****** ***** * * * ** **** * * **** **** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * ***** * ** * * * **** *** *** * ****** * ** * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * ****** ****** * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * ***** * ****** * * ****** ****** ******* ******* ***** ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** ****** ******* ******* ***** * * An FAQ by Bilboboy Version 0.1 Table of contents 1. Basic Story 2. Your wanted level 3. Cast 4. Your radio 5. Good citizen bonus 6. How to make easy money !! 7. How not to die 8. Criminal ratings 9. Media Attention ratings 10. Flight Ratings 11. Item Database 12. Weapon Database 13. Vehicle Database. 14. Stores to knock off 15. Gangs 16. Costumes 17. Controls on foot 18. Controls in car 19. Controls in Helicopter 20. Walkthrough 21. Ken Rosenburg a The Party b Back Alley Brawl c Jury Fury d Riot 22. Colonel Cortez a Treacherous Swine b Mall Shootout c Guardian Angel 23. Ricardo Diaz a The Chase b Phnom Pehn '86 c The Fastest Boat d Supply & Demand 1. Colonel Cortez II a Sir Yes Sir ! 24. Paul Kent a Death Row 25. Ricardo Diaz II a Rub Out 26. Colonel Cortez III a All Hands on deck 27. Tommy Vercetti a Shakedown b Bar Brawl c Cop Land 28. Final Missions a Cap the collectors b Keep your friends close 29 Non-Storyline Missions a. Phone Missions Road Kill Waste the Wife Autocide Check Out at the Check In Loose Ends b. Avery Carrington Four Iron Demolition Man Two Bit Hit c. Umberto Robino Stunt Boat Challenge Canon Fodder Naval Engagement Trojan Voodoo d. Auntie Poulet Juju Scramble Bombs Away! Dirty Lickin's e. Love Fist Love Juice Psycho Killer Publicity Tour f. Big Mitch Baker Alloy Wheels of Steel Messing with the Man Hog Tied g. Phil Cassidy Gun Runner Boomshine Saigon 30 Other Missions a. 'R3' Missions b Arena c Rampages d. RC Races e. Checkpoint Races f Shooting Range 31 Asset Missions a. The Malibu Club b. Print Works c. Film Studio d. Sunshine Auto Show Room e. Kaufman Cabs f. Pole Position Strip Club g. Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory h. Boatyard 32 Requirements for 100% 33 Properties 34 Cheats and secrets a. Cheats b. Secrets 35. Hidden Packages and Unique Jumps 36. Update Info 37. Thanks to Basic Story Having just made it back onto the streets of Liberty city after a long stretch inside, Tommy Vercetti is sent to Vice City by his old boss, Sonny Forelli. But all does not go smoothly upon his arrival in the glamorous, hedonistic metropolis of Vice City, Tommy is set up and loses everything, Sonny wants his money back, but the biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt politicians stand in his way. Most of Vice city wants Tommy dead. His only option is to fight back and take over the city himself. Your wanted level This part of the walkthrough contains information regarding your wanted level, who will come after you if you have a certain number of stars, and how to get rid of them. * One star is never much of a problem. You will get at most two policemen after you who will hit you with their night sticks. Simply drive around a bit and they will go away, eventually. ** Two stars is a bit more serious than one star. Cops will now come after you in their cop cars and will begin shooting at you with pistols, so you aren't entirely safe. Get to a pay n' spray to avoid getting either busted or wasted. *** This is where things turn nasty. The cops now bring in their helicopters and undercover cops in cheetahs and banshees. These are a bit faster than normal cop cars and they will screw you up big style as they set up road blocks with spiked traps that bust your tyres. So, get to a pay n' spray to get rid of them. **** OK. Now we have major problems. The Vice City SWAT team now joins the fight, and they have rifles that can take you out in (literally) ten seconds. Get to a pay n' spray immediately, you cannot win this fight. ***** At five stars, all hell breaks loose. The FBI comes to join the party. They bring with them their MP5s and their fast ranchers which will make mince meat out of you so get to a god damn pay n' spray, pronto, unless you have a death wish. ****** BIG PROBLEMS!! Now, the army gets involved and there is no way to fight back. They bring in their tanks, Barracks OL and an inexhaustible amount of military back. The only way to survive is either steal a tank (very risky) or to get to a pay n' spray quickly. NOTE: Six stars cannot be obtained until the mission "Sir Yes Sir!" has been completed. Cast There are many new and exciting new characters in Vice City, many of whom are important to the storyline. Some will be known already to you, but some won't, so I've listed them all. By the way, if anyone knows the actors who provided the voice for the characters, please email them to me, then I can post them in this section, you will be given credit in the "thanks to" section at the end of this FAQ. Tommy Vercetti You. He's been sent to Vice City by his old boss, Sonny Forelli, but, shortly after arriving was set up and lost everything. So now, he is on a mission to take over the city seek revenge on Sonny. Lance Vance Lance is Tommy's partner for most of the game. He is fighting a war against Diaz and his men, beciase his brother was killed by Diaz. Ken Rosenburg Tommy's lawyer. He gives Tommy some nice, easy work just to get him started in Vice City. He also gives him invaluable advice and assistance, at various points in the game. Paul Kent He is the most annoying Englishman you will ever have the mis-fortune to meet. He is mostly founded at The Malibu Club in Washington Beach, ogling girls. But he does provide some useful assistance every now and again. Phil Cassidy A former Vietnam Veteran (or so he likes to believe) that lost his arm in an unfortunate accident involving Boomshine. He provides Tommy with some useful weapons and firepower during the game. Sonny Forelli A big shot in the American Mafia. He sends Tommy to Vice City to oversee a deal, and gets mad when it goes wrong. He now wants his money back or he will get it back his way. Ricardo Diaz The coke baron who lives in a big mansion on Starfish Island. He gives Tommy work at no extra cost to himself. He is also the one who killed Lance's brother and took the drugs and money that Sonny Forelli now wants back. Alex Shrub The mayor of Vice City, who has earned the trust and respect of the population of Vice City because of his great haircut and his ability to say things that make people nod their heads. Auntie Poulet The Haitian fortune teller who wants Tommy to kill all the Cubans. She gives him a strange tea that makes him go slightly loopy and his vision becomes all blurry. Avery Carrington A Texas big man who has a keen interest in real estate in Vice City. While he is in Vice City he is tutoring Donald Love and assisting Tommy in his task of taking over Vice City. Cam A safecracker who is in prison for grand theft auto. He is in a bank robbery that Tommy and his gang set up. Candy Suxx A local porn star who has been recruited for some films that Tommy is making at the Film Studios in Prawn Island. Colonel Cortez A rich ex army colonel who has a personal vendetta with the French mafia. He gives Tommy some work that earns him enough money to make something of himself and make an impression. Earnest The old man who works at the vice city print works on the edge of Little Havana who helps Tommy counterfeit Sonny's cash. Gonzales The fat puff who Colonel Cortez wants dead. Hilary Vice City's best driver. He has some abandonment issues that make him a very tough person to work with. He is used in the bank job and fails miserably. Leo Teel A hitman/ chef who Tommy kills and steals his cell phone. Ice Cream Lady The old loonie who owned the ice cream factory before Tommy bought it. She hates children with passion. Love Fist The band of drunk, bisexual scots who are on tour in Vice City. You can work for them later on in the game. Big Mitch Baker Leader of the biker gang in downtown. He recruits Tommy because he needs a favour and will only help Tommy if he helps Mitch out. Pastor Richards A crazy nutter who wants money so he can build a statue of himself that will be shot into space when Nuclear War breaks out. Steve Scott An adult film maker who has a very strange and twisted view of how to make a good film, involving giant sharks and other giant marine life. Umberto Robina Head of the Cuban gang who gives Tommy work because he has "big cojones" Your Radio When in a vehicle you have the option of listening to the radio. There are nine different stations, each with their own unique songs and dialogue, my favorite is EMOTION. Emotion 98.3 80s love station Hosted by Fernando Martinez V Rock 80s rock station Hosted by Lazlow Wave 103 80's Pop Station Hosted by Adam First Flash FM Classic 80's Hosted by Toni Wildstyle 80's Rap Station Hosted by Mr. Magic Fever 105 80's Dance Station Hosted by Oliver Biscuit Esperanto 80's Jazz Station Hosted by Pepe K Chat Chat Station Hosted by Amy Sheckenhausen Vice City Radio Chat Station Hosted by Maurice Chavez Good citizen Bonus The good citizen bonus is an easy way to get money. If you see a cop chasing someone, knock eight barrels of hell out of the person he is chasin. This will get you $50. Then, kicking him while he's on the ground will also earn you $50, this works for five - six kicks. How to make easy money In Vice City, money actually serves a purpose, unlike GTA III where money was an absolute joke and bought you nothing at all. In this game however, you need money to get anywhere. There are properties and assets that are available for serious money and you need to buy your weapons and protection. The first way to make money is, of course, doing missions. Doing missions will earn you a lot of money but will also have an effect on the game itself, i.e anger gang members etc. The next way to earn cash is to do one of the four R3 missions. The best one is the taxi because the people pay more for a taxi than for an ambulance or something. The best technique to get money however, is to rob stores- something new in GTA. Simply walk into a shop and point a gun at the bloke behind the counter. Money will then start appearing on the counter, a maximum of three bundles will appear, simply collect them and exit the shop, the only problem with this method though is that you get one star per bundle of cash that appears on the counter, so in the end you end up with three stars which isn't good. So, try and rob stores that are close to a pay n'spray or that have an easy escape route from them. By far the best method is Sunshine Autos. Sunshine Autos is a car showroom on the west island, so, when you can buy it (it's an asset) do so and complete the missions for it. Then, make even more money from the street races. Trust me, this is an excellent way to make cash, I made $4 000 000 using this method. How Not to die Obviously, this section tells you how to avoid killing yourself stupidly and pointlessly. Take heed of the advice given here as believe me, being told how not to die is not something to be ignored, it will help you. If your car is on fire, jump out of it. M=More damage is taken by staying in a car when it explodes than jumping out of it, no matter how fast it is going. When on a motorbike, try not to do too many wheelies and sharp turns, you will lose health if you hit something while going at a high speed. Don't do long jumps unless you have to. The fall at the end will cost you, big time. Always try and keep your health and armour up to maximum, it will give you more time to get away from the reason your health is going down (attacker). Never go up to a pack of gang members and start attacking them without a weapon or armour. Gangs will always have weapons and will always attack on mass. Criminal Ratings To raise your criminal rating simply travel around Vice City, causing all kinds of hell and survive. If you are wasted or busted without hitting zero stars, you get less criminal points. -6000+ Total Liar Negative rating for cheating -4000-6000 Cheater Negative rating for cheating -2000-4000 Hacker Negative rating for cheating -1000--2000 Embarrassment Negative rating for cheating 0--1000 Untrustworthy Negative rating for cheating 0 - 25 Upstanding Citizen 25 - 50 Nobody Special 50 - 75 Litterer 75 - 100 Shoplifter 100 - 125 Vandal 125 - 150 Do Boy 150 - 200 Pickpocket 200 - 240 Clepto 240 - 270 Snitch 270 - 330 Rat 330 - 360 Leece 360 - 390 Scam Artist 390 - 420 Trickster 420 - 450 Numbers Runner 450 - 500 Hustler 500 - 550 Bully 550 - 600 Riff-Raff 600 - 630 Scalawag 630 - 660 Ruffian 660 - 700 Outlaw 700 - 850 Thug 850 - 1000 Drop Man 1000 - 1010 SA Goon 1010 - 1150 Goon 1150 - 1300 Jailbird 1300 - 1500 Ex-Con 1500 - 1700 Felon 1700 - 2000 Bag Man 2000 - 2100 Wiseguy 2100 - 2300 Wheelman 2300 - 2500 Hired Muscle 2500 - 2750 Hatchetman 2750 - 3000 Headhunter 3000 - 3500 Enforcer 3500 - 4000 Ronin 4000 - 5000 Fixer 5000 - 7500 Hitman 7500 - 10000 Associate 10000 - 12500 Butcher 12500 - 15000 Cleaner 15000 - 20000 Assassin 20000 - 25000 Consigliere 25000 - 50000 Made Man 50000 - 75000 Right-Hand Man 75000 - 100000 Executioner 100000 - 150000 Lieutenant 150000 - 200000 Underboss 200000 - 250000 Capo 250000 - 300000 Boss 300000 - 400000 Kingpin 400000 - 500000 Don 500000+ Godfather Media Attention Ratings To raise your media attention rating simply travel around Vice City, causing all kinds of hell and survive. If you are wasted or busted without hitting zero stars, you get less media attention points. 0 - 25 Ignored 25 - 50 Boring 50 - 75 Vaguely Interesting 75 - 100 Local Paper Page 7 100 - 150 Front Page of Local Paper 150 - 200 Vice Courier Page 2 200 - 250 Vice Courier Front Page 250 - 300 Local TV 3 AM 300 - 350 Local TV News 350 - 400 Local TV Live Coverage 400 - 500 UFA Today Page 12 500 - 600 UFA Today Page 4 600 - 700 Picture in UFA Today 700 - 800 National TV 4 AM 800 - 900 National TV News 900 - 1000 National TV Live Coverage 1000 - 1200 International News 1200 - 1400 National Crisis 1400 - 1600 International Crisis 1600 - 1800 World Event 1800+ Stuff of Legends Flight Ratings To raise your flight rating, simply fly around Vice City in the Skimmer. The helicopter does not count towards your rating. 0:00 - 0:05 = No Rating 0:05 - 0:10 = Flyboy 0:10 - 0:20 = Aircraftman 0:20 - 0:30 = Pilot Officer 0:30 - 1:00 = Corporal 1:00 - 1:30 = Lieutenant 1:30 - 2:00 = Sergeant 2:00 - 2:30 = Captain 2:30 - 3:00 = Biggs 3:00 - 3:30 = Wedge 3:30 - 4:00 = Red Baron 4:00 - 4:30 = Goose 4:30 - 5:00 = Viper 5:00 - 6:00 = Jester 6:00 - 7:00 = Chappy 7:00 - 8:00 = Iceman 8:00 - 9:00 = Maverick 9:00 - 10:00 = Noops 10:00 - 20:00 = Air Chief Marshal 20:00 - 30:00 = Ace I don't know whether you noticed or not, but half the titles came from the film "Top Gun", just thought I'd point that out. Item Database There are many useful items in Vice City, some are really useful and some are kind of handy, how useful they are, is indicated below, along with a description of the item. Key - VU = Very Useful QU = Quite useful Armour icon - VU - When picked up, this replenishes your armour 100%, particularly useful if you need some extra protection. Health icon - VU - When picked up, it replenishes your health 100% particularly useful if you are low on armour and are in the middle of a shootout or something. Dollar icon - QU - If you own an asset and have completed its missions, then this will appear outside it, it gives you a certain amount of money per day. Pill Icon - QU - Collecting this will give Tommy extra strength, punch people through glass, break windows, smash cars, kick that ass!! Police bribe - VU - Pick this up and your wanted level will go down by one star. Skull icon - QU - Pick this up to begin a rampage, see appropriate section locations of them all. Tiki Icon - VU - Pick this up to collect one hidden package, there are 100 of them scattered around Vice City. Weapons Database With 32 weapons, Vice City has a lot of ways of kicking ass. Here goes !! Brass Knuckles - Punch someone with these on and watch the blood flow! Hammer - Hit someone with this to knock them down, or hit their car to smash it up, a pretty basic weapon really. Screwdriver - Use this to pop some tyres and generally tamper with the cars of other people. Golf Club - It is considered polite to say "FORE!" before smacking someone in the chops with this thing, but no-one will mind if you forget. Night Stick - The stick that cops will hit you with when you're being naughty. Baseball Bat - Knock someone over and kill them or just smash their car. It's generally used for smashing things up and breaking things. Knife - Not a bad little thing. Pull this out and stab someone to give them a nice, easy death, or just stab them once and watch them run away with a blood trail running behind them. Meat Clever - Generally used for chopping things up, what it chops up however, is up to you. Machete - Slightly more painful than the meat clever, and creates more blood, what more could you ask for. I'll answer that, you could ask for the Katana - The daddy of all melee weapons, walk up to a gang and chop them up within two seconds, using this samurai sword. Chainsaw - Rev it up, approach someone and you've got yourself a nice little massacre with its own river of blood. Grenades - Throw these into a crowd of people and watch the limbs fly! Molotov Cocktail - Stand back, throw and we have ourselves a nice little pile of smoking carcases and a bonfire to go with them. Bomb and Detonator - Lob these into a group of cops, leg it and detonate. BOOM watch them take to the skies. Tear Gas - Throw these and people will start weeping like they've just watched Bambi for the first time. Colt 45 - A simple pistol, perfectly OK for a simple shooting. Colt Python - A slower, more powerful version of the Colt 45. Chromed shotgun - A simple shotgun, fine for taking out two or three people at once. Spas 12 shotgun - A shotgun with slightly more power than the chromed shotgun Stubby shotgun - A sawn off shotgun with a lot more power than its two partners in crime. Tech 9 - An uzi which is good enough to spill some blood on the streets and sidewalks of Vice City. Ingram MAC - A sub machine gun with a bit more power in it. Uzi M9 - Run and fire or drive and fire, both are acceptable. MP5 -The most powerful machine gun and it's the FBI weapon against you and other criminals. Colt 45 - The clot has been turned into a machine with much better accuracy and a much quicker death. Sniper Rifle - Run in, zoom in, pop some heads, run away. Great for shooting out tyres of passing cars and watching them skid out of control. PSG-1 - A sniper rifle with laser scope which improves accuracy. Mini-Gun - Pull trigger and watch as people start falling down all over the place, pretty sadistic really, but who cares, right ? M60 - Exactly the same as the one in GTA III, aim, fire and watch the heads start to fall. Rocket Launcher - Aim and watch everyone fall over each other, trying to get away. Great for causing large amounts of chaos in a short amount of time. Flamethrower - The fire service's nightmare, go in and start making bonfires all over town. NOTE: You can only carry 9 weapons: 1 melee - Katana 1 Pistol (Colt Python) 1 Sub-Machine Gun (MP5) 1 Rifle (Colt M4) 1 Sniper Rifle (PSG-1) 1 Heavy Weapon (RPG) 1 Shotgun (Spas-12) Vehicle Database There is a very good Car Locations FAQ at WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM, it was written by Jnco904 and I would advise you use it if you can't find a car. Admiral--A 4-door coupe with a l on the roof. Speed: 5 Handling: 5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4 Baggage Handler-A cart for putting baggage onto aeroplanes. Speed: 4 Handling: 4 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 5 Banshee- An 80's classic which can outrun cop cars (just) around. Speed: 8 Handling: 8.5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 8 Benson--A slow, large carrying truck.It overturns really easily so try to avoid tight turns. Speed: 4 Handling: 3 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 3 BF Injection--A dune buggy with a lot of exhaust pipes, no doors, and a very small roof lights. Speed: 7 Handling: 6 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 7 Blista Compact--A Honda CRX look-alike with a domed back. Speed: 6 Handling: 6.5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4 Bloodring Banger--An Oceanic (see below), but with a destruction derby paint job and windows. A racing car for some of the races at the arena in the downtown area. Speed: 7 Handling: 3.5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 6.5 Bobcat--A light pick-up truck with BOBCAT written on the trailer and extremely naff handling. Speed: 6 Handling: 3 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 3 Boxville--A box with wheels. Speed: 4 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 3 Burrito-A van with a decent speed. Get a Gang version instead, it has better handling Speed: 6 Handling: 3.5 Durability: 5.5 Fun Factor: 4 Bus--A schoolbus looking vehicle, similar to the Coach, but the doors are in front. Speed: 5 Handling: 5 Durability: 7.5 Fun Factor: 5 Caddy--A golf cart. Assume its on the golf course !! Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 5.5 Fun Factor: 6 Cheetah--The fastest non-secret sports car in the game, and a very fast and enjoyable ride Speed: 8.5 Handling: 8 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 8 Coach--The giant bus from GTA3 is back, and it looks exactly the same. Great for starting traffic jams. Speed: 5 Handling: 6 Durability: 7.5 Fun Factor: 5 Comet--A Porsche-style sports car with enough gas to hover for a bit when going over bumps. Speed: 8 Handling: 7 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 7.5 Cuban Hermes--A Hermes painted black with flames around the edges. Speed: 7 Handling: 6 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 7 Deluxo-- It's the car from Back to the Future. No gull-wing doors, which is a disappointment . Fast as hell. Speed: 8 Handling: 8 Durability: 7.5 Fun Factor: 9 Esperanto--A stretched-out Caddilac with extra naff handling. Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 3.5 Flatbed--A long military-style pickup truck that is similar to the Barracks OL. Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 7.5 Fun Factor: 5 Gang Burrito--A fairly quick van with roof mounted foglights Speed: 7 Handling: 5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 6.5 Glendale--A Chrysler "K-Car", or so says Sir Coleman. Speed: 5 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 3 Greenwood--It looks and feels just like a Glendale, but there is a vinyl back. Speed: 5 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 3 Hermes-A lower alternative to a PC Cruiser. Speed: 5 Handling: 5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4 Hotring Racer--A car with excellent handling and speed, great for winning races. Speed: 9 Handling: 8.5 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 9 Idaho-Looks just like an Esperanto but it's slower and has slightly better handling. Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4 Infernus--An 80's Lamborghini. Second fastest car in the game. Speed: 8 Handling: 8 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 8 Landstalker--The annoying SUV that rolls in the wind is back. Avoid like leprosy Speed: 5 Handling: 3 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 2 Linerunner-- It's a very slow, but vehicle that is OK for missions that need a vehicle that can withstand a lot of damage. Speed: 6 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 8 Fun Factor: 5.5 Love Fist--A dark red limo owned by the Love Fist band. Speed: 6 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 6.5 Fun Factor: 5 Manana--A block with wheels; it flips in gusts of wind. Completely useless. Speed: 4 Handling: 4 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 3 Mesa Grande--A jeep that isn't as fast as it should be on dirt. Speed: 5.5 Handling: 6 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 5 Moonbeam--An ugly six-windowed van. It looks just like the one from GTA3. Speed: 5 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 4 Mule--Another carrying van with bad handling, slow acceleration, but decent speed. There is really no difference between all the carrying vans/trucks. Speed: 4 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 3.5 Oceanic--Yet another 60's sedan look alike, and it's just as common as the others It's a bit faster though. Speed: 4 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 4 Fun Factor: 3 Packer--A large car carrying truck that works as a portable stunt ramp. Speed: 5 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 7.5 Fun Factor: 7 Patriot-A fairly durable and easy to handle vehicle when used off road. Speed: 6 Handling: 7 Durability: 6.5 Fun Factor: 6.5 Perennial--An ungodly slow four door station wagon. Speed: 3 Handling: 3.5 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 2.5 Phoenix--Another lightning fast sports car. Speed: 8 Handling: 7 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 7.5 Pony--A little van with two back windows. Speed: 5 Handling: 5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4 Rancher-An SUV, nothing to gawk at. Easily confused with a Landstalker. Speed: 5.5 Handling: 4 Durability: 5.5 Fun Factor: 4 RC Bandit--An RC Car... Speed: 6.5 Handling: 4 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 6.5 RC Bandit--An RC Plane... Speed: 5.5 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 5.5 RC Raider--An RC Helicopter... Speed: 5.5 Handling: 1 Durability: 2 Fun Factor: 2 Regina--A GTA3 wagon...that should bring back some very bad memories. Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 5.5 Fun Factor: 3.5 Romero's--A large black hearse, perfect for hiding skeletons. Speed: 5 Handling: 5.5 Durability: 5.5 Fun Factor: 4.5 Rumpo--A Pony with an extra window on each side. Faster with better acceleration as well. Speed: 5 Handling: 5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4.5 Sabre--A medium speed sedan that is very well-rounded. Speed: 5.5 Handling: 6.5 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 4 Sabre Turbo--A faster version of the Sabre with a racing stripe. Take it if you're a fan of Sabres. Speed: 7 Handling: 6 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 7 Sandking--An awesome monster truck with fog lights. Speed: 7 Handling: 7 Durability: 7.5 Fun Factor: 7 Securicar--The same blue van from GTA3. Speed: 5 Handling: 4.5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4.5 Sentinel--A worse version of the Sentinel XS. Much slower and definitely not as stylish. Speed: 5 Handling: 5 Durability: 5.5 Fun Factor: 4 Sentinel XS--The sports version of a Sentinel. Speed: 7 Handling: 6 Durability: 6.5 Fun Factor: 6.5 Spand Express--A large work van similar to a Mule. Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 6.5 Fun Factor: 4.5 Stallion--A Dodge Challenger convertible. Speed: 5.5 Handling: 4 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 4 Stretch--The same limo from GTA3. It looks like a regular limousine. Speed: 5 Handling: 6 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 5 Stinger--A nice convertible sports car. A Ferrari "Daytona", a car from Miami Vice. Speed: 8 Handling: 8 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 8 Top Fun--. It's like a TOYZ van in GTA3 and provides missions when entered. Speed: 6 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 5.5 Trashmaster--A large green garbage truck that is incredibly slow. Speed: 3.5 Handling: 5 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 5 Virgo--A Coupe style car. Speed: 5 Handling: 5.5 Durability: 4.5 Fun Factor: 4 Voodoo-A neat little Haitian car with its own hydraulics, very nice. Speed: 6 Handling: 6 Durability: 5 Fun Factor: 7.5 Walton-Put some animals in the back and watch the farmers come running(don't). Speed: 5 Handling: 4 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 4.5 Washington--Another Sedan type vehicle this time, it has a roof. Speed: 5 Handling: 5.5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 5 Yankee-Practically the same as a Mule, there is, literally, no difference. Handling: 4 Durability: 6.5 Fun Factor: 4.5 Angel--A Freeway with an American Flag on the side, with a blue coat of paint. Speed: 5.5 Handling: 7 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 5 Faggio-A very slow scooter. Speed: 4 Handling: 5 Durability: 6 Fun Factor: 5 Freeway-A biker gang's choice of bike. It has very good handling and can do some pretty big jumps. Speed: 6 Handling: 7.5 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 5.5 PCJ-600--A fast sports bike that has pretty poor handling considering it has fantastic speed and a pretty high fun factor. Speed: 9 Handling: 5.5 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 8 Sanchez - A dirt bike that is the best bike for stunts and cool tricks. Speed: 7 Handling: 6.5 Durability: 7 Fun Factor: 8 Cuban Jetmax A Squalo painted Red and Yellow. Dinghy Your average dinghy with improved speed and handling. Marquis A simple fishing boat. Reefer A decent sized fishing boat. Rio Faster, jazzier version of the Marquis. Speeder A slick, fast speed boat with great handling. Squalo A speed boat with a white overhang covering it; the words "The Fastest Boat" on the side. Tropic A large two-story yacht. Maverick- Your average helicopter. VCPD Maverick A maverick with a green and white paint job and VCPD written on the side Sea Sparrow A Sparrow that can land on water and has a machine gun! Skimmer A sea plane that will only land and take off on water.. Sparrow A helicopter that has a windshield. VCN Maverick The radio station's Maverick. Ambulance You can do the paramedic missions in it, but it handles very poorly. Barracks OL The army truck from GTA III Cabbie Slightly slower than an ordinary taxi. Enforcer The enforcer from GTA III is back again ! FBI Cheetah An undercover Cheetah. FBI Rancher The FBI's Rancher. FBI Washington The FBI's Washington. Firetruck You'll never believe this. It's a firetruck ! Kaufman Cab This looks just like a Cabbie with Kaufman Cabs written on the side. Mr. Whoopee An ice cream van Pizza Boy Deliver pizza to the hungry citizens on this bike. Police A regular police car Predator The police boat that patrols the open seas, looking for any signs of trouble. Rhino The tank that the army uses. Taxi A normal yellow taxi Zebra Cab I'd assume a taxi with black and yellow stripes that is unlocked after completing "Cabmeggedon" for Kaufman cabs. The Hunter. A helicopter with two machine guns and missiles. Finally those are the vehicles, all done. Major thanks to Aggrosk8or for some of the names. Stores To knock off Some stores in Vice City can be robbed for cash, which gets you $1000 per store. It sounds like a good way to make cash, but here is the catch. Robbing one store gets you three stars which makes getting out of one store a nightmare. The only store you can't rob is Ammunation because the man behind the desk has a shotgun. However, here are the shops you can rob. Bunch of Tools - The hardware store in Washington Beach Gash - A shop where you can pick up casual clothes. It's in the North Point Mall Corner Shop - North of the Shady Palms hotel in Vice Point. Doughnut Shop - Located along the main road in Little Havana Pharmacy - Down the road from the music studio and it's next to the jewellery store Dispensary - Just down the road from the Hospital in Vice Point Jewellery Store - In downtown, next to the pharmacy described above, In vice point next to well stacked pizzas, and inside the north point mall. NOTE: This one counts as three stores knocked off. Laundry - In the northwest of Little Havana Record shop - In the North Point Mall Robina's Cafe - It's the cafe where Umberto gave you his missions. Ryton Aide Pharmacy - Next to the pay n' spray on the west island Screw This - Located in Little Havana, just off the main road Tool it up - Inside the North Point Mall Gangs The Bikers Location: Downtown Clothes: Leather jackets, tattered jeans, black bandanas Vehicle: Angel/Freeway Description: These guys rock!! If you tell them to go kick someone's ass, they won't just kick their ass, they'll cause a full- scale inner city riot as well, and they're definitely my favourite gang. The Cubans Location: Little Havana Clothing: White shirt, jeans, red bandana. Vehicle: Cuban Hermes The Golfers Location: In and around Leaf Links Clothing: Purple shirt, pink shorts, optional visor. Vehicle: Caddy Description: The old giits who hang around the golf course all day. Run them over and they won't doo much. You may want to watch out for the clubs of death though The Haitians Location: Little Haiti Clothing: Purple shirt and white pants, or pink shirt and jeans. Vehicle: Voodoo Description: Very nasty. Approach any of them and they will rip off your arse and feed it to the nearest pedestrian. Best to stay away, really. The Sharks Location: Prawn Island Clothes: Denim jackets, jeans. Vehicle: Gang Burrito The Streetwannabe's Location: Vice Point, in and around the North Point Mall Clothing: Leather jacket, red pants, white undershirt. Vehicle: None Vercetti Gang Location: Around all assets you own Clothing: Hawaiian shirts and jeans or purple shirts and white pants. Vehicle: None Description: Your own gang, and they are as thick as hell, but they are pretty useful nonetheless. Costumes There are various costumes available in Vice City. Some have to be unlocked but some are available from the outset. Here they are: Bank Job Outfit - Available after the mission "The Job" has been completed. Gangs The Bikers Location: Downtown Clothes: Leather jackets, tattered jeans, black bandanas Vehicle: Angel/Freeway Description: These guys rock!! If you tell them to go kick someone's ass, they won't just kick their ass, they'll cause a full- scale inner city riot as well, and they're definitely my favourite gang. The Cubans Location: Little Havana Clothing: White shirt, jeans, red bandana. Vehicle: Cuban Hermes The Golfers Location: In and around Leaf Links Clothing: Purple shirt, pink shorts, optional visor. Vehicle: Caddy Description: The old gits who hang around the golf course all day. Run them over and they won't do much. You may want to watch out for the clubs of death though The Haitians Location: Little Haiti Clothing: Purple shirt and white pants, or pink shirt and jeans. Vehicle: Voodoo Description: Very nasty. Approach any of them and they will rip off your arse and feed it to the nearest pedestrian. Best to stay away, really. The Sharks Location: Prawn Island Clothes: Denim jackets, jeans. Vehicle: Gang Burrito The Streetwannabe's Location: Vice Point, in and around the North Point Mall Clothing: Leather jacket4, red pants, white undershirt. Vehicle: None Vercetti Gang Location: Around all assets you own Clothing: Hawaiian shirts and jeans or purple shirts and white pants. Vehicle: None Description: Your own gang, and they are as thick as hell, but they are pretty useful nonetheless. Costumes There are various costumes available in Vice City. Some have to be unlocked but some are available from the outset. Here they are: Bank Job Outfit - Available after the mission "The Job" has been completed. Casual Clothes - Available at The North Point Mall in the GASH store Cop Outfit - Available at the Washington Police Station after "Cop Land" has been completed Overalls - Available at Tool It Up after the mission "riot" has been completed Cuban Outfit - Available at the clothes store in Little Havana after the mission "two bit hit" has been completed Mr Vercetti - Available at collar and cuffs after the strip club asset has been completed Soire Outfit - Available at Rafaels after the mission "The Party" has been completed Street Clothes - Available at your hideout after the mission "the party" has been completed Tracksuit - Found at the Laundromat in Little Havana Controls - On foot D-Pad Move around Left Control Stick Move around Right Control Stick Look in first person mode (you can't move) Start Pause Select Toggle camera view X Hold to sprint (Zoom out Sniper rifle) Square Jump (Zoom in Sniper Rifle) Circle Use current weapon Triangle Enter vehicle L1 Center camera L2 Change weapon back L3 Crouch R1 Target lock-on R2 Change weapon forward R3 Look back Controls - In Car D-Pad Turn vehicle Left Control Stick Turn vehicle Right Control Stick Turn vehicle Start Pause Select Toggle camera view X Accelerate Square Brake Circle Drive-by (Hold L2 or R2) Triangle Exit vehicle/Bail L1 Change radio station L2 Look left L3 Horn R1 Handbrake R2 Look right L2 + R2 Look behind R3 Side missions (if possible) Controls - In Helicopter or Plane Control Stick Up Move forward Control Stick Down Move backward Right Control Stick Control back rudder (turn) X Accelerate/Gain height Square Go down Circle Fire missiles (Hunter only) Triangle Suicide bail R1 Fire machine gun (Hunter and Sea Sparrow only) R2 Turn right, hold to spin R3 Brown Thunder (Vigilante, Hunter only) L2 Turn left, hold to spin L3 Hover in place Walkthrough Now I've finally got through all the boring, but necessary stuff, I can now start the mission strategies and things that will actually be of some use. So, let's start with Ken Rosenburg. Ken Rosenburg. Mission 1 - The Party A nice and simple mission to get started. The idea is to go to the Colonel's Yacht, collect Mercedes (his daughter) and take her to the Pole Position Club. Well, grab the nearest vehicle (there's a bike in the alley next to you) and head towards the clothes icon on your radar. When you get there, walk into the pink light, to change into the "Mr Vercetti" outfit, perfect for a party. Now, get the Freeway that was shown in the cut scene and drive to the yacht, which is marked on your radar. Once there, walk into the pink light and, if you wish, watch the cut scene. After the cut scene, get into a vehicle and drive Mercedes to the club. Reward: $100. Street clothes delivered to Ocean View Hotel Mission 2 - Back alley brawl This mission is also pretty simple as it gets you one of your most used items in the game (apart from weapons). First, drive to The Malibu club and talk to Kent Paul. He will tell you about a chef in an alley who is waiting for someone to set up a deal with. After the cut scene, drive to the pink dot on your radar, to meet the chef. You now need to kill him, and the only weapon you have at this stage is your bare hands. So, punch his lights out and grab his cell phone which he drops. When he is dead, there will be a cut scene which introduces your side kick for the game, Mr. Lance Vance Dance (!!) He is a fairly rich man and his dress sense has earned him some respect among the inhabitants of Vice City, unfortunately, his tendency to do things before thinking about the consequences has earned him an equal amount of enemies. Anyway, either follow him straight away, or kill the three chefs that come and then follow him. If you choose to kill the chefs, then be sure to pick up the police bribe in the nearby alley. Once you've followed Lance to his car, get in and drive to Ammunation, the local gun shop. Once you've arrived there, either go in and by some guns if you can afford it, or just drive back to the Ocean View Hotel. Reward: $200. Cellphone Mission 3 - Jury Fury Two jury members are about to sentence a very important man and friend of Sonny Forelli. You have to convince them, he is not guilty by scaring the living jesus out of them. So, when the mission begins, a car will come and run over a man, who, very kindly, leaves his hammer behind. Tommy will then say something like "Dumb Florida moron". Pick up the hamer, and get into a vehicle. Drive to either of the pink markers on your radar and get out of your car. Approach the car and begin to smash it up. After a while of you smashing it up, a jury member will get out of it and say a random phrase, it's usually "I can't believe this is happening!". Tommy will