Dizzy Guide Copyright 2005 Alex Lee (aintaer@aintaer.com) version 2 Dizzy is my favorite and best character in Guilty Gear. And after having not seen any decent FAQs for intermediate to advanced players, I thought I'd share some of my findings. This guide is meant to instruct players on the finer points of Dizzy playing. It is meant for players who are already familiar with most basic mechanics of Guilty Gear. If you have no idea how to play the game, I suggest you start with Edward Chang's most excellent FAQs on Guilty Gear XX and #reload available at gamefaqs.com Although most Guilty Gear mechanics have remained the same from XX to #reload, this guide will address all issues assuming that you're playing #reload. This guide is organized into five sections. Table of Contents: 1.Play Style 2.Momentum *Burst* *Imperial Ray* *Necro Okotta Baai* *Punching and kicking like a girl* *Wasting your tension* 3.Offense *Ground combos (0% tension)* *Combo (hit) ends* *Combo (blocked) ends* *Icespike FRC extension* *Ground throw followup* *Aerial throw followup* *Ground launches* *Aerial combos* *Dust comos* *Bubble usage* *Ground tension combos (50% tension)* *Gamma Ray (100% tension)* *Corner trap* *Level 5s* 4.Defense *Invincibility* *Fishies* *Anti-air* 5.Tricks *Fake-dash* *Fake-land* *Tiger knee* *Dash brake* *Move buffering* *Mind games* ____________ 1.Play Style Dizzy's playing style is quite unique, much like all Guilty Gear characters. She has many projectiles; she has several powerful ground moves; she has two of the best tension moves in the game; and her double air dash gives her a large mobility advantage over many other characters (not to mention the mind games you can play with your opponent). However, her guard is not the best; she has a relatively large hitbox; and she takes more damage than many characters like Sol or Slayer. The end effect is that Dizzy is most comfortable a distance away from the opponent, pressuring her opponents with her long range attacks, and getting close under cover of projectiles to dish out extremely hurtful combos. Woe to the man who does not block her f+H. __________ 2.Momentum Because Dizzy's projectiles all take time to set up (duh), momentum is very important to a good Dizzy game. And by momentum, I mean who is on the offense and who is on the defense. If Dizzy gains the momentum, it will be very hard for the opponent to turn back the tide. However if Dizzy loses momentum, you will similarly find yourself in a tight spot (usually in between the edge of the screen and your opponent). Fear not though, all combos come to an end and your opponent will have to stop their combo sometime (maybe). But if you don't like waiting for them, you can do several things. *Burst*: Burst is the standard response to such an event. Although many players will save the burst for when they get hit by a long combo (most likely a dust combo, which is a mistake: dust combos are flashier but are typically less damaging), remember that a full burst meter won't increase any. And the sooner you use your burst, the sooner you'll get another one. *Imperial Ray*: If you have enough tension, Dizzy's tension moves may help. Imperial ray will punish any player who isn't blocking when the first ray of fire comes out. It also has a very short (2 frame) period of invincibility 5 frames into the move, so if your timing is exact, abuse to your heart's content. *Necro Okotta Baai*: For those more human among us, Necro Okotta Baai is often the best choice, if you can pull it off. Invincibility from frame 1 to frame 12 almost ensures punishment and humiliation if you follow it up with a loud and raucous laugh. Its extremely complicated input may put off some players, hence the mantra "Practice practice practice." *Punching and kicking like a girl*: If woe is you and you're caught without tension, you can try to either throw out a quick P or d+K while the opponent is in startup of another move. P and d+K has 5 and 6 frame startup delays, respectively, making them some of the quickest moves in the game. If you can time your attacks right, you'll catch your opponent before he hits you, and follow up with a combo that will make him cry. *Wasting your tension*: Lastly, an option which I consider to be a thorough waste of tension, yet is an option nonetheless, is a Dead Angle attack. The attack takes 50% tension, yet only deals out 25 damage, but has the advantage of being a guard canceled move. In my opinion, you're much better off using the tension for Necro Okotta Baai. _________ 3.Offense The section we've all be waiting for, How to beat the crap out of the Opponent. Dizzy's combo ability is unmatched. She knows how to