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That's why on my first time through the game, I though I'd use the Gravity Gun as much as possible. Then, halfway through Ravenholm, I realised I was crap at using it, and resorted to guns. So far so good. Then I completed the game (on medium), and realised I wanted a challenge. So I completed it on hard. No sweat. Then I realised I wanted another challenge. So I went from Ravneholm, using the Gravity GUn only. It was only then that I realised how hard the game can be. I was thinking. "Damn, I really wish that someone had written some sort of handy guide for us Gravity Gun addicts." So this is what this is. No more and no less than a guide for those Gravity Gun (GG) addicts in HL2. You know who you are. I warn you, completing the game with ONLY the GG on medium is downright impossible. Completing it on hard should earn you some kind of medal, in my humble opinion. I've blabbered on too long though. On with the guide. There will be hints and tips posted now, and a complete walkthrough will soon be added. Note that this guide starts from Ravenholm, because that's where you get the GG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) RULES/CLARIFICATIONS 1) You may ONLY use the Gravity Gun, except in the situations and areas covered in the Exceptions section. 2) You may use the Primary Fire of the Gravity Gun as a gun, for example, for shooting Headcrabs and Antlions 4) You may not use the gun on the buggy, but you may use it to run over both Antlions and Combine forces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) EXCEPTIONS 1) You may obviously use the RPG to shoot all and any Gunships and Striders you encounter. 2) You may use the pistol, and the pistol ONLY, to shoot explosive barrels and set them off. 3) You may use the Pherepod in the Sandbanks Level, and in Nova Prospektt. You may not use it after then, when the Antlions leave you. 4) You may use the crowbar to break open boxes for conveinience purposes, but NOT to kill enemies. 5) You may the crowbar to kill a barnacle if you get caught in it. 6) In ENTANGLEMENT, Section 1, there is a section where you need to throw a grenade to knock down a power cable. You may use a grenade at this point. It is indicated clearly in the walkthrough. 7) In ANTICITIZEN ONE, the bit with the hefty bridge, no cover, and nothing to throw at anyone... You can use the crossbow there. This is indicated clearly in the walkthrough. 8) In FOLLOW FREEMAN, you may use Grenades against the Snipers. 9) In FOLLOW FREEMAN, you may use a Grenade against the first turret. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) GENERAL HINTS + TIPS 1) Combine troops are HARD. Little things, like shards of wood, may kill zombies, but they wont scratch the troops. Setting them on fire works, as does using more massive objects. 2) The physics on HL2 is not impressive, it is perfect. Therefore, objects will hurt enemies depending on how much they weigh, and their size. The best objects are small, heavy ones. Metal chairs, safes and radiators are the best weapons against anything. 3) Use items as a defence against enemy fire, but be wary: Troops can easily break wooden items with a few bursts of fire. Also, if you are carrying an explosive barrel, and you try to use it as cover, it will set fire and/or explode in your face. This is bad for your HL2 gaming experience. 4) Do not underestimate very small objects. Lamps, for example, can be a deadly weapon when fired at a high velocity. Would you want a 50mph metal lamp in your face? No. No you would not. 5) Dont bother getting items to kill Headcrabs. Three bursts of Primary Fire will suffice completely, and Primary Fire is recommended for just about every Headcrab (and the Fast/Poison ones,) in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) WALKTHROUGH The walkthrough is split up into the separate Chapters of the game, and then further split up into the separate sections of the chapters. A new section starts when the game stops for a moment and displays the small "Loading" grey box in the middle of the screen. This is to make it easier for you to find where you are? Happy? Good. We begin. Oh, and the walkthrough isn't complete, it's just a series of pointers on how to implement the GG effectively, instead of other weapons. a) RAVENHOLM i) Section a-I - To note: The best items in ravenholm are saw blades, fire, explosions and radiators, in that order. Fire is especially fun. - The first bit of this section is easy. Use one of the hundreds of saw blades you are given to slice the zombies in two. When using saw blades, take care to kill the headcrab on the zombie as well, and do not aim for the feet. Aim for the belly upwards. - When you meet Father Grigory for the first time, take care to use his fire traps against the zombies, especially