then say something random, which is usually "Innocent until I say otherwise". Now drive to the other dot on your radar, and begin smashing that car up, again, after a while, the jury member will get out and say a random phrase, then Tommy will say something. Reward: $400 Mission 4 - Riot A gang of workers are protesting down at the construction yard, and you have to make it a full scale, inner-city riot. First, head to "Tool it up" to get your overalls and then head to the construction yard. When you get there, you'll see a lot of workers making a racket and the security guards trying to calm things down (without much success). Run in and punch about five people a couple of times to start a fight with them. A cut scene will then kick in and the security guards will come in and say "Alright boys, let's crack some commy skulls". Now, head into the compound and blow up the vans by shooting the barrels that are at either side of them. Reward: $1000. Overalls at Tool it up. After this mission, you will receive a phone call from Colonel Cortez who says that you can now come and work for him. You'll also be able to receive missions from Avery Carrington, who is the big "A" on your radar. So, as Ken is done with you, let's pay the Colonel a visit, he is the big "C" on your radar. Colonel Cortez Mission 1 - Treacherous Swine Dead easy this mission. Grab the PCG-600 and head off to Ridguez's apartment. When you get there, go inside and try and kill him there. If you failed, then un-equip the chainsaw, run in front of him, equip the chainsaw and fire, you will then kill him. You will now also have two stars on your wanted level, so, head to the pay n'spray to finish the mission. Told you it was easy didn't I !! Reward: $750 Mission 2 - Mall Shootout This mission is slightly harder than the last one, but relatively simple nonetheless. The idea is to kill some French git who has nicked some chips that Cortez wants. So, grab a bike or car and get to the mall. Run up the stairs and watch the cinema. Try and kill the French dude in the mall, if you can, it makes things a whole lot easier. If you can't, well, follow him out of the mall, get into a vehicle and be prepared for a chase. Either do a drive by shooting and kill him or make him fall off his bike and then run him over. Now, head to the pay n' spray to get rid of the two stars you will have acquired. Reward: $500 Mission 3 - Guardian Angels This mission reminds me a lot of "Bomb Da Base" from GTA III. You basically have to watch over the transaction between Ricardo Diaz (a local drug baron) and the Cubans (a gang who think blowing the shit out of everything is the answer to all problems). Get a vehicle and drive to the multi-storey car park and, once there, drive up to the level marked on your radar. Once you're up on the correct level, pick up the weapons that are there, and who should appear but Lance. Lance decides you're going to need some help, and that he's the right guy to give you that help. Get in Lance's car and drive to the meeting place. After the cinema, get to the vantage point and wait for the Cubans to arrive. Once things start to turn nasty (when the Cubans arrive!!!) start firing at the Cubans and kill them all. After a minute or two, two dirt bikes will come and take off with the cash. Get on the other dirt bike that was left and chase the thief. Either use a drive-by shooting to kill him, or knock him off his bike and run him over, either way, when he is dead, collect the cash and take it back to Diaz. Reward: $1000 After this mission you will get a call from Diaz, telling you to come and work for him. Head to his condo. He's the "D" on the radar. Diaz is a rather rich, but unpopular drug baron. His tendency to become very annoyed very quickly has earned him this un-popularity. He lives in a very big mansion on Starfish Island and his favourite word is "Dick head". Mission 1 - The Chase As long as you can run fast, for long enough, then this mission is pretty easy. A thief has stolen some cash from Diaz, and Diaz wants you to go and find out where he is hiding it. So, drive to the blip on your radar and, when you get there, look through his window. When, you see some-one running up the stairs, saying "oh s**t run, as fast as you can up, the stairs. Follow the thief, across the roof, and when he jumps into his BF Injection, hop on your scooter and follow him. This part of the mission takes some pretty skilful driving and your part, and a bit of luck. There is a gun man on the back if the car who is constantly shooting at you, and you have to avoid his gun fire, or he'll shoot your tires out and then you have to waste time getting another vehicle. Follow him to the mansion, where the money is being kept, to complete the mission. "What, after all that, I can't kill him!", not yet. Rewards: $1000. Opening of Starfish and Prawn Island, but not the huge one, yet. Keep waiting, you're pretty close!! Mission 2 - Phnom Phen 86 This mission relies very much upon how good a shot you are with the rugger. If you're not that good a shot, then it doesn't matter much, but it does make this mission twice as hard as it needs to be, so get some practice if you feel you need to. This skill in aiming is something, which you must acquire, it's not something I can help you with. This mission will probably be the first time you've actually been in a helicopter, and it its also one of the hardest things you have to do using a helicopter, so be aware. The idea is you now have to get back the money that the thief stole in the previous mission, and you also have to take out the gangs that are guarding it, from the air !! The rugger you use is on automatic aim, but it doesn't have a scope, so you can't zoom in on your targets. The best way to hit them is to aim your gun at a gang member and then shoot hi. You may hit him, you may not, it depends how good you aim was. Anyway, wait till you see a few gang members standing on a roof, shooting at you. You must kill them all quickly in order to obtain minimal damage and keep the helicopter' health from being depleted too much. If you can't shoot them all directly, shoot the explosive barrels, to kill a group of them instantly. You need to repeat this manner of killing until you get a cut scene. These guys must be killed instantly, because there are enough of them to take out you and the helicopter if they hit you, which is very likely because they are very good shots with their guns. The solution is to blast them, before they can hit you. This can be accomplished by either shooting them with your gun, or shooting the barrels, which kill them faster, but are harder to hit, as you are moving while you're shooting. After they are dead, Lance will drop you off outside the thief's mansion to retrieve the money. Ignore the gunfire that's coming from nowhere, because it very rarely hits you and it is very easy to waste a lot of ammo if you try and find the source of the bullets, it's best to save your ammo for the gang members who are inside the mansion. Kill any gang members that shoot at you, and proceed up the stairs, picking off any gang members as you go, turn left and go through the hole in the wall. Eliminate any gang members and head up the last set of stairs, kill the thief from the last mission and grab the briefcase from the rooftop. CONGRATULATIONS!! You've just reached a very important point in the game. Rewards: $2000. Avery Carrington comes back to your radar as an employer and you've just unlocked the huge west island. You can now access helicopters and anything else too cool for words. NOTE: After completing this mission, you should have $14000 (if you don't do a couple more missions), when you do, it is a very good idea to check the property section of this guide to find out where it is, and buy the Hyman Condo, as it comes with a helicopter which is very useful in a lot of missions from this point on. You will also get a call from the Colonel saying that he needs your help, but, for now, stick with Diaz. Mission 3 - The Fastest Boat. For this mission, I have two strategies, the first only works if you have purchased the Hyman Condo, or can access a helicopter via other means, this method will make the mission ten times easier and will reduce the time it takes you to complete it. The other strategy is the one which is most commonly used, even though it is the hardest as it involves a lot of shooting and dodging, not to mention very accurate aiming on your part. The first strategy is as follows: When the mission starts, pick up the sniper rifle from round the back of Diaz's mansion and then drive to the Hyman Condo and pick up your helicopter. Fly to the docks (the pink icon on your radar) and land on the roof of the place where the boats are kept. Take out the sniper rifle and shoot all the guards you can see. Once you are sure they are all dead, drop down and kill the remaining couple who are lurking inside the boatyard. Now, press the switch to lower the boat into the water, and quickly run over to the boat and get in it. Your drive back to Diaz's mansion should be an easy one, ignore the police boats, as the wanted level goes when you get the boat back to the mansion. Now for the slightly harder (but not impossible), strategy. When the mission begins, go and collect the sniper rifle from round the back of the mansion and then drive to the docks. When you get there, run over as many guards as you can until your car sets on fire. Now, run to the switch and lower the boat into the water, now, run like hell over to the boat and jump in, now drive back to Diaz's mansion again, the wanted level will disappear when you get back to Diaz. Rewards: $4000. You will also get a phone call, telling you to go to the payphone in Washington beach. Ignore, for now. Mission 4 - Supply and Demand This is another mission that depends mostly on your aim and ability to do maximum damage to your targets. The first part is easy enough, but then it gets tougher. Anyway, head down to the docks and you'll see Lance, he is going to be your gun, while you drive the boat (for the first part). The main objective is to get some cargo off this yacht who will give his cargo to the first person who gets to him, you have to be the first person. Follow the other boats, making sure to be at least second and when you get to an island, when the other boats turn right, go left, trust me, it's one hell of a lot easier. After a bit more sailing, you should see the yacht, FULL SPEED AHEAD MEN!! Seriously, head towards that yacht like it's a million pound cheque or something, and you should get there first. Now for the hard bit. If you found "Phnom Pehn" hard then you will be in hell. You are now the gun and you have to shoot down at least three boats, all with gun men shooting at you, one chopper, again it's shooting at you and about five gun men all with sub-machine guns and armour. Firstly, three boats came (I got three boats, but it may just be a glitch on my game) it's either two or three anyway. These shouldn't be too much of a problem, simply shoot the gunmen and then wreck their boats (if you're feeling particularly sadistic!!) Next comes a sea sparrow, with a machine gun attached to it. This will probably cause you a bit of damage, but it shouldn't cause that much, just keep firing at it constantly until it catches fire and blows up, now comes the bit that kills most people. You will now approach a jetty with about five or six gun men on it, each wielding sub-machine guns and armour. The trick with these guys is to continually fire at them and you will hit a lot of them, don't aim for them individually as that leaves you open to attack from another angle, simply shoot continually and you'll hit a lot of them. Now, you get a break, there is just one speed-boat to deal with, simply take out the gun man and blow up the boat. Reward: $10000 (!) You will now get a call from Lance, which is, frankly the most pointless thing ever as it has nothing to do with the story whatsoever. We will now return to Colonel Cortez for a very easy mission. Colonel Cortez II Mission 1 - Sir Yes Sir !! This mission is absurdly simple, and it pays so well. The idea is to steal a tank which is being driven through town and stash it in Cortez's lockup. Well, get in a car and rive to the pink dot on your radar. As you approach, you should see a military convoy that is protecting the tank, don't worry, they don't do anything, much. Drive to where the tank is and park your car right in front of the car. You'll now hear a sergeant say "Get that civilian vehicle out of the way sir !!" Now, get out of the car and into the tank, now drive off quickly. You'll notice you have (a) acquired a wanted level of 5 and (b) the tank is on a timer. This means you have till the bar goes completely blue to get it to the Colonel's garage. Well, push the L3 button to rotate the turret till it is behind you, accelerate and fire the tank's gun with O to get extra momentum, this will not only get you there faster, but will also blow up the police cars coming behind you. Once you're at the garage, park the tank in it, get out and walk outside the garage. Reward: $2000 You should now get a phone call from Kent Paul, who is at the Malibu Club, he says he has some important information for you, head towards the Malibu Club. Mission 1 - Death Row NOTE: When you go to the Malibu Club, use a helicopter to get there, and land it somewhere fairly close to the club where you can take off with the minimum of fuss and effort. As you've probably realised, Kent Paul is an arse of a cockney who has far too much to say for himself. This mission is the hardest mission you'll have to do for him. Basically, Lance decided to go and try to take out Diaz by himself, failed and is now being held prisoner at the junk yard and if you don't rescue him, Diaz's men are going to kill him. For this mission you will need, a rocket launcher/bazooka, a sniper rifle, a colt or any other one hit kill weapon, body armour and a helicopter. When the mission starts, get in the helicopter and fly to the junkyard. Fly low enough so you can see the things on the ground, but high enough so you can't be shot at. Land on the roof of a building near the junkyard, get out of the helicopter, and blow up the cars that are blocking the entrance. Now, fly into the junkyard park on top of the big structure in the middle of the yard and take out any of Diaz's men (preferably a lot of them). Once the majority have been disposed of, kill the guys who are standing outside of where Lance is being kept. Now, fly down, park the helicopter in front of where Lance is and take out the guards with your colt python. After the cut scene, get into the helicopter with Lance and fly to the hospital. Rewards: Nothing. Even after all that effort and time. Yes. The only reward for this mission is that Diaz opens up and Colonel Cortez opens up, again. As the Diaz mission is more beneficial to the story, the rewards are greater and it enables you to do something very special and useful, we'll go to him first, and then onto Cortez. Mission 1 - Rub Out This is a fun mission. The objective is simple, kill Diaz before he kills you. The strategy however, is not so simple. For this mission, you will need a colt or another one hit kill weapon and some body armour and full health. When you begin, switch from the weapon Lance gives you to the one hit kill weapon, now head up the driveway with Lance behind you. When you approach the front door, kill all the guards. There are two at the front door (I think) and one on the left side of the porch, also take out any other guards that come at you. Run up to the front doors to find out they are locked, damn!! We're going to have to head through the hedge maze, to the other entrance. When you enter the maze, Lance will take the lead, follow him and kill any guards that shoot at him, we need Lance to stay alive for this mission!! Once through the maze, you will see a door, which you should go through to enter Diaz's mansion. Proceed round the corner and quickly take out the two guards that are standing just round the corner. If you need it, there is some health here as well, but at this stage, you should be fine for health and armour. Now, head up the stairs and blow the balls off anyone who shoots at you, just be careful not to hit Lance, as he does like to get in the way slightly. A short way up the stairs, you will see a corridor, follow this corridor round and you will emerge into the main area of the mansion. Kill the guards that are here, and then watch the cut scene. It's now time to kill Diaz. Firstly, shoot his henchmen to simplify the task and then go for Diaz. Take out the weapon given to you by Lance and fire at Diaz. Now, run to another position (not too far away from Diaz) and fire again. Keep up this routine of firing and dodging until the cut scene kicks in, and you see Diaz die. Rewards: $50 000, Diaz's mansion, a re-appearing shotgun and M4, a two car garage, and a re-appearing Maverick on the roof. Not bad eh!! We'll now be returning to Cortez for his last mission. Mission 1 - All Hands On Deck !! The Colonel calls you back for one last mission, and boy is it boring. He needs to get out of town, quickly, to escape from the French, and he needs you to take out any unwanted attention. Start by killing the guys on the boats behind you, and then run to the front of the boat. There's a huge blockage out front; destroy at least two or three boats, but save your ammo. Use a different weapon to kill the people trying to climb up the yacht. Helicopters come next, and the hardest but fastest way to shoot them down is by killing the pilot. Men will repel down a rope continuously, so make sure you shoot the first two helicopters down quickly. Now, head back to the front of the boat and kill the remaining French that are still heading up the boat. You'll now see a helicopter approaching, shoot it down as quickly as possible. To do this, get to the front of the boat, and fire like hell at the helicopter until it catches fire and explodes. Now watch the cut scene as Cortez sails off, into the open sea. Rewards: $ 5000 and a speed boat. Now, we will return to Vercetti estate and deal with the business that needs to be dealt with there. Vercetti Estate - Mission 1 - Shakedown For this set of missions, you'll be working for yourself, the missions are slightly harder, but the pay is excellent. This first mission involves you scaring the living jesus out of the shop owners in the North Point Mall, to acquire protection money off them. For this mission you might want to pay close attention to the fact that you only have five minutes to do it in, I know that sounds like a lot, but it does go quickly, so it's a good idea not to linger and waste time in any one place. First of all, get a weapon that can smash stuff quickly (a chainsaw is a very good choice), then get a car (the Infernus from the front drive is a good choice) and get to the North Point Mall, pronto. Once there, enter. You will notice there are now a lot of pink dots on your radar. These are the windows you have to smash. My advice would be to start with the "Gap" shop, as that has a lot of windows to smash, then do the shops on the top level as they do take a while to get to, and then finish of with the shops on the bottom level, as there aren't very many of them to do. Remember the time limit, and don't linger for too long. Rewards: $2000 and you can now buy assets. Mission 2 - Bar Brawl Before starting this mission, go back to the mall and buy some grenades from ammunation, for this mission you WILL need them. Once you have got the mission started, hop in the car and drive to the bar. As you approach, you'll see two guards standing outside the entrance, run them over, then talk to the bar owner. He will tell you about some security guards who are waiting for you at the security building, he says you have five minutes before they come and blow you to. Drive to where they are, and the will drive off, chase them and kill them, either via drive-by