======================================================================= "Document Copyright Aaron Baker 2003" ======================================================================= ____ _ _____ _ __ _ / ___|_ __ __ _ _ __ __| | |_ _| |__ ___ / _| |_ | | _| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | '_ \ / _ \ |_| __| | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | | __/ _| |_ \____|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| |_| |_|\___|_| \__| _ _ _____ / \ _ _| |_ ___ |___ / / _ \| | | | __/ _ \ |_ \ / ___ \ |_| | || (_) | ___) | /_/ \_\__,_|\__\___/ |____/ ======================================================================= GRAND THEFT AUTO 3 GUIDE: WRITTEN BY WAYALLA ======================================================================= Game: Grand theft Auto 3 System: Playstation 2 By: Wayalla (Aaron Baker) Email: Wayalla1@yahoo.com.au Title: www.network-science.de Version: 2.0 ======================================================================= T.O.C ======================================================================= /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ [00]FAQ Details [01]Game Controls [02]The Story so far [03]Weapons/Guns/Explosives [04]Items and Effects [05]Characters [06]Liberty City [07]Wanted Level [08]Gang Descriptions [09]Vehicle Stuff [10]Other Basic Stuff [11]Places/Shops [12]Tips/Hints [13]Frequently Asked Questions [14]Portland Walkthrough ~ Career [14.1]Luigi Gortelli [14.2]Joey Leone [14.3]Toni Cipriani [14.4]Salvatore Leone [15]Staunton Walkthrough ~ Career [15.1]Asuka Kasen [15.2]Kenji Kasen [15.3]Ray Machowski [15.4]Donald Love [16]Shoreside Walkthrough ~ Career [16.1]Donald Love [16.2]Ray Machowski [16.3]Asuka Kasen [16.4]Catalina [17]Portland Extra Missions Walkthrough [18]Staunton Extra Missions Walkthrough [19]Shoreside Extra Missions Walkthrough [20]R3 Missions + Tips [21]Tricks [22]Hidden Packages [23]Unique Jumps [24]Rampages [25]Cheat Codes [26]Secret Places [27]Flying the Dodo [28]Import Export/Ev [29]Bulletproof vehicles [30]Secret/Special Vehicles [31]Weapon/item locations [32]Glitches [33]Miscellaneous [34]Outro [35]Contributors and Credits \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ NOTE: This guide is long, so if you want to locate something, hit Ctrl + F and type in what your looking for. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have any submissions to the guide, please email me: Wayalla1[at]yahoo.com.au <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ======================================================================= 0: FAQ DETAILS ======================================================================= * This FAQ is for the Playstation 2 version * It can only be put on Authorized Websites * Any questions can be sent to: Wayalla1 (at) yahoo.com.au * Use CTRL + F to search for something in the document _______________________________________________________________________ This guide was created by: ------------------ Wayalla _______________________________________________________________________ This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright Aaron Baker aka. Wayalla, 2002. It may be used for Personal and private use only, and can't be put in a magazine, put on a site that you need to pay money to acces this FAQ or just generally sold. This guide is sole property of Aaron Baker. Only authorized websites can have this FAQ, but must not alter the copyright notice at all. I will not take any responsibilty if this guide destroys your computer, ruins your social life or anything else. this guide is availabe free of cost from sites, and I am taking time out of my busy life to write this, so be thankful that I am helping you. Do not rip off this guide in Part or Whole, that is illegal and the appropriate steps will be taken if nessecary. I didn't wirte this guide so that someone could just come and rip it off. This Document Copyright Wayalla, (C) 2002. _______________________________________________________________________ That is my standard copyright, I haven't changed it for ages, and I don't intend to. But the main point is: all you scum sucking theives out there, do not steal it. It is against the law, and if you do, you are a criminal, think about it, would you risk being called something like that and have your reputation ruined just over a strategy guide? Yeah thats right, I don't think so. Also, if you change the copyright notice on ANYONES work, that is also against the law. Versions ================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.0 ~ First edition of our guide, lots of things have been done, only the rest of the Rampages, Hidden Packages and Unique Jumps are to go. 12/5/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.1 ~ Added in the Miscellaneous section including: Fun stuff, Cool stuff, Securicar garage, camera and radio stations. Also started doing the Weapon/Item locations. Also added way more Frequently Asked Questions. 12/7/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.2 ~ Added the Staunton island Hidden packages to the strategy guide, it's not all complete though. Also added another Rampage and some more Frequently Asked Questions. 12/8/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.3 ~ This Version I have put in some more Hidden Packages (Number 53 to 62), as well as adding afew more things about jacking gang cars and holding up gang members. Also added afew more tricks to do. To finish it off, I changed the T.O.C around. 12/9/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.4 ~ Got my Copy of vice City on the 10th, I have added in the glitch section which will add about 20K to the file size of this FAQ, fixed up some spelling errors, and thats about it. 12/14/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.5 ~ Added in the Car descriptions section, only has about 10 cars done though, also added in a glitch section. 12/22/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.6 ~ This is know only my guide (Wayalla that is) I changed the FAQ around with my recognition things, and removed inferno and his email. Copyright notice was changed. Next version will probably contain the unique jums. 12/29/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.7 ~ Got the Vehicle stats from inferno, thanks! Added in afew more unique jumps, and yeah, thats about it. This FAQ is near it's final version. Happy New Year 12/31/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.8: - Pretty big update, I added the Content and Review to the Miscellaneous section as well as the GTA:VC improvements. Also added the Fire-Truck R3 mission as well as re-doing the controls. Also, the gangs, vigilante, car stats, weapons, items has been updated. 1/8/03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 2.0: - Meh, added stuff around the place, mainly just some extra notes to the walkthrough section. Actually also added the advanced fun stuff guide. 6/2/02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OTHER FAQS WRITTEN ================== Tenchu 2 FAQ/Walkthrough This is Football FAQ Syphon Filter 3 FAQ/Walkthrough Ducati World FAQ Syphon Filter 3 Mini games FAQ Army Men Sarge's Heroes FAQ/Walkthrough Urban Chaos FAQ/Walkthrough Soon to come FAQs are: Cricket 2002 and probably Tony Hawks Pro Skater number 4. Cricket '02 is next to come though. ======================================================================= 1: CONTROLS ======================================================================= The basics, I have decided to add a description of the controls, just for the sake of completeness. WALKING AROUND (On foot) ============== D-Pad: - Move around Left Analog: - Move around Cross: - Sprint Circle: - Shoot/Use Weapon Square: - Jump Triangle: - Enter vehicle L1: - Centre camera L2: - Last weapon R1: - Aim R2: - Next Weapon Select: - Change Camera Right Analog: - First person view R3: - Look behind DRIVING AROUND (In vehicle) ============== D-Pad: - Steer Analog: - Steer Cross: - Accelerate Circle: - Use car weapon Square: - Brake/Reverse Triangle: - Exit vehicle L1: - Change radio stations L2: - Look left ---| R1: - Handbrake |-- Look behind (Together) R2: - Look right---| EXTRA MANOUEVERS ================ DRIVE BY: To perfom a drive by, first you must be in a car, and at least have some uzi ammo in hand. To do a drive by to the ;eft, press and hold down L2, and then press O, and bullets wil come out of your gun onto that side. If you want to do one to the right, press and hold R2 and then gold down O. When you kill your first person with a drive by, you will get a star. DIVE: This is a really rare move. While a car is coming at you fast, you can press Square and you will dive out the way like the pedestrians do if you try and run them over while they are looking at you. This is more easily done in GTA:VC, but can still be done here. Really, it is of no use against something like the FBI, they will just come back and run you over. QUICK STOP: Ever had a problem where your car/Dodo can't stop in enough time to go off into the ocean? well press and hold down R1 + SQUARE to come to a quick stop. This trick is used on many games, and this one is no exception. ======================================================================= 2: STORY ======================================================================= Basically the opening movie: Then the rest of the game. While robbing a bank, you are betrayed by Catatlina, your Girlfriend because she wants to keep all the money she collected from the bank. So she shoots you along with her other friends and leaves you near dead in the gutter. You are found and arrested and taken to Staunton Jail. While you and afew other people were being transported to Portland, but the Colombian Cartel show up, to rescue one of their own friends, being held in jail (Not you!). They stop the Convoy and put a timer to blow up the bridge. You and 8-ball are also kind-of-rescued. So you escape. 8-Ball directs you to a hideout, where you can save you game and then leads you to a Mafia boss, Luigi. He helps you get your career back on track, by doing legal and illegal stuff. Then you meet Joey Leone, a crime boss for the mafia. You meet him theough driving Misty. You then meet Toni Cipriani who hates the Triads, then Salvatore calls a metting, and wants to meet all the Mafia bosses, and because you are so good, you are appointed driver. You then get to meet Salvatore leone, the king of the Leone Family Mafia. he gives you tough missions that will test if you are really good. You take maria out on a mission, and she tells Salvatore that you two are like an Item, which gets Salvaotre mad. Salvatore is going to set you up because of this and also because he wants to make a deal with the Cartel. Maria pages you and you take a boat to Staunton with her, Maria and you in it. You meet your first crime boss for the Yakuza. Her name is Azuka. You kill the boss of the Mafia and several spies as well. You then meet Kenji, Asuka's brother. Then you start to work for him as well as Asuka. Asuka then gives you a mission to give payment to a crooked cop, then you meet him and start working for him as well as Asuka and Kenji. Through Ray you meet another character, Donald Love. He wants you eliminate Kenji of the Yakuza, so you do that, thus killing Asuka's brother. Shoreside finally becomes unlocked, and you do a mission for Donald with some package that he needs to get. The trail leeds to Fort Stunton construction site. You take the lift up there, and you find Catalina and Miguel. They have the package. Miguel wants to give you the package but Catalina doesn't want that. Instead she shoots Miguel and then jumps down into Cardboard boxes. Suddenly Asuka appears, and says that Miguel killed her Brother (Because you killed Kenji with a Cartel car, but we all know the truth:). Asuka gets information from Miguel by torturing him. Then Maria shows up. One of the missions you get from Asuka is one where poison is being transported in by plane. You have to destroy the plane. So you do that. Then you take the posion, and you have to take it back to the construction site. When you take the tower up, you notice Miguel and Asuka dead, and Maria missing. there is a note that says bring 1/2 million dollars to the big mansion. When you do that, Catalina betrays you and orders her guards to kill you. You punch out the guard, take his weapon then you escape. You follow Catalina's helecopter to the dam, then you shoot it down once Maria is out. Catalina dies. You then shoot the guards by Maria and you finish the game. But in a twist at the end, Maria starts complaining about her hair and nails, so your character really doesn't take that crap and turns around and shoots Maria. ======================================================================= 3: WEAPONS ======================================================================= Hand and Foot ============= Ahh, the good old fist. You will always have this on you, and is used face to face to beat people up. Of course it takes alot of hits to actually kill the person. When people are on the ground, you can boot bash them by using your leg until they die. If you die, the very first weapon you will have is this, your first. Baseball Bat ============ Much more powerful than the fist, this weapon is also used up close and kills in about 2 hits. This is also a very popular weapon with the gangs as well, especially the Yardie's and Diablos. This can be used to swing a hit, of someones head. You can knock someone down with this weapon and then pound the person that is one the ground with the baseball bat for a quick kill. Pistol ====== the first gun of the game, this is a basic handgun that takes 3 bullets to kill the someone, for rapid fire, hold down O. Pistol is a one handed weapon which means that you can sprint with this in your hand. Overall, ammo can be easily found, so yeah, it's good enough. This is also a weapon that is popualr with the gangs, such as the Mafia and mainly the Triads. So ammo is easy to find, and cops have this weapon as well. Uzi === A machine gun. It is used by the mafia and yakuza at the start and it can be held with while running, to aim, hold down O and it will lock onto the closest target to where you are. This weapon can also perform drive bys and takes a little amount of bullets to kill someone. Overall a handy weapon to have. It can kill quick enough, and the main bonus of having it is that you can run while firing. Grenades ======== Everyone should knows what these things are, they are used for blowing something up or killing a whole group of people. To throw, hold down O and the longer you tap it for, the farther it goes. The explosion kills everyone in a certain distance. For fun, throw a grenade in a pack, and watch the mayhem explode. MWHAHAHAHAH! Shotgun ======= ohh yes, a very powerful weapon. Kills most people in just 1 bullet. Once the bullet is fired, it turns into little bullets and spreads over the place, being very harmful to anyone. It can't be used for running and is slow at reloading. Sometimes 1 hit will not kill if you aint close enough to the target. If you want to see the target go flying back, well then aim at someone close to you and then shoot. Molotiv Cocktails ================= These are bottles with gas inside them, and once they hit the ground, they explode causing gas to go everywhere and burning everyone in a certain distance, even you in some cases. Aiming is the same as grenades. The explosion has a pretty big range, and the main concern about using this weapon is that you will probably bur yourself and this will take off 2/3 of your armour or health when you get burnt. So, avoid using if possible. There are better weapons. AK47 ==== A popular weapon, it is a machine gun that is capable of good things. To aim, hold down R1, you have to be dead still when aiming, so you can't sprint with it as well. This cna kill quitew quickly, and also I have noticed that this weapon has excellent range of accuracy. I locked on a guy from ages away, and really, he couldn't even see the gun. Sniper Rifle ============ I think everyone knows what this baby is. Used for being sneaky if you don't want to be seen. To aim, hold down R1 and press O to fire when the target is in the position. You have to be dead still when aiming and takes time to reload. Use it to pick people off who you either don't like, don't intead liking, or anyone else. M16 === The second most powerful weapon in the game, this is capable of good things. It has nearly the power of the bazooka, but not quite. You can auto aim with this weapon, and it can fire out many bullets at a time, thus killing people very quick. The recoil could be trouble though. Overall, this is one of my favourite weapons. Aim it at a car, then fire away, soon enough, the car will explode and fly into the air. That's what type of power I'm talking about here. Also, 2 body-shots kill someone. Running out of ammo is the main problem though. Bazooka ======= The big mamma. This is used to create ABSOLUTE chaos. Aim using R1 and fire on the target. It can destroy anything in 1 shot that is possible to be killed. The most powerful weapon in the game, and also the best. You would be no-where without it. Cars can be destroyed just with the click of your fingers, and boom, it's gone. Fire this into a group of people.... and well, yeah. ======================================================================= 4: ITEMS ======================================================================= Health ====== This is a heart icon; it refills your health back up to 100. This can usually be found at any hospital and all around the city, but this isn't the only way to boost your health. Armour ====== This looks like a shield, it restores your armour back up to 100. Armour once again can be found all over the city. Bribe ===== Looks like a star, reduces your wanted level by 1. Adrenaline pill =============== Looks like a pill, slows you down for a while, and then returns you to your normal speed. ======================================================================= 5: CHARACTERS ======================================================================= You --- Your character has no name, many people give him names such as things just like "Kid" and "Fido", but your character never talks and has no name. Even rock* says that! 8-Ball ------ Your friend- He is a demolition expert and owns his own bomb shops. You meet him in the start of the game. Luigi Gortelli -------------- Your first boss, he owns a Sex club, so most of his missions will be about his girls. Joey Leone ---------- Your next boss, he always wants you to help do something to the Liberty Bank and wants to kill the Forelli Brothers. Toni Cipriani ------------- You have gained more reputaion, and your not just a driver now! Toni hates the Triads, so you will be screwing with them. He owns a restaurant with his mamma in St Marks. Salvatore Leone --------------- The Don of the family, he is the leader of the leone family gang and is stinkin' rich. he pays good and cares about his family and hates the Cartel, or does he? Maria ----- Salavatore's girlfriend. She likes you though as well, and helps you escape Salavatore's trap. She becomes vital to the storyline farther on in the game. Azuka Kasen ----------- The first boss on Staunton Island. She hates the Mafia as well and likes you to kill them. She also hates people snooping around her condo. Kenji Kasen ----------- Asuka's brother, he owns a Casino as a front, and hates spank along with the Cartel and the Yardies. Ray Machowski ------------- ray is a bent cop, and he always wants you to silence people that know too much about him. Also he likes to help friends out as well. Donald Love ----------- He owns Love media, and he always wants you to collect pacakges that you have no idea what is in it. Miguel ------ Part of the leader of the Colombian Cartel. He isn't brave and wets his pants in horror every time a gun is pointed at him. Catalina -------- The leader of the Colombian Cartel, she betrayed 'You' and is never to be trusted. El Burro -------- the leader of the Diablos, he offers you afew juobs and you never get to meet him in person. King Cournty ------------ This guy the half leader of the hip-hop gang the yardies. He offers you jobs and speaks like him and his gang is real cool. D-Ice ----- Leader of the Hoods, he also offers you missions and they are fun as well. he wants to get rid of the Purple nines, that are invading his territory. Marty Chonks ------------ Owner of the Bitchin' dog food factory. he has money problems and pays poor money. He likes to kill people to save money for making them into dog food. ======================================================================= 6: LIBERTY CITY ======================================================================= the people ========== In Liberty, there are just basically different people walking the streets, like: Hookers Workers Students Gangs Cops and so many more. Some will act on you if you do something wrong, and can try to be a hero and kill you because you did something wrong. VIGILANTE CIVILIANS Those people are called Viglante Civillians, they will try and stop you because you did something wrong. They will just try and punch you and kill you, but being you, you have excellent health and armour, so it would take roughly about 25 hits will full health and full armour for the guy to actually kill you. If I have my calculations right. They can be a pain on rampages with something like a greande or rocket launcher, becaus they get in your face. To kill the then, you will probably have to outrun him, but it's hard with the bazooka, because of it's extreme power. HOOKERS: Hookers can be found all of the city, and mainly in the red light distrcit, where Luigi's nightclub is located. There is a trick with the hooker, I will list it here. believe it or not, but I own the Australian copy of the game, so the Hooker thingy is edited out, but I atill know abit about what to do. Go up to a hooker, and she will stand near your car and you will start chatting, after awhile, she will get in your car. You will lose money for every second she is in the car. Take her to a secluded location and the car will rock and your health will go up. CIVILIANS: They are normal people that roam around the streets, they will inspet dead bodies, run away when shots are fired, and just generally walk the streets on their daily routine to do the shopping. These people include: Old Grannies, Women, Men, Workers, University Students, Hookers and many other people. Use these in the game to cause chaos, they have shit all health, and also react to the situation. GANGS: These people hang around in groups, mainly all with the same weapon. They all have the same type of car that they travel around in, and they alsoo dress the same. To see more about the gangs in this game, check out the section labelled "Gangs - Section 8". That section will tell you all about the gangs. ------------------------- "Liberty City - The worst place in America" Liberty City is divided into 3 different islands. the first island is Portland- The Industrial district. It is split up into a number of suburbs: ---- Harwood: In this suburb is the bronine taxi place, head radio station and the netrance to the border tunnel. Hepburn Hights: Home to the gang the Diablos and also Misty's apartment. But mostly the Diablo's control this whole territory, but sometimes the Mafia come in, and with there weapons, the Diablo's are gone. Portland Harbour: Contains many boats, the EV crane and te Import/Export garage. Also contains the Securicar cracking garage as well. And also 1 unique jumps. Portland beach: Contains nothing but Salvatore's mansion, sand. water and a Bobcat. Oh yeah, don't forget newpaper on the beach. Atlantic Queys: Home to about 3 warehouses, 1 road afew hidden packages, and 2 unique jumps. Really, shouldn't even be included as a suburb as it is so small. Red Light district: Conatins many of the Sex clubs in Liberty. Like Luigi's sex club, Woody's topless bar and also alot of hookers. Callahan Point: Contains 1 road, the Triad fish factory and 1 shop called "Greasy Joes Cafe". St Marks: One of the biggest Suburbs in Portland, it contains many things and is home to the Leone family gang. All of that it their turf. Chinatown: Yum yum, food. This is the largest district in Portland and is home to the Filthy Triads. --------------------- *****STUANTON COMING SOON***** --------------------- ======================================================================= 7: WANTED LEVEL ======================================================================= LEVELS * Ohh, somebody's been bad. this can happen if you shoot 2 people, run over too many people or fire a gun near a cop or sideswipe a cop. Usually you are only chased by 1 cop and if there are any on the sidewalk, they will chase you too. To get rid of this star all you have to do iis just drive around and don't commit any more crimes for about another 30 seconds. Depending on how bad you got this satr, the time it stays on varies. For example; if you jack a car near a cop, it will only stay on for 30 seconds that you arn't near a cop, but if you kill a person next to a cop, it will stay on for longer. ** Youv'e raised in the ranks. this can happen if you kill too many people or even threaten or kill a cop. To get rid of these stars, you either have to go back to your hideout to get police bribes or find a pay and spray. There is now more cops on the street and are not afraid to shoot at you and don't care if you die. the also like to hit you head on in your car so you go crashing off course. *** Is crime really your style? The cops will be many more and you now have a helecopter that just buzes around your head to tell the police where you are, don't worry about it for now. Find a pay and spray or some cop bribes fast! **** Now you have Swat teams and police after you. Also, the helecopter above your head shoots! To avoid the fire, just keep moving. ***** Ok, now there is less police, you think thats good hey? Think again. You know have the F.B.I after you. Each car carries 4 heavily armoured agents and they all carry a Pistol and a AK47. Basic rule with the FBI; Never fight them head on. Always run them down or throw grenades around the corner. ****** No playing around now, you have the army onto you know! There is no way to survive them. they have tanks and 1 hit into a tank and your dead. The army officers carry M16s that can tear your car or yourslef into pieces in under a second without armour. There is no escape from this! Your on your own now. Also the helecopter fly's over and shoots as well. RAISING: The best way to raise your wanted level is to do stuff to the cops: O Try to jack a cop car: 1 star O Shoot a gun NEAR a cop: 1 star O Shoot a cop car; Even without a cop in it, even if it is your cop car that has been in your garage: 1 star O Ram a cop car: 1 star O Destroy a cop car: 2 stars O Threaten a cop where he can see the gun: 2 stars O Kill a cop: 2 stars LOWERING 1 star: Just drive around and don't commit any crimes 2 stars: Find a pay and spray or bribes 3 stars: || || || || || || || 4 stars: || || || || || || || 5 stars: || || || || || || || 6 stars: || || || || || || || ISLANDS AND WANTED LEVELS If portland is the only island open, you can only get a possible wanted level of 4. If Portland and Staunton are open, you can only get a possible wanted level of 5. If acces to all islans are open, you can get a six star wanted level in any of the islands, but Shoreside has to be open. Basically, the FBI is on the second island, and they can't get to you on Porltnad because the Bridge is broken. Once Staunton is open, the FBI can come to Portland as well. Do you get it know? ======================================================================= 8: GANGS ======================================================================= Throughout Liberty City, you will encounter allot of people in the same district that look the same and have weapons; This is a gang. There is about 8 all together. Leone Family Ganag ================== Leader: Salvatore leone Wheels: Mafia Sentiel Weapons: Uzi, Shotgun Nationallity: Italian Strategy: Don't even attempt to threaten or shoot them, they have Uzis in the first part of the game, and if you shoot one, more will run over and cut you up with there uzis. In the second half of the game, try to avoid St Marks if possible, they have shotguns that can tear your car to pieces in 2 shots. Diablos ======= Leader: El Burro Wheels: Diablo Satllion Weapons: Baseball bat Nationallity: American Strategy: These guys are crap, all they use is a baseball bat. You can kill them with ease and they hardly ever come in groups to fight. I have never seen a Diablo with a gun, so these guys will be no trouble. Triads ====== Leader: - Wheels: Belly up fish van Weapons: Pistols, Baseball bats Nationallity: Chinese Strategy: This is the gang that is pissed off at you, they cover the most territory it Portland and have handguns. Driving through shouldn't be a worry, but try not to go directly through there territory as they fight and shoot in groups. Cartel ====== Leader: Catalina, Miguel Wheels: Cartel Cruiser Weapons: Uzis, AK47s Nationallity: Colombian Strategy: In Staunton they have Uzis, this is alright for taking your car through, but if you want to walk through, you must sprint. They don't generally fight in groups. In Shoreside after you have finished the game, absolutely speed your car through here or your car will catch fire in no time. Yakuza ====== Leader: Azuka, Kenji Wheels: Yakuza Stinger Weapons: Uzis Nationallity: Japanese Strategy: You don't need to fight these guys, they like you for all the game and don't shoot. So don't bother about picking a fight with them. Yardies ======= Leader: King Courtny, Queen Lizzy Wheels: Yardie Lobo (with Hidrolics) Weapons: Baseball bats, Hndguns Nationallity: Jamacian Strategy: these guys start to hate you once you have done there missions. They carry pistols, and most baseball bats and always fight in groups. Afew uzi bullets into them should do, and some might even require a M-16 for them in groups. Red Jackets =========== Leader: D-Ice Wheels: Rumpo XL Weapons: Uzis Nationallity: American Strategy: Don't really bother about fighting, they have Uzis and the nines fight as well. The shotgun would be best used for killing them. Holding up Gang Members ----------------------- If for any reason you hold up a gang member that has a gun, you may as well shoot him. Because if you let go of R1, he will then attack you for holding him up. Also more guys will come and start attacking you as well. Also if other gang members see you holding up one of there guys, they will come over and start beating you up, even if you are still aiming at the guy. Only hold up ganags such as the Diablos or any other gangs that carry Baseball bats, otherwise it will make your life hell. Jacking Cars ------------ If you decide to jack a gang car for any reason, more of the same gang will try and steal the car back. So quickly drive out of gang territory before they can attack you. If you are pulled out, then quickly run off and hop in the other side. If you decide to jack a gang car, do it where no other gang members can see you do it. Also another thing you can do if they try and jack your car, perform a drive by on the door they are trying to get into and you will most likely kill alot of them. Gang wars --------- You don't seen any of these really, but they still can happen. A gang war is where two gangs fight against each other. The only place I have really seen a big gang war was in Hepburn heights, afew mafia members crossed over into Hepburn Heights, it was about 10 Diablo's onto about 3 Mafia members, because the Mafia members had guns, they won. The street was the main road that connects Hepburn Heights and St Marks together, near the gas station. Anything else? ------------- Anything else you think I should add to the gang section? Maybe I'm forgetting something about gangs that I need to go here? If you can think of anything, please e-mail me. Lost Leaders ------------ Several gangs lost there leaders in this game, so lets see hwho is leaderless: Mafia: Salvatore, Yakuza: Asuka and Kenji, Cartel: Catalina and Miguel, ======================================================================= 9: VEHICLE STUFF ======================================================================= Ahh yes, one of the main features of G.T.A3 is the vehicles, there are many cars around to jack, from Soprts cars, F.B.I vehicles, Tanks and normal mini-vans To accelerate your vehicle, press and hold down the X button. You can either use the D-Pad or the Analog pad to steer. Press Square to brake, and reverse. R is handbrake, and if you use O, you can use your car weapon. In high speed chases..... - The best thing to do if you have a sports car (Like a Banshee, Stinger) you can try and out run the cops. And if cops try and run into you, you will be to fast to hit, thus not knocking you off course. try and tricks the cops and turn corners nearly fast. - If you have a middle class car (Karuma, Perrenial, Stallion) It would be best to try and grab another fast car to try and outrun the cops. These cars arn't that fast and you can easily lose contro, when you are hit. Some cars in this group are Okay for outrunning the cops though, such as the karuma and Taxi. - If you have a van (Ambulance, Rumpo, Blista), these cars go very slow, But some can knock the police off course. but once again, back to the main thing, there too slow. I reccomend grabbing a different car, before the cops knock your sorry ass of the road and bust you. - if you have a very Big vehicle (Tank, Barracks OL, Fire truck), you can easily knock the cops out the way. the tank will kill anything that tries to ram into it immediately. the Barracks Ol will ram the Cops out of the way, so this is good. When your car starts to get damage... - If you car is brand new, of course just take it around the streets. it will get trashed eventually. - When your car starts to take damage, you can easily travel the roads. If you find the same type of car on the roads, ditch the one your in and take that. I like doing that if I have a sports car. - When you start to get the normal smoke, that means that your car has been damaged a bit. This smoke is nothing to worry about. - When your car has black smoke, this means that you have had too many big crashes and the next step after this is more smoke, then your car explodes! - If your vehicle is on fire, bail now and run for your life. the car will explode in afew seconds, taking everything waround it with it. -OTHER CAR STUFF- - To basically get a car that you find on the streets, the best way to get it is to create a road block with your car, holding up traffic. then just jack the car while it is waiting. - When on some missions, of course it is better to grab the faster car when you have a certain time limit. THE VEHICLES ------------ Starting in Alphabetical order: Ambulance Banshee Barracks OL Blista Bobcat Borgnine taxi Cabbie Cartel cruiser Cheetah Cop Car Diablo stallion Dodo Enforcer Esperanto Fire truck Idaho Inferrus Kuruma Mafia sentiel Mr. Whoopie Mule Perrenial Pony Rhino Rumpo Sentinel Stallion Stinger Taxi Trashmaster Yakuza stinger VEHICLE STATS ============= So many vehicles, and you can find all their stats in here. Aww - how cute. I'll try to be as accurate as I can of course, but your opinions might slightly differ from mine. Here we go: ~~~~~~~~~ Ambulance ~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 A brilliant vehicle, and don't be fooled by it's appearance. Ultra - fast, but due to this plus its shape it's a very unbalanced vehicle, which is rather easy to flip its wheels. Can take a considerable amount of damage, but remember it's supposed to - after all, it is an ambulance. Activating the horn (L3) will make other cars clear a path for you, making it essentially easier in a high-speed chase. Pressing R3 will turn on the Ambulance missions. ~~~~~~~ Banshee ~~~~~~~ Speed: 10/10 Handling: 10/10 Damage: 5/10 Overall: 8/10 An almost perfect vehicle. Fastest in the game, beautiful to handle - it's only let down by the fact it can't take too much damage. You can't really say much more about this, as words can only speculate the wonders within... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Barracks OL ~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 7/10 Handling: 9/10 Damage: 9/10 Overall: 8/10 This vehicle is used by the Army, so jacking one can be dangerous. This is like a big flatbed, except this is used by the army. It can take alot of damage before giving up, it's speed is alright once you get going, and it can handle good enough. ~~~~~~ Blista ~~~~~~ Speed: 7/10 Handling: 8/10 Damage: 8/10 Overall: 8/10 This is a van. It's speed is efficinet enough even though it is a van, and handles great. I really see no flaw with this, maybe the speed a bit, but still that is good for a van. Also, it can take a reasonable amount of damage, as well as push some other cars. ~~~~~~ Bobcat ~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 8/10 Overall: 7/10 A good car, with an average top speed and damage. There's only one problem though - it handles like it's on ice. Another flaw is that it seems to tip over all too easily. Good car apart from that though - but one wonders what you could have done better with it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borgnine taxi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 9/10 Handling: 8/10 Damage: 8/10 Overall: 8/10 Bigger, faster and tougher than the Cabbie? You bet it is. This vehicle is the best cab in the game, but can only be found in Borgnine taxies rank in Harwood. To unlock it you need to complete 100 taxi missions. That's right - 100 of them. It's a good reward as well, as it's very quick, very easy to handle and very tough. You can also use this in the Taxi missions (if you're not sick of them already), and all you need to do is press R3. This is a very good car, and you should have it in your garage. Well, that's my two cents about it... ~~~~~~ Cabbie ~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 9/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 8/10 Bigger, faster and tougher than the Taxi? You bet it is. A good top speed, one of the best cars in the game for handling makes this one of the top dogs (or cars, for that matter) in the game, which is let down by the fact that it is only average in the damage sector. Pressing R3, will of course, activate the Taxi missions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cartel cruiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 9/10 Damage: 9/10 Overall: 9/10 This is a great car, it's speed it great, it's durability is great, technically the whole car is great, you should be jealous Yardies. it has a cute little motor sound, and handles absolutely great. This can really speed up, but takes awhile to accelerate to top speed. ~~~~~~~ Cheetah ~~~~~~~ Speed: 10/10 Handling: 9/10 Damage: 9/10 Overall: 10/10 I just had to give this 10/10, because it is one of the best vehicles in the game. it's a sports car with excellent speed, great handling, and great durability. Also in one mission, there is a bulletproof one of these. ~~~~~ Coach ~~~~~ Speed: 4/10 Handling: 4/10 Damage: 9/10 Overall: 5/10 A terrible vehicle, and if you see it ANYWHERE don't even bother using it. Want an alternative? Try the Fire Truck. Terrible speed and handling, and just shit overall. Avoid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diablo stallion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 7/10 Some sexy car this is. But never judge a book by it's cover - this car isn't anywhere near the best in the game. Good top speed, but everything else is below average. The Diablo gang car, and much better than your average Stallion. ~~~~ Dodo ~~~~ Speed: Handling: Damage: Overall: ~~~~~~~~ Enforcer ~~~~~~~~ Speed: Handling: Damage: Overall: ~~~~~~~~~ Esperanto ~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 5/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 6/10 Your average car, which isn't that terrible, but also isn't that good. Not a very good top speed, but a bit better handling and damage intake means the highest overall score I would give this is 6. ~~~~~~~~~~ Fire truck ~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 6/10 Handling: 4/10 Damage: 10/10 Overall: 6/10 A very weird vehicle - one of the top five vehicles for being able to handle damage, but only has average speed and absolutely terrible handling. Pressing circle will use the hose, while L3 will turn on the sirens (so the vehicles on the road make a path for you) and R3 will activate the Firefighter missions. It's only an average vehicle, but comes in handy now and again... ~~~~~ Idaho ~~~~~ Speed: 5/10 Handling: 5/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 6/10 Looks the same as the stallion, and basically is the same as it to. Quite slow, frail handling but good ability to cope with damage would sum up this vehicle. A 6 it is then... ~~~~~~~~ Infernus ~~~~~~~~ Speed: Handling: Damage: Overall: ~~~~~~ Kuruma ~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 8/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 8/10 The very first car in the game that you'll drive. Good speed, handling and damage intake makes this one of the best all-round cars in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~ Linerunner ~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 5/10 Handling: 4/10 Damage: 10/10 Overall: 6/10 Very slow with bad handling, but that's what you would expect from a truck. Strong, but due to it being hard to handle and slow to drive, there is nothing that I could see this being any use for in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mafia sentinel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 8/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 7/10 A shame that the damage intake lets this down, as this vehicle particularly excels in it's top speed and handling. It's a gang car, and stealing it from Mafia turf isn't a wise idea... ~~~~~~ Manana ~~~~~~ Speed: 3/10 Handling: 5/10 Damage: 5/10 Overall: 4/10 Only one word for this vehicle - disastrous. As quick as a tortoise, handling like a car with no wheels and ability to take damage like a squatted fly, this is an abysmal attempt by Rockstar at making this car. ~~~~~~~~~ Moonbeam ~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 4/10 Handling: 3/10 Damage: 4/10 Overall: 4/10 Worse than the Manana, this car deserves to go to only one destination - the skip. Awful speed, tips over while taking corners too easily and a dire attempt at taking in damage means this is one of the most atroucious cars ever to be created - real life Or virtually. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Whoopie ~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 6/10 Handling: 8/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 The Mr. Whoopie is a very hard van to find. It's speed is good enough, it's handling is great because it is easier to steer when your not going fast, and it can take reasonable amount of damage before exploding on you. Overall it is good enough, but finding one for yourself can be trouble. ~~~~ Mule ~~~~ Speed: 7/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 8/10 Overall: 7/10 A Mule might be quite a slow animal, but this certainly isn't. One of the fastest vans, and can corner well as well. Also, its takes its fair share of damage stress-free. One of the top two vans in the game. ~~~~~~~ Patriot ~~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 9/10 Damage: 8/10 Overall: 8/10 VERY good vehicle, and easily one of the best in the game. Quick, yet strong - big, yet agile, it's like they put the wrong engine in the wrong bodywork. It's fast, easy to handle and one of the toughest vehicles in the game - and easily the best 4x4. ~~~~~~~~~ Perennial ~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 4/10 Handling: 7/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 5/10 One of the slowest vehicles in the game, but because of this it makes it easy to handle. A very big turning circle loses it some points on the handling aspect though. Can only receive a limited amount of damage before blowing up. Not that useful really... ~~~~~~ Police ~~~~~~ Speed: 9/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall 7/10 You would expect better from a Police car. Due to its high speeds, the handling is pretty awful, and the damage not a lot better. Must be one of the fastest vehicles in the game, though. Pressing L3 will activate the sirens, making the cars clear a path for you. R3 will activate the vigilante missions. ~~~~ Pony ~~~~ Speed: 6/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 6/10 It's a van - what do you expect? Too easy to flip it's wheels, and I think that the Rumpo excels this vehicle in more than one-way. Can't archive a very high speed, and can only take an average amount of damage. ~~~~~ Rhino ~~~~~ Speed: 1/10 OR 8/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 10/10 Overall: 6/10 OR 8/10 Why has the speed got two scores you may ask? Well, saying it's normally slow would be way off, as it's by far the slowest vehicle in the game. But turn the turret around, start firing backwards and guess what happens? You go ultra quick down the road that you're on. Beware, doing that might attract some unwanted Police attention. Meanwhile, back to other parts of this TANK (that's right), and it only manages to scrape a 6 in handling. But for the ability to cope with damage - I just need to say one thing, it's indestructible (well, at least as close as you're going to get to indestructible). If it touches another car, then that vehicle will be history. The only three ways that I know to destroy it are by driving it in the water, tipping it over or setting it on fire with a flamethrower (though that could take a while). This vehicle has a load of extras to. Use the circle button to shoot shells out of the turret, and pressing R3 will start the vigilante missions. So what are you waiting for? Get this vehicle in your garage now!!! ~~~~~ Rumpo ~~~~~ Speed: Handling: Damage: Overall: ~~~~~~~~ Sentinel ~~~~~~~~ Speed: Handling: Damage: Overall: ~~~~~~~~ Stallion ~~~~~~~~ Speed: 7/10 Handling: 5/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 6/10 Has a good top speed, but is let down by the fact that it doesn't turn corners to the best of it's abilities. Has average damage intake, making it score a nice rounded six. ~~~~~~~ Stinger ~~~~~~~ Speed: 9/10 Handling: 10/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 8/10 Nearly as good as the Banshee. It's one of the quickest in the game, has G-R-E-A-T handling, but doesn't put up much of a show with it's ability to cope with damage. Great car though, and should be in your garage. ~~~~ Taxi ~~~~ Speed: 7/10 Handling: 7/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 A good, sturdy vehicle, which is average in all areas. Easily distinguished from the rest of the vehicles in this game (obviously), so it isn't too hard to spot. Pressing R3 will activate the Taxi missions. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Trashmaster ~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 5/10 Handling: 8/10 Damage: 10/10 Overall: 7/10 Really, this is quite poor,It has crap speed and good handling, only because it's speed isn't fast means that you can handle it very good. And the amount of damage it can take is remarkable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triad Fish Van ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 8/10 Handling: 7/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 7/10 A van for a gang car? Don't be fooled - it's actually very good. It's quick and has good handling, but is let down by the fact that it is fairly weak. It's the Triad gang car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yakuza stinger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 10/10 Handling: 9/10 Damage: 7/10 Overall: 9/10 Really, this is one of my favourite cars. This is just a normal stinger, turned into the Yakuza's gang car. It speed is awesome, handling it's great, but lacks in the amount of damage it can take before deciding to explode. ~~~~~~ Yankee ~~~~~~ Speed: 4/10 Handling: 6/10 Damage: 6/10 Overall: 5/10 Another van, and a prime example that this game has too many of them. It's just another add-on really, with below par speed and average handling and damage. One to avoid really ------------------------------------------------------- If there are any vehicles left out, please let us know! ------------------------------------------------------- VEHICLE LOCATIONS ================= Ambulance --------- PARKED: - Hospital on all cities ON THE ROAD: - Kill alot of people and eventually one will come. Banshee ------- PARKED: - Easy Credit Autos in Portland - Kenji's Casino - Asuka's Condo - In a car park in Cedar Grove ON THE ROAD: - Anywhere in Staunton or Shoreside, more common in Shoreside, but can be found easily cruising the streets. Barracks OL ----------- PARKED: - Phil Cassidy's army Surplas. ON THE ROAD: - Real rare, but mostly found on Staunton. Driving a Trashmaster usually makes one come out. Blista ------ PARKED: - Near the stadium in Staunton - In a garage near the pay 'n spray (Staunton) - AMCo, in the underground car-park, - Asuka's Condo. ON THE ROAD: - Anywhere on Staunton is most common. Bobcat ------ PARKED: - Beach near Slavatore's - Easy Credit Auto's car park - Hospital car-park (Staunton) - Picnic ground (Shoreside) - Parking near Stadium ON THE ROAD: - Can be found in Staunton, Portland and Shoreside. Most common in the first two. Borgnine taxi ------------- PARKED: - Borgnine taxi's, near Head radio station ON THE ROAD: - No-where Cabbie ------ PARKED: - Mean street taxi's ON THE ROAD: - Most commonly found in Staunton, usually on the out-scurts of St Marks towards the hospital way. Cartel Cruiser -------------- PARKED: - Cartel Mansion - Construction site ON THE ROAD: - Anywhere in Fort Staunton or in the Cartel area in Shoreside. Cheetah ------- PARKED: - No-where ON THE ROAD: - Usually found in Shoreside, but is sometimes found in Staunton Cop Car ------- PARKED: - Cop stations on all cities ON THE ROAD: - The police cover the streets of EVEY Island. Your bound to find one sooner or later. Diablo Stallion --------------- PARKED: - No-where ON THE ROAD: - Anywhere driving around Hepburn Heights. Dodo ---- PARKED: - Around the place at the airport ON THE ROAD: - I really doubt it. Enforcer -------- PARKED: - Police station in Stuanton ON THE ROAD: - Get a wanted level of 4 and these will come. Esperanto --------- PARKED: - Hospital in Staunton - old school hall in portland ON THE ROAD: Can be commonly found usually in Staunton or Portland. Fire Truck ---------- PARKED: - Fire stations in all cities ON THE ROAD: - Cause a fire and one might come Idaho ----- PARKED: - Old school hall in Portland - Supa Save store in Portland - kenji's casino ON THE ROAD: - Common in portland Inferrus -------- PARKED: - Airport carpark ON THE ROAD: - Most commonly found in shoreside Kuruma ------ PARKED: - Hospital parking in Staunton - Mamma's restaurant (portland) - Portland Harbour Car park - Greasy Joe's cafe in Portland - Head radio station ON THE ROAD: - Can be found on any island, usually on the first 2. Mafia Sentiel ------------- PARKED: - Back alley in St Marks - 2 at Salvatore's mansion ON THE ROAD: - Can only be found on the first island, anywhere in St Marks driving around. Mr. Whoopie ----------- this is a hard vehicle to find, the easiest way to get one is to do Fire Truck missions and you will have to put one out. Also you can not detonate the bomb in "I scream You Scream" to get one. Also I have seen afew in the porter Tunnel in Shoreside vale. Mule ---- PARKED: - Portland harbour, near the EV Crane ON THE ROAD: - Anywhere around near Chinatown. Patriot ------- PARKED: - Supa Save ("ptriot Playground") - Picnic park ("Gripped") ON THE ROAD: - very uncommon, but can be found in Staunton and Shoreside. Perrenial --------- PARKED: - XXX Mags back alley - Portland Harbour car-park - Easy Credit Auto's park ON THE ROAD: - Common on all districts, especially the first two. Pony ---- PARKED: - Car Crusher in portland - Suap Save store - Near Saw Mill ON THE ROAD: - Kind of rare, can sometimes be found on Staunton, but not often. Rhino ----- PARKED: - Phil Cassidy's Army Surplas store - EV Crane ON THE ROAD: - Only the Army carry these, so your best bet is to get one from the Surplas store and take it back to the EV Crane so you can get them free once all over cars are delivered. Rumpo ----- PARKED: - 8-Balls - Saw Mills at Portland - Hospital car-park - Airport x2 ON THE ROAD: - Can be found most commonly on Staunton and near the airport/bridge on Shoreside vale. Sentinel -------- PARKED: - Kenji's casino carpark - Police station in Staunton (Undercover cop car) - Airport carpark - Marco's bisrto ON THE ROAD: - Can easily be found anywhere on Porltand, Staunton and Shoreside, most common on Staunton though. Stallion -------- PARKED: - Petroleum company in portland - Parking near Stadium - Multistory carpark - Hospital parking - Airport ON THE ROAD: - On of the most common vehicles on the first island, can easily be found here. Taxi ---- PARKED: - Airport taxi services, Shoreside Vale ON THE ROAD: - THE MOST Common vehicle in the game, walk out to a road and there will probably be one there. Trashmaster ----------- PARKED: - Nowhere ON THE ROAD: - usually found on Staunton, driving a Barracks OL will make them appear. Yakuza Stinger -------------- PARKED: - Kenji's Casino - Asuka's Condo - Construction site after you finish "grand theft aero". ON THE ROAD: - Anywhere around the Torrington area where the Yakuza patrol. <<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> ======================================================================= 10: OTHER BASIC STUFF ======================================================================= --------------- HIDOUT + SAVING --------------- On your radar, a little house shows up when you are not on a missions, this is for saving your game, and in Portland, you can save 1 car with it. In Portland you walk into a house In Staunton you walk into a lift In Shoreside, you walk into a foyer You can save up to 8 games on your one slot on the memory card, this is good if you have a brother or something that uses afew. ------------ MAKING MONEY ------------ The easiest way to make money in Liberty City is to do gangs jobs, but there is also plenty of other things to do to make the cash: O Do ganag missions O Do the extra phone missions O Do the vigilante missions O Kill people and steal their cash O Run over people O Do the RC toyz + 4X4 missions O Bang into other cars O Do all the rampages O Collect the hidden packages O Do the unique jumps O Complete some insane stunts The most popular way to make money is to do the first 3, the unique jumps and the rampages. --------------- 100% COMPLETION --------------- To get 100% completion, these are some things to do: 73 missions =========== Porltand -------- Intro: 1 Luigi: 5 Joey: 6 Toni: 5 Salvatore: 4 (Inc. "Last Requests" as his mission + payment) El Burro: 4 Marty: 4 RC Toyz: 2 4X4: 1 == 32 Staunton -------- Asuka: 5 Kenji: 5 Ray: 5 Donald: 3 Courtny: 4 RC Toyz: 1 4X4: 2 == 25 TOTAL: 57 Shoreside --------- Ray: 1 Donald: 4 Asuka: 4 Catalina: 1 D-Ice: 4 4X4: 1 RC Toyz: 1 == 16 TOTAL: 73 The rest ======== 100 hidden packages 20 rampages 20 Unique jumps 60 Criminals killed (Vigilante) 100 People dropped off (Taxi) 60 Fires extinguished (Fire fighter) 12 Ambulance level Ev carne Import/Export garages (Note: You also need to collect 70 ambulance aptients, but if you do amb. level 12, you will have done that any way) ----------------- BUSTED AND WASTED ----------------- BUSTED = Caught WASTED = Died If you get Wasted, you will be taken back to the nearest hospital, where you have to pay for there services at the cost of: $1,000 If you get Busted, you are taken to the nearest Police Station, where you will lose $1,00 bucks as a police bribe. In both of these, you will lose all your weapons. So instead of coming out and getting busted, it is better to actually get Wasted, as you can get more money by just shooting people, instead of giving yourself up. ======================================================================= 11: SHOPS ======================================================================= Aound Liberty, there is many shops and places where you can get things. Ammunation ========== Here you can by weapons. In Portland, only thr Pistol + Uzi are available, but in Staunton there is a Uzi + Cop Bribe + Shotugn + AK$7 + Sniper Rifle. All guns cost money though (Duh). Bomb Shop ========= Here you can get a car rigged with a bomb. In Portland, the bomb goes off once the engine is next started, in Staunton, it is a timer and in Shoreside they give out Detonator controls. Pay N' Spray ============ Park in the garage and it will spray your car so the cops wont recognise you. This changes the colour of your car and the cops wont recognise you. ======================================================================= 12: TIPS ======================================================================= - Always use R1 to aim, it gets a lock on the target for an easy kill. - Choose the right weapon for the right situation. It's no good to use a handgun for a mission that requirs you to kill 10 people all at once. - Think quick - Try not to kill cops unless you have to - Try and do all vigilante/hidden packages/ramoages before the gangs hate you. - Never threaten gang members ======================================================================= 13: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Q: How do I get 100% completion? A: Read above in the 100% completion section. This is what you need to get: 73 missions done 100 hidden packages 20 rampages 20 unique jumps All 'R3' missions completed EV/Import Export garages done FULLY ======================================================================= Q: How do I get in one of those big planes at the airport? A: You can't. you can see in them by driving a car under the body of the plane. ======================================================================= Q: Where can I find a Mr. Whoopie? I need it for the Import/Export garage. A: I know, these are extremly hard to find just driving along the roads. The easiest way to get one is to shoot the guys on the mission "I scream you scream" and don't detonate the ice cream truck. Also there are afew on Fire Fighter missions, so once you put out the fire, end the mission and take it to the garage. Also I have seen one in the tunnel as well, but then rolled the car while going over the barrier to the other side of the road. ======================================================================= Q: Where can I find a banshee on Portland? I need it for the mission "Turismo". A: there is one in the Easy Credit Autos, located near the gas station and 8-Balls in S.T Marks. ======================================================================= Q: Where can I find a sniper Rifle? A; There is one at Ammunation in Staunton and one is given to you by 8- Ball on the mission "Bomb da Base". ======================================================================= Q: I tried doing D-Ice missions, but there is no Purple nines, who are these guys and what do they look like? A: They are wearing Purple shirts, but unfortuantely some copies have the "Purple Nines Glitch" which mean that they don't walk around the streets. If you want to get 100% completion, you will need to start a total new game. ======================================================================= Q: Would you be interested in buying....... A: NO! the lesson here, please do not send me junk, spam or anything else that would wast my time. ======================================================================= Q: What is the highest criminal rating possible to get? A: Boss, that is the highest, and if anyone says that they have got beeter than that, punch them for me. ======================================================================= Q: Can I copy these sections into my own guide? A: Yeah, but don't take everything word for word and please contact me first. ======================================================================= Q: How long after the first Chatterbox call does Lazlow and the radio station callers start repeating themselves? A: Overall I think there is about 30 segments, each going for I guess 1 minute or more each segemant, so about 45 minutes all up before it starts repeating itself. ======================================================================= Q: Do you realise that Vice City is out now? A: Yes, but the only problem is that I do not have it! ======================================================================= Q: When does the Border Tunnel open? A: After you have access to Staunton island (Not using cheats). At the same time the Callahan bridge opens and the Chinatown Subway. Only pathways to Portland and Staunton are open in the Border tunnel. ======================================================================= Q: Is there a way that you can just be immune from the cops at all time? A: No, no code, and no secret way. If you use the Change Costumes cheat to become a cop, your chances of being arrested by the cops actually increase until you change out of it. ======================================================================= Q: What other guides would you reccomend me reading? A: I will be completely honest here, and say that my FAQ isn't the best. Here they are: Other FAQs that are better: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_c.txt - Minesweepers, defently the best GTA3 guide, and you must read it! http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3.txt - JPs, very good, and the first one posted Those are the 2 best FAQs here on gamefaqs. ======================================================================= Q: Why did you write donw other FAQs to read when you certainly want people to come to yours? A: I honestly don't care about ratings, or how many people visit it, it's not a competion to see how many people view it, it's about giving you help, and a guide to play. I just think if you need more help, go to those guides, they have stacks more info than mine. ======================================================================= Q: I found this FAQ on www.somesite.com, you said you will update often, but this is is incomplete, where can I get a full version? A: Go to www.gamefaqs.com, my first updates are ALWAYS found here. ======================================================================= :; Are there any secret vehicles? A: Yes afew, like the Borgnine Taxi, Lightless taxi and BF Injection. I have made a section about it [30] ======================================================================= Q: Where can I get my hands on a Banshee in Portland? A; the only place you can get one in Portland is at Easy Credit Autos, break the glass and there will be one in there. ======================================================================= Q: Why don't you have a full radio script on your FAQ? A: Becuase I don't have the time to waste it like that. This is just a guide, you really don't want to have the full radio script in this FAQ that would just clog up space. ======================================================================= Q: I found a Tip/Hint/Alternative walkthrough, can I submit it to you? A: Yes, please do. My email is: Wayalla1@yahoo.com.au ======================================================================= Q: Where can I find the latest versions? A Always at GameFAQS ======================================================================= Q: What is your board username? A: Wayalla: wayalla ======================================================================= Q: What ever happened to Donald Love, it shows Loves Dissapearance, but in the end, you never see him? A: This is something that will go unsolved for the rest of.. well, ever. ======================================================================= Q: Will I be credited on the info I send in? A: Yes ======================================================================= Q: Is there really a 'Carser/Carson city' in the game? A: NO, no matter what anyone says, there is no Carser city in the game. If there was, where is the proof, as in pictures and stuff. So no, there isn't a Carson city, in fact, the only time it has been even mentioned in the game is on a newspaper headline read out by a Radio Station host. ======================================================================= Q: Is there really a Ghost Town? A: Yes, there actually is, revert to the 'Ghost Town FAQ' for more info. ======================================================================= Q: Is there a way to get from Liberty City to Vice City in this game? A: NO! ======================================================================= Q: What is your characters name? A: Doesn't have one, make one up for him yourself. ======================================================================= Q: I'm stuck on the mission 'Taking Out The Laundry', every time I try and do something to a laundry van, it always drives away real quick before I can destroy it. A; Don't touch the van. Park a car in front of it and it wont move, then chuck a grenade at it. ======================================================================= Q: Why write a FAQ for an old game? A: It aint old to me. ======================================================================= Q: What stuff doesn't count towards 100%? A: Time in Dodo Getting vans to the Securicar garage Killing people Wiping out lots of ganag members Anything else that isn't listed in 100% Completion section ======================================================================= Q: I got a record time of 53861247382609 in the Dodo, can you put it in your FAQ? A: NO! You are very much so lying, so I will not be accepting any times for Dodo flights, go back to your lying world you scum sucking leech. ======================================================================= Q: When was this guide first released? A: 12/5/02 ~ American ======================================================================= Q: your email ending is 'au", so that means your Aussie, why do you write the date in American rather than Austaralian? A: Because many more people view the site come from America. ======================================================================= Q: I went to the Portland Docks, and there is no people around now, why? A; You must have unlocked Shoreside Vale for this to hapen, it needs the memory so it decides that no one will be at the Docks in Portland. Before, there was floods of people. ======================================================================= Q; Is there a way that you can get a cop outfit? A: Actually, there is. Use the change Costume trick (Right, Down, Left, Up, L2, L1, Up, Left, Down, Right). Eventually you will get a Cop outfit. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 14: PORTLAND CARRER WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** INTRODUCTION *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTRODUCTION MISSION: "GIVE ME LIBERTY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get in the Karuma with 8-Ball in it. Take the car to the end of the bridge. Don't worry, the cops will still be looking at the mess that is on the bridge. Once you ar at the end of the bridge, take the left road all the way down until it finally ends, then turn left and once again take the road to it ends and you will come to a main road. take a right and then follow the road down until you get to the hideout. Once out of the hideout and after the cutscene, reverse straight out the hideout and then head to Luigi's Sex Club. -------- NOTE: If you do die on this mission, you will just be taken back to inside the car, no hospital or anything. -------- *********************************************************************** LUIGI GORTELLI *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUIGI GORTELLI: "LUIGI'S GIRLS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luigi wants you to get one of his regular girls at the hospital and take her back to Luigis. Find any car, and then jack it. Use the possible roads to get to the hospital where Misty is. Pull up next to her and wait for her to get in. Do a U-Turn once you are back on the road and get back to Luigis and park in the Circle to complete the mission. Ok, i will give you directions from Luigi's: Head south from luigi's (use the Cumpas) and then take the first road on your left and take it up all the way to it ends, then go right and then left onto the main road, next take the first road on your right down to the hospital. Go next to Misty, and she will get in. Take her back to Luigi's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Apparently, if you start beating someone up, Misty will pull out a shotgun and shoot that person. I can't remember the source, but if anyone can verify it, please e-mail me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUIGI GORTELLI: "DON'T SPANK MA BITCH UP" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some guys been selling spank to Luigis girls down at Portland harbour. It is your job to kill this guy, and get his car, respray it and take it to Luigis Garage. First of all, run foward and grab the Baseball bat from near Luigi's, and then jack a car, any car will do for this mission. Go south from Luigi's, and take the first left. Follow the road up until it ends then turn to the right, and then turn on the second right. Follow this curving street until you see the entrance. Go in the entrance to the harbour and eliminate the guy, just run him over. take his car and take it to the pay and spray, then take it to Luigi's garage located near the hospital. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You dont have to use the baseball bat to kill the person, if you really want to, you can kill him any way you like. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUIGI GORTELLI: "DRIVE MISTY FOR ME" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joey Leone wants some action from his regular girl, Misty. You have to pick her up from her apartment in Hepburn Heights, but be careful, thats Diablo Turf. Get a car, any car. Take it to the blip on the radar, which will be a little park which is Diablo turf, so don't gte the Diablos hating you yet. Press L3 in the middle of the cricle and Misty will come out. Take her to Joey Leones. There is only one road shown on the radar to get there, but you can just cut across the little bit of grass on the same road as the hospital to get to Joeys. Park in the circle to complete the mission. You now have a new boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Just something fun to do here: Park a police car outside of misty's flat and then sound the horn. The siren will come on, and then Misty will come out, with everyone thinking that she's being taken away by the cops. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUIGI GORTELLI: "PUMP ACTION PIMP" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some Diablo scum have been pimping Luigis girls in their own backyard, you must kill these filthy Diablos. First of all, head to the back of ammunation and grab the pistol. Take a car that can take a reasonable amount of damage, and then head to the moving blip on your radar. Ram the car and after afew hits, the guys will get out. The car is usally on it's side, so ram the first side and crunch the first guy against the car and push the car into the other side. Which ever way you do this mission, be careful because they both have shotguns that can tear your car to bits in 2 to 3 shots. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Both the guys you kill have shotguns, so when you complete this mission, collect them both. Congratualtions, you now have a powerful weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUIGI GORTELLI: "THE FUZZ BALL" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must take girls to the old school hall near the Callahn Bridge. You need to take 4 to complete the mission, but in a set time limit of 5 minutes. Take a fast car straight away, the first one you can find, even a taxi, but make sure whatever car you get, it can seat 4 people, including yourself. There is 8 girls positioned around Portland, I have learnt to go for the farthest out ones first. Get the 3 farthers out ones then take them back because your car can only hold 3 people besides yourslef. Then go for the next farthers out followed by the closest ones, some are just around the corner, but you don't get more time for more girls you drop off, so take them back in 2s or 3s. You need 4 girls there to complete the mission, but the more you get, the more cash you obtain. Each girl successfully taken there is worth $500. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You don't need to take them all there, so don't go rushing around scrashing up your vehicle just to get to the last girls, because if you crash, the car may catch fire, and it will be time consuming when you try to find another car, and also you have the risk of the girls in your car being killed by the explosion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** JOEY LEONE *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEY LEONE: "MIKE LIPS LAST LUNCH" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You still haven't gained much reputation as a killer, but you have as a driver. On this mission, it puts your driving skills to the test, you need to be abit speedy, but also not at all damage the car. Once again, you have a set time limit. Grab a car and turn left and then left again at the intersection, go across the grass path in front of you and then turn right and follow the road up past the hospital and Luigis garage and chuck a right at the 4- Way intersection and follow the road up as it curves. Park your car outside the diner and hop out and get into the car indicated by the arrow. Reverse out, turn left and follow the curving road to the blip on your radar and get to 8-Balls bomb shop behind Easy Credit Autos. Drive into the bomb shop, and then let the door close and you have a nice bomb. Reverse out, and be careful what you hit, ANY scratches on your car will need to be repaired at your cost, so don't get the car damaged at all. Take the car back to the Bistro and leave it in the circle, get out of the car and head away from the Bistro and wait for the cut-scene that shows Mike blowing up in his crappy hunk of junk car. Mission completed and now you get your reward. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEL Drive slowly all the time, the pay and spray is abit away from here, but with the time limit you can get to the pay and spray and back to the bistro probably in time, but still try to keep the car un-scaved. Also make note of the sign in front of the bistro. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEY LEONE: "FAREWELL 'CHUNKY' LEE CHONG" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You now have reputation of killing people, and once again you have to do it in this mission. Chunky lee chong is making spank for some new gang, and it is your job to kill him. He owns a noodle stand down in Chinatown, you must eliminate him. Head to the gun on your map first and go around the back of ammunation and obtain the pistol there. Now head to chinatown entrance near punk noodles. Run down the alley and kill the 3 Triads guarding him and once you kill afew, he will run away. Sprint after him and don't worry about all the Triads, just focus on him and aim and kill him with your pistol. Once his blodd is splattered all over the floor, you get your payment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: As you will notice, the Triads will shoot at you once your in chinatown, just kill them, it doesn't matter. If you return to Chinatown after this mission, they wont hate you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEY LEONE: "VAN HEIST" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You now are htting the Bank Pay Role van. It does it rounds every day on Portland, and it is your job to damage the car as much as possible so the punk ass security guards bail. Then you have to take it to the docks to the garage. Just get a speedy car, just to avoid the cops. Head to the moving blip on your radar and ram straight into the van. After afew hits, the damage meter will go up and you will get a wanted star. Just ignore this and keep raming the truck. try to not get it stuck in a corner, cos then the cops can easily come and just arrest you as you wont be moving that much if HE is stuck. Damage the truck enough, and the guards will eventually bail. Garb the van, and take it all the way to the Portland Harbour garage, just ram all the cops out of your way and ignore all the ones behind you and you will be done in no time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Keep in mind where you took the van, because that is a securicar cracking garage and more can be taken there, also, in case you don't know, the van is bulletproof, so store it if you want to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEY LEONE: "CIPRIAN'S SHAUFFER" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yawn, and easy mission. What you have to do is take Toni Cipriani to his momma's restaurant, but he want's to stop off at "Mr Wong's Laundrette" First (If it ain't wong's, it aint white). Take the car to the place indicated on your map it will be a main road which is the same one as your hidouet. Wait in the circle and Toni Cipriani will get out of the car and into the Laundrette. The Triads will start shooting at you and Toni. Once he is back in the car, hold down X, even if the cut-scene hasn't finished and once it does, you will speed away, don't worry about the Traids, if you are moving, they wont be able to get shots on the car. Take Toni to his Momma's restaurant in St Marks to complete the level, also a new boss is available now, thats right, Toni Cipriani. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If the Triads do happen to pull you out of your car, then kill them all with a weapon before taking off again, otherwsie theyw ill contonue to rip you out of your car unless you kill them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEY LEONE: "DEAD SKUNK IN THE TRUNK" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the Forelli borhters has been killed and stuffed in the back of a car, it is your job to take the car to the crusher. head to greasy Joe's cafe, and don't approach the car yet, this is what I do: Destroy the car on the right, that is locked, this will have one of the Forelli bros. in it. Then before the other dudes come in, I grab the car and then they come flying into to greasy Joes cafe and smash against the wall. From here, reverse out quick and head to the car crusher, the Forelli bros. might follow, but usually get caught up amongst the traffic. Once you are at the crusher, get out of the car and wait for the car to be crushed. Sometimes the Forelli bros. come to the crusher, but then I just kill them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you crash the boot hard enough, the back will fly off or just go up and you can see the dead body (Corpse) of one of the Forelli Brothers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEY LEONE: "THE GETAWAY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, this is a job that needed a good driver, thats you! Some Mafia people are going to rob the bank, and they need a good getaway driver. First of all, get a fast car that can hold afew other people. Then head over to St Marks and go to the Mafia hidout, stop in the middle of the circle and sound the horn. Shake the cops if you have a wanted level. The mafia guys will get in, take them to the bank quickly. After the cut-scene, quickly drive to the pay and spray, the cops will be all over you, but try and keep the car under control. Park your car in the pay and spray. Head back to the hideout and then take the money to Joey's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: There is a Playstation 2 game called the "Getaway" and the main character in the game is a Bank Robber. Something to think about. The getaway was released late '02, and GTA3 was released lat '01. But the getaway has been in the planning and such for awhile. A rip-off name maybe? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** TONI CIPRIANI *********************************************************************** NOTE: BEFORE COMPLETING THESE MISSIONS, MAKE SURE YOU COLLECT EVERYTHING IN CHINATOWN LIKE THE HIDDEN PACKAGES + RAMPAGES, BECAUSE TONI'S MISSIONS WILL INVOLVE THE TRIAD'S BEING MAD AT YOU. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TONI CIPRIANI: "TAKING OUT THE LAUNDRY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those damn Triads aint paying there protection money, so you are going to hit there Laundry vans in order to convince them to pay up the money. There is 3 Laundry vans circling the city, you must destroy them all. Get to 8-Balls behind Easy Credit Autos and obtain the grenades. Take a car and approach the first Triad van, but DO NOT try and ram it off the road or even attempt to ram or touch the truck at all. This is what I do: Park in front of the Truck but do not touch it with my car, while the Truck is held up, throw a grenade at it and it will catch on fire and explode, this is the easiest way and the quickest. Continue doing this for all 3 vans until all of them are destroyed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: I id have an e-mail that these vehicles were normla damage proof, but when playing through the game again, I can tell you that they are not. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TONI CIPRIANI: "THE PICK UP" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The laundry has agreed to pay the money, so you have to go collect it. Seems easy doesn't it? But just wait for the suprise in store for you. Grab a car, something like a taxi will do, but nothing really massively speedy or a van/truck. Head to Mr. Wongs Laundrette and take your car down the small back alley there and park your car right next to the package. Collect it, and then view the cut scene. It's a Triad trap! Now you must waste them all. Quickly get back in your car and reverse and kill the guy in the alley, then all the other guys will come to the middle where the package was, run them all over and kill them while in your car. Now get out and kill the 2 remaining guys that you can see on your radar and destroy the last truck that a guy gets away in. Then take the package back to Toni. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Try and have an uzi before this mission, because they you can start performing drive-by attacks on the van at the end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TONI CIPRIANI: "SALVATORE'S CALLED A MEETING" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Mafia boss, Salavtore wants a meeting with all the Mafia sub-bosses, that means Luigi, Joey, Toni and of course, the new guy, you! You are only the driver thhough, but it's still a hard job. Take any car over to Joey's Garage and then get out of your car and go into the circle. Now you have a nice new limo. Head over to Luigi's in your Limo and pick him up as well. Then finally race over to Toni's in St Marks. Park the closest way facing Salvatores big mansion. Straight away, the Triads will bump you off course, but gain control of your vehicle and race up the road to Salvatore's mansion. The entrance will be barricaded, so just barge through it at 100 miles an hour and the trucks will go flying along with the Triads. Don't worry about the gun fire. Park in the first garage on the right if you are sticking to the track to complete the mission, now you can work for the head of the Mafia, Salvatore Leone. NOTE: YOU NEED TO COMPLETE SALVATORE'S FIRST MISSION TO DO THESE NEXT TWO MISSIONS FOR TONI. REVERT TO THE SALVATORE WALKTHROUGH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TONI CIPRIANI: "TRIADS AND TRIBULATIONS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are now ordered to kill afew Triad Warlords located around Chinatown, you get some help as well, 2 mafia members. Grab a reasonably fast car, and wait for the Mafia memebers to get in. Head to the Blip that is at the little staircase going up in Chinatown. Kill the 3 guys in the middle of the place here just by running them over and one of them is the Warlord. Next head into deep chinatown territory and get out of your car near the "Punk Noodles" area. Let the Mafia guys shoot the Triads, and you just go straight for the Triad Warlord indicated by the radar and the arrow. Eliminate him with your weapon. Sprint it out of Chinatown before you get shot to pieces, don't worry about the Mafia guys, they will just head off killing all the Triads they encounter. Next, head down to Atlantic Queys and steal a 'Belly up Fish truck' and drive it into the part with the blip to the fish factory. The gates will poen, kill the first few guys sround the croner and in front of you and get out and kill the main warlord and you have done the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TONI CIPRIANI: "BLOW FISH" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, Toni wants to finsih the damn Triads in Portland for good. They have been using a fish factory as a front, and now you must destroy it. It will only open it's gates for a Triad Fish van or a dust cart. 8-Ball has rigged a Dust Cart (Trashmaster) with a set time limit bomb. What you have to do is take the Truck to the fish factory and park it next to the gas cylinders, one explosion should blow the whole thing up. Ok, lets get started. Race around the corner to 8-Balls bomb shop and pick up the Dust Cart. Afew rules about the dust cart; Never try and do a drive by, as the bomb will be set off once you press O and will explode awhile later. 2)Go carefully to the location, you have a damage meter. Save the damage meter for when you go into triad territory as they will shoot at you. You also have a certain time limit, but thats nothing to worry about. Remember where you took out the last Triad Warlord? Thats where you have to go take the cart. Go onto the road and let the gate open, then take it round the corner and set the bomb next to the gas cylinders by pressing O. Get out of the Truck and head around the corner to a safe location. View the cut-scene of the Factory being blown up, along with all the guys around here as well, except for you. The Triads will be super pissed at you know, and are starting a war between the Mafia and themselves. *********************************************************************** SALVATORE LEONE *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALVATORE LEONE: "CHAPERONE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salavtore isn't convinced that you are as good as everyone says you are, so only decides for you to take his girl out for the evening, Maria. Salvatore's missions pay real well, so expect to make some series cash out of them. You are allowed to take the Limo (OOOH), but try and return it in one piece. Maria first wants to go to Chico and get some drugs from her regular dealer Chicho. Drive donw to the China Town docks located near the same road as your hideout. Use your radar to get there, park in the circle and Maria will get out and talk to Chicho. Then run him over to get Maria's money back (You don't have to). Hed to the Atlantic Queys party and park in the blue circle and let Maria get out. While she is shaking her butt, move your car so the front is pointing away from the water. After awhile the cops will come, it's a raid! Wait for Maria to get in the Limo, thendrive out and do a little drive by on the cops as well. Head back to Salvatores Mansion quick and park in the garage to complete the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALVATORE LEONE: "CUTTING THE GRASS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salavatore suspects a traitor due to gangs knowing what he has been up to. He suspects Curly Bob, he seems to be making more money than he is spending and he aint pimping or pushing, so he must be a rat! You must follow him to his location to see if he is really a rat. There is 3 ways to do the first part of the mission. 1)Grab any car, then head down to Luigi's Sex Club 7. You will ntoice a taxi, drive down the street more right away from the taxi so you arnt close at all to it. Wait for curly bob to get in the taxi, then follow him to his location, but don't get too close other wise he will get spooked and call the meeting off. He goes to the Portlabnd Harbour, follow him down there. 2)Grab a taxi, head down to Luigi's club, anbd ram the other taxi out of the way, down the street. When Curly comes out, he will get into your taxi, then take him to the Portland Harbour, he wont be spooked at all. 3)Just wait at the Portland Harbour, but don't stay too close to the exact location he comes to. All of the last part is the same. Wait until the Cut-scene is over, race around the corner and run straight over Curly Bob before he even gets a chance to aim that big Shotgun after you. Once he is dead, you get your reward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLAVATORE LEONE: "BOMB DA BASE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohh, the biggest mission on the first island, and the one that gives you the most reward, 15o thousand in fact, but really only 50 thousand thanks to 8-Ball. What you have to do is Destory a ship load of Cartel SPANK. The ship is located at the Portland Harbour, and you need 8-Balls demolition knoledge to blow up the boat. There is two sections to this, you first start off at number one. Race over to 8-Balls bomb shop located behind Easy Credit Autos and go into the circle. He wants 100 thousand doolars from you to do this mission up front. Lets be nice and pay him, thats if you have the money. If you don't, it's really good to do some extra missions or some 'R3' Missions now to gain the money you still need to get. Once you have the 100 thousnad dollars, walk back into 8-Balls place. Note that if you die, you get the money back. He gives you a niper rifle to use. Take yourslef and him down to Portland Harbour and stop in the circle. Get out of your car and then stick to the wall and go around the corner and go up the stairs. You can't just go running onto the ship because the Cartel have M16s that can cut you to pieces in just afew seconds. So your best bet is to go up to the stairs and sniper from the rooftop. Once you fire the first shot, 8-Ball will go running in, and you have to protect him. Start off by shooting the first 2 guards protecting the entrance to the boat. Then 8-Ball will come running in. It is most importent to shoot the guy closest to 8-Ball first. Some of the Cartel have really bad aiming, and can sometimes miss. Shoot everyone and protect 8-Ball. Once the cut-scene comes into affect, you have completed the mission. Well done kid. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Always try and keep 8-Ball in your site, try to kill the guy that you know is next up for him to confront. Remember, he doesn't have a gun. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALVATORE LEONE: "LAST REQUESTS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the last career mission in Portland. The border tunnel is nearly fixed, and te Bridge is also nearly completed again as well. Anway, this mission is really easy. The Mafia had to help some guy make up his mind, and it turned out messy. There is a car parked with brains splattered all over it, you must take it to the crusher before the cops find it. Head to the blip on your radar, and once you get near the nice looking Cheetah, Maria pages you on your Pager and it reads that the car is rigged with a bomb to kill you! Take her advice and meet her at the Docks where Maria and Asuka are waiting. You talk to Maria and Asuka for awhile, then you must drive the boat to Staunton. Whooho, now you can finally have acces to Staunton. Drive the boat to the docks to complete the mission. ======================================================================= 15: STAUNTON CAREER WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** ASUKA KASEN *********************************************************************** NOTE: BEFORE DOING THESE MISSIONS, GO BACK AND FINISH EVERYTHING IN PORTLAND, THATS RIGHT EVERYTHING! COS AFTER THIS NEXT MISSION, THE MAFIA WILL HAVE SHOTGUNS WHICH MAKE IT REALLY HARD FOR YOU TO COLLECT THE HIDDEN PACKAGES AND DO THE 'R3' MISSIONS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "SAYANARA SALAVTORE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asuka really wants to know that your ties with the Mafia are truly broke, so she wants you to eliminate there leader, Salvatore. He betrayed you as well, and thats even a bigger reason to kill him. He is attending a meeting at Luigi's club, you must make sure he never reaches it back to his own club. Before even starting this mission, grab a sniper rifle, but if you didn't before hand, go to Ammunation located near Asuka's condo and buy one, it will come in handy. Head over the Callahan bridge and go to Luigi's sex club seven located on your radar. There is several ways to do this mission, but here is the best one: Head around the corner and into the back alley of Woody's topless bar. use the stairs in the back alley and get to the roof. Go to the left-most corner and look down with your sniper rifle. Wait awhile and you will see about 4 mafia members go alongside the entrance to the club, do not shoot them or Salvatore will notice something is really up and will flee back into Luigis club. You will notice that now Salavtore is located on your radar, wit until you find he comes out into the open, shoot his head off and then just for fun I pick off all the Mafia members as well. Once Salvatore has been wasted, it's mission done and you can't show your face around ST Marks pretty much ever again unless you are on a mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "UNDER SURVEILLANCE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mafia guys have been dotted around Staunton, in a bid to track you down. You must eliminate these spying fools and end this vendenna once and for all. Head to the park first, and make sure you have about 20 sniper rifle ammo. The first lot of spying fools are in the middle of the water area on the dry bit. Get to a position near the tennis courts and sniper the first guy and then the second guy, both in the middle of the water part, but sometimes the bushes make it hard to see. Head to the van next, on your radar it will show up as a lonely blip. Use a grenade to destroy the van. At least have 2 minutes left now, and race over to Kenji's Casino. Run up the stairs and go to the roof where the helecopter is. Here is the perfect spot to kill all the Mafia guys. You can usually just see there head and part o your body, pick them all off and you have done the mission. They will fire back, but they are very crappy shots though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "PAPARAZZI PURGE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asuka and Maria have gone shopping, and left a note. Some reporter has been snooping around, getting too close. Your job is to eliminate this spying fool. The reporter is out in a boat, so there goes just shooting her. Run down to the docks and grab any boat here and take it across to the next section and grab the police boat that can shoot. Head back to the reporter and line his/her boat up with the weapons on the front and hold down O to shoot. Once their damage meter is full, their boat will blow up as well as them, and your done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "PAYDAY FOR RAY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asuka now thinks it is time for you to meet there man inside the LCPD, Ray. In other words, he is a crooked cop for the Yakuza. He is very touchy, and scared about being caught, so wants to know if you are good enough at speeding around. You must take his payment to him, and answer the phones quickly. Before you even start the mission, grab the banshee located over the other side of the Condos. Now race to the first phone located near the staute and then get out of your car and answer it. Be real quick about getting back in your car and head for the next phone, I'm very sure it's located on the same road as the Shoreside lift bridge. It's pretty close to there. Now pick the phone up and listen to what he has to say and scoot to Liberty Campus, do the same. Then finally head to the last phone near the park and once you pick that phone up, all you jhave to do is meet him in the toilet block at the park. Once you go there, you get your reward + a new boss to work for, Ray Machowski the crooked cop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "TWO FACED TANNER" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The source from the police have inforemd Asuka that one of there drivers is a 'Strangely' animated undercover cop. You must make him bleed. He takes his car home every day, you must follow him and eliminate him. Grab a preferably fast car, because of what happens afterwards. Grab your car and head down to Kenji's Casino and park in the circle. There is many ways to complete this mission, I will start will the best first. 1)The easiest is to just let Tanner go roaming around the city, and usually he will get himslef into trouble, like a roadblock or something. While he is in this mess, easily perform a drive by on the sucker. He will have trouble getting out, and keep pelting the car with bullets. The cops will come after you, but they really shouldn't be a problem if you pelt his car full of bullets real quick before they can ram you of track. Make sure the car blows up instantly, don't leave it on fire otherwise tanner will get out. If this happens, try and run him over, but with the cops on you, it can sometimes be hard. 2)If you have done the mission "Arms Shortage" for Ray, you can obtain the M16 from the Army Surplas store, wait in front of Tanner then get out and shoot his car, it will explode it less than 2 seconds and the cops wont have time to get you. 3)Grab the barricks OL or fire truck and you can try and roll his car, the cops will easily be rolled as well. Which ever way you do it, you must kill him to beat the mission. *********************************************************************** KENJI KASEN *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENJI KASEN: "KANBU BUST OUT" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A situation has kenji at a disadvantage, the cops are holding one of his best yakuza member called Kanbu in the cop station, they need him back. You are ordered to rescue him by placing a bomb next to the cop station to free him. First of all, you need to obatin a cop car so you can get past security at the Cop Station. Cop cars are found all over Liberty on the road. The best way to get one is to shoot at the car, and then when the cop gets out, go around into the passenger door and hop in a quickly sprint away before he can pull you out. Once you have a cop car, head over to the Bomb shop and get your car fitted with a nice new bomb. Head over towards the police station and let the gate open for you. Place the car in the position, then press O and get out and grab the cop car over the other side. Once the wall has been blown up, approach Kanbu with your car and let him get in. Drive back around the gates and grab the Sentiel in the car park, yes I know that the cop car is faster, but it is just easier when you have to pay and spray your car. Let Kanbu get in then race over to the pay and spray and spray the car to lose the cops. Then head back to the Dojo to complete the mission. Note that the cop car doesn't get sprayed in the pay and spray, so thats why I said get the non-cop car from the car park. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENJI KASEN: "GRAND THEFT AUTO" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kenji's friend once done a job for him, and kenji has never repayed him back, so now is the time. He is interested in certain models of cars, so you must collect these cars and bring them to the garage, but they must be in mint condition. You have a set time limit, the best way to set out your time is this: You have 2 mins for each car to get, 1 min to get to it, and 1 minute to take it back to the garage, I find that this is the easiest way. Here are the locations of the cars you need to get: 1)Carpark where the mission "Kingdom Come" is set. Need to use alley to get in there. 2)Parking across from stadium. 3)In the Staunton hosptial carpark. Take the cars back to the garage 1 by one. It really doesn't matter if you get all banged up, because the pay and spray is right next to the garage. Paint the car if you need to and put it in the garage. Once all 3 have been done, you finally get your reward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENJI KASEN: "DEAL STEAL" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Cartel are in trouble, they are being over powered by the Yakuza, and need some help. They have decided to become an Ally with the Uptown Yardies. They are having a meeting and you must kill all these Cartel fools. First of all, you must obatin a Yardie lobo. they are always driving around on the straight road just away from your hideout. Once you steal one, head dwon to Aspatria and meet your contact, he says that the metting is being held in the Hospital. Go to the hospital and park in the circle and honk the horn. Then kill all the colombians, tkse there weapons and destory their vans. Then take the money back to the casino to complete the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENJI KASEN: "SHIMA" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's your turn to go around the city and collect the protection money. Head to the blips on your radar and collect the money. Watch out, the one near your hideout will have a guy shooting at you, eliminate him and continue on with collecting the money. Once you go to the grocery store, the guy comes out and says that he has been robbed and doesn't have enough money to pay you and the Yakuza. Now you have to punish the gang responsible for this. It is the Diablos. Take the bridge back to Portland and make sure you have some M-16 or Sniper Rifle ammunition. Go over to hepburn heights and pick allthe Diablos off from a distance and then run in there and steal the briefcase and bring the money back to Kenji's Casino. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENJI KASEN: "SMACK DOWN" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Yardies are selling spank on the streets, if that stuff gets into Liberty, Kenji's buisness is failed. It's your objective to kill these sellers. There is alot of sellers located around Staunton, and you have a certain time limit that isn't shown to kill 8 or more Yardies. Grab the Banshee from the carpark and zoom around Staunton killing the Yardie sellers. The best strategy is to have a fast car and always go for the seller closest to your point because they are finished once they sell their spank, they are off the streets. Kill 8 Yardies to complete the mission, but if you kill more, you get more money. *********************************************************************** RAY MACHOWSKI *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAY MACHOWSKI: "SILENCE THE SNEAK" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mcarthney knows that Ray is a crooked cop, and he also took bribes, but Mcarthey knows that if he turns in Ray, he wont get in trouble. He has been placed in witness protection, and it is your job to eliminate him. get a strong, bluky car and take it to the blip on your radar. It is near the Pay and Spray + Bomb shop. The camera will zoom in on a window. Park the big bulky car in front of the garage closes to the window on it's left. Make sure that if someone came out of it, they would have a hard time getting out. Next, behind you grab the van and also place it blocking the garage to make a barricade. Take out your grenades and you see that window? You have to throw one of the grenades through there. Aim and fire, don't worry if you accidently miss and blow up the cars, they will still act as a barricade. Once you get the grenade to blow up there, the garage where you parked all your cars will open, and Macarthny will try and get out. Simply throw a grenade to blow up all cars and cops, and once Mcarthny is dead, you complete the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAY MACHOWSKI: "ARM'S SHORTAGE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The damn Cartel robbed Phill Cassidy, and they said that they would be back for the other supplies tommorow. You must go help poor old Phil and kill those damn Cartel. Grab a bulky car and head over to Phil Cassidy's Army Surplas store located near the hospital and the stadium. Stop in the middle of the circle and talk to Phil. Now reverse and park your car over the entrance, thus blocking things from coming in. Quickly run over and grab some supplies from the lockers. You will know when the Cartel get here because you will hear this from Phil "Hot Damn there here". The Cartel will pull up, then destroy that vehicle you parked the in front of the entrance with a grenade, or something. This will get rid of afew cartel here. But then more flood in, kill them along with Phil's help and look on your radar to see if they are all gone. Once all are dead, you get paid and a new weapon shop becomes available where you can buy a Shotgun, M-16 and a Bazooka. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAY MACHOWSKI: "EVIDENCE DASH" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The police have some very embarrising evidence of Donald Love, and it's being transported. You must collect this evidence and then torch it. Follow the blip on your radar and just keep knocking the van until the packages fall out. Collect the vidence and then keep on ramming it until all of it falls out. Avoid the cops by keeping control of your vehicle and then once you have all the evidence, destroy the vehicle. A new boss becomes available now, Donald Love, owner of Love media. But lets stay with Ray now shall we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAY MACHOWSKI: "GONE FISHING" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ray suspects his Partner of being a rat, so once again, you need to eliminate him so that he doesn't give any evidence. He goes out fishing every day, it is your job to get a boat, and sink his career. Go all the way over to Asuka's Condo, and run down to the docks and nick the boat and take it across and grab the police boat that can actually shoot bullets. Also make sure you have a M-16 as well, because it might come in handy as a alternative strategy. Take the boat around the corner and into Portland. After awhile, you will finally come to where Ray's partner is. He will throw a grenade to catch the fish. He will see you and start to flee, but this is what I do: Try to catch up to him and then press Triangle to quit driving the boat. then aim and quickly shoot at his boat with the M-16 and the damage meter will go up in afew seconds. Or you can follow him in your boat and shoot as you are going. Watch out for the explosives he leaves. Once his boat is toast, you get paid your money. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAY MACHOWSKI: "PLASTER BLASTER" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ray is mad, it turns out that Mcarthny has not died, he was only injured and taken to hopsital. He is being trnasported today, and once again you must kill him in the ambulance he is being transported in. Take a car and head over to the ambulance located on your radar, once you are in really close view, the ambulance will radio the cops and you will have a 2 star wanted level. Don't worry about that for know, go up and ram the ambulance into a wall or something and then after awhile Mcarthny will fall out the back and the ambulance wont care. Bullets wont go through the plaster, so lets explode him. Take out your grenades, Bazooka etc and keep throwing grenades, but make sure the explosion doesn't get you as well. If a car roles over him, just blow it up and the damage mter will go up more because of the explosion on him. You can also run him over, but it takes ages. *********************************************************************** DONALD LOVE *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: "LIBERATOR" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donald thanks you for taking car of that 'personal' problem for him. Now you must rescue one of his friends being held by the Cartel. Head for Fort Staunton and grab yourself a Cartel Cruiser either in the construction site or just pluck on one the roads. Hext head over to the place on your radar and let the gate open. Get out of your car once inside and use it as a shield and then sniper off all the Cartel around. Now there is no Cartel in this part. The person you have to rescue is in the first garage from the front left. Open it up by walking next to it and then quickly kill the Cartel guy with your Uzi. Don't go into any other of the garages as they all have Cartel members. Take a car and go back to Donald Love's place. NOTE: BEFORE YOU DO THIS NEXT MISSION, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DONE ALL OF KENJI KASEN MISSIONS AS IN THIS MISSION, YOU ARE ORDERED TO KILL KENJI KASEN. SO IN ORDER TO GET 100 PERCENT, DO THE REST NOW! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: 'WAKA-GASHIRA WIPEOUT" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donald explains the situation about a war going on between the Colombian Cartel and the Yakuza. He wants to use the situation wisely and orders you to kill off one of the head Yakuza bosses in a Cartel cruiser, so the Yakuza will blame the Cartle for this! The person you have to kill is the Yakuza Gashiri, Kenji Kasen, yes thats right, one of your old bosses. He is attending a meeting on top of the big multi story garage, and it is your job to get a Cruiser. First job is to get another Cartel cruiser, if you still have the car form the last mission, well use that. But actually it is proabably beeter to get a non-damaged one from the the Fort Construction that is very much next to the Multi Story garage. next head into the Multi story garage with your Cartel cruiser and go up the stories. I say it is better to come in from the right, and thats how I'm going to write this bit of the walkthrough. Once you are up top with kenji and the Yakuza, head left and keep going and wack the limo into Kenji, then get out of there, don't worry about all the other Yakuza members, just find the ramp and go out of the Multi Story garage or jump off the big ramp where the unique jump is. Exit the suburb and you will get a message. Press triangle now to complete the mission. If at any time you are in the Multi Story garage and you exit the vehicle you will fail the mission as the Yakuza will recognise you and not blame the Cartel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: "A DROP IN THE OCEAN" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The very last career mission in Staunton, so after this is complete, Shoreside vale will now be open via the bridge, tunell etc. Anyway, a light aircraft is going to pass over the bay tonight and drop packages in the water, you must get these packages before anyone else does. Grab a car fast and speed to Asuka's condo and grab the boat at the docks. Once you have the boat, get out into the ocean until the plane is in sight. It will start to drop packages. Use your boat and collect each one as it falls, and get them in order just to make it easier for yourslef. A message will say when a package is dropped. Also you will notice that for every package you obtain, you get a higher wanted level. there is 6 packages to collect, but you can only get the FBI in Staunton. Head back to shore with that damn helecopter buzzing around. Run up to near Asukas condo and grab a Banshee or Stinger from here and head in the next alley on the right to the pay and spray. Now head back to Donald Love to now have acces to Shoreside. Once the mission is complete, you will hear an announcement on all radio stations that the Shoreside lift bridge has now been fixed and you can drive to Staunton. ======================================================================= 16: SHORESIDE WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** DONALD LOVE *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: "GRAND THEFT AERO" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember those packages that you picked up in the mission "A Drop in the Ocean"? Those were a Decoy, and the real package is being held in a plane at Francis International Airport. Donald has payed off the Airport security so you can go in and get the package. Race over the Lift Bridge to Shoreside vale and go to the francis international airport and get close to the blip. Then you realise the Cartel are now here, and they have got the package. Stand way-way back from the hanger they are in so they can't even see you. Aim and shoot your sniper rifle and kill all the Cartel members. then run up into the Hangar, The package is gone. The camera zooms in on a Panllantic van. Donald suggests you go over to the 'Pan-lantic' construction site in Fort Staunton. It now beomes a visible blip on your radar. Head over there with any car you want and head up stairs onto the second floor of the soon to be built house. This is a good snipering spot, shoot all the colombians guarding the blue maze section. A shot anywhere will do. Then head into that area, but do not go directly in. Use your camera skills to look around the corner but you character's face/arms cannot be seen if anyone was around the corner. Use this trick to see if there are any Cartel members around. If there is, make a mad dash and kill them, they have Ak47s. Kill every Cartel in here and you will get a message to take the lift to the tower, so do that and you trigger one of the better cut-scenes of the game's story line. Catalina and Miguel have found the package and are going to take it. You find Miguel + Catalina and take the package off there hands and then Catalina (that backstabbing bitch) Shoots Miguel and falls down into some boxes. Suddenly Asuka appears and starts to whack Miguel for information. Just head back to Donald's place to complete the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: "ESCORT SERVICE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donald has paid a driver to take the package to Pike Creek in Shoreside, but he can't do it aalone, and you must help because of the Damn Cartel around the streets and roads also wanting to get the package and destroy the van carrying it. There is 2 ways to do this mission; the honest way, and the dishonest way. Grab a fast and preferrably bulky car. Follow the Van where ever it goes and you shoould encounter the Cartel, try and ram it into something and leave it there or do a drive by to destroy it, this is best done in the limited space of the Porter Tunnel, or you can try and roll the Cartel. Try and make most of the Cruisers hit your car, because you can always get a new one, and if they hit the van too often, it will be destroyed and mission failed. The driver will stop for nothing, always try and protect him. Get to pike creek to complete the mission. the dishonest way is to just wait at Pike Creek and apparently the Van makes it there by itself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: "DECOY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The donut-lovers have got the package surrounded. it is your job to take the van and lead the cops away from the warehouse. But then van is a decoy, and the package isnt in it. Take the van and take it to a location where you can hide, for example the Cochraine dam. Or before hand, work out a good place to go AWAY from the warehouse. Battle it out for afew minutes without the van being destroyed to complete the mission. You do have a wanted level of 4 stars and using the Wanted level cheat wont work as the cops will stay near the Warehouse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONALD LOVE: "LOVE'S DISSAPEARANCE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This isn't a real mission, but it says it is, so I will put it here. You character goes to Loves place and looks around but he isn't there, you have completed all of Donald Love's missions on Liberty City. Lets move on to Ray. *********************************************************************** RAY MACHOWSKI *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAY MACHOWSKI: "MARKED MAN" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apparently the CIA have come to Liberty to take care of this spank situation, and Ray is a marked man, he must get to the airport and escape liberty city quickly. Since this one has a strict time limit, I will give you an exact walkthrough street by street. Make sure you already parked your car outside the circle where you get the mission from. Get in and wait for Ray to get in as well. head east as North is shown on your radar and you will come to a main road outside the park. You can't take the Bridge because the CIA are there and will fire your car to pieces unless you have a bullet proof car. Take this road left all the way until you come to the T-Intersection right next to Fort Staunton. Turn left onto this road and then take the first right onto the road where the Phone rings for King Courtney's missions. Take this road all the way dwon past the stadium and when it ends take a right. You will now be on the road that goes all around Staunton, take the first right into the Porter tunnel. Try to go on the other side of the road if there isn't a barrier to avoid slowing real down, but most of the times if there is 2 cars exactly next to each other, slow down and wait for one to pass. try to keep your damage low. Take the first interscetion left once far into the tunnel, and then left again at the next exit. Follow the tunnel out and you should be near Francis International airport. Take your first left and follow the road around and you will see the blue marker, pull up in it and Ray will go into the airport. he also gives you a key to his lockup that contains afew goodies. Head back to Staunton and follow you radar to the lockup, it is situated across the road from the Internet Cafe, and it is a garage. Walk down into the garage to complete the mission. Take the weapons and DEFENETLY take the bullet-proof patriot back to your garage. Your done for Ray, and he has gone to Miami. *********************************************************************** ASUKA KASEN *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "BAIT" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asuka has found some information from Miguel, there is 3 death squads dotted around Shoreside, in a bid to kill you from Catalina. Asuka has set up a trap, and you must lead these fools to it where the Yakuza will kill them for you. This maybe nice to try a bullet-proof vehicle on (Patriot) because the Yakuza and Cartel can sometimes shoot your car to pieces. Go to the first death squad and try to stay a resonable length in front of them, but not too far other wise they will give up. Stay around the same speed limit as them and try not to get lost. Lead them to the trap and watch them die. Each car has 4 Cartel members in it, so you know when your are done with each death-squad, because 12 members will be dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "EXPRESSO TO GO" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catalina has set up Expresso stands that sell this poison. You must destroy all of them quickly before the Cartel warn the stands about you destroying them. The best strategy to do this mission is: You don't have a time limit until you hit one of the Expresso stands, and they don't show up on your radar unless you have been in the district or you are close enough, so go around Liberty and seek out all the 9 stands first, then they will all show up on your radar so you know exactly where to go. It's easy once you think about it, except for the time limit. Start at Portland because then you can work your way back instead of going from Staunton, to Shoreside, then you have to cross Staunton again to get to Portland, it's just common sence. Because I'm so nice, I will give you the locations of the stands: ~PORTLAND~ - Salvatore's mansion - Harbour entrance ~STAUNTON~ - Park near Ray's missions - Near car park in Newport - Statue in Torrigton - Down the street from the church - In front of the church ~SHORESIDE~ - In front of Francis international Airport - Hospital at Pike Creek Once all stands are gotten rid of, you get your reward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "S.A.M" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miguel has once again talked, and Maria has joined Asuka in the tower. It has been revealed that a plane full of Catalina's spank is coming into Francis International Airport. You must get a boat and shoot the plane down. Race across the bridge and you will come to Francis International airport. make sure you have a bazooka, and also you are given one when you hijack the boat. Get out to the Bouy and when the plane comes in, shoot it down. It goes real fast so you will have to get your timing right. Once the plane has crashed, collect all the poison in your var and race back to Asuka in the tower to complete the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASUKA KASEN: "RANSOM" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catalina has killed Miguel and Asuka, and pinned a note to them saying that you have to bring 1/2 a million dollars to the Cartel Mansion locted in Cedar Grove. This isn't really a real mission. To get more money, why not do some more extra missions, 4X4 or Taxi/Ambulance missions, thats a great way to get the money. *********************************************************************** CATALINA *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CATALINA: "THE EXCHANGE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have the money, take it to the Cartel mansion in Cedar grove. The guards will take the money and will strip you of all your weapons. Catalina will take the money. But once again, Catalina has betrayed you and takes the money and orders the guards to kill you. Then you punch the guy out. Quickly take the weapon from the guy you punched in the cut-scene and run behind you to the garage. Quickly nab the armour and get in the Cartel cruiser and drive out of here, the gates will open for you. You know have a time-limit of about 6 and a half minutes to find and eliminate Catalina. Go back to your hideout and grab some weapons that you got from all the hidden packages, you know them, right? Head to the lower part of the dam once you are equipped with all your weaponary. Sniper off all the Cartel and continue down the dam killing all Cartel as you go. At the next barricade, once again sniper them off. the sniper rifle ammo is limited, so save it for killing off the last few guards and the people on top of the containers. Your best bet now is to use a AK47 or a M16 that can also auto aim. The helecopter will fire missiles, run up to the steps, and this is where you can eliminate Catalina with your Rocket Launcher, if you had it at your hideout. Shoot down the plabe. If you didn't have the Rocket Launcher at your hideout, one of the men has one around Maria. Shoot down the helecopter to destroy Catalina. Sniper all guys below and near Maria, then run up there and eliminate the 2 guys on the left, once they are dead head over to Maria to see the game's ending. ======================================================================= 17: PORTLAND EXTRA MISSIONS ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** EL BURRO *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EL BURRO: "TURISMO" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ El Burro says to you that you are new in Liberty, but you are already gaining a reputation on the streets. there is a street race starting near the Callahan bridge, first one to get through all the checkpoints wins the prize. First of all, head down to Easy Credit Auto's and grab yourself the ever popular Banshee sitting in there. Take it slowly to the starting line to begin the race. Once the race starts, stay back abit as the cars go wild. Now with your banshee, scream past everyone and grab the checkpoints. You can see the current checkpoint and the next checkpoint on your radar, so use strategy to quickly get there. Once you get back to the Callahan bridge in first place, you win the prize and you get to do some jobs for the Diablos. Also, there is a bullet-proof cheetah in this mission. To see how to obtain the special "Cheetah" see the bulletproof vehicles section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EL BURRO: "I SCREAM YOU SCREAM" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ El Burro wants you to kill of some guys, but they are hiding in a warehouse down at Atlantic Queys, there weakness is ice-cream. You must hijack the Van on it's daily routine, plant a bomb in it and lure these fools to their death. Start by grabbing a car and head to Borgnine taxi's in Harwood and grab the briefcase with the bomb in it. Next go and jack the Ice-cream van on it's daily routine. Now, getting a Mr. Whoopie is hard for the Import Export garage, so lets take this one, but it has to be done after the mission. Lure the guards out with the ice-cream van, but don't blow the van up, shoot the men instead to complete the mission. Then take the van to the Import/Export garage, they wont care if it has a bomb in it :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EL BURRO: "TRIAL BY FIRE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those damn Triads stole El Buroo's beautiful car last night, and then torched it. In the trunk was some priceless memories, so he wants you to get the triads back. he has left a super-weapon in an alley in Chinatown, pick up the weapon and cause some massive damage on the Triads. the Triads should already be mad at you, if not, they will be after this mission! Head to chinatwon or the Weapon Symbol on your radar. Park your car ready for a quick exit. grab the weapon then get back in the car and turn left and then left again out of the alley. Go around to the tennis courts, there will be thousands of Triads in there and more outside if need be. they will shoot at you. Be careful not to get the flames on you. Once 20 triads are dead, you get your payment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EL BURRO: "BIG 'N VEINY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some guy stole El Burro's prized collects of Donkey Does Dallas version 1, 2 and 3. But the spanked up guy left the Doors of his van open. You must collect these packages before anyone else does, so it has a time limit. Start off by taking the van. This mission is all about Trial and Error. If you don't know the path the first time, when you next do the mission, you will know where to go. It is a hard mission to do at first. You have a time limit of 25 seconds and you get a bonuses of 1 second each mag you pick up, yes I know, wow 1 SECOND! grab the van and follow the Trail of Magazines around Portland. Soon enough you will come to the Portland docks. Run the guy over and take the magazines to XXX magazines to complete the mission. You are now done with El Burro. *********************************************************************** MARTY CHONKS *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARTY CHONKS: "THE CROOK" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marty's missions can be found at the phone outside the Bitchin' dog food factory after you start doing Joey's missions. The missions will only be available from 9:00 to about 17:00. The first mission and all the missions are simple. All you have to do is take the car and pick up Marty's banker, the crooked bastard keeps putting the rates up, and Mart wants to meet him. Go to the gates of the bitchin' dog food factory and then take his car. Run it over to Where his bank manager is and pick him up. Then take him back to Marty's. Marty will kill the Banker. Take the car to the crusher, because it is evidence that has to be taken care of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARTY CHONKS: "THE THEIVES" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marty has money problems as you already know. he hired some men to break into his appartment so he could claim some insurance money. But the theives are threatining to tell the insurance company unless marty gives them half of the cut. Tale the Sentiel from the Bitchin' dog food factory and then head to there location and take them back to the Bitchin' dog food comany. They think Marty wants to give them the money...... Think again. Looks like Liberty's dogs are going to have a new flavour this month. Anyway take the car to the Pay 'N Spray and bring it back. The sentiel is cool car, but it becomes locked once you finish the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARTY CHONKS: "HIS WIFE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marty's buisness is near Bankruptcy, very much so thanks to his wife. All she has been is a hole in his pocket. You have to go "Classic Nails" and pick her up. Bet you can guess what what to do here? grab the car from the Bitchin' dog food factory and take it to the location that is pointed out by your radar. Take her back to Marty. Once the cut-scene is over, take the car to the Docks and leave it near the edge, then ram another car into it to dump it into the sea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARTY CHONKS: "HER LOVER" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damn, it turns out that His Wife was seeing someone that Marty owes money to. Carl thinks Marty is going to pay him off, but Marty has better ideas... Once again, do the same. grab the car, take it to the location on your radar, take Carl back to Marty's. Finally you actually get to see Marty Chonks. In a twist of the story line, Carl shoots Marty. Oh well, you still get paid your money! Just for fun run down Carl and take his shotgun ammo. *********************************************************************** RC TOYZ: *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RC TOYZ: "MAFIA MASSACRE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Rc Toyz van is located in an alley way in St Marks, the objective is to blow up as many mafia Gang cars as possible. The main road just where you are is a great location for the Mafia cars to come past. Your reward is 1 grand per gang car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RC TOYZ: "DIABLO DESTRUCTION" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another RC cars mission, this time you have to blow up as many Diablo cars as possible. The toyz van is in Hepburn Heights, near the stairs that lead to the over head Subway. Most Diablo cars are waiting at the traffic lights on the mian road to the left as you come out. Your reward is once again 1 grand for each car destroyed. *********************************************************************** OFFROAD *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFROAD "PATRIOT PLAYGROUND" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offroad missions are sparked whenever you get into a special car, like the Patriot parked down at the supa save. Once you get in, it will brief you on what to do. the timer doesn't start until you collect the first checkpoint. I can't really do this one, so I can give you any help! All the checkpoints are dotted around portland Harbour and you need to get all 20 of them in the time limit without getting out or rolling your car. This is probably the hardest mission in Portland. ======================================================================= 18: STAUNTON EXTRA MISSIONS ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** KING COURTNY *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KING COURTNY: "BLING-BLING SCRAMBLE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ King Courtny is the leader of the Uptown Yardies, a ganga that patrols this part of Liberty. KC (King Courtny) has set up checkpoints all over Liberty, first through a checkpoint wins cash. Whoever gets the most checkpoints wins the prize. Before going to the circle, grab a fast car such as a Cheetah that is racing around Liberty. Next go to the circle on the main road and then do a U-Turn and then actually go into the circle, so that you are facing the city and the stadium. Other drivers will pull up, one in a Patriot, a cheetah and some other van that I forget. As soon as you are free, make a mad dash and get all the checkpoints. Some are closest to the last opponent so don't always expect you are going to get them all. But with your fast car, you should collect alot. If you get 8 Checkpoints or more, you have defenatly won the mission, if you get 6 or 7, you should still maybe win unless one of the other drivers has got all the rest. This mission is really simple, and you get paid for each checkpoint you collect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KING COURTNY: "UZI RIDER" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some damn Diablo's were being bad to Queen Lizzy, so now it is your job to go to Hepburn heights and kill some of them. The cut-scene will come into affect, 2 Yardie members will pull up in a crappy Perrenial, not the best of cars, but it will still do. king Courtny wants to know if you are actually capable of doing his dirty work, so this is a test mission. Take the car back over the Callahan bridge into portland and head for Hepburn heights where all the Diablos are. Use drive-by's and kill 10 of them, usually you don't even get a wanted star. Once you have killed 10 with a drive by, take the Yardies back to their turf. The Diablos will now be pissed at you, that makes every gang in Liberty mad at you. You are never allowed to get out of your car on this mission, and the only reason the Yardie's are there for is to make sure you do it properly and not chicken out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KING COURTNY: "GANGCAR ROUND-UP" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KC wants to make hits on every gang in Liberty, but he is still short a Yakuza stinger, Mafia Sentiel and a Diablo Stallion. You must find and take these cars to his garage, and they must have no scratches on them. First, lets get the hardest one first, the Mafia Sentiel. To avoid going into Mafia turf, best use the tramp tunnel next to Supa Save. Take it through to 8-Balls and go up the hill on the right up to Salvatore's mansion. Grab one here without the fuss of the Mafia pricks shooting you. Take it back down the hill and through the Tunnel again and go back and deliver it to the garage. If you do damage it in portland, don't go to the Pay and Spray there, as there is a much bigger chance you will scratch it again before you get to the garage, so use the one in Staunton, it's just common sence. Once it is delivred, go to portland and find a Diablos Stallion from Hepburn Heights or around there. Take it back to the Pay and Spray if you need, then take it to the garage. Now for the easiest one, the Yakuza Stinger. these can be found driving around Torrington or there is afew parked at Asuka's if you don't want to battle. Once all are delivered, you get paid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KING COURTNY: "KINGDOM COME" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KC wants a stash in a parked car, you must go get it. This sounds real simple doesn't it? Well this is actually quite a hard mission. No, I'm telling the truth! You have a time limit to get to the car. it is in the Same parking lot where you had to steal the Stinger for Kenji's friend in "Grand Theft Auto". Take your car there and get there as quick as possible. Once you are in the car, it turns out that King Courtny has betrayed you, I thought it was wierd that you had to do his missions but they are actually on the side of the Colombian Cartel, the ganag you Vs for the whole game. Vans approach, with Spanked up madmen inside. After the cut-scene, get out of your car. Make sure you have your Uzi ready and try and destroy each Suicide bomber right next to the vans to blow them up. Once all vans are gotten rid of, you get paid from the back-stabber King Courtny. Now the whole Yardie gang now hates you and will shoot and come in packs when ever they see you. *********************************************************************** RC TOYZ *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RC TOYZ: "CASINO CALAMITY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this mission, you have top blow up as many Yakuza Stingers as possible. the van is located near Kenji's casino inside afew planters. To start off you will need to press Left to actually get the little toy to move away from the van, other wise you will be dead if it hits the van you are in. Most stinger are around the Casino, look there. *********************************************************************** OFFROAD *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFROAD: "MULTI STORY MAYHEM" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I alwys new it, there was something to do in that big multi story parking garage near the Bomb shop, pay and Spray and Asukas. To trigger this mission, you actually need to grab a stallion from outside the garage. there is 4 checkpoints on each level and the timer starts immediately after the cut-scene. Always get every checkpoint on each level before moving onto the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFROAD: "A RIDE IN THE PARK" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The vehicle for this is a Landstalker located in the park, where Ray's missions are. The vehicle is located down the North end of the park near the tennis courts. Hop in it to trigger the mission. The timer starts once you get the first checkpoint, so suss out your route first and find out which is the best way to go about collecting them. Each time you get a checkpoint, you are credited with time. Collect all to recieve paymanet. ======================================================================= 19: SHORESIDE EXTRA MISSIONS ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** D-ICE *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D-ICE: "UZI MONEY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purple nines are moving in and taking over the Hoods territory, it is your job to shoot some of them and show them how a real Driv-by works. You have 2 1/2 minutes to kill 20 nines with a drive by, but watch out, the jackets might shoot at you. In case you didn't know, the Purple nines are basically the Red Jackets but only wearing Purplee instead. If you use a Rumpo Xl, the vans wont chase after you. Spray the streets with gun fire and only drive-by's on Purple Nine's count. just stay back and Forth on the same street as the road and many purple nines wil appear, but remeber only Drive-by's count! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D-ICE: "TOYMINATOR" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Nines have several armoured vehivles roaming the streets, well actually only 3. You must use the RC cars to defeat the trucks. Head to the Toyz van on your radar and follo the vehicles with the RC car. You only get 5 of them, so you can only afford to stuff up 2 times. It says that the buggy will blow up once out of range, but it never gets out that far too anyway. This mission is fairly simple, destroy all the Nines van on your radar. try to avoid going into the back of another car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D-ICE: "RIGGED TO BLOW" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some Nine has set D-Ice's car to blow, and if he loses his wheels, his reputation on the streets will be lower. You must take his vehicle to the Bomb Shop in St Marks so they can Defuse it, but the slightest pot- hole could set the bomb off. Drive to the Infernus located on you radar. Hop in it and slowly take it all the way back to Portland. Only speed up when there is a massive opening, because one big crash and the bomb will go off. Take it back to portland, slowly! because you are on a mission, the Mafai will not shoot at you. Take the car to the garage in St Marks and they will diffuse the bomb. The time limit is large so you can afford to go slowly to get here. Take it Back to Whicita gardens, and try not to scratch it or you will have to get it repaired, at your cost! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D-ICE: "BULLION RUN" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was a plane transporting Pltnium, and it crashed over Pike Creek. You need to grab some platnium and take it to D-Ice. You need to gather 30 pieces of platnium, but not all at one time. If you take alot, thne police will come after you, but don't worry about 1 star. Also your car will be weighed down by the plantium. Once you have 30 pieces, you get paid! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D-ICE: "RUMBLE" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Purple Nines have challenged the Red Jackets to a fight. Go get D-Ices baby brother and he will tell you the location. Go to the Picnic ground. But you can only use a baseball bat, no guns, cars etc. Try to get the Nines in a group and whack them down then start beating them on the ground. Keep pressing O rapidly. Apparently once you do this mission the Nines will go away. *********************************************************************** RC TOYZ *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RC TOYZ: "RUMPO WRECKER" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You have 2 mins to destroy as many Rumpo's as possible. The van is behind an appartment near your hideout and afew billboards. Many Rumpos are around the main roads. *********************************************************************** OFFROAD *********************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFROAD: "GRIPPED" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Vehicle for this is in the Picnic reserve where you fought the battle with the Purple Nines. Get in the 4X4 vehicle there to start the mission. The checkpoints are on the hills, and I can't get this mission done because it is just too hard for me! If you have follow this whole walkthrough and done all the levels in order, this is the last mission in the game. Good luck. ======================================================================= 20: 'R3' MISSIONS + TIPS ======================================================================= XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Escorting people: The taxi driver XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX One of the most common vehicles driving around Liberty City is taxis, they are found almost anywhere on the roads and come in 2 different styles. Taxi's usually drive past your hideout real often, and actually anywhere around Liberty City, you should find one anywhere you go. There is 2 types of taxis to start of with on the streets of Liberty City, the most common one is just the basic taxi, yellow nearly all over. The there is also another taxi, this one is less common found roaming around the streets, it is a cabbie, looks like it was modled after an old fasioned cab. After you complete a certain amount of missions, the Borgnine taxi becomes available to use. It has better handling, speed and also has spikes on the front. The best city to do the taxi missions is probably Staunton island, as I have found out that you seem to get paid more for some reason. Usually you should start doing them in Portland and then move on and then do the rest in Staunton. Once you have triggered the special 'R3' mission by pressing R3, you are now a taxi driver, what you have to do is take people to their location fast. Pedestrians appear as a green dot above their head. The destenation that you have to take them to is the blip on your radar. Usually your next fare is near where you took the last pedestrian. To do the taxi mission, of course you have to rush to get people to their destination, so this means you will probably have more crashes. If you crash so much, the person will flee in terror, and this means that your car is in bad condition and no one else will want to get in. The only thing I can say here is to end the mission and find a new taxi. Depending on how far away the destination is, you will get a time limit to get there and drop the pedestrian off, if the time reaches 0, it's mission failed and you have to start again, just press 'R3 again. Time accumulates for all the passenges, and each time you drop someone off at thier destination, you are given an extra 10 seconds to find another fare, or even more if you have accumulated time. Depending on how far you took the person, you will get cash, if the destination is just around the corner, you will get $90, but if it is the opposite side of town, you will get $900. So the farther you take them, the more money you obtain. there is special bonuses for getting to the destination really quickly and for doing a certain amount of fares in a row. Because GTA3 is a large game, they really can't have 1 million different places where the passenger wants to be dropped off at, so here are some popular locations: PORTLAND: -Old school hall -Greasy Joes Cafe -Easy credit Autos STAUNTON: -Enclosed section near construction -Stadium in Aspatria In order to get poeple to their destination, you need to drive skillfully and carefully trying to keep down the damage on your car. If your side of the road is blocked, then drive on the other side of the road, or the footpath. Sometimes you have to even swerve through cars, but try not to get too much damage. Alos, take shortcuts through possible paths as well, the cops don't care if you speed, drive on the wrong side of the road or footpath, just get to the destination. Ahh yes, the main reason you do this mission is to get the reward, it's nothing spectacular, but good none the less. It is a special taxi called the 'Borgnine'. It becomes available after you have complete 100 fares in any district. The Borgnine taxi is located at Borgnine taxis in Harwood, Portland, near the Head Radio station. The Borgnine taxi is a different colour to the others, and looks like the cabbie. it has better speed, handling and also has spikes on the front to eliminate any pedestrian than gets in your way while you are driving like a mad man. I don't believe that you get anything for completing 200 fares. The borgnine taxi does return after awhile to the exact loctaion. I believe that when you do the 100 taxi missions, your percenatge goes up by 1 percent. So you need to do all of these to get 100% al up on the game. The taxi mission are probably the easiest thing to do, it only requires abit of driving skills and it will be easily accomplished. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Help sick people: The paramedic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ambulances are mianly found at the hospital at all cities, but the most common way to find one is to kill afew people and one will come to heal the poeple, so you just take it. Then press 'R3' to toggle the paramedic mission. What you have to do is go around rescuing the injured the patients. Let them get in the ambulance and take them back to the hospital. Each patient picked up gives you more time, and each patient dropped back at the hospital gives you money, and at the later levels, more time as well. the ambulance in my opinion is one of the most easiest vehicles to roll in the game. To avoid this, don't go flying around the corner at 1 million miles an hour because you will proabably lose control and roll. Make sure you slow down and use R1 to do the cornering, this will avoid crashing into walls and stuff. If your ambulance starts to shake, stop completely or until you can see that it isn't rocking any more. Be careful when going down hills as well, because once again, control can be easily lost and cause the ambulance to roll. Most people like to do it in Portland, but there it is easier to roll because the surface of the city isn't flat, but if you do it in Staunton, the surface is really flat. But the hospital in Staunton is harder to get into that Portland, oh well, there is alot of pros and cons about this, so choose your own city. The sick people on your map are the green blips, and the hospital is the other magenta blip. Once you have rescued the patient, bring him/her to the hospital. Note that more than one person can be transported at one time. You start with Ambulance level one, and once you rescue the person and take them back to the hospital, it now becomes Ambulance level 2. Each level has one more person than the last, so for example; Ambulance level 1 has 1 person, ambulance level 2 has 2 people, ambulance level 10 has 10 people. Now, note the following thing, the ambulance can only hold 3 poeple at one time, so here is my startegy: On the first 3 levels, go around and collect all the patients and then take them back to the hospital. But when you get to the 4th + levels, you will need to use some startegy. If there is someone really close to the hospital, go collect them and quicly race back there. Also, if the hospital is on the way to another patient, make a short stop off there and drop your load off. It isn't good at all to just go around getting 1 sick person all the time and then taking them back, get them in groups of 3 if the patients are near each other. For each patient that you pick up, you are given bonus time, depending on how far away you are, the time varies. Time only accumulates for the level, not the next one. Lets just say you complete ambulance level 1 with 1 minute to spare, at the start of Ambulance level 2, you wont have 1 minute to go. Each time you hit a wall, pole or another car, your patient gets more sick and is going to die earlier, so your time limit will go down for each major carsh you have, so take care. Ahh yes, this is what we are all waiting for: Save 45 pedestrians: Health icon becomes availbale at hideout Save 85 pedestrians: Adrenaline pill at hideout Complete ambulance level 12 and infinite run is granted. According to most things I have read, different people have got different icons (helath, adreniline) at the different amount of pedestrians saved, but his is what I got, so maybe you will not get the same. To gain a percentage on your overall status, you need to get the health icon at your hideout, the adreniline pill and do ambulance level 12. The ambulance is proabably one of the hardest missions to do, especially because the ambulance is real easy to roll. I think I went through about 20 ambulances just getting the adreniline pill. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Making Liberty City a crime free place: The cop XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX To do these mission, you will need a: An Enforcer: A swat van A Police car: A general cop car FBI car: Balck Karuma Rhino: Tank By looking at the list, you would think the tank would be the best do the mission in, but it is too slow and the criminal is speeding along at 100 miles an hour you will never catch them. A FBI car is really fast to catch up with the criminal, but getting one is hard. The FBI cars carry 4 heavily armoured agents and trying to jack one with 4 armoured members in it, your car would be toast with bullets in seconds. And also with the FBI car, you need a wanted level of 5 for them to even be available on the streets. And doing a vigilante mission with 5 stars is suiscide. Next, we come to the enforcer, Nah, way toooooo slow. So that only leaves the one car, the Cop car, it is fast, easy to find and takes a fair bit of damage. Cop cars can be found in the police stations where you are taken when you are busted. or just generally shoot someone near a driving cop car and the cop will get out, then just hop in the passenegers side door and drive off leaving the cop behind, this is the most common way and the wanted star will eventually go off leaving you to do the Vigilante mission without any hassle. What you have to do in this 'R3' mission is eliminate the criminals. This can be done any way, from blowing up their car, to damaging their car and then run them over. It is pretty hard and your car will get smashed up. You need to try and run the criminal off the road or damage his car big time, then he will get out. The criminal will be speeding along at a very fast pace, so it can be hard to catch up. Avoid going 100 miles an hour, because he can turn and trick you, but still go fast. Try to get to the side of him and either push into him or do a drive by. Pushing into him will cause him/her to lose control and hit afew objects. After the car is damaged enough, the person will get out. I just run them over if I can. After the criminal has been killed, it's mission accomplished and it is on to your next criminal. An alternative startegy is to basically pull up on the side and do a drive by, stick with the criminal on the speed limit, but not to close on the sides, then perform a drive by, and after awhile, his car will eventually explode. Also, the driver usully gets into a road block and things like that at time, so use a grenade and make the him and the roadblock dissapear. The explosion should kill him. Sometimes it might be better to hit the criminal head on. Just ram straight into him. Then turn around and the criminal will likely be against the wall. Then ram him/her to the limit. Of course, by doing these missions, your car will get trashed alot, especially while battling a truck or fish vans. After I have done 3 vigilante missions, I always quit the mission and find a new car, just to make sure that my car isn't ready to blow up. Usually my car is trashed by then. Afew more Secrets to add: To get a very easy kill, chase the criminal while in your cop car, or whatever. Now once he is close to you, pause the game. Your probably thinking, what the hell? But then un pause it. Then you will notice that the criminal will actually slow down and get out of his car. Yes, this is a glitch, and leaves him open for an easy kill. Most people say that this is cheating, but reall how can it be, if exploiting a glitch is cheating, then that means reading a strategy guide is cheating. Sorry, off topic. Another major secret in this thing, it involves using cheats though. Heres what to do: Grab a cop car, but don't trigger the R3 mission yet. Drive the cop car back to your garage. Park the car in your garage. While still sitting in your car, activate the R3 mission. Hop out of your car, then run off somewhere near your hideout. Use the destroy all cars cheat (L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, T, S, O, T, L2, R2). This wil destroy all cars, including the criminals, but your car will be in your garage, so it will be repaired again. Hop back in the car, then go back out and use the destroy all cars again. You have to go back into your car every time otherwise it will say '50 seconds to end' or whatever, and the next criminal wont show up until you have got back into a police car. Of course, like all R3 missions, you have a certain time limit to kill the criminal in. the limit is very big though, so you shouldn't have any trouble with the requirements. Once again, the time accumulates so you get more time. Depending on the location, you get a different amount of time. If you hop out of your police car, another time limit will appear, this means that you have a certain amount of time to find a Police Car before the mission ends. When that timer reaches 0, the mission ends. You think your a cop hey, think again! the cops of Liberty City still know it's you. Even on a Vigilante mission where you run over someone with your police car and the cops see it, they will still want to arrest you, just because you are being a vigilant makes no difference to the cops, so still all the old rules count, such as hitting a cop, killing a cop and all that crap. Sometimes and usually all the time, cars are in the way of the criminal, so what you can do is press L3 in and your siren will come on. Sometimes it's the horn, if so, just press it again. When you next approach a car with your siren on, it will move out of the way for you, giving you a clear path, but sometimes cars don't move if you are drving on the wrong side of the road and sometimes they swerve into you instead. Kill 10 criminals in Portland and you get 1 police bribes delivered to your hideout. Kill 20 criminals in Portland and you get 2 police bribes delivered to your hideout. Kill 10 criminals in Staunton and you get a 3rd police bribe delivered to your hideout. Kill 20 criminals in Staunton and you get another Bribe delivered to your hideout. Kill 10 criminals in Shoreside to get a 5th bribe delivered to your hideout. Kill 20 criminals in Shoreside to get a 6th Police bribe delivered to your hideout. Killing all 60 criminals will gain you 1% on your overall percenatage complete. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PUTTING OUT FIRES: THE FIREFIGHTER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Only Vehicle a Ifre Fighter mission can be done in is, well, a Fire Truck. You know? Those big red chu-chu things :P Fire trucks can sometimes come when there is a fire, such as you use Molotiv Cocktails and grenades to catch a car or perason at that on fire, sometimes a fire truck will come. But usually, the fire will put itself out before you even hear the truck coming. So that why you rarely see any firetrucks roaming around the streets. Fire stations are the best way to get a fire truck. These are the locations of the Fire Stations: Portland: Across the road to the South of the AMCO gas stations. Staunton: Near the BJs Deli, near the Shoreside lift bridge, on the road below. Right next to the road. Shoreside: Entrance of the Airport, come in the main entrance, when you see the car-park gate, do a U Turn and on your right will be the Fire- Trucks. What you have to do in this R3 mission is put out the fires on vehicles. Seems easy, and really it is. The vehicles never explode, thats funny, because usually if you see a car on fire normally in the game, it will explode about 2 seconds after, taking everything with it. This is really a simple mission to do. Requires only really driving skills, as most missions really do. To squirt the water, press the fire button, which is O. The fire-truck's hose will squirt out, mucky, looking ****. You once again, have time limit like all the other missions. Each report, a car will be burning. You have to put the fire out on it. Drive to the car, and run into the car while squirting the water, this should put it out straight away, and also keep some of your speed. If your water wont reach it, or wont put it out for some reason, It's probably one of these things: 1)Your missing the main fire part of the car, you may be hitting the car with water, but you aint getting the actual fire part of the car with the water. Move the turret. 2)You are either too close, or too far away from the car and fire, move back/foward and try again. 3)Your hitting the wrong car with water, sometimes hitting other cars can be fun, but be serious and hit the right car. 4)Something must be wrong with it, hit the car to a different position, and then try squirting it again. 5)You have already put the car out, or any other silly explanation that you could be doing if you are a Jackass. 6)You might have some glitch that disallows you to put out the fire, or the car may be missing or something like that. Thats all you pretty much have to do, sounds easiy. Now to write up about all the other stuff to do with this mission: If you want the water to go to the side of the firetruck instead of shooting out the front because you are stuck, or don't want to move, or it is just quicker, then you can move the hose turret to shoot the water somewhere else. To move the turret, use the right analog stick. Move it how you would using the other analog stick while moving. Make sure you don't actually press the button in, otherwise you will quit the mission, probably accidently. Thats why I don't move the turret, and usually I don't need to anyway. Time accumulates after each car, and then once you put out the next car, you keep the time and also get some extra time. The Firetruck is a very powerful truck, it acts like a BarracksOL when pushing, so use this to your advantage when getting to burning vehicles, don't bother about goin around the vehciles, because the fire-truck will just clip the other cars anyway because it can't fit perfectly on the footpath (Or for you Americans, Sidewalk). So my point here, charge through the cars, ram them out of your way. It seems like with this mission, the Fire Truck can take alot of damage before giving up. This fire-truck will take about 8 times the damage of what a normal van/truck like this would normally take. I'm not sure about a Normal Fire-trcuk that isn't on a R3 mission becsue I only get the Fire-Trucks to do these missions. Another thing I would like to mention, by doing these missions, you will put out fires on cars that are rare, or are exclusive to an island that you haven't got to yet. Some of these rare cars are: Mr Whoopie: Defently take this, this is one of the rarest vehicles in the game, you will need it for the Import/Export garage. Trust me, get it now or you will be sorry. End the R3 mission and take it to there. Flatbed: On the first island, thisis the only time I have seen one. It's not rare, as you can find them on the second/third island, but if you haven't unlocked the other islands, this is rare. Take it to the Import/Export garage, they wont one. Once again, this is what you do the missions for: Put out 60 fires, 20 in each district, and a Flamthrower will appear at you hideout. I'm not sure what percent it gives you for doing this. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Frequently Asked Questions XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What are the R3 missions? A: Special missions that can be done in certain cars, press R3 to put it on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What cars have the special R3 missions? A: Cop cars, Enforcers, Kurumas, Rhinos, Ambulances, Fire Trucks, Taxis and Cabbies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What do I have to do in the Vigilante mission? A: Kill the criminal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What do I have to do on the Taxi mission? A: Take people to their location. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What do I have to do on the Paramedic mission? A: Pick up the people and take them back to the hospital. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What do I have to do on the Fire Fighter mission? A: Put out fires! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I have a hint/tip on a R3 mission, can I send it to you? A: Yes, sure, my email is Wayalla1@yahoo.com.au ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Will I be credited on the information I send in? A: Yes you will. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I have this FAQ on my site? A: No! Only gamefaqs can have it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I have some codes for this game? A: I only answer stuff about the 'R3' missions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I print this guide? A: Of course, it can be used for personal and private use. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: This seems like a good guide.. A: I always like posotive feedback. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: This guide is crap..... A; Dude, I already know that OK! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I send in a Frequently Asked Question? A: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't get the adreninline pill at my hideout even though you said to get 85 sick poeple to the hospital? What am I doing wrong? A: The paramedic missions are funny sometimes, and I have heard reports that some poeple haven't even gotten the adreniline pill to they have reached Ambulance level 12, so my advice is that you just keep saving people and I guess eventually you will get it. ======================================================================= 21: TRICKS ======================================================================= Drive By -------- You can perform a drive by attack on anyone while in a car, heres what to do: Hold down L2 to look left or R2 to look right. While in this view, press and hold O to to a drive by. Note this can only be done with an Uzi. Any weapon drive by ------------------- I found this out by myslef. First of all, get out of your car and then hold up another by standing in front of it. Then jump onto the bonnet and stay on there. Once the car takes off, you can shoot while the car is moving for you. If you shoot the car sometimes the driver will go super fast. Dive ---- When someone is coming at you really fast, you can press the 'jump' button and you can perform a dive to move out of the way like the pedestrians do. It can be really hard sometimes to do it. Staunton Early -------------- I have never done this, but apparnetly you can get to Staunton Island Early by using the tank Fly Cheat and you can jump the broken part in the bridge. I have actually never done this, my friends just said you can do that, but I don't really like to cheat and just swap levels. Fake Hijack ----------- I can only seem to do this with car theifs. You can somehow pretend to get in the car, but actually pull the guy out and not get in. Any info will be accepted about this. Shortcut missions ----------------- On some missions, you already might know what to do, so you can wait at the location. Eg, you can just go to the Portland Harbour early on the mission "Cutting the Grass" and destroy the Forelli bros. at the start. Free Re-spray ------------- If you painted your car at the pay n' spray and you didn't like the colour, go back in to the shop and you will get a free re-spray with usually a different colour. Hooker trick ------------ believe it or not, but I own the Australian copy of the game, so the Hooker thingy is edited out, but I atill know abit about what to do. Go up to a hooker, and she will stand near your car and you will start chatting, after awhile, she will get in your car. You will lose money for every second she is in the car. Take her to a secluded location and the car will rock and your health will go up. Free Stuff ---------- Hop into an Enforcer (S.W.A.T van) and your armour will be refilled back up to 100 Hop into a cop car and you will get 5 shotgun shells Hop into an ambulance and your health will go up by 20. Once you hop in one of these vehicles, you can't get back out and then get back in it and it will give you more. Weapons at your hideout ----------------------- Collect hidden packages and after every 10, a weapon will appear at your hideout and will come back after awhile from when you took it. here is the prize chart: 10: Pistol 20: Uzi 30: Shotgun 40: Grenades 50: Armour 60: Molotiv Cocktails 70: AK47 80: Sniper Rifle 90: M-16 100: Bazooka + $1,000,000 Walk like Pedestrians --------------------- I have never seen this trick anywhere. Have you ever wanted to fit in with the pedestrians on the streets just walking around? Well you can. Using the Analog, push the stick up, but not all the way up, and your character will walk. Move it down lower, and you will walk slower, but it up the farthest and your character will normal run. Immune to gang hatred --------------------- Are the Cartel and Mafia blowing your cars to pieces every time you go through there territory? Ever failed a mission because of these damn gang members on the street? Well, there actually is a solution. It may take a little while to do, but it will last until you next die, save or turn off the console. No, this isn't a hoax. What to do: Sadly, it involves cheat to work. When you did the last mission for Marty Chonks ("HER LOVER"), you will be able to see Marty Chonks. What does this have to do with the gang hatred? keep reading and find out. Once he is dead, have a look at his body, and the clothes he is wearing. Notice that last thing. Now, use the change costume cheat until you get to that costume (Note: This doesn't have to be done next to Marty's body) It can take a while to get to the costume, but once you get to it, it is all worth while. There are afew of these costumes, but only one is the real Marty Chonks style. Once you have the costume, walk around the streets and you will be immune from gang hatred. If you get shot at, you will know that it isn't the right one. Now you can go along the streets and you wont be shot at! if you steal someones car, he will try to take it back. but the Cartel and any other gangs that hate you wont shoot at you. If you threaten them, they will act as the pedestrians and just run away. Run Forever ----------- You can run forever by tapping the X button instead of holding it down. Another way that you can run forever is to run and press Triangle at the same time, the character will now run forever because when you are chasing a car, you can just keep on running. (Thanks to AcidSiefer) More Cars in Hideout -------------------- Just thought I should mention it if I haven't already. This can be done on your Staunton Island garage. You will notice that your garage can fit in about 5 cars by the look of it, but when you go to put another car in, it says that it can't hold any more. Well, there is a way to get 3/4/5/6 cars in there. Pakr your car next to the garage door. Get out and amke sure that you leave your door open ready to egt back in and drive really quick. Approach the garage door as if you were going to get a car from in there, the garage door will open. Quickly press triangle to get in your car just next to the garage door and drive it in, the garage door wil try and shut, but will just go back up. Thus allowing you to fit another car in your garage. Make some space, because you can fit more cars in there. ======================================================================= 22: HIDDEN PACKAGES ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** PORTLAND *********************************************************************** [1] North end of path, follow the road down to where the Porter tunnel usually is open to and above it is the hidden package. Directions from hideout: Take the first right when coming out, and then take the left road when the two split. Take this road all the way around until it turns onto a major road near Hepburn heights. Take this road to the left (north) and follow the road over the bridge and you will come to the Porter Tunnel. Search around near the top of where the tunnel starts to dip in to find it. [2] Head radio station roof, you need to jump from the train tracks to get on top of it. You will lose health but it's of course worth it. [3] Amco gas station. Jump on the street wall of the gas station (Behind it) and keep your balance, jump down at the end and take a running leap to the other building. Ok, now I will give you directions to get to the AMCO gas station: Take the first Right once you come out your hideout and take the left road as the two split. Take this road until it comes into another road and immediately turn right and take the closest road on your left. Follow this road and you will be there. [4] Inside Easy Credit Autos, break the glass and it is in there with the Banshee. Use the same directions I gave you for the Gas Station, as Easy Credit Autos is right by AMCO gas station. [5] Go around the left side of Salavtore's mansion, it is in the little alley between the bar and the wall. Direction to Salvatore's: Immediately take the first left as you come out your hideout and then take the 2nd street on your left. Take this street all the way around and it will eventually go right by Salvatore's mansion. [6] Beach below Salavtores mansion, take the path on the right side of his house down to the beach and head left, and under the enclosed bit will be the hidden package. Use same directions as the last hidden package. Just use the path near the house to get down to the beahc, then start looking over to your left. [7] Behind a house, from your hideout, take a right, and then go up and you will see a little entrance to a house on your right, go in here and around the back is the package. [8] It is in a planter, snoop around near El Burros contact point in the park in Hepburn Heights. D.F.H: When you come out of your hideout, turn left and then take the first left once again and follow this street down and turn off to the first left. Search around in the park. [9] In a big grass area in Hepburn heights, if you come roaring down the big street in ST Marks, keep going past the road and into the grass area. Bail and in this area turn and run left, you will find it somewhere between two trees. Directions From hideout: use the same directions for the last one, but instead take the road to all the way to near the straight and snoop around in the grass area to the right. [10] - [11] Climb rubble facing to the street with the potholes. It is in a little area with dirt and stuff surrounding it. Directions from Hideout are as followed: Turn right out of your hideout, and then take the left road as the two split. Take the right road and then the seond left. Drive foward up to the alley on the left and climb the Rubble. [12] Use driveway near the garage you took the car for "RIGGED TO BLOW", or if you are still in Portland, it is the section across from Salavtore's mansion. Drive down there and over the roof and then look back to find the hidden package. Directions from Hideout: Take the left road out of your hideout and then take the first road on the left and follow this road all the way down until it ends. Take the road that is nearly in front of you to the right. Follow this road all the way up and keep going until you see Salvatore's Mansion. Take your car to the left and you will see a little alley. Drive your car down and jump the roof. Then turn around and face the part you just jumped and you will find the hidden package. [13] Quite easy this one, use the stairs to get up to Luigi's sex club 7 roof. Search around here and you are bound to find it. From your hideout, take a left out and then take your first left road, follow it up and then take the first road on your left. Alternatively, follow the L on your radar if you are still doing Luigi's missions. [14] Clib up onto Luigis roof and then jump one roof West using your radar. Use the same directions that I gave to get to luigi's before. [15] Use alley stairs of Woody Topless bar and gain acces to the roof. Woody's bar is located over the road from Luigi's in the Red Light District. Use the directions I gave for Luigi's, but instead keep going up and take the first right from where I stopped saying the directions from Luigi's, then take the little alley on the right and then go up the stairs in the alley onto the roof. [16] You cannot get this one until you have Staunton island open. It is in the middle level of the Chinatown subway. [17] Inside rush construction building. It's and empty house/shop near the subway on the corner. Use a weapon/car to break the glass down and it will be in the middle. Directions are as followed: Take a left out of your hideout and chuck a left at the next road. Follow this road all the way up to the end and right at the end on your left will be the glass windows for the empty house. [18] In the middle of the big road going around ST Marks, (The same road with Salavtore's mansion on it, look for a little path on the left, and you will find a little alley, check in each backyard and I think the first one on the right has the hidden package. [19] Near 8-Balls you will notice a tunnel, go through the tunnel and near all the Hobo's is the hidden package. Also you can go through the tunnel at the 'Supa Save' store located near the Portland Harbour. [20] Super Save roof, you will need to get on the above Train Tracks, there is a place where you can get on the tracks from near here. Make a leaping jump onto the roof and you will find it. To get to Supa Save from your hideout: Turn left out of your hideout and follow the same main road all the way down. Take the right road when the two split at the end, keep following the road past Greasy Joe's cafe and the entrance to the Triad Fish company. keep following the same road past Atlantic Queys and you will eventually come to a + section. Turn right at here and go past the Harbour, and then on the right will be the upa Save store. [21] Back alley next to the 'Hong Hung inc.' store located in Chinatown. Look for the sign in Chinatown, very easy if you don't have the Triads shooting at you. Go around the back and you will find the alley. Directions: From your hideout turn left out and take the fifth road on your left. Follow it down and the Hong Hung inc. sign will be right in front of your eyes. Find the back alley and there it willbe. [22] If you have done "Trial by Fire" for El Burro, this package will be easy peasy to find. Go up the stairs of the alley onto the roof. This alley is located in Chinatown and alos has a rampage in it as well. Directions are followed: Take a left out of your hideout and take the 6th road on the left (Stick to the left part of the man road, because some of the streets don't all the way through). Straight away on the right will be a small alley, find the stairs and it is on the roof. [23] Roast pecking duck back alley, located in Chinatown. look around for the sign, or just search the alley's. Direction From hideout: Take a left out of hideout and then take the 6th street on the left, then take the first right. Then take the first left and you will see the sign. Search around the back alley. [24] Inside Bitchin' dog food factory. Near Joeys garage. Let the gates open for you and go around the back to find it between Marty's and the wall. From your hideout, take the road to the left, and follow this all the way down, past Greasy Joes Cafe and past Atlantic Queys. Pass the + section and you will enter a square looking section where joey's garage is. The btichin Dog Food company is on the right. [25] Liberty Pharamcuetical's roof, once again you need to jump from the train tracks. On the left corner near the road is the package. Also there is some weapons up here as well. [26] Near the ship at Portland Harbour, you will notice some stairs, go up them, and keep heading that way and jump to the awning of the next bulding. You should see it from here. Directions: From where you got the one from the Bitchin' dog food company, take the same road back out. When you come to the + section, go left. Take the road down and then take the road into the Portland harbour. Go the right side with the Mule parking and when you ghet to the end with the water, turn right, and then right again at the corner. Get out of your vehicle and you will see the stairs. Jump to the roof North once up on this roof. [27] - [28] Knock down the fence in front of Joey's Garage to find this one. I'm not sure where the exact location is, but I'm sure you will find it soon enough. Directions: Take a left out of your hideout and follow this road all the way down, when the road splits, go the right section and continue down past Greasy joes Cafe and past Atlantic Queys until you get to the + section again. Keep going foward, and on the left is the fence that you have to knock down to get the package. [29] - [30] This one is hard, you need to use a saw dust ramp to get onto the Portland Saw mill roof. Explore around the top and you will eventually find this sneaky little package. Directions to saw mill: From your hideout, take the 4th left and then the second right and you will be on the road where the Callahan bridge is. Go left and then quicly take the first right and there is the saw mill, with the 2 vans parked outside. [31] First of all steal a 'Belly Up' fish van. Use it to get into the Turtle head fish co and it is around the back on a ledge near the Gas Cannisters. Directions from hideout: take a left out and follow the main road all the way down and go the right road when it splits. Across the road from the Greasy Joe's Cafe is the turtle head fish co. Steal a belly up fish van first. [32] End of paved Pier, near the party and Atlantic Queys. It goes all the way out to the left. Don't worry, just keep looking on the Pillars and you will eventually find it. It is near a Unique jump near the warehouse where you did "I Scream You Scream". These hidden packages are really hard to explain where they are. Directions: take a left out of your hideout, then follow the road all the way down, even past the Cafe. When you get to Atlantic Queys, don't turn down the little street that just continues straight where the Party was, take the second right. Follow the road STRAIGHT, and you will be off the road. Then turn to your left and follow the pillar and you will find it at the end of the pier. [33] Acces to Staunton is required to get this one, you must get a boat and go to one of the rock Island located near the Turtle head fish co. It is the cloest island to there. Search around all the rock islands and your bound to find it if you keep on going around from the water near Salvatore's. *********************************************************************** STAUNTON *********************************************************************** [34] It is around the back from phils Army Surplas store, or if you haven't done that mission, it is in the road that leads to a bit of land going out near the hosptial and the stadium. It is at the Northest point of Stuaton, so use your radar to get there. [35] Next to the stadium, it is behind of the fifty rockstar signs. It is on the corner behind one of them, near the last hidden package. Where the two roads meet you will find it. Okay, I will directy you from your hideout, first of all, turn left when you first come out and follow this road to Fort Staunton, and take the first left. Follow this road until you see the first right, take it, and you should be on the road where the phone for King Courtny is. Follow this road all the way up and once it ends, it will be behind the rocksatr road on the corner. [36] Ok, kind of a hard one. Head over to the hospital, grab an ambulance and reverse it. You will see the hidden package up on an overhang. Park the ambulance then get out and jump on top of the ambulance and up onto the overhang and you will see the package right in front of your eyes. Know I will direct you from your hidoeut. take the first left out, then the first left again and then the first right. You will once again be on the road where the phone is for King Courtny. On this road, take the second right and you will come to the hopsital. Take the road in or use the stairs, and the ambulance will be down there. [37] it is at the stadium entrance, near the gate and near the stairs. Go up the stairs at the stadium and you will see it. It is also near the car-park you will see where you had to steal a fast car for kneji's friend on the mission "Grand theft Auto". Once again, directions from your hideout. First left out, first left again near Fort Staunton and take the first road on the right. Then take the first left and turn into the stdium gate on your right. [38] Near the University of Liberty City, in Cartel territory near the construction site in Fort Staunton. It is on the street side and if you are coming from the hospital, it is on the right, well the Universoty is anyway. because I'm so nice, I will give you directions from your hideout. Take the first left out, and then take the road that is pretty much straight in front of you. Take this down and on the left is the University, snoop around here and you are bound to find it. [39] Go into the construction site and it is on the second level, find the stairs leading up to a good sniper spot and snoop around and you will eventually find it sooner or later. Fort Staunton is as soon as you pretty much go to the left of your hideout. Snoop around and you will find it upsatirs. [40] It is on the top of a little bridge located in Cartel territory, it is on the main road that goes all the way around Liberty near the construction site. You will need to climb the steel to get up to where it is. Direction from hidout: Take the first left as you come out of your hideout. Take the first right and you will pass through Fort Staunton and Cartel territory. Follow this road all the way up until it ends and then turn left and a little way down you will find the bridge. [41] - [42] This one is inside the construction site, at the south east most part of it (use your radar) It is near a house under construction in the corner next to a Cartel Cruiser. Fort Staunton is near your hideout, snoop around and you will find it in the corner near the barricade next to the first road on the left. [43] - [44] This one is in the Multi Story garage where you done the mission "Multi-Story Mayhem". If you don't know where this is, I will lead you from your hideout. Take a right (South) When you first come out, then keep going down the road until you come to the first road (Not including that small one with the Hotels). Take this road and then turn off of it at the first left. Keep going down this road and you will find it in thr Garage on about the 2nd level near one of the ramps. [45] Next to the alley of Bjs grocery and deli shop. it is in the back alley near the lift Bridge. From your hideout take a left out and then take a left at the next road. Follow this road all the way down to the end. Take a left and on the left again will be BJ Grocery and Deli. look for the back alley. [46] On rooftop, you need to jump from the Shoreside lift Bridge. From your hideout tkae a right (South) and follow this road all the way until you get to the Callahn bridge. Turn right at the intersection and follow this road all the way dwon until it ends. Turn right and keep on heading down, you will eventually come to the spiralling part of the Shoreside Lift bridge. It doesn't matter if it is open or not, you don't have to go that far up to get it. Jump basically nearly straight ahead to about the right and land safely on a rooftop where you will find the hidden package. [47] - [48] Located in the basketball court in the park. From your hideout head south and take the first entrance to the park on your right. Follow the entrance all the way down the path and you will come to the basketball courts. Look for the entrance to the one on the right, because thats where it is. [49] This one requires you to have Shoreside Vale open. It is on the very high part of the bridge where it lifts up. You need to get a car, stand on it and jump to the middle section on the part where the bridge goes up. From your hideout, take a right and follow the road down to to you get to the big main road where the Callahan bridge comes onto. Take a right and follow the road down until it ends, take a right and follow tis road all the way, go up onto the Lift Bridge and park your car on the actual bit that lifts up. Park your car next to the centre of the bridge and then jump up onto your car, then jump onto the middle of the bridge. When it goes up, there will be the hidden package. [50] Beneath the bridge in the park, the same park where you do Ray Machowski's levels. From your hideout take a right and follow the road down. Take the second entrance to the park and find the bridge. Look under it and on the path will be the package. [51] From your hideout, take a left. Then take the right road at the intersection and go down the second right road. Follow this road down abit and on the left you will see Asuka's condo. Jump down into the carpark part. Go down onto the second pier. [52] Near the Callahan bridge in an alleyway. From your hideout take a right and follow the road down to the road on the Callahan bridge. Turn right and then take another right so you are on the street next to the callahan bridge heading south. Follow this road and on your left you should see a pth going down into a garage and a path next to it. Go on that one and turn into the alley. Follow this around and you will find the package. [53] Top of Museum stairs, direction from hideout: Take a left out of your hideout, and then take the next road on your right. Follow this all the way down, past Cartel territory. When iut ends, you will have 2 ways to go, turn right onto a highway, follow this down until you are under the Callahan bridge. Then look for a big building on your left somewhere just past here. At the top of the stairs is the Hidden Package. [54] - [55] This hidden package is in the Police Station Back lot, from your hideout, turn right and follow the road down to it ends. Take the road that is nearly straight of you. Turn off at the very first left and take this road down, keep going up and past the first left will be the police station. [56] This one is in the Lot Leading to the Police Station Back Lot. Take a right out of your hideout, then take this road down to it ends. Take the road that is basically straight ahead of you, take the left path. Straight away on your left will be the police station. Turn into it and go down the ramp, turn the corner right and you will see the hidden package on your left. [57] Behind the Church. From your hideout, take a right and follow the road down until it hits the road with the Callahan bridge. Turn right onto this road and then take your first left. Follow this road down. After the first right, you will see a church. Look for the entrance just after this road and before the next right road. Go behind the back past some lights and you will find it at the back. [58] - [59] In an Underground Carpark near the AMCO building, it is at the back. From your hideout, take a right. Follow the road as it curves, and then when it ends, take a right. Immediately take the next left you come across, then take the first left once again. Follow the road down and turn down the third street on your right. Look to the right and you will see the garage. Turn into there and at the back of the Parking lot you will find the hidden package. [60] Top of AMCO roof, same directions as last hidden Package from hideout. The AMCO Building is across the road from the Abandoned House. [61] In the House withe glass around it. Shoot down the glass and go up the stairs to find the package. Take a right out of your hideout, then follow the road as it goes all the way down and take the real upper right section as the two roads kind of split. Follow this road all the way up, until you see a second road on your right. Just before here on your left will be the glass, this is the house. Break it down with your car or a Shotgun bullet and go up the stairs to find it. [62] Door facing intersection. From your hideout, take a right out. When you reach the road with the bridge, turn right and then at the next intersection up farther, turn left. Keep following this road foward, and you will find the hidden package straight ahead of you on this road. *More coming soon* ======================================================================= 23: UNIQUE JUMPS ======================================================================= Portland -------- 1: I will be assuming that you haven't unlocked Staunton island while getting these Portland Unique jumps. Head towards the broken Callahan bridge. Go up the bridge past the barriers and go all the way up to where it has been destroyed. While looking at the damage, do a U-Turn and head back the opposite way, towards portland. You will see a ramp in the middle. You have to hit the ramp and clear the first part between the bridge. Punch the gas from the broken section of the bridge, and hit the ramp, keep punching the gas while in the air and you should land really far away on the grass beneath. If at any time you hit the bridge side after you have gone over the ramp, the jump will not be counted. A fast sports car is required for this jump, something like a Banshee from the Car place near 8-Balls, because of the small rev up space to work with. 2: Head towards the broken Callahan bridge. Go between the two roads that lead onto it, so that you are underneath the bridge. Roll over the hill of grass, and then keep going until you reach the road. Then do a full 180 degree turn and head back the way you came. Keep pushing the gass, hit that grass hill that you went over and you will go flying into the air. Keep holding down X, and you will make it. Pass over the first section and then hit the next or land before for it to count. Once again, I reccomend a Banshee for this jump, but I suppose a Banshee is required for all jumps probably. 