Version 1.75 FAQ'S/Walkthrough Table of Contents: I. Version History II. Introduction III.Weapons & Items IV.Cars V.Property VI.Characters VII. Walkthrough/Guide VIII. Side Quests (optional jobs) IX. Secrets, Easter Eggs X. FAQ's XI. Glitch Reports/Errors XII. Contact Information XIII. Special Thanx XIV. Copyright ============================================================================== I. Version History .25 Guide is well underway. Just completed the game, and most missions have been added, there are still a lot missing, and I'll get to them eventually. .50 My email has been overflowing with contributions, if I forget to add your name, I apologize, and notify me right away. Updated the car section, added in a few new strategies for a few of the missions. Added in one new mission, as well as all 100 hidden packages from the brady games strategy guide. Worked on crediting everyone. Added in the FAQ's to the table of contents. .75 I've been kicking it into high gear lately, and trying to finish up this faq within the next few days. I have addd a whole lot of missions in it today, especially the phone ones that I haven't posted yet. I have included more side quests and optional stuff. I have also throw on in a glitch part to this guide. I have gotten many emails from people saying how they can't get pass this mission, to find out which one, read below. .85 More missions have been added in. Also I've gotten 2 copies of that klez virus in my email, luckily, I have 2 email scanners, one's built in my webmail and I have norton as well. So for everyone, protect yourselves. This is my warning to everyone, or I will simply filter out everything and relate to something else to answer your questions. One last note, I corrected a lot of mistakes and I have did my best to credit everyone, if I didn't email me. 1.0 Faq is now complete, I will not take anymore emails, some people are just idiots, more and more viruses are being sent to me, so I'm simply filtering out everything. Just wait until the faq is complete, everything you'll ever want to know will be posted here. Just check back soon, these are the things that still need to be posted. -Rampages -Unique Jumps -Checkpoints -A few missions -Car section will be greatly updated. 1.5 Whew, its been awhile. Here are the updates on the Faq, the Car Section was greatly updated with every car & vehicle in the game. I'm basically taking the time to re-organize this faq because there's so much stuff that needs to be simplified and added into it. For now, this is all, adios. By the way, I will open up my email again very soon, so you can start sending in emails to me. As you know, my older one had a virus so i'm simply closing that account and opening up a new one. I will post the Rampages and Unique jumps within the week. Stuff I added was a bigger car database and a few missions I left out. VERSION 1.75 I'm deeply sorry to everyone. I am ashamed of myself for letting this even happen, I let myself down but most of all the people who relied on me. I haven't found the will to carry on with this until recently, now I have to get my self back in sync. I really need to re-organize this faq, I noticed that not too many people liked it a whole lot reflecting the ratings. What I need to do now is re write the whole thing, making it more organized and clearer to everyone, I started working on some charts as you can tell below. My email has once again changed, just send me email What I hoped to accomplish with this faq was to make it increase traffic to my sites, and I haven't even worked on them lately, I had a golden opportunity to turn this into something and I blew it. I dont know what else to say other than.. "I screwed Up". ============================================================================== II. Introduction Welcome to Vice City! This game takes place before Grand Theft Auto III. You are Tommy Vercetti. The game starts off where a deal is suppose to go down, and it basically screws up, from there on out, you end up doing jobs for people. This is truly a great game, and I reccomend that you at least play this game for a hour straight just getting yourself familiar with the city and so on. If you have a hard time finding something, simply hit ctrl + F on your keyboard, and type in any keywords to go directly to a location in this faqs =D. ============================================================================== III. Weapons Welcome to my weapon section of my Faq, in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you now have the chance to choose from a whole slew of weapons. Instead of just getting one machine gun, you have a variety of them, however you can only carry one with you at a time. Below I have the locations listed, what rank they are, and what type they are. Finding weapons in GTA: VC isn't too hard but its here in case you need it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=SPECIAL WEAPONS=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brass Knuckles Malibu N/A Camera Martha's N/A Mugshot Mission (Porn Empire) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=MELEE WEAPONS=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screwdriver Bunch of Tools 10th best Hammer Automatic(mission) 9th best Bunch of Tools Cleaver Bunch of Tools 8th best Alley near Ocean View Aparments* Knife Bunch of Tools 7th best Machete Walkway at end of bridge 6th best of starfish island Night Stick Kill a Policeman 5th best Locker room of Police Deparment in Washington beach Baseball Bat Automatic(Jury Fury) 4th best Behind Ocean View Apartments Golf Club Found at Putting range 3rd best near leaf links Chainsaw Automatic(Colonel's 2nd best mission) or at a tool store. Katana This is a one hit wonder 1st and is automatic during the colonel's last mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=PISTOLS=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Colt 45 Ammunation, Cop 2nd Colt Python Ammunation in Downtown 1st ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=PROJECTILES=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tear Gas Outside Police station 4th best Detonator Phil's Place 3rd best Molotov Out-side seating at Tacopylapse Downtown 2nd best Grenades Ammunation, Behind 1st Hospital in Little Havana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=Shotguns=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chromed Shotgun Beach, Behind Bench 3rd best Ammunation Stubby Shotgun Large Hanger near 2nd best junkyard, Ammunation at North Point Mall Spaz Shotgun Terminal at Airport 1st Phil's mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=UZIS=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEC-9 Small road leading into 4th best golfcourse Ingram Ammunation 3rd best Uzi 9mm Behind Pay N Spray 2nd best Across Bike Shop Downtown underneath stairwell MP5 FBI Agent 1st Ammunation Downtown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=ASSAULT RIFLES=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ruger Cuban Job 2nd best Colonel Mission Roof of El Swanko Casa, go around the side, jump onto roof Colt M4 Basement of Mansion 1st ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=HEAVY WEAPONS=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flame Thrower Near Boatyards 4th Pool shaped like the Rockstar Symbol in Starfish Island Rocket Launcher Phil's Place 3rd Swimming pool of hooker hotel Minigun Phil's Place 2nd M60 Phil's Place 1st Fort Baxter Air Base (left tower) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=SNIPER RIFLES=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME LOCATION RANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sniper Rifle Ammunation 2nd Best PSG-1 Kaufman Kab Billboard 1st near Umberto's Cafe Ammunation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== ITEMS: Health Icon-Restores your health to 100%. Armor Icon-Gives you body armor. Adrenaline Pill-Very helpful and it can strongly ease mission difficulties. Police Bribe Icons-Pointless, better off just going to Pay N Spray. Rampage Icons-Starts Rampages for you. ============================================================================== IV.Cars I have greatly updated this database here. The locations and a more detailed description have now been added. Speed is how fast, controlling is how well you can handle the car, Damage is how much it intakes. Some cars blow up after a certain damage rate, the more stars in the Damage category, the better the vehicle is. ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR NAMES | SPEED | CONTROLLING | DAMAGE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIVILIAN CARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERENNIAL ** ** *** Information: Found almost everywhere. Looks like a station Wagon. This is one of my most hated cars in this game. Only take it if you desperately need a ride. REGINA ** * *** Information: This is suppose to be an upgrade over the Perennail, but In my opinion, there's no promotion at all, more like a demotion. SABRE ** *** *** Information: Found Randomly like many other cars. Not as bad as the Perennial, a much better choice In my opinion SABRE TURBO *** *** *** Information: A beefed up version of the Sabre. Has better speed and controls then the Sabre. VOODOO *** ** *** Information: You gotta love the Hydrolics on this baby! I used it during many unique stunt jumps. You can find one of these Parked outside of Auntie Poulet's house, or simply find it out on the streets. HERMES *** *** *** Information: This is also a slick ride. Not the greatest car in the game, but I found myself hijacking it when I was left to walk. CUBAN HERMES *** *** *** Information: The exact same statistics as the Hermes, except this one has a slick paint job of some flames on the hood. MANANA ** ** * Information: This was the crappiest car in Grand Theft Auto III, and it looks like its no different. I'd rather walk. STALLION ** ** *** Information: Not the greatest in the world, it doesn't compare to the other civilian cars that have been listed. But its better then nothing. IDAHO ** ** *** Information: This car only has 2 doors, so your passengers are limited, not only that but the controls and speed aren't exactly top notch. ESPERANTO ** ** ** Information: This car also has 2 doors, and its worse then the Idaho. Avoid it at all cost. OCEANIC ** ** ** Information: For some reason I use to always confuse this car with the Esperanto, I have no idea why, perhaps its because there stats are the same. GREENWOOD *** ** *** Information: Just another vehicle, there's nothing glamerous about it. Like always though, take it if you need it. GLENDALE ** ** *** Information: Just another car, I'm getting sick of all these cars already, there's hardly any of a difference, an older looking car. SENTINEL *** *** *** Information: Don't like this car? Your going to have to deal with it in The Driver mission when your facing Hillary. SENTINEL XS **** **** *** Information: This is a suped up version of the Sentinel as you might have guessed. It has great speed and handling. ADMIRAL *** *** *** Information: Yet another average car, there's nothing special to it, next please... WASHINGTON ** ** ** Information: This car blows chunks just like the rest of them, I thought civilians would have a little more cash to pour into their cars. VIRGO *** *** ** Information: A well rounded car, plus I like the name to it as well. Much better than some other Civilian Cars. Although still not the greatest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR NAMES | SPEED | CONTROLLING | DAMAGE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPORT CARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANSHEE **** **** * Information: While most of the sport cars rule the Speed and Controlling board they are one of the most easiest damaged vehicles. The Banshee is one of them. CHEETAH **** **** * Information: Much like the Banshee, this car features dynamic speed and a tad bit of better controlling, the damage factor is very high, and you find yourself ditching your ride very quickly. INFERNUS **** **** ** Information: For some reason, I don't like this car as much as the other ones, its my least favorite out of all the sport cars. STINGER *** **** ** Information: Not quite as fast as the other sport cars, but a dam good one for the choosing. COMET ***** **** * Information: This is one of the more faster cars in the game, but its also very easily damaged. PHOENIX **** **** *** Information: A more better choice for those who aren't very good at avoiding obstacles. Doesn't damage as easily as the others. DELUXO **** **** *** Information: Some may not classify this as a sports car, but I certainly do, its oneof my favorites. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR NAMES | SPEED | CONTROLLING | DAMAGE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOTORCYCLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FREEWAY *** *** ***** Information: Motorcyles usually don't get damaged, instead, your the one who gets damaged, if you crash, you'll loose some health, but overall, there were very few instances where my motorcycle actually blew up, so I'll leave it at five stars. ANGEL *** ** ***** Information: Similar to the Freeway, but slightly slower. These appear more throughout the game. FAGGIO * ***** ***** Information: These occur a lot in the beginning of the game. Regardless of the name and the speed, its one of the easiest motorcycle's/moped to control in the game. PIZZA BOY * ***** ***** Information: The exact same thing as the Faggio, except with the pizza boy you can deliver pizza's. PCJ 600 *** **** ***** Information: This is the sportiest looking motorcycle in my opinion. But I don't think its the best, I saved that for last. SANCEHZ *** **** ***** Information: This is the best motorcycle in the game in my opinion. The controlling is superb, and the speed isn't so bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR NAMES | SPEED | CONTROLLING | DAMAGE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEAVY DUTY CARS, SUVS, TRUCKS, & VANS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (minor note: with the exception of one or two, most are found near the boat docks in case you were wondering.) BF INJECTION *** **** * Information: Just like in the previous Grand Theft Auto, these cars get destroyed very easily, be careful. MOONBEAM * ** **** Information: While this is a much slower vehicle, it can store a lot more passengers and can intake damage fairly well. RUMPO ** ** **** Information: Much like the Moonbeam, but I find this car fairly better in terms of speed. YANKEE ** ** **** Information: While the stats pretty much match that of the Rumpo and Moonbeam, you can only hold one other passenger. BOBCAT *** *** *** Information: "The best trucks are built ford tough", perhaps they had a small role in building this. MESA GRANDE *** *** *** Information: This is the only Jeep listed in Vice City, I found it to be a pretty slick ride. PATRIOT *** *** *** Information: The only Hummer in the game, too bad it isn't bullet proof like the one in Grand Theft Auto III. LANDSTALKER *** ** ** Information: I often confuse this car with the Rancher, but this is much smaller than the Rancher is RANCHER *** *** **** Information: This is a big SUV that can take in some serious amounts of damage. FBI RANCHER **** **** **** Information: The same thing as the Rancher, but with an upgrade. This is very hard to steal, you have to get your wanted level up to 5 stars. BUS * * *** Information: Looks just like a schoolbus, but blue. It can hold lots of people, but what's the point of it. FLATBED ** ** **** Information: A heavy duty car made to intake a lot of damage, but like the others, this one lacks in speed and in controlling. BENSON ** ** **** Information: A heavy duty truck as well, also made to intake damage, but once again fails in everything else. MULE ** ** **** Information: Pretty much a duplicate of all the other cars listed here in this section. LINERUNNER ** *** **** Information: Good for ramming the crap out of all the other cars on the road as well as a few of the civilians. COACH ** ** **** Information: Much like the bus, but somewhat better in speed and in controlling. PACKER ** ** **** Information: This is also good for ramming cars, its also good to take one car and drive it up on top of it. WALTON ** *** *** Information: Not as good as the bobcat, but its pretty funny to look at and to drive in. Its a hillbilly pick up truck. BOXVILLE ** ** **** Information: Not that big of a difference between all the other trucks listed here. PONY ** ** **** Information: Why in the world Rockstar decided to make duplicates of these vehicles I have no idea, this is simply filler space in the game. TRASHMASTER ** ** **** Information: Garbagemen rule, that's all I have to say. SECURICAR ** ** ***** Information: Probably one of the best cars to take damage in, it can withstand great amounts of pain. TOP FUN ** ** *** Information: Most of these come with toy cars and airplanes, great for having fun in the game. SPAND EXPRESS ** ** **** Information: Much like Mule, yet another duplicate of the same freakin vehicle. BURRITO ** ** **** Information: Just another van, except a gang made it better. GANG BURRITO ** ** **** Information: Perhaps better looking in style, but certainly not in performance at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR NAMES | SPEED | CONTROLLING | DAMAGE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELICOPTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAVERICK **** *** ** Information: Most Helicopters aren't good for taking damage, but this one isn't so bad, for it being your first one, its found at your Hyman Condo when you first purchase it, it appears randomly, same at your hideout at Diaz's Mansion POLICE MAVERICK **** **** *** Information: Believe it or not, you cannot get Vigilante mode in this helicopter. VCN MAVERICK **** *** ** Information: This is similar to the other mavericks, except this one is all commercial. SPARROW **** ** ** Information: I found this one to be somewhat difficult with controlling, and like most others, this one is damaged very easily, you get these during a checkpoint helicopter mission, there are four of them around time.(see optional section of faq.) SEA SPARROW ***** **** *** Information: I love this helicopter, its found at your mansion when you have 80 packages. SKIMMER ***** *** ** Information: Great in speed but somewhat mediocre in handling, a slick water ride. HUNTER ***** ***** *** Information: I don't care what anyone else says, this helicopter is no different from the others, sure its the ultimate vechile, but I found it to be blowing up just as much as the others, to get it disguise your self as an officer and enter the base once you have beaten the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR NAMES | SPEED | CONTROLLING | DAMAGE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB VEHICLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAXI *** *** *** Information: An all around car, used for the delivering passengers from location to location CABBIE *** *** *** Information: It has the same mission as the Taxi, but takes in slightly more damage. ZEBRA CAB **** *** **** Information: This is given to you after completing the Kaufmann Kab's asset, this one has a better damage rate than the cabbie. POLICE **** *** **** Information: As you might have guessed, pressing R3 triggers the Vigilante missions, no time for donuts. (5 shotgun rounds added) ENFORCER ** *** **** Information: This also triggers vigilante missions. You also get full body armor when you exit on out. FBI WASHINGTON **** *** *** Information: Difficult to steal, but is great for doing vigilante missions in. BARRACKS OL ** *** **** Information: The best choice for toughness, great for ramming and great for intaking the damage. RHINO * *** ***** Information: Forget everything else, this is the best to go vigilante in, this tank is pretty much invincible. PREDATOR *** *** *** Information: Sadly, when you think Vigilante missions, that the vehicles would be better than this, well the Predator isn't quite your choice, try avoiding this at all cost. AMBULANCE ** ** **** Information: Pressing R3 will trigger the Paramedic missions, pressing L3 will trigger the siren. FIRE TRUCK ** ** **** Information: Pressing the R3 button will trigger the fire truck missions where you'll have to put out fires. MR. WHOOPEE ** ** *** Information: Pressing R3 will play the ice cream truck music in which people will come for treats, beware when the cops are on you, complete 50 and step out to complete this asset. ============================================================================== V. PROPERTY All over town there is property and houses for you to buy, however, you can only buy a select few. These houses you buy will serve to you as a save point so you can have more than one save point in this game, some come with a garage as well. ============================================================================== Skumole Shack: Purchase:$1000 Location: Downtown Vice Point: Purchase:$2500 Location: Beyond North Point Mall Washington Street: Purchase:$3000 Location: Across from Ken Rosenberg's Hideout Links View Apartment: Purchase:$6000 Location: Leaf Links Ocean Heights: Purchase:$7000 Location: Ocean Beach Elswanko Casa: Purchase:$8000 Location: Vice Point *One garage* Hyman Condo: Purchase:$14,000 Location:Mainland *Have to complete the Shakedown Mission to purchase the following below* PROPERTY:Car Showroom LOCATION:Little Havana COST/GENERATED:$50,000/$1500 INFO: Includes a Pay N Spray, a Save House, 4 garages, and unlocks Vice City Race Missions. PROPERTY:Kaufman Cabs LOCATION:Little Haiti COST/GENERATED:$40,000/$5000 INFO: 3 missions, complete these to unlock the Zebra Cab. PROPERTY:Boat Yard LOCATION:Viceport COST/GENERATED:$10,000/$2000 INFO: *none yet* PROPERTY:Ice Cream Factory LOCATION:Little Haiti COST/GENERATED:$20,000/$3000 INFO: *none yet* PROPERTY:Print Works LOCATION:Little Haiti COST/GENERATED:$70,000/$8000 INFO: Needed to complete game PROPERTY:The Malibu LOCATION:Vice Point COST/GENERATED:$120,000/$10,000 INFO: Needed to complete game PROPERTY:Film Studio LOCATION:Prawn Island COST/GENERATED:$60,000/$7000 INFO: *none yet* PROPERTY:Pole Position LOCATION:Washington Beach COST/GENERATED:$30,000/$4000 INFO: *none yet* *Chances are these all lead to missions, I have yet to discover them* ============================================================================== VI. CHARACTERS There are quite a few of characters in the game, these so far are the ones I have met. Tommy Vercetti: Main Character Ken Rosenberg: Lawyer Sonny: Friend of Tommy's Lance Vance: Friend of Tommy's Cortez: Colonel Ricardo Diaz: Coke Baron Avery Carrington: some cowboy guy ============================================================================== VII. Walkthrough/Guide Just a few reminders before you start this game. There are a couple ways to lose the cops in this game. They aren't a lot harder this time around in my opinion. But there also easier to ditch, one being getting a clean pair of clothes from your hideout, the other is Paint N Spray. Also when you save your game at your hideout, you get full Health. Also take advantage of items lying around in the city. Also there are lots of ways to tackle some difficult missions in this game, people have been discovering new and just as equally effective ways to conquering them, so if you see anything with the "-=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=-" that was submitted by a person who came up with an alternate route, I figured there is more then just one way to complete a mission, so here are there secrets to completing them. With this kept in mind, lets get started! (WARNING:Minor spoilers are below) ============================================================================== .:Ken Rosenberg:. Mission 1 THE PARTY: DIFFICULTY:* INFO: This is a pretty basic mission, and isn't hard at all, start out by picking up your clothes, then drive on over to the