the group of 4, near the electrified fence. Note also that flaming zombies can still hurt you. - When you get inside the building that Father Grigory first talks to you from, you'll notice the stairway is blocked off by bookcases. Shoot the barrel at the top of that stairway to clear it of headcrabs. - Make sure you leave at least one explosive barrel here for later, preferably two. - With the first two poison headcrabs, in the room with the switch to turn off the electricity, use the furniture in the room to kill them. - With the lone headcrab you next meet, in the big room, either use ONE of the explosive barrels on it, or jump behind it, and hit it with three blasts of Gravity Gun fire, - Two more poison headcrabs are hiding by the exit, waiting to get you as you walk out. Take the final explosive barrel, and push it into the tiny corridor they hide in, then shoot it. ii) Section a-II - Take a saw blade and an explosive barrel with you to the section with the cars, just in case you mess up, and need one. Use one of the explosive barrels to kill some of the headcrabs in the first room, it's easier. - USE THE CARS. Seriously, there are 10-12 zombies here, and they WILL cause you some damange if you dont use the cars. This section is very short. iii) Section a-III - Against the very first headcrab you see, shoot the barrels at the right time to get him. - Take your saw blade with you. - Use an explosive barrel against the two poison headcrabs opposite you when you look out the window. Make sure they are dead before you go out the window, and not just on fire. - Shoot the barrels in that big section with 5-6 barrels, to kill all the zombies dead quick. - Fast headcrabs such. Use explosions to kill them before you even THINK of coming down from that ledge. iv) Section a-IV - Take one of the hooks with you from the previous section, to kill the first fast zombie you see. - For the first batch of Fast Zombies, when Father Grigory gives you the shotgun, bring a saw blade and a radiator, and hope father Grigory can pick one or two of them off with his shotgun. - DONT shoot your weapons at the Fast Zombies and watch them go flying off the side of the building. Try to use them indoors, or aim them at walls. - Bring a radiator for the second batch of Fast Zombies after you get the shotgun. Use it inside only, and remember to save one of the explosives. - Use the elosives, and athe radiator again on the Poison Zombie outside. Dispatch of any poison headcrabs with primary fire. v) Section a-V - YAY!!! Infinitely spawning Zombies! Seriously, this is a good place to practise. Set it onto hard here, if you havent done so already (wimps), and have fun with radiators, and fire :D - Kill the Poison Zombies first, and use either explosives or radiators. Make sure that they dont let off too many headcrabs. I did once have a situation where I had to take out 8 Poison headcrabs, 7 Zombies, and both Poison Zombies. NOT nice. Get poison out the way. - The large 6" shard of metal that flies off is a great weapon to use, but make sure it doesn't hit you in the face. That hurts. It's nice for dealing with multiple Zombies, though. - When you go up to the upper level of this section, remember you get a Poison Zombie spawn under you. Knock the cans off the ledge, and use the pistol to shoot them to take him out. - If that Poison Zombie DOES manage to hit you with a thrown Headcrab, you will die, because the Poison Headcrab will reduce you to 1 Health, and you'll fall off, making very light work of you. - The leapers at the end are irritating. Drop down to the bottom of the level, and take them down with a radiator. - Once you get inside, try to take 6 Zombies with one saw blade. No reason, it's just cool. vi) Section a-VI - Use explosives to kill the Headcrabs up the ladder. - Take a saw blade outside, and a few explosives if you can manage it. Use one of the first Fast Zombie that comes at you. - You'll need something heavy for the POison Zombie in the middle here. A chest of drawers or cupboard should do, if you're patient enough to take it outside. EXplosives are fine too. - KEEP YOUR SAW BLADE, and leave it in the place with the Poison Zombie. As soon as Grigory sends the car, jump back down there, and use that Saw blade to kill the Fast Zombies that come at you. - When Grigory says "Nearly there, Brother", run to the car. Release the handbrake ASAP vii) Section a-VII - Remember, Grigory is invincible. Let him take the flak here. - To be honest, this is just really easy. As soon as you've dealt with the Fast Zombies, this is just a playground. Use the saw blades and breeze blocks, and have fun. - Do remember that there is a Poison Zombie at the end of the Graveyard though, and there are 3 Explosive barrels at the end of the Graveyard too. To be honest, that's the only hard bit for here. viii) Section