V2.0 FINAL Team One Presents The Halo 2 Multiplayer Compendium A Field-Guide to Halo 2 Multiplayer By: T1 Hawk ,--^----------,--------,-----,-------^--, | ||||||||| `--------' | O `+---------------------------^----------| `\_,-------, _________________________| / XXXXXX /`| / / XXXXXX / `\ / / XXXXXX /\______( / XXXXXX / / XXXXXX / (________( `------' ****Legal Stuff**** I did not copy anything. ...Concerning this document... This is a record of weapons data for Halo 2. I have timed everything using a digital stop watch. It took me a little time to collect all of this information...but it was very valuable for me to find out. The main reason for writing up this little ditty is to help people realize what is needed in certain battle situations. I have heard some "n00bs" yell out loud, "How is that possible! I hit you, like, 5 times!" What he didn't say was that he shot me 5 times, from far away, WITH A SHOTGUN! I will NOT be going into great detailed depth of combat strategy. That is not the purpose of this document, nor was it implied. Rather, I will touch basic situation strategy. If you wish to contact me, contact information will be given at the end of this article. *********************PLEASE BE AWARE****************************************** This document ONLY deals with the multiplayer portion of Halo 2. As such, I will not be reviewing the fuel rod gun. The Wraith is not capable of using the twin plasma guns. The sword CAN be used an infinite amount of times, it only runs out in Campaign mode. If you are having issues with Vertical / horizontal split screen, consult #9 in the tips sections. There is NO Co-op play through Xbox Live or System Link. It is only allowed offline. On maps that have extremely long distances, I.E. Coagulation, even though you may be able to see someone at the very distant end of a map, there IS a limit to how far the sniper rifles will fire. Approx guess is estimated at 500ft. There is NO penalty/benefit from choosing either an elite or spartan. The only differences are color changes in the HUD, charecter model and sounds. Please read this ENTIRE document. One person was confused about the terminology. Please read the entire description. ...Concerning Halo 1 Multiplayer... Halo 2 acts very much the same as Halo 1, save a couple. The pistol is NOT the be all, end all weapon. It is still a very good weapon,especially when in a dual-wielding situation. If you don't consider yourself a "n00b" to Halo, I still suggest you read this tome in it's entirety. As in, all weapons now act different, it would be wise to read all critical data. *******Table of Contents******* 1.) Human Weapons 2.) Covenant Weapons 3.) Vehicles 4.) Dual-wielding 5.) Strategy and Tips 6.) Xbox Live and Timing 7.) Maps 8.) Conclusion ******************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Symbols, terminology and lexicon: (DW) = Gun is Dual-wieldable (SD) = Sword Distance. The maximum distance to lunge with a sword. Approx. 10 feet. I will be judging guns in increments of 10ft. (RFA) = Ready for Action. The time it takes to switch to another weapon and fire. (ROF) = Rate of Fire. The time it takes to empty a full clip (RT) = Reload time. The amount of time it takes to reload a weapon. In single and DW scenarios. (ARMD) = Approved rated MAX distance. In multiples of 10ft. Judged by multiplying SD. (Melee) = How many melee hits (B Button) it takes to kill an opponent. Close range = Point blank > 5 Ft Medium range = 5ft > 15 ft Long range = 15 ft > 100 ft. Super Long range 100 ft > 500 ft ****************************************************************************** Human Weapons: All human weapons are magazine-fed, meaning at some point you will have to reload. I have detailed the exact time it takes to reload weapons, single or double, Please pay close attention to this. It is vitally important. Also of important note, is that when enemies shields are down, bullets take down an opponent faster than covenant plasma-based weapons. ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMG (M7/Caseless Sub-Machine Gun) (DW) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 60 Bullets ROF: 5 seconds RT: 2 Seconds; 4.5 Seconds ARMD: Short Range Melee: Head=6; Body=6 RFA: 1 sec Shots taken from medium range: 45 shots to kill in body 35 shots to kill in head (This isn't feasible, will explain later.) Shots taken close range: 30 shots to kill in body 30 shots to kill in head (Also not feasible.) Summary: The SMG is definitely a weapon you are going to want over the magnum at close-range. It has 5 times the capacity of the magnum, but it is around 3 times weaker per bullet. This weapon is a VERY close range weapon. Firing at any distance over 20 ft. is just a waste of bullets. The accuracy on this weapon is that bad. Also you have to combat the effect of recoil on the weapon, which doubles when it is DW'd. But, after practice you get used to slowly aiming down as you fire. Which means you can down one person in two seconds and use less than half of the clip in both guns. This weapon DW makes it possible to take on multiple foes in a close range proximity. I think in the beginning most people will tend to use SMG's while DWing. However, I would recommend coupling it with any other weapon. Plasma Pistol or Rifle or the Magnum. Rating in Scenario: Single;DW Close range: 6 of 10; 9 of 10 Medium Range: 5 of 10; 8 of 10 Long range: 0 of 10; 0 of 10 Levels most useful on: Ascension Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Beaver Creek Zanzibar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magnum (M6C Pistol) (DW) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 12 bullets ROF: 2.2 Seconds RT: 3 Seconds; 5 secs(DW) ARMD: Medium Range Melee: Head=5, body=6 RFA: 1 second Shots taken from ANY DISTANCE: 15 shots to kill in body 9 shots to kill in head 8 shots to the body to take away shield 8 times to body to take away shield than once in the head to kill ***Important to note, 1 shot in the head kills when shields are down.********* Summary: Magnum is not as useless as I had thought. Although, Dual wielding is a necessity with this gun. If mostly getting body shots, gun has to be reloaded which can get very slow and you have to worry about opposing fire. DWing is the only viable option for the pistol. At 20 feet with DW pistols you can down an enemy in 2.2 secs. Provided all bullets hit there target in the chest. After 20 Feet, the pistol is nothing like HALO 1, the accuracy drops VERY SHARPLY! If he is partnered up you will have to wait five secs or switch weapons before advancing again. And, depending on your skill, close-range can be very deadly. But, probably one of the greatest combo's is the Magnum/Plasma Pisol. You charge the plasma pistol fire, discharge enemy shield and one shot in the head with the magnum. Two shots total, dead enemy. Rating in scenario: single;DW Close Range: 3 of 10; 9 of 10 Medium Range: 7 of 10; 9 of 10 Long Range: 0 of 10; 0 of 10 Levels most useful on: Burial Mounds Colossus Coagulation Headlong Waterworks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun (M90 Pump-action Boomstick) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 12 bullets ROF: 14 Seconds RT: 8.5 Seconds ARMD: Short Range Melee: Head=6; Body=6 RFA: 1 Second Shots taken from medium range: 5 Shots to kill Shots taken from short range: 1 shot Summary: It's a shotgun. It is one of the best close range weapon. But as soon as you get into medium range, the flaws are very easily noticed. A person DWing SMG's would waste you faster at medium range, just because of the shotguns very poor damage ratio at medium range. The plus side is if you have to take out a platoon of people, just chuck a