HALO 2 Mythic Skull Boss FAQ. Version 1.06 Guide to defeating the bosses of Halo 2 on the Mythic Skull difficulty. With a skirmish aboard the Scarab cleared and the Heretic Leader pinned. The Prophet of Regret defeated using the ‘Grenade Boarding Throw Technique’ Scheme. Furthermore, Tartarus crushed with naught but a tried and true tactical means. NOTICE: This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2005, Robert D. Prez ***************************************************** VERSION HISTORY Version 1.06 changes: Corrected some minor typos. Version 1.05 changes: Updated with a more thorough explanation on areas that needed seeing to. Version 1.04 changes: Added an extra tips section for the Cairo Station on the Mythic Skull difficulty. As well as that, corrected some minor punctuation errors and sentencing as a result of Microsoft Words auto correction function that meddled up some words. Version 1.03 changes: Added two more boss fight guides, both the Scarab skirmish and the Heretic Leader battle. Also of addition were the weapons of choice for both boss battles. Changed a bit more of the layout and added more explanations for most of the contents. Version 1.02 changes: Few of the main layout changes were made, added more notes to the Introduction, added notes on setting the Mythic Skull difficulty, and better defined the explanations and corrected punctuation. Version 1.01 changes: Changed and added a more detailed explanation; a few minor punctuation changes were also made. ***************************************************** CONTENTS: I. Introduction II. Weapons combination of Choice against: 1. The Cairo Station horde 2. The Scarab crew 3. The Heretic Leader and his duplicates 4. The Prophet of Regret’s hordes 5. Tartarus and his group III. Note on setting the Mythic Skull Difficulty IV. Acquiring the Mythic Skull V. Aboard the Scarab – Dual Wielding the Plasma Pistols VI. Overthrowing the Heretic Leadership VII. Performing the ‘GBT’ Technique on the Prophet of Regret VIII. Video Link of the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique IX. Defeating Tartarus on the Mythic Skull difficulty ***************************************************** I. INTRODUCTION Greetings! This FAQ guide was created out of necessity, simply because there isn’t one like it, especially when it comes to defeating the Prophet of Regret on the Mythic Skull difficulty. The idea and method of dealing with the Prophet of Regret on the Mythic Skull difficulty is very much non existent, at present. Hence this is why I was compelled to write one up after discovering the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique. As an after thought of one sort, I’ve also included tips of trade on which to defeat the other bosses of this remarkable game as well. Not to mention useful tips on conquering some of the toughest Covenant hordes on this difficulty yet. So, I hope you’ll find them to be of use. But for now, I’ll point you to the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique which I’ll brief you on. The Grenade Boarding Throw is a secret technique for those brazen enough to have challenged the Prophet of Regret on the Mythic Skull difficulty, but faced more than their share of defeat and humiliation in the eyes of the Covenant leader. Up until now there has not been an effective way of defeating this – what I assert to identify, as the toughest game boss character ever devised or conceived. Those that claim the Prophet of Regret is easily defeated on the Mythic Skull difficulty setting are outright boasting. Or, to put it bluntly, foolish enough to assume he’s a piece of cake to finish off in the Mythic Skull difficulty. Simply because Regret wasn’t at all that hard for them to finish off on the Legendary difficulty. The latter statement is perhaps the more common assumption that some folks are drawing their conjecture from. Due to the fact that they fail to understand just how big a gap there is between the Legendary Prophet of Regret and the Mythic Skull Prophet of Regret. I’ll tell you, it is immensely BIG, this difficulty gap! He is unbelievably difficult and frustratingly hard to defeat, and no amount of highly explosive projectile weaponry is capable of finishing him off. Nothing will work; the only exception is by boarding him and melee attacking him until he yields to defeat. Now that, will take a great deal of time and luck, not to mention skills. But eventually one’s luck will run out and defeat is only inevitable. That is, of course, before I discovered the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique which is similar in some ways to the normal hijacking/boarding method – peruse on and you shall find out how I discovered it, and put it to great use! Tartarus on the other hand is another story altogether in this Mythic Skull difficulty. A dismal one really, challenge wise. The other bosses too aren’t that much of a challenge. You’d be taken by surprise… or, then again maybe not. So it is somewhat puzzling to me then, that the Prophet of Regret is so darn difficult to defeat on the Mythic Skull difficulty. Where as beating all the other bosses on the same difficulty was easy by comparison. I can’t seem to figure out if indeed there is a glitch in the program, which caused this huge difficulty gap, or that this whole difficulty thing was intentionally programmed just for Regret. He is truly the hardest boss I’ve ever come across in any game to date! As no doubt you’ll agree, otherwise you’d not be reading this FAQ. However, to those playing him for the first few times, try going against him without resulting to the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique first; otherwise you may fail to see how tough he truly is on this Mythic Skull difficulty. To cut to the chase and see how the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique is performed, refer to sections ‘VII. Performing the ‘GBT’ Technique on the Prophet of Regret’ or the video link on section VIII. Anyways, I should hope you have fun. And good luck! ***************************************************** II. WEAPONS COMBINATION OF CHOICE AGAINST: 1. The Cairo Station horde: This isn’t a boss fight but I thought I’d include it in my guide for good time’s sake. Especially of note are the Ultra Elites, who are now tougher than before on the Mythic Skull difficulty. Requiring two overcharge shots from the Plasma Pistols