**Imagine Fancy ASCII Artwork Here** Halo 2 Enemies and Bosses Guide Copyright 2004 dhwk Version History 11/10/2004 - Version 1.00 Complete! 11/12/2004 - Version 1.10 Update. -Several minor grammatical corrections, sentence corrections. -Added additional strategy for Grunts. -Added additional strategy for Brutes. -The Shadow transport bus is named as such, not the Creep. -Flood combat forms can use sniper rifles, but not too accurately. Thanks to the numerous people who pointed this out. -"Heavy Lifter" renamed as Enforcer. Thanks for clarifying this people. -Added additional strategy for Enforcer. -Minor armament change for Scarab. -Added additional strategies for Heretic Leader. -Edited strategies for Tartarus. -Added additional links where you can find this guide. 11/17/2004 - Version 1.20 Update. -Several minor grammatical corrections, sentence corrections. -Added additional strategy for Drones. -Updated Elite classes (I'm getting tired of how many different colors there are! ^_^). -Added additional strategy for Hunters. -Edited weapons section for Brutes, they can use shotguns! -Added additional strategies for Brutes. -Added additional strategy for Ghost. -Edited the Spectre section. The turret-mounted plasma cannon is operable when the vehicle is boosting. -Added additional strategy for Sentinel Constructor. -Added additional strategy for Scarab. -Added additional strategy for Heretic Leader. -Edited strategies for Tartarus (AGAIN?). -Added additional strategies for Tartarus. -Edited links section. 12/14/2004 - Version 1.30 Update. -Several minor grammatical corrections, sentence corrections. -Edited Drone strategy. -Deleted Drone strategy, they do not snipe. -Edited Elite classes and armament. -Edited Ghost description. -Edited weapons section for Heretic Elites. -Edited Sentinel classes and armament. -Added additional strategy for Sentinel. -Minor armament change for Scarab. -Added additional strategies for Prophet of Regret -Added additional strategy for Tartarus. 2/28/2005 - Version 1.40 FINAL Update. -Several minor grammatical corrections, sentence corrections. -Edited Elite strategy. -Edited Phantom description. -Added additional strategies for Flood combat forms. -Edited Tartarus armament. -Added additional strategy for Tartarus. -Changed Section VII. ******************************************************************************* Table of Contents ******************************************************************************* I. Introduction II. Covenant Enemies -Infantry -Grunt -Jackal -Drone -Elite -Hunter -Brute -Vehicles -Ghost -Spectre -Wraith Mortar Tank -Shadow Transport Bus -Banshee -Phantom -Stationary Turret III. Heretic Enemies -Heretic Grunt -Heretic Elite IV. Flood Enemies -Infantry -Flood Infection Form -Flood Combat Form -Flood Carrier Form -Vehicles V. Forerunner Enemies -Sentinel -Enforcer -Worker -Sentinel Constructor VI. Bosses -Scarab -Heretic Leader -Prophet of Regret -Tartarus VII. Questions? Corrections? Suggestions? VIII. Copyright Info. IX. Additional Links ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome to my very first FAQ. It's fitting that I should create it for Halo 2, one of the most anticipated console games in memory. It is a basic guide on how to tackle the numerous and diverse enemies that oppose you throughout this action-packed FPS game. Since this is a work-in-progress I will try to update with more strategies as I discover them. Please keep in mind that, unless specified, most of these strategies involve the NORMAL difficulty setting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Covenant Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No doubt your most numerous and deadly foe. The Covenant is a coalition of alien races bent upon the annihilation of the Human race. To this end they have put into use a diverse collection of soldiers ranging from the cowardly Grunts to the powerful Elites. Know their weaknesses and defeat them! ----Infantry---- -Grunt- Classes- Orange (rookie) Red (veteran) Black (spec. ops.) White (command) Green (gunner) Weapons- Plasma pistol, needler, fuel rod gun, plasma turret, plasma grenades. Description- The first line of attack in any given Covenant offensive. The Grunts are perhaps the single most prolific of all Covenant aliens. Small and sniveling, Grunts also tend to be the most cowardly, never far off from their larger Covenant brethren. It is very rare to find Grunts alone, and at the very least they tend to congregate in large numbers. Although frail and vulnerable to every weapon, it is their sheer number that can become problematic. Strategy- -There should be no problem when dealing with Grunts, even in Legendary difficulty. Simply pick them off with any weapon on hand. -Just be aware of the few brave Grunts who will attempt to throw plasma grenades. Luckily they give plenty of warning before they do this. Grunts themselves are very vulnerable