******************************************** ******************************************** ***GRAND THEFT AUTO III RC Super-Jump******* ******************************************** ******************************************** Author: Alan Cunningham E-Mail: crash_overide5@hotmail.com GameFAQs Name: Snoman Date: 28 July 2002 *************************************************** *************************************************** THE COPYWRIGHT STUFF This FAQ and all of its content is copyright 28 July 2002 by Alan Cunningham This FAQ may not be copied or altered in any way without obtaining my permission first. The only site that has permission to host this FAQ is: www.gameFAQs.com If you find this on anyone else’s website than Gamefaqs then please contact me on crash_overide5@hotmail.com If you wish to use my RC Super-Jump FAQ on your website, please contact ask for my permission first using the E-Mail above or asking me on the message boards. *************************************************** *************************************************** 25 July 2002 Started the RC Super-Jump FAQ and kept on hoping that when ever a “Found A New Glitch” topic came along that it wouldn’t be about the RC Super-Jump. Thankfully it wasn’t. Phew! 28 July 2002 Woohoo!! Finished it!! Tomorrow I’ll send it in. :D 10 August 2002 The FAQ appeared on the FAQs and Guides section when I was on holiday in Devon (UK). :D 23 August 2002 MajinVegeta7482 on the GamFAQS boards E-Mailed me with some very important information, which I forgot to mention. It’s about the cheats; DO NOT SAVE THE GAME WITH THE CHEATS ACTIVATED!!!! IT CAN SERIOUSLY BUGGER UP YOUR GAME!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Ahem, thanks MajinVegeta7482. 26 August 2002 I found an Infinite Time cheat! I will put it down in the ‘Need Any Help’ Section. By the way, I wouldn’t know of the code if it Slipknot2 on the GameFAQs board didn’t tell me. So Cheers Slipknot2! 23 October 2002 Some minor upgrades on the FAQ. Nothing special... 19 July 2003 Ulp, its been yonks since I even touched this faq. I’ve updated the fun stuff section with a lovely insight into some stuff to do with the Gore Cheat – Thanks Ericsky@aol.com *************************************************** *************************************************** This is my first FAQ and I’m hoping to write many more FAQs for GTA3 and GTA: Vice City. This is really meant to be only one of those Mini-FAQs but it somehow morphed into a huge one with eleven pages! Dunno how that happened... Any way, lets get on with this. Table Of Contents: 1. A Brief Introduction 2. What Is An RC Car? 3. What You Might Need 4. Locations 5. The Method 6. Tips n’ Hints 7. Need Any Help? 8. Key Points 9. Fun Stuff 10. Cool Links 11. Thanks To 12. Special Thanks To *************************************************** *************************************************** 1. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION Now I bet all of you out there are wondering, “What the heck is the RC Super-Jump?!” or “What are you on about?!” and so on. The RC Super-Jump where your RC car is launched in to the air, spinning madly. If you do it correctly you can jump higher than small buildings (you cant really jump as high as the skyscrapers like in Staunton Island, but much higher than the buildings in Portland). Basically you need to run over a dead person (certain cheats must be on, I’ll mention them later) your RC car will launch very high into the air. So far I have landed on top of buildings in Portland and in Staunton Island I have landed on op of Kenji’s Casino, see how far YOU can get!! *************************************************** *************************************************** 2. WHAT IS AN RC CAR? I know it’s pretty obvious what it is but I’ll just explain to fill some room. The RC car is a Remote Control car that has a detonator built inside. When you press the CIRCLE button (Or what ever your shoot button is) the Remote Control car will explode. When you are driving one of these you will have two minutes to carry out a certain mission. All of these missions you will have to blow up as many gang cars (it will tell you the type of gang) as you can whilst keeping inside the time limit. For every gang car you blow up, it will add up at the end of the mission and give you $1000 for each gang car blown up. For example; lets say I was doing the RC mission ‘Diablo