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A good starting weapon combination in the game is the Battle Rifle paired with the Plasma Pistol because you can take down an enemy at any range. The Battle Rifle can be zoomed by pressing the Right Joystick and shoots a damaging spray of bullets when fired. This weapon is much more effective than other automatics thanks in large part to its accuracy. If you lose the Battle Rifle, swap for the weapon with any marine who has it or pick it up at any reinforcement checkpoint. 2. While the Plasma Pistol may seem useless at first, you can deal very good damage with an overcharged shot. To overcharge the Plasma Pistol, hold down the trigger to form a ball of energy with the gun. To attack this way, just let go of the trigger when the Plasma Pistol is fully overcharged. The shot locks onto enemies by itself and also breaks down shields. 3. You can zoom with the Sniper Rifle by pressing down on the Right Joystick. While this weapon only holds four bullets, it can one shot almost any opponent in the game. Sniping is also fairly easy to pull off if you are at long range. Obviously, the Sniper Rifle is pretty useless at close range, so switch to an automatic for close corridor combat. 4. The Shotgun is very effective in close quarter combat but useless if shot more than ten yards away. The weapon is especially useful against the flood later in the game because they're always jumping in your face. You need to reload every bullet separately, though. 5. Reload your weapon whenever you can and do not start fights with half a clip of ammo. Swap with enemy Carbine and Plasma Pistols as often as you can so you can always fight effectively. It's much easier to reload out of combat than after an Elite rushes you. 6. Take cover behind any objects or walls in the area. Usually I'll tell you a good cover position, but anything that you can duck against works great for cover. Also, doors make good cover as you can close them by walking backwards. 7. Melee (B) is your best assault when the enemy is at close range. Meleeing is extremely powerful and will knock down any shields on the enemy. You can one-shot smaller enemies with just one melee punch. Larger enemies can endure more than one melee hit, so it's best to run back out to range and fire at them. 8. The Energy Sword is the best close combat weapon. When you're in melee range, the energy sword automatically locks and lunges at the enemy. This usually results in a one shot kill unless you're facing bosses or large enemies. With that in mind, whenever you see a yellow or red Elite with an Energy Sword, get to a safe distance from their lunges. Like other Covenant weapons, the Energy Sword can be depleted, so always pick up a new Energy Sword if you see one. ----------- The Heretic ----------- 1. Watch the game's opening cutscene. ----------------- One Size Fits All ----------------- 1. In the armory, follow the soldier's orders and look at the lights with the Right Joystick to get acclimated with the camera. Afterwards, follow the soldier over to the next area and position yourself inside the next machine. Press X to start the test. The soldier gives a valuable bit of information: when your shields are down, hide behind cover and wait for them to recharge. 2. Walk into the elevator and wait until the twosome finish talking before it ascends up to a floor with a tram. Inside the tram, enjoy the ride to the other side and walk outside for a cutscene. 3. After the cutscene, run down the stairs to your left and pick up the guns on the crate. Walk through the doorway ahead of you into a hall. At the end of the hall, a door opens and you're now inside a large room. Jump down the railing right in front of you to reach a lower level. 4. Now go left and take cover behind the crates. -------------------- Home Field Advantage --------------------- 1. A small firefight will start now against a few grunts and enemies. Just stay back and fire away; if your shield goes down, take cover behind the crates and wait for it to recharge. 2. After the fight, make your way to the opposite side of the area to find an open doorway. In this hallway there are more grunts and enemies hiding behind the large crate. After defeating them, go right and head over to the stairs. Using the corner as cover, take out any enemies at the stairs before ascending a few levels. 3. Go through the door at the top and take an immediate left in this room. After hopping down a level you will meet more marines pinned down in a firefight. 4. Stay behind the crate as you shoot them. Alternatively, you can use the turret on the upper level behind you also. Kill the enemy and the foolish grunts on the far side of the room. Now head north and take the door on the left to sneak up on a grunt. 5. Run down this hall until you reach your first left corner. A grunt is right around here - stand back and engage at range. Continue down the hallway, killing the grunts along the way, and climb the near-identical staircase as before. 6. At the top, take the right door to reach a large room with invading areas. Stay on this second platform and shoot at all the enemies from below; you have a great vantage point here because the enemies are focused on the marines at the opposite corner of the room. 7. A few waves of enemies will come out of the invading ship on the far window. When you clear a wave, get a head start on the next by aiming your battle rifle right on the enemy's entrance. You should kill a few before they even get out of the gate. 8. When the marines start to talk, take cover behind the crates in this room and wait for the invading enemies. After killing the grunts, follow the hall in the corner, picking up the ammo along the way, until you are reunited with some marines at a firefight. 9. Assume a similar cover position to the marine and get to work clearing the room. Throw a frag around the shield at the pack of grunts and enemies. Also be sure to take out the enemies on the second floor of this room. 10. Additional enemies will enter through the porthole after you have cleared the area. If the shields are giving you trouble, take them out with a plasma pistol shot. 11. Note: Stay away from the enemy with the energy sword and swap your plasma pistol for the weapon after you down him from range. -------------- Priority Shift -------------- 1. After the explosion, your priorities in this level really do "shift." In the center part of this room you'll find stairs leading down to a door and the level below. More enemies should pop out at you once you reach the bottom. You can use the door as cover, moving backwards to automatically close it, as you take out the enemies and grunts in the room beyond. 