to grenades because of their slow nature. -Killing a larger Covenant, especially an Elite, tends to scare all nearby Grunts. -Grunts are the most common race manning the Covenant stationary turrets. Use a rocket launcher or a sniper rifle and aim for the Grunt's unprotected body. -In some situations, Grunts may be sleeping on the job. Try to take out the nearby patrols and the Grunts with quiet melee attacks. -Grunts carrying fuel rod guns should be a priority. Take them out first! -In certain missions, look out for green Grunts and take them out first. They are rushing to position Plasma Turrets, and in higher difficulties, they can make quick work out of you. -Justin Blanchette says: Grunts can drive vehicles. One example is the second to last level where a Grunt is seen driving a Ghost. -Jackal- Classes- Blue Shield (rookie) Orange Shield (veteran) Sniper Weapons- Plasma pistol, particle beam rifle. Description- Fast-moving support infantry for the Covenant military. The Jackal's single distinguishing feature is their large wrist-held energy shield, which gives this otherwise frail enemy a keen advantage in combat. Once in position, a single Jackal could effectively hold an enemy squad at bay so never underestimate them. New to Halo 2, certain Jackals have traded their energy shields for alien sniper rifles. Firing from concealed locations, these new foes are absolutely deadly in Heroic and Legendary difficulties! Strategies- -The Jackal's shield gives it a high degree of protection from many conventional human weapons and some lower class energy weapons. When using ballistic weapons, always try to aim for the Jackal's body. Especially good spots include the feet and the shield's "hand grooves" on the side. -The Jackal's energy shield is useless against melee attacks. -Certain high-velocity weapons, such as the sniper rifles (human and alien) and the shotgun can unbalance the Jackal, exposing him to further fire. -Jackals have low mobility when facing opponents, use explosives against them! -Jackal snipers can be notorious enemies in higher difficulties. It is best to memorize their locations and counter-snipe them. In certain areas, vehicles are a necessity to run the gauntlet of snipers. -Jackal snipers always throw away their sniper rifles and pull out a plasma pistol when you get too close. Use this to your advantage! -Drone- Classes- None Weapons- Plasma pistol, needler. Description- Quick and fleeting, the Drones make their debut as new Covenant aliens in Halo 2. They are one of two Covenant infantry units able to fly, and can cling to walls and other hard-to-reach places from where they lay suppressing fire on their enemies. Strategies- -It's hard to miss Drone encounters; the air starts to buzz when about a half dozen of these human-sized insects fill the sky. Always expect to encounter Drones in large numbers. -Although fast, Drones have little to speak for in armor, so they fall quickly to abuse. Human ballistics weapons, with their faster fire rate, is ideal for dealing with these creatures. -In later missions, Drones may appear in waves, so do not relax after the first battle! -Drones are known to attach to your vehicle and melee attack you in higher difficulties. -Elite- Classes- Blue (rookie) Red/Orange (veteran) Gold (command) Black (spec. ops.) White "Ultra" (spec. ops. command) Blue Jetpacker (aerial assault/ranger) Honor Guard (Prophet guardians) White/Silver, Gold "Praetor" (ceremonial) Weapons- Plasma pistol (can dual wield), plasma rifle (can dual wield), needler (can dual wield), fuel rod gun, Covenant carbine, plasma sword, plasma grenades. Description- Without a doubt, the Elites are the iron heart of the Covenant war machine. Each individual Elite is at least an equivalent of the Spartan super soldier, and often can be seen leading the armies into battle. They are also one of the few Covenant to mann vehicles. Equipped with personal shielding and wielding powerful weaponry, expect every battle with an Elite to be a challenge, a life-or-death struggle in higher-difficulties! Strategies- -In higher difficulties, AVOID combating Elites at plasma rifle or pistol range! They are far better shots than you, and your shield will suffer! Either close the distance with powerful weapons (such as the shotgun), or snipe them from beyond their range. -Elites have a tendency to climb over crates or obstacles to give them a better view of the battle. Use this to your advantage since they cannot shoot when they are doing this! -Beware of White Elites. In legendary difficulty they can be seen using optic camouflage and can pull out plasma swords once they close distance! -Attempt to use weapons that can negate their energy shields. Plasma pistol's overcharge, and the seven shots from a needler are effective. A sticky plasma grenade can be a godsend against these foes. Without their shields, Elites fall quickly to ballistic weapons. -Certain