shootings, running them over or any other method you can think of, just kill them and head to the nearest pay n' spray to get rid of the wanted level you should now have. Rewards: $5000 Mission 3 - Cop Land One of your henchmen has buggered up big time, and mis-wired a bomb that was supposed to blow up a coffee shop that wasn't paying protection. Now, you and Lance have to go and finish the job. Sounds simple right, wrong. The place is now crawling with cops and they know who the guy was working for. You. So, you have to go in there, disguised as cops. The first thing you need to do is get a cop uniform. So, get in a car, and run over a cop, to get a wanted level of two. Now, get the cops that are chasing you to follow you to the lockup that is marked on the radar, try and arrive before the cops do. Once there, get out the car and get the cops to get out of their cars and follow you into the lockup. Wait for Tommy and Lance to borrow the cops' uniforms, and then get in a cop car (there's one round the side of the lockup) and drive to the North Point Mall. When you arrive there, go in and plant the bomb, and RUN. When it explodes, you'll have a wanted level of five, which is not funny in the slightest. Quick as you can, get in a non-police vehicle and drive to the nearest pay n' spray. Rewards: $10 000 and the cop outfit is delivered to the Police Station in Washington. The Vercetti Mansion now generates $5000 a day, so make sure to collect it regularly. NOTE: These next two mission strategies apply to the final two missions of the game, and they are only unlocked after completing every asset, so make a note to yourself to come back here, when you are at that stage. Mission 4 - Cap the Collectors Like I said, you have to beat every, not all but one, every asset in the game to unlock these two final missions. These strategies also contain spoilers to the end of the game so it is in your best interests not to read this bit until you're at that stage in the game. You have been warned!! This mission is fairly simple. The Mafia are taxing all your assets and you have to kill them before they tax all of them. Here is the order in which they tax them: Boatyard, Sunshine Autos, Ice Cream Factory, Kaufman Cabs, Film Studio, The Malibu Club, Pole Position. Make sure you have a Colt or Colt Python, and head for the Ice Cream Factory. The reason you don't go to the Boatyard or Sunshine Autos is that by the time you've got to the Boatyard, they'll be on their way to Sunshine Autos, and when you're at Sunshine Autos. They'll be on their way to the Ice Cream Factory, and you'll never catch them. It's much easier to wait at the Ice cream Factory and deal with them there. Once they arrive at the factory, pull out your colt python and blow their asses off. They will now send more mafia to the factory, so just keep killing them as they arrive, until the mission is completed. Rewards: $30 000 Lance will now call you and tell you that Sonny will pay you a visit pretty soon, so get back to the estate for the hardest mission of the game. Mission 5 - Keep your friends close Well, this is it. The final storyline related mission of the game, and it is an absolute son of a bitch. It turns out that Lance is a back-stabbing prick and that he has tipped Sonny off about the counterfeit cash, so now, not only have you got to kill Sonny, but you've also got to teach Lance a lesson as well. Well, best deal with Lance first. The mission starts in your main office. Equip your most powerful weapon (something like a Spas-12) and, when the mafia turn up, blow their knee-caps off. When Lance arrives on the scene, equip your uzi and chase Lance up the stairs, firing at him as you go, with any luck, he'll be dead before you reach the top of the stairs, if not, then chase him out onto the roof and run onto the helipad. Once on the helipad, lob grenades down at Lance and the mafia men below. Once the mafia men are gone, go down to Lance and Tommy should say "The last dance for Lance Vance!" Lance will reply "OY! I said I got enough of that at school!!" Now, shoot him until he dies. One prick down, one even bigger prick to go!! This is where I start playing dirty. Run downstairs, and collect the armour, health and weapons. Now, head out the back way, and get to the front drive. Blow up all the limousines and mafia people with grenades and rockets. Now, hide behind the wreck of a limousine and fire a rocket at Sonny's arse. Wasn't that easier than trying to take him on whilst avoiding about 15 rounds of bullets at the same time!! Rewards: $30 000, and the completion of Vice City's storyline missions. Well Done!!! After this mission is over, you will get a phone call from Kent Paul, saying that he is in love with Mercedes (he's also drunk, but that's not the point). Then, the Colonel will call and ask whether the rumours that Mercedes is a lawyer are true, Tommy assures him they are not, then, Earnest from the print works alls and says he's fine, and that's the first part of Vice City done. Now for the other, equally as important stuff that will get you 100% completion. Non-Storyline related missions Phone Missions Every now and again, an anonymous caller will tell you to "Get to the phone in ...." These calls are in fact the assassination contracts that appear on your stats screen. They don't pay much, but are reasonably challenging and do require a bit of thought. The first one is in Washington, outside the mall. Mission 1 - Road Kill This mission is fairly straight forward. The objective is to kill this pizza bloke before he finishes his rounds. Get a car and head for the yellow dot, when you see him, either run him over or do a drive by shooting on him. Rewards: $500 Mission 2 - Waste the Wife Again, a fairly simple mission, you have to kill the callers wife so he gets all her money (or something like that). Make sure you have a machine gun, or one that you can do a drive by shooting with and head to the pink blip on your radar. Wait till the wife gets into her comet, and begin the chase. Try and get along side her and repeatedly shoot her car until she catches fire. Rewards: $2000 Mission 3 - Autocide This is a slightly harder mission, but it shouldn't prove to be too much of a problem. You have to take out some of these gang members who are planning on robbing a bank, which the caller's friend owns. You have to kill 6 targets in total and you have about eight minutes to do it. For this mission you'll need the weapons you find near the phone and rocket launcher. The first guy is working on an advertisement board, so, drive to the dot and snipe him (he is located behind the board, up high). The next two guys are in a security van. Drive to the marker and park about 200 yards away from the van, take out a rocket launcher and fire two rockets at the van. Now, drive to the next target and fire one rocket at the bobcat he is driving. The next is slightly harder, as he is on a boat, fishing, drive along land until you can see him, and snipe him. The last target is driving on a PCG-600. Simply drive along side him and drive by him. Rewards $4000 Mission 4 - Check out in the Check in Get to this mission in a helicopter, which you should park on the grass in front of the airport. Now, go into the airport and collect the mission. Approach the target until the meter is about a quarter- half full. Zoom in and shoot her acquaintances, take the briefcase and run back to your helicopter and fly to the nearest pay n' spray. Rewards: $8000 Mission 5 - Loose Ends Again, get to this mission in a helicopter, which should be parked just by the phone, but not so close that it disappears after the briefing. Fly the helicopter to the top of Cherry Poppers Ice cream Factory and kill the two goons on top , now, take the briefcase to the airport via helicopter. Rewards: $ 16 000 Avery Carrington Avery's missions become available after completing "Riot" for Ken Rosenburg. His missions vary from vary easy to an absolute nightmare. Mission 1 - Four Iron A rich man in town is starting to annoy Avery a little bit, so he wants you to kill him. First, head over to the sports shop and get your golf clothes, now, head over to ammu-nation and get a melee weapon (meat clever, machete, samurai sword) and head over to the golf course, go in and go over to the bloke you have to kill. When you are close enough, he will get his body-guards to come and attack you. Slice them up and then grab a caddy and chase after him. What you have to do now is simple, ram him continually until he falls into the lake. Rewards: $500- Golf clothes are now available at the GAP store in the North Point Mall Mission 2 - Demolition Man This mission can be quite hard, especially if you're not used to controlling a helicopter. The idea is to destroy a building site across the road from Avery's, which is in the way of Avery's planned apartment block. The thing is though, you have to do it using a helicopter to plant the bomb as the site is too well guarded for you to plant it manually. This mission is really a test of your ability to plant things quickly and accurately, and your first taste of flying a helicopter. Go to the top fun van which is a few yards down the street from where you are now, and hop in to begin the mission. Press x to make the helicopter hover upwards and then fly over to one of the bombs using the directional buttons or joystick. Land one it to pick it up and fly it over to the opposite site. When you get there, you'll see a couple of builders come running at you with spanners, simply tilt the helicopter so they run into the blades and get chopped up. Now, head over to the pink circle of light, and plant the bomb. You now have to do this three more times. One bomb on each level, once this has been accomplished, sit back and watch the fireworks. Rewards: $1000 Mission 3 - Two Bit Hit (only available after completing "Phnom Phen for Ricardo Diaz) This mission will be rather nostalgic for you if you completed GTA III as Donald Love is in it, not the same one mind you. Also, Avery's speech is rather like the one Donald gave you "nothing brings down real estate prices like a good old fashioned Gang War, except maybe an outbreak of plague, but that may be going too far in this case". You basically have to kill the Haitian lord is attending a funeral downtown. So, head over to the clothes shop and grab some Cuban gear, now head over to the funeral. When you get there, you will get a "spotted" message you now need to get to the Haitian lord and run him over, if he gets into his car and drives away, follow him. Chase him through town, making sure to avoid the exploding coffins that come out the back of the hearse and shoot at his car with your gun until his car sets on fire and he gets out, now all you have to do is simply run him over. Rewards: $2500 and Umberto Robina (Cuban Lord) will call and you can now take missions from him. He can be found at his cafe in Little Havana. Let's go there shall we. Umberto Robina's missions Umberto is the guy who is in charge of the Cubans and he admires your "big cojones", whatever they are supposed to be, I don't think he is that way inclined but, just watch yourself !! Mission 1 - Stunt Boat Challenge Umberto isn't quite convinced that your up to the challenge of working for him, so he has set you the challenge of getting through some checkpoints on a boat, under a certain time, pretty simple really. Anyway, get to the boat to start the mission. Make sure you don't miss any checkpoints, particularly the ones where you have to jump over a ramp to get to them. Rewards: $1000 and Auntie Poulet will call and invite you to come and work for her and the Haitians, stick with the Cubans for now though. Mission 2 - Canon Fodder First off, get a car that will seat at least four people, including you, a van or taxi is a safe bet, but any four seater will do. Now, go and head over to the Haitian factory, where the battle is taking place. When you get there, get out a rocket launcher or any other explosive weapon, and blow up the car which the Haitians are hiding behind, kill any that survive the blast. You'll now get a cut scene during which you see a sniper on the roof of the factory, blow his head off with your sniper rifle, and continue. You will now be in a yard where the Cubans are having a shootout with the Haitians. You may also have noticed a van, just inside the yard you are in now. As it happens, this van is quite important as you need to get it back to the factory before it gets destroyed by any stray bullets or by other means. Feel free to help the Cubans out with the gun fight, but it is advised you don't linger in this area for too long, the chief reason being the van. Anyway, after you've blown enough Haitians to bits, get in the van, wait for Rico (Umberto's assistant, he was with you in the last mission aswell) to get in also and then simply drive back to the cafe. Rewards: $2000 Mission 3 - Naval Engagement The Haitians have stolen the drugs and cash that was in the van you stole during the last mission. This has really p***ed off Umberto as he hates the Haitians and he needed those drugs and the cash, so he sends you to go and retrieve it. So, head over to the docks near "cherry poppers ice cream" and meet up with Rico. When you get to the Haitians, pull out a rocket launcher or any other weapon that does loads of damage very quickly and blast the boats to hell, then take care of the ones that are standing on the dock. Now, when you arrive on land pull out your sniper rifle and pick off all the Haitians in sight. There is one on the roof and one round each of the two corners. When they have been disposed of, collect the two briefcases and escape PROBLEM !!! Rico and the boat have just been blown to bits, leaving you stranded on the island with no way of escape. The answer to this dilemma is simply to head out onto the road (it's behind the mansion) get a car and drive over the bridge that leads to the western island. Then you should drive to the nearest pay n' spray to get rid of that wanted level you've recently acquired. Once the cops are gone, drive back to the cafe. Rewards: $4000 As you can't do the final Cuban mission until you've done all the Haitian missions, check out the "Auntie Poulet" mission strategies in the next section, complete all the missions for her, and then come back to this mission strategy. Mission 4 - Trojan Voodoo I like this mission. I like it a lot. It reminds of two missions from GTA 3, the first being "Bomb Da Base" where you had to protect 8 Ball while he planted a bomb on this Columbian ship, the second was "Blow Fish" where you blew up the Triad Fish Factory, anyway, on with the strategy. Start by getting a Haitian gang car, there are quite a lot of them around Little Haiti. Then, take Pepe to the other Cubans, who are across the road from Kaufman Cabs. Now, follow them to the factory and enter with them, it is very important you stay in your car until you're inside the factory, so bear this in mind. When you're inside the factory, equip a powerful weapon (something like a Colt Python) and start blowing away the Haitians. When you can, enter the actual factory and blow away the Haitians in there, when it is safe, plant the bombs. There are two downstairs and one upstairs. Once they are all planted, you need to get out of the factory so the Cubans at the cafe can detonate them. So, run back the way you came to the gates, you'll find they are locked, so head right and climb up the stairs onto the roof, run across the roof and you will eventually get a cinema which shows the Haitian factory being blown up and becoming a pile of dust. Rewards: $10000 conformation from Umberto that you do have big cojones !! D The Haitians and Auntie Poulet Auntie Poulet freaked me out big style, I kept expecting her to say "Call me for your free tarot reading and 200 kg of cocan!! She is the strangest character of Vice City and the best tea server as she puts something in it that makes Tommy unconscious and very forgetful. Her missions aren't very hard, put can be a pain in the arse if you get them wrong. Mission 1 - Juju Scramble The objective for this mission is to get the drugs that Auntie Poulet needs for her "special brew" before the cops can get to it. It sounds simple, but what she didn't tell you was how many cops you get after you, after picking each one up. You get about five stars after picking up the first one and then, they just keep coming. Anyway, not letting that put you off, grab a durable car and head to the first pink dot. Climb the stairs to the roof and you'll find the suitcase on the roof. Collect it and you'll see an army dude saying something like "don't move punk". Now, run and jump off the roof, get in your car and get to the second package quickly. Once the second suitcase has been obtained and you're on your way to the third, take the time to call in at the pay n' spray and get rid of the three stars you will have acquired, NOTE: it is really easy to lose tons of time whilst driving to the pay n' spray because you're constantly under attack from the cops who keep ramming you and sending you spinning at which point it is incredibly difficult to gain control of your vehicle again, so watch out for that. Once you've got rid of the wanted level, drive to the third and final suitcase, collect it, and head back to Auntie Poulet's house. Rewards: $1000 Mission 2 - Bombs Away Damn! This mission is hard. It's another RC mission where you have to use an aircraft that has some mega dodgy controls. Before you actually do this mission for real, I strongly recommend a test flight or two, just to get used to the controls and handling of the plane. Anyway, fly the plane to where the Cubans are docked (it's the same place as " Naval Engagement" took place in. When you get there, fly over the boats so you can see the back of them, and fire a bomb at the middle boat, hopefully, this will take out the majority of the Cubans and (probably) all the boats, if one gets away however, don't panic, simply chase it down and blow it up, it doesn't escape, it simply goes round in circles. Now, go back to the mansion at the start of the level (where you blew up the boats) and take out any Cubans who are on the dock, you'll now get a message saying that two Cubans are trying to escape in a car, you know what to do now, blow them up with a bomb. Rewards: $2000 Mission 3 - Dirty Lickins' This is the easiest mission ever, provided you DON'T use the sniper rifle much, it's aim is crap and it can't take out enemies "on mass" as it were, and in this mission, that's very important. So, get to the vantage point, DON'T take the adrenaline pill and take out your sniper rifle. Start picking off Cubans until the first load of reinforcements arrive, now, take out a rocket launcher and blow them all up before they even reach the fight. Now, continue picking off Cubans until the vans arrive, again, blow them up before the Cubans can get out of them. Finally, a group of Cubans will appear from an alley, take out your M-60 and take them all out. Rewards: $5000, and you finally get shut of the crazy Auntie Poulet, hurrah!!!! E Lovefist - The crazy drunken rock band from Scotland Ah yes!! The band that Rockstar themselves set up. They are a bunch of heavy punk rockers who are permanently drunk off their ass and drugged up to the eyeballs, and believe me, there is nothing funnier than a bunch of drunken Scotsmen. Mission 1 - Love Juice A fairly simple mission if you are a fast driver and a fairly accurate shot with drive-bys. To start off, get a fast car (something like a phoenix, or PCG 600) and head to the pink dot on your radar. When the drug dealer tries to get away, ram him off his bike and run him over, or shoot him if you're on a bike, and get the drugs and money back. You'll now get a call that says Love Fist need some lovin' and Tommy says he knows just the girl. So, make sure you have a fast car and head to Mercedes' Apartment. When she gets in your car, put your foot down and drive full speed back to Love Fist, as you have