a-VIII - Remember to grab the suit powerups in the house here. - Blow up the cans with your pistol, especially is Fast or Poison Headcrabs are there. - Once you've got all the cans, just run. Nothing fancy, just leg it. - At the end of the passage, there are another couple of cans and Poison Headcrabs before the water. Use them to clear your way. - Use the barnacle in this bit to reach some extra health and armour. - At the ned of this Section, don't forget to use the spinny thing, and to duck under it... ix) Section a-IX - There's a Poison headcrab right above you, waiting to pounce. To be honest, just use Primary Fire on him. - Take one of the barrels in this section to use on the Fast Zombie. - Dont be a fool. Dont use barrels to protect yourself against snipers, or other cover, just run. Sprint is your friend here. - With the first set of combine troops you meet, use the boxes nearby, and you'll have no problems. Watch out for the Shotgun though, especially if you're on hard. - When outside, use the explosive barrels. Don't shoot them, you dont have the time to change your weapons. Just throw them, they're fantastically effective. If for some reason you run out, then chuck a couple of breeze blocks at them. - Save one explosive barrel for indoors, and just lug it at the remaining two or three Combine Troops after you've let the resistance take the rest out. - Dont waste the barrels. They run out quickly. b) HIGHWAY 17 x) Section b-I - Grab health, get in the car, fall out of it, knock it over with the Gravity Gun, and don't forget to grab the Health and stuff in the house before you leave. xi) Section b-II - Skip straight past the first Dust Tower, there's nothing at the first house. - At the second Dust Tower, Go into the house, and grab some Armour. Dont bother to go up the ramp to the other house, there's only troops there, and you dont have the luxury of health to waste. - At the second Dust Tower, don't even stop. Go straight on, and try to run over the troops you see. - You may naturally use the RPG against the gunship. If you feel suicidal, use the explosive cans outside :P xii) Section b-III - Stop your car as close to the crane as possible, and turn on the Dust Tower. - Use the barrels and the boxes against the first bunch of soldiors. Watch out for the shotgun guy though, he can take your health down VERY quickly. - Fire a barrel up to the crane to use to kill the guy at the top. - Use the crane to kill the troops outside, as you are invincible whilst in it. - Use explosive barrels on troops inside the warehouse. - Once you get through the warehouse, just run the Combine Soldiors over, but be careful not to get them caught under your wheels, because that'll slow you down. xiii) Section b-IV - Continue along the road, and make sure all the blue things stick to your car before you get out to kill them, because it makes sure they wont hit you. - When you get up to the troops, use one of the explosive barrels to kill the Combine Soldior standing on the ledge. There are five explosive barrels in total here, and they should all be used to kill the soldiors. xiv) Section b-V - Run over the guy, and dont stop at the first house. - The next group of enemies are particularly hard. I advise edging slowly into the area, then reversing out as soon as you hear the radio chatter. When the Guard with the shotgun comes out of the house, run him over. Use barrels and those little red petrol cans that burst into flames on the remaining guards. xv) Section b-VI - For the start of this bit, just traverse the bridge carefully. Watch out for the headcrabs in the houses, but just dispose of them with Primary Fire. - When you get to the middle of the bridge, there are two guards that fire at you from afar. Unfortuantely, there is absolutely no way to really kill them from afar, so just take the damage, run up to them, and use the barrels. - At the end of the bridge, dispose of the Guards downstairs using the barrels, and dispose of those upstairs using the conveiniently placed radiator. - Gunship to finish off with, get to the middle, and blast him to hell! xvi) Section b-VII - Wait for the antlions to kill the Poison Zombie and Zombie before you go out. - When you do leave, remember to aim a few blasts of Primary Fire at the Antlions when you leave, and bring the big slab of metal to kill the COmbine troops that are waiting for you in the main area where your car is. - If you havent already, before you leave, make sure you grab the Health and Armour from the little fenced-in area with the two Headcrabs in it. You'll need it. c) SANDTRAPS xvii) Section c-I - Zombies... pah. RUn them over, or throw a barrel or two their way. - Mind the Fast Zombies though, they may require explosions to take them out. If you're lucky, you can get them all that way. If not, you'l have to take