============================================================================== GRAND THEFT AUTO III SPECIAL VEHICLE FAQ ============================================================================== Author: John H. Hoffnagle IV (Lancet Jades) Author's Homepage: http://www.evermoreforums.com/forums/index.php Version: 1.96 (completed March 25th, 2018) Sites with permission to post this FAQ: GameFAQs.com (will always host the most up-to-date version of this guide) Neoseeker.com Gamesradar.com Gamershell.com Supercheats.com Visit SpriteFan274's GTA3 guide on GTAforums.com for alternate strategies and discussion about special vehicles in this game! His guides include thorough and comprehensive coverage on all versions of the game for all platforms. Link below: http://gtaforums.com/topic/851298-gta-iii-special-vehicle-guide/ ============================================================================== ABOUT ============================================================================== This guide is to assist those players who enjoy collecting rare or unique vehicles. This guide lists all known proofed, special property, unique, and even rare vehicles (which often have to be unlocked). I'd say more, but I pretty much just summed it up. This guide is based on the original PS2 version. There are no known special vehicle changes between PS2 versions. Although I am not aware of any changes in the PC, Xbox, and Mobile versions, be aware they might exist. Feel free to contact me about any such differences, and I will note them if necessary. The only version I own is the original PS2 release. CAUTION! This guide may inadvertently contain spoilers! Although this guide does not intend to spoil anything, due to the nature of the guide, it may spoil names of people, places, or missions. ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== 1: Terms in the guide 2: Garage information 3: Proofed vehicles 3.1 - BP/FP Securicar 3.2 - BP/FP/EP Cheetah 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch 3.4 - BP/FP Trashmaster 3.5 - BP Barracks OL 3.6 - BP/FP/EP Bobcat 3.7 - BP Patriot 3.8 - EP SF[Black trim] Securicar 4: Unique vehicles 4.1 - GHOST Missing 5: Specially Colored/Featured vehicles 5.1 - SC[Teal] Kuruma 5.2 - SC/PM[Silver] SF[Body/blood] Manana 5.3 - SC[Black] Stretch 5.4 - SC[Black] Rumpo 5.5 - SC[Dark red] Infernus 5.6 - SC[Dark red] Stinger 5.7 - SC[Dark red] Cheetah 5.8 - SF[Black trim] Securicar 6: Unobtainable special vehicles 6.1 - SC[Gray] Banshee 6.2 - AP SC/PM[Black] Stretch 6.3 - SC/PM[Black] Stretch 6.4 - SC/PM[Dark red] Infernus 6.5 - SC/PM[Dark red] Stinger 6.6 - SC/PM[Dark red] Cheetah 6.7 - DP Sentinel (1st of 2) 6.8 - PM[Random] Infernus 6.9 - DP Sentinel (2nd of 2) 7: Rare vehicles 7.1 - Borgnine 7.2 - BF Injection 7.3 - Rhino 7.4 - SC[Dull gray] FBI Car 7.5 - SF[Lightless] Taxi 7.6 - SF[No graffiti] Hoods Rumpo DX 8: Breakdown by special quality 9: Mission list 10: Car Crusher: Making vehicles DP / Accessing other islands early 11: Frequently Asked Questions 12: Contact info 13: Credits 14: Version history 15: Boilerplate ============================================================================== *1* TERMS IN THE GUIDE ============================================================================== This is a listing of all the special terms used in this guide. BP - Bulletproof. Immune to all bullet damage. Bullet attacks include: the pistol, uzi, shotgun, AK-47, M-16, and sniper rifle, as well as the Predator's machine guns, and the police helicopter's fire. FP - Fireproof. Immune to all incendiary weaponry, and to catching fire. Molotovs cannot hurt this vehicle, and neither they, nor the flamethrower, can set fire to it. EP - Explosionproof. Immune to explosive damage. This includes grenades, rocket launcher, exploding vehicles, and Rhino shells, as well as exploding barrels. DP - Damageproof. Immune to physical damage. This vehicle will not suffer damage from any kind of collision. This also protects the car from suffering cosmetic damage (e.g., the doors, hood, etc. being dented up). Does not protect against destruction from contact with a Rhino. AP - All-proof. This is BP/FP/EP/DP, all in one. The only ways to damage the vehicle are flipping it over, getting hit by a Rhino, dunking it in the water, or the Destroy All Cars cheat. SC - Special color. Denotes that the listed color is unique on the vehicle and cannot be generated randomly. SF - Special feature. Denotes some special feature the listed vehicle has that cannot normally be found on the vehicle. PM - Permanent color. The listed color is permanently applied to the vehicle and cannot be chanted at a Pay n' Spray. Clearance (garages) - How high the roof is. A necessary consideration for larger vehicles. Common Knowledge (credit) - This is a well-known special vehicle from long before I wrote this guide, and as such, it is impossible to know to whom to attribute its discovery. Description - A description of unique color/feature vehicles and why they are unique. Usually involves a unique color scheme or features that do not normally occur on the vehicle. Formulated by - This is who informed me of the strategy to obtain the vehicle. Vehicles that were pointed out to me, but where I was given no strategy to obtain it often lead to me developing the strategy, although most will have the same entry for Discovered and Formulated by. NOTE: Vehicles that are given to you or are made very obviously available are not given strategy credit, primarily because they are too simple to even call a strategy. "Get inside and drive to a parking spot" really isn't deserving of credit. Jack - Slang term for stealing a car. Given that the game's name does involve the crime of vehicle theft, it is a commonly used term in the guide. The vast majority of vehicles that will be used during the game will be stolen or used without explicit permission of the owner. Palette - The normal selection of colors the vehicle has. Random spawns and Pay n' Sprays draw from a car's palette for colors when generated. Cars with a special color are special because the color is not normally found in that vehicle's palette. Permanent - This vehicle's color is permanent, and whether it is a unique color (meaning, it's not a color found in the vehicle's normal palette) or not, Pay-N-Spray's will never change the color. Garages seem to usually eat this property on cars. Technical limit (garages) - This is the number of vehicles that can be stored in a garage before the game refuses to open the door for new vehicles. This limit is four (4) vehicles for any garage, although you'll struggle to fit even two in Portland's garage. Unique - This vehicle has a unique name displayed and is found in story missions only, or other limited availability missions, and thus can be permanently missed on a playthrough if not obtained when the chance is available. Unlocked - Denotes a vehicle that is only infinitely available either through story missions and/or by unlocking it at some point through the story, whether by completing a mission, finishing a side mission, or even a vehicle that is only available during a side mission, but is repeatedly available by doing the mission over and over at your leisure. These vehicles cannot be missed permanently. Unobtainable - A vehicle that cannot be either obtained or permanently stored for various reasons. This may be a result of being unable to ever drive or even approach the vehicle (due to cutscenes or locked doors) or because it will lose its special property(ies) if stored in a garage. ============================================================================== *2* GARAGES ============================================================================== Knowing your garages is essential, as they store your vehicles. Learn them, and they will serve you invaluably. Note that the number listed is how many vehicles the game "allows" you to store, in the sense the door will not open past that many vehicles. If a vehicle is used to wedge the door open, any number may be fit inside, assuming they can physically fit. However, the garage will only store up to four (4) total vehicles, regardless of how many can be crammed in. The only caveats are that the vehicles cannot be touching, since when the door is opened, they appear slightly above the ground and fall into place. If they touch, they often flip over or otherwise interact poorly, which could interfere with safe storage. Additionally, vehicles sharing the same vertical space (see above issue) will be deleted, as the garage only stores the X/Y coordinates of a single vehicle. Still, this means that almost every single unique or special vehicle in the entire game can be saved, if used in conjunction with boating/pushing a car across the river (or using cheats to get them across). Credit for all this goes to Nukey_Shay. PORTLAND SAFEHOUSE: ~1 space, medium clearance. STAUNTON ISLAND SAFEHOUSE: ~2 spaces, high clearance. SHORESIDE VALE SAFEHOUSE: ~3 spaces, medium clearance. ============================================================================== *3* PROOFED VEHICLES ============================================================================== These vehicles all have a special proofing, granting them immunity from one or more forms of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 - BP/FP Securicar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Van Heist (Joey Leone) Difficulty: ** Mission failure? YES Required: Grenades make it easier Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 1: Proceed with the mission until you have claimed the Securicar. Instead of driving it to the docks, however, take it to your Portland garage and park it inside. Now you must destroy the vehicle. Toss a grenade next to it, or ram it around until it catches fire and quickly park in the garage. Wait for it to explode, and the mission will fail. Quickly let the garage door close, and it will repair the Securicar. Formulated by: Kyle Sutton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 2: Follow the second strategy outlined in 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch to "drive" this vehicle until Staunton Island is unlocked (after Last Requests). This vehicle will need to complete even more missions in a row with no saving or second chances if you are busted/wasted, but should work nonetheless. To be honest, though, it's probably a wasteful way of doing this. Formulated by: F_H_Nukem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: This vehicle cannot be made DP with the strategy in section 10 of this guide! The car crusher will not pick up Securicars. This also means that this vehicle cannot be driven to Staunton or Shoreside early, and must be kept in the Portland garage (barring use of cheats). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2 - BP/FP/EP Cheetah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Turismo (El Burro) Difficulty: *** Mission failure? YES Required: Rhino tank Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 1: Start the mission, then head to the Portland docks and obtain a Rhino from the Emergency Vehicle crane. Head to the starting line, and start the race, but instead of racing, drive back to your Portland safehouse. Instead of entering the area, park the Rhino on the road outside of the alley, facing into the alley (so its left side faces the north side of the road). When the race clock reaches around 100, the opponent Cheetahs will come flying down the road. With the Rhino positioned properly, at least one should fly into it and swerve to the left, going straight down the alley towards your safehouse. If this fails, repeat the mission and strategy until it works. The next step is to drive into the alleyway and hit the Cheetah, destroying it. With it destroyed, begin using your tank to line it up with the garage. Once it is lined up, push forward, pushing it into the garage. With it inside, quickly back up and let the garage close! If the blackened carcass doesn't vanish, it should open to reveal a shiny new BP/FP/EP Cheetah. Formulated by: Kyle Sutton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 2: An alternative strategy is to put a medium-sized pushing vehicle (maybe a Securicar) in the garage, and to park the Rhino on the street long enough to get the vehicle out and leave it in the alleyway (off to the side). Once the racer has been deflected towards your safehouse and destroyed with the Rhino, use the other vehicle to push it into the garage. This may be easier and faster than using the Rhino. Formulated by: Kyle Sutton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: The mission Turismo is available at any time after completing El Burro's mission string. This means that the BP/FP/EP Cheetah is also available at any point, even after completing the game. Since when you first complete the mission, you only have one garage space, it's a good idea to wait till at least Staunton is open to acquire this car. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Salvatore's Called a Meeting (Toni Cipriani) Difficulty: ***** (*** with cheats) Mission failure? YES Required: Tenacity (!!!CHEATS!!! to make it much easier) Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a shiny glossy black Stretch. The height of luxury, this one is also AP, making it immune to damn near anything the game can throw at it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy Preamble: Once the mission begins, head to Joey's garage. Do NOT enter the marker, though! Instead, fetch an Ambulance from the nearby hospital and park it against the blue garage door (the one without a small door in it; although either works, the small door has the mission marker, which you want to avoid). Park it length-wise, facing SW, so the back of the Ambulance is against the NE edge of that garage door. The wheels should almost entirely be on the lighter gray section of the sidewalk right in front of the garage doors. Once this is done, go to the other side of that street and get the Pony from the lot there (near some of those silver and blue shipping containers), and park it up against the Ambulance length-wise again. This is to stop the Ambulance from moving out. When this is done, go in front of the Ambulance and begin running at the gap between the engine and the garage door. This gap exists because the front of the Ambulance is not as wide as the rear. This is very imprecise, and may take a while, but keep forcing yourself towards the back of the vehicle. Eventually, you will be forced through the garage door and be inside the garage, with the stretch! Get in and reverse. You should fall through blue hell and end up safely on the road behind the building. This basic strategy is used for all three strategies to obtain this vehicle, and all strategies pick up after this point. For strategies besides floating the car across the river, you will need to fail the mission. Head to the beach near Joey's garage (to the northeast). This is the beach behind the supermarket with the Patriot that starts a side- mission in the parking lot. Next is the difficult part: slowly drive the Stretch into the water at the south end of the beach (right next to the docks area). Eventually a mission failed notice will be given. Back out immediately! You should have been submerged enough to fail the mission, but it is also draining your health. Despite this, you should be able to back the car out of the water and (carefully) drive it back to solid ground. This is the only way to fail the mission and keep the car and its AP property. Formulated by: Nukey_Shay NOTE 1: Use the strategy in section 10 of this guide to easily get this over to Staunton or Shoreside easily and early. This is most easily done if the mission The Fuzz Ball is still available, assuming the Portland garage is already filled with another vehicle (such as the BP/FP Securicar). Using the basic Taxi version of this trick is prone to failure of timing, and if that happens, you will have to re-obtain the AP Stretch each attempt you need to make. NOTE 2: There is a way to store this vehicle in the Portland garage. This will render most of the below strategies needless (which revolve around getting the Stretch to Staunton to store it there), but doing so is still the best way to obtain a collection, as the Portland garage will be used for things such as the teal Kuruma or silver Manana w/ body in trunk. To store it in the Portland garage, drive it in and leave it sticking out. The proper orientation is to park it diagonally, with the front of the car in the back right corner of the garage, with only a little of the rear right corner of the car itself outside the garage. The garage won't close due to the blockage. Run to the street and get in another car. This will cause the garage to force itself shut, saving the Stretch. This procedure must be done every time the garage is opened, otherwise the Stretch will stop the door from shutting each time. If the car is not oriented properly in the garage, this process will simply eat the car instead of storing it. Courtesy of DGTZ1982. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 1: Drive the Stretch to the dock beneath Callahan Bridge (through the tunnel there). Park it at the end, and then run and get another Ambulance. At this point, the mission should still be going! The car won't vanish while it is still an important mission vehicle, so don't worry about using multiple vehicles. With the Ambulance, drive it to the tunnel at the NE end of Portland, and onto the south sidewalk inside the small part of the tunnel that is open. Back up against the blue wall inside, and get out. Jump on the engine of the Ambulance, and then repeatedly try jumping on top. Eventually you should glitch through the roof of the tunnel and be on top of it. Jump up to the raised "middle" section of the tunnel (it is quite obvious) then jump over the barrier in front of you and keep running along. Despite the glitchy graphics, you'll be fine as long as you run along the "road" you see in the tunnel. Run along the tunnel roof until you hit a barrier. At this point, run off the side of the tunnel and fall through blue hell. The Staunton loading screen should appear, and you'll be placed somewhere in the NE section of the island. Now, jack a car and drive to the docks along the middle E side of the island. Find a Reefer boat, jack it, and sail back to the Callahan Bridge dock. Dock the boat along the small platform (and be careful it isn't still moving, or else it will float away!), run up the steps, get in the AP Stretch to "renew" it as one of the active vehicles, and push it into the water. The mission will fail for destroying the car, and now the true difficulty may begin. The goal here is to push the car through the water to a shoreline near the ruins of Fort Staunton. The specific location is due east of where the channel of water east of Fort Staunton ends on the minimap. Looking to the east from this spot, you'll see a buoy in the water, and the El Train in Portland ending in the distance. To do this, slowly push the back of the Reefer (which is long and flat) against the passenger side of the AP Stretch. This is why you backed the Stretch to the dock: when you push it onto land, the driver's side is the first on land. This is a long, slow push. Pushing too fast risks flipping the Stretch over, which will destroy it. Beware of pushing the Stretch up against obstacles, because if it is caught on one, it will be almost impossible to correct the problem. If it starts raining or the water becomes choppy, stop moving and wait it out. If the Stretch drifts too far in the wrong direction, reposition the Reefer to push it back towards the correct position. Always ease against it; the Reefer has plenty of pushing power, and the slower you make contact, the less damage it accumulates. Having the Reefer blow up when you're almost there is