to completely drain their shields. So if you face these Ultra Elites (greyish, white Elites), be sure to adopt the dual wielded Plasma Pistol/ Battle Rifle or Energy Sword combination to deal with them. See below for the preferred combination: *Dual wielded Plasma Pistol/ Battle Rifle *Dual wielded Plasma Pistol/ Energy Sword With the dual wielded Plasma Pistols overcharged, unleash the plasma shots on these High Ranking Elite Commanders. Then quickly tap the ‘Y’ button twice to change to your secondary weapon, either the Battle Rifle or the Energy Sword, depending on your combination. And prepare to take them out with a headshot or the sword lunge. A normal sword swipe will not yield a successful kill. So it MUST be a sword lunge. Dual wielding the Plasma Pistols is both the faster and the more efficient way of finishing off these Ultra Elites. Take the case with the Ultra Elites boarding Cairo Station for instance, where at times, if you’re unlucky there maybe two or more Ultra Elites bent on destroying you. They spawn from beyond the doors to the hangar bays, from which these alien vessels are intertwined and married as the gateways of hell; through this means they’ll board the station with the sole intent on annihilating humankind. So bearing those perils in mind, and prior to nearing those doors, pick up two Plasma Pistols and dual wield them to unleash the two overcharged shots on one of the Ultra Elites first. Then tap the ‘Y’ button twice to drop the left Plasma Pistol and to change to your secondary weapon to take out the first one with a headshot. Now, take cover by proceeding to another hiding spot whilst picking up your dropped Plasma Pistol. Dual wield them again and take out the second one in very much the same manner. Very fast, very efficient. No need for firing one overcharged shot, then waiting for it to cool down while taking cover and finally firing the second overcharged shot. Anyways, that’s the basis of dual wielding the Plasma Pistols, but for more information on dual wielding these pistols, and their advantages or disadvantages, please refer to section “V. Aboard the Scarab – Dual Wielding the Plasma Pistols” for a more thorough explanation. =============================================== 2. The Scarab Crew: There will be little exchanges in weapons selection on this battle. But generally start off with the Rocket Launcher/ Battle Rifle or Energy Sword combination first. Then work your way to the Plasma Pistol/Energy Sword combination, once you board the Scarab and procure an Energy Sword, if not already obtain from previous battles. The combinations are as follows: *Rocket Launcher/ Battle Rifle *Dual wielded Plasma Pistol/ Energy Sword *Dual wielded Plasma Pistol/ Battle Rifle Pick up as many grenades as you can, they’ll come in handy for the Scarab battle. =============================================== 3. The Heretic Leader and his duplicates: The most useful weapon against the Heretic Leader is the Fuel Rod Cannon. But hauling such a cumbersome weapon around for almost the entire level of ‘Arbiter’ is taxing. There isn’t much of a grouping of weapons to rely on for this ‘Arbiter’ level. As pretty much anything you can grab works against the Heretic Elite and Grunts. It’s a different story for the boss though. Perhaps the best weapon against the Heretic Leader, after all, would be the dual wielded Needlers. Your Plasma Grenades on the other hand come in handy against his holographic counterparts. Or even the Heretic Leader himself. The Energy Sword does not have much of a use on this Mythic Skull difficulty though. So you can pretty much scrap that out of your weapons inventory list. =============================================== 4. The Prophet of Regret’s hordes: The preferred weapons of choice in this Mythic Skull difficulty against the Prophet of Regret’s hordes are almost the same as one would use for the Legendary difficulty, except for a few changes. The combinations are as follows: *Plasma Pistol/ Battle Rifle *Plasma Pistol, Magnum/Battle Rifle *Plasma Pistol/ Energy Sword # Well, pretty much what ever weapons combination takes your fancy is best, but the above is recommended. The combinations above will make light work of this heavy challenge on the Mythic Skull difficulty. The Plasma Pistol/Energy Sword combination should be implemented in the same way and manner as the tried and true formula of using the Plasma Pistol/Battle Rifle combination. Overcharge, then headshot, but instead of a headshot you perform a sword lunge at the enemies. A normal sword swipe at the Honour Guards will not suffice, even if their shields are down, so beware. That goes for the Silver Spec Ops Grunts as well, unless swiped from behind, they are best disposed with a sword lunge. Take note of the fact that this is now a close range weapons combination. So, to dispose the Honour Guards at a safe distance with the Plasma Pistol/Energy Sword combination; what you can do is overcharge at them with the Plasma Pistol. And once when they are stunned for a split second, you quickly stick a Plasma Grenade on them for a satisfying kill. It may take a lot of practice but definitely worth it for the thrill. Their shields have to be low for the stuck Plasma Grenade to finish them off, hence the overcharge shot first. # Please note that the Energy Sword is pretty much useless without the Plasma Pistol combination on this difficulty. Although it makes up for a deep challenge, it is not recommended to use the Energy Sword without the Plasma Pistol. So Energy Sword/Battle Rifle players are once again forced to change their tactics. Also of note is that the plasma grenades are now useless on their own in this difficulty against the Honour Guards. But on the retrospect they are very handy against the boss, the Prophet of Regret, as you’ll soon find out. One last piece of advice: keep plenty of Plasma Grenades and Fragmentation Grenades in stock, you’ll need them absolutely. Regret doesn’t know what’s coming or this guide as yet! Also, make sure to arm your marines with the Sniper Rifles or the Beam Sniper Rifles, as they can prove to be helpful to your cause. =============================================== 5. Tartarus and his group: Well the weapons of choice this time around are a range of weapons at your disposal. Anything you can get your alien claws on. The dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles are best