Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Playstation 2 Sunshine Autos FAQ November 11 2002 version 0.8 ____ __...----------------..._ ____________ | | _.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.\~~~~~~~~\~-._ _____|| ` | || | ___ _.-~ ~\\_ __ `\ ~-. _.-~`\ | || | \_-~ ___\___/ )\_/-~ `\ |__ | .-~~ ~~~------------------~~~~~ _.--._..--~~ \ /~\| |____| .~/ // _-~ _ `\. | /\\ | _| |_ / |___ ______.~ /_\ | | |/ ||' |_ _| |` \ |_________________/ _-~ /~\\' | _/ |)=|| | | | ~-_|___|INFERNUS|___/_.-~ // || |_..-~ |\ || | | .. __________ \/ ____________ /()= || __./\\// |___| \(_)\_______) (_________/(_) / \\ ||__..--~~~ ~~~~~~ ____ `-._________________________..--' \___//~ |__ | `------`--' `---------' | | __ __ ___ | [] | ( ) \ \ / / / __| |____| \ \/ / | (__ ( ) \__/ \___| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ __ __ _ __ _____ __ __ ____ _ __ ______ / ___/ / / / / / | / / / ___/ / / / / / _/ / | / / / ____/ \__ \ / / / / / |/ / \__ \ / /_/ / / / / |/ / / __/ ___/ / / /_/ / / /| / ___/ / / __ / _/ / / /| / / /___ /____/_ \____/ /_/ |_/__/____/_/_/ /_/_/___/ /_/_|_/ /_____/ ____ / | / / / / /_ __/ / __ \ / ___/ / ____/ / | / __ \ / /| | / / / / / / / / / / \__ \ / /_ / /| | / / / / / ___ | / /_/ / / / / /_/ / ___/ / / __/ / ___ | / /_/ / /_/ |_| \____/ /_/ \____/ /____/ /_/ /_/ |_| \___\_\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING: THIS FAQ CONTAINS MILD SPOILERS, IF YOU HAVE YET TO FINISH DIAZ'S MISSIONS, or GOTTEN TO THE SECOND ISLAND THERE IS SOME MILD SPOLIERS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!! ================================= Table of Contents: ================================= 1.0 - Introduction/Copyright Info 1.1 - Copyright Information 1.2 - Introduction 2.0 - Basic Information 2.1 - What is Sunshine Autos 2.2 - Where to find Sunshine Autos 2.3 - What you can do at Sunshine Autos 2.4 - Basic Information on Finding Cars 3.0 - Import/Export Car Lists 3.1 - First List 3.2 - Second List 3.3 - Third List 3.4 - Fourth List 4.0 - Secret Cars 4.1 - Secret Cars 5.0 - Street Racing 5.1 - Street Racing 5.2 - Circuits 5.3 - Tips/Shortcuts 5.3.0 - General Tips 5.3.5 - Circuit Tips 6.0 - Garages/Pay'n'Go 6.1 - Garages 6.2 - Pay'n'Go 7.0 - FAQ/Codes 7.1 - Codes 7.1.0 - Normal Codes 7.1.5 - Gameshark Codes 7.2 - FAQ 8.0 - Updates/Contact Info/Credits 8.1 - Contact Info 8.2 - Updates 8.3 - Credits ================================= ================================= 1.0 - INTRODUCTION/COPYRIGHT INFO ================================= 1.1 - Copyright Information --------------------------------- This FAQ is under Copyright Rules of 2002, this FAQ may only be posted under my permission, if you would like to contact me to work something out, do so, any violations of this copyright should be reported as soon as possible. If I do give you permission to use this FAQ, only use this .txt file. It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. Copyright 2002 PsychoMantis(Dave A.) The Grand Theft Auto Sieres is (c) of Rockstar For more information on Rockstar and there games go to, Gameshark is (c) of Interact. For more information on Gameshark products go to, --------------------------------- 1.2 - Introduction --------------------------------- This FAQ was made to help the frequent number of questions about where to find which car where, and how to find it. I have gone to the liberty to help you find the cars to as little extent as possible. If you find a problem in this faq or have a better or different way of finding a car feel free to send me an email. I'm also surprised on how many people think you can do import/export list or street races without owning Sunshine Autos, you have to own it to do both of those things so please stop asking how to find them. ================================= 2.0 - BASIC INFORMATION ================================= 2.1 - What is Sunshine Autos? --------------------------------- Sunshine Autos is a Business in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City which you can purchase for $50,000 which you need to finish the game. Sunshine Autos is a Car Dealership which you can make a total up to $9,000 per day. Also you can get 4 rare cars which you cant find anywhere else. This is the best real estate to buy as you pay a low amount to buy it yet you get the second most daily revenue amount of money for any ownership. - $500 per car delivered to Import/Export Garage - $20,000 per Import/Export list completed --------------------------------- 2.2 - Where is Sunshine Autos? --------------------------------- Sunshine Autos is located on the second island almost near the bottom, the easiest way to find it, is to look at your map the came with the game. Sunshine Autos is located directly east of the airport. To get there from the main island go to Vice Port and stay on the Main Highway, once your in Vice Port take your first right, then at the intersection take another right, to your right there should be a empty grassy field and right