2. Down here, make your way to the door on the opposite side of the room. There are openings on the right with possible enemies if you didn't clear from the door enough. 3. Kill the enemy in your sight right when you open the door with a swipe of your energy sword. Now follow the hall upwards and kill a second enemy. Up the stairs near the enemy two more enemies decide to come out and play, one of them wielding a deadly energy sword. 4. Stay at range and defeat the enemies with the battle rifle (preferably head shots) before swapping the energy sword on the ground with your old one. 5. Access a checkpoint at the dead marine upstairs. Jump on top of the shield near him to get to the upper level of this room. Use this high position as a vantage point to clear the room below before you enter through the northeast door. 6. Through the adjourning multiple doors, follow the hall until you reach more grunts off in the distance. Grenades work well here, especially if you want to conserve ammo, because the grunts tend to bunch up in one place. Down the hall even further you'll encounter a renegade enemy with a needler, so stay your distance and headshot him with the battle rifle. 7. At the four way intersection down the hall, two more grunts and a enemy will pop out of the different paths. Stand back behind the fallen debris and take out the enemy from far away. You can defeat any grunts with a simple melee bash. 8. Go right at the intersection and kill the grunt inside this room. ------------------------- Authorized Personnel Only ------------------------- 1. On the other side of this room, the door opens and you'll see two enemies looking away from you. Stealth might just be your best bet here; walk up to the enemies and take them out with your energy sword. 2. In this very large hanger, head in the opposite direction of the way you were when you entered the room and go through the door in the corner. 3. The next area is fraught with flying creatures that can kill you if you stay out in the open. Immediately take the stairs to the right, kill the enemy halfway up, and stand on the platform between the two stairs as you kill all of the flying creatures in the room. If they start to overtake you, run down the stairs for cover. 4. Once you've defeated all things airborne, fire at the enemies on the rising elevator before it reaches the top. They're sitting ducks while they're ascending up to your position. 5. Hop down to the elevator and kill any remaining enemies. An enemy or two sometimes hides behind the crate at the far end; make your headshot with the battle rifle from range. Afterwards, press X at the green button for the elevator to descend down below. 6. At the bottom, go through the door to the admittedly small room and wait for the dialogue for the far door to subsequently open. There are two flying enemies in this room, but they are tougher than before, like enemies that can fly with automatics to boot. Take cover behind the gray wall to your right and make your shots with the battle rifle. 7. Follow the right path as it goes up and down and leads to a doorway. Go right at the doorway to meet another enemy; after defeating it, head through the doorway ahead to reach an elevator. ---------------- Return to Sender ---------------- 1. At the top of the elevator, run outside and immediately head left through the small opening to reach a dark but covered area. Walk to the end of the hall here and go through the left opening. Take cover at the crate right in front of you as you kill the enemies around here. If overrun, head back to the dark hall area for cover. If the enemies continue to pursue, you have an excellent opportunity to mow them down as they enter through the doorway. 2. Once the area is clear, run over the bomb with the strobing red light for another cutscene. 3. When you have control again, run forward to the doorway with the blinking light. You'll encounter a grunt coming up the stairs here, and he should be an easy target. Down the stairs, zoom in on the opposite side of the room with your battle rifle to find another grunt ripe and ready. 4. Run forward to the oversized crate in front of you and fire at all the enemies inside and outside of the complex from this position. Take the grunt's plasma pistol and fire an overcharged shot to take down the shields, because bullets aren't too effective against those things. ----------------------- They'll Regret That Too ----------------------- 1. In the center of the right wall you'll find a very narrow alley. Continue following the path even when it becomes a full-blown road. Be weary of any snipers on the rooftops. Soon you'll reach a checkpoint at some debris. To the left of the debris is a dark entryway. Turn on your light and head into the darkness. 2. At the end, you'll hear and see Covenant fire. That can only mean one thing; take cover behind the corner of wall on either side of the room and fire at the enemy and two grunts that come through here. 3. Continue following the dark hall until you reach the outside and another checkpoint. Walk down to the beach now and get in the ghost. ------------------ A Day at the Beach ------------------ 1. Travel all the way down the beach on the ghost to another Covenant area. Kill the other Covenant in the ghosts before you slaughter the ground troops because the ghost can inflict much more damage. Ride through the opening on the opposite wall of the beach. 2. Inside this little area you'll encounter four enemies that spray you with automatic fire. Go slow and take them out one at a time. Follow the path as it makes a u-turn back out to the beach. Follow the shore even more until you reach another checkpoint. 3. In this area at the beach here, clear all the enemies with the automatic fire of the ghost. When you're done, ride the ghost on the highway a little to reach the next mission. ---------------- Speed Zone Ahead ---------------- 1. When you turn left through the opening at the end of the first highway, you'll now be on a similar one. Get out of the ghost and wait for the warthog to ride up to you. Get in the driver's seat and start your crazy ride through the underground highway. If there is debris on the ground, just drive on the upper level to the left of the highway to get around it. 2. Soon you'll reach another seemingly dead end, but you can swing around the debris to get back on the highway. Once you do, two more ghosts will come into sight. Just drive and don't worry about them. You can't fire while driving, anyway. 