disheartening, to say the least. This whole pushing process can take a long time, even up to a half an hour or more, but is largely safe, so long as you take care with damaging the Reefer, not flipping the Stretch over, and not getting it caught against an obstacle. Once you see a large rock in the river on the Staunton side, with a buoy between it and Portland, you're almost there. Carefully navigate the Stretch past the rock, and the beach is just a short ways away, past the small bridge over the water channel. When this slope is in sight (and it may look much steeper than you would expect), push the car towards it, keeping it parallel with the slope. You want to push the left side of the car (both wheels) onto it. Once this is done, disembark your boat (leave it where you can still get in, however!) and run over to the driver's side door of the Stretch. Get in, and if positioned correctly, you will be able to drive it off of the slope, very slowly and carefully. Once it is back on flat land, drove south and back onto the road (the north end of the piece of flat land you're on is too steep to risk). Drive it to the Staunton garage, store it, and SAVE! Get on a boat and return to Portland. Note that if you are planning to go for more vehicles, especially all proofed ones, you should move the Stretch to Shoreside Vale's garage before returning. It is easy to store there, just do so diagonally. The tunnel to Shoreside is still open until Staunton is unlocked, so driving there is easy, too. This will ease the load on Staunton's garage, since you'll need to store three others there for a while (BP/FP Trashmaster, BP Barracks OL, BP/FP/EP Bobcat). Formulated by: Nukey_Shay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 2: This strategy involves finishing all of the Portland missions WHILE KEEPING THIS CAR FROM DESPAWNING. What follows is a surreal adventure through the unknown realms of impossibility and the depths of the human psyche. Salvatore's Called a Meeting: Before restarting this mission, park the AP Stretch in the grassy area opposite Toni's house (where the Toyz van is). Start the mission, and cross the street, get into the AP Stretch, and then run to Joey's and pick up the Stretch. It is important not to get in another vehicle, as the game keeps two in memory; one is the Stretch you're driving, the other is the AP Stretch. Getting in after starting the mission is an extra precaution, and a valid one: I once lost a AP Stretch by not doing it. Once Toni is picked up, get out of the Stretch! The enemies are after YOU, not the car. Get in the AP Stretch, destroy the enemies, then park the AP Stretch on the grass outside the wall of Salvatore's mansion's property. Go back to the mission Stretch and drive it to Salvatore's mansion to finish. Try to keep the camera pointed towards his mansion at all times, though, to increase the chances of losing the vehicle randomly. There are many times the AP Stretch will just vanish for no reason, so be prepared to retry many, many times. Chaperone: Start the mission, get in the AP Stretch just to be safe, then back in the other Stretch. Complete the mission and return to the AP Stretch afterwards. The other Stretch is required to be intact to finish, so there's no reason to switch to another vehicle during. Triads and Tribulations: This mission may be completed with the AP Stretch. Get inside, complete the mission, then park it in the grassy area outside Salvatore's wall and go get the next mission. Blow Fish: Park the AP Stretch in the grass opposite Toni's place. Start the mission, then get in and out to confirm it. Run to the mission Trashmaster, and drive towards the destination. On the way, stop and get in/out the Stretch, just to be safe. Finish the mission and run back to Toni's place to reclaim the AP Stretch. Park it in the grassy part opposite the wall to Salvatore's mansion. Cutting the Grass: Use the AP Stretch for this mission. After finishing, drive it to the same grassy patch opposite Salvatore's mansion as usual. Bomb Da Base: Act I: Go into the compound, start the mission, then return to the vehicle. Drive it to the 8 on the map, and park it outside the car dealership in Harwood, next to the Banshee that spawns inside the building. Bomb Da Base: Act II: Go to 8-Ball's and find out the requirements for the mission. Return to get in and out of the AP Stretch, then back to 8-Ball to start the mission proper. Get back into the AP Stretch and drive 8-Ball to the mission marker at the docks. Let him get out, then park the AP Stretch next to the stairs that lead to the roof of the warehouse. Get out, ascend the stairs, and take out all the people on the ship. Once everyone is dead, jump down and get in the AP Stretch. The mission end cutscene will play, and you'll be waiting inside of it afterwards. Drive to Salvatore and park in the tried and true grass patch one last time. NOTE: If you ended Bomb Da Base: Act II inside the AP Stretch, you MUST get in and out an extra time after parking it! For some reason, ending the mission inside of it removes it from the "active vehicle" list, even though you're in it still. If you don't, it WILL vanish when you start Last Requests. Last Requests: Start the mission, then get in the AP Stretch and drive to the dock beneath Callahan Bridge. Park in the grass outside of the tunnel, and go to the dock. Get in the boat and take the girls to Staunton. After the mission end cutscene plays, run back across the now-fixed bridge and claim the waiting AP Stretch. Drive to Staunton and park it in the garage. Success! Formulated by: Nukey_Shay NOTE: This strategy does NOT allow for obtaining the BP/FP Trashmaster in Blow Fish in the same file! To obtain both of these vehicles, Strategy 1 or 3 must be used. Either of them are HIGHLY recommended anyways, for being much easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 3 (cheats): After dunking the vehicle in the above strategy, head to Callahan bridge and enter the "Great Handling" cheat (R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle) and the "Flying Cars" cheat (Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1). Drive down the right lane, and when you reach the gap, press the L3 button to jump the car. Hold Up and X and you should easily soar onto the other side of the bridge successfully. After this, drive to the Staunton safehouse, stick the car in the garage, and let it close. Go to the docks on the eastern edge of Staunton and take a boat back to Portland. Formulated by: Kyle Sutton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: This Stretch is also permanently-colored, but the garages eat this property just like other permanent vehicles. It can also be stored in the Portland garage. See the note at the top of this entry for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4 - BP/FP Trashmaster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Blow Fish (Toni Cipriani) Difficulty: ***** (**** with cheats) Mission failure? YES Required: !!!CHEATS!!! make it much easier Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy Preamble: Upon starting the mission, you'll notice that there is a timer and damage meter. Instead of heading to the main roads, drive north and enter the nearby tunnel (with tramps inside that drop molotovs). Head out the other end and take a left, heading to the beach. Next is the difficult part: along the edge of the beach, slowly drive the Trashmaster into the water. Eventually a mission failed notice will be given. Back out immediately! You should have been submerged enough to fail the mission, but it is also draining your health. With the mission over and the Trashmaster still in possession, it's time for part two. Formulated by: Kyle Sutton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 1: The only way you'll get to keep this without cheats is to finish Portland's missions while keeping it in memory. This plays a lot like strategy 2 for 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch, except easier to obtain initially, and fewer missions to play to unlock Staunton. The first strategy for the AP Stretch won't work, however, because of the timer; you don't have the time to get an Ambulance, cross the tunnel via glitching, get a boat, and get back in time to prevent the Trashmaster from vanishing. Remember, you have to play all of these back-to-back with no chance to save! To get this vehicle without cheats, finish as many missions as possible before Blow Fish. This means breaking the mission order listed in the mission list! Only the missions listed here should be left before attempting this. You want to ALWAYS leave the driver's side door open whenever you leave the vehicle! Guard the door with your life, because if the door falls off, it will vastly increase the chances of losing the vehicle! You're in no rush while driving the Trashmaster, so take your time and drive carefully. Blow Fish: Park the Trashmaster in the grass opposite Toni's place. Start the mission, then get in and out to confirm it. Run to the mission Trashmaster, and drive towards the destination. On the way, stop and get in/out the one you're keeping, just to be safe. Finish the mission and run back to Toni's place to reclaim the keeper Trashmaster. Bomb Da Base: Act I: Park the Trashmaster in the grassy area opposite the wall around Salvatore's mansion. This is across the street, on the corner between the roads going down the hill. Go into the compound, start the mission, then return to the vehicle. Drive it to the 8 on the map, and park it outside the car dealership in Harwood, next to the Banshee that spawns inside the building. Bomb Da Base: Act II: Go to 8-Ball's and find out the requirements for the mission. Return to get in and out of the Trashmaster, then back to 8-Ball to start the mission proper. Get back into the Trashmaster and drive 8-Ball to the mission marker at the docks. Let him get out, then park the Trashmaster next to the stairs