Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Restricted Areas Guide Version Final Copyright 2k2 by KiLLuMiNaTi Table of Contents (* indicates section has been added or updated since last posted version [version 2.1]) 1. Introduction 2. Recent Updates 3. What/Where are the restricted areas in Vice City 4. Why not just wait? 5. Why not just cheat? 6. Star Fish Island I. What you need II. Getting In III. Getting Out IV. What to do on SFI 7. Leak Links Golf Course I. What you need II. Getting In III. Getting Out IV. What to do on LLGC 8. Western Island I. What you need II. Gaining Access III. Getting back IV. What to do on the western Island 9. Interglobal Film Studios I. What You Need II. Getting in before purchasing III. Getting Out IV. Getting Out (Packer/Patriot) V. What to do in the Film Studios 10. Airport Terminal I. What You need II. Gaining Access with Weapons III. Getting Out IV. What to do in the Airport Terminal 11. Fort Baxter I. What You Need II. Getting In Alive III. What to do in Fort Baxter 12. Pier 1 I. Where is Pier 1 II. What You Need III. Getting Through IV. Getting Out V. What To Do 13. Vice City (The Underworld) I. What You Need II. Getting below Vice City III. Getting back to Vice City IV. What to do under Vice City 14. Tried but failed 15. Tips 16. General FAQ 17. Special Links 18. Creditz/Contactz/Copyright * 19. Update History 20. Wish List 21. Permissions *** PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A SPOILER FREE GUIDE SO READ WITHOUT CAUTION *** *** ALSO NOTE THAT THIS GUIDE WAS WRITTEN BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT YOU, THE READER, IS AT THE BEGGINING STAGES OF THE GAME AND HAS NOT UNLOCKED ANY OF THE ISLANDS AND DOES NOT INTEND TO USE CHEAT CODES *** _________________________________________________ 1. Introduction _________________________________________________ This following text is for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the Playstation version. This text includes information on how to gain access to restricted areas of the game, mostly containing information on how to reach the 3 areas that you are restricted to going to until you complete a certain mission. Please note that I have tried to make this FAQ as simple as possible to understand and it is in no form of perfect. However if you read this through and actually take the time to do these things and try not to become frustrated, then you should succeed in doing everything mentioned in this guide. There may be easier or alternative ways to do things. Feel free to submit them to me, as I will most like try them and post them in here with credits to you. Read the contacts section for more information. I toke the time out of the game to experiment and try things to get to these areas. Everything written in this guide was discovered and fully tested by me. If it is in this guide, I have tested it and it works. _________________________________________________ 2. News & Updates _________________________________________________ Here are the most recent updates, go to Update history (18) to find the rest of the updates. This is so the beginning of the guide isn't so long. Final P(12-29-2k2) I don't play the game much anymore because I've moved onto other games. I believe this guide has everything it needs in it and no longer needs to be updated. _________________________________________________ 3. What/Where are the restricted areas in Vice City _________________________________________________ One of the first things you will probably do in Vice City is explore. With its great scenery and jaw-dropping city filled with life, you'll want to cruise the strip in your newly acquired stolen vehicle. While cruising, you will notice bridges blocked off by either barricades and hurricane warning signs or fences. As you start doing missions you will eventually unlock them. But there are ways to get to these areas before you unlock these areas. This guide's purpose is to tell you how to get into these blocked off areas. If you look at the map that came in the game's DVD case or the in game map by pressing start, you will see 2 big main islands with 4 bridges spanning across water connecting them, as well as 3 islands in the middle of the 3 northern bridges. Barricades or gates restricting access block all of these bridges off. Now just like in GTA3, you get access to these islands as you go along because R* (Rockstar) likes to give the feeling that your advancing in the game. And just like in GTA3, there are ways to get to these areas. The first area is called Star Fish Island, which in an island filled with mansions and beautiful estate. It is the first island on the 2nd bridge going up. Gates close it off. The second area is called Leaf Links golf course. Although you can get onto this bridge, you are restricted by gates leading into the golf course and barricades at the end of the bridge. The 3rd restricted area is the whole Western island. All the bridges are blocked off because of the supposed threat of a hurricane. Like mentioned, you will unlock these areas as you advance in missions. _________________________________________________ 4. Why not just wait? _________________________________________________ You can wait, there's nothing wrong with waiting to access these areas, but here's a few reasons why you would want to access these areas, especially the western island. -Just the pride in knowing you were able to complete a challenge -To find and collect all 100 hidden packages -To get a certain vehicle, such as a helicopter or a boat from the west island. -To do all the unique jumps, kill frenzies, and all other stuff to get around 50 % of the game completed before you start the first mission -Just can't wait to explore the rest of the city _________________________________________________ 5. Why not just cheat? _________________________________________________ You can use cheat codes to get over to these restricted areas. Supposedly you won't be able to get a 100 % game completion rating. informed me that you can cheat and still get 100 % game completion rating, and the only thing that happens is you get a message saying you've cheated. I don't know, I didn't use cheats in my game. It is also too easy to cheat and there's no fun in it. It is fun to take on these challenges. Also, there have been reports that using certain cheats such as the ones listed below, can corrupt your save game file. I have used these cheats below but never have saved the game with them activated in fear of loosing the file so be warned. Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 - Flying car code Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2 - Cars float on water *Codes from* _________________________________________________ 6. Star Fish Island _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. What you need _________________________ For the 1st method for getting in, all you need is an ambulance and basic jumping skills. To get an ambulance, go to the hospitals. There's one next to the south bridge and one just North of the nice house with the single garage that you can purchase. You can also shoot a few people and most likely an ambulance will come around. Watch your warning level and your 6. For the 2nd method, you need a Packer, which can be found in Vice Port. For the 3rd method, you need any type of car which you can jump off from. For the 1st method for getting out, you need an ambulance, basic jumping skills and if you have a manual aim rifle that will help you. To get an ambulance, kill a few people until one comes. _________________________ II. Getting In _________________________ 1. My original method from the East island - Take your newly acquired ambulance and take it to the SFI bridge and drive it down to the gate. The gate is too high to jump over. There are fences on top of the concrete wall to your right and left. They cannot be jumped over because of an invisible wall. However, you can jump AROUND the one to the left. Just simply take your ambulance and drive it up the walkway part of the bridge to the left. Have the end of the ambulance even with the back end of that black fence on top of the wall. Now go to the front of the ambulance and run and jump onto it and climb to the top. Now turn to face the tree ahead using the R3 joystick. Now run and jump off the ambulance around the fence onto the tree. Run off the tree and you're on SFI. If you line the ambulance and your jump up correct, all you have to do is jump straight off. Just make sure you don't try to jump OVER the black fence on top of the wall. You have to jump to the left of it onto that tree. 100 % success rate. 2. My original method from the West island - With the Packer, drive it up to where the SFI bridge is but don't get on it. Get out of the Packer and quickly run away from it so the door stays open and the Packer will stay there. Now look around for a descent car that can go pretty decent speeds. I used a Police Car and a Manana. Now get out of it and keep the door open so it doesn't disappear. Now take the packer and drive it onto the bridge toward the gate. Park it facing the land area on the left side of the gate and have it a little ways back from the gate, or else it will disappear as soon as you turn. Get out and make sure you leave the door open. Now go back and get the car and hit the Packers ramp at full speed and if you do everything right you should get onto SFI with no problem. 90 % success rate. 3. Easier method from the West Island - Take your car that you chose (I did this with a Cuban Hermes) and bring it to the small bridge connecting SFI and the West Island. Park the car all the way to the left and as close to the gate as possible on the bridge. Get out of the car and jump on top of it. When your facing the whole gate/wall structure, you have a fence on top of a wall to the left of you which stops you from jumping of the bridge. The fence is solid, but it ends short of the gate structure. You can run and jump through this small opening and easily get onto SFI from the West Island. 4. Get a boat *See Pier 1/Getting through* or *Tips/Boats* 5. Get a helicopter *See Tips/Helicopters* _________________________ III. Getting Out _________________________ 1. My original method for back to the East Island - With your ambulance, take it back to that tree that you landed on when you jump from the bridge to get on the island (see method 1 for getting into SFI). Back the ambulance into the tree. Jump onto the ambulance and use it to jump onto the tree. There is an indivisible platform up top this tree. Advance forward using your manual aim weapon to shoot down at the invisible platform to see where it ends (See tips section). Now run and jump back onto the bridge, making sure you go around the black fence that is on top of the concrete wall. If done correctly, you should land perfectly on the walkway of the SFI bridge and take a few hits in damage. This can be a bitch especially with not knowing where the platform is but I have a 70 % success rate. 2. If you happened to go around and collect at least 80 packages, the sea sparrow will be parked behind the huge mansion. This is a very cool helicopter with a gun (press R1) and it can land on land and water. 3. Get a boat *See Tips/Boats*. Go behind the most western house and get as far to the water as you can. Boats will start coming through this area and will just crash into the shore line. Jump on one of them. Creditz *Caliban * _________________________ IV. What to do on SFI _________________________ -There are 5 hidden packages that can be acquired on this island -1 unique jump -1 kill frenzy -3 weapon and 3 health pickups -Mansion driveways filled with different types of cars _________________________________________________ 7. Leak Links Golf Course _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. What you need _________________________ For the 2nd method of getting in, all you need is an ambulance and basic jumping skills. To get an ambulance, go to the hospitals. There's one next to the south bridge and one just North of the nice house with the single garage that you can purchase. You can also shoot a few people and most likely an ambulance will come around. Watch your warning level and your 6. For the 3rd method, all you need is a PCJ 600 (See FAQ). For the 4th method, you can use this method to get any type of car into LLGC. I used an Infernus and an Ambulance and they worked. For the 5th method, all you need is a PCJ 600 (See FAQ). _________________________ II. Getting In _________________________ 1. Easiest Method - Get onto the LL (Leaf Links) bridge and go all the way up the bridge to just until you reach the black gate blocking the driveway up to the main entrance to the golf course. From the bridge, you can jump THROUGH the grayish railing and onto the golf course. Try to jump as close inland as possible to avoid falling into the water. This is so easy and can be done on foot. I have no idea how I've missed this. Credits *"wireless" * 2. My original method - Take the ambulance and bring it to the LL bridge. Gates and bush walls block off the golf course. Drive your ambulance up the bridge but not all the way to the golf course. As you advance up the bridge, on the left there is a guardrail with a gate that ends and then the bush wall starts. Park the ambulance right there with the front of the box part of the ambulance even with the beginning and ending of the fence and wall. Simply jump onto the ambulance by running and jumping onto the hood. Now turn around and run and jump right onto or over the wall. You will fall into the golf course on solid land and sacrifice a few health points. NOTE: This method can also be used when you want to get into the golf course without going through the metal detector once the course is opened. Also, this method can be used on the other side, but to me, using the left side is so much easier. 3. Take your PCJ and drive to the Pay N Spray in Vice Point. It is between the 2 save points that you can buy. Facing the Pay N Spray, go to the right of the building and to the waters edge. There is a part of the land that juts out close to LLGC. It might not look like it from this side, but that part of land that juts out also sticks up out of the ground. Turn the PCJ all the way around and take it back as far as it can go. Rev the engine and green, green, green!!! Hit the corner of the land and fly right over to LLGC. Make sure to pull the front up a little. Sometimes you wipe out sometimes you make it through but I'm 100 % success rate with this. Now you have a PCJ in the LLGC Credits *Nation , Keith Finnegan * NOTE: There is an alternate way to get the PCJ into the Golf course by trying to launch it onto that wooden bridge going over the LL bridge but it is a little bit of a hassle and you have to get it just right. The above method is so much easier, the hardest part is finding it. 4. I found this on accident. Get a car (I used an Infernus my first time but it also worked with an ambulance). Take your car onto the SFI bridge. As your driving from the gate back onto the Eastern Island, there is a big building being constructed to your left. Turn off the bridge right when it ends and onto the dirt/grassy RAISED part. You can see all the way down to a blue wall. To the left of the blue wall is the target. Simply drive straight right past that blue wall and off the island. If all goes well, you will hit the small south island of LLGC. Go easy with the Infernus because you can overshoot the island or tip it over. I actually got onto the island smoother with the ambulance then with the Infurnus. This is very simple and includes no special techniques. I'm 100 % success rate with this method and even though I've never overshot the island (I was close but never did), that might be a problem for you when you're trying this so go easy. If you have to, aim for the palm tree and smack into it to stop your momentum. 