_ _ _____ _ _____ __ ( ) ( )( _ )( ) ( _ ) /'__`\ | |_| || (_) || | | ( ) | (_) ) ) | _ || _ || | _ | | | | /' / | | | || | | || |_( )| (_) | /' /( ) (_) (_)(_) (_)(____/'(_____) (_____/' __ _____________ ___ __ _____ _________ ____ / |/ / ____/ __ \/ | / / / ___/ / ____/ | / __ \ / /|_/ / __/ / / / / /| | / / \__ \ / /_ / /| |/ / / / / / / / /___/ /_/ / ___ |/ /______/ / / __/ / ___ / /_/ / /_/ /_/_____/_____/_/ |_/_____/____/ /_/ /_/ |_\___\_\ by samthebigkid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro: As you may know, bungie.net has some of the medals posted on their site. They do not have all the medals though. So this small FAQ is just to help fill in those gaps. I have tested out and personally proved every of the following to exist. If you feel that I have missed a secret medal somewhere along the line, my email can be found at the bottom of the page. Please do not send crap medals because I don't have time for pranks. I basically say what the medal is, how to get it, what it looks like, what games it's available in, how hard it is to get, and my comments each. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /C\ /O\ /N\ /T\ /E\ /N\ /T\ /S\ <___><___><___><___><___><___><___><___> (SK= Search Key) 1. Spree Medals (SPM) 2. Kills in Short Period (KP) 3. Scenario Medals (SCM) 4. Other Special Medals (OSM) 5. Mythical Medals (MM) 6. Other Deaths (OD) 7. FAQ/Rumor Control (FAQ) 8. Legal Info/Contact Info (LIC) 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( S | P | R | E | E ) ( M | E | D | A | L | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (SPM) Alright "Name" is what the medal is named. "Says" is what the announcer says when you get it. "Looks Like" is what it looks like in game. "Carnage Report View" is what it looks like at postgame.* "End" is what it says when kill someone who has this spree. "Bonus" is how many bonus-points you get when bonus points are enabled. Note that if "Says" is not stated, then the announce does not state anything. *Note that all medals colors change to clear and white (SPM) Name: Killing Spree Says: Killing Spree Spree: 5 Looks Like: Diamond (Silver;4 points) Carnage Report View: Same Comments: Not too hard to get. If you're in a big match, you should be able to accomplish this. Easier in Team Battles. The Sword is a useful tool to earn this. End: You ended ______'s killing spree/ ______ ended your killing spree Difficulty: 5/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Running Riot Says: Running Riot Spree: 10 Looks Like: Star (Bronze;5 points) Carnage Report View: Same Comments: It's kind of hard to get. If you're in a big match, you should be able to accomplish this with some skill. Easier in Team Battles. The Sword is a useful tool to earn this. Also one of he Sniper Weapons will increase your chances. End: You ended ______'s killing spree/ ______ ended your killing spree Difficulty: 7/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Rampage Says: In the Zone Spree: 15 Looks Like: Star (White;6 points) Carnage Report View: Same Comments: It's hard to get. You're going to have to use luck and skill. Easier in Team Battles.The Sword is a useful tool to earn this. Also one of he Sniper Weapons will increase your chances. perhaps a turret might help if your careful. Try the Rocket Laucher. Shotguns Help. End: You ended ______'s killing spree/ ______ ended your killing spree Difficulty: 8.5/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Berserker Says: Untouchable Spree: 20 Looks Like: Star (Gold;8 points) Carnage Report View: Same Comments: Alright this is very very hard to get. It's going to take a lot of luck and/or skill. Items like the Sword, Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Rocket Launcher, or Plasma Pistol+Human Pistol are gonna earn you this, but it's still a longshot. Easiest in Big Team Battles. End: You ended ______'s killing spree/ ______ ended your killing spree Difficulty: 9.5/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Overkill Says: Un-Frickin-Believable Spree: 25 (and for every 5 more) Looks Like: Star (Gold;16 Points) Carnage Report View: Same (very fuzzy though) Comments: Alright this is very very hard to get. It's going to take a lot of luck and/or skill. Items like the Sword, Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Rocket Launcher, or Plasma Pistol+Human Pistol are gonna earn you this, but it's still a longshot. Easiest in Big Team Battles. Don't count on getting this unless you're friends set you up to or you're facing very unexperienced players. I've seen people get this by using the Vehicle glitch in Coag but it's not worth it you have to glitch to get it. End: You ended ______'s killing spree/ ______ ended your killing spree Difficulty: 10/10 Bonus: 1 (and +1 for every 5 more kills) Games: All 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( Q | U | I | C | K ) ( K | I | L | L | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (KP) Name: Double Kill Kills within 4 seconds after each other: 2 Looks Like: 2 Stars Carnage Report View: Same Message: Double Kill Comments: Not really that hard, you just have to sneak up on two people in a fire fight and just kill them both real quick. A Sword, rocket, or grenade can do this easily. Difficulty: 4/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Triple Kill Kills within 4 seconds after each other: 3 Looks Like: 3 Stars Carnage Report View: Same Message: Triple Kill Comments: Same thing as double, except now you sneak up and kill the guy trying to get the double kill.A Sword, rocket, or grenade can do this easily. A warthog with 3 people is an easy target for the rocket launcher. Difficulty: 5/10 Bonus: 2 (adds 1 to past medal) Games: All Name: Killtacular Kills within 4 seconds after each other: 4 Looks Like: 4 Stars Carnage Report View: Same Message: Killtacular Comments: This a bit more harder than triple. Basically, I suggest firing a rocket in the middle of a firefight, or in a room where a team of 4 is posted at. If people run at you and you have the Sword fatal lunge at them because if they're that close they deserve to die,.Also a very good sniper can pull this off one in million times (assuming 4 people are all together and he gets head shots). I saw my friend go a 1 vs 3 and actually got this because one person respawned right by him so he killed the entire team and one member twice to get this. Difficulty: 7/10 Bonus: 3 (adds 1 to past medal) Games: All Name: Kill Frenzy Kills within 4 seconds after each other: 5 Looks Like: 5 Stars Carnage Report View: Same Message: Kill Frenzy Comments: Take Killtacular, and make it even harder. The sniping method cannot work here. Best in a Rumble Pit or Big Team Battle. Difficulty: 8/10 Bonus: 4 (adds 1 to past medal) Games: All Name: Killtrocity Kills within 4 seconds after each other: 6 Looks Like: 6 Stars Carnage Report View: Same Message: Killtrocity Comments: Even harder, but all the same tactics of a Kill Frenzy. Everything and Anything explosive. A Sword can work as well. Also "Alec" says that the shotgun works well in free for alls. Difficulty: 9/10 Bonus: 5 (adds 1 to past medal) Games: All Name: Killimanjaro Kills within 4 seconds after each other: 7 Looks Like: 7 Stars Carnage Report View: Same Message: Killimanjaro Comments: If you get this, you're either a master, or just very very lucky. Like I said earlier, anything and everything explosive. The Sword is a little farfetched at this point, but can still work. Difficulty: 10/10 Bonus: 6 (adds 1 to past medal) Games: All 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( S | C | E | N | A | R | I | O ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (SCM) Name: Flag Carrier Kill Looks Like: White Flag (Octagon) Carnage Report View: Flag Message: You killed the Flag Carrier Comments: Just kill the guy who holds the flag with anything. Make sure not to get too close or you'll find death by the melee. Difficulty: 2/10 Games: Capture the Flag Name: Bomb Carrier Kill Looks Like: White Bomb (Octagon) Carnage Report View: Bomb Message: You killed the bomb carrier Comments: Just kill the guy who holds the bomb with anything. Make sure not to get too close or you'll find death by the melee. Difficulty: 2/10 Games: Assault Name: Flag Taken Says: Flag Taken Looks Like: Yellow Flag (Up Triangle) Carnage Report View: Same Message: Flag taken Comments:Grab the Flag and Run (See "Flag Captured" for more details). Difficulty: 3/10 Games: Capture the Flag Note: You'll only see it at the end-game stats Name :Flag Returned Says: Flag Returned Looks Like: Green Flag (Circle) Carnage Report View: Same Message: You returned your flag Comments: Kill the Flag Holder and touch the Flag Difficulty: 4/10 Games: Capture the Flag Note: Only in Touch Return Games Name :Flag Captured Says: Flag Captured Looks Like: Red Flag (Down Triangle) Carnage Report View: Same Message: You scored! Comments:Bring the enemy flag to your base. Escorts are nice. If someone gets in your way, jump and melee them in the face with the flag OR drop it and kill them, then proceed. Sometimes you should pull back if it is unsafe, and other times you just need to make a run for it. Difficulty: 6.5/10 Games: Capture the Flag Name : Bomb Planted Says: Bomb Armed! Bomb Planted! Looks Like: Red Flag (Down Triangle) Carnage Report View: Same Message: You scored Comments:Bring the Bomb to enemy base. Escorts are necessary. Don't be afraid to melee or drop the bomb if necessary. Also, if it is neutral assault, make sure your teammates clear out before the explosion so they can grab the bomb again. Difficulty: 7/10 Games: Assault 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( S | P | E | C | I | A | L | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (OSM) Name: Sniper Kill How?: Kill someone with the Sniper Rifle or Beam Rifle. Looks Like: Star with Sniper Scope (6 Points) Carnage Report View: Sinper Crosshair Message: You sniped _____/You were sniped by ____ Comments: Just keep your distance and aim for the head. Sniper Rifles are terrible at close range. Keep an eye though on your radar and/or surroundings as not to be assassinated or sniped yourself. Sniper Weapons have 10x zoom so take advantage of that if you can, they can things even all the way across Coag. Difficulty: 2/10 (Distance); 7/10 (Close Up) Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: RoadKill (Splatter) How?: Kill someone by running them over with ANY vehicle Looks Like: Star with Wheel (5 Points) Carnage Report View: Solid Circle with Star in Middle Message: You splattered_____/You were splattered by ______ Comments: Just drive full speed right at them so they can't board you. Easier if you're in a tighter area. It's fun if you can pull it off on a sniper (ram them from the back). Just watch out for people with a rocket launcher. Difficulty: Warthog/Ghost/Spectre 4.5/10; Wraith 5/10; Scorpian 7/10; Banshee 6/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Bonecracker (Beat Down) How?: Kill someone by beating them down IN THE FRONT Looks Like: Upside Down Star with Green Fist (5 Points) Carnage Report View: Fist Message: You beat down ____/You were beat down by ______ Comments: With a gun, you might want to try and beat them if you're out of ammo, have to reload, or are over heated. With the sword, piece of cake. Also in a fire fight, people are less aware of others around them. In Assault/CTF, the Bomb/Flag is a very powerful Melee weapon (since you got nothing else to attack with anyway). Also Rocket Launchers are very powerful melee tools. Difficulty: 5/10 (Gun); 1.5/10 (Sword); 3/10 (Bomb/Flag) Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Assassination (Stealth Kill) How?: Kill someone by beating them down FROM THE BACK Looks Like: Ninja Throwing Star with Ninja Head (Yay Ninjas!) Carnage Report View: Ninja Head Message: You assassinated _____/You were assassinated by ______ Comments:Hit in the back, nice surprise for the unexpecting sniper. Also, people in a firefight will not be as likely to notice you sneak up on them and get the easy kill. If chasing someone and you can't catch up, try to get their attention forward so they stop. This can be done with a grenade.No rader games also make this a lot easier. Difficulty: 2/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Stick (Plamsa Stick) How?: Kill someone by throwing a plasma grenade on them. Looks Like: Active Plasma Grenade on Star (16 Points) Carnage Report View: Empty Circle Message: You stuck ______/ You were stuck by _____ Comments: Try this on someone with the sword, since if you stick them, they die even if you die. And they drop the sword. You're better off assassinating people if you get the chance. In a firefight, a last resort. If someone is sniping and you are unable to get behind them, a well aimed plasma grenade can stick them and end their sniping for a while. Difficulty: 5/10 Bonus: 1 Games: All NOTE: When playing "Sword Duel" in Rumble Pit matchmaking, if you stick someone you do not get the medal for some odd reason. Name: Carjacking How?:Hold X when an enemy is driving by in a vehicle. You will board it and take control. Looks Like: A Cross with a "U Turn" sign on it Carnage Report View: U-Turn Sign Message: You Boarded an enemy vehicle/(No Message for this happening to you) Comments: Can be easy or hard depending if they are going fast. Board an airborn banshee to have it's pilot fall to their doom (assuming they are over a cliff). This can be done be jumping at them off a clif, though if you mess up you're screwed. When boarding a Wraith/Scorpian you can Melee the driver to death or kill him with a planted grenade. Difficulty: 6/10 (Land); 8/10 (Banshee); 7/10 (Wraith/Scorpian) Bonus: 0 Games: All 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( M | Y | T | H ) ( M | E | D | A | L | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (MM) This/These Medal(s) may or may not exist, but are simply under debate. Any information proving/disproving any of the following medals would be greatle appreciated. Name: Vehicle Destroyed How?: Destroy a Vehicle someone is driving Looks Like: A Cross with a "No Entry" Sign Carnage Report View: ??? Message: ??? Says: (nothing) Why it's Myth: This medal is shown in the Halo 2 Official Players guide. The reason it is muth is because I have destroyed many vehicles and never got a medal for it. The Guide just refers to it as "Vehicle Destroyed". They do not mention any way of achieving it. It may have been a typo or removed last minute. Bonus: ? Status: UNPROVEN Name: Shooting Spree How?: Get 5 Assists in a row without dying or getting a kill Looks Like: A Blue and