that lead to the roof of the warehouse. Get out, ascend the stairs, and take out all the people on the ship. Once everyone is dead, jump down and get in the Trashmaster. The mission end cutscene will play, and you'll be waiting inside of it afterwards. Drive to Salvatore and park in the tried and true grass patch one last time. NOTE: If you end Bomb Da Base: Act II inside the Trashmaster, you MUST get in and out an extra time after parking it! For some reason, ending the mission inside of it removes it from the "active vehicle" list, even though you're in it still. If you don't, it WILL vanish when you start Last Requests. Last Requests: Start the mission, then get in the Trashmaster and drive to the dock beneath Callahan Bridge. Park in the grass outside of the tunnel, and go to the dock. Get in the boat and take the girls to Staunton. After the mission end cutscene plays, run back across the now-fixed bridge and claim the waiting Trashmaster. Drive to Staunton and park it in the garage. Success! Formulated by: Nukey_Shay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 2 (cheats): Take your Trashmaster to the Callahan Bridge. Enter the "Great Handling" cheat (R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle), and the "Flying Cars" cheat (Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1). Drive up the LEFT lane and keep heading straight. Drive straight off the end of the bridge, and you should soar under the bridge. Keep pressing the gas the entire time - don't brake or slow down. This may seem suicidal, but before you hit the water, the "Staunton Island" screen should come up. When this does, keep holding the gas, but hold the Up button too. After it returns to the game, you should soar up into the air and towards the docks, landing on them. This doesn't always work, but has a better chance of success than jumping the bridge itself. Drive the Trashmaster to the Staunton safehouse and park it in the garage, then either explore Staunton, or head to the docks, grab a boat, and sail back to Portland. Formulated by: Kyle Sutton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: The "float the vehicle across the river" trick Nukey_Shay discovered will NOT work with this! It floats too low in the water to ever push back on to land. Similarly, the car crusher will not pick up Trashmasters, so this cannot be made DP and driven to other islands early by exploiting the trick in section 10 of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.5 - BP Barracks OL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Arms Shortage (Ray Machowski) Difficulty: * Mission failure? No Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Simply get in the Barracks OL in Phil's compound after the mission and drive it to your Staunton garage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.6 - BP/FP/EP Bobcat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Evidence Dash (Ray Machowski) Difficulty: **** Mission failure? No Required: Patience (but the BP Barracks OL helps, too!) Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Go and start the mission. Once started, get any random vehicle and go after the Bobcat. Knock it once to knock some evidence off. You'll get two stars. Head to the Pay N Spray (or your Safehouse if you have police bribes unlocked) and clear the wanted level. DO NOT PICK UP THE EVIDENCE. So long as it sits there, you won't get a wanted level for ramming the Bobcat. Now, get a heavy truck (the BP Barracks OL is good, due to being immune to Cartel bullets), wait for the Bobcat to get close to the Staunton safehouse, and ram it. Try to slam it into walls and such to flip it over. Once it’s on its top, it will say it was a decoy truck, and a new one will spawn. It will not explode, however. Keeping it on its top, push it to your garage. Once it is inside, park the BP Barracks OL inside (if used), or just go and finish the mission. When you return, the BP/FP/EP Bobcat will be waiting. Formulated by: Lancet Jades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: If you're going for all seven proofed vehicles (with or without cheats), the Staunton Garage will have THREE cars packed into it. Trashmaster, Barracks OL, and Bobcat. This is the other reason to use the Barracks OL to push the Bobcat - there would be two cars in the garage otherwise, making it much harder to push it inside. The garage SHOULD be stable, but keep a safety save right after the mission where you know the cars are intact, just in case. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.7 - BP Patriot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Marked Man (Ray Machowski) Difficulty: * Mission failure? No Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Pick up the Patriot from Ray's lockup after dropping him off at the airport. The game gives this to you, so there's almost no room for failure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.8 - EP SF[Black trim] Securicar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Escort Service (Donald Love) Difficulty: ***** Mission failure? YES Required: Heavy vehicle (preferably Rhino) Discovered by: Lancet Jades (Nukey_Shay discovered the proofing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A Securicar with black-colored trim instead of the usual chrome color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Blow it up en route to the destination, and push it to the Staunton garage. This is difficult, but can be made easier with a Rhino. Be extremely careful of the police, because while the garage is fairly close, it is a difficult push, even with a Rhino. Formulated by: Lancet Jades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== *4* UNIQUE VEHICLES ============================================================================== This vehicle only appear during story missions, and once the game is completed, cannot be acquired without cheating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1 - GHOST Missing (Unobtainable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Gone Fishing (Ray Machowski) Difficulty: ***** Mission failure? NO Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: This is the boat your target uses. Simply wait for him to land the boat near Portland Harbor, then shoot him. Take his boat, and bring it to the shore somewhere, then push it to a garage. This is VERY hard to do, however, and should only be attempted by using large trucks (Yankee and Coach are the best bets). Despite the following warning, if you insist on trying, beach this on the northeast end of Staunton, pick up a truck as it drives by, and begin pushing (west, then south - don't go through Colombian territory). Formulated by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: The GHOST Missing will freeze the game as soon as the garage closes on it (or as soon as you try to open it, in some versions). This means it is unobtainable. Sometimes, however, it will be deleted when the garage closes (of course, the only way to get to that point is to be dead set on garaging it anyways). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== *5* SPECIALLY COLORED/FEATURED VEHICLES ============================================================================== These vehicles all have some special color of feature that the vehicle usually does not have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1 - SC[Teal] Kuruma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Give me Liberty! (Start of the game) Difficulty: * (**** to get over to Staunton early) Mission failure? No Discovered by: GTA_Loco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A teal-colored Kuruma. A similar color exists in the Kuruma's normal palette, but this IS different from it. This is closer to blue, whereas that one is closer to green. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 1: Just leave it parked in your garage. It's as simple as that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 2: Use the strategy detailed in section 10: "Car Crusher: Making Vehicles DP" to move this to Staunton or Shoreside Vale. Note that this will make the vehicle DP! If you want to keep it a pristine, non-proofed vehicle, you will need to either keep it in Portland or use Strategy 3 below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 3: This is in case you wish to take this to Staunton or Shoreside early (the hard way), to save the Portland garage for the BP Securicar. With the Kuruma in the garage, get an Ambulance and drive it to the tunnel at the NE end of Portland, and onto the south sidewalk inside the small part of the tunnel that is open. Back up against the blue wall inside, and get out. Run (remember, no vehicles!) back to your garage, get the Kuruma, and drive it to the tunnel near the Ambulance. Get out and jump on the Ambulance's engine, and then repeatedly try jumping on top. Eventually you should glitch through the roof of the tunnel and be on top of it. Jump up to the raised "middle" section of the tunnel (it is quite obvious) then jump over the barrier in front of you and keep running along. Despite the glitchy graphics, you'll be fine as long as you run along the "road" you see in the tunnel. Run along the tunnel roof until you hit a barrier. At this point, run off the side of the tunnel and fall through blue hell. The Staunton loading screen should appear, and you'll be placed somewhere in the NE section of the island. Now, run (again, no vehicles!) to the docks on the middle-east side of Staunton. Find a Reefer boat, jack it, and sail back to the tunnel entrance in Portland (where you left the Kuruma). Back it up to the concrete walkway next to the water south of the tunnel entrance. You will be placed on the concrete walkway. Run to the Kuruma and drive up to the concrete platform, then carefully drive it onto the Reefer. If done properly, it should stay there. Now, the trick here is to "drive" the car, which pushes the boat until you reach a suitable