3. Drive to another dead end and switch highways back to the right one to get around it. Here, take the right upper level path and stay off the road. Drive as fast as you can and don't stop because there are Covenant tanks on the ground here. 4. After three big tanks, get back on the highway because it's a clear road all the way passed two checkpoints. When you reach an open area where you can switch highways again, ride back over on the left side because there are enemies on the right. Head through the opening between the crate and drive down the highway for another cutscene. ------------------------------ Ladies Like Superior Firepower ------------------------------ 1. Get in the driver's seat of the warthog parked to the right. Drive up to your fellow marines and let them get inside; they are your only hope at killing while you drive, unless you run into some grunts. 2. Drive down the bridge of the highway now, ignoring any ghosts or tanks that might swarm at you. If you keep at a steady speed down the highway, dodging the objects on the right, you should reach the next four checkpoints unscathed. The trick here is to completely ignore enemy vehicles all the way to the tunnel at the end. 3. Here, drive the warthog down the right tunnel to another checkpoint. Although there is a barrier on the road here, you can get around it by driving up the ramp to the right of it. Stay on this ramp as you zoom past all the enemies. Soon you'll reach an opening to your right; just drive on through all the way to the outside. ----------------------------------------- This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us ----------------------------------------- 1. Outside here, you'll be subjected to heavy enemy fire unless you take cover in the warthog behind the large objects scattered about this area. You need to make your way to the far right corner to reach the next opening and checkpoint. 2. Drive to the next area with enemy fire. The big tank can kill you in one shot, but you shouldn't take damage if you move fast. See the archway door next to the tank? That's what you need to drive through to reach the next area. 3. Go around the divide to return to the highway. You want to head in the right direction when you get on the highway and then make a left and a right at the first opportunity. Halfway down this street, get out of the warthog and run through the opening here. 4. We ditched the warthog so you could take down any enemies on foot in this area, and also so you could see one of those Covenant tanks. Just strafe right up to it, dodging by jumping in the area, and press X while tapping B until you destroy the enemies inside the tank. Now ride it and kill the other tank. Wait for the ship in the sky to start descending before you fire at it. This should make the ship fly away. 5. The door on the wall behind you will open once you clear the area with the tank. Don't kill the marine that greets you; he'll be of some help to you. Take the steps to the right and follow all the sets of stairs until you reach the top floor balcony. --------------- Field Expedient --------------- 1. The Giant Scarab is your new challenge. Go left from entering the outside balcony to find some stairs that reach to the highest level. When you reach the top, go left and make your way to the opening on the wall at the far end. Walk up next to the door and turn around to see the Scarab wreak havoc on the soldiers. 2. The door behind you opens. Run up the stairs, go through the door, and ascend the stairs on the right to reach a bridge. Here, wait at the center of the bridge until the Scarab is right before it. Jump from the bridge onto the Scarab. 3. There are a few enemies out here on top of the Scarab. Stay back and use long-range fire until this upper area is clear. Descend the stairs located in the center of the Scarab to reach another room full of enemies. Throwing a grenade into this room works wonders for the fight. Stay at the hall before the room and kill any enemies that run up to you. On the other side of the room are two tough enemies looking the other way; I like to stick my grenades on them to severely weaken them before I finish them off. ---------------------- A Whisper In the Storm ---------------------- 1. From the get-go, run forward and jump down to reach the lower platform. Directly behind you is the next door you need to go through; wait for your fellow troop to finish talking before the door opens. Wait at the door. I suggest you swap your pistol for a better weapon with one of your comrades. 2. Note: Heed what they say here - your camouflage goes away quickly. Use it whenever you enter new rooms to surprise the enemy. 3. When the door opens, run up the ramp to the right and camouflage. Beat down the enemy here with melee; he won't see you coming at all. From this upper level, shoot at the grunts below on the other side. Or, even better, run down passed them while camouflaged to bypass them completely. 4. When you reach the end of the road, drop down to another platform and turn around fully before you start walking again; the other way just leads to a drop-off. Follow the hall as it veers left to an elevator. Press the button to descend down. 5. At the bottom, immediately turn left and hide behind the nook to the side of the elevator. Switch to a gun with a scope and start clearing the enemies in this area - there are a few snipers as well as enemies, and even some flying foes. You should always have the elements of surprise with your cloaking abilities. 6. When the area is clear, press the button in the northeastern corner of the room. Take cover behind a pillar here and kill the enemies on the opposite side of the room that come through the doorway. Enemies will start to come through the other three doorways on the corners of the rooms, but you'll have some friends to help you out here. 7. Switch to a sniper rifle now and clear all the enemies on the level of the hangar below you from up above. They'll have a hard time even finding you from up here. When the area is clear, jump down and head through the doorway opposite the ship to reach a hall and a checkpoint. 8. Make your way down the hall, turning left, and hide behind the pillar. Right beyond this point you'll find a napping grunt that you can assassinate with a melee hit or stick with a grenade. The attention from killing the first will attract two more enemies to run up the hall, but you have a good position behind the pillar to kill them. 9. Follow the hall to the door on the left but don't go through too far because a grunt appears from the right. Just zoom in with your carbine and fire away before retreating back into the last room to take cover. Along with the grunt, an enemy resides to the right and another enemy is up the ramp directly ahead of you when you enter. 