dish out the pain. I won't list out all the possible combos because there are too many. I will simply write out the most effective pieces of a combo chain and you can put the pieces together yourself. Convention: f/df/d/db/b -> forward (6)/down-forward (3)/down (2)/down-back(1)/back (4) qcf -> d,df,f qcb -> d,db,b rdp -> b,d,db hcf -> b,db,d,df,f hcb -> f,df,d,db,b j. -> mid-air move JC -> Jump Cancel FRC -> False Roman Cancel The difference between a simple S and a far.S is the distance between Dizzy and the opponent. Moves in parentheses can be omitted. ----- *Ground combos (0% tension)*: Combo starts (start with a dash to get in range): G1. ((d+P >) d+K >) (S >) f+P > S > far.S > ... G2. P (> P > P >...) > S > far.S > ... G3. (P >) K > (S >)... G4. d+K > d+D > ... G5. f+P > f+H > Air combo *Combo (hit) ends*: H > (d+D >) qcf+H d+H > qcf+H qcf+H Any combo ending with qcf+H (Icespike) can be FRC'd. The FRC timing is 2 frames duration, 31 frames after the move starts. Effectively, a 33ms window. FRCs cost 25% tension. *Combo (blocked) ends*: H > d+D > rdp+S/qcf+S/qcb+P The three blocked combo endings are used in different situations. First of all, you should only use these endings if the opponent has blocked everything up to the d+D (Sweep). If not, qcf+H assures more damage. rdp+S, the electric spear move. Use it to screw up opponent guard timing; when you start it, the d+D will ensure enough distance that you're not attacked immediately. If they don't block, dash and start a new combo starting with S or f+P. If they dash and try to hit you, poke them with d+P. If they continue to block then dash in and... qcf+S, the circular scythe. The main purpose of this move is to lock down opponent mobility, forcing a guard. Especially evil when you're trapping people in the corner, as the trajectory of this move moves upward, making it hard if not impossible for them to get over you. While they're guarding against it, dash in and start a new combo with d+K, as most people will think the move hits high and block high. qcb+P, the biting fish. After a combo, you will be sufficiently close to take advantage of the P fish's 3 bites. The fish provides cover and an excellent opportunity for okizeme (See EChang's Guilty Gear XX Dizzy guide for explanation on okizeme). You can follow up with more combo or a throw, and the throw followup. All ground combos can, and in most cases, should be preceded by a projectile of some sort. qcb+H is my preferred, given the advantages of having a fish out. *Icespike FRC extension*: 1. dash > d+K/d+P > far.S > H > qcf+H 2. dash > (K >) far.S > H > qcf+H 3. dash > d+H > qcf+H 4. airdash > j.P/j.S > j.H/j.D land> air combo 5. airdash > j.H land> d+H > qcf+H Icespike FRC extensions are combo extensions from an ending qcf+H. As you can see, the extensions end with qcf+H, which can be further FRC'd for an even more extended combo. Icespike FRC extensions are a majors source of additional damage for Dizzy, so learn to time FRCs by heart. (Hint: the Input Display in Training Mode may help.) 1. Is used in middle of the stage, while 2. is used when the opponent is hit by the FRC'd Icespike in the corner. 2. Does more damage, without the 70% prorate from d+K as is necessary to relaunch an opponent. 3. Is very dependent on the distance between you and your opponent. Usually only feasible in the corner. 4. Can possibly be extremely damaging, but also has a very high potential for whiffing if you don't have practice with it. (I don't.) 5. Does a decent amount of damage. However, it has room for the wary opponent to tech out of being hit by the ground followup; very small room, but one. *Ground throw followup*: Dizzy's throw is awesome on two levels: mechanically, it floats opponents with no chance for teching out, enabling followup attacks; graphically, your opponent is tentacle raped by Necro. (An excellent demoralizing opportunity, shout "TENTACLE RAPE" as loud as you can.) (ZedPower pointed out it's technically SNAKE rape. I think he's focusing on the wrong word in this two word phrase.) After throw, Dash > d+K/d+P > far.S > H > qcf+H qcf+H Though the dash/refloat combo does more damage, it's not always possible. Against the less floaty characters (e.g. Potemkin), you'll have to resort to a simple qcf+H. Characters confirmed to be floaty enough to refloat: All the females, Kliff, Chipp, Ky (hard), Venom (also hard). (Hint: Jam and May are SO floaty, you can simply dash into a K started combo.) *Aerial throw followup*: The aerial throw is notably harder to pull off, though certain tricks may help a bit. When you want to try an aerial throw, hold down b, and hit [H+S]. This means to hit the H button slightly