grenade to soften up, than barrage in, guns a blazing...of course they have to be very close to each other. Also, in the middle of reloading you can fire. You do not have to wait to fill the barrel again. IN those tight situations, this can help immensely. Rating in Scenario: Close Range: 10 of 10 Medium Range: 4 of 10 Long Range: 0 of 10 Levels Most useful on: Ascension Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Beaver Creek Zanzibar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sniper Rifle (S2 AM Sniper Rifle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 4 Bullets ROF: 2.3 seconds RT: 3.5 seconds ARMD: SUPER long range Melee: head=6; body=6 RFA: 1 second Shots taken from ANY range: Body 2, Head 1 Summary: Ah, the sniper rifle. Camping out at your favorite spot, just waiting for someone to pass by. I can't do that, I am more of a warrior sniper. I take the rifle with me, when I know I can use the advantage of the sniper scope and recon back to my team mates, and warn who is coming or pick off someone running away with my flag or skull. A truly invaluable weapon, only hindered by is capacity and how many rounds you are allowed to carry. For the patient, becoming a good marksmen is sure to have teams looking to hire you. Keep on practicing! :) The downfall of this weapon is that it requires total concentration. You don't notice your surroundings when you are zoomed in 10x. Your probability of getting conked on the back of the head go greatly up. Also, Sniper Tip of the day. If you have been in 1 spot for a very long time. It would be wise to get up and pick a different one before someone gets wise to your whereabouts. Also, when provoked into close range combat, you need nerves of steel. Keep calm and aim for the head. *GENERALLY* people strafe from left to right, which to you would be right to left. Keep that in mind. But, obviously if you have a better weapon for the situation, just switch it up. Human weapons normally take one second to become "ready" and covenant, take two seconds. Always have a PLAN!!! I can't stress that enough! Rating in Scenario: Close Range: 4 of 10 Medium Range: 8 of 10 Long Range: 10 of 10 super long range: 10 of 10 Levels most useful on: Burial Mounds Colossus Coagulation Headlong Waterworks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Rocket Launcher (M19 SSM Rocket Launcher) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 2 Rockets ROF: 1.5 seconds RT: 3 Seconds ARMD: Medium to Long Range Melee: Head = 3; Body = 3 RFA: 1 Second Shots taken from ANY range: 1 hit, splash damage takes around 3/4 of shield away, which you can than melee one time and kill. No need to waste another shot. Summary: Made popular by DOOM, almost every FPS has a rocket launcher in it. But the one in Halo 2 is MUCH better than the one in Halo 1. It's ROF and the speed at which the rocket fly at is GREATLY increased. From the 2x zoom to the Lock-On! feature for vehicles, this baby should definitely be picked up if it EVER crosses your path. Generally with aiming you're going to want to aim at the persons feet, increasing you chances of killing opponent. Also, now that the melee strength is greater, you don't have to use 2 rockets if you only splash the guy. You can just Melee him. Be cautious though, shields regenerate in 4 seconds. So you only have a small window to work with. Against Vehicles this thing is a Monster! With the lock-on technology of the new SPNKr Missle Launcher, this weapon is a TOTAL Anti-Vehicle Weapon. Just look at the Vehicle damage reports below. Overall, great weapon. Ghost: 1 Direct Hit Warthog: 1 Direct Hit Wraith: 2 Direct Hits Spectre: 1 Direct Hit Scorpion: 2 Direct Hits Banshee: 1 Direct Hit Rating in Scenario: Close Range: 9 of 10 Medium Range: 10 of 10 Long Range: 10 of 10 Levels most useful on: Any that have this on a map by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Battle Rifle (BR55 Rifle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 36 Bullets ROF: 6.4 seconds RT: 2.3 seconds ARMD: Medium-Close range Melee: Head = 6; Body = 6 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots taken from medium and close range: Head: 12 shots; Body: 15 Shots taken from Long range: Head: 21 shots; Body: 21 shots Summary: I have to admit, I didn't like the assault rifle when I first used it. I felt it was too weak. But after using all of the other weapons in Halo 2, I am sure this gun deserves to be in the top ranks. Personally, I believe this will be the new pistol. It is a very good weapon. Not over powerful, like the pistol in Halo 1, but just right in grouping of weapons. What will really determine if you like this gun or not is your skill. The better you are at aiming, the better you will be with this gun. Also, in long range situations, just hit the body, you will probably miss more on a moving target aiming for his head when this weapon is only so accurate at certain distances. Instead, you will most definitely use less bullets and time killing the person, by just aiming at his body AT LONG DISTANCES. Medium and close range, deliver it to the head for a much quicker kill. Rating in Scenario: Close Range: 7 of 10 Medium Range: 10 of 10 Long Range: 7 of 10 Levels Most useful on: Any that have this on a map by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frag Grenade (M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capacity: 4 ARMD: Anywhere if you have the aim. RFA: Instant Damage varies depending on area of contact. Ghost: 2 Direct Hits Warthog: 2 Direct Hits Wraith: 11 Direct Hits Spectre: 2 Direct Hits Scorpion: 11 Direct Hits Banshee: 2 Direct Hits If a person is at full shields, it WILL NOT kill opponent. Shields need to be at 3/4 full for a kill. Summary: It's like Jello, There's always room for it. Two things to note: even if this grenade it RIGHT underneath a person. If that person has full shields, it will not kill them. Second, you cannot use Grenades when dualwielding. ****************************************************************************** Covenant Weapons: Most covenant weapons are based on plasma projectiles. All Covenant weapons that cannot be recharged/reloaded overheat. And when the heat signature bar gets higher, the more Units of energy the gun consumes. Best practices with all Covenant non-recharging weapons is to never let your gun overheat, unless mandatory. Also, with most covenant weapons, you can not blow up environment obstacles. ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plasma Rifle (DW) (Blue Plasma Rifle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 6 Units ROF: 4.2 Seconds RT: Instant if you let them cool down, if not: 3 seconds; 3.5 Seconds(DW) ARMD: Close-Medium Range Melee: Head = 6; Body = 6 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: Body Shots to kill: 18 Head shots to kill: 18 Summary: Here is a Weapon that is similar to the SMG, but in everyway is better than it. They are actually decent at midrange. Especially DWing. These things tear through the enemy. It can eat an enemies shield in 1 second. You don't even have to worry about that recoil crap from the SMG. I am actually shocked how big of a difference there is between the two. The one caveat maybe that they are only on certain parts of the map by default. So in the end, very few except the people in the know will DW these suckers. Definitely learn were these puppies are on the map. Mix it with an SMG if you can find two. The only thing bad about the Plasma Rifle is that it cannot be reloaded. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 10 of 10 Medium Range: 8 of 0 Long Range: 0 of 10 Level most useful on: Any map that has it on the field by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plasma Pistol (DW) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 6 (regular); 15(Overcharged) ROF: 3 Seconds RT: Instant if let cooled down, else: 2 seconds ARMD: Medium Range Melee: Head = 6; Body = 6 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: 10 for body or head shot to kill. Summary: The Plasma Pistol is actually an ok weapon. If it weren't for the plasma bullets taking so long to reach their target. Plasma pistols would be VERY effective, you just have to have the ability to aim "Ahead." What I mean is, if you are fighting someone and they are strafing to the left or right, you have to aim a little bit more to the right or left of them, for the hits to land. Actually, in a team the plasma pistol works beautifully when overcharged. Its just trying to get someone to use it correctly is the hard part. But the BEST part of this gun, is it will fully deplete the opponents shield, even over-charged. The sweetest thing is taking away someone’s overshield...the moment when they feel they have an advantage and zap, away it goes. Beautiful. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 8 of 10 Medium Range: 3 of 10 Long Range: 0 of 10 Level most useful on: Ascension Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Beaver Creek Zanzibar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Energy Sword (Cool ass Sword) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: Infinite ROF: Half a second per swing RT: Half a second ARMD: Short-Medium Range Melee: 2 Hits head or body (Melee button B, not R trigger) RFA: 1 Second Shots Taken from Any range: 1 Hit if targeted, 2 if not (Trigger Button) Summary: This is the answer to the human shotgun. But in my opinion, WAY BETTER! First you have very little reload time. There is no ammo. And you can make a lunge attack from within 10 ft. The best place to aim the reticule is around the upper body, near the neck-chest area. Plus, it is alot of fun when it is swords only play. The drawbacks. There is usually only 1 sword on a level. So whoever can get to it first is the Juggernaut. Second, if you have your sword brandished, you make yourself a target. Third, Trying to get in the "Sweet Spot" While you opponent is back-trotting and putting shots into you. This weapon is only to be used when in the right distance. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 10 of 10 Medium Range: 8 of 10 Long Range: 0 of 10 Level most useful on: Any that have this on a map by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brute Plasma Rifle (Red Plasma Rifle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 100 if let cooled, 4 Units to max ROF: 2 Seconds RT: Instant if let cooled, 5 Seconds; 5.5 Seconds (DW) Max ARMD: Medium-Close Range Melee: Head = 6; Body = 6 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: 18 Body or Head shots to kill Summary: So the covenant have TWO awesome DWable weapons. Their only flaw is that they cannot be recharged/reloaded. You can drop any enemies shield with this gun in a HALF a second. The ROF on this gun is higher, but that means you have to be very careful, it is easily overheated. But if you are dual-wielding these babies you can cut through someone in 1 SECOND! BUT ALL SHOTS HAVE TO LAND. If you miss even a couple, covenant weapons are weak against metal on the armor. It may tear through shields in half a second, but than it takes 2.5 seconds to finish someone off with just a single gun. Where Human bullets rip through flesh faster than shields. So a good combo is probably an SMG with either plasma rifle. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 9 of 10 Medium Range: 8 of 10 Long Range: 2 of 10 Level most useful on: Any that have this on a map by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Particle Beam Rifle (Alien Sniper Rifle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 100 Units if let cooled, 12 units to max ROF: 2 Seconds RT: 3.5 Seconds ARMD: SUPER Long Range Melee: Head = 6; Body = 6 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: 2 Shots body; 1 shot head Summary: This is the covenant version of the Sniper Rifle. Technically, it doesn't have to be reloaded if you are a good sniper. Because if you can manage to only get head shots, you will have 20 SHOTS! to fire with beam rifle. But, If you fire to overload EVERY TIME you will only have 18 shots. Be VERY CAUTIOUS when using this gun. I would even say NEVER to let this gun overheat. After 1 shot, it takes 5 Units of energy, to max it takes 7. So It is taking more ammo, also it would take you longer to get off enough consecutive shots in a givin timeframe if you overheat the gun. It takes 3.5 Seconds to fire the gun after overheating, whereas you can fire every second and never overheat the gun. This is the correct way to use this gun. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 4 of 10 Medium Range: 8 of 10 Long Range: 10 of 10 Super Long Range: 10 of 10 Level most useful on: Any that have this on a map by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brute Shot (Light Anti-Vehicle Weapon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 4 Grenades ROF: 1.5 seconds RT: 4 Seconds ARMD: Medium-Long Range Melee: Head = 2; Body = 2 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: 3 Direct Hits; 5 Area hits Shots on Vehicles: Ghost: 3 Direct Hits Warthog: 5 Direct Hits Wraith: 18 Direct Hits Spectre: 4 Direct Hits Scorpion: 32 Direct Hits Banshee: 3 Direct Hits Summary: There are 2 Covenant weapons that act like the human rocket launcher. The Brute Shot and the Sentinel Beam. The Brute Shot is definitely leaned more onto the light anti-vehicle side because it is rather hard to hit a small moving target. A half second after a grenade bounces, it blows up. I just don't see this as being a rather good weapon against infantry. Everything about it, says that it is a light anti-vehicle weapon. I mean, look at its Melee!!! 2 HITS!?!? That is just like the flag. I think that if someone were to come up to you with this weapon, your best bet would be to melee instead of fire. Reason: You will get hurt as well because of the splash damage, but your opponent who is lacing into you with his weapon won't have splash damage. In the end, if you try to fight with this weapon against infantry, other than melee, you will most likely lose. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 8 of 10 (Melee); 4 of 10 (Fire) Medium Range: 8 of 10 Long Range: 8 of 10 (Vehicle); 0 of 10 (Infantry) Level most useful on: Burial Mounds Colossus Coagulation Headlong Waterworks Zanzibar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Needler (DW) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 30 Needles ROF: 6 Seconds RT: 2 Seconds ARMD: Short-Medium Range Melee: 6 = Head; 6 = Body RFA: 1 Second Shots Taken from ANY range: 9 Shots in before needles explode kills. 30 Needles,if only getting 2 in before they explode. Summary: The needler is nothing like the halo 2 eight minute video it was shown in. I suppose it was just too powerful at that VERY fast speed. And although you can DW this gun and the speed of the needles has slightly been increased, It is still not nearly as good as any of the other weapons laying around. There is only 2 valid approaches to using this weapon. 