Gold S Carnage Report View: S Message: Shooting Spree Says: Shooting Spree Why it's Myth: I've heard about this from a few people but have never proven it to be true or false Bonus: ? Status: UNPROVEN 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( R | A | R | E ) ( D | E | A | T | H | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (OD) These also aren't medals but special deaths in the game. Name: Headshot How?: Kill someone but shooting them in the head with a Pistol. (Sniper Rifles work but you get a Snipe Medal as well) Carnage Report View: Headshots Message: (No Special Message) Says: (nothing) Comments: Take down their shield with a SMG, Plasma Pistol, or whatever suits your taste then shoot them in the head. A sniper rifle or beam rifle works well too. Difficulty: 6/10 Score: +1 Bonus: 1 Games: All Name: Suicide How?: Kill yourself in any way Carnage Report View: Suicides Message: You committed suicide Says: Suicide Comments: Most people will do this eventually, just throw a few grenades or something. Difficulty: 0.5/10 Score: -1 Bonus: 0 Games: All Name: Betrayal How?: Kill your teammate Carnage Report View: None Message: You betrayed _____/You were betrayed by ______ Says: Betrayal Comments: People don't like it when you do this, after 3 you can get booted from a game. Difficulty: 4-8/10 (depends on how surprised they are) Score: -1 Bonus: 0 Games: Team Games Name: Death by Fall How?: Jump off a cliff Carnage Report View: Suicides Message: You fell to your death Says: (nothing) Comments: Why don't you jump off a cliff, literally? Difficulty: 0.5/10 Score: -1 Bonus: 0 Games: All Name: TeleFrag How?: Kill someone by having them block a teleporter exit Carnage Report View: (none, counts as a death) Message: _______ was Telefragged/ You were TeleFragged Says: (nothing) Comments: When someone is blocking a teleporter and someone else tries to use it, it says it's blocked. The person blocking will start seeing white while hearing a humming noise. If they are too stupid not to move after noticing this for a small while, they die. Difficulty: 9/10 (only works on dumb people) Score: 0 Bonus: 0 Games: All Name: Death by "The Guardians" How?: Have the random forces of nature kill you Carnage Report View: (none, counts as a death) Message: You were killed by The Gaurdians Says: (nothing) Comments: Alright this is very rare. You'll sometimes just die out of nowhere. This can be caused by a rock or stalagtite. Also I was killed by a plasma grenade that just appeared on my face. There was a rumor of some guy getting hit by lightning in Zanzibar. It just happens and you can't do much to make it happen Difficulty: Random/10 Score: 0 Bonus: 0 Games: All 7. _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ ( F | A | Q ) \_/ \_/ \_/ (FAQ) This FAQ section is all about Mulitplayer, Medals, XBOX Live, and other related issues. (If you're looking up medals, you're interested in multiplayer anyway so this is some misc. information to help answer any questions.) Q: I Heard there is a Medal for 100 kills without dying, is there? A: No, I tried this personally and it does not exist. Q: Can I use the Fuel Rod Cannon in multiplayer? A: No Q: Do Medals apply only on online? A: No, you can get these medal on XBOX Live, Split Screen, or Sytems Link. Q: Are there any medals that you didn't write about? A: Possibly, if you find one, email me (bottom) how you got it and I will test it out. If it truly exists, I will update this FAQ and give you credit for your findings. Q: Can I play as a Heretic Elite or the Arbiter in multiplayer? A: No, just another rumor. Note: The Heretic Elite does NOT look the same as a normal Covenant Elite. Play the level "The Arbiter" in Campaign mode to see a Heretic Elite. Q: Can I do Co-Op via XBOX Live? A: Though it looks like it, it doesn't let you. Q: How about System Link? A: Still No, has to be on the same XBOX. Q: Well can I do more than 2 people in Co-Op? A: Still no, the game makes it look like you could, but no. Q: I heard you can play as Mario, is it true? A: Hahaha I'm sure Nintendo would love that. But seriously no. Q: Who would win, Master Chief or the Arbiter? A: You decide.... Q: I can't conenct to XBOX Live, what gives? A: Check your cables, internet connection, and if all else fails, go to xbox.com and go to support. If you're using a router, that sometimes can mess up your connection. (I can't go online at my dads because his router doesn't have a high enough transfer speed.) Q: Why can't I use the Banshee's Fuel Rod Cannon in Muliplayer? A: It was taken out for mutliplayer so the banshee wouldn't be too powerful. Also the Scorpian was changed to not allow passangers, the Wraith fires slower, and the Needle was toned down a bit as well. Q:How is my rank determined online? A: It's really long but here's the short version; You earn EXP by beating people and lose EXP by losing. After