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A.East Island B.Prawn Island C.Starfish Island D.West Island 7.Vehicles To Use For Jumps 8.Vehicles Not To Use For Jumps 9.Common Problems 10.Copyright/Credits ==================================================================== 1. Version Updates ==================================================================== December 9, 2003: Fixed some spelling errors and fixed the links to the Unique Jump Pics. Thats about it. February 7, 2003: Quite a few updates, but its not finished yet. I added where to land on the first 10 or so jumps, and I also went through the trouble of taking a screenshot of every UJ Location, so if you cant find one, the pic may help. You can find them lower in the guide. More landing locations coming in the near future. Oh yeah, and please realise, I can't tell you where a jump is that you missed, and I found like every jump easy, so there is no point emailing me saying I missed a jump, which ones did you find hard? January 7, 2003: Small updates, just corrected some mistakes I made with the guide, and added a small tip from DieselGT about the "G-Spotlight" Jumps. Just as a kinda reminder / tip, I cant help you find a jump that you have missed, so its not much use for you, or me if you IM me or Email me saying "I missed a jump, can you help" because I cant, Rockstar should have numbered the jumps or something, so it said "Unique Jump #23 Completed" and kept track of it in the stats, but they didnt, so you'll have to find it yourself. Sorry. January 2, 2003: Happy New Year Everyone. Minor Updates, corrected some brady games numbers (thanx to towelie aka matt). Coming Soon, I'll also have landing locations, but i am working with someone who is going to help me, and they are not finished yet. I Also added news of a Unique Jump Glitch in the Common Problems Section, which Casey Vanhoose sent me a few weeks ago, but i didnt really read it until now. I'm not 100% sure Its True, But Read It And See For Yourself. December 18, 2002: For the benefit of those with the Brady Games Official Strategy Guide, i have included the number of the jump in the guide next to each one of my own numbered jumps, so it should be a bit easier to follow, if you have the map. Nothing else but that today :( PLEASE TELL ME IF THE BRADY GAMES JUMP NUMBERS ARE WRONG IN THIS GUIDE, AS I DONT HAVE THE GUIDE, SO I CANT 100% CHECK THEY ARE RIGHT. Thanx. December 15, 2002: Gamefaqs accepted it, yay!!! I added the PCJ locations, cars to and to not use and some common problems. December 11, 2002: Finished LAST jump, started Where can i find a PCJ section, and I'm still waiting for gamefaqs to accept it, should do, now that its finished. December 8, 2002: Finished all jumps except the 3 on "G-Spotlight". I cant add these because due to me starting a new game, im not up to it yet, and so i can't give 100% correct directions. I'm also still waiting to get the guide accepted. December 5, 2002: Added about 18 jumps, the jumps should be complete in a few days, and then I'll work on some of the extras that I'm going to add. ===================================================================== 2. Introduction ===================================================================== I decided to write this guide because there isn't one on GameFAQs and the ones people have in their main faq's are crap. No offence but you cant Complete every jump with a 3 line sentence saying "behind a house is some stairs - that's the jump". So I have tried to put the Guide in as much detail as possible. If you have any info, or techniques for jumps feel free to contact me, and if I can find it useful, I will add it to the guide and credit the sender. I may also include some other tricks involved with jumping. There are 36 Unique Jumps scattered throughout Vice City, and they play a big percentage of your final 100%, so you might wanna do them ¦¬) I strongly suggest you follow this guide from jump to jump, even if you have already hit a jump, its much easier to do it again, than try to skip it. Most of the jumps will follow onto the next one, so if you skip one, you might get lost. One other thing: I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU USE A PCJ 600 FOR MOST OF THE JUMPS. ===================================================================== 3. Email Policy ===================================================================== Feel free to ask me about anything to do with GTA:VC, I'll try my best to answer all questions, because, even though im still playing through it (for the 3rd time) i think i know quite a lot about it. You could also email me about any problems you are having with the guide, any errors, or anything else that you see is wrong. If you have any better directions, or techniques for jumps, feel free to send me them and I might put them in. Oh, and compliments are permitted, as are constructive criticism, dont bother sending me shit like Viruses tho, or you'll get much worse done back... Nuff said. Thanx for reading it tho, and i hope it helps ya. I also hope you enjoy reading it more than I did writing it, because it was a ****ing pain! You can also Instant Messenger me on: AIM - Psycopsy15 Yahoo - Psycopsy15 MSN - Psycopsy@hotmail.com ===================================================================== 4. Unique Jumps ===================================================================== *NOTE* I have done the jumps in order of how you could complete them, e.g. you start on the East Island, so I have started there. However, a number of people have used the Brady guide which starts on the West Island, so I included their location next to my Jump Numbers (thats why they start on jump 34). ********************************************************************* A. East Island ********************************************************************* _____________ Unique Jump 1 (Brady Games Unique Jump 34) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From Ammu-Nation head [SOUTH]. When you reach the end and are facing water turn right, you should now be heading [NORTH WEST]. A short way along you will notice that the ground has changed colour to yellow and you may now see the docks. So drive down to there. You will see 2 gates leading to the piers, but only one opens, and that's once you beat the first batch of Colonel Cortez's missions. Enter the most Northern Gate (if you can) and reach the middle of the pier.You will see a ramp. Your aim is to hit this ramp and jump across the water to the next pier. Reverse as far back as possible then speed for the jump which leads [SOUTH]. You should make it quite easily if you are in a fast car. As soon as you land dont stop, if you are facing [SOUTH] still, keep hard on the gas and hit the next ramp for the next jump. To help with the jump you sometimes find a PCJ 600 parked on the walkway in between the two gates. Where To Land: Well, considering the jump, you can only really land in 1 place, so clear the water and land on the next platform, preferably in the middle, so that you dont die. Landing straight will also make the 2nd jump MUCH easier. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump1.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 2 (Brady Games Unique Jump 35) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow the above instructions for [JUMP 1], and as soon as you land keep hard on the gas, you will have to hit another gap, which is bigger than the one you just cleared. You should manage to make it easily though. This is the Unique Jump. Once you land this, try to stop. To get back to land there is one more jump heading [EAST], however this is not a unique jump. Where To Land: Just like jump 1, you can only land in 1 place, so jump straight across and land on the next platform. You will probably need speed from jump 1, so after you land jump 1, keep hard on the gas, and hit the jump. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump2.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 3 (Brady Games Unique Jump 32) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From Ammu-Nation head [NORTH], take the second right and once there you will see a large white parking lot type thing on your right. If you turn in here you will see the stairway that you are jumping from. You are jumping [SOUTH]. Luckily, there is an alley in between some houses north of the jump, so reverse up there and speed to the stairs. You have to clear the first rooftop and land on the second, pink roof. You will have to use this jump in the mission PCJ Playground, so its a good idea to get used to jumping it. To help with the jumps, you sometimes find a PCJ 600 parked in a corner of the lot. Where To Land: After you hit the stairs you should be jumping the only way you can, so hit it, and land ANYWHERE on the pink roof. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump3.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 4 (Brady Games Unique Jump 33) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow the above steps for [JUMP 3], but as soon as you land on the Pink rooftop you will be facing, or near to a vent in the roof. You have to hit this vent and jump to the next roof. The best way to do it is hit [JUMP 3] slightly to the left then you will land almost perfectly online with the jump. Just clear the road, and make contact with the roof opposite to clear the jump. Where To Land: This is quite tricky to pull off, but if you hit the first stair jump right, and land on the pink roof, all you have to do is hit the pink ramp and hit the wall opposite in the part of wall that goes in. you can also land on the roof. |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |___|¯¯|___| ^^ Hit Wall Here Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump4.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 5 (Brady Games Unique Jump 31) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From your hotel face [SOUTH] and make the first right, make a right when you reach the end of this street and a short way on the left you will see an opening. Head along here and turn right, into the multi storey car park. Follow it up to the roof, then position yourself in the [NORTH WEST] Corner but facing [SOUTH]. Speed at the stone jump and you should easily clear the street and make it to the top of the next rooftop to pass this jump. If you want to keep your car, I suggest slamming both the handbrake and normal brakes as you land, because your momentum will take you off the roof. Where To Land: Hit the stone ramp head on, and all you have to do is land on the big rooftop opposite. If you have enough speed, you cant really miss it. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump5.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 6 (Brady Games Unique Jump 30) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From your hotel, facing [SOUTH], make a right, then as soon as you see it, make a right into the alley. Speed along this alley heading [NORTH] and when you reach the end of this section you will see a small wooden box which you will jump from. Where To Land: Hit the jump neading North, and land in the alley opposite, you need to jump quite far, but if you use the longest run up possible, you should easily do it. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump6.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 7 (Brady Games Unique Jump 27) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you followed the guide so far and hit [JUMP 6], you will be on a rooftop. Jump down into the alley and head along it to the [NORTH]. When you reach the road you will see another wooden box which this jump is from. Head along to the [NORTH], and when you think you are far enough along, turn, facing [SOUTH], and hit the jump with some power. This time however, you are not aiming for the rooftop opposite, you're aiming for the Alley. Try to jump past the wooden pole on the right and that usually does the job well enough. If you tap the wall on the right a second before hitting the jump it will position you so that you are ready to jump straight. I suggest using a PCJ 600 for this jump. Where To Land: Hit the jump neading South, and land in the alley opposite, you need to jump quite far, getting level with the wooden post will register it, and if you use the longest run up possible, you should easily do it. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump7.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 8 (Brady Games Unique Jump 26) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After [JUMP 7] make a 180, and head back up the alley [NORTH]. eventually you will reach another road, and across it will be another alley. to the left of this alley, from your perspective is a stairway. You guessed it, this is where you are jumping from. I suggest heading along the alley across the road [NORTH] to the next road, then turn around and hit the jump heading [SOUTH]. You have to land on the rooftop slightly to the right, which shouldn't be too hard if you've got the hang of jumping and you are using the PCJ 600, like a good boy... or girl. To hit this jump well, follow the black track in the middle of the alley, and just as you hit the staircase tap right which should point you in the right direction for this one. Where To Land: Hit the stairs, and jump straight, and if you have enough speed it should register. Try to keep to the left of the rooftop, and if you can clear the roof, it will definitely register. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump8.jpg _____________ Unique Jump 9 (Brady Games Unique Jump 24) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After [JUMP 8], get back into the alley, and head [NORTH] once again. Keep going along until you see not one, but two stairways! (I know what you're thinking TWO STAIRWAYS!!!, but yes, i guess Rockstar North wanted to make this the best game ever :p) the one you are hitting here is the one on the right. If you look carefully you are actually jumping [WEST] this time, so you should be able to tell that you will need a big run up. Go [EAST] and towards the beach, and when you get there make a 180 and hit the jump hard. You have to hit the wall of the police building for this to count, not the tree as many people's attempts end up. I have also just worked out that landing on the grass past the tree causes this jump to be passed too. It is quite tricky, but once you know what you are doing, its all about whether you can hit the jump right. I suggest using a PCJ 600 for this jump. *If I Can Work Out A Better Technique I'll Post It* Where To Land: This is one of the hardest jumps on the game, so follow the above instructions so that you are ready to hit the jump.... More coming soon. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump9.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 10 (Brady Games Unique Jump 25) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From [JUMP 9] you will remember 2 stairways. Well, this time you are jumping from the opposite stairway to the one you just jumped. Head back into the alley and go [NORTH] then turn around and hit the stairs on the right. your aim is to land on the roof opposite. You may have to tap right just as you hit the stairs to jump in the right direction. I suggest using a PCJ 600 for this jump. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump10.jpg *********************** Submitted Tip, By J.S. *********************** I did use a PCJ-600. However, I couldn't just go to the northern end of the alley. There wasn't enough room to get the speed I needed, so I went farther north. I ended up in the street in between the hotel where the bike to start the "PCJ Playground" mission is and the ramp that is Unique Stunt #16 in your guide. I may have been farther north, but you get the idea. I sped along the street south and approached Unique Stunt #11 in your guide, the wooden ramp. Then, I went just to the left of it to end up in the alley. This was kind of tricky because of the curb you have to go over, but I was able to do it fairly easily. Now, I'm in the alley with a good deal more speed than on previous tries. I hit the stairs and boom! I flew quite a bit farther than ever. I cleared the electric pole and a portion of the roof, but I landed in the alley. However, I did make the Unique Stunt. ______________ Unique Jump 11 (Brady Games Unique Jump 23) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you follow the alley from [JUMP 9+10] to the [NORTH], as you exit, you will see a wooden ramp on the left. You guessed it, that's where you're jumping from. Follow the long road [NORTH] to the Malibu, then make a 180, and burn along the road. Just before the last lamp post, make a slight left, onto the pavement, and possibly on the grass, then hit the wooden ramp. Clearing the first roof should do it. This can be done in any fast car, but you might as well use a PCJ 600. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump11.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 12 (Brady Games Unique Jump 29) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From Ammu-Nation head [NORTH], take the third right and on the left you will see the Washington Mall. Drive along this road then turn left at the end. Follow this road along and halfway you will see a Spiral Parking lot to your left. Cut across the grass and head up and around to the top of the parking lot. Once you get to the top head to the right, follow the arrows, and go up at the other side. Go towards the next ramp that takes you down, but stop at the top of it. Position yourself online with the arrow on the opposite ramp and speed towards it. You are now facing [EAST]. You should jump over the small wall, and land on the rooftop opposite. Once you land stop still, and drive over the stairs and stop.... BTW, you should be using a PCJ 600, but a fast sports car works well enough. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump12.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 13 (Brady Games Unique Jump 28) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow the instructions from [JUMP 12] and once you go over the stairs stop. To the left you will see 3 Vents, you are going to jump from the one in the middle of the three, or from where you are, the one at the top left corner. Hit this jump and land on or make contact with the roof of the building opposite to register this one. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump13.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 14 (Brady Games Unique Jump 22) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Find the store "Bunch Of Tools" which is over the bridge from the main island. Once you are here, head back over the bridge which leads [EAST] and you will see the police station. Go around the back of the station and head towards "Bunch Of Tools" again, but this time you will come to a stone jump. Reverse back and hit the jump. You will clear the river and that's the jump complete. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 15 (Brady Games Unique Jump 21) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Find the store "Bunch Of Tools" which is over the bridge from the main island. Once here, face the store and turn [EAST]. You will see a pile of sand and a hole in the fence where you must jump from. Head towards Starfish Island and then make a 180 and speed along the road. Make a right just before the bridge and you should hit the sand and clear the river, which is pretty much all the jump requires. This jump can be completed in almost any car. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump15.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 16 (Brady Games Unique Jump 19) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Find the store "Bunch Of Tools" which is over the bridge from the main island. Head across the bridge to the [EAST], and when you reach the police station head [NORTH] to the Malibu. Turn around so that you are facing [SOUTH] and get onto the grass on the right hand side. Speed along the grass keeping roughly in the middle of it and hit the stone jump to clear the bridge and register this jump. Try not to hit any trees. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump16.