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I don't know when it came to me, but suddenly I wanted to find unintended places that I could use as a ramp and maybe get an insane stunt bonus. My curiosity has led me to create this Faq so that others could share in my findings. If you want to know my definition of a non-unique jump scroll down to the faqs. Table of Contents --------------------- 1. Legal stuff 2. Jumps in Portland 3. Jumps in Staunton 4. Jumps in Shoreside Vale 5. F.A.Q. 6. Version history Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Non one can use my faqs in any way, shape or form without my permission. Using any information in my faqs without my permission is punishable by law. All information in this document was written by me and all contributed information will be credited. The only sites the guide is available on is www.GameFAQs.com and my own sites. If you would like this guide on you're site, please Email me requesting permission, and I will probably allow you to do so, However, this guide must not be changed in any way. Placing my email in this faqs in no way gives anyone permission to put me on a mailing list, sign me up for a newsletter or distribute my email address to a third party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Non-Unique Jumps --------------------------- Below are the jumps I have selected for my faq. They are grouped by island ,and they are in no particular order. Keep in mind that when you hit these jumps will not always land perfectly and you will find yourself losing a lot of vehicles. So I suggest not using vehicles that you don't want to lose such as bullet proof cars. I have include my best insane stunt off of each jump, and it is self explanitory. I have also included a challenge rating. There will only be three difficulties: easy, medium and hard. The challenge rating measures how hard it is to get a quality jump. I would suggest that you not judge a jump by my best insane stunt. The rating does not always correlate with how crazy a jump can get. Finally, and most of all, Have fun! ********************* * Jumps in Portland * ********************* 1. Raffles Fish Factory --------------------------- Directions: At the fish factory next to the chinatown stop for the L is a ridge that borders the parking lot. That ridge is the jump and you can hit it at many angles. The best is to come from the west heading east under or next to the L-train stairs. There isn't a lot of room cause of the building right across the street, but you can do some fun things like try to leave the car laying against the wall vertically if you land that way. Best Insane Stunt: Double Challenge: Easy 2. Portland Docks Entrance ---------------------------- Directions: At the entrance to the portland docks you will see a large sign saying just that. As you enter it will be on your left. If you notice the sign is on a piece of ground that sticks out; that is your jump. You want to hit it squarely going west. See if you can catch enough speed to jump higher than or over the sign. Best Insane Stunt: Single Challenge: Easy 3. Chinatown Park Building ---------------------------- Directions: East of the park in Chinatown and directly north of the Callahan bridge is a building where you have to transport hookers to early on in the game. Around the parking lot of that building is a small wall. That wall is the jump. There are so many ways to approach this jump, but I like coming from the east starting at the back of joey's garage. Best Insane Stunt: Double Challenge: Medium 4. Chinatown Park Hedge ---------------------------- Directions: Just west of the basketball courts in the Chinatown park, the hedge wall begins to curve with the road. The curving hedge is the jump by the way. There is a long road that intersects that curve so you just come at the hedge from the north. Best Insane Stunt: Double Challenge: Medium 5. Capital Autos ------------------------ Directions: Go over to Capital autos. It is the car dealership right next to 8- balls bomb shop. As you enter the lot you should see the main building of the dealership to your right where there is a banshee parked inside. If you look straight ahead you will see a small building with a sign above it that says "eightballs autoyard". Just in front of that building there is a wall that gets bigger going left and smaller to the right, and it ends a little past the end of the building I just mentioned. That small piece of wall that sticks out past the building to the right is the jump. There is not a lot of room for accleration so a fast car is recommended. Come at this jump from the gas station wall to the west. This jump is cool because of the pinball action you can get with the busses and buildings in close proximity. Best Insane Stunt: None so far Challenge: Hard 6. Hospital Rear --------------------- Directions: Behind the hospital and directly southwest of the stairs that lead down into the SupaSave, on the west side is a small grassy incline; which is the jump. If you count the small signs next to the video camera on the backside of the hospital the incline starts at about the third one from the north. It is clearly noticable coming from the south. You also want to hit this jump from the south and you will have to turn into it. Since it is right on the wall of the hospital you are mainly going to get backflips, but at different angles you can get other cool effects. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Single Challenge: Easy 7. Saint Mark's Alleyways ------------------------- Directions: Just north of Marco's Bistro there is a brownish building with a small entrance into a long alleway that runs east/west. If you follow the alley west you will see that it ends at a road with a small grassy incline on the other side of the street. On top of the incline is a small ridge which is the jump. For best results go to the aforementioned alleyway entrance and head west. When you hit the jump you will end up hitting the wall just west of the jump, but there is a space in between the buildings towards the south part of the jump that you can go through if you aim it just right. Best Insane Stunt: Single Challenge: Hard ********************* * Jumps in Staunton * ********************* 1.North FBI Building ------------------------ Directions: Follow the northern side of the Callahan bridge all the way west. You will notice that it will end and a small wall with some hedges will begin that continues around the corner. That wall with the hedges is the jump. What you want to do is come at it from the road directly south of it and aim towards the road on the other side. - Thanks to Zell1059 Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Triple Challenge: Easy 2. Ammunation ----------------------- Directions: Go to the Ammunation in Staunton and directly east of it there is a small ridge that runs parallel to the sidewalk. That ridge is the jump. You want to start at the park and head down the road just right of the double yellow lines and you will land right next to the condo below. - Thanks to Peeps Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Triple Challenge: Easy 3. Building 366 ---------------------- Directions: Directly south of the police station is building 366. Just east of it is an entrance that takes you around the back where an rc mission is. To the left of the entrance when you face south is a ridge with grass and plants on top. When you face south you will notice that the ridge makes a right in font of the wall of another building. The part of the ridge in front of the wall is the jump. Come at the ridge from the north where the stairs lead down to the police station alley. It is not a straight path so you will have to make adjustments. If you hit it right you will fly up the wall as if you were driving on it. Best Insane Stunt: None so far Challenge: Hard 4. Road Divisions ------------------------- Directions: On the road directly west of the 366 building are large road divisions with grass and trees on them. The sloped ends of these divisions are the jumps. You can use any one of them to jump off of, but I believe that the best one is the farthest one south that ends on the road that leads to Kenji's casino. It is the least obstucted one of them all. You want to come at it from the south on the road that goes around the large glass sculpture. Try not to hit the tree head on. Best Insane Stunt: Triple Challenge: Medium 5. Punk Noodle Army ------------------------- Directions: On the west side of Staunton is a building with a Punk Noodle and Army billboard. The buildings stairs just south of the billboards is the jump. You want to come at this jump from the road just west of the building coming north. I like this jump cause it is tricky. You have to aim just right or else you will hit the wall or the billboards. Try completing the jump without hitting anything. Also, driving on the sidewalk instead of the road will make it easier to hit, but usually there are a lot of peds. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Single Challenge: Hard 6. Liberty Campus North -------------------------- Directions: Just north of the Liberty campus dropoff point for the taxi missions is a small strip of concrete that runs east/west that is the foundation of the next building. On the east side of that strip, heading towards the construction site, is a steep grassy incline. That incline is the jump. Just drive along the strip going east at the incline and if you hit it right you can fly over the street light. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Single Challenge: Easy 7. Coliseum Parking Lot --------------------------- Directions: Go to the coliseum parking lot just north of the fire station. From the outside coming in you will notice that the parking lot is perimitered by a small wall and inside of the wall is a grassy area and inside of the grassy area is a small ridge that borders it. That small ridge is the jump. You can jump it going in any direction, but I have gotten the best results jumping south towards the alley behind the fire station. Just line yourself up with the alley and punch it. If you hit it right you will land inside the alley. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Triple Challenge: Easy 8. AMco Building --------------------------- Directions: Go to the AMco building and right next to the dropoff point for the taxi missions, to the east, is an area of the AMco building that goes all the way to the back of it. The grass surrounding the AMco area has a ridge that borders it just like the coliseum paking lot. That ridge is the jump. Once again you can jump it from any direction you want, but I like going south down the strip on the east. Best Insane Stunt: Double Challenge: Easy 9. See you in Miami ------------------------- Directions: As soon as you cross the callahan bridge into Staunton you will notice that the road continues all the way to the west side of the island and ends in an intersection. On the west side of the intersection is a billboard that says "see you in Miami", and just below it is a sloped ridge that runs parallel with the road North/South. That sloped ridge is the jump. You can jump the ridge anywhere along the road, but in most cases you will end up dead in the water. Just come from the east and head right at the billboard. You can also jump the supa save billboard right next to it. I have gotten my car half way over the billboard and also done an awesome backflip with a lot of hang time. Best Insane Stunt: Double Challenge: Easy 10. Head Radio, Liberty Soul ----------------------------- Directions: Just north of jump no.9 there are two more billboards. You can also jump these going east to west, but you don't have a lot of acceleration room. I recommend jumping these going north/south. The trick is to turn into them at an angle as you pass them. Different angles will give you different results, but you can get some cool in air rolls with this jump. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Single Challenge: Hard 11. Road to Asuka's condo ---------------------------- Directions: This should be easy since there is only one road that leads down to asuka's condo. It is the road directly south of the parking garage. As you go east you will see the road curves right; at the end of that curve is a large sloped ridge with grass and trees on it. That ridge is the jump, but there is a catch. On the other side of the ridge is a light post and you need to hit that post in some way to get the full effect. I will warn you that it is very likely that you will end up in the ocean and die, and I have died many times attempting this jump. I am against difficult jumps, but the crazy effects you can get from this jump are worth the trouble in my opinion. I have gone so high that I have hit the road directly above, and also made it to about the fifth floor window of the condo right across. Best Insane Stunt: Double Challenge: Hard *************************** * Jumps in Shoreside Vale * *************************** 1. Airport Sumo ---------------------- Directions: As soon as you turn into the airport you will go down a small hill and at the bottom of the hill against the parking lot wall is a billboard that says "sumo" on it. To the right of the billboard is a grass incline. That is the jump. The road to the south is very long so you have plenty of acceleration room, but watch out for spawning vehicles. Also don't worry about the trees too much cause most of them are not solid. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Single Challenge: Medium 2. Airport Stairs ----------------------- Directions: Once you go down the small hill and make a left into the airport you will notice that there are sets of stairs that lead up to the terminal. The rail on each side of the stair cases is the jump. The only stair cases that you can use as a jump are the first, second, fourth and fifth because they have a sloped area that you can drive up onto so that you can hit the jump squarely. To hit these jumps just gain some speed going north or south and drive up the slope, or you can back up to a stair case while on the slope(you won't gain that much speed though). Actually the best staircase to jump off of is the last one because you have a lot of landing room. You just have to aim so that you don't hit the billboard or the terminal. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Triple Challenge: Medium 3. Hideout Road -------------------- Directions: Just behind your hideout to the north is the windy road that leads up to Cedar Grove. When you exit your hideout and drive opposite the street light you will end up in a parking lot. At the curve where the road turns into the parking lot you will see a grassy incline that goes up to the windy road above it. That grassy incline is the jump. Just hit this jump from the south. Best Insane Stunt: Perfect Double Challenge: Easy -------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------------------------------- 1. What is a non-unique jump? Answer: My interpretation of a non-unique jump is a jump that is obviously not one of the 20 unique jumps in gta3. However, I also include all of the jumps that are blatantly set up like the ramps at the airport and throughout the city. If you look at it and it looks like a jump I am not going to include it in my faq. It is also a jump that is not overly difficult to accomplish, and it does not have to be an insane stunt. 2. How come jump abc isn't in your faq? Answer: Either I didn't know about it, it didn't meet the criteria of a non- unique jump or I didn't think it was spectacular enough. 3. If I know of a jump can I submit it to your faq? Answer: Yes you can. 4. What should I include in my submission? Answer: A detailed yet brief description of where the jump is and how to jump it. Make sure I can understand it on my first try. I will not kill myself to try to understand your directions. All directions should be given using north, south, east and west. As soon as I see go right or go left I will disregard your submission. If your jump is in a place with no easy to identify landmarks make sure you give enough details so I can find it. 5. What shouldn't I include in my submission? Answer: Any jump that does not meet the qualifications of my definition of a non-unique jump. That means no glitches either. 6. I can't find jump abc in your faq. Where is it? Answer: I have been extra careful to make sure the jumps can be easily identified. If you still cannot find it keep reading and maybe you will get your bearings, but don't email me asking to tell you where it is. Use the maps provided with the game for help. Don't blame me if you don't know where chinatown park is or any other landmark. 7. Where do I send my submissions for your faq? Answer: Scrubking@cwazy.co.uk Version Histroy -------------------- Version 1.0 - First Draft Version 1.1 - Added 3 more jumps in Staunton Version 1.2 - Added a challenge ratings for each jump. - Added a legend for the jumps section - Added 2 jumps - Edited jump info Version 1.3 - Added 1 jump - edited Faq section