Destruction’ and I blew up 3 Diablo gang cars (Diablo Stallions) I would get $3000 at the end of the mission… There are four of these missions dotted around Liberty City. They are: PORTLAND: Diablo Destruction Mafia Massacre Staunton Island: Casino Calamity Shoreside Vale: Rumpo Rampage These Remote Control Car missions are only found in a certain type of van, which is called TOYZ. The Van is blue, kinda looks like a PONY van but smaller. On the side of the van it says: “Toyz n’ The Hood”. *************************************************** *************************************************** 3. WHAT YOU MIGHT NEED For this super jump you will need certain things. For some reason it will only work with the Extra Handling cheat activated. The Crazy Pedestrians cheat is just for more dead people to run over so that it is more likely that you will perform the Super-Jump. Here is the complete list of what you will need: WARNING!! DO NOT SAVE THIS CHEATS!!!!! (Courtesy of MajinVegeta7482) -> An RC car (I will say the locations in the next section) -> Improved driving skills While playing a game, press R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1(2), Triangle. -> Pedestrians riot While playing a game, press Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1. -> Pedestrians’ crazy While playing a game, press R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down. -> Increased gore While playing a game, press Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X. NOTE: There will be no code confirmation for this cheat. You’ll just have to use an M16 or Sniper Rifle on someone head or something to see if it comes off. I don’t think that you need the Gore cheat, but you might as well, for a laugh… NOTE: The Pedestrian Riot cheat and the Pedestrian Crazy cheat will make everyone try to kill each other using a lovely variety of weapons! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! *************************************************** *************************************************** 4. LOCATIONS Since you need the RC car for this jump, you’ll need to be able to find one. This is where this section comes in handy. There are four RC missions dotted around Liberty City. There are two in Portland (Diablo Destruction and Mafia Massacre), One in Staunton Island (Casino Calamity) and one in Shoreside Vale (Rumpo Rampage). I will say the location of it (i.e. St.Marks) and how to get there, starting from the nearest landmark closest to it (i.e. Casino Calamity, go to Kenji’s Casino and then face north…) So, the locations for all of these missions are: ---===PORTLAND===--- District: Portland Mission: Diablo Destruction Location: Hepburn Heights Directions: First, head over to the Hepburn Railway Station (if you don’t know where that is, try taking the train that travels round Portland.) You will see some steps in front of you (if you’re facing NORTH that is…). Walk up to those steps but don’t walk up them. Instead walk past them and carry on walking until you come up to a barrier blocking you’re way. If you turn LEFT you should see the blue van (The TOYZ Van). If you don’t see it then simply drive round the block and go back there. To activate the mission simply go into the TOYZ Van. Once inside you can drive you’re very own Remote Control car =D. District: Portland Mission: Mafia Massacre Location: St.Marks Directions: Drive over to Toni’s restaurant (for those of you who don’t know Toni, use your map to drive over to “Mama’s Restaurant”). Once there face EAST, so that you are looking at the car park or restaurant itself. Then, if you look behind you, you should see the TOYZ van, head over to it. To activate the mission get into the TOYZ Van (Press Triangle, or whatever you Enter Car button is). If it is not there go round the block and come back to that spot. ---===Staunton Island===--- District: Staunton Island Mission: Casino Calamity Location: Torrington Directions: Head over to Kenji’s Casino. Once there face and go NORTH. Turn at the first LEFT and STOP. To your LEFT you will see a small sort of ally-way. Follow the sort of ally-way and when it turns RIGHT you should see the TOYZ Van. If it is not there go round the block and come back to that spot. ---===Shoreside Vale===--- District: Shoreside Vale Mission: Rumpo Rampage Location: Wichita Gardens Directions: Head over to your Shoreside Hideout. Go behind the long garage where your weapons should