before the S, and then hold both of them down. The effect is, if you successfully completed the throw, the throw is carried out. If not, you've just done a Faultless Defense. After aerial throw, qcf+H H > qcf+H d+H > qcf+H d+P > far.S > H > qcf+H d+P > d+S JC> Air combo The followups are in order of distance from where Dizzy lands and where the opponent is from farthest to closest. *Ground launches*: To be able to effect air combos, you'd first have to get your opponents in the air. Here are a few of the best ways to do so. f+H, the giant tail beast comes out with two hits, the second one is jump- cancelable, so use it. It is rather slow, so go for it when you see your opponent has been hit with a projectile. A fully carried out f+H launched air combo with followup can do excess of 240 damage. That is more than half the energy bar. j.qcb+P/K, the bubble, as discussed before. Catch them as they're falling or... d+S counterhit, Dizzy uprights her wings to hit opponent. See 4.Defense, *Anti-air*. d+H counterhit, Necro's giant axe. Opponent is launched but not very high; you'll have a hard time of catching them with just a d+H counter. I suggest dash > d+P > d+S, see above. D, the dust is for the express purpose of launching opponents, especially ones who are blocking low all the time. See *Dust combos*. *Aerial combos*: Dizzy's aerial potential is good, only if you can time correctly. She has two air dashes, affording her the ability to fake-dash (see 5.Tricks, *Fake-dash*); and her aerial Dust (knockdown) actually refloats enemies, providing for extremely long and painful combos if your opponent's don't, or can't tech. (air) j.S > j.P > j.S JC> j.S > j.H/j.D The basic air combo, it does a good amount of damage. There is a follow up, see *Bubble usage*. (air) j.P > j.S JC> j.P > j.S > j.H/j.D This aerial does slightly less damage, but has a higher chance of hitting some characters who fall too fast, or when you catch them in a strange position. (air) j.S JC> j.S > j.H/j.D This may be the only combo you can pull off in certain situations when Dizzy is too far from your enemy to hit with a j.P. However, if your opponent is next to the edge of the screen, you can try to airdash foward with a j.S and continue the combo from j.P. This is notably harder to do because your position relative to your opponent may not be what you expect. *Dust combos*: Dizzy's dust has a slightly different timing schedule than her regular launches and enables some different air combos. D JC> j.H JC> j.H JC> j.S > [j.P > (j.K >) j.S] x n JC> j.S > [j.P > (j.K >) j.S] x n> j.H/j.D With a dust, you can sneak in two normally non-JCable j.Hs in there before launching into a j.S, followed by as many j.P > j.S as you can manage (if you're really good, add a j.K in there) before canceling into j.S (and more j.P > j.S if possible) > j.H and all the associated bubble followups. This is harder to do in the corner than in the middle of the stage in my experience. If you catch them in the corner, the following combo might be better. D JC> j.S > [j.P > (j.K >) j.S] x n JC> j.S > j.P > j.S > j.H/j.D Both dust combos are extremely flashy, but you can get higher damage count from an f+H launched combo. If you have problems performing all the Jump Cancels on time, try holding down Up while you're in the dust animation, then perform the rest of the chain while holding Up until you don't need to JC any more. If you hold it any longer, you will waste your jump cancel and possibly screw up your positioning. *Bubble usage*: Dizzy's most under-appreciated move, Hitori ni Shite Kudasai, where Undine creates a bubble that floats either straight with j.qcb+P, or at a -40 degree angle with j.qcb+K. The bubble itself does nothing except look pretty. However, when it's hit by any other Dizzy attack (including projectiles), the bubble bursts and will hit an enemy. The main advantages to the bubble are that your opponent almost never expects the bubble to hit them or hurt them, so when you do, they are unpleasantly surprised; after getting hit, the opponent is floated and cannot tech out for quite a long time; and after a few battles against a bubble using Dizzy, your opponents will come to fear the bubble, so use it as a shield. The bubble is also Dizzy's only special aerial move, so use it to cancel recovery times on lag-heavy moves like j.H and j.D. Air combo > j.qcb+K > j.H/j.D This is the aerial combo followup. When an opponent is hit with j.H or j.D, you can cancel into a bubble, and then hit them again. If done correctly, the opponent will be hurt, unable to tech, and vulnerable to Dizzy landing, jumping, and starting another aerial combo. Be careful though, sometimes