place to disembark. Push it west, towards Fort Staunton. Once you see a large rock in the river on the Staunton side, with a buoy between it and Portland, you're almost there. The beach you'll stop at is a slope (probably looking steep) a little bit north of the rock. Maneuver the carboat so that you pull alongside of it facing north, and reverse the car slightly. Get out, and you'll be put on land. Get in the boat, move out from under the car, and push it onto the incline. Once it is back on flat land, drive south and back onto the road (the north end of the piece of flat land you're on is too steep to risk). Drive it to the Staunton garage, store it, and SAVE! Get on a boat and return to Portland. Formulated by: Nukey_Shay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 4: Follow the second strategy outlined in 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch to "drive" this vehicle until Staunton Island is unlocked (after Last Requests). This vehicle will need to complete even more missions in a row with no saving or second chances if you are busted/wasted, but should work nonetheless. To be honest, though, it's probably a wasteful way of doing this. Formulated by: F_H_Nukem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.2 - SC/PM[Silver] SF[Body/blood] Manana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Dead Skunk in the Trunk (Joey Leone) Difficulty: * Mission failure? YES Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A silver Manana with a body in the trunk and blood marks around the trunk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 1: Pick the car up, then take it to your garage and destroy it. You'll fail the mission, and when your garage closes and opens again, you'll have a shiny new silver Manana! This car is also special as it has a body in the trunk that stays even after the mission is over, and some blood marks on the outside of the trunk. Should you wish to get it across the river before unlocking Staunton, follow the strategy for 5.1 - SC[Teal] Kuruma. The Manana's strategy is identical. Formulated by: Common knowledge (Nukey_Shay for the river strategy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 2: Use the strategy detailed in section 10: "Car Crusher: Making Vehicles DP" to move this to Staunton or Shoreside Vale. Note that this will make the vehicle DP! If you want to keep it a pristine, non-proofed vehicle, you will need to either keep it in Portland or use Strategy 3 below. Also note that this strategy ideally requires having the mission Fuzz Ball still available, as you will likely have the Portland garage taken up by the BP/FP Securicar, which is incompatible with the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY 3: Follow the second strategy outlined in 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch to "drive" this vehicle until Staunton Island is unlocked (after Last Requests). This vehicle will need to complete even more missions in a row with no saving or second chances if you are busted/wasted, but should work nonetheless. To be honest, though, it's probably a wasteful way of doing this. Formulated by: F_H_Nukem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.3 - SC[Black] Stretch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Salvatore's Called a Meeting (Toni Cipriani) Difficulty: * Mission failure? YES Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A glossy solid black Stretch. This is a unique color, but this particular vehicle is completely outclassed by the AP Stretch in section 3.3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Follow the directions for 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch. Basically, just dunk it in the water at the beach near the docks. There really isn't any point to acquiring this unless you REALLY want a non-invincible version of that Stretch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4 - SC[Black] Rumpo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Under Surveillance (Asuka Kasen) Difficulty: * Mission failure? No Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A solid black Rumpo. That's it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Simply locate the black Rumpo, then attack it. Kill the Mafia soldiers that emerge, get in, and drive it to a garage. Not hard at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.5 - SC[Dark red] Infernus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) Difficulty: * Mission failure? YES Discovered by: GTA_Loco, Militia (unique color) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A cool Dark red Infernus with a unique secondary color. You can find similar ones on the street, but nothing that will match this exactly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Once you start the mission, go to this car and drive it back to your garage. Wait for the time to run out, then check out your shiny new Stinger! All three vehicles in this mission (all special colors) can be obtained in one attempt by collecting and parking two in a garage, then going to get the third and waiting out the clock in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.6 - SC[Dark red] Stinger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) Difficulty: * Mission failure? YES Discovered by: GTA_Loco, Militia (unique color) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A sleek Dark red Stinger. This color is otherwise unavailable on this vehicle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Once you start the mission, go to this car and drive it back to your garage. Wait for the time to run out, then check out your shiny new Stinger! All three vehicles in this mission (all special colors) can be obtained in one attempt by collecting and parking two in a garage, then going to get the third and waiting out the clock in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7 - SC[Dark red] Cheetah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) Difficulty: * Mission failure? YES Discovered by: GTA_Loco, Militia (unique color) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A slim Dark red Cheetah. This color is otherwise unavailable on this vehicle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Once you start the mission, go to this car and drive it back to your garage. Wait for the time to run out, then check out your shiny new Stinger! All three vehicles in this mission (all special colors) can be obtained in one attempt by collecting and parking two in a garage, then going to get the third and waiting out the clock in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.8 - SF[Black trim] Securicar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Decoy (Donald Love) Difficulty: * Mission failure? YES Required: Heavy vehicle (preferably Rhino) Discovered by: Lancet Jades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A Securicar with black-colored trim instead of the usual chrome color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Simply drive it to a garage after passing this mission. Doesn't get easier than that, does it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== *6* UNOBTAINABLE SPECIAL VEHICLES ============================================================================== These vehicles are unobtainable for whatever reason is listed. This does NOT mean you can't actually drive (or get in) them, but they cannot be stored. Difficulty, required, and strategy will still be listed for those that you can actually drive (and perhaps even use), but there will always be some reason why you can't keep them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 - SC[Gray] Banshee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Give Me Liberty! (Start of the game) Discovered by: TomAndSam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A gray Banshee with a black stripe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: It exists only in the cutscene at the start of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.2 - AP SC/PM[Black] Stretch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Salvatore's Called a Meeting (Toni Cipriani) Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A glossy solid black Stretch that keeps its unique color even when Pay N' Sprayed. This one is also AP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: See the strategies for 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch. This is the same vehicle, with the additional permanent color property. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat its powers, reverting it to vehicle 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.3 - SC/PM[Black] Stretch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Chaperone (Salvatore Leone) Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A glossy solid black Stretch that keeps its unique color even when Pay N' Sprayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: See the strategies for 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch. They will all work for this vehicle, too, although this one doesn't need to be pried out of the garage building. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat its powers, reverting it to just a SC[Black] Stretch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.4 - SC/PM[Dark red] Infernus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) Discovered by: GTA_Loco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A cool Dark red Infernus. This color is otherwise unavailable on this vehicle, and is permanent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Once you start the mission, go to this car and drive it back to your garage. Wait for the time to run out, then check out your shiny new Infernus! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat its powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.5 - SC/PM[Dark red] Stinger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) Discovered by: GTA_Loco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A sleek Dark red Stinger. This color is otherwise unavailable on this vehicle, and is permanent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Once you start the mission, go to this car and drive it back to your garage. Wait for the time to run out, then check out your shiny new Stinger! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat its powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.6 - SC/PM[Dark red] Cheetah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) Discovered by: GTA_Loco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A slim Dark red Cheetah. This color is otherwise unavailable on this vehicle, and is permanent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Once you start the mission, go to this car and drive it back to your garage. Wait for the time to run out, then check out your shiny new Cheetah! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat its powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7 - DP Sentinel (1st of 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Gone Fishing (Ray Machowski) Discovered by: Zoe Green ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Start the mission and play until you're pursing the target. Let him land his boat at the shore and he'll go to a car. Kill him at this point, and take the car. Formulated by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat the car's powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.8 - PM[Random] Color Infernus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Rigged to Blow (D-Ice) Discovered by: Lancet Jades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: A randomly colored Infernus with the permanent property, rendering it forever stuck as the color it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: This is the Infernus used during the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Whether you complete the mission and drive it to your garage, or blow it up in your garage, it loses its permanent attribute. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.9 - DP Sentinel (2nd of 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Bait (Asuka Kasen) Discovered by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY: Start the mission, get to Shoreside, and find one of the three death squads. Instead of leading them to the Yakuza trap, get out of your car and kill the Cartel members who emerge. Take the car, and you have a DP Sentinel. Beware though, the Cartel members are very heavily armed, including two with machine guns. Once they get out, run far away and snipe them, or their M60s will shred you in a second. Literally. Formulated by: Common knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unobtainable: Garages eat the car's powers. However, using the car crusher trick described in section 10 allows you to replicate this vehicle with a permanent DP property. You can even use a Sentinel from this mission to do the trick. Still, technically unobtainable in the sense that the original DP property applied by the mission itself cannot be saved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== *7* RARE VEHICLES ============================================================================== These vehicles aren't anything inherently limited to the storyline, but are nonetheless unique for various reasons, often requiring completion of a mission or side mission to unlock. These can all be obtained without a problem at the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1 - Borgnine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked: Complete 100 Taxi fares. Found: Parked next to the Borgnine Taxi depot in Harwood. It looks like a normal Cabbie-style taxi, except it's blood red in color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.2 - BF Injection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked: Complete Sayonara Salvatore (Asuka Kasen). Found: Parked in the central Hepburn Heights parking area, just a short ways south of the phone El Burro's missions are triggered at. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.3 - Rhino ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked (1): 6-star wanted levels. Found (1): Jack one when the army shows up during a 6-star wanted level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked (2): 100% completion. Found (2): This Rhino is available at Phil's compound in the north end of Staunton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked (3): Complete the Emergency Vehicle I/E Crane. Found (3): Request a Rhino from the Emergency Vehicle I/E Crane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: This vehicle is BP/EP by design. I have heard reports that enough bullets or explosions may destroy it, however that should not be possible. It is not FP or DP, so fire and just regular knocking around still damage it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.4 - SC[Dull gray] FBI Car ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked: Complete the Emergency Vehicle I/E Crane. Found: Request an FBI Car from the Emergency Vehicle I/E Crane. It is dull gray, as opposed to the glossy black of the 5-star FBI Cars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.5 - SF[Lightless] Taxi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked: Available any time in free roam. Found: Taxis rarely spawn without lights. The best way to get one without its lights is to save at the Shoreside Vale safehouse, then load the game, open your garage (which should be packed full of vehicles), then run out to the intersection. Hopefully, a taxi may spawn without a light. If none do, then repeat the procedure. It may take a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.6 – SF[No graffiti] Hoods Rumpo DX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocked: Available any time in free roam. Found: Hoods Rumpos rarely spawn without graffiti. The best way to get one without the graffiti is to save at the Shoreside Vale safehouse, then load the game, open your garage (which should be packed full of vehicles), then run out to the intersection. Hopefully, a Rumpo without graffiti will spawn. If none do, then repeat the procedure. It may take a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== *8* BREAKDOWN BY SPECIAL QUALITY ============================================================================== This section gives a breakdown of all special vehicles by what quality they have. Vehicles with multiple properties are listed in each section they belong in. Inspired by GTA_Loco's similar section in his guides. Unique vehicles: 4.1 - GHOST Missing (UNOBTAINABLE - Gone Fishing) AP - All-proof: 3.3 - Stretch (Salvatore's Called a Meeting) 6.2 - Stretch (UNOBTAINABLE - Salvatore's Called a Meeting) BP/FP/EP - Bullet/Fire/Explosionproof: 3.2 - Cheetah (Turismo) 3.6 - Bobcat (Evidence Dash) BP/EP- Bullet/Explosionproof: 7.3 - Rhino (steal at 6 stars, or complete game 100%) BP/FP - Bullet/Fireproof: 3.1 - Securicar (Van Heist) 3.4 - Trashmaster (Blow Fish) BP - Bulletproof: 3.5 - Barracks OL (Arms Shortage) 3.7 - Patriot (Marked Man) EP - Explosionproof: 3.8 - Securicar (Escort Service) DP - Damageproof: 6.6 - Sentinel (UNOBTAINABLE - Gone Fishing) 6.8 - Sentinel (UNOBTAINABLE - Bait) Permanent color: 5.2 - Manana (Silver - Dead Skunk in the Trunk) 6.2 - Stretch (UNOBTAINABLE - Black - Salvatore's Called a Meeting) 6.3 - Stretch (UNOBTAINABLE - Black - Chaperone) 6.4 - Infernus (UNOBTAINABLE - Dark red - Grand Theft Auto) 6.5 - Stinger (UNOBTAINABLE - Dark red - Grand Theft Auto) 6.6 - Cheetah (UNOBTAINABLE - Dark red - Grand Theft Auto) 6.7 - Infernus (UNOBTAINABLE - Random - Rigged to Blow) Unique color: 3.3 - Stretch (Black - Salvatore's Called a Meeting) 5.1 - Kuruma (Teal - Give me Liberty!) 5.2 - Manana (Silver - Dead Skunk in the Trunk) 5.3 - Stretch (Black - Chaperone) 5.4 - Rumpo (Black - Under Surveillance) 5.5 - Infernus (Dark red - Grand Theft Auto) 5.6 - Stinger (Dark red - Grand Theft Auto) 5.7 - Cheetah (Dark red - Grand Theft Auto) 6.1 - Banshee (UNOBTAINABLE - Gray - Give Me Liberty!) Unique features: 3.8 - Securicar (Black trim - Escort Service) 5.2 - Manana (Body and blood in trunk - Dead Skunk in the Trunk) 5.8 - Securicar (Black trim - Decoy) Unlockable / Rare: 7.1 - Borgnine (complete 100 total Taxi fares) 7.2 - BF Injection (after Sayonara Salvatore) 7.3 - Rhino (from 6 star wanted level OR Emergency Vehicle I/E Crane) 7.4 - SC[Dull gray] FBI Car (from Emergency Vehicle I/E Crane) 7.5 - SF[Lightless] Taxi (Free roam glitch) 7.6 - SF[No graffiti] Hoods Rumpo DX (Free roam glitch) ============================================================================== *9* MISSION LIST ============================================================================== A list of all missions in the game, along with what vehicles are available in those missions. This list is the order used to sort the vehicles. 