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Introduction [101] Welcome to Vice City [102] Updates and Revisions 02. Game Overview [201] Controls [202] Basics [203] Causing Chaos [204] Safehouses [205] Wanted Level Guide 03. Walkthrough [301] Ken Rosenberg [302] Avery Carrington [303] Colonel Cortez [304] Ricardo Diaz [305] Kent Paul [306] Tommy Vercetti [307] Cubans [308] Haitians [309] Love Fist [310] Bikers [311] Final Missions 04. Assets [401] Cherry Popper Icecreams [402] Film Studio [403] Boatyard [404] Kaufman Cabs [405] Print Works [406] Sunshine Autos [407] The Malibu [408] Phil's Place 05. Extras [501] Rampages [502] Hidden Packages [503] Unique Jumps [504] Hold-ups [505] Vehicle Missions [506] Assassination Contracts [507] Street Races [508] RC Missions 06. Miscellaneous [601] Weapons [602] Item Pick-ups [603] Car Database [604] Codes 07. Adios [701] Frequently Asked Questions [702] Contact Info [703] Credit/Thanks [704] Copyright Info -PLEASE NOTE- The guide is not done. I will be working on it as much as I possibly can, but I am one man, so it's going to take a while. So please, bare with me. Sections marked with a "*" are not yet complete. - UPDATE- Now it is two men. =P /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 01. INTRODUCTION | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [101] -= WELCOME TO VICE CITY =- [101] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> Welcome to an all-new game in the Grand Theft Auto series. It's not a sequel to GTAIII, nor is it a prequel, although it takes place in the past. It's just simply an all-new game. It takes place in, as you may have found out, VICE CITY. It takes place in the mid 80s as well. Alot of the game is similar to it's predessor, GTAII, while alot of things have been tweaked/added to make the game better. (Like it could get any better :P) There are a ton of new vehicles in the game, including motorcycles! Fans of the original Grand Theft Auto for PC/PlayStation will enjoy this, for sure. There about 6 different types of bikes, and you can do tricks on each one, if you know how that is. - - - There are also a few helicoptors in the game that are yours for the stealing. You wont be getting them as soon as the game is started, but they will come in time. Another thing that has been change din vice city is the way you carry weapons. You have weapon slots. You may only carry 1 of each type of weapon. For example, if you have a baseball bat, but you want to pick up a katana, then you're going to have to get rid of the baseball bat because you can't have 2 melee weapons. It's sort of strange, but no matter, you can still have about 8 different weapons on you at all times, so it's not really going to affect your crime spree. - - - On top of all that, you can now change your clothing. Yup, you heard right, you can change your cloths. Some missions require you to go undercover, or simply "look the part" so you get a new outfit. You can also buy property this time around. You have to buy your hideouts, etc. There are still plenty of missions for you to do, about 100 in all. And that's not counting the rampages, unique jumps, hidden packages (yup, they're back -_-), and having to hold up and steal from a bunch of different stores around the city. So all in all, don't be fooled. This isnt GTAIII. It has a HEAVILY improved GTAII. There's too much to say in just a couple of paragraphs, so I suggest buying the game yourself. You WON'T be dissappointed. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [102] -= UPDATES & REVISIONS =- [102] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> October 29, 2002 -----------------> • It's the release of the game! It's finally here! I wasn't planning on doing a guide for the game, at least not after the "fun" time I had doing one for GTA III, but here I am, designing the format of the guide. • WOW, I cannot remember the last time I did this much work on a guide within an hour and a half • Did most of the Game Overview section - it's not done, but it's pretty full as is • I created all the other sections, and put all the info into the "ADIOS" section • I did the first two missions of the walkthrough. I really think that I'm done for the night. I'll try to do more tomorrow, but this is the first actual version, so it's a time to celebrate :P October 31, 2002 -----------------> • After taking a day off, I got back to work. I finished off two crime bosses sets of missions and started on a third, as well as list out all the weapons in the game. • I also redid the entire table of contents. There are alot more sections now, which means that I have alot more work to do -_- November 3, 2002 -----------------> • I've done alot of work on the walkthrough section lately • I also listed all the items, cars, and weapons in their sections, descriptions will come another time. November 7, 2002 -----------------> • walkthrough work, walkthrough work, walkthrough work • Added some cheat codes November 17, 2002 ------------------> • I've been doing alot of work on the guide lately, but I've just forgotten to mark it down here -_- • I've almost gotten ALL of the walkthrough done. I have about 12 more missions to type up. I think I'll be doing that tomorrow though • Created an asset section. Finished about 3/4 of it. November 28, 2002 ------------------> • walkthrough finished • assets finished April 26, 2003 ---------------> • _I_ am done with this FAQ. I think my work here is done. Now my partner, Hang Me 2002, will take over and finish up the rest of the FAQ. • Added and finished up the "Hidden Packages" section thanks to Minesweeper. If I have enough time, I will add my own and take out Minesweeper's. May 1, 2003 ------------> • Added and finished the "Vehicles" section. More to come very, very soon. May 3, 2003 ------------> • Added the ASCII found at the top. The ASCII was made by Dark Phenomenon. May 5, 2003 ------------> • Fixed some errors. There will be no more updates untill all of the sections are done. May 18, 2003 -------------> • Added some things on Hold-Ups/Robberies and Unique Jumps. Credit goes to Young Sparks13 for them. June 23, 2003 --------------> • Wanted level guide up. Credit to angelsn13. November 10, 2003 ------------------> • The FAQ is done! /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 02. GAME OVERVIEW | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [201] -= CONTROLS =- [201] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> D-Pad - * Move Tommy around the screen * control the turnign of your vehicle Left Stick - * Move Tommy around the screen * Control your vehicle with analog precision * Honk car horn/use siren Right Stick - * Look around in first person view * Clicking it will make Tommy look behind him * Activate Vehicle Missions Square - * Jump * Brake your car & put it in reverse Circle - * Fire your weapon * Drive-by Shooting Ex - * Make Tommy Sprint * Acceleration for your vehicle Triangle - * Jack a car * Get out of car while not moving * Bail out of car when moving at high speeds L1 - * Replace Basic weapons * Buy Property * Centers camera * Changes Radio station L2 - * Select your weapon * Look left * Rotate left in helicoptors R1 - * Lock onto target (Press L2/R2 to change targets * Handbrake R2 - * Select Weapon * Look right * Rotate right in helicopters Start - * Opens up a series of menus Select - * Changes view mode <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [202] -= BASICS =- [202] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> HIDEOUT Your hideout more or less, is where you save your game/cars. It is usually a safe haven when you're being chased by the heat. In Vice City, you'll start out living in a hotel. You don't get a garage though, so you can't save any cars. As you progress through the game, you'll have the oppertunity to buy a few hideouts, each with more perks than the last, including a hideout with a helipad! Now, when you collect enough hidden packages, items and weapons will begin to spawn outside your hideouts. It's nice to have a few, so that you'll always have enough supplies to tide you over. But just remember - THIS IS WHERE YOU SAVE YOUR GAME. RADAR This little pink thing will be your only friend as you progress through the game. It can tell you where ANYTHING is. So you're stuck on a mission? Don't know where to go? Well, follow the dot on your radar and it will lead you to your mission objective. It also shows the direction of the Hardware store, Ammu-Nation, and even your hideout! Never leave home without it! It's pretty much a guarantee that you'll be using this gizmo throughout the whole game, as the maps are just too damn big to memorize every little location. CELL PHONE After the first couple of missions, you will pick up a cell phone off of a uh corpse. When the phone rings, you press L1 to answer it. Usually, it's going to be Sonny, checking on his money status. But sometimes, it's people looking for the forme rowner of the phone. SOme of the people want you to their dirty work for them. They'll even pay you too. A pretty good way to earn some extra cash. One other thing that I didn't mention, is that you can still walk around while talking on the cell. Now, some people might not care, but it's just another one of those "little" things that makes the GTA series so great. BUSTED Getting busted is usually a BAD thing. This means that a cop has arrested you for your fiendish ways, and you're going to jail. They will take all your weapons away. The only way to get out is to bribe them, so everytime you pay a visit to the slammers, you lose some money. The police in this game are sometimes hard to distinguish from pedestrians. They have light brown shirts and kahkis. At least you could tell who the police were in liberty city, because of the dark blue uniforms...in this game, you'll usually be breaking the law in front of a cop, and you won't even know! The most common way to get busted is when a cop rips open your car door and pulls you out. You can't run, you're simply caught. The other way, is for a cop to knock you to the ground, then arrest you. WASTED And you thought getting busted was bad? Well, try getting wasted. This more or less means that you die. But, the wonderful hospitals here in Vice City will bring you backt o life...for a price of course. There's no such thing as free health care in America :P. You will start off with full health, and will be standing in front of the hospital. There are tons of ways to get yourself wasted....drowning, blowing up, getting shot to death....the list just keeps going and going and going. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [203] -= CAUSING CHAOS =- [203] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> MASSACRE One of the more *cough* popular ways of getting a wante dlevel is to go on a killing spree. You can do it with any kind of weapon you please, yes, even your fists, or perhaps a screwdriver? Anyways, if a cop sees you even punch somebody, you'll get 1 star on the wanted meter. Even if there are no cops around, when there's enough dead bodies lying around, you'll get a wanted level. Cool, huh? COPS The police force of vice city really doesn't seem to like you. If you gently tap their cars, they wont really mind, but if you hit them and make them spill their coffee and doughnuts, then the chase is on! But you'll only get 1 wanted star, so it won't really do anything in the end. If you kill a police officer however, your level will shoot straight up to 2 stars! The police wont back down so easily this time around. You're gonna have to find a way to lower your level before the police let off. Jacking That IS the name of the game ya know? Jacking cars while police look on will instantly get you a wanted level. SOme cars have alarms built into them, so if a cop hears the larm, your in trouble! But most of the time, you'll be able to jack a car and drive away without a cop doing ANYTHING. They give up the chase after about 2 minutes. As long as you don't put yourself into 2 stars that is. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [204] -= SAFEHOUSES =- [204] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -[What is a Safehouse?]- A safe house is much like a hideout, from Grand Theft Auto 3. Actually, it IS a hideout from GTA3. More or less, it lets you save your game. As you collect hidden packages, items, and weapons will begin to spawn at some of your safehouses. There are a bunch of them around the city, and you can purchase all of them, if you really want to. That's right, with the exception of the safe house you start the game with (Hotel) you must buy your others. Some have garages, some have heliports. Anyways, this section will outline all of the safhouses in the game. ElSWANKO CASA This safe house is located in Vice Point. It has one garage, and costs $8000. That's quite a bit of money, and the garage isn't even that big. Only really buy this if you want another safe house, otherwise, wait until later in the game. The house make look really nice, comes with a pool and everything, but it just isn't worth $8000 for a garage and a save point. HYMAN CONDO This condo has a pretty steep price of $14 000, but it comes with three decent sized grages, and even a heliport on the roof! The pad even comes with your very own Maverick! This is the perfect safehouse for the people that just can't wait to take to the air in a chopper. All in all, it's a pretty good package. You can fit alot of cars into those garages...Oh, and the condo is located to the east of Hyman Stadium. LINKS VIEW APARTMENT This apartment is located east of Leaf Links Golf Course. It's worth $6000 and comes with one garage. It's a better bargain then the Elswanko Casa, but once again, you'll only really be using it for the garage. If you have the money to blow, then get it. If you're kind of tight on cash, then don't buy it. It's that simple. 1102 WASHINGTON STREET This $3000 safehouse is located in Washington Beach, right across from Ken Rosenburg. If you buy the house, then you guys can be neighbours! Wow. This is really only good for saving your game and getting a pair of clean clothes because it doesn't even have a garage! Oh well, who needs a place to park their car anyways? OCEAN HEIGHTS In Ocean Beach, you will find this safehouse running for $7000. it has one garage. There are alot of these one-garagers, eh? If you want to buy it, go ahead. I'm not going to try and persuade you to buy it or to stay away from it. It's your money, so do whatever you please with it. 3321 VICE POINT This $2500 single bedroom um building is located along the shoreline by North Point mall. Is it worth it? You decide. I comes without a garage, so that means no saving cars. It really come sdown to whethe ror not you want to have a safe point in the northern section of the first island. SKUMOLE SHACK This P.O.S shack is located on the second island, near the Biker Bar. It's on a rooftop. The name really says it all. It's just a shack on top of a building. Rat infested I imagine. The only good thing is that it only goes for a measly $1000, so that should be the turning point in deciding to buy it. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [205] -= WANTED LEVEL GUIDE =- [205] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> NOTE: THIS SECTION OF THE GUIDE WAS NOT MADE BY CELL NOR HANG ME 2002. IT WAS MADE BY A FRIENDLY CONTRIBUTOR. ALL QUESTIONS ON THIS SECTION SHOULD NOT BE EMAILED TO US BUT TO THE CONTRIBUTE. HIS/HER EMAIL IS: x0thedeadzone0x@hotmail.com 1 STAR (*) cops will be chasing you on foot. They'll only beat you with your nightstick, but if you're driving and you see a cop car passing by they'll turn on their lights and follow you. HOW TO GET RID OF:: get a change of clothes, one police bribe, or just drive around. it is extremely easy to get rid of only one star. IF YOU GET BUSTED:: they'll take 100$ away from you, plus your weapons. 2 STARS (**) cops will now be shooting at you from the streets, and cops get a little more vicious on the road. expect to be rammed from all sides while driving. cop cars will now CHASE you. HOW TO GET RID OF:: get a clothes pickup to get rid of it, or a police bribe and drive around for the other one, or two police bribes. or you could just go to the pay and spray, but its kind of pointless. IF YOU GET BUSTED: they'll take 200$ away and your weapons. 3 STARS (***) undercover cops pulling up in cheetahs will now ram you from all sides, cops get a LOT more vicious on the road, police still shoot at you. Helicopters begin to chase you so you're not safe anywhere, and they SHOOT at you. There are extremely annoying spike strips on the road, and road blocks where there are police cars and police gathered around with signs, shooting at your upcoming-speeding car. careful, because the spike strips can pop your tires, which can seriously slow you down and make you more able to be busted. HOW TO GET RID OF:: clothes are useless now, unless you get a police bribe first. if you do get one, than pick up the clothes to wipe away your wanted level. or you could get TWO police bribes and drive around. Best result: go to a pay and spray. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CANNOT PUT A COP CAR IN THE PAY AND SPRAY. IF YOU GET BUSTED: they'll take 300$ away (see a pattern?) and all your weapons! 4 STARS (****) cops become even more vicious (as well as undercover) on the road. a lot more spike strips, more guys shooting at you, more annoying as hell road blocks.. they're everywhere. Helicopters now chase you faster, and respawn quicker if you have a rocket launcher and blow them out of the sky (like me... haha im evil). SWAT teams now come after you, which are big van type things and they've got really dangerous guns. best advice: RUN AWAY. HOW TO GET RID OF: two police bribes, and clothes? good luck finding them all. you COULD get 3 police bribes and than just drive around, or 4 completely. But you'd have to scavenge for them, so i'd go to a pay and spray. Try not to wipe out or catch on fire. if you do, just find a non-cop car near it and drive it there (hopefully). IF YOU GET BUSTED: ..do i even have to continue? 400$ and weapons taken away! 5 STARS (*****) Everything from above, except cops are so vicious i bet you couldn't drive for about 6 seconds without being flipped, rammed, or anything unless your on a deserted road. Helicopters shoot more, respawn quicker, cops are plain evil, and the FBI now comes in their huge rancher trucks. They've got deadly guns, so don't even go near these guys or you'll wipe out completely. More road blocks and spike strips than ever. HOW TO GET RID OF: PAY AND SPRAY!!!!!!!!!!! by now you'd have to have three police bribes and a clothes pickup!! where can you find that with people ramming you from all sides! Drive your no-tires- on fire car or anything to a pay and spray! Oh yeah and remember not to do anything naughty while the stars are flashing! IF YOU GET BUSTED: 500$ and weapons .. 