Colonel's Boat. There you'll meet Mercedes and will introduce you to everyone. After this short cutscene is over with, simply drop Mercedes off at the given location. REWARD:$100 MISSION 2 BACK ALLEY BRAWL DIFFICULTY:* INFO: Yet another easy mission to get pass, you first have to find Kent at the Malibu. Once you have driven to the given location, a cutscene will commence. After this, you have to drive to the alley that is given on the map. Here you'll meet the cook Leo. Knock him out, after that a man will appear and will claim that he wants to be your ally. Since when did you ever need anyone's help? Anyways, follow him to his car. Go to Ammunation, then he'll take off. You'll also recieve Leo's cellphone now. This is similar to your pager in Grand Theft Auto III. REWARD:$200 MISSION 3 JURY FURY DIFFICULTY:** INFO: In this mission you have to convince people, and that's something you seem to be very good at. For the first mark on your radar, drive to it and destroy the car either with your fists, or the hammer, just trash it up a lot, I didn't destroy it. After the first guy runs off in terror, head on over to the next mark. Hit him and this guy will run for his car, right when he backs out he gets hit by a truck (good ridance). Simply smash the car door off, and beat him to a pulp. This mission will now end. REWARD:$400 MISSION 4 RIOT DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This is a cool mission. You have to start a riot! You also get to dress up like a hill billy. Once you've gotten your new set of clothes on, head on over to the given location. Start out by killing a few people, then the gates will open up, and you'll have to destroy the vans. You may not even have a gun at this point, but just kill one of the guards and they'll drop it, to destroy the vans simply shoot the barrels next to them, there are three of them to shoot. After this its mission over, and just for fun, I decided to wipe out the entire crowd. REWARD:$1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:Avery Carrington:. MISSION 1 FOUR IRON DIFFICULTY:* INFO: This guy pulls up to you in his limo and starts chatting. Your first mission to complete for this guy is very simple. First you have to go and get yourself some of the most goofiest looking clothes in the world. Your a golfer now. Drive yourself to the location on your radar, once you enter, all of your guns will be discarded, and you'll have nothing but a golf club. But don't worry, that's all you need to take this guy out. He has a few body guards, if they start wasting you, retreat to the bridge for some health. Once the guy is knocked down, he's pretty much out. When you exit, you'll get all of your guns back REWARD:$500 MISSION 2 DEMOLITION MAN DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: This could prove to be one of the more harder missions. Simply because your controlling a remote control helicopter and it could be hard to master. X is to go up, use the left analog stick to go forward and use the right to change direction, square is to lower yourself. The first one is on the outside of the stairs. The other 3 are located in the building, you have over 6 minutes to complete this mission (6 and 1/2). So take your time, and don't worry about the construction workers, most have hammers and can't reach you, the officers however have a pistol, but then again, they have terrible accuracy. Once all 4 destinations have been bombed, sit back and enjoy the fireworks! REWARD:$1000 MISSION 3 TWO BIT HIT DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This mission shouldn't be too difficult, your objective is to start a war between two gangs. You first have to go and get some clothes. Once you have your new style on, drive on by the funeral place. They'll spot you and the leader will dash for the hearse if you don't kill him before that, even if he does get in the hearse this mission is still easy. Just avoid the coffins it drops out, once you have it beaten down to a certain degree, there leader will get out and run, you can get out of your car if you want and kill him, or simply run him over, but keep in mind that there are other cars ramming you. So be cautious of that, after this mission is over, your done with Mr.Carrington! REWARD:$2500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:The Colonel:. MISSION 1 TREACHEROUS SWINE DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This is basically a hit up job. The colonel gives you a name, you give him your response. To help you he has provided you with a chainsaw. This is my favorite melee weapon and kept it throughout the entire game. Drive on over to the given location and simply kill the guy. Than after that, head over to paint N spray to complete this mission. REWARD:$250 MISSION 2 MALL SHOOTOUT DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This mission is also pretty much in the bag. Head on over the mall, I got in the mall through the spiraling tower and fell through the roof, it hurt a little, but I couldn't seem to find the front door...>=(. Anyways walk on over to the guy, and he'll jet off. Chase him by Motorcycle, (hell yeah!) Since your on a motorcycle (or you can choose a car). You can do a drive by shooting forward, so you can shoot in front, left and right. Making this kill a lot easier. Once you have killed him, walk over his carcus and grap the chip. If the cops are on you, get a set of new clothes or you can go to the Paint N Spray to lower your wanted level. Either way, this mission is over. REWARD:$500 MISSION 3 GUARDIAN ANGELS DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Well, I guess you could say this mission is somewhat harder. You'll meet up with lance in this mission, drive the car to the given location, here you'll meet up with this crazy guy named Diaz. Your job is to make sure this deal goes down the proper way and not like what happened in the beginning of this game. Go up the stairs and wait up on top. They mention you could crouch using the L3 button (push analog stick in). This helps a little, once they start firing, go all out, I left my post and just started wasting them all with my shotgun, then picked up there Uzi which is better than the current one at this time. After mowing down a bunch of these guys, two bikers will come by on their motorcycles and take the briefcase, luckily, lance killed the one guy, so you already have your ride, hunt him down with your drive by shooting. Once the guy becomes road kill, return the briefcase to Diaz. The mission will come to a close and you'll have a new partner to work with now. REWARD:$1000 MISSION 4 SIR, YES SIR! DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: When he says military hardware, you think weapons, but you don't quite think tanks in the process. Not only that, but there's a marching army guarding this tank as well. Believe it or not, I actually took them all out with a simple strategy, and all I had was my motorcycle. I first started out by charging full speed, then jumping off the motorcyle which grabbed there attention, and even took out a guy. Then I hid behind the one of the palm trees, when one of the trucks or hummers come at you, they'll most likely come face to face with the tree, then I hijacked the truck or hummer, ran down a couple soldiers, then the truck comes and rams me, I set that until my car caught on fire, got of it, and watched it explode as it took out the truck as well. Which left it down to 1 more truck and a few soldiers, when the second truck approached me, I use the same strategy, hid behind a palm tree and waited til it came, pulled the guy out and ran over the remaining few left. All that was left for me now was the tank, there is a turret on the top of it, so take out a gun, and kill the guy that is controlling it, you'll now be able to open up the tank, at this point, I walked out with barely a scratch! The hard part is now over, and all that is left for you to do is to drive it over to the garage, your felony will most likely be two stars right now, but once the mission has ended it won't be. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- Park a car infront of the tank blocking its way. The soldier inside the tank will come out and move the car! Ignore the guy in the turret, just hijack the tank right there and start moving as soon as possbible to the garage. (submitted by damNation) -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- Grab a PCJ 600 and visit the Colonel and receive the mission. Go behind the convoy and run over all of the three soldiers in a line. Pull into the police station lot, if a vehicle drives towards you use a rifle (not sniper) and fire at its front grill. It should catch fire and blow up. Shoot at any other soldiers you see in the same fashion as above. Next snipe the gunner in the tank with any rifle you might have. Run up to the tank's door and kill any remaining soldiers. Then, use a melee weapon on the tank's door until the driver gets out, or it falls out. Then jump in the tank and head for the garage. Get there before the bar lowers all of the way and park it in the garage. The mission ends and the wanted level is removed. (submitted by Mike) -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- What you do is follow the tank, but don't get to close or they will stop and tell you to get away from the tank. keep following the tank until the group stops and you hear something like "Soldier, get us some donuts" and that's when the guy in the tank gets out and goes into the store. The door of the tank will be unlocked then. (submitted by Brent man) REWARD:$2000 MISSION 5 ALL HANDS ON DECK DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: The mission starts out with a bang, and the french are after you. Your mission is to protect the colonel, and to get his boat to escape safely. The shotgun works well, when picking off the french. You could also use the ruger or whatever weapon you have in your inventory. About a quarter way through, there'll be road blocks ahead of you, blow the hell out of them. Then choppers will be heading your way as well, blow the hell out of those too. If you don't, they'll keep coming back. Once the two choppers are destroyed, the grand finale shows up. This chopper can take you out in an instant. When it flies by, hide between the stairways. Then quickly show yourself, if you still have the gun from the phnom penh 86 mission, that'll greatly help. Once the chopper has been destroyed, finish off the rest of the french, and say your last goodbye's to the colonel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:Ricardo Diaz:. MISSION 1 THE CHASE DIFFICULTY:** INFO: At first I failed this mission due to a very stupid mistake. When I was chasing the guy, I accidently fell off the roof, make sure your careful when chasing him, also make sure you don't kill him. He'll be trying to snipe you when your following him but stay sharp and you shouldn't have any problems, once he has stopped, and you've followed him up to this point. The mission will come to a close, but the next one however won't be so easy. REWARD:$1000 MISSION 2 PHNOM PENH 86 DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: Probably the hardest mission up to this point in my opinion. Here your friend Lance will join you again. He'll be the one piloting this chopper, and you will be controlling the turret. This mission is one of my favorites but also one of the hardest to complete. You have to be quick and precise on this one. Good news is you have unlimited ammo. There are about 6 areas to complete. Some tips for taking out these bad guys are by destroying the barrels, and cars. This will cause an explosion taking out those within range. You'll come to the final rooftop when a cut scene takes place. The guy is armed with a shotgun, wipe them all out, and after that, you'll be lowered to the surface. This part of the mission is much easier due to a very few gangsters being around. Keep on heading up, and go trigger happy on everyone you see. Once your on the rooftop, kill the one guy and he'll drop a briefcase, Lance will then be there to pick you up and this mission is now over and done with, whew! REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 THE FASTEST BOAT DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Not as hard as the previous missions, but somewhat of a difficult one. In order to get to this destination, you'll need a boat. There are boats located by where The Colonel is. Take one of them and start heading on over. When you land, you'll be greeted with a bunch of bullets flying at you, simply take out all of these punks. You'll also have to lower the boat. Inside there is a switch that lowers it. Once it has been lowered, get on it, and there'll be cops and helicopters all over you. You have to escape them, and get this boat back to Diaz. Once you have done so, the three wanted level star will be gone and the cash is yours. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- Go to Ammunation and buy a chromed shotgun, body armor, and a rifle of some sort (if you already have one it'll do, preferably not a sniper). Then go to Diaz and receive the mission. Next jump in his Infernus (to the right of the front steps. Drive in front of the boat yard, but don't go in. Stand behind the car and fire using the rifle at the infantry by the gate. A troop of men will approach, but stand slightly within the gate and switch to your shotgun. Lock onto one of the charging men and fire once he comes within range. Then switch to the next target until you've slaughtered them all. Run around the corner and fire upon the men using the above strategy. Step into the building on your left and lock on and kill the group of men inside. Walk over to the pink marker and enter it. You will see a cutscene in which the boat is lowered into the water. Run up to the dock and kill anyone on it using the same strategy and jump into the boat. You will receive a level three wanted level! Go as fast as you can, but avoid small boarding ships heading to your vessel, civilian boats, and fire from the police helicopter. Stop in the pink marker and you appear on shore with no wanted level! (submitted by Mike) -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- Prepartions: Get the sniper rifle from Diaz's Mansion Go to the boat docks, and get out of the car and take your time sniping the gunmen. You should be able to take out all of the gunmen and get to the switch without taking any damage. As soon as you hit the switch, five more gunmen will appear. Take out as many as you can, while watching your armor and health. There are four places in little Havana with Armors, get one of them and then go to the bridge where you entered the main island and get a heart. Now you are back to full armor and health. Go back to the docks, and take out the remaining gunmen. Jump on the boat and sprint towards Diaz Mansion. (submitted by Jatooley) REWARD:$4000 MISSION 4 SUPPLY AND DEMAND DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This mission is probably easier then the helicopter one. Its very similar to that. At first, you simply have to beat them to it. Which is the easy part. After that, its somewhat harder, but not impossible. There are the two boats behind you, a helicopter which is extremely hard to miss, and another dinky boat ahead of you. Shoot them all down, and this mission will be over. REWARD:$10,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:TOMMY VERCETTI:. Alright, here's the turning point in the game, from here on out, this game owns. Now your doing missions for yourself, and the time has come to overthrow diaz and start to take over the city. But at first, not everything goes so well. Head on over to the K on your radar to get some troubling news. MISSION 1 DEATH ROW DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: Your friend lance is in trouble, not only that, but your plan of taking out diaz from the start is now all screwed up. To top things off, the odds are stacked well against you. You are greatly out numbered in this mission. Get on over to the Junkyard in little haiti. Use your car to your full advantage because it'll be destroyed within seconds. From this point, this is where it gets tough. I used the shotgun, my personal favorite. Carefully mow down everyone you see, and don't forget about lance's health, you got to be quick! Keep on heading toward the yellow mark on your radar, there will be two guys standing on the roof waiting to go trigger happy. Take them out and proceed into the garage, and quickly kill the guards, then enter the car next to you. You have to drive lance to the hospital, the easy part is now over. There will be a few guys trying to get up on you, but they pose very little threat to you. Once the mission is over, you'll be rewarded with no money, but in the next mission, that's when everything becomes worthwhile. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- If you do "death Row" with a helicopter (have one with you when you accept the mission) and come loaded with a nice gun such as the gatling gun-type gun, or the python (acquired by finding a bunch of hidden packages), it makes the level much easier as you have nothing to worry about on the trip to the hospital, once there, you can land on a roof and pick them (the dickheads) off as they come until there is no longer a threat. (submitted by John) MISSION 2 RUB OUT DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: It's time to overthrow diaz, and take over his mansion. Lance has came prepared this time around with a Colt M4 for both of you. Once you clear the front, you'll find out the door is locked (who would've ever thought that). You have to go around back, and enter through that way. Keep heading up the steps, when you meet with a hallway, go through it, you'll now be in the front of the mansion with Diaz at hand. If you run low on health, run off to the right in the living room, where Diaz had trouble working his VCR. Health will always be there, making this mission much more easy. Once you've taken out Diaz(you'll have to unload on him quite a bit). A slick cut scene will take place, and you'll now have his mansion taken over! REWARD:$50,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:Taking over the City:. Tommy takes crap from no one. Now he's ready to own all of Vice City. This is where the game really kicks in, and your doing stuff for yourself. However the game gets A LOT harder at this point, so this is your fare warning. MISSION 1 SHAKEDOWN DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Well, for now it isn't really hard, with the exception of your time limit, this mission is in the bag. Losing your wanted level should be easy because there are a set of clothes at the Gash Store. You have 5 minutes to destroy every window in the shopping mall. Make sure you check both floors in the gash. This also may not be a bad time to rob a few stores, to do so, just hold them up, don't shoot them until your satisfy with the money they gave you. REWARD:$2000 (note: Can now buy properties that generate money) MISSION 2 BAR BRAWL DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: O.K, you think i'm over exaggerating right? Your probably saying this mission itself is easy. Well this mission is easy, but wait until the next one. Lance is too lazy drinking, so you have to take two knuckle heads with you. Drive to the location on your radar, and waste the few guards, and have a chat with the owner, he'll give you the location to where there at. I drove my car into this place, let them fire away at it, and they blew themselves up, since this is a closed off alley way. 2 guys on motorcycles will flee the scene at this time, simply hijack another car or use the one you got, and make them bleed. REWARD:$4000 MISSION 3 COPLAND DIFFICULTY:***** INFO: I decided to give this mission a 5-star rating to match your wanted level. Your dealing with more than a bunch of pigs, your dealing with the FBI here. This mission is a lot harder than your previous ones. The easy part is raising your wanted level. Go over to the pink marker on your radar and start killing a bunch of innocent, then drive into the garage, once two cops follow, the garage will close, and you'll be dressed in a cop's uniform. That right there is the easy part, now head on over to the mall, leave your car parked right outside the front door facing the direction you want it to. Also make sure your cop car IS NOT damaged at all. Head into the mall, and proceed into the cafe. You'll set the bomb for a whoppin 5 seconds. Once you do so, dash for the exit, the way you came from. Head into your cop car, the FBI will now be all over you. For some people getting back to your hide out could be no problem, for others, you may have to stop by Pay N Spray to lower your wanted level greatly. I was able to get out of there with no problem, sure my car was totally wrecked, with all four doors completey torn to shreds, but I managed it. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- First go, and get a helicopter on top of your estate. Then, take it to the mall and set it out front. All you need to do from there is get the cops uniforms and go to the mall. After you blow up the shop, go and get the helicopter that you set out front and fly away safely. (submitted by david) REWARD:$10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:Umberto:. MISSION 1 STUNT BOAT CHALLENGE DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This is one of the more easier missions of getting the checkpoints in this game. Take your time, you have plenty. Once the mission is over you'll gain respect from the Cubans which will lead onto more missions. REWARD:$1000 MISSION 2 CANNON FODDER DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: One of the more harder missions, fight like men with big caujoles! (however you spell it). When you start out, blow up the car in front of you to take out most of the guys, there'll still be two left, so you have to go in and kill them yourself. After this, more reinforcements will come in, a sniper is on the roof, who poses very little threat, make sure you have yourself a sniper rifle handy. Then take out even more Haitians, when you reach the final area, there'll be a van, don't get in it quite yet, take your time to kill everyone first, then drive on back to the cafe for your reward! REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 NAVAL ENGAGEMENT DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: Wow! This mission is even harder! Rico will try you over to the boats, from there you'll have to blow both of them up, if you have a rocket launcher that will greatly help right now. When your on land, things don't get any better. Your surrounded, just run and get the hell out of there, find yourself some health which is located at the bridge. There is a sniper on the roof of this house. Be aware of that, also there are men in the houses shooting from the windows as well. Only get the briefcase's when your sure that everyone is dead, your wanted level will grow once you have both of them, to shake the heat go to a pay n spray which is located near you. REWARD:$4000 MISSION 4 TROJAN VOODOO DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: You get this mission when you have completed all of the Haitain missions for Auntie Poulet. Finding a Voodoo car isn't very hard, there's one parked outside of Poulet's house. Grab it, and drive to the marker. You'll enter the factory, first kill everyone you see, once everyone is killed, plant the bombs all at once, once you have them all planted get the hell out of the factory and head back to the gates, there locked! How do you get out? There's a set of stairs to the left of the gates, head up them, they lead to a roof, sit back and relax, enjoy the fireworks. You'll also get a call from Poulet right now saying how she's disgusted with you. REWARD:$10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:Auntie Poulet:. MISSION 1 JUJU SCRAMBLE DIFFICULTY:** INFO: You have to go around town picking up the stashes. When you