smack dab in the middle is Sunshine Autos. Also the Import/Export Garage, Pay'n'Go, and the 3 garages are located behind the main building, take the ramp to reach them. --------------------------------- 2.3 - What can you do at Sunshine Autos? --------------------------------- At Sunshine Autos you can do a few different things, which is great for the low price of the business. You can: -Do any of the following 4 Import/Export lists made up of 6 cars per list -You can illegally street race 6 different circuits to win money -You can repair/repaint your car -Store around 6 cars in the 4 garages --------------------------------- 2.4 - Basic Information on Finding Cars --------------------------------- There are some basic guidelines on finding these cars, the cars usally spawn in there families of similar cars, like you wouldn't see some a lot of really poor cars right next to a lot of sport cars, it just doesn't work that way. This is why usally when you find a really rare car theres a lot of them around you. Occasionally a car will spawn out of its designated spawning area. I've seen a semi on the first island once, but that was once, I've never seen it again. Some car have a set fixed location, like it will almost be there a 100% of the time, and if its not you can take a trip around the block it will be there, you can jack it and it will come back too, thats the way it works. Basic cars like Police, Taxi, and Ambulance will pretty much spawn anywhere, while some cars will only stay in one area, you should know where to look for cars by the area you are in. For example, you should look for a Stallion in a poorer area because it isn't that nice of a car, or you should look for a Cuban Hermes around the area where you do the cuban missions, makes sense right? Another thing is that cars will spawn accordingly to what your driving, if your driving a motorcycle, you're gonna see a whole lot of motorcycles near by, this is why it sometimes helps to walk on foot, so you dont get crazy high numbers of one vechile. Sometime you should travel in car, becuase it will be more likely to spawn. The main thing to use is your common sense, because your never gonna see a Ferrari go through the ghetto, so why would an Infernus go through the trailer park? When you do find a car your looking for take it easy, try not to get any stars what so ever, and if you do try and get to a police badge or Pay'n'Go as fast a possible, you don't want a car you've been looking for, for over an hour to just flip cause you were careless. Try to maintain a decent speed, or go off any jumps, remember theres no time limit so theres no need to rush to get it into the garage. If you're too far from either a Pay'n'Go, or a Police Badge and you got 2+ stars, get to your nearest garage, put it in and save, then reload your game. If worst comes to worst and you not even close to a garage, get out of the car, this is the most dire thing, the chances of the car not being there when you come back are high, but ive gone all of the island and came back to the same car I had ditched on the side of the road. But you wanna focus on getting out of the car and getting into another one, and making you way towards a Pay'n'Go, not a garage. You will want to get there as soon a possible to avoid all the police vechlies to take up all the RAM, deleting your rare car. After you get to the Pay'n'Go, make your way back to your car and hope to god that its still there. Why you don't want to drive to the Pay'n'Go in your rare vechle, they are usally slower and less duriable than a normal car, so your car would probably get blown up by the time you start to make your way to the Pay'n'Go. If you have a better rare car go for it, but don't go for it if your driving a golf cart or something. There is a sentienel usally inside Sunshine Autos use it to get to different locations to find your car, as you earn more cars for your showroom you can use them to get to an area to find a car. Use the fixed locations part to make this as quick and easy as possible, some cars don't have any at all, if you have one that I don't have email me it please. Also if I have a incorrect fixed location, email me that too. Fixed Locations usally have a spawn point for a certain car, sometimes its just one car that will spawn there, sometimes its a few different cars, its varies. One also thing to note is that the cars will always not be there, if there not just drive around, go inside buildings, or do a mission, then come back and check if it's there, if it's still not there just repeat till it apears. ================================= 3.0 - IMPORT/EXPORT CAR LISTS ================================= 3.1 - First List (Lower-class list) --------------------------------- NOTE: CARS AREN'T ALWAYS FOUND AT FIXED LOCATIONS, THEY ARE USALLY THERE THOUGH, DRIVE AROUND THE ISLAND AND COME BACK TO TRY TO GET IT TO RETURN. INFO: This is probably one of the hardest list you will have to do, but some of the cars can be found