehicle ID: FCR900 - Dimensions Mass: 500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 200.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.5 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 50.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.11 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Sport Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.33 Lean Forward Force: 0.15 Lean Back COM: 0.28 Lean Back Force: 0.15 Max Lean: 45.0° Full Animation Lean: 38.0° Des Lean: 0.93 Speed Steer: 0.70 Slip Steer: 0.5 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 35.0° Stoppie Angle: -40.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.009 Wheelie Steer: 0.7 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 164.) NRG-500 ------------- Vehicle ID: NRG500 - Dimensions Mass: 400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 200.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.08, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.8 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 60.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Is_Bike Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Sport Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.25 Lean Forward Force: 0.10 Lean Back COM: 0.30 Lean Back Force: 0.10 Max Lean: 55.0° Full Animation Lean: 38.0° Des Lean: 0.95 Speed Steer: 0.60 Slip Steer: 0.5 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 30.0° Stoppie Angle: -35.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.012 Wheelie Steer: 0.7 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165.) HPV-1000 -------------- Vehicle ID: HPV1000 - Dimensions Mass: 500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 240.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.5 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 46% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 50.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.16 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Sport Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.25 Lean Forward Force: 0.08 Lean Back COM: 0.25 Lean Back Force: 0.08 Max Lean: 40.0° Full Animation Lean: 30.0° Des Lean: 0.93 Speed Steer: 0.65 Slip Steer: 0.5 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 35.0° Stoppie Angle: -40.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.009 Wheelie Steer: 0.5 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166.) BF-400 ------------ Vehicle ID: BF400 - Dimensions Mass: 500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 200.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.5 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.4 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 50.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 15.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Sport Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.35 Lean Forward Force: 0.10 Lean Back COM: 0.35 Lean Back Force: 0.10 Max Lean: 40.0° Full Animation Lean: 30.0° Des Lean: 0.92 Speed Steer: 0.65 Slip Steer: 0.6 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 40.0° Stoppie Angle: -40.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.013 Wheelie Steer: 0.6 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167.) Wayfarer -------------- Vehicle ID: WAYFARER - Dimensions Mass: 800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 600.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.4 Loss: 0.85 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 40.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.65 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.09 Lower Limit: -0.11 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.24 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Is_Bike, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Wayfarer Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.10 Lean Forward Force: 0.05 Lean Back COM: 0.20 Lean Back Force: 0.05 Max Lean: 30.0° Full Animation Lean: 25.0° Des Lean: 0.945 Speed Steer: 1.20 Slip Steer: 0.7 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 33.0° Stoppie Angle: -55.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.006 Wheelie Steer: 0.4 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168.) Quadbike -------------- Vehicle ID: QUADBIKE - Dimensions Mass: 400.0 Kg Turn Mass: 300.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.20 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.7 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 160.0 KPH / 99.36 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 8.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.8 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $9000 Model Flags: Tandem_Seats, No_Doors, No_Exhaust, Axle_F_Reverse, Axle_R_Solid Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, 1G_Boost, Wheel_F_Narrow Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Quad Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.14 Lean Forward Force: 0.04 Lean Back COM: 0.14 Lean Back Force: 0.08 Max Lean: 48.0° Full Animation Lean: 43.0° Des Lean: 0.88 Speed Steer: 0.60 Slip Steer: 1.0 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 45.0° Stoppie Angle: -35.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.007 Wheelie Steer: 1.0 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169.) BMX --------- Vehicle ID: BMX - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 39.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 7.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.6 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 19.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.80 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: BMX Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.35 Lean Forward Force: 0.50 Lean Back COM: 0.30 Lean Back Force: 0.09 Max Lean: 48.0° Full Animation Lean: 43.0° Des Lean: 0.92 Speed Steer: 0.60 Slip Steer: 1.0 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 45.0° Stoppie Angle: -35.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.007 Wheelie Steer: 1.0 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 170.) Bike ---------- Vehicle ID: CHOPPERB - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 39.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 6.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.6 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 120.0 KPH / 74.52 MPH Engine Acceleration: 18.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 19.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Choppa (Regular Cycle) Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.35 Lean Forward Force: 0.50 Lean Back COM: 0.30 Lean Back Force: 0.09 Max Lean: 40.0° Full Animation Lean: 30.0° Des Lean: 0.92 Speed Steer: 0.60 Slip Steer: 1.0 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 45.0° Stoppie Angle: -35.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.007 Wheelie Steer: 0.6 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171.) Mountain Bike ------------------- Vehicle ID: MTB - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 60.