grab the first one, the cops will be on you. Quickly drive to the next given location, your wanted level will climb even more, there's one more stash for you to grab once you have this one, go on over to Pay N Spray, or if your talented enough you can make it back to Aunti Poulet's hideout and your wanted level will be gone and the cash is yours. REWARD:$1000 MISSION 2 BOMBS AWAY! DIFFICULTY:** INFO: Remeber the helicopter mission for Avery? Its kind of like this one. Except you are controlling a plane in this one. Start out by dropping a bomb to get there attention, you can try to get there boat but It never worked for me and I ended up chasing them. They'll try to fire at you, but they'll most likely miss, once the first boat has been destroyed, a car will take off, this one is easy to take out, after you have the car blown up there's one guy left standing at the docks. Drop a bomb on him and the mission will end. The only part I found hard in this mission is that when I went down to drop a bomb, I couldn't pull up in time, and I ended up drowning. You have 3 planes, the first part is the hardest. Once that is over, the mission is pretty much over. REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 DIRTY LICKIN DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: This is the hardest mission for Auntie Poulet. Even still, this is very easy. There is an adrenaline pill located beneath the stairs you head up. Use this to your full advantage, this will slow down the action. There are three waves of attack. First and second ones are nothing, in the third one, there's a guy with a sword, kill him first. This will elminate a one hit kill to everyone. But a dumb thing they do is travel in a group, they don't spread out, making it easy for those who have bad aim even. I'm no sniper and I got pass this mission easily REWARD:$4000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:Love Fist:. MISSION 1 LOVE JUICE DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: These guys are extremely annoying, and I think there music sucks, but that's just my opinion. As long as there willing to pay money for simple jobs like this, so be it. The first mission handed to you is easy. First, you have to pick up some drugs for the band. Drive to the given location, a guy will come out on a motorcycle and screw you over, bad idea. Run him down, and pick up his spaz shotgun he drops. Love Fist will now call, answer them, they want a girl, Tommy knows just the person, Mercedes. Go and pick her up, once you have done so drop her off you have about a minute to do so. REWARD:$2000 MISSION 2 PSYCHO KILLER DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Your chasing down a psycho killer in this mission, and your vehicle isn't top notch, which happens to be a limo. One more reason why this mission is hard is because the guy doesn't appear on your radar! Once he's out of your site, that's it, the mission is over. However there is a way around this, park a really fast car outside of this area, like a banshee, when the killer goes into his car, you can jump into the banshee and chase him down instead of the limo. This will make the mission easier, then just use basic tatics in taking this guy out(drive by shooting). REWARD:$4000 MISSION 3 PUBLICITY TOUR DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Is it just me, or does this mission remind you of Speed? You know the movie? If you go under a speed limit, the limo will blow. So you have to keep a steady pace throughout the entire mission without ramming any walls or vehicles. Doing so will slow you down and the bomb will detonate. You have to drive for 2 minutes and 20 seconds until the bomb is defused. There is really no strategy for this, you just have to be a good driver and surpass the speed limit. Good luck, and that will draw a conclusion to the band Love Fist, thank god.... -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- And a dam good one. First you turn all the way around and head for the first island. Once there u make a left and follow that and always look at ur map once u see an opening to the beach, head there and once you are on the beach You are home free because the beach is freakin massive. (submitted by WrUbEz986) REWARD:$8,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:Mitch Baker:. MISSION 1 ALLOY WHEELS OF STEEL DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: I hate racing, I seriously do. This mission can be a pain of your one of those types, and racing in grand theft auto was never easy. Not only that but you can't do your drive by, and destroy your competition, so they'll always be there. The freeway is more faster then the angel motorcycles. So drive around town looking for a Freeway. Your racing skills will be tested here, and there really is no way out of this one. Once you've completed this mission, the other 2 remaining for Mitch will be somewhat easier. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- "Its a lot easier to steal one of the racers bikes. They get a short head start, but with only two opponents, its much easier." (submitted by captain meltdown) REWARD:$1000 MISSION 2 MESSING WITH THE MAN DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: This mission is easy to do, you have to raise some hell, which is something most people are good at in this game. But can you raise hell in about 2 minutes lets say? There is a chaosmeter that will appear on your screen now, you have to max that thing out. By doing so, you have to kill and ram literally everything in your sight. Find a street, with groups of people gathered together, and run them all down, kill every cop you see, shoot anything that moves, and ram literally everything to the ground. I was able to get to 4 stars, which seemed to work out pretty well in this mission, once the meter fills up within the time limit, this mission is over. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- parked a large truck in the middle of the road in front of the biker club before taking it. Then I carjacked any cars that came by, and rammed them right into the truck so they are touching. Once I got a good amount I started the mission, and used the automatic rifle on all vehicles to drive up the meter without destroying them, then shot the truck till it got on fire. It will explode, destroy the nearby vehicles as well, and drive the chaosmeter up much. (submitted by Zack Nelson) MISSION 3 HOG TIED DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Mitch's Angel Bike had been stolen, he has infinetely many of these contiously appearing on the outside of his bar, but I guess you have to do this for Kent Paul. Grab yourself an angel, and head on over, take the bike up the stairway, and for a smooth impact, press Down (don't hold it forever!) if you hold it too long, you'll fall off, you'll most likely land on the roof but with some health depeleted. Press up when your about to land. The alarm will go off, and a bunch of guys will start appearing, mow them all down. Go down the stairs, and keep mowing the guys down. Get on the Angel. Now what I did may sound extremely stupid, at first I headed up back to the roof instead of the whitestair case on the ground level. When I headed up, I crashed and fell to the ground. What I thought was a stupid mistake turned out to be a success. The vans that chase you during this mission had already appeared and and I wasn't even on my motorcycle! So this gave me full advantage to destroy the vans at this point, which I did, got another bike and launched myself back up to the roof, descended down the stairs, and head for the white stairs. I was able to drive back with no problems at all. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- All you do is go get your helicopter or any helicopter and fly it to Mitch's talk to him then fly it ove to where his Angel is at and land it next to the garage get out run over to the Angel steal it back and high tail out use the white stairs to get out and then follow the pink blip back. That is a whole lot easier and also make sure to have the shotgun on hand one shot kill a lot easier if you run into problem. (submitted by Slipnslide3000) REWARD:$4000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:Print Works:. MISSION 1 SPILLING THE BEANS DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: I was of course, extremely lazy to drive myself so I took the cab which only costed a whopping $9. Hey, you own this city don't you? Why should you be driving yourself places! Anyways walk on into the malibu and talk to Kent he'll give you a location, now you have to drive yourself to the docks by where the colonel use to operate. Get yourself a boat and head on over to the other island across from you. There is health underneath the stairs leading up to the boat. Head towards the pink marker, they'll of course spot you, I haven't found a way so that they couldn't spot you. Just keep heading up the stairs mowing down all the guards in your path. Once atop, walk in the pink marker and you'll get the plates. Now you have to head back to print works, and at this point, I had about a 2 star wanted level. If you need to head on over to Pay N Spray, other than that, this mission is over. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- You have to have a sniper rifle and a tall vehicle (I use a Yankee). First, drive to the northern end of the ship and get on top of the vehicle. Whip out the ol' sniper rifle and you should be able to take out at least two guards (possibly three, my memory fails me as to exact number here). Get back into the vehicle and drive to the very first ramp, so that you can see up the ramp by pressing L2. Hop back on top of the vehicle and you can snipe at least three guards, one on top of the area where the pink marker is, one walking past the ramp, and one standing on some cargo to the right of the ramp. When you've taken these guys out, get back into the vehicle. If you drive forward while holding L2, you should see a break in the cargo allowing you to see the far side of the ship. Drive past this to the next such break. Get back on top of the vehicle and patiently wait until a guard walks past the gap. It could take a few minutes. If he doesn't appear after five, you're in the wrong spot. Anyway, once that guard's dead, drive forward to the next ramp and get back on top. Take out two more guards (I think, pretty positive), one that walks past the ramp, and another that walks toward the ramp, turns around, walks to the far side of the ship, and then to the right to the end of the ship and back. Storm the ship, carefully making your way to the break where you shot a guard on the far side. Run to the far side of the ship and head south. If you look north, you should see a blue cargo container against the side rail. A guard patrols alongside that container, and you should be able to snip him from just in front of the cargo containers you no doubt ran into if you headed straight south. If you look up from where this guard is, you'll see another guard on top of the ship. Somehow, even after careful observation and sniping again and again, I never fail to miss one guard between the two staircases leading up at the very front of the boat. :-/ Anyway, one guard is hardly much trouble, so take him out (you'll probably be spotted here, but I did my best :) and head on up to the pink marker. You'll get an instant 2-star wanted level and guards come out of the woodwork, but at least you don't get shot up getting to the marker! :) (submitted by Insanity Complex) REWARD:$2000 MISSION 2 HIT THE COURIER DIFFICULTY:**/*** INFO: Well some people may have more difficulty with this mission than I had. I got really lucky on this mission. When the courier started driving off, I was able to ram her into a trailer, which she got stuck and couldn't get out, so there I was, her car getting jammed, and didn't even bother to get out and run. Hardest part for me were the choices, how should I finish her off? Well enough of that, if you didn't get lucky like I did, I also had