suited to taking Tartarus out as well as the Covenant Carbine at a long or short range. Carbine shots to the heads are also effective against the Brutes at a distance. The Shotgun is very effective at close range battles as are the Plasma Grenades against Tartarus and his hordes. So distinguish your choice of battle tactics and go for your weapons of choice that correlates to your strategy. ***************************************************** III. NOTE ON SETTING THE MYTHIC SKULL DIFFICULTY #The Mythic Skull will only appear on the Legendary difficulty, so you MUST play through the Sacred Icon level on that difficulty setting to acquire it! #The Mythic Skull will not take on its full effect unless the game/checkpoints are/were played on the Legendary difficulty. For instance, if you’ve played a game up to the boss Regret on the Easy setting, the game difficulty will not be that of the Mythic Skull difficulty. So, you MUST play the game on the Legendary difficulty for the Mythic Skull to take its full effect of increasing the difficulty factor beyond Legendary. Remember that! #The effects and values which the Mythic Skull adds to the game do not in any way stay in your Xbox. All effects will be wiped clean when the console is turned off, even if you save and quit after acquiring the skull/s. ***************************************************** IV. ACQUIRING THE MYTHIC SKULL What the Mythic Skull does is it not only increases the difficulty level beyond the legendary difficulty. It also increases the enemy’s defence and offensive attributes as well. Making the game much harder and challenging to beat. But the boss, the Prophet of Regret, will become the TOUGHEST of ALL, and he’s all that much harder to deal with on this new difficulty than before. The Mythic Skull is found on the Sacred Icon level, so cloak and run through the entire level until you come across the sub mission named "Buyer's Remorse". This sub mission name will appear once you’ve destroyed the Enforcer (that big double shielded robotic levitating sentry… thingie). The huge containment gates will then open once you’ve activated the switch on the panels, revealing yet another Enforcer added to your-to-do list. Take the enforcer out, and enter through a small gate that opens up on the wall of that section, where four gold Sentinels come out from. Head on through here, running past all the omnipresent Floods using your Optic Camouflage to cloak yourself. Activate all those energy shafts and keep on making your way through the horde of enemies, which include the Sentinels both gold and normal, Enforcers and of course the Floods. Eventually you’ll come to a dark, dank and murky area… this is where the Mythic Skull lies hidden. Look for a mass of 5 clustered boxes stacked together. Two boxes next to each other and another two stacked on top of the first two, with a fifth box sitting atop it all in the middle, kinda like a pyramid. Cloak yourself a moment before passing one of the human Flood forms and jump atop these boxes to remain unseen. Then jump to the platform above where you’ll notice three alcoves or hollow compartments housed into the walls. Proceed to the very last one, and there’s the Mythic Skull floating above the dead human Flood form. Pick up the skull and the screen should flash white with the words “Mythic” stamped on the upper left side of the screen. Once you’ve picked it up, drop it, then save and quit. And you’re set. Do not head to another checkpoint once you’ve picked up the Mythic Skull. If you do, don’t save and quit, otherwise the Mythic Skull will not take effect the next time you start the game again from that checkpoint. The skull will only take effect when picked up from its original location. So starting a game from any checkpoint before picking up the skull is all good. ***************************************************** V. ABOARD THE SCARAB – DUAL WIELDING PLASMA PISTOLS If you made it past the notorious Cairo Station level with either the Legendary or Mythic Skull difficulty selected. Then you shouldn’t have too much trouble on this section at all. It isn’t that much harder than the Cairo Station, in fact it’s painless in comparison. Due to the choices you have on an arsenal of fire power to choose from and to side with. Arm yourself with the Rocket Launcher, and pick up all the ammunition for it. These are all littered along the plank walkways, but keep your Battle Rifle or your Energy Sword as your secondary weapon. If you don’t have an Energy Sword from earlier battles, you can acquire one from the Ultra Elites (the greyish white Elites). Approach close enough to an Ultra Elite and he’ll be sure to show you his priced possession. If you’re not comfortable with the idea of approaching one in that fashion, then fire an overcharged shot or stick a Plasma Grenade on one first before approaching any closer. You’ll see him wail in a fume of rage, and hungry for human blood he’ll come after you brandishing an Energy Sword. Kill him and the sword is yours. Alternatively you can procure one from an Ultra Elite aboard the Scarab as well, in very much the same manner. Pick up the grenades on the first bridge section near the supply boxes and proceed to jump aboard the Scarab. Try landing on the top part of the Scarab to remain hidden. Then make your way down to the rear section of the walking destroyer and advance to fire away with the Rocket Launcher. Throw your fragmentation Grenades into the mix as well for some added destructive fire power. If you’re lucky you should be able to procure one of those Plasma Pistols which hopefully enough has landed relatively close to you. Pick one up and it will make this whole ordeal easier. If you don’t have a Plasma Pistol close to you, but spot one near the Elites. Then simply fire off one of the rocket missiles and toss a grenade their way and make a quick dash for the Plasma Pistol. Take cover by running back to the same spot again, at the rear. Pay particular attention to the dual wielding Plasma Rifle Elites or Ultra Elites. They are deadly! You’ll be finished off in a matter of seconds if you’re not careful. So, try to deal them out first, and be quick about it, won’t you? See below for a means to defeating the Ultra Elites in this Mythic Skull difficulty. Once you’ve taken care of the Elites on the Scarab deck, proceed to go below decks. Now, be very careful, as you’ll be meeting with an Ultra