every RANKED match the total Gain/Loss of EXP is totalled and divided by the number of players to get your net loss/gain. The EXP gained/lost is deteremined by the level of your competitors. For example if yiu're level 5 and beat a level 7 you gain more than beating a level 4. If you lost to level 4, you lose more than usual. Bungie.net has all the true statistics you need. Q: Can I earn Bonus Points in CTF or Assault? A: No Q: Does Bungie Plan on having more medals via XBOX Live? A: As of now, no. They might make new medals but I can't make any promises. Q: Do the Skulls found in Campaign have effects in multiplayer? A: As cool as it may be, they do not. Q: Is there a special medal for killing someone with the bomb/flag? A: There should, but you still get the Bonecracker medal. Q: How come your names aren't the ones listed in the Halo 2 Official Players Guide? A: My names are a mix of Halo 2 Players Guide, Bungie.net, and my own experiences as a Halo 2 player. The guide was made by Piggy which isn't quite official (and doesn't even have Foundation listed in Multiplayer maps). I include common names because some people don't read the text and say "you didn't include Beat Down" when it's real name is Bonecracker. So I have the common names there to help this confusion. Q: You said you played Halo 2 online, what's your gamertag? A: I'm "samthebigkid" on XBOX Live. I prefer Rumble Pit and Team Skirmish matches. Sometimes I do Head-to-Head, Team Slayer, or Big Team Battle. My character is a Sage and Blue Elite with "Sol" as it's emblem on a vertical horzion. Message me with a text message saying "Halo 2 Medals FAQ" to get on my friends list. Q: Do people ever cheat online? A: Yes and No. They can't "hack" but instead "glitch". Some people find ways of getting vehciles where they aren't supposed to, or find hiding spots not intended by Bungie. People also can throw a bomb or flag outside of the map in a few rare cases and make it impossable to get back before it respawns. Not much you can do but hope Bungie fixes these errors. Q: My Rumble Pit stats got reset! Why? A: This happened to everyone, don't worry. Bungie had a problem in the system but fixed it. Your level should be back to normal by now. Q: Is an Elite or Spartan better in multiplayer? A: They are the same. Both have slight advantages and disadvantages but equal out. It's all just your preference. I picked an Elite but don't be afraid be a Spartan if it suits your taste. Q: Does beating the game give me any advantage in Multiplayer? A: Other than the experience, no. I recomend beating the game before playing a lot of multiplayer because it helps you get the feel for all the new features and such. Q: My friend is Level 11, but on Bungie.net, his highest stat is 8, how is this? A: Well he's probably in a clan of level 11. That's the only other way. Q: What's up with the lack of updates? A: There hasn't been anything to put. No one has mailed me any useful info. Q: I got kills by "The Guardians", what the heck does that mean? A: In a nutshell the forces of nature can kill you, it is rare, and does not count against you, only in deaths. It creeped me out the first time. 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( L | E | G | A | L ) ( I | N | F | O ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ (LIC) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. I, samthebigkid, own all rights to this guide. All characters and trademarks belong to their respected owners. For information, comments, flames, or what-not email me at: samthebigkid@hotmail.com Have the Subject Be: "Halo 2 Medals FAQ" or something around those lines. Please remember, if you are sending me information, please make sure that it is not already posted. Read the descriptions of the medals before saying I missed one. But if you have a GOOD method of achieving any medals posted in the "Mythical Medals" section, don't hesitate to send it. Just to warn you I have virus and spam blockers so don't try sending me crap. Created: 12-19-04 Last Updated: 1-09-05 Updates: ==============12-24-04 -Added the "Mythical Medals" Section -Added more FAQ -Added the Bonus Point Values -Added "Says" to "Spree Medals" -Added "Headshot" -"Alec" gave me some info on Killtrocity -A Few extra updates here and there... ==============12-31-04 -Added Postgame Carnage Views -Fixed a few spelling errors -Added some FAQ -Added "Other Names"(They are next to the medal name) -Added "Message" ==============1-4-05 -Add more "Comment" to some medals -Added more FAQ -Fixed a few errors -Added a few things here and there ==============1-09-05 -Added and important note to "Stick" -Fixed a FAQ (Rumble Pit problems and Heretic Elite) -Added FAQ ==============1-31-05 -Fixed some typos -Added some FAQ ==============2-10-05 -Added "Other Deaths" Section -Added more FAQ -Added New "Mythical Medal" Copyright 2004-2005 samthebigkid