one and a half minutes before they have to go on stage. Once you get there, drop Mercedes off to finish the mission. Rewards: $2000 and a phone call from Paul Kent, saying that Love Fist need some security for the tour, Mitch Baker is the man for this and he is now open for business, but we'll stick with Love Fist for now. Mission 2 - Psycho Killer Someone has got it in for Love Fist and you have to take him out before he takes them out. Well, get a car and get to the book signing, where the Psycho is. After the pointless cinema, follow his car and keep shooting at it until it blows up. Rewards: $4000 NOTE: You can't do the next mission until you've completed Mitch Baker's missions, so see the section below for his mission strategies and then come back to this one. Mission 3 - Publicity Tour This is the funniest mission ever. You have to drive Love Fist to their next gig, but there is a bomb in the limo which will go off, if the limo stops or slows down. The other problem is Love Fist are trying to diffuse it are drunk off their asses (for a change) and believe me, nothing is funnier that drunken scots trying to do something intelligent, whilst panicking like hell. Just keep driving up and down a straight stretch of road (the one along the west island is a good one) until they finally diffuse it. When they do, drive them to their venue and watch the cut scene. Rewards: $8000, and that's it for Love Fist and Paul Kent. F Big Mitch Baker and the biker gang Big Mitch Baker and his gang can be found a their shop which is in the downtown area. His missions are fairly easy and pay quite well. Mission 1 - Alloy Wheels of Steel This is a racing mission, so I can't help much. What I can do though is give you a tip that will get you a good lead at the start, or at least give you a good start that should win you the race. When the race starts, run to one of the racers and steal their bike, this gives you only two racers to race as a pose to three. Now, when the race starts, accelerate to top speed and you should be near the front. It's now up to you to keep the lead and ensure you don't fall off your bike and waste time. Once you've got a good lead though, it's not that hard to keep it as the other racers drive recklessly and are always driving into walls and things, so you shouldn't have much of a problem in passing this mission. Rewards: $1000 Mission 2 - Messing with the man Different people have different strategies for this mission, but I'll just give you the most straightforward one. Basically, you have two minutes to show Mitch how annoyed you are and how much damage you can do. Before you collect the mission, get a cop car and then drive to Mitch's shop and collect the mission. When it starts, blow up the cop car and then shoot it repeatedly and watch your chaos meter gradually fill up. Rewards: $2000 Mission 3 - Hog Tied A gang has stolen Mitch Baker's bike and he wants you to get it back for him, if you do, Love Fist have got their gig protection. To start of with, get a sniper rifle, it will come in handy and make the mission a lot easier. Now, get a bike (a PCG 600 is the nest to use, but any will do, as long as it isn't a scooter) and head to the stairs just opposite Ammunation in downtown. You'll have to jump these stairs and get onto the roof of Ammunation. So, rev up your bike and ride up the stairs and do the jump. Once you're safely on the roof, take out your sniper rifle and pick off the gang members who are guarding the bike, you may have to change positions on the roof to get them all. Once they are all dead, jump off the roof, into the compound and get on Mitch's Bike. To get out of this area, drive round it until you find the short set of stairs and jump over them. You'll now be met with three Gang Burritos and some very pissed gang members. You must now get back to Mitch's shop with his bike. Getting rid of the gang is easy, simply weave in and out of the traffic and go down a lot of back alleys, once you're back at Mitch's shop, park his bike in the highlighted zone. Rewards: $4000 and Love Fist have got their security for the gig. NOW GO BACK AND DO THE LAST LOVE FIST MISSION G Phil Cassidy - Vice City's gun specialist After buying the Malibu Club (see assets section) and completing "The Job" you can find Phil at his place near the junkyard in Little Haiti. He is marked with a P on your radar. Mission 1 - Gun Runner This is a son of a bitch to complete successfully. Get in Phil's Patriot and head t one of the dots on your radar. When you get there, continually ram and drive by it until it explodes, pick up the weapons it drops and do the same to the other one. After you've taken the weapons it drops, assholes on Fagios will come and start shooting at you, you don't have to kill them but you do get $100 for each one you kill, easy way to get cash if you're a bit low. Now do the same thing to the remaining trucks, being careful not to get a wanted level. Rewards: $2000 Mission 2 - Boomshine Saigon Remember in GTA III when you had to do the mission for Ray called "arms shortage", well this mission will explain why Phil only had the one arm and how he lost it. He was messing around with some boomshine (moon shine mixed with a highly toxic and explosive battery acid) when Tommy arrived. Phil offered to show Tommy what he was doing, but it didn't work first time, so he went to get some more acid. However, it went off in his face and blew of Phil's arm. So, Phil was drunk off his ass and only had one arm. You now have to drive him to the hospital before he dies of a blood clot or something, the problem is, boomshine is so strong that you also are drunk off your ass and you still have to drive Phil to the hospital. So, drive out the gate of Phil's Place and into Little Haiti. Make sure you don't run anyone over or you start getting cops after you, and trying to evade cops whilst drunk is not an easy thing to do, trust me I know from experience. Drive Phil to the hospital, but, when you arrive, he says it's too public and insists you take him to a specialist he knows, which is just down the road, once you've arrived at the specialist you finish the mission and get your vision back again. Rewards: $5000, and you can now buy some pretty cool weapons from Phil's Place. Congrats!!! You've just completed every mission in Vice City, but you still have a lot to do to get 100% completion. ********************************************************************* ************************ R3 Missions In some vehicles you can start another career by pressing the R3 button. These missions range from a simple pizza boy with a Fagio to a cop with a helicopter that fires missiles!! The successful completion of a certain number of these missions, unlock something very special and all of them must be completed to gain 100% completion. Pizza Boy Vehicle of Choice: Pizza Fagio People need their pizza!! Hop on a Pizza bike and activate the mission. You now need to drive around town, throwing pizzas at the customers, you can only carry six pizzas at a time, which makes levels 1-6 pretty straight forward, but levels 7 onwards require fast driving and excellent throwing skills. You can't afford to linger on your way back either, as you only get 30 seconds, which cannot be wasted, particularly if you have gone back because you ran out of pizzas and there is another customer waiting. Level to complete: 10 Rewards for completing Level 10: 150 Health Taxi Driver Vehicle of Choice: Taxi (either Kaufman or Sunset) When the mission is activated, wait a few seconds and you should see a yellow dot on your radar, this is someone who needs to be taxied to somewhere, park right beside them and let them clamber in. Now, simply take them to wherever they want to go. Watch how you drive though because if your car is too knackered the passenger will flee and you'll have to find another one. For five passengers in a row you get $500, for ten you get $1000, for fifteen you get $1500 etc. Level to complete: Deliver 100 people to their destination Rewards for delivering 100 people: Taxis can now jump over on coming traffic Firefighter Vehicle of Choice: Fire Engine Burn Baby Burn!! Clamber into the fire engine and begin. You have to put out vehicles around Vice City that are on fire Try to get to the fires as quickly as you can and press O to fire the water cannon and put out the fire, watch out though. As sometimes people jump out of the vehicles and they are also on fire, put them out and head to the next emergency. Level to complete: 12 Reward for completing Level 12: You are able to run through fires unharmed, pretty cool eh !! Paramedic Ever wanted to feature in an episode of casualty or ER. Well, now you can, simply by clambering into an ambulance and pressing the R3 button. You have to drive around town, picking up patients and taking them to the hospital, drive carefully though, as each bump decreases the patients chances of survival. Level to complete: 12 Reward for completing Level 12: Infinite Sprint. You can sprint without getting tired. Vigilante Vehicles of choice: police car, enforcer, FBI Rancher, FBI Washington, Predator, undercover Cheetah or a Rhino When driving any of the vehicles mentioned above , pressing R3 starts you the vigilante missions, where you basically have to kill as many criminals as you can within the time limit. There is a pattern to notice which is that for every level you complete another criminal gets put into the vehicle on the next level i.e. when you complete a level with only one criminal in the vehicle, there will be two criminals in the car on the next level, and so on, and for every four levels completed there will be more vehicles to destroy. Level to complete: 12 Reward for completing level 12: 150 Armour Brown Thunder Vehicle of choice: Hunter After you have collected all 100 hidden packages, not after completing "keep your friends close", I know some guides will tell you it is available after completing "Keep your friends close", but that, frankly, is a load of crap. You have to get all 100 hidden packages for it to be available. Anyway, after collecting all 100 hidden packages, the Hunter is available at Fort Baxter Air Base, near the airport. Steal it (use the cop uniform to avoid being shot at) and press R3 to begin this, slightly different vigilante mission. Basically you have to kill criminals, just like on the other vigilante mission, but you can fire missiles at them, making the mission a whole lot easier. Level to complete: 12 Rewards for completing level 12: 150 Armour Arena Missions From 20:00 till 23:59 the arena in Downtown holds various challenges, some being more challenging than others, but they are all rewarding in some way or other. 1. Bloodring - A demolition derby race for checkpoints This one took me three days to complete, it's an absolute pain. The other drivers must be either very bad drivers, very aggressive drivers or just completely drunk. They will ram you at every checkpoint and will not stop ramming you until you can either escape or lose them or you blow up. You have to get to the various checkpoints whilst trying to avoid being blown up by the other racers. The good news is that you only have to survive till the clock reads one minute so it's not that long. Your reward for this one isn't fixed, all I can say is that it is more if you manage to destroy some of the other cars on your way round and once you finish, there is a bloodring racer on the left side of the track, get that to a garage quick, it'll help later on. 2. Dirt ring - 32 checkpoints, a Sanchez and no time limit This one is also quite a hard one to do as the checkpoints in this are even harder to reach than in the last mission. Firstly, grab the checkpoints that are on the ground in the small track. Now, grab the ones that require a jump to reach (fairly simple) ad then grab the looped ones and the other kind of easy ones. Now go for the ones which you have to cross a pipe of piece of wood (the ones that don't have cars beneath them) and finally get the ones that are accessible by crossing a piece of wood or pipe that is suspended over a few cars. Rewards: under 5 minutes: $50,000! Reward: under 10 minutes: $10,000. Reward: over 10 minutes: $5,000. 3. Hotring: A 12 lap race This is not easy at all. The first six cars want to race. The last six are hell bent and destroying everything around them. Get a quick jump into the top five off the start and try to get up to first or second within a couple of laps. There will be the occasional pile of cars in the middle of the track that will ram your car and slow you to a halt. If your car reaches a sliver of health get to the pit stop! Losing a few places is better than losing the race. Rewards: $500 for third $1000 for second $2000 for first Rampages There is a huge difference between rampages in Vice City and rampages in GTA3. For one thing, there are a lot less of them and they only have one location. I would, however, advise saving after each one in case you game suddenly freezes or something. I have also been informed (by email) of five little tips to make rampages a lot easier (note: the people who contributed are given credit at the end of this guide). 1. Having 150 health and armour 2. If the Haitians hate you then beware, the melee rampages will 3. Having full health and armour before beginning a rampage 4. This is dishonest, but what the hell!! Using the hunter's sub- machine guns and rockets, the tank's turret and the sea sparrow's sub-machine guns can make rampages one hell of a lot simpler. 1. The first Rampage is located just south of the Ocean View Hotel (the first hotel you drove to, right at the start of the game) Weapon of choice: Molotov Cocktails What to do: Kill 30 Gang Members How to do: Find a clump of gang members, get a good distance away from them and keep chucking cocktails at them. Now, after they are dead, some more should come along to try and help their friends, flame them aswell. Now, simply keep flaming them until you hit thirty, pretty straight- forward really. 2. The second rampage is located in between the lighthouse and the main beach. If you're not quite sure where the lighthouse is, check out hidden package 2 in the appropriate section. Weapon of choice: Car What to do: Kill thirty gang members How to do: Simply drive up and down the sidewalk squashing gang members. How easy would you like it !! 3. On a hut, south of Colonel Cortez's yacht. You will first have to have completed the first set of mission for the Colonel to be able to access a boat. When you can, head south of his yacht and you should find an incomplete hut, the rampage should be pretty obvious now. Weapon of choice: Rocket launcher What to do: Destroy ten vehicles How to do: Boats are your target as you're in the middle of the ocean. Just blow up every single boat that comes past, being careful not to destroy your own, as you need it to get back to land again. 4. This rampage is on top of the Washington Mall. In case you aren't quite sure where that is, it is where the first phone mission was, if you're still confused, check the map that came with the game. Once you're at the mall, use the ramps to get up to the top, and the rampage will be pretty obvious. Weapon of choice: Shotgun What to do: Kill twenty five gang members How to do: The trickiest thing about this rampage is that you won't always hit and kill in one shot. So, jump down onto sidewalk and start blowing away the gang members 5. Get to the Washington Hospital, the easiest way to do this is to just get wasted in the general area, and you appear right outside it. Once you're there, look for a grey L shape on your radar, head towards that, and the rampage is just beside it Weapon of choice: Katana What to do: Kill ten gang members How to do: Find a group of gang members, preferably ones that can't cause you too much damage when they fight back (which they will). Now, simply slash them all to pieces and try to stop laughing as they all fall to the ground without a head. 6. Near the Ocean View Hotel is a car park. Head up the ramp at the top end of the car park and this rampage is in the corner. Weapon of choice: PSG-1 What to do: Kill thirty-five gang members How to do: The sniper rifle actually has rapid fire. Don't worry about the cops or other gang members, they won't touch you, so have fun blowing away limbs and killing a ton of people. 7. Directly across the road from Rafaels's clothes shop is an apartment complex. The rampage is in this complex. Weapon of choice: Chainsaw What to do: Kill 20 gang members How to do: This is fun!! Walk up to a pack of gang members and press circle to chop them up, then do the same to the others that come along, you can keep the saw going by holding down the circle button, so the gang members can't touch you. 8. Get to the ocean beach hotel. Now, travel down the road and the rampage is in the second house with stairs. It's on a wall, so you may have to jump onto the wall first. Weapon of choice: M4 What to do: Kill 25 gang members How to do: Firstly, I would advise staying on the ledge where you picked the rampage up, as it gives you a good vantage point. Now, simply aim the weapon (manually) at a pack of gang members and blow them away, before they know what's happening they'll be dead. 9. Next to the bridge leading to Starfish Island (I mean RIGHT next to it) are some stairs. Run up them and the rampage is next to the long pool. Weapon of choice: MP5 What to do: Kill 25 gang members How to do: The first thing to bear in mind is that, for this rampage, drive-by's don't count. What you have to do is aim at a gang member and shoot him. Then you'll get more of them charging at you, simply pick them off, one by one. 10. Just south of the Mailbu Club is a huge hotel (I mean it, it is massive) head around the back of it, and the rampage is in the bushes. Weapon of choice: Spaz 12 shotgun What to do: Kill 30 gang members How to do: This is the easiest of them all!!! Simply kill one gang member and pick off all the others that come at you. If you aim right, you can take out two or three in one. 11. Head back to the location of the last rampage and head a bit further north. On you left you should see some diving boards. This rampage is on top of the diving boards. Weapon of choice: PSG-1 What to do: Kill 10 Gang Members How to do: Wait you stop laughing, fire ten shots at ten gang members. 12. In the little cul-de-sac near Leaf Links. Very easily found. Weapon: Drive-By (Uzi) What to do: Kill 35 Gang Members How to do: Drive around the cul-de-sac firing until you have enough kills. This is easier on a motorcycle because you can fire forward. Just keep killing them. If they come up to your car, kill them before you get pulled out. 13. Near Leaf Links, on a dock behind the apartments. Weapon: Chainsaw What to do: Kill 20 Gang Members How to do: Rev it up and charge at a pack of gang members. By holding down Circle you can keep attacking with it. Just mow them down one- by-one. 14. In the North Point Mall, there is an escalator, correct? Well, take this up to the second level and you will be opposite the GAP shop. Well, go right and run round the level until you come to a plant with some bushes at the bottom and a shop that you can enter opposite (if it helps, it's a shop that sells electronic goods) the rampage is in the bushes at the bottom of the plant. Weapon of choice: Rocket Launcher What to do: Kill 30 Gang Members How to do: An important thing to bear in mind is that when you are using the rocket launcher, you're your own worst enemy, one mis-aimed shot and you'll be in more pieces than can be counted. So, watch what you aim at. Apart from that, this is a fairly easy rampage, simply fire at a group of Gang Members and watch them blow up, be careful not to hit any cops mind you as that just attracts un-necessary attention. 15. Outside the doors to the North Point Mall, on the east side. Weapon of choice: M4 What to do: Kill 35 Gang Members How to do: simply aim the weapon (manually) at a pack of gang members and blow them away, before they know what's happening they'll be dead. Hint: for added blood and gore, aim and shoot at their heads. 