be (if you’ve been collecting those Hidden Packages that is; see Hidden Package FAQ). Once behind the long garage follow the barrier, which is blocking you from the road. You should then see the TOYZ Van (there is a Hidden Package behind it). If it is not there (grab the hidden package) go round the block and come back to that spot. *************************************************** *************************************************** 5. THE METHOD OK, you know what an RC car is, you about to get in the TOYZ Van and you’ve got your cheats handy, now you need the METHOD. You won’t get anywhere if you have no idea how to perform the RC Super-Jump, once you read this, YOU WILL!! OK, I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to perform the RC Super-Jump: -> Improved driving skills While playing a game, press R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1(2), Triangle. -> Pedestrians riot While playing a game, press Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1. -> Pedestrians’ crazy While playing a game, press R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down. -> Increased gore While playing a game, press Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X. NOTE: There will be no code confirmation for this cheat. You’ll just have to use an M16 or Sniper Rifle on someone head or something to see if it comes off. NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THE DRIVING SKILLS AND PEDESTRIAN CHEATS ON!!!!! -> Go into any TOYZ Van to activate the mission. -> With the Crazy Pedestrians cheat and Pedestrians Riot cheat activated there will be lots and lots of dead people to run over (Without those two codes it will not work, even if you find a dead person) -> Once you see a dead person drive the RC car over them. You should be launched pretty high into the air. On the odd dead pedestrians sometimes will not work but with everyone else it will work. See, it’s not THAT hard now is it? =D *************************************************** *************************************************** 6. TIPS AND HINTS ---===FOR THE RC SUPER JUMP===--- Here are a few things to look out for when doing the RC Super-Jump and how to improve it. Look out for people with these Weapons: Shotguns Rocket Launchers Petrol Bombs Flame Throwers Grenades This is because they can kill a group of people very quickly. People with Pistols and Uzi’s tend not to actually kill people. Also, if you see the same type of person killing trying to kill each other (i.e. Yakuza trying killing another Yakuza, or an Old Women trying to kill another Old Women) forget about them. They will not kill each other...at all. I have found, though I’m not entirely sure, that if you go slower than the Top Speed of the RC Car when running over a dead body, that it should go higher than usual. That’s how I got onto Kenji’s Casino anyway... However, if you go too slowly when running a dead body over, the RC Car will not jump at all. If you are doing the RC Super-Jump in Staunton Island (Casino Calamity) make sure you get out of the small area that you start off in STRAGIHT AWAY!! Other wise the crazy pedestrians will blow up your TOYZ Van will blow up and you will lose the mission. If you let go of X (or whatever you’re Sprint/Acceleration button is) just before you are about to run over a dead person I have found that you sometimes go higher. ---===FOR GENERAL RC MISSIONS===--- Stay in the gang’s territory. Although the gang cars should spawn anywhere you are there should be more if you stay in that gang’s territory. If the RC Car hits any vehicle the RC Car will blow up. This will give you less time as it might hit the wrong vehicle’s wheels. Its OK if the RC Car hits the wheels. Go for multiple blow-ups. If you see two or more gang cars together, blow them up at the same time! If you only set the car on fire (about to blow up) and it doesn’t blow up when the camera can see it wont count. Make it look good! Other wise it’s just boring! See if you can flip the cars onto the pavement, onto other cars and if you get a chance, blow up some cop cars! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! *************************************************** *************************************************** 7. NEED ANY HELP Want that bit of extra help? Will the RC Super-Jump not work? Then welcome to the Help section of this FAQ! Also, if you want to ask me any questions about the RC Super-Jump please E-Mail me or add me on MSN at crash_overide5@hotmail.com and I will try to answer your questions. Q: Whenever I run over a dead person nothing happens. A: Are you sure the pedestrian is actually dead? Sometimes they can just be shook by a shockwave from a grenade or Rocket Launcher. Make there is blood coming from them and their heads or limbs have come off (only with grenades or Rocket Launcher). Q: Nope, they are defiantly dead. What’s happened?! A: Ah, then you’ve hit that odd chance that it won’t work for that certain pedestrian. Just find some other dead body and run that over. If it is still not working then you haven’t entered in the Better Handling cheat properly. Make sure that it says CHEAT ACTIVATED in the top left hand corner once you’ve entered it. Q: My RC Car isn’t going that high. How can I make the car go much higher? A: Well I’m not sure on this, but if you make your car go slower than Top Speed (but not too slow) the RC Car can sometimes go pretty high. However if you go TOO slowly the RC car will not jump up at all. Q. The TOYZ Van isn’t there. Where on earth is it?!?! A: Drive round the block. If that doesn’t work, then drive round two blocks. For some reason sometimes it will not be there but if you give it time to load, then the TOYZ Van will be there. Q: Grrrr! Two Minutes is just not enough! Is there a cheat to get more time? A: Well, yes actually! There is a GameShark code to get infinite time. (Courtesy of Slipknot2) 1CBE0B18 15F6E79D 1CBE0B1C 1456E7A5 Or if you don’t have a GameShark (like me :P) the closest cheat I can find for Infinite Time is the Slo-Mo code. Here it is: Slo-Mo Code Triangle, up, right, down, square, L1, L2 Q: Why do you keep on calling to the RC Super-Jump? A: I suppose many of you have heard of the Super Jump where you can jump from Portland to Staunton Island. I don’t want the Super Jump creators getting angry at me because I think what they found was really cool and I don’t want you guys reading this getting mixed up with this super jump and their super jump. I don’t think I’m at liberty to tell you about their super jump, so you’ll just have to ask them... *************************************************** *************************************************** 8. KEY POINTS!! For a successful RC Super-Jump you will need to check on the following. -> Make sure you are using an RC Car :P -> Make sure that the person you are trying to run over is actually dead. -> Run over the dead person with the RC car to perform the RC Super-Jump. -> ALL CHEATS MUST BE ON!! No cheats...No Jump -> RC means Remote Control car. (Not really a key point but I just thought I’d say.) -> The TOYZ Van is Blue, looks like a Pony Van but is smaller and it has “Toyz n’ The Hood” on the side of it -> You have only two minutes (120 seconds) to complete the mission or do as many RC Super-Jumps as you can. -> Have fun! *************************************************** *************************************************** 9. FUN STUFF! The very lovely insight into the Gore cheat... Enter the gore cheat and go to the Casino Calamity (because people wander there) and .....,. BOOOOM! Blast them to pieces and watch them die and limbs fly!BWAHAHAHAHHA - Submitted by Ericsky@aol.com Here are some challenges for you to do using the RC Super-Jump for each of the districts of Liberty City. The format will be like this: District: Portland, Staunton Island or Shoreside Vale. Mission: Which RC Mission it is. Location: What part of the district it is going to be in. Challenge: What you have to do. Difficulty: Very easy, easy, normal, hard or Very hard. Lets start of in Portland ---===Portland===--- District: Portland Mission: Diablo Destruction Location: Hepburn Heights Challenge: 1) Make it onto the Railway tracks Difficulty: Very Easy District: Portland Mission: Diablo Destruction Location: Hepburn Heights Challenge: 2) Completely clear the mini-forest in Hepburn Heights. To complete this challenge you must go higher than the trees. Difficulty: Normal/Hard District: Portland Mission: Diablo Destruction Location: Hepburn Heights Challenge: 3) Time it correctly and land on top of a train that comes by the station every 1-2 minutes. Difficulty: Bloody well hard! District: Portland Mission: Mafia Massacre Location: St.Marks Challenge: 1) Jump over Toni’s (Mama’s Restaurant) completely clearing it. Difficulty: Normal District: Portland