Elite below the decks of the Scarab. In this case you’ll need more than a Plasma Pistol to dispose of him. With the Mythic Skull difficulty activated these Ultra Elites are now tougher to kill than before. The one overcharge shot from the Plasma Pistol no longer works, as it now requires two overcharge shots to completely exhaust their shields. So if you are willing, I would recommend picking up another Plasma Pistol for your own benefit. With two Plasma Pistols dual wielded you can take out the Ultra Elites on the Mythic Skull difficulty with very little effort. Charge up both Plasma Pistols and release both triggers together. Or one overcharged shot after another, very quickly. For instance, release the left trigger followed by the right trigger, almost right away. You may need to unleash the overcharge shots in this manner because at times the combined overcharge shots, when released together, do not completely remove their shields. Once you’ve released the two overcharged shots. Watch the hot plasma make its way toward the Ultra Elite. As its about to make contact with the enemy, you’ll need to press the ‘Y’ button TWICE very quickly to change your weapon to either the Energy Sword or the Battle Rifle. Then take him out with a sword lunge or a headshot respectively. Since this is a close quarter’s combat zone, I recommend using the Energy Sword aboard the Scarab. Prepare an overcharged shot, fire, and then simply sword lunge at the low or unshielded Elites or Ultra Elites. However, if you’re not too familiar with the Energy Sword then by all means stick to the Battle Rifle; it too will serve you well, if not better in the noted circumstance. Now of course, you could use just the one Plasma Pistol to drain an Ultra Elite’s energy shield. First by firing one overcharged shot, then waiting for the Plasma Pistol to cool and finally firing the second shot. But that process would take too long to deal out the enemies. Since the first overcharged shot that’s fired, and made contact, will give the Ultra Elite a chance to dart for cover and to recharge his energy shield. All the while during this time your second overcharge shot is ready to be fired. But it’s all too late, there’s nothing to fire at, the target is in hiding. And you now have all the other Elites to worry about as well. Not to mention the fact that you’ll have to take cover after firing the first shot, or face an onslaught of searing hot plasma slugs. Again, with the dual wielding of the two Plasma Pistols one can quickly take care of these Ultra Elites in no more than two seconds. Unleash the two overcharged shots, tap the ‘Y’ button twice and go for a headshot or if you’re daring, the sword lunge. The other negative aspect of not dual wielding the Plasma Pistols is that once you’ve fired the first overcharged shot at an Ultra Elite. A second Ultra Elite could very well come into your line of fire when your second overcharged shot was intended for the first Ultra Elite, with his shield already half downed. That is why it’s at times better to be dual wielding the Plasma Pistols for a multiple overcharged shots on the Ultra Elites in this difficulty. It’ll make your efforts short and sweet. The only disadvantage is that you cannot throw your grenades without first dropping one of the pistols. And if you venture away from your dropped weapon you’ll have to go back to pick it up, and dual wield again. One method of countering this is to drop it on your hiding spot. That way you can pop out to throw your grenades, then quickly pop back to take cover and to dual wield again. Thus proceeding to the next accessible cover if available, and unleashing the dual overcharged shots from the two Plasma Pistols. If you’re unlucky, you may encounter a few extra Ultra Elites on the Scarab deck. So just adopt the dual Plasma Pistol method to deal out these Ultra Elites. In this situation they come in real handy, the dual wielded Plasma Pistols. Well, there you have it then that pretty much sums up the defeat of the Scarab crew. # Just a note: The dual wielded Plasma Pistols are very, very effective not only with the Mythic Skull difficulty activated, but also with the Thunderstorm Skull activated as well. What the Thunderstorm Skull does is it turns every Elite into an Ultra Elite, and every Grunt into silver Spec Ops Grunt. So every Elite that you encounter would be an Ultra Elite. This dual wielding Plasma Pistol technique will come in very, very handy indeed with the above purposes taken into consideration. *Here’s a challenge: So, if you’re up for a deep challenge. Use the dual wielded Plasma Pistols/ Battle Rifle or Energy Sword combination on Cairo Station. With the Mythic, Cowbell and Thunderstorm Skulls activated. These three skulls will turn Halo 2 into one of the best games there is, period! Awesome fun! ***************************************************** VI. OVERTHROWING THE HERETIC LEADERSHIP The Mythic Skull Heretic leader is pretty much the same Heretic Leader as the one on the Legendary difficulty. However, the weapons to use against him will have to be looked at again. The Energy Sword no longer comes into use, as it requires far too many hits to deal him a decent amount of damage. The Covenant Carbines really aren’t that useful; nor are the dual wielded Plasma Rifles. Perhaps the most powerful weapon against him would be the Fuel Rod Cannon. This weapon works mighty fine, but getting it all the way to the Heretic Leader can be taxing. If you wish to use it, then by all means do so, just be prepared to lug it around without shooting too many things with it. You can procure this weapon from the dead Grunts that haul it around atop the structures on the station facility. Simply land your Banshee and resort to picking it up and scavenging for the ammos. You’ll need to save up a few shots for the Heretic Leader himself. So don’t get trigger happy with it. Since you have to save up the ammos, you’ll be dropping and swapping it for other weapons more appropriate to your mission, and then picking it up again. As not to leave it behind since you won’t find the weapon anywhere else in the game again. Because of that, it then falls short of being the weapon of choice against the Heretic Leader. The Needlers, dual wielded are the weapons of choice here. Light to carry around, conveniently littered next to the dead Heretic Grunts. It doesn’t get any better than this. So let’s