classes of Elites, especially the jetpack Elites, can dual-wield weapons! Use cover wisely when battling them. -Elites can and will try to hijack your vehicle, eliminate them before they can close in. -Hunter- Classes- None Weapons- Modified fuel rod gun Protective shield Description- The Hunters are the largest Covenant alien encountered. Always found in "bonded pairs," the Hunters act as living tanks and the primary heavy infantry. Bristling with protective armor, the Hunter's offense is bolstered by their hand-mounted FRG cannon and their thundering speed. Strategies- -The Hunters have changed from their Halo: CE counterparts. Now only the sniper rifles and the rocket launcher can bring down the Hunter in a single hit, and only if hit in their orange fleshy weak spots. -Hunters are more aggressive this time around. They will not go into melee attacks unless they are fairly sure that you will not be able to avoid it. I have personally gone inches in front of a Hunter before it went into melees, this made their attacks harder to dodge. -Hunters now have a long arcing overhead strike that comes down fairly quickly, and can also do a backward strike on enemies that are directly behind them. Be careful of this new move. -The Hunters carry modified FRGs that send out a concentrated beam of energy. They have a distinctive sound that can be easily recognized and avoided. -Contrary to popular beliefs, the plasma sword is NOT one hit kill on a Hunter. I have tried many times, and even with the "red lock-on" it does not bring them down. -David Boudreau says: "When one of the Hunters in a pair dies, the other will use it's fuel rod gun far less often, and will instead focus on using melee attacks." "If you manage to stick a Hunter with a plasma grenade, or hit them with a particularly powerful shot that doesn't kill them (like the sniper rifle or rocket launcher, sometimes even the Brute Shot works), they may stand still with their shields down and their necks exposed from the front. On higher difficulty levels, it's more difficult to get this to happen, and it doesn't last as long." -Brute- Classes- Yellow (rookie) Brown (veteran) Honor Guard Weapons- Plasma rifle, Brute plasma rifle (red), Covenant carbine, Brute shot, shotgun. Descriptions- Large ape-like enemies that the player encounters in the late half of the game, the Brutes are the second new Covenant alien species in Halo 2. Their large size masks their surprisingly fast melee attacks. Their large amount of hit points and deadly weaponry make them powerful opponents. Brutes are also the only high-end Covenant infantry to move in large groups. Strategies- -Brutes have no energy shielding, but they have the most hit point of almost any infantry unit (perhaps besides the Hunter) to make up for it. -Armor protects parts of the Brute's body, especially the head. However, concentrated attacks will knock off this armor. Head shots are perhaps the most important with Brutes than with any other enemy. -Sometimes when enraged, the Brute abandons his weapon and starts charging around the map like a football player. They are very noticeable when they do this, and are often some distance away. However, once you see this, make them priority targets because they can close the gap VERY quickly and unleash fast, punishing melee attacks on you. Use high-velocity or explosive weapons to bring them down faster. -It seems that Brutes of all classes fight in similar fashions, preferring to keep distances. However, don't make this fool you into thinking they are weak close range fighters! -Brutes are also capable of hijacking player-driven vehicles. -Eli Black & BDawg82688 says: With the Brute's high hit points, the needlers make ideal weapons against them. -David Boudreau says: "It's actually really easy to tell when a Brute will berserk. All Brutes show up as part of a group, usually of about 2 to 4 of them together. The last Brute alive will berserk immediately. So, the best strategy would be to kill at least the last two at the same time. If that's not possible, take out all of their head armor, and go for the headshot on the last one." -Alex de Vries & Richie says: Plasma swords and the optic camouflage are useful against isolated Brutes. Cloaked melee attacks to the back also work well when taking care of the stragglers. ----Vehicles---- -Ghost- Crew- 1 Armaments- Dual plasma cannons Special Features- Speed boost (weapon's inoperative when using this feature). Description- The single most common vehicle in Halo 2 is the Ghost. A reconnaissance vehicle, the Ghost is still no stranger to the battlefield. Piloted by Elites (and later Brutes, Grunts), the Ghost can make quick work of ground infantry with their plasma cannons, or when subtlety isn't an issue, a quick run-over. Strategies- -Always attempt to combat Ghosts while in other vehicles, or when armed with a rocket launcher. Ghosts can be deadly to players