6 STARS!!!!! (******) This is it. you've pissed off everyone. You've caused so much damage that... well.. you can't go anywhere. you've pissed off the ARMY. They'll come barreling around the corner in their huge, big ol' Rhino. if it touches you, you're dead. instantly. Its as simple as that..if you can even survive for more than 5 seconds, they'll be fbi ramming you, undercover cops, cops swarming EVERYWHERE (their endless i tell you. you could wipe out the whole city and still have cops coming after you) everything from the 5 stars above except more vicious. And plus, the good old army coming around the corner... oh yeah, and if you do manage to dive out of the way of the huge tank, the army guns will take you out in about two seconds. HOW TO GET RID OF: by now, i'd just commit suicide in the game. seriously. if you get wasted, you only get 100$ taken away. actually it's better to be wasted than busted, but their the same if you've only got one star. pffft.. who gets busted on one star anyways though. pansies, i tell you. You won't be able to get to a pay and spray, if you do, congratulations as you are one talented gamer. I'd just basically stand in front of the tank. IF YOU GET BUSTED: it depends now how long you've had 6 stars. if you were like me, and on the far end of the beach and shooting rocket launchers at cops, and helicopters at everyone i saw, they took about 1,600$ away from me when i died!! Personally, i would really not want to get busted at 6 stars. its almost impossible, because now the cops don't care if you're dead or alive, and you'll probably be dead very soon. /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 03. WALKTHROUGH | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [301] -= KEN ROSENBERG =- [301] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -AN OLD FRIEND - Reward: Crime Boss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This isn't much of an actual mission, more of an introductory into the world of Vice City. You can take this time to explore the city if you want, or if you want to get straight to the money making missions, head to the "L" on your radar. L stands for lawyer, in other words, your new crime boss, Ken Rosenberg. He's a little troubled that the Columbians are mad that their money didn't arrive, so he's hiring you to try and get that money back. It's both your necks on the line now... -THE PARTY- Reward: $100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, it's your first actual mission in the world of vice city, so what're you gonna do? Well, there's a party going on, so I guess you should dress for the occasion. Follow the radar icon in the shape of a t-shirt to find a clothing store. Stand on the blue light to activate a cut scene. When Tommy come sout, he'll be styling in a brand new wardrobe. Now, it's off to the party. Follow the pink blip on the radar. The part is on a docked boat, so you're gonna have to find a way onto the beach. A cut scene will trigger right now. When it's over, you'll be off the boat, and standing beside the Colonel's daughter,you wants a lift to her "work." Well, hop in the Infernus parked here and cruise your way to the strip club by following the blip on the radar. When you get there, stop in the blue light and she will get out of the car. You are now $100 richer! -BACK ALLEY BRAWL- Reward: $200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, there is one and only one lead in this case of getting your money back. The lead is a chef that works in Vice City. So pay him a visit by following the yellow blip on your radar. He will be talking on a cell phone when you reach him. After the short cinematic, he will come and attack you. Well, it looks like there's no other way, time to put him out fo his misory. Kill him and another cut scene will take place. Now, grab the chefs fallen cell phone and start following Lance! He will lead you to his car, but strangely enough, he doesn't drive, you get to. Anyways, follow the blip of the gun to find Ammu-Nation. Don't bother getting out of your car, it's a waste of time, rather, drive back to your hotel. Park on the blue light. Mission Complete. -JURY FURY- Reward: $400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is a little on the easy side. First, head towards the northern most blip. There is a car parker here, but nobody's around. Smash it up (make sure it has an arrow overtop of it) with either melee weapons, or your own car! When the damage is done, the jury guy will come out, horrified. Now, it's onto the other guy. Follow the blip to find him talking to some lady. Don't kill him now, just hurt him a little so he'll run into his car. He'll back away and get run over by a truck. Now, grab a nearby hammer and start smashing up HIS car to make him come out. It shouldn't take too long. After the cinematic, you become $400 richer. -RIOT- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a fairly easy mission. It may take a few trys though, but once you get the hang of it, eassssy. Anyways, start by heading to the t-shirt blip on your radar. Get the coveralls from the clothing store, then head towards the pink blip. An angry mob is yelling at a bunch of security guards. Get into a fight with at least four workers by simply punching, four workers. This will start a riot, and the guards will open up the door and try to break things up. Run through the fence and kill the cop with the gun. Pick it up. You'll probably have the four guys whom you punched on your back, so dont stop moving. Hop in the truck parked by itself and drive it over to the other 2 trucks. Now, target the barrel beside the trucks, make sure you're at a safe distance, and blow the barrel to destroy all 3 trucks. If one doesn't get destroyed, then you're going to have to destroy it yourself. Try driving into walls, etc. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [302] -= AVERY CARRINGTON =- [302] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -FOUR IRON- Reward: $500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, your first mission with your new crime boss isnt exactly a difficult one. Head to the clothing blip on your radar. The sports store will hook you up with a brand new....golfers outfit. You look like an idiot, but at least you'll be able to fit in down at the country club. Speaking of which, hop in a car and drive up to the new blip. It's leaf links golf club! Walk through the metal detector now. Once on the other side, hop into a Caddie and start driving towards the yellow radar blip. This is your man. When you pull up to him, his goons will attack you. Slaughter them with your trusty four iron, or whatever melee weapon you might be carrying, and then go after your man. He's probably gotten into a Caddie and startied driving around like a headless chicken. There are alot of ways you can accomplish this, you can push his cart over, and force him to get out, or you can try to ram his caddie into the lake. The choice is yours, good luck. -DEMOLITION MAN- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is extremely easy, as long as you know the layout of the construction building you're supposed to blow up. When the mission starts, run towards the yellow blip. It's only a few seconds away, so you don't need a car. Hop in the Toyz van to start controlling an RC helicopter. It's fairly easy to fly (the controls are given to you when you get in it) Now, you need to pick a bomb up, and then carry it to one of the drop off points inside the building. There are four bombs, and four floors to the building... hmmm. I guess that means one bomb per floor. The drop off points appear as pink triangles, and when your on the same floor as one, it will turn into a square. The stairs leading up to each floor are side by side, so keep that in mind so you don't go lookng for another set of stairs. After each bomb is dropped, you must go back through the building, and get a new bomb. There are security guards with guns. To stop them from shooting, use that rotating propellor to your advantage... -TWO BIT HIT- Reward: $2500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is fairly easy. When it starts, head across to the second island and pick up some cuban gang clothes from the store. Now, you should really find yourself a van, or a heavy car. Something that can take a few bullets before blowing up. Then, start driving towards the funeral.When you get close, the Haitain's will start shooting at you. Uh oh...Drive through their barricade and cross the grass on the right. Head towards the pink arrow, and run that bastard to the ground. Now, you gotta get the hell out of this district. So hightail it out pronto! As soon as you're home free, you'll get a pretty hefty reward. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [303] -= COLONEL CORTEZ =- [303] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -TREACHEROUS SWINE- Reward: $250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one of the easiest missions in the game, but I suppose that's why it pays a measly $250. Anyways, you know have a chainsaw, so hop into a car and head down to the pink blip on your radar. Enter the doorway found here. It will lead to Gonzalez' penthouse. He's bathing by the pool, but it's time he faced reality. His guards will come to take you out, but just chop 'em up with your trusty chainsaw. A quick cut scene will trigger. Gonzalez will start running away. So either chase him down by foot, and dispose of him, or just run him over. Either way, once he's dead, your wanted level will shoot up to two stars! Quickly hop in a car and head to the pay 'n' spray icon on your radar, pull into the garage to complete the mission, and be rewarded an entire $250! -MALL SHOOTOUT- Reward: $500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this mission, you must pick up some "things" for the Colonel off of a guy in the mall. So head towards the pink radar blip. If you really want to, you can head over to Ammu-Nation and pack some heat. Anyways, drive on over to the mall. Your contact is on the second floor, in front of the escalators. Stand in front of him to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, RUN. Run down the stairs and out the door. Hop in a car and chase down the contact. He's on a motorbike, so it won't be hard to knock him down. Then, kill him, take the chips, and start heading back to the Colonel. The police will give you a bit of a hard time, since your wanted level shoots up to two stars! Once you return to the Colonel's boat, stand on the pink light to complete your mission. -GUARDIAN ANGELS- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the mission starts, hop in a car and head towards the pink blip. It will lead you to a multi-floored parking lot. There is a Ruger Assault rifle here. Pick it up to trigger a cut scene. When it's over, hop into Lance's car and drive towards the new pink blip. When you arrive, another vut scene will trigger. Afterwards, run up the stairs to the right like Diaz tells you too. The cubans will begin to pull up soon. Get close to the edge, and press R3. This will make you crouch, and increase your aim. When the deal goes wrong, and the cubans start shooting, hold R1 to go into first person view mode. Take out all the cubans, being careful not to hit either Lance or Diaz. When they're all dead, two bikers will come and steal the money. One will get shot down, while the other gets away with everything. Run down the stairs, hop in a car, and chase him through the ally. Knock him off his bike and run over him. Great, now pick up the briefcase and return it to Diaz, the pink blip on the radar. Good job. -SIR, YES SIR!- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've heard people asking how to complete this mission, and for the life of me, I don't know why. I finished it on my first try, but maybe it was just luck. When you start, grab a car, and head towards the army caravan on the second island. Pull up in front of the tank. When they start shooting at you, drive into an ally or something. Some of the Big trucks might turn to come after you. Either way, turn your car around and drive back to the caravan. It will probably get blown on fire. Bail and run straight to the tank. When you get in, start driving away, but move the turret behind you by using the right analog stick. Keep pressing square while you move, and it will make you go faster. Follow the pink blip on the radar to reach a garage. Park the tank in there, and walk out. mission: accomplished. -ALL HANDS ON DECK- Reward: $5000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission can really get frantic. But with patience, you'll get the hang of it. When the missions starts, you'll be on the Colonel's yacht. Go to the back of the boat and drop down. Here, use your Uzi to target and kill any Frenchies that come after you. When they're all dead, you'll appear back on top of the boat. Ther eis a brricade of boats in front of you. Use your assault rifle to blow the three middle ones up. Then, pull out your uzi, and use it to kill all the frenchies that come up the side of the boat. When they stop coming, turn around. Helicopters should be coming down soon. Destroy them with the assault rifle as soon as possible! Frenchies repel from the things, so if you dont kill them, the frenchies just keep on coming. When the helicopters are destroyed, a military chopper is sent after you. Hide by the stairs, and shoot at it every time it passes over you. When it's destoyed, your final mission with the Colonel is complete. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [304] -= RICARDO DIAZ =- [304] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -THE CHASE- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this mission, head to the yellow blip on your radar. When you reach it, get out of your car, and head up the stairs. Stand on the pink light to look through his window. When you look behind you, you see gim standing on the roof! He takes off running. Go after him! You can't let him get away. He will run across the whole length of the roof before hopping down and getting in a buddies car. Hop in a car of your own, or get on the Faggio scooter, and start following him. Try to stay back, so that you can avoid the spray of Ruger bullets coming from the roof of the car. He will lead you all over the city, but will eventually stop on Prawn island, and pull into a driveway. Well, you now know where he lives, so your mission is over, me thinks. -Phnom Penh '86- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your first flying mission. When it starts, you'll be at the control of a minigun attached to a helicopter. When you reach Prawn Island, be on alert. Lance will stop every couple seconds, to allow you to shoot down the enemies. Don't let them live too long, or else they'll do some damage to your copter. It has it's own health bar underneath your wanted meter. Anyways, just keep eliminating everyone, until Lance lands the plane and tells you to go get the money. Use your M64 in first person view, to pick off all the people on the balconies inside the house. Then, when it's safe, go inside. Head up the stairs. Go through the crack in the wall, there's a guy at the top of the stairs that will start shooting. Kill him and head up to the roof. Collect the briefcase to finish the mission. -THE FASTEST BOAT- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is pathetically easy, it really is...When it starts, drive to the pink blip on the second island. When you reach the docks, people will most likely be shooting at you. Ignor ethem and head to the end of the pier. A cutscene will show the boat being stranded in mid air. You have to find a switch to lower it. Get out of the car and run to the shed on the left. The switch is in the back, just stand on the pink light. Now, you seriously have to hightail it over to the boat. Try to swerve to avoid the gun fire. Hop in the boat and away you go. Drive the boat back to Diaz's docs by following the radar blip. Easy as pie... -SUPPLY AND DEMAND- Reward: $10 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When this mission starts, start driving to the left. Try to head towards the radar blip. You'll have to go through the water chanels to get there. Just try to go as fast as possible. If you manage to beat all the other boats to the yacht, then a cut scene will trigger. Now, you have to make the getaway. Lance will be driving this time, and you'll be manning the gun. When boats start coming up behind you, try to shoot the people, destroying the boats takes too long, and you'll probably take more damage. When the two boats are disposed of, Look forward. There are quite a few people on the jetty. Try to hit the barrels behind them to blow them up easier. From here on out, it's just simply firing at people, before they can fire back. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [305] -= KENT PAUL =- [305] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -DEATH ROW- Reward: Nothing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your only mission for Kent Paul, but I felt I should make a new section anyways. Befor eyou start the mission, I highly suggest buying 2 Mac 10s. They will come in handy later. Well, it seems Lance has done something foolish now, and been captured. They're torturing him even as I type! Hop in a Fast car and follow the pink blip to the junkyard. When you reach the entrance, run over Diaz's men. Try to kill all the enemies around here just by running them over. Then, get out of the car,a nd whip out your Mac 10s. Use the targeting system to slaughter all the remainder of Diaz's men. Then, go into the hanger and get Lance. Now, exit the hanger and turn left. Hop in the car here. Now, drive Lance to the hospital. There are suppose to be guys chasing you down, but that never happened to me. When you drop Lance off at the hospital, the mission is complete, but you don't recieve a cash reward, just that you get to see Lance another day. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [306] -= TOMMY VERCETTI =- [306] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -RUB OUT- Reward: $50 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it. This is the time. You and Lance are going to overthrow Diaz and begin taking over the city. When it starts, you'll have an assault rifle. Start moving towards the mansion. There are three guys across the pool, take them all out at a safe distance while in first person mode. Then, run over and pick up their uzis. Now, follow Lance. Pick up any uzi ammo that is dropped, you'll need it. Eventually, you will be lead inside of Diaz's mansion. Start going up the stairs. There are men positioned in the corners to take you out, so don't just go running in head first. You'll know you're at the right floor when the radar blip turns into a square. Head down the corridor. When you reach the big room, take out all of Diaz's men. Then, switch over zto the assault rifle, if you haven't already done so. Head to the other side of the room to meet up with Lance. Diaz will come out of a doorway. Aim at him with the assault rifle whilst in first person view mode, and unleasy a blaze of bullets. If you don't finish him off, he'll start running, and you have to go chase him. So dont let him run away :P Now that Diaz is gone, you ahve his mansion all to yourself. -SHAKEDOWN- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your first actual mission of working for yourself. There are a few ways you can go about doing this. The easiest way is probabaly to use a baseball bat, and smash all of the mall's windows in. The other way is to grab a motorcycle and do drivebys and shoot out the windows. If you use a gun though, your wanted level will shoot through the roof. By the time I finished the mission, I had 5 stars! If you use a baseball bat though, then your stars will go up alot slower. Just remember to look at your radar. Triangle blips means the windows are on the second floor, and square blips mean they are on the bottom floor. -BAR BRAWL- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the mission starts, grab a set of wheels and starting going after the yellow blips on the radar. The blips are security guards that are disrupting your new business. Do a drivebyor simply run 'em over. Then, hop out of your car and go stand on the pink light. When the cut scene is done, there will be a five minute timer on you your screen. Drive down the street to the security place. There are a few ways to get rid of everyone in there. You can throw grenades or molotovs in there, or you can Drive through, and try to run them over. When they're all dead, two guys on motor bikes will start taking off. Grab another set of wheels and chase them down. Knock them off of their bokes, then run them over. WHen they're both down, you'll recieve your reward. -COPLAND- Reward: $10 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is extremely easy, if you know how to do it properly.Credit for this particular startegy goes out to Mr. Jowee. Before you head to your mansion and accept the mission at hand, hop in a chopper, and land it outside of the North Point mall. Now, head back to Vercetti Estate and accept the mission. Hop in a car and head towards the pink blip. Try and get a wanted level (actually, you HAVE to get a wanted level) When the cops are on your trail, lead them into the grage marked on your radar. Once two cops are inside with you, the doors close, and you basically mug the cops. Anyways, beside the garage is a cop car. Hop inside of it. Now, drive up to the mall. Head inside. Follow the blip on your radar. Plant the bomb in the pink light inside of the Coffee shop. Now, you have 5 seconds before it blows. So get out of there! Head outside and jump into the chopper you parked earlier with Lance at your side. Now, you're free to fly back to your mansion at ease, not having to worry about the cops or FBI on your tail. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [307] -= CUBANS =- [307] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -STUNT BOAT CHALLENGE- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your first time working for the Cubans, so show them what you're made of. Take their silly little "boat" challenge. Hop into the speeder in front of you. As you head through the first checkpoint, a timer will appear, giving you three minutes to go through the rest. This mission doesn't need much of a walkthrough. Just go through all the Checkpoints. You'll have to launch your self off of ramps to reach some of them though. You'll end up going through the course twice. When it's over, the Cubans will give you a reward for completing their little obstacles course. A whole $1000! Wow, you can go buy a shack with all the money you're making now. -CANNON FODDER- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was stuck with this mission for a long time, and I don't really know why. I found that the best thing to do is to stop by the Vercetti mansion and go to the bottom of the stairs. You will find a ruger, a shotgun, health and body armor, with all this in hand, head back to the Cuban diner. Accept the mission. Now, find a four-door car to load the Cubans into and park on the pink light. Now, drive them over to the pink blip. When you reach the fight, pull out your ruger and shoot up the car the Haitians are hiding behind. When it blows, it should eliminate all but two of the Haitians, but it's very easy to pick them off anyways. Now, a couple Cubans will charge through the gates, only to have their heads blown clean off their shoulders by an enemy sniper. Pick up the PSG-1 after reinforcements have arrived. Pick the sniper off. When he's dead, start picking off any Haitians that turn the corners. When they're all dead, your cuban buddies will charge for one last battle. Help them hold off the Haitians, then hop in the Van and drive back to the diner with the Haitians drugs. -NAVAL ENGAGEMENT- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, this mission is kind of difficult. I suggest you bring your own guns though. Stopping by your mansion and collecting all the guns/body armor in the basement might be a good idea too. A sniper rifle (PSG-1) may even benifit you further ^^. At the least though, make sure you have a sub machine gun of some kind. Anyways, after you accept the mission, go and meet Rico at the docks. He will take you to the Haitians who are picking up an oder. It's your job to intercept. Go to the back of the boat and crouch down so you're not much of a target. Now, shoot out all the Haitians on both boats, staring with the one on the right. Now, you'll appear on the dock. Use your machine gun to kill all of the Haitians guarding the house. Make sure to use the targeting lock, or you may as well jump into the water. When the Haitians are disposed of, pick up the briefcases by the house, and the one by the docks. Now, return to Umberto. It's fastest to simply jack a car and drive back to the diner. -TROJAN VOODOO- Reward: $10 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the mission starts, jack a car and wait for Pepe to get in with you. Now, head north into Little Haiti. Find a Voodoo (Haitian gang car) There's one parked out of Auntie Poulet's house if you can't find one driving around. Once you and Pepe are safely inside, drive to the pink blip. Park in the pink circle and the other Voodoos will start driving away. Head towards the new blip. This leads to an alleyway. Wait a few moments, and you will be led into the back of the factory. When you reach the pink light, get out of your car. Go into the garage, and kill everyone you see. It's best to buy a colt python from the downtown Ammu-Nation, because one hit kills are really helpful. When the garage is cleared, head to the back of it and go up the stairs. Plant a bomb using the pink circle. Now, run down the stairs, and plant the other 2 bombs. This is the easy part, simply run out of the factory. When you see the closed gate guarded by Haitians, turn right and run up the stairs. Get clear of the factory to clear the mission. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [308] -= HAITIANS =- [308] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -JUJU SCRAMBLE- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission can get frantic, but dont get discouraged. First, jack a car and drive to the first blip. The package is up on the rooftop. Park your car beside the building, and head up the stairs. After you grab the package, the fuzz will be on your tail. Hop down from the roof and head into your car, Drive it to the next blip. Be careful though, you only have a minute to get there. When you pick up the package, your wanted level will shoot up to 4 stars! Quickly hop back in your car and try to reach the final package. It's going to be tough to get there in under a minute with the damn SWAT vans pushing you off the road, but you have to do it. When its collected, your time limit is scrapped. You can now try and make it to a pay and spray, or you can go straight back to Auntie Poulets. The choice is yours. Just make the right one. -BOMBS AWAY- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one of the "funner" missions you'll encounter. Start by getting to the Top Fun van parked on the main strip. It's the pink radar blip. You can run, you can fly, you can drive, i dont care. Just get there. When you hop in the van, you'll get control of a toy plane. Raise it into the air and start heading towards the radar blips. You press 'O' to drop bombs from it. Do a series of passes on the Cubans and destroy them. Destroy all the Cubans, and all their boats. If you don't kill everything in the first pass, which you probably wont, the Cubans will hop into the boat(s) and start driving off in different directions, which makes your job a little harder. Try and take out the boats on the first pass. You also don't want to fly too low, because the Cubans will shoot your plane up. Stay at a safe altitude, and Bombs Away! :) -DIRTY LICKIN'S- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a sniper mission. You're given a sniper rifle and told to take out the cubans at a fight. When it starts, head into the back alley of the building across from the fight. CLimb the stairs and head to the pink light. You don't HAVE to use the sniper rifle, but it makes things alot easier. All you do is pick off Cubans. They will have a pink arrow hovering over them. You must be quick in taking the cubans out. Don't wait for them to stop. Try and hit them while they're moving. If all the Haitians are killed, then it's mission failed. You can also use a colt python to pick off some cubans if you want, but eventually, the fight will be taking place to far away, that you'll have no choice but to use a rifle. I dont reccoment an assault rifle either, because chances are. you'll take out some Haitians too, and you can't really afford that. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [309] -= LOVE FIST =- [309] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -LOVE JUICE- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you accept the mission, find a fast car. Follow your radar to the pink blip. Now, park your car so that it is facing the street, so you'll be able to pull out of the parking lot very quickly. Sound the horn, and the dealer will come running over. He'll grab your money, not to mention the drugs and make a run for it on his PCJ 600. Since your car should be facing the street, pull out as soon as possbile and mow him down. When he's dead, get out and pick up the briefcase. Paul will call you on your cell now. Something about the guys needing some "company." Hop in a car, and head to the new radar blip. Pick up Mercedes, and then drive all the way back to Love Fist's place. -PSYCHO KILLER- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is a mixed bag of peanuts...when it starts, drive down the street in the Love Fist limo. Stop in the pink marker. When the killer comes out and starts shooting everything up, get ready for a chase. He hops in his car and jets out of there. Follow him very carefully. A pink marker appears overtop his car, but that's it. No radar blip. Just follow him and smash up his car. Eventually, he will (or should) get out and start running, giving you the perfect chance to run him over, or do anything else you might want to do. -PUBLICITY TOUR- Reward: $8000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final love fist mission is definately also one of the easiest. When the mission starts, shoot the limo up to full speed. Now, try to keep the limo going fast at all times, otherwise, the bomb that was planted by the psycho killer will go off, killing both you and the members of love fist! Try to make it out to the main road. Then, ust head from one side of the island, back to the other, if you do a wide turn, then you won't lose much speed, therefore, your bomb -o- meter wont go up. Eventually, love fist will find a bottle of Boom Shine, tapped with wires, and disable it. When the bomb meter disappears, you're free to slow down. But not for long, because Love Fist has a concert to go to. Drop them off at the pink marker/radar blip. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [310] -= BIKERS =- [310] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -ALLOY WHEELS OF STEEL- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the first mission for 'Big' Mitch Baker, you have to race against a few of his buddies. You have to grab a harley type bike to compete though. Either get a Freeway or an Angel. The Angel is parked right outside the bar, so you don't have to look very far to find it. Once the race begins, put the bike at full throttle. If you're not used to using the bikes of vice city, then this mission may be a little tough. Most of the time, you'll want to stay a little behind the other racers, because they go crazy, most of the time. When once of them falls of their bike, thats the best time to pass them. If you push forward on the left analog stick a little, Tommy will duck behind the bars, allowing you to go faster. Just keep this up for a race around the block and that membership into the gang is almost yours. -MESSING WITH THE MAN- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think this mission is difficult, then you're doing it all the wrong ways. All you have to do when it comes down to it, is buy alot of cheap machine gun ammo, like a Mac-10 or an uzi, and sit there and shoot at a car. Even when the car blows up, shooting at it will still make the chaos meter go up! If you don't like doing things the easy way though, then just grab some molotovs, and machine guns. Start shooting up passing cars, throwing molotovs into crouds of people, and generally, being an asshole so to speak -HOG TIED- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before this mission begins, I highly suggest buying a colt python. It'll make your life alot easier. When you accept the mission, hop on an Angel, and start heading up the main road towards Ammu-nation. Go up the stairs/ramp here to be launched onto the roof of Ammu-nation. There are stairs on the left, so go down them. The rival gang is here, waiting for you. Bakers bike is in the north part of their hideout. Get to it, kill all gang members using your python, and then hop on. Head back to where you came in. You can't make it up the stairs, so turn around and look for a ramp. Launching yourself off of it will send you to the streets of vice city. Now that you have the bike out, deliver it to the awaiting hands of Mitch Baker. <>------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [311] -= FINAL MISSIONS =- [311] <>------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -CAP THE COLLECTOR- Reward: $30 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is pretty simple. Kill Sonny's men before they tax all of your assets. I don't know what exactly triggers this mission, I just know that you have to own the Print Works, and a few other assets. When it starts, hop in a car, and make your way to the first pair of pink blips. It's Sonny's men on bikes. Knock 'em off and run them over, simple enough, no? In a few seconds, a new pair of men will arrive on scene. I'm pretty sure that the asset they try and tax is randomized, so I can't tell you where they'll show up. When you track them down, do the same as the last pair: knock them off their bikes and run them over. There is one more pair of bikers. I'm pretty sure you know what to do.... -KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE- Reward: $30 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am going to have to say that this is the hardest mission I encountered in the whole game. You recieve it at Vercetti Estate once you've beaten 'Cap the Collectors.' Anyways, when it starts, pick up the coly python and wait in your office. When an enemy comes up the stairs, target, and shoot. that's it. When you've killed about 20+ guys, the camera zooms in on Lance Vance Dance. He's in the upper right corner of the room, so run out and go after him. Shoot him as many times as you can, along the way. When you reach the stairs, shoot at him. He'll run to the roof, but you run to the basement. Pick up health, armor, and guns, then head up to the roof. Equip the assault rifle, duck down and go into first person view. Kill everybody in sight, then target Lance. When he's dead, head back dowstairs. Head back to your office and kill all the thugs trying to steal your money. This is when Sonny will make another appearance. He will send thugs with shitguns to kill you. Uh oh. Head back to the staircase, and go down to the basement. Gte more health and armor. Now, head back up the stairs, but this time, get off on the first floor. Flank SOnny from the side. His body guards should be upstairs. Shoot him 4 or 5 times with a colt python, to finish him for good. Congratulations. Vice City now belongs to you. /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 04. ASSETS | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [401] -= CHERRY POPPERS ICECREAMS =- [401] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -DISTRIBUTION- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only thing you have to do to make this asset start generating money is to hop into a Mr. Whooppee. This will start the "mission" DISTRIBUTION. Press L3 to start the vans musical chime. It will attract customers. Drive along the road until you see some people. Then, just stop. If anybody's going to buy some ice cream, then a blue arrow will appear over their heads. Watch where, and how fast you sell it though. Gangs dont like you selling in their territory, and if they see you, they'll most likely pull you out of the vehicle, instantly ending your mission, and probably your life too. Also, as you sell more ice cream, your wanted meter goes up. To lower it, hop into a pay 'n' spray when things get too hot. You need to get a minimum of 50 sales before you exit the vehicle, to make the asset start generating money. Up to a maximum of $3000 per day. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [402] -= FILM STUDIO =- [402] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -RECRUITMENT DRIVE- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the mission starts, jack a car an head to the pink blip, to meat up with Candy Suxxx. She says she cant act unless her "agent" says so. He unloads a couple of henchmen on you and drives away. Hop in a car and chase after him. If you have a machine gun, then good, do drive bys on his car. If you don't, then just keep hitting the back of his car. Eventually, he'll give up and get out of his car. Run him over. Now, go back to the pink blip and pick up Candy. That's one lady down, one to go. Drive to the newly found pink blip. Stop outside of the pizza place and head inside. Stand on the pink circle to meet up with Mercedes. Now, hop in a car with both ladies and drive back to the film studio. You get $1000 for the mission. -DILDO DODO- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you've been waiting to fly a plane in this game, then this is the mission you've been waiting for. Head around to the back of the studio to find a water plane. Hop in. Now, take some time to get used to the controls of the plane, becaus eit handles alot different than a helicopter. The idea of the mission is to scatter fliers all over the place. On the radar, you'll see blue squares. When you fly through one of the blue checkpoints, fliers will begin to fall out the back of your plane. A new radar dot appears though. A red one. Find it and fly through it to complete each section. There are five or six of these tasks. When you've flown through everything, you get rewarded with $2000. Be careful with the plane though, because it has a fuel gauge. After you beat the mission, the Skimmer will begin to spawn at the dock behind the film studio. -MARTHA'S MUG SHOT- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When this mission starts, hop in the sparrow that is left in the studio. When Candy hops in her limo and starts driving away, follow her. When she reaches Alex Shrub's place, fly to the pink radar blip. When you reach the hotel, land on the ledge, overlooking Shrub and Candy. Pull out your camera and zoom in on the two. Make sure there's nothing in the way of the picture when you take it, ot else it wont count. When you have three pictures, Alex willa lert the cops to your presence, which means you ought to be getting the hell out of there. You now have a 5-star wanted level! Hop in your sparrow and fly back to the studio. As you try to land, your helicopter will probably be getting shot up. If it gets set on fire before you have time to land, then just bail!. All you have to do to complete the mission is enter the pink light... -G SPOTLIGHT- Reward: $8000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is not a whole lot i can tell you about this mission that's going to help. It's more of a trial and error type of mission. Anyways, grab the PCJ 600 from the guard at the head of the studio and drive to the pink radar blip. You have 14 real-time minutes to complete the mission. Head up the stairs and into the office building. Go over to the elevator to be raised to the next floor. Now, drive out into toe pink light again. You will be facing a window. Put the pedal to the metal and break through the window, launching you to the building across the street. You can go faster by slightly pressing forward on the left analog stick. Thats all you really do. Take time to position yourself, get speed, and launch yourself off of all the ramps. When you reach the end, stand on the pink light to reposition the spotlight, making an advertisement for Candy's upcoming movie. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [403] -= BOATYARD =- [403] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -CHECK POINT CHARLIE- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To start this course, simply hop into one of the speed boats in the docks after you've purchased the Boat yard. It's basically just an obstacle course. You need to collect all the packages. It'll probably take you many a tries, because the boat you're given isnt the best, handling-wise. That's all you do though. Simply use the radar to locate the next package and try to collect them all within the alotted time. You'll have to go around shacks, over ramps, and even over other boats to collect them all, but once you do, the boathouse asset will be completed and it will start pumping out $2000 a day. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [404] -= KAUFMAN CABS =- [405] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -V.I.P- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this mission, I suggest having a machine gun of some sort. After you accept the mission, you have a minute to pick up your V.I.P. Race over to Starfish Island and park in the pink light. Another cab will cut you off and pick up the VIP first! Time to trash that taxi! Do drive bys and keep ramming the rival taxi until the VIP bails out and hops into your cab. Now, you can take your good old time and take the V.I.P to Escobar International. Drop him off in the pink light for your $1000 reward. -FRIENDLY RIVALRY- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you still have a machine gun from the previous mission, great, hold onto it. If you don't, then go buy one, it makes the mission that much more easy. You have to destroy three rival taxi's. They are indicated by the pink blips on your radar. Track them down and do drivebys on them (easier if you have a motorcycle) until they light on fire, then get the hell out fo there! Continue to do this to the other radar blips. When they're all destroyed, it's mission complete! -CABMEGEDDON- Reward: $4000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seems you got a call from Miss Cortez to pick her up from the airport. Drive your cab all the way down to Escobar and enter the little arena. Stop when you reach the pink light. Doesnt seem like Mercedes is here, but a horde of rival taxi's are! You must survive for 1:00! Just try driving around the outside of the arena for as long as you can. When the timer reaches zero, then the rivals leader will come tearing into the fight with a zebra cab. You must kill the leader. Try to pin his car into a wall with your cab if you still have it. Then, pull him out of his car and beat him to a pulp. If you don't have a car, then it's going to be a little tougher to pull him out. WHen he's dead, the Taxi Firm Asset will be completed. The place starts generating $5000 a day, and it now spawns a Zebra Cab inside of Kaufman Cabs! <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [405] -= PRINT WORKS =- [405] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -SPILLING THE BEANS- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the mission starts, hop into the Kaufman cab with the pink arrow, just outside of Printworks. The cab will drop you off at the Malibu. Run inside for a quick chat with Kent Paul. Afterwards, hop into a new car and drive it to the pink radar blip. It will lead you to a big ship on the docks. Make sure you have weaponry before boarding, because the crew don't take too kindly to strangers. Head to the left of the ship and kill all crew members, while working your way up the stairs, when you see a pink marker, dash into it. You'll hear Tommy giving the captain some uh gentle persuasion. Now you know when the plates are coming in. Instead of running back down the stairs, and probably getting shot up, jump over the sid eof the ship. You'll only use about 20 health when you hit the ground. Start running away from the ship. There is a health icon under the ramp of the ship, if you need it. Jack a car and make your way back to the print works. Mission complete. -KILL THE COURIER- Reward: $5000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The strategy for this mission I'm about to tell you is what I believe the easiest method (not to mention the only way i could do it ^^). Wait for the courier to arrive at the docks via helicopter. Make sure you have a sniper rifle. Try to snip her before she gets in her car, or even snipe the driver as she is pulling away. If you miss, then its going to be touch. Try to destroy the couriers car so that she will hopefull get out. If you are having problems, then just follow her back to where she drops off her shipment. Remember the location. Next time you start the mission, juts head to that place. Park a car down the stairwell of her delivery place. This will prevent any enemies from coming up. When the courier pulls up, just shoot her, jack a car and head back to print works. The asset is now complete, and will start generating a maximum of $8000 a day. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [406] -= SUNSHINE AUTOS =- [406] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> To make Sunshine Autos start generating money, you must bring the cars on the list to sunshine autos. The list, is posted behind Sun Autos, beside the street races thing. There are four lists in total. Each list you complete, makes a car appear in the showroom above, and makes Sun Autos start generating cash. The more lists you have complete, the more revenue you generate. -LIST ONE- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANDSTALKER - This is a big 4x4 truck. It can be found all over the place, but one fixed position is at the Downtown dirt track IDAHO - This is a midsize, two door car. The top of the car is white, and the bottom half is a random colour. Looks like an Esperanto. ESPERANTO - This is another midsize two-doorer. It's somewhat hard to find, because I don't know of any fixed location for it. Just try driving around Carrington's construction building. AT least that's where I found mine. STALLION - This car is found just about everywhere. It looks like a classic car. It has a leather top and random coloured bottom. RANCHER - Almost identical to the Landstalker, except it has a wood finish on the sides. You should be able to find one if there are landstalkers all over the place. BLISTA COMPACT - This car resembles a BMW, somewhat...It can be found all over the place. If anyone has a ixed position, please send it to me via email. -LIST TWO- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SABRE - An old fashioned car. If anyone knows where it spawns, please email me and I'll add it in. Thanks VIRGO - A midsize car. A Virgo has a boxy look to it, and seems like something your grandparents would be driving. I dont have any spawn points, so once again, please email me if you know any. SENTINEL - A classic car from GTA3. This boxy lookin' car is another midsize automobile. I know I've seen it's spawning location before, but it slipped my mind :/ STRETCH - A stretch limo. Cruise vice city in style. You'll find this thing spawning at Vercetti Estate, next to the Infernus WASHINGTON - Once again, this car sports a box look. Must be popular with these vice city people. Anyways, I know the FBi washington spawns behind the Love Fist center, but I don't know if you can bring it to the garage... ADMIRAL - What an ugly car. Like most of the cars on the list, it has a box look, and personally, think it's one of the rarer cars to find. -LIST THREE- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEETAH - The cheetah looks like a lamborghini. There's not much else I can tell you, because i dont know any spawning points. INFERNUS - You'll find this bad boy parked out in front of Veretti Estate, pretty much, at all times. BANSHEE - It looks like a Corvette. But for the life of me, I cant find a spawning point. Anybody? PHOENIX - This is a muscle car. The engine pops up through the hood. No spawning points, sorry COMET - The comet will almost always spawn outside of Leaf Links country club. STINGER - The stinger is one of the harder 'good' cars to find. It usually comes in the form of a convertible. No spawning points yet. -LIST FOUR- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOODOO - The Voodoo always spawns right in front of Auntie Poulets shack. it's the Haitian gang car. CUBAN HERMES - The cuban gang car can usually be found my circling Little Havana. Just be patient and it will come to you. It's ecorated in black, with bright red flames. CADDY - When you go to Leaf Links, you might be lucky to find a golf cart on the streets, but otherwise, head inside and grab one. Jump the ramp to get it onto the streets. BAGGAGE - TO get a Baggage Handler, head to Escobar International (airport) There's usually a couple driving around. MR. WHOOPEE - The only way to get this van, that I know of, is to buy Cherry Poppers Icecreams. The Mr. Whoppee is parked inside. PIZZA SCOOTER - Stop by any pizza store in the city to find this scooter. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [407] -= THE MALIBU =- [407] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -NO ESCAPE?- Reward: $1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission is fairly easy. When it starts, head south to the Washingtin Beach Police station. Park a car outside as a Get away vehicle. Now, head inside and turn left. Stand on the pink marker to get changed into a police uniform. Now, head up into the office. In the room at the back is a key card. Snatch it up and head back down to the holding area. Stop on the pink marker to spring Cam from his cell. Now, run like hell out of the station. Get to your car and step on it. Get to the southern most pay and spray to lose your wanted level. Now, casually drive Cam back to his home. But don't worry, you'll meet him again, very soon. -THE SHOOTIST- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, once the mission begins, head north to the Ammu-Nation in the downtown area. Head into the back room to meet up with Phil Cassidy, the gun 'expert.' After the chat, he'll agree to help you with your 'problem.' Anyways, in the first round, you must shoot at the moving targets. Try to hit the one in the back as much as possible, because it's worth the most points. When the round os over, move into the next room for another round of shooting targets. This time though, they're cardboard cutouts that pop out of a building. Shoot as many as you can until its time to move to the next round. In the third and final round, you have to shoot targets out of a building again, but this time they're on an angle, so it's a little tougher. If you have 60 points or more at the end of the round, then you complete the mission, but if you don't then you have to try all over again. -THE DRIVER- Reward: $3000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people say that this mission is hard, but maybe they just aren't doing it right. When the race starts, floor it, but don't try to pass Hilary just yet. Stay behind him, bump him from behind a little. If he spins out, great, easy win, but if he doesn't, that's okay too, just means you have to try harder. Try to pass him on corners, because there's no way you'll beat him on straight sections of road. The police may even come to your aid. If they start harassing Hilary, maybe he'll spin out, pretty much guaranteeing you a win. Another startegy that you can use is to park a hotring racer far enough from the malibu, that it doesnt get erased when the mission starts, or just park it somehwere down the road. Then, when you drive up to it, switch cars, and you'll probably have an easy race ahead of you. -THE JOB- Reward: $50 000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the mission starts, hop inside the cab parked outside the Malibu, with the pink arrow hovering atop it. Now, drive to the pink marker on your radar. Park in the pink light, and everyone will get out. Now, run across the street and stop in the pink marker outside the bank to change clothes. Now that you're set, head on in. Now, find the stairs in the back and head up them with Cam. When you reach the levator, hop in. Stand on the pink marker next to the vault. Cam will begin complaining about the lock on the vault. I guess getting the manager to open it would be the easier option. Head back down to the second floor to find him behind his desk. Now, with the manager following you, head back into the elevator. Bring the manager over to where Cam is. Now that things are settled up here, head back downstairs and check on Phil. Uh oh. Someone sounded the alarm and now you have the SWAT team coming after you. Stand on the pink marker and shoot any SWAT members that you can target, with the python. When they're all dead, head to the pink marker at the front door. Hilary pulls up in the escape car, only to be shot down. SHoot any cops in the area, and hop into the taxi. Wait for Phil to hop in, then head to the pay and spray. Once you lose your wanted level, head back to Cams place. The money is devided up, and the mission is complete. The malibu will now generate $10 000 a day. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [408] -= Phil's Place =- [408] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -GUN RUNNER- Reward: $2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the mission starts, pick up some machine guns so that you can do drive bys. Now, accept the mission and hop in the patriot. Head out to the main road and turn right. When you see the two cargo trucks, turn around and follow them. Driveby the truck with a gunne ron top of it and kill him. Now, ram the back of the truck until the crate falls off. Get out of your car and pick up the gun that falls out. Now, get back in and chase after the other truck. Do the same thing to it. Once you have the guns, use your machine gun to destroy the cargo runners truck. Then, head north, towards the other two trucks. First, take out the truck with the gunner on it. Pick up all 4 guns that get dropped. When you have them all collected, go back and destryo any trucks you didn't destroy along the way. Gangs with people on scooters will attack you. for everyone you kill, you get a bonus $100! -BOOMSHINE SAIGON- Reward: $4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it appears that Phil has gotten himself into quite a mess this time around. He blew his arm off, now he needs to be rushed to the hospital. It's a shame, that by just sniffing it, Tommy has a buzz. You can't even see straight, let alone drive straight. Oh well, make the best of it. Get phil to the pink marker before he bleeds to death (Phils health meter) When you finally reach it, he'll tell you that he refuses to go to a public hospital, for his own reasons. SO take him to an Army surplus in Little Havana. Near the cuban cafe to be exact. You know have 'Phil's Place' assest done. You can buy remote bombs, as well as some pretty heavy weaponry from the back of the junkyard. Enjoy. /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 05. EXTRAS | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [501] -=RAMPAGES=- [501] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -Ocean Beach, off the coast southwest where the houses are out in the water. -Ocean Beach, on the beach north of the lighthouse -Ocean Beach, on the gravel walkway to the lighthouse, hidden in the bushes -Ocean Beach, to the south of the mall, look for a pink apartment -Ocean Beach, south of the mall in the neighborhood, look near the fences -Ocean Beach, on the top of the roof of a building south of the mall. -Ocean Beach, on top of the Washington Mall parking lot -Ocean Beach, look for the Ocean View Medical R&D building near Cortez's yacht -Washington Beach, west of the Bunch of Tool in the compound area. -Washington Beach, look for a large hotel with a large pool in the backyard on the east side of the island, look for this rampage in the bushes. -Vice Point, on top of the diving board in the pool behind the hotel, same hotel as the one above. -Vice Point, north of the dirtbike track -Vice Point, there is a dock on the bridge behind Mercede's house near the Pizza Place, look for it on the dock. -Vice Point, look for it on the grass near the dead-end on the island off Washington Beach -Vice Point, on the grass at the south end of the North Point Mall -Vice Point, inside the North Point mall -Vice Point, behind the building near the car parking lot for North Point Mall. -Starfish Island, on the driveway of the house on the west side of the island. -Vice Port, look for it in the bushes behind Hooker Inn -Vice Port, at the middle of the east ship -Escobar, inside the terminal on the first floor -Escobar, behind the bushes east of Fort Baxter -Escobar, on the rooftop of the terminal -Little Havana, on the rooftop south from Robina's Cafe -Little Havana, behind the Vice City Bank -Little Havana, on top of the HealthCare Center -Little Havana, there is a basketball court to the north of Robina's Cafe, look for it in one of the courts. -Little Haiti, look for Vice City Port Authority to the south of the Junk Yard, it is on the bricked ground. -Little Haiti, there is a restaurant near Auntie Poulet's, look behind it. -Downtown, in the alley behind the Well-Stacked Pizza -Downtown, behind the hotel near Greasy Choppers (west) -Downtown, on the stairs across from Ammunation. -Downtown, north of the stadium on the helipad. -Downtown, near the statue in the V.A.J. Finance building in the northern part of Downtown -Downtown, on the crooky stairs behind the V.A.J. Finance building <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [502] -=HIDDEN PACKAGES=- [502] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> There are 100 hidden packages in GTA:VC, just like GTA3. This time, they are little green statues. They are all over Vice City. If you collect the Hidden Packages, you get a reward. The rewards are listed before. PRIZE 1 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Body Armor is delivered to Ocean View Hotel | • 10 Hidden Packages and Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 2 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Chainsaw is delivered to Ocean View Hotel and | • 20 Hidden Packages Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 3 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Python is delivered to Ocean View Hotel and | • 30 Hidden Packages Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 4 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Flame Thrower is delivered to Ocean View | • 40 Hidden Packages Hotel and Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 5 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES PGS1 Sniper Rifle is delivered to Ocean View | • 50 Hidden Packages Hotel and Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 6 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Minigun is delivered to Ocean View Hotel and | • 60 Hidden Packages Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 7 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Rocket Launcher delivered to Ocean View Hotel | • 70 Hidden Packages and Starfish Island Mansion. | PRIZE 8 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Sea Sparrow is delivered to Starfish Island | • 80 Hidden Packages Mansion's helipad. | PRIZE 9 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Rhino is delivered to Fort Baxter's Air Base. | • 90 Hidden Packages PRIZE 10 # OF HIDDEN PACKAGES Ultimate Secret Vehicle is delivered to | • 100 Hidden Packages helipad at Ocean Beach Mansion. | ============= OCEAN BEACH ============= PACKAGE 1: IN THE MARINA'S PARKING GARAGE Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. Turn right again at the next intersection. Follow this road past a long white building on the right side of the road. Turn onto the driveway just past this building. This is the place where Cortez gives out his missions. Turn into the parking garage on the right near where you enter Cortez's meeting place. The package is hidden in the left corner of this garage. Look for green lights to indicate where the package is. PACKAGE 2: AT THE LIGHTHOUSE'S FRONT DOOR Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Look to the right across the beach from the hotel's front door. You should see the lightouse in the distance. Go over to it. The package is at the entrance door on the bottom the lighthouse. PACKAGE 3: BEHIND THE MANSION WITH THE HELIPAD Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn right and follow the road south. Look for a mansion on the left side of the road with a helipad. It should be the only building you see on that side of the road before you get to the marina. The package is to the right of the back door of this mansion. PACKAGE 4: BEHIND THE WESTERN OCEAN VIEW MEDICAL FOUNDATION BUILDING Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a right turn, and make another right turn into the hospital's grounds. Drive around