10. After clearing the enemies on this side of the room, ascend the ramp in front of the door and cloak to get a good look at the enemies in the rest of the room. Take cover, weaken the enemy with a plasma pistol overcharge, and then get the carbine out to finish it off. 11. When you try to run up to the opening on the opposite corner of where you came into this room, more enemies will appear. Take cover behind one of the cubby holes in the western wall and wait to cloak and infiltrate. Assassinate the enemy and take down both of the grunts before you proceed through the door they entered from. Not far inside, you'll have another firefight with two enemies near a large pillar. 12. Continue down the hall as you meet again with your allies. At the red door, go left and kill the enemy in the darkness in the hall. Further down the hall you'll encounter a raid of grunts, but they can easily be defeated with an automatic weapon. 13. At the end of the hall you'll reach a large room with a ton of enemies to boot. Find cover behind a crate and start to work on the enemies with a plasma pistol shot followed by a carbine knockout. Once the area is clear, follow the near wall to the blue door and head through to reach another hall. 14. If you're quiet here, you can sneak up on the group of two enemies and grunts and lob in a nice little grenade. If that doesn't work, take cover behind the perfectly located pillars down this hall and fire while constantly backing into cover. Go through the door to the left and run to the divide for a cutscene. ----------- To the Hunt ----------- 1. Ascend the ramp to the left and engage the enemies that come through the open door here. Follow the hall to the outside and get inside the banshee by pressing X. Fly over to the hangar inside the building on the far side, using the white icon on the screen as a guide. 2. When you get there, clear the entire area while still in the banshee, including the turret on the other side. Some enemies may rush from the door, to stay in the banshee while landing to kill any more enemies that appear. When the area is clear, exit the banshee and run up to the door for a cutscene. ---------- Juggernaut ---------- 1. Follow the hall to a door that opens up for you. Inside, there will be a few enemies with automatic weapons that you must defeat. Go through the blue door on the opposite side of the room and run down to the square opening in the middle. Switch to your energy sword and take out the parasite that might form on the ground around the room. 2. Wait until after the Big Bad appears to be showered with parasites. Since we're with a whole team, though, you don't have much to worry about it. When the area is clear of the parasites, go through the hall in the upper left corner to reach a door. 3. Go up to the door to open it, but stay in the hall because there are several powerful flying enemies in this room. Using the wall by the door as cover, take out everything in the sky before you enter the room. 4. Follow your team into the center of this room and help them take out the nearby enemies. The platform lowers. As you go down, we have another checkpoint because a massive wave of enemies decides to appear out of nowhere and attack you. 5. When you defeat them, the platform continues down further and you're invaded by enemies from everywhere before it finally reaches the bottom. Stand with your allies in between platforms and let them soak up the damage while you begin clearing the area. 6. Once you reach the bottom, head through the blue door and go left down the hallway. About halfway down an enemy ambushes you out of nowhere, so be ready to swipe at him with the energy sword. 7. At the end of the hall, throw grenades and otherwise clear the area below that has several enemies. Jump down now and get to work on the spawning parasites all around the room down here. Once you get a checkpoint, head through the door with the invading enemies on the opposite side of the room. You can use the pillar in the room as cover. 8. Wait at the red door until you're reported that the storm is coming, then the door will turn blue and you can enter. In here, take out the foes at the far end of the room with the carbine. Run over to their position and head through the opening to the left. 9. Running down the hall, kill the enemy that rushes at you and take out the slew of grunts Follow the path as it ascends and leads to another enemy. Keep walking along the path, killing enemies and assorted flying creatures, until you reach a blue door. Go inside and take the right door to reach a large room. Clear the entire room with the carbine from the door. Walk to the center for a cutscene. 10. Now go up all the ramps in this room until you reach the very top. It's a few floors total and a few lone parasites. When you get to the top, press X at the console to start the elevator. ---------------- Hey, Watch This! ---------------- 1. Get to the periphery of the area and start circling around it. Switch to your energy sword and kill any enemies that jump out. When you reach a cable, slice it up with your energy sword. After all three are complete, return to the elevator in the center when the place really starts to blow. 2. Now hop down all the floors and head through the open door. From here, run to the drop-off and just jump down. Turn around and go through the blue door to reach a new area. Kill the enemies in here as you follow the path to a door. 3. After a cutscene, fly the banshee to the opposite hangar denoted with a white icon. ----------------------------------- Dead or Alive...Actually, Just Dead ----------------------------------- 1. Run forward through the door and turn right to reach another door. Follow the hallway inside to the opposite door and turn left at the intersection to reach another checkpoint. Follow the hall until you see a blue door on your right that you should enter. 2. Follow the hallway way as it elevates higher and higher. You'll encounter a group of parasites and a lone grunt, but otherwise the journey is uneventful until you reach the top. 3. In this new room, stay on the high platform and shoot at all the enemies below. If they lower your shields, run back to the last room and wait for them to recharge before going back in. 4. Once this area is clear, from the elevated platform head to the opposite corner where you will find an opening. Head through and work your way up the ramps to a door for a cutscene. 