fast, other are harder. CARS: All of these cars are lower to middle class cars ______________________ Landstalker- Location: Usally found in the areas of Downtown and Northpoint, also sometimes found in Vice Point. Fixed Locations: - Dirtbike Track(Downtown) Get to the stadium and keep on the road closest to the stadium and start heading north, right after the bend you should see a dirt road heading north, follow this road around till you reach a Dirt Track, you'll know when your there because of the hills and what not, towards the the east of the track there's a Landstalker and a Sanchez, get in the Landstalker, a mission will start up but ignore it, just drive away and back to Sunshine Autos to deliver the car. - Starfish Island: Northwest House Comming out of Diaz's Estate, take a left, you should be heading west, as you come towards the next T-Intersection take a right, you should be heading north, then at the next intersection take a left, hold down R2 and stay on the road till you see an open gate, then go into the lot and steal the car and drive it out. ______________________ Idaho- Pictures: Location: Usally in the area of Little Haiti, Little Havana, and Downtown. I often find it right outside of the hospital in Little Havana right after I die. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Esperanto- Pictures: Location: Again like the Idaho this is another rare car, but I found it fairly close to Sunshine autos. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Stallion- Pictures: (car on the left) Location: All over Prawn Island, just do a couple laps around it, you should see some. Also found in the areas that the Idaho is found in. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Rancher- Pictures: Location: Pretty much all over the place, Viceport, Downtown, and Vice Point are the most common though. Easier Methods: - Landstalker Method Get a Landstalker from the Dirt Track(Look at "Landstalker" car section in this FAQ to find out how to get there), then drive it around downtown to find a Rancher. - FBI Method Get full armor and health, and get near a pay'n'go, get four stars and stay there till the police comes, you should see some Black Ranchers pull up, kill the FBI agents or just steal the SUV, then drive it into the Pay'n'Go, then drive around till you find a normal Rancher, don't take the FBI rancher to Sunshine Autos, they wont accept it. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Blista Compact- Location: The car is usally found in Washington beach, Little Havana, Ocean Beach, and pretty much everywhere, I've had the best luck finding this car on foot. Note: Unlike GTA3, this car is not a van, it's a hatchback, hence the name Compact Fixed Location: ? ______________________ EARNINGS: Hooray! You've just made Sunshine Autos earn a revunue of $1,500 a day. You also unlocked a new car, the Deluxo, go to the secret cars section(4.1) for more information on the car. --------------------------------- 3.2 - Second List (Middle-Class List) --------------------------------- INFO: This can be an easy but hard list since some cars you wont see for the longest time then show up in groups of them. CARS: All these cars are middle class cars like sedans, the only exception is the limo. ______________________ Sabre- Pictures: Location: I usally found this car around Little Havana, or on the main highway in the middle of the island. They can also be found downtown sometimes. MisticalPoet - You can find the Sabre almost all the time around the Northpoint Mall. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Virgo- Picture: Location: This car is usally found around the area of Vice Point Hospital, I found it when I was walking around. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Sentinel- Pictures: Location: Almost anywhere, there always driving past Sunshine Autos Fixed Locations: -In Sunshine Autos This is almost impossible to miss, it's located inside Sunshine Autos, if theres no car inside go drive around till it appears ______________________ Stretch- Picture: Location: I think this is pretty self-explainitory, theres one right beside your mansion. Fixed Locations: -Beside Your Mansion Go to Diaz's Mansion, as you come in there should be a garage to your left, right against the wall there is an Infernus, keep moving past it, on the other side of the stairs theres a Stretch usally parked there. If you can't understand that, go in front of the big starcase, and look south, to your right should be the Stretch Limo. ______________________ Washington- Picture: Location: Now this car is really easy to find or really hard, I find them on both islands but usally in the middle of the second island. Easier Method: Go behind the Pizza Place thats downtown, if you follow the alleyway around there is a FBI Washington parked, get into the car and drive around to find a real washington, don't take the FBI Washington to Sunshine Autos, they wont accept it. Fixed Location: ? ______________________ Admiral- Picture: Description: I found this car around little havana, it was not too hard to find. Fixed Locations: - Starfish Island: West House Get a car, then head to Diaz's Estate. Comming out of Diaz's Estate, take a left, pass through the first T-Intersection and keep going till you reach the next one, take a right, then drive your car up to the gate of the very first house to the left you see, the gate should be closed, park your car next to the fence, jump on the car and then over the fence, you should see the car in the Driveway next to a rampage, get in the car, to your left you should see a ramp, go over the ramp and into the neighbour's yard, their gate is open, drive through it and then make your way make to Sunshine Auto's. ______________________ EARNINGS: Your revenue increases to $4000, and you get a brand new Sabre Turbo. --------------------------------- 3.3 - Third List (Sports Cars) --------------------------------- INFO: This is by far the easist list, I found most of these cars right outside Sunshine Autos. CARS: These are all sports cars ______________________ Cheetah- Pictures: Location: This car is usally found in richer areas like Ocean Beach and Washington Beach, I've also found it easily on Starfish Island. Fixed Location: - On Ocean Beach's Yacht Docks Get to the Ammunation in Ocean Beach, start heading south from it, take a right and stick to the curve as it heads north, now take a left once you see the Yacht Docks, you should know where you are from the mission that Cortez gave you here, now right beside the dock with the Gate closed there is usally a cheetah, to get best results head here on foot, if it's not there you can check the underground parking lot that is across from the docks, hard to miss, there's sometimes a cheetah down there. - Starfish Island: Most Eastern House Get to Diaz's Estate and get a car. Comming out of Diaz's Estate, take a right, you should be heading east, once you reach the first intersection from there take a left, now to your first right (The house on the corner)there is a house with no gate and a empty swimming pool, the cheetah should be right parked in the driveway, you'll know your at the right place if you go towards the back of the house there is a crane thing into the water. ______________________ Infernus- Pictures: Location: There is one of these at your mansion, they're also found around washington beach on the first island. Fixed Locations: - At Diaz's Estate Go to Diaz's Mansion, as you come in there should be a garage to your left, right against the wall there is an Infernus. If you can't understand that, go in front of the big starcase, and look south, to your left should be the Infernus. It's pretty hard to miss, as we all have taken it to do missions for Diaz. Also, the Infernus is always a Silver Color, if anyone has seen it as a different color parked here, email me. ______________________ Banshee- Picture: (The white car) Location: Almost anywhere. Fixed Location: - Starfish Island: Most Western Middle House ______________________ Phoeniox- Pictures: Location: They can be found driving around Washington Beach. Fixed Location: Starfish Island: Most Northern House, ______________________ Comet- Pictures: Location: Theres one in front of the golf course 95% of the time. Fixed Location: -In front of the golf course Starfish Island: Northeast House ______________________ Stinger- Picture: Location: This is probably the hardest one here, but it shouldn't take to long to find one around, just drive around in a rich car. Fixed Location: Starfish Island: Middle of Middle Houses ______________________ EARNINGS: Revenue increases to $6500, and you get a Sandking jeep for your showroom. --------------------------------- 3.4 - Fourth List (Specialty Cars) --------------------------------- INFO: This is another easy list, but there are few hard ones to find. CARS: All the cars in this one either have a special feature(hydraulics), or are unique. ______________________ Vodoo- Picture: Location: Around Little Havana. Fixed Location: Outside Auntie Poulet's Shack House thing ______________________ Cuban Hermes- Pictures: Location: These are found around the Cuban area(Little Havana). Fixed Locations: ? ______________________ Caddy- Picture: Location: Sometimes around the golf course, other than that there is one hidden in a some bushes near the light house. Fixed Locations: Golf Course(Sometimes), In bush near Light House(Usally there) ______________________ Baggage Handler- Picture: Location: Sometimes seen driving around the airport. Fixed Locations: -Escabar International Airport From Sunshine Autos take a left out of there, you should be heading south, then at the next intersection take a right, you should be heading west, now keep to this road and follow it as it turns right and then left, now on your right you should see a the Airport Terminal in front of you, right before it there is a opening to the left that leads into the airport runways, you should see some