a j.D will put you too far from your opponent for another j.D to hit, in which case Faultless Defense will save you from being hurt bad by an opponent who has teched and landed. The bubble also causes Dizzy to hang in the air for a short period, adding slightly to the amount of time she can stay in the air. Use this fact to disrupt enemy anti-air timing. *Ground tension combos (50% tension)*: Dizzy's tension moves are quite damaging both to the enemy's energy and to opponent's morale, doubly so in EX mode. You can start them on their own or chain them into a combo. A warning though, combo'd tension moves are generally less damaging. G3./G4. > d+H > hcb, f+S >> dash > far.S > H > qcf+H >> air dash > air dash > (j.S >) j.H (> j.qcb+K > j.H)/Air combo >> far.S > H > qcf+H >> d+H > qcf+H The basic Imperial Ray combo. G3. and G4. ground combos work best since you are still relatively close to the opponent and thus can hit with d+H. G1. and G2. use far.S are generally too far away for it to be as effective. The best part of an Imperial Ray combo is the associated followups. After they are carried to the other side of the screen from the Imperial Ray, you can either stick to the ground, or take to the air. The air allows for much better combos, but are also harder to pull off successfully. The last part of the followup may miss depending on what you did in the air. If you completed the K bubble and successfully exploded it on your victim, the bubble hit ensures enough time during which your opponent can't tech out to finish with a ground based ending. Otherwise, if they tech, it's up to how well you can predict their landing to finish the follow up. G1./G2. > df, hcb, b, f+P The Necro Okotta Baai combo. Necro Okotta Baai is pretty hard to pull off if you haven't practiced extensively; this combo gives the player a bit of leeway in terms of timing. What is desired is that you combo your enemy into a far.S, during which time you are performing the motions for NOB. Hit the P button on the fourth hit of the far.S, which staggers the enemy. NOB will grab the enemy while they are staggered with no chance of them jumping away. Note that NOB counts as a part of the chain and thus is prorated as the n+4th hit in the chain, depending on what you did to lead up to the far.S. As a part of a combo, NOB will only add about 50-60 damage to the combo with no chance of followup. Use it for especially flashy/demoralizing finishes. rdp+S > df, hcb, b, f+P A most curious combo, with severely strict timing. From Tariq Mukhttar's #Reload Dizzy FAQ: Homing Spear will become unblockable if followed up with Necro Okotta Baai. Here are the cases on a blocking opponent depending on the time between the Spear and Necro. 1 is fastest, 4 is slowest: 1- Necro will grab opponent before Spear hits. 2- Spear will BREAK GUARD and hit opponent then Necro will grab opponent, combo counter will register it. 3- Spear will be blocked and Necro will ignore opponent because of block stun. 4- Spear will be blocked and Necro will grab opponent after block stun ends. The desired effect is case 2 described above, when the spear will hit even if the opponent is guarding. This particular combo only has very limited use, mostly for when the opponent is recovering from getting knocked down. It will do around 150 damage and if pulled off successfully, make your opponent's jaw drop all the way through the earth and ruin the carpet of a nice family on the other side of the globe. *Gamma Ray (100% tension)*: Ah Gamma Ray. Gamma Ray isn't really a good move, considering some of the other things Dizzy could do with that tension. However, it is the ultimate jaw dropper/demoralizing agent. If you use it a few times and build a reputation for liking to Gamma Ray, your opponents will often start turtling when you hit 100% tension, for which you can punish them in a corner trap. The only sure way of hitting that I've found is through surprise. Here are the situations I've found where a Gamma Ray will work. First off never against Ky or Robo-Ky. Both will slip out of the way on the 2nd and 3rd hits. When opponent has foolishly hit a fish. See 4.Defense, *Fishies*. When opponent is distracted by a hot girl (or guy, depending on opponent). When opponent is dizzied. When opponent has whiffed a lag-heavy move. You can help the matters by making it look like you are starting a regular ground combo: qcb+P > dash > Gamma Ray However, instead of moving into an attack, use the held down f as the first part of Gamma Ray's input. The fish provides a certain amount of cover against your opponent. Never use Gamma Ray as any part of a chain. It is a complete waste of tension then. If the