3: Come into Portland from the Callahan bridge, or start at the broken section and head down towards Portland. Follow the street as it goes east, and keep heading up the road. About 5 seconds after that, turn back and head back down towards the callahan bridge. As you do this, you will see a little ramp to your left. You have to hit that and clear that building there. So get a run up with your fast car, rev it up, let go of R1 and keep holding the gas. Hit the ramp, and then clear the building. That is the requirements to complete this jump. Watch when you go over the building in slow motion, it's funny because you usually crush someone. Then steal their money :P 4: Head down to the docks. At the entrance to the docks (The main entrance that has a carpark straight in-front of it with different cars like a Kuruma and a Yankee) Turn Right (South). Keep heading up and you will see a ramp, your aim is to hit the ramp, and clear the trailers there. So back up, rev up, and then power over the ramp and clear most of the trailers, and stop just before the water for this one to count. 5: Somewherwe in the middle of Chinatown near the subway I think there is a ramp that looks like a jump, well, it is a jump. Get speed back from it, and jump off the ramp onto the overhead train tracks. To make this jump count, you just need to get onto the train tracks, but it can be picky at times, so try it with the Banshee and you will get it easier. ======================================================================= 24: RAMPAGES ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** PORTLAND *********************************************************************** RAMPAGE NUMBER: I OBJECTIVE: Eliminate 20 diablos with a M16 in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Alley of Woody's topless bar LOCATION 2: Near the basketball courts TIPS: This rampage is very easy. Don't worry if the Diablo's start to gang up, you have a M16. Two shots can kill a Diablo and you have unlimited ammo. The Diablos only have baseball bats and the odd ones have guns. If possible, find a place where you are sheltered from them, or just easily run out onto the street and start waving bullets around everywhere. Location 2 has a place that stops the Diablo's getting in, because they are stupid. Another way you can do this Rampage is to stand on top of a car. the Diablos' baseball bats wont reach up and gives you a really good spot to sniper from with your M16. try to make the car stop, at the trafic lights or destroy a car in front of it so there is a pileup. Sniper from the car and you will be right. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: II OBJECTIVE: Kill 25 Triads with an Uzi in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Chinatown alley, near the level "Trial by Fire" super- weapon, the flamethrower. LOCATION 2: Unknown TIPS: Before even starting the rampage, bring a car into the alley with you and face out, the reason is because it saves time and you are not going to kill the Triads face to face. Get the rampage then get back in the car and head down the main street of Chinatown. Perform drive-by's on the suckers, and the more of them, the merrier. Keep going up and down the same street, performing drive-bys. This will take your kills up alot, if the Triads try to car-jack you, do a drive by on them. If your car does get damaged alot, then start to fight on foot, shoot the Triad guys who aint looking. This is the easiest way to do it, and if you decide to just take them all on with your Uzi on foot, you will be dead in no time, as the Uzi can take awhile to kill. If you get in a group of triads, sprint out and then turn around and start firing. Some will decide to run away, so shoot them as well. Sometimes Fish Vans come, but are really poor drivers that will try and run you over. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: III OBJECTIVE: Kill 20 Triads with a shotgun in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Sitting near Mean Street Taxis LOCATION 2: Ledge behind hospital TIPS: I always prefer location 1, because it is just better. Head onto the street and Triad's will be everywhere around the streets, even if it isn't there turf. Aim and fire the shotgun and after awhile the Triads will start to get nasty. If you hold R1, then shoot and then quickly hold R1 and then shoot again, you wont have to reload the Shotgun so you can get easy kills without the hastle of reloading. 20 triad members are easily found walking the street of the Harbour, but sometimes if you turn around and then look back, some of them go away. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: IV OBJECTIVE: Kill 20 Mafia with an AK47 in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: The hideout where you took the guys back on "The Getaway" LOCATION 2: Unknown TIPS: Location 1 is actually better, the reason I say this is because thats where I did it. Do this rampage before you do the mission "Sayanara Salvatore". For the simple reason that the Mafia wont be pissed off at you yet. If you do it after you have done that mission, the mafia will carry deadly shotguns that can tear your health down to 0 in about 3 shots. Once you get the first location rampage, head out onto the streets, and if the mafia arn't pissed off with you, go on a killing spree and shoot everyone you see. the AK47 has excellent range and can lock onto targets from very far away, use this to you advantage. Kill the Mafia guy cloest to you first, and then work your way through the other ones. this rampage is fairly easy, if you haven't done "Sayanara Salvatore" yet. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: V OBJECTIVE: Destroy 10 vehicles using grenades in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Top of Trian Tracks LOCATION 2: Unknown TIPS: First, jump down off the train tracks, and then down onto the street. Hold up traffic by standing in front and then throw grewnades at the vehicle. It will explode, others will alos catch on fire and blow up, after awhile. Try to create a massive roadblock where all cars are piled up together, then throw a grenades. you can alos blow up the ambulances and cop cars for afew freebie kills, then consentrate on the cars. Sometimes the cops come, but just throw grenades at the car and low them to Kingdom Come. Just remember to create a roadblock, thats about the most importent thing to do to get cars banked up. And also remember there are 3 freebie vehicles parked at the hospital/Cop station. So really you only need to destroy about 7 civilian cars. This rampage really shouldn't be any trouble, the only things that make it hard are the cars sometimes blow up next to you and sometimes the cops can get in your face. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: VI OBJECTIVE: Destroy 12 vehciles with a Rocket Launcher in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Across from the old Chool hall LOCATION 2: behind a tree near Greasy joes cafe (To the east) TIPS: Finally you get to use the big mamma of weapons, the rocket l auncher. Run up onto the street at location 1 and just start firing at passing cars, and sometimes creating roadblocks to hold up more cars. Where you are is a safe alley to pick off cars from, so the cops can't come from the back. Sometimes vigilante civilians will try and stop you from blowing them up, but don't worry about them, just let them get the random punch in the head, it's impossible to actually kill them with the Rocket Launcher because they are too close. Always make a pileup, that the main rule. that will help you very much. At location 2, go down the highway and just start killing the cars as they come to you. You can even go down to greasy Joe's cafe for afew freebie vehicles. _______________________________________________________________________ *********************************************************************** STAUNTON *********************************************************************** RAMPAGE NUMBER: VII OBJECTIVE: Behead 12 Yardies with a Sniper Rifle in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Top of the AMCO building LOCATION 2: Kenji's Casino (Use stairs) TIPS: At location 1, you are on top of a bulding, which basically means that you wont get shot at by the Yardies. But you need to use head shots to kill them. Sometimes they will run away, so don't worry about those guys. Keep a steady aim, and shoot when you hvae a perfect shot at a Yardie heads. Only head shots count. If you run out of targets, let go of R1 and then press and hold it again and more targets will appear. Also what you can do is jump down off the roof and youwill notice a little 'Fence' thing protecting you from the Yardies, here you can easily see over the top and gives you a clear headshot at all yardies, doing this will give you heaps of time to spare. At location 2, jump down of the catwalks and run down onto the road, from here, pick of the Yardies. Location 1 is beeter to do this one at because there are more targets and closer to you. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: VIII OBJECTIVE: Kill 25 Yardies with the Grenades in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Alley near Fire Station LOCATION 2: Alleyway south of Liberty TIPS: Both of these are alleys, and the best way to do this rampage is to throw grenades out from the alley into the street. Other Yardie's might come to get you, but then just throw grenades and run. Lure more yardies into the alley and throw grenades into there path, then watch them all die. Don't stand next to the grenades otherwise you will be dead in no time. If you do get surrounded, run like hell, turn around, drop a grenade and then run away again, this will kill all yardie's behind you. Keep throwing grenades and you will be done in no time. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: IX OBJECTIVE: Destroy 8 vehicles with a shotgun in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Northeast corner of park LOCATION 2: Southwest corner of park TIPS: Before you even start, make a pile of cars in the park next to the rampage, or just back abit so you don't get the explosion. Trigger the rampage and destroy these 3 vehicles. Now you will only have 5 cars to destroy, head to the road and start shooting cars, so will drive off speeding because you shot them, don't worry about them. Aim at the cars that don't drive away and shoot them to pieces. the chain reaction can destroy other cars as well that are banked up. After you have destroyed afew cars, the cops will be on you. Who cares, just kill the cops and destroy their cars. You are given so much time to do this rampage and it is one of the easiest to do. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: X OBJECTIVE: Kill 20 yardies with a Rocket Launcher in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Cemetry near church LOCATION 2: Planter near the mission "Knigdom Come" TIPS: A very hard rampage, due to the yardies can get into your face and strat punching and there is really nothing you can do. You can blow them to Kingdom Come, but then you will probably go with them. From location one, take a car and get over to the empty house across from the AMCo building. Go up the stairs and here is a good sniper spot for using thr Rocket Launcher. Aim out the window and fire everywhere, you have unlimited ammo, so just keep shooting. Try to kill the Yardie's in packs if possible, this will take your amount to kill down. Gettting to tis part is the only real time consuming part of the rampage. the Yardie's wont get to where you are, so you don't have to worry about that. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: XI OBJECTIVE: Kill 20 Yakuza with a Flamethrower in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Parking lot near Donald Love's place ("Kingdom Come") LOCATION 2: South side of Church TIPS: Actually this one is an easy rampage. The yakuza are friends with you all the game, and this wont be an exception. They wont shoot at you unless you threaten them. Your best bet is to just go behind them and use the flamethrower on there backs. the only trouble is that the fire couold catch onto you. Location 1 is better, because there are more Yakuza fools to elimainte, making the whole rampage easier. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: XII OBJECTIVE: Kill 15 Yakuza with Molotiv Cocktails in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: In a doorway of the bulding near the Unique Jump with the grass and the grass ramp and trees. LOCATION 2: Garage near 8-Balls TIPS: Location 1 I think is better. Run South and head down to kenji's Casino or near there. here will be many Yakuza that are easy to kill. Always hold down O when you want to throw a Molotiv cocktail, otherwise you will be burnt, and if you are burnt 3 times (If you had armour) you will die. Always throw them high and kill the yakuza in groups. The Yakuza are friendly to you, so killing them will be no problem, and the Yardies will walk into there turf, so this creates a diversion away from you. Kill all Yakuza you can see, avoid the flames on the ground and head for the next guys. lso be careful that your Molotiv Cocktail doesn't hit a wall next to you, otherwise once again you wil probably be burnt to death once again. For location 2, walk out onto the highway near Asuka's Condo to kill the Yakuza. _______________________________________________________________________ RAMPAGE NUMBER: XIII OBJECTIVE: Destroy 15 vehicles using a M16 in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Southern building of College LOCATION 2: Construction site TIPS: Do what you do for every rampage where you have to steal cars. Jack about 3 cars, then block the roadway. Gte the rampage then destroy those 3 cars and hopefully the other cars being blocked will get the reaction as well. If not and they start to drive away really fast, aim and destroy them. the M16 fires bullets real rapidly and can detroy cars in seconds. Wait for cars to come to the roadblock and then detsroy them quick. Run out onto the roads as well and just pick off cars as they come. This rampage is really easy. Some freebie cars can be found at the Stadium if you need to go there. Location 1 is closer to here. _______________________________________________________________________ *********************************************************************** SHPRESIDE *********************************************************************** RAMPAGE NUMBER: XIV OBJECTIVE: Behead 20 Cartel using a Sniper Rifle in 120 seconds LOCATION 1: Near lot of Cochraine dam LOCATION 2: Roof of small garage behind cop station TIPS: Location 1 is ont op of like a roof, this is the better location. Stand up top near the edge and look down. Aim and shoot at the Cartel heads. the Cartel will get scared and run underneath and pile up down below where you can't get to them, at any stage don not jump down. You will land in about a group of 10 Cartel, who will shoot you to pieces. Aim and only headshots count, so use them wisely. To get more targets, let go of R1 and then re press it and look down again and more targets will re-appear. After the rampage is complete, the Cartel will still be down below. _______________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================= 25: CHEAT CODES ======================================================================= ------------ BASIC CHEATS ------------ Refill Health ============= In game press: R2,R2,R1,R2,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP As this code says, it refills your health. No matter how much you have left, it will always take your health back up to 100 hearts. Good for if you are in a gang war or something. Also this cheat repairs your car, all smoke will be gotten rid of, and your car will be brand new but it Doesn't look it though. Refill Armour ============= In game press: R2,R2,L1,L2,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP Ahh yes, good old armour. This is a backup for health basically and goes down first. Use this cheat to backup your health with some srmour. Once again no matter what it will take your armour back up to full once you use the cheat. This cheat can be used while walking or in a car. but of course it doesn't refill your cars health, only refills your characters health. All Weapons =========== In game press: R2,R2,L1,R2,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP All true blue cheaters alike will use this cheat. This gives you all weapons that are possibly available in the game into your baggage. It gives you about 5 Shotgun Shells, 75 Uzi bullets, 5 Bazooka shells, 200 M-16 bullets, 200 AK47 Bullets, 5 sniper bullets, 75 pistol ammo, 5 grenades + Moltoives. What more could you possibly want? How about unlimited ammo? Sure, why not. Select the weapon that you want to get unlimited ammo in, the AK47 or the M-16 are the easiest. Now keep inputing this code and you will get more ammunition. The M-16 and AK47 will finally get up to 9999 bullets, and when you reload a clip, it will go back to 9999, thus giving you unlimited ammunition. Viola. More Money ========== In game press: R2,R2,L1,L1,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP This cheat gives you stacks more money. I'm don't know the exact number, but find that out for yourself you cheater! Anyway, do you feel lazy about obtaining cash, well do this cheat and your money will skyrocket every time you do it. No Wanted Level =============== In game press: R2,R2,L1,R2,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP,LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT,UP Are thise donut lovers nnoying you, maybe you did something bad and there chasing you? This cheat will make all your worries go away. Use it and the cops will back off and your wanted star will go down to zero. Oh well they say, I hope my donut hasn't gone cold! this can be a useful cheat once you are versing the SWAT team, F.B.I and also the army. Everyone in the vicinty will back off and get back into their car, unless you commit anpther crime. Raise Wanted Level ================== In game press: R2,R2,L1,R2,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT Just for a challenge you might want to put this on. It increases your wanted level by 2 stars. I lust like doing this for a cahllenge if I just wanna fight the cops and not the innocent pedestrians. Also this is good for the made up missions section, where you might need to raise the wanted level. Check out that section. This cheat will bring the next level up in defences, so it will suddenly go from the cops at 3, to suddenly the F.B.I, watch out as you can easily be killed. ------------- WEATHER CODES ------------- Fog === In game press: L1,L2,R1,R2,R2,R1,L2,X I really have no idea why you would want to enable this code, maybe you just want a challenge in driving or you want to make the game like real life. this makes fog appear and the streets, cars and pedestrians are very hard to see while travelling along in this weather. Overcast Skies ============== In game press: L1,L2,R1,R2,R2,,R1,L2,SQUARE Basically makes the skies overcast, I needent say much more. Once again I wouldn't really see any reason to input this code. Rain ==== In game press: L1,L2,R1,R2,R2,R1,L2,CIRCLE This cheat once entered makes rain fall from the sky. the rain very much so doesn't perfect your performance or anything like that. It's just coll to sit there and listen to the rain hit the ground, it sounds so much like real rain. This can sometimes actually affect your veiw of things because of it (The rain falling). Normal Weather ============== In game press: L1,L2,R1,R2,R2,R1,L2,TRIANGLE Are you sick of all the weather being bad? Isn't fog your style? Use this cheat and all your worries will go away. It will turn the games weather back to normal sunshine. Sometimes it doesn't look like it, because it's sometime night when you do it silly! I always use this cheat when the fog is around, because it is hard to see then. -------------- VEHICLE CHEATS -------------- Rhino Tank ========== In game press: CIRCLEx6,R1,L2,L1,TRIANGLE,CIRCLE,TRIANGLE Ohh, it's time to cause some destruction in Liberty City. Enter this code and a tank will just drop out of the sky and land usually behind you, sometimes crushing cars. If you want to, you can leave the tank there for as long as you like, because tanks are remembered on the games memory for pretty much ever. This tank cheat can be entered as many times to get alot of tanks, but if you do drop more than about 8 or something, your saved game file will stuff up once you save your game. It will freeze in the saving progress part. Flying Car ========== In game press: RIGHT,R2,CIRCLE,R1,L2,DOWN,L1,R1 This will enable basically low gravity kind of. Once you are driving along, press and hold up and eventually your car will lift off the ground, but will land after about 2 or three seconds, and doesn't really fly up that far in the air. Apparently what you can do is use the turret of the Rhino and this cheat and you can fly the tank over the broken bridge. Never tried it though. Destroy All Cars ================ In game press: L2,R2,L1,R1,L2,R2,TRIANGLE,SQUARE,CIRCLE,TRIANGLE,L2,L1 Whohoo, this is one of my favourite codes. Enter this and it destroy's all cars around you. Make sure you are far away from cars when you do this because of 2 reasons, 1)Because the explosion can usually hurt you, oh but wait, your using cheats, arn't you! Use the armour/health cheat to re-heal yourself. 2)It contains triangle in the code, and triangle makes you jack a car, and if it explodes while you are inside, well, you wil die instantly. I like using this cheat when i fall in the water when the F.B.I are chasing me, because I will die, and I want to take them with me. Better Driving Skills ===================== In game press: R1,L1,R2,L1,LEFT,R1,R1,TRIANGLE This is really a cool code. What this does is make just about every car have Hydrolics that make your car jump when you press the left analog stick in, also the button is said to be 'L3'. press the button and your car will basically jump, hearing the sounds of the hydrolics. this can be used for jumping cars, or just having alot of fun, like landing on top of people and absolutely squishing them under your car. hehe. Also, this makes sensitive steering as well, press right and it move right really quick. Invisible Cars ============== In game press: L1,L1,SQUARE,R2,TRIANGLE,L1,TRIANGLE This is a hillarous code, what it does is basically make the bodies of all cars invisible. Only the wheels of the car and the driver are visible. This is another funny code, because all you can see is the drivers of the car. Also when you are driving, once again, Only you can be seen. Another hillarous thing to do with this is to put the explode all cars cheat. It will just look like exploding wheels and people. ---------------- PEDESTRIAN CODES ---------------- Pedestrians Riot ================ In game press: DOWN,UP,LEFT,UP,X,R1,R2,L2,l1 A lovely code. this makes all the pedstrians go nuts and start bashing someone they see. Fights wil be started wherever you look. people will be punching, and gang members will be shooting. the effect of this code will only come off if you turn of the console, if you save, it will be stuck on for the rest of your file, evn if you do turn of the ps2. To make this code even wilder, put on the All pedestrians have weapons code and they will all fight with the weapons. it will be major carnage and your best be is to run away. people will just be firing and killing people with evey wepon, including Rocket Launchers. input the code again and the weapons will go away, but the pedestrians raid wont go away though. Pedestrians have Weapons ======================== In game press: R2,R1,TRIANGLE,X,L2,L1,UP,DOWN This is a funny code, but could get you killed in the procces. It makes most, not every, pedestrains have weapons. they wont fire them unless you threaten them with a weapon or steal their car. it really looks funny when I old granny is walking down the street with a bazooka. For alot of carnage, put the pedestrains riot cheat on, you will know what I'm talking about then. Pedestrians Attack you ====================== In game press: DOWN,UP,LEFT,UP,X,R1,R2,L1,L2 Never tried this code, but I'm guessing pedestrains attack you (Duh!). I'm not sure if they attack you when you walk out onto the streets or what. ----------- MISC. CODES ----------- Faster Gameplay =============== In game press: TRIANGLE,UP,RIGHT,DOWN,SQUARE,L1,L2 Personally, this is my favourite code. it makes everything fast, you character, cars, cut-scenes, pedstrains, everything. the most it can be entered is 2 times, any more after that and the speed wont change. This makes your character super fast, he can run the whole length of liberty very quick. it is a hillarous code also, and you can actually damage cars by running into them. Cut-scenes go faster, and it's hard to hear what they are saying as the words go faster than the captions and it is all screwed up. To take this code off, enter the slower game speed cheat. ======================================================================= 26: SECRET PLACES ======================================================================= The Ghost Town -------------- Yes, this is real. It's a ghost town. All that is here is the bank that you robbed in the begginning movie of the game. To get here, you must fly the dodo airoplane. I have created a section that tells you how to fly it, so read down further. the ghost town is situated behind the tunnel that you can't get to next to the cocharine dam. When you fly off from the sirport. Fly north, and get over there and you will be able to see the Ghost Town. Don't bother to try and land on it, because apparently it isn't even solid, it's just floating in mid air. there is also a way to get a glimps of the ghost town without a plane, read the ghost town FAQ for alot more information. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/31127.html http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_ghost_town.tx t That last link will give you alot more information about the ghost Town. "You weren't supposed to get here" --------------------------------- thats right, you weren't supposed to get to this place. getting here doesn't require the Dodo, it only requires a large vehicle. Grab an Ambulance from the hospital located in Staunton. take an ambulance and go to the car park where you did the mission "Kingdom Come" or where you got the Stinger in "Grand theft Auto". take the ambulance here and back the ambulance against the wall next to the Kuruma . Jump on the bonnet of the Ambulance and jump over the wall here. Walk to your left, and on the wall will be a sign saying "You Weren't supposed to get here, you know". There isn't anything in here that is worth doing. The proggrammers must have put the sign there. They even put a ramp so you could get out, as well. Carson City ----------- Why the F**K are you reading this, no matter what anyone says there is NO CARSON city. there is no way to get there, and the only time it is EVEN mentioned is when it was said on the radio about a corrupt police chief. Repeat after me: "There is no Carson City" repeat 100 times, and you will be fine. Once again, THERE IS NO CARSON CITY. If I get any e-mails from someone saying it is in the game, I will delete it STRAIGHT AWAY. Rumours ------- TRUE: - You can get in the stadium, it requires the Dodo, and you can't get out of there once in. - There is a ghost town. FALSE: - Carson City - Disney Land - Any other "Magical" fairly land that you made up in your own mind. ======================================================================= 27: FLYING THE DODO ======================================================================= --------------------------INTRODUCTION--------------------------------- As you might know, you can fly one a plane called the Dodo. It is the smallest plane there and has clipped wings. ------------------------LOCATIONS OF THE DODO-------------------------- (All ar at Francis international Airport) 1)Near the runway where the major planes take off to the South West using your radar. 2)In the hangar located at the South East section near the straight runway. 3)In the hangar where you killed the colombians in "Grand theft Aero". that mission has to be done before you can get this one. -------------------------THE BEGINNING--------------------------------- - The best veiw to take off in and to fly the Dodo in is the middle zoom one, not the one that is in close, and not the one that is too far out. The one in the middle is just perfect for flying. - this might sound mean, but turn off your radio. the reason why? because if your listening to the radio, you can't concentrate properly. While off, you can concentrate fully. --------------------------START FLYING--------------------------------- - Find a Dodo in Francis intrnational Airport. The locations are listed above in the 'Locations' section. - Take the Dodo to the big straight runway, position yourself in at the beginning at the runway, facing toward Staunton island, also know as east if you look at you radar. - Line the Dodo up with the middle white lines of the runway. This will probably mean you wont stray off course and hit the Lights on the side of the runway. - Hold down X and the Dodo will start to speed up, thats a good thing. - While Holding down the X button, also hold down the Down button on the D-Pad or the Analog stick, depending on what you want to use. then hold down R2 or L2 to go into side veiw so you can see the sparks coming from the Dodo. - When you see the spraks coming from the Dodo, quickly release the Down button. the Dodo will shoot up into the air, but will go straight up. - Stay in the air, and press continuaously down to make the Dodo paralell to the ground. this is called levelling out. once you are parallel, you will be flying. - Now the Dodo might start to go down abit, whatever you do, don't press up or hold it. You might think it is good because it makes you go up, but it will make you shoot up in the air and then you will just plummet to the ground. If it does start to go down abit, don't panic, it will float back up to the same altitude. "Thats it, you are in the air and flying. Well done so far, but you have many things to still learn, the next thing is Turning." -------------------------TURNING--------------------------------------- If you want to turn to avoid buildings, you must never hold down the way you want to turn, if you want to turn right, just tap right instead of holding it down. Otherwise it will go into a barrel roll and you will lose control. -------------------------AFEW RULES------------------------------------ - If the Dodo starts to go down abit, don't panic out and start trying to land before you go down, it will eventually just float back up. - Use side view to see the sparks coming from the Dodo (From the Nose hitting the ground). - Use Side view to veiw if you are leveling out or not. - never hold down the turning buttons, overwise you will eventually go down and crash. - Never use the Up button at all. ---------------------SIGHT SEEING-------------------------------------- many places can be seen by just using the Dodo and nothing else, here are afew challenges: 1) Try to fly over and land in the Stadium located in Aspatria/Staunton. 2) Locate the Ghost Town over the Blocked off tunnel near the Cochraine dam. 3) See how long you can fly for 4) Try and get ontop of the big Kenji's casino roof. --------------------------HAZARDS-------------------------------------- 1: THE WEATHER -=-=-=-=-=-=-= The weather can play a large role in the dodo's flying. Especially the Fog. It is hard to control the Dodo in the fog, especially because of the buldings that you can't see. the best thing to do in the Fog is not to fly the Dodo and wait for it to turn normal again. it shouldn't be that long before it turns back to normal weather. Or if you are skilled, you should be able to see the buldings up close, and you can turn quickly to avoid hitting. it isn't impossible to see in the Fog. Rain is no worries at all, it sometimes makes the Dodo rock abit, but isn't any trouble at all really. The best time and weather to fly the dodo IMO (In My Opinion) is in the Day, and normal sunny weather. It just helps me see the buldings better and see other hazards better. 2: BUILDINGS -=-=-=-=-=-= The main Hazrads you will encounter are of course the buildings that are all over the city. The best way to avoid them is to turn away from them and fly over the road. Turning can be hard, but use my directions above to turn away. At all cost, avoid buildings as they will be the cause of most of your crashes. Damn buildings. 