down the remainders using tyres. Tyres are the best weapon here. - When you get outside, you can completely ignore the first house. That's only useful for getting the crossbow, which you won't use. - At the second bit, with the Yellow and Black things to slow your car down, get the radiator from inside the house, or use the little blue things that attach themselves to your car against the Combine. Try to use the blue things if possible, because they're very effective. - At the third bit here, use the breeze blocks, and beware the Gunship fire. There's also a Shotgun Guard with this lot, so watch out. It's not TOO hard thouhg, if you're lucky with your breeze blocks. xviii) Section c-II - This section sucks. Seriously. - Use your allies to take the brunt of the fire. - Use the flaming petrol cans the best you can. They can take out two or three Combine Soldiors if they're close together, and try to save them for those purposes. - There arent a lot of things to throw here. Try to use the boxes, and the barrels to the best of your ability. - Make sure you use objects as cover. There are about 15 enemies here, and the damage they do adds up VERY fast. - With the Gunship, stay inside and poke your head out to take shots. xix) Section c-III - The antlions take a LOT of Primary Fure bursts before they die. If you're on hard, dont even bother trying. You're going to have to use objects to kill them. - That said (and I'm being serious here), don't even bother with not stepping on the sand. Just run. Sprint and face forward, and then turn back and shoot behind you whilst your sprint recharges. - When you get to the water, dive in. Antlions can't swim, and use this to your advantage. - Check the Dust Tower. It can be turned on by hitting the big yellow generator. Do so. You may want to collect the armour supplies from the houses. - With the Antlion Queen, lure her to where the Resistance Member can shoot her, and run. Just wait there whilst she gets shot to bits. Try to get some explosive cans into her, to decrease the time taken, and try to get the antlions with the barrels, so that the Resistance member can concentrate on killing the Antlion Queen. You might think this cheating, but on Hard, there really is no other way. Plus, you get to kill two more to make up for it. xx) Section c-IV - YAY! Pheropods! Seriously, put your Gravity Gun away, and fire these things everywhere. Note that when you throw them at a guard directly, he will be mopmentartily stunned, and flap at the bugs around him. Use this time wisely. I've actually been able to use the Pherepod in the later levels, and then the Crowbar and Gravity Gun, to conserve ammo. - Anyway, there's really nothing much to say about this bit. It's generally easy, just remember to deactivate the Dust Towers, and throw Pherepods directly at the Guards ot immobilise them for a bit. - As you near the end of this section, you meet two sleeping zombies. Wake them up with the explosive near them. - As you get VERY near the end, a Fast Zombie appears in the pipe you have to go through. Make sure you mark him well, and let the antlions do their thing. xxi) Section c-V - When inside, be patient. Mark the towers once in turn, and let the Antlions do their thing. - As you move past the towers, be sure to mark the Combine well so they dont shoot you or the antlions. - To get the two Combine Soldiors inside the house with the recharge points, open the door and throw a Pheropod in. You'll take damage, and try to run past the windows again, but it wont be too much. - TWO gunships... Nasty. Stay close to the wall where the infinite rocket box is located, and you should be OK. This section IS hard. Just to make you feel inadequate, I managed this and came out of it with 100Health and 75Armour :D And that was on HARD. Ph33r me... - *Ahem* yes, sorry. Go through the newly opened up hole, and brace youself for the hardest bit so far. Nova Prospektt is flipping IMPOSSIBLE. d) NOVA PROSPEKTT xxii) Section c-I - Dispose of the Headcrab in the hole here with Primary Fire. - Take the safe, and use Primary Fire on Sentry Guns. Actually, Primary Fire works really well against Sentry Guns in General. - Make your way through the water, and watch for Barnacles. - When you climb up the rubble, beware of Fast Headcrabs. Just run, and have them dealt with by the Sentry Guns. - The 2 Sentry Guns WILL give you some damage. I recommend you use a huge green filing cabinet to soak up the bullets, and knock them down. xxiii) Section c-II - Your first Antlion Queen without a Resistance Gunner to help... Good luck. -- Use the three Explosive Barrels here to help soften her up. -- There are 5 Radiators in this area, use them all, and use only the radiators, as they do the most damage. -- I recommend you use that block of sinks in the middle of the area as a shield. Sprint