5. If you go to the dead end road on the Eastern Island (it's a small street that dead-ends and has a small circle at the end of it. It is across the bridge from the Pizza place and has a drive-by rampage on it.) If you go to the last house on the right side, you'll see this wall sticking out and there is a ramp part overlooking LLGC. Take your PCJ back (I'd say to about even with the bridge. If you take it to far back then you won't make the small turn onto the road and you'll crash.) Rev the PCJ and gun it aiming for the ramp part of the wall. This ramp LAUNCHES you up into the air and onto LLGC. That was cool. If all done right (Very easy I got 100 % success rate) your on LLGC with a motorcycle. *Huge credits to "DJMichaelHunt" for a very cool way to get into LLGC with the PCJ* 6. Get a boat *See Pier 1/Getting through* or *Tips/Boats* 7. Get a helicopter *See Tips/Helicopters* _________________________ III. Getting Out _________________________ To get out is simple. Just go onto the wooden bridge spanning over the LL bridge and jump off the side or wheelie over the side with the PCJ. WARNING: When you try to go through the metal detector by the front of the golf course building, your guns will be placed on the side of the wall. You can just simply pick them up however I have not been able to get out onto the bridge from here. This will cause you to have to go through the metal detector, which will make you loose your guns and they will be stuck there. To get them back, go away and keep coming back until a Comet is parked in front of the golf course building. Gather your guns and jump into the car. Right ahead next to the building there should be this barrel turned sideways with a few wooden boards leaned up against it on the other side. This is a ramp but the ramp is for leaving the golf course, not getting into it. But you can park the car next to the ramp and you can jump onto the car to jump onto the ramp and back into the golf course and explore more or leave. _________________________ IV. What to do in LLGC _________________________ -There are 5 hidden packages that can be acquired on this island -1 kill frenzy -1 weapon, 1 health, 1 armor pickup -Wreak havoc on the golf course -Steal a caddy and pretend your Johnny Knoxville from JackAss and try to drive over a pig -Get a warning level by beating up some golfers and have a fun fight with the police. Try to knock them into bunkers and water hazards\ -Do some crazy stunts with the PCJ _________________________________________________ 8. Western Island _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. What You Need _________________________ For the first 2 methods for getting in you will need a PCJ 600 and you will pretty much have to be a very good jumper and very good with the PCJ to accomplish these. A PCJ 600 can be found by Pier 1 behind the huge white building on the Southwest of the east island. _________________________ II. Gaining Access _________________________ 1. My original method - Take your PCJ and drive it up to the island with the Film Studio on it. Right when you get off the bridge, there is a street to your left. Right away there is a ramp going up. Get descent speed to jump the ramp onto the top of the building. On top of this building are 2 ramp like things sticking out of the roof. Jump the right one onto the raised part of the next buildings roof. Now go to the right of this building and you'll see another ramp like part of the roof sticking out over looking the studio. Go back as far as you can, rev the engine and let her rip. This is also a unique jump. If you make it across you will usually crash the motorcycle and take a few hits in health. That was the easy part. Now go to the north west of the studio by the huge water tower. There should be a Packer there. If not go to the opposite side of them studio then come back. Get off the PCJ and into the Packer. Turn it around and drive it up to the wall facing Northwest and only one or two feet away from the post to the water tower. Now press R2 so you get the side view (looking right) of the Packer. Back it up and you will see a few boxes up against the wall. Line the front of the Packer (not the front of the ramp on the Packer) up with the WHITE box against the wall. Once this is done, get out of the Packer, leaving the door open by quickly running away from the Packer when you get out of it so it stays in the game engine, and jump onto your PCJ. Take it back and around the corner to the southeast part of the film studios by the fake burger place. Turn the PCJ around and rev the engine. Let er' rip and make the left after the building on the left and don't hit the bump sticking out of the ground. Drive straight onto the Packer. This goes quick but you have to try to keep from hitting the wall. I usually do but am good enough over it to either just tap it or wipe out and still land on the bridge. As your going over the wall, press the up button so the rear wheel lifts up. This is the wheel that always hits the wall. Try to keep the bike even. You don't want to push all the way down on the bike and have the front wheel hit the wall. If you get enough speed you should totally clear the wall and you should land on the bridge if done right. If you hit the water, it's because you have the Packer faced to much West or you hit the wall too hard. If you hit an invisible wall, it's because you have the Packer facing too much North. When you land on the bridge, if your still on the bike hit the brakes. You don't want to land and then hit the side of the bridge and fly off it. This may take you a few tries and can get stressing if you have to keep getting back into the film studio or the bike blows or you die, but you should be able to get it. After you get it once, you can basically do it whenever after that. Now my success rate is 70 %. 2. Take your PCJ and drive it to the North Island and into the Film Studios. See the above method or *Interglobal Studios/Getting in before purchasing* to find out how to get in. When you're in, go to the Southeast corner of the film studios where there is the stairs going up to the wall. You have to get onto the wall. This is VERY VERY hard and I have found no sure method of getting on. The way I got on was by going back from the stairs, driving up them and getting enough speed to jump to the wall while turning the bike to the right to get both wheels on the wall. I have probably a 10 % success rate with this. When and if you get onto the wall facing South, drive the PCJ around the wall (going slow around 3 turns in the wall) until you are on the west wall. Just gun the engine and drive straight. You should see a block at the end of the wall ahead. Before you hit this block, drive off the left side of the wall and your height advantage and speed should easily get you onto the bridge still on the bike. A very cool but very frustrating way to getting to the West Island. Credits *"pacman" * 3. Get a boat *See Pier 1/Getting through* or *Tips/Boats* _________________________ III. Getting out _________________________ 1. Take a car or ambulance and take it to the North Bridge. Drive it down to the barricades and drive it too and through the orange barricade all the way to the right. You should hit an invisible wall and go through that orange barricade. Get out and jump on top of your car. Hold down X and jump out onto the grassy area next to the film studio on the right. This is easy. I have a 100 % success rate with this. 2. See Star Fish Island/Getting In/My original method from the West island 3. You can take a Packer and with a 2 star wanted level, I drove it onto the North Bridge. You can point the Packer to the grassy areas left or right off the bridge. Just make sure your not pointing through the indivisible walls (See Tips/Invisible Walls). Now jack one of the cop cars that comes to jack you up and jack it over the bridge onto one of the grassy areas. Make sure you leave the Packer's door open and don't park it right next to a wall, especially an invisible wall because it has a tendency to disappear when you turn around. I have only managed this once because the other police cars make it hell with smashing into you before you can get enough speed to get on the Packer. 4. Find a boat? I haven't found one yet but I'm sure there is a boat parked somewhere. Someone confirm this. 5. Get a helicopter *See Tips/Helicopters* _________________________ IV. What to do on the Western island _________________________ -The rest of the hidden packages -Many rampages and pickups and unique jumps -Stores to rob -Steal a helicopter -Cruise the town, visit the slums of Vice City -Visit the airport or Fort Baxter (with full body armor) -Go to the stadium between 20:00 and 23:59 to do some cool things. _________________________________________________ 9. Interglobal Film Studios _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. What You Need _________________________ To get in you need a PCJ 600 and you need to be able to handle one pretty well, well enough to do a unique jump. _________________________ II. Getting in before purchasing _________________________ 1. Take your PCJ and drive it up to the island with the Film Studio on it. Right when you get off the bridge, there is a street to your left. Right away there is a ramp going up. Get descent speed to jump the ramp onto the top of the building. On top of this building are 2 ramp like things sticking out of the roof. Jump the right one onto the raised part of the next buildings roof. Now go to the right of this building and you'll see another ramp like part of the roof sticking out over looking the studio. Go back as far as you can, rev the engine and let her rip. This is also a unique jump. If you make it across you will usually crash the motorcycle and take a few hits in health but hey, your in. 2. Get a helicopter *See Tips/Helicopters* _________________________ III. Getting Out _________________________ 1. To get out of the Film Studios, there is a staircase on the southeast corner of the film studios by the Patriot, which is behind the building setup with the huge burger on top of it. 2. To get out and get onto the Western Island see *Western Island/Gaining Access/Method 1* _________________________ IV. Getting Out (Packer/Patriot) _________________________ Use this method to get out of the Film Studios with the Packer or Patriot: When you land in the studio, go to the water tower where the Packer should be. If it is not there, drive to the South wall by the Patriot/Staircase and drive back and it should spawn. Take the Packer and drive it to the black gate that is closed at the front of the studios on the East wall. It's almost straight ahead. Park the packer right up to the gate facing it. Get out of the packer but leave the door open so the Packer stays in memory. Now you have to make another Packer spawn. Go back to the water tower. The Packer won't be there. Now run around to the South Wall by where the Patriot/stairway is. I usually run to the Southwest corner and then all the way back to the water tower. If done correctly, up to this point the 1st Packer should be up against the black gate, a new one should have spawned by the water tower, and your PCJ should be gone unless your currently on it. Now get into the 2nd Packer and drive it to the base of the ramp part of the 1st Packer. You have to line the jump up because if you don't, the Packer will drive off the side of the 1st Packer and won't make it. Line the 2nd Packer up by driving it up a little up the 1st Packer. If the thing tips to one of the sides, then you have to realign it. When you can make it up a little ways up the 1st Packer without it tilting off to one of the sides then your ready to jump. Use the back view by pressing and holding R2 & L2 to line the tires of the 2nd Packer up with the ramp part. When this is finally done, back the Packer up all the way to the Studio building behind you. Now just simply drive forward and if you lined the Packers up correctly, the 2nd Packer should go onto and jump over the 1st Packer right over the Gate and onto the street outside the Film Studio. NOTE: To get the Patriot out of the Studio, use the same method except instead of respawning a 2nd Packer, just go get the Patriot and line it up the same way with the 1st Packer as you would with the 2nd Packer and you should get the same results with the Patriot. _________________________ V. What to do in the Film Studios _________________________ -Do the unique jump to get into the Film Studios -Get the Packer or Patriot out of the Film Studios -Get onto the Western Island -1 Hidden Package _________________________________________________ 10. Airport Terminal _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. What You Need _________________________ Nothing, but this is senseless if you don't have any weapons _________________________ II. Gaining Access with weapons _________________________ You can get into the airport terminal but you have to pass through metal detectors and all your weapons get taken away from you. You also cannot jump over the guardrails they have because of an invisible wall, but you can get over the invisible wall. Get to the airport and steal a CAR which is not to low to the ground but not to high. I used the Sentinel. Drive it into the entrance up against the metal detector/gates. Now jump onto the car then simply jump over the Metal detector to get in with all your guns. _________________________ III. Getting out _________________________ Just pass through the metal detector. Your weapons will be taken out of your inventory and placed on the sidewalk in front of the Airport Terminal. I got a free Ruger and Ammo when I did this. _________________________ IV. What to do in the Airport Terminal _________________________ -Go NUCKING FUTS. You can go on a rampage in here and you don't have to worry about helicopters or police cars. -3 hidden packages (One on the roof though) -2 Rampages (One on the roof though) -1 Health Pickup _________________________________________________ 11. Fort Baxter _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. What You Need _________________________ You need to have the Cop Land mission completed in order to acquire the Police Costume in the police station lockeroom in the police station just south of Malibu Club _________________________ II. Getting In Alive _________________________ For some reason the army hates you, and upon seeing you near Fort Baxter, you are violently mauled down by their assault rifles. They can take you out in seconds with full armor/health. You can however, after completing the Cop Land mission, get a