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.09 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.6 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 48% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 140.0 KPH / 86.94 MPH Engine Acceleration: 25.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 19.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.85 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.15 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Bike, Force_Ground_Clearance Handling Flags: 2G_Boost Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Mountain Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.35 Lean Forward Force: 0.30 Lean Back COM: 0.25 Lean Back Force: 0.08 Max Lean: 48.0° Full Animation Lean: 43.0° Des Lean: 0.92 Speed Steer: 0.60 Slip Steer: 1.0 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 35.0° Stoppie Angle: -35.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.015 Wheelie Steer: 0.6 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172.) Freeway ------------- Vehicle ID: FREEWAY - Dimensions Mass: 800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 403.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 103% - Traction Multiplier: 1.2 Loss: 0.82 Bias: 51% - Transmission Number of Gears: 4 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 40.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 10.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 55% - Suspension Steering Lock: 35.0° Force Level: 0.65 Damping Level: 0.20 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.09 Lower Limit: -0.11 Front & Rear Bias: 55% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.24 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Double_Exhaust, Is_Bike Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Small Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Harley Bike - Extra Bike Handling Lean Forward COM: 0.10 Lean Forward Force: 0.05 Lean Back COM: 0.30 Lean Back Force: 0.062 Max Lean: 30.0° Full Animation Lean: 25.0° Des Lean: 0.945 Speed Steer: 1.20 Slip Steer: 0.7 No Player COMz: 0.1 Wheelie Angle: 33.0° Stoppie Angle: -55.0° Wheelie Stab Multiplier: -0.006 Wheelie Steer: 0.5 Stoppie Stab Multiplier: 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4. (Muenster) Boats Intro ----- In this section reside the boat statistics. All the boats should have their proper in-game names, but if something looks wrong, e-mail me. There is extra boat handling data that is not yet in this guide, so some things may seem a tad weird until it is in. Boat Listing ------------ 173.) Predator -------------- Vehicle ID: PREDATOR - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 29333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 14% - Traction Multiplier: 2.30 Loss: 15.0 Bias: 58% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.7 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.05 ms^2 Brake Bias: 1% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.1 Front & Rear Bias: 0% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.33 Monetary Value: $40000 Model Flags: Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.79 Thrust Z: 0.5 Thrust App Z: 0.6 Aq Plane Force: 7.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.60 Aq Plane Offset: -1.9 Wave Audio Multiplier: 4.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.8, 0.998, 0.998 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.98, 0.97 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 174.) Speeder ------------- Vehicle ID: SPEEDER - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20210.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 22% - Traction Multiplier: 2.5 Loss: 15.0 Bias: 65% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 2.5 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.04 ms^2 Brake Bias: 1% - Suspension Steering Lock: 20.0° Force Level: 1.3 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.5 Front & Rear Bias: 200% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.7 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.39 Monetary Value: $30000 Model Flags: Sit_In_Boat, Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.65 Thrust Z: 0.5 Thrust App Z: 0.5 Aq Plane Force: 8.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.70 Aq Plane Offset: -0.5 Wave Audio Multiplier: 3.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.7, 0.998, 0.999 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.98, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175.) Reefer ------------ Vehicle ID: REEFER - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 25520.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 15% - Traction Multiplier: -1.50 Loss: 15.0 Bias: 45% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 0.7 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.02 ms^2 Brake Bias: 2% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.1 Front & Rear Bias: 0% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.38 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.35 Thrust Z: 0.6 Thrust App Z: 0.0 Aq Plane Force: 3.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.20 Aq Plane Offset: -0.9 Wave Audio Multiplier: 3.5 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.8, 0.998, 0.995 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.98, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 176.) Rio --------- Vehicle ID: RIO - Dimensions Mass: 3000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 17312.5 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 15% - Traction Multiplier: -4.00 Loss: 25.0 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 0.5 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.02 ms^2 Brake Bias: 0% - Suspension Steering Lock: 20.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 15.00 Lower Limit: 0.1 Front & Rear Bias: 0% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.23 Monetary Value: $70000 Model Flags: Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.75 Thrust Z: 0.7 Thrust App Z: 0.0 Aq Plane Force: 3.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.20 Aq Plane Offset: 0.0 Wave Audio Multiplier: 10.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.7, 0.998, 0.999 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.96, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177.) Squalo ------------ Vehicle ID: SQUALO - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 29333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 42% - Traction Multiplier: 3.00 Loss: 15.0 Bias: 65% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 3.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.02 ms^2 Brake Bias: 0% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 0.45 Damping Level: 5.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.05 Front & Rear Bias: 0% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.33 Monetary Value: $60000 Model Flags: Sit_In_Boat, Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.50 Thrust Z: 1.1 Thrust App Z: 0.2 Aq Plane Force: 9.