around it, and let your sprint recharge when you're on opposite sides to her. -- Watch out for your sprint gague in general, you will need it to run if she starts charging at you. -- Finally, good luck, and dont forget to pick up the health before you leave. You'll need it. xxiv) Section c-III - More combine... Use Pheropods, and keep well away. One of the guards here uses a gun turret at the end of the corridoor. Sprint right up to him and mark him well, to stop him while an antlion can take him out. - Use a barrel on the 2 sentry guns. It makes life very much easier. - Not a lot more to say, really. Be careful, use cover well and mark Combine soldiors to stop them for the few seconds you need, so that the Antlions can attack them. xxv) Section c-IV - To deal with the first two turrets, go to the right, and go through the coridoor, to fire that them in the side. - This next wide open space sucks. Mark the troops so the antlions can kill them, and try to get the sentry gun down as soon as possible. - When you've finished, make sure you don't run through and get blown up by the tripmine, and use the explosive barrel to make short work of the two guards there. - Use the antlions to deal with the one turrets, in general. - In the kitchen, use the surroundings as cover, and use Primary Fire to knock them over. - There are a couple of shotgun guards up the stairs. Use the antlions to deal with the turret on the stairs, the guard on them, and the two in the control room. - Heal yourself and drop down to the Antlion Queen. The same tactics apply, really. Just keep out of her way and use the radiators, and the explosive barrels at the start. - At the end, just kill the zombie with a box or a barrel, and dispose of the headcrab with primary Fire. d) ENTANGLEMENT xxvi) Section d-I - Take a metal chair upstairs with you to deal with the guards. They're not too tough. - After Alyx finds her father, use a couple of boxes, but let Alyx kill the guards, because she's invincible. Ph33r Alyx :D - After you talk to Eli, kill the Fast Headcrabs with Primary Fire, or better yet, just run past them. You dont need the pickups in the room they're in. - Going through the vents, kill the Headcrabs with Primary Fire. - When you get to the end, use Secondary Fire to drop the grille down gently to the floor. Then use your Gravity Gun or Pistol to set off the explosive barrel, hopefully killing most the Fast Headcrabs here. Use Primary Fire on those that sirvive, and dont rush it, or you'll lose valuable health. - Use safes versus these Combine. You will take damage, just try not to take too much. - To deal with the turrets, lie the metal table down to use as a shield and poke your head above it, and fire the safes or metal chair to knock them over. - Use the safes on the remaining 4 Combine Troops here. - You may use a grenade at this point, to knock down the Power Cable. - Knock down the single turret with Primary Fire, and just ignore the second two, and run to the door/opening to your left. xxvii) Section d-II - Use a safe to kill the two Combine here. Get the turrets set up. - Do NOT let the turrets fall over. - After alyx finds Dr. Mossman, just make your way through the water, killing the Headcrabs with Primary Fire, and kill the Zombies with whatever comes to hand. That big door is quite useful. - Then you come to one of the hardest 5 minuites of the game. This part is the stuff that nightmares are made of. Here are some tips for the spawning guards... -- Throw safes down there as preparation. You WILL need stuff to throw. -- Kill the Combine Troops to start with, you may need to use a turret on the one standing on the ledge. -- The fun begins when you set the last turret. -- Use LOTS of quicksaves. Seriously, I think i hit my F5 and F8 keys at least 30 times in total during this fight. -- Shotgun guards should be taken out first. They are NOT fun. -- Use the safes to kill guards instantly. Use the big ones to get two or three with one shot. -- Put your senbtry towers back up if they get shot down. -- Top up your health using the Power-Ups on the wall if you can. - After you finish the Section, take a large safe with you to the next bit. It'll help with the guards there. xxviii) Section d-III - This bit is annoying, and bloody hard. Use the safes here, and the filing cabinets as cover. Let Alyx take much of the damage, because she's invincible, which gives her a little bit of an advantage in these situations. - With the bit at the warp thingy where all the guards storm you, set up the Sentry Guns and KEEP THEM SET UP under any circumstances. Use the Grav Gun to get rid of any grenades that are thrown by the Combine Troops. You shouldn't take TOO much damage, if you keep the guns set up. xxix) Section d-IV - Charge your suit at the Doctors Lab. e) ANTICITIZEN ONE xxx) Section e-I - Just let