opponent block the Gamma Ray, fear not, there are still consequences of it to be dealt with. If they did not use Faultless defense, they will take around 20 chipping damage and have a completely full guard gauge. If you hit them with a combo at this point, it may deal even more damage than Gamma Ray. If they did use FD, chances are their tension is depleted as well as yours. *Corner trap*: Dizzy's corner traps are ridiculously ridiculous. Edward Chang's GGXX Dizzy FAQ provides a very good description of one of her corner traps. I prefer a slightly different version because of the effect it has on opponents. In the corner, G1. > H > d+D > qcf+S Which is a pretty standard combo with a blocked ending. You want an opponent who blocks, it makes it all the better. While they're being kept down by the scythe, qcb+P, dash > G1. > d+D > qcf+S The fish may fool them that they're safe, if they start attacking, forget the blocked ending and go for a hit ending, restarting the corner trap afterward. Otherwise, keep up the pressure until you have 50% tension. Then, G1. > d+D > qcf+S, Necro Okotta Baai At this point, your opponent's guard gauge probably isn't looking too good; they are waiting for their burst meter to fill so as to end this madness. After the scythe comes out, hit the NOB. If they react well, they'll jump, to be instantly hit by the scythe. If they choose to wait it out, the scythe actually finishes hitting them slightly before the NOB grab frame, resulting in a lot of hurt either way. *Level 5s*: Many people may not pay much attention to the levels of their attacks, but knowing which are the strongest attacks will help in several ways. Levels indicate the "strength" of an attack, and determines things like guard stun, hit stun, dizzying potential, and such. A constant onslaught of high leveled attacks will likely put your opponent into dizziness, for which you can punish with whatever tickles your fancy. Dizzy has three Level 5 attacks: j.H d+H d+D It is possible to use all three of them within a short period of time, and repeat. First you will need to put your opponent in a corner, then air dash in with j.P > j.P > j.H, land, d+H > d+D > qcf+S to lock them down. If at any part of this the opponent STOPS guarding, or did not guard to begin with, abandon it and continue with whatever combo you can summon at that point, which is often just a qcf+H. It is a turtling opponent that we want. If the opponent is turtling, while he's locked down by the scythe, hop in with j.H, land, d+H > d+D > qcf+S Continue doing so until either you or he messes up. Most likely, it will be your opponent, who will need to block high for j.H, and low for d+D. When he does get hit he will have a probability of being dizzied depending on all the moves he suffered before he got hit. Constantly pummeling him with level 5 attacks will give a much better chance of dizzying. _________ 4.Defense Beyond the universal "BLOCK BEFORE YOU ARE HIT", Dizzy has some other defensive options that are worth looking into. So here we go. *Invincibility*: Dizzy does not have any regular move with oodles of invincibility. Mostly, you have to be spending tension to get invincibility. Here are the more important moves with invincibility. Necro Okotta Baai has a 12 frame startup invincibility, useful for counters. After she turns into Necro, she is fully invincible for the duration of the move. But in between that time, there are several frames when she can get hit. One interesting experience I've had is starting Necro Okotta Baai right after Venom's Dark Angel. He got the giant ball of hurt out, but got captured in the coffin. Dizzy turned to Necro and the Dark Angel passed straight through. Forward dash has infinite invincibility! But only for her feet. She can avoid certain moves just by dashing. Most notably, Potemkin's Slide Head, and Dizzy's own Necro Okotta Baai. For a full list, consult EChang's GGXX #Reload FAQ. Forward punch has upper body invincibility for the duration of the move, which may be useful as an anti-air. I've not had much experience using it as an anti- air. *Fishies*: Let's get one thing clear: I <3 fishies. Dizzy's Yoku Hanashi Aite ni Natte Kuremasu, the fish making move, is one of her best assets. The fish comes in FOUR flavors, bite 3 times, bite 2 times, laser low, or laser high. Each of them has their own use, mostly for added pressure. But the most important thing about the fish is that they absorb one hit. For example, if you had a fish in front of you, ALL of Slayer's tension moves would hit the fish instead of you, leaving you free to laugh at your opponent's waste of 50% tension and punishing them for doing so. This is why I