3: THE OCEAN -=-=-=-=-=-= Sometimes you will be flying over the ocean and the plabe starts to dip down, so then you panic. Usually it will catch a draft and then just go back up, so don't panic. If you stuff up the start up, and forget to level out, you could head into the ocean. I aint helping you here, it's your mess, you got yourself into it. "If you hit anything while in the air, it will count as a crash and your time will come up. this can happen if you hit anything from a light pole (Which you shouldn't be flying that low) to the top of the Callahan bridge." ----------------------OTHER DODO STUFF--------------------------------- Landing ======= Don't worry about trying to land the Dodo the proper way, instead just press and hold up while over land and then the Dodo will just come to a complete crash. Tricks ====== in the Dodo, you can actually do alot of tricks, such as an Easy Barrel roll to way more comples moves for even skilled Dodo Pilots. Invent some of your own. ---------------------------FAQ----------------------------------------- Q: the Dodo is dipping down abit when I take off, so i have to abort my run, why is this? A: You are doing nothing wrong, but when it starts to dip down, assuming that you are parralell by levelling out, then just keep holding down X and then the Dodo will spring back up by itself. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: When I fly, the Dodo just springs up in the air and then comes back down, whats going on? A: It's because you haven't done a run up and waited for the sparks to come. But if you are already in the air, it is probably because you have pressed the up button. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there a Dodo in Portland? A; you can take one there by flying, and actually yes there is a Dodo Aeroplane in Portland. believe it or not. You must have all the Import/Export garage done though before you can get one in Porltnad. Go to this garge and you will be able to get a Dodo. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: I keep crashing, whats going on? A: You didn't level out, you didn't take off right you didn't........ there is a whole list. Go back to the walkthrough and you should be able to find everything that you need to know to fly the Dodo. _______________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================= 28: IMPORT EXPORT GARGE/EV CRABE ======================================================================= Portland ~ Import/Export Garage -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The import/Export garage in Portland is located at the Portland Harbour. When you enter the harbour through the normal way (the little entrance near the car park), drive up and go to the left path and then go left again at the start of it. Go down this path and turn right at the end, here you will find the Import/Export garage. there will be a list of cars that you need to bring to this garage. CARS NEEDED: Bus Bobcat Blista Coach Dodo Flatbed Linerunner Moonbeam Mr. Whoopie Mule Patriot Pony Rumpo Securicar Trashmaster Yankee I will now list the easiest way to get one of each of the cars: --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BUS----- Has been found in Portland, most commonly driving around the big road all around Staunton. -----BOBCAT----- Parked atthe beach front near where you are, head North from the Import/Export garge onto the sand of the beach. Keep driving up and you will find the bobcat on the sand. Bring it to the garage. -----BLISTA----- have to have Staunton island open to get this one. One can be found at Asuka's condo, which is where you start off on Staunton island. -----COACH----- There is afew at the Coach company in Portland. At the main harbour entrance, take a left and follow this road down to the section where the roads meet. The Coach company is on the cornerto the left. get in there, jack a coach and take it back. -----DODO----- Must require Shoreside to be open to get this, it's a plane. Afew can be found at the Francis international Airport, and then fly it back to portland. -----FLATBED----- Can appear in portland and Staunton, might have to wait until Staunton is open to find one. -----LINERUNNER----- One can easily be found at greasy joes cafe, take a left out of the main harbour entrance/exit, and follow the road down until there is 4 ways to go, take the left way instead of foward, and follow this same road all the way down until it starts to dip down. Opposite from the Triad Fish Factory is the Cafe, grab the Truck and take it back to the Garage. -----MOONBEAM----- The closest one would once again be at Greasy joes Cafe, use the same directions for the last one to get there. -----MR. WHOOPIE----- The smart thing to do is to not detonate the bomb on the mission "I scream you Scream", then take it to the garage, they wont care if it has a bomb in it. If you have already done that mission, do fire truck missions and you will have to put out one after awhile, then abort that mission and steal the Mr. Whoopie. Good luck, these are really hard to find! -----MULE----- Find one in the Parking Lot of the Harbour, near the entrance/exit. Also one is parked near the Securicar garage. -----PATRIOT----- the best way to get one of these is to get the one from the Supa Save, yes I know it is "Patriot playground" but that can be overcome. Take a right out of the Harbour and the next driveway on the right will be the Supa Save. Get in the patriot, go back to the Harbour, collet one of the checkpoints and let the timer run out. then take it to the garage. Note: You can't deliver the patriot or any vehicle while on a mission. -----PONY----- Your best bet is to just go to the Car Crusher located near the AMCO gas station. Take a right out of the Harbour and follow this massive road all the way through St Marks. Keep following it until it ends and drive down the grass path to the crusher and it will be parked there near it. -----RUMPO----- This can easily be found cruising Portland, but if you can't find one, head over to the saw mills and it will be parked near the fence. -----SECURICAR----- Another hard vehicle, your best bet is to keep the one from "Van Heist". What you do is take the van back to your garage and blow the Van up inside with a grenade or something. The mission will be a failure, but then the car will be repaired because it was put back in your garage, you will then have a securicar. Other Securicars can be found driving around Staunton, but not very often. -----TRASHMASTER----- Easy to find on Staunton island, usually found on the main round that goes right around. Some have been spotted on Portland as well. On fire truck missions, you will have to put one of these out as well, so then abort the FT mission and take it to the garage. -----YANKEE----- Head dead east from the Import/Export garage and one will be in the car park. Take it back round the corner. _______________________________________________________________________ Potland Import/Export garage to me is harder than the one in Shoreside, because some of the vehicles you need to get for it are really hard (Mr. Whoopie, Securicar) and some require the third island to be open as well (Dodo) In case you didn't know, when you collect all the cars, you can pick any car of your choice. _______________________________________________________________________ Portland ~ Emergency vehicle Crane -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The crane for this is to the east of the Import/Export garage. To complete this crane, you will need: Ambulance~~~~~~ Barracks OL~~~~ Enforcer~~~~~~~ FBI Car Fire Truck~~~~~ Police car~~~~~ Rhino To start off with, lets go for the easiest one to get. Which are the Ambulance and Fire Trucks because they don't require a Huge Wanted level and nearly getting busted to get. -----AMBULANCE----- One can easily be found at the Portland, Staunton or Shoreside hospitals, or by just killing people and one will eventually come, and then take it back to the crane and park it in the yellow section and let the crane take it up. -----FIRE TRUCK----- One can easily be found at any Fire Station in any Island. the fire station in Portland is across the road from the AMCO gas station. In Staunton it is located near Uncle BJs Deli near the spiral bridge, and the Frie Station in Shoreside is at the entrance to the Airport. -----BARRACKS OL----- The easiest way to get one of these is to just get over to Phil Cassidy's Army Surplas store. the barracks OL there is free. Take it, and bring it back to the EV crane. This saves all the trouble of getting a damn 6 star wanted level and having one chase after you as well as tanks, which will nearly and probably kill you while getting it back to the EV crane. -----POLICE CAR----- Police cars patrol everywhere on Liberty City, the best way to get one is to shoot at a cop car, wait until the cop gets out and then hop in the passenger side door and drive away quickly, try not to shoot the cop or threaten as cops will come out from everywhere. Alternativly, there are cop cars located at the police stations around Liberty. -----ENFORCER----- Your best bet to get one of these is to go to the Staunton Police station and use a cop car to get around the back, there will be an Enforcer here, grab it, and take it back to the crane. This saves all the hastle of the wanted level. -----RHINO----- You did read what I said before didn't you? About I will list the easiest car to get first, yet this is before the FBI car. this is easier to get than the FBI car. First of all, you must have completed the game, over wise, your stuffed! If you have completed it, go over to the Army Surplas Store at the Northmost point in Staunton and one will be available for use to you. Take it back to the garage. Alternatively, use the Rhino tank cheat to get one. It is basic suicide to just get the army after you and try and steal one. -----F.B.I----- The easiest way to get one of these vehicles is to lure it to the Crane. Kill alot of people around the Emergency Vehicle crane, and try and saty in the Yellow lined area. Get a 5 star wanted level and don't shoot anyone else. The FBI car will eventually come. Make the guys get out in the area, and then the FBI car will be pulled up, you just have to dodge the fire by using X and sprinting around for awhile. Congratulations, now you have finished doing the Emergency vehicle crane. You can now choose any of the vehicles you delivered for free, and also you can get an unlimited amount also. Shoreside Vale ~ Import/Export garage -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This garage wants the modern models and the racing type cars. you must deliver each of these vehicles so that you can drive away with them for free, and also to get 100% for the game. Follow the road all the way up off the bridge and don't turn at all. The garage will be on the corner of the road going through Pike Creek that dips upwards and then has the railing as a barricade to fall off. Do a U-Turna dn you will see the garage. There will be a list of cars needed: CARS NEEDED: Banshee BF Injection Cabbie Cheetah Esperanto Idaho Infurnus kuruma Landstalker Manana Perrenial Sentinel Stallion Stinger Stretch Taxi -----BANSHEE----- One is usually just driving outside of the Import/Export garage. Drive another sports car such as a Stinger and one will appear. One will defenetly just pass through the same road. Once you get one of these cars, take it back to the garage. -----BF INJECTION----- the only way yo get one of these is to go back to Portland and between a certain time limit it will appear at Misty's appartment in Hepburn Heights, just watch out for the Diablos then take it back to the garage. -----CABBIE----- You might have to go back to Staunton Island to get one. They are usually found near the Callahn bridge. If you can't find one on the road, there is one parked in the Multi-story building. -----CHEETAH----- The easiest way to get one of these is to head over to the Mansion part of the city and one is in the Driveway of a mansion. others can be found just going along the streets. -----ESPERANTO----- once again go to the francis international parking lot. One can easily be found here, but sometimes it disappears. if this happens, head back to Staunton and your bound to find one evntually. -----IDAHO----- Go back to Staunton and there are afew places where there are some parked: 1: Stadium parking lot, 2: kenji's Casino, 3: Multi-story garage. ------INFURNUS----- these cars are hard to find just driving around the streets. It's best to go to the airport parking lot and there will be one in there. take it back to the garage. -----KURUMA----- Ver common anywhere, especially around Pike Creek. One can easily be found also around Shoreside vale nearly anywhere. -----LANDSTALKER----- One can easily be found once again in the Airport parking lot at Francis International. Then take the road back to the Import/Export garage. If one isn't there, the one can be found in the driveway of one of the mansions. -----MANANA----- go to the Multi-story garage in newoprt, Staunton and one will defenetly be there. i can't remember what level though. -----PERRENIAL----- Once again one of these can be found in the Multi Story garage in Newport Staunton. Also they can be seen around any of the islands just driving about. -----SENTINEl----- Like most other cars, one cand be found in the Airport parking lot, or many can be found just cruising thr roads, most common in Pike Creek. -----STALLION----- Once again, go back o the Airport Parking lot and one will be there. -----STINGER----- Head to the Mansion district of Shoreside and a Stinger will be in the driveway. if it isn't there, one can easily be found cruising the streets. Driving a Banshee or a Taxi will make one come out. -----STRETCH----- Strechs can be found sometimes cruising the streets, this is probably the hardest vehicle to find in this garage. It isn't parked anywhere, and you will have to look around for awhile to find one. -----TAXI----- Stay on the same road as the Import/Export garage and probably the first car you will see will be a taxi. They are the most common vehicle in the whole of Liberty City. IMPORT EXPORT GARAGE/ EV CRANE FAQ ----------=============----------- _______________________________________________________________________ Q: Where is the Import/Export garage in portland? A: Use the directions that I posted to get there. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: The Army Tank isn't at Phils Army store, why not? A: Because you haven't completed the game yet, you need to complete "The Exchange" before it will be unlocked. It will be there even if you haven't completed it, but it will be locked. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: Iv'e gotten most of the cars to the Import/Export garage, but it wont let me take cars, why not? A: Well, the key word here is "Most". You need to get ALL of the cars to be able to take cars from here. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: Where can I find a Mr. Whoopie? A: Do a Fire truck mission and once in a while you will find one. Abort the Fire Truck mission, then get in the Mr. Whoopie then take it back to the garage. _______________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there a cheat which makes the garages/crane all done? A: No, you have to do it the non-cheating way. _______________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================= 29: BULLETPROOF VEHCILES ======================================================================= PATRIOT ------- I will list this one first because well it is the easiest to get. First you must do the mission "Marked Man" for ray Machowski. Which means you must have Shoreside vale open. Take Ray to the Airport and once you have done that, he will give you the key to his Lockup. Go to the lockup and in it will be a Patriot. This is bulletproof. Take it to your garage. SECURICAR --------- This is the next easiest car to get. Do Joey Leone's mission called "Van Heist". Joey will sya that the Van is bulletproof. Ram the vehicle and after awhile the punk ass security guards will eventually bail out. grab the van and take it to your Portland Garage. Put it in there and then throw a grenade in there with it, this wil explode it but make sure the vehicle stays in the garage. A message will say that the mission is a failure, but the Van will be repaired when the garage door shuts as the Garage repairs any car in it. You will now have a bullet-proof Securicar. BARRACKS OL ----------- To obtain this, do the mission called "Arms Shortage" for Ray Machowski. Whne you get to the Army Surpals store, do the mission. Afterwards, take the Barracks OL, this vehicle is bulletproof, and the only one of the BarraksOL that there is. Once again, this is the only time it will be bulletproof, if you decide to come back later, it wont be bulletproof, so only the one that is there during the mission will be bulletproof. Take it to your hideout and store it in your garage for later use. TRASHMASTER ----------- This vehicle is given to you in the mission "Blow Fish". take the Trashmaster and go over to portland beach, don't worry about the time limit or going to where it says. Head to the beach, and go to the water. Dip the car in the water abit and the bomb will be deactivated. Make sure you can still get out, and that you arn't losing any health. It will come up with mission failed though, thats good, thats ment to happen. You will still be in the Trashmaster, and it is bulletproof. Now you have a bulletproof Trashmaster. There is only one problem though, you don't have Staunton island open yet when you do this mission. I say don't bother about storing this vehicle, honestly, it wont fit in your Portland garage, so don't worry about it. Or if you really want to, jump the Callahan bridge and stor it in there, but once again, there really isn't any point. CHEETAH ------- Now we really have to get down to the hard ones. Start off by doing the mission "Turismo" for El Burro. It would be good if you actually get Staunton Island open before hand. First of all, use the tank cheat before starting the mission and create a road block to the left of your hideout with the tanks. Go to the starting line, turn around do your facing the opposite way to the racers are starting and then race back to your hideout in under 100 seconds. Once you are back, the cheetahs will eventually come round the corner and hit the tanks. Run them all over and knock one into your empty garage and you will have a nice bulletproof Cheetah. This can be very hard to do, and you need to have your portland garage that has no cars in it, and about 4 tanks that block off the road to the left of your hideout and make sure that the Cheetahs hit it. STRETCH ------- Accept the mission "Salvatore's called a mission from Toni". Go over to joey's place and you willsee the blue circle. Don't enter it. Park your car next to the garage on the left and enter the garage by apparently using the speed up cheat twice. You will go through and into joey's garage. get in the stretch and reverse out through the wall or something like that. now you have a bullet-proof Stretch. -DAMAGE PROOF SENTINEL- DP Mafia Sentinel-----Sayanora Salvatore To get this snipe Salvatore at Luigi's and then when you have won the mission jump down to the street, his Sentinels will still be there, cheat and use the M16 on one of the cars, 2 will drive away when shot, one wont. Keep shooting the one that stays until it catches on fire and the driver runs, now get in the car and enter the health cheat quickly to heal it....congrats now you have a DP Mafia Sentinel, it will lock if you close the doors, so dont close them when you leave the car, it will also lose its effect if put in your garage. Hudson 151 ====================================================================== 30: SECRET/SPECIAL VEHICLES ====================================================================== BF Injection ------------ the BF Injection is like a little June Buggy. You can see this vehicle in one of Jory Leone's missions, he is working on it in his garage if you look carefully. You can't acces the vehicle yet. First, complete the mission "Syanara Salvatore", the first mission on Staunton island. once you have done this, head back to Portland. Head to the Diablo Phone, but don't go in it. the BF Injection is next to Misty's appartment, but only appears during a certain time limit. It is a little June Buggy like thing that is fast, can take reasonable damage, but can roll real easy. Lightless Taxi -------------- You may of never heard of this vehcile, but yes, it does exist. It is a taxi with no light on the top. To all those people out there that say I'm crazy and say I'm mistaking it for a yellow Sentinel, I'm not. I checked out the sides and it siad Taxi on it. it had no light on the top. this doesn't really affect the way it drives, handles, and it's speed, but a secret vehicle all the way. It is a very rare vehicle and I have seen it 2 times, once outside my hideout in Staunton and another time near the Highway going over the water. it might take some searching, but you will eventually find it. Black Rumpo ----------- You can actually get in this vehicle, but it isn't worth the troouble to do it. Do the mission "UNDER SURVEILLENCE". Elimiante all the spies, but leave the ones in the Rumpo to the end. Blow it up. Then what you have to do is push it to your garage. the only reason this is special is because of it's colour. It isn't bullet proof, explosion proof or anything like that. If you do eventually push it back into your hideout, it will be repaired and you will have a Rumpo Spy car. Borgnine -------- This vehicle is a Taxi. It is fast, can take alot of damage and has very good handling. It is best used for taxi missions, and it also has spikes on the front to instantly kill people that you hit. Sounds cool eh. The only way you can get one of these vehicles is to fo 100 Taxi missions. The Borgnine taxi is located at the carpark near Head radio station at Harwood in portland. the vehcile will keep on coming back at the same location. Rhino Tank ---------- The Big Mamma of all vehicles, as the name says, this is a tank. There rae 3 ways to find one, but trust me, they all aint easy to get. The Rhino tank is a big vehicle with a turret and things for destroying anything that comes in contact with the bottom of the tank while it is moving. To get a speed burst, put the turret behind you and fire, your tank will now move faster. Here are the way to get them: 1)This is the easiest way, but you need to use cheats to do it, simply enter the "Rhino Tank" cheat, it can be found at gamefaqs. 2)If you don't want to cheat to get your beautiful tank, what you must do is complete the storyline missions and one will be available from Phil's Amry Surplas store in Rockford. 3)Jack it from the army, but this is, well, suicidal! You will be killed in no time flat. As soon as you get 1 from wherever, take it to the Emergency vehicle crane located at the Portland Harbour, in portland. Then get all the other cars and you will have an umlimited supply. Corpse Manana ------------- This is the vehicle that you obtain to get to the crusher in one of the missions for Joey Leone. The vehicleyou have to take to the crusher is a Manana which has the corpse of one of the Forelli brothers in the boot, and if you crash open the boot, you can see the corpse. The only reason this vehicle is special is because of that body in the trunk. Take the car to your hideout and stick it in the garage, if you want to, unless you don't have a better car to stick in there. ======================================================================= 31: Weapon + Item Locations ======================================================================= Handgun ------- - Portland/Callahan bridge, jump onto south side of bridge Uzi --- - Porltand/Trenton, On top of Liberty Sawmills - Portland/Trenton, Liberty Pharmacueticals roof Molotiv Cocktails ----------------- - Shoreside Vale/Pike creek, avalble in garages for money - Staunton/Liberty Campus, - Portland/St Marks, kill bums in 8-Ball tunnel Shotgun ------- - Portlan/Hepburn heights, behind apartment near El Burro phone - Staunton/Rockford, Phil Cassidy's store Flame Thrower ------------- - Portland/Harwood, on Head Radio roof - Shoreside/Pike Creek, In garages behind cop station - Shoreside/F.I.A, under lift bridge M-16 ---- - Shoreside/Dam, Lower level, up set of stairs - Shoreside/Cedar Grove, Mansion W of Cartel, on porch - Staunton/Rockford, Phil Cassidy's Amry Stor - Staunton/Bedford, Second secret area in projects AK47 ---- - Shoreside/Pike Creek, Near trailers (Punk Noodles) - Portland/Trenton, Liberty Pharmacueticals roof - Portland/St Marks, On top of building (Near Hidden pakcage) Rocket Launcher --------------- - Staunton/Rockford, Phil Cassidy's store ======================================================================= 32: GLITCHES ======================================================================= ---A: Purple Nine ---B: Hooker Follow ---C: Sprint Forever ---D: More Cars In Garage ---E: So Many Bums ---F: Easy Vigilante Kills ---G: Unlimited Time ---H: Corrupt Game Save ---I: Any Vehicle Taxi Misssions ---J: Other Glitches ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 1: PURPLE NINES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A common glitch on many games. What this glitch is: There is a gang trying to take over the Hoods territory, they are called the Purple Nines. The glitch is that they arn't there on some game files. You have to do a mission for D-Ice (leader of the Hoods) called Uzi money, what you have to do is eliminate a certain amount of purple nines in a certain amount of time (2 minutes I think), and without the Purple Nines, the mission becomes impossible to do, leaving you so you can't get that sweet 100% completion because of that mission, and you also have to do the missions after Uzi Money to get 100% as well, and this mission is blocking all the others. This doesn't occur on all games, only afew, and this is how it happens: The glitch only effects people that have done all of D-ices missions before, then saved the game and gone to a new game from the Start menu. Lets just go to GTA:VC for a mintue (On topic, don't worry). If someone like your brother plays the game before you and is crusing the streets or whatever and decides to use cheats, then leaves the game on and you load your saved game file, if you decide to save again, _Without_ using cheats on your actuall save game file, this is what the message says: "Warning: Cheats have been used that could corrupt.....". So the same thing has happened in the glitch, no, not using cheats, starting a new game just from the menu. Many people say "How do I get rid of this Glitch?", well the answer to this is: You can't, there is no way to fix it in this actual game save file, you will have to start again, and probably delete the block. If you are going to decide to start a new game after you complete the missions for D-Ice from the start menu, over-rite that last save game file. If you want to see if you have the glitch from the first island and you haven't unlocked the 3rd one yet, use the flying car cheat to jump the bridge and head over to Wichita Gardens to see the Nines, if they are there, thats good, it isn't corrupted, if they arn't there, delte the block, or do something with it. The Nines have been the death of many great save files of people, but luckily, I have never expirienced this glitch, (Thanks to "Gta Freak 420s Purple Nines Glitch FAQ, that gave me much nedded info.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_purple_nines. txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any farther comments, please refer to the guide above, it will give you much more needed information about the glitch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 2: HOOKER FOLLOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, find an area with carjackers in it, and then pull up next to one to temp them to jack your car. Try and find a hooker near where they are and let them talk to you. Now, this is a rare glitch, heres what happens: The Hooker trys and gets in your car, and sometimes at the same time, the car-jacker will steal the car, and then drive off with it. Nothing too spectacular yet, but then you will notice the hooker has been thrown out as well, and once you will get up, you will realise she is still next to you and isn't leaving. The glitch is that the hooker follows you around the city. Something good about this is that it doesn't cost you any money at all while she is following you, but she wont get in a car or anything to drastic like that. You can outrun her, but it looks nice to have some company 8). Another little note: I have the Australian Copy of the game, and if you actually know, the game was re-made here, and the Hookers were left out of the game, which means the hookers aint on te game that I have, but I read about the hooker trick on the Message Board, so I thank everyone on the Gamefaqs message board for most of the information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 3: SPRINT FOREVER ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't you just hate it when you see a car you want and chase after if, and then you run out of energy and can't chase it anymore? Or sick of the Police chasing after you? Well, look no farther, there is a way where you can run for way longer than the original limit. Easy simple, and really no hassle, there is 2 ways to do this, and I will list them both. Way #1: This can be used at any time, but should only be used for running where it is deserted from cars, or far away enough so that if you press triangle you wont hop in a car: Hold down Triangle, and then hold down X, your character and the game will think that you are trying to knick a car with triangle, and heres the glitch: When chasing a car, you can run forever, or well way more time than the original limit. Way #2: the simple and hassle free way: Instead of holding down the X button, simply just tap it quickly, X,X,X,X,X, like that. This can sometimes make you slow down during the presses of X, but really not that much. There you go, sprint for a long period of time without your character having to stop for breath. Side Note: The cops fastest pace is just faster than your normal walk where you just hold the Analog or D-Pad up, so use this trick to your advantage to get rid of the cops easily by running. If you press triangle near a car and it drives off, you will chase the car, then hold down X and you will sprint towards the direction of the car, you will only have to stop for breath once the car beomes out of reach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 4: MORE CARS IN GARAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Evryone probably knows this stuff already, but a Gltich FAQ wouldn' be complete without it. Here goes: In Staunton, as you know you have a huge garage, that can fit about 6 cars in, but when you try to cram 3 in the garage, it says that it can't store any more cars, well, that is a load of Crap, you can fit in more, and if they are all sports cars, you can fit in 6. Here's what to do: Grab the third car that you want to put in your garage, take it back to your Staunton Island hideout. Park the vehcile anywhere in your hideout, and go to your garage. Take both of your cars, in there, and re position them, one at the back left, at the other one at the back right. Take the car that you want to put in your garage as well, and park it at the middle of the garage door, eg: (birds Eye view if no roof) _________________________________ | ______ ______ | | | | | | | | |Car 1 | |Car 2 | | | | | | | | | | | -3- | | | | |______| |______| | | | | -4- -5- | | | |_________________________________| |_________________________________| | | | Car3 | ------- Park in the middle | | | | |______| Car 1 & 2 are already in your hideout Car 3 you want to put in 4/5 represent where you can possibly put another few cars. The door wont open for your 3rd car, so you have to make it open. Pretend you are going to get a car from your garage, hop out of your car and then quickly run out of your car, if done correct, your car door will stay open, this is ready for a quick escape, otherwise if you did shut the door, you have to open it and it will take awhile to do and waste precious time. next, go to your garage door, and let it open, as soon as the door starts to go up, quickly press triangle to get in the 3rd car, which should have the door open. The garage will be coming down, so quickly put your foot on the gas and get your car so that it is half in and half out of the garage, the dorr will stay up, and make a noise. Now position your car where the 3 is (Middle of garage). Place it in there, and repeat for all the other cars, instead park 4 next to the left side, and so on. Side Note: You can actually put in 6 cars, put you will not be able to get out any cars at the back, due to that both doors will be blocked either by other cars and/or the wall. 5 is a suitable number to put in, and this trick is best used if you want to store some rare or bullet proof vehicles, where you need to save each one you get. Also, sometimes your garage door will stay up, but if you save, it doesn't matter, it will show the garage down and the end sticking out of the garage through the door. Sometimes doing this can actually make your cars dissapear in your garage, but this doesn't happen very often at all. Hey, it's a glitch that can be exploited, not a cheat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 5: SO MANY BUMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- there isn't really much point of this glitch, except that it is funny. What the glitch does is make bums appear and just keep on falling down when you do something. Heres what to do: Drive over to Portland, and somewhere find a Bobcat driving around the city, or parked. it is parked at: - Beach Near Salvatore's mansion - Easy Credit Car-park - Hsopital (Staunton) - Near Stadium (Staunton) In case you didn't know, the Bobcat is like a Ute, and sort of looks like the Cartel Cruiser, only smaller. Take the Bobcat and follow my directions. However you get one, now do this: I will assume the worst and the Mafia hate you and have those shotguns, where you need to go is actually in St Marks, but not on the ground, it's in an underground tunnel, and one of the entrances is in Mafia Territory. head over to the Supa Save Building located near Portland Harbour and where the car for the mission "Patriot playground" is. Find the back tunnel into what people call the "Hobo Tunnel", but still make sure you have that Bobcat. Drive the Bobcat into the Hobo Tunnel, and keep on driving up. Once you are in about the middle of the tunnel, you will see 3 hobo's, Take the Bobcat right up to the one closest to you, but don't run him/her over. Park the Bobcat and then get out. Run to the back of the Bobcat, but still leave the Hobo's alone. Jump on the back of the Bobcat, into the little carrying stuff area, nothing will happen yet, well now, jump onto the roof of the Bobcat. You will notice that the Hobo's will start to walk away, only to run into a wall. From here, jump to the Bonnet of the Bobcat, then about 4 hobo's will fall from above, defently a glitch. Now there will be more Hobo's, jump back onto the roof, and then go back onto the bonnet to repeat. More will come down. After you have heaps, throw a grenade in the pack or something, and watch the blood fireworks. Sid Note; Sometimes the Hobo's arn't always at the tunnel, they only usually seem to appear at night, or usually in the day. If you have already killed the Hobo's recently, they will only come back at night. This glitch really can't be exploited to much extent, but it is still fun to watch them as they all bundle up against the wall trying to get out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 6: EASY VIGILANTE KILLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is actually 2 ways you can do this, but only 1 is without cheating. I am trying to keep this FAQ a "Cheat Free" guide, but I will list the other way to do it, but if you don't want to cheat, do it the first way. Way #1: First get cop car, but with not much attention. Cop cars a driving all around the city, and the doors are locked, so heres just how to nick one: 1)Shoot at the cop car, and the cop will get out. 2)Try jacing the car with the locked doors and then cop will get out. Next, do nothing to the cop, just go up to the opposite door that he came out, and press triangle, the doors are no longer locked. Cop cars can also be found at the Police stations or anwhere like that, this trick can be done with a Rhino, Enforcer, FBI car etc. but the Cop Car is the easiest to obtain and is fast enough to do this trick. Press R3 (The middle analog stic) in so you hear the click, a message will come up on screen saying that you have started a vigiliante mission, thats what you want to do. Drive to the criminal within the time limit. Once you get close enough to him by using your radar, you will notice that he is speeding along, and usually is tricky when turning the corners so you can easily crash, here is where the glitch takes place: Get close enough to the criminal, then easily pause your game, yep, thats right, pause your game. then un pause it, and just continue along at your same speed, you will notice that the criminal's car will slow down, and then come to a full hault. then the criminal will get out of his/her car, then just run them over for the easy kill. This is better than just chasing them around forever. Way #2: I'm really not actually sure if this is a glitch or not, but also it involves cheating as well, so I don't really reccomend doing it this way unless you have used cheats on this saved game file. Grab a cop car, do it by the way I mentioned in Way 1, then take the car to your garage (Portland, Staunton or Shoreside will work). Put eh vehicle inside your garage, but stay in the vehicle, now press in R3 and then vigilante mission will start, don't drive to the criminal. Get out of your vehicle, and it will say "You have 58 seconds to return to a Police vehicle before the mission ends". Don't worry about that note. Make sure your cop car is parked in your garage, and then run to the side wall of your hideout (Actaually anywhere will do) and make the garage door shut. Enter the blow up all cars cheat: L2,R2,L1,R1,L2,R2,TRIANGLE,SQUARE,CIRCLE,TRIANGLE,L2,L1 All cars will be blown up, and a message will say that you killed the enemy, which you really didn't, but the blow up all cars did. But you will notice that you need to get back in a cop car for a new criminal to spawn, but doo you remember that you input the cheat that says that you blow up all cars, that includes your cop car, but anything put in your garage in repaired fully remember, so the cop car is back. Get in it to spawn another criminal and repeat. =========------------ So in brief, do this: - Get a cop car - Take it to garage - Press 'R3' and run our of garage - Enter Blow up all cars cheat - Get back in repaired cop car =========------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 7: UNLIMITED TIME ----------------------------------------------------------------------- this can be done on many missions, here they all are: - Vigilante missions - Taxi missions - Offroad missions - Paramedic missions - Firetruck missions Once again, this glitch is very hard to do, but worth it once you get it to work properly. Lets do it with Taxi missions or Ambulance missions, because they are the easiest to do it on. This is the glitch, and it is usually done by accident: The glitch happens when you are about to run out of time, and when the clock reaches 0, the doors slams shut and then passenger gets to his/her destination. The clock will aparently freeze on this time, and you will have unlimited time to fare around all of the passengers that you now collect, this is due to the fact that the game thinks you have stopped the mission because the time ran out, but the passenger was still dropped off succesfully in the time limit. Fire Missions and Vigliante missions sometimes don't work though, and are harder to do it on. Once again, I will say that this glitch is rare, and is very hard to do. But once you do get it right, it can help you alot by reaching your goals without that pesky time limit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 8: CORRUPT GAME SAVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By looking at the name of the GLitch, you will actually find out that this glitch is bad, and shouldn't be done. This is how the glitch happens: it happens when you use the Tank cheat 10 or more times. It will corrupt your game save file, as you can't actaully get 10 tanks appearing on the game without cheating. Also, if you do the tank cheat a really big amount of time, all cars on the road will decide to just not be there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCH 9: ANY VEHICLE TAXI MISSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't you just hate in when you have to use one of those taxis that are just plain outright crap to do the taxi driver missions? Ever wanted to pick up passengers with something different instead of a taxi/cabbie? Well it actually can be done. Find a cab on any city, the Taxi/Cab is the most popular vehicle driving around Liberty City, it is usually the first or second vehicle you see most of the time. Grab the taxi, and Hold down R3, and keep it held down, the vigilante mission will try and start, but you haven't let go of 'R3' yet, si it wont start. Keep holding down the 'R3' button in, and press Triangle to get out of the taxi/cabbie. The camera will now be behind you, which makes it hard to actually find a car that you want. When you happen to come across a good car, press triangle to hop in the vehicle and then let go of R3. You will now start the Taxi missions is the current vehicle, and you can pick up and drop off passengers using this vehicle. Side Note: By doing this trick/glitch, there is a big chance that it will screw up your saved game file. Apparently, later in the game, your radar stuffs up and many other things go wrong with the game, such as the hidden packages go missing. Use this glitch at your own risk, and don't go blaming me when you find out that it is stuffing up. By all means, do not save your game after you have done the glitch, :/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GLITCHES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsolid Buildings ----------------- *Go to the airport in Shoreside Vale, and fly the Dodo, you will notice that while your flying, you will actually fly through some of the buildings. This means they are unsolid, or somehting like that. Only afew are unsolid, and usually looking in Side view can make them unsolid. Thought I should just meantion this. Flying the Tank --------------- *I don't really think that this is a glitch, but oh well. You can actually fly the Rhino Tank. What you need to do is grab a tank first of all, best use the cheat (See the cheat Codes Section on Gamefaqs or Gamewinners) to find the tank cheat, and then while you are at it, find the flying car cheat. get in the tank, and input the flying cars cheat, and then aim the turret behind you, and shoot, and the tank will gain speed. Press up, and keep on shooting behind and the tank will lift off and you will now be able to fly. Read the Rhino Tank FAQ or the Flying the Dodo/Tank for more information: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodo/Tank Flying: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_dodo.txt Rhino Tank FAQ: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_tank.