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 17 (Brady Games Unique Jump 18) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Find the store "Bunch Of Tools" which is over the bridge from the main island. Head across the bridge to the [EAST], and when you reach the police station head [NORTH] to the Malibu. When you are facing the Malibu, directly [WEST]will be a stone jump, you've gotta hit this and clear the river. This may not look to hard, but this is actually one of the widest parts of the river.Drive into the undercover section of the Malibu, you know, the bit next to the steps. When you are parked under there at the bottom of the steps you will see a gap in the wall directly [EAST], so drive in there and turn around. Reverse as far back as you can, then speed out of there, make a left and hit the ramp as close the the Right side of it as you can (this will help to keep you straight). Be aware, the ramp causes you to lose large amounts of speed unless you hit it perfectly, and I'm not sure what perfect is. This is one of the hardest jumps to pull off, and you may end up dying multiple times before you complete it, so make a save game before you attempt it, unless you dont care. I find this jump is easiest on a PCJ 600, Banshee and Infernus. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump17.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 18 (Brady Games Unique Jump 20) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YOU NEED A BIKE FOR THIS ONE!!! Find the store "Bunch Of Tools" which is over the bridge from the main island you should be on a PCJ 600. Head [NORTH] and go into the construction site. Work your way up to the top by following the wooden planks which are kinda to the far right of the site. After you have gone up for the 3rd time you will be facing [SOUTH]. Directly to your right is a girder. I think you see where this is going, you have to drive along this girder fast and pull a wheelie just before you leave the girder. You should make it over the road and hit the side of the building opposite. That's that one done. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump18.jpg ********************************************************************* B. Prawn Island ********************************************************************* ______________ Unique Jump 19 (Brady Games Unique Jump 36) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Get to the [NORTH] Pay And Spray. Head [NORTH] along the road, and when you get it the junction, go slightly left but keep going [NORTH]. When you reach the end of this street turn right then make the first left and head around to the left and over the bridge. Pretty much as soon as you get over the bridge you will see a ramp to your left. Take that small jump, then use the vents to get you across onto the next roof. From here you will see the main jump, which will take you into the Movie Studio, so reverse as far back as possible, and then speed for the jump. You have to clear the road and hit the roof of the building inside the walls of the movie studio. That's this jump completed. That's also all of the jumps you can possibly do without cheating, or doing the missions to unlock the rest. So do the missions to unlock the next group of islands where you can get the rest of the jumps. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump19.jpg ********************************************************************* C. Starfish Island ********************************************************************* ______________ Unique Jump 20 (Brady Games Missed This Jump - Unique Jump 17) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YOU NEED A BIKE FOR THIS ONE!!! Facing [NORTH] out of the drive way of Diaz's / Vercetti's Mansion make a left and head along to the [WEST]. Take the first and only right, and follow it to the end. Once you reach the end, facing [NORTH], you will see a small alley to the right, it is in between an orange and white wall. Follow this alley along and when you can, turn right. Go into the garden, and as soon as you can, turn right, go passed the garage, and just after it, you will see an opening in a fence. Go through there and make a 180. You are now aiming for the steps on the front of the house. Hit them with some speed and clear the garden on the other side of the wall. It still counts if you smash into the hedge, but be a real man and jump over the garden! The jump will be in an [EAST] direction. Thats the one and only jump on Starfish Island, and well hidden, if I must say so myself. On to The West Island. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump20.jpg ********************************************************************* D. West Island ********************************************************************* ______________ Unique Jump 21 (Brady Games Unique Jump 10) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From "Screw This" Facing [EAST] head along to the end of the road (Heading [EAST] Obviously). Make a right here and follow the road along. Take the first right you come to, which is quite a long way along, and follow the road up to the [WEST]. When you get on the road where there are fences either side, follow it along and around until you reach the main terminal of the airport. Just as you reach this, you will definitely see a surf sign on the right hand side. The jump is inside that. If you examine this jump you will see a small wooden ramp at the bottom of it, and towards the top of the ramp is a little ramp. Get a fast car and head into the airfield located [NORTH] of the jump. Go as far in as you think you need to be, then make a 180 and head for the ramp. Keep to the right of the surf jump at first, until you pass the small wooden board at the bottom, then try to hit the left of the main ramp at the top. This will launch you onto the top of the airport and also register this jump for you. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump21.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 22 (Brady Games Unique Jump 9) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From "Screw This" Facing [EAST] head along to the end of the road (Heading [EAST] Obviously). Make a right here and follow the road along. Take the first right you come to, which is quite a long way along, and follow the road up to the [WEST]. When you get on the road where there are fences either side, follow it along and around until you reach the main terminal of the airport. Just before you pass the Surf sign on the right, is a parking lot on the left, well... its more of an airfield than a parking lot, but anyway, go in here. There are a number of jumps for you to complete here, but i will start from the ones closest to the entrance. As soon as you enter the Airfield, go to the left, and go alongside the hangar, keep heading along to the [SOUTH] and just after the yellow ramps, you'll see a portable staircase on the left. The jump is from this. Line yourself up with the stairs and reverse back as far as you think you need, but i suggest going quite far as its quite a big gap that you are making. Just looking at the position of the ramp its easy to see where you are jumping the lower roof of the building opposite. Hit the jump with some speed going [NORTH EAST] and make it to the roof to register this one. You HAVE TO MAKE IT ONTO THE ROOF perfectly for it to count, in otherwords, you cant clip the wall, or corner. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump22.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 23 (Brady Games Unique Jump 11) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From "Screw This" Facing [EAST] head along to the end of the road(Heading [EAST] Obviously). Make a right here and follow the road along. Take the first right you come to, which is quite a long way along, and follow the road up to the [WEST]. When you get on the road where there are fences either side, follow it along and around until you reach the main terminal of the airport. Just before you pass the Surf sign on the right, is a parking lot on the left, well... its more of an airfield than a parking lot, but anyway, go in here. As soon as you enter the airfield, head to the left and follow the hangar, and ramps up, until you reach a [NORTH-EAST / SOUTH-WEST] runway. There will be 2 ramps sticking up, which i presume are for the planes to take off from, but anyway, your jump is from the one on the left. Head most of the way down the runway and turn around. Keep hard on the gas and hit the left ramp. It will launch you over the fence and onto the road. This is a pretty far jump, and the camera angle makes it look so cool... unless its just me, but this is a pretty easy jump. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump23.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 24 (Brady Games Unique Jump 12) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From "Screw This" Facing [EAST] head along to the end of the road (Heading [EAST] Obviously). Make a right here and follow the road along. Take the first right you come to, which is quite a long way along, and follow the road up to the [WEST]. When you get on the road where there are fences either side, follow it along and around until you reach the main terminal of the airport. Just before you pass the Surf sign on the right, is a parking lot on the left, well... its more of an airfield than a parking lot, but anyway, go in here. Once you get in, go straight ahead, and just after you pass the plane, you will see a stairway on the right. Line yourself up with it, and then reverse back as far as you can go. Burn along the road and hit the jump. Hopefully you can clear the tunnel used to get people on the plane and register this jump. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump24.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 25 (Brady Games Unique Jump 13) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head back into the Airfield, if you left it, and follow the same instructions as [JUMP 24], but just after you go under the plane, keep going for a bit, then turn right. Drive forward a bit, and around that area you should see another staircase. Like the previous jump, go back quite a way, then head for the jump and try to clear the tunnel, although smashing into the side of it seems to work well enough... Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump25.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 26 (Brady Games Unique Jump 14) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After [JUMP 25] go [WEST] and get onto the first [NORTH / SOUTH] runway. Head [SOUTH] for a little while, and you will see another stairway to your left and this is where you are jumping from. Go back a little way, then speed for the jump, you have to clear or hit the tunnel again, but this time you will probably land on a smaller side tunnel. If you are using one, you may flip your car on this jump, so be careful when choosing what car to use. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump26.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 27 (Brady Games Unique Jump 15) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This next jump is located around the radar in the center of the Airfield. To get there you can get on any runway, and follow it to the [SOUTH] or [SOUTH WEST]. Now, if you drive around the red radar you will see a yellow sign to the [NORTH EAST] of the radar. This jump is laeding from there, and you have to clear the top corner of the lower section of the radar. It will take a few tries to get right, but once you get the angle, you should be able to jump this with no problem. The jump wont register if you hit the roof. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump27.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 28 (Brady Games Unique Jump 16) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow the instructions to [JUMP 27] but this time the jump you are aiming for is the steps situated at the [SOUTH WEST] of the radar. Once you find the steps, go back and get a long run up, then hit the steps and you should be able to jump cleanly. You dont have to jump over the Radar, you just have to jump quite far, over the grass. You dont particularly have to clear the grass, but jump at least past the end of the radar. Thats the airport complete, so head back to "Screw This". Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump28.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 29 (Brady Games Unique Jump 8) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Directly [NORTH] of "Screw This" is a road, follow it along, and as soon as you can, make the first left and follow the road to the [WEST]. Take the first right again, when you come to it and go [NORTH]. A little way along you will see some garages to your right, keep going past these, but just after the next wall and before the yellow building with "Parking" written on the side, there is an alley, go down here and turn right. You will now see a ramp leading to the rooftop. follow it up and you will see a small vent on the roof. Speed and hit this ramp, and it will launch you to the next roof. Try and hit the ramp going almost perfectly [SOUTH] and as soon as you land, keep hard on the gas, and you will drop down onto another ramp, this is the ramp that you take the jump from, so you have to hit it hard, otherwise you wont have enough speed to clear the roof. If you were going fast enough you will drop down, clip the ramp and get the slow motion camera. Then you should definitely make it to the next roof. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump29.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 30 (Brady Games Unique Jump 7) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Get to the [NORTH] "Pay & Spray" and face out of the garage. Turn right and head along the road to the [SOUTH]. Take the first right and then go right again on the road at the first oppertunity. A little way along you will see a street to the left. Head up this street and when you get to the top, make a 180 so that you are facing [EAST]. Speed along this road, and just before you reach then end, go slightly to the left and you will see a ramp, hit this ramp, and your aim is to hit the side, or roof of the "Pay & Spray" while you are in the air. Its much easier on a bike. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump30.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 31 (Brady Games Unique Jump 6) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Get to the [NORTH] "Pay & Spray" and face out of the garage. Turn right and head along the road to the [SOUTH]. Take the first right and then go right again on the road at the first oppertunity. Keep going along this street, then take the second left. Just a very small way up you will see a ramp on the right, this is the jump, so get a fast car or a bike, and follow the allery along. Get some speed and hit this ramp, your target is to clear the bus on the other side of the road, but im not sure how far you have to get after it. Usually clearing the end of the houses does it. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump31.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 32 (Brady Games Unique Jump 5) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From the [NORTH] "Pay & Spray" head [NORTH]. Take the third left. Follow this street up, and after the first left turn, and a little way up will be an alley to the left. In this alley you will see some wooden ramps, so go across the street and reverse back into the space between the buildings and hit the jump which is going [SOUTH]. The idea of the jump is to basically smash into the sign which is on the roof that you will get to, but if you are good, you'll clear it. Thats this jump finished, and if you are following the guide, you only have a few more to go! Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump32.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 33 (Brady Games Unique Jump 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From the [NORTH] "Pay & Spray" follow the road [NORTH] all the way to the end. Keep on the left side of the road and eventually, before you reach Ammu-Nation, there will be a set of stairs to the right. The jumps is from here and you have to land on the roof of Ammu-Nation. You can only get up the stairs on a bike, so thats what you're gonna have to use. This jump is very easy to make. The next 3 and Final 3 jumps can only be done when on, or after you have completed the mission "G-Spotlight" for the Movie Studio. So i suggest you get on with the missions and unlock this, so that you can finish the jumps. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump33.jpg ****************************** WARNING: These jumps cannot be done until you are on, or have beaten "G-Spotlight" for the Movie Studio. You will most likely do these jumps on the mission, but if you miss one, read below to find them. ****************************** Please note that, if you have already completed the G-spotlight mission, you can skip right past the other, non-unique jumps by using the staircases next to the dirtbike track and just north of the Greasy Chopper. Thanx to DieselGT for the above info which might make it quicker for you to see if you have done a jump before. ______________ Unique Jump 34 (Brady Games Unique Jump 4) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YOU MUST USE A PCJ 600 FOR THESE NEXT 3 JUMPS!!! From the [NORTH] "Pay & Spray" follow the road along to the [NORTH] and when you reach it, take the first Right. After you turn down here, follow the road along, and head around to the left. A little way along when you are heading [NORTH] again, there will be a street on the left. Ignore this, and follow the road along, just after the next building will be a large space, and directly left and next to the building is a stairway. Follow it up to the top and around to the left. When you get there, you will see some windows on the left, find an open door and enter through here. Slightly to the right, you will see an open elavator, go in here and you will be warped up to the highest point you can go in a road vehicle. Once you reach the top floor, make a 180 and head to the back wall, then head along to the left. Turn left again, and you will be facing 2 glass windows. Believe it or not, this is the jump. You have to exit the building through one of the windows, and land in the tunnel type thing opposite. Its pretty much the only thing you'll hit if you leave the building correctly. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump34.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 35 (Brady Games Unique Jump 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow the EXACT locations for [JUMP 34]. After you land in the tunnel type thing, go to the end of this corridor and jump off to the left at the end. You will land on another roof just below where you were. Next, jump off the side where there is no wall, and you will land on another roof. this time there is a large ramp at one end. Get some speed, but not TOP speed, and hit this jump. You will land on the roof of the hospital. Head around to the left and once you get as far as you can along, turn right where you will see a ramp. Go as far back from the ramp as you can, and SPEED for the jump, pull a wheelie just as you hit it, and you should make it to the next roof, which is all the jump requires, although if you hit it wrong, you have got a long way to go to attempt it again. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump35.jpg ______________ Unique Jump 36 (Brady Games Unique Jump 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are 2 ways to do this jump. Follow the EXACT locations for [JUMP 35]. After you land on the roof next to the hospital, head up the steps and hit the ramp which leads to the next roof. it goes [NORTH]. Once you reach that, go back quite far, and hit the next gap over to the coming jump. Launch from this heading [EAST]. Once you land on the next roof, head along to the end, and go back, to hit the ramp heading [NORTH]. Hit the next jump going [EAST] again, and land on the roof... I bet you're getting bored of this by now, but dont worry, theres only a few left. *YOU NOW UNLOCKED THE STEPS... see why this is good soon* If you fall from the jump, you can go back up these stairs, instead of from the start. Work your way up the stairs and get to the next jump. Go back from the ramp before you hit it, because with such a short run up, its hard to do. After this hit the next jump. Then the next one, and again. You cant really miss the jumps, because they are the only ramps on the roof, so just hit them straight ahead. Follow all the jumps along, and around and when you reach the roof that is very long (and i mean very) get a good run up, hit the ramp, and launch over to the next roof, to beat the last jump (if you followed the guide). Alternatively, if you beat "G-Spotlight" without gettin the jumps, head up the steps which you will have unlocked (follow the directions above) and then follow the roof around. Its shorter than doing the whole thing. Screenshot of jump: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump36.jpg ===================================================================== 5. Screenshots Of The Unique Jump Locations ===================================================================== These are numbered according to the number the jumps are in my guide. All of the screenshots were taken by me, and I do not wish to see them on any other sites apart from my own. ==================================================== Unique Jump 1: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump1.