behind the hospital by going around the building's right side. After you've turned left into the area behind the hospital, you should see a tall white building next to the edge of the island. Look behind this building for the package. PACKAGE 5: UNDER THE BRIDGE LEADING TO VICEPORT Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Turn left after getting off the bridge and get on the grass. Look at the support column next to the bridge, and you'll see a small walkway. Follow this walkway under the bridge and you'll find the package. PACKAGE 6: ON ROOF OF BUILDING TO THE EAST OF WASHINGTON MALL* Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a right turn at the first intersection. Take a left turn when you get to the next intersection. At the next intersection, turn left again. Do you see the two-story buildings on your right? The package is on the roofs of those buildings. Use a helicopter to get up there. PACKAGE 7: ON ROCKS NEAR HOUSE PLATFORMS IN THE WATER* Get a boat, and head to the south end of the central water channel. You should see several houses over the water when you're about to hit open sea. One of these house platforms has been destroyed. The package is on the pile of rocks in the water to the east of these houses. ============ VICE POINT ============ PACKAGE 8: ON A BOAT DOCK BEHIND APARTMENTS NORTH OF CONSTRUCTION SITES Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Make a left turn at the first intersection you come to. After you pass the construction site on the left, drive behind the white and gree apartment buildings just past it. The package is on a boat dock behind these buildings. PACKAGE 9: INSIDE THE WELL-STACKED PIZZA RESTAURANT Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a right turn at the first intersection and follow the road until you come to where it comes to a T-junction. The Well-stacked Pizza restaurant should be on your left. Walk inside to get the package on the right side of the counter. PACKAGE 10: BEHIND THE MALIBU CLUB Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive straight down this road until you come to a T-junction. Turn right here. Follow the road north. Drive down the road until you see the Malibu Club on the left. It's the building at the place where the road makes an S-curve. The package is hidden in the parking lot behind the club. PACKAGE 11: INSIDE THE JEWELRY STORE Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn right onto the second street that allows you a right turn. The jewelry store should be on your right after you make the turn. Get the package from behind the counter in here. PACKAGE 12: BEHIND MERCEDES'S APARTMENT BUILDING, NEAR THE LEAF LINKS BRIDGE Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn left into the driveway of the building on the left. Jump down to the lowest level of this building's platforms. Follow the walkway to the hidden package in front of this building's service door. It's on the north side of the building. PACKAGE 13: ON ROOFTOPS NEAR LEAF LINKS BRIDGE Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive past the first two intersections, and look for stairs on an apartment building on the left. Go all the way up these stairs and walk through the door at the top. Turn left after going through the door, then turn right on the rooftop. Jump down to the next roof, and then turn around. You'll see the package near a ramp here. PACKAGE 14: IN FENCE CORNER OF GRASSY LOTS TO EAST OF PAY 'N' SPRAY* Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a left turn at the second intersection. Turn into the second alley you see on the right. Turn into the third gap of the fence on the left. The package is in the northwestern corner of this lot, behind a palm tree. PACKAGE 15: ON TOP OF GONZALES' APARTMENT BUILDING It's helpful to get this package during the mission TREACHEROUS SWINE. Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive straight down this road until you come to a T-junction. Turn right here. Follow the road south. Go to the first building on the left side of the road after you pass the Malibu Club. If you've already beaten the mission TREACHEROUS SWINE, you'll have to get up to the roof in a helicopter. The package is in a corner of the roof opposite the roof entrance doors. PACKAGE 16: BEHIND THE SPAND EXPRESS BUILDING It's helpful to have beaten the mission RIOT before you go after this package. Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn right at the first intersection. Drive down the road until it T's, then turn right and drive over a bridge. Turn left at the next intersection. Make another left turn at the next intersection. Look on the right side of the road for an opening for a car to go through. There should be a SPAND EXPRESS sign next to the opening. Drive through the gate in this lot in front of a warehouse. Look behind the warehouse for the package. It's also possible to get into the Spand Express lot before it opens by jumping with a bike from the third floor of the construction building behind the warehouse. PACKAGE 17: IN SOUTHWESTERN CORNER OF HOTEL'S COURTYARD* Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the first street that goes right. When the road you're on comes to a T-junction, turn left. Drive up the stairs in front of the large hotel you're in front of and head to the right. The package is in the corner of the fence in front of you. It's colored similar to the plants it's in front of, so you might not see it until it glows. PACKAGE 18: ON TOP OF THE DIVING BOARDS AT A HOTEL'S SWIMMING POOL Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the first street that goes right. When the road you're on comes to a T-junction, turn left. Drive up the stairs in front of the large hotel you're in front of. Go to the pool in the back of the hotel. The package is on the highest diving board above the pool. PACKAGE 19: UNDERNEATH THE BRIDGE TO PRAWN ISLAND Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the first street that goes right. When the road you're on comes to a T-junction, turn right. Look to the left side of the road when you're about to go under the bridge to Prawn Island. The package is next to the bridge's large support column here. It's behind some large bushes, so you'll need ot be close to see it. PACKAGE 20: ON THE BOTTOM FLOOR OF NORTH POINT MALL'S PARKING GARAGE Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the first street that goes right. Turn right again when you get to where the road ends at a T-junction. Drive down this road until you see North Point Mall's parking garage on the right. Take the right door into the garage. The package is around the corner to the right of this entrance. PACKAGE 21: ON TOP OF GREEN APARTMENT BUILDING NEAR MALIBU CLUB Start at your Ocean View hotel, and drive north down the beachfront street. Go around the corner you come to, and turn right at the intersection. When you get to the Malibu Club, the package will be on top of the green, blue and white building across the street. You'll need a helicopter to get up there so you can get the package. PACKAGE 22: BEHIND AN APARTMENT'S STAIRS NEAR WELL-STACKED PIZZA Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a right turn at the first intersection and follow the road until you come to where it comes to a T-junction. Take a left turn. After you pass through the next intersection, look behind the stairs on the apartment building to your left. The package should be back there. PACKAGE 23: BEHIND YELLOW BUILDING ACROSS STREET FROM NORTH POINT MALL Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. On the right is the building you want to look behind. The package is on the small porch behind the building. PACKAGE 24: BEHIND "JOCKSPORT" BILLBOARD AT DIRTBIKE TRACK Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first street that you can turn left on. Drive straight ahead through the bushes at the T-junction you come to. You'll get on the beach here. The dirtbike track will be on the right. Look behind the "Jocksport" sign on the east side of the track for the package. PACKAGE 25: IN POOL AREA BEHIND "VICE POINT LANGER" HOTEL Drive into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive straight on the road until it comes to a T-junction. Make a right turn here. Look on the left side of the road for a building that has a "VICE POINT LANGER" sign over its front doors. The package is at the pool area behind this building. PACKAGE 26: NORTHERN SIDE OF NORTH POINT MALL Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. Drive into the grassy area to the right of the entrance. Drive around to the northern side of the building. The package is in the alley between the two western entrances. NOTE: The rest of the packages in Vice Point are all in North Point Mall. I'll give directions to the mall here so I won't have to repeat myself a few times. Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. Use the icons representing "Ammu-Nation" and "Bunch of Tools" inside the mall to find where the mall is if you're having trouble. PACKAGE 27: ABOVE THE ESCELATORS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE GASH STORE Walk straight ahead through the food court in North Point Mall, and turn left at the escelator. Go inside the Gash store straight ahead. It's behind the two banks of escelators you can see on the far wall. Go inside the store and take the escelator in here to the upper floor. The hidden packages is behind you, on a ledge above the escelators. PACKAGE 28: IN FRONT OF A STORE WITH BIG "SALE" SIGNS The package should be directly above you if you came in via the eastern entrance. Take an escalator up to the bridge in the middle of the mall, and walk east towards the "SALE" store where the package is. ================== WASHINGTON BEACH ================== PACKAGE 29: IN POOL AREA OF PINK SKYSCRAPER Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn left from the entrance and head north. At the second intersection you come to, make a left turn. After you cross through another intersection, look on the left side of the road for a broad set of stairs. A pink skyscraper should be past these stairs. The package is in the pool area behind this building. PACKAGE 30: ON ROOF OF DBP SECURITY* Start at the Ocean Beach Hotel. Turn left from the entrance and head north down this street. At the third intersection you come to on this road, make a left turn. The building on your left with the fenced lot before the T-junction is the DBP Security building. The package is on the roof of this building. You can either jump up there with a motorcycle by using the nearby stairs as a ramp, or you can use a helicopter. PACKAGE 31: NEXT TO BRIDGE THAT'S NORTH OF KEN ROSENBURG'S OFFICE* Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. After you pass two intersections on this road, you should come to a bridge. The package is behind the right side of the bridge before you cross it. PACKAGE 32: ON TOP OF TALL WHITE AND BLUE BUILDING SOUTH OF POLICE STATION Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Go straight on the road you're on and you'll cross over a bridge. Turn right when the road T's after you cross the bridge. Make a left turn at the next intersection. The package is on the roof of the tall building on your right. You'll need a helicopter to get up there. PACKAGE 33: IN AN APARTMENT COMPLEX'S SHOWER STALLS Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. You should see a set of stairs to the right just after getting off the bridge. Go up these stairs into an apartment complex. On your right you should see a multicolored structure. The package is hidden in the peach-colored section of the building. It's the section of the building nearest the stairs. PACKAGE 34: NEXT TO A PINK BUILDING AT AN APARTMENT COMPLEX Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. You should see a set of stairs to the right just after getting off the bridge. Go up these stairs into an apartment complex. In the middle of this area, there should be a pink building. The package is on the south side of this building. PACKAGE 35: IN THE UPSTAIRS OFFICE OF THE POLICE STATION It's helpful to unlock the cop uniform before going for this package. Come into Washington Beach via the brdige from Starfish Island. Go straight down this road and head over the bridge. Make a left turn when the road T's, and then turn right into the courtyard in front of the police station. Head inside the police station. If you've unlocked the cop uniform, go into the locker room to the left and put on the cop clothes so the police won't attack you. Go into the corridor from the central lobby, and walk down the hall. Take the stairs up into the upstairs office. The package is hidden in the glass-windowed office across the room from the stairs entrance. PACKAGE 36: BEHIND THE 1102 WASHINGTON STREET BUILDING Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Turn right and follow the road over a bridge. Turn right into the lot of the first building you see on the right side of the road. It's the 1102 Washington Street building that's across the street from Ken's office for reference. The package is on the porch on the back side of the 1102 Washington Street building. PACKAGE 37: UNDERNEATH THE BRIDGE TO STARFISH ISLAND Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Immediately after getting off the bridge, jump over the low wall on the left side of the road to get into the construction site. Walk to the western side of the construction site so you're facing Starfish Island. Turn to the left and walk under the bridge to that island. The package is underneath the bridge. PACKAGE 38: ON THE END OF A LONG RED BEAM AT THE EASTERN CONSTRUCTION SITE Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Make a left turn at the first intersection. Turn right into the eastern construction site. It's the one where Avery gives out his missions. Use the ramps on the building under construction to climb up to the second highest floor. It's the one with a yellow-orange floor sitting on red construction beams. On the westernmost part of this floor, you'll notice a red construction beam jutting out away fromthe building, towards the other construction site. Carefully walk down the red beam to get the package. PACKAGE 39: AT THE NORTHERNMOST LIFEGUARD HUT BEFORE THE BEACHFRONT HOTELS Start at Ocean View Hotel. Go into the park across the street, and head for the northern part of the park. Walk through the northernmost gap in the fence and onto the beach. The package is at the lifeguard station to the southeast of your position here. ============ LEAF LINKS ============ PACKAGE 40: ON THE BRIDGE LEADING TO LEAF LINKS' SOUTHERN ISLAND Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf club through the main entrance. Use your map to get to the southern-most part of the golf course. The package is on the bridge leading to the southern island of Leaf Links. PACKAGE 41: UNDERNEATH THE BRIDGE TO VICE POINT Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf club through the main entrance. Turn right from the entrance. Follow the wall of the building and then the hedge to an area underneath the bridge to Vice Point. The package is here. PACKAGE 42: AT THE GOLF RANGE Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf club through the main entrance. Follow the path that leads north across a bridge. Walk north across the grass to the golf range. The package is on the lower level of the golf range building. PACKAGE 43: IN A SAND TRAP TO THE NORTHWEST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf club through the main entrance. Turn left from the main entrance and follow the road up some S-curves. When you get to the end of the road, the package will be in one of the sandtraps to your left. PACKAGE 44: ON AN ISLAND IN THE PONDS Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf club through the main entrance. Head for the southern half of the island and use your radar to find the ponds on this part of the golf course. An island in one of the ponds has the package on it. ============== PRAWN ISLAND ============== PACKAGE 45: IN ALLEY OFF OF SOUTHERNMOST STREET Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn left at the first intersection. You should be on the southernmost road on the island. Look for an alley on the right. The package is at the end of this alley. PACKAGE 46: BACK PORCH OF GREEN MANSION Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn into the drive on the right that passes in front of the mansions. Go to the green mansion to the northwest. The hidden package is on the back porch of this mansion. PACKAGE 47: INSIDE ROOM WITH BROKEN CEILING IN YELLOW MANSION Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn into the drive on the right that passes in front of the mansions. Go to the yellow mansion to the northeast. Walk inside through the front door. Go up the stairs onto the balcony, and stand near where the balcony floor has collapsed. Do you see the room with the hole in the ceiling beneath you here? The package is in that room. The easiest way to get in there is to jump from the southern side of the gap in the balcony into the room. Get the package in here, and use the pallets stacked in here to get out again. PACKAGE 48: INSIDE STUDIO C IN INTERGLOBAL FILMS Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Make a left turn at the second intersection. Walk into the InterGlobal Films studio lot through the front gate on your right. Go into the first studio building on the right. This is Studio C. The package is to the left of the entrance. PACKAGE 49: ON TOP OF BLUE BUILDING NEAR STAGE B IN INTERGLOBAL FILMS Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Make a left turn at the second intersection. Walk into the InterGlobal Films studio lot through the front gate on your right. Go to the blue building you see to the left near Stage B. The hidden package is on top of the building. Use a helicopter to get up to the package. ALTERNATE WALKTHROUGH: There's a set of stairs between two buildings to the east of the blue building the package is on. Back a tall vehicle like a Gang Burrito to the top of the stiars, and jump on top of it. Use the vehicle to jump on the studio's outer wall. Turn to the left, and you should see a hump in the wall that's slightly higher than the rest of the wall. Stand on top of this hump to jump on top of a building to the right of the wall. The building you need to jump to is to the west. Make a running leap, and you might be able to get over there. ================= STARFISH ISLAND ================= PACKAGE 50: IN FRONT DOOR OF WHITE MANSION ON NORHTERN STREET Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Turn right at the first intersection. The second mansion on the right is the one that has the package at its front door. PACKAGE 51: IN HOT TUB OF CENTRAL EASTERN MANSION Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Go straight at the first intersection. The first mansion on the right is the one that you want to go to. Jump over the low fence, and go to the hot tub by the pool to get the package. PACKAGE 52: BACK PORCH OF CENTRAL WESTERN MANSION Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Viceport. Go straight at the first intersection. The first mansion on the left is the one you want to go to. Walk around the back of the mansion. Take the stairs back here up to the back porch of the mansion. The package is on this balcony near the picnic tables. PACKAGE 53: EASTERN DOCK AT DIAZ'S ESTATE Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Go straight at the first intersection. Turn left into the front drive of Diaz's mansion. Walk into the courtyard where a pool of water is. Turn left here and walk between some hedges and past two more pools to the eastern dock. The package is hidden on the right side of the stairs coming down to the dock. PACKAGE 54: SOUTHWESTERN CORNER OF DIAZ'S ESTATE Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Go straight at the first intersection. Turn left into the front drive of Diaz's mansion. Follow the fence behind the trees on the right. You'll eventually come to the back corner that the package is hidden in. ========== DOWNTOWN ========== PACKAGE 55: IN ALLEY BRANCHING FROM