___ | | _______ _______ _______ ___ ___ ___| | | | || | ' \/ | | | | | |'---' | | | | | | | | /| | | | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | |___| ||_______|___|___|\_______| .--- | | |___ |_______|___| | _______ ________ ___ _| |___ ---. | | _| |___ |_ ___| . | | | ----.|_ ___| | | | | | ___| ____| | | | | | | | | ' | | | | | \______/|___|___|_______|___| \______/ _______ ___ ___ ___ _________ ____________ | | | | _| |___ | | | | '---' | | ||_ ___|| | | |_ _| | | | | | | || | | _| | | |_ | | | | | | | || | | | | |_______|_______| \______/ |_________| |____________| Mission Guide/Walkthrough GAME INFOMATION --------------- -- Game -- Grand Theft Auto 3 -- Gender -- Driving Adventure -- Console -- Playstation 2 -- Players -- 1 player -- Made by -- DMA Design -- Made in -- Scotland -- Distributor -- Rockstar -- Country -- Australia -- Author -- fluxwildlyuncut (Rhys Palazzolo) -- E-Mail -- Palazzol@eon.net.au -- Version -- Version 2.2 ********************************************************* *NOTE: If you want to find anything in guide, then press* *Ctrl + F and type in what you are looking for. This * *save you the time of having to look through the whole * *guide for a piece of information that could have easily* *be found with the search. * ********************************************************* To get the best possible results when reading this guide, make sure that the numbers and letters line up. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890123456789012345612345678901234567890123456 /=============================================================================\ | Disclaimer | \=============================================================================/ This gameguide is copyright protected (C) and cannot be used without permission by the author. It has been created for PRESONAL use only and cannot be used to make a profit or to be use as a 'Free-be' when you purchase something else. You cannot rip off parts of this guide and put them on something else as that is called 'plagiarism', and it won't be tolerated. If I do find it on a site/FAQ without asking permission, then I will ask you to remove it. You can however use this guide to help you make your own as long as you do not copy any of the content of this guide. Also, you are allowed to use the format to give you an idea on how to start writing a guide. This guide can only be posted on the following sites: GAMEFAQS -- WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM IGN FAQS -- WWW.FAQS.IGN.COM CHEATCODES -- WWW.CHEATCODES.COM /=============================================================================\ | Email Notice | \=============================================================================/ Here is a list of some things that I will except and won't. If you want to send me anything, then send it to (Palazzol@eon.net.au) and be sure to put 'GTA3' or 'Grand Theft Auto 3' as the subject so that it is easier for me to sort them out. - Alternative strategies for missions. If you do, please tell me the name you want me to call you or I will call you by your e-mail address. - Missions that you have made up. Just make sure that you can actually do them. (For example, there is no way that you can go and pick someone up or steal a certain car.) so make them as real and finishable as possible. - Tips on how to make the guide better and easier to read, or mistakes that I have made. - Tell me if you think that I have left a certain part of a mission out so that I can add it to make the guide better. - Questions that are about missions or other things on your mind. But note, if you send in a question that is not about missions, I properly won't post it unless it is important or asked heaps, but I will e-mail you back to answer you question. - You can ask if you want to use a SECTION of this guide on your own guide. But don't ask if you can copy the whole thing or nearly the whole thing because I will say NO. - I also don't mind anyone putting this guide on their site as long as you ask me first and give an address to where I can update it for you. Also, when you send e-mails, please make sure that the gramma and spelling is right. Please don't abreviate your words _i.e. u -> You, ur -> You are, etc) and please use the correct capitals where they are needed, such as at the start of sentences and when using 'I'. This makes it a LOT easier for me as I don't have to read through the posts correcting mistakes and fixing up abbreviations. Here is an example of how not not to send me e-mails. "sorrie for bothering u, but just dat i'm confused at da sunshine autos. i completed all six street races and now i'm soppose to find da cars. wen i find a car do i bring it back to da sunshine autos and put it in da garage? thx for ur time" /=============================================================================\ | Version | \=============================================================================/ Version 1.0: 05/10/02 - This is the first version of my guide, with all the missions completed. I have finished all the career, payphone and hidden missions expect that I still have to do the 4WD missions, so if anyone can send them in, it would be greatly appreciated. Lately I have also been doing lots of formatting to the guide, because I have changes it to be 80 characters per line and have gone over it for spelling again to make sure that it makes sense. It is going to take a while but I am nearly finished. Version 1.1: 18/10/02 - Created the Made-Up Missions with only a few missions. But I hope to make more soon. - Finished all the hidden missions, which include the 4x4 and RC missions for every island. - Added frequently asked questions section and add 1 question. Version 1.2: 25/10/02 - Added 6 more made-up missions - Added 1 question - Added new section 'The Basics' and added heaps of new things. - Added a few pieces of information in the mission section - Added 'Credits' section - Added a few notes around the place. Version 1.3: 01/11/02 - Added number and letter alignment at start of document after seeing what the document looked like running on Windows XP systems. - Added Conclusion - Added 3 Frequently Asked Questions - Changed e-mail section a little and e-mails that I will accept. - Added 4 made-up missions that were sent in. Version 1.4: 9/11/02 - Added 3 more Made-up missions that were sent. - Rewrote some of the missions again because I have found an easier way. Version 1.5: 15/11/02 - Added heaps to 'The Basics' section, which included writing about all the weapons in the game. - I have now stopped adding made-up missions and will not add any that are sent in. - Added section 'Links' for links to guides that relate to the guide. - Fixed up ASCII art at top of the guide - Moved bit about the weapons into its own section because it was long enough. - Went through the document again looking for spelling mistakes. - Rewrote some more of the missions again because I have found an easier way or to make them better. Version 1.6: 22/11/02 - Started and added and maybe finished the Links section unless I find some more that I might want to add. - Fixed up a few mistakes and typos that I made. - Added 1 strategy that was sent in. Version 1.7: 8/12/02 This is a very small update but its been a while since I updated so I thought I would. Here's what's new: - Added 1 strategy that was sent in. - Added 1 question. - Went through and looked for spelling mistakes and other things. Version 1.8: 12/01/03 My computer recently crashed and so I lost a lot of e-mails, so if your email didn't get posted or answered, then I'm sorry because I more then likely didn't get a chance to read them. So if you could send them in, it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the lack of updates. Other then that, this is what I have added. - A lot of reader e-mails, which included a few strategies and questions as well as many mistakes that were corrected. - I went through and edited the guide, looking for mistakes and fixing ones that were sent in. - A few other things have been added like my other e-mail address. Version 1.9: 20/04/03 !*! My Birthday !*! - Added a made-up mission that was sent in. - Added one question that was sent in. Version 2.0: 03/05/03 - Added a lot of readers contributions. Version 2.1: 20/05/03 - Added a few more readers contributions, I think?!? - Added all cars in the Import/Export garage list and EV Crane. - Also went through looking for spelling mistakes, since I have't done it for a while. Version 2.2: (current) Well, I've done nearly everything I can to this guide and I think its about time to hang up the keys. I will still be added reader submissions but not much new data. But you never know, so look out in the future. For now, this is basically everything done: - Added a few finishing touches to the Import/Export garage missions. - Added a few more readers contributions. - I have also fixed up a mistake in the disclaimer and added one or two things. - Added a few things to the 'Email Notice' /=============================================================================\ | Contents | \=============================================================================/ 1. The Basics 2. The Weapons 3. The Story So Far 4. Welcome To Portland 5. Career Missions - Missions by Luigi - Luigi's Girls - Don't Spank Ma Bitch up - Drive Misty for Me - Pump-action Pimp - The Fuzz Ball - Missions by Joey Leone - Mike Lips Last Lunch - Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chang - Van Heist - Cipriani's Chauffeur - Dead Skunk in the Truck - The Getaway - Missions by Tony Cipriani - Taking Out the Laundry - The Pick-Up - Salvatore's Called a Meeting - Triads and Tribulations - Blow Fish - Missions by Salvatore Leone - Chaperone - Cutting the Grass - Bomb Da Base Act I and II - Last Requests 6. Payphone Missions - Mission by El Burro - Turismo - I Scream, You Scream - Trial By Fire - Big 'N' Veiny 7. Hidden Missions - Missions by Marty - The Crook - The Thieves - The Wife - Her Lover - 4x4 Missions - Patriot Playground - RC Toyz Missions - Diablo Destruction - Mafia Massacre 8. Welcome To Staunton Island 9. Career Missions - Missions By Asuka - Sayonara Salvatore - Under Surveillance - Paparazzi Purge - Pay Day For Ray - Two-Faced Tanner - Missions by Kenji - Kanbu Bust-Out - Grand Theft Auto - Deal Steal - Shima - Smack Down - Missions By Ray - Silence The Sneaker - Arms Shortage - Evidence Dash - Gone Fishing - Plaster Blaster - Marked Man - Missions By Donald Love - Liberator - Waka-Gahsira Wipeout - A Drop In The Ocean - Grand Theft Aero - Escort Services - Decoy - Love's Disappearance 10. Payphone Missions - Missions By King Courtney - Bling-Bling Scramble - Uzi Rider - Gang Car Round-Up - Kingdom Come 11. Hidden Missions - 4x4 Missions - A Ride In The Park - Multi Story Mayhem - RC Toyz Missions - Casino Calamity 12. Welcome to Shoreside Vale 13. Career Missions - Missions By Azuka (Part II) - Bait - Expresso-2-Go - S.A.M. - Ransom - Mission By Catalina - The Exchange 14. Payphone Missions - Missions By D-Ice - Uzi Money - Toyminator - Rigged To Blow - Bullion Run - Rumble 15. Hidden Missions - 4x4 Missions - Gripped - RC Toyz Missions - Rumpo Rampage - Import/Export Garages - Portland Import/Export Garage - Emergency Vehicle Crane (EV Crane) - Shoreside Import/Export Garage 16. Made-up Missions - Escapee - Cartel Calamity - I Don't Think So! - Tommys Back In Town - Mafia Comes, Mafia Goes - Police Cutback - Police Cutback II - Erratic Distraction - Chinese Banshee Assassination - Sweat the Small Stuff - Evidence - Blockade - Grandma’s Got Big Things Comin’: Firewall - Grandma’s Got Big Things Comin’ II: Revenge - Maria's Grudge - Missions by Jak 17. Frequently Asked Questions 18. Links 19. Credits 20. Conclusion /=============================================================================\ | 1. The Basics | \=============================================================================/ Before you actually get out onto the streets you may want to learn the basics so that you ain't a shooting target to the people of Liberty City. 1: One of the moves that you will be using most is the drive-by. Firstly to drive-by you will need an Uzi. Once you have one, as soon as you enter a car, it will come up as you selected item. To actually perform the drive by, you must hold L2 or R2 to look left or right and press the Circle button to fire. You will be able to see some white lines coming from the car, which is the bullets. You can line the front of the car up with the person or object you want to destroy for a more accurate result. 2: To target people with your gun, you must hold R1 and a red or yellow square will appear around the person that you are going to shoot. To kill a large group of people or just to scroll through the enemies to the one that you want to kill, press either L2 or R2 while you are still holding R1. Using this method, you can kill a lot more people in a lot less time. 3: Although some weapons may lock on, there are some like the M16 and Sniper Rifle that where you can go into first person view and aim at the enemy manually. To do this, you must hold R1 and you can aim using the left analog stick. Because the M16 is so powerful, it is hard to get a good aim, so for best results, fire the weapon in quick bursts. Other weapons like the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher, have a safe lock so that you won't be able to fire them without aiming. Lastly, there is the sniper rifle. This is different from the other weapons as you can zoom in and out. To zoom in, press the Square button and to zoom out, press the X button. 4: When you are on foot, you can also go into first person view and look around using the right analog stick. You cannot aim or walk around in this view but it helps when you want to look around when exploring. 5: When you first start playing the game, you may not know where all the important places are. This is where the map that is in the game box comes in handy. Not only does it show the whole of Liberty City, but it also shows all the important locations that you will need to know when completing the missions. But be warned, there is a few things on that map that are not there or have changed. 6: Some basic icons on the radar, that you should remember are as follows - House: Your hideout - Spray Can: The nearest Pay 'N' Spray, on the island you are on. - An 8-ball: This is 8-Ball's nearest location, where you can get cars fitted with bombs. - Payphone: This will lead you to the nearest payphone where you can get missions from. - Handgun: This is the nearest Ammunation shop. - Letter: These take you to all your bosses. The boss is indicated by the first letter. If you what Azuka then follow the 'A'. NOTE: These icons only appear on the radar when you are not currently completing a mission, otherwise you will have dots which lead you to your current objective. 7: When you go to get your car rigged with a bomb there are three different bombs you can get. If you get the car rigged in Portland, then the bomb will explode when the engine is started. If you are in Staunton island, then the bomb is timed and will go off around 5-6 seconds after activation. For these bombs, to activate them, press the Circle button while in the car and a message will come up saying 'Bomb Armed'. Once it is armed you will want to get the hell out of the car. For the last island, Shoreside Vale, the bombs here are activated with a detonator, while outside the car. When you get out of the car, scroll through your weapons and you will see a remote control with 1 ammo. This is the detonator and to fire all you have to do is press O when not in a car. 8: To change the view of the camera, press the SELECT button. There is a few different views including the overview shot. Different camera angles may be better in different situations and it is good to learn when each view is better. 9: It is good to get accustomed to all the vehicles in the game and learn how each one handles and feels. This is good for the situations where you need any car you can find and need to just get the closest one to you. It is good it know if the car you are entering in fast, strong or an overall bad car, so that you can plan ahead and change your driving to suit the car. This is also good for places where you need a fast or strong car. You will want to be able to identify what cars are good and what cars you should stay away from. 10: Another important part of the game is saving. To save you must follow the house icon on the radar, which will take you to your hideout. First off you must know that you cannot save if you are currently in a mission. Once you are at your hideout, there are two things that you can do. You can store cars in your garage or enter the door and save. The save area is different on each island but isn't hard to recognize. Once you enter the save point, you can save and it is good to make two copies of your game for backup. 11: When you are travelling around Liberty City, you may find it good to sprint and run every so often, because like us, the more you run, the fitter you get meaning you will be able to run for longer. To extend on this, if you finish Lv. 12 of the Ambulance missions, you will be able to sprint with out getting tired which means that you will be able to run forever. I wish I was like that! /=============================================================================\ | 3. The Weapons | \=============================================================================/ Here is a basic lowdown on the weapons that you may find in the game while completing some of the missions. These are just a basic description of all the weapons you will come across and just a basic guide to how they handle and to help you know which is best in each location. Here is a list. Fists, Baseball Bat, Pistol, Uzi, Shotgun, AK-47, M16, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Grenades, Flamethrower, Moltov Cocktail. Fists: This is basically fighting with your fists. It will take a few kicks and punches for when someone goes down, they don't come back up. You can sprint (Duh), but you are better off using the baseball bat. Baseball Bat: This is a lot more powerful then using your fists and will usually kill someone with one hit. It has a better range then your fists but you will not be able to sprint when this weapon is selected. Pistol: This is just your basic gun which you will receive early in the game. It has a pretty slow fire rate and can only hold 12 shoots per round, so you will be reloading a lot. One good thing about this gun is that it is one of the few guns that you can run while shooting, but you are better off using the Uzi. However with this gun, you can only lock onto people so you will not be able to aim at other things. Uzi: This is one of the best and most used weapons that you will find that you use. You car run while firing and it has a lot quicker fire rate then the pistol. It can hold 25 bullets per round but doesn't have very good accuracy over long distances. But the best thing about this weapon is that you can drive-by with it in cars, which makes killing certain people or things in the missions a lot easier or even when you want to kill a few people. You will always find that you will benefit from this weapon when it is in your inventory. However with this gun, you can only lock onto people so you will not be able to aim at other things. Shotgun: Now we are starting to get into some of the more powerful weapons. The shotgun is very good for blowing up cars (and so you will see when the Mafia hate you), usually only in 2 shots. You never have to reload for this weapon but the fire rate is very slow, so I don't recommend this gun when you are in a gang war. The Shotgun is only good when aiming short distance as it shots a spray of bullets which spread out over a distance, which means that you can't aim very well over a few meters but can also kill two or more people in one shot. But you are best to stay away from using this gun. However with this gun, you can only lock onto people so you will not be able to aim at other things. AK-47: This is the weapon of choice by the FBI and is one of the better weapons. It has VERY good range and will kill someone on the ground when you are on the top of a building. It can hold 30 shots per round and has a a fairly good fire rate. It is not very good at destroying cars so you are better off using the M16. However with this gun, you can only lock onto people so you will not be able to aim at other things. You will not be able to run with this gun, like the M16 or more while firing, which is one of the disadvantages. M16: Now this is what I'm talking about. This is my favourite weapon and for many reasons. First off, instead of only being able to lock onto people, with this weapon, you can go into first person and aim wherever you want, which means that you can aim up in the sky or below you. Another reason, the fire rate. It is unreal. This gun can hold 60 shots per round, but you will find that you will go through this in a matter of seconds. Because of this power, it is very in accurate over distance and will shack over the place. This is why sometimes short bursts are better over distance. One last thing is that you can also shoot down choppers with it, but it takes around three rounds so you are better off using the rocket launcher. The M16 is also good for blowing up cars and tearing people apart. A natural classic! Sniper Rifle: Like the make says, this is a very accurate weapon and can shoot over huge distances. You can zoom in or out and go into first person view. However, you will have to reload after every shot and it takes ages, so make every shot count. This is good for assassinating someone but not very good when walking down the street. It also has a safe lock so that you won't be able to fire it without going into first person view. Rocket Launcher: Another favourite. The Rocket launcher is very powerful and can take down cars and even police choppers in one hit. It is fairly accurate but hard to aim because of the crosshair. You will have to reload after every shot but it doesn't take long. It also has a safe lock so that you won't be able to fire it without going into first person view. Also because of the huge weight if the rocket launcher, you will not be able to sprint or even jump, when you have this gun selected. Grenades: Grenades can be very deadly when put into the wrong hands. Basically all you can do with these is throw them in the direction you are facing so it can be very difficult to aim properly. A good way I have found is to go into first person view using the right analog stick and looking at what you want to destroy then just throw the grenade with the right force and destroy what you are aiming at. The grenades are touch sensitive meaning that the longer you hold the circle button, the further you will throw the grenade. The grenades are good for blowing things up like cars but if you want to kill some people, you are better off using a Moltov Cocktail. You are also able to sprint when you are holding this weapon, which is good for making a quick getaway. Flamethrower: This is what you can call one of the more creative weapons in the game. You will not be able to sprint or move when you are firing this gun, which is good because then you would be able to burn yourself too easily. The flamethrower also covers little distance, so you will have to get close to be able to kill your target. You will also want to stay away from firing this at cars because it taking too long to make them blow. You also cannot aim with this so you will have to look where you want to shoot and can turn around on the spot to make a huge wall of fire. Moltov Cocktails: These are basically the same as a grenade except for a few things. Firstly instead of using explosives, there is flames which cover more ground which is why they are good for taking out groups of people. You will want to stay away from trying to destroy cars with these as it will take two or three to destroy the cars. You will also want to be careful about throwing these too close to you as you can get burns too and they take off huge amounts of damage. Like with the grenades you can sprint while holding this which is good. /=============================================================================\ | 4. The Story So Far | \=============================================================================/ Please note that this guide will contain many SPOILERS, so if you don't want the story ruined then don't use this guide. Also if you want to play through GTA3 without using any guides then get out of this document NOW because that is the main purpose of this guide, to help others where they may be stuck in the main part of the game, the missions. You have been betrayed and left for dead. During a heist of the Liberty City Bank, your partner, Catalina, kills your other accomplice and as you round the corner, shoots you and leaves you for dead. You are arrested and the newspapers headlines flash the unforgiving truth. "10 years for love!" You have been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. But during a routine transfer to Portland Penitentiary, while crossing the Callahan Bridge, a group of Cartel members, stop the Convoy and kidnap an old Chinese man, who turns out to be Donald Love's Oriental Gentleman, and take off. But before the police can do anything, an Afro-American man called 8-Ball, knocks one of the guards out and then you trip the other over, before taking his keys. The after unlocking yourselves, you look into the distance and see a bomb, just before it blows up. Now with the Callahan Bridge severely damaged, you and 8-Ball are isolated in Portland, with no means of access to any of the other islands of Liberty City, 8-Ball tells you that he knows of a place on the edge of the Red Light District where you can lay low. And this is where you come in. You have to control the character through a number of missions, and all in the process of making money and a reputation and finding and taking revenge on Catalina for her betrayal to you. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble. Anything can happen out there! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Welcome to Portland =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the industrial Zone. Here you will find the docks, the Red Light District, warehouses, Factories, markets, garages, as well as some useful suppliers. This area is populated with hookers, pimps, labourers, dock workers, politicians and general scum. Crime is rife in Portland and it has a long history of Mafia control, but this is being challenged by the Triads. A bloody turf war has been under way for several months. A delightful district with something for everyone. The main gangs here are the Leone Family Mafia, the Triad and the smaller Diablo. There is also the small time crooks like Marty Chonks and El Burro. While being here, you will want to be very careful in choosing who you have as your friends and your enemies. If you make the wrong choice, then you will be like target practice for the people of Portland. Places of interest: - Luigi's Sex Club 7 in the Red Light District - Ammunation in the Red Light District - Momma's Restaurant in St. Marks - Joey's Garage in Trenton - Liberty City Police Department in Portland View - Sweeney General Hospital in Portland View - Pay 'N' Spray in the Red Light District - Salvatore's Mansion in Portland Beach - Bitch 'N' Dog Factory in Trenton - Your Hideout in the Red Light District - The parking lot in Hepburn Heights - The Callahan Bridge /=============================================================================\ | 6. Career Missions | \=============================================================================/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Give Me Liberty | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: N/A Needed: Nothing Receive: Hideout, New cloths, New boss: Luigi Mission Difficulty: 1/10 dead easy Objective: To get from Callahan Bridge to you new hideout in the Red Light District, and get a new set of cloths, Then go to Luigi's club for some work. All this is, is a tutorial mission. As you are driving, there will be little messages showing on the screen telling you about the controls and other things and you are introduced to your radar. First off get in the Kuruma that 8-ball is in and drive off the Callahan bridge. When you get to the end of the bridge into Portland turn left into Chinatown and keep going to the end of the road where you will come to a T-intersection. Turn left and you will come to a Dual Carriageway (a highway with the two opposite flows of traffic being separated.) Turn right and follow this road until the pink dot on the radar clearly seen in the radar. Turn off to the right into a kind of alley, which is your hideout in Portland for the rest of the game, and here you and 8-Ball will get change into some better cloths. You are also given a little tutorial here about saving and storing cars in your garage. Once you are back in the car get out and get the baseball bat and then leave your hideout and do take the road on your right that is next to the hideout. Turn right at the traffic lights and follow this road until you see a blue circle on the road outside of Luigi's place. Here there is a cut-scene where you are given your first job which you are going to have to do straight away. NOTE: If you roll the car or if the car blows up, the mission will automatically restart and you will have to start again. Also if you want to screw around and do things like kill people or drive like a maniac, then I strongly recommend that you wait until a little later when you can explore more freely and do this. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Luigi | \=============================================================================/ Location: Luigi's Sex Club 7 in the Red Light District Gang: Leone Family Mafia Background: Luigi is one of the more important people of the Leone Family Mafia. He runs the club in the Red Light District called 'Sex Club 7'. To access his missions, he can be found at his club, by following the 'L' icon on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Luigi's Girls | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1,500 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go pick up Misty from the Hospital in Portland View and bring her back to Luigi's club. Just follow the pink dot to the hospital and then pick up Misty. Then all you have to do is drive her back to the club. The hospital isn't too far away so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it but if you do it is in Portland View. From Luigi's, head south an turn left and keep going until you are just next to the subway entrance. From here, turn right and continue going south and you should pass trough an alleyway with a police bribe in the middle. At the end of the alley, turn left and you should be able to see the hospital now. At into the front of the hospital and you will see Misty with a blue arrow above her. Just pull up beside her and she will get into the car. Then all you have to do, is head back the way you came to get back to Luigi's club and park in the blue circle. Mission completed. That wasn't too hard. Note: This is the first time you are given complete freedom of exploring Portland so I recommend that this is the time that you get all the hidden packages and complete all the Taxi, Vigilante, and Firetruck missions because it makes completing the missions a lot easier not to add the actual task you are doing. Plus you will be able to make heaps of cash for later on in the game and get a better knowledge of Portland and all the more important places. If you leave it to after you have finished in Portland, they you will have both the Mafia and Triad shooting at you and the Mafia has shotguns, so if you enter their territory then you won't stand a chance. This makes things like the Vigilante and Firetruck missions a LOT harder, even impossible. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $4000 Needed: Baseball Bat Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go to Portland Harbour and kill the man handing out SPANK. Then go and respray his car and take it to Luigi's lockup. First run across the street and go and get the baseball bat that is there if you need it. Then get a car and head to Portland Harbour. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding the way. But when you get there you will see the man with a blue arrow above his head. Take out what ever weapon you have and shoot him down before he can run up to you and start punching you. Now when he is dead get in his car and take it to get resprayed. While you are in his car be careful not to roll it or damage it too much or you will fail the mission. There will be the little spray gun icon on the radar, but if you don't know where it is, it is just down the road from Luigi in the Red Light District. Drive up to it and there will be a blue circle there. Drive in the door will shut. Usually this will cost $1000 but this time it is free. Now you have to take it to Luigi's lockup which is just opposite the hospital so go there. Stop on the blue marker and the garage will open and then just park inside and walk out. The door will shut and mission completed. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Drive Misty For Me | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000 Needed: Nothing Receive: New boss: Joey Leone Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go pick up Misty at her apartment and take her to Joey Leone's garage. Misty lives in her apartment in Hepburn Heights. Get a car and follow the pink dot on the radar. If you have finished the game already, then you will realise that her apartment is in the Diablo's turf and El Burro's contact area. Anyway, park on the blue marker and sound the horn, which is the L3 button, and she will come out and get into the car. Now you need to take her to Joey's garage which is in Trenton, so go there by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, park in the blue marker and there will be a cut scene where Joey introduces himself. Now you can work for Joey by going to the 'J' icon on the radar. Note: The blue car that is in the background and that Joey is working on is the BF Injection. Once you have unlocked the second island, Staunton Island, go back to Misty's apartment between 19:45 and 24:00 and there will be the car right in front of the apartment. Also when the car is there, listen carefully for noises coming from the apartment. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Pump-action Pimp | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $4000 Needed: Pistol Receive: Pistol, Pistol in Stock at Ammunation Mission Difficulty: 2/10 Objective: Go to Ammunation to get a 'piece' and then kill a Diablo and destroy his car. First off, if you need a 'piece', then head to Ammunation which is shown by a gun icon on the radar. There is a pistol at the back and there are some targets that you can lock onto with the R1 button and use as a practise. Next you need to follow a red dot on the radar which is a Diablo Stallion that is driving around the streets. Block the car and then shoot it and the driver and another person will get out. Kill both of them and that is mission completed. After you have finished the mission, you will also get a pager saying that the Pistol is in stock at Ammunation. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Fuzz Ball | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $2000 +$500 for a girl dropped off over 4. Needed: Car able to hold 3 people (Taxi, Mafia Sentinal, Police, Coach, etc.) Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Pick up at least 4 out of 8 girls and take the to the Old School Hall in at least 5 minutes. First you need to find a car that can hold up to 3 people and follow the green dots to the hookers and the pink dot is the Old School Hall. This Mission gave me heaps of trouble the first time I played the game, but if you know where each hooker is then it makes it a lot easier. Also the Old School Hall, where you have to take the girls is in Chinatown, is right next to the Callahan Bridge. Here is the list of where each hooker is: - On the edge of Chinatown near the Dual Carriageway. - In Chinatown in front of the area that is blocked off and cars can't enter. - In Trenton, just in front of the Callahan Bridge. - In Trenton, in front of the entrance to Portland Harbour. - In St. Marks on the hill going up to Salvatore's mansion. - In St. Marks just behind Momma's restaurant. - In Harwood, near the car crusher. - On top of a bridge near the Head Radio building in Harwood. NOTE: You can also go and get a Coach from near Joey's Garage and then go and start Luigi's mission. The Coach is very slow but can hold all 8 girls meaning you only need to make one stop. But you will need to get to the hall with at least 20 seconds because it takes a while for the hookers to get off and it only counts if they are out of the car. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Joey Leone | \=============================================================================/ Location: At his garage in Trenton, opposite the Bitch 'N' Dog Food building Gang: Leone Family Mafia Background: Joey is the son of the don, Salvatore Leone, and is one of the highest ranks in the Mafia. He runs a garage in Trenton where he works on stolen and illegal cars. You can get work from him by following the 'J' icon on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Mike Lips Last Lunch | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Received: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 3/10 Objective: Go and Steal Ferelli's car from Marco's Bistro and fit it with a bomb at 8-ball's and then take it back to where you found it and all within 6 minutes. Firstly, you can only enter this mission between 5:00 and 2:00, so you may have to wait a little. You need to head over to Marco's Bistro which is marked by a red dot on the radar. Marco's Bistro is in St. Mark at the top of the hill near Salvatore's mansion. You have 6 minutes to do it but don't worry. If you drive slower and now dent the car, then you will be able to pass it easy. The extra time is only for if you have to go the Pay 'N' Spray. Once you are there get in the car with the arrow over it and hear over to 8-ball's in Harwood shown be an 8-ball icon on the radar. Quickly hurry over there but be careful not to blow up the car or ruin it because you will have to go an get it resprayed. But don't worry you have plenty of time. When you get there, drive into the garage and the car will be rigged with the bomb. Then head back to where you found the car and park it in the marker. You then need to activate the bomb by using the O Button. Then get the hell on out of there and wait on the road for the cool cut-scene. NOTE: If you are near 8-Ball's bomb shop and have to get the car resprayed, then just go to the bomb fitted first and the go to the Pay 'N' Spray to save time. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Farewell 'Chunk' Lee Chang | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: 10000 Needed: Pistol (Uzi or Shotgun would be better if you have one) Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Head down to Chinatown and kill 'Chunky' Lee Chong before he gets away. If you need a 'piece' then head round back of Ammunation, which is marked by a gun icon on the radar but if you don't then just follow the green dot. You will see that the dot leads you to the area of Chinatown that is only accessible by foot so get out of the car and leg it for now. It is best that you have an Uzi because it makes this mission so much easier. First, drive around the area and you will see two Perennial parked on the side of the road in front of the of the entrances to the fish market. Blow them up with whatever you have and then look at all the entrances and look for the one where you can see the Punk Noodle stand without entering this area. It is the entrance closest to the old school hall. Then when you can see him, you can either drive back and forward and drive-by everyone including Chunky or if he gets away, then just reverse out and got to another entrance and get him there. To actually perform the drive by, you must hold L2 or R2 to look left or right and press the Circle button to fire. You will be able to tell if Chunky has started to run because the green dot on the radar will start to move. NOTE: It is a good idea to have found at least 20 of the hidden packages because the Uzi can make this mission so much easier and less annoying. So if you didn't go and get all the hidden packages at the start when I told you, then you should go and get them now. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Archemedies /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ When you get the mission go to Chinatown but don't get spotted by Chunk or his guards. Then steal his Perennial, and be very careful at this point this doesn't work if it has a scratch (even if u go to pay and spray). Take his car over to Eight Balls bomb shop and rig it with a bomb. Then park it closest to the way it was parked before (a couple feet difference won't matter) set the bomb, then get out and drive to a opening with blockade posts, that keep cars out, then start running at Chunky, when he runs away he will go straight to the rigged Perennial and promptly explode, without you firing a single shot (but after he sees you run the other way or else it kinda defeats the purpose of not fighting). /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Van Heist | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20000 Needed: Nothing Receive: New boss: El Burro Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Ram the pay roll van until the driver get out, and take it to a warehouse at the docks. First get a car and follow the red dot on to radar, which is a Securicar that is driving around. When you see it, bump it and you will get a wanted level of one star. Now keep bumping it until the damage metre is full and the driver will get out. After a while of bumping, your wanted level should go up to two stars so now you will have to act fast. When the driver gets out, get in the van as quick as you can and get moving before the cops have a chance to pull you from your van. Once in the van, you need to follow the pink dot on the radar to Portland Docks. When you enter the docks, you will see a blue marker so go stop in it and the door will open and all you have to do is park in the garage and run out. The door will shut and you have passed the mission. After the mission, you will get a pager from El Burro saying that he wants to meet you. To access his missions, go to the payphone in the parking lot in Hepburn Heights. Note: The Securicar that you have to take, is a bulletproof car, so if you want to get it, then read a FAQ about Bulletproof cars on how to get it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Cipriani's Chuffeur | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $3000 Needed: Nothing Receive: New Boss: Tony Cipriani, Uzi available to buy at Ammunation Mission Difficulty: 2/10 Objective: Drive Toni to the Mr. Wong's to get protection money and then take him to his restaurant in St. Marks. Once you have Toni in the car, follow the pink dot to Mr. Wong's Laundry in Chinatown. Park in the marker and Toni will go in to get the protection money, but two Triads will start shooting. Once he is back in the car take off as quick as you can because it is a Triad ambush and they will shoot at your car. Now follow the pink dot on the radar, which will take you to Toni's restaurant in St. Marks. When you get there, pull into the parking lot and stop in the marker. Here on Toni will talk about the Triad and then offer you work at taking down the Triad. Also when driving the car around, try not to roll or destroy the car or you will fail the mission. Also, if you kill all four Triad at the ambush, you will get a bonus, some more money. NOTE: You now have a new boss, Toni. But completing work for him will mean making enemies with the Triad. So after you have finished all of his missions, be careful when you enter Chinatown after that. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Dead Skunk in the Trunk | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Go and pick up a car in Callahan Point and take it to the car crusher First you need to get a car and head to Greasy Joe's Cafe in Callahan Point. When you get there you will see a Manana in the parking lot with an arrow above it. Be careful because when you enter it the Forelli brothers will start ramming your car off the road so you will have to act quickly. Once they have rammed your back off, you will see that there is body in the back. Anyway, try and stay in control of your car and follow the pink dot on the radar, which takes you to the car crusher in Harwood. After a while, if you get far enough ahead of them, the two cars should disappear and you won't have to worry about them any more. When you get to the car crusher, park in the blue marker and get out and the car will be picked up. After the car has been crushed the mission has been passed. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Scorpion /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ When you go to Greasy Joe's Cafe you will notice a Sentinal parked either where or next to where the Linerunner usually is and a Sentinal parked in front of the opening under the Callahan Bridge(the path you take to get to the docks where you meet Maria in the "Last Requests" mission for Salvatore) Those are the two cars that chase you so you can destroy them now so you won't have to worry about them. Once you destroy one Sentinal the usual message will flash up saying "It's the Forelli brothers" and the other Sentinal you didn't destroy will charge at you. Simply destroy that Sentinal (I recommend the rocket launcher) and then get into the Manana and drive to the crusher with no pressure. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Getaway | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Car that can hold 3 people (Mafia Sentinal, Taxi, Patriot) Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Go and pick up some of Joey's friends and take them to the bank in Chinatown and then get the cops off you and take then back to their place in St. Marks. First off, to do this mission it must be between 6:00 and 14:00. When you have entered the mission, find a fast car that can hold 3 people in it. I like to use the Mafia Sentinal because you will see it on the way to the safehouse and is easy to find. If you want one with no trouble then go to Salvatore's mansion in the top of St. Marks and there will be two cars parked in the driveway. Get one of them. Follow the pink dot on the map, which will lead you to the bottom of St. Marks. Park in the marker and press L3 to sound the horn and three men will get in the car. Now you need to get to the bank, which is in Chinatown. Head west onto the road where Ammunation is and follow it south. At the end you will see an alleyway with a police bribe halfway. Take note of this because this will come in handy later. At the end of the alleyway, continue to head south and you will be able to see a blue marker. Before you park, turn around so that you are facing the way you came. Park in it and the men will enter the building. You will hear some gunshots and then the men will come out. Now to get the cops off you because you have a 3 star wanted rating. Go back through the alleyway and you will run over the police bribe. Good now you only have a two star wanted level. Now to get to the Pray 'n' Spray in the Red Light District. Also be careful of all the cops that will come and ram you and spin you out of control as they can be really annoying. To get there from the end of the alleyway where the bribe was in, head right until you get to the highway and then head right again and count the turns on your right and take the second turn, just past your hideout. At the end of this road go right and follow it until you see the Pay 'N' Spray on the left side of the road. Park inside and the door will shut and you will loose your wanted level. Now you need to get the men back to their safehouse. All you need to do is drop them off where you picked them up from. Just park in the marker and the men will get out and that is mission completed. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Toni Cipriani | \=============================================================================/ Location: Momma's Restaurant in St. Marks Gang: Leone Family Mafia Background: Toni isn't Italian and sure ain't a mechanic but he knows how to get things fixed. All of Toni's missions involve going against the Triads so once you have finished working for him, the Triads will hate you for the rest of the game. Toni's Missions can be accessed by following the 'T' icon on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Taking out the Laundry | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20000 Needed: Grenades (optional) Received: Grenades Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Destroy 3 Mr. Wong's vans. First if you need some grenades then follow the gun icon on the map to 8-balls and the grenades are round the back with an arrow above them. Next you need to follow the red dots on the radar to the Mr. Wong's vans. It doesn't matter which one you go to first, so just go to any. I have found that the easiest way to destroy the vans is doing a drive-by with the Uzi's. To actually perform the drive by, you must hold L2 or R2 to look left or right and press the Circle button to fire. If you don't have an Uzi then you will have to park the car in front of the vans. Then get out and throw a grenade at it. Destroy all three vans and you have passed the mission. NOTE: The Triad now hate you and will shoot you and pull you out of a car when you enter their territory in Chinatown. So be careful when you are doing things in that area. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Pick-up | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Uzi Received: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Go and pick up the protection from Mr. Wong's in Chinatown. First get a car and follow the blue dot on the radar, which will lead you to an alleyway at Mr. Wong's Laundry in Chinatown. Park the car and get out right next to the briefcase. Pick it up and there will be a cut-scene where you will find out you are surrounded by Triads. Its an ambush. Now you must act quickly. Get in the car and look from side to side and drive-by the Triads before they get a chance to pull you out of the car. To actually perform the drive by, you must hold L2 or R2 to look left or right and press the Circle button to fire. They will come on both sides of the car so you will have to quickly change views to get both sides. Then drive out onto the street fast. Now you must kill the rest of the Triads and one van as well. When they are all dead, take the money back to Toni's by following the pink dot on the radar. Mission finished. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Salvatore's Called a Meeting | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $15000 Needed: Nothing Received: New boss: Salvatore Leone Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Go and pick up Joey, Luigi and then Toni and take then to Salvatore's Mansion. First you will need to go and pick up the Limo from Joey's so head there first by following the pink dot on the radar. Once you have the cool Jet Black Limo as well as Joey in the back, it is time to go to Luigi's to pick up Luigi. So go there next by also following the pink dot on the radar. Park in the marker and you will have to sound the horn with the L3 button. Luigi will come out and you will need to go to your last stop which is to go and pick Toni up by, once again following the pink dot on the radar. But before you stop in the blue marker, park the car so that it is facing the alleyway, opposite to Toni's for a quick getaway. Once again, sound the horn and Toni will come out and you will see some Triad vans coming at you. Now for the hard part. Take off as quick as you can down the alley and then turn right and right again and you should be going up the hill. Now go all the way up the hill until you get the top where you will see two Triad vans and a Triad in the middle. Run over the triad in the middle and you will turn left as you follow the dirt road. Now when you get to the house, the right garage will open and all you have to do is park the car but you don't need to get out. There will be a cut- scene where you are introduced to the don of the Mafia, Salvatore Leone. Mission completed. NOTE: You now have a new crime boss, Salvatore Leone, the don of the Leone Family Mafia. Also you must complete Salvatore's first mission, Chaperone, while the men 'talk business' before you can work for any of the other crime bosses again. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Triads and Tribulations | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Uzi, Shotgun and any other weaponry. Received: Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Kill three of the Trial Warlords that are scattered around Chinatown. Yes! We're at war. This is one of my favourite missions for the fact that when you are out on the streets, you will see that the Triads and Mafia are shooting each other and you can help the Mafia too! What you need to do is follow the 3 green dots on the radar to where the Triad warlords are. It doesn't matter which order you kill them in but as long as you do it. The order that I have given them in is the order they are easiest to do. The first warlord is in front of the of the Raffles Fish market in Chinatown. He can easily be taken out by a drive-by from the road. To actually perform the drive by, you must hold L2 or R2 to look left or right and press the Circle button to fire. The second is in the fish market and can only be entered on foot. You will have to be careful here because this place is swarming with Triads and you are now vulnerable to be shot, so get in and out as quick as possible, but be sure to pop a few Triad's heads while you are at it. For the last you will need a Triad Fish Van so try and steal one. When you have one you will need to follow the last dot which will lead you to Turtle Head Fish Co. in Callahan Point. Enter at the gate and drive around and drive-by all the Triads that are there including the warlord. Another way of doing this going to the west side of the building without entering it and standing on the hill. If you have something like the sniper rifle or a few grenades, throw them over and they will kill the men inside. NOTE: At the start of the mission, you are given 2 Mafia men to help you but it doesn't matter about trying to protect them because it is more then likely they will die anyway, so don't worry. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Finkbug /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ A couple notes about this mission, particularly if playing on the PC where your weapons do NOT lock onto people: stay in a car! The first two bosses can be easily driven over at essentially zero risk (or hit with a drive-by, but running 'em over is easier and saves ammo). up on the other side. For the third boss, you can even drop the grenade on *your* side (outside) of the wall; the game will mess up and include them in the blast. I recommend shooting your two sidekicks right away. Otherwise it is very likely you will accidentally hit them (on the PC anyway) later and they'll join the Triads trying to off your character. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Blow Fish | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Nothing Received: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Get the Trashmaster that is rigged with a bomb from 8-Ball and take it to the Turtle Head Fish Co. and detonate the bomb to blow the place up. First you will need to get a Trashmaster and follow the red dot on the map, which will take to 8-Ball's and pick up the Trashmaster that is round the back on the railway track and has an arrow above it. As soon as you enter it you will get a timer of 2 minutes 30 seconds and a damage metre. If that damage meter gets full, then the truck will explode. Now you will need to follow the pink dot to the Turtle Head Fish Co. building. Also when you are driving there, be very careful not do crash the car too much because the damage metre fills up quite quickly. When you get there, stop in front of the gate and it will open for you. Then go around the side and park the truck in the blue marker, in between the two gas canisters. Then you will need to activate the bomb by pressing the circle button. Once you have get out and run for cover near the wall and watch the cut-scene. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Salvatore Leone | \=============================================================================/ Location: At his mansion at the top of the hill in St. Marks Gang: Leone Family Mafia Background: Salvatore is the don of the Leone Family Mafia and as you can say, is the main man. He owns the big mansion at the top of the hill in St. Marks and that is where you go to get missions from him here. He is also the last boss you get when working for the Mafia before they hate you. You can find his missions by following the 'S' on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Chaperone | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Received: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Take Maria to see here friend Chico and then to a warehouse party in Atlantic Quays. Then after the SWAT comes, get her back to Salvatore's Mansion. When you get control of the car, you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar to the Rail station at the Chinatown waterfront. When you get there, you will need to park in the marker and Maria will get out and talk to Chico, and find out about the party and will tell you to go there, so head there by following the pink dot until you get to Atlantic Quays. When you get there park in the marker. Maria will get out and while she is in the warehouse, you will need to turn the car so that it is facing the road for a quick getaway. When the SWAT comes, you will have to wait for Maria to come out of the Warehouse, before you take off. But don't worry, the police are too involved in the shoot out that is in front of you to come and get you. When Maria does come out, take off and drive back to Salvatore's Mansion. You will have 2 stars until you enter Salvatore's property. But if you drive really fast, I find that the police won't follow you the rest of the way. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Cutting the Grass | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $15000 Needed: Taxi Received: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Go down to Luigi's Club and either pick up Curly in a taxi or follow him to Portland Harbour. Either way you will then need to kill him. First off there is two ways of completing this mission and I will refer to them separately. The first way is to wait for Curly to come out of the club and then follow the taxi he gets in to Portland Harbour. The second way is to get a taxi and park in front of the entrance to the club. Then all you have to do is take him to the docks and not have to worry about following him. 1: First you will need a car so get one and follow the pink dot on the radar, to Luigi's club. When you get there. Stop just in front of the Pay 'N' Spray so that you can see the taxi that is parked and when Curly comes out. When he does, he has an arrow above him. He will get in the taxi and a blue 'spookometer' bar will appear on the screen. You have to make sure that it doesn't get filled up. It will get filled up when you get too close and go back down when you drop back more. The taxi has a blue arrow above it but doesn't show up on the radar so be careful not to let it out of you sight. Now just follow the car and it will go straight to the Portland Harbour. Still stay back a bit and when the taxi stops you will go into a cut-scene. After the cut-scene you will need to whack Curly. He is the green dot on the radar and has an arrow above his head. All you have to do is run him over or drive-by him and the mission is finished. But be careful, Curly has a Shotgun, so run him over before he has a chance to turning around and firing it. 2: Once you have activated the mission, quickly follow the pink dot on the radar to Luigi's club. When you see a Taxi, steal it and head to the club. When you get there you will have to park the taxi in the same direction the other one is and directly in front of it parallel to the road. Here is a picture of what it should look like. Club ____________________ Taxi You ____________________ You MUST be in front of the club entrance and directly behind the other taxi. You also cannot be on an angle to the road or Curly will go to the other taxi or you will fail the mission straight away. Also you must be in position before Curly can be seen coming through the entrance otherwise he will see you and see you as a fake. Anyway, when Curly is in the car all you have to do is follow the pink dot on the radar to the docks and park in the blue marker that is further in. Curly will get out and you will see the cut-scene. After the cut-scene you will need to whack Curly. He is the green dot on the radar and has an arrow above his head. All you have to do is run him over or drive-by him and the mission is finished. But be careful, Curly has a Shotgun, so run him over before he has a chance of turning around and firing it. NOTE: If you do this mission before you do Toni's next mission 'Triads and Tribulations', then when you finish this mission, you will get an pager from Toni saying that he has some urgent work for you. You will not be able to do any more of Salvatore's missions until you complete it. But for some reason, if you haven't finished any of Luigi or Joey's missions, you will still be able to do them. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Bomb Da Base: Act I | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: Nothing Needed: Nothing Received: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Follow the '8' icon on the radar. Here all you need to do is follow the 8 icon on the map and run into the blue marker. 8-Ball will say that he will need $100000 to pay for expenses. If you don't have $100000 by now, which you should, then go and do some Vigilante or Taxi missions until you have it. It doesn't matter if you die because technically you are not doing a mission because there is the 8 icon on the radar, which is like all the other crime bosses. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Bomb Da Base: Act II | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $150000 Needed: $100000, Sniper Rifle Received: Sniper Rifle Mission Difficulty: 9/10 Objective: Go to the harbour and cover 8-ball with the sniper rifle as he runs on the Cartel ship and plants bombs. When you have re-entered the blue marker, 8-ball will give you a sniper rifle. Now get in a car and follow the pink dot on the radar to the docks and when you get there, park in the blue marker and 8-Ball will tell you to get a good vantage point and that when you fire the first shot he will start to run onto the boat. If you look on the radar, you will see another pink dot, which will lead you to a set of stairs and the top of the roof. If you head west of he stairs, you will see as adreniline pill in the middle of some buildings. This will help a lot as you have more time to aim and fire. When you are on the stairs and ready, aim the sniper rifle at the ramp and shoot the to men that are next to it on either side. Now you will have to act fast. Follow the ramp up and sniper the people at the top. Then just keep going from left to right until all the men are dead. Then you can look for 8-Ball and follow him for the rest of the way. Then you will see a cool cut-scene where the bombs explode and 8-Ball is outrunning them, and then the boat will sink. How can a boat sink so fast? NOTE: The Colombia Cartel will now hate you so whenever you enter their territory in the next two islands, Staunton Island (Fort Staunton) and Shoreside Vale (Cedar Grove), they will shoot at you as well. Also this is the last time that you can explore Portland without the Mafia hating you, so if you haven't got all 31 (2 can only be gotten when you have reached Staunton Island) hidden packages and the Vigilante, Paramedic, Firefighter and Taxi missions the DO THEM NOW or you will have and extremely hard time trying to do them when the Triads AND Mafia are shooting at you when you enter their territory. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By R Fraser \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ When you have re-entered the blue marker, 8-ball will give you a sniper rifle. Now get in a car. You have to make sure you get an armour and it is at 100% before you start the mission. Make sure your health is at 100% as well. Find a prostetute (usually in the redlight disrtict) pull up and wait for her to get in the car. find a private place and the car will shake until your health reaches 125. Now follow the pink dot on the radar to the docks and when you get there, park in the blue marker and 8-Ball will tell you to get a good vantage point and that when you fire the first shot he will start to run onto the boat. Ignore 8-Balls instructions. Drive towards the two Cartel Cruisers. Exit the vehicle and shoot the two men guarding the ramp. When you get onto the the boat shoot every man in sight. Careful not get to close to the red crates. (if shot they will explode) once you have killed every one 8-ball will complete the rest of the mission for you. Then you will see a cool cut-scene where the bombs explode and 8-Ball is outrunning them, and then the boat will sink. How can a boat sink so fast? * You can get armour near the import Export garage /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Last Requests | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20000 Needed: Nothing Received: New Island: Staunton Island, New Boss: Azuka Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go and pick up a car in front of Luigi's club, but when you enter the Red Light District, you will get a pager from Maria. Meet her and then you have to drive a boat over to Staunton Island. First you need to get a car and follow the red dot to Luigi's club in the Red Light District. But when you enter the Red Light District you will get a Pager from Maria saying the car is a trap and to meet her in the slip south of Callahan Bridge. So follow the pink dot to Callahan Point. When you are at Greasy Joe's follow the road north and straight away on your left you will see a tunnel. Go in it and at the end is a blue marker, which you will have to park in. Now in a cut-scene. Maria will tell you that you are a marked man in the Mafia territory and will introduce you to Azuka. Now you will be in a boat and you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar to the jetty near Azuka's Condo. Driving a boat is the same as a normal car except that the handling and braking are really bad. When you get to Staunton Island, stop in the marker and you will get out and go up to Azuka's Condo where she will offer some work and will tell you where a good hideout is where you to lie low. NOTE: Now you have a new island to explore. When you enter a vehicle, you will here that the Callahan bridge has been fixed and that the subway and Porter tunnel are now open. This makes travelling between Portland and Staunton Island a lot easier. Also, now the Mafia hate you so Portland is a deathmatch. Whenever you enter St. Marks now, you will be shot at and blow to hell. And one more thing. Now that you have a new island, it is a good idea to explore and find the hidden packages and things like the Firetruck missions and Vigilante missions. This will help you to navigate around Staunton Island and will help you in some of the upcoming missions. NOTE: Also make sure that you have finished all the work for the other bosses like Luigi and Joey. If you have not finished all of their missions, then once you finish this mission, you won't be able to finish them, meaning that you cannot get 100% so be careful. /=============================================================================\ | 7. Payphone Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | Missions by El Burro | \=============================================================================/ Location: Payphone in the parking lot in Hepburn Heights Gang: Diablo Background: El Burro can be contacted using a payphone so you never get to see what he looks like. He is the leader of the Diablos in Hepburn Heights and also owns the XXXMags in the Red Light District. He is Spanish (thanks Finkbug) which can easily be picked up by his accent and also has a lot of donkey memabilia. You can access his missions by following the blue phone icon on the radar when you are in the Portland area. NOTE: I strongly recommend that you complete all of El Burro's missions before you finish in Portland otherwise you will have do them with the Mafia and Triad hating you and it makes the missions a LOT harder. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Turismo | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Fast car (Banshee, Cheetah, Sentinal), BP car (BP Patriot, Cheetah) Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 9/10 Objective: Get a fast car and get to the starting grid for a street race around Portland. The first thing you need to work out is what car to use. If you are still in Portland and don't have the Mafia or Triads hating you, then you can use a fast car like the Banshee at the Easy Credit Auto, or take a taxi to the Marco's Bistro to get the Sentinal that is there or if you have done some vigilante or firetruck missions and were lucky enough to get a Cheetah or an Infernus then use any of these. But if you have already unlocked the second Island (Staunton Island), then you will have to use a BP car because whenever you enter Chinatown or St. Marks, the Mafia and Triad will start shooting at you which is why you will need a BP car. I used the BP Patriot you get from Ray's last mission 'Marked Man' and completed the mission on my second go. Any way once you have the car, you will need to enter the mission. Just follow the pink dot on the radar, which will take you to the edge of Chinatown, right in front of the Callahan Bridge. There is two ways of starting the race when you get there. You can either park in the blue marker for the countdown to begin, or if you want the race to start quickly, then just tap the back of one of the cars and the race will start instantly. Here is a list of where all the checkpoints are located: 1: In Chinatown, right in front of the Callahan Bridge. 2: In front of the bus station in Trenton. 3: At an intersection in Atlantic Quays in front of Liberty City Sawmills. 4: In front of Greasy Joe's Cafe in Callahan Point. 5: On the edge of Chinatown near Punk Noodles. 6: Next to the old school hall in Chinatown. 7: In front of the hospital in Portland View. 8: In St. Marks along the street that Momma's restaurant is. 9: Near the car crusher in Harwood. 10: In front of the Borgnine Taxi building in Harwood. 11: On the very edge of Hepburn Heights along the road that you hideout is on. 12: In the Red Light District near Luigi's Sex Club 7. 13: In front of the Subway in the Red Light District. 14: At the top of the hill in front of Marco's Bistro in St. Marks. 15: At the top of the hill in St. Marks, in front of Salvatore's Mansion. 16: In the Red Light District near Ammunation. 17: In Chinatown near the bank you rob in 'The Getaway' mission. 18: In Chinatown, right in front of the Callahan Bridge. (same as the first checkpoint) Once the race has begun just hang back behind the 3 Cheetahs for this first turn, because the cars will drive like crazy and will ram and spin each other out. Then when they are near the wall that is in front of you, quickly turn left and follow the pink dot on the map. Follow the curve of the road until you come to the intersection and you will pass Checkpoint 2. Continue to follow this road and you will pass another checkpoint, which is in the middle of an intersection in Atlantic Quays. You are still following this road and will find the next checkpoint in front of Greasy Joe's in Callahan point. Go up the hill and take the second turn on your right and you will see the next checkpoint in front of you. After you pass the checkpoint, take the first turn right and then left at the basketball courts and you will see the next checkpoint. Here go forward and cut across the hedge that is in a L shape and follow the road up to the police station and hospital, to where the next checkpoint is. Now continue to follow this road up into St. Marks and turn right when you see the cones that are blocking the road. Go up the hill and take the first left and Checkpoint 8 is here. Now go down the hill into Harwood, past Easy Credit Auto and turn left at the end, in front of the car crusher. Cut across the grass and pass checkpoint 9 here. Go under the bridge and follow the road as it curves left and you can cut across the grass on your right to get the next checkpoint. Now follow this road and once again take the next turn right and you will be following the road that your hideout is on. Now look on your radar and you will see a pink dot along the road you are on, turn left at the dot and you will pass the next checkpoint. Now follow this road to the end and you will see a checkpoint right in front of the Subway. From the road next to the subway, turn right and then left and you will be going up a hill in St. Marks. Follow this road up the hill and you will pass two checkpoints. One in front of Marco's Bistro and the other in front of Salvatore's Mansion, going down the hill. Now go down the hill to the end and turn left and you will see the next checkpoint near Ammunation. Now follow the road to the end and turn right and then left and you will see the next checkpoint. Now go to the end and turn left and take the second right and all you need to do is floor it to the end of the street to where you began and pass through the red checkpoint. Mission completed. NOTE: I guarantee you will not finish this on you first go and it will take a few goes to get used to the track and route and where each checkpoint is. Practise makes perfect. You may also want to try a few different cars to see which ones you feel work better for you. Also note that once you have finished all of El Burro's missions, you can redo this one as many times as you want to try and beat you best scores. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | I Scream, You Scream | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $6000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Pick up the bomb from the Borgnine Taxi's building in Harwood and go steal an ice cream truck and take it to Atlantic Quays and attract some men and then blow the car up. First you need to go and pick up the briefcase from the Borgnine Taxi building in Harwood. You can get there by following the blue dot on the radar. When you get there, you will see the briefcase and it has a blue arrow above it. Pick up the briefcase and now you need to go and get the Mr. Whoopee Ice cream truck that is driving around. Now be careful. If the Mafia hates you then you will need to get the car out of there as quick as you can before they have a chance to blow it up with their shotguns. Anyway, follow the red dot on the radar and you will see an ice cream truck with and arrow above it. The Ice cream van is usually driving around the St. Marks area but sometimes it may be somewhere else. Steal the van and you will need to take it to the Atlantic Quays. You can get there by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, you will need to park in the marker and start to play the jingle by pressing the L3 button. When you have, you will need to get out of the car and run away. If you look at you weapon, you will have a detonator equipped. Now look at the van and you will see some Mafia men coming to the van. When they get to it, press the O button to activate the bomb and the van will explode. They when the men are dead, you can run up to the wreak and you will see that there is a few Uzi's and some money that the men have left behind which you can now take. NOTE: This Mission is made a LOT easier if you are doing this without the Mafia shooting you. The first time I did this mission, I would get blown to hell by the Mafia because they hated me. So as a word of advice, I strongly recommend that you do all of his missions first, before leaving Portland. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Trial by Fire | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Flamethrower Receive: Flamethrower Mission Difficulty: 9/10 Objective: Go and get a flamethrower that is hidden in Chinatown and kill 25 Triads in 2 minutes 30 seconds First you will need to go and get the flamethrower from in Chinatown so head there by following the gun icon on the radar. When you get there, I have found it is best to reverse in. You will see the flamethrower with an arrow above it at the very back of the alleyway and when you pick it up you will have to kill 25 Triads in 2:30 minutes. The best place to go is the Basketball courts because there is about 9 Triads there already and they will usually respawn there too. To get there from the alleyway just go right and then right again at the first turn. Then just run through the fence and get out of the car and burn the big group of Triad. Then just run keep running around the courts and the Triad should respawn so that you can kill then again. Continue this and you should be able to get all 25 at the basketball courts. NOTE: I think that there is a little luck involved in this mission because sometimes the Triads don't respawn at the courts so you will have to head to the streets which makes it lot harder. If this does happen, then just keep retrying the mission until you pass it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Big 'N' Veiny | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20000 Needed: Nothing Receive: A few piles of XXXmags at you hideout in Portland. Mission Difficulty: 9/10 Objective: To drive around Portland and follow the trail if XXXMags to the Portland Docks and kill the SPANKed up dude at the end of the trail. Then take the van back to El Burro's XXXmags building in the Red Light District. First you will need to follow the red dot on the radar, to where a Rumpo is parked just outside the parking lot. It has an arrow above it and when you enter the car, the screen will zoom into the orange mags that are on the road. You start with 25 seconds and each mag that you get adds 1 second onto the time. Now quickly drive up and start to follow the trail of mags. Go straight down the road to where the first of the mags are. Then turn right and left again and follow the road as it curves. Be careful along these two turns because you will find that the Rumpo will roll easily so its best to go slower here. Follow the road as it curves and the mags will change direction on your second left. Then turn right and left at the first turn and you will be going up the hill to Salvatore's mansion. Now follow this road as it will go up and then go back down on the other side near Marco's Bistro. Here you will be able to gain a few seconds by getting more speed as you go down the hill. You will also want to watch out for traffic in front of you because the can slow you down and if you hit them, spin you out and you will loose some precious seconds. Follow it all the way down the hill and the trail will turn on the 4th left. It will go left again so follow it and then right and then left again and right and left. This may, sound confusing but you will be able to see where the mags are going so don't worry. Now be careful here, I got lost here so many times because I couldn't see where the mag trail had turned. You are now going down the main strip of Chinatown, or where the starting grid was in and earlier mission 'Turismo'. The packages will turn right, just in front of the Old School Hall, but this road is shrouded in darkness so it will be hard to see. Follow this road to the end and then turn left and follow it as it curves. At the end, turn left here and you will want to take the far road not the closer one. Now follow this road and you will pass Greasy Joe's Cafe. After the road twists and turns, the mag trail will turn right into the Atlantic Quays and follow the road until it turns right, right back onto the road you where just on. This road will curve left and then you will need to turn on you right. Follow this until the trail turns into the main entrance of Portland Docks. The trail will be going left a little and it will go down an alley. Then it will turn right and then straight into the thieve. You will be able to see him because he has an arrow above him. Run him over or shoot him, and then you will be told to take the van back to El Burro's XXXMags Building in the Red Light District by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, you will need to turn down an alleyway an park in the blue marker. /=============================================================================\ | 7. Hidden Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Marty Chonks | \=============================================================================/ Location: Payphone outside the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory and near Joey's garage. Gang: None Background: Marty Chonks is the owner of Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory and is what you could call a small time crook. All his missions are very basic and involve you picking up someone and taking them back to the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory, where Marty will kill them, then all you have to do is dump the car. Basic or what. No wonder he is having money trouble with all the cars he goes through. To access his missions head to the payphones outside the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory and near Joey's garage during the times of 9:00 and 22:00. Also I advise that you complete all his missions before having the Trial and Mafia full on hating you. It makes them a lot easier. Just a piece of advise. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Crook | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go and pick up the bank manager and bring him to Marty, who will kill him. Then you need to take the car to the car crusher in Harwood. First, facing the payphone, run right until you come to a gate that will open for you. The follow the red dot around the building and you will see a Perennial with an arrow above it, that is behind a trailer. Get in the car and then you need to follow the green dot into Chinatown near Punk Noodles, where the bank manager is. If you already have the Triad hating you, then be careful when entering Chinatown. They are very annoying and will continually pull you out of your car. Now pick up the Bank Manager, and then go back to the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory where he will get out and Marty will kill him. Now you have to get rid of the car by taking it to the Car Crusher in Harwood. While going there, be careful not to roll the car because otherwise you will fail the mission which can be very annoying. Also if you have completed all the Mafia based missions in Portland the DO NOT go through St. Marks to get to the car crusher. If you do, then the Mafia's Shotguns will blow the car in a matter of seconds. When you get to the car crusher park in the marker and then get out of the car. The car will be picked up and put in the crusher. Mission complete. What lousy pay. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Thieves | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $3000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go and pick up the thieves and take them to Marty. Marty will kill them and then all you have to do is take the car to get resprayed. Once again, go inside the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory gates and get the Sentinal with an arrow above it. Now you need to follow the green dot to the edge of Chinatown. The two thieves will get in the car and now you have to take them back to the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory. Go back to the factory and park in the marker and then Marty will then kill them and then you have to take the car to get resprayed. If you don't know where the respray is, then follow the little spray can icon on the radar, which will take you to the Red Light District, near Luigi's Club. Once you have had the car resprayed, all you have to do is take it back to the factory and park in the marker. Once you pull out of the parking lot after the mission, you will get a pager saying that the Uzi is now available to buy at Ammunation. Great! First thing you will do now is go and buy lots of Uzi's if you don't have any because they will make some of the following missions a lot easier. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Wife | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $2000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go and pick up Marty's wife and take her to the factory, then go and dump the car in the ocean. Go and get the Esperanto from inside the factory gates and then follow the green dot and pick up Marty's wife from in front of Classic Nails near Ammunation. Once she is in the car it is time to take her back to the factory by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get there park in the blue marker and Marty will kill her. Now you need to dump the car in the ocean. Now this can be a little bit of trouble. Go down to Portland Docks and park the car near the water's edge and then get another car and push the car in the water. But there is many ways of doing this so be creative and try something different for a change. You can also go to Portland Beach and stop near the water's edge and then get out of the car and the car will roll into the water. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Her Lover | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $4000 Needed: Nothing Receive: No more of his Missions! Yes! Mission Difficulty: 1/10 Objective: Go and pick up Marty's wife's boyfriend and bring him back to the factory so that Marty can kill him. Like always, go and get the car from inside the gates and get the Stallion and then follow the green dot to pick up the Lover in Chinatown. When you have picked him up, take him back to the factory and park in the marker and you will get to see Marty for the first time. But not for long the man will get out of the car and shoot Marty with a Shotgun and then take over the business. Hurray. And then as thanks, you can run him over and steal his shotgun. You can also get out of the car and take a closer look at Marty before his body disappears. /=============================================================================\ | 4x4 Missions | \=============================================================================/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Patriot Playground | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: You have 5 minutes to collect 15 checkpoints. Once you collect the first checkpoint the timer will start and for every checkpoint, you will get an extra 20 seconds. The Patriot that you need to enter to start this mission, is located in the parking lot of the Supa Save building. Supa Save is in Portland View and is near St. Marks. When you enter the car, you will be told what you need to do. The timer doesn't start until you get the first checkpoint so don't worry about rushing. What you need to do first, is reverse and turn left and travel around the left side of the building. When you come to a set of stairs and a tunnel, drive up in between them on the grass hill and at the top you will come to the first checkpoint. The checkpoints are little blue circles and are shown by pink dots on the radar. When you run over the checkpoint the timer will start for 20 seconds. Drive along the top of the hill and then follow the ridge, and slowly drive down the ledge and get the next checkpoint. Now you should be able to see a checkpoint right down at the waters edge near a wall, so go and get it too. Drive back up to the cliffs and follow them until you come to a bit with some sand up against it. You can drive up the cliff here and then when you get to the grass at to top turn right and continue up the cliff and follow it and you should will be able to see the next checkpoint. Drive along the top of the cliff on the grass and look on the radar and stop when you are next to the next checkpoint. You may want to change view to the top on view so that you can see the next checkpoint. when you can see it, roll down the hill so that you get it and then when you get to the bottom, slow down and change view before you fall into the water. Now follow the water line and you will see the next checkpoint. Be careful here, because the ground is steep and you will either roll into the water or roll the car. Now continue along the shore and you will find the next checkpoint under the cliff. Be careful here because it is very hill and you will roll the car very easily. Keep following the water until you come to the end and you will be able to see the next checkpoint. Get up onto the grass and head up to the steep hill and then go down to the end of the sand and start of grass. You will be able to climb up the hill here to get the checkpoint that is there. Go north and go up the hill and get the checkpoint that is there and then continue up the hill. You can get two checkpoints at the top of the hill. Keep going forward and you will be at the front of Salvatore's Mansion. Go past it and down the hill and you can get another checkpoint. Go back up the hill and back to Salvatore's. Go around the left side of the house along the grass. Go down to the end of the grassed area and you will want to be careful going down the end point and at the end slowly go down the hill until you get to the checkpoint. Now reverse back up the up and back to the grassed area. Now follow the last pink dot on the radar and when you get near it, change to the top on view. Now this is the hardest checkpoint to get because it is on the cliff below you. You will nee a black, rocky bit to one side of it and this is where you will need to slowly go down this slope making sure not to fall off at the end. When you are on the grass, slowly go to the end of the cliff where the last checkpoint is. Well there you have it. You have just finished the first and hardest 4x4 mission. /=============================================================================\ | RC Toyz Missions | \=============================================================================/ The van that you will need to enter to enter these missions are blue and looks like a Pony. When you enter the van, the camera will go to a small remote control car, which you can now control. If you haven't already use a RC car, the controls are exactly the same as a normal car except that you can't look to the sides or back. The RC car hardly ever rolls and avoid going under cars because the RC car will explode. When you are ready to blow up the car, press the O button and the Remote control car will explode. Lastly, if you want to do this mission again, the all you have to do is get out of the van and then get back in on the spot that it is originally on. You may also want to be careful not to get too close to the van you are in because you can blow yourself up as well. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Mafia Massacre | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000 per car over the current record Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 2/10 Objective: Destroy as many Mafia Sentinels with remote control cars in 2 minutes as you can. The van that you need to enter to enter this mission, is located in an alleyway opposite to Momma's Restaurant in St. Marks. The first thing you are going to need to know is how to get onto the streets. There is two ways to get out of the alleyway that you are in. You can either go up the hill to near Momma's Restaurant or downhill to near the road that is blocked off. Once you are on the streets, all you have to do is drive around the block that the van is on, destroying all the Mafia Sentinals that you see. If you don't know what a Mafia Sentinal looks like, but you should, they are the black cars with shade thingys on the back window. Once you get used to the car and the route you need to take, you should be able to get around 7-9 cars. NOTE: If the Mafia hate you, then you will want to be careful when you enter St. Marks to get to the RC van, because the Mafia will shoot at you and neither you or your car will last long so be careful. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Diablo Destruction | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000 per car over the current record Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 2/10 Objective: Destroy as many Diablo Stallions with remote control cars in 2 minutes as you can. The RC Van that you need to enter for this mission, is located behind the train station in Hepburn Heights. To get there from your hideout, turn right and then right again straight away. Go to the end and turn left and you should see a gap in the wall on your right, which will lead into a car park. Go into the car park and come out the other end and go left. Go to the end and turn right and then go to the traffic lights. On your left you should see an entrance and a set of stairs leading up to the train station. Go behind the stairs and you should be able to see the blue van that you need to enter on your left. Once you have entered the mission, I have found that the Diablo Stallions appear more along the main strip of the Red Light District and Hepburn Heights. The easiest way to get onto the streets is to just go straight ahead and you will go right onto the road. Just drive up and down this road and down some of the side roads if you see a car. After a few attempts, you should be able to get around 7-9 kills in the time. NOTE: If the Diablo hate you, you may want to be careful in Hepburn Heights. They aren't as much of a threat like the Mafia but the have an annoying tendency to pull you out of your car and gather in a huge group and hit you with their Baseball bats. But with that and fists being their only weapons they won't cause too much damage as long as they aren't in a huge group. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8. Welcome to Staunton Island =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the central business district. This is where all the big business takes place in Liberty City and is dominated by the rich, powerful and corporate. During the day the area is bustling with businessmen doing their 9-5 thing - insider trading, taking bribes and selling their grandmothers for ten bucks, at night it is dark desolate and very dangerous. The main gangs that you will find here are the Columbian Cartel, Yakuza and the Yardies. You will mainly work for the Yakuza and against the Cartel but there is also the odd job that needs to be done for the Yardies. There is also the bent cops like Ray that need you help and millionaires like Donald Love who need you to do their dirty work. But be careful when you enter some of these gangs territories. Places of Interest: - Azuka's Condo in Newport. - The Callahan Bridge. - Kenji's Casino in Torrington. - Love Media Building in Bedford Point. - Toilet block in the park in Belleville Park. - Payphone in Liberty Campus. - You hideout in Belleville Park. - Ammunation in Newport. - Pay 'N' Spray in Newport. - Construction Site in Fort Staunton. - Lift Bridge in Belleville Park. - Army Surplus in Rockford. /=============================================================================\ | 9. Career Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Azuka | \=============================================================================/ Location: At her Condo in Newport, near the docks. Gang: Yakuza Background: Azuka and her brother Kenji, are the leaders of the Yakuza gang on Staunton Island. They are fighting against the Columbian Cartel and trying to rid the streets of the new drug SPANK. Azuka's missions can be accessed following the 'A' on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Sayonara Salvatore | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $25000 Needed: Sniper Rifle Receive: New boss: King Courtney Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: Go the Luigi's club in the Red Light District in Portland and kill Salvatore when he comes out of the club. First, before you enter the mission, if you don't have a Sniper Rifle, then follow the gun icon on the radar, which will take you to the Ammunation in Staunton Island, which has an Uzi, Grenade, Armour, AK-47 and a Sniper rifle. Buy a few rounds and then go and enter the mission. After you have activated the mission, you will have three hours to get to the club by following the pink dot. One of the biggest problems I had on this mission was that I couldn't find the Callahan Bridge because I hadn't explored and done some of the side missions. From the road at the entrance of the apartment block, follow it out up the hill and then turn left and follow this road to the end. Then just turn left again and you will be going over the Callahan Bridge. Then when you are in Portland, just go to the Red Light District. Then from the front of Luigi's Club, head north and then straight away turn right and look on you right for an alleyway. Go down it and go up the stairs and run left up a ramp and you will be able to see Luigi's club. Take a few steps back from the edge otherwise the Mafia will see you and make things twice as hard. Then just use the sniper rifle and aim at the entrance of the club and wait for Salvatore to come out. And then, about half an hour after he should have come out, Salvatore will come out and all you have to do is pop his head open and you will have finished a mission that can be twice as hard as it should be. NOTE: The next time you enter Staunton Island, you will get a Pager from King Courtney, saying he wants a word at the payphones in Liberty Campus. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Under Surveillance | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $15000 Needed: Sniper Rifle Receive: New boss: Kenji Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Take out some spying Mafia that are all over Staunton Island. Once again, you will need a sniper rifle for this mission, so to get one, just follow the gun icon on the radar to get to Ammunation. In the opening cut-scene Azuka will introduce her brother Kenji, and he will offers you some work if you drop by his Casino. When you start you will have 6 minutes 30 seconds, to take out the three groups Mafia. It doesn't matter what order you do them in but this is the way I seem to always end up doing them. So anyway, quickly run over to the Yakuza Stinger and follow any of the three dots. One of them is in the park in Belleville Park. They are on an island in the middle of a pond. They can be taken out with the sniper rifle. Then next is a van that is in Bedford Point. This can be taken out by drive-bying the van. The two men will get out and if they don't die in the explosion, then run them over or drive-by them too. And then the last are in the building opposite of Kenji's casino. So just run onto the roof of the casino by going up the stairs at the front and look at the building next to it and you will see 6 arrows which are the men, when you kill one of them they will all start to shoot at you but don't worry, they all have Uzi's which won't aim very well over distances so by the time they get to you none of them will hit you. So just sniper the rest of the men and that will finish this mission. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Paparazzi Purge | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Police Boat Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Shoot down the boat before it can get away. You will see a cut-scene where you will see the boat the you need to destroy. To get a police boat, just follow the red dot on the radar which isn't very far. Just get in a car and head South of Azuka's apartment until you will see a Banshee. Just behind that is a set of stairs that lead to the docks and at the end is a Police Boat with an arrow above it. To get into it, stand by it on the docks and press the Triangle button and you will get in. Then just drive out to where you saw the boat before and it will take off. The first thing you need to know is that you cannot let it get too far away from you otherwise the cannon won't reach and be effective. If you do get too far behind, there is a place where there is a buoy and a rock and the speeder will go around it and you can just go to the right. This will get you close enough to him again. And then just past this is another rock that he will go around and you can just go to the right of it to catch him again if you need to. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Rick L /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ In the mission "Paparazzi Purge" mission, you don't even need to get in a boat at all. Get yourself a rocket launcher somehow (easiest way is with the "All Weapons cheat), and just stand by the stairs near Asuka's hideout. You should see the boat out in the distance. Aim, and fire a rocket right at the boat. You may need to use a rocket or two, but with this method, you don't even have to get in a boat yourself...as long as you have good aim. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Jak /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ On Paparazzi Purge you can also chase him in a speeder and wait till he trys to escape on the dock, then shoots him with something that can lock on. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Pay Day For Ray | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $11000 Needed: Fast Car Receive: New Boss: Ray Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: Follow the Directions of Ray, by the phones until he tells you to meet him so that you can give him his pay. First you are going to need a fast car so the Yakuza Stinger outside Azuka's Condo will do. But before you start the mission, move the car close to the blue marker to save a few seconds. First here is a list of the payphones that you will have to go to. 1: Payphone in Torrington 2: Payphone in West Belleville Park, in front if the Staunton/Shoreside Lift Bridge. 3: Payphone in Liberty Campus. 4: Payphone in South Belleville Park. You can find the payphones by following the blue dots on the radar and you have 3:30 to do it in. When you have started you mission you will need to get into the car and drive out of the apartment area. From where you parked the car, go forward and be careful when you go over the curve. Then follow this road up a hill and continue to go forward through the orange road and then turn left and go to the end. Here turn left and then take you second right and you should be going against the traffic flow. Go to the end and you will be able to see a payphone on you left with an arrow above it. Get out and run in front of the phone and you will get you next instruction. When then have finished, get back in the car and turn around and go the way you came. When you get to the end, turn left and go to the end again. From here, go right and when you can see the barrier blocking the bridge, slow down because the next payphone is just in front of it. Once again you have to get out and go to the payphone where you will be told where to go next. Now get back in the car and keep going forward and on your right you will see some grass which you can cut across. Go to the end and you will be at the stadium. From here, turn right and go to the end. Then go left and just past the first turn on your right you will see an entrance to the campus. Turn in there and drive forward and you will see the next payphone. Get out and go to it and then get back in the car. Reverse and go back the way you came. Turn left and go to the end. Here go left and take the first turn right and then go to the end. Turn right here and take the first turn on you left and then straight away, look on your left and you will see the last payphone. Get out and go to it, and Ray will tell you to meet him in the toilet block in the park. The timer has now stopped so you don't have to worry about speeding there. The park is just north of the phone you are at and you can get to the toilet block by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, go down the stairs and stop in the blue marker. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Two-Faced Tanner | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20,000 Needed: Uzi Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: Go to the Casino and destroy Tanner's car and then run him over. First, if you don't have an Uzi, which you should, then go to Ammunation and get one. First you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar to Kenji's Casino. When you get there, park in the marker and Tanner, will come out and get into his car and drive off. His car has an arrow above it and is shown by a red dot on the radar. What you need to do it drive up next to him and be sure NOT to bump him. Then using the side view, look at him and fire you Uzi and you will get a four star wanted level. He will take off and try and stay next to him as long as you can to cause the most damage. If you do it correct, then he should be nearly full damage and you can even get full damage now. Then just avoid the cops so that you can finish him off. Then when he gets out of the car all you have to do is run him over. Also be careful because sometimes when you are about to shoot him he will turn right into you automatically giving you a four star wanted level, making it harder for you to get him. If you continue to have trouble, then you may want to go to the Pay 'N' Spray in an alleyway in Newport, next to the Multi-Storey car park, before going after him again. This way, you will have a second chance to shoot him and kill him. However, there is an easier way which requires you to have passed Ray's second mission 'Arms Shortage.' This is because at the end of that mission, you are able to buy the M16 and Rocket Launchers. Buy a Rocket Launcher and then enter the mission. Follow the pink dot on the radar and when you get to the blue marker, instead of stopping on it in a car, run onto it on foot with the rocket launcher selected. Then when you get control again, all you have to do is fire a few rockets over in the cars direction and you have an easy solution to a difficult problem. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Kenji | \=============================================================================/ Location: At his Casino in Torrington in the south east corner of Staunton Island. Gang: Yakuza Background: Kenji is the leader of the Yakuza gang in Staunton Island. In his missions, you are once again going against the Columbian Cartel in a bid to get SPANK off the streets. Make sure that you finish all his missions before starting Donald Love's mission 'Waka-Gahsira Wipeout' because in that mission you have to kill Kenji. Kenji also owns the Casino in Torrington and to find his missions, just follow the 'K' on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Kanbu Bust-out | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Steal a Police Car and rig it with a bomb. Then go to the police station and blow a whole in the back wall to let the Kanbu out. Then loose the cops and take the Kanbu to the Yakuza Dojo. First you will need to find a Police car. If you want to get one without attracting the cops attention, then go to the police station and get the one that is out the front. When you have one, take it to 8-Ball's bomb shop in Newport by following the 8-ball icon on the radar. When you get there, you will find that the bomb shop is a little further down then the Pay 'N' Spray. You will see the blue marker and when you enter it you will be told to drive into the garage. Park the car in the shop and the door will shut and the car will be rigged. Now you need to take the car to the police station in Torrington. You can get there by following the pink do on the radar, and when you get there you will have to wait for the gate to open for you. Go round the back, and park the car in the blue marker and you will have to arm the bomb by pressing the Circle button. Quickly, get out and run into the Enforcer that is behind you, and by the time you get in, the bomb should go off and blow a hole in the wall. You will now have a three star wanted rating. Drive up to the hole in the wall and be careful not to run over the man that comes you. When he gets in the car, drive out the entrance that is on your right and you should go into a tunnel. Turn left and you will pass a police bribe. You now only have a 2 star wanted level. Now you need to get to the Pay 'N' Spray so follow the Spray can icon on the radar to get there. When you get there you will have to find another car because you can't get police cars resprayed. So get the Blista that is parked in the garage in the apartment block area. The car is opposite the ramp that leads to the Pay 'N' spray. Get in it and enter the Pay 'N' Spray and you will loose you wanted level. Now all you need to follow the pink dot on the radar, to the Yakuza Dojo in Bedford Point. Park in the blue marker and the Kanbu will get out and enter the Dojo. Mission finished. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Grand Theft Auto | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $25000 Needed: Fast car Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Collect three cars that car scattered around Staunton Island and take them to a garage in mint condition. First you will need a fast car so go and get the banshee that is parked in the car park of the Casino and then enter the mission. You will need to go and get all the cars in under 6 minutes. The cars are located by following the red dots on the radar and the garage is found by following the pink one. It doesn't matter which order you get them in as long as you get them all. Here is the locations of the cars: Cheetah:- In the parking lot if the hospital in Rockford. This is the closest to the garage. Infernus:- In a parking lot in front of the Stadium in Aspatria. Stinger:- In the 'Kingdom Come' parking lot in Bedford Point. You should get the Singer first because it is the closest and that way you don't have to travel all the way back there to get it. Then I went and get the Cheetah and then the Infernus and finished with 40 seconds left. Don't worry about denting the car because the garage is right next to the Pay 'N' Spray, so you can repair the car before you have to put it in the garage. The garage is the garage on the right of the Pay 'N' Spray, so when you go next to it, it will open and you can park the car in. Then get out and run outside and the garage will shut and you will have delivered the car. Then just do this for all three cars and you should just finish this mission with a few seconds left. This may take you a few times to get right so keep trying and you will eventually pass it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Deal Steal | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $25000 Needed: Yardie Lobo, Uzi Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Steal a Yardie Lobo and pick up you contact. Then head down to the Hospital where the Cartel are waiting and kill all the Cartel and then take the money back to the Casino. First you need to steal a Yardie Lobo, so if you don't have one then go to Newport and you should be able to find one there. If you don't know what a Yardie Lobo looks like it is a red sedan with a white rood and leopard skin seats. Once you get one, try not to crash it to many times because you will want it to be able to take all the damage it can for later on. Once you have found one, you will need to pick up your contact by following the green dot on the radar to near the Cartel's hideout is. Once he is in the car you will need to follow the pink dot to the hospital where to Cartel Cruisers and a bunch of men are waiting. When you get there, park in the marker and press the horn, which is the L3 button to get the start the deal. Some Cartel will get you of their cars and so will your contact. First thing to know is that it doesn't matter whether the contact dies so don't worry about him. Now just drive back and forward in front of the cars while using you Uzi in a drive-by and you should be able to kill all the Cartel without getting hurt. But if your car starts to get flames then get out and run away until it explodes and then come back and you will have to finish the others off one foot. Once all the men are dead, you will need to destroy the two cars and then pick up the briefcase which has an arrow above it. When you have the briefcase all you have to do is take it back to the Casino and you have finished. You will have to go round back of the Casino to the parking lot and park in the blue marker. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Shima | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Go around collecting the protection money and then go to Hepburn Heights and get the stolen money back and then take the money to the Casino. For the first briefcase, you will need to follow the blue dot on the radar into. Torrington in front of a building with stairs in front of them. The next one is in front of the Flashback FM building which is in Bedford Point. But this one is protected by a Diablo so just kill him by drive-by and then get out and get it. Next you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar to a building which is under the curve of the Staunton/Shoreside Vale bridge. Park in the marker and you will find out that this man has been robbed and you will need to go and get the money back. Now you need to follow the green dot which leads to Hepburn Heights in Portland, so of course the gang is the Diablo's. Head to the apartment block in Hepburn Heights, which is the Diablo/El Burro contact area and you will see lots of arrows. Kill all the Diablos that are there by drive-by and then get out and get the money. Now you need to take the money to the casino by following the pink dot back into Staunton Island. When you get there, once again go round back into the parking lot of the Casino and park in the blue marker. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Smackdown | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 plus $1000 for every other Yardie killed over 8. Needed: Uzi Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Go around Staunton Island and kill at least 8 Yardies that are pushing SPANK. First, you need to kill at least 8 Yardies that are wandering the streets and pushing SPANK. You can find them by following the green dots on the radar. It doesn't matter what order that you kill them in and when you kill one, some more will appear on the radar. Once you kill the first person, the Yardies will get suspicious and after a while leave. You also cannot take to long or the Yardies will be able to get off the streets so get to them before they do, although it doesn't matter if they or you don't kill every one of them do as long as you kill at least 8. It is kind of hard to list where all the Yardies are because there is so many of them so I will list as many as I can. - In Belleville Park near a movie cinema. - In the south end of the park on top of a hill. - There is two in front of the road work signs that block the Lift Bridge. - In Liberty Campus in front of the block where you drop people off in Taxi Missions. - In Newport on the road that leads down to Azuka's Condo. - In the north part of the park in front of the house near the water. - On the road that is under the Lift Bridge in Belleville Park. - In front of the building next to the Love Media building in Torrington. - In Torrington near the Love Media Building. - On the road on the west side of the park in Belleville Park. - On the Road, behind the Pay 'N' Spray alleyway area in Newport. - On the east side of the Construction site in a blue pathway in Fort Staunton. - In front of the parking lot for the Stadium in Aspatria. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Ray | \=============================================================================/ Location: In the toilet block of the park in Belleville Park Gang: None Background: Ray, is a crooked cop who works for the Yakuza. When you first meet him, you are giving him his pay and he will offer you work. He is very cautious and will do anything to cover his tracks and stop his cover from being blown. He lives in the toilet block in the park and that is where you can find him to do his missions by following the 'R' icon on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Silence The Sneaker | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Grenades, 100% health and Armour. Receive: Grenades Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Throw a grenade in the apartment and then kill Mcaffley when he comes out in his car. Get in a car and follow the pink dot on the radar to the alleyway where Pay 'N' Spray is. When you get there, get out of the car and the screen will zoom into an open window, which is where you have to throw a grenade. But first, see that there is a gap in between the apartments and the ramp. You will need to block that go to the road behind it and steal cars to block the gap. It should be about four or five cars in all angles so that the car cannot push its way through it. Once you have done this, go back to the apartment area and run to a hilly bit in the concrete. Use the right analog stick to look around and look at the window. You should be directly in front of the window and facing it. Then just thrown the grenade and if it misses then run back out of the way until it blows up and then come back. It may take you a few goes to get your aim right. But when you do, the grenade will blow up and the garage at the bottom will open and a car will come out and try and go out the alleyway. You will now have a two star wanted level but all you have to do is run at it with your Uzi or Shotgun or whatever you have and keep shooting it until it blows up. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By CrackPixE /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ The easiest way to beat the mission is to get a heavy car (Patriot, Blista, Landstalker, any van) and park it in front of the garage that the car driving McAffley will come out of. (You may have to play the mission once before to understand.) Then run and get the Blista out of the garage behind you, and park this car directly next to the first car. Make sure you park both cars directly next to the garage and directly next to each other. Whip out your grenades and toss one through the window. When the car tries to escape the garage, it won't be able to drive out because the two cars will be blocking the exit. Toss a grenade at your blockade of vehicles and watch your problem get eliminated. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Arms Shortage | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing, Everything is supplied. But 100% health and Armour is good. Receive: BP Barrack OL, Shotgun, M16 and Rocket Launcher able to buy. Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: Go to help Phil protect his Army Surplus store from a Cartel attack. First make sure that you have 100% health and armour so if you don't, then go to the hospital to get some health and Ammunation for some armour. But if you have done some of the side missions, then you should have both of them at your hideout. Secondly, when you get there you will see a Barrack OL. This is Bulletproof, so what ever you do, DO NOT touch it because it will come in handy for one of Ray's latter missions. Some guides say to block the entrance with it but then you will most probably blow it up with the rocket Launcher and destroy it so that you cannot use it. So I am going to say again, DO NOT TOUCH THE BARRACK OL! Anyway, firstly, you need to get to Phil's Army Surplus shop by follow the pink dot on the radar. Steal an Ambulance and take it there because it will come in handy later on. When you get there, park the ambulance next to the container that is futherest away from the tank. Then when you are ready, run into the blue marker and you will get out and be briefed on the mission. When you get control, you must be quick. Get the M16, Uzi and shotgun and then run to the front of the ambulance. Jump on the front of it and run onto the top. Then you can easily jump across and get the rocket launcher that is there. By the time that you get this, the Cartel should be showing up, so just jump down and get out the Rocket Launcher and blow up all the cars that you can see. Then run back to where Phil is and shoot the rest as they come with your M-16. Be careful because about 3 men will come down the alley where you got the Rocket Launcher so be prepared to turn around and take them out. Now you will have to run out into the entrance and destroy the other few cars. But be careful because there is a few men waiting out here for you as well so take them out quickly. Then when they are all down, you will be told to go and check on Phil. When you get near him, he will thank you and offer you some weapons that you can now buy. Also before you leave, get in the Barrack OL and take it back to you garage in you hideout and keep it there from later on. NOTE: You can now buy an M16, Rocket Launcher or Shotgun at Phil's. All you have to do is head north and you will get there. Also the tank that is behind Phil. Is locked and cannot be opened during or after the mission. The only time it does open is when you finish the game and complete the final mission 'The Exchange'. NOTE: If you want to finish this easy, then when you get the rocket launcher, stay on the crates and destroy the three cars before any of the men can get out. Easy ha. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Evidence Dash | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: New Boss: Donald Love Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: Ram a car 6 times and pick up the evidence that falls out. Then you have to destroy the car. First you are going to need a car, so get one and follow the red dot which is a Bobcat that is driving around. When you see it, ram it as hard as you can and you will get a two star wanted level and a small item with an arrow above it will fall out. You don't have to get out of the car to pick it up, all you have to do is drive over it and it will be picked up. Then chase after the bobcat again and continue to ram it until you get all 6 pieces of evidence that fall out. When a piece of evidence has fallen on the ground, it will be shown by a blue dot on the radar. I have found that it is easiest with a fast car like the Cheetah because you can catch him quicker and get all the pieces quicker too. Then when he has dropped all 6 pieces of evidence, you will need to destroy the car with the evidence inside. Now this can be kind of hard and risky with all the cops on you, so take it to an alleyway like you hideout and destroy it there, so that the cops won't annoy you too much once you have gotten out. Or you can just keep running into the cops until the car blows up and when it does, just get out. NOTE: Once you have finished this mission, look on your radar and you will see a 'D' icon there. You now have new boss called Donald Love who you can now work for. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Kreg Melton /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ After the first hit on the evidence car and you get the wanted level just go to a Pay 'N Spray---you lose the wanted level and no future hit generates a wanted level so you can finish in peace. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Gone Fishing | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $15000 Needed: Police Boat. Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Chase and destroy the boat that is out fishing near the lighthouse in Portland. First you will need a police boat and you can get one of them from the apartments near Azuka's or if you follow the red dot on the radar, it will lead you to the dock in Portland where, you went to meet Maria and Azuka in your last mission in Portland, 'Last Requests.' Either way, when you have one, you will need to follow the green dot on the radar, which will lead you to the man that is fishing in Portland near the lighthouse. When you get there, you will see that this man's method of fishing is throwing a grenade in the water and letting the dead fish float to the top. Anyway, when he sees you he will take off. Now you will need to chase him and fire the boat's cannon to blow up the boat before he can get away. But be careful, he will drop barrels into the ocean and if you drive over them, they will explode. In note sure but I'm pretty sure that the boat can take two hits from these barrels but be careful anyway. Keep shooting him and eventually his boat will explode. NOTE: The Boat that you chase in this mission is called a Ghost Missing. It is the only one you will ever see like it and it looks like a Reefer except that it doesn't have the seats at the back of the boat because there is barrels there instead. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Plaster Blaster | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Follow the Ambulance and ram it until the body cast falls out. Then run over the man until he dies. Get a car and follow the red dot on the radar, which is an ambulance that is driving around. You only have a certain time, which is the time it takes for the ambulance to get from the hospital in Rockford to the Police station in Torrington, so don't take too long to get the body cast out of the car. If you get to close to it, which is about a cars length away, they you will be spotted and will have a two star wanted level. You will also have a damage meter, which is for the ambulance. You have to fill it up by ramming it as hard as you can. You can also shoot it with the Uzi and if you do the body will bail out and all you have to do is run over the body a few times. If you go off and cannot find the body, look on your radar and you will see it by a blue dot. When you run over the body, make sure that the wheels run over him and he doesn't just go under you. Otherwise, it won't take off any damage. If you are going slow enough then you should be able to kill him by both the front and then the back running over him. If not then just continue to run him over until he is dead. But this is made twice as hard and frustrating by those stupid police which can get so annoying after a while. NOTE: You won't be able to access Ray's last mission 'Marked Man' until you have reached the third island, Shoreside Vale. So until then, you must complete the first three missions for Donald Love, because when you finish his third mission 'A Drop In The Ocean' you will be able to go to the last island, Shoreside Vale. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Marked Man | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20000 Needed: BP Barrack OL Receive: BP Patriot, Rocket Launcher, M16, Flamethrower and AK-47. Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Get Ray to the Francis International Airport in Shoreside Vale in under 3 minutes. Before you enter this mission, make sure that you go to the toilet block in the BP Barrack OL that you where supposed to keep from one of Ray's earlier missions, 'Marked Man.' As soon as you start this mission, you will have a 3 minute timer. You will be told that the CIA have the lift bridge covered, but because you have the BP Barrack OL, this won't be a problem. Head east until you get on to a highway and you will find on the end that there is a ramp that curves and then goes across to the lift bridge. When you get on the bridge, you will see lots of men shooting you with M16s, but don't worry because they won't even damage the car because it is bulletproof. Be careful if the bridge is up and not to fall in the water and continue to cross until you get into Shoreside Vale. When you do get there, you will need to follow the pink do on the radar, which is just to the left of you at the airport. When you get there park in the blue marker, and Ray will thank you and give you the key to his lock up. He will then go inside the airport and you will need to go back to Staunton Island to where Ray's lockup is. To get there, you can just go back over the bridge, but still be careful of the CIA as you cross. The first thing you will need to do when you get back into Staunton, is go to you hideout and put the Barrack OL back into your garage and get a new car. Now that your Barrack OL is nice and safe in your garage, you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar to Ray's lockup on the edge of Belleville Park and Bedford Point. The garage, is at the end of an alleyway and when you get near it, the garage will open revealing its contents. A rocket launcher with heaps of ammo, an M16, a flamethrower and an AK-47. Also when the garage door opens, you will get a pager from Ray's telling you to take care of his BP Patriot (which is also in there) and that he will see you in Miami. Hint, Hint ;) Good work. NOTE: You will not be able to complete this mission, until you have unlocked the third island, Shoreside Vale. There is also a lot of different ways that this can be done. You can take the Porter Tunnel or for something a little more daring, there is always the subway, or flying over in the Dodo. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Donald Love | \=============================================================================/ Location: At the Love Media Building in Torrington Gang: None Background: Donald Love is the owner of Love Media and is a millionaire. He isn't part of a gang, but in most of his missions, you will be stirring up trouble between the Columbian Cartel and the Yakuza, and in one of his missions, you are required to assassinate Kenji of the Yakuza so that they blame the Cartel for it. Also, a lot of his missions are also based around a 'mysterious' package, which Donald is trying to get back and hide from the authorities. To access his missions, all you need to do is follow the 'D' icon on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Liberator | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $40000 Needed: Cartel Cruiser, Sniper Rifle Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Steal a Cartel Cruiser and go to the Cartel's hideout in Aspatria and get the Oriental Gentleman and take him back to the Love Media building. First thing you are going to need is a sniper rifle, so if you don't already have one then go to Ammunation to get some. Next you are going to need is a Cartel Cruiser. To find one you will need to head to Fort Staunton where you will be able to find one. Once you have one, you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar, which leads to the Cartel's hideout. When you get there, you will need to stop in front of the gate and when it has opened park the car so that it is in the gates path and it won't be able to close. Now get out of the car and get out you sniper rifle. Now without entering the hideout you will need to sniper all the Cartel that you can see. There should be about four or five guys that you will need to take out. Once they are all dead, get back in the car and drive-by the rest that are there. If your car starts to burning then get out and there is another in a garage. Once all the men you see are dead, you will need to stand in front of the garage doors and when they open, kill the Cartel man that is inside. In one of the garages there will be the Oriental Gentleman, and you will have to be careful of not to kill him or you will fail the mission. It is hard to tell you which garage the gentleman is in because he is always in a different one. But a good way I have found to see before opening is to get out your AK-47 or a gun that can lock on to enemies and facing a garage, lock on to someone and then press L2 or R2 And if you lock onto two people in the one garage, you can know that that is the right garage without getting hurt. Once you have killed the Cartel guy, the man will follow you and all you need to do is get in the Cartel Cruiser that is there or get a car from the streets and take him back to the Love Media Building by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, all you are going to have to do is park in the blue marker out front of the building, and the old oriental gentleman will get out. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Waka-Gahsira Wipeout | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Cartel Cruiser Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: To steal a Cartel Cruiser and take it to the multi-storey car park and kill Kenji so that the Yakuza blame the Cartel for his death. First you are going to need a Cartel Cruiser, so if you don't have one then go to Fort Staunton and get one there. Once you have one, follow the pink dot on the radar, but before you get there, you will need to go and get the car resprayed so that your car can take as much damage as possible. Then be careful when you are heading up the ramps and make sure that you don't get out of the car when you are on the upper levels. When you get to the top, you will see a cut-scene where you will see Kenji with his bodyguards. You will need to look for a ramp that is against the wall and go to the other side. Then go to the very top level and quickly drive to the left of the white limo and aim for the person with the arrow over their head. Run him over and then quickly, keep driving straight and turn just before you hit the wall turn out and go back down the slope to a lower level. This is because the people that are near the ramp, have M6s which will leave your car burning in no time. Now just drive down to the bottom of the car park and leave and all you have to do is avoid the cops until you get out of Newport. Here you will be told that you need to dump the car and to do this all you have to do is get out and you have completed the mission. NOTE: Make sure that before you do this mission, that you have finished all of Kenji's missions. If you finish this mission without doing all of Kenji's other missions, then you won't be able to get 100% if you do want to. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By sam brown /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ I got an 'alternative' way of doing the mission "Waka-Gahsira Wipeout." Go up to the top in a cruiser until the cut-scene shows then go back down to the level below and go crazy with a rocket launcher at the roof jump back into the car and go dump it /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | A Drop In The Ocean | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: New Island: Shoreside Vale Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: To pick up all the 6 water drop deliveries before the cops do. Then just take them back to the Love Media building. It is good to go to the Love Media building with a fast car, because when you start the mission, you will have 2 minutes to go and get the boat and get out on the water to wait for the delivery. To get a boat, you will need to follow the red dot on the radar, which will lead to the dock in Portland where you met Azuka and first came over to Staunton Island. But if you go to Azuka's condo in Newport, it is a lot quicker and there is also a Speeder there as well. You will need to go down to the docks that is right in front of her condo and you will see a Speeder near the end on the left. Once you have a boat follow the yellow dot on the radar, which is where the plane will come in from. Then just wait there until the timer goes down to zero and the plane will then come into range. When the plane is in range, stay a little bit back from behind the plane so that when it drops the packages, they should fall right on top of you. Also, for every package you get, you will get 1 star onto you wanted level, until you have all six and will have a 5 star wanted level. That's the FBI on you, so be careful. Once you have all the packages, you will be told to take them back to the Love Media building. You should be just right of the dock you came from so dock there and get out of the boat and run up to the apartment blocks, and you should be right in front of Azuka's Condo. Get in the Yakuza Stinger the is there and start to go up the road to get out of there. If you look on your right as you go up the hill, you will see a long alleyway which you will need to go down. Go down to the end and you will end up at the Pay 'N' Spray. There you go. You didn't even have to deal with the cops much. Now all you have to do is follow the pink dot on the radar to the Love Media building where you can drop off the packages. NOTE: You now have a new island and the last island called Shoreside Vale. This is the last island and has some great places to explore. When you get back in a car, there will be a news flash on the radio saying that the lift bridge from Staunton Island to Shoreside Vale is now open. You now have another new Island to explore and it is a good idea to get all the hidden packages and side-missions. Since you have also got to the last island, you can complete Ray's last mission 'Marked Man,' which requires you to get Ray to the airport, without crossing the newly open bridge. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Grand Theft Aero | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $50000 Needed: Sniper Rifle, 100% health and Armour Receive: New boss; Azuka II Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: Go over to Shoreside Vale and go to Francis International Airport. You will need to go and get the plane that is guarded by Cartel. First, you are going to need to get to Shoreside Vale, and the quickest way to get there is by the lift bridge so take that. When you do get into Shoreside Vale, you will need to follow the red dot on the radar, which will take you to the custom's hanger at the back of the airport. The airport is just to your left when you enter Shoreside Vale and you will be able to see the big dome building that says 'Francis International Airport'. There is a road that will let you get to the back of the airport on the south side and when you get to the back you will see four hangers in a row. The one you need to go to is the third one in the line. When you get there, a Pan Lantic van will come out and you will need to stop in front of the entrance and get out. Get out a sniper rifle and slowly creep forward so that you can see the two Cartel that are to the left of the hangar, behind some crates. Kill them with the sniper rifle and then run into the middle of the entrance and take out the other two that are to the right of the hangar. Now you will need to get in the plane and you will find out that the package is not in there and that the Cartel must have it. Go out side and go near the Pan Lantic that is out front of the hangar. You will be told that there is a Pan Lantic constructions site is Staunton Island, and you will need to go back over there. If you want, you can use the Dodo that is there to fly back over, but since you are in a mission, it is safer to just go back over the Lift bridge. But if you go want to learn how to fly it then there is a good Dodo Faq by MrIQ that you can read. Anyway, whatever way you used to get back to Staunton Island, when you get there, you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar, which will lead you to the construction site in Fort Staunton. Circle the area until you can find an entrance and then just go to the big blue maze like building in the middle. You will need to find a good vantage point and a good place is up on one of the hills that surround the building. When you are up there, you can also get on top of a car so that you have that little more height. Now get out your sniper rifle and take out all the Cartel men in the building that you can see. If you are on the south side of the building then you should be able to take out at least 4 men, and one you will only just be able to see. He is hidden, behind a blue ramp and you can just see the top of his head. Once you have killed as many people that you can see, head to the north side of the building and you will find an entrance. You will have to be careful here because, most of these men in here have M16s, Ak-47s or shotguns, which will kill you pretty easily. At the entrance, there is one man in front of the doorway and another to the right. Just throw a few moltov cocktails or grenades over the fence and that will take care of them. Now run in with a M16 and take out any guards that you see. Just stay back and their bullets won't hurt as much. When they are all dead, run to the back and onto the blue marker that is on a lift. Then you will see a cut-scene where you see Catalina and Miguel with a briefcase. Catalina will shoot Miguel and then jump down into a well-placed bin. When you turn around Azuka will be there and will blame Miguel for her brothers death but he will deny it of course, because it was YOU that killed Kenji ;) She will then offer you work if you come back to her. You will then go down the lift and need to take that briefcase that Miguel had back to Donald Love at the Love Media Building. All you need to do is follow the pink dot on the radar and it will take you there. When you leave the building you will see that it is surrounded by Yakuza men and Yakuza Stingers. Just take one of them if you have to and get out of there. When you get back to the Love Media building, just run into the blue marker and you have finished the mission. NOTE: You can now do some more missions for Azuka which all involve taking out the Cartel. To access these missions, all you have to do is see her on the top of the building in the construction site by taking the lift up there. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Escort Services | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $40000 Needed: Uzi Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Escort the Oriental Gentlemen from the Love Media Building to Pike Creek in Shoreside Vale. When you enter the mission, the first thing that you will need to do is go to the red dot on the radar, which is just around the corner at the garage of the Love Media building. You will see a Securicar with an arrow above it and when it sees you, it will start moving. A damage metre will appear on the screen and if it fills up, the mission is over because the van will explode. All you need to do is follow it as it travels around Staunton Island. If you loose the van, you can find it by following the red dot on the radar. Every so often, a Cartel Cruiser will start to chase the car, and you will need to destroy it by drive-bying it. You will also pass a lot of Cartel men along the road that will shoot at the van with M16s. After a while, the van will go into the Porter Tunnel where you will have to follow it and stay near it. You won't have to worry about any Cartel Cruisers down here, but there is still some men down here so be careful. After a while, the car will turn off and come out, near the airport in Shoreside Vale. You will have to be careful here because this is where the main assault takes place. Be careful when two cars come at the van because with them, there are the men on the side of the road, who will destroy the car in no time. When the van gets to Pike Creeks, the van. will pull into a factory and drive into a garage that is there. And if you have made it this far, then you have finished the mission. NOTE: You will want to be careful to keep the damage low because the driver is also a little crazy and will add a little damage by running into other cars and rails and lamp posts. So be prepared to keep the damage low. Also if there is a slow car that is slowing the van down when it is in the Porter Tunnel, all you need to do is drive up next to it and fire a few bullets and the car will take off and the van can continue in its way again. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Decoy | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $35000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Act as a decoy and take the Securicar, so that the Oriental Gentleman can escape safely. First thing that you will need to do is head over to Shoreside Vale to the garage that the Securicar went to in the last mission. The easiest way to get to Shoreside Vale, is by the lift bridge, so take that and get to Shoreside Vale. When you do get into Shoreside Vale, you will need to follow the red dot on the radar, which will lead to the garage that the van went to in the last mission. When you get there, you will see the van out the front with an arrow above it, just outside the garage. As soon as the enter the van, you will have a six star wanted level, a damage meter, and a three minute timer. If the damage meter gets full then the mission is over and the van will blow up and the timer is a count down on how long you have to stay away from the cops. You may have six stars but that doesn't mean that you have tanks on your tail. You may come across some Barrack OL road block but you will only have the police, SWAT vans and a helicopter chasing you. You will need to be careful of the chopper as it will shoot at you and will quickly fill your metre up. So you will need to find a place to lay low, where the choppers cannot shoot you. The best place to go to hide from the cops is back at your hideout. You will need to quickly head there, which is in Wichita Gardens and you can get there by heading up hill when you leave the AM buildings and turning right onto a bridge that crosses over to Cedar Grove. Then just drive down the slope and your hideout will be to the right. Pull into the garage and wait there for the time to count down. Here, the cop cars won't be able to get you because they don't run into your garage and you will be out of range of the choppers so that can't get you either. All you have to do is wait in there and you will have easily passed the mission. NOTE: If you try to get the car resprayed or use police bribes to lower your wanted level, they won't work and there is no way that you can get rid of the 6 stars or lower it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Love's Disappearance | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: Nothing Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Objective: Enter the cut-scene When you enter this mission, you will go to the top of the Love Media building and look around for Donald Love. You will notice that the 'Package' that you have been working to get, is open and gone and that Donald has taken off and disappeared. Easy mission, Ha. Actually, it is not really a real mission, but the D on the radar will not go away until you enter the mission and it counts as a mission on the stat screen. /=============================================================================\ | 10. Payphone Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | Missions by King Courtney | \=============================================================================/ Location: Payphone on Liberty Campus Gang: Yardies Background: King Courtney is the leader of the Yardies gang in Staunton Island and their territory is in Newport. King Courtney and the Yardies are the only gang that is on the Cartel's side and don't hate them and are about to make a deal to help push SPANK. To access his missions, all you need to do is follow the green payphone icon in the radar, when you are in the Staunton Island area. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Bling-Bling Scramble | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $7000 + $1000 for every checkpoint collected over 7 Needed: Fast Car Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: Drive around Staunton Island and get to the Checkpoints first. Get the most checkpoints and you win. First off, you are going to need a fast car. If you don't already have one, there is a Yakuza Stinger and a Banshee at the apartment block area near Azuka's so head there to get one. When you are ready, enter the mission, you are going to need to follow the pink dot on the radar, to a grassed area just outside the Stadium. All you basically have to do to get there, is head north on the road that you are on and you will see the blue marker. But before you stop, turn around and face the way that you came. From here, you will see three different cars roll up and it is time to race. The cars you are racing against are shown by a red dot on the radar and have a blue arrow above them and the checkpoint you are going to is shown by a pink dot on the radar. The checkpoints are little red domes that are in the middle of the road. You don't have to get all of them as long as you get the most, which should be around 7 or 8 depending on the opponents. You may also find that the checkpoints chance in order so it is hard to tell you where all of them are. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Uzi Rider | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Uzi Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Take the Yardie's car to Hepburn Heights in Portland and drive-by 10 Diablos. When you start the mission, a Perennial will roll up and two Yardies will get out and give you an Uzi and you will get in the car with them. What you need to do is head to Hepburn Heights in Portland. But be careful not to roll or destroy the car or the two Yardies will get out and start shooting at you. You can get to Hepburn Heights by following the pink dot on the radar, but make sure that you are in Portland when you follow it because if you are in Staunton, you will go all over the place and not get anywhere. When you get into Hepburn Heights, you will be told to kill some Diablos. You will need to kill 10. But you cannot get out of the car. The only way that you can kill them is by either running over them or by drive-by. If you get cops on you and you can't handle it, then there is a Pay 'N' Spay very near by where you can quickly go to get the cops off your tail or repair the car. Once you have your 10 kills, you have to get back to Yardie turf by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get back into Staunton Island, start following the pink dot and it will lead you to a patch of grass across the road from the Multi- Storey car park. Park in the marker and the two men will get out. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Gang Car Round-Up | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Go and get a Yakuza Stinger, Mafia Sentinal and a Diablo Stallion and take them to the garage in The garage that you need to take the cars to is in a small alleyway on the side of the road in Newport. The other good thing, is that you don't have a time limit and the cars don't have to be in mint condition, as long as they aren't too wrecked up. But if it does then there is the Pay 'N' Spray just down the road where you can go to get it fixed. You should know where it is by now, but if you don't then, it is on the north side of the Multi-Storey car park in Newport in an alleyway. Firstly, you can go for the Yakuza Stinger because it is the closest and is in Staunton Island. To get one, just go to Azuka's Condo and there should be one there out front. If there isn't then there should be one just around the corner. Once you are in the car, take it to the garage by following the pink dot on the radar. When you get to the garage drive into it and get out and run out of the garage and the door will shut and say that you have dropped off the Yakuza Stinger. Now to go and get a Mafia Sentinal. You can get one from in front of Salvatore's Mansion. This is the hardest car to get because of the fact that the Mafia now hate you. Head across the Callahan Bridge to get to Portland. When you get there, you are going to need to head to easy credit auto and 8-ball's place. When you get there, go to the back, where the train tracks are and go up the hill here. You may have to run up, but once you get to the top, you should be just in front of the mansion and two Mafia Sentinals. Get in one and go down the hill you just came up. Don't worry about ruining the car because you can fix it at the Pay 'N' Spray in Portland. Then just head back over to Staunton Island and take it to the garage. Now for the last car, the Diablo Stallion. Head back over to Portland and when you get there, you will need to go to Hepburn Heights and drive around there until you find a Diablo Stallion. When you find one steal it and drive off quickly before the Diablos have a chance to pull you from your car. Then just drive it back to Staunton Island and take it to the garage and you have finished the mission. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Kingdom Come | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Sniper Rifle, weaponry (able to lock on), Rocket launcher, 100% health and armour. Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: Go to an alleyway to pick up a car. But when you get there, you will find out that it is a setup by Catalina. You will need to kill all the SPANKed up men and destroy their car. First if you don't have the weapons that are needed, then go to Ammunation, where you can get all that you will need and Phil's to get the rocket launcher. Once you have entered the mission you will have 1 minute 30 seconds to get to the car so hurry up and follow the red dot that is on the radar. You will have to be quick because there is only enough time to go straight there. You will see that the dot leads to a kind of parking lot and alleyway and you should enter down the alleyway near an entrance to an underground car park. Get into the car that has an arrow above it and you will find a letter from Catalina. Then a SPANKed up man will come and blow up on you car. Now you will have to act quick. Drive out the entrance you came in from, before another madman can attack you because the car will blow up, and park the car at the entrance so that it is blocking the way in case the cops come, because they can be very annoying. You will be able to tell where the next van is because it will be shown by a green dot on the radar and has an arrow above it. Get out the sniper rifle or the AK-47 and aim over at where the men are coming from. But be careful not to let the madmen get to close to you because when you blow them up, they will hurt you too. The madmen will continue to keep coming until you have destroyed the van that is in front of you. When, it is destroyed, carefully make your way down the alley and be careful if a madman comes. Go to you right and you will be able to go back a little before destroying the man that is on the left of the alleyway entrance. The next van you need to take out is one on your right and the madmen will be coming out of that one so try and take this van out now. If you are still in the little spot nest to the alleyway, then the next van is directly in front of you and all you have to do is get out the rocket launcher and blow it up before too many men come out at you. And the last, just follow the green dot and you will see one. Just quickly blow it up with the rocket launcher before it has a chase for too many men to come out. Mission Complete and you have just been betrayed by the Yardies. NOTE: The Yardies will now hate you and will attack you when you enter their turf or steal one of their cars. They only have pistols and baseball bats but still be careful when you enter the Newport area. /=============================================================================\ | 11. Hidden Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | 4x4 Missions | \=============================================================================/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | A Ride In The Park | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: You have 2 minutes to collect 12 checkpoints. When you pass through the first checkpoint the timer will start and for ever checkpoint you collect you will get another 10 seconds on the clock. The Landstalker that you need to enter to start this mission is located at the north end of the park near the basketball courts and the cabin. When you enter the mission, the timer won't start until you get the first checkpoint so don't worry about racing yet. The first checkpoint is on the jetty right near your car and what you need to do is line the car up so that you can drive over the jetty and into the water without hitting any of the poles that are on the jetty. Once you have the first checkpoint, go round to the left side of the island in the middle of the pond and you may need to get a run up so that you will make it up the hill. Unlike the Patriot who is the king at climbing hills, the Landstalker is one of the worse. No keep going forward and you should jump off the island and back into the water. Drive forward up to the wall and follow it and you will be able to get 3 more checkpoints. Turn left and head back a little to a set of stairs with an ornament at the top. You will have able to get to checkpoints here taking your total to 7 checkpoints. Now behind it is the stairs to the toilet block and there is one there. Now head south to a bridge and you can get 3 more checkpoints there. For two of them you will have to drive directly up the hill and not on an angle or you will roll. Then for the last checkpoint, just go to the south end of the park and you will see the last checkpoint which is on top of the hill. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Multi Story Mayhem | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $30000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: Collect 20 checkpoints in 2 minutes. The timer will start immediately with 20 seconds on the clock and for every checkpoint, you will get and extra 5 seconds. This offroad mission is different from the other because of a few reasons. First you are on concrete instead of hills and have a Stallion. Also starting this mission is a lot different from the others. To start the mission you must get a stallion and take it to outside the multi-storey car park and turn it around so that it is facing the entrance. Park the car on the sidewalk and get out of the car and then back in. This will trigger the mission. This is another aspect that is different from the other missions. Here the timer will start immediately after you activate the mission with 20 seconds. Now there is 4 checkpoints and 5 levels so the easiest way to get them is to count and make sure that you get every checkpoint on each floor. There are some checkpoints that will cause you a little trouble. On the second level, one of the checkpoints has a car in it so you will need to take a run up and knock the car out of the way, so that you can get the checkpoint. Another is on the third floor because it is behind the ramp and is hard to see, so you may miss it. And then the last is on the top floor. This one should be the last checkpoint that you car because you will have to use a ramp to jump off the building and down to the floor. Just don't take the jump at an angle and you should get it. You will also want to get a good run up so that you don't fall short off it too. /=============================================================================\ | RC Toyz Missions | \=============================================================================/ The van that you will need to enter to enter these missions are blue and looks like a Pony. When you enter the van, the camera will go to a small remote control car, which you can now control. If you haven't already use a RC car, the controls are exactly the same as a normal car except that you can't look to the sides or back. The RC car hardly ever rolls and avoid going under cars because the RC car will explode. When you are ready to blow up the car, press the O button and the Remote control car will explode. Lastly, if you want to do this mission again, the all you have to do is get out of the van and then get back in on the spot that it is originally on. You may also want to be careful not to get too close to the van you are in because you can blow yourself up as well. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Casino Calamity | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000 per car over the current record Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 3/10 Objective: Destroy as many Yakuza Stingers with remote control cars in 2 minutes as you can. To get to the van that you need to enter to start this mission, it is easiest to start at the Casino. When you are at the Casino, face the road and go down the 4 lane highway. You will need to take the second right into a road that is separated by an elevated block of grass. Look on you right and you will be able to see the blue van at the end of an alleyway. Go up to it and enter the van to start the mission. The first thing at you need to know is no to hold the accelerator or even press it when you get a new RC car. This is because the RC cars start off facing the van and I won't know how many times I have blown myself up from holding the accelerator and running into my van. So what I do, is either reverse back and do over the curb that is behind you or either hold left and slowly take off. Once you are out of the alley way, the best place to find Yakuza Stingers are along the road in front of the Casino, the cars should be pulling up at the intersection or driving along the road. You should be able to get at least 9 here easily. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12. Welcome to Shoreside Vale =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the residential area of Liberty City. It is covered in huge mansions, apartment blocks and vast hills. There is the huge airport to explore and you can even find the Dodo there, which is a light-weight plane with no wings that can be flown. There is also the huge Dam which makes up most of the island and is an important part of the island. And once you master the flight of the Dodo, you can even search for the hidden and secret Ghost Island, which is where the intro movie took place. Essentially, the island is divided into three areas. The main part with the airport and Pike Creek, the rich area, where there is a line of huge mansions and great views. And lastly there is the low-lying apartment block area where the hoods hang, which is cut off from the rest of the island except for a long and windy road. Places of interest: - Your hideout in Wichita Gardens. - The Francis International Airport. - Cochrane Dam. - The Cartel Mansion in Cedar Grove. - The huge mansions in Cedar Grove. - Staunton View Picnic Area in Wichita Garden. - Cedar Ridge Observatory in Cedar Grove. - Staunton/Shoreside Lift Bridge. - The Mysterious Ghost Town, Behind the Cochrane Dam. /=============================================================================\ | 13. Career Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Azuka (Part II) | \=============================================================================/ Location: Top of the building in the Cartel Construction Site. Can be accessed by taking the lift up there. Gang: Yakuza Background: This is the second part of Azuka's missions and can be accessed after completing one of Donald Love's missions 'Grand Theft Aero.' In this lot of mission, you are going against the Cartel and Azuka is trying to find out how killed her brother and pay them back for it. To enter her latest missions, all you need to do is follow the 'A' on the radar, which will lead to the top of a building in the construction site. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Bait | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $35000 Needed: Rocket Launcher Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: Lead the three Cartel death squads that are after you to the group of Yakuza in Pike Creek, so that they can finish them off. This missions seems to cause me trouble every time I do it, and I guarantee you will not pass it on your first time. It will take you a few goes to work out what is the best strategy to tackle this mission. Anyway, when you start the mission, get in the Yakuza Stinger and head over to Shoreside Vale. Take the bridge because it is the easiest way to get there. When you are in Shoreside Vale, follow the road you are on until you come to a turn-off that goes up hill. Parked in the grass, on the side of the road, is the first death squad. If you look on the radar you will be able to see the pink dot that is near by. When the Sentinal starts to chase you, the dot will go red. But make sure that you don't get too far in front of the car or it will loose you and start waiting again. When you have the car following you, you will need to follow the yellow dot on the radar, which leads to a yard that is full of Yakuza men. If you find the police and hospital, then follow the road behind them north and you will soon see the Yakuza waiting in the yard. Pull in and park the car round the corner, behind some crates. Then just get out and get your rocket launcher and help blow up the car and the men that get out of it. You will want to be very careful because the men in the car are packed with M16s and these can quickly tear through any armour you have and kill you in a matter of seconds. Then when the car is destroyed, go and look for the next car by following the pink dots on the radar. If you need armour or health, there is a ramp down an alley to the right of the yard and if you jump over it, you will land in a yard with both armour and health. Then for the other two, one is in one of the driveways of the huge mansions in Cedar Grove and the last is in front of one of the tunnels that are near the top of the dam. Then when all three have been destroyed, you have finish the mission. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Expresso-2-Go | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $40000 Needed: Fast Car, Rocket Launcher Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: Destroy the nine coffee stands who are pushing SPANK, that are scattered around Liberty City in under 8 minutes. First if you need any rockets, then head over to Phil's place and you can get some. When you begin the mission, there will be one blue dot on the radar, which will lead to the first stand. You can head there, but DO NOT destroy it just yet. Since the timer doesn't start until you destroy the first stall, you can just cruise around Liberty City and look for all 9 of them. It is kind of hard because the stalls don't appear on your radar until you enter the area that they are in. But don't worry, that's why I'm here! There is 2 in Portland, 5 in Staunton Island and 2 in Shoreside Vale. Here is all the locations. Portland: - In a car park in front of Salvatore's Mansion in St. Marks. - In front of the entrance of Portland Docks in Trenton. Staunton Island: - To the east of the Multi-Storey Car park in Newport. - At the south end of the park on top of a hill in Belleville Park. - In front of the church, in Bedford Point. - In front of a building in Bedford Point. - In a big walking area near a huge star sign in Torrington. Shoreside Vale: - In the top of the stairs near a statue at the airport. - In front of the hospital in Pike Creek. Then when you have found all of them, get out of the car and destroy the stand that you are at with the rocket launcher. The timer will start for 8 minutes and you will have to race around to all the other stands and blow them up too. You may want to be careful when in St. Marks, because the Mafia has shotguns, which will blow up your car in two hits and you won't last long. So get in there and out. Other then that, none of the other stalls should cause you trouble, except the one at the airport because a Cartel Cruiser comes after you. But good luck and good hunting. You will also be told when you have destroyed all the stalls on one island, which is good because it helps and cuts out a lot of confusion. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | S.A.M. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $45000 Needed: Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 9/10 Objective: Head out to the buoys near Francis International Airport by boat and shoot down the Full-winged Dodo that is carrying the SPANK. Then pick up the SPANK that has fallen in the water and take it back to the construction site. Firstly, to make this mission easier, it is good it have passed Ray's mission 'Arms Shortage' before or got all 100 hidden packages so that you have a rocket launcher. When you start the mission, you will have 3:30 to get over to the dock in Bedford Point. If you don't already have a fast car, then get the Yakuza Stinger that is already there. Even though you were told to go by boat, you can still drive there by going over the Lift Bridge. It may be easier, but you will be pushing the time so you will need to be VERY quick and not crash too many times. When you get to the airport, go round the back and crash through the boom gates and follow the road until you come to the runways. Get out of the car and get out your sniper rifle and you will be able to see two Cartel Cruisers and each has three men next to it. Take out all the men and get back in the car and go down the runway that is on an angle and you will be able to see another Cartel Cruiser and three men. Take out the men and stand in the middle of the runway, but a fair way back from the end to give the plane a chance to land. Then when you are ready, get out your rocket launcher. You will want to aim at the end of the runway and when you see the plane, wait for it to be very near the ground so that it is directly in front of you. Let a few rocket rip and you will be able to blow the plane up easy. When you do manage shoot it down, you will have a four star wanted level and you will need to go to the wrecked plane and collect the SPANK that has fallen out. There is eight that you need to collect and they look like the hidden packages with smoke coming off them. An easy way to get them is to get into one of the Cartel Cruisers and driving over the packages. A police chopper will come after you but don't shoot it down or you will get another star to your wanting level. When you have all the packages, you will need to take them back to the construction site by following the pink dot on the radar. Get in a car and head to the main area of the airport. Go to where all the big planes are parked and you will find a police bribe to take you wanted level back to three. Now leave the airport and turn left at the lights so that you are heading to Pikes Creak. To your right in the bush there is another wanted level to take you down to two stars. Now to get to the Pay 'N' Spray. Follow the main road from the airport and you will eventually come to a bridge on your right. Turn left and then left again and you will be in an alley. Go up the ramp and you will be in an area with some garages. Look around because one of them is open and is the Pay 'N' Spray. Go inside and you will loose your wanted level all together. Now all you need to go is head back over to Staunton Island and follow the pink dot on the radar, which will take you back to the construction site, where Azuka awaits. When you get to the construction site, go to the lift and enter the blue marker and you will enter the next mission, Ransom. NOTE: When you enter the blue marker at the end of the mission, you will enter the last mission for Azuka. But don't worry all it is, is a cut scene and then you get a new and your final boss. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Ransom | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: Nothing Needed: $500,000 Receive: New Boss: Catalina Objective: Enter the cut-scene When you go to drop off the SPANK from the last mission 'S.A.M.', you will realise that Azuka and Miguel dead and will find a letter from Catalina saying that see has kidnapped Maria and wants $500,000 if you want to see her alive again. I now strongly advise that you go to you hideout in Shoreside Vale and save there, because you are about to face your toughest challenge yet. /=============================================================================\ | Missions by Catalina | \=============================================================================/ Location: At the Cartel Mansion in Cedar Grove in Shoreside Vale. Gang: Cartel Background: Catalina is the dog that ditched you and left you for dead in the opening scene. She is the leader of the Cartel and is the person in charge of pushing SPANK. She hates your ass and is scared of your revenge and has tried many things to stop you. You can access her mission by following the 'C' icon on the radar. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The Exchange | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000000 Needed: No weapons. (You get everything taken off you so don't bother.), most weapons at hideout, 100% health and armour. Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 10/10 Objective: Rescue Maria, and kill Catalina! This is the final mission in the game and one of the harder and more involved ones at that. When you first enter the mission, you are stripped of weapons and brought into the Cartel property. Here you meet Catalina who takes the money and orders her men to kill you. But before the guard can do anything, you block his gun and knock him out. This is when you are given control again. Here there is two ways you can take on this mission. The first is the easier way, where you need most of the weapons to be outside your hideout, from completing the hidden packages. The second is a lot harder and is where you don't need nothing. You get what is given to you during the mission and nothing else. 1) With weapons from hideout: When you get control after the cut-scene, you will have a seven minute timer to go and get Catalina. Run and get the pistol off the guard you just killed and shoot the other guard and take his Uzi. Now run and get into the Cartel Cruiser and drive-by the other two men that are there. Now drive out the front gate and head west until you come to a turn off on your left. Take it and it should be a windy road that go down the hill and you will end up at your hideout. Go in and get all the weapons that are there and more importantly, the rocket launcher and the sniper rifle and some armour if you need it. Then when you have stocked up on ammo, continue down the hill that is opposite to your hideout and then drive up the hill. When you get to the top, stop in the grass and get out your rocket launcher and destroy the two cars that are blocking the entrance to the dam. Then continue in and when you get half way, get out and blow up the second road block. Then get your sniper rifle out and take out the Cartel man that is on the container with a ramp lying against it. There is also two men in the towers on the side of the dam, so take them out too. Once you have killed the three men, continue on foot to where the Cartel Cruiser road block was and get out your rocket launcher and destroy the Flatbed that you can see. Now sniper the man that is on one of the containers and the other is to the left of the truck. Continue down until you can see two more Flatbeds and blow them both up as well as the men that surround it. Then when you get closer to the helipad, you will see a cut-scene, where Catalina wants her chopper airborne and you will see Maria and two guards that are with her. The chopper will now take off and come after you. It fires huge flames that cover a huge area of the ground and the timer will stop once Catalina is dead. So its best to take it out now of you can. Now continue forward and take out the man that is in between the two blue containers and one that is directly above that, on the heliport. Now, you must head for the stairs and when you get halfway up the stairs, walk up slowly so just your head is above the ground and you can take out the two men that guard Maria. Once you have taken them out, quickly run towards Maria and you have finished this hard mission and not to mention the game. Congratulations and watch the credits roll by so that you can save your mission. But don't worry. Unlike games like Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy X, this game has good music playing during the credits so it isn't a bore. Yey! 2) Without weapons from hideout: When you get control after the cut-scene, you will have a seven minute timer to go and get Catalina. Run and get the pistol off the guard you just killed and shoot the other guard and take his Uzi. If you need more armour, there is some in the shed. Now run and get into the Cartel Cruiser and drive-by the other two men that are there. Now drive out the front gate and head west until you come to a turn off on your left. Take it and it should be a windy road that go down the hill and you will end up at your hideout. Then continue down the hill that is opposite to your hideout and then drive up the hill. When you get to the top, ram your car into the road block and the men that are there should make it blow up. When there is flame coming from your car, get out and get a new one. Otherwise, just ram your way through and keep going. Keep a good look out on your right because in a grassed area, there is a sniper rifle with 5 bullets. Now use them carefully. Take out the two men beside the cars because they have M16s. Then kill the two men in the towers that are on the side of the dam wall. And then, if you have enough bullets left, take out the man that is standing on the container that was behind the cars. Now run in and quickly try and find a M16 that an enemy might have dropped. Continue to run in and get into the Flatbed that was here and run over a Cartel if you can to get his weapon. There is a health icon behind a red container and you can get that if you need it. Continue forward and if one of the Flatbed at the end come at you quickly destroy it with an M16. If you climb up the second tower, there will also be an M16 there, so you can increase your ammo. You will also want to be careful of the chopper that comes after you as it will shoot flames and can cover a huge area. Now continue forward and take out all the guards you can. Now, you must head for the stairs and when you get halfway up the stairs, walk up slowly so just your head is above the ground and you can take out the two men that guard Maria. Don't go near her yet or see will follow you. Run to the front of the helipad and there will be a rocket launcher there with only 3 shots so make the shot last. Wait for the chopper to come close so that you can get a good shot at it. Then, when the chopper is destroyed, run towards Maria and you have finished this hard mission and not to mention the game. Congratulations and watch the credits roll by so that you can save your mission. But don't worry. Unlike games like Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy X, this game has good music playing during the credits so it isn't a bore. Yey! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Strategy Sent In By Martin Miller \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ It's not as hard if you have taken the time to obtain the tank. I did and this mission wans't all that bad. Your guide was helpful though. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /=============================================================================\ | 14. Payphone Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | Missions by D-Ice | \=============================================================================/ Location: Payphone in Wichita Gardens Gang: Red Jacks Background: D-Ice is the leader of the Red jacks and is sick of the inconsiderate Purple Nines that are taking to the streets. He wants them dead and is willing to sabotage their vans and people to do so. To access D-Ice's missions, follow the red Payphone, when in Shoreside Vale to the Payphones in Wichita Gardens. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Uzi Money | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: BP Patriot Receive: Uzi Mission Difficulty: 7/10 Objective: Kill 20 Purple Nines in 2 minutes 30 seconds. Firstly, you will need to transfer your BP Patriot or any BP car, to your garage in Shoreside Vale. When you enter the mission, as soon as you enter a vehicle, you will be given a 2:30 time limit and an Uzi with unlimited ammo. You will need to kill 20 Purple Nines, which are the people that have purple tops on. It is good to have a BP car because if your car blows up, all the Red Jacks and Purple Nines will shoot at you and you won't last too long. This is also good because they will shoot at the car and because it if BP, it won't effect it. Just keep driving around and follow the road and you will just keep going around in a big circle. You must also make sure that you drive-by the people because it won't count if you run them over or get out and shoot them. When you see a Purple Nine, slow down so that you have a better chance of killing them. Just kill 20 Purple Nines and you have passed his mission. NOTE: If you can't seem to find anyone with purple shirts on, then it is more then likely that you have experienced the Purple Nines glitch. This is when there is no Purple Nines walking the street meaning that you cannot get 100%. The only way to get rid of it is to delete the infected game and start a new one with no memory card in the slot. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Toymnator | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 6/10 Objective: Destroy 3 of the Nines's Securicars using remote control cars. When you first enter the mission, you will need to follow the red dot on the radar, which will take you to a Toyz van. To get there, just head up the sloping road and follow it until you come to a car park. The van that you need to get into, has an arrow above it and when you enter, the camera will zoom into a remote control car, which you now have control of. The controls are exactly the same as driving a normal car, except that you cannot look to the sides of backwards. There is a ramp on one side of the car park and you can use this to get onto the road. Once on the road, what you need to do, is follow the three red dots on the radar, which lead you to the three Securicars that are driving around Shoreside Vale. You also only have four remote control cars to take out three which means that you can only make one mistake. But don't worry, the cars hardly ever roll over and when they do, they should just roll back to normal. You should also avoid going under cars because sometimes when you go under low lying cars or even normal cars, the car may explode on its own. These locations may change, but you should find one of the Securicars driving around at the bottom of the Dam, one in the lower part of Wichita Garden and the other driving around Cedar Grove. When you do find the vans that you need to destroy, drive the remote control car under the van, and if it doesn't blow up on its own, then press the O Button to detonate it yourself. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Rigged To Blow | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $20000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: Go and get D-Ice's car and take it to a garage in St. Marks to get defused. Then take it back to the car park in Wichita Gardens. When you enter the mission, a timer for 6 minutes will start and you will need to follow the red dot on the radar, which takes you to the same car park as in the last mission. To get there go up the road that is to the right of the phone when you are LOOKING at it and follow that all the way along the top until you come to the car park. When you get there, you will see that there is an Infernus. When you get into the car, a damage metre will come up on the screen and you will be told to take the car to the garage in St. Marks, all the way back in Portland. But be VERY careful, because it you it one car too hard, then that is sure to make the car blow up because it is very sensitive. You don't want to go too fast because then you are sure to blow, but at the same time, you don't want to go too slow either. Remember, you have 6 minutes to get over to Portland, which is plenty of time so don't rush. Firstly you need to get to Staunton Island. Go over the ramp that is in the car park and then head up the hill until you get to the top. The easiest way is to cross over using the bridge, so cross over there and you will be in Staunton Island. Now get to the Callahan Bridge and drive in the middle of the road. Here you can totally floor it to save a few seconds before getting into Portland. When you get into Portland, you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar, which will lead to a garage that is on the top of the hill in St. Marks. Pull into the driveway and be careful as it is very thin. The garage door will shut and the bomb will be defused. Now if you have the slightest bit of damage, you will be told to get the car repaired, so you will need to go to the Pay 'N' Spray in either Portland or Staunton Island. For those of you who can't the Pay 'N' Spray in Portland is in the Red Light District, near Luigi's club and in Staunton Island is in an alley in Newport, near the Multi-Storey Car park. Then when you have taken the car to the Pay 'N' Spray, you will need to take the car back to where you found it in perfect condition. The slightest dent and you will need to go and get the car repaired again, so be very careful on your way back to Shoreside Vale. When you get there, you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar. For those of you who have continual trouble and can't seem to be able to keep the car in good condition, then you can use the Pay 'N' Spray that is in Shoreside Vale, although it is quite hard to find. From the bridge that you use to cross over to Cedar Grove, head in the Pike Creek direction and on your left you will see the entrance to an alleyway. Go up the slope that will be to your right and you will see the Pay 'N' Spray is here. Then you just have to drive a little way back to the car park. When you do get back to the car park, all you have to do is park the car in the blue marker and get out. Now if you look at you stats, it will have the time that you just completed the run to the garage in Portland. Be Careful: - When going up the windy road near your hideout. - When taking a sharp turn where you can't see if there is any traffic. - Don't worry about people shooting you in Portland like the Mafia or Triads because no one will shoot you or chase you. - Of cars that are changing lanes. Then may not see you and turn into you. - Not to jump any jumps to same time or take any risks that aren't necessary, like jumping the broken bridge in Francis International Airport to get to Wichita Garden quicker. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Bullion Run | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $25000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 4/10 Objective: Collect 30 pieces of Bullion in 6 minutes. Once you enter this mission, when you enter a car, a timer for 6 minutes will start and you will need to follow the pink dot on the radar, which takes you to Pikes Creek, where the Bullion has been scattered across the streets. When you get to the pink dot, the dot will move to a new location, which is the garage that you will need to take the Bullion. Once you get to Pikes Creek, start collecting as much Bullion as you can. The Bullion is the gold objects with a circle around them, that are scattered around the road. The Bullion is quite heavy and the more that you collect, the slower the car will go. It will also effect your braking so to stop you will need to brake a lot earlier. You may also want to be careful about getting to fast, because with all that added weigh, all it takes is a few hard bumps for the car to blow up and all that hard earned Bullion lost. You may also notice that the more Bullion you collect, the more stars you will get. When you get two stars, it is good to go to the garage. When you pull into the area of the garage, the number 2 garage will open and you can drive right in. Stop and the Bullion will be loaded and it will tell you how much you have collected. Then you can take off again and go and get more. If you wait to get two cars, then you should only have to make two trips to drop off the 30 pieces needed to finish the mission. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Rumble | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $10000 Needed: 100% health and armour, Baseball Bat. Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 5/10 Objective: This is the final fight with the Purple Nines and all you can use is a baseball Bat. Go out there and rid the streets of those Purple Nines! First things first, you will need to go and pick up D-Ice's baby brother by following the green dot on the radar. D-Ice's brother is outside your hideout and has an arrow above his head so you will be able to see him. Pull up next to him and he will tell you the rules. You are only allowed to use bats and nothing else. So if you don't have one, then get one from your hideout. D-Ice's brother will get into the car and you will need to follow the green dot on the radar, to where the Purple Nines are waiting for you. To get there, head down the hill and turn left and then right at the end onto a dirt road. Follow the dirt road until you come to a picnic area, where you will be able to see two lines of the few Purple Nines that are left. Get out of the car and D-Ice's brother will follow you. Run up to the Purple Nines and they will attack you. Don't worry about D-Ice's brother because it won't matter if he dies. Just keep swinging the bat and hit anything that gets in your way. When they are all on the ground continue the beat them with the bat to kill the ones that are still alive. When all the Purple Nines are dead, the mission passed will appear on your screen so that you know that they are all dead. NOTE: From now on, when ever you enter Wichita Gardens, you will see that there is no more Purple Nines walking the street. This is because you have killed them all and all that is left is the Red Jacks. /=============================================================================\ | 15. Hidden Missions | \=============================================================================/ /=============================================================================\ | 4x4 Missions | \=============================================================================/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Gripped | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $40000 Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 8/10 Objective: You have 5 minutes to collect 20 checkpoints. The timer starts after you collect the first checkpoint and for every checkpoint you will get another 15 seconds on the clock. The Patriot that will activate this mission is located in the picnic area in Wichita Gardens and to get there just take the dirt path from the main road of Wichita Gardens. When you enter the car, you will be briefed on the conditions and will be given control. For the first checkpoint, just head left and you will go over a small hill and get the first checkpoint. Then timer has now started and you will have 15 seconds. Go right and you will see the next checkpoint, which is across the road on top of a hill. Instead of going up the hill to get it, go round the left side where the ground is less steep. Then when you are the top, turn around and get it. Turn back around, and head around the cliff a bit and then climb up it and you should be able to get another. Keep going up to near the top and you can get another there too. Now go right and a little down the hill and there is another two checkpoints there that you can get. Just drive up the hill a bit and get one of the checkpoints and then roll down a little and drive up and get the other one. Now keep going up and you should be able to get to the very to and go left where the last checkpoint is. Go back the along the top near the barrier to the road and go onto the road. Go right, up the hill and you will be able to get two checkpoints that are on the side of the road. For the second one, you will need to go a little more into the bush to get it. When you do get it, go left, up the hill and you can get another two checkpoints that are there. Now go left and you should go back to near the road, but don't drop down onto it or you won't be able to get back up in time. You will be able to get one that is one the top of the hill right above the road. Now go back inland from here and you will be able to get another checkpoint, which is at the top of another steep hill. Now go west and you will find another checkpoint at the end of the hills near the road. Be very careful here because you will easily fall down the hill and fail the mission. Then as before, drive behind it and you will be able to get another on the top of a hill. Now just drive west along the hills and you will find another one at the edge of the cliff, near the road. Once again be careful not to fall onto the road and turn around and go inland but still going west. You should be able to get another checkpoints before you come to the last two, which are near the tunnel. To get there, just head north and you will get one on the way and the last is on the top of the entrance and you will have to slowly drive down from above it to get it. /=============================================================================\ | RC Toyz Missions | \=============================================================================/ The van that you will need to enter to enter these missions are blue and looks like a Pony. When you enter the van, the camera will go to a small remote control car, which you can now control. If you haven't already use a RC car, the controls are exactly the same as a normal car except that you can't look to the sides or back. The RC car hardly ever rolls and avoid going under cars because the RC car will explode. When you are ready to blow up the car, press the O button and the Remote control car will explode. Lastly, if you want to do this mission again, the all you have to do is get out of the van and then get back in on the spot that it is originally on. You may also want to be careful not to get too close to the van you are in because you can blow yourself up as well. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Rumpo Rampage | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Pay: $1000 per car over the current record Needed: Nothing Receive: Nothing Mission Difficulty: 2/10 Objective: Destroy as many Hoods Rumpo XLs with remote control cars in 2 minutes as you can. To get to the van that you need to enter to start the mission, start at your hideout. Go right and follow the road and you will come to a car park. Go behind the garage and you will see the van near a billboard. When you enter the van you will start the mission and the first problem you will have to face is getting out onto the road. There is two ways to get out onto the road. You can either go back the way that you came back into the car park and jump over the ramp that is there onto the street. Or you can go the way that the van is facing and you will end up at your hideout. Once you are on the road, you may find it hard to find some Hoods cars so drive up and down the highway that curves and you should see a few that pop up. Here you will be struggling to destroy 5 or 6 cars. /=============================================================================\ | Import/Export Garages | \=============================================================================/ For all of these garages, once you have collected all the cars, you will receive $200000 and a GTA3 icon so that you can get any of the cars you delivered. This is very handy for some of the EV's like the FBI car or Rhino. You will also get $15000 for each car that you drop off. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Portland Import/Export Garage | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Where: Portland Docks - When you enter the docks through the main entrance, go left down an alley and when you come out, you should see the garage. Securicar Blista Moonbeam Mule Coach Yankee Flatbed Bobcat Linerunner Dodo Trashmaster Bus Patriot Rumpo Mr, Whoopee Pony Securicar: You can get one of these from a few missions, however, if you missed one then just drive around the south of Staunton Island around Torrington and Bedford Point. This is a rare car so you may have to drive around for a while or try a few different places to find it. You should also be able to get this van in a few missions too. Blista: You can find one of these in a garage in the alley where the Pay 'N' Spray is in Staunton Island. There is also one in a car park, right behind your hideout in Shoreside Vale. Its the car park where D-Ice's Infernus was in the mission "Rigged To Blow." You can also find one in the car park that is around the side of the airport in Shoreside Vale. Moonbeam: The slowest, crapiest van. You should be able to find one parked at one of the building close to Joey's Garage in Trenton, Portland and parked in front of the Head Radio building in Harwood. Mule: This can be found at the docks. Just enter from the main entrance and go straight down the main road. Coach: This is an easy one. You can easily get one parked at the Bus Company. This is just north of Joey's garage and can easily be reached. Yankee: Another car that is found at the docks. This can be found near the EV crane. Flatbed: I've found that this appears more around the stadium, at the top of Staunton Island. Just drive around the stadium for a while and it should turn up. But this is a fairly rare car so you may have to look for a while. Bobcat: You should be able to find one of these in the hospital car park in Rockford on Staunton Island. They are also driving around most of Portland as well. There is also one parked in the picnic area at the bottom of Wichita Gardens in Shoreside Vale. Linerunner: You can find one of these parked at the Portland Docks. As soon as you enter the docks from the main entrance, go right and you will eventually come to it. I have also found one parked outside Greasy Joe's restaurant in Callahan Point in Portland. Dodo: For the Dodo, you will have to wait until you get to the last island, Shoreside Vale. Just enter the back of the airport and follow the road around the planes and you should come to one. These are usually always there and they aren't too had to find. Trashmaster: Another rare car. Try driving around Staunton Island for this. Bus: Yet another rare car. Try driving around Staunton Island for this This appears a little more then cars like the Trashmaster and Mr. Whoopee. Patriot: You should be able to find one of these driving around Portland View or anywhere in Portland or sometimes in Cedar Grove in Shoreside Vale. Not a very rare car, so you should find one easy. Rumpo: Not a very rare car. This is the van with the small window in the back. I think the best spot to find one is in Portland. You can also find one in the car park that is around the side of the airport in Shoreside Vale. Mr. Whoopee: One of the rarest cars in the game, this car is very hard to find. Your best bet is not to actually look for it, but keep an eye out for it while doing other thing. If you want to look for it then your best bet is to look around the Cedar Grove and Wichita Gardens area, but again, there is no guarantee that you will find one. Another place you can get one is in the mission 'I Scream, You Scream. When you are asked to get the truck, get it, but instead of following the marker, take it over to your garage in Staunton Island or Shoreside Vale. Then just find a way to end the mission and take the car over to the garage. You can also try getting one by doing a few firetruck missions and eventually it may turn up as a car on fire. Pony: Shouldn't be too hard to find. They are usually driving around anywhere in Portland. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Emergency Vehicle Crane (EV Crane) | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Ambulance: An easy one. This can be found at any of the three hospitals in Liberty City. However sometimes they may be locked. Barracks OL: You can get one of these by going to Phil's Army Surplus at the very top of Staunton Island in Rockford. You can also get one by getting 6 stars and stealing one... But that's just damn crazy. FBI Car: One of the hardest to get. Your best bet of getting one is going to your Shoreside Vale hideout and getting the police onto you until you have 5 stars. Then just try and get all the men out of their car and stealing it and storing it in your garage until you can loose the cops. But your best bet... Find your own strategy to get it. The one that works best for you. Fire Truck: You can find one of these at any of the three fire stations. However, sometimes they do not spawn, so do a few laps and then come back. Enforcer: Also fairly easy, however you need a Police Car to get it. Get a cop car and go to the Police Station in Torrington in Staunton Island. Now use the car so that you can get to the back of the station (where you blew up the wall in the mission "Kanbu Bust-Out". Round the back you should find one against the wall. Police Car: Another easy one. These can be obtained from any of the three Police stations in Liberty City, however, they are sometimes locked. You can also get one from just getting a one star wanted level and stealing the first cop car that comes after you. Rhino: This is the hardest to get. Your best bet of getting one is going to your Shoreside Vale hideout and getting the police onto you until you have 6 stars. Then just lower your wanted level, so that the tanks stop chasing you. Then run over and pull one of the army men out of the tank and killing him before he gets a chance to shoot at you (Army men have M16s, which will kill you in a matter of seconds.) Then sneak around the other side and killing the army man there as well. You now have a tank and all you need to do is get rid of your new one or two start wanted level and take the tank over to Portland without getting to much attention. Remember that the tank automatically destroys cars so be careful not to run over too many. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Shoreside Import/Export Garage | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Where: Pike Creek - From the bridge connecting the two parts of Shoreside Vale, head towards Pikes Creek and turn right the first chance you get. Follow this road and you should find two garages on your left, when you come around a turn. The garage in one of the two, the left on I think. Sentinel: You can find one in the car park that is on the side of the airport, next to the Fire Station and where the Firetruck is. Perennial: You can find one of these parked down the street from the Police Station in Portland and in the car park of Easy Credit Autos in St. Marks. Cheetah: You should be able to find one driving around Staunton Island or more commonly Shoreside Vale. But Cedar Grove is the place to look if you can't find one of these. You will also find one at one of the mansions in Cedar Grove. Landstalker: You can find one of these parked down the street from Azuka's Condo down in Newport. You should also be able to find one driving around Newport, near your hideout. You can also find one in the car park that is around the side of the airport in Shoreside Vale. Banshee: You can find one of these parked down the street from Azuka's Condo down in Newport. There is also one in the car park of the casio in Torrington in Staunton Island. You should also be able to find one driving around Staunton Island or more commonly, Shoreside Vale. There is also one parked in a car park halfway up the winding road that connects Wichita Gardens and Cedar Grove, although sometimes it doesn't appear. Manana: You can find one in the car park that is around the side of the airport in Shoreside Vale. They are also usually driving around anywhere in Portland. Stinger: These can be found driving around Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. Once can also be found at the mansions in Cedar Grove on Staunton Island. Idaho: Once of these should be parked outside the Old School hall in Chinatown. Its the place that you had to drop the hookers off in the mission "The Fuzz Ball" Infernus: You can find these driving around Staunton Island and more often on Shoreside Vale. But Cedar Grove is the place to look if you can't find one of these. They are not the most common car, but aren't the rarest either. You should also be able to find one in one of the mansions in Cedar Grove. You can also find on in the car park on the side of the airport. Stallion: You should be able to find one in the Multi-Storey car park in Newport in Staunton Island. You should also find one driving around there too. You should also be able to find one driving around Portland as well. There is also one in the car park next to the hospital at the top of Staunton Island in Rockford. You can also find one in the car park that is around the side of the airport in Shoreside Vale. Esperanto: You can also find one in the car park that is around the side of the airport in Shoreside Vale. Taxi: Very easy. You should be able to find one of these anywhere. Kuruma: Once of these can be found at one of the apartments in lower area of Wichita Gardens, just below your own hideout and in the car park in front of Greasy Joe's in Callahan Point in Portland. Cabbie: A little harder then the Taxi to find, but also very common. Try looking over in Portland for one. Stretch: Another rare car. Try driving around the south end of Staunton Island for a while to try and find one. These appear at random and are quite hard to find. BF Injection: This is easy also. Just go to where you took missions for El Burro, the car park in Hepburn Hieghts between 19:45 and 24:00 and it will be parked outside of Misty's Apartment. Its always there. /=============================================================================\ | 16. Made-up Missions | \=============================================================================/ This is the section you may want to look at when you have finished all the normal missions and are looking for something to do or a challenge to complete. If this is what you are looking for then come here. These are some of the missions that I or others may have sent in, have made. They will not affect the storyline of the game and sure won't add to you stats, all they are is for enjoyment or for a challenge. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Escapee | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Objective: To make it look like you are skipping town and escaping from the cops. You are a wanted man for a number of offences and the Police have surrounded your hideout in Shoreside Vale, where you are waiting to make a break and get out of Liberty City. The only thing is that you are not leaving, you must make it look like you are. First you must get a four star wanted level on you and escape from your hideout in Shoreside Vale and make sure that the cops are following you. Now you must get to the airport where you must catch a plane. You may use any means of getting to the airport as long as the Police see you and follow you. You may kill any cop or person to get a car and you may use police bribes as long as you have at least a three star wanted level. When you get to the airport, you must steal a Dodo and make it look like you are skipping town and fly to your hideout in Portland where you will be able to use the police bribes you have or the wanted level cheat to loose the cops. Once you are in the air you must make sure that you get to your Portland without any ground forces in Portland seeing you or the police will realise that you are still in town and you will fail the mission. When you are at your hideout in Portland and have lost your wanted rating, you have finished this mission and tricked the Police into thinking that you have left Liberty City. Fail: If you get either Busted or Wasted, or if you get lower then a three star wanted level. Once in the air, you must make sure that you are not seen by any ground forces or you will fail. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Cartel Calamity | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Boss: Ray Objective: Get two Cartel Cruisers and get them fitted with a bomb at 8-Balls Staunton Island bomb shop and park the cars in both the garages at the Cartel Hideout and set them to blow. Now steal a Yardie gang car and rig it with a bomb and park it on the lift at the Construction Site so the Cartel will blame the Yardies and cut them out of the deal in distributing SPANK. Ray: Those dam people at the NSA and FBI are on to me and I have to make it look like I am trying to get this new SPANK crap off the streets. Now this is where you come in. What I need you to do is steal two Cartel gang cars and rig them with a bomb. Now, one at a time, you need to take them to the Cartel hideout in Fort Staunton and park each car in a different garage there. Now this should destroy most of the foundations to the building, making it basically unusable. Now steal a Yardie gang car and get that fitted with a bomb, and take it to the construction site and set it off on the lift there, making it impossible for the Cartel to finish the work there. The Cartel will blame the Yardies and call it an act of war and cut their deal in distributing SPANK. You cannot get out of the car will in the Yardie car and one you have set the bomb off, you must stay hidden from the Cartel for 1 hour (game time) so that the Cartel won't see you leaving the site. Now hurry and get the hell out there before those bastards at the office find out want I'm doing. Remember if I get caught, YOU get cause too! Fail: If you get Busted or Wasted or if you are seen an hour after destroying the lift at the Construction Site. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | I Don't Think So! | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Boss: Toni Objective: Steal a Triad gang car and take it to Staunton island to get it fitted with a bomb. Once you have got the bomb, you will have 2 minutes (real time) to the Triad's Fish Factory and set the bomb off in the middle of the Wreckage. Toni: Those Goddamn Triads just don't know when to quite. After all we did to destroy their operations in Portland, they are starting to rebuild their factory and commence business. We need to show them that you don't mess with TONI CIPRIANNI! Ma: That's right Toni, you don't take no crap from those Triad. Toni: Yes Ma, Yes. Anyway, steal one of their vans and take it over to Staunton Island and get it fitted with a bomb there. Once you have get the bomb, you will only have 2 minutes to get it over to their factory over in Callahan Point before the bomb will go off on its own, so be quick. Now get out there! Fail: If you get Busted or Wasted, if the Triad van blows up, if you run out of time. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tommys Back In Town | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Boss: Tommy Vercetti Objective: Kill 20 members from each gang in Liberty City (Mafia, Triad, Diablo, Yakuza, Yardies, Columbian Cartel, Southside Hood (Purple Nines or Red Jacks.) That's 120 gang members in all.) in 10 minutes. After being in Vice City for the last 25 or so years and becoming a very highly ranked crime boss, Tommy Vercetti has decided to come back to Liberty City and become one of the biggest crime bosses here. The only problem is that no one has heard of the things that he did over in Vice City and that he isn't to be messed with. This pissed Tommy off and he wants to show the local gangs around here that there is a new boss in town. He wants you to race around town and kill 20 members of each gang in Liberty City. You can kill them anyway that you want as long as you kill them in under 10 minutes. However, once you start to kill a certain gang, you must kill all of them otherwise other gangs won't count. If you get any police attention above 1 star, then you will have a minute to loose them or they will realise that Tommy is back in town. If you finish this for him then there is sure to be some more work for you later one. Fail: Get Busted or Wasted. Don't kill all the gang members in 10 minutes. Don't loose the police in under a minute. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Mafia Comes, Mafia Goes | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Boss: Tommy Vercetti Objective: Steal a Mafia Sentinel and rig it with a bomb in Portland and take it round back of Luigi's club in good condition. Now go and steal the Banshee at Easy Credit Autos and rig it with a bomb and take it to the front of Joeys. Now lastly, go and steal the Kuruma that is outside Toni's restaurant and rig it with a bomb and return it to where you found it. You must complete all this in 8 minutes before the Mafia realise what you are doing. Tommy: Sorry about last time, but I was still on the plane and had to get things sorted before I got here. Now, with that out of the way, there is something else I need you to do. The first line of business is to get rid of those pesky Mafia bosses. I have been told that their Don has been killed and that they are basically chasing each others tails not knowing what the hell is going on. Left use this to your advantage. Steal a Mafia gang car and get it rigged with a bomb. Now take it over to Luigi's club and park it round back for him, but make sure that it is in mint condition. This is that Luigi man out of the way. Next is Joey. He seems to have a passion for cars, so lets give him a car he can't refuse. Go and steal the Banshee that is on showcase at Easy Credit Autos and rig that with a bomb too. Now take it in good condition to the front of Joey's garage and activate the bomb. Joey shouldn't be able to refuse that beast. Now lastly for this Toni fellow. Go and steal the Kuruma that is outside is restaurant and rig it with a bomb. Take it back in good condition and next time Toni goes for a drive, he's roast meat... or more like chicken. Now get out there and do your stuff. Fail. If you get Wasted or Busted. Don't finish the mission in 8 minutes. Destroy any of the cars. Get out of the car without arming the bombs. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Police Cutback | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Boss: Tommy Vercetti Objective: Destroy 10 Police Helicopters, 10 Police cars, 2 SWAT vans, 4 FBI cars, 3 Barrack OLs and 1 tank without getting killed. Tommy: It seems that those Police have found out about our operations and are trying to stop them. I cannot continue until this has been taken care of. I need you to reduce the Police Force by taking out 10 helicopters, 10 Police cars, 2 SWAT vans, 4 FBI cars, 3 Barrack OLs and 1 tank. This should be enough to make this pesky Feds, pull back for more reinforcements giving us time to get on with our business. I can't wait forever so you will have to do this within a 24 hour (game time) period. Fail: If you get Wasted or Busted. Don't meet the deadline. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Police Cutback II | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Boss: Tommy Vercetti Objective: Steal the Infernus at the airport and get it rigged with a bomb and take it to the Police Helipad at the airport. Park the car under the helicopter there and set the bomb to blow. Tommy: Those stupid Feds don't know when to quite. They are still walking the streets like nothing happened. This can't happen! This time we'll have to target the helipad base at the airport. Go to the Airport and take the Infernus that is in the car park. Take it over to Pike Creek and get it rigged with a bomb. Now take it back to the airport and go to the Police Helipad that is at the end of the runway. Go to the top and park the Infernus under the tail of the helicopter that is there. You will need to get off the pad before you can detonate the bomb with the detonator that I have left in the car. Fail: If you get Busted or Wasted or if the car blows up or is not blown up under the chopper. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Erratic Distraction | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: Situation: After you have completed all missions in Liberty City. Boss: Criminal X Back Story: Minding your own business during your life in Liberty City, your pager rings and a message from Mister (or Criminal as he likes to be called) X appears. He enables through hacking a voice recognition program along with the text. He instructs you with missions, and the reward is nothing. Or so it seems. Do enough missions for this guy and get a bulletproof car. Criminal X: Alright, my friend. You have created quite a name for yourself. Tommy Vercetti would be proud. I’ll make a deal with you. I’m going to ask you to do a few things for me but I will not give you anything in return. However, if you do enough, I will donate to you a large reward. Is it a deal? I thought so. I know you can’t resist the offer. Here’s what I want you to do. I need you to stir up traffic in Staunton Island while I work behind the scenes in Portland. I need you to grab some police cars and make a blockade on either side of the bridge to Portland. You will most likely be chased by the police recklessly shake them off. After you have made the blockade, I need you to double back to the Shoreside vale bridge. There’s something you should know: the cops have me marked. I have a trademark car the Toyz car that I use to communicate with you and others throughout the city. Take that car and rig it with a bomb. Drive it over to Shoreside Vale, and blow it up in the midst of traffic, or something. Just get those cops on your tail. Nab another car, and make a break for it. By the time your wanted level is gone, I’ll be done with my business. This is your test. Let’s see how you do. Objective: Get some police cars and blockade both sides of the Portland- Staunton Island bridge. Grab a Toyz vehicle and rig it with a bomb. Drive it to Shoreside Vale and blow it up, attracting the cops. Steal another car and avoid the cops until your wanted rating is at zero. Failure: Death, getting busted, blowing up the blockade, blowing up the Toyz vehicle prematurely. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Chinese Banshee Assassination | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: Boss: Criminal X Criminal X: Kid I’m impressed. I really didn’t think you’d do it. Not only did I get the deal done with, but I got some extra cash too. Unfortunately, my benefactor had an unfortunate accident. This is a big mission, and it’ll take a while, but if I gauged it right, you should succeed in flying colors. The corpse is in Portland, near 8-ball’s shop. The banshee, in those windows? That’s it. But this isn’t your normal, run-of-the-mill, ‘drive the body’ job. I need you to do something special. See, our good friends at Chinatown seem to think it’s funny raid warehouses. I want you to park the banshee in the back alleyway of the Chinatown plaza, but block the path. Then get a Kuruma, the car those morons love to drive. Get some of those bastards to chase you down. Have the Kuruma ready, and drive away. Now here I may sound a little odd. But trust me on this one. Get to the Colombian area in Staunton Island. Try to create a jam in traffic when there are 3 or more Cartels in the area, ram them, or something get them to get out of their car. Drive off, but not too far, and pick them off one by one with a sniper rifle I don’t care how you get it. The Colombians will most likely come to know the attack as the work of the ‘Chinese Assassin.’ Here’s where we kill two birds with one stone. While the Colombians are busy getting mad and trying to exact their revenge, take one of their Cartels. Drive the Cartel down to the Banshee area, and kill every last damn Oriental guy in the place. Make your getaway to the alley park the Cartel almost perpendicular to the wall so they can’t spot you, but can see the banshee, and drive off. Thus, the ‘Banshee Assassin.’ The two groups will come to hate each other, and ignore my business. Wait 1 hour while the news sinks in and spreads throughout their territories. Park the banshee in that Italian punk Toni’s lot, stirring up some crap with him: first, getting him in deep shit with the cops. Then, the Chinese will find out in the news and believe he is the banshee assassin, in league with the Colombians. And for the crème de la crème, an insulting conquering, and my personal favorite piece of this assignment: steal two Yakuza Stingers, rig them with bombs, and park them in the Chinatown Plaza and the Colombian construction site. We’ll have 4 gangs all in a fierce war, while me and my friends can go about Liberty City as we please. Objective: Get the banshee near 8-ball’s shop. Drive it to Chinatown plaza alleyway, get a Kuruma. Drive it to Colombian territory, get 3 Cartels to have their drivers and passengers get out of their cars, and snipe them down. Grab a Cartel, rampage Chinatown, and grab the banshee afterwards. Wait 1 hour for news to sink in. Park the banshee at Toni’s, then grab 2 Yakuza stingers and park them in Colombian and Chinese territory. Failure: Death, getting busted, not parking banshee/cartel properly, getting out of your car while Colombians, Italians, Japanese, or Chinese are in the vicinity, prematurely blowing up any cars. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Sweat the Small Stuff | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: Criminal X: When I said you would pass with flying colors I wasn’t thinking. I thought you wouldn’t, you know, I was just motivating you. My god. You could be my boss, kid. I got one last job for you. It’s tiny. The hooker world is cooking up with anger for some reason, something happened with the Italians. I want you to cut the link with the Italians and the prostitutes that have been kept together for years. I want you to pick up 5 hookers, any order, in a Mafia Sentinel. After you’re done with each, run them over. To add insult to injury, rig it with a bomb, and park it in a crowd of them, wherever you can find. This’ll make the Japanese/Chinese/Italian/Colombian War even worse. Blow it up, and I’ll give you your reward, kid. Objective: Pick up 5 hookers in a Mafia Sentinel and kill each when you’re done. Rig it with a bomb, and make it explode in a crowd of prostitutes. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Evidence | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: Situation: 3 weeks after start of Japanese/Chinese/Italian/Colombian War. Criminal X: Ya did it kid. I was lying. I’m not going to give you anything. Sorry to disappoint you. I had to get you to do the job. But do me a favor. I think the 4 groups are starting to uncover evidence. I need to get the hell out of this place. Grab a cop car and get all of the gangs attention, kill a large sum of each. It’ll get their minds off of me for a while. Keep them busy for 1 hour. Stay away from Shoreside Vale by all means possible! By then I’ll be out of here. Objective: Grab a cop car and kill 10 members of each gang. Keep them busy for 1 hour. Keep away from Shoreside Vale. After all of this, Criminal X pages you one last time. "Kid, you did well. You’re never going to believe who I am if I told you, but I’ll just say I’m old school, and you’ve worked for me before. Thanks for everything! ~Tommy /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Blockade | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: Status: A payphone rings as you burn rubber through the streets of liberty city, and a voice that sounds eerily familiar begins speaking to you. ?: Alright kid. I’ll skip the crap. The foreplay. Here’s the deal: you’re a pro, and I’m a pro-supporter. I need your help. I don’t give a damn about introducin’ myself. Maybe if you do some errands for me, you can find out more about me. Here’s what I want you to do. I need you to blockade every exit from China Town. I don’t care what the hell you use. Vans, cop cars, friggin’ tanks, I need you to blockade that damn area, in 2 hours tops! Be careful of those damned Chinese, too. They’re like mosquitoes. *Click* Objective: Blockade every exit of China Town (China Town, not the Plaza) in under 2 hours. Failure: Death, Blockade Failing, going over time limit. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Grandma’s Got Big Things Comin’: Firewall | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: ?: Great, great. I got by fine. Not too hard a mission, but I was just testin’ ya, yanno? Here’s a tougher one. You know Toni, right? The Italian Don? He’s long gone now. But his grandma ain’t. Get to his house in Portland, the little restaurant area. Grab yourself a boatload of Molotov cocktails, and wreak some motherfuggin’ goddamn havoc. Make a god damn ring of flames. When you’re about on a level 5 criminal alert, get out of there. Run like a friggin’ madman, my friend because they will get you. Have a banshee ready, or somethin’, and drive to Shoreside Vale. I got some men posted there, just get in your warehouse and stay low for a while. Toni’s Grandma...She used to be a criminal, too, arrested about 30 times for minor offenses, 2 or 3 for major ones. So they’ll arrest her on the spot. Then I might get the damned money. Go. Objective: Get as many Molotov cocktails as you can, and create a huge ruckus over at Toni’s restaurant. When you get to 5 stars, drive to your Shoreside Vale hideout and go inside. Failure: Death, getting busted /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Grandma’s Got Big Things Comin’ II: Revenge | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by Lockeownzj00!: ?: You did good, kid. Well, I mean. I never liked grammar. Anyway. We’ve got a problem. Ya see, Toni’s family ain’t takin’ the whole "Grandma-got-severely- busted" thing too well. I need you to create a distraction. First of all, grab a sniper rifle, get to an Italian-dense area, and shoot some of the Mafia members. From far away, of course. Then grab an ambulance and ram that siren. Make sure you’ve got an M-16 handy. Go to ‘pick up’ the victims. When you get there, though, they’ll probably recognize you a few seconds after you arrive: just enough time. Get outta the car, it’ll likely blow up from bullets. The next step’s not too hard: Blow their fucking heads off. I want you to kill at least 30 of those bastards. Then get to the Staunton Island jail in a Yakuza Stinger, and blow up the wall with a bazooka. Get out of there within 5 seconds, Grandma will take it as an offering from the Japs, thus making the 4-way war even more heated. Go get ‘em. Objective: Snipe a few Mafia members in a highly Italian populated area, then grab an ambulance and an M-16. Drive to the victims, get out, and kill at least 30 Mafia members. Go to the Staunton Island Jail in a Yakuza Stinger, and blow up the wall with a bazooka. Move out of the view of the Stinger in 5 seconds. Failure: Death, getting busted, failure to get out of Yakuza view in 5 seconds. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Maria's Grudge | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Mission sent in by: Wogle Objective: Plant a rigged car in the Cartel Mansion Garage and blow it up, making sure that when you leave, your wanted level doesn't go above 2. After that, get back to Portland and find a BF Injection, then deliver it to Salvatore's place. You have 8:00 minutes. Maria: Hiya babe! Hey, I know that you're a bit peeved with me, but could you do me a favour? Great! Ok, here's the deal. I was shopping for some new clothes and stuff, and all of a sudden, the Cartel mugged me! Can you believe it? The Cartel mugged me! It wasn't my fault that you killed Catalina! Anyway, I want you to go and plant a bomb-rigged car in their mansion garage, and blow it up for compensation. Just make sure you only use the one bomb Ok? Oh, and if you get 3 or more Wanted ratings, the cops'll find me, so keep it low ok? After that I want you to head to Portland, and find one of those BF Injection things as I hear that they're really cool! Bring it to me just outside the garage where Salvatore used to live. I'll pick it up later. By the way, you've got a limited time to do this before they find out what I am planning. Thanks Babe! Fail: Busted, Wasted, Bomb car is destroyed, 3 Stars or More wanted level, BF Injection Blows up, Time runs out. (Not actually happening) Completion: (Maria appears and runs up to main guy) Thanks Babe! Look I got one question? Erm... do you like me? /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Missions by Jak | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Fake Mission: Boss Tommy Tommy: I've got one final request for you and i heard about what happened to Salvatore for crossing you. This is a real last request before I leave find a car and arm it with a bomb take it to the police station in Staunton Island and get the hell outta there then when the cops are after you shoots as many of them as you can. Needed: Car, AK-47 Objective: Grab a car that can get u close to the station arm it with a bomb and get ur stars as high as u can make sure u have alot of armopr and full life to take on the cops. Boss Maria Maria: Grab a car for me and bring it back here babe then go and kill a few ppl until im ready it should take me a few minutes just dont get more than one cop after you..do this for me and you might get a special surprise You: ok... Maria: better hurry up *grabs his ass* Objectives: find a fast car and bring it to you base in Shoreside Vale then kill as many pedestrians as u can in 20 game minutes without getting more than one star and then walk into your door and save it /=============================================================================\ | 17. Frequently Asked Questions | \=============================================================================/ Q: I have beaten the story mode of GTA3, the offroad missions, the payphone missions, r/c cars and all the other hidden missions but it says I have only beaten 69 of 73 missions!!!!! What the hell is going on and what could I have missed? A: Here is all the thing that make up the 73 missions. 20 Main Portland Missions 23 Main Staunton Island 5 Main Shoreside Vale missions 13 Payphone Missions (4 at each island and 5 at Shoreside) 4 Hidden missions (Marty Chonks missions in Portland) 4 RC missions 4 Offroad missions Also to get 100% you will need to do all the above as well as the below 100 Hidden Packages 20 Unique Jumps 20 Rampage 20 criminals killed on each island 20 fires put out on each Lv. 12 on Ambulance missions Deliver all the cars to both import/export garages and all emergency vehicles to the crane at Portland Docks. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: I looked all over your game guide for GTA III but I could not find out how to kill someone with a drive-by. Could you please explain to me how it is done? A: To drive-by you will need an Uzi. They are easy to find and can be found nearly anywhere in Liberty City. Once you have one, as soon as you enter a car, it will come up as you selected item. To actually perform the drive by, you must hold L2 or R2 to look left or right and press the Circle button to fire. You will be able to see some white lines coming from the car, which is the bullets. You can line the front of the car up with the person or object you want to destroy for a more accurate result. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: I killed Kenji before I completed all of his missions. Does this mean I won't be able to finish with 100% of the game complete?? A: Yes it does. Like I said in the guide, if you want to get 100%, it is best to finish all of Kenji's missions BEFORE you enter Waka-Gahsira Wipeout, which is Donald Love's second mission. You have to kill Kenji in the mission and how can you take missions from a dead person. You can't. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: In mission Uzi Money you say that you need a BP Patriot, what is a BP Patriot? A: The BP Patriot stands for Bulletproof meaning that it can't be destroyed by bullets. You can get the bulletproof (BP) Partiot at the end of Ray's Last mission "Marked Man' where he will give it to you. You can also use other BP cars like the cheetah or bobcat and all the other ones there is, however, I recommend that you don't use the BP Barrack OL as it is bigger and harder to fit in your Shoreside Vale garage. If you want more information in getting the bulletproof cars then read some of the faqs at gamefaqs. Here is some links to the two bulletproof FAQs that are there. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_bulletproof.txt http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_bulletproof_a.txt |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: The problem I am having now is El Burro's phone is still on my radar and blue circle in front of it. I have completed all El burro's missions, yet the phone will not disappear from my radar. Is there possibly a certain time that I have to beat Turismo in or what. A: To answer your question about El Burro's phone, don't worry. This happened to me to and I was still able to get 100% so it won't make a difference to your progress. I think it may be some kind of glitch because as I know, it doesn't happen at the other two payphones. Also, there is not certain time that you need to beat, you just have to come first. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: I can't finish the game. I have used your guide to get to enjoy the entire game, but the last mission does not seem to work for me. After the cut scene the chopper leaves the platform and disappears in mid air. It says mission failed MARIA is dead. help please alfred! :( A: To answer your question, it sounds like to me that there is a glitch unless you some how spook the two guards that are guarding Maria but that is unlikely. Try this, get all the 100 hidden packages or if you don't have them then just use the weapon cheat (R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up) so that you already have the rocket launcher and then as soon as the chopper takes off, destroy it and the timer will stop. Now you can some your way up the stairs and kill the two men that are near Maria. Other then that the chopper does have a kind of flame thrower which comers huge areas so maybe it accidentally drops one where Maria is. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: How do I get involved with "Marty Chonks" at bitchn' dog food. went through the game twice and still no luck. How did you do it? A: There is a payphone across the road from Joey's. during the day, just drive around the Bitch 'N' Dog factory and you will see a payphone on one of the cornrs, which is ringing. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: Hello, just got done reading your FAQ about Missions Guide. I was reading over the missions when I seen on the mission Grand Theft Auto you had to bring three cars in MINT condition. I was wondering if typing in the Health Code would make them in mint condition. I know it doesn't make it look like it is but the cars acts brand new. A: Yes, this will work. It doesn't matter about the body work because when you enter the cheat, the game recognises the car as having full health meaning that it must be in good condition. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: Hey I am one of your readers of your mission guides and I need help on the mission Bomb da Base Act 2. I tried it like 8 times and I still can't pass it. I need some advice. A: Some other ways of passing it is to get a good gun like the a shotgun, Uzi, Ak-47 and instead of snipering the Cartel, run onto the ship and kill them. I haven't tried this but the adreniline pill may help here. You will also want to have full armour. Another way is to try the snipering with the adreniline pill. I found that this helped a lot. Also this is a method I haven't tried and not sure it will work, but try to surround 8-Ball with cars so that he can't run onto the ship. I'm not sure how this will work, but its worth a shot. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| A: I have gta3 for the PC. When I get to the mission where I have to blow up the Cartel drug factory (boat) things are going haywire for me. I have read the walkthrough and it says that 8 ball will charge me 100,000 dollars and tell me to come back when I've got it. Well, I have the money before I go and when I get there he installs the bomb but tells me nothing.. when I get to the docks there is no place (blue dot) to park the car and therefore I am stuck and can't do anything else ( move to part 2 of the blowing up the triad factory mission). can you advise me on how to solve this problem? do I need to get my money below 100,000 so that 8 ball will tell me to come back? A: You should have two cut scenes at 8-Balls house. One where he tells you that you need money and the other where he gives you the sniper rifle and follows you. As for the docks, when you get there, when you go through the front gate, continue going straight and the marker should be at the end of the road, kind of near the water. 8 ball will get out and say that he will move when you fire the first shot. If this doesn't happen, then there must be a glitch in the mission. Other then that, try and look on the radar for the marker. I'm not really sure what has happened there because this has never happened to me, so im sorry if I couldn't help any more |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: I am stuck on Bomb da Base Act 2. My problem: I cannot get the sniper rifle to aim correctly. I am using a PC with key commands: Aiming: Delete Zooming in/out: Page up/down. Turning: Arrow keys. Whenever I try to focus the reticle on the heads or bodies of the cartel members the reticle jumps feet to either side of the people or feet up and down. I can zoom in and focus on many different points but not DIRECTLY on the point at which I am aiming. I cannot figure out how to get the aiming to be more precise. I have read a guide that explains how to adjust car performance, is there any way to adjust the way the sniper rifle scope aims? If I am unable to get the sniper rifle scope in better shape, I will NOT be able to complete this mission, and will not advance. A: You should be able to change the controls so that you use the mouse to move around in aim mode. This is what I use and it is a lot more accurate and easier to use. You can also use the wheel thingy on the mouse to zoom in and out. I'm not sure how you can do this. I have tried, but I think that you can use it automatically. If you can get this to work, then you should be able to pass the mission easy. I hope this helps you and that you pass the mission. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: Is it possible to finish vigilante in the police car? My wanted level always gets above two stars, making it impossible to finish the mission. A: There is an unlimited amount of vigilante missions you can do. In other words, once you kill one criminal, another will appear and this will go on forever. To help with your wanted level, try getting some police bribe stars at your hideout. this way when you get to many stars, go to your hideout and lower it. If this fail, then I have found another way of doing it. When you are close to the target, pause the game and then unpause it and the criminal should stop and get out of the car. He is now vanurable to being run over. This should also help make your wanted level rise more slowly. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: I have just completed 100% of the game (thanks to your FAQ/ walkthrough) and I was wondering how you enter the made up missions for all those bosses, like Vercetti or the page from Criminal X. Is that for the PS2 or the PC version or both? I'd greatly appeciate the advice. I know you're probably SOOO over this game by now, sorry. And just out of curiosity would you happen to know what that BF in BF Injection stands for? Beats the hell out of me. A: The made up missions are not missions that are part of the game but are missions made up by either me or other readers. You can do them at your free will but you don't get anything for them. They are more there for when people get bored and have nothing else to do and they may want to try them out. As for the BF in BF Injection, as far as I know, it doesn't stand for anything, its just there for the name. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: For the last mission "The Exchange" I have the ped box each cheat on and I didn't know it would be permerant so I saved but now I know and this is imposible for me to finish this mission because when I'm not even near the guards they start killing maria is there any way to fix this problem? Or am I just doing something wrong? ok this is what I did Wepon cheat after the weapon cleaning thingy Used BP Cheetah Rocket lunched first no guards at entrance Rocket lunch the next 2 blue cars Sniped the mans around the place Rocket lunched the Flat beds Sniped all man Triggered the cut sene (in here I see maria getting killed already) then when I rush up for the kill it goes "Maria has been killed" Is there any way to fix this? A: No. There is no way to fix this, now that you have activated the cheat. the only thing you can do is start hte game again but not use the cheat. I know this is bad news, but that is what happenes when you cheat. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: Hi, I just finished reading through your magnificinte (or how ever you spell it) mission guide on gta 3. I am still struggling on the expresso-2-go mission. I can find all the stand and blow them up but I always run out of time on the 6th or 7th stand. Could you help me out with finding out the best route to go by? Please help. A: Try finding a faster route or memoris a route that works best for you and is the quickest. If I remember right start, on portland and then go and go the ones in Staunton Island. Then go and get the last two that are near the entrance to Soreside vale last. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: I'm on the mission S.A.M. the one where you have to go and shoot down the plane. I go from the construction site go in the tunnel it takes me to the airport I get their and snipe the cartel members and wait for the plane to arrive and thats where the problem is. I go to the end of the runway and fire at the plane and it says mission faled sometimes it says that, and i still blow the plane up but their is nothing to pick up. I hope you can help I'm close to beating the game. THANKS A: I think thats because you have to take the boat over there from Staunton Island. Just follow the dot on the radar and you will find it |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| /=============================================================================\ | 18. Links | \=============================================================================/ Throughout this guide, I have talked about some of the other GTA3 guides available at GameFAQs.com. Well, if you were having trouble finding them or haven't looked but want to see them, then here is a few links that I have talked about in the guide. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3 This is the general page where you can view all the guides and look at them. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_bulletproof_a.txt http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_bulletproof.txt These two guides are for collecting all the bulletproof cars that are in the game. I have mentioned some, but they were because you get them while completing missions. For many of these you will have to cheat to are very hard. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_packages.txt As you may have caught on, that I have been telling people to get all the hidden packages to make the game easier. Well, if you were having trouble getting them, then this is the FAQ to read. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_dodo.txt I have only referred to this one once or twice but it is still worth learning how to fly. Not only does it help in completing some of the missions, but it is also fun to learn how to fly and explore Liberty City from a different perspective. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/grand_theft_auto_3_purple_nines.txt This FAQ only refers to one missions, 'Uzi Money', but what can go wrong in it. This mission is the spoiler of all 100% games and this FAQ helps people that are effected and helps deal with it. /=============================================================================\ | 19. Credits | \=============================================================================/ - Me of course, for writing this great guide. - A few of my friends that played through the game for their first time and helping me give some good accurate information that actually helped new players to the game. - Rockstar and DMA Design for making the best games ever. (Grand Theft Auto 3 and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, among with their other great titles) - To CJayC for the best gameguide site on the Internet. And for posting my guide on it. - To Lockeownzj00! for sending in heaps of made-up missions. - Andre Rocha for sending me in advice for the guide. - Jamie Zona, Brice Irwin and Andre Rocha, CreEYaYShuN, Furious, Young1100, alfred and Oscar Rodriguez, Hectorabc1, Eric G, Dana Cyr, CHRIS YOST, Jamie Zona, Erin~, Cid Highwind, Will Abercrombie, Auctions911 for sending questions. - Rick L, sam brown, R Fraser, Archemedies, Scorpion, Finkbug, Martin Miller and CrackPixE for sending in an alternate strategy for a mission. - Mwendwa Munyoki for bringing a mistake to my attention. - To Finkbug for sending in many mistakes I have make. Many thanks! - Jak for sending in some made-up missions and an alternate stratergy. /=============================================================================\ | 20. Conclusion | \=============================================================================/ Few, I have finally finished. It was fun writing this guide and I will still be adding updates here and there but until I get Grand Theft Auto: Vice City so until then, I'll see you in Miami. Enjoy yourself and take care of my Guide. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This Document is Copyright (C) 2002 by Rhys Palazzolo and cannot be copied or duplicated in any way or form. [End Of Document]