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 2: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump2.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 3: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump3.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 4: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump4.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 5: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump5.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 6: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump6.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 7: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump7.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 8: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump8.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 9: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump9.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 10: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump10.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 11: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump11.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 12: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump12.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 13: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump13.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 14: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump14.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 15: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump15.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 16: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump16.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 17: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump17.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 18: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump18.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 19: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump19.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 20: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump20.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 21: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump21.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 22: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump22.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 23: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump23.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 24: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump24.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 25: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump25.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 26: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump26.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 27: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump27.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 28: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump28.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 29: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump29.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 30: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump30.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 31: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump31.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 32: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump32.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 33: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump33.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 34: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump34.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 35: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump35.jpg ==================================================== Unique Jump 36: http://www.psycopsy.com/gtavicecity/pics/uniquejumps/uniquejump36.jpg ===================================================================== 6. "Where Can I Find A PCJ 600?" ===================================================================== There are a few fixed locations of the PCJ 600 Superbike, and a whole lot of random ones, but here is where you might be to find one to help you beat the jumps. Driving a bike REALLY helps to make other bikes spawn, so if you are looking for one on the road, u have more chance of finding one on ANY bike, than in any other vehicle. *************** A Special Note: *************** On one of the Assassination Missions "Autocide" you can get a White PCJ 600, which is your only chance on the whole game to get one, so i suggest you grab it. ********************************************************************* A. East Island ********************************************************************* *FIXED LOCATION* From Ammu-Nation head [SOUTH]. When you reach the end and are facing water turn right, you should now be heading [NORTH WEST]. A short way along you will notice that the ground has changed colour to yellow and you may now see the docks. So drive down to there. You will see 2 gates leading to the piers, but only one opens, and that's once you beat the first batch of Colonel Cortez's missions. Along side the railings in the centre of the two gates will be the bike, if its not there, drive away, and come back a few times and it should have appeared. *FIXED LOCATION* From Ammu-Nation head [NORTH], take the second right and once there you will see a large white parking lot type thing on your right. If you turn in here and go right as soon as you get in there may be a PCJ 600 parked there. As usual, if its not there, go away and come back, and it should spawn. *FIXED LOCATION* From Ocean View Hotel head [NORTH] all the way to the end. you will then be at a hotel type building, follow it around to the left, and in the last possible turn before you reach the road will be a PCJ 