press on. Alright, now, when you face the Heretic Leader, he’ll deploy two holographic duplicates of himself. At this stage you can either engage them or ignore them. If you decide to engage them, a tagged Plasma Grenade ought to do the trick. But This of course will alert the Heretic Leader and the other duplicate to take you on. The chances of survival are minimal here. So what I’d suggest you do is to cloak and make your way underneath the dais. If you haven’t yet procured the dual Needlers prior to entering the boss fight, do so now. They are located underneath the middle and the far end of the Seraph Fighter, more toward the hangar doors. You may need to hide in the hollow tunnels of the walls for your camouflage to energize before proceeding. Hollows such as these are present through out the stage; so hide in them to replenish the active camouflage should you find the need to do so. Extra ammunition for the Needlers is located to the left of the hangar doors, near the closed doors up from the slope. Pick that up and you have enough ammunition to take the Heretic Leader out. Now while you’re up the slope, proceed to move forward until you reach a tunnel cavity in the walls, on your right. This will serve as your hiding spot. Under a watchful eye, and using your radar as guidance, engage the enemies the moment you see them. Duck left and right or jump up near the end of that hollow tunnel to avoid their fire. There is a huge hunk of a pillar wall blocking their line of fire that will serve you well. This slab wall will also obscure their line of sight as well, so use it to your advantage. And from here try and stick the Heretic duplicates or the Heretic Leader with your Plasma Grenades if you can. Drop one of the Needlers about halfway on the hollow tunnel and align the reticle directly above the Heretic Leader or his duplicates to about the height of them, then toss the Plasma Grenades. It should stick to them. With alignment and distance taken into account; you should be able to work out how much to arch up or to adjust for tagging your enemies with the Plasma Grenades. Use this method as a guide to better tagging the enemy with the Plasma Grenades for future use. The thing to do here is to isolate the Heretic Leader from his duplicates, and to engage him with the twin Needlers. Use your cloak to your advantage as well. As sometimes they’ll remain still after a while, especially the Heretic Leader. Your radar won’t pick them up if they remain motionless. The Heretic Leader is also the one who usually remains stationary when you’re cloaked. So surprise him when you’re cloaked, with your twin Needlers. You may have gotten the best of him, but still, you ought to watch out for this dual wielded Plasma Rifles, they are deadly. You have less than a second to hide from the plasma fire. So take note on where to strafe or fall back to. If you’re unlucky, the enemies, including the Heretic Leader may come in to the hollow alcove. In which case you’re as good as dead, but that doesn’t happen often. On the other hand, if you’re lucky you might just hit the Heretic Leader on your first go. If the Heretic Leader is hit in any way, he’ll let out a loud cry when enough hits are sustained on him. He’ll then fly off into one of those big alcoves in the walls of this chamber hall. The holographic duplicates will vanish once the Heretic Leader is hit. So that takes care of them. The moment you see him fly off, run toward the Seraph Fighter and jump on top of it. Look out for him in the huge alcoves on the walls. There are only four alcove posts to look out for. Spot the one where you’ll only just see two dimly lit lights of his dual wielded Plasma Rifles. That’s where he is, so wait until he’s finished uttering his cause and scorn for the Prophets values before engaging him. Here’s the trick, take note of the huge pillar like flat post in between the two alcoves of the walls on one side, and on the opposing walls. Now, as he is about to finish his speech, move a little to the side of this flat post whilst still staying on the Seraph Fighter. Move just enough for you not to see him in the alcove. Since you can’t see him, he won’t be able to spot you and start firing before leaving the alcove. Doing it this way beats him to the punch. You can also cloak yourself if you choose not to move to the side a little to obscure his view. Now then, as soon as he finishes his speech, and your reticle aligned on him pull both triggers on the dual wielded Needlers for a few seconds whilst running toward the underside of the dais and behind this flat pillar post for cover. If done correctly you should have avoided majority of the fire from his duplicates and sustained enough shots on him for him to let out a cry. After which his duplicates will disappear, once more, and every time you deal damage to him. So you don’t have to worry about his duplicates at all during this battle procedure. Keep in mind that you can fire your twin Needlers even if the reticle hasn’t turned red, meaning that as long as it’s aimed and fired toward him, they’ll home in on him. You should trigger a checkpoint by this time if not earlier. So be bold and take risks. Jump onto those raised stumps on the bottom of the pillars holding the dais up, to get atop the Seraph Fighter again. Keep repeating this method until he is dead. And you should have no problems defeating him in this fashion. If you’ve made the effort of hauling the Fuel Rod Cannon around with you all the way to this boss fight. Then you should definitely use it in the same manner and method as you would use the dual wielded Needlers above. So there you have it, another boss down, and two more to go! *A note: Mike Miller is the author who wrote an excellent Legendary walkthrough on the method to taking out the Heretic Leader with the Fuel Rod Cannon. So, full credits go to him on that front. ***************************************************** VII. PERFORMING THE GRENADE BOARDING THROW TECHNIQUE ON THE PROPHET OF REGRET The following technique is used to defeat the Prophet of Regret on the Mythic Skull difficulty setting. So to begin, allow me to say a few things worthy of note: I’ve jumped (boarded) on the Prophet of Regret’s throne exactly 48 times, say again 48 TIMES!! And each successive jump consists of five melee attacks – that’s an astounding 240 melee attacks all up if you do the math – alas, all to no avail. The