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.80 Aq Plane Offset: 1.2 Wave Audio Multiplier: 4.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.90, 0.998, 0.999 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.89, 0.975, 0.97 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178.) Tropic ------------ Vehicle ID: TROPIC - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 29333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 10% - Traction Multiplier: 2.20 Loss: 12.0 Bias: 45% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.4 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.05 ms^2 Brake Bias: 1% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 1.8 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.1 Front & Rear Bias: 0% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.33 Monetary Value: $73000 Model Flags: Sit_In_Boat, Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.35 Thrust Z: 0.6 Thrust App Z: 0.5 Aq Plane Force: 4.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.35 Aq Plane Offset: -1.0 Wave Audio Multiplier: 6.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.7, 0.998, 0.995 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.78, 0.985, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 179.) Coast Guard ----------------- Vehicle ID: COASTGRD - Dimensions Mass: 1200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6525.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 14% - Traction Multiplier: 2.00 Loss: 4.2 Bias: 70% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.6 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.05 ms^2 Brake Bias: 1% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 3.20 Lower Limit: 0.1 Front & Rear Bias: 250% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.18 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.50 Thrust Z: 0.65 Thrust App Z: 0.5 Aq Plane Force: 8.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.60 Aq Plane Offset: -0.3 Wave Audio Multiplier: 3.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.7, 0.996, 0.998 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.96, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180.) Dinghy ------------ Vehicle ID: DINGHY - Dimensions Mass: 800.0 Kg Turn Mass: 1483.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 16% - Traction Multiplier: 3.50 Loss: 3.5 Bias: 100% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.2 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.07 ms^2 Brake Bias: 1% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 4.5 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 3.50 Lower Limit: 0.1 Front & Rear Bias: 70% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.12 Monetary Value: $5000 Model Flags: Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.70 Thrust Z: 0.6 Thrust App Z: 0.4 Aq Plane Force: 5.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.30 Aq Plane Offset: -0.8 Wave Audio Multiplier: 3.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.94, 0.993, 0.997 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.94, 0.94 LRB Camera Height: 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181.) Marquis ------------- Vehicle ID: MARQUIS - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 155520.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 10% - Traction Multiplier: -3.50 Loss: 25.0 Bias: 40% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 0.5 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.04 ms^2 Brake Bias: 3% - Suspension Steering Lock: 38.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.0 Front & Rear Bias: 100% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.38 Monetary Value: $99000 Model Flags: Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.95 Thrust Z: 0.7 Thrust App Z: 0.0 Aq Plane Force: 1.5 Aq Plane Limit: 0.10 Aq Plane Offset: 0.0 Wave Audio Multiplier: 3.5 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.8, 0.998, 0.970 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.84, 0.99, 0.94 LRB Camera Height: 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182.) Cupboat ------------- Vehicle ID: CUPBOAT - Dimensions Mass: 3000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 40000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 35% - Traction Multiplier: 2.00 Loss: 15.0 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 3.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.02 ms^2 Brake Bias: 0% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 0.75 Damping Level: 4.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.3 Front & Rear Bias: 150% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.45 Monetary Value: $48000 Model Flags: Sit_In_Boat, Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.50 Thrust Z: 0.6 Thrust App Z: 0.9 Aq Plane Force: 9.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.80 Aq Plane Offset: -1.0 Wave Audio Multiplier: 4.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.92, 0.998, 0.998 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.87, 0.96, 0.97 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183.) Launch ------------ Vehicle ID: LAUNCH - Dimensions Mass: 2200.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20210.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 1.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 22% - Traction Multiplier: 1.5 Loss: 15.0 Bias: 65% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 190.0 KPH / 117.99 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.03 ms^2 Brake Bias: 1% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 3.0 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.5 Front & Rear Bias: 200% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.7 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.39 Monetary Value: $30000 Model Flags: Sit_In_Boat, Is_Boat Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.50 Thrust Z: 0.9 Thrust App Z: 0.5 Aq Plane Force: 6.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.50 Aq Plane Offset: -0.5 Wave Audio Multiplier: 3.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.7, 0.998, 0.999 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.85, 0.98, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6. (Provolone) Airplanes and Helicopters Intro ----- These are the air vehicles in the lovely state of San Andreas. There are some strange things listed for these vehicles, like max velocity is always set to 200, and I don't feel that is quite accurate. There is another set of handling data for aircraft, but that has not yet been parsed. Note that there is no jetpack listed. The reason is listed in the F.A.Q. section. Aircraft Listing ---------------- 184.) Skimmer ------------- Vehicle ID: SEAPLANE - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 27083.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 12.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 9% - Traction Multiplier: 0.83 Loss: 45.0 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.7 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.01 ms^2 Brake Bias: 5% - Suspension Steering Lock: 24.