an alternate strategy backed up. When your waiting outside for the courier to land there are a ton of snipers to shoot down, as well as the other lady assassins. When the courier lands, she'll get in her car and drive off, the threat of you getting shotdown by all the other assassins is now gone, and you have to concentrate on killing the courier. Which shouldn't be too hard to do. Use basic techniques to take her down. REWARD:$5000 and revenue is now generated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:THE MALIBU:. MISSION 1 NO ESACPE DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: You gotta bust a guy out that is under the police's custody. His name is Cam Jones. Head to the given location on your map, and walk in with no weapons selected. You now have to get yourself the police uniform which is located in the locker room. Head upstairs to get a keycard, then head downstairs and use the keycard on the cell to free Jooooooooones(sorry I had to do that....inside joke). You'll gain a four stars for your wanted level as well. Like always, pay and spray is there for you. After that, simply drop jones off at the given location. REWARD:$1000 MISSION 2 THE SHOOTIST DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: This is where you meet Phil Cassidy, this guy will supply you with great weapons later on in the game. But for now he has challenged you to a shooting contest. First contest, your shooting a bunch of dummies. The score you have to beat is 60. Really no strategy here, trial and error process. There's another round ahead, and the targets are with a whoppin point. In the next room, Misty makes her appearance who is from GTA:III as well as a few other familiar faces. When you complete this, Cassidy will work for you, but only after you complete the final mission of the malibu. REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 THE DRIVER DIFFICULTY:***** INFO: This is probably the hardest race in the game. This race is totally unfair as well. Your going up against Hillary with a Sentinel. There are also cops on you as well. Racing in Grand theft auto was never easy, remember that. There are a few basic tips, believe it or not, the cops could actually help you. They can give you a launch forward, or if you break at the right times and turn at the right times, they can nail Hillary throwing him off course. Good luck, your every skill will be tested here. REWARD:$3000 -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- This here is a cheating method, which I strongly disagree with. But everyone has been requesting this, so if your willing to take this risk of cheating and possibly risking the 100% status, go right ahead. This does work, but I think with enough trial and error you can overcome it. Well here it is for you. Enter in the Dodo cheat, once you have this entered in, hillary will drive off and you'll never see him again, so just take this course nice easy, find a bike, this is the only vehicle not effected by this cheat. (submitted by inquiringmind) MISSION 4 THE JOB DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: The mission starts out very easy. Then you'll have to navigate upstairs with Cam. Make sure you shoot down any officer in your way, there is body armor in the Camera Room and Health in the Manager's Office. Cam can't crack the safe, so you'll need the Manager to do it, don't kill him! Have him follow you upstairs to the safe, then once he's up there, head on back down to check on Phil, he screws up and the alarms goes off, this is where the mission gets somewhat harder. Head towards the pink marker, a small cutscene will take place and now you have to take out the swat team, these guys could kill you within seconds, if Cam dies you'll have to take the briefcase for him and head out. When you reach outside, your driver Hilary will show up. Your last mission you just did for the Malibu has gone to you have to shake the cops off. Get a car and head towards Pay N Spray which is located near you. Then head on over to pick up Phil & Cam (or just Phil). Head on over to Cam's place and the mission will be over. REWARD:$30,000 ASSET COMPLETE: Will now generate $10,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:PHIL CASSIDY:. MISSION 1 GUN RUNNER DIFFICULTY:** INFO: You drive a patriot in this mission, use your drive by shooting, once you have dealt out the damage, they'll drop a crate with a weapon in it, go and pick it up. There are four of them you need to get. Once you have them all you have to dispose of the dealer. Not too hard at all. REWARD:$2000 MISSION 2 BOOMSHINE SAIGON DIFFICULTY:** INFO: You start out wasted, but eventually it'll wear off. Take Phil to the hospital, then he'll say something like "no too many vietcong". Then you'll have to take him to this guy who owes him a favor. When your driving, you'll most likely be ramming the crap out of cars and won't be able to drive in a straight line. The cops could be on you in this mission, for drunk driving. Once the mission is complete, so is phil's asset. REWARD:$4000 ASSET COMPLETE: Can now buy heavy weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:Cherry Popper:. (Mr. Whoopee) MISSION 1 DISTRIBUTION INFO: Turn the music off, and press the L3 button to start your mission. You have to deliver 50 ice creams all at once, then simply step out of your truck to finish the mission. Then the ice cream factory generate 3 grand a day. (submitted by irish_spy) NOTE: Beware that your wanted level will increase during distribution. Also in certain areas, you'll get paid more money than others. Some gangs will also be on your tail as well. ASSET COMPLETE: Will now Generate $3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:KAUFMANN KAB'S:. MISSION 1 V.I.P DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This mission runs on a time limit, get to the fare in a minute. This mission is silly, really. Before you pick the guy up another cab shows up and steals it from you. Show them whose better by ramming the hell and shotting the taxi, after the damage has been dealt, the guy will jump out. Simply pick him up and drive him to the airport. REWARD:$2000 MISSION 2 FRIENDLY RIVALRY DIFFICULTY:** INFO: These missions are the easiest to complete. All you have to do is ram them off the rode, use your drive-by-shooting as well. Do I need to say more? REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 CABMAGEDDON DIFFICULTY:** INFO: At first it starts out like nothing, all you have to do is drive in a circle to avoid the other taxis. After the time limit runs out, you'll then meet the Zebra Taxi. His armor is somewhat better than most other taxis, so killing him will take somewhat longer, but not that much more difficult. REWARD:$3000 ASSET COMPLETE: Kaufman Kab's will now generate $5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:STEVE SCOTT:. MISSION 1 RECRUITMENT DRIVE DIFFICULTY:** INFO: Ahh, How could I forget this one? I can be such an idiot at times, here is some strategy for the mission, this guy is a dork in my opinion but the chicks are hot. When you meet up with Candy, some pimp guys will attack you, take them out and pick up candy, your wanted level may be up so head on over to Pay N Spray, then go and pick up Mercedes and bring them back to the Studio to complete the mission. REWARD:$1000 MISSION 2 DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: There really is nothing too complicated with this mission, here you'll control the skimmer which is very similar to a dodo plane. The main problem in this mission is not completing the checkpoints but completing them without running out of fuel, there are a total of 12 checkpoints. REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 MARTHA'S MUG SHOT DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: In this mission, you'll be using a helicopter, the main point objective is to capture pictures of Candy and that other guy with eachother, you'll have to take three pictures of them. I used the top of the hotel as my shooting point, once you have the pictures, your criminal rating will sky rocket, you better hope that your helicopter is in good shape, if not then you'll have to deal with this the hard way by getting to a Pay N Spray. My helicopter was in good shape so I had no problems with this mission. REWARD:$4000 MISSION 4 G-SPOTLIGHT DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: I found this last mission very hard and troublesome at times. You'll need a motorcycle for this challenge, preferably a PCJ. Drive towards the location, once there drive straight through the building, and do a wheelie once your at the end. Now basically for the rest of the mission your going from building to building, there are 19 of them, between a certain jump, when your about halfway through, their are some stairs on the lower side of a building so that you don't have to start over if you fail to connect with a jump. When you reach the final building, step off your PCJ and walk into the marker to complete the mission. REWARD:$8000 will now generate $10,000 per day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:BOATYARD:. MISSION 1 CHECKPOINT CHARLIE DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Just like any other racing mission, this one is hard. I choose the Cuban Jetmax to complete this mission, the Squallo is faster however. The more times you complete this mission, the better the reward. It gets a lot harder the fourth time around, making everything foggy. REWARD:none ASSET COMPLETE: Boatyard will now generate $1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:Unlocking the 2 final missions:. Here's the exact same list I did -Buy all properties first -Complete Cherry Popper -Complete Kaufmann Kab's -Complete Print Works -Complete Malibu -Complete the first garage list at Sunshine Autos -Complete Pole Position Asset(give $600 to stripper) -Completed all other people icons on map Umberto Auntie Poulet Love Fist Mitch Baker Phil Cassidy Avery Carrington THAT'S IT! That's exactly what I did. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 1 CAP THE COLLECTOR DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: This mission is difficult as the tax collectors go around and take your cash from your properties. If they get to all of your properties, the mission is a failure, these guys are also armed and ready to kill, just chase them all down, all of them are on a sanchez, so making them bleed will be an easy job. There are 6 tax collectors, also, unless there is one property left that they haven't gotten to, then just wait there and hold your ground, if not go out and kill them before they get the rest. This mission could take some time, but with enough trial and error process, you'll be able to accomplish this. REWARD:$30,000 FINAL MISSION: KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE DIFFICULTY:***** INFO: Here it is for you folks, the ending of this game is upon you. Here is some background information on this mission. Let's just say that you get betrayed by your buddy Lance, those calls he was giving you obviously meant something, and here it is, you have to kill your friend now. You stuck your neck out for this guy, and he slaps you in the face for it, so now its time for some payback. You first have kill quite a few guards before he shows up, once he does, you have to chase him to the roof, here is where things get difficult. Lance isn't easy, so use the adrenaline pill near you. There is also health on the helipad, so don't forget to use it. Once you've killed this traitor (rest in peace), proceed downstairs to take out Sonny, I personally thought this guy was never your friend to begin with, but I guess he was. Anyways, you have to kill him as well. For cover, get behind the desk, and kill any guards you can. Don't go into the room, until your confident enough you can handle it. You can head back up to the roof and drop down but this probably won't help a whole lot, you are closer to Sonny however. The problem here is that your greatly outnumbered, and the guys don't stop