bastard still lives! It was all hopelessly disappointing and painfully frustrating to go back to square one after ALL those efforts. Then I simply thought of something out of this inevitability; what would the Master Chief do in a circumstance such as the one I’m overwhelmed in. Surely there has got to be another way, instead of the 48 plus jumps and five melee attacks per jump. I collected my thoughts and recounted the options I had, had another hard look at the weapons at my disposal. It then hit me! Nothing can penetrate his immensely resilient force field. Other than the fact that once you jump on him you have the advantage of striking him with your melee attacks. So what to do? Well, it is quite simple; you throw a Plasma Grenade or a Fragmentation Grenade on him a split second before you board his throne. Picture it like this, your throwing arm penetrating his force field before you throw the grenades, with this objective the grenades will land or stay inside his force field. Therefore it is important that you throw the grenades inside his force field before you are unable to do so when you board. Remember that our Master Chief cannot throw or use his weapons when he has actually boarded the throne. Adversely if you throw them too early they will not stick or stay inside the force field. Or as in the fragmentation grenades case they’ll simply rebound off his force field, thus musing the already contempt Prophet of Regret. At other times, if you are unlucky the plasma grenades will also bounce, though feebly off his force field and may end up adhering to you instead, a big no-no to avoid. So you MUST throw the grenades a split second before you latch onto his throne and not a moment too soon. If done correctly the Plasma/Fragmentation Grenades will drop inside his force field and not fall off. The resulting explosion will then knock him hard, so for added effectiveness commence punching him straight afterwards or before the explosion (you’ll only land in two or three punches, as shortly afterwards he’ll teleport in a fragile panic). Don’t worry about getting killed or damaged by the plasma grenade since the explosion occurs inside of his force field. It will not harm our Master Chief. Just be sure to throw the grenade before you press and hold on to the ‘X’ button with which to board his throne. If he is at a higher elevation than you are at, then all you need to do is press the jump button, throw the grenade and then quickly board him. This is simply a brilliant tactic on Bungie’s forward thinking. You will need to perform the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique about five times to finish him off entirely or maybe more if your grenades do not fall inside his force field. Use your EARS to listen in and to home in on the location he’ll spawn to next. It’ll guarantee and reward your efforts with a far better success rate. Your radar is your best friend in these given circumstances, as the battles to follow are hectic to outwit. You can also drop the grenades inside his force field without boarding his throne. Run up very close to The Prophet of Regret’s throne and throw your grenades at point blank. If done successfully the grenades will drop inside his force field. Please note that this method will not yield the desired effects on every attempt as it is at times harder to penetrate his force field and to judge how close you are to the Prophet of Regret without boarding him. And amidst all the battle commotion and pandemonium it is especially harder to pull off. If at times you find that Regret is a bit too far out of reach for you to board, and you have the right weapon combination. What you can to do is you can jump toward him whilst quickly aligning your Energy Sword’s reticle on him so that it turns red, and thus performing the sword lunge. At the precise moment you strike Regret with the lunge – he’ll have to scream for this trick to work – that’s when you throw the grenade and latch on immediately. Both the explosion and the Energy Sword will deal him some heavy damage. And since you’re on a roll here you might as well punch him for a good measure while you’re at it. You won’t be able to perform the Grenade Boarding Throw Technique on him if the sword lunge goes ill. See, if you lunge at his throne you’ll hear a clunk noise, and rebound backwards or sideways instead. That’s a sign when the trick goes astray and you’ll be wasting your grenades. It has to make full contact with Regret himself as he’ll scream to verify that your trick is in working order. This is when you immediately throw the grenades and then board his throne. So the short end of it is; you lunge and he screams, you then throw the grenades and board him immediately. It may take a few tries to get used to this fancy sword lunge trick, but it’s a very satisfying technique to pull off. Don’t forget to PATIENTLY take out the re-spawning Honour Guards as well as the Grunts who’ll make certain of your efforts being anything but a smooth success. Take heed though, for the Honour Guards are now on par in strength with the Ultra Elites from the Legendary difficulty setting, on this Mythic Skull difficulty. So a simple stuck plasma grenade will not finish them off – unlike the Legendary difficulty, whereby the Honour Guards were easily eliminated with just a stuck plasma grenade. So do keep that in mind when taking them on. Proceed to take the enemy hordes out before engaging the Prophet of Regret. You’ll fare a far better chance this way. Reserve a keen sense of awareness and alertness for the dual wielding Plasma Rifle Honour Guards as they’ll finish you off in a second. The best way of dealing with these Honour Guards is to run back up the side ramps and look out for them on the top central level. Track their advancement from this vantage point. Use the walls and the slopes of the ramps as your cover. They cannot shoot you if you’re situated above a slope and they down below. If they get a hit in, just keep retrieving, or toss a grenade their way to stop their advancement. The Energy Sword wielding Honour Guards however will advance regardless. So keep all those in mind, they may come in handy. Check your radar as well if you cannot see them from this central elevated vantage point. The radar does not show stationary foes, only ones that are mobile. So be alert as sometimes they’ll stay in hiding and ambush you instead. Their preferred