Dog deal with everything. These two sections arent too taxing really, so enjoy it. xxxi) Section e-II - USE your squad. Send them to where the Combine Troops come out so they can take the flak. They're not too weak, so let them take some shots. xxxii) Section e-III - Ignore your squad at this point. Remove EVERY SINGLE hopper before you even think of dropping down there. Use the last two hoppers on the Headcrabs, or let your troops deal with them. - Dont forget the one inside the hut. I got blown up by that. Twice, because I dont learn. - Once you get outside with the Strider, just run, and use a hopper on the guard on the high ledge. - Civil Protection arent a challenge. Use the hoppers and explosive barrels against them, but they really arent a challenge. xxxiii) Section e-IV - Dont bother going up the stairs. - When outside run straight across the road, and to safety. - Go up the set of the stairs to the house, and use your squad to clear it. The CP in here can cause you a bit of damage if you're not careful. Use a radiator if you have to. - Take a radiator outside, and use it as a shield. Just run to safety as quick as you can, let your squad deal with the CP. - When you do get inside, smack the two CP in the face with a radiator, and go upstairs. - When you get downstairs, use radiators and filing cabinets. I'm told that either of these travelling at 50mph into a persons torso are equally effective, so I'll levave it to you to decide which one you want. - When you get to the turrets, just use Primary Fire on them to knock them over. - Take a filing cabinet down to get the Zombie. xxxiv) Section e-V - Take a small filing cabinet with you here. - Manhacks? Use Primary or Secondary Fire according to your personal preferences and strengths. This section is quite fun. - With the Combine Troops, use Explosive Barrels wisely, and get those standing behind Pulse Rifle Tripods first. - Note that using the Tripod Pulse Rifle IS cheating. - When the manhacks come, crouch behind a car or other dover, and pick them off with Secondary Fire. - Use any remaining Explosive Barrels against the Combine. If you dont HAVE any Exposive Barrels, you're in trouble, but should b;e abel to get away with just using normal ones. - In the Toxic area with the Zombies... Good Luck. Use your Gravity Gun wisely, and DONT lose the saw blades. Take both of them, and use the big circular bits of wood if you do lose them. - Try to disturb one zombie at a time, or memorise their locations and kill them before they get up. xxxv) Section e-VI - Let your allies deal with the Fast Headcrabs. Use Primary Fire on any Headcrabs they dont manage yo kill, and make your way to the house. - Take a radiator with you (for a change). - Use it on the Combine that are on the stairs. It's oddly satisfying killing the first one. - Make your way slowly through the Section, radiatoring (?) the Combine Troops when you come to them. - Try to use the Radiator to kill the Fast Headcrabs upstairs, or use Primary Fire, but you will take damage. - Use the radiator to kill the Fast Zombies and the Normal Zombies here. - You can use the hopper to kill the Combine troop outside if you're bored of the radiator. - When you climb to the top, past the Fast Headcrab and where some of your allies join you, do NOT take the radiator. Instead, use your Gravity Gun to throw back Grenades. - Only when you have killed all the snimers, should you let down the bridge and go over. Take the radiator now. - Inside, use the radiator on all 10 or so troops. This section IS hard, and you WILL take damage, just hopefully not too much. - When you see the Combine and the Zombies fighting, get the Fast Zombie first, then the Combine Troops, then any remaining Zombies. xxxvi) Section e-VII - Get the Sentry Gun with Primary Fire. - Let your Allies and Alyz take the flak for the Combine here, and use the radiator when necessary. Remember, Alyx is invincible :D - In the Control Room, just charge in, but DONT take your radiator in, use the one inside the room. Mind they dont throw Grenades, because that will kill you. There are only three, so you shoudl be able to take them down without too much damage. - When ourside, use your Teammates and typres to kill the Combine. This is VERY hard. - Use your radiator and a filing cabinet as shield, and when it comes to the end (and your allies will inevitably have died by now), just hide behind the thing you have to shoot for the last few seconds, and pray Alyz hacks it faster. xxxvii) Section e-VIII - Use the Gravity Gun to deal with manhacks. - This section is VERY hard. Try to use the remains of a manhack to dispose of the two Combine troops that rush you. Ignore the troops above you, and ignore the Zombie. - With the last lone Combine troop, use that piece of metal barring the door, or a railing. - With this ENTIRE