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Plice Car Through Wall ---------------------- *Sometimes, just a basic police car will get stuck in a wall, and wont be able to get out. Every time it tries to get you, it will just hit the wall, you can destroy it though. Dumb Drivers ------------ *Stand on top of a car, and the driver will act as if nothing is happening, he will not care weather you are on the Windscreen, or on the back. People Stuck ------------ *Sometimes poeople, including you, will just get stuck and can't die or whatever, sometimes with you, you will just keep on falling and will never land. Other times, people will die like standing up and stuff. Shoresde Early Using Boat ------------------------- *lots of people claim this, but I have never done it myself: Apparently, there is a way to get from Staunton to Shoreside using a boat, as you know, there is 2 pipelines at the North and South of Staunton, blocking acces. People have claimed that they can jump the pipeline by just raming into it really fast to go over it. This means that you can get to Shoreside Vale via boat to the airport. ======================================================================= 32: MISCELLANEOUS ======================================================================= *********** Cool things *********** Here are afew things that are secret about the game and you might want to know about: Falling Bums ============ Grab a bobcat, go back to Portland. Head over to the tunnel by the Supa Save. Drive into it and you will find bums. Jump on the top of the bobcat and then down onto the bonnet. More bums will fall down. Car chase view ============== Put the view into cineamtic mode and get a wnated level. When the cops chase you, you can view the chase from the cops perspectionve. ************** RADIO STATIONS ************** Head Radio: Basic today music Lips: Basic music Flashback: 80s music Chatterbox: Chat station Double Cleff: Opera and classical shit Msx: Fast paced, rock and roll Jah: Fast paced music Game: Mixture of all really My Favourtie is probably: Chatterbox, or Flashback. ********* FUN STUFF ********* *Get the barracksOL and ram into cars with it *Perform a 1 bullet drive by on a car and watch it go crazy *Ram a car off the Drawbridge *Push cars into the water *Get a tank and cause Mayhem *********** CAMERA VIEW *********** On foot ------- Press 1: 3rd person zoomed a little bit in Press 2: Zoomed in close to character Press 3: Overhead camera Press 4: 3rd person zoomed out Driving ------- Press 1: 3rd person little zoom Press 2: Close to car Press 3: First person view Press 4: Overhead view Press 5: Cinematic view Press 6: Zoomed out 3rd person **************** SECURICAR GARAGE **************** Portland harbour, go in the entrance, then you will see 2 paths to your upper rigt and your upper left. Follow the upper right one and in the second garage is where it is located. It's a securciar cracking garage, it cracks open securicars to get the money inside, and give you a cut every time you take one here. The Securicar garage DOESN't count towards 100%, no matter how many securciars you deliver to the place. You get less money for every one you bring to the garage. The easiest way to obtain money from doing this is to complete the Import/Export garage located near this garage, then you can get an umlimited supply of cars from the I/E garage, so take securicars from there to the Cracking garage. If you are having trouble finding it, it is the garage that you took the van to on "VAN HEIST". ************ REPLAY VALUE ************ O See how far you can get into the game without being Busted/Wasted O See if you can do all the missions in under 5 GTA3 days in Portland O Challenge yourslef by making up missions O See how far you can get in the game without SHOOTING anyone ***** STORY ***** I was creating this GTA3 guide, when I was abit through making the guide, I noticed that someone else was creating a guide for the same game via the FAQ Progress topics. For a good expirience and all, I decided to make a joint guide. Inferno said that he is a Newbie to FAQ Writing, so take it easy on him. I gave him some very little stuff to do, but he never did that after about 1 month after I set it. it is only very small, and would only take about 2 hours or something to do. But 1 month was surely enough to do it in. So inferno never submitted anything to this guide, and that is why I had to say that this is only my guide. Fish. ******* CONTENT ******* For those that don't have the game, here is a bit about the content of the game, for example: Blodd, Swearing, Violence. BLOOD: Blood is everywhere, why would anyone make a game without blodd? You shoot someone, blood goes spurting out. The blood level is reasonable to high, massive blood can come at times, and when you throw a grenade in a pack of people, watch the explosion and blood rise into the air. But thats why the games rating is so high, because of these sort of things. Also, more blodd goes around epople when you start shooting or booting them while they are on the ground. You meanie. The more you shoot, the more that comes out, but yes, it does evaporate after time. SWEARING: Grand Theft Auto, Liberty City does have a fair bit of swearing for a game. Here are the words that I have seen/heard someone say: Shit: Yes, I'm saying it now, if it's allowed in the game, they it's allowed to be said in this FAQ. Anyway, this actually isn't really said very often, it is heard afew times on the radio, in afew cut-scenes, and even by pedestrians as you make a shortcut along the pavement. Also, bastard is heard, as well as I think I heard a bitch somewhere in it, but it never says that magical f-word. OTHERS: Sex scenes: Well you can pick up hookers, but I've got the Australian copy which edits them out, so In mine there is never any thing referencing sex and stuff like that. O Us (Ausiies) people can actually by the game without being questioned really, prents may ask "What type of sex scenes are in the game", and if the answer was you can pick up hookers, my parents wouldn't allow me to have it because of this feature, even if you try and tell them that a car only rocks. On the GameFAQs message board, especially for GTA:VC, buying the game with the hookers in it has actually been a problem in about alot of people. Because the media attention level is high in somewhere like America (Where your probably reading this guide from) Parents will become aware of these sort of aspect about the game and then they will take it off there children, where the Aus community can say that we all have the game because of these things edited out. Oh, sorry, I'm rambling. Agree or Disagree, it's your choice. ************ SHORT REVIEW ************ Yes, this is just a short review to describe what GTA3 is about and all. I really don't like posting reviews on GamFAQs, I'm more a FAQ contributor and I haven't submitted a review for ages. But I will post my review here. STORY: The Character that you play has no name at all druing the game. He is called things like Fido, Kid and other knicknames through the game, but really never has any real name, and you never hear it. This "Guy" has just been in jail after he was betrayed by his old girlfriend called Catalina. It happened in a bank robbery. the Cartel (Catalina is the leader) Robbed a bank in the ghost town, and Catalina was gready so she decided to kill everyone so she would have the whole stash to herself. Quite smart. So your character is shot, and left in the gutter. He is evetually arrested, and taken to jail. The police decide to get a police convoy and move you and some of your in-mates over to Portland. With you in this convoy, is a member of the Cartel, you, and one of your friends from jail called 8-Ball. On the bridge, the convoy is attacked and the police members are ordered out. These guys have come from the Cartel, and are after to get that cartel guy back. So you and 8-Ball also escape and the bridge is also blow up. Then thats where the game starts. GAMEPLAY: 10/10 Excellent, nice and smoth. The controls are very easy to master, and the game goes along well. The game is normal difficulty, for example: Not too easy to complete every mission 1st time, but not had enough to bash the console up for a hard mission. The hardest thing about the game all up, is probably doing the abulance missions. GRAPHICS: 9/10 Excellent, really, there is nothing wrong with them, they are nearly perfect, but yes, they could be better, but how they are is just perfect. Attention to detail is good, and the cars look great and detailed as well. Really, if you don't like these graphics, then you will be really disspaointed with any other Playstation 2 game that you play. As I said, they could be better, but the are fine. The roads look good, there are different amount of pedestrians with real faces, and characters look fine as well. SOUND/EFFECTS: 10/10 Absouletly great, astonishing. Not only tdoes this have superb sounds (As in the sound of being shot sounds cool as you can hear the blood and all) but there are radio stations. But first onto the Sound Effects, well, you can do burnouts that sound cool, and also the car noises sound real and all the other sound effects are great as well. Nothing wrong witht the sound effects. Next, onto the voices: They are clear, very clear. Nothing wrong with them. Also, people yell stuff out at you when you cross the footpath and all that. Next, onto the music: Once again, this is also great. There is 10 radio stations to choose from (Not all are music station0 but each has a different type of music played on them. Some have classical Opera shit, and others have '80s misic and some have just the same music compeliting. The songs and all are great. EXTARS: 9/10 Once again, also great. Suprisingly, you are not confined to the missions. There are plenty of other things to do, to just name afew: Collect 100 Hidden Packages, Do special R3 missions such as being a Cop, Taxi Driver, Fire Fighter and Paramedic, nail unique jumps, do rampages> There is so many more things to do as well, and also, you don't have to do them. Yes thats right, you can go around the city just shooting people. Liberty City is yours (Only the first island as you start) to explore. It is very big though, but as they say, the World (Liberty City in this case) is your oyster. BAD THINGS: There isn't anything wrong with this agme, really, except for afew realism things, like you can't shoot someone throught eh wondow of there car, but that feature is being added to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Also, you can't pop tires. But still the game is great, and I like it how it is. It's perfect really. One of my top games on the ps2, it's right up there with GTA:VC, but VC is a tad better. REPLAYABILITY/LIFESPAN: 8/10 Yeah, I keep coming back to play this, it will keep you entertain for at least afew months, now thats good. Really, after completing the main game, you will want to keep on playing it to get 100% completion. OVERALL: 10/10 Very Great Game. ****************** ADVANCED FUN STUFF ****************** Before I even started this guide, I made an in depth guide with fun stuff to do after you are finished. Here it is: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ON LOCATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -HEY, THATS MY CAR- The car crusher is located in Harwood near the gas staion and 8-Balls. First of all, hang around here and get a wanted level, let a cop chase you to this area and make him get out, the car crusher will take his car up and destroy it, from here the cop will come after you, if you use the wanted level cheat, the cop will have no where to go, cos he aint got no car. I always did this in GTA2, it's hillarious. -PICKIN A FIGHT HEY- In ammunation on Staunton or Portland, go into ammunation. Make sure you have a shotgun or another powerful bullet weapon. Just shoot atraight foward towards where the owner of the shop is. The bullet wont him him, but then he will pull out his shotgun and fire at you, he will cane your health by about 40, funny to watch. The lesson to be learned here; Never pick on the owner of ammunation. -DRAWBRIDGE- This one is hillarious, get a car and get to the drawbridge that connects Staunton island and Shoreside Vale, make sure the bridge is open to traffic first, if it isn't, well complete Donald Loves missions, if it is, go onto the bridge. On the bridge, you will notice that the part of it comes up to makeway for boats in the water underneath, while it is doing this, ram a car, hit it hard, it will now start to just driveing on, and it will fall into the water and of course die. He he. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IN CARS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -OUTTA MY WAY- You can find one of these just driving around Staunton or just steal one from the army surplas store, it's free. Anyway, take it. Drive onto the road. When you come to the next car that is going the same way as you, ram it with the truck, the car will go flying, the best cars to hit are the lanstalkers, they go flying. If you follow the road around, you will come to places over the sea, whack a car off the edge and into the sea, it's hillarous and cars just go flying everywhere once you hit them. By raming the cars, you might have to use the health cheat to get rid of the smoke that comes over time. If your car does explode, go back to the army surplas store and it will re-appear. A fun vehicle all up, and is a favourite amongst alot of people. -EXTINGUISHED, THEN EXPLODED- Find a fire truck, in Portland, the fire station is across the road from the gas station. Hijack it, if you can. Anyway, press 'R3' and the Fire truck mission will come on, and you have to extinguish the fires. Go to where one is on the map, use O to use the water and extinguish the fire, now if you are mean like me, this is what I do: because the car with the fire extinguished was just in front of you, press and hold down X to accelerate, usually if you are going fast enough, you will knock the car usually over, then it will catch on fire again and explode, so there was really no gain for the owner of the vehicle, only you get some money for destroying it and the mony for putting out the fire you did before. I know, I'm mean, but hey, it's only a game. -HEY, COME BACK, I'M DYING- Steal an Ambulance from the hospital, and press 'R3' to put on the special rescue mission, what you have to do is get the patients to the hospital, first of all, go to a person, you will notice they will leave trails of blood on the ground. Take them back to the hospital. Go to pick up another person, but park far away so they will have to run to get in. As soon as they come to the Ambulance start driving so they can't get in, they will leave trails of blood on the ground, and will just be left there to die, Mwahahahahaha. -COMING THROUGH- On a cop car, because it's fast, press 'L3' in, your siren will come on, even though your not on a vigilante mission, you can use it. Go to a road with afew lanes on your side, when you come to traffic, put your siren on, some will move onto the other lane if they are in yours, and sometimes they just drive on the footpath, sometimes knocking over innocent pedestrians. Even sometimes they go onto the other side of the road, causing horns to beep all over the place. -DIE, BUT FIRST TAKE ME HERE- Jack a taxi and then press 'R3' to turn the taxi missions on. Get to the first guy and take him to a destination, after awhile, one guy will want to go to china town (If you are in Portland) and as you know, that is the Triad territory, and if they hate you, of course they will start shooting. This is what happened to me: I took one guy to the Punk noodles place, then there was a person waiting to be picked up around the corner, to my suprise, it was a Triad, with a gun, but he didn't shoot at me. It was hillarious, and once he was taken at his destination, he din't shoot at me at all. Usually other Traids will come and pull you out of your car and kill you, so be careful when doing this fun thing. -DRIVE BY- This can be done in any car, First of all, get an Uzi if you don't have one already, get in the car, and you will have your Uzi equipped. Hold down R2 or L2 and press and hold circle as well, you will do a drive by, it's a really cool new feature that is really fun to do, because if I want to kill someone that I hate on the sidewalk, I'm too lazy to get out of the car, so I use drive by's. -HOOKER TRICK- Now before I start this, I have the Australian copy of the game, which means the Hookers are edited out, but I still know a fair lot about it. Get a good car and find a hooker, you and her will chit chat for abit, and then they will get in the car, this costs one dollar every second she is in the car. Anway, take her to a secluded place, the car will start bouncing and your health will boost. -I KILL YA- Find something big, like a van or truck, or something really big. Start driving around and running over pedestrians, usually with something this big you can kill them in one hit with the car. Start crushing civilians, note the nosie when you kill someone, you know the sound of blodd and guts going everywhere. It souns cool and is fun to do when I'm mad. -YOU IDIOT- When you steal a car, some of the people insult you, like some of the taxi drivers insult you, and call you a moron, I think that deserves for them to die, don't you? pull out a weapon and blow there brains to smitherines. Also if you make a roadblock, the dudes waiting behind you will insult you as well, Oh no, I'm so offended. -UP YOURS- Hold up traffic just by youself (Stand in front of a car), after awhile of the person beeping, you will stick your finger up at the car tooting, you can even do this to the cops and they wont care. -TRIPLE HIJACK- This is something funny and emarrasing that happened to me. I was at an intersection, and I had just stolen a banshee before, then a car thief decided to hijack me (I was blocked by afew cars), to my discust, I re- hijacked it, and before I could drive away, I decided to get out and kill the car stealer, by then he got back into my car and sped through the cars and drove off, I never seen by beautiful banshee again, and had to settle for a damn Taxi, since then, I have raged wars on thiefs, they are the guys in the pajam looking pants, help me on my fight, and when you see afew thieves, kill them for me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LITTLE CARS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -THE LITTLE THINGS- Here, I'm talking about the RC Toys missions, yes, always fun to do, there is many things you can do with these brillent toys: -IT'S JUST TOO TEMPTING- Hop into a toys van, when I was playing, you had to destroy the mafia cars. After awhile of destroying them, I find a cop car, yes, you just can't resist, I went up to it, and BOOOOOOOOOOOOM, that was the end of the cop and the car. I always do this, cos you can't resist it. Also, you never get blamed for it, no wanted star or anything at all. -KABLAM- Basically, find a group of pedestrians, and I'm guessing the rest speaks for itself, use O to detonate the little car and they will all die. Note that you can do the toys missions an unlimited amount of times (Unless you destroy the van), so you can do the mission, and then the next time around, do fun and funny stuff. -EXTRA WEAPONARY- Lets just say you hate a specific gang, and in this mission you have to blow them up, but instead of blowing the cars up, why not blow there men up, this can give you extra weaponary once you complete the mission, you can go and get the weaponary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -FREEZE!- Hold people up, do this by gettin an auto aim weapon like a handgun or uzi, then approaching a person and get in front of them and press and hold R1, then will put their hands up, unless it's a cop. If only you could say 'Bow under by command' and use them as a slave, that would be cool. Anyway, it's just fun to the insults and stuff people call you, like "You asshole". -YOUR ONLY GONNA DIE- Get your Sniper Rifle out, if you don't have one, by one from the ammunation in Staunton island, also by a M16 from somehwere if you can. find a good place to sniper from, like a tall building that looks over the street, kill one innocent pedestrian, one shot anywhere will kill him. This will lead many innocents to the dead body looking at it, this means more targets, have fun! -CHAIN REACTION- Best done with explosives, create a roadblock with your car, then with a molotiv cocktail, M16, grenade or Bazooka, stand back and blow up your car, if the other cars are close enough, it will destroy them too, this creating a chain reaction, destroying or pputting on fire any cars in the area around the blast, note that this will probably get the cops on your tail with 2 stars. -BURN BABY- What you do here speaks for itself; Get yourslef a flamethrower, go to a group of pedestrians just walking around, put one on fire. Once he is on fire, he will run around like crazy because he is being burnt, sometimes the fire catches onto other people, this means total chaos, and sometimes the fire can catch onto you, if you have more than about 70 health, you will survive. -AHH, MY HEAD- Basically, put the gore cheat on, now equip the sniper rifle, stand close to a pedestrian that you want to kill, aim right at their head and shoot, if the gore cheat worked, the persons head will come off, also you can shoot them in the leg or arm and that piece of their body will fall off too. -ABSOLUTE CHAOS- Stand well back in a good position from the road or place with alot of cars, aim at the cars and just pick them off with the bazooka as they come along, hey, the cars shouldn't have been there, why do you get blamed for it? I just love creating chaos around Liberty City, especially with the bazooka. With the gore cheat, you can also remove parts of the body, just aim at the ground near the person, and fire. For even more chaos, find a massive groupof pedestrians, and I think you know what to do now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE TRAIN TRACKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -SUBWAY DRIVIN- Somehwere in China town, there is a little jump, and above this jump is the train track. Do the jump and if you do it correctly, you will land on the subway, from here you can do many things: -RUN INTO A TRAIN Best done in a fast car, spot a train coming your way put the pedal to the metal and just drive straight into the train the crash will be huge and will proabably cause your car to roll off the subway. Oh well, fun anyway. -RACING- Once again, get a fast car up onto here. Get on the opposite side to the track the train is on, and when it gets next to you, start driving and race it and do a lap around and see if you can beat it. You proabably wont though. -PUSHED AROUND- Sit your car on the side of the track that the train comes on. Just stay in the car and let the train ram you on the side. The train will push the car along and like use it as a plow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PEOPLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -QUOTES- Some of the pedestrian say quites, some are funny to listen to, for examples "My Mother is my Sister" and the queer dudes say "You can sail the seven seas". -THERES A WALL THERE YOU KNOW- Ok, grab a car, any car. Take it out onto the road, and start driving on the sidewalk. As you already know, people jump out of the way if they think you are going to run them over, so what you do is go up to one and pretend to run one down, try to make sure that he has to jump into the direction of the closest wall, if he does make a dash that way, sometimes they hit the wall and are unconscious for awhile, my brother told me this one. -HEY, THEIF- the streets of Liberty City isn't a safe place, there are thiefs all waiting around for the right time to strike on people, and on cars. When I see someone being beaten up on the sidewalk, I lend a hand to the innocent civillian protecting themsleves, but usually in the process I hit the worng guy, so they both start hitting me, LOL. -GORE- hehe, I like doing this. Put on the gore cheat (You can find it on just about any FAQ or on the codes and secrets section on gamefaqs). Shoot a person in the leg, arm or head, and that part of the body you just shot will come clean off, like their leg and such. -BLOOD BATH- I always do this to people who wanna fight me, I get the M16 from the army surplas store (Or use the all weapons cheats) and kill someone (Like a gang member or someone who wants to fight me. I shoot them in the head with the M16 and of course, they die. While they are on the ground, I aim at them again with my M16 and just fire into their dead body, you should see all the blood that comes out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RADIO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -SURVIVER: LIBERTY CITY STYLE- A commercial on alot of stations goes something like this: "Tonight, the TV event that will make history, Liberty City Survivor. This takes reality TV to a whole new level. We'll take 20 recently paroled guys, equip them with grenade launchers and flamethrowers, and let them hunt each other down! It's the reality show where you just might be part of the action" "I was grabbing a sandwich at the Happy Blimp, and all of a sudden these guys crashed through the window and started shooting at each other. I was so excited, I didn't even realise I'd been hit! After that, I was hooked on Liberty City Survivor. I watch it every day in the hospital!" "The game doesn't end until there's only one man left standing! Tune in nightly, or watch the 24hour live webcast!......Liberty City Survivor, Natural selection has come home." -MMM PIGEONS- On chatterbox, you will notice that one of the caller says that "Citicens Are Raging Against Phomes", and they have to resort to carrier pigeons with notes on them to set up meetings and they keep disappearing, and then later on, a caller rings up and says about eating possums, rats and pigeons and says "Pigeons are good, they come with a note attached, it's like a fortune cookie with wings". This means that this guy was eating the pigeons that the C.R.A.P lady was talking about. -MAMMA MIA MARIA- Just something interseting here: Listen to 'chatterbox' radio station, on one of the phone calls, Maria rings up (Maria is one of the characters you meet in the game and she thinks you are her boyfriend). She starts talking about you if you listen carefully and says that you don't talk much and stuuf. Doesn't it feel good to be notcied on the radio for a change, instead of only being noticed for bad things. -HOW DID YOU KNOW?- Read this: (Chatterbox) _- TONI CALLS IN -_ Lazlow: "Alright let's go over here. Hello caller, you're on Chatterbox." Toni: "Yeah? Is that Lazlow?" Lazlow: "Yes it is. Who is this?" Toni: "My name ain't important! It's real un-important, okay?!" Lazlow: "Er...no not really, I mean this is a radio show, people usually tell us their name." Toni: "My name I is real un-important! If you wanna keep on being a wise-guy, you'll find out just how un-important....like...un- important I just got shot in the head un-important! Do I make myself clear?!?" Lazlow: "Err..yes...wh..why are you calling in today?" Toni: "Because I need some advice. And I ain't doing any of that shrink shit!" Lazlow: "Er..i..if you swear again, we're gonna have to cut you off, this is a family show." Toni: "Sorry sorry, sorry...I'm..I'm..I'm just a little unhappy, a bit agitated. Real angry. It's my ma! She don't think I'm a real man. Can you imagine that? I mean, I do a mans job an all, but, she treats me like a little boy! All I get is 'your pa' this and 'your pa' that and 'you ain't a real man Toni' and it's driving me freakin' nuts!!" Lazlow: "Well, Toni..." Toni: "Toni!? How'd you know my name was Toni?? You tracing this call? Cos if you are, you're gonna get real intimately acquainted with...what your brains look like! My name ain't Toni....okay!?!" Lazlow: "Err...okay." Toni: "But my ma, she keeps going 'Toni Toni, be a real man, stand up for yourself, don't take no shit! But all I do is to be a good son, and I want her to show that she cares for me! Show that...she loves me! And you know...say I was a good kid! But...it seems like nothing's ever good enough for her, you know what I mean? What do I do?" Lazlow: "Well Ton...I mean sir...you know in life we have a lot of obligations, and we just have to kinda...face up to them...and right now, I'm obligated to play some commercial announcements. We'll be back right after this!" *Read toni's 6th and 7th line* it's very funny, especially when you hear it on the radio. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE POLICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -MY DONUT- Commit a crime anywhere near an insane jump bonus or a unique jump and get the cops after you, from when they are chasing you, make sure a cop is behind you and then do the insane jump/uique jump and usually the cop does it with you, and of course flips it most of the times along with yourself. -I'LL TAKE THAT- I just like doing this: Usually when I have 2 crime starts indicated, cops come from a variety of places, once there was about 5 cars with 2 guys surrounding each blocking my path and it was the only way to go, this may sound stupid what I did, but here goes: I ran right up to one of the cop cars and just took it, and then just sped off, leading the dumb police behind. -BUSTED- Perpously get busted, when you do, the police insult you and say things like: "Just another wanna be street punk" -SO LONG SUCKERS- OK, this happened to me o the bridge between Staunton and Shoreside, being me, I had committed afew crimes back on Stuanton and had two wanted level stars, 2 cops were behind my car, so I decided to get rid of them, I did, then more cop cars came, but as soon as that happened, the bridge went up and I was going up as well, from there, the cop car tried to get me, and just drove straight off the edge of the bridge into the water. ******************* GTA:VC IMPROVEMENTS ******************* Did you like this game? Well then you will love Vice City, heres a brief section about what better things there are in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. It's out now. O Character actauly speaks and has a name O Shoot people through windscreens O Pop car tires O WAY more weapons (Triple in amount I think) O Buy safehouses with helecopters and stuff like that O 36 unique jumps & ramoages (In this it was only 20) O More Rampages O Bash up cars with your fist/bat/batten etc. O Dress up in different costumes O Buy assests and do their missions O Waaaay too many more things, so I will leave it here. ********************* OTHER GAMES LIKE THIS ********************* - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Getaway +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTRO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The end of my FAQ Email: Wayalla1@yahoo.com.au (Wayalla) - Aaron Baker Any Contributions, compliments, Hate Mail, Complaints can be sent there _______________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================= CONTRIBUTORS AND CREDITS ======================================================================= - Wayalla, Aaron Baker, for creating very much so most of the guide and taking alot of time to make it. - Inferno2, for the car list guides. He made the stats for me. Thanks again. - CjayC, for making GameFAQs, one of the best Strategy Guide sites on the Internet. Youv'e done a great job! - Gamewinners, thats where I got the cheats from. I just added my own description of what they done. - AcidSiefer, for adding a little information about the unlimited running energy in the 'Tricks' section. - Packing Heat, I got permission to use the line of the radio from him in my Fun Stuff guide. - Gta Freak420, I used his guide as a reference for the purple Nines Glith. - Everyone on the GTA3 message board. You have supplied me with much needed infromation - Hudson15, for info about a special sentinel - You, for reading this guide :P ======================================================================= Document Copyright Aaron Baker (Wayalla) GTA3 Guide Copyright (C) 2002 =======================================================================