method of attack is to overwhelm and to surround you. So if you see two from the central vantage point, but only one is attacking you – then what that entails to is that the other has gone the other way to intercept you. So pay attention to the number of enemies in the vicinity. A good way of detecting enemy presence is to use your ears to listen in for the chamber doors opening and closing. That’s when you know the enemy has entered the chamber to seek you out. So, again, make your way to the central vantage point and track their presence. React accordingly to the indication of their presence and you should have no troubles dealing with them. And lastly don’t forget to MOVE! Otherwise the pesky but cute little grunts will find you an easy target for plasma grenade shelling. Just for fun, I used the dual wielded Needers against the Prophet of Regret; it doesn’t do anything of course. But it is fun however hearing him scream in agony like a pansy once the needles explode. Scream after scream. It also slows down the entire progression of the game, and everything happens in slow motion if the triggers are held down. This is fun, but too bad there isn’t a whole lot of ammunition for it, except from the weapons rack below the lobby to the Prophet of Regret’s Ceremony hall. And a few scattered about the outside of the building and all. So there you go that’s pretty much it, the ‘Grenade Boarding Throw Technique’ in a nutshell. Anyways, hope you have fun performing this trick! ***************************************************** VIII. VIDEO LINK OF THE GRENADE BOARDING THROW TECHNIQUE # Refer to the link below for a visual representation of how to go about doing this Grenade Boarding Throw Technique. Please bear in mind that the clip is filmed with a mobile phone camera, so the quality is very low. http://useruploads.mythica.org/cgi- bin/viewfile.cgi?f=grenade_boarding_throw.wmv ***************************************************** IX. DEFEATING TARTARUS ON THE MYTHIC SKULL DIFFICULTY Tartarus is not as difficult to defeat as one is lead to believe – especially after the fiasco with the Prophet of Regret on the Mythic difficulty. One would be hard pressed not to shudder at the thought of dealing with Tartarus on this difficulty. He is in fact, the same Tartarus as the one we fought on the Legendary difficulty. So if you’ve defeated him on the Legendary difficulty before, you should have no problems whatsoever defeating him again on the Mythic Skull difficulty. However, if you’ve had previous problems on defeating him, then please read on, as I’ll try and provide the easiest methods of dealing with him first. The easiest way of course is the Banshee trick, but I’ll skip that part altogether, simply because that glitch wasn’t how Bungie intended for us to play and to defeat Tartarus by. So let us press on then… You’ll be starting off at the checkpoint where Tartarus and his boys confront you with an arsenal of weapons ready to blow you to hell and back. You can avoid this battle altogether by immediately cloaking yourself as the Arbiter. Run past Tartarus and his boys and stand by for Sgt. Johnson to take out his shield. Or, if you wish to collect their weapons, you may hang around behind them, cloaked of course. Stay here until your brethrens eliminate all the Brutes before jumping down to the platform beneath you. You should help out too though by striking the Brutes on the back for a quick one hit kill. This will speed up the process for Tartarus to haul his rather large behind to get the action going. Be mindful though, as it can get very hectic and confusing sneaking behind the enemy lines. Once Tartarus retrieves to the central platforms, you can cloak again to avoid him or just stand clear of his hammer. Anything you do will not work on him at all prior to Sgt. Johnson taking out his shield. You may feel hopeless at the sight of seeing your brethrens run to their deaths engaging Tartarus. That can’t be helped though, so save up your ammunition. Your que to engage Tartarus is when you hear three distinct but direct shots from the Beam Sniper Rifle making contact with Tartarus. At this point you can pretty much use any weapon at your disposal: Shotgun, Brute Plasma Rifles, Covenant Carbine, Brute Shots and Plasma Grenades. The most ideal and the safest place to be is at the top level of the third platform. So run up to the central beaming beacon which ushers you up to the top level. From there fire your weapons at Tartarus and his hordes through that hole in the middle of the platform. The Brute Plasma Rifles dual wielded are particularly useful against Tartarus because of its firing rate. Once Tartarus’ shield is depleted by Sgt. Johnson’s dexterous ability, nip at both the left and right triggers to fire the Brute Plasma Rifles without overheating them. By nipping your fingers on the triggers in a frantic but successive chain, one trigger pressed after the other, you’ll avoid overheating them. Use the Carbine or any long range weapons to dispose of the other Brutes giving you hell. They can fire through that hole at you, so be mindful of their lethal Brute Shot Grenades which will make minced meat out of you in a matter of seconds If Tartarus comes after you by entering through that levitation beam cavity, simply run off the top platform. Be careful not to back into the beam beacon if you choose not to run away from him. As you’ll be hoisted high into the air and thus you’ll land as a dormant nail for Tartarus to hammer you to death. This is why it is safer to just run off the top platform. Don’t worry you won’t fall to your doom as the top platform is smaller in circumference than the other two larger platforms beneath it. He’ll take chase after you. So simply run up to the beam to levitate the Arbiter to the third level again. And rinse and repeat this progression of shoot, shoot, shoot, take cover and run for your life until Tartarus is well taken care of. If you happened to run out of ammos – the two dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles are sufficient enough to finish Tartarus off. But in any case should you run out of ammos, there is a fresh cache of Brute Plasma Rifles on the top platform and on the lowest platform. Situated at the top platform is also a fresh pair of Covenant Carbines secured to a weapons cache near those towering pillars. Use those if you run out of Carbine ammos. You can also