Baggage Handlers parked all over the place. ______________________ Pizza Boy- Picture: Location: Randomly spawns behind Pizza Places, if its not at one go to another one, there are three in total. Can Also be obtained in the Phone Mission #1 - Road Kill After you kill the Pizza Boy, you can take his bike. Fixed Loctions: - Well-stacked Pizza Place (Vice Point) Get to the Club Malibu, go north from there till you reach the first intersection, take a right, you should be heading south west, now go past the first intersection and on your right is the Pizza Place, the Pizza Boy is located behind the store in an alley way, there is a katana sword beside the bike. - Well-stacked Pizza Place (Downtown) Get to the stadium downtown, now start heading east and one of the two roads out of there, then take a right, you should be heading south, go past the hospital and keep going intil you see a pizza place to your right, the bike is located on the north side of the Pizza Place, towards the back. - Well-stacked Pizza Place (Little Haiti) ______________________ Ice Cream Truck- Pictures: Location: The obvious place to look is the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory. Fixed Location: - Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory Comming out of Diaz's Estate, take a left, your should be heading west, follow the road off the island onto the second island into Little Havana, right when you reach the T-Intersection you should see a Business to a little to the left(South-West), the Ice Cream Truck (Mr.Whoopie)is inside. NOTE: You have to own the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory for it to spawn there. It costs $30,000 ______________________ EARNINGS: Yep thats it, now you get a whooping $9,000 a day in revenue. You also get the "Hotring Racer" car for your showroom.' ================================= 4.0 - SECRET CARS ================================= 4.1 - Secret Cars --------------------------------- Here are the secret cars you only find at the showroom, you can find them in certain mission or places, but they will always be here. The first two cars are located on the main floor, the last two are located on the second floor. To get the cars out, try shooting out the glass first then driving out, especially when taking one of the cars on the second level, if you don't go fast enough, the car will flip, so get some speed so you can land the drop, even if you did damage your car bad there's a Pay'n'Go near. And yes these cars respawn. ______________________ Deluxo Picture: Description: This car looks like the Blista Compact, but is faster, slides more, and seems heavier. Speed: 4/5 How to Unlock: You unlock this car by completing the first Import/Export list. ______________________ Sabre Turbo Picture: Description: This car is exactly like the Sabre, but it has a racing strip on it and is much faster. Speed: 4.5/5 How to Unlock: You get this after completing the second Import/Export list. ______________________ Sandking Picture: Description: Kinda like a mix between the landstalker and the BF Injection, its great for going on the beach with, but with its center of gravity is so high it flips easily. Speed: 3.5/5 How to Unlock: You get this after completing the third Import/Export list. ______________________ Hotring Racer Picture: Description: This is the same car you get in the last mission for the Hyman Stadium. It has advertisements on it and looks like a Race Car. Speed: 4.5/5 How to Unlock: You get the last and final car for completing the four Import/Export list. ================================= 5.0 - STREET RACING ================================= 5.1 - Street Racing --------------------------------- Found right next to the Import/Export Garage is the Street Racing entry map, you'll see it due to the pink maker which you need to step on to enter the races. There are six circuits each harder than the other one and requiring more money. All the races require an entry fee to join, then you go to the starting location and begin the race. The thing is that, say if you enter a race were the entry fee is $1,000 you will put it in a pot with the other racers, so it means that they all put in the same amount. For example, with that $1,000 entry there is four people per race, three computers, and you, if you won you would collect $4,000 because everyone chipped in a $1,000 leading to you getting a profit of $3,000. If you still don't understand it, just read the profit margin on the circuits section.