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Section I. 1. Introduction 1.1 About This FAQ 1.2 Legal Stuff 1.3 Version History 1.4 Future Update Information 1.5 Side Notes 2. Weapons Statistics 2.1 Human Weapons 2.1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 M6C Pistol 2.1.3 BR55 Rifle (Battle Rifle) 2.1.4 M7 Caseless Sub Machine Gun (SMG) 2.1.5 S2 AM Sniper Rifle 2.1.6 M19 SSM Rocket Launcher 2.1.7 M90 Shotgun 2.2 Covenant Weapons 2.2.1 Introduction 2.2.2 Plasma Pistol 2.2.3 Plasma Rifle 2.2.4 Brute Plasma Rifle 2.2.5 Needler 2.2.6 Covenant Carbine 2.2.7 Particle Beam Rifle 2.2.8 Brute Shot 2.2.9 Energy Sword 2.2.10 Fuel-Rod Gun 2.3 Neutral Weapons 2.3.1 Sentinel Beam (Red Beam) 2.3.2 Sentinel Beam (Blue Beam) 2.4 Grenades 2.4.1 M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade 2.4.2 Plasma Grenade Section II 2.5 Vehicle Weapons 2.5.1 Human Vehicle Weapons M41 LAAG Machine Gun (Warthog) M68 Gauss Cannon (Warthog) 90mm High-Velocity Shell (Scorpion) 7.62mm AP-T (Scorpion) 2.5.2 Covenant Vehicle Weapons Twin Plasma Cannons (Ghost) Twin Plasma Cannons (Banshee) Fuel Rod Cannon (Banshee) Plasma Mortar (Wraith) Plasma Cannon (Spectre) 2.6 Vehicle Vs. Vehicle Tables 2.7 Gun Vs. Vehicle Tables 2.8 Stationary Weapons 2.8.1 Gun Turret 2.8.2 Plasma Cannon 2.8.3 Plasma Turret (Shade) 2.9 Other Weapons 2.9.1 Scarab Gun 2.9.2 Twin Plasma Cannons (Wraith) 2.9.3 Plasma Cannon (Shadow) Section III 3. Level Descriptions 3.1 Cairo Station 3.2 Outskirts 3.3 Metropolis 3.4 The Arbiter 3.5 Oracle 3.6 Delta Halo 3.7 Regret 3.8 Sacred Icon 3.9 Quarantine Zone 3.10 Gravemind 3.11 Uprising 3.12 High Charity 3.13 Great Journey 4. Difficulty Descriptions 5. Enemy Descriptions 5.1 Covenant Enemies 5.1.1 Grunts 5.1.2 Jackals 5.1.3 Elites 5.1.4 Drones 5.1.5 Brutes 5.1.6 Hunters 5.2 Flood 5.2.1 Infector Form (Popcorn Flood!) 5.2.2 Combat Form- Human 5.2.3 Combat Form- Elite 5.2.4 Carrier (Exploder!) 5.3 Forerunner 5.3.1 Sentinel 5.3.2 Enforcer 5.4 Boss Enemies 5.4.1 Heretic Leader 5.4.2 The Prophet of Regret 5.4.3 Tartarus (Tartar-Sauce!) 6. Acknowledgments 7. Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, my name is Banana and this is my first FAQ. So please excuse any errors in spelling or grammar, or the way its set up. All this guide is for is to inform you of what the weapons are, what they are good for, and what they are bad for. I put in several tips and tactics for all weapons, in an attempt to help you through this game. Please enjoy my guide. Feel free to e-mail me if I have any errors in my guide. My e-mail is at the bottom of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide and all of its contents were made by me, Nick Muns. So you cannot post my guide, or any part of it on any site. This guide is meant only for GameFAQS.com. Also, you cannot distribute, sell, or give away this document or any part of it. If you do, you are plagiarizing my work and breaking the law. You may only use this guide for personal reasons. To sum up, you cannot post my guide on a site without my permission, you can only print it out for personal use, and you most definitely cannot make a profit off of this document. This document is copyright 2005 by Banana of Doom Only www.GameFAQS.com is allowed to post my guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version <2.3> 1-27-06 Yet another update. Enemy descriptions baby. Version <2.2> 11-25-05 Huge update this time around... Level descriptions... shots to kill vehicles with guns... and difficulty descriptions. Divided it yet again. Now three sections long. Version <2.1> 6-12-05 Changed a few things here and there. I'm never satisfied with this thing... I used Microsoft Word and did spell check, NOW there shouldn't be any mistakes. And the important part? Vehicle Vs. Vehicle shot tables! I split the guide into two sections, just for more organization. Version <2.0> 6-6-05 Just a simple update. A submitted tactic and a few other random things added... nothing special. Version <1.9> 6-1-05