coming. Once you have killed Sonny, sit back and enjoy the ending, congratulations, you beat Vice City! REWARD:$30,000 ============================================================================== VIII. SIDE QUESTS/OPTIONAL JOBS Vice city is overflowing with more than just the storyline to be completed! There are the good guy missions and rewards as well. Like in the previous one, the taxi cab, hospital, firetruck, police car missions are back. These too also have rewards. There are also other crime bosses out there that need work done for them. ============================================================================== .:Phone Missions:. MISSION 1 ROAD KILL DIFFICULTY:* INFO: Very easy mission, as this also grants you access to the pizza boy as well. Simply kill the guy before he's done delivering. When you do so, save this bike in your garage so you can do the pizza boy missions later on as well. REWARD:$500 MISSION 2 WASTE THE WIFE: DIFFICULTY:* INFO: This is also a very easy mission. The only problem is that you can't use any of your guns at all, you have to make this look like a car accident, so keeping ramming her vehicle, accidently.... REWARD:$2000 MISSION 3 AUTOCIDE DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: This is where it gets a little bit tougher but not much, the guy supplies you with all the weapons you'll need, one in particular is the sniper rifle. You'll most likely use this in the whole mission to take everyone out from a distance if you get too close they'll start running like hell, which could waste more time and cost you a lot of trouble. The first guy is no problem to kill, he's working on the sign and is totally defenseless, so shoot him down without any worries. The next person you'll most likely have to ram off the road, that's what I did since he was driving a van. The third set of people you have to kill can be somewhat tough if you screw up, simply cap the guy in the head with your sniper rifle that is sitting in the truck. This is the part that could cost you if you mess up. Then there's a guy with a spaz shotgun that could kill you in a hit, so carefully snipe him quickly, or just plain kill him. The next guy is sitting on his boat, if you mess up here this mission is pretty much over because you don't have quick access to a boat, simply be careful and snipe him between the fences. Last but not least, the last guy is cruising around on his motorcycle, easy? Think again, he knows how to drive one, and chasing him down could be somewhat troublesome. But at this rate you should more than enough time to kill him, you have 9 minutes to complete this. -=ADDITIONAL STRATEGY=- (killing 2nd guy)Just go around and enter the road from behind (on foot). Then run up the stairway and at the top aim at the guy in the van through the glass with the sniper rifle. Get a head shot and he's dead. (submitted by Zack Nelson) REWARD:$4000 MISSION 4 CHECK OUT AT THE CHECK IN DIFFICULTY:** INFO: You'll get a sniper rifle in the beginning of this mission. Follow the woman that is on the balcony, she'll lead you to the main guy that you need to cap(take note of the spook meter), when you do so, he'll drop the briefcase. Your wanted level will go up 2 stars, as well as a few guys that want to hit you up for that briefcase. The cops should be no problem by now, losing them should be elementary to you, but the guys will never let up, carefully drive to pay and spray, that'll fix your car up and lower your wanted level, then head on over to Ammunation carefully avoiding the guys that never let up. REWARD:$8000 MISSION 5 LOOSE ENDS DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: (still to come) ============================================================================== .:PCJ PLAYGROUND:. DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: There are 24 checkpoints and you have 2 minutes to complete them. After beating this race you'll earn a grand, but you can do this as much as you want a good way of getting cash. REWARD:$1000 ============================================================================== .:ARENA MISSIONS:. BLOODRING INFO: These missions are brutal, these missions are located at the Hyman Memorial Stadium, which happens to open up at 20:00. Their are three of them this is the first one, Bloodring, your basically going through all the checkpoints here in one minute, the main focus though is not getting your car trashed in the process. You get an additional $100 for each car getting destroyed and $1000 for completing this one. REWARD:$1000 (plus 100 for each car destroyed) DIRTRING INFO: I found this one to be much harder than the last one, you are given a sanchez, which happens to be the best motorcycle in my opinion, there are 32 checkpoints to complete, the beauty about this is that the reward is given, even with the highest time possible. You have to do wheelies through these rings, which seems difficult at first up simply press down, and then up when in the air, this will increase your chance of landing. The rewards are various, here they are. REWARD: 5 minutes and under=$50,000 10 minutes and under=$10,000 over 10 minutes=$5,000 HOTRING INFO: Do you enjoy Nascar? This race is similar to that, the rules are basic as usual, and the reward varies like in the last one. You can use your drive- by-shooting techniques in this one. I found these races easier than the other ones in this game for some reason. Here are the rewards, REWARD: 1st Place=$5000 2nd Place=$1500 3rd Place=$500 ============================================================================== .:CHOPPER CHECKPOINTS:. OCEAN BEACH DIFFICULTY:** INFO: If you are wondering where to get the sparrow, this is the place. The missios can be somewhat hard if your not good with controlling a helicopter. I had a little trouble at first, but eventually. This place is found where you completed PCJ PLAYGROUND. LITTLE HAITI DIFFICULTY:** INFO: This one is not much harder then the previous one, it is located on a roof in Little Haita, its next too a unique jump in this area. There are 22 checkpoints to be completed here VICEPOINT DIFFICULTY:*** INFO: Starts out hard but ends up easier, this one is located in backyard of a neigborhood located in Vice Point. DOWNTOWN CHOPPER DIFFICULTY:**** INFO: They always save the hardest one the last. This one is located on the first building in the G-Spotlight Mission you have done. There are 28 checkpoints in this one. ============================================================================== .:Sunshine Auto Missions:. You can purchase this for $50,000 in Little Havanna. Doing so will unlock some goodies. CAR LISTS: (Submitted By Yaga) In the area below the dealership (where you get the Vice City Race missions, and where your garages are, etc) there's a list of cars on the wall. Once you get all the cars on the list and deliver them to the garage beside the list, three things will happen: The Sunshine Autos Asset will bring in more money, you'll be rewarded with a special car in the showroom apart from the Sentinel, and you'll get another list. Repeating this four times you eventually have an asset of $9,000 and 4 cars in the showroom, (plus the sentinel) which makes this, the best safe house once you factor in the Pay n Spray downstairs with the four 2-car garages. There's your reward, now this is what you have to steal, I'll supply more information on each location later on. =D GARAGE LIST #1 -Landstalker -Idaho -Esperanto -Stallion -Rancher -Blista Compact REWARD: Deluxo GARAGE LIST #2 -Sabre -Virgo -Sentinel -Stretch -Washington -Admiral REWARD: Sabre Turbo GARAGE LIST #3 -Cheetah -Infernus -Banshee -Comet -Stinger -Phoenix REWARD: Sandking GARAGE LIST #4 -Voodoo -Cuban Hermes -Caddy -Baggage Handler -Mr. Whoopee! -Pizza Boy REWARD: Hotring Racer ============================================================================== .:GOOD GUY MISSIONS:. -=Taxi Cab Missions=- Deliver 100 people You can jump with any taxi cab (hydrolics are equipped) -=Police Car Missions=- -Availble Cars: Available Vehicles: Barracks OL, Enforcer, FBI Rancher, FBI Washington, Police, Rhino, Ultimate Vehicle, and the Predator Complete level 12 150 armor unlocked -=Fire Truck Missions=- Complete level 12 Fire proof -=Paramedic Missions=- Complete level 12 Infinite Run -=Pizza Boy Missions-= Complete level 10 150 health unlocked (submitted by soadbro36) ============================================================================== .:BANK ROBBERIES:. Here are all of the locations including the one that few people knew about which everyone thought was the deli, I have no idea what the Rockstar map was on, or what Brady Games were on for that matter. -North Point Mall- Gash Store Music Store Jewerly Store Hardware Store (bunch of tools) -Vice Point- Jewerly Store (east of bridge to Leaf Links country Club) Pharmacy Store (west of corner store) Corner Store (north of Hospital) -Little Haiti- Ryton Aide Pharmacy -Downtown- Pharmacy (near love fist) Jewerly Store (near love fist) -Washington Beach- Hardware Store (bunch of tools) -Little Havana- Umberto's Cafe Doughnut & Coffee shop Laundromat Hardware Store (Screw this) ============================================================================== .:100 HIDDEN PACKAGES:. (these were taken from the brady games strategy guide, and have been altered, if you have a more detailed description on these, please send and email in, and I will credit you like always, 10 packages=Body Armor (Ocean View Hotel, Starfish Island) 20 packages=Chainsaw 30 packages=Python 40 packages=Flamethrower 50 packages=Laser Scope Sniper Rifle 60 packages=Minigun 70 packages=Rocket Launcher 80 packages=Sea Sparrow 90 packages=Rhino 100 packages=Ultimate Secret Vehicle (oh yeah) (note: look above and beyond, I did my best to try and describe each location) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OCEAN BEACH: 1. On the destroyed house platform (in the water) 2. On the rocks near the wooden houses (also in water) 3. Look for the southernmost house, next to steps. 4. Behind the west Ocean Medical Foundation Research Development Building (ledge near the water) 5. Lighthouse (steps) 6. Tucked away in a corner, underground garage (where you start the colonel’s missions) 7. Walkway under South Bridge, leading to Mainland 8. Top of building across the small mall. WASHINGTON BEACH: 9. Top of building connected to the security building 10. Back porch of save house, across Rosenberg’s office. 11. Pool of the large pink apartment (next to body armor) 12. ground near water’s edge, against a small road bridge. 13. lifeguard building on beach (steps) 14. tall building with blue stripes (need a chopper to get it, on roof) 15. Vice City Police Building (upstairs office) 16. tucked away in corner (purple and white building) 17. colored showers, near pool on hotel grounds. 18. underneath the bridge leading to Starfish Island VICE CITY: 19. alley behind SpandEX delivery 20. beam on the construction building 21. the dock facing facing Golf Island 22. tucked away in a corner, behind the Malibu 23. Behind the Chariot Hotel 24. Inside the Pizza Restaurant 25. Roof of the building (congressman were partying here, during Martha’s Mugshot mission) 26. corner apartment building, near the pizza restaurant 27. Jewelry Shop, behind counter 28. back exit of Mercedes house 29. on top of the highest diving board (pool behind hotel) 30. rooftop (think The Chase Mission) 31. inside the unclosed circle (looks like a horse shoe) 32. south side of bridge leading into Prawn Island 33. between the northern entrances (North Point Mall) 34. behind jocksport sign 35. north park mall (upstairs, store with signs) 36. east of the northern Paint N Spray 37. large multi-story car park (near North Point Mall) 38. Gash Store (North Point Mall) 39. near pool, on top of building, the corner from the malibu 40. behind apartment (east of North Point Mall) PRAWN ISLAND 41. Bathroom Stall, (studio) 42. top of a blue building 43. dead end alley (east of island) 44. Deserted building, the one with a broken wall, drop through it (think The Chase Mission once again) 45. Large Green, a deserted house as well. STARFISH ISLAND (this one’s short) 46. On the poolside balcony (house with the Rock Star pool) 47. Diaz’s Mansion (near east pool, placed in corner of stairs) 48. Front door of a house, with a purple roof 49. poolside Jacuzzi of brown house. 