CrazyWhiteKid88 (A.K.A. BDawgPHD)’s... Halo 2 – Legendary level completion FAQ (Great Journey) Revision History -H2 - Start -H2.1 - Added some credits and a strategy -H2.2 - has been added to websites hosting my FAQ. I. [Intro] IIA. [Basic strategy] IIB. [Skills you need to know] III. [Special conditions for this level] IV [Walkthrough] V. [Acknowledgements] VI. [Legal Schlapskie] \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ I. [Intro] This is the new and improved version of my Great Journey legendary guide. Apparently it “lacked content”. A little while after I submitted it, some Other dude made an accepted one for Cairo Station, one of the most demanding levels in the game. His included the number of enemies, what weapons they had, their hoof size (24, duh), etc; it included a ASCII map of difficult areas as well. Mine didn’t, although mine was well worded (I thought so, anyway). So I have reformatted it, and used his guide as somewhat of a springboard for ideas. I also included a basic strategy section for super-n00bies, which he also included. This guy’s gamefaqs name is Dragon Bane (Thanks a lot man!). THIS STRATEGY GUIDE IS A BIG SPOILER. MAKE SURE YOU PLAY ON EASY SO YOU DON’T LOSE OUT BY READING THIS. This is my first strategy FAQ that gives an ideal method of proceeding as opposed to a suggested method (I did one for Counter-Strike because there was all of one guide, which was a weapons guide). While I write this FAQ, I keep in mind that not everyone is as good as I am. ...Actually, that came out wrong :D Lemme put it this way: it’s like school- everyone learns a different way. Not everyone uses the same methods to beating the level. In fact, there are probably a million ways to do whatever you are trying to do, depending on how specific your goal is. In this FAQ, I will try to give multiple strategies for each level, although I will tell you exactly what you should do sometimes. I decided to do it that way because I do the level a different way every time, as I do with most levels in any game. If you have a better method, then feel free to send it to me along with your Gamefaqs name or whatever you want to be known as. If you don’t then I will just give credit to your email. Make sure you put halo 2 legendary FAQ in your subject so I pay attention to your email. My email is Now on we go! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ IIA. [Basic strategy] - Strafing is a must. I know some of you used to play doom all the time and like turning and blowing things up, but it just don’t work like that anymore. If you expect to win by walking around and killing whatever breathes funny then you’re out of your mind. Strafing is especially good for ducking in and out of cover, and it’s also needed for watching yourself while you are running somewhere. It’s a basic skill you need to survive, so it’s important to practice strafing. - Aiming. I know it sounds simple, but having good aim and quick aim helps you tremendously. I have much less trouble with elites because I always aim for the head, which means they die as soon as the shield drops. Every shot counts when you are fighting a brute, especially considering most of those shots will be head shots with a beam rifle. Nade throwing also falls under aiming. With brutes you REALLY need to not waste grenades so make sure they count. - Taking cover is super important. Brute shots hurt. You need to stay behind cover and out of sight, lest ye die. Most of your fights are against brutes, and the stinkin majority of them have brute shots. - The active camouflage is your most valuable asset. I will instruct you to use it a lot, as it is needed. Read ahead before you begin because I may instruct you to use it at a certain time, maybe to run to new grounds unseen. If I want you to use it at a certain point, you should save it for that. If I don’t mention using it (for whatever reason) you are free to do what you will with it. - I say this later also, and I can’t stress it enough. You need to be as helpful to your allies as you can. You ever see 10 brutes try to take on 2 hunters? It’s kinda sad, actually. But the hunters may fall, and if they do your job gets a whole lot harder. I made a strategy for no allies just in case, but it is better to have them...much better. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ IIB. [Skills you need to know] - You need to be able to use a beam rifle, the sniper rifle of the covenant. It overheats after two consecutive shots (when pressing the trigger rapidly). It takes two shots in the head to kill a Brute (one knocks off his helmet, the other takes his life). You need to be able to find the open spot of a jackal’s shield (shooting his feet sometimes kills him). You will also need to be able to use the carbine as a sniper (three or four good shots should kill a Brute), and you need to know how to place plasma grenades well. - You need to know how to hijack vehicles. Hijacking vehicles on legendary is a problem, as you will probably be mush by the time one comes close to you. Jacking ghosts is simple enough, just dodge its fire and jack it when it gets close (make sure you kill the driver, it’s best to run them over, especially if they have extra endurance). To hijack a wraith, drive up to it and get out as close as you can. Jump on the front of the wraith and hold X to jack it. Once you attach to it, melee it until the driver is dead. Then exit and reenter it. You need that extra muscle to be able to get to the mountain building. -Your camouflage is activated by pressing the white button. It lasts for a short time. The pie display that shows the status of your camouflage is near your grenade count. You will need to be able to use it, kill an enemy quickly, then run back to cover before you are mincemeat. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ III. [Special conditions for this level] -When you get to the part when you escort the scarab to the structure, you need to all but tear apart your banshee, which will probably be done in combat (trust me, ill explain later). As long as you have at least one where the wings are torn off, you’re in good shape. Once you have one torn apart that bad, you can get a new one on ground level and come back to it. -Try to help your allies. They make all the difference on legendary. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ IV. [Walkthrough] “Your Ass, My size 24 Hoof” Part one: On the way to the building that goes up to the scarab -4 Brutes in ghosts -2 More brutes in ghosts, may or may not come -1 Brute in Wraith ------------------- 1. JACK A GHOST AND KILL EVERYONE When you begin the level, your ally will be in the wraith, and another ally will drive by in a spectre. Don’t get in. You will die very quickly if you get fired upon. You will come across Brutes in ghosts. Maneuver in such a way that they come after you, but don’t have a direct shot at you with gunfire or ramming. You want to jack one and kill it, then fight the rest with your allies. Then continue until you see the enemy wraith. ------------------- 2. JACK GHOST, KILL BRUTE, GET OUT, REPEAT TILL ALL DIE Do the same thing you did above to attract brutes, but this time when you get a ghost and kill the brute, get out and make another chase you. This strategy is good if you can’t fight ghost-on-ghost. Feel free to mix and match with the strategy above if you can take on one and only one ghost, or you can just do this with all of them. Then go to the wraith as usual. ------------------- 3. TAKE THE SPECTRE AND SNEAK AROUND You can try this too if you find it easier. Just take your spectre and jet to the wraith. Not recommended, unless you decide to sneak around everyone else, which might bite you in the tohkas later. ------------------- 4. GET BEHIND MR. COMMANDER AND LET HIM PWN Yup, the equivalent to Sarge is fighting in the wraith, and although you can’t take it, you are better off, since he won’t die, and I think his wraith is indestructible. You can get the ghosts to chase him and they can get a beating. Follow him in the spectre, and once he kills all but one, move on to the wraith. You need to get the wraith, or else you will have a uber-tough fight ahead of you (not that you don’t anyway). Get near the wraith somehow (sneak up on him or exit your vehicle near him) and jack it. Now you got some edge. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part two: Still on the way to the building -2 Brutes in Wraiths (near entrance to structure) -4 Brutes in ghosts (coming after you) -4? Brutes on foot (near entrance to structure) (I thought there were less foot brutes, it’s hard to count when they are trying to kill you) -1 Assault Phantom (not dropping off troops) Once you make your way forward, 4 ghosts will be flying around. Kill them off. Soon enough a Phantom will arise from the cliff edge. You need to blast it quickly but accurately, because you need to take out the turrets. If you cannot, don’t proceed because the turrets will tear you apart. Reload the checkpoint and try again. Once you take out the turrets it will fly away, frustrated and defenseless. Now... ------------------- 1. KILL EVERYTHING From there, go attack the wraiths, but watch their mortar cannons. It takes two or three shots to kill them, but only one to kill you. Once you kill them, the Brutes should be simple enough. ------------------- 2. SNEAK AROUND, KILL BRUTES, JACK WRAITHS Not a very good idea, but if you stick the brutes and manage to not get pwned by the wraiths when you are killing them (unlikely) then go right ahead. ------------------- 3. ATTACK BRUTES AND WRAITHS IN A GHOST If the wraith is too slow for you, then use the ghost and kill the brutes, then chip away at the wraiths (brutes don’t have shields so you can chip and run and not worry about starting over). ------------------- From here, enter the building. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part three (new set of allies): Going through the 1st two rooms of the building 1st room -4 Brutes on foot, 1 in turret 2nd room, first wave -2 brutes (enter room one) -7 more brutes (in room) 2nd room, second wave -3 brutes (not sure) -2 jackal snipers (I thought there were more) -1 jackals (thought there were more) As you notice, you have a little muscle. Enter the next room, and you should see two beam rifles on one of the covenant shield-barrier-things. Pick one up. The Hunters will open the door. ------------------- 1. STAY BEHIND SNIPE AND HOPE YOU DON’T DIE Try to snipe some Brutes (remember…two shots in the head). Once the first floor is clear of enemy fire and you can’t see anymore Brutes, go up the stairs. Any Brutes you see can be stuck with a plasma grenade. Now kill the other brutes with either the beam rifle or the grenades. Before you enter the next room, go back and pick up the other beam rifle. ------------------- 2. RUSH IN AND HIT AND RUN Run up the ramp and hope that you don’t get blown up on the way. Now stick some brutes and try not to get killed. More will come, but they shouldn’t be much of a problem if you play smart and let your allies help. ------------------- Now for the next room... ------------------- 1. NO MORE ALLIES, YOU’RE DONE I’m assuming for this strategy that all of your allies are dead. Use your active camouflage and stick the Brute that is on your section of the room. Then run back for cover. From here you need to use your active camo and your beam rifle to pick the Brutes off one at a time. Remember, once you take a shot, it goes away, and it takes a while to charge. Keep an eye on your meter to know when it’s ready. Once most of them are gone, some more Brutes as well as some jackals enter the room. Use the same technique until you can’t find anymore to snipe. Then use the active camo and run to the next section of level, behind a wall so no one sees you. You should see a Brute in a turret. Snipe him, or use the carbine on him, but make sure you get him in the head. Now use your active camo again and look for the jackals on the high platform. You have to take them out, and be careful because they have deadly accuracy with the beam rifle. ------------------- 2. ALLIES ARE ALIVE Your hunters will take the brunt of everything. Don’t be as protective of them as before, but don’t let them do everything. You need them here, but they don’t follow you past the end of the room. Use the active camo and proceed to the view of the turret. Snipe the brute in the turret like in the 1st strategy, and snipe from there and stay out of fire. Once the snipers come out, take cover and snipe them, just as I mentioned in the 1st strategy. ------------------- Once you take them all out, proceed, but make sure you didn’t miss any on your way by. You do NOT want to do this part again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Four: Outside on the little bridge -1 Gaggle of jackals (I didn’t care to count, it doesn’t matter) -1 Jackal sniper -1 Bunch of drones (for our purposes it doesn’t matter) -1 Assault Phantom Ready your beam rifle. Proceed until you reach the bridge. As soon as the door opens, put your camo on and look to the opposite door. A jackal with a beam rifle will come out. Snipe him immediately. Now, a bunch of jackals will be ready to obliterate you. Luckily, they will not pass the see-through wall between you and them. Jump up and throw grenades in there at large groups. They shouldn’t be much problem. Now for hell. Jump up onto the wall and look near the door and on the walls on that side. You should see some drones floating around there (well, sitting). Snipe them off. Jump up, snipe them, move around, do whatever you can to get as many as possible, but do not pass that wall. Once you get as many as you can find, pass the bridge on the right side. A Phantom will appear to the left, and will tear you apart if it can. Take cover via the support columns in the middle until you get close to the other side. Use your active camo and run through the doors to the next area and avoid all the drones. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part five: Death to all Brutes that are in the room -5 Brutes (in the room) -3 Jackals (second floor) -3 More brutes (come through the door when you kill a bit) The next room is heartbreaking. Those losers trapped your allies. So here’s what you’re gonna do: Take a beam sword and hold on to the beam rifle. Go to the second level. Use your beam rifle to snipe the lock on the far cell, releasing an elite. Then use the active camo and take out a jackal with the beam sword. Then run back so you don’t get killed. Repeat until the three jackals are dead. Then go to the first level, to the right, and snipe the lock on the opposite side of the room. Two Hunters will come out and start killing. ------------------- 1. NEEDLERS Now swap your beam rifle for the needlers and dual wield them. Try to help the Hunters if there are a lot of Brutes, but don’t get in their way. Once more come out, drop a needler and throw a grenade at one. Then pick up your needler. Pump the last of the Brutes with needles. ------------------- 2. BEAM RIFLE If you find it easier to take on brutes with the beam rifle, then go ahead. ------------------- 3. CARBINE Same... ------------------- 4. STAY OUT OF THE WAY You ever see like 6 brutes try to take on 2 hunters? It’s kind of funny. If you’d like, you can sit back and watch the fight. The hunters should kill everyone fairly easily. ------------------- Pick up the carbine again. You should have the sword and the carbine now. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part six: Too small to have a real name but doesn’t fit with the next part -5 Brutes Now you will go outside. Sword-dash the first brute and then try to kill the rest. They take a few dashes. If you dash while running backwards, you should be able to avoid getting hit. Then after the cutscene take your banshee. --------------------------------------------------------------------- “Backseat Driver” Part seven: Getting to the tower ------------------- 1. BOOST AHEAD/SKIP It’s safer, but it takes longer for Johnson to get where he is going, since he has to kill everyone on the way. Fly to the end and wait. You should be safe, and hopefully banshees won’t spot you. When he gets ready to blow the door, get ready. ------------------- 2. BOOST AHEAD/KILL Not as safe, but it’s faster for Johnson. Kill the wraiths. Then go to the end, kill one wraith, jack the other, and fight off the banshees. It’s tough, because if you don’t kill one right away you are done. Do this until Johnson gets ready to break the door. Then get a banshee. ------------------- “Delusions and Grandeur” Now, you have three directions. One is pretty much a time-killer. The other two have their ups and downs, and you will probably use them ------------------- 1. GO THROUGH THE BRUTES AS NORMAL *YAWN* Original designed path. Just like it sounds. This is pretty much suicide, and I have not done it, so I will not embellish on this part. You are on your own if you do this ------------------- 2. SQUEEZE A BANSHEE THRU THE PASSAGE You need a flyable banshee with no wings, which might not be a problem seeing as how you had to run the gauntlet. If you have some wings, fly around in your banshee and try to crash and get them damaged or preferably removed. Shooting them off may result in the banshee dying, but your banshee lasts as long as you do if you fly in it. Squeeze it through the passageway and fly through the room. Assuming you can make it through without dying, which is relatively easy compared to what you SHOULD be doing, it will pay off more than the next, easier method, because you can now use the banshee in the fight with Tartarus ------------------- 3. FLY OUTSIDE NEAR THE CUTSCENE AREA This is worlds easier, but you don’t get to use the banshee in the fight with Tartarus. It’s hard to explain where this point is, but there is an area that is part of the cutscene trigger zone. It is on the right side, and it is a gold-shining design and a corner. You can see it whilst you are flying toward the tower, although you can’t see the shine. Try to judge where the room inside would map out, and where the next room would be, and try to fly where you think that area would be, and you should find it with no problem. This will only happen once Johnson blows the door, and “Delusions and Grandeur” shows up. ------------------- 4. SNEAK BY THE BRUTES (Original strategy make by ZhengZheng - the camo guy) “There is another method to get past the brutes guarding the Index chamber in "The Great Journey". This is by far the easiest way to get in with good timing. Once you enter the room, run as fast as