600, the only problem is, when you get on this bike you have to start the mission "PCJ Playground" but you can just skip it if you want. The bike is almost always there, but if not, go away then go back. *RANDOM LOCATIONS* The PCJ can spawn on practically EVERY road, or in every parking space, so keep an eye out for one, but some of the other places where the bike may randomly spawn are: The Multi-Storey Car Park - West Of Hotel The Multi-Storey Car Park - Next To North Point Mall Thats the best places to go randomly for one. ********************************************************************* B. Prawn Island ********************************************************************* *RANDOM LOCATIONS* Completely random, maybe one will drive past, quite a few bikes hand around at the [WEST] side of the island, but it may be on the West Island side of the loading screen. ********************************************************************* C. Starfish Island ********************************************************************* *RANDOM LOCATIONS* Completely random. There is more chance of one driving past heading from East Island to West, or West Island to East. ********************************************************************* D. West Island ********************************************************************* *FIXED LOCATION* From the [NORTH] "Pay & Spray" follow the road along to the [NORTH] and when you reach it, take the first Right. After you turn down here, follow the road along, and halfway along you may or may not notice a building with glass windows on the left, it is exactly opposite Big Mitch Bakers club. If you smash the Right window there is occassionally a PCJ 600 in there. Like normal, if its not there, go around the block or something. *RANDOM LOCATIONS* Pretty much everywhere. More chance of seeing one on the long main road which is at the [EAST] of the island, or on the road the leads to Prawn Island. ` `. <```--... .---.// < `. `.. `.___ / ___`.' _`_ . ` .'\\__ .'---`.`. / .'---`. /.' _`.\_\ / /.'\\ `.\ || <__||_|PCJ 600| || ~ || \`.___.'/ /________\ \`.___.'/ `.___.' `.___.' ===================================================================== 7. Vehicles To Use For Jumps ===================================================================== Depending on how you drive them, you can use almost any vehicle for any jump, within reason, sorry, but you're not gonna do ANYTHING in a Caddy :P Here are some vehicles that make the jumps a lot easier to do: Infernus Cheetah Banshee PCJ 600 Taxi + All Types Of Taxi (With Jump Feature After 100 Drop-Offs) Sanchez Comet ===================================================================== 8. Vehicles Not To Use For Jumps ===================================================================== While there are some good vehicles to use for jumps, and many jumps can be completed in quite a few different vehicles, here are some that you shouldn't even attempt a jump in: Caddy Faggio Pizza Boy Big Trucks such as Flatbed or Barracks OL Baggage Handler Feel free to try them in those vehicles, but make sure you have some witnesses to watch your stupidity, and you make a fool out of yourself. Enjoy ;) ===================================================================== 9. Common Problems ===================================================================== *Problem* I have hit a jump perfectly and landed where you said, but I did not get confirmation of passing it. I'm positive i performed the jump perfectly and the slow motion camera came on, whats wrong? *Solution* The possible problems here are as follows: * You have already done the jump without realising it, and you wont get credit again. * You didnt hit the jump from the right place, or you didnt land in the right place, a few meters can make a difference. * You have some sort of glitch that I am unaware of which wont let a Unique Jump register, but as far as i know, there is no such glitch. Here is an email i was sent a few weeks ago, which i just got back to checking, and it may help some people. There is a UNIQUE JUMP GLITCH that will prevent you from getting a 100% complete game. After the PURPLE NINES GLITCH in GTA 3 you would think Rockstar might consider beta testing a game before it's release. But I guess that would make too much sense. The Unique Jump Glitch works like this - When you attempt a Unique Jump the game goes to a cut scene, which is in slow motion. Upon landing the jump, several things happen in a split second. First, the game gives you a Insane Stunt bonus. Then the game gives you a Unique Jump bonus. Next the game goes back to real time. In theory that's how it's supposed to work. In reality however, there is a problem. There are five Unique Jumps that require you to hit something shortly after you land. This can cause the game to revert to real time BEFORE you are given credit for making a Unique Jump. Unfortunately, it seems the game now counts you as having made a Unique Jump even though you didn't get credit. If you have successfully landed a jump 20-30 times and have not been given credit. Start a new game and attempt the jump again, if you get credit in the new game, congratulations, you have the glitch. My original save file was ruined by the glitch and is still stuck at 94% complete. I had to start a new game to get 100%. In an attempt to defeat the glitch I have attempted one jump in my original game well over 200 times. I have tried every car, motorcycle, tank or truck in the game and still can not get credit for a Unique Jump. I can start a new game and get credit EVERY SINGLE TIME I make that jump. Thanx to Casey Vanhoose. I Cant Guarrentee what he says is 100% true, but it could well be. ===================================================================== 10. Copyright/Credits ===================================================================== This document and all of its content is copyright of Psy (Simon Elliott). All information in this document was written by Psy and all contributed information will be credited. The only sites the guide is available on is www.GameFAQs.com and my own sites. If you would like this guide on your site, please Email me requesting permission to, and I will probably allow you to do so, However, the guide must not be changed in any way. Rockstar Games + Rockstar North - For producing this masterpiece! Me (Psy) - For taking the time to write it. Perfect Hitman - For inspiring me to write it. GameFAQs - For hosting the guide. Casey Vanhoose - For kind words about the guide + some info. Emil Pettersson - For kind words about the guide + some info. Nobody - For kind words about the guide + some info. Derrick99 - For kind words about the guide + some info. Casey Vanhoose - About the possible glitch. Towelie - Correcting Brady Games Jump Numbers. DieselGT - Info about Stairway for G-Spotlight Jumps. © 2003 Psy.