16. There are some buildings in between the North Point Mall and the main beach. This package is round the back of the short white and orange building with stairs leading up to it Weapon of choice: Colt Python What to do: Kill 25 Gang Members How to do: The colt python has a very accurate aim and can kill in one shot, these facts should be taken advantage of as often as possible on this rampage. So, all you have to do is find a group of gang members and unload a shot into their backs, easy or what !! 17. This rampage is at the very North of the island. Near the North Point Mall is a car park, opposite this car park is a building. The rampage is located just behind the ramp on the right of this building. Weapon of choice: Drive by (Uzi) What to do: Kill 30 gang members How to do: Get a PCG-100 and zoom around shooting everyone (NOT COPS). One thing to note is that only drive by's work so you can't just run everyone over, and watch out for the cops, if you get a wanted level, try and avoid them, but if you absolutely must then go to a pay n' spray. CONGRATS!! You have now completed all rampages in the first island, now onto Starfish Island 18. This is the only rampage on Starfish Island. If you are heading west on the main road in Starfish Island, the rampage is in the yard of the house on the last right turn before the bridge. It is on the left side of the road you turn onto. You need to jump over the fence to get it, so park a car, jump on the car, and jump over the fence. The rampage is right by the driveway near the house. Weapon of choice: Car What to do: Kill 35 Gang Members How to do: Firstly, get out of the closed area via the ramp that is against the wall, now, head towards a pack of gang members at full speed, this should kill them and get you approximately 8 kills, now, find another pack of gang members and do the same to them. Keep doing this till you have 35 kills. 19. At the docks, just before the road splits, is a huge cargo ship. Get on the ship via the ramp and look in between the maze of boxes, it's almost in the middle of them. Weapon of choice: Rocket Launcher What to do: Destroy 15 vehicles How to do: First, bear in mind the advice I gave you, the last time you had to use a rocket launcher, avoid close range shots, as they will backfire and blow you up. Also, whilst doing this rampage, there is a short amount of vehicles to blow up, so I'd advise either parking a vehicle in the middle of the road, so that you get a traffic jam, or get some cops after you and blow their cars, personally I'd go for option 1 as it is safer and you're less likely to get busted, but it's up to you. 20. From the Hyman Condo, follow the road straight towards the docks and pay close attention to the buildings on your right and you will eventually see "Cherry Popper Ice Cream", when you see it, keep going and take the second right. You will now be heading towards the Airport, on your left should be a large, orange hotel, the rampage is round the left of this building. Weapon of choice: Grenades What to do: Kill 35 gang members How to do: Firstly, never throw a grenade at a gang member who is walking by. The reason is, it will not hit him, instead it will hit the wall behind him, bounce off and blow up, probably near you. This not only takes some of your health away, but it also wastes a grenade, which is never a good thing. So, on with the rampage. Fortunately for you, there are a lot of gang members hanging around the airport, so, throw a grenade into a pack of them from far away (so you have time to run if some come after you) and watch them get blown to pieces. 21. Get a helicopter and land on the roof of Escobar International Airport. This rampage is located in one of the hills of the roof. NOTE: Do not get the hidden package there yet, trust me, if you get it now it will screw you up big time when you actually start collecting them. Weapon of choice: rocket Launcher What to do: Destroy 12 vehicles How to do: Stay on the roof, it is easier to see the vehicles and easier to hit them from the roof than on the ground, and the cops can't get you if you get a wanted level. Luckily, there are loads of vehicles at the airport, so, fire away!! 22. When you look into the airport from outside, you will see this rampage. So, simply head in and grab it. HINT: Follow the glass window and you'll easily get it. Weapon of choice: Spaz - 12 Shotgun What to do: Kill 25 Gang Members How to do: The spaz 12 makes this rampage incredibly easy. Simply, walk up to a pack of gang members and unload some lead into them. Don't worry about the cops, they won't do much to you, as you're inside. 23. In some bushes next to the walls that surround Fort Baxter Air Base. Weapon of choice: Mini-Gun What to do: Destroy 15 vehicles How to do: As the mini gun is extremely powerful, it can blow up a car in two seconds. So, simply stand on the pavement and fire at the traffic coming past. It shouldn't take you that long to get 15 kills. 24. From sunshine autos (the car showroom) head north, and you'll eventually find an alley. Head down that alley and go up the stairs leading to the roof of a building with a red awning and the package is just there. Weapon of choice: Ruger What to do: Kill 20 gang members How to do: This a fairly easy rampage. The ruger is a one hit kill weapon which makes it very easy to get a lot of kills quickly. So, walk up to a gang and fire at them all, this should get you about 5 kills. Now, simply continue doing this until you have 20 kills. 25. You need a helicopter to get this one. Once you get it, fly to the bridge connecting Starfish Island to the large West Island. Directly across the street from the bridge is the building with the rampage on the roof. Look at the roofs; it should be easy to spot the purple icon. Land the helicopter on the roof and get it. Weapon of choice: Sniper Rifle What to do: Kill 20 gang members How to do: First of all, the Sniper Rifle is the worst weapon in the game when it comes to re-loading quickly, so stay on the roof, out of harm's way. Now all you need to do is pick the gang members off from a nice, safe distance. 26. If you know where the El Currupto Bank is, then it's behind that. Just go down an alley and the rampage is in the loading bay. However, if you don't know where it is then I hope you kept the helicopter from the last rampage. Well, fly your helicopter a bit north from the building in the last rampage and you should see a large open area, this is the loading bay. Weapon of choice: Katana What to do: Kill 10 Gang Members How to do: Walk up to some gang members and press o to use the katana, and SLASH. They're all in pieces! 27. In the center of Little Havana is a basketball court. The rampage is in the middle of the court. If you can't find it then use a helicopter and you'll be able to see it from the air. Weapon of choice: Shotgun What to do: Kill 25 gang members, How to do: The hardest thing about this rampage is that when you shoot someone at close range all that happens is Tommy knocks them down, he doesn't shoot them. So, to avoid this problem simply shoot the gang members from across the street and you should be able to get 25 kills without much of a problem. 28. Near the Print Works is a wooden fence, and a billboard that reads "Life's a bitch". Behind that fence are some houses and a yard. The rampage is in the north corner of this yard. Weapon of choice: Tec-9 What to do: Kill 35 Gang Members How to do: First off, the tec 9 is an absolute pain in the backside to use or shoot anything with, never mind 35 gang members. So, the best thing to do is walk up behind a pack of gang members and let rip, and then run when they shoot after you. Or, the easier way is to simply shoot at every gang member you see. 29. Now, go north, towards Kaufman cab but stop when you see the "welcome to hell" billboard. On your left is an alley, follow it and turn left to find this rampage. Weapon of choice: Spaz 12 Shotgun What to do: Kill 35 gang members How to do: Finally, an easy rampage. This gun takes out two or three gang members at once, so simply unload rounds into packs of gang members and watch the blood spill!! 30. Take the west bridge heading from Starfish Island. Once you get off, head north up that road with all the palm trees. Stay on it for a while, until you see a building with a large pool in front, with a sign that says Moist Palms Hotel. Turn in the road by the hotel and head towards the parking lot. Once you get in the parking lot, turn right real quick, and right again, to find the rampage right next to the hotel. Weapon of choice: M60 What to do: Kill 30 gang members How to do: This gun kills in one shot and is extremely accurate. Simply crouch behind a group of gang members and fire at them. This gun kills in one shot and is extremely accurate. 31. In downtown is a pizza shop. To the left of this shop is an alley. Head down this alley and make a left at the end to find this rampage. Weapon of choice: Drive by (Uzi) What to do: Kill 35 gang members How to do: This one could mess you up, if you don't have a fast and durable car. A landstalker is a safe bet, anyway, get in the car and drive up and down the road by the pizza shop and drive by all the gang members you find. 32. Do you remember the mission "Hog Tied", where you had to jump onto the ammunation roof to get a bike back for Mitch Baker. This rampages is on the stairs you used to jump onto the roof. If you don't remember where the stairs are, then stand outside the entrance to ammunation and look toward the street opposite, you'll then see them. Weapon of choice: Colt Python What to do: Kill 35 Gang Members How to do: As the colt python kills in one shot, all you have to do is aim at a gang member and shoot him, repeat this till you have 35 kills. 33. When you arrive in downtown from the bridge coming from Prawn Island, keep looking right and you will eventually see a fairly large flight of stairs leading up to a building. Head up these stairs to find the rampage. Weapon of choice: Molotov Cocktails What to do: Kill 40 (!!) gang members How to do: The first thing to bear in mind is NEVER throw a cocktail at close range, it will mess you up big style. So, stand at the other side of the street to who you're throwing the cocktail at, and throw it further by press O. This should take out a few gang members at once, so you should get 40 pretty quickly. 34. Starting from the Hyman Condo, go east out through the construction blockades. Look to your right as you go down until you see the big "V.A.J. Finance" sign. This rampage is in the very back of this area. Weapon of choice: Mini Gun What to do: Kill 35 gang members How to do: Run up and down the street and gun down any gang members you see. 35. To the right of the Hyman Condo are a few helipads. This rampage is located on the walkway that leads to them. Weapon of choice: Flamethrower What to do: Kill 35 gang members How to do: Always stay a good distance away from who you're flaming, as it is very easy to also set yourself on fire as well. Bearing that in mind, have fun flaming everyone and don't worry about the cops, they won't do much. Congratulations!! You've just completed all the rampages. For this section, thanks must go to qwertyuiopasd at gamefaqs.com for some of the rampage locations, also to AggroSk8er at gamefaqs.com for some of the rampage strategies and locations. RC Races These can be found in the many "top fun" vans that are at various points in Vice City. They don't have prizes but are very rewarding in that some of them are so hard that just beating them is rewarding. 1. This is at the top of the multi storey car park, near the North Point Mall and involves a plane, like the one in "Bombs Away". You have to race some other planes around a checkpoint course. This shouldn't prove to be too challenging as long as you make sure you don't miss any checkpoints and don't crash too often. 2. This is located at the dirt track which is at the north end of the main beach. It involves racing around a course against some other RC cars. The is to get a good lead in the first lap and then keep it for about ten seconds. If you do this, you'll hardly see the other cars and shouldn't have too much of a big problem. 3. This one is located at the southern most entrance of Escobar International Airport and involves using a helicopter like the one in "Demolition Man". In my opinion this is absolute shit. The controls absolutely suck. If you press L2 or R2, you spin out of control and if you press forward too far, you crash to the ground and can't get back up again without a huge struggle which wastes half your time. The trick is, to stay at quite a low speed (about 20 mph) and not lose too much height, this allows you to hover through the checkpoints and you won't crash quite as much. Checkpoint races These are very similar to the RC races, except they are more of them and they aren't in top fun vans, and they are slightly more challenging, as most checkpoint races tend to be. The reward is $100 for completing the race for the first time. Trial by Dirt Near the Stadium on the west island is a dirt track. Hop onto the Sanchez to begin. This shouldn't cause you much of a problem, the only tricky bit comes when the Haitians come with machetes on the second lap. You get $100 for beating a new record time, so do the first attempt in something like ten minutes and then keep going back and beating that time. Test Track Next to the Sanchez from the previous race is a landstalker. Hop in to begin the race. This is the same format as the last one except you have to be careful not to flip over and blow up. PCJ Playground Across the street from the Malibu is a building, hop onto the PCJ 600 that's parked against the wall and start the race. Get the first jump and grab the first two checkpoints. Now, come off the wall and ascend the stairs to claim number 3. Whilst gaining speed, grab numbers 4 - 6 in the alley and hit the wall at the end to get number seven and drop down off the wall (back into the alley) and grab numbers 9 - 11. Jump the little ramp and get number 12... Now grab numbers 13 - 17 in the alley and drop down into the mall to grab 18 and 19. Go up the stairs and get 20, now exit the mall and get 21 and 22 from along the roadside. Now, rev up and head down the alley at full speed and jump the stairs in the parking garage, grab 23 whilst you're in the air when you land on the roof, slam on the brakes and grab 24 you should make it with about twenty seconds to spare, if you didn't crash much. Cone crazy Near the Ocean View Hotel is a parking garage. On the roof is a stallion, hop into it and begin this race. There are five checkpoints, all of which are surrounded by cones. You begin with twelve seconds and twelve is added to this time for every cone you collect. So, get the first two in the top right-hand corner, on the ramp. Now, grab the third one in the opposite corner and take the fourth one which is in the U turn of cones, and then it's a simple drive back to the final one. The final four are done with the sparrow and you must have unlocked the west island to be able to do them. Vice Point Sparrow race In Vice Point is a pay n' spray shop, is an apartment complex. As you enter it, turn right and you'll easily be able to see it. Ocean Beach Sparrow race. Behind the pay n' spray shop is a large, pink building. This one is on top of that building and is best reached using a helicopter, ideally a Maverick. Little Haiti Sparrow Race Using a helicopter, fly low enough to see what's on the roofs and this one is on a roof of a building that's close to Kaufman Cabs. The only thing to watch out for is the Haitian gunfire that you'll get if you fly too low. Downtown Sparrow race This one is unlocked by the completion of "G-Spotlight", that's a mission for the film studio which is an asset, so go do this mission by looking up the appropriate section and come back to this one when you have. If you can't quite remember where the office building is, go to ammunation an head down the road opposite and the set of stairs that leads to the office is on the left. Shooting range I wasn't quite sure where to put this one as it didn't seem to fit in anywhere, so I thought I'd put it in just before the assets section as that's where most of the guides I've read have put it. The shooting range is in the ammunation shop in Downtown, but you have to have completed "the shootist" mission for the Malibu Club so, again check the assets section, complete this mission and come back here once you have. The shooting range is the same as the first round of the shootist. First of all, take out the back ones as they get you more points, then take out the middle ones, then the front ones, always make sure to shoot the head first as it's the easiest to miss. Reward for getting over 45 points: Faster reloading ability which is useful for a few missions and very useful if you ever need to blast your way out of anywhere. Assets - The most rewarding part of Vice City Assets are a new thing to the world of GTA. They are basically businesses that can be purchased for a fairly large sum of money, and, after you complete the missions that go with them, they will generate revenue for you, which can be collected whenever you wish. Some cost more than some, so it's best to get the more expensive ones first, so the money generated from them will help you save up for the cheaper ones. The Malibu Club Price: $120 000 (!!) This is the most expensive asset you can buy in Vice City, but well worth it, as it generates $10 000 per day, after you do all the missions. It is located south of the North Point Mall or east of Leaf Links, in the Washington Beach area. Mission 1 - No Escape This one isn't quite as hard as people make out, although you will take a lot of hits in this mission so I would advise having full health and armour before you begin. The whole idea of the Malibu missions is to get together a squad of people (four) that will help you when you rob the bank for the final mission. This mission involves getting Cam (the Vice City safecracker who can unlock anything) out of jail so he can be your safecracker. So, head to the Washington Police Station and put away any guns you have out before entering. Once you're inside, head left into the locker room and put on your cop uniform, this will deal with any cops who shot at you when you first entered the locker room. Now, head out of the locker room and enter the corridor with the "NO CIVILIANS BEYOND THIS POINT" sign. Go up the stairs until you're in the main office and grab the card key, don't pick up the hidden package yet. Once you have the card key head downstairs into the cells where Cam is. Unlock the door with the card key and get ready to do some serious shooting and running, the minute Cam steps out of the cell, every cop in the station will be on your ass. Whip out your most powerful weapon and start to run, being sure to prevent Cam being shot. If the cops are getting too many for you to dodge, start shooting and kill some of them. Once you're out of the cop station and get in the nearest vehicle with Cam, once both of you are in the car, head to the nearest pay n' spray as you'll now have four stars, which is not funny in the slightest. Once the cops have gone, simply drive Cam back to his house, which is marked on the radar. There now, that wasn't too bad was it !! Reward: $ 1000 Mission 2 - The Shootist This mission isn't as hard as the last one, but it does depend a lot upon your ability to hit targets accurately. Head to Ammunation in Downtown, and walk into the light. During the cut scene you'll meet the person who you want to be your shooter Phil Cassidy (yes, the same one that was in GTA III) Vice City's arms expert. Phil agrees to be your shooter but you have to beat his score of 65 at the shooting range before he'll join your squad. So, when the first round starts, aim at the far wall and shoot any target that