(5.2) Interesting Find - At the top of the map for selecting your race, it says,"Earn Cash, not Kudos", this is obviously a joke directed towards MSR(Dreamcast), or Project Gotham Racing(Xbox), where you have to race for style points, also know as kudos. --------------------------------- 5.2 - Street Racing Circuits --------------------------------- There are a total of six circuits in Vice City to street race. ______________________ Race #1 Terminal Velocity Length - 1.1 Miles Entrance Fee - $100 Winning Money - $400 ______________________ Race #2 Ocean Drive Length - 1.652 Miles Entrance Fee - $500 Winning Money - $2,000 ______________________ Race #3 Border Run Length - 1.926 Miles Entrance Fee - $1,000 Winning Money - $4,000 ______________________ Race #4 Capital Cruise Length - 2.438 Miles Entrance Fee - $2,000 Winning Money - $8,000 ______________________ Race #5 Tour! Length - 2.86 Miles Entrance Fee - $5,000 Winning Money - $20,000 ______________________ Race #6 V.C. Endurance Length - 6.1 Miles Entrance Fee - $10,000 Winning Money - $40,000 ______________________ --------------------------------- 5.3 - Tips --------------------------------- 5.3.0 - General tips --------------------------------- Here are some tips for specific circuits or in general: General Tips: - When approting the marked starting location, get a good distance behind your oppenents and get to a good speed, then drive right next to your oppenent and tap him with the side of your car, the race starts if you hit another car, and if your already at top speed and there still acclerating you can get a good head start - Try to cut corners to get in front of your oppenents - Try to get to know the track, the better you know the area, the easier it will be - I can't stress this enough, but watch for incoming traffic, one bad collision could lose you the race and your money. - This ones pretty obvious but get a fast car, you'll want acceleration over top speed on some races, and vice-versa on other races. - Always use a fast car, here are the three fastest cars in the game: Infernus Cheetah Hotring Racer - Overall I usally pick the cheetah since its fast and has good acceleration, though you should pick which car you most confortable with - If you need more info on cars, see RedjackeTs "Car Database" - Never use a motorcycle in a street race, you may think their better due to there small size, but infact you'll probably get knocked off your bike from the other wreckless oppenents, or you'll hit a wall or crash into a car. Sticking to a car is best for street racing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALWAYS WIN TIP!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some people would consider this cheating and wouldn't want to do this but if you like finding shortcuts in games this is one of them. +++++++++ Chris616263 informed me of this on AOL. Use the bazooka you find on the way to sunshine autos, and blow up all the cars before the race starts! In fact, if you hit the right car, all three blow up, and you can take as much time as you want. I'll tell ya how to blow up the cars right, too. ya know how they're liked up like CAR CAR START CAR You hit the middle one, I underlined it. CAR CAR <------ Hit the car on the right START CAR Then the other 2 get blown up by the blast, hehe. +++++++++ To find the Rocket Launcher get 70 Hidden Packages or there is one just south of Sunshine Autos. Head south from Sunshine Autos and take a right at the intersection, you should be heading west, on your left you should see a Hotel with a road going through it, follow this road and inside the swimming pool is a Rocket Launcher, beware, don't drive your car into the pool, you won't be able to get it out again. Then take the Rocket Launcher and start the race, blow up the cars shown above, then take all the time you want to finish up the race. ~~~~~~~~~ Here's a tip from My advice on how to beat the SunShine auto races easily, without having to actually out perform the other drivers: First of all, it's not illegal to destroy the other racers vechiles once they have started the race. With this in mind, to win the races easily, simply get a tank by collecting 90 hidden packages, using a gameshark, or entering the in game code (Rhino: Cirlce, Circle, L1, Circle (3x), L1, L2, R1, Triangle, CIrcle, Triangle), and head to the starting line on a 45 degree angle or so that will run over all the cars quickly, but have the tanks shaft pointed ahead where the races will be heading (to hit anyone that you might not get right away with your tank treds), then when the race starts, pull forward quickly taking out all the racer cars with your tank treds which instantly explodes all cars that touch them, and fire the tanks cannon or whatever at any cars that still manage to pull away, but if a car by chance still manages to excape your attack, they will probably have taken to much damage (in all the near by explosions) to finish the race in one peice, but for the perfectionists, you can wait back awhile at the finish line to kill them (with the tank cannon) as they come in for the win if they even survive the race that long. Then jump in a smaller faster car to finish the race at your leisure since you are now the only racer left. See how easy it can be. This is a quick way to $40,000 also if you need money fast, just do this when ever on the last race. --------------------------------- 5.3.5 - Circuit Tips --------------------------------- I need tips for this section, if you have any contact me please. ______________________ Race #1 - This circuit is in a small area with lots of turns and lots of traffic, I recommend using a cheetah or a Hotring Racer if you have one. - Apparently if you have a motorbike you can ride the walls around the underground roads, this can give you a nice lead. ______________________ Race #6 - You can make some really easy money on this race, if you win you can get $40,000 in a couple minutes.