1.) Against total newbies who, will just stand, fire at you and not move. 2.) Shooting someone in the back. That is really the only way these weapons are useful. Even in a Dual wielding situation, if someone moves out of the way of the needle just as it is about to hit him, generally it won't attach to him and do no damage. And because this gun relies HEAVILY on the fact it does more damage - the more needles are in before exploding, make this gun silly to use on pros. Max distance on needles is also around 100 Ft. On shielded opponents, if someone moves left to right, the needles WILL deflect off of them. The needles will ALWAYS stick if the person has no shields left. But if they have no shields left, you can kill them quicker with ANY other weapon, even the plasma pistol. So just keep that in mind. If someone is coming at you with needles and you still have full shields, move. Most of the needles won't do anything. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 5 of 10 Medium Range: 5 of 10 Long Range: 5 of 10 Level most useful on: Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Beaver Creek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentinel Beam (What the sentinels used in Halo 1) ForeRunner Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 100 Units if let cool down; 23 Units to MAX ROF: 3.5 Seconds RT: 2.5 Seconds ARMD: Medium-Long Range Melee: Head = 3; Body = 3 RFA: 2 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: 15 Units of Energy Summary: Here is a weapon that looks cool, but in the end isn't that great. It takes the same amount of melee hits to kill as the rocket launcher. The only problem with this weapon is you have to be a very good shot. With a moving target, it is hard to direct the plasma stream to be constantly on the person. This weapon is definitely better in close-medium range combat At Long range, it may prove to just be to hard to aim with all the mayhem going on around. But in close range you can fire a stream and try to get close and melee to finish off your opponent. The distance at which the beams ends is at approx. 100 ft. The weapon also overheats very fast. Seems since this gun cannot be used in ranked games, it is just a fun weapon. To make custom games with friends, like no shields/ctf/S. Beam Only. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 7 of 10 Medium Range: 1 of 10 Long Range: 6 of 10 Level most useful on: If its the only weapon on the map, any. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Covenant Carbine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Magazine: 18 ROF: 4 Seconds RT: 2.5 Seconds ARMD: Medium-Close Range; similar to battle rifle Melee: Head = 6; Body = 6 RFA: 1.5 Seconds Shots Taken from ANY range: Head shot 7 to kill; Body shot 11 Summary: The Covenant Carbine is very similar to the battle rifle. At first glance it seems like a better choice than the battle rifle, because of it's rapid fire rate, but the amount of body shots it takes to kill someone is were this one loses in speed. It's a comparison. If you are the type of person where you know you will most likely be hitting the area of the chest. Stick with the battle Rifle. If you are the type with deadly accurate aim, choose the Covenant Carbine. Ratings in Scenario: Close Range: 7 of 10 Medium Range: 10 of 10 Long Range: 7 of 10 Levels most useful on: Any that have this on a map by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plasma Grenade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capacity: 4 ARMD: Anywhere if you have the aim. RFA: Instant Damage varies depending on area of contact. Ghost: 2 Direct Hits Warthog: 3 Direct Hits Wraith: 23 Direct Hits Spectre: 3 Direct Hits Scorpion: 30 Direct Hits Banshee: 2 Direct Hits Summary: Same Story as the Frag Grenade. It is just a useful item to have along with you. It doesn't burden you like choosing a different weapon and sometimes it can get you out of a jam. And although the frag grenade does more damage, the plasma grenade, when stuck to an opponent, kills in 1 hit if they are at full shields. Which you cannot say about the frag grenade. Also, don't get caught up in trying to sticky bomb someone, that will get you killed. Instead, use a Plasma when someone is a good distance away and is charging straight at you. ****************************************************************************** Vehicles Please note that while you are driving in a vehicle, your shields act as the "health" of your vehicle. So technically, if you take VERY heavy fire and manage to still get you shields back, you can take the default amount of hits again. Example: If I hit the Wraith with a rocket while someone is driving it once, and I wait for there shields to come back, it will still take two consecutive shots from the rocket launcher. Summary: There are 4 Covenant Vehicles and 2 Human Vehicles. 3 If you count the varient of the warthog. All have their strengths and weaknesses. The Spectre is the only vehicle that can carry 4 passangers. But it's armor is only slightly better than a ghost, yet doesn't have the same speed or firepower. The Ghost is the assassin's vehicle. Small, Fast and deadly. But, it can only take so many hits from larger vehicles. The Banshee is the only flying vehicle in Halo 2. It's armor is very weak and although the firepower is moderate, you only have a small window of time to fire before you have to turn around and come back. It's main use should be for reconnaissance. The Wraith is faster than the Scorpion, but it's armor and firepower is slightly weaker. The Scorpion is dog slow. But it's armor and two forms of attack keep enemies at bay. The Warthog has two varients. The Chain-gun version and the Guass Cannon Version. It can carry 3 total passengers. It has an emergency brake for tight cornering and a horn to let people know you are coming. ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wraith (Heavy Covenent Tank) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: 3 Seconds Weakest at the back Special Features: Speed Burst: 1 Second Shots Taken from ANY range: Ghost: 1 Direct Hit Warthog: 2 Direct Hit Wraith: 2 Direct Hits Spectre: 2 Direct Hits Scorpion: 2 Direct Hits Banshee: 1 Direct Hit Summary: The Wraith is the Covenant Answer to the Human's Scorpion. There are differences however. Watch out for people trying to board you. If they do manage to board you, quickly get out before they kill you. If someone is getting to close, use boost to run them over or at least give you space between the enemy. L-trigger - Boost R-Trigger - Plasma cannon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scorpion Tank (Heavy Human Tank) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: 3 Seconds Weakest at the back Special Features: Machine gun is accurate. Use Left trigger Shots Taken from ANY range: (Not including Machine Guns) Ghost: 1 Direct Hit Warthog: 1 Direct Hit Wraith: 2 Direct Hits Spectre: 1 Direct Hit Scorpion: 2 Direct Hits Banshee: 1 Direct Hit Summary: The big mamma-jamma. Hulking brute makes heavy defense, but one hell of a big target. Watch out for people trying to board you. If they do manage to board you, quickly get out before they kill you. If you see someone trying to get close to you, use the machine gun to kill him quick. L-Trigger - Machine Guns R-Trigger - Cannon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WartHog GC (Warthog with Guass Cannon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: 2 Seconds Special Features: Carries 3 Passengers. Emergency Brake and horn. Shots Taken from ANY range: Ghost: 2 Direct Hits Warthog: 2 Direct Hits Wraith: 3 Direct Hits Spectre: 2 Direct Hits Scorpion: 4 Direct Hits Banshee: 1 Direct Hit Summary: The all around best vehicle for teamwork. It is faster than the ghost, when it is not boosting, and if teamwork is done right, is the proper way of capping the flag. A great force if vehicle is fully rigged with team mates. Note: Hold down the L-Trigger for the emergency brake. It is used for tight cornering. Master it so that you can drive perfectly on any map. Hold down R-trigger to trigger the horn. Be careful when using the