come in front of your aim. Each target is worth 3 points in this round so you should be able to get at least 25, 30 is best as the next two are a bit harder and the points aren't as easy to obtain. After the first round is over, go through to the next round. This time, each target is only worth one point so try and get at least 20 because there aren't many hittable targets in the next round. Once you've done this round, head through to the final round. Again, each target is only worth one point, but if you have at least 50 points at this stage like you should, you won't have much of a problem getting he remaining 16, to beat Phil's score. Once the third round finishes, head back to Phil, and if you beat his score, you now have a shooter to go with the safecracker. Now all you need is a driver. Reward: $ 2000 Mission 3 - The Driver This mission really sucks ass and has annoyed me so much. Basically, Hillary (the fastest driver in Vice City) has agreed to drive for you, if you can beat him in a street race. You have a Sentinel and Hillary has a Sabre Turbo, that's really fair isn't it !! So, for this mission, and this mission only you are allowed to use cheats to win. While the 3 2 1 is going on, very quickly enter R1, O, R2, right, L1, L2, X, X, square, R1 to get a Hotring Racer to spawn in front of Hillary's car. When the race starts, get out of the sentinel and get in the Hotring Racer, now, zoom after Hillary. After you turn the first corner the cops will come after you so get infront of Hillary, fast and zoom off around the course, leaving Hillary to get smashed to bits by the cops. If the cops come after you and ram you, enter R1, R1, O, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down to get rid of them, and if Hillary comes near you, accelerate up to a high speed and he won't stand a chance. Once you get to the finish line before Hillary, you have got yourself a driver. Reward: $3000 NOTE: After this mission, kill yourself to cancel the cheats, then save the game. Mission 4 - The Job Finally, we get to the job. This mission is the bank robbery you have been planning for a while, and you're now able to do it because you finally have all the people needed, a driver, a shooter, and a safecracker. So, get in the taxi and drive them over the bridge to Starfish Island. Enter your mansion and get the armour and weapons from the bottom of the staircase. Now go back to the taxi and drive to the bank. Walk over to the bank and walk into the bushes to put on the outfits for this mission. Once they are on, walk into the bank and watch as Tommy, Phil and Cam take over the bank. After Tommy leaves Phil to keep an eye on things, head up the stairs with Cam. While you're heading to the vault, you'll encounter a few security guards. Kill them with minimal fuss and continue. Once you get to the vault, you discover you need the manager to tell you his code to unlock the vault. So, head to where he is and take him back to Cam. Now, you have to go check on Phil. So, head back out onto the balcony and Phil will say "I said nobody move!!" some prat has set the alarms off and you should now head down to Phil and get ready to kick some serious ass. The SWAT team are about to storm the building, so crouch behind a desk and shoot them all as they come through the roof. Once you can, head outside and Phil will say "Where's Hillary, I'll give him abandonment issues!!" Hilary will then come and try to take out the SWAT team by himself, within two seconds he is dead and you have to deal with the situation. Well, run out onto the road and jack a car (the taxi will probably be destroyed by now, if it's not well fine, use it) park up beside Phil and Cam, let them get in and go to the Pay n' spray to get rid of the wanted level. Now simply, drive back to Cam's place to complete the mission and get $50 000 !!!!! Reward: $ 50 000, the Malibu asset completed, and the Bank Job outfit delivered to The Malibu Club. The Malibu Club will now generate up to $10 000 a day, collect it regularly!! The Print Works Price: $70 000 The Print Works is a very important asset because it must be purchased to unlock the mission "Cap the Collectors", plus it's missions are very rewarding. It is located in Little Havana, just south of Cherry Poppers Ice Cream Factory. Mission 1 - Spilling the beans Tommy has decided to pay Sonny with counterfeit cash and he needs some information on where to get the plates to do it from, luckily, Kent Paul knows just the man. When the mission starts, hop in the Kaufman Cab and let it take you to the Malibu Club. Once there, enter and there will be a cut scene, after this, head to the docks on the west island. You need to go to the big cargo ship which is on your right, just before you enter the docks, make sure you have full health, armour and a decent weapon (a colt python, preferably) and walk onto the ship. The bloke you want is on the top floor in his office, but there are loads of security guards who, for some reason that's beyond me, don't want you to see him. This will explain the volley of gun fire that greeted you as you approached the ship. Make your way up to where the captain is, killing the guards wherever necessary and step into the light when you're on his floor to start a very quick cut scene. Once it is finished, you need to fight your way off the ship and back to the print works, don't worry about the cops, the print works is just down the road from where you are now, so don't use the pay n' spray unless you really feel you must. Reward: $2000 Mission 2 - Hit the Courier Now that you have the information on how to print the money, you need the counterfeit plates so you can start printing, that's the next job. When the mission starts, head towards the docks. Once you arrive there don't even think about crashing in there and kicking ass, because I promise you, it will not happen. You see, there are some women there who are guarding the helipad where the counterfeit plates will be dropped off and they will kill you. Some have shotguns, some have pistols, some have machine guns, and one of them has a colt, very nasty. So, simply wait till the courier gets into her car and then smash her car to bits, and, when she gets out, run her over. Now, pick up the plates and take them back to the print works. Reward: $ 5000, and the print works asset completed. The Print Works will now generate up to $ 8000 a day, collect it regularly. The Film Studio Price: $60 000 The film studio is my favourite asset because it's just generally a cool place to explore. The missions are also some of the most entertaining in the game and they pay well. It's located in Prawn Island, opposite the house that "Phnom Phen" was based in. Mission 1 - Recruitment Drive Now for some Tommy Vercetti style casting. There is this girl in town called "Candy Suxx" and Tommy thinks she'd be perfect for a role in one of his movies. So, drive to Candy and talk to her. She says she'd love to, but you'd have to talk to her agent first. Her agent then pulls up and says "the hell are you doin'!!" which means "get lost or I'll get my bodyguards to kick your head in!" Tommy then replies, quite coolly "you should have stayed at home today!!" So they you have it. You now have to kill Candy's "agent". So, get into a car and give chase, once you get close, the car will stop and some goons will come at you, ignore them and keep on chasing the car, ramming and shooting it as many times as you can. Eventually, it will set on fire and the "agent" will jump out, run him over. Now head back to Candy and let her get in. Now head to the nearby pizza shop and pick up Mercedes (it seems Mercedes would also like a turn in the spotlight). Now drive them both back to the Film Studio. Reward: $ 1000 Mission 2 - Dildo Dodo Time to distribute the flyers for the movie. The film director says that no one will publish the flyers because they are too graphic. So, Tommy has had the idea of flyinf a plane round the city and dropping the flyers out of it. So, head to where the Dodo is and clamber in. Fortunatley, the dodo in this game is nowhere near as hard to fly as it was in GTA III. So, there shouldn't be much of a problem. The trick is, to push down whilst skimming along the water and when it takes off, push up and it will level out. The problem is, if it lands on land, you're buggered as it won't take off on land or even move, so be sure to land only in the sea. Now, the best place to start is Viceport, then just follow them to Little Havana, then to the airpot and then a back to downtown. Reward: $2000, and the skimmer will spawn behind the film studio. Mission 3 - Martha's Mug Shot This is the funniest opening cinematic I've ever seen. The didea for this mission is to take some blackmail pictures of the mayor of vice city with Candy Suxx. So, hop in the Sparrow and follow them, don't worry about getting to close, they don't notice you even if you're right behind them. Follow them to the hotel and watch as Candy walks into the building where the Mayor (who would rather be called "Martha") is waiting. When the cut scene is over, you need to get to the hotel that is just opposite the building that Candy just entered. Fly to it and land on the balcony. Get out and take three pictures of them. After three pictures have been taken, Candy spots you and you get five stars. Simply get back in the sparrow and fly back to the Film Studio unharmed. Reward: $4000 Mission 4 - G-Spotlight This is one hell of a mission. You basically have to jump from roof to roof to the spotlight in central downtown and change it so that it advertises Candy's movie. This mission is one that I can't assist you with much, as it all depends how well you can handle a PCG-600, but I'll help as much as I can. Drive to the office building which is marked on your radar and drive up the stairs. Drive round and enter the building (you'll notice that no one actually cares that you're on a bike and you just came in through the window !!) anyway, head into the lift that takes you to the top floor, and get ready for on hell of a ride. Park in the marker to see the window you are about to smash through. When you can, rev up to full speed and go. Smash through the window and brake once you reach the building opposite. You're on your own now. You have to jump from roof to roof to get to the spotlight. Make sure not to: a wreck your bike b kill yourself c fall off the buildings Reward: $7000 and the film studio asset complete The film studio will now generate up to $7000 a day, collect it regularly !! Sunshine Auto Car Showroom Price: $50 000 This is the best asset if you like cash. The amount it generates a maximum of $9 000 (!) once everything has been completed, which will take a while. It is located on the edge of Little Havana, near Escobar Airport. Car Races If you go to where the export garage is, you will see a pink circle infront of a map. This is where you can enter the various races that are available. They are worth doing as they pay very well and are needed to complete the showroom asset. Race 1 - Terminal Velocity Length: 1.1 miles Entrance Fee: $100 Reward: $400 Best car: Hotring Racer This race is best attempted with the Hotring racer (available after doing the car lists, which are further on in this document) as it is fast, durable, and particularly good with corners. This race isn't particularly challenging and shouldn't cause too many problems, just don't hit a cop, hitting a cop is an instant two stars which will screw up your chances of winning, so for god sake DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT hit a cop. Race 2 - Ocean Drive Length: 1.65 miles Entrance Fee: $500 Reward: $2000 Best car: Infernus This race is best attempted with the infernos, as the race doesn't have many sharp corners and your victory mainly relies on speed and durability, and the Infernus has both. Race 3 - Border Run Length: 1.93 miles Entrance Fee: $1000 Reward: $4000 Best Car: Cheetah This is best attempted with the cheetah, as it's good with corners and is also what the other racers drive in, and theirs are not as fast as yours, so it should be an easy $4000. Race 4 - Capital Cruise Length: 2.44 miles Entrance Fee: $2000 Reward: $8000 Best Car: Hotring Racer The Hotring Racer is the best car for this race, as it is good with sharp and multiple turns, and this race has tons of them. It's fairly easy though, as long as you get an early lead and manage to keep it. Race 5 - Tour ! Length: 2.86 miles Entrance Fee: $5000 Reward: $20 000 Best Car: Phoenix The Phoenix is best for this one as it is very good at getting an early lead and losing other cars in the traffic, which comes in dead handy in this race, particularly at about a quarter of the way through when there are loads of cars. Race 6 - VC Endurance Length: 6.1 miles Entrance Fee: $10 000 Reward: $ 40 000 Best Car: Hotring Racer The Hotring Racer is definitely the best car for this one as there are loads of sharp turns, cars to avoid, and cops to avoid hitting, all three of which the Hotring Racer can do very well indeed. If you fall behind slightly, don't worry, you'll have loads of time to catch up again. Car Lists These lists can be easy or an absolute nightmare to complete, depending on how frequently the cars needed can be seen. Sometimes they're all over the place and others you can't find one anywhere. List One Landstalker Get it from the test track in the Hyman Memorial Stadium Idaho Very common in Little Haiti Esperanto Fairly common in Vice Point Stallion Usually found in either Little Havana or Haiti, if it's not in one, it's in the other. Rancher In Vice Point Landstalker. South east corner of the dirt track in Downtown Blista Compact Washington Beach Rewards: $1500, and a Deluxo in the showroom List Two Sabre Downtown (usually) Virgo Washington Beach and Malibu Club area Sentinel In the car showroom (how simple!) Stretch Outside your mansion Washington Usually driving through Starfish Island Admiral Starfish Island. When coming from the second island turn left on the first road. It's the first house on the left Rewards: $ 4000, and a Sabre Turbo in the showroom List Three Cheetah In the docks where you took Colonel Cortez's mission Infernus Outside your mansion on Starfish Island Banshee Most commonly found passing through Starfish Island Phoenix Enter Starfish Island from Island one and take the first right. It's on the drive of the third house. Comet Outside the golf course at Leaf Links Stinger On Starfish Island on the drive of the house with the pool shaped like the rockstar logo. Rewards: $6500, and a Sandking in the showroom List 4 Voodoo Check Little Haiti Cuban Hermes Check Little Havana Caddy The Golf course in Leaf Links Baggage Handler Escobar International Airport. Check the runway Pizza Boy Random. It will appear behind the pizza restaurants Mr. Whoopee Inside Cherry Poppers Ice Cream Factory. Rewards: $9000, and a Hotring Racer in the Showroom. Sunshine Autos will now generate a maximum of $9000 a day, collect it regularly. Kaufman Cabs Price: $40 000 Kaufman cabs is the rival of Sunny Lane cabs and is located in Little Haiti. The missions are quite fun but aren't very good on the money front. Mission 1 - VIP You have to go and pick up a VIP from Starfish Island and take him to Escobar International airport. So, head to Starfish Island park up next to the VIP. But wait! A cab from Sunny Lane comes and picks him up before he can get into your cab. Get him back. Chase after the cab and ram him into something (preferably a wall) and continue ramming him until the VIP gets into your cab, now, quickly drive him to the airport. Reward: $ 1000 Mission 2 - Friendly Rivalry You're losing too many fares and Sunny Lane is raking the cash in, you can't stand for that. You have to take out three of their cabs to teach them a lesson. So, get out a machine gun and set off. When you approach a cab, simply drive by it, until it explodes. Do this to the other two cabs to complete the mission. Easy or what!! Reward: $2000 Mission 3 - Cabmaggedon Mercedes has asked for you to collect her from the docks. So, head there and park in the pink light. But when you honk for her, she isn't there, but a whole load of cabs from Sunny Lane are !!! A timer will now appear and you have to stay alive for that amount of time. That is simple. Simply drive to the edge of the water and stop just before you hit the edge. Half the cabs should go over and then the other can be dispatched using the same method. After the time is over a different cab will appear, a zebra cab and the driver is intent on killing you!! What to do is to keep drving around and aim for a wall. Before you hit the wall, brake hard and he'll crash into it, now shoot him continually before he reverses. If he reverses before you can kill him, simply get him to crash and then shoot him again. Now, when the car sets on fire, he'll get out, now all you have to do is run him over. Reward: $5000 Kaufman Cabs will now generate up to $5000 a day, collect it regularly !! Pole Position Strip Club Price: $30 000 The strip club is located south of the ocean view hotel and is the easiest asset. Mission 1 Walk down the hallway and enter the first door on the left to see a dancer, spend $500 on her. NOTE: This is made easier if you do something else while it's happening. I.E go for a walk, read a book, watch TV or something. Pole position will now generate up to $4000 a day, collect it regularly Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory Price: $20 000 Cherry Poppers is the name of the company that manufactures and distributes the ice cream in Vice City. This is no ordinary ice cream however, there is a special drug that is mixed in with the ice cream, which makes the consumer go crazy and start having hallucinations. The ice cream factory itself is just up the road from the docks. Mission 1 - Distribution This is quite an easy (but lengthy) mission. The idea is to distribute 50+ ice creams around Vice City. For every four you sell, you get one star on your wanted level so be sure to be close to a pay n' spray, the reason for this is that the ice cream has a drug mixed in with it that makes the consumer go crazy and start having hallucinations. The best places to sell them are by the docks which are just down the road from the ice cream factory and the Malibu Club area. The Malibu is the best place, because I once got 10 in a row when I parked in one spot by the club itself. Reward: $3000 and the ice cream asset is now complete. Cherry Poppers will now generate up to $3000 a day, collect it regularly. Boatyard Price: $10 000 The boatyard is simply the huge docks that are located down the road from Cherry Poppers ice cream factory. Mission 1 - Checkpoint Charlie To start off the mission hop into the Squalo (the one on the left). You now have to race around, collecting all the checkpoints in under 2:30. This can be quite simple, but there are three checkpoints that will really screw you up if you're not careful. There are three ramps near the start, each with checkpoints that can be gained by jumping the ramps. The first ramp needs to be approached at nothing less or more than three quarter speed, if you're going faster you'll jump over the checkpoint, and if you're going slower than that you'll miss completely. After you've got the first one, brake so you land in the water and don't skid all over the place and then head towards the second one at about three quarter speed, the third should be approached in roughly the same way, just make sure you get the angle right, because believe me, if you're going to screw up with this mission, it'll be on the third ramp. Reward: $2000, and the boatyard asset is now complete. The Boatyard will now generate up to $2000 a day, collect it regularly. 18. Properties Aside from assets, there also properties that don't make any cash but can be used to save the game and (in some) store carrs and bikes. Skumhole Shack Cost: $1000 Provides: Just a save point. Each property has a different level of class and this one is definitely the worst. It is needed to ge 100% so it is worth buying for that reason. 