1: Give me Liberty! (Start of the game) 5.1 - SC[Teal] Kuruma 6.1 - Unobtainable SC[Gray] Banshee 2: Luigi's Girls (Luigi Goterelli) 3: Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up (Luigi Goterelli) 4: Drive Misty for Me (Luigi Goterelli) 5: Pump-Action Pimp (Luigi Goterelli) 6: Mike Lips Last Lunch (Joey Leone) 7: Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong (Joey Leone) 8: Van Heist (Joey Leone) 3.1 - BP/FP Securicar 9: Cipriani's Chauffeur (Joey Leone) 10: Dead Skunk in the Trunk (Joey Leone) 5.2 - SC/PM[Silver] SF[Body/blood] Manana 11: The Getaway (Joey Leone) 12: Taking out the Laundry (Toni Cipriani) 13: The Pick-Up (Toni Cipriani) 14: The Crook (Marty Chonks) 15: The Thieves (Marty Chonks) 16: The Wife (Marty Chonks) 17: Her Lover (Marty Chonks) 18: The Fuzz Ball (Luigi Goterelli) 19: Turismo (El Burro) 3.2 - BP/FP/EP Cheetah 20: I Scream, You Scream (El Burro) 21: Trial by Fire (El Burro) 22: Big 'N' Veiny (El Burro) 23: Salvatore's Called a Meeting (Toni Cipriani) 3.3 - AP SC[Black] Stretch 6.2 - Unobtainable AP SC/PM[Black] Stretch 24: Chaperone (Salvatore Leone) 5.3 - SC[Black] Stretch 6.3 - Unobtainable SC/PM[Black] Stretch 25: Triads and Tribulations (Toni Cipriani) 26: Blow Fish (Toni Cipriani) 3.4 - BP/FP Trashmaster 27: Cutting the Grass (Salvatore Leone) 28: Bomb Da Base: Act I (Salvatore Leone) 29: Bomb Da Base: Act II (8-Ball) 30: Last Requests (Salvatore Leone) 31: Sayonara Salvatore (Asuka Kasen) 32: Under Surveillance (Asuka Kasen) 5.4 - SC[Black] Rumpo 33: Paparazzi Purge (Asuka Kasen) 34: Payday for Ray (Asuka Kasen) 35: Two-Faced Tanner (Asuka Kasen) 36: Kanbu Bust-Out (Kenji Kasen) 37: Grand Theft Auto (Kenji Kasen) 5.5 - SC[Dark red] Infernus 5.6 - SC[Dark red] Stinger 5.7 - SC[Dark red] Cheetah 6.4 - Unobtainable SC/PM[Dark red] Infernus 6.5 - Unobtainable SC/PM[Dark red] Stinger 6.6 - Unobtainable SC/PM[Dark red] Cheetah 38: Deal Steal (Kenji Kasen) 39: Shima (Kenji Kasen) 40: Smack Down (Kenji Kasen) 41: Bling-Bling Scramble (King Courtney) 42: Uzi Rider (King Courtney) 43: Gangcar Round-Up (King Courtney) 44: Kingdom Come (King Courtney) 45: Silence the Sneak (Ray Machowski) 46: Arms Shortage (Ray Machowski) 3.5 - BP Barracks OL 47: Evidence Dash (Ray Machowski) 3.6 - BP/FP/EP Bobcat 48: Gone Fishing (Ray Machowski) 4.1 - GHOST Missing (Unobtainable) 6.7 - Unobtainable DP Sentinel (1st of 2) 49: Plaster Blaster (Ray Machowski) 50: Liberator (Donald Love) 51: Waka-Gashira Wipeout! (Donald Love) 52: A Drop in the Ocean (Donald Love) 53: Marked Man (Ray Machowski) 3.7 - BP Patriot (after mission) 54: Uzi Money (D-Ice) 55: Toyminator (D-Ice) 56: Rigged to Blow (D-Ice) 6.8 - Unobtainable PM[Random] Color Infernus 57: Bullion Run (D-Ice) 58: Rumble (D-Ice) 59: Grand Theft Aero (Donald Love) 60: Escort Service (Donald Love) 3.8 - EP SF[Black trim] Securicar 61: Decoy (Donald Love) 5.8 - SF[Black trim] Securicar 62: Love's Disappearance (Donald Love) 63: Bait (Asuka Kasen) 6.9 - Unobtainable DP Sentinel (2nd of 2) 64: Espresso-2-Go! (Asuka Kasen) 65: S.A.M. (Asuka Kasen) 66: The Exchange (Catalina) ============================================================================== *10* CAR CRUSHER: MAKING VEHICLES DP / ACCESSING OTHER ISLANDS EARLY ============================================================================== Thanks to Nukey_Shay for informing me of this trick, and to whomever discovered it originally (apparently in GTA:LCS). Also thanks to lol232 for informing me of the "non-mission" version of the glitch with the Taxi. ----------------------------------- This is a surprisingly simple glitch that will make any vehicle DP (it adds the property, so it won't overwrite existing properties). This also activates a sort of noclip mode for the vehicle, allowing it to pass through most solid objects (however, it cannot go through water, and a Rhino will still destroy it on impact). To do this trick, first get a Taxi and the vehicle you want to make DP. Get in the Taxi, press AND HOLD R3 (or the "sub-mission start" button), then get out and get inside the vehicle you wish to DP. Release the button, and the mission will start in that vehicle. Next, find a fare, preferably near the car crusher. With the fare in the car, drive to the crusher and park the Taxi along the edge of the yellow machine, with the driver's side door snug against the machine. You want to block this door so your character will exit and enter from the front passenger door. Now comes the tricky part. Press and hold R3 (sub-mission button) again, and then get out of the car. The passenger stays inside, and the mission keeps going, but the crane will start moving to pick up the car. The trick here is to press the button to re-enter the vehicle BEFORE THE CRANE PICKS IT UP! Done correctly, your character will begin the animation to pull the passenger out and get in himself before the crane picks it up and stops all interaction. He'll get in and move over to the driver's seat, at which time the crane will release the car, now in noclip mode (and DP after it's been garaged). Release R3 now to officially end the mission, and drive to a garage at your leisure. If you don't wait until he's in the driver's seat to release R3, he'll be kicked out of the vehicle when the mission ends, so be sure to hold the button until you're sure it's safe. BE CAREFUL! Once you get out of the vehicle, you CANNOT get back in! So make sure you don't leave until it's parked inside a garage. To save the vehicle, once it's in a garage, get out and leave the garage until the door closes. Open the garage again, and the car should be fixed and enterable. This will remove noclip, but in its place the car will be DP. NOTE: Some vehicle types cannot be put through the car crusher. This includes some of the vehicles in this guide, including Securicars and Trashmasters, so it cannot be used to move the BP/FP versions of these two vehicles to other islands early. ----------------------------------- A second version of this can be done much more easily without the need for precision, but requires a mission with a persistent ally that follows you. This includes missions such as Luigi's Girls and Drive Misty For Me, wherein Misty will always stay with you for a portion of the mission. Activating this version is simple: get the vehicle you want to DP, get your ally in the front passenger seat, and park against the crusher, same as before. Get out, and your ally will follow, knocking you down in the process. Press the button to get back in, and your ally will get in immediately, but there will be a delay for your character, as he must get up first. Once he gets up, he'll pull the ally out of the car and get in, despite the crane lifting it into the air. Once you're in the driver's seat, the car will detach from the crusher magnet (which will have begun pulling the car up as soon as you exited the vehicle). Now the car is in noclip mode, allowing driving through most obstacles, including other cars, buildings, etc. Most places will just dump you into blue hell and back onto the road, though. This allows driving right through the blue walls blocking access to the tunnel early in the game. Make sure you're set up to either pass or fail the mission so that the garage will work properly! Most missions can be failed by killing the ally once the car is in a garage, but a couple must be passed. Although suicide is always an option in an emergency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIST OF MISSIONS WITH KNOWN ALLIES THAT WILL WORK: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Luigi's Girls Misty (You must kill Misty as the garage closes to save the car, as the mission will automatically restart upon failure) -Drive Misty For Me Misty (Straightforward strategy, kill Misty to fail mission at any time) -The Fuzz Ball Up to 8 prostitutes (Pick up only one prostitute to do this trick; multiple prostitutes will just complicate the process. Kill a prostitute or run out of time to fail mission) -Triads and Tribulations 2 Mafia soldiers (Kill two targets: the one in the Triad compound at the Quays, and the one in the barricaded section of Chinatown, then kill one of the two Mafia guys, DP the car, and go finish the mission with a drive-by, then go and deal with the DP'd vehicle) -Bomb Da Base: Act II 8-ball (Another straightforward one, just use 8-ball to DP a car, then drive it to a garage and kill 8-ball to fail the mission) -Kanbu Bust-Out Yakuza Kanbu (After breaking him out of jail with the car bomb, lose the wanted level, then go do the trick with a vehicle of your choice. Kill him to fail the mission afterwards) -Deal Steal Yakuza soldier (Get a Yardie Lobo car and pick up the Yakuza soldier waiting in Newport. From there, do the trick and kill him to fail the mission, as usual) -Liberator Oriental gentleman (After rescuing the oriental gentleman from the Cartel compound, you can go do the trick, killing the ally as usual to fail the mission) -Marked Man Ray Machowski (Start the mission, then rush to the car crusher, as the mission has a 3-minute time limit) -Rumble D-Ice's baby brother (Pick up the brother, then drive to the car crusher at your leisure) ============================================================================== *11* FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ============================================================================== Q: My car disappeared from the garage! A: Garages ARE known to eat vehicles. The safest way to avoid this is to save frequently over multiple slots, and regularly check garages. Q: You missed [insert special vehicle]! A: Email me, and let me know. You will receive full credit for it. Q: [Insert special vehicle] doesn't possess a property you said it did! A: Most likely, you did not follow the precise strategy. If you did, and it does not retain its property, contact me and say so, although I personally check each and every vehicle. Q: One of the vehicles you listed is one I discovered first, and here's proof! Thief! A: I attribute vehicles I knew about before writing this to "common knowledge." If you discovered a vehicle, and/or developed a strategy, and you have proof of it (a link to an old forum post somewhere, or possibly an FAQ that credits you), tell me, and I'll give you full credit. Although I wish I could give the proper credit for most vehicles, the need for a consolidated special vehicle guide for VC takes priority over tracking down each and every person beforehand. ============================================================================== *12* CONTACT INFORMATION ============================================================================== My screenname is LancetJades on GameFAQs. You can email me at: lancet at ever more forums dot com (remove the spaces, obviously, and replace the at with the proper sign) Alternatively, if I'm online you can IM me on Discord: lancetj#1039 Feel free to message me if you see me online. I'll reply as soon as I see the message and have the chance