police uniform from the Police Station south of Malibu Club. You can now just simply walk into Fort Baxter without being shot at by the army _________________________ III. What to do in Fort Baxter _________________________ -1 hidden package behind the entrance sign -1 Rampage next to Fort Baxter -You can get the Hunter here after getting all 100 packages -You can get the Rhino Tank here after getting 90 packages in any order. -1 Body Armor pickup _________________________________________________ 12. Pier 1 _________________________________________________ _________________________ I. Where is Pier 1 _________________________ Pier 1 is a bunch of docks behind the huge white building on the west street in the south west of the east island (I probably confused you so look on the map and you can probably find them. You do missions over here for *someone* later in the game). Gates that say Pier 1 and Pier 2 block it off. Pier 1 is the right 1. This gate opens later in the game. _________________________ II. What you need _________________________ For the 1st method for getting in, all you need is an ambulance and more advanced jumping skills. To get an ambulance, go to the hospitals. There's one next to the south bridge and one just North of the nice house with the single garage that you can purchase. You can also shoot a few people and most likely an ambulance will come around. Watch your warning level and your 6. For the 2nd method, you need a long vehicle. I usually use a Coach but was successful with a Regina and also made it using a Cheetah once. A Coach can be found in Vice Point. I usually just drive around the mall to get one. For the 3rd method, you need an ambulance and you need to be able to do good wheelies and have good balance with the PCJ. To get an ambulance, go to the hospitals. There's one next to the south bridge and one just North of the nice house with the single garage that you can purchase. You can also shoot a few people and most likely an ambulance will come around. Watch your warning level and your 6. For the 4th method, See *Interglobal Film Studios/Getting Out (Packer/Patriot)* to get a Packer. For the 5th method, See *Interglobal Film Studios/Getting Out (Packer/Patriot)* to get a Packer. _________________________ III. Getting Through _________________________ 1. Take your ambulance and drive it down to Pier 1. You see a gate fully covering the entrance of the Pier. However, if you pull out a manual aim gun and aim and shoot at the top part of the gate, you will see no spark (See Tips/Invisible walls) The top part of the gate is not solid, which means there looks like there is bars there but there are not. Back the ambulance into the space, back end in first. Jump onto the ambulance. Now you can try to get in by 2 ways of jumping. Either go right up to the fence, hold down the X button and try to jump through by holding the up button or you can take a step back and try the same, but make sure you hold the up button up so when he gets stuck on top of the solid part of the gate, he will go through. This might take a few tries but you eventually get through. 2. Take your vehicle (let's say it's the Coach) and drive it to Pier 1. To the left side or the gate is an opening in the fence with a little tree. Smash the Coach through the tree and get the front wheels onto the curb thing. You want to have it pointing as straight as possible or slightly to the right to get it as parallel and as close to the Pier as possible. Now get out of the Coach and get behind it. Run into the back of it to try to push it in the water. You might have difficulty with the Coach, as other cars can be pushed right into the water. The coach, you have to get it just right to be able to get Tommy to push it into the water and not just run into it and bounce off the side. You push it over the edge and it should go straight in and be floating. If it slants out to far to the left then you won't be able to do it. Once you get it in parallel and close to the pier, you now have your own makeshift platform that you can use to jump on the jump off onto Pier 1. If you push it out far enough, you have to jump from in front of the gate to get onto it. This was the case when I used the Cheetah. With the Coach, you can usually just jump onto it from the opening in the fence. I have a 40 % success rate with getting the Coach to and into the water without falling in but I have a 100 % success rate n getting onto the Pier from the Coach. Credits *"Nicholas Weaver" * 3. With the Ambulance bring it to Pier 1 and get out of the Ambulance leaving the door open so it the game keeps it in memory. Get the PCJ nearby and bring it back. Now take the Ambulance and park the back end right up against the gate just like in method 1. Now get some distance between the Ambulance and PCJ. I use about a car length and a half. Hit the gas and right away do a wheelie. When you're about to hit the Ambulance press up. If done correctly you should drive up onto the Ambulance. If not, adjust your distance you get from the Ambulance or try to perfect your wheelie ability. I got up on my 3rd try. Now adjust the ambulance if you have to, making sure the PCJ doesn't fall off the top. Now jump onto the PCJ on top of the ambulance and use the same method to get through the gate. Back the PCJ up to the front of the box part of the ambulance. Then hit the gas and do a wheelie and right before you hit the fence, press up. If done correctly you should get through the gate and be able to do the 2 Unique Jumps. I got through on my 2nd try. This has a 40 % success rate but I've never fell into the water while doing it. 4. Take the Packer and drive it to the left of Pier 1 and park it lined up with the Pier. Go nearby and get the PCJ and bring it back. Now use the PCJ to drive up onto the Packer and over the fence part onto the Pier. I went back all the way to the building in the bushes to get enough speed for this jump. If lined up correctly you should have the right amount of speed to not over or under shoot the Pier. If you undershoot it, you need more speed. To get a little more takeoff speed, Rev the engine first. If you overshoot it, less speed. If you hit something, then realign the Packer. Now you have another method to get onto the Pier. This one has a success rate of 75% but I'd go with method 5 to get a PCJ onto the Pier. 5. Take the Packer and drive it halfway in between the Pier and the PCJ (This is so it doesn't disapear.) Jump on the PCJ and bring it over to the Pier then get into the Packer and drive it into the area before the gate. Now back it up from the gate so there is enough space to fit Tommy in between the Packer and the gate. Now jump on your PCJ and not to fast but not to slow, drive up the Packer and hopefully through the non-solid part of the gate and onto Pier 1. If it fails, you either went to slow or to fast or don't have enough distance from the gate. This worked my 2nd try. Credit ** 6. If you have done 100 cab fares, you can take a Cabbie (Taxis don't work as well) and bring it to the Pier. You can rev the engine and use the L3 button to launch the cab in the air and as it's coming down you can hit triangle to bail out of the cab hoping you fall onto the docks. This trick can only be performed on the right sides of Piers 1 & 2. Partial Credit *Sagacyte * 7. IF you done 100 cab fares, then you can take a Cabbie (Taxis don't work as well) and bring it to the Pier. Now get enough speed and hit the L3 button at the right time and the right angle to jump over the fence and water on the sides of the Pier to get onto the Pier. _________________________ IV. Getting out. _________________________ Get into the only boat on the Pier. It's either that or you can take a dive off the pier. If you have the PCJ, do the unique jump. To get across with enough speed, rev the engine or start going and then turn onto that part of the Pier and make the jump. Then when you land, keep going and make the next unique jump. You'll be on a 3rd Pier. Now find the ramp on this Pier and use it to jump back to the main land. _________________________ V. What to do on Pier 1 _________________________ -Take the boat. Now you have access to all the islands and all of the water. -2 unique jumps _________________________________________________ 13. Vice City (The Underworld) _________________________________________________ This method will get you under Vice City. There really is no point to this but it is a sight to see. _________________________ I. What You Need _________________________ I tried this only with the Sea Sparrow helicopter but I believe it can work with any other Helicopter in the game. Maybe not the Hunter because it might be too big. The Sea Sparrow is right behind the mansion but only if you've gotten at least 80 hidden packages. If you are too lazy to do that or you just want to get under the city, I would go get the smallest helicopter which is the small VCN helicopter on top of the VCN building in Downtown (The huge building that is on the left as you get onto the North Bridge heading to Prawn Island). Go through the doors in the front to get to the roof. If it's not there, then go down to the Ammu-nation then come back and it should be there. _________________________ II. Getting below Vice City _________________________ The only known method - If you decided to get another helicopter, bring the helicopter behind the huge mansion on SFI. The pool room is in the middle of the mansion at the back. With the Sea Sparrow, get it slightly off the ground and turn it around all the way. Now move it forward slowly into the indoor pool room inside the mansion. You have to keep the helicopter low to the ground and watch the pillars sticking out of the ground. When you get into the pool room, get as close to the North wall and steady the helicopter. Move it slowly up. Keep going up and you will go THROUGH the ceiling of the pool room. Take it easy because even though this ceiling isn't solid, there is a floor or another ceiling right above it that is solid. Get the helicopter as high enough without hitting this 2nd ceiling. When you get the helicopter up high enough, inch it forward until you clear the pool room and the ceiling above. Your helicopter will almost definitely hit the 2nd ceiling above and get slightly turned around. Just move it forward until you are clear. When your clear, you can drop down into "brown hell" and you are now under Vice City. Stay in the aircraft and watch for invisible walls. Don't go too low or you'll wind up on the surface. Credits to *Son of a Titan (From the Grand Theft Auto:Vice City message board)* NOTE: When your traveling under water, you'll notice a colored ceiling above you that you can't see through(the color changes depending what time of the day or what the weathers like. This is the simulated sea floor that you can see looking through the water from above). You can go through this and actually be IN the water but not be drowning or stuck. Just don't go too high and you can pretty much fly in between the sea floor and the water. You can watch boats go by above you or find the different things scattered around the sea floor. _________________________ III. Getting back to Vice City. _________________________ 1. Go back through the way you came in. This is diffucult so I suggest just using methods 2 and 3. 2. No matter where you are under Vice City, hit the square button so the helicopter starts descending. When you go low enough, the helicopter will "fall" through the game and you will end up on top of the surface. 3. With the Sea Sparrow, get below the water. Just go up through the water and you should go totally through and end up floating on the surface of the water without drowning. NOTE: I would not try going through the water with any other helicopter. The only reason it worked for the SS was because it floated to the surface. _________________________ IV. What to do under Vice City _________________________ -See how things look *under* R*'s city that they have created -Go to the Downtown Ammu-Nation and find the picture of the president on one of the outside walls -Visit the stadium -Look for the sunken boats and other things like sharks and the cement shoes guy in the water. _________________________________________________ 14. Tried but Failed _________________________________________________ A log to put down things that I have tried and have had no success with. This is to make your think twice about trying things that you may have the same luck as me with. But you never know. -Absolutely no way to get around the barricades and invisible wall on the South bridge. I've tried going around them, jumping over them, using vehicles to try to jump over them, trying to launch over them by slamming into them with the PCJ. -It has been said you can jump over the Star Fish Island gates by crashing into them with the PCJ and he would fly over them. I tried going fast into them, doing wheelies, doing endos, trying to drive over cars into the gates. Putting a car in front of the gate and slamming into it. I have had no success in getting over them. It was after I tried this that I finally shot the area above the fence with a Ruger and found there was an invisible wall there so there is no way to get onto SFI this way. -It has also been said you can get a boat by sniping the driver of a boat and hoping the boat is going fast enough to make its way to land. I couldn't find a sniper rifle on the first island. I didn't find one until I got to the west island by using the North bridge method and when I did bring the rifle back, I was unsuccessful in all attempts. -I tried jumping over the fences by the Leaf Links golf course by trying to jump from the top of an ambulance but have had no success because of invisible walls. -I tried getting onto the bridge going over the Leaf Links bridge but I couldn't get over it and couldn't get any car up there to jump off of. -Unsuccessful in anyway from trying to jump around, over or by any other methods over the fence separating SFI and the west island. This is from SFI trying to get to the West Island. -Couldn't get around the barricades on the north island by any other method but the ones listed above. I did drive an ambulance down into the ditch on the left side of the bridge and wedges it between the bridge and the grass. I jumped onto the ambulance and was able to jump onto the ledge sticking out of the bridge but couldn't get onto the bridge. -Took one look at the Leaf Links bridge blockade and didn't even bother. -Searched for helicopters on the East Island. They don't appear on the island until you unlock the west island -Tried to get a Packer from the West Island and tried putting a motorbike/car on top of it to get over to the barricades on the South, North, and Leaf Links bridge but the motorbike/car wouldn't stay on top of the Packer -Tried setting up a Packer from the West island on the South, North, and Leaf Links Bridge and tried going back to get a car to jump with. By the time I would return, the packer would be gone because the game would have to load as if I was going from one island to another. -Tried to get the PCJ onto the Pier 1 by using the space in the fence next to the Pier 1 gate and launching the PCJ over. It failed and the motorcycle kept