horn, as your enemies can also hear the horn. And the single GREATEST improvement to Halo 2...holding down the X button. Let me explain. In Halo 1, the warthog would definetly have to stop for you to get on board. In Halo 2 if you get good with a partner and practice, the warthog can be going full speed and you can still hope. Surprise your enemies with this one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WartHog CG (Warthog with ChainGun) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: .1 Second Special Features: Carries 3 Passengers. Emergency Brake and horn. Shots Taken from ANY range: Ghost: 2.5 Seconds of Direct Hits Warthog: 5 Seconds of Direct Hits Wraith: 10 Seconds of Direct Hits Spectre: 4 Seconds of Direct Hits Scorpion: 10 Seconds of Direct Hits Banshee: 4.5 Seconds of Direct Hits Summary: The all around best vehicle for teamwork. It is faster than the ghost, when it is not boosting, and if teamwork is done right, is the proper way of capping the flag. A great force if vehicle is fully rigged with team mates. Note: Hold down the L-Trigger for the emergency brake. It is used for tight cornering. Master it so that you can drive perfectly on any map. Hold down R-trigger to trigger the horn. Be careful when using the horn, as your enemies can also hear the horn. And the single GREATEST improvement to Halo 2...holding down the X button. Let me explain. In Halo 1, the warthog would definetly have to stop for you to get on board. In Halo 2 if you get good with a partner and practice, the warthog can be going full speed and you can still hope. Surprise your enemies with this one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ghost (Single man Infantry speeder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: .1 Seconds Special Features: Speed Burst indefinetly Shots Taken from ANY range: Ghost: 2.5 Seconds of Direct Hits Warthog: 3 Seconds of Direct Hits Wraith: 7 Seconds of Direct Hits Spectre: 2 Seconds of Direct Hits Scorpion: 6 Seconds of Direct Hits Banshee: 2 Seconds of Direct Hits Summary: Extremely effective offensive and defensive force. Outnumbered if a fully employed warthog is opponent. Slighty faster than warthog when boosting, BUT you cannot fire when boosting. Will definetly make TIGHT flag returns, if you are trying to catch up to a warthog. If warthog has a gunner, most likely you will be dead. L-Trigger - Boost R-Trigger - Plasma Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spectre (Covenant Version of Warthog) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: .1 Seconds Special Features: Only vehicle to carry 4 passengers. Also Speed Bursts indefinetly. Shots Taken from ANY range: Ghost: 2 Seconds Warthog: 5 Seconds Wraith: 10 Seconds (Only Vulnerable in certain spots) Spectre: 4 Seconds Scorpion: 10 Seconds (Only Vulnerable in certain spot) Banshee: 7 Seconds Summary: Covenant version of the warthog. If you have the choice, take the warthog, as it is more effective with 3 people. If you have 4 people take the Spectre. Two people going in to get flag is way safer than just a lone person. Otherwise Gunner in back is not as powerful as warthog. That is the deciding factor. 3 people = warthog, 4 people = spectre. Only true for CTF games! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banshee (Covenant Flying Vehicle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROF: .1 Seconds Special Features: Only flying vehicle. Speed Bursts and evasive maneuvering. Shots Taken from ANY range: Ghost: 2 Seconds of Direct Hits Warthog: 2 Seconds of direct Hits Wraith: 10 Seconds of Direct Hits Spectre: 2 seconds of direct hits Scorpion: 8 Seconds of Direct Hits Banshee: 3 Seconds of Direct Hits Summary: A great way to get an aerial view of everything. Should be used for flag captures/defensive returns, reconnaissance, and getting to areas not accesible by foot for sniping purposes. For Defense. Against Rocket Launcher, press A+Left, right, up or down a second before the rocket were to hit. You will perform an evasive menuever. These maneuvers can also be used to dodge other fire. Although the better way would be to just boost out of the danger zone and wait for your shields to come back. While on the offensive, Something to keep in mind is that the control scheme is slightly different than in the original Halo. Holding "down" on the left analog will actually make you fall faster as opposed to being a brake. So just keep the stick in a neutral position when diving. When fighting Wraiths, the plasma bombs are slow as dirt, use some evasive maneuvers to get out of the way. ****************************************************************************** Dual-wielding The purpose of this section is to give a rating to all the DWing combinations. The ratings are based by me and you may think different, which is fine. I can only judge the best I can with all the different MP games I have been in. I must stress however that dual-wielding is NOT the be all, end all solution. Grenades teamed up with the single-handed only weapons can be very devestating. For the MOST part! DWing should GENERALLY be used on boards that have tight hallways and short distances between obstructions. You will want to use single handed weapons and grenades on the larger boards. Legend: SMG = SMG M = Magnum PP = Plasma Pistol PR = Plasma Rifle BPR = Brute Plasma Rifle N = Needler ****************************************************************************** SMG M PP PR BPR N SMG 8 9 10 9 7 2 M 9 8 10 9 6 1 PP 10 10 7 8 6 6 PR 9 9 8 8 6 5 BPR 7 6 6 6 6 6 N 2 1 6 5 6 3 ****************************************************************************** Strategy and Tips. This section will deal with scenarios you will come to face in multiplayer games, regardless of game mode. ****************************************************************************** 1.) Run the map. Know the map. Be their first and always to the overshield, rocket launcher, sword, battle rifle, shotgun, everything. Know the map inside and out. Halo 2 levels are designed almost perfectly to the point an enemy will think they have you pinned down and they don't realize that you can get behind them in a couple of seconds. You will see this alot in Ivory Tower, Lockout, Zanzibar, etc. You will just have to find them yourself. See maps section for general area of where items are located. 2.) If it is a team game. Partner up and STAY partnered. DO NOT stray away unless POSITIVELY crucial. Two average players will drop one pro more times than not. I cannot stress this enough. TRY not to be a cowboy. This IS NOT HALO 1!!!! If two pros are partnered up, they make a force to be reckoned with. 3.) ALWAYS RELOAD WHEN YOU ARE SAFE. You do not want to die because you didn't reload. The most important thing is to have a full barrel at the ready! 4.) Know this weapons compendium to the last detail. If you know how long it will take you to reload Dual SMGs, while someone is coming after you and you know his shields are down, drop them and switch weapons if you can, otherwise try to melee. 5.) If the Radar is ON! PAY ATTENTION TO IT! Also of note, if you crouch while moving, you will not show up on the enemies radar. 6.) In almost every level, there will be a good place to hide to defend the flag in a CTF game. If you know someone is going to be there and you are having trouble with him, get the rocket launcher, it'll put him out of the way. 7.) Make sure you know this Weapons compendium. Every last detail will make you that much smarter. 8.) You can now ALWAYS 2x zoom no matter which weapon you are holding. Just click the right-thumbstick and you will enable the binoculars. A very good way to see what is going on a little closer and also recon back to your team-mates. As soon as you fire, zoom wil disable. 