recommend always having a fish in front before you dash in to attack. Besides fulfilling their duty as one-shot shields, the fish also serve their purpose as lockdown aides, providing some pretty decent support, and conversing with Dizzy in her spare time. *Anti-air*: Dizzy has one major anti-air move: d+S. The move has somewhat strange timing and hitbox, so practice with it often. The biggest merit is that the move is jump cancelable, making an anti-air counter very easy. You can also use it to refloat any low-floating enemies, leading into an air combo. ________ 5.Tricks The tricks of the trade. Most of these are not Dizzy specific, but I will discuss how to take advantage of these as Dizzy. *Fake-dash*: Since Dizzy has two air-dashes, she gets much better mobility than most characters. She can also abuse this ability to perform a fake air dash. The way to do it is to dash in one direction and immediately dashing in the reverse direction. So what ends up happening is Dizzy stays in the same place in the air, faking the enemy into thinking she's moved. The advantage is to make the opponent let down his guard and attack, while you know his attack is going to whiff, and are ready to counter it. The disadvantage is she is completely vulnerable in an airdash, so don't abuse this tactic or your opponent will learn and punish you for it. *Fake-land*: This trick involves using the bubble to get extra air time. The trick is to foil certain (rather wily) opponents, who've learned to attack low as soon as you land, when you can't block. If you low airdashed in with j.P > j.P > j.H, cancel the j.H into an qcb+K to produce a bubble. The opponent expects you to have landed by now and has stopped guarding and started attacking. Immediately follow the bubble with another j.H which will counter and float them. Follow up as you see fit. *Tiger knee*: This is a basic trick that anybody with an aerial special can perform. The trick is to perform the maneuver with a jump tacked on with the end. So for Dizzy's only aerial special, the bubble, she would perform qcb, bu(7)+P/K, where bu is back-upward. This produces a bubble very close to the ground, and she lands immediately afterward. The more specific use for this trick is to produce a P bubble, and waltz slowly with it toward your opponent. If they try to attack, use a quick P to burst the bubble, float them, and follow into an air combo. *Dash brake*: When a character dashes and stops, there is a wind down period during which they cannot do anything except slow down and stop. This is punishable by some advanced players. So in order to counter that, we abuse the fact that a faultless defense will instantaneously stop you, and break Newton's First Law. A more specific use for the trick is an instant grab. Dash, and when you're close enough for a throw, hit b+SH, H. b+SH will perform Faultless Defense, and the second H will perform the grab. See 3.Offense, *Ground throw followups* for followups. *Move buffering*: Players often have problems with Dizzy's Necro Okotta Baai input. It is the most difficult input in the game, for good reason too. The move is JUST THAT AWESOME. But fear not, there is hope for the less dexterous among us. The input interpreting software in Guilty Gear allows for certain leeways. So instead of doing a df, hcf, b, f+P, try df, hcfx2+P. See also Edward Chang's Dizzy guide for more move buffering explanations. *Mind games*: The best part of playing Dizzy is to mess with your opponent's mind. Instill him with fear for the bubble, dread for the icespike, loathe of Necro Okotta Baai, and utter dismay at Gamma Ray. Use the mobility advantage to move all over the field; trap him with the evil corner traps; and always always keep up the pressure. If you do not, he will gain the advantage, and being on the defense is not Dizzy's strong suit. When you pull off a tension move, throw, or a particularly long combo, always remember to shout. Obscenities if you have to, shout. And best of all, remember the taunt button. After an air combo when you're not afraid of retribution for a while, taunt the other player. In real life as well. Taunt when you finish him off (though be careful, taunting after you finish is counted as rakusyo, where the opponent starts the next match with 50% tension. Best stick to end of rounds.) In essence, intimidate, taunt, and bully your opponent into general despair while you're playing Dizzy. Convince him that he's lost before he's actually lost, and he will lose. Good luck, and have fun. -Aintaer PS. A word about Copyright: You're free to reprint this guide in any form as long as proper credit is given. It'd be nice if you told me about it too.