HYMAN CONDO ALLEY Come into Downtown via the bridge from Vice Point. Drive down this road until it ends at the VRock building. Turn to the right here. Look on the right side of the road for an alley. It shouldn't be very far from where you turned. In the Hyman Condo alley, look for a passageway on the right side of the alley to walk into. The package is at the end of this alley. PACKAGE 56: NEXT TO THE STRANGE STATUE AT V.A.J. FINANCE Come into Downtown via the bridge from Vice Point. Drive down this road until it ends at the VRock building. Turn to the right here. Look on the right side of the road for the Hyman Condo alley. It shouldn't be very far from where you turned. Go through the alley and head straight when you get onto the road again. Follow this road a little while, and you should see a sign on the right side of the road that says "V.A.J. FINANCE." Look for a strange statue in the middle of the building courtyard behind the sign. THe package is next to this statue. PACKAGE 57: IN AN UPSTAIRS OFFICE OF AN OFFICE BUILDING If you've played G-SPOTLIGHT before, the package is in the office that has the elevator you use to get to upper floors. For those who don't know where that is, drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge onto the highway below. Follow the highway north into Downtown. Stay on the right side of the road. When you see the Greasy Chopper on the right, look on the left side of the road for a set of concrete stairs leading onto a balcony of a skyscraper. They are past the set of wooden stairs on the left that you'll see going up to Skumole Shack. Once you find the concrete stairs, use them to get onto an upstairs balcony. Follow this balcony ledge, and eventually you'll see an office on your left through a glass window. Go inside this office. The package is behind an office desk in here. PACKAGE 58: UNDERNEATH THE VCN BUILDING'S HELIPAD Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. The first building on the right after you get off the bridge is the VCN building. There should be a door down here that will take you straight to the rooftop. Head up the ramp to the helipad. The package is on your left just before you get onto the helipad from the ramp. PACKAGE 59: ON THE LOWER LEVEL OF THE AMBULANCE PARKING LOT AT THE HOSPITAL Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Follow this road until it comes to a T-junction. The last building on the left before the intersection is the hospital. Look at the lower level of the parking lot near the ambulance for the package. PACKAGE 60: BEHIND BUILDING NORTH OF BRIDGE TO PRAWN ISLAND Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Get on the street beneath the bridge. If you're facing Prawn Island from under the bridge, the package is behind the building to the left of the bridge. PACKAGE 61: ON THE SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF THE STADIUM Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Follow this road until it comes to a T-junction. Make a right turn here, then make a left turn at the next intersection. Drive along the southern side of the stadium. You should see the package next to the wall of the stadium in a corner somewhere if you keep your eyes peeled for it. PACKAGE 62: IN SOUTHWESTERN CORNER OF MOIST PALMS HOTEL LOT, BEHIND RAMP Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge on the right side and follow the highway north. Before the highway roads split off into two different directions, look on the left side of the road for a large building that has the sign "Moist Palms Hotel" next to it. The hidden package is in the southewestern corner of the hotel's fenced lot. Look behind the ramp that you find there. PACKAGE 63: ON NORTHWEST CORNER OF DOCK BEHIND PHIL'S PLACE* Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge on the right side and follow the highway north. Look on the left side of the road for a building painted green on the bottom. Walk around behind the building via the space on the north side of it. From here, walk west. You'll walk onto an old cobble-stoned dock. The package is on the northwest corner of this dock. ======================= ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL ======================= PACKAGE 64: ON TOP OF THE PASSENGER TERMINAL'S EASTERN BOARDING RAMP Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the eastern bording ramp next to the terminal. The package is at the end of this ramp. Use a helicopter or the nearby Packer to get up there. PACKAGE 65: UNDERNEATH THE SOUTHWESTERN PLANE AT THE WESTERN BOARDING RAMP* Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the western bording ramp next to the terminal. The package is underneath the southwestern jet. PACKAGE 66: ABOVE THE SOUTHWESTERN PLANE AT THE WESTERN BOARDING RAMP* Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the western bording ramp next to the terminal. The package is above the southwestern jet. Use a helicopter to get up there, or use the nearby Packer. PACKAGE 67: ON PASSENGER TERMINAL'S ROOF* Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Notice how the roof of the building has three "waves." The package is between the central and western waves. You can either get up there using the nearby Vice Surf sign as a ramp, or you can use a helicopter. PACKAGE 68: BEHIND THE FIRE BUILDING ON THE AIRFIELD Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield gate on the left that's just before the terminal. Follow the ternimal's glass wall on the right, and you should see the tall control tower to the west. Drive over to it. Just to the west of this control tower, you should see a small building with a little glass observation tower on top of it. The package is behind this building. PACKAGE 69: UNDER A JUMBO JET IN A HANGAR ON THE AIRFIELD Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on the left that's just before the terminal. Follow the ternimal's glass wall on the right, and you should see the tall control tower to the west. Drive over to it. To the southwest of this control tower, you should see airplane hangars. One of these has a large jumbo jet in it. The package is underneath that plane. PACKAGE 70: BEHIND A WALL IN THE PASSENGER TERMINAL Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Oceaan Beach. Turn left onto thehighway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Walk inside the terminal. Notice the gray walls in front of the large glass window on the other side of the room. The package is behind the northernmost wall. PACKAGE 71: IN GATE 1-8 IN THE PASSENGER TERMINAL Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Walk inside the terminal. Take the escalator to the second floor of the terminal, and walk inside Gate 1-8 on the south side of the terminal. The package will be to the right at the end of the passageway. PACKAGE 72: ON TOP OF BLUE WAREHOUSE IN AIRFIELD, NEAR FREIGHT TERMINAL Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past the overhead directions sign. At the end of this road, you should see a gate on your right. From the gate, you should see a blue warehouse-type building on the right. The package is on top of this blue building. Use the nearby ramp to get up there. PACKAGE 73: AT THE HELIPORT IN THE AIRFIELD Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past the overhead directions sign. At the end of this road, you should see a gate on your right. From the gate, drive to the left, past the cargo containers. The heliport should be in front of you. Go up there and get the package on top of it. PACKAGE 74: ON TOP OF THE FREIGHT AND CARGO TERMINAL Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past the overhead directions sign. At the end of this road, you'll see the cargo terminal. The package is on the roof of this building. You can either use a helicopter or use the ramps in the cargo lot to the right to jump up there. PACKAGE 75: BEHIND A "LIBERTY CITY" BILLBOARD Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. Follow this road until it turns right. Drive into the alley behind the buildings after the right turn. Back here, you should see a hole in a fence that will let you get behind the airport's billboards. Follow the line of billboards north. The package is behind the third last billboard in the line. PACKAGE 76: UNDERNEATH A JUMBO JET IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE AIRFIELD Make a left turn at the next instersection. On your right you should see a gate leading into a part of the airfield. Turn into there, and follow the airplane road. The last airplane at the end of the road is where the package is. PACKAGE 77: BEHIND THE AIR BASE'S SIGN It would be a good idea to put on a cop uniform before you try to get this package. Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into Escobar International. Drive straight on this road and don't turn onto any side roads. When you get to the grassy area past the chainlink fence street, make a right turn at the first intersection. Drive down this road. After it curves to the left, make a right turn. Eventually you should see the air base on the right. Look behind the sign to the left of the entrance to find the package. ============== LITTLE HAITI ============== PACKAGE 78: IN THE BARN AT PHIL'S PLACE Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off of the bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set of stoplights you come to. When the road goes left, keep going straight into an alley. This alley leads to Phil's Place. You can use the icon on your map if you can't find the place. PACKAGE 79: IN THE ALLEY BEHIND FUNERARIA ROMERO Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off of the bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set of stoplights you come to. Follow this road until you see Well-stacked Pizza on the left. Funeraria Romero will be the building just past it. There should be a small alley on the front of this building. Go down to the end of it, and you'll find the package. PACKAGE 80: ON TOP OF AN APARTMENT BUILDING TO THE NORTH OF THE PRINT WORKS Start from the bridge leading to Little Havana from Starfish Island. Turn right and drive down the highway a little. You should see a building with an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing over the entrance. Turn left onto the street just past the building. The Print Works is the large yellow warehouse you can see in front of you now. Walk to the northwest corner of the Print Works' lot. There will be a wooden fence there that you can walk through. Go to the northeastern corner of this lot. Walk into the alley the passageway there leads you to. Turn right when you come into this alley, and there will be a set of stairs at the end of it. Go up the stairs and you'll be on the roof of an apartment building. The package is on this roof, and it's hidden in the middle of some air conditioning units. PACKAGE 81: AT THE BASEMENT DOOR OF A BUILDING NEAR PHIL'S PLACE Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off of the bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set of stoplights you come to. When the road turns to the left, look behind the red and yellow building on the left side of the road. Run straight down the alley into a lot. There should be a set of stairs going down to a basement door of a white and purple building here. Get the package at the basement door. PACKAGE 82: BENEATH THE "LITTLE HAITI" BILLBOARD Start from the bridge leading to Little Havana from Starfish Island. Turn right and drive down the highway a little. You should see a building with an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing over the entrance. Turn left onto the street just past the building. At the first intersection you come to, you should see the "LITTLE HAITI" billboard on the right. Look in the bushes beneath the sign for the package. PACKAGE 83: ON TOP OF ROOFTOP NEAR LITTLE HAITI CHOPPER CHECKPOINT Drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge onto the highway below. Turn left at the first intersection you come to. After you pass the first intersection on this road, there should be some stores on the right with red white and blue fronts. The package is on top of these stores. Use a helicopter or the jump behind the stores to get up to there. The package is on the roof of the store with no billboard PACKAGE 84: ON TOP OF STAIRS IN ABANDONDED APARTMENTS NEAR KAUFMAN CABS Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a left turn at the first intersection. Go straight through the first intersection on this street. When you get to the second intersection, look to the right. You should see an alley with some tall grass in it. This is the area where the abandoned apartments are. Most of the buildings in this area have stairs leading to their second floors. The package is at the top of the stairs of one of the apartments next to the Kaufman Cab building. =============== LITTLE HAVANA =============== PACKAGE 85: BEHIND A RACK OF CLOTHES IN THE LAUNDROMAT Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Across the street, you should see the West Haven Community Healthcare Center to the right. Take the street to the right of the hospital. Turn right when the street ends. Turn left with the road, and keep going straight until the road you're on turns left again. The Laundromat will be on your right just before the turn. The package is hidden behind a rack of clothes that's behind the counter. PACKAGE 86: BEHIND THE COUNTER IN THE DELICATESSEN Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto the highway. The Delicatessen will be on the right street corner at the first intersection you come to. Look behind the counter for the package. PACKAGE 87: ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF SUNSHINE AUTOS Start at the bridge in Viceport that leads to Ocean Beach. Turn left at the T-junction you come to. In a little bit, you should see a road on the right. Turn onto this street and go down it. At the intersection you come to next, make a right turn. Look for the "Sunshine Autos" sign on the right and head into the car showroom behind it. The package is on the second floor of the building. PACKAGE 88: ON THE PORCH OF A BLUE-GREEN HOUSE Start from the bridge leading to Little Havana from Starfish Island. Turn right and drive down the highway a little. You should see a building with an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing over the entrance. Turn left onto the street just past the building. Follow this road straight until you come to a T-junction. Make a right turn here. The house you are looking for is the blue one on the left just past the first intersection you come to. PACKAGE 89: IN GARBAGE ALLEY NEAR CAFE ROBINA Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. Follow this road until it gets to the second right turn. Drive straight ahead at this turn into an alley. Go into the lot on the right side of this alleyway. The package is in this garbage place. PACKAGE 90: ON ROOF OF BUILDING NEAR CAFE ROBINA Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. When the road you're on makes a right turn, look on the left side of the road for a building with a red and white awning. The package is on top of this building. Use the stairs behind the building to get up there. PACKAGE 91: ON LEDGE IN FRONT OF "KAUFMAN CABS" BILLBOARD* Come into Little Havana via the bridge from. Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. After you pass two right turns, look on the right side of the road for an empty lot. The "Kaufman Cabs" billboard is above this lot. Land a helicopter on the roof next to the sign, and then walk across the ledge in front of the sign to get the package. ========== VICEPORT ========== PACKAGE 92: IN FRONT OF A WAREHOUSE NEAR 8 BALL'S BOMB SHOP Start at the bridge in Viceport that leads to Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and then turn right at the first intersection you come to. Turn left at the next intersection. When you see a blue and white warehouse on your right, make a right turn and go through the gate you see. The package is in front of the entrance door at the end of the warehouse on your right. PACKAGE 93: IN THE PARKING LOT ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. After you pass the next intersection, you should start seeing chainlink fences on both sides of the road. Watch the right side of the road for an entrance into a parking lot. The package is in this lot. It's between two trailers in the southwest corner of the lot. PACKAGE 94: INSIDE THE SEAPLANE HANGAR'S OFFICE Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past the overhead directions sign. Make another left turn at the next fork in the road. Look for a small door leading into a building on the left. When you go inside, you should see a small building on your left. Go inside this little office within this hangar to find the package. PACKAGE 95: BEHIND THE "VICE CITY PORT AUTHORITY" SIGN Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and stay on the right side of the road. Follow this street until it ends at a T-junction. The sign the package is behind will be on your right here. PACKAGE 96: ON EAST SIDE OF NORTHEASTERN CARGO SHIP* Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway and get on the left side of the road. After you pass through the dock's gates, look for a boat on the left that's white and blue. This is the boat you want to get on. Board the boat via the ramp nearest the gates. Go through one of the passageways to the east side of the boat. There should be some containers blocking off this walkway. The package is on the north side of these containers. PACKAGE 97: ON WEST END OF SOUTHEASTERN CARGO SHIP* Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway and get on the left side of the road. After the road you're on makes a sharp right turn behind a warehouse, look for a blue and white ship on the left side of the road. The hidden package is on this ship. The package is at thenortheastern corner of the ship's control bridge. The bridge is to the west. PACKAGE 98: IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PIPING FACILITY Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the next intersection. Drive down this road and don't go onto any side streets. Eventually, you'll come to an area where chainlink fences are on both sides of the road. Look on the right side of a road for a building that says "VICE CITY TRANSPORT POLICE" on it. Drive around the right side of the building. Head to the right more after you pass the building, and you'll see an area with four large storage silos. The package is next to a pipe in the middle of these four silos. PACKAGE 99: IN THE WHITE AND GREEN APARTMENT* Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the highway. Notice the apartments on the right side of the road. Also notice that they're divided into three-walled "blocks" as I call them. If you count the last two-walled block, the package is hidden in the third from last block nearest the docks. PACKAGE 100: ON A DESTROYED HOUSE PLATFORM IN THE WATER Get a boat, and head to the south end of the central water channel. You should see several houses over the water when you're about to hit open sea. One of these house platforms has been destroyed. The package is on the upper floor of that one. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [503] -=UNIQUE JUMPS=- [503] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> 1. Part of "G-Spotlight" mission. 2. During the "Hog Tied" mission, you will use the staircase to jump onto the Ammu-Nation building across the street. 3. Part of "G-Spotlight" mission. 4. Part of "G-Spotlight" mission. (The Window Jump) 5. Located in a small alleyway north of Little Haiti. (Make Sure To Hit Or Jump Over The Billboard) 6. Located near Kaufman Babs. (Make Sure To Jump Over To School Bus) 7. Jump the ramp with the police bribe icon behind the Pay n Spray in Little Haiti. 8. Located on a rooftop northeast of Robina's Cafe. (Enter An Alleyway From The North To Get To The Roof) 9. Jump the stairs in the airport lot toward a building across the street. (On the right side of the airport building) 10. Jump the ramp in between the wave statue & the building of the ViceSurf sign in front of the Escobar Airport. (Make sure to land on the airport roof) ll. Jump the higher ramp at the end to the runway on the right side of the Airport building. 