5. In this new room, it's time to take out the heretic leader's henchmen who are none other than elites on jetpacks. Find cover, switch to your carbine or plasma rifle, and get to work. 6. When you've defeated them, the heretic leader appears, indicating that it's time for another firefight. Alternatively, you can jump up on the round silver ship in the room and take him out with the energy shield if you're quick enough after beating the elites. ----------- Helljumpers ----------- 1. Follow the marines on the pathway, killing the lone grunt along the way, and work your way down the path. Stop at every ruin on the path and take out any enemies or grunts that you encounter on the way. Soon you'll encounter a few turrets as well, and then after the radio call phantoms arrive with more enemies. 2. Immediately hijack the phantom and continue following the path, driving and shooting at all the enemies that you encounter. The noteworthy enemies are the other phantoms and the turrets. 3. When you reach the big ruin with the multiple turrets, take them all out with either the phantom or sniper shots. Inside the ruin, extend the bridge by pressing X at the center console. 4. With the bridge down, head back outside and hijack one of the invading phantoms. Kill the remaining phantom before crossing the bridge. Follow the cave along passed the waterfall, as the road becomes cobblestone. Once that happens, you're bound to encounter a phantom. Continue onwards until you reach back outside. ------------------------ You Break It, You Buy It ------------------------ 1. Get off the phantom and take out the infantry on the far side of this area. A rocket launcher would also work wonders here to destroy all the phantoms in the area. There are several turrets lined up against the wall and in the center between the rocks. 2. Now that the area is clear, get back on a phantom and head through the opening on the other side. Follow the path as it weaves around, killing the enemies along the way, until Cortana announces the pelican is here. 3. Clear all the enemies and continue until you see a Regret hologram. From here, shoot at the enemies on the upper level and take the slope leftwards to the hole. Enter here and continue following the path until you reach more ruins. 4. Enter through the door and turn left then right to reach the next room. Here, kill the elites with energy swords inside. There are three total, and once you kill one take its energy sword to make killing the others easier. When the room is clear, walk over to the hologram for a cutscene. --------- Testament --------- 1. Go up the ramp either side to the open door. Through here you will find two soldiers to your left. Follow the path in this direction as you kill enemy after enemy until you reach the outside. 2. Take cover behind anything. Switch to your sniper and kill all enemies in your sight, even the ones off in the distance at it will make your life easier latter. 3. Continue by crossing the bridges until you reach a large area. You have another checkpoint here because you're about to face some difficult foes. Hide behind any object around here and wait for the two big machines to drop down. 4. The most efficient way to defeat these guys is to get a plasma grenade off near them (or, better yet, stick one on them) and then fire away with a damaging gun like the carbine or sniper. 5. After defeating both, wait for the reinforcements to arrive on the ship. Cortana announces Covenant arrival on a gondola - this is your chance to snipe them out before they get here. Once you've cleared the gondola, press X at the glowing button at the front of it. -------------- One-Way Ticket -------------- 1. As the gondola rides down, kill the flying enemies that try to invade you. Soon another gondola will come up to you; clear all the enemies inside and the gondola will continue on downwards. 2. Snipe all of the turret enemies on the upper levels as you approach the big temple. With them gone, focus on the hostiles below; if they have shields, switch to a Covenant weapon to take care of it. 3. Move inside the temple through the doorway and follow the hall to a room with four enemies. Toss in a grenade and finish them off from there. Now enter the room and make your way to the other side to clear any more enemies. 4. When the area is clear, a full car of Covenant ascends from the ground on an elevator. Just throw a grenade inside to take care of them. Enter the elevator now and wait as it moves down. 5. When the elevator stops, follow the hallway through two doors. Don't take the dip down and kill all the enemies down in the center of the hall. Continue along and when the path slopes upward, go around and under the slope to kill any enemies hiding under there. 6. With them gone, take the ramp and follow the halls until you reach a large room. You'll encounter some flying creatures and an enemy with an energy sword. Once you've cleared this room, head through the opening on the far wall. 7. This new room has a ton of enemies along with two more of the same type you encountered outside. The same rules apply here: use a grenade to weaken them and seal the deal with some shooting. 8. Once you've cleared the area, head to the left and go inside the hall to reach a door. Stay at the door while you snipe out the enemies in the water in the center of this next room. Walk down to the water that floods the corridor and wait for a cloaked enemy to run down the opposite ramp. After killing him, follow the hall to the elevator and press X to descend. 9. Exit the elevator and bash the unsuspecting grunt with your weapon. Go right to the opening and walk down the hall. At the corner there are a few grunts and other enemies. 10. Once you defeat them, walk outside and follow the dirt path to the ruins, killing any enemies in the area. On the other side of the ruins, you will find another gondola with a button to start it. Before you do, though, pick up the rocket launcher on the ground before the gondola. 11. While on the gondola, defend yourself from the flying enemies with the battle rifle for the soft targets and the rocket launcher for the machine. Similar to last time, a gondola will come up to the side and stop your descent. Once you clear that gondola, you'll continue down to the temple. 12. If you have a sniper handy, it helps to take out some of the enemies on the landing platform while you're still far enemies. Enemies of note: the turrets that are manned by soft enemies. ------------------------------------------- Sorry, Were You in the Middle of Something? ------------------------------------------- 1. After jumping onto the platform, kill any remaining enemies beside the doorway and make your way inside. Go right and take the ramp up a level, then clear this room while making your way to the other side. There are several enemies here, so if you want to speed up the process a bit, just run over to the opposite side of the room to find Regret. 2. Defeating the prophet is rather simple. Just make a big jump up to his hovering vehicle and press X in an attempt to hijack. While Master Chief is on him, melee him to death with the B button. 