on foot. -The Ghost's weapon accuracy has been increased from Halo: CE, now you can hold down the fire button and unleash a stream of blue death without missing. -Use the speed boost to quickly run over enemies and avoid having them boarding your vehicle. Of course you should always try to steal a ride yourself. -Sithicus says: There's a large weakspot on the Ghost that can be exploited with a sniper rifle (human/alien). On the left side of the vehicle is a circular protrusion. A single sniper shot to this area destroys the vehicle, regardless of health. -Spectre- Crew- 4 (one driver, one gunner, two side passengers) Armaments- Single rapid fire Plasma Turret Special Features- Speed boost. Description- New to the Halo universe, the Spectre is the Covenant's answer to the Warthog. Like other Covenant land vehicles, the Spectre hovers above the landscape, and therefore can travel smoothly over any terrain. Strategies- -The Spectre, like all Covenant land vehicles, is capable of strafing, use this ability to combat enemy vehicles. -The Spectre is actually quite fragile and vulnerable to rollovers. Beware when maneuvering. -Wraith Mortar Tank- Crew- 1 Armaments- Mortar cannon, dual plasma cannons (AI only) Special Features- Speed boost (weapon's inoperative when using this feature). Description- The premier heavy vehicle in the Covenant army, the Wraith mortar tank rains destructive plasma down on all enemies. As expected, they are much more durable than other Covenant land vehicles and can withstand a direct rocket hit. Strategies- -When fighting Wraiths, do one of two things, attack from a distance or close quickly and hijack the vehicle. When close, beware of the dual plasma cannons that comes into play. Wraiths may also try to ram you with their speed boost. -The Wraith's arcing shot makes it a fairly slow projectile when firing on long-distance targets. They can still prove to be quite accurate, particularly in higher difficulties. Always be on the move when engaging a Wraith. -The Wraith boasts one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Accuracy is a non-issue, use splash damage against enemy infantry and vehicles. -When swarmed by large numbers of Ghosts, use the speed boost offensively. Know that using speed boost on Ghosts can damage or even destroy them! At the very least, this will herd the vehicles, making them easy targets for the mortar. -Shadow Transport Bus- Crew- 2 (one driver, one gunner), 8 passengers. Armaments- Single rapid fire plasma turret. Special Features- Can transport passengers or Ghosts. Description- The Shadow is another new Covenant vehicle. It only appears in one campaign mission however. Although you can mann the single plasma turret on this vehicle, you cannot pilot it. Strategies- -Being a transport, the Shadow is lightly armed. Take out the gunner in the overhead turret first, then take out the driver or the vehicle itself at your leisure. -The Shadows carry Ghosts, an ideal ride if you happen to lose yours. -Banshee- Crew- 1 Armaments- Dual plasma cannons, fuel rod gun (SP only). Special Features- Speed boost, barrel rolls, and loop-de-loops (weapon's inoperative when using these features). Description- The single fighter in the Covenant army, the Banshee nevertheless lives up to its role with powerful weaponry and nimble agility. Present only in specific campaign missions (you are almost always in vehicles when encountering them), the Banshee is a deadly unit in its own right. Strategies- -The plasma cannon is more accurate. Hold down the fire button and let it loose! -The Banshee is more fragile now, use its numerous maneuvers to avoid enemy fire. Especially beware of fuel rod shots from ground troops. -Use the speed boost to quickly close or gain distance against foes. -Although this has never happened to me, it may be possible for Elites to hijack Banshees, do not approach them. -Phantom- Crew- Unknown. Multiple passengers. Armaments- Three rapid-fire plasma turrets. Special Features- Can transport multiple Ghosts or a Wraith. Description- With the invasion of Earth on hand, the Covenant has unleashed their newest assault transport, the Phantom. Compared to the older horse-shoe shaped troop transport, the Phantom is ton by ton a superior craft. Able to hold an entire squad of Covenant troops, the ship is well protected by triple rotating plasma turrets. Laying withering covering fire, the Phantom quickly drops off troopers via a miniature gravity lift. Phantoms also carry vehicles. Strategies- -First of all, know that Phantoms cannot be destroyed, so do not waste your time. Its plasma fire can be punishing on higher difficulties so take cover! -The three plasma turrets can be destroyed with enough firepower. One rocket per turret, or a Scorpion tank shell can take out multiple turrets at once. -Stationary Turret- Crew- 1 Armaments- Single rapid-fire plasma turret. Special Features- Energy shield