9.) If you are playing a split-screen game with a friend and wondering why the screen is Vertical instead of Horizontal. You have to go to the Xbox dash. To get there, first, make sure no Disc is in the drive tray. Second, if you are inside the Xbox Live Menu, press B to back out of it. You should than be in the Xbox Dash. You should see 4 Menu's. Memory, Music, Xbox Live and Settings. Go into the Settings menu. Once inside look for the Menu labled Video. Once you find it, go into the video menu. Look for the option labled Widescreen. If you want a vertical screen have widescreen ENABLED. If you want a horizontal screen have Widescreen DISABLED. So, Vertical = Enabled / Horizontal = DISABLED 10.) If you hold crouch a half a second after you jump, you will be able to jump slightly higher. One place to test and practice this skill is where the rocket launcher is located in Ivory Tower. With a normal jump you cannot get onto the top level. But with this special jump you don't have to head out into the middle to get out of that tight hallway. It took me maybe 5 minutes to master the Knee-Jump. Now I always do the knee-jump, it's like a habit. 11.) Everything has a formula, if you learn them, you will guarentee yourself your favorite items everytime. I have decided to let everyone know what they are. You will find them in the Xbox Live and Timing section. 12.) Stay Alive. It is more important to stay where you are needed, instead of charging into an area like a cowboy and trying to take on the unknown. 13.) Anticipate. If you start to fire at someone and they quickly turn a corner. Don't be so hasty. Chances are that they are already chucking grenades into that corner they just left. Or worse they have an ambush ready for you. Instead throw grenades into the same corner and go around the map, to drop on them from behind. Once again, the maps that are designed in Halo 2 are AMAZING. You would be surprised how fast you can get to the other side of where you enemy is. This is where the paper,rock,scissors formula falls into Halo 2 Multiplayer. You can't underestimate your opponent. You do not know what he knows. Maybe he knows what I know and is already on his way to meet you on the other end, or he is watching that radar if it gets silent? Trying to see where you are coming from? Is it an ambush? These are questions that will be racing through your mind after someone turns a corner *TOO* quickly after you engage them. And you can't sit there longer than 3 seconds to come up with an answer. Or does your opponent even have a plan? If he doesn't than you can turn that corner and have a fire fight. But I don't ever like to underestimate my opponent. 14.) The Camping sniper. In all ranked games, radar is enabled. A boon to the sniper. If he is a crack-shot, you are in alot of trouble. You have to get that rifle out of his hands. The only way you are going to accomplish that is by crouch-walking. Push in the Left-thumb stick and the direction you wish to move too. The achilles heel to the camping sniper is the radar. They depend on it. And that sets them up for an assassination from behind. I recently played a game like this and I barely won using this technique. The guy was a genius sniper. And at first I thought it was a fluke, but he pulled it off 5 times in a row, 1 shot - 1 kill. So the only way I knew I was going to win the match was by using the crouching tiger. After I removed the sniper rifle from his hands, he was cake in close-range combat. Six kills with two minutes left on the clock. 15.) Against a sniper who is not as good. Shoot at him to take away his zoom. That should even out things. 16.) A moving spot is the best hiding spot. I am not a camper, I don't like people knowing where I am. Plus, If I was a camper, I would have to worry about someone who also knew the crouching-tiger technique. Some people assume, the last place you were while sniping, is where you are going to be currently. What I would suggest is after you make the kill. Get to another good sniping location and keep on the look out for the guy thinking they are going to flank you, but in all reality you are very far away. Than reach out and touch someone. 17.) In One on One matches. Be the first to get the sword. Be the first to get the sniper if you are the long-range type. I really mean long range too. Not just that you hope to be, but rather can kill with one hit when up close as well. Otherwise I would suggest grabbing the Covie Carbine or Battle Rifle. 18.) Make use of the exploding "cubes" on the maps. Some people don't realize what they are next too. It helps out alot more often than you think. Three hits from the battle rifle is probably the best and fastest way. 19.) Stay away from exploding "cubes". One popular spot is where the sniper rifle is located on lock-out. If you are going to get the rifle, make sure no one is watching you and grab it and go. I also wouldn't recommend blowing them up. Causing a ruckus is only going to allude your enemy to know where you are. 20.) Adapt. Fast. The only real way to learn this is to play multiplayer a lot. Eventually, you will learn the maps like the back of your hand. Than you have to apply that knowledge in the game. Learn there movements to the point you know where they are going to be. 21.) Learn the trigonometry of grenades. They can finish what a bullet can't reach. 22.) TEAMwork. If you have Xbox Live, than chances are you have the communicator. For your team's sake, USE IT. Cooridinate with your team. Make good friends who also like teamwork. Get a custom game together and go through all the maps and designate names for areas. Example: I call the tower in Zanzibar with the battle rifle on the first floor and inviso on the second floor the "Inviso Tower." Be the extra eyes for your team. If all of you are looking, there is NO reason why I should find the "captured flag" yield sign appear without someone alerting me a few seconds before. Those few seconds MATTER! So if you like to win, TALK to your teammates, PLEASE! 23.) Do not settle for the default control scheme. There are many different options. Play games with different settings and GIVE them a chance. Just because it doesn't feel comfortable immediately doesn't mean it is bad. 24.) Don't be an ass. If you are extremely better than someone, show some class. Being rude will only discourage new people from playing more. But, that's not to say if you are evenly matched not to talk a little smack in-game. But, always remember to have a few laughs in the lobby after a good game. Just proper etiquette. 