pushing to the right because of an invisible wall. -Tried to get the Packer and Patriot out of the Film Studio up the stairs to get over the wall. The Packer wouldn't even go up a few stairs. The Patriot would go up the stairs and get stuck on top. -I was sent an email by "Griffin" about double stacking Packers on the first method of getting into the West Island. I did this but had no luck with this. The Packer would fall off the other one, or I would go to take the jump and one of the Packers would disappear. -Tried to get a bus into the water right next to Pier 1 so I can get the PCJ onto it then onto the Pier. The damn thing kept disappearing and finally when it didn't and I got the PCJ onto it, I feel off into the water. -Got the Packer out of the Studio and tried using it at Pier one to clear over the gate. For some reason it didn't work but I found an alternate method -Someone emailed me saying you can get through the metal detectors with your weapons at the airport and golf course by driving through them with a PCJ. You can get through with the PCJ but not with your weapons if you drive through with the PCJ. _________________________________________________ 15. Tips and tricks _________________________________________________ Some tips or tricks to help you out Invisible Walls - When a game is designed like GTA:VC or any game with structures, the makers have to make the image of the wall of a structure, then they have to place a solid part in the wall graphic so the character doesn't go through the wall. Some of the walls in this game have no solid part and you can go through them. You see how you can walk through bushes and most trees. There's others parts that are the opposite. There is a solid part but no graphic. For example, if you go to one of the bridges blocked off at the beginning of the game, you'll see a bunch of barricades. There is space between the barricades and they are also small enough to jump over, but you can't because there is a solid wall stretching around these barricades. If you take a step back and use a manual aim rifle and shoot above the barricades, you'll notice a *spark*. The same kind of spark you see when you shoot the other walls in the game. This is how you can find ways through things. This is how I found my way into the restricted areas in this game, by finding where the openings are in the invisible walls and getting through. Helicopter - If you get onto the West Island, you can get anywhere else by using the helicopter. There is one on top of the Condo you can buy and another on top of the News studio rooftop. If you don't know which condo I'm talking about, go to the Ammu-Nation in Downtown. As your facing it, turn left and go down the street to the end, make the right and go down the alleyway marked on your radar. There is an entryway in that building that you can enter to take to the roof. The Maverick is usually up there. There is also the Police Maverick on top of the Police Station in downtown. From the Ammu-nation, go south and the police station will be to your left (with the, uh, police car parked near it). Make the left at the intersection and the police station will still be on your left. At the end of the building is an alley. Go into the alley and go up the stairs to the helipad. If you get 80 hidden packages, you can also obtain the Sea Sparrow behind the huge mansion on Star Fish Island Boats - There are certain places on all islands where you can get onto boats. What you simply do is you jump onto the boat from where ever you are and the person on the boat freaks out and dives off. Then you have a boat, which you can use to access any island. I have got tremendous emails relating to this and I knew about this trick but it is a very stressful trick because you can be waiting a while before a boat comes and you have to time the jump right and some boats aren't any good to try the trick on but here are the noted places that this works best. -On the bridge spanning from Vice Point to North Island bridge. -On bridge spanning the big part of LLGC to the little small south island -Behind the Western house on SFI Credits *Last Child of the 80's, "Jeremy Wisniewski" , Bill M * To keep a car loaded into the game engine is simple. When you're getting out of a vehicle, quickly run away from it so the door doesn't shut (it will work for a motorbike too). This will keep the car loaded into the game engine and most of the time, it will stay there. I got out of a police car and left the door open to steal a taxi and do Taxi missions, and when I finished 20 fares later I was driving to save and the police car was still there. So try this and use this method for the tricks I have posted in this guide if your having problems with cars disappearing. This does not work 100 % of the time but most of the time does. Here are some things that may cause the car to disappear despite using the door trick. -Parking it over a location of an object. If you hit a fire hydrant and parked the car over where the fire hydrant used to be, it will be gone when you get back because the fire hydrant will reload and erase the car in its location out of the game memory -Going through multiple vehicles - If you get in and out of a lot of cars the car you try the trick on might disappear -Leaving an island -Saving -Parking the vehicle sometimes next to walls, and especially against invisible walls. _________________________________________________ 16. General FAQ _________________________________________________ Here is the General FAQ for any aspects or debates in the game. Got a question? Send it in! Q: Where is the PCJ 600? A: There is one parked by Pier 1, behind the huge white building on the west most street on the southwest area of the east island (I confused you didn't I). There is also one parked right outside the hotel that is south across the street of the Malibu club but when you jump on this one, it triggers the odd job mission "PCJ playground" which is a real pain in the ass. Q: Where and what is the Packer? A: Ever see them huge trucks that carry a lot of cars at once. It is a modified version of one of those that has a ramp. This is your own personal mobile ramp. There is one in Vice Point South of the Pay N Spray and there is one inside the Film Studio. Attempts to get it out of the film studio have failed. Q: Is there anyway to do the 3 unique jumps before the G-spotlight mission A: I would say no. Yes I've tried to do these 3 jumps but found no way to get the PCJ up to the rooftops. Even if you could get the PCJ on the rooftops and you could do the 2 jumps, you wouldn't be able to get the PCJ up into the office to do the very first jump because the elevator doesn't take you up yet. I couldn't even get a helicopter up to the high office where you do the first jump. I would just wait to the mission to do the 3 unique jumps. Q: Hey, can't you get into that area with a helicopter/boat A: No shit, but this is general knowledge and including it in my guide just takes up space. _________________________________________________ 17. Special Links _________________________________________________ The following is links to FAQs, websites, or pictures for the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City only. These links contain information that you can use and are only here to help you with any questions you might have, so check these links out before you email me asking me about other aspects about the game. - Codes - FAQs - A nice flash map that provides all locations of just about anything including hidden packages, KF, UJ, and property. _________________________________________________ 18. Creditz/Contactz/Copyright _________________________________________________ This guide is no longer updated and the version you see here is the final version of this guide. I don't play the game much anymore and I don't have time to go through emails when 70 % of it is spam, another 25 % is stupid emails with unrelated or repetitive content, and 5 % of emails actually worth my time to read them. Because of this, I've decided to close the email account I was using and no longer make additions to this guide. If you still have the email address, you won't get to me since i no longer check it so go ahead and waste your time if you like. I would like to thank all the people who submitted things that helped improve this guide. I believe this guide is filled with all the information you need to get into restricted areas. There are many other methods and alternitives to the things listed in this guide but I believe that I've covered enough for you to be able to get into these areas. I hope you enjoyed the guide and I was more then happy to help people. Maybe when the next GTA comes out I will release a related guide to this one for that game, that is if someone doesn't beat me to it so look forward to that. Credits to Rockstar North and anyone else involved in this project for making a great jaw-dropping game and allowing me to sit on my ass and legally do all the things that if I did in the real world, my ass would be on death row. All information in this text is copyrighted and protected by the International Copyright Protection Act. I ask that you do not use this guide in another way other then for it to be informative and do not repost it in another guide or text. However you can make reference or take small sections from this guide to put in another text, but only under the condition that you include my name (KiLLuMiNaTi), email and link to the guide right next to the info. You are not permitted to take whole sections though and you are also not allowed to edit this guide and repost it, especially on a site not listed under Permissions. Everything here was created, researched, and written by me. Also a final thanks to everyone sending emails helping perfect this guide. Your emails and names are listed throughout the guide. _________________________________________________ 19. Update history _________________________________________________ Here's the history of all the updates to this guide, I don't want to put them up top because then the beginning of the guide is too long. 12-25-2k2 Merry Christmas to you and yours 2.1 P(12-24-2k2) Changes were made to some things in the methods on how to get under and back over Vice City. Nothing else. 2.0 P(12-22-2k2) Haven't updated in a bit and i got a few good ideas from some emails so i just decided to put them in. 1.9 P(12-16-2k2) Found this new glitch that can get you BELOW Vice City. It is, but then again, it isn't a restricted area but this is a very cool thing and I just have to put it in the guide. It's in its very own section (13) that i just added. 1.8 P(12-13-2k2) Small updates 1.7 UP(12-11-2k2) Found a new way to get into SFI from the West Island. 1.6 UP(12-9-2k2) Added to the Contactz section and added the link to my new FAQ for GTA:VC in the Special Links section. 1.5 P(12-8-2k2) Small things fixed but I'm going to do a spelling and grammar check. I'm working on another guide for GTA:VC 1.4 UP(12-7-2k2) Small error fixed, not even worth an update 1.3 P(12-6-2k2) New way to get to the West Island 1.2 P(12-3-2k2) I've gotten a few emails and tried some new stuff so I did some additions to the guide. 1.1.1 P(11-30-2k2) Found 2 new ways to get into LLGC 1.1 UP(11-30-2k2) Small updates, I shortened this section and put all the old updates way below. This is so you don't have to scroll down so much to get to the real stuff in this guide. I know I don't like when the beginning of a guide is filled with all this text. I have a few things to try from emails that I'll try and put in the guide tonight but I've been working at 100 % lately and have also been working a lot but I should make a posted version tonight. 1.0 P(11-27-2k2) 2 updates, I revised the Packer/PCJ method to getting into the West island because I felt it was misleading and needed more detail. Also added to the Tried but Failed and tips section. 0.9.1 UP(11-26-2k2) Fixed something 0.9 UP(11-26-2k2) Small updates, guide edited (Grammar and Spelling checked) 0.8.1 P(11-25-2k2) Added a new section all about the Film Studio because I found out how to get the Packer out of the studio. I also finally got a PCJ into Pier 1 to do the unique jumps. 0.8 UP(11-25-2k2) Small updates and added something to getting out of SFI and to the wish list and Contacts section. Got to go to work more to come tonight in the posted version. 0.7 P(11-21-2k2) Small updates, probably unnoticeable. 0.6.1 UP(11-20-2k2) Tried a few more things and added some more stuff. 0.6 UP(11-20-2k2) Got more response in email today and tried a lot of the things. I got a lot of email about boats and getting onto them. I tried a few things that didn't work and added those to the tried but failed and found a new way to get into Leaf Links and Pier 1. 0.5 UP(11-19-2k2) My guide has been posted and I have gotten a huge response. I'm taking time to go over things and should be adding to the different sections after everything is tested. 0.4 beta P(11-18-2k2) Added the West Island section. I should also be going over the guide for errors then submitting it to some websites. 0.3 beta (11-17-2k2) Added information about Pier 1 and added to the tried but failed. 0.2.1 beta (11-15-2k2) Added information about SFI and added Tips and FAQs. Also will be adding a section on how to get into the Airport Terminal and Fort Baxter. 0.2 beta (11-15-2k2) Added the information about the Leaf Links Golf Course 0.1 beta (11-14-2k2) Guide created 11-5-2k2 I receive Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and play all night _________________________________________________ 20. Wish List _________________________________________________ What I would like to see or not see in the future of GTA. Better game engine for spawning cars. I hate how you can drive around and see a type of car everywhere then you never see that car again. Cars should appear totally random and not 50 of the same type out on the road at the same time. A way to mark things that have been done. Like maybe a small red X should appear on unique jumps and hidden package locations that have already been completed/retrieved. With the kill frenzies, they should turn a different color once they have been successfully completed. This saves a lot of trouble when your stuck with 1 more thing to complete and you have no idea which one it is. Better "Brown Thunder" mode if the Hunter is brought back. Add helicopters and boats to destroy and have random places where these vehicles spawn on any of the islands instead of them spawning in the same exact place. I could probably get up to vigilante level 150 + but i get so bored of it when the criminals do the same thing and come from the same place. _________________________________________________ 21. Permissions _________________________________________________ I give the following websites permission to post my guide under the following guidelines: 1. No work is changed in this FAQ 2. I am given full credit The following websites are given permission to post my guide and I will send them updates. If you find this guide on any other site, please report it to me: PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOUR WEBSITE IS NOT LISTED HERE, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO POST THIS GUIDE.