3. If more elites come out, try to stay on the prophet if you can. He should be your only focus unless the room gets so cluttered that you die. When you start to get overtaken, run up the ramp to the bridge over this area. You can jump back onto Regret from this position and finish him off. --------------------- Uncomfortable Silence --------------------- 1. Go northwest from the starting location to an opening door. Jump down the chute and drop down each way to the bottom. Here, make your way through this room to the other side, killing the grunts in here along the way. Fire at the blue symbol to make a path. Drop down again and clear this room before walking along to the other side. 2. Follow the hallway as it leads to more chutes that open when you fire at them. You 'l each a very similar enemy here, and after yet another level you finally reach the power center. Fire at each of the lights on the pillars to continue. 3. When all the pillars are touched up, press X at the console in the center for another checkpoint. You should be enduring some enemy fire from above, but luckily you got the platform to move down. --------------- Buyer's Remorse --------------- 1. When you've reached the bottom on the elevator, there will be a very large flying machine in the air that you must destroy. If you find yourself low on health, retreat to the lower floor of the elevator and recharge. 2. After the flying machine is destroyed, go through the opening in the northwest corner of the room. Make your way over each of the divides to the very end where you will find another machine you must fire at on the light to reveal the hole that leads to a lower level. 3. Down below, follow the hallway, killing the lone zombie, and drop down another level. Here, run down the room a little and possibly pick up the shotgun from the dead marine. It's a good choice for the battles ahead. 4. Continue down this hall all the way to the very end, killing the hordes of enemies along the way. Or, you could just rush across and drop down. Here, go turn around and make your way to the opposite end. You'll find another place to drop down on the left here. 5. Follow the room to the corner to the right, either killing enemies or stealthing past. Walk through the hall and kill the flying object as you reach another room. From here, head north to the opposite side and fire at the light to open the ground below. Do the same again for the next level, and now you'll have a large drop down to the bottom. 6. Although there's a ton of baddies on this level that you can kill, all you really have to do is head to the opposite side of the room and go down another level. After another long drop, follow the dark tunnel to the outside. ------------------ 100,000 Year's War ------------------ 1. Kill the two elites on the ground around here and start walking to the center. You'll encounter an elite with an energy sword, along with hordes of flood. Luckily, some of your allies have returned to help you. 2. Clear the area and you'll hear a scream. From the center of the area, look to the left of the blue light to find where they are invading from and take them don with your rifle. As more and more creatures decide to invade, take them all out with a combination of attacks and use the tunnel to reach another area full of enemies. 3. Again, your work is mainly killing all the enemies in this area near the blue light. Remember that you have stealth here so you can run up to any enemy while invisible and just one shot him with the energy sword. 4. When you've successfully defended the area from several waves of enemies, we have another cutscene. --------------------------------------------- Objects in Mirror are Larger Than They Appear --------------------------------------------- 1. Get in the ghost and fire at the enemies from the door opening on the far side of this area. Once you've defeated them, drive through this opening and follow the path as it leads to a room. 2. Head to the opposite side of your current location, dropping down a level, and drive through the door. Follow the path as it leads back outside. ------------------- Healthy Competition ------------------- 1. Even while outside and taking fire, stick to the path until you shoot through another door. From here you'll really be back outside again. Drive down the land passed all the tanks and ghosts to an opening on the opposite end of the area. 2. Drive through the tunnel and get out of the ghost at the fire. Continue through the next tunnel to reach the inside of a very dark building. 3. Aside from the usual crew of enemies, make your way to the tunnel on the other side of the room to go back outside. Now scale the rocks on the left and run through the tunnel entrance here. 4. Make your way through the tunnel, using the energy sword to kill enemies along the way, until you reach the outside again. There should be a ghost on the ground - pick it up and continue the drive through these snowy plains. Just ignore any enemies until you reach the far wall in the next area. 5. Get out of the banshee and head through the door. Up all the ramps, follow the bridge pathway to another cutscene. ---------------- Shooting Gallery ---------------- 1. Jump down a level and stay on this elevator as it descends all the way down. As it works its way down, you'll undoubtedly encounter enemies along the way, but the flying brigades will have a much harder time getting to you when you are on the low level. 2. When the platform reaches its destination (this will take at least a few minutes), walk out from the elevator and make your way to the other side of the area. -------------------------- That Old, Familiar Feeling -------------------------- 1. Head northeast to the center of this area until you see a small opening. Go through the opening for another cutscene. ---------- Inside Job ---------- 1. Right from the start, Cortana yells "Brutes!" and you know that you're in for a real fight. Well, actually, if you just jump around every which way while firing an automatic weapon in the brute's location, it should fall rather easy 2. After killing the brute, take the Brute Plasma Rifle as it's just awesome and dual wield it with another of the same. With all this firepower, make your way to the other side of the area to reach a large corridor with doors on all sides. 