25.) This is the basics... ****************************************************************************** Xbox Live and Timing Here is a little secret to always get what you want, when you want. provided of course, you get there first. ALL RANKED games have a timer ticking down, to let you know how much time is left in a match. It is in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Use it. All the times I am going to give you are how long it takes for an item to appear. USE THIS INFO WISELY! IF YOU KNOW WHEN THE OVERSHIELD IS GOING TO BE COMING BACK AND YOU CAN'T GET THERE FAST ENOUGH, TELL YOUR TEAMMATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE BUNGIE! ALL Uber items have different times for them to appear on different levels. Like the rocket launcher takes 40 seconds to reappear on Zanzibar but it only take 14 seconds on Ivory Tower. You will notice that the timing may be off by 1 to 2 seconds here and there, that is because I wanted to round to the nearest five, as it is easier to count that way. Also of note, if someone has the Uber weapon, It takes a long time to get the same weapon, unless there is more than one on the map. I.E. Ascension with two sniper rifles. Somewhere in the range of 4-5 Minutes you'll be waiting if your opponent doesn't drop the Uber item. Another Note: If you are waiting for the item to vanish and you hit it with a bullet, grenade, plasma, EVEN walk over it and not pick it up, it resets the vanish clock. So if the sniper rifle normally vanishes in 30 seconds, you wait 25 Seconds and fire at it, you will have to wait another 30 Seconds. ALL WEAPONS VANISH IN 30 SECONDS! So if you don't think you will be able to pick up the weapon hit it with a bullet or grenade to reset timer. ****************************************************************************** All the following items reappear without having to use and discard. Magnum - 30 Seconds Plasma Rifle - 30 Seconds Plasma Grenades - 30 Seconds Battle Rifle - 45 Seconds to one minute Plasma Pistol - 30 Seconds Frag Grendade - 30 Seconds Covenant Carbine - 45 seconds to one minute All the following items reappear after they have been either depleted and discarded or left on the floor to vanish. Once again, all items vanish in 30 seconds. The following items are deemed Uber, in no particular order: Sword Rocket Launcher Either Sniper Rifle Shotgun Brute Shot Overshield Invisibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lockout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 15 Seconds Human Sniper rifle - 40 Seconds Sword - To Vanish - 25 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ascension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 55 Seconds Human Sniper rifle - 15 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 45 Seconds Overshield - 2 Minutes and 10 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Midship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 15 Seconds Sword - 15 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ivory Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 30 Seconds Human Sniper rifle - 25 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 15 Seconds Sword - 15 Seconds Overshield - 1 Minute 25 Seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beaver Creak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 15 Seconds Human Sniper rifle - 15 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 15 Seconds Overshield - 1 Minute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Burial Mounds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 45 Seconds Human Sniper rifle - 30 Seconds Covenant Sniper rifle - 45 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 15 Seconds Sword - 45 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Colossus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 15 Seconds Covenant Sniper rifle - 25 Seconds Overshield - 55 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zanzibar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 35 Seconds Human Sniper rifle - 15/40 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 35 Seconds Sword - 25 Seconds Invisibility - 1 minute and 20 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coagulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Human Sniper rifle - 15 Seconds Brute Shot - 1 Minute and 15 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 50 Seconds Overshield - 1 Minute and 35 Seconds Invisibility - 1 Minute and 35 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Headlong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun - 20 Seconds, regardless if it was used, vanished, or not. Human Sniper rifle - 30 Seconds Covenant Sniper rifle - 30 Seconds Rocket Launcher - 15 Seconds Sword - 1 Minute Overshield - 1 Minute and 5 Seconds Invisibility - 1 Minute and 25 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have had enough, I am going to leave the last two to myself. Far to much work just to give it all away. If you want to know what the timing is, your going to have to find out yourself. It's not like I left you with alot of work. It will maybe take you a half an hour. Sorry, it's too late and my brain is starting to hurt. Waterworks and Foundation...The missing times. ****************************************************************************** Maps Sorry guys. This area is where my FAQ may be lacking. Because I can't use pictures I am afraid I will not be able to explain an area perfectly, leading to misunderstandings. And the last thing I want is people E-mailing me, asking me where "exactly" a certain place is. Rather I will just summerize things to look out for, the weapons on the map and a little strategy. Hopefully that will be enough. The rest will be up to you guys. Just play multiplayer a lot and the maps will be like second-nature, knowing where everything is. Also, if I put down that an item is on the map, it's there, just look for it. If you see anything like 2x or 3x, it means the item shows up 2 or 3 times on that particular map. ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lockout Awesome one on one map. Many areas to jump down from above to surpirse the enemy. Weapons are positioned perfectly. One of my favorite maps. In oddball there is a ledge to hide on, the ramp that leads to the blue elevator, there is only one real place they can attack you from and if its team oddball your friends can protect you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sword Battle Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle x2 Magnum x3 Plasma Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x2 Shotgun SMG Needler x2 Sniper Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ascension If you ever have a custom game, make king of the hill "swords only". The hill is placed directly in the arena to have some awesome sword battles. Aside from that this map is awesome one on one. Be sure to run the map though. If someone gets to the sniper rifle before you, you'll be in a lot of trouble. Listen for the launch pad by the rocket launcher, if someone takes it, you can hear it through out the whole board, you will know where they are, and they will know where you are. You are better off going through teleporter and scouting sniper nest directly to the top-right. There is also a good sniping spot located underneath the banshee platform, it is like a brace. Be careful if you walk to far down, you will die even if there is ground to walk on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMG x2 Shotgun Sniper Rifle x2 Rocket Launcher Battle Rifle Plasma Pistol Needler x2 Magnum Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Grenades x3 Overshield *Banshee* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Midship This map is pretty fun. Learn to make it to the sword with one jump. It's easily possible. On territories match, grab the battle rifle or the covenant carbine, There is a place on the map where you will be able to hit all three spots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Covenant Carbine Battle Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle x2 Plasma Grenades x3 Needler x4 Shotgun Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ivory Tower I hold this map in the same regard as Lock-out. As in one of my favorites. Perfectly localized weapons and obstacles. Great ways to drop down on the enemy from above in MANY locations. Cool spot to jump on top of an archway beginning of entrence of the overshield. Can catch a few people off guard and watch them try to make it up there without using the knee jump! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sword Rocket Launcher Battle Rifle Covenant Carbine Magnum x2 Shotgun Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Overshield Sniper Rifle Frag Grenades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beaver Creak Slightly modified Battle creek from Halo 1. You should know where all the items are. Awesome board though. If you work out some teamwork, you could throw the flag either to the roof or out the window in a ctf match. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rocket Launcher Sniper Rifle Magnum x2 Plasma Pistol x2 SMG x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Needler x2 Battle Rifle x2 Shotgun Overshield Frag Grenades x2 Plasma Grenades x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Burial Mounds Nothing that really stands out in this board too much. A couple of tricks you can pull off, but aside from that, rather straight forward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Covenant Sniper Rifle Human Sniper Rifle Sword Rocket Launcher Battle Rifle x3 Plasma Rifle x3 SMG x2 Needler x3 Plasma Pistol Frag Grenade x2 Plasma Grenades x2 Covenant Carbine *Ghost* *Warthog* *Turrets x2* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Colossus Really cool map. The bridge connecting the two opposing levels is droped in CTF games. Listen for the Launch pad sound. Sometimes its just junk, but most times it will be an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Covenant Sniper Rifle Magnum x4 Shotgun x3 Battle Rifle x4 Plasma Rifle x4 Plasma Pistol x2 needler x4 Overshield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zanzibar Really fun map. Was the one map they constantly demo'ed to get everyone crazy about Halo 2. Listen for two different sounds. One is when the bridge is blown to get to the sword, the other is when the gate is opened near the flag. They are two different sounds, you will know what they are if you pay attention to them. In single flag ctf. Have one guy get in a ghost and stay on the outside of the wall. Do not let him go inside the wall parameter. Get another guy to get the sniper rifle along the walkway that leads to the inviso tower. Let the guy with the rocket launcher take the bait and try to fire at the ghost. Normally they are too busy to notice you aiming straight for their head. When you get the flag, either take the route to the wheel, where the rocket launcher is, or bring it out front, "NEXT" to the inviso tower. You want the flag to be out in the open if someone gets droped. Because they have to stay close to the flag, you should be able to start lacing into them from far away. And have one guy bring the ghost around to take on multiple foes. Trust me, it will buy you a lot of time. There is also a part where if you drive the warthog on the gate side of the map there are two exploding cubes you can aim at to make them explode and hurt or kill the guy with the rocket launcher. The cubes are right next to where the rocket launcher is spawned. there is also a good sniping spot on top of the walkway wall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Rifle x4 Sword Rocket Launcher Sniper Rifle x2 Plasma Rifle x5 SMG Needler x2 *ghost x2* *Warthog* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coagulation Updated Blood Gulch map. Probably everyone's favorite map from Halo 1. A lot of similarities, biggest changes are the boulders are now huge, and you can hide behind them. There is a basement Level which houses a banshee. Hidden sniper spot from Halo 1, is now a real sniper spot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rocket Launcher Sniper Rifle x2 Battle Rifle x5 Brute Shot x2 Plasma grenades x4 Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Rifle x4 Plasma Pistol x2 Magnum x2 Overshield Invisibility *Ghost x2* *Warthog x2* *Banshee x2* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Headlong A really spectacular map. Just look up for a moment. The skyscrapers are huge and the crane looks amazing as well. Watch out for the two billboards, they are pretty cool (Easter Eggs?). When capping the flag in single ctf, have a partner wait down below and when you pick it up, throw the flag out of the window have him grab it and go up the "air vent chute" to confuse the enemy pretty well. Than just walk the flag back to the base, without getting seen, of course. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rocket Launcher x2 Sword Covenant Sniper Rifle Human Sniper Rifle Magnum x5 Shotgun Plasma Rifle x4 Brute Shot Plasma Pistol x4 Covenant Carbine Needler c4 SMG x2 Battle Rifle x2 *Warthog x2* *ghost x2* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WaterWorks Giant CTF board. Fire at the ceiling with the wraith to bring down the stalactites. A lot of good sniping spots4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rocket Launcher Sword Plasma Rifle x6 Battle Rifle x6 Brute Shot Human Sniper Rifle Needler x4 *Wraith x2* *Banshee x2* *ghost x4* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foundation The mysterious hidden map. I beat the game on Legendary to get this map. Gamefaqs cheat thingie says you only need to beat it on heroic, well just thought you would like to know it works by beating it on Legendary as well. Foundation is sorta like Wizard from Halo 1, except the pillar in the middle you could walk around is now very open. The sword is in the middle of the map. The magnums are on the steps. There are four bases, good for a 4 team ctf match. Two rocket launchers tucked away against the walls on the bottom, turrets on top. Pretty fun map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read above for what weapons. ****************************************************************************** Conclusion ****************************************************************************** Well, I think my brain is fried. I just finished writing the maps and timing section and I am wasted. It is very late now and I believe I am going to update the FAQ tonight. This is the LAST version. I am NO LONGER updating this FAQ. Please do not e-mail me. If you wish to share anything or just talk and have a good game my Gamertag is T1 Hawk. It is gonna be kinda unfair though. I just basically slabbed my strategy right in front for all to see and read. I wonder if everyone will be able to anticipate my moves. Hopefully no one really good reads this, I have a hard enough time winning, against those, without having a handicap. If there is an error, don't tell me about it. I literally received over 400 E-mails telling me four of the same mistakes. The most common being the warthog guass cannon one. Thank you to those who did e-mail. It was appreciated. But I fear I don't have the capacity to take another stab and update this FAQ. I just want to play the game now. For the people having problems on Legendary, two tips. 1.) The plasma pistol is your friend, drop their shields and lay waste to them. 2.) Watch out for the jackal snipers. They are mind-bendingly good shots, you normally have a window of only 2 seconds to Find,Zoom,Fire or FZF for short. Other than those two obstacles, Legendary is cake. Sort of. Little snags here and there. Uh geez... I know somewhere I am forgetting something. I will remember it later...not in the mood to update this FAQ though. This was the only, and probably the last FAQ I will ever do. ALSO!!!! If you wish to place this FAQ on whatever site you have, as long as you give me full credit and do not sell this FAQ, place it wherever you like. You REALLY do not have to e-mail me. Plus, I am not including my e-mail in this FAQ so how would you get in touch with me? Hmm? Well? Finally, I hope this FAQ helped give you the edge somewhere, somehow. That's the power of my Teamwork. I don't have to be there to help. Heh... I am so gone. I've lost it. I'm still rambling. I seriously feel like I am forgetting to mention something... Nope.