3321 Vice Point Cost: $2500 Provides: A save point. It's not really worth buying this place, flash though it looks because Links View and El Swanko are nearby. 1102 Washington Street Cost: $3000 Provides: A save point. It's a handy place to buy at the start as it's opposite Ken Rosenburg's office, but apart from that, not really a good investment. Links View Apartments Cost: $6000 Provides: A garage and a save point. This is the best hideout in the North of the first island as it has a garage. Buy this place first as it is much cheaper than El Swanko. Ocean Heights Cost: $7000 Provides: One garage and one save point. Again, this is around the corner from the ocean view hotel, but it has a garage which makes it a good property to buy, if you have the cash. El Swanko Casa Cost: $8000 Provides: One garage and one save point. It's called "swanky" because it is swanky by the way, rather than any other reason... or at least I think so. Hyman Condo Cost: $14 000 Provides: Three garages, one save point and a helipad with re- spawning Maverick on the roof!! Get saving now. This is the property you want. There is no better way of letting the public know who runs things. 34 Cheats and Secrets Cheats Just like its predecessor, Vice City has a ton of cheats to do cool stuff with, but there are also some catches and unwritten laws that come with cheating. The first is that if you cheat too much helicopters become unusable and they will crash your game which does the disc no good at all. The second is that if you save with a cheat on, you will be unable to get 100%, you'll be stuck on 99% forever!! The solution is simple. Create another file especially for cheating and experiment and save with them on that file. However, you can't do any of the above if you don't have the cheats, so here they are: Player Cheats All Weapons #1 R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up All Weapons #2 R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left All Weapons #3 R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down Full Armor R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Full Health R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Commit Suicide Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1 Raise Wanted Level R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right Lower Wanted Level R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down Ladies Man (certain women follow you) Circle, X, L1, L1, R2, X, X, Circle, Triangle Character Skin Cheats Change Clothes Right, Right, Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right Play As Ricardo Diaz L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2 Play As Lance Vance Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1 Play As Candy Suxxx Circle, R2, Down, R1, Left, Right, R1, L1, X, L2 Play As Ken Rosenberg Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1 Play As Hilary King R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2 Play As Love Fist Guy #1 Down, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X Play As Love Fist Guy #2 R1, L2, R2, L1, Right, R2, Left, X, Square, L1 Play As Phil Cassady Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1 ,Right, Circle Play As Sonny Forelli Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X Play As Mercedes R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle Vehicle Spawning Cheats Spawn A Rhino tank Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Spawn A Bloodring Racer Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left Spawn A Bloodring Banger Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2 Spawn A Hotring Racer #1 R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1 Spawn A Hotring Racer #2 R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2 Spawn A Romero's Hearse Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right Spawn A Love Fist R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right Spawn A Trashmaster Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right Spawn A Sabre Turbo Right, L2, Down, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, Left Spawn A Caddie Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X Other Vehicle Cheats Blow Up Cars R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1 Aggressive Drivers R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2 Pink Cars Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, X Pink Cars Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle Black Cars Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle Dodo Cheat (Press Analog Stick back to Fly) Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 Perfect Handling Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1 Higher Top Speed For Your vehicle Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, r1, R1 Cars Can Drive on Water Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2 Change Vehicle Wheel Size (Repeat to change more) R1, X, Triangle, Right, R2, Square, Up, Down, Square Weather Cheats Sunny Weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down Cloudy Weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle Very Cloudy Weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square Stormy Weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle Foggy Weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X Miscellaneous Cheats Speed Up Time Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Slow Down Time Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1 Peds Riot (code cannot be undone) Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1 Peds Hate You (code cannot be undone) Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2 Peds have Weapons (code cannot be undone) R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down Police return From Dead Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, X Show Media Level Meter (Shows pursuit time and news coverage level) R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle Bikini Girls With Guns Right, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, L1, X Suicide L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1 Secrets Secrets actually have no real significance in the game, they are just there to provide fun, laughter and useful titbits of information that are worth bringing to your attention. Bus Driver- if you steal a Coach and park at a bus stop, someone will get in the bus, and you get a whopping $5. Indestructable Admiral--Fail Guardian Angels by killing Diaz, but take his Admiral. It can't take damage. Bulletproof Sabre Turbo--In "The Driver", fail the race, and then push Hilary's car into a garage to get a free Sabre Turbo which is indestructable. The Hunter--The Hunter is the Ultimate Vehicle, the Apache helicopter. There is one way to get it, which is to get all 100 packages. It will then appear at the military base. Extra Cars in Garages-- Take a car and park it halfway into a garage. The door won't shut completely, and you can keep stuffing cars in. Parking Meters--In Downtown, there are lots of parking meters. Knock them over for easy cash. Helicopters or Boats with Wheels--Take a helicopter or boat into the Pay-and-Spray, and it'll have wheels when you come out. Run Forever--If you haven't done level 12 paramedic, just tap X instead of holding it to run forever. Seagull Sniping--Seagulls swarm the beach. Bust out your sniper rifle and blow them to bits. Beachball Challenge--Take the eastern entrance to Starfish Island. Go to the first house on your right and go into the yard. There's a beachball in the empty pool around there. Run into it and watch it fly. Watch the shadow and hit it again. Numbers will appear over your head. It serves no purpose except as a stat on the stats page as "Keepy-Uppies". Hyman Condo Prizes--When you buy Hyman Condos, whatever rewards you've earned with hidden packages will spawn there. Requirements for 100% To get 100%, you need to have: All 21 Storyline missions completed All 8 Assets completed All 19 Cuban, Haitian, Love Fist, Biker, Avery Carrington, and Phil Cassidy missions completed All 5 Phone missions completed (Assassinations) All 7 Hideouts owned All 8 Checkpoint races completed All 6 Street races completed (1st place) All 3 Arena challenges completed (1st place) All 3 RC challenges completed All 100 Hidden packages found All 36 Unique jumps completed All 35 Rampages completed Shooting Range completed (45+ Points) Level 12 Vigilante completed Level 12 Paramedic completed Level 12 Firefigher completed Level 10 Pizza Boy completed 100 Taxi passengers dropped off ll 15 Stores robbed NO CHEATS SAVED (I think this is merely a scare tactic but beware as cheats can and probably will mess up your game) Yes, in Vice City you actually get something for getting 100% completion, unlike in GTA III where all you had was the glory. So, here is a list of things you get for 100% completion: 200 Max Health 200 Max Armor Cars you drive can take twice as much damage Infinite Ammo! The "Frankie" outfit--A white shirt with black letters, "I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt." Three Bodyguards--Go out of Starfish Island to the east. Come back after you enter Vice Point. Go into the little room on the right as you enter the mansion. Three guards SHOULD be there. However, they are a waste of money ($1000 a go) and time. They only attack targets that you aim and shoot at, and, as all weapons kill in one shot after getting 100%, it's pretty pointless. Hidden Packages As in GTA 3, there are 100 hidden packages dotted around Vice City. Some are easy to find, some aren't so easy to find. For every 10 collected, you get a special prize delivered to the mansion on Starfish Island and all your other properties. Here's what you get: 10 Body Armour 20 Chainsaw 30 Python 40 Flame Thrower 50 Sniper Rifle (with Laser Scope) 60 Mini Gun 70 Rocket Launcher 80 Sea Sparrow at mansion 90 Tank at Fort Baxter 100 Hunter at Fort Baxter So, without further ado, let's get started. 1. The first package isn't actually on land so head to the docks and grab boat. Now, head west and as soon as you clear the docks, change direction and head south. You should now be able to see three islands. Head to the south west one and park your boat next to it. Climb onto the island and package 1 is just next to the rampage icon. 2. From the island where you got package 1 from, look north east and you should see a collection of rocks. Package two is on top of this collection of rocks. After collecting this package, head back to land. 3. Head to the ammu-nation gun shop in Ocean Beach. Head south, past the fountain and you should see some trees and bushes. Go through them and follow the sidewalk till you see a house on your right. Package 3 is on the steps of this house. 4. Head to your hotel in Ocean Beach and look to the left, you should see a lighthouse. Make your way over to this lighthouse and carefully look on the steps to find package 4. 5. Head to the docks where you got Colonel Cortez's missions. Head into the underground car park and look in the north corners to find package 5. 6. Head north from the Ocean Beach Ammu-nation and you should see a large red wall on the second main road. Keep going north and you'll see the hospital on your left. Enter the hospital's car park and go around to its south side. To your left, there should be a white wall with the hospital wall on your right. Follow the white wall around to a small, grassy area. To the south in this area should be a white building. Go around the back of this building to find package 6. 7. From Ammu-nation, head north and turn left when you can and you'll see one of the bridges that leads off the island. To the right if this bridge is a building with a walkway. Head onto the walkway and (carefully) follow it round to find package 7 under the bridge. 8. First off, grab a PCJ-600 because you'll need it for this one. Head to the hospital I mentioned in package 6 and just across the road from that should be the Washington Mall. Head right from that Mall and then go left at the t-intersection. Look to the right and the second building is the one we want. So, opposite this building should be a multi-storey car park with a spiral path leading up to the upper storeys. Use this path to get onto the roof. Head to the southwest part of the roof level and face the building we want (this should be to the east) Now, just push the accelerator and rocket off. With a bit of luck, you should land on the roof of the building next to the one we want. Now use any of the ramps here to jump across to the building we want and grab package 8. Well done! That's all the packages in Ocean Beach, now we're off to Washington Beach. 9. Head back to the multi storey car park from package 8 and look to the east. You'll see a purple and green building with GGs on it. Just north of that building is a pink building, which is the one we're after. So, head over to it and go around the back. Package 9 is next to the pool along with some armour. 10. Now, go get a PCJ-600 and head to the Ocean View Hotel. Head north along the road from the hotel until you see the colon hotel on your left. Head down the alley at the back of the hotel and head to the south end of it and you'll find a staircase. Now, head back to the police bribe you past when you first entered the alley and face the staircase. Rev up the bike and pelt towards the stairs. Use the stairs as a ramp so you can jump to the building across the street. Once on the roof, head to the south end and pick up package 10. Congrats! Body Armour is now available at the Ocean View Hotel, The Hyman Condo and your mansion on Starfish Island. 11. Go back to Ken Rosenburg's office and look across the street and you'll see a property that you can buy (you may have already bought it but I'm assuming you haven't) Well, head around back and package 11 is just there, if you already bought the property then you may wish to save here. 12. From Rosenburg's office, head north down the road and you should see a bridge. Package 12 is behind the bridge's right support. As you get close to it, you should see its halo. 13. Get a helicopter and head to the Starfish Island Bridge. From there, head right and eventually, you should see a building with a blue and white roof. Carefully, land on this roof and grab package 13. 14. From this building's roof, fly south to the police station. Now fly (low) east to the beach and you should see a hut. Land on the beach and this package is on the steps of this hut. If you can't find it then simply check all the huts. 15. Now, fly back to the police station and land in the car park. Head inside and de-equip any weapons you may have out. If you have completed "Cop Land" the, head left and grab the cop uniform from the locker room, but if you didn't then you have a problem. Anyway, regardless of whether you have the cop uniform or not head past the point that says "No Civilians beyond this point" and head right up the stairs. Now run to the room directly in front of you as you come up the stairs. Believe me, this package is made tons easier if you have the cop uniform. 16. Get to the "bunch of tools" store that is east of Starfish Island. If you look at your pause map it's the one that's pretty much in the middle of the island. Anyway, look left and you should see a pink and white house with a peach trim and a moat that circles it. The package is in a corner of the moat so simply circle the house in the moat till you find it. 17. Head up the steps of the house mentioned in package 17 but this time, head towards the back wall to find a set of showers. This package is in the orange shower. 18. North of the showers from package 17 is the bridge leading to starfish Island. Head there and then go to the right side of the bridge to find package 18 under the bridge. 19. Head back to the tool store from package 16 and go out the right exit. Go north down the road and you should see (on your left) the Spand Ex building. Go behind this building for package 19. 20. Head north to Avery's construction yard. Head up the planks and go to the third floor of the building under construction. On this floor is a beam that sticks out to the left. Walk carefully across this beam and package 20 is at the end. Congrats! The Chainsaw is now available at the Ocean View Hotel, The Hyman Condo and your mansion on Starfish Island. 21. Across the street from Avery's place is a row of houses with green roofs. Go behind these to find a dock, go to the end of this dock to find package 21. 22. Grab a helicopter and fly it to the Malibu Club. Look across the street and you should see a tall, grey building with a pool on top of it. Fly the helicopter over to this building and in the pool. Climb out of the pool and up the steps in front of you and package 22 is on this ledge. 23. Now, fly down into the car park of the Malibu and look near the wire fence to find package 23. 24. Now, from the Malibu fly north till you see another building with a pool on it. Watch out when you land in it because it's not a big area. Anyway, package 24 is in the corner next to a palm tree. 25. Again, from the Malibu head right onto the beach. Now go straight down the beach till you see a house with a pool. Go into this area and package 25 is in the top left corner. 26. From the Malibu, fly left and you'll see a pizza joint. Land outside it and head inside for package 26. 27. From number 26's pizza joint head right and you should pass an apartment building (it's a small white one) package 27 is behind the stairs of this apartment building. 28. Follow the road north from the pizza joint and keep a close eye on the left side. When you see a shop you can enter, do so and grab this package from behind the counter. 29. From island 1, go to the bridge that leads off it to Leaf Links Golf Club (go north west from The Malibu) before the bridge on the right side should be Mercedes' apartment from the "Love Juice" mission. Go up the ramp and along to the end. Walk slowly off the ramp at the end and you should land beside two pools. Head left and then south to find package 30. From the bridge mentioned in package 29, head right and keep left. Pass the first, left street and you'll see an apartment building. This is from "The Chase" mission. Go up the stairs and out onto the roof. Drop down onto the roof below and you'll see this package next to the area you just dropped off. More coming next update!! Update Info 2nd February 2003 First started FAQ. Got initial sections written up. I.E. Story, Cast and police wanted level sections. 7th February 2003 Finished the initial stuff and am ready to begin writing the walkthrough 28th February Other commitments prevented me from updating this FAQ as often as I'd hoped which is why this update is so being. I finished the walkthrough and am presently writing the rampages section. 4th April Submitted to gamefaqs and it got accepted!! Will update soon 10th April Added ASCII art to top, d'ya like it!! Also straightened out the contents page because it got all wonky when I submitted it. 14th April Added "Thanks to section" and added some more people to it. 23rd April Added first 30 Hidden Packag Locations, will add rest shortly!! Thanks To Jesus!! I have a whole load of people to thank and give credit to for helping and giving information for the guide. First I'd like to thank Aggrosk8or at GAMEFAQS for some of the mission strategies and unique jumps (coming next update) Next I'd like to thank Bradsnet for the hidden package locations (coming next update) Next I'd like to thank Jnco904 for the car locations featured in the Sunshine Autos car lists And finally, I'd like to thank qwertyuiopasd for some of the rampage locations, and finally I'd like to thank the thousands of people who have sent me emails your questions will be answered shortly, I promise !! Well, that's it for this update, I'll be updating more soon, so keep checking and there will be more material like the hidden packages guide in there. Copyright 2003 Michael Tattersall