3. On the center left door, some enemies will appear and cause some trouble. Take them out with your rifles, then walk back outside and kill any of the other enemies that appear in this room. 4. Kill the captain at the checkpoint quickly with rapid fire and enter through the red door. Using the door and the last room as cover, clear all the enemies in this room before infiltrating the area. 5. Once you've cleared the area, head to the side of the area with the hologram. When the door opens, enter the new room and take the door on the opposite side to reach another room. This room has a few easy enemies that you can defeat on the ground and some tougher foes in the level above. If you have any trouble, just take cover by retreating to the previous room. 6. After the area is cleared, go towards the far left corner of the room to find a small hallway leading to another door. Inside this new area, kill the charging elite and any other enemies with a handy rifle and the door as cover. 7. Once the area is all clear, go over to the left or right side of the platform and jump down to the area below. Before you do, though, take out any enemies down there from this great position. Head through the door behind you on the lower level. Continue down the hall, killing all enemies encountered along the way. There is ample cover in this area so just choose one of several options. 8. At the first four-way intersection, take the north door to reach a rather large area with lots of enemies hiding behind the structures. Go through this area slowly so you don't get overran by enemies. 9. Through the door on the other side at another four way intersection two small enemies will surprise. Take the north door to reach a large room. Here, descend down the ramp and stand on the circle in the middle to shoot down below. 10. Down here two brutes will greet you, but luckily they shouldn't have seen your entrance so you can sticky bomb them quiet easily. You need to clear this room now, and enemies are all about. I recommend sticking to the side because if you're in the center you'll get heavy fire from all directions. 11. At the corners of the room you'll find machines that make you fly up a level. At the upper level again, go through the door that opens for you and the adjacent door to reach another room full of enemies. Staying at the doorway, kill all those tough enemies with shields before you enter in here. 12. In the next large area, get back to your clearing of the area by staying on the upper platform and shooting at the enemy below. Just walk backwards if you endure heavy fire. 13. Go through the door with the Cortana hologram next to it to find yourself at another firefight. Same rules apply here as before. Once the area is clear, walk inside to find all of the marines. 14. With the marines, head back in the previous room and camp the enemies that come down from the purple portals. Now use them to go up two levels. At the top here, kill the flying elite in the center of the room and his brutish brethrens. With them out of the way, take the center portal on one-way ticket upward. 15. You are back in a very familiar area with the four doors. While the enemies disperse from one of the doors, hide in the center building and take them out one at a time. Go through the door that they came from to reach one of those very large corridor hallways that is full of enemies. Grenades and rapid fire work wonders here. 16. At the end of this room, take the door on the right and head through the door in front of you. A smaller corridor perhaps, but more of the same thing here: lots of enemies bunched up in a small place. 17. After taking the next door on the left wall, in the four-door room opt for the left door with the blue lights. Make your way to the other side of this area to an opening door. Kill all the enemies from the doorway and the go back outside. From here, go right to the blue light and pick up any weapons you need. 18. Walk down the path, killing the enemies along the way, and enter through the door at the end. Clear this room, and then take the door on the opposite side to reach the outside again. After crossing the chasm, kill any waves before the door before entering through. In this area, defeat the enemies, using anything you can for cover, and continue along the chasms and areas until you reach the door back inside. 19. Immediately go left here and walk down the left door's hall to reach the outside again. Be weary of the flying enemies; if your shields go down, retreat back inside the building. 20. Area clear, follow the catwalk to the opposite door. Follow all the doors and linear path to reach another chasm. Zoom across and continue this same pattern of building-chasm-building until you reach a very large room. At the far end there are two brutes; snipe them out, and then enter through the opposite door. Across more outside terrain and more enemies, you will again reach a door that leads inside. 21. Clear this area and walk to the opposite corner to find an opening that leads to a hall. At the end of the hall you'll be at a room with a portal in the center. Kill the enemies on the upper level before even showing yourself inside here. Run through this area and through the opposite the door to reach another one of those really big halls with tons of enemies. 22. After killing the flying stuff and the turrets, enter the door on the other side of the room to be greeted by some flood. Once you've taken those things out, inside the next room make an immediate right up the ramp to a higher platform. Assassinate any elites up here then use this position to clear the rest of the room. 23. Entering the door in the corner of the room, don't go inside fully and take out all the enemies while using the sliding door as cover. Enter through the pair of doors now and run down the bridge outside. You'll reach a cutscene when you are at the door on the other side. ----------------------- Oh, So That's How It Is ----------------------- 1. Follow the path down the forest terrain. Sneak up on the first enemy you see on the trail; after killing him, you'll probably get the attention of the others. Just use the rocks as cover. 2. Continue following the path until you reach a white door. Inside here, go left and follow the hall through the doors to the large cavernous room. Jump up on the platform to the right and just head north to a herd of enemies with shields. After taking them out with your carbine, enter the door they came through to get to another room. 3. In this new room, take an immediate left to a small door with some of your allies. Through this door, follow the hall to another door that leads to a balcony. Jump down to the level below and clear the area. 4. Take the small gray door on the wall here and continue this rather linear progression until the next mission. You can also stealth around everyone if you desire. ---------------------------------- Step Aside, Let the Man Go Through ---------------------------------- 1. Through this door you'll encounter a whole group of enemies, so either throw a grenade or get a splash weapon to cripple them on the first surprise shot. With them out of the way, go outside and immediately turn left. 2. Follow the dirt walkway and kill all small enemies along the path. Soon you will reach a ghost. Now the going is eminently easier as you travel much faster. Follow the river to the next area. ---------- Fight Club ---------- 1. At the building, take out the snipers outside and then continue driving the ghost along until you meet two big tanks. Don't panic, though; you can easily dodge any of their attacks. 