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.75 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.10 Lower Limit: 0.0 Front & Rear Bias: 200% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 1.0 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.05 Monetary Value: $10000 Model Flags: Sit_In_Boat, Is_Plane Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Boat Handling Thrust Y: 0.50 Thrust Z: 1.2 Thrust App Z: 1.2 Aq Plane Force: 50.0 Aq Plane Limit: 0.85 Aq Plane Offset: -0.4 Wave Audio Multiplier: 20.0 Move Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.93, 0.998, 0.999 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.95, 0.96, 0.96 LRB Camera Height: 4.5 - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.5 Thrust Falloff: 0.40 Yaw: -0.00006 Yaw Stab: 0.002 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.002 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0002 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.020 Attack Lift: 0.15 Gear Up R: 1.0 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.998, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 50.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 185.) Vortex ------------ Vehicle ID: VORTEX - Dimensions Mass: 1900.0 Kg Turn Mass: 4795.9 Kg Drag Multiplier: 20.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.2 Percent Submerged: 85% - Traction Multiplier: 0.05 Loss: 1.0 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 5 Max Velocity: 150.0 KPH / 93.15 MPH Engine Acceleration: 2.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: RWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.5 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.33 Lower Limit: -0.25 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.02 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.65 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $26000 Model Flags: Is_Van, Tandem_Seats, No_Doors Handling Flags: HB_RearWheel_Steer, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Hover - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.4 Thrust Falloff: 0.30 Yaw: -0.0025 Yaw Stab: 0.02 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.001 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0003 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.000 Attack Lift: 0.10 Gear Up R: 1.0 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.995 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 1.000, 1.000, 0.998 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186.) Rustler ------------- Vehicle ID: RUSTLER - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 27083.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 10.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No_Doors, Force_Door_Check, Is_Plane Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Rustler - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.5 Thrust Falloff: 0.30 Yaw: -0.00010 Yaw Stab: 0.004 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.002 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0002 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.008 Attack Lift: 0.10 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.2 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.998, 0.990 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 10.0, 20.0, 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187.) Beagle ------------ Vehicle ID: BEAGLE - Dimensions Mass: 10000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 80000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 14.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 1.00 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 35% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Is_Plane, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.65 Thrust Falloff: 0.10 Yaw: -0.00010 Yaw Stab: 0.002 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.002 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0002 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.018 Attack Lift: 0.15 Gear Up R: 1.0 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.998, 0.990 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 50.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188.) Crop Duster ----------------- Vehicle ID: CROPDUST - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 27083.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 15.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.55 Lower Limit: -0.05 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Force_Door_Check, Is_Plane Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Rustler - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.6 Thrust Falloff: 0.10 Yaw: -0.00015 Yaw Stab: 0.002 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.002 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0003 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.030 Attack Lift: 0.20 Gear Up R: 1.0 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.9985, 0.997, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 30.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189.) Stunt Plane ----------------- Vehicle ID: STUNT - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 20000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 14.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 90% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Force_Door_Check, Is_Plane Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Rustler - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.8 Thrust Falloff: 0.30 Yaw: -0.00020 Yaw Stab: 0.002 Side Slip: 0.010 Roll: 0.004 Roll Stab: -0.001 Pitch: 0.0005 Pitch Stab: 0.0015 Form Lift: 0.014 Attack Lift: 0.14 Gear Up R: 1.0 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.997, 0.997, 0.997 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 10.0, 5.0, 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190.) Shamal ------------ Vehicle ID: SHAMAL - Dimensions Mass: 15000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 81250.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 8.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.55 Loss: 0.8 Bias: 70% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 15% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 4.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 1.00 Lower Limit: -0.00 Front & Rear Bias: 30% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No_Doors, Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Plane Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Lear - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.5 Thrust Falloff: 1.00 Yaw: -0.00003 Yaw Stab: 0.001 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.002 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.00006 Pitch Stab: 0.0015 Form Lift: 0.006 Attack Lift: 0.10 Gear Up R: 0.3 Gear Down L: 1.7 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.996, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 50.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 191.) Hydra ----------- Vehicle ID: HYDRA - Dimensions Mass: 9000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 48750.