50. alley between your mansion pool, and the property next to yours. LEAF LINKS (Short one as well) 51. On the tee (driving range) 52. small bridge that is connected to two golf islands 53. a small island that is in the middle of a small body of water. 54. Under Bridge leading to the Vice Point 55. End of the road that is shaped like an “S” THE MAINLAND (downtown) 56. Parking lot next to the stadium 57. Statue in a building 58. Next to Mars Cafe 59. The rooftop (of the building with the package in it by the statue) 60. Ambulance Parking Garage 61. Desk inside office (G-Spotlight Mission) 62. Behind the building you jumped from (G-Spotlight Mission) (little havana) 63. Look for a Kaufman Kabs Billboard. 64. Upstairs in the Car Showroom 65. Look for a building with a Red awning 66. Doughnut shop (in the corner) 67. across street of Umberto’s restaurant 68. Laundromat (inside) 69. porch of a house, with a for sale sign. (little haiti) 70. Inside the Shed at Phil’s place 71. Phil’s Place corner of bulkhead 72. Grave behind Funeraria Romero 73. Behind a hotel, corner next to Hi Press Gas Hot Stream 74. Below “Life’s a Bitch Billboard” 75. Inside building, with a roof that is rusty (North Haiti) 76. Behind the building, north of Kaufman Kabs 77. Closet House on east side of Kaufman Kabs 78. On a building connecting the north side of Print Works (viceport) 79. Under a sign that says "Vice City Port Authority" 80. Head north of 8-ball’s garage at docks (tucked away in corner) 81. between two parked trailers (airport parking lot) 82. On a Cargo Ship 83. Middle of four large tanks 84. The Parking lot of the apartments that are green and white 85. On Cargo Ship (use of helicopter) 86. Inside a office (Seaplanes Hangar) (escobar international airport) 87. Rooftop of Airport Terminal 88. Under an Airplane (behind Northeast port) 89. Behind a sign at the entrance of a base 90. Behind some large billboards 91. Top floor of gate 8-1 92. Behind the Fire Station 93. Top of Southern most helipad 94. Top of McAdam Airways Hangar 95. Under the wing of plane, that is partially out of the hangar 96. Top of loading bridge 97. Top of southeast building at airport Vice City International Airport Freight 98. Inside Airport by a pay phone 99. Top of airplane (south west) 100. Under airplane (south west) ============================================================================== IX. Secrets & Easter Eggs Tip: Look at the Bartendar when you buy the Malibu. Tip: There's a Beachball on the beach and in some pools. Tip: Use your sniper rifle and search the ocean waters, you'll find a shark. Secret: Bulletproof Cars -There is a Bulletproof and Damageproof in the Guardian Angels mission let Diaz or Lance die and then take the car that Diaz came in it's an Admiral and I found it can't be damged or shot up -In The Driver Let Hillary win the race and wait by the Malibu when Hillary finishes the race he disappears from the car push it back to one of your garages(it's locked) and then you'll have a bulletproof Sabre Turbo! (submitted by BIG DOG) Trick: THIS IS VERY CHEAP This is cheap, but it is possible for you to fit a helicopter in your garage although this takes extreme patience, it at least guranteeds that your helicopter won't magically disappear. Also, this works for Mr. Whoopee as well, but the cone may make this troublesome, this is cheap as hell, but hey it works! (submitted by EazyEreazy) Tip: GETTING MONEY! Have a hard time getting money? Here are a few tips in getting money. -Buy a few properties (like Print Works & Pole Position) -Activate the revenue for them. Now -Complete a mission, once the mission is over, these properties including your mansion will have money generated, go around and collect them. -Complete A Car Race mission, you have to pay an entry fee, but you get more when you win. When a Race is done (you can do this unlimited), you can also go around to your properties and collect money, I had the malibu in under a hour doing this, hell this isn't the greatest idea, but it works! ============================================================================== X. Frequently Asked Questions .:In the Game:. Q: Where can I find a Pizza Boy? A: theres a pizza boy moped (the faggie) in the back alley of the pizza shop in the first city... i think its near washington. well get on it and youll have to deliver pizzas! you go through levels just like paramedic with more and more people. once you finish level 10 you get 150 max health... to throw the pizza its just like doing a drive by, hold R2 or L2 and then O (circle). (submitted by soadbro36) Q: Are the Phone missions required? A: No they are not, I completed the game without even touching them, there are similar to the ones in GTA:III Q: How do I get the Hunter? A: You don't necessarily need 100 packages. You need to beat the game, then disguise yourself as a cop and enter the Base, you'll see it sitting there, you can shoot rockets and fire your machine gun on this. A truly great ride. Q: How about that Caddy? A: There is one parked by the lighthouse, dont ask why its there.. -------------------------- Q: You forgot to credit me A: I apologize, I have gotten swarms of emails, and I have lost tracked of some of them. If I have forgotten so, please remind me. I'll try my best to not forget anyone. Q: Can I use your FAQs? A: Maybe...we'll have to discuss Q: How long have you played this game for? What percent have you completed? A: I have played the game for 26 hours, and I have 85% of it completed, I got the game 10/28. Q: I have a question on_________ A: Don't worry, I'll get all the missions posted very soon, I have already completed a majority of them, I just have to find some hidden packages, complete some rampages and find the 36 unique jumps. If your question hasn't been answered in this faq, you can send me an email and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p. If I don't, check the faq, it may be in here somewhere. Q: I completed the malibu and the print works and purchased every property, where do I go from here? A: According to Brady Games Strategy guide, you have to complete 60% of the assets. Meaning completing 60% of your property's missions, and completing all the other misc people. I always thought it was more than this, but this is what the guide wrote, not me. I've also heard rumors on how this guide has quite a few errors posted within it (the malibu price for example). Q: What did you use to write this faq? A: EditPad Pro, because of the line & character numbering. Q: You didn't post information I sent you, why not? A: I'm working on verifying it, remember, some people send in false info, I have to take some time to verify it, or wait for others to do so. I'm not calling you a liar, its just that i'm uncertain. ============================================================================== XI. GLITCH REPORTS/ERRORS Did you think Vice City was absolutely perfect? Think again, things like these are what ruin great games! There has been quite a few reports on people saying they couldn't continue their game due to this. There was one I can clearly remember in GTA:III. It was answering all of the phones for that Ray guy, and well, its happening again in this game, so be on your feet or aware of these bugs, they may not effect you at all, but there's a slight chance it could! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIAZ MISSION 3 THE FASTEST BOAT GLITCH/ERROR: Where the switch is located in the garage, the garage door is shut and can't get in, preventing you from completing this mission. This switch is dead ahead of you, so its impossible to miss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHEATING! This will lower your criminal rating dramatically. This probably isn't even a glitch, but I decided to put it here anyways. (submitted by fritzeroni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FREEZING? This too has been reported, when your doing a Taxi mission, as well as any other good guy mission, be cautious of this as well! (submitted by willibaba) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOADING?!!! NO WAY! If You drive a motorcycle onto the save point. You get off. Then when you get back on the save screen comes up and you save your game. Then when you try to load it next time it will not work. (submitted by Luke P) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commiting Suicide This cheat has a purpose, here's what one person discovered while playing. I crashed a helicopter on top of the Hyman Memorial Stadium (towards the front, by two satalite dishes). Without the helicopter and no explosives to kill myself there was absolutely no way down. The suicide cheat was my last resort. (submitted by theMightyjD) ============================================================================== XII. CONTACT INFORMATION If you have any kind of information(because there are numerous ways that are just as effective as mine, to completing difficult missions), that you think should be in my faqs here you can email me, or you can instant message me with AIM, my screen name is counteray. I also have ICQ my number is 173841302. Please help contribute, I will credit you with your name and any other additional information. Also, if there are mistakes, big or small, which I'm sure there are, please email me as well! ============================================================================== XIII. SPECIAL THANX Here is a list of the people that have helped contribute to this faq, a special thank you to all of you from counteray. ============================================================================== Ash-for giving me a much more info on the cars ( Captain Meltdown-for giving more additional strategy on the "Alloys wheels of steel" mission. damNation-for giving additional strategy on "Sir yes Sir!" Mission Yaga-for giving information on Sunshine Autos, as well as weapon info, more car info, locations, etc. Kiefer Wetzel-for additional information on cars, and the ultimate vehicle MmmBeefy-for giving another location for the Katana Weapon mikle-for the reminder on the pizza boy motorcycle david-for excellent strategy on the copland mission John-for additional strategy on the Death Row mission (i've gotten lots of e-mails on this, hopefully these strategies will work =D) James-for information on a car Mike-for additional strategy on a few missions david moeller-for additional car information Slipnslide3000-for additional strategy irish_spy-for the distribution mission Brent man-for additional strategy Jimmie Sottile-for information on the flamethrower weapon black_flame328-for information on the flamethrower weapon as well. Jesse Condon-for giving info on the Kaufmann Kab's property missions Luke P-for giving more info on the vigilante missions, and a glitch report willibaba-for glitch information Zack Nelson-for additional strategy information and corrections. EazyEreazy-for the cheap trick, lol dhunter-for easter egg BIG DOG-for bulletproof cars Brandon-for corrections on buying properties (there were a lot sorry if I missed some of you people) cor121(,fuzzmonkey-for corrections on the ice cream missions. theMightyjD-for glich report ***To for allowing this opportunity. For Rockstar creating yet another smash hit. To all of those who have encouraged me to do so. Thank you all once again.*** ============================================================================== XIV. COPYRIGHT This guide is copyrighted by Counteray 2002, and may be used for,, and no one else without my permission. If you would like to use this faq on your site you must email me so asking, I will most likely allow it. The only thing I ask for you to do is not to alter it in any way shape or form.