12. Jump the stairs near the plane loading bay. (The right side loading bay) 13. Jump another set of stairs near the loading bay. (On the left side this time) 14. Jump the small yellow ramp that reads "" just west of the red control tower in the center of the airport lot. 16. Jump the small stairs on the side of the north east house on Starfish Island. 18. Jump the ramp on the left side of the Malibu. (Make sure to jump over the small river or else you're sleepin' with the fishes) 19. From #18 ramp, head south in the grass and jump the other look-a-like ramp. 20. Ride a motorcycle to the top of the contruction site & jump off the long I-beam pointing north. (The same long I-beam where you can find a hidden package at the end) 21. Jump the ramp over the small river found just west of the Washington Beach Police Station. 22. Jump back across the small river using the dirt hill south of the bridge. 23. Jump the wooden ramp across the street from ramp #19. (Make sure to land on top to the small building) 24. Jump the stairs used by Lance in the mission "Guardian Angels". (The set of stairs on the side where the street is not the alley way) 25. Now jump the stairs used by Tommy in the mission "Guardian Angels". 26. Hit another set of stairs in the alley way just just south of ramp #24. 27. Still heading south in the same alleyway, jump a small wooden ramp. (The alleyway where you are chasing after a Haitian in the "Guardian Angels" mission) 28. From the southwestern side of the roof of the Washington Mall jump across to the building across the street to the east. 29. Jump off the ramp of the building you land on from jump #28. 30. A bit further south from jump #27, turn around and head north to jump another small wooden ramp. 31. From the top of the carpark with green moss on the sides jump the ramp south to a building across the alleyway. 32. West of jump #31 is a parkin lot with stairs leading to a body armor. Head down the alleyway across the street to the north, turn around, and jump the stairs 33. The building you land on (Hopefully & not splat yourself on the side of the building) from jump #32 has a white ramp on it. 34. Head out to the northern dock in Ocean Beach. Jump the wooden ramp across the bay to the south. (Where you find Colonel Cortez's boat) 35. Still going strong from jump #34, continue straight to jump another wooden ramp. 36. On Prawn Island, use the small ramps on the building east from InterGlobal Films to reach the roof of the building. From there, jump the ramp east across the street and over the gates of the studio <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [504] -=HOLD-UPS=- [504] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> There are places where you can hold up the store clerk and take their money. In this section, I will tell you what places you can hold up and where they are located. GASH North Point Mall JEWELRY STORE North Point Mall TOOLED UP North Point Mall MUSIC STORE North Point Mall DISPENSARY Vice Point (South Of North Point Mall) CORNER STORE Just West Of The Dispensary & North Of Shady Palms Hospital JEWELER'S Near JockSport & Leaf Links Golf Course Entrance BUNCH OF TOOLS Southeast Of Star View Heights (Star View Heights Is The Building You Blow Up In The "Demolition Man" Mission") JEWELER'S Across The Street From JockSport & A Little Ahead From Well-Stacked Pizza In Downtown PHARMACY Between Well-Stacked Pizza & Rock City In Downtown RYTHON AID A Little North Of Pay N Spray In Little Haiti LAUNDROMAT Just A Little North Of Little Havana Streetwear DONUT SHOP Next To Cherry Poppers & Across The Street From The Vice City Police Department In Little Havana CAFÉ ROBINA In Little Havana SCREW THIS Just A Little Southeast Of Café Robina Note, Do not think about robbing any of the Ammu-Nation stores. They are gun shops and they will shoot back at you. Found that out the hard way. :-( [505] VEHICLE MISSIONS [505] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been in several missions where you have to press R3 to start it, but I'm more focused into doing the main part of the game, I will get to those when I feel like taking a break from the main part of the game. ------------------------ 6.1 - Pizza Delivery ------------------------ -Where? -You can find the Pizza moped over near the Malibu Club in the middle of the island. -How? -Simply jump onto the Pizza Boy moped and the guy will have you deliver some pizzas. After you complete your first mission, go back to the Well-Stacked Pizza place to get more orders, one more yellow dot will appear on your radar screen. You only get very little money for delivering pizza, so, it's not really much. -Why Should I? -when you finish level 10 of the pizzaboy mission, your max health increases to 150 (Credits to gaiden_000) -under the pizza delivery mission, you should list that you get $5000 for finishing along with $10 per delivery, which means a total of $5500 plus the 150 health max you already have listed. (Credits to ReTom7) -Buttons -Press R2 then circle to throw the pizza to the right and L2 then circle to the left. ------------------------ 6.2 - Ambulance ------------------------ -Where? -Ocean View Hospital (?) -How? - -Why Should I? -Once you complete the Ambulance missions you will never get tired while running around. (Credits to Daldd357) -Best Hospital? -In my opinion, the best Hospital to work from is the Shady Palms one found at the top end of the East Island(the one you start the game on). Why? All your patients spawn really close to the hospital and most of the time a lot of them appear on the beach which is very easy to reach from the hospital and is within easy access. The furthest ones tend to appear near Well Stacked Pizza and the Prawn Island bridge which really isn't that far. As for strategies, try and pick those in groups, closest to you first. You'll get a lot more time, which will be needed in order to drive carefully around to pick people further afield. Good luck, and stay away from the dirtbike track, your ambulance can and will tip over wasting 20 min work if you are not careful. (Credits to M. Sherer) ------------------------ 6.3 - Taxi ------------------------ -Where? -Anywhere -How? -Jack one and press R3 to start the Taxi mission -Why Should I? -Thought I'd help ya out. If you do 100 taxi mission (not in a row, just in your entire game's history) then every taxi gets hydraulics which doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's not actually hydraulics. Once you unlock it, when you're driving in the cabs and with some speed (I'm pretty sure it won't work at a standstill or at a crawl) you can press the L3 button and the cabs jump up in the air using hydraulics! They jump around 10 feet high and are now the best car for getting chased in because you can head off into oncoming traffic with a cop right behind you and then just jump over the oncoming cars and let the cop plough into them! I'd say the taxi jumps around 10 feet high? not enough to jump over the bigger trucks, but anything from a van and down can be jumped. Oh? it's also cool because if you go over a bridge and jump at the top you actually get enough distance and height for it to count as a stunt bonus. You can easily make 1000s just driving around town and hopping when you'll be at a point to get some decent height. One more cool thing is that cab is sweet for making sure you get those unique jumps, at full speed with a well times hop, the cab can fly further than the PCJ or any other vehicle. The only place where you'd want a PCJ for the unique stunt jumps is when there is lots of tight navigation to get to them. With the cab and just jumping at the apogee of a bridge I've actually gone over 160 feet, you make around $70 every time you get it right (Credits to L. Kwechansky) ------------------------ 6.4 - Mr. Whoopie ------------------------ -Where? -Little Havana -How? -You need to purchase the ice cream factory first. Then you drive around selling the "ice cream" from the Mr Whoopie. This one is a bear to do since if you stop for too long, the cops catch on and chase you. Make sure you know where all the police bribes are before you start this one. I'm not exactly sure at what point I passed this mission. I sold about 175 total, and 68 straight in one shot. When completed, you've completed all the ice cream factory assets mission and you can sit back and collect up to $3000 a day from the factory. (Credits to Laura) ------------------------ 6.5 - Police (Vigilante) ------------------------ -Where? -Any police station -How? -Why should I? -If you do 12 levels of police missions, your max armor becomes 150. (Credits to George) ------------------------ 6.6 - Fire Truck (?) ------------------------ -Where? -In Downtown, next to the Police Department -How? -The first mission is simple, put out a car. Next, there will be people in the car that you will have to chase and put out. As you progress, more vehicles and more people will have to be put out to complete the mission level. I had a lot of trouble with the GTA3 firetruck mission, but this one seemed a lot easier. I got Level 15 my first try. Also, if you need a little cash, the firetruck mission is the way to go, because after my mission failed, I earned a total of over $60,000! (Credits to Omega) -Why Should I? -If you do all the firetruck missions, you become fireproof. (Credits to George) ------------------------ 6.7 - Top Fun (RC vehicles) ------------------------ RC Bandit -Location -Beach, near the dirt bike track. -Reward -$100 (I think) -How? -Jack the Top Fun van and the mission will begin. Drive your RC car through checkpoints and be the first to finish (out of 3 other cars). Drive two laps around. Very easy mission, learn the turns of the track and there should be no problem passing first or second time. RC Baron -Location -Topfun van on the top level of the 'North Point Shopping Mall' Car Park, if its not there go down a few levels then back up - it'll probably appear then. -Reward -$100 -How? -Race a Radio Controlled Bi-plane against 3 others around about 15 checkpoints spanning the whole of the island. Takes a bit of practice to master the plane - if you clip a palm tree, for instance, you'll spin and hit the deck, but you can just take off again... O detonates your plane if you fall too far behind... or just get get bored! Took me 3 attempts, lasts about 2:45 to do. Tally Ho! ------------------------ 6.8 - Red Stallion ------------------------ -Where? -Top of the parking garage (one with the plants growing on the side) -Reward -$100 -How? -Jack the red Stallion in the center of the garage and the mission starts automatically. Go through 5 checkpoints without hitting a single parking cone. Extremely easy mission. (Note: I flew the helicopter onto the parking garage and the only vehicle that spawned on top was the red Stallion. So I didn't have to drive around other cars while trying not to hit the cones and drive through the checkpoints. This may affect the difficulty of someone who enters the parking garage from the bottom.) ------------------------ 6.9 - Sanchez ------------------------ -Where? -The dirt bike track near Hyman Stadium. -Reward -$200 -How? -Hop onto the Sanchez (next to an SUV) and the mission begins. You must drive through checkpoints in the track and go 2 laps. Towards the end of the track there are red explosive barrels so avoid hitting those. After the first lap it starts to rain, which may affect the handling of the Sanchez. And also 2 other guys on bikes come after you while racing. ------------------------ 6.10 - Landstalker ------------------------ -Where? -The dirt bike track near Hyman Stadium. -Reward -$100 -How? -Hop into the Landstalker (next to the Sanchez) and mission begins. Drive through checkpoints on the dirt bike track. Complete 2 laps and receive award. (*Hint: Drive very slowly and carefully otherwise you?l roll the car guaranteed. This mission has no time limit so take as much time as you need.) ------------------------ 6.11 - Sparrow ------------------------ Little Haiti -Where? -Top of Riverside Pavillion NE of Kaufmann Cabs. Unless you use a chopper, you can access it only by ramps from the north. -What? -Fly a Sparrow around Little Haiti picking up checkpoints. -Reward -$100 Downtown -Where? -Building east of Downtown Police Station (VCN?) -What? -Fly a Sparrow around Downtown picking up checkpoints. -Reward -$100 Ocean City -Where -Building east across the street from the underground plaza with the wide stairs at both ends(where the police bribe is) -What -Fly around Ocean Beach picking up checkpoints -Reward -$100 Vice Point -Where -Center of courtyard east of Mercades' swank house (two blocks north of pizza shop on east island) -What -Same as the other three. Go figure. -Reward -$100 /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 06. MISCELLANEOUS | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [601] -= WEAPONS =- [602] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> You can buy weapons at any Ammu-Nation shop you come up to, but it has a price for you to pay in order to get it. Oh, and big thanks to "viceious" for descriptions and toughness of each and every one of the weapons in the game! -Baseball Bat -Where? -behind the 1st hotel you stay at, in the alleys. (Credits to Alex Stein) -also a baseball bat behind 1130 (?) washington avenue, an apartment building you can buy. you must follow the ledge around back. -The baseball bat can also be obtained by the guys in black suits after you purchase Pole position. The people behind the counter at the enterance also have knives or machetes(honestly Im not sure which). -Description -Why have this when you have a nice nightstick. It's pretty similar, anyhow. Find one behind your Ocean View hotel. -Toughness -4/10. -Bomb Detonator -Where? -Where? It was in my inventory, I have no idea how it got there. I do see the "8-Ball's Bomb Shop" in Little Havana on the map, but I haven't got there yet. -They are located at Phil Cassidy's place. You can buy them for 5000 or 8000 ( I'm not sure). They are the last item on the left (You can buy a minigun, rocket launcher, and other goodies there too). -The bomb detonator can be bought for 1000 dollars at Phil's place. -Description -Possibly more useful than one would think. Like a grenade, but once you lob it it sits there until you hit the magic red button, simple enough. Worth experimenting with as they can be quite fun. They could even figure into mission strategy... -Toughness -7/10. -Brass Knuckles -Where? -behind the 1st hotel you stay at, in the alleys (Credits to Alex Stein) -you can find brass knuckles in the upstairs office at Kent Paul's hang out. Go behind the bar and go up the stairs. Kill the guard up there and take em. (Credits to M. LeBeau) -Description -A handy upgrade to your fists, found on the Malibu Club bouncers. Lets you punch a bit harder. -Toughness -2/10 -Camera -Description -You can only use this on the Martha's Mug Shot mission. Good only for damaging people's reputation. -Chainsaw -Where? -I don't think you can pick this weapon up anywhere, but Colonel Juan Cortez will give it to you on your first mission with him. -the chainsaw can be found in the apartments (in the 1st area) that are plain white with steps in the front that start at the middle and have 2 staircases that go to the top floors away from each other, like a V. it is found on the far right building in the top right apartment in the shower. the shower has blood all over it...(Credits to Alex Stein & Jamie Weir) -You can buy one in "Screw This" store in Little Havana and Bunch of Tools in Vice Point, and its price is $500 (Credits to SlapNutz and Novagraf) -Description -Get this puppy from Diaz or buy it for a hefty fee at Tooled Up. It can take off doors in a heartbeat and will shred cops and peds. You can barely walk (except like a gorilla) while carrying it, so perhaps it's better to just forego this one. 20 packages gets it for you at the Ocean View hotel. -Toughness -6/10. -Chromed Shotgun -Description -This vicious double-barrel shotgun boasts decent range, good spread, and quite high damage, it is a good all-rounder. Lock and load. -Toughness -7/10. -Colt 45 -Where? -Seen in the first weapon store, can be bought for $100 -you can also find the Colt 45 near the Colonel's place on the docks. If you have your back to the gates it is in front of you diagonally to the left (Credits to Reaper) -Description -Your default gun, the old standby. Takes a lot of rounds to destroy a car, weak on pedestrians too. At least you can run with it, and it is okay in a pinch. Just don't even try it with any situation but the least extreme. Using this wussy pistol on the FBI is about as smart as seeing if Vercetti can swim. -Toughness -3/10. -Colt M4 -Where? -there's an M4 in the little haiti by auntie poulet's house. (Credits to C. McMillan) -You can find a M-16 Assault Rifle in the "moon landing" set in the movie studio behind the lunar lander. It uses the same ammunition as the Ruger (Credits to D. Engelking) -Escobar International Airport, behind billboards in a sandy lot. -Description -Very nice, and quite easy to find in little Havana/Airport area (between some shack houses and behind a wall off the main drag near the airport) Seems a lot like the Ruger, but has a good firing rate or so it seems. Very good all around gun. Looks like an M16. -Toughness -Possible 8/10. -Colt Python -Where? -from ENTRANCE of the well stacked pizza in LITTLE HAITI turn left and go to the stop light. From the stop light turn right and you should see a crushed car on the right. Stop at the crushed car and turn into a small alley on your left and there should be your colt python -There’s a way you can get the Python pistol before it’s available to be bought at the Ammunation on the west island. You go into the Ammunation that is in the north part of the west island and pull a gun on the guy behind the counter (preferably a shotgun). Wait until he draws his gun then shoot him. Jump behind the counter and pick up his Python. You only get 6 rounds with it, but it is one of the most powerful guns in the game, and you can do this over and over. With the Python it’s "one shot one kill". By the way, you need to wait until he draws his gun or he won’t drop one. Also, be sure and have armor on because those Python shots do a lot of damage and sometimes he’ll get a round off before you do since you have to wait for him to draw. (Credits to Andrew) -Description -Mwahahahah. Not a nice gun. You can find it in Little Haiti behind some houses. This is a nasty little six-shooter which possesses the unique ability to drop anyone in one shot. Blam. Down. It's not all that quick, but more than quick enough, especially compared to the traditional shotgun. Best for killing groups of people, not cars. Get 30 packages to get it at your hotel. -Toughness -8/10. -Fist -Where? -What do you mean where? -Good for -Nothing! But you can bust out some Kung-Fu which is amusing. -Toughness -1/10. -Flamethrower -Where? -The Flamethrower can be found in vice port just east of 8-ball's bomb shop (Credits to C. McMillan) -there is also one in one of the pools of a neighbor of Diaz. It's a star-shaped pool I think. (Credits to A. Humble) -Description -A lot of fun, and easy enough to find in Viceport (I think). When there are lots of people around, a quick sweep (it guzzles ammo at a disturbing speed) will light up tons of peds, making it the ultimate short-range mass killer. It goes awhile before reloads, making you near invincible. If you are surrounded, hold fire and do a 360, and you will no longer be threatened. Instead, your enemies will be racing around screaming their heads off. However, cops and gangsters will continue to shoot at you for a few seconds once you ignite them (before they crumple into black stick figures), so be warned. Also, if you touch any burning carcasses or walk into your own jet of flame, you too will join the barbeque. -Toughness -This gun is so fun that it earns a 9/10, even though it cannot shoot that