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 20.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 80% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.60 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: No_Doors, Force_Door_Check, Is_Plane Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Harrier - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 1.1 Thrust Falloff: 1.00 Yaw: -0.00010 Yaw Stab: 0.004 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.002 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0001 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.006 Attack Lift: 0.10 Gear Up R: 0.1 Gear Down L: 1.3 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.997, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 10.0, 10.0, 40.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192.) Nevada ------------ Vehicle ID: NEVADA - Dimensions Mass: 25000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 438750.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 10.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.10 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.40 Lower Limit: -0.30 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No_Doors, Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Plane Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Nevada - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.4 Thrust Falloff: 0.30 Yaw: -0.00001 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.001 Roll Stab: -0.003 Pitch: 0.00003 Pitch Stab: 0.0030 Form Lift: 0.012 Attack Lift: 0.20 Gear Up R: 0.3 Gear Down L: 1.3 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.997, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 100.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 193.) AT-400 ------------ Vehicle ID: AT400 - Dimensions Mass: 60000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 9000000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 1.5 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 85% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 30% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.70 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Big, Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Plane, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Coach - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.35 Thrust Falloff: 1.00 Yaw: -0.000005 Yaw Stab: 0.0002 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.0003 Roll Stab: -0.0001 Pitch: 0.00001 Pitch Stab: 0.00005 Form Lift: 0.008 Attack Lift: 0.10 Gear Up R: 0.5 Gear Down L: 1.5 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.997, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 100.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194.) Andromeda --------------- Vehicle ID: ANDROM - Dimensions Mass: 40000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 3000000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 4.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Big, No_Doors, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Axle_F_NoTilt, Axle_R_NoTilt, Is_Plane, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: Hydraulic_None, Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.35 Thrust Falloff: 1.00 Yaw: -0.000005 Yaw Stab: 0.0002 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.0003 Roll Stab: -0.0001 Pitch: 0.00001 Pitch Stab: 0.00005 Form Lift: 0.008 Attack Lift: 0.10 Gear Up R: 0.5 Gear Down L: 1.5 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.997, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 100.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195.) Dodo ---------- Vehicle ID: DODO - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 27083.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 12.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 1.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.05 Front & Rear Bias: 20% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.50 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: Is_Plane Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Van - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.5 Thrust Falloff: 0.40 Yaw: -0.00015 Yaw Stab: 0.002 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.003 Roll Stab: -0.002 Pitch: 0.0003 Pitch Stab: 0.0020 Form Lift: 0.020 Attack Lift: 0.15 Gear Up R: 1.0 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.998, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 20.0, 50.0, 20.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196.) Sparrow ------------- Vehicle ID: SPARROW - Dimensions Mass: 2500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 6041.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.40 Thrust Falloff: 0.95 Yaw: -0.001 Yaw Stab: 0.01 Side Slip: 0.05 Roll: 0.0020 Roll Stab: 2.0 Pitch: 0.0020 Pitch Stab: 2.0 Form Lift: 0.7 Attack Lift: 0.004 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.998 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.980, 0.980, 0.990 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 1.0, 1.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197.) Sea Sparrow ----------------- Vehicle ID: SEASPAR - Dimensions Mass: 3000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 7250.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.1 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 5% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.60 Monetary Value: $28000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.50 Thrust Falloff: 0.95 Yaw: -0.001 Yaw Stab: 0.01 Side Slip: 0.05 Roll: 0.0020 Roll Stab: 2.0 Pitch: 0.0020 Pitch Stab: 2.0 Form Lift: 0.7 Attack Lift: 0.003 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.998 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.980, 0.980, 0.990 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 1.0, 1.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198.) Mavrick ------------- Vehicle ID: MAVERICK - Dimensions Mass: 5000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 29270.8 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.15 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.75 Monetary Value: $45000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.60 Thrust Falloff: 0.85 Yaw: -0.0005 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.03 Roll: 0.0010 Roll Stab: 1.5 Pitch: 0.0010 Pitch Stab: 1.5 Form Lift: 0.6 Attack Lift: 0.002 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.996 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.5, 0.5, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 199.) Coast Guard Mavrick ------------------------- Vehicle ID: COASTMAV - Dimensions Mass: 3500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 8458.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.65 Monetary Value: $50000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.60 Thrust Falloff: 0.95 Yaw: -0.0005 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.03 Roll: 0.0012 Roll Stab: 1.0 Pitch: 0.0015 Pitch Stab: 1.0 Form Lift: 0.6 Attack Lift: 0.002 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.996 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 1.5, 1.5, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200.) Police Mavrick -------------------- Vehicle ID: POLMAV - Dimensions Mass: 4500.0 Kg Turn Mass: 26343.