array. Description- A new improvement on the older Shade stationary turrets, this new Covenant weapon can pin down an ill-prepared enemy squad. Strategies- -Very noticeable due to the large shield array, you should attempt to take out any potential gunners as quickly as possible. Grunts are the most common aliens to use these turrets, aim for the exposed top of their bodies. -Despite the shield array, prolonged energy fire or explosive will negate its protection. Enough firepower can destroy the turret entirely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Heretic Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early on in the game, you learn that not all members of your alien enemies follow the Covenant. It appears that there is at least one splinter faction that is directly aligned against them. Leading this rebellion is an Elite, who speaks of the false promises given by the Prophets. Obviously the Covenant will not stand idly by and let this heresy continue, they shall suffer no heretic to live! -Heretic Grunt- Classes- None Weapons- Needler, fuel rod gun, plasma grenades. Description- It is not known what drove these otherwise cowardly creatures to move against the Covenant. But because they have abandoned the technological gifts given to us by the Covenant, you can see these heretics as the vile beasts they are! Strapped to primitive methane breathing mechanisms, these creatures will not stay your wrath! Strategies- -Like Covenant Grunts, the Heretic variety should not give you too much trouble. However, they are more proficient with the needler, so avoid fighting more than a few at a time. Use stealth to avoid unnecessary combat. -Some Heretic Grunts employ fuel rod guns in battle. These are especially deadly and should be dealt with quickly. -Heretic Elite- Classes- None Weapons- Covenant carbine, Sentinel laser (Silver), plasma sword, plasma grenades. Description- Profane traitors to the Covenant cause, these former Elites now lead a fight against the Prophets! This cannot be allowed to continue. Know that while they have foregone the Elite combat suits, they still possess the energy shields. Strategies- -Not quite as aggressive as the Covenant variety, these warriors prefer to stay back and open fire with their accurate Covenant carbines. Three headshots will slay you, so beware when playing in higher difficulties. -Some Heretic Elites will use plasma swords against you. Counter with plasma grenades or powerful close-range weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Flood Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cancer of the galaxy, the Flood sweep across the universe, consuming all sentient life in their path. Even the mighty and ancient Forerunners were forced to construct the giant Halos, or "Fortress Worlds" in a desperate attempt to stem the tide. It is not known at this time where the Flood originated from, or whether they operate under any organized hierarchy... ----Infantry---- -Flood Infection Form ("Spores")- Description- Smallest and most prolific of all Flood variants. The infection forms vaguely resemble jellyfish. Their only purpose in life is to find sentient organic life forms and "infect" them. It uses its numerous tentacles to pierce the unfortunate victim's nervous systems, sending the host into a deep coma and leaving the infection form free to slowly and insidiously take over their bodies. Strategies- -Although their numbers have significantly decreased from Halo:CE, these relentless foes have made up for it in cunning and deadliness. Each individual infection form will do more damage to your shield, and if you have no shield, death is quick and absolute. -Flood spores are more intelligent now. When alone, they are actually known to scale ceilings and wait for opportune moments to strike. I have personally experienced a game where I lost track of an infection form. While searching for it, I was attacked by a combat form. As soon as I lost my shield, the infection form dropped from the ceiling and killed me! -Infection forms can actually recognize plasma swords and act accordingly. They may randomize their movement to confuse players. Sometimes, they may even retreat, enticing players to give chase, to which they respond with a sudden jump attack. -Infection forms can now sacrifice themselves to revive dead combat forms. If you see a dead combat form "convulsing," it means that they are seconds away from returning to the fight! Take these down quickly. -Flood Combat Form ("Warrior")- Classes- Human Elite Weapons- All Human and Covenant weapons except the fuel rod gun and Brute shot. Can also use Sentinel lasers. Description- The result of a Flood infection. These twisted beings once used to be Elites and humans. Now completely overwhelmed by the Flood, they no longer have a will of their own, and mindlessly fight to serve the cause! Strategies- -As before, Flood combat forms are pain