to reply. I'm a perfectionist, so if you have anything to contribute or correct, please do so. You'll receive full credit (credit goes to the screenname you talk to me from, so if you want another name, you have to specify it). Even if you're just pointing out a spelling or grammatical mistake, please do so, no matter how small. Keep in mind though that I live in the U.S., and as such, I use American English spellings such as "color" and "criticize," as opposed to "colour" and "criticise." If you wish to use this guide on your site, aside from asking my permission, I require you in question to automatically fetch any updates I make from GameFAQs.com yourselves. I only update to GameFAQs.com and if I discover other sites carrying my guides have out-of-date versions, I will ask that it be removed. ============================================================================== *13* CREDITS ============================================================================== Common Knowledge ~Findings labeled "common knowledge" are labeled so because they have been so widely known and distributed that it is impossible for me to obtain the true source that found it (I know for a fact that I have read the info on numerous sites, and little of it came from GameFAQs). I do not take or deserve any credit for these vehicles, as I am NOT the person who discovered them, nor the strategies (though I have improved/elaborated on/fixed some of them). If you are the person who found a vehicle and/or developed a strategy for obtaining it, email me with a link to a source that credits you for finding it (such as another FAQ), and I will gladly give you credit. Again, I neither accept nor deserve any credit for this information, and I apologize if you are the finder of a vehicle, or author of a strategy, to whom I have not given credit. DGTZ1982 ~Informing me of a trick to storing the Stretch in the Portland garage. GTA_Loco ~For giving me the inspiration to write this guide, and pointing out that the silver Manana retains it color when sprayed. Also for bringing the Grand Theft Auto mission cars to my attention, even if his initial observation was incorrect (had he not, I likely wouldn't have discovered their permanent attribute, nor how to preserve it). Also, for the idea for the Breakdown by Special Quality section. lol232 ~Info on how to exploit the car crusher DP glitch at any time using the taxi missions. Huge help! Militia ~His guides on gtaforums.com contained a lot of info I hadn't been informed about! Nukey_Shay ~Discovering cheatless strategies for both the AP Stretch and BP/FP Trashmaster! A true and dedicated pro. Also added a bunch of other tips, mostly relating to getting vehicles across the river, as well as a tip on how garages work, and found the Securicar in Escort Service is EP! Also informed me of the car crusher DP vehicle glitch! Kyle Sutton ~For giving me permission to use excerpts from his Bulletproof Vehicles FAQ for the proofed vehicles in my guide, saving me immeasurable amounts of time. His guide can be found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/466217/18849 René P. ~Informed me that garages eat the permanent property of the AP Stretch. SpriteFan274 and others ~Making the great special vehicle guide on GTAforums.com and doing a ton of research on special vehicles, both in finding new vehicles, new strategies, and other things. Plenty of others have helped him with these guides, too. Find his GTA3 guide here: http://gtaforums.com/topic/851298-gta-iii-special-vehicle-guide/ TomAndSam ~For informing me of the gray Banshee in the opening cutscene. Xombie_Slaya ~For telling me the mission that unlocks the BF Injection. Zoe Green ~Info on an unobtainable DP Sentinel in Gone Fishing. ============================================================================== *14* VERSION HISTORY ============================================================================== 1.00 Completed December 2nd, 2006. Initial version. 1.01 Completed December 4th, 2006. Minor changes, a couple notes added. 1.10 Completed December 4th, 2006. More changes, added some vehicles. 1.20 Completed December 16th, 2006. Added the Lightless Taxi, Graffitiless Hoods Rumpo DX, and some credit info. 1.21 Completed December 27th, 2006. More minor changes. 1.25 Completed February 26th, 2007. Listed the "Grand Theft Auto" mission cars as unobtainable. 1.26 Completed August 7th, 2007. More minor changes. 1.30 Completed September 13th, 2007. Added “Special quality breakdown” section. Some more changes. 1.31 Completed September 16th. 2007. Added a note about GHOST Missing, and added to the About section. 1.40 Completed September 27th, 2007. Added numbering to the Mission Breakdown list. 1.41 Completed April 29th, 2008. Added Gray Banshee to Unobtainable vehicles. 1.42 Completed May 6th, 2008. More minor changes. 1.43 Completed May 7th, 2008. Adding info on sites requesting this guide and what is necessary, along with a spoiler warning. 1.44 Completed May 25th, 2008. Minor addition to contact info. 1.45 Completed August 18th, 2008. Minor revisions. 1.46 Completed August 21st, 2008. Another minor change for more readability. 1.47 Completed March 2nd, 2009. Removed some sites' permission to host this guide. 1.48 Completed May 14th, 2009. Altered the mission list some. 1.49 Completed May 15th, 2009. Confirmed the GHOST Missing as unobtainable (unfortunately). 1.60 Completed April 15th, 2010. Fixed up a few things based on conventions from later Special Vehicle Guides. Also paraphrased a couple of the proofed vehicle strategies to cut down on some size. More complex ones are left alone. Also spellchecked the guide (it needed it). Also moved the version history to the back. 1.61 Completed April 26th, 2010. Added the Rhino to rare vehicles. How'd I miss it? Also removed multiple entries for the AP Stretch, since the handling of vehicles in multiple categories is established. 1.70 Completed May 30th, 2010. Nukey_Shay discovered cheatless strategies for both the AP Stretch and BP/FP Trashmaster! MAJOR thanks to him for these bold and daring strategies!!! Also fixed some problems with the Breakdown by Special Quality list. Also revised the BP/FP/EP Bobcat's strategy. 1.71 Completed September 13th, 2010. Fixed up a couple minor things. Nothing to see here, move along, citizen. 1.80 Completed January 2nd, 2011. Made some edits to bring the format and notation used in the guide more in line with my other vehicle guides. Also switched the Mission List and Breakdown by Quality lists, since having the missions first seemed wrong to me. Also moved the lightless Taxi and graffitiless Hoods Rumpo DX to the Rare section, where they actually belong. Thanks to Nukey_Shay, added notes and strategies involving his "float a vehicle across the river" technique to Trashmaster, Teal Kuruma, and Silver Manana. 1.81 Completed January 5th, 2010. Added some info to the garage section, and Nukey_Shay pointed out the black rimmed Securicar in Escort Service is actually EP. 1.82 Completed June 5th, 2011. Changed my contact information. 1.83 Completed June 27th, 2012. Made a couple of notes on the AP Permanent Stretch entry, regarding storage and the permanent property being eaten by garages. Also another DP Sentinel that is unobtainable. 1.84 Completed July 11th, 2012. Changed the spacing of the guide, and updated contact information. 1.85 Completed August 13th, 2012. Improved the formatting of the vehicles, so it's not so tightly packed. 1.86 Completed December 11th, 2012. Made a few minor spelling and grammar corrections. I said I was a perfectionist in the Contact Info section, didn't I? 1.90 Completed December 29th, 2012. Added info on a glitch to allow a noclip mode on vehicles and the DP property. This glitch is section 10 of the guide (car crusher). Also changed the mission list a bit, to reflect a better mission order to take full advantage of this glitch to get the most vehicles possible. This glitch can also be done in free-roam, but it's more difficult and requires precision with a bad camera angle, and destroys the vehicle if the timing is failed. 1.91 Completed July 2nd, 2013. On recommendation of F_H_Nukem, mentioned that the "drive the vehicle until Last Requests is complete" will work for any Portland vehicle, not just the BP/FP Trashmaster or AP Stretch. Also fixed up formatting a little, making vehicles with multi-paragraph strategies easier to read. 1.92 Completed September 13th, 2016. Updated my contact information and fixed a couple of typos. 1.93 Completed November 19th, 2016. Added some new vehicles pointed out by Militia's guides on gtaforums.com. The three vehicles in Grand Theft Auto, listed as unobtainable permanent colors, are also unique colors, making that aspect obtainable. Also finally fixed the outdated numbering in the breakdown by special quality section. 1.94 Completed November 24th, 2017. Changed all references to Comprehensiveproof (CP) to All-proof (AP). Fits a bit better. Also altered how many property tags are presented in vehicle titles, especially denoting specially-colored vehicles. No actual new content, just the listed changes. 1.95 Completed March 18th, 2018. Added a plug for SpriteFan274's guide on GTAforums.com. 1.96 Completed March 25th, 2018. Reworded a couple of things and added SpriteFan274 to the credits section, for his tireless work on special vehicles in all GTAs. ============================================================================== *15* BOILERPLATE ============================================================================== This document Copyright 2006-2018 John Hoffnagle IV. Do not reproduce this document for any purpose besides personal use without asking me first. I'm not stingy; if you ask, you'll most likely get permission to host it. Otherwise, it's a violation of copyright, and I WILL pursue legal action, especially if you sell it for money. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. None of which are me.