(credit - CoMPuTer MAsSteR) - Make sure you get a good lead ahead of the oppenents, since the track mainly sticks to the highways, theres lots of room for passing and putting your oppenents off course. - You'll want a car with a really high top speed since most of this course is straight If you have any tips, email me please. ================================= 6.0 - GARAGES/PAY'N'GO ================================= 6.1 - Garages --------------------------------- There are four garages at Sunshine Autos that can hold around 8 cars. This isn't the most conveinant place for them, but they work well. WARNING!!!!!! THIS CAN CAUSE THE GAME TO EAT YOUR CARS, I RECOMMEND NOT STORING ANY IMPORTANT CARS IN A GARAGE THAT HAS MORE THAN THE LIMIT, GTA: VC HAS BEEN KNOWN TO EAT CARS IF YOU GO PAST THE LIMIT, DON'T BE SURPRISED IF YOUR CAR GETS DELETED WHEN YOU GO PAST THE MAX LIMIT!!! You can fit almost double the amount of cars in each garage if you keep the door open by walking up to it while out of your car, wait till its fully open and then get in the car and drive in fast. This method was posted by "MisticalPoet" : If you pull one all the way up to the door, then get out and let it open and run around behind your car and push in forward, it will block the door, then just get in and drive it in What to do if your car gets eatten? I have looked into this as it has happen to me, even when not going over the max limit, this usally happens in certain garages, mainly the Hyman Condo Ones, and the Starfish Island ones, you come to your garage and what!!??? The cars missing!!! Your car could be gone for good, but try saving it first at least. Sometimes one car will be gone but the other will still remain, or there both gone or just one of thems gone, first thing go around the islands and load up as much stuff as possible then come back, if there still not there, reload your game, I did this and it seems to work every time, sometime I would have to reload it 3 or 4 times before it would come back, but it did in the end. So try that. If anyone has a better method of getting your cars back, contact me please. --------------------------------- 6.2 - Pay'n'Go --------------------------------- The Pay'n'Go here is pretty useless here since it is kinda off the road, but it does all the same things as the other Pay'n'Gos, if you want to make all your cars a certain color or just see what different colors there are this is the place, It is the only one which can fit a helicopter in also, but when i got mine in, it caught on fire and exploded so I'm not sure if you can change the color or repair it. Also after some dicussion, the Pay'n'Go at Sunshine Autos isn't free even when you own it, it stills costs $100 to get the whole car repaired. Though I have found out that if your car is not damaged one bit you can go back in and get the color changed for free, so if your looking for a paticular color it doesn't really cost anything. Interesting Find- "Ravenhunter" pointed this out to me, he got the helicopter into the Pay'n'Go at Sunshine Autos, he claims it repaired his helicopter and changed the color, he also said that his helicopter got car wheels on it, aparently they have no function but he says they work as shocks for landing the helicopter. "Gwommy" took a picture of this interesting find and let me link it, here it is: Mavrick - Hunter - ================================= 7.0 - FAQ/CODES ================================= 7.1 - Codes --------------------------------- 7.1.0 - Normal Codes --------------------------------- WARNING: THE EFFECTS OF USING ARE A CODE COULD SCREW UP YOUR GAME SAVE, USE THESE CODES AS YOUR OWN RISK!! Spawn Caddy: Press Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X. --------------------------------- 7.1.5 - Gameshark Codes --------------------------------- If your to lazy to go and find the cars yourself, use these gameshark codes courtesy GFCC. NOTE!!!! You must have a "Must Be On Code" for these codes to work, you can get one from --------------------------------- The Main Code: DE977222 E0AD9B?? --------------------------------- Replace ?? with one of the following to spawn desired vehicle. Then, when in-game, press O, R1, O, R1, L, L, R1, L1, O, R, and the corresponding vehicle will be spawned! Landstalker 05 Idaho 06 Stinger 07 Linerunner 08 Perennial 09 Sentinel 0A Firetruck 0C Trashmaster 0D Stretch 0E Manana 0F Infernus 10 Voodoo 11 Pony 12 Mule 13 Cheetah 14 Ambulance 15 FBI Washington 16 Moonbeam 17 Esperanto 18 Taxi 19 Washington 1A Bobcat 1B