resistant. This makes them resistant to low class Covenant energy weapons such as the plasma pistol, plasma rifle, and the stationary turret. Also, melee attacks prove to be less than effective. -Because of their tendency to rush the player, use powerful close-range weapons. The shotgun is still the best anti-Flood weapon, with the new Sentinel laser and the plasma sword joining the category. -Sometimes when alone against the player, a combat form may opt to hide and wait for a better chance to strike. Keep an eye out for such tricky maneuvers. -Remember in Halo:CE, where taking out the tentacled arm of the combat form took away their melee ability? It no longer holds here. Combat forms can melee attack with both arms. -The Flood have now adapted to Covenant and human technologies far better than before. Watch out for Elite combat forms equipped with shields and plasma swords, and the combat forms driving vehicles! -James Walter, CA & Greg Mathewson says: Flood combat forms have a weakspot on their chest. Certain weapons, such as the battle rifle and the Covenant carbine can exploit this. Watch for a small red dot to appear in the crosshair to maximize your damage. -Shuhou Tsex & Greg Mathewson says: The melee attack of a Brute shot can be potent against the warriors. -Flood Carrier Form- Classes- None Weapons- Self-detonation. Description- Those combat forms too damaged to serve the Flood are converted into the bloated carrier forms. Easily recognizable because of their immense size, they serve as incubators for new Flood infection forms. They aid in the spread of these spores by detonating themselves near potential hosts. Strategies- -Although no longer as numerous as in Halo:CE, the carrier forms should not be underestimated. Their detonation roughly equals the force of a grenade, and the Flood spores they unleash are deadlier than before. -As before, a valid strategy is to attack and detonate a carrier form while it's still surrounded by other Flood. The explosion will quickly thin out their ranks. -Vehicles- Description- The Flood are now capable of using the vehicles of their fallen enemies against them. This clearly demonstrates the intelligence and deadliness of these creatures. Strategies- -Flood can now drive the Ghost, Wraith, Warthog, Scorpion, and even the Pelican! Luckily they are not quite as maneuverable as the player. -Be especially wary of Flood-driven tanks. Although the Wraiths are often preoccupied and allows easy hi-jacking, the Scorpion tank can prove durable and deadly. Use its inaccuracy against it and either attack from long range or avoid it entirely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Forerunner Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechanized servants of the ancient Forerunners who built the Halos. These robotic beings have unceasingly served their masters for untold years. Now, despite the absence of their creators, these automatons blindly carry out their primary purpose, to maintain and protect Halo from all foreign life forms. -Sentinel- Classes- Silver Silver (shielded) Gold (shielded) Weapons- High-intensity laser, needler (rare). Description- The most common robots seen around Halo, the Sentinels serve various functions ranging from transportation to combat. Relatively fragile, Sentinels employ laser weaponry and the more advanced Sentinel classes are equipped with low-power energy shields. Strategies- -Sentinels are armed with lasers. This means that the longer you are exposed to its beam, the greater damage it does to you. Be on the move and bring down these machines quickly. -Sentinels are more vulnerable to Covenant weapons, use it effectively. -The Silver and Gold Sentinel variety have respective laser beam strengths. Gold Sentinels are by far more powerful and their lasers serve as effective weapons against the Flood. -Explosions that occur near them can send Sentinels hurtling against walls and crashing onto the floor. Though dormant when this happens, know that they will reactivate if left undisturbed. -xv bones says: When killed by a needler, the Sentinels detonate with far greater force than usual. This explosion, although dangerous to the player's shield, can be useful when taking out groups of enemies. -Enforcer- Classes- None Weapons- Rapid-fire energy projectiles, multi-missile, lifting claws, dual shields. Description- Never encountered in Halo:CE, the Enforcers are enormous floating automatons that dwarf any other Forerunner robot. Judging from their weapons and abilities, Enforcers seem to be the main Forerunner anti-vehicle weapon. Strategies- -The Enforcer is probably the most unique Halo 2 enemy in terms of all the exotic weapons it deploys against its enemies. It can fire a series of energy projectiles (resembles needler rounds but is red and does not track) and multiple missiles against troop clusters and vehicles. -Beware going underneath the Enforcer when in a