far. For extra fun, hop onto a car and do a drive-by flaming. -Golf Club -Where? -One can be found in Leaf Links Golf Club -"Screw This" Store in Little Havana (Credits to Alex Stein) -Description -Thieve one at Leaf Links from an unsuspecting golfer. It has a good long reach on it and can deal a beating. Plus it's so funny. FORE! -Toughness -5/10. -Grenade -Where? -Grenades can be found in the basketball court behind the hospital in Little Havana (Credits to klwegener) -Grenades can be bought at the ammunation in the mall. -Description -Steal a set at the basketball courts in little Havana; they're like really weak RPG rounds, but invaluable for tossing them down onto cops below if you're on a building. Also highly inaccurate, so be careful they clear the edge of any buildings or you will redecorate the ground. Messes up cars like no other. For extra fun, get on the helipad of the cop station in Downtown and try to chuck them through the window of the office building full of people. -Toughness -6/10. -Hammer -Description -Excellent for bashing up cars, but not much reach. Also at BOT (Bunch of Tools). -Toughness -3/10. -Ingram Mac 10 -Where? -Also seen in the first weapon store as well, $200 -Description -A nice, cheap, fast SMG found at Ammunation for a paltry $200. Great noise from it, brings back memories of Max Payne. Highly effective in my mind, cheap to own and operate, keeps the cops at bay well. Pretty weak for anything else except close quarters firefights and confrontations. It will save your butt in Guardian Angels. -Toughness -6/10. -Katana -Where? -Go to that Diaz dudes mansion. Come out of the entrance and turn left. Look to your left and you'll soon see an arch in a wall, this leads to a house with a little garage on its left. Go in that garage, the katana is in there. (Credits to Cactus11) -The katana is in the Tarbush Café (the Starbucks clone) in a back office, in the North Point Mall. (Credits to a lot of people, thanks) -Description -Pull a Yan-Can-Cook with this happy sword and take off some heads, find one at the Tarbrush Cafe or at Tooled up. It's also in the garage area at one of the Starfish island houses. This weapon earns you a wanted level quickly, though. -Toughness -6/10. -Knife -Where? -A switchblade knife can be found on the walkway on the bridge near diaz's mansion. (Credits to J. Van Riper) -Description -It's a Knife! Get one at BOT but not really that great. -Toughness -3/10. -Machete -Where? -Located on the bridge between Vice City and Starfish Island on the southern sidewalk (under the archway) (Credits to Jinxz) -Description -Now yer talkin! Good reach, very vicious. Get it at BOT. -Toughness -5/10. -Meat Cleaver -Description -Like any other knife, quite nasty. Get it from the psycho chefs or go buy it at BOT. -You can find a meat cleaver at the Pizza place on the first island, its right next to the bike. -Toughness -4/10. -MiniGun -Description -It's been a long time comin'. I believe this also packs 500 rounds, which are deployed at an alarming rate. Think the helicopter scene in the Matrix. The minigun can obliterate cars faster than any other gun, liquifies herds of people, and is the ultimate ground weapon as it can be used at closer range unlike explosives. It has a big con though, it cannot fire up or down, just in a straight line. It also cannot auto-target. You simply squeeze the trigger and move the stick as if you're watering a rosebush. When used right, it shines, despite its horrible impracticality. -Toughness -Still, the grin it will put on your face earns it a 9.5/10. -M60 -Description -It holds 100 rounds (I think) of joy. This heavy-duty, military issue gunner can mangle cars, bring down heli's, shred waves of pedestrians, and keep most breeds of cop away. Its downside is that it sights manually, but this lets you target most anything high or low with accuracy. If you have the cojones, nab one at the guard tower in the military base. Very quick, though not as quick as some. It is good all-round. -You can buy a M60 at Phil's place for $8000. -Toughness -9/10. -MP5 -Description -Despite having never used this gun directly before, I have been generously sprayed with MP5's by the FBI. Suffice it to say that I was riddled with bullets and killed very quickly---this is the nastiest SMG in the game and a must have. And yes, there is a catch; you must kill an FBI agent to steal it, it's the only way! Which means 5 stars!! Not good. Well worth it though, you will be deadly on your PCJ when you have an MP5, it is the international standard for antiterrorist weaponry. -You can also buy a MP5 from the north ammunation on the second island for $3000. Army guys in tanks/barracks OL drop this too(not the ones at Baxtar's Army base) -Toughness -9/10. -Molotov Cocktail -Where? -Downtown, inside Tacopalyse near Hyman Condo -Description -Get 'em for free at Tacopalpyse (sp?) near the Hyman Condo. They're mean and great for killing lots of peds when they're in groups. One can even destroy tanks with them. Be careful as it is tough to lob them accurately and easy to light yourself on fire. The cops will love you if you use these. -Toughness -7/10 since they're hilarious. -Nightstick -Where? -Who usually have one? that's right! Drag a cop out of the car or beat one up on the street and grab the nightstick off one. -Description -Thieve one from a cop, it's great for beating up peds and generally doesn't earn you a wanted level. A must-have. You look super cool with one if you have the matching cop outfit you unlock in the Cop Land mission. -Toughness -5/10. -PSGI -Where? -The PSGI is on top of the roof in Little Havana across from the Rockstar logo billboard. (Credits to J. Otto) -The PSGI can also be bought in the Ammunation on northern part of second island for $7000. -Description -Ho, ho, ho. Steal this friend by getting up onto the building near Umberto's Cafe that has the Kaufman Cabs sign on it. This is a semiautomatic sniper rifle, which means no reload time. With skill, you can take out two tires before the victim in his car knows what hit him. You can pop off shots continously with excellent accuracy, and the included laser-sight makes life easier as well. It lets you know if you are really sighted onto the victim. The ultimate sniper rifle. -Toughness -9/10. -Rocket Launcher -Where? -The rocket launcher is in a hotel called the hooker hotel. It is near the escobar interntional airport. (Credits to A. Adams) -Description -This grim gadget is the last word in killing. Nothing survives this weapon except the tank; since the days of Doom it has been the ultimate gun. Pick one up for free at the swimming pool of the hotel near the airport, replete with 4 free rounds. It is invaluable for any mission when a car must be destroyed fast, or a crowd of people must go down. The RPG is a luxury for missions and is fun in any case, as the police are helpless against it. Helicopters go down in one shot, boats get lit up and smoked, even the Army can be kept at bay, though tanks shrug off the rockets. -Toughness -10/10, a keeper. -Ruger -Where? -Jump lowest west roof of the El Swanko Casa, and from there jump onto a back roof to aquire it. R1 is like the M-16 in GTA3 (thanks to Michael Z.) -You can buy a ruger from either ammunation in the first island. -Description -One of the first Assault Rifles, a somewhat slow but nonetheless nasty gun. Quite accurate and kills pedestrians super fast, though you must be able to manually target them quickly. -Toughness -7/10. -Screwdriver -Description -Extremely weak, but great for puncturing people. Pick one up at Bunch of Tools. Cheap but not that effective. -Toughness -2/10. -Shotgun -Where? -Its at the top of the parking lot of the mall in Ocean Beach (Washington Mall), (thanks to u2asian) -As many people know, but you get 5 shotgun shells whenever you enter a cop car for the first time plus a shotgun. -A shotgun can be found in Washington Beach near a bench on the nothern grassy part near a hotel. (Credits to J. Van Riper) -Sniper Rifle -Where? -One can be found in the bush maze at Diaz's mansion. (Credits to J. Van Riper) -In order to obtain the sniper rifle on the roof of Eswanko Casa, go up the front stairs of the house and go to the right side. Jump straight on to the roof and make a left. walk all the way to the edge and you'll see the roof with the sniper rifle on it a bit forward and to your left. To get it, get a running start and jump diagonally on to it. (Credits to Vlyblfreak) -Description -A standard, manual, one-shot, lock and load. Steal it from Diaz's hedge maze. It is slow as heck, but highly accurate. It gets the job done, but wait until you get the PSG-1. -Toughness -7/10. -Spaz Shotgun -Where? -Escobar Intl. Airport, behind the large "SURF" billboard -Spaz shotgun is also bought from the north ammunation on second island for $5000. -Description -Or as I call it, The Punisher. This is a ferocious gun, fulfilling the sick fantasy of a fully automatic shotgun. Count to three, and this gun will have already unleashed its 7 round clip. Like the Jackhammer in Max Payne, it can dispatch multiple enemies in one shot, one after the other, and destroy cars very, very quickly. Reloads fast too, and has good range and accuracy. A fantastic gun, never leave home without it. Get one behind the huge billboard just off the road circling the airport, the one that's in a big grassy median between two roads. -Toughness -10/10. -Stubby Shotgun -Where? -The bartender at the Malibu has a stubby(or maybe it is chromed, I really didnt know they were two different guns but you listed them as different) shotgun BEFORE you buy it. After you buy it she will never attack you with it and will never pull it out so you cant get it. It can also be bought at the ammunation in the mall. -Description -Found way in the corner of the junkyard in Little Haiti. It is a short range, high damage gun. The spray on it is huge, so can kill whole groups in one blast. -Toughness -7/10. -Tear Gas -Where? -Behind Washington Beach police station you get 4 on pickup. Gernade area of effect with no damage done to cars but people are hurt. (credits to Michael Z.) -Description -Snag these pups at the police station. They're not quite as good for cold-hearted killing, but can truly incapacitate whole crowds of victims, making them cough and buckle over. If you are being pursued by the Army, better start chucking these. A last-ditch weapon. -Toughness -5/10. Tec-9 -Where? -Vice Point, behind stucco house in the dead end circle. -Description -I have yet to use this gun, it's likely better than the Mac 10 or maybe the Uzi. Supposedly it is better at close range, it is reputed to be very strong but not all that accurate. Find one at Leaf Links. -Toughness -7?/10. -Uzi -Where? -An Uzi can be found on the porch of the one of the houses on Prawn Island north of the studio, I think the one in the center covered with graffiti. (Credits to DAltman) -Description -Haven't used this much and it feels a whole lot like the Mac 10, perhaps the Mac-10 is faster, at least it seems so. It's not as cheap as a Mac 10 so it is definitely stronger. You can find one across the road from the Greasy Chopper Downtown or behind the Pay/Spray. -Toughness -7/10. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [602] -= ITEM PICK-UPS =- [602] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> HEALTH | ADRENALINE PILL | POLICE BRIBE | BODY ARMOR | RAMPAGES | <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [603] -= VEHICLE DATABASE =- [603] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> 1.) ADMIRAL 2.) AMBULANCE 3.) ANGEL 4.) BAGGAGE HANDLER 5.) BANSHEE 6.) BARRACKS OL 7.) BENSON 8.) BF INJECTION 9.) BLISTA COMPACT 10.) BLOODRING BANGER 11.) BOBCAT 12.) BOXVILLE 13.) BURRITO 14.) BUS 15.) CABBIE 16.) CADDY 17.) CHEETAH 18.) COACH 19.) COAST GUARD 20.) COMET 21.) CUBAN HERMES 22.) CUBAN JETMAX 23.) DELUXO 24.) DINGHY 25.) ENFORCER 26.) ESPERANTO 27.) FAGGIO 28.) FBI RANCHER 29.) FBI WASHINGTON 30.) FIRETRUCK 31.) FLATBED 32.) FREEWAY 33.) GANG BURRITO 34.) GLENDALE 35.) GREENWOOD 36.) HERMES 37.) HOTRING RACER 38.) HUNTER 39.) IDAHO 40.) INFERNUS 41.) KAUFMAN CAB 42.) LANDSTALKER 43.) LINERUNNER 44.) LOVE FIST 45.) MANANA 46.) MARQUIS 47.) MEVERICK 48.) MESA GRANDE 49.) MOONBEAM 50.) MR. WHOOPEE 51.) MULE 52.) OCEANIC 53.) PACKER 54.) PATRIOT 55.) PCJ 600 56.) PERENNIAL 57.) PHOENIX 58.) PIZZA BOY 59.) POLICE 60.) POLICE MAVERICK 61.) PONY 62.) PREDATOR 63.) RANCHER 64.) REEFER 65.) REGINA 66.) RHINO 67.) RIO 68.) ROMERO'S HEARSE 69.) RUMPO 70.) SABRE 71.) SABRE TURBO 72.) SANCHEZ 73.) SANDKING 74.) SEA SPARROW 75.) SECURICAR 76.) SENTINEL 77.) SENTINEL XS 78.) SKIMMER 79.) SPAND EXPRESS 80.) SPARROW 81.) SPEEDER 82.) SQUALO 83.) STALLION 84.) STINGER 85.) STRETCH 86.) TAXI 87.) TOP FUN 88.) TRASHMASTER 89.) TROPIC 90.) VCN MAVERICK 91.) VIRGO 92.) VOODOO 93.) WALTON 94.) WASHINGTON 95.) YANKEE 96.) ZEBRA CAB <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [604] -= CODES =- [604] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> -[PLEASE USE CODES AT YOUR OWN RISK, SOME CHEATS YOU CANNOT TURN OFF, SO DON'T SAVE]- ============ GAME STUFF ============ Health [R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up] Slow Motion [Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1] Armor [R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up] Lower Wanted Level [R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down] Change Clothes [Right, Right, Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right] Game Over [Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1] Raise Wanted Lvl [R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right] ================= CHARACTER SKINS ================= Ricardo Diaz [L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2] Lance Vance [Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1] Candy Suxx [Circle, R2, Down, R1, Left, Right, R1, L1, X, L2] Ken Rosenburg [Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1] Hilary King [R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2] Phil Cassady [Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1 ,Right, Circle] Sonny Forelli [Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X] ============ CAR CHEATS ============ Bloodring racer [Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left] Hotring Racer [R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1] Romero's Hearse [Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right] Trashmaster [Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right] Caddie [Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X] =============== MISCELLANEOUS =============== Blow Car [R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1] Handling [Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1 ] Nice Weather [R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down] Cloudy Weather [R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle] Foggy Weather [R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X] /\ -------------------/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\-------------------- /\ < > | 07. ADIOS | < > \/--------------------\ /---------------------\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [701] -= FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS =- [701] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> Question: May I use this FAQ on my site? Answer: No. This FAQ is for exclusive use on GameFAQs and Neoseeker Question: Why did you write all this? Answer: Because I have a lot of spare time. Question: I need to ask you about something not included in the FAQ, what do I do? Answer: Check the Contact Info section. Contact me by one of the methods mentioned there Question: I found an error in your FAQ, what do I do? Answer: Check the Contact Info section. Contact me by one of the methods mentioned there Question: Where is the Helicopter?!? Answer: The helicopter(s) can be found after you have access to the second island. This comes after one of Diaz's missions. Question: How Do I buy property? Answer: Wait until after the mission "Shakedown" <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [702] -= CONTACT INFO =- [702] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> You REALLY want to contact us? Well, there are a few ground rules that we go by, so look below. 1 - If you ask us a question and the answer is located in this FAQ, we will not bother replying to you by email. We may perhaps tell you if it's an IM and we're in a good mood however. 2 - No psychos! We deal with enough of those in real life. We don't need to deal with them in our 'other' life. 3 - Webmasters, PLEASE ask us before you post it on your site, okay? 4 - If you have tips on a section of the game, send them to an author who doesn't have their guide marked "Final Version" 5 - Don't use us as something to come crying to right away, use us as a back-up plan. Think through the game yourself, We did.. 6 - DO NOT ADD US TO YOUR LIST, AND THEN ASK US WHO WE ARE. YOU WILL BE INSTANTLY BLOCKED AND DELETED. Well, that's all for now. More things to come as people annoy us. Now, for our actual contact info: ~ CeLL Information ~ Email - thesilvercell '@' hotmail '.' com MSN Messenger Service - see above AOL Instant Messenger - thesilvercell ~ Hang Me 2002 Information ~ Email - hangme2002 '@' hotmail '.' com MSN Messenger Service - see above AOL Instant Messenger - hangme2003 Though I do have AOL, I would not like anyone messaging me. Please email me first telling me that you would like to talk. It gets very annoying when people message me without notice after awhile. -[BE FOREWARNED]- If the information you seek isn't in this guide yet, then chances are, We don't know it either. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [703] -= CREDITS/THANKS =- [703] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> This FAQ would not have been possible/as good as it is, if it weren't for the following people: ~ CJayC - Webmaster of www.gamefaqs.com. He hosts a lot of the videogame FAQs I make and I'm grateful for that. ~ Rockstar - They made the game, so they really deserve alot of credit, because i wouldnt be making this guide otherwise ~ The FAQers Community at GameFAQs.com - You guys are still putting up with me after all this time... ~ The Official Strategy Guide for the locations of all the hidden packages ~ thegamer.com for the cheat codes ~ Hang Me 2002 - He helped me finish up this FAQ and is a cool person. Thanks for being my partner, man. ~ Minesweeper - For letting us use his Hidden Packages FAQ. Don't worry, I will make my own when I feel like it. ~ Dark Phenomenon - Kudos to the man that made the ASCII found at the top. Isn't it excellent? Well, Dark Phenomenon made it, so thanks man. ~Myke - For letting me use his Rampage section. Also for letting me use his Vehicle mission section. And the weapon list. <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> [704] -= COPYRIGHT INFO =- [704] <>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<> Copyright: Copyright 2002 Ryan Kavanagh (Bonds Legacy) & Seth Doko (Hang Me 2002). This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc. nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Ryan Kavanagh & Seth Doko. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. This FAQ was written for GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) only. We do not want it to be put up on any other web site and are not above explaining this to your ad banner guys or whoever else we can get a hold of if you decide to violate this disclaimer. To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention International Copyright Law. Remember that plagiarism is a crime, and that this is a copyrighted work--stealing from this guide is putting yourself at risk, plain and simple, because the law is on our side. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail us, as well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above. ________ _____ ________ | | | ________| | ________| | | | | _____| |_________ ( P l a y S t a t i o n 2 ) ¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯~¯ ~ End of File, Copyright 2003 (c) Ryan Kavanagh & Seth Doko~