pick up the weapons dropped by the fallen Brutes and your alien brethrens. It is said that the Covenant Carbine is much more effective against Tartarus from the top platform because of its large ammo capacity. This is true, but to a certain degree. And I seem to reflect differently, as my reflections are solely based on the individual’s skills. The combined firing rates of the dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles make it much more suitable for gamers to take out Tartarus quickly and efficiently. Essentially it is well suited for gamers who aren’t proficient at headshots with the Covenant Carbine. With the dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles there are two lines of fire firing at Tartarus, at extremely high speeds, as opposed to the single line of fire from the Covenant Carbine. The odds of firing two Brute Plasma Rifles at Tartarus with no need for aimed headshots, is far more efficient than a single firing weapon such as the Carbine in unsteady hands. Sure the Carbine is much more accurate than the Brute Plasma Rifles. But unless you’re an expert marksman/woman, the dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles will serve you just fine. The alternate method of dealing with Tartarus is to go after him when his shield is down. This of course sounds a lot easier than it actually is, not to mention it’s also riskier to execute to full effect. In this approach, the shotgun comes in very handy and provides moments of fun, as does the Plasma Grenades. Stick the Plasma Grenades on him the moment his shield is down. You have to be dead accurate and very quick. Aim to throw the Plasma Grenade the moment Sgt. Johnson fires his second shot from his Beam Sniper Rifle out of three. By the time the third beam shot hits, the thrown Plasma Grenade should have just stuck to his body right then, just as his shield is depleted by the third shot. Thus giving your grenade enough time to explode and deal him the damage before his shield is back up again. Therefore do not throw the Plasma Grenade when Sgt. Johnson has finished firing his three shots. By this time it’s too late as Tartarus’ shield will be back up before the stuck grenade explodes. Throw it right after when Sgt. Johnson’s just fired the second shot. Not sooner, nor later than that! Accuracy counts in your throws, as sometimes it looks like the grenade will stick to his limbs, but instead they’ll just fall off. So aim for his chest or back, the largest parts of his anatomy, or is it his head? Whilst doing battle against Tartarus on close combat quarters it is advised that you keep back pedalling or circle strafing to avoid his gigantic hammer. You’ll know when he is about to slam you with his hammer as he’ll leaps high into the air to land with an enormous crash. This is when you back pedal at full speeds when he’s in the air. Whatever you do, just keep your distance from him so that the gap between the two of you is effective enough for your shotgun to deal him damage. That’s a medium to a close range distance. You’ll have less to worry about if you cloak whilst your brethrens are engaging him. He’ll turn his anger and attention on them instead of you, and once his shield is down and attention elsewhere – thanks to your brethrens and Sgt. Johnson – engage him! If you fancy taking Tartarus out at close range, but find the shotgun method a bit too challenging. Then you can always fall back to using the dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles. They’ll give you a better chance of dealing with Tartarus because of the rapid fire power. More importantly however, they never run out of ammo, something that plagues all the other weapons. Having the dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles on your side helps you to better understand how Tartarus’ tactics work. As you don’t have to stay as close to him as you otherwise would, had you had the Shotgun. In this approach you can gauge how he works from a safer distance and thus engage appropriately. Should you meet more Brutes in hostility, just engage those beasts in the same manner as you otherwise would on normal circumstances. Carbines are very effective against them, as are the dual wielded Brute Plasma Rifles. Shotguns too will fare you well against them, and don’t forget your plasma grenades, they help a great deal too. Remember to take cover, especially from the Brute Shots; they can be hell to avoid in crowded spaces. If you find yourself overwhelmed simply run back up the beam lift and commence firing at them from a higher and safer elevation. Take note of the cavities on the second platform, these are your emergency escape routes. So if you cannot make your direct route to the beam lift, drop into one of these cavities and run to the beam levitation beacon at the bottom platform. The Brute Shots are also fun against Tartarus at close range skirmishes. The only drawback is the slow firing rate and ammo capacity (that plagues many of the projectile weapons, except the Brute Plasma Rifles, as mentioned earlier). So be mindful of what you’ll be getting yourself into should you choose to equip this cumbersome weapon. Adopt this battle method once you’ve become more acquainted with Tartarus’ tactics and manoeuvres, and feel more comfortable taking him on with other weapons. But instead of aiming the nozzle or reticle at Tartarus, point it slightly lower than you would otherwise aim at a target. The idea is to fire these Brute Shot Grenades so that they rebound off the floors or walls and explode. This is a great illustration on taking advantage of this powerful weapon – as it is the explosion that does the heavy damage to the enemy. Aim in a manner so that the explosion deals him the damage just like a Fragmentation Grenade would. Think about it, you don’t throw the Fragmentation Grenade on your opponent for it to rebound off them, you throw it close enough so that the explosion envelopes them, think of it in that fashion. Look to other surroundings as well to ricochet these Brute Shot Grenades from. Again, back pedal and circle strafe by keeping your distance. Taking all the above into consideration, and with a bit of practice you’ll do well! Best of luck, and remember to have fun! That’s that then, congratulations, you’ve beaten the game on the Mythic Skull difficulty. ***************************************************** END Copyright 2005, Robert D. Prez