vehicle. It can use its lifting claws to eject you from your ride, even killing you in the process. -The dual shield array protects the Enforcer from direct fire. This energy projection is resistant to all but the most damaging weapons. Either use heavy explosives against them, or bypass the shield and hit the machine from the sides or the bottom. Plasma grenades can be ideal here. -Worker- Description- The tiniest robots in the Halo installations, the Workers simply serve as repair units. Strategies- -Workers are absolutely no threat to the player. They can be targeted and destroyed if the player bores of watching them flying about in their tasks. -Sentinel Constructor- Description- Appearing to be vents attached to the walls, these deceptive machines are responsible for the manufacture of Sentinels! Quickly shoot into their brightly-lit openings and destroy them. Strategies- -These constructors are often placed near the ceilings, but always on walls. Listen for the distinctive "charging" noise that it makes before creating a Sentinel to locate them. -Sometimes these vents are sealed when you enter a room, but can open once the player has wandered far enough into the chamber. Listen for these reactivating vents. -Martin Bishton says: The constructors can be destroyed with a melee attack even when they are inactive. The explosion will take out your shield however, so beware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Bosses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As if the life of a super soldier wasn't hard enough, these unique "individuals" serve to complicate your Halo 2 experience. -Scarab- Weapons- Single focused plasma cannon, dual "needler" anti-aircraft turrets (fore and rear mounted), varied numbers of infantry. Description- The single largest ground vehicle employed by the Covenant. The Scarab is a rarity on the battlefield, and seems to be used only in the most demanding circumstances. Fitting, since no other ground weaponry is effective in disabling them, perhaps except a Spartan... Tactics- -No amount of weapon fire is going to bring down the Scarab, so don't bother aiming at its leg joints, etc. -Instead, you will come to a part in the stage where the Scarab passes under a series of catwalks. Use the nearby rocket launcher and sniper rifle to eliminate the Covenant infantry that are firing at you from the back of the Scarab. Once the way is clear, jump onto the vehicle from above (you have about four chances). Try to land near the back, since this will cover you from additional Covenant forces. Once onboard carefully descend into the control room and take out all Covenant forces. Mission accomplished. -David Maybury & Evan Hobratschk says: There's actually about five chances to board the Scarab. When it reaches the end of the road, it takes a left, and stops near a platform. There is a stationary machine gun here which you can use against any remaining Covenant. -Heretic Leader- Weapons- Dual-wielded plasma rifles, two holographic projector orbs, jetpack. Description- The leader of the Heretics shows his proficiency in battle by fighting the player one on one... at least you wish it was that way. Instead, the Heretic Leader employs two orbs that emit identical holographic projections of himself. Despite this, the illusions are quite real in terms of damage, so they cannot be ignored. Tactics- -In lower difficulties, it is simple to defeat the Heretic leader, merely lock in and use the lunge attack of the plasma sword to kill him. -But in higher difficulties, the concentrated firepower of the Leader and his holograms make it a difficult fight. Use the cloak ability strategically to dash from cover to cover. Do not let him see you when you are without cloak! The best way to defeat him is to either use the Covenant carbine located near the elevator to take out the holograms (the holograms are weaker and distort when enough damage is taken. One more shot disables it completely), or cloak and tag them with the plasma grenade. Although the Leader can take cover in the ceiling vents and return with more holograms, you will eventually defeat him. -Shoeshineboy says: "...I have a different strategy for the heretic leader boss. You run under the bottom balcony, and go into one of the mini-tunnels. You throw a grenade at the end of the tunnel, and when it explodes the heretic leader comes to the front of the tunnel and starts shooting. He has a hard time hitting you, but you can easily hit him, and he doesn't move around. Sometimes it is one of his holograms, but it is usually him. Two or three grenade tosses to get him to you usually will be the end of him." -Jason Long says: Going "Energy Sword crazy" can be effective against the Heretic leader. -Eniphach says: "Right off you get a chance to tag one of the holograms with a plasma grenade, do it and duck back down. Cloak, emerge and tag the other. Now it's just you and him and