Mr. Whoopee 1C BF Injection 1D Hunter 1E Police 1F Enforcer 20 Securicar 21 Banshee 22 Bus 24 Rhino 25 Barracks OL 26 Cuban Hermes 27 Coach 2A Cabbie 2B Stallion 2C Rumpo 2D RC Bandit 2E Romero's Hearse 2F Packer 30 Sentinel XS 31 Admiral 32 Sea Sparrow 34 Gang Burrito 36 Flatbed 3C Yankee 3D Caddy 3E Zebra Cab 3F Top Fun 40 RC Baron 45 RC Raider 46 Glendale 47 Oceanic 48 Sparrow 4A Patriot 4B Love Fist 4C Hermes 4F Sabre 50 Sabre Turbo 51 Phoenix 52 Walton 53 Regina 54 Comet 55 Deluxo 56 Burrito 57 Spand Express 58 Baggage Handler 5A Kaufman Cab 5B Maverick 5C VCN Maverick 5D Rancher 5E FBI Rancher 5F Virgo 60 Greenwood 61 Hotring Racer 63 Sandking 64 Blista Compact 65 Police Maverick 66 Boxville 67 Benson 68 Mesa Grande 69 RC Goblin 6A Hotring Racer(A)6B Hotring Racer(B)6C Bloodring Racer 6D Bloodring Banger6E VCPD Cheetah 6F (Note: The values skipped were not put here because they are not cars and will freeze or otherwise glitch your game) _____________________________________ Use this to spawn Bikes using the O, R1, O, R1, L, L, R1, L1, O, R button cheat! Bike Spawning DE97612E C8B7F7F7 DE977222 E0AD9B?? Values for ?? Angel 29 Pizza Boy 35 PCJ-600 42 Faggio 43 Freeway 44 Sanchez 49 --------------------------------- 7.2 - FAQ --------------------------------- 1) Where is Sunshine Autos? If you still can't find it after I told you how to find it in section 2.2, go here, and click on "For Sale", then look around till you find it 2) Do I earn anything for completing all the Street Races? Nothing as far as I know, though you need it to 100% the game. 3) How come I'm only earning ? You say that I should be getting $9,000 a day! You need to complete all the Import/Export lists to get the full $9,000 You go up like this: $1,500 $4,000 $6,500 $9,000 4) How come I can't just choose any car like in GTA3? It doesn't work that way in this one. 5) How much money do I get for Delvering a car? You get $500 per car delivered and $20,000 on top of that for completing a list. ================================= 8.0 - CONTACT INFO/UPDATES/CREDITS ================================= 8.1 - Contact Information --------------------------------- Email: AOL: pSychOm4nT1s MSN: Feel free to ask me a question about Vice City if im on, I don't mind, though I do mind stupid questions though about beating missions which are explaned on other Walkthroughs and asked on the message boards every ten seconds. --------------------------------- 8.2 - Updates --------------------------------- 11/05/02 - FAQ Created - version 0.1 -Sections #1-5 created 11/06/02 - version 0.3 - Sections #1-5 touched up - Added second import/export list - Added Fixed Location for cars - Made FAQ easier to read - Added ASCII word art 11/07/02 - version 0.6 - Added 15 fixed locations - Added Circuit Descriptions - Touched up ASCII word art - Used Spellcheck - Fixed error about three garages, there are four - Added General/Circuit Street Racing Tips - Added Frequantly Asked Questions Section - Added quick info about fixed locations - Fixed up Table of Contents 11/07/02 - version 0.6.1 - Added Catalog info at top of FAQ - Submitted FAQ 08/11/02 - version 0.7 - Added Esperado Fixed Location - Fixed error about Pay'n'Spray, it's actually Pay'n'Go - Changed some car location info - Added Info on getting Secret Cars out of the buisness - Added Credits Section - Added Some Street Racing Circuit Tips - Added some Interesting Finds - Added Pictures to help people out - Added spawn Caddy cheat 11/09/02 to 11/17/02 - version 0.8 - Added more street racing tips - Added Gameshark Codes Section - Made the fixed locations much easier to understand to people who are having tough times finding the cars - Upgraded ASCII Word Art - Added some stuff to Garages - Added some stuff to Pay'n'Go - Added easier methods sections to cars that had them - Fixed a lot of the things that were wrong, fixed locations mainly - Added always win tip for Street Racing - Added some color and descriptions to the cars - Fixed up Table of Contents - Added some Frequently Asked Questions - Fixed Date Problems --------------------------------- 8.2 - Credits --------------------------------- - GameFAQs - For putting up the faq - CoMPuTer MAsSteR - For giving me some tips on Street Racing - Ravenhunter - For getting a helicopter in Pay'n'Go at Sunshine Autos and pointing out that the helicopter gets car wheels. - xXx Leemir xXx - For helping me out with some pictures of cars. - Fett7172 - For helping me out with more pictures - Scarface96 - For letting me link to his pictures of Cars - GFCC - For the car spawning gameshark code - RedJacket's "Car Database" FAQ - For using some Facts for my street racing section - Gwommy - For letting me link his picture of helicopter with wheels - GeneratorYushiro - For letting me realize some of my faults on this FAQ and the fact I needed to go over some of the grammar - MisticalPoet - For saying you can get Mr.Whoopies on Vigilanty Missions and some various tips on finding cars - - Street Racing Tip