area, just run through it. Ignore every Zombie you find, and use Primary Fire on any Headcrabs that get in your way. Watch out for Poison Headcrabs, and make sure to take them out. - I think this section is REALLY hard. I considered allowing the use of guns. But then I played it through, and realised that it was easy. So you may use the Crossbow only, and only whilst standing on the bridge. Thea makes it hard. Use a barrel for cover, you'll need it. Run through the levels, and make good use of the two explosive barrels at the top. Oh, and dont get blown up by the hopper. f) FOLLOW FREEMAN xxxviii) Section f-I - Run from snipers, remember to move left+right. Nothing special. - In the house, use a filing cabinet against the Fast Zombie, and Primary Fire against the Headcrabs. - When downstairs, use a radiator against all the zombies, and DONT LOSE IT underwater. You WILL take some serious damage whilst searching for it. - Wait for snipers to kill the Zombies. - You may use Grenades to kill the snipers. - When at the VERY top, use Primary Fire on the Poizon Headcrabs, and use the filing cabinets to avoid sniper fire. xxxix) Section f-II - Oh yay! Combine. Let Barney take them down. Use a barrel on the turret. - When you get outside, run. RUn like you've never run before. Oh, and try to keep your team alive. - When you have to open the door, the Combine will jump you. This sucks, because there's nothing to throw at them. Hide behind a bookcase, and hope your team come in quick. - Outside, and there's a lone combine hiding in the bunker. Run all the way round, and behind him, then break his back by throwing a table at him. - Then you've got more Combine troops, and AGAIN you've got nothing to throw at them. Let Barney take them down. All my team had died by this point and yes, I DID hide behind one of those pillars for ages whilst Barney took them all down. - Inside, you get some allies, and some health. Yay! Oh, by the way, keep the Lock that you have to bach off the door. Use it against the troops you see next. Dont worry TOO much about losing health, just don't loose too much. Seriously, there's nothing to use except the lock, and it can do some damage in close quasrters, but let Barney and your team draw the fire first. This bit is very hard. You can use the table as a shield, by the way. xxxx) Section f-III - You may use a grenade on the first turret. - Run RIGHT past the next two turrets, and both guards, and let Barney deal with them. Get the health in the room with the Prisoners. - Run right past the next two turrets, and ignore them. - In the room where you get ambushed, use the two hoppers against the first batch of troops, then run out the door they just blew open, and grab the Radiator. Use it against the remaining troops. - Bring your radiator through to the Lazer room. - When you blow the last generator, all hell beaks loose. Pray, just pray that you survive. Use the radiator for survival, and go back through the Lazer room to pick off some of the guards. - When and if you survive that, send your squad up the stairs first, and use the turret against the guards. (Throw it at them, that is.) xxxxi) Section f-IV - On the roof, use the radiator. Save the Hoppers. - Use RPG on the Gunship. - When you blow it, use the Hoppers and Radiator on the guards behind the steel door. - When you push the button for the bridge, duck and stay to get the first few guards that run. For the next ones, RUN across, and pray that you dont get shot up, then smack them in the face with the radiator. Get the Elite guards first. xxxxii) Section f-V - Run right along the stairs, and get across to the RPG ammo, and take out the Striders. - Once all the Striders are dead, use the filing cabinets you find in the little alcove. Throw all 4 of the small ones there, and use the large one as a sheiled to take them out. xxxxiii) Section f-VI - Let one of your allies take out the Combine, and keep your large filing cabinet. - In the house, use their own grenades against them. - Remember, the the cameras give you armour. - Dont bother taking down the Strider. xxxxiv) Section f-VII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) CONTACT ME Contact me at webmaster(at)bumcheekcity(dot)com with any queries about this guide. Make sure you include the Phrase "HL2 Gravity Gun Walkthrough" in your subject, or I wont know what you're on about. Visit my website, - www.bumcheekcity.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Version Update 0.1 - First version submitted to GameFAQs with Walkthrough up to Ravenholm. This version was rejected as incomplete, which, to be honest, it was. 0.6 - The version has been updated with juse over half the walkthrough, to the end of ANTICITIZEN ONE, and the Rulles and Exceptions have been updated. 0.8 - The version has been updated to the end of FOLLOW FREEMAN.