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 2.0 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.65 Monetary Value: $52000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.60 Thrust Falloff: 0.75 Yaw: -0.0005 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.03 Roll: 0.0010 Roll Stab: 1.5 Pitch: 0.0010 Pitch Stab: 1.5 Form Lift: 0.6 Attack Lift: 0.002 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.996 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.5, 0.5, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201.) Hunter ------------ Vehicle ID: HUNTER - Dimensions Mass: 10000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 150000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 85% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.40 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $99000 Model Flags: Force_Door_Check, No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Rustler - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.55 Thrust Falloff: 0.50 Yaw: -0.0005 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.01 Roll: 0.001 Roll Stab: 1.0 Pitch: 0.001 Pitch Stab: 1.0 Form Lift: 0.5 Attack Lift: 0.001 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.2 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.992 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 2.0, 2.0, 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202.) Leviathan --------------- Vehicle ID: LEVIATHN - Dimensions Mass: 15000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 200000.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.1 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 30% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.0 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.20 Front & Rear Bias: 90% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.3 Thrust Falloff: 0.85 Yaw: -0.0003 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.02 Roll: 0.0007 Roll Stab: 1.0 Pitch: 0.0007 Pitch Stab: 1.0 Form Lift: 0.5 Attack Lift: 0.001 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 2.0, 2.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203.) Cargobob -------------- Vehicle ID: CARGOBOB - Dimensions Mass: 20000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 48333.3 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 0.6 Damping Level: 0.05 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.50 Lower Limit: -0.10 Front & Rear Bias: 30% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.30 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $25000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli, Double_RWheels Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.4 Thrust Falloff: 0.85 Yaw: -0.0003 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.02 Roll: 0.0007 Roll Stab: 1.0 Pitch: 0.0007 Pitch Stab: 1.0 Form Lift: 0.5 Attack Lift: 0.001 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 2.0, 2.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204.) Rain Dance ---------------- Vehicle ID: RAINDANC - Dimensions Mass: 10000.0 Kg Turn Mass: 96666.7 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.05 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 Percent Submerged: 75% - Traction Multiplier: 0.65 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 200.0 KPH / 124.2 MPH Engine Acceleration: 16.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 45% - Suspension Steering Lock: 30.0° Force Level: 1.5 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.20 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.70 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.50 Monetary Value: $99000 Model Flags: No1FPS_Look_Behind, Is_Heli Handling Flags: Halogen_Lights Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.4 Thrust Falloff: 0.85 Yaw: -0.0003 Yaw Stab: 0.005 Side Slip: 0.02 Roll: 0.0007 Roll Stab: 1.0 Pitch: 0.0007 Pitch Stab: 1.0 Form Lift: 0.5 Attack Lift: 0.001 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 0.9985 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.992, 0.992, 0.995 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 2.0, 2.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 7. (Gorgonzola) Radio Controlled Vehicles Intro ----- These are the radio/remote controlled vehicles in the game. The first three were originally listed in the car section, while the remaining ones were in the aircraft section. The air-based RC units have extra handling data that is not currently parsed but will be included later. Strangely, the Max Velocity stat for the air vehicles seems accurate, unlike their larger brethren. RC Listing ---------- 205.) RC Tiger -------------- Vehicle ID: RCTIGER - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 24.1 Kg Drag Multiplier: 5.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.70 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 75.0 KPH / 46.575 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 15.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.0 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.14 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.05 Monetary Value: $500 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: HB_RearWheel_Steer Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 206.) RC Cam ------------ Vehicle ID: RCCAM - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 50.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 20.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.2 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.60 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 60.0 KPH / 37.26 MPH Engine Acceleration: 50.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 10.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 3.0 Damping Level: 0.3 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.15 Lower Limit: -0.15 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.05 Monetary Value: $500 Model Flags: No Flags Handling Flags: Use_MaxSP_Limit Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207.) RC Bandit --------------- Vehicle ID: RCBANDIT - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 24.1 Kg Drag Multiplier: 6.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.05, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 0.80 Loss: 0.90 Bias: 49% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 75.0 KPH / 46.575 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Electric - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.08 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.05 Monetary Value: $500 Model Flags: Axle_F_McPherson, Axle_R_McPherson Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208.) RC Barron --------------- Vehicle ID: RCBARON - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 50.0 Kg Drag Multiplier: 120.0 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Percent Submerged: 99% - Traction Multiplier: 0.20 Loss: 0.9 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 75.0 KPH / 46.575 MPH Engine Acceleration: 1.