2. Further along, get out of the ghost and kill the enemies in the area before the door opens for you. Inside here follow the hall to a room with more brutes. Head through all the adjacent rooms back outside. 3. Go left from the door and keeping running until you reach a tunnel entrance. Kill all the enemies in the tunnel before you go through and back outside to reach a cutscene. -------------- Cross-Purposes -------------- 1. Don't go too far up the ramp because an elite with an energy sword will rush at you. After downing him with the rifle, swap your secondary for the energy sword run all around this area, clearing all the enemies, until you can enter the door here. 2. A boatload of flood enemies resides in this room, so you may have to run back outside if your shields go down. After clearing the room, take the door on the opposite side and stand on the purple portal. Going up! 3. At the top, enter through the door directly in front of you to reach an area inhabited with those flying menaces. Take the two linear purple portals and mow down the elites that come through the door to your left on this platform. 4. Enter through the door that the enemies came from to reach the next place. ----------------------------- Please, Make Yourself at Home ----------------------------- 1. Follow the straightforward rooms, killing all the enemies and flood along the way, until you reach a room with two levels. Here, snipe out the enemies above before you proceed further. 2. Continue to the opposite door to find yourself in a hallway. At the end of the hallway, go through the door and turn right. Here, follow the path to the next door. 3. At the four-way door intersection, choose the north door ahead of you that's colored differently. You'll reach an elevator that will ascend to the next level. ---------- Sanctified ---------- 1. I recommend staying at the elevator in this large room and picking off the enemies. When everything's all clear, enter through the door to your right. After entering the opposite door, stand on the purple portal to go up yet again. ----------------------- Once More, With Feeling ----------------------- 1. An armada of elites resides in this large room. Just stay on the platform you entered on and snipe away with your weapons at the enemies on the other side of the room. If anyone tries to rush you, melee them to death. 2. In addition to elites, the parasite also makes an appearance here from the entryways on the sides. 3. You can completely bypass this battle if you just run up to the white circle on the far side of the room. ------------------------- Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof ------------------------- 1. Take your allies vehicle (you need to be driving) until you reach a Covenant tank. Get out of this small vehicle and hijack that one to make your life a lot easier. With the big tank, fire at all the little ghosts as you make your way down the valley. 2. At the Scarab, kill the tank that's firing at you from far away to eliminate the threat. 3. Now go through the doors on the far wall to meet the familiar twosome beam enemies. Use the same strategy as always: stick them with a plasma grenade before downing them for good with your rifle. 4. Run through all the halls and doors until you reach a room with a hefty upper level full of enemies. You'll have to retreat back to the door now and take them out one by one. Once they're toast, head up the ramp to the right and through the door to reach a cavernous room again. Follow the path to a tunnel and down the tunnel you'll find another door. 5. Through this door, head through the small hallway to reach the outside again. When you reach the bridge, take cover behind the divides and fire at the enemies with shields. Use a Plasma Pistol overcharge to knock the shields down first. 6. When the area is clear, enter the door on the opposite side and trudge through all of the hallways until you reach a room with two levels. Take the ramp in the center and go left around the center to find all the enemies on the other side. 7. Note: When you try to go near the door, four or five brutes will enter, joining their comrades in the room. Wait until the room is clear before you trigger the brute event. 8. Enter through the brute door and follow the halls to a room with a large machine Scarab. --------------- Backseat Driver --------------- 1. When a banshee lands here, press X to get inside. Fly over the beach near the Scarab and kill the three tanks on the ground with your banshee fire. You can easily dodge any attacks while in this ship. 2. Ride through the valley to a temple. Kill the two tanks on the ground before it and also the two flying banshees. 3. Wait for the Scarab. Blow down the temple's front door. ---------------------- Delusions and Grandeur ---------------------- 1. Park near the doorway and enter the room with more Elites. Take the door on the right to reach another room. After clearing the area, walk to the end for a cutscene. 2. It's the final boss fight! And what an easy fight it is! Tartarus is invincible at the beginning of the fight; don't engage him at all. Just do some creative dodging until he starts to endure some heavy fire from your friend's turret. When this happens, he is no longer invincible and entirely susceptible to attack. 3. I recommend you stay your distance in this fight with two Brute Plasma Rifles. When the shield's down because Tartarus is taking fire, this is your only chance to damage him so make it count. After a few rounds of dodging and firing when his shield is down, Tartarus will finally fall. 4. Congratulations on completing Halo 2! \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ 3. Credits /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ * CJayC for creating GameFAQs. * Sailor Bacon for continuing GameFAQs. \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ 4. Legal Disclaimer /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ This document is Copyright (c) 2010 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All Rights Reserved. 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