Mission: Mafia Massacre Location: St.Marks Challenge: 2) Make it on top of some buildings. Difficulty: Easy ---===Staunton Island===--- District: Staunton Island Mission: Casino Calamity Location: Torrington Challenge: 1) Jump on top of the helipad on Kenji’s Casino Difficulty: Normal District: Staunton Island Mission: Casino Calamity Location: Torrington Challenge: 2) Jump on to Kenji’s Swimming pool on top of Kenji’s Casino Difficulty: Hard District: Staunton Island Mission: Casino Calamity Location: Torrington Challenge: 3) Try to jump over the Statue that has a hidden package behind it. Difficulty: Easy/Normal ---===Shoreside Vale===--- District: Shoreside Vale Mission: Rumpo Rampage Location: Wichita Gardens Challenge: 1) Jump from you’re hideout, into some water, which is near it. Difficulty: Normal District: Shoreside Vale Mission: Rumpo Rampage Location: Wichita Gardens Challenge: 2) Jump onto your hideout (into really, there’s no roof). Difficulty: Hard District: Shoreside Vale Mission: Rumpo Rampage Location: Wichita Gardens Challenge: 3) Go to the ‘Under-pass tunnel’ with the Hidden package in it and try to jump onto the bridge above it. Difficulty: Normal/Hard District: Shoreside Vale Mission: Rumpo Rampage Location: Wichita Gardens Challenge: 4) Try to jump onto the other hotels in the area of Wichita Gardens Difficulty: Hard District: Shoreside Vale Mission: Rumpo Rampage Location: Wichita Gardens Challenge: 5) Try to jump onto you’re car garage. Difficulty: Very Easy If any of you would like to contribute to the Fun Stuff section and challenge other people, please E-Mail me at crash_overide5@hotmail.com and if it is good enough I will try to put it up and give you credit. Oh and E-Mail me it in the same format I have done it in; District: Mission: Location: Challenge: Difficulty: *************************************************** *************************************************** 10. KOOL LINKS!! Here are a few GTA3 Links that I think is very cool (10.Kool Links). If you have made any GTA3 websites or found some GTA3 Websites that you think is very cool, then E-Mail it to crash_overide5@hotmail.com So to start off with its gotta be: www.gameFAQs.com (I know you’re here already). Has all the latest cheats and brilliant message boards with people who can help you with all of you’re needs (errr game-wise). Brill FAQs and loads more...and also a guarantee that this will get posted... www.cheatcc.com When I first got the Internet (about 6 years ago) I was looking for some cheat sites for messing around. This was the first cheat site that I found and I thought it was the BEST site EVER!! www.cheatplanet.com Great cheats, great stuff, great site. uk.playstation.co.uk (UK site) us.playstation.co.uk (US site) Now where would you be without the Official Playstation site? I suppose it kinda speaks for itself… *************************************************** *************************************************** 11. THANKS TO I’m almost finished now. Just gotta do one more thing. THANK YOU DMA, ROCKSTAR, TAKE2 INTERACTIVE, AND RENDERWARE PLATFORM FOR MAKING THIS GAME!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *************************************************** *************************************************** 12. SPECIAL THANKS TO! OK last section now. Special thanks to those people on the GameFAQ message boards who told me I should write this Mini-FAQ. So thank you to: Quixall Fighter Owns Hunter123 Cheers!!! *************************************************** *************************************************** Author: Alan Cunningham E-Mail: crash_overide5@hotmail.com GameFAQs Name: Snoman Finishing Date: 28 July 2002 *************************************************** *************************************************** THE COPYWRIGHT STUFF This FAQ and all of its content is copyright 28 July 2002 by Alan Cunningham This FAQ may not be copied or altered in any way without obtaining my permission first. The only site that has permission to host this FAQ is www.gameFAQs.com If you find this on anyone else’s website than Gamefaqs then please contact me on crash_overide5@hotmail.com If you wish to use my RC Super-Jump FAQ on your website, please contact ask for my permission first using the E-Mail above or asking me on the message boards. *************************************************** ***************************************************