you're only 10 seconds into the fight. My favorite way of offing him is with the Energy Sword. See if you can melee him right after the lunge slash, be quick about it you can swing that baby all you want without a lock-on." -Prophet of Regret- Weapons- Two focused plasma beam turrets, high-output energy shield. Description- Finally Master Chief faces one of the leaders of the Covenant in combat. Do not be put off guard by the relative frailty of the Prophet's appearance. His hover chair has enough firepower to melt any enemy in his path so take cover when you hear the weapon powering up. In addition, the Prophet is equipped with a powerful energy shield, making him nigh-invulnerable. The Prophet is escorted by a contingent of Covenant infantry including the Honor Guards. Tactics- -Attempt to take out the numerous Covenant forces protecting the Prophet before you attack him. Beware of Honor Guards armed with energy swords. -When the forces have thinned out somewhat (they will respawn), close up on the Prophet and board his hover chair. Now strike him directly with the melee attacks and the Prophet will not last long against the Master Chief's titanium fist. -hesthefastest says: Selectively killing guards, leaving only the sword-wielding Elites, can give you more breathing room to attack the Prophet. This is especially useful in higher difficulties. -Jonathan Woodhall says: The Prophet tends to teleport to avoid you. But he will always appear on the opposite side of the room, so you can be waiting for him. -Tartarus- Weapon- Large chieftain war hammer, "Fist of Rukt." Description- The Brute chieftain Tartarus faces you in the climax of the game, and he proves to be no easy foe. Despite the simple melee nature of his attacks, Tartarus seems to be equipped with "shamanistic" powers that seems to bolster his defense and offense. Tactics- -In the beginning of the fight, large numbers of Praetor Elites equipped with plasma swords will rush Tartarus. Don't be taken along with the crowd and rush in yourself. Stay back as his melee attacks are devastating, and your shields cannot protect you. -Periodically, Tartarus will be enveloped in a strange "fog," this makes him immune to attacks. -Jay Casey, Joshua Opotzner, Matt Blinstrub, & Vincent Slay says: Tartarus' aura will only go down with three rounds of sniper fire from Sgt. Johnson, who will then give the cue to finish him off. -Tonny Albrigtsen says: Against Tartarus and the reinforcing Brutes, the needlers make ideal weapons. -Brian Douthat says: "Keep him near the ledge where Sgt. Johnson snipes from, and get him to jump on to the flat area on the dividing wall. Keep him distracted until the second wave of your reinforcements come. One of the Elites has dual needlers, and about one out of three times, will unleash a constant spray of fire (since he has no ammo and never needs to reload). Tartarus will be unable to move, and Johnson gets clear, easy shots every time. Then while he's busy, you can take care of the reinforcement Brutes at your leisure, or just ignore them and keep pumping shotgun shells into his face." -LoneYote & David Ibarra says: The Banshee that you use in the last level can be flown into the Tartarus fight. It just requires some work to fit it through the blown door. -Gennadiy Balandin says: "In the very beginning... wait on the platform until you see an orbiting ledge between you and the three-tiered battleground. Jump on it. This will take you around the area, all the while giving you a pretty good angle on Tartarus. Be careful and duck, though, since there is another platform circling in opposite rotation that will push you off if you are standing. Wait for the monkey's shield to go down, and unload." -Xniac says: "...you don't have to wait for Johnson to shoot him. At the last part of the level where you have to get into the Banshee and cover Johnson, look around those purple Covenant crate things. One should have a fresh batch of sniper rifles. ...you can take down his shield at your liesure. BUT, within the first 15 seconds of him jumping off the platform u CAN NOT take down his shields, so wait a little, then go." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Questions? Corrections? Suggestions? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my final update of this FAQ. Thanks to everyone who sent their feedbacks, whether I used them on the FAQ or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Copyright Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Additional Links ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The list of available links. The most up to date version of this FAQ can be found at www.gamefaqs.com. -http://faqs.ign.com -http://www.gamerhelp.com -http://www.cheathappens.com -http://www.cheatplanet.com -http://www.wogaming.com -http://www.supercheats.com -http://www.mastercheef.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------