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: FWD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 0.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 45.0° Force Level: 0.6 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.25 Lower Limit: -0.00 Front & Rear Bias: 80% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.08 Monetary Value: $300 Model Flags: Is_Plane Handling Flags: Steer_RWheels Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.5 Thrust Falloff: -0.05 Yaw: -0.006 Yaw Stab: 0.6 Side Slip: 0.30 Roll: 0.015 Roll Stab: -0.005 Pitch: 0.005 Pitch Stab: 0.2 Form Lift: 0.10 Attack Lift: 0.30 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 1.0 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.998, 0.996, 0.990 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 10.0, 40.0, 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 209.) RC Goblin --------------- Vehicle ID: RCGOBLIN - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 24.1 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.10 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 75.0 KPH / 46.575 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.08 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.05 Monetary Value: $800 Model Flags: Is_Heli Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.20 Thrust Falloff: 0.75 Yaw: -0.001 Yaw Stab: 0.05 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.006 Roll Stab: 6.0 Pitch: 0.006 Pitch Stab: 6.0 Form Lift: 0.7 Attack Lift: 0.015 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.1 Move Resistence: 0.989 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.850, 0.860, 0.992 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210.) RC Raider --------------- Vehicle ID: RCRAIDER - Dimensions Mass: 100.0 Kg Turn Mass: 24.1 Kg Drag Multiplier: 0.2 Center of Mass (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 Percent Submerged: 70% - Traction Multiplier: 1.10 Loss: 0.75 Bias: 50% - Transmission Number of Gears: 1 Max Velocity: 75.0 KPH / 46.575 MPH Engine Acceleration: 35.0 ms^2 Engine Inertia: 5.0 Drivetrain: 4WD Engine Type: Petrol - Braking Brake Deceleration: 5.5 ms^2 Brake Bias: 50% - Suspension Steering Lock: 25.0° Force Level: 1.6 Damping Level: 0.1 High Speed Damping: 0.0 Upper Limit: 0.28 Lower Limit: -0.08 Front & Rear Bias: 50% Anti-Drive Multiplier: 0.0 - Other Seat Offset Difference: 0.2 Collision Damage Multiplier: 0.10 Monetary Value: $500 Model Flags: Is_Heli Handling Flags: No Flags Headlight Type: Long Rearlight Type: Small Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car - Extra Plane/Heli Handling Thrust: 0.25 Thrust Falloff: 0.6 Yaw: -0.002 Yaw Stab: 0.05 Side Slip: 0.10 Roll: 0.009 Roll Stab: 5.0 Pitch: 0.009 Pitch Stab: 5.0 Form Lift: 0.4 Attack Lift: 0.008 Gear Up R: 0.2 Gear Down L: 1.0 Wind Multiplier: 0.1s Move Resistence: 0.989 Turn Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.880, 0.880, 0.998 Speed Resistence (X, Y, Z): 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 8. (Colby) Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 9. (Parmesan) F.A.Q. - Q: Where is car X?!?! A: Not in the guide yet, please don't e-mail me about it anymore. - Q: What does car x look like?! A: Also not in the guide yet, please don't e-mail me about it right now. - Q: What is the Andromeda? How do I get one? A: The Andromeda is the large cargo jet that is shown in certain missions, but you can not obtain by any normal means. It IS flyable, but you must cheat to gain access to it. It is larger then the AT400. - Q: Then how do I get one? A: You'll need a cheating device, like the CodeBreaker (I know it has the code to spawn one) and find the proper code to use. This is the only way I know of, and probably THE ONLY way to do it. - Q: Where is the import/export garage/dock? A: No more E-mails please, I'll include that later, but seriously, if you keep playing the game, one of the missions TAKES PLACE THERE and it will tell you how to use it AFTER THE MISSION IS DONE! - Q: Why aren't all the vehicles named? A: I haven't had much gametime and I forgot or just couldn't locate the vehicle in time for this version. If you have its name, please send the vehicle name that goes with the number or vehicle ID tag. - Q: These stats don't seem to be right, how can vehicle x be faster then vehicle y? A: E-mail me, it might be an error. Otherwise, that is how it is written in the handling file, and while it may seem wrong, it probably is right. The max velocity stat isn't the only one that affects top speed. - Q: Why is the max velocity of all the aircraft set to 200? There is no way that is possible! A: I don't know yet, I have a feeling that 200 is some sort of base speed and something in the extra handling data finish it off. - Q: Where is the jetpack?! A: The jetpack is not a vehicle and thus not listed in the handling config. I will write a description and put up pictures for it later, but there will be no indepth numbers since it is NOT a vehicle (it can't be damaged nor stored in the garage nor does it have a name when you put it on. It also spins and you just walk into it, not hit Triangle). - Q: What's with the cheese? A: I like cheese... - Q: I am some how offended by something in your FAQ, what can I do about it? A: In the words of Dark Helmet, "Absolutely nothing!" - Q: You stole my/someone else's FAQ! A: No... but if you really think so, e-mail me. - Q: I found an error in the FAQ (Stats misaligned or seem totaly wrong). How do I contact your sorry ass? A: NEXT SECTION! Also, if there is a spelling or grammar mistake that is pissing you off, feel free to send an e-mail about it. I'm sure this is full of them. - Q: I have a question, and it's not in the FAQ... AHHH! A: E-mail me... but please keep it related to the limits of this FAQ (no mission help). - Q: GTA 3, GTA:VC, or GTA:SA? A: I refuse to answer that as all three games rock me in ways not even my girlfriend can (or will). GTA 1, GTA 1: London, and GTA 2 are also badass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 10. (Gouda) Contact Info Contact me if you have questions, comments, error fixes, useful information, or whatever. If you ask for mission help or something out of the spectrum of this FAQ, I may not answer you. Things I will not even read: - Car locations / descriptions requests There are plenty of places to get this info if it isn't here already. - XYZ thing... Just don't... I'm tired of it... - ms^2 thing... Same... just don't... E-Mail ------ - - This is the best way to reach me since it is infact the only way I am giving out right now. ----------------------------------------------------------- Section 11. (Feta) Legal The Handling.cfg file is RockStar's file that was on the DVD, so that's where value extration took place, everything else is all mine. Don't use this FAQ for toilet paper unless it is an emergency of the highest caliber. You can post this FAQ without asking me now, the updated version will always be at and I will not be sending it to anyone. Current list of places this FAQ is directly updated: Don't be a loser, steer clear of possessed box cutters. Also, as another note, if you plan on killing a bunch of people and want to blame GTA for making you an idiot feel free to put yourself on the top of your hit list. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 12. (Pepper Jack) Thanks Info ---- The "General Thanks" section is for those who didn't directly help this FAQ and for my general weirdness. Items marked with an astrick (*) are new. The "Submitted Help Thanks" section is for those who actually sent in e-mails to further my cause of global supremecy. Items marked with an astrick (*) denote them as new, and items marked with a dash (-) denonce their religious and polical beliefs and dance nekkid in front of a large bon fire while handing me large amounts of cash for no exceptionally good reason. General Thanks -------------- Thanks to Rockstar, Rockstar North, and Take-Two for allowing such a badass series of games exist. Thanks to my Mother for not aborting me. Thanks to my laptop, for without it, I would not be sitting at work typing out an FAQ or playing video games. Thanks to me for being me and for never giving up, unless I get lazy, tired, or hungry... or it ends up being to hard. Thanks to my teachers who gave me an enormous self-confidence adjustment when they told me I wouldn't amount to *ahem* "A hill of beans". Thank you, indeed. Thanks to God, if He exists, for not smiting me when He had the chance. Thanks to my laser mouse, for its badassedness and making all the chicks swoon over my super-neato-cool-keen human interface device. Thanks to my Father for not tying me up, putting me in his trunk, and dumping me out in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to 90% of the population, for without you, I would have fewer people to feel superior to (even if I can't spell worth a jack). Thanks to Canada for being an easy target, eh? Thanks to my jacket, for it is cold and raining, it has protected me well. Thanks to the guy who originally found the handling.cfg on the GTA DVDs, I have no idea who it was. Thanks to my Girlfriend for releasing her grip on my laptop (though now she monopolizes my tower) and not getting too upset about that one F.A.Q. entry. Thanks to Hotmail for giving me dating ads about various men. I think it's trying to tell me something. Thanks to automated virus mailing systems for now targetting my hotmail account with full force. Sure, I'll open AFUNGAME.ZIP from some random person! Thanks to my Mother and Girlfriend, again, for stealing my car, again, and leaving me with the Jaguar (no real complant about the car itself) and for concequently causing me to lock the keys in the trunk while at work and then coming down to help me (takes an hour to get here from my mom's house) only to actually forget to bring the other set. Thanks to my Father, again, for bringing the spare set and saving me. Thanks to my sister for getting me a 42" plasma EDTV, for widescreen and component cables make the game at least 40-50% cooler, if not more. It's so clear, and I can see better... ooo... * Thanks to my teachers for being so damn boring that I decided to work on this again... even thought I don't really want to... * Thanks to my Girlfriend for deciding to play GTA:SA herself. * Thanks to Rockstar for putting out the nice PC version with the neat radio function for the user tracks. * Thanks to Capital One for only rejecting my NewEgg order once and allowing me to get an uber computer to play the GTA:SA PC version on. * Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Jack Thomson, Leland Yee, the ESRB, and other assorted idiots for being a bunch of retards... * Thanks to for keeping the people informed about the above assorted idiots... Submitted Help Thanks --------------------- Thanks to the following people for their great service to this FAQ. - Bick Langsley for Center of Mass, ms^2, and force level/damping level attribute descriptions. - Michael Hatton for ms^2, ABS, and Traction attribute descriptions. - Jake for ms^2, and the kph/mph calculation fix. - Ariel Alvarez for ms^2, as well as enjoying cheese and Spaceballs. - Jesse Gifford for confirming that at least one other person feels the same way about the GTA series of games stated in the F.A.Q. section. - Karel Roegiest for Center of Mass and having a hard name to type. - Barry O for Collision Damage description and another ms^2 e-mail. - Inverted Saint for Center Of Mass, possible hosting, and making up words. - Eric Reiman for Center Of Mass and reminding me to redo the Key section. - Franck Santos for starting a list on real car counterparts. - ReverendTed for Monitary Value description information and car spawn/reality counterpart information. - Omega/Vic for more ms^2 information. - Scottie A for sending in an Excel Spreadsheet of the car database. - Seb for another kph/mph fix e-mail. - Quincunx for a rather long winded e-mail about effect/affect as well as Center of Mass, ms^2, and general nice comments. - Thomas Cyrus for another Excel Spreadsheet of the car database. - Dan Deil for yet another ms^2 e-mail (not complaining, it's a good thing). - Alex for another KPH/MPH fix e-mail. - Matt Gisler for giving props and sending ms^2 info. Rock the cheese indeed. - Echoside!/Shawn for sending in Center of Mass, ms^2, steering lock, ABS, Force/Damping/Bias suspension description information. However, due to having in your signature, I deduct 20 points. - M/mike for sending in... MS^2! Weee! - Burton Honsinger for sending in ms^2 and promissing to send in the real car counterpoint information as well as Monitary Value info. Neat-o-keen! - Dallas Carney for taking the blame on the ABS thing. - Ben for Center of Mass, KPH/MPH fix, ms^2 (suprise!) and possible hosting. - Brad Schickler for an ms^2 e-mail. Quite a few-o-those from peoples, no? - Matt Moulton for ms^2 (yay!), Center of Mass (double yay!), Brake Bias, Suspension Damping, and Steering Lock descriptions. - Jordan Tuttle for more possible hosting. - Robert Thomas for the LAST ms^2 e-mail I'm going to give credit for. Sorry anyone else who wants to send one, but all the ms^2 e-mail credits are cramping my elbow. (Last ms^2 e-mail taken was on 11-07-04 @ 1:23am) - Craig Cottrell for the No1FPS_Look_Behind description fix as well as reminding me to take out the K/MPH conversion (not directly) and pointing out that I should remove the ABS stat since all are set to zero. - MafCase for the idea of adding in bullet-proof car locations as well as one location itself. - Waleed Waleed Dude for a big car counterpart list and modshop stuff, which isn't in the guide yet, and may not be used since there is a good modshop guide on gamefaqs. - ZeroCorn * Max for a few things, you'll know which things... - So many others that I dont feel like adding because... I just don't care anymore... deal with it... There is nothing more to see here, except that you must always remember: "A dead clown is funnier then no clown at all."