you can towards the door. As soon as the door opens, camoflage and jump over the brutes if necessary. You'll enter the cutscene, and if you go back the room the brutes will be gone.” --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Eight: “I just wanted to piss you off before I killed you” -1 Fugly Brute (3 guesses who :D ) -4 brutes for backup for him -Multiple waves of brutes who arrive as he loses health Either way, before you start, make sure you are aware that to the left there is another ledge just like yours jutting out into the room. Brutes come out of here later. ------------------- 1. KILL TARTARUS Okay, you took the easy way out and activated the cutscene from outside. Now you need to fight Tartarus. His force of brutes will try to kill you as you begin, but your allies should help you before you die. Go forward and go up the lift. Dual wield Brute plasma rifles and go fight Tartarus. His shield makes him invincible, and only sufficient shots in a certain place will drop it (a gem in his head? That’s what I heard...) anyway once his shield is brought down he can take damage until it goes back up. Sarge will take out all the guess work by taking down his shield, but he needs three clear beam rifle shots in a row. When you fight Tartarus, make sure he doesn’t utterly mutilate you, but make sure Sarge has a good angle. Once his shield drops, let him have it. After this, go up the lift and look for Brutes coming from the ledge that you didn’t come from. After Tartarus takes any decent amount of damage, they come to the fight (I think he says “lucky hit” or something, and that might be the signal). Pick as many off as you can with the carbine, and use your camo to take the rest. Remember, three or four clean shots on the head should do it. DO NOT go down and fight Tartarus while they are alive because they will annihilate you. Lather, Rinse, and Repeat until he dies. Once he dies, use the camo and make sure you don’t die. This is a long fight, and the last thing you want to do is kill Tartarus and then die and have to do it all over again. ------------------- 2. KILL TARTARUS Okay, you did the extra work, and now you have the banshee to work with. Use your camo and run back to the tunnel. Your banshee is waiting for you. Take it, and use the process described above to take him down. Because of your mobility and your big guns, this fight will be made much easier. If you fly too low, you hit a death zone and you die, so don’t. If you boost into Tartarus and knock him off, he screams and he comes back up the grav lift. Do it anyway, because it’s fun :D He will fall much more quickly if you use the banshee. ------------------- Well, Congrats. You just utterly beat the crap out of Tartarus and won the game. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ V. [Acknowledgements] I would like to thank: -My parents for going out and buying me Halo 2 the day it came out -Randy Glass for inspiring halo tricking in us all -Ducain, Frogblast, and all the other major tricksters who have done such sick things over the years, in Halo and H2 -My friend, for turning me on to Halo -My friend again, for having DSL so I could watch vids if I needed to -especially Dragon Bane, for writing a good FAQ and giving me ideas -Gamefaqs, for hosting my FAQ -You for reading -Bungie, for making a great game -Bungie again, for making a hard game that people need guides like this for Special Thanks To: -DarkKaiser, for helping me and for confirming that you can use the banshee in the last fight with Tartarus -ZhengZheng for submitting a strategy for the control tower brute room I would really like some feedback. If no one cares that I wrote an FAQ, then I really don’t want to write another one. But if it helped people then I’ll be happy to. If any of you have some insight that would help me, as well as other people who would read this FAQ, feel free to send it to me. My email is , make sure you title it “Your halo 2 legendary FAQ”. Tell me who to give credit to so I can give you due credit. Oh, and if you feel like telling me what you liked or didn’t like, that’s fine, but don’t put it down without a good reason. Thanks a lot! :D VI. [Legal Schlapskie] Do not reproduce this in any shape or form. If you want to use my method of writing FAQ’s, go ahead, but don’t just copy mine. Read mine, and write your own FAQ. That’s what I did, and I even asked the dude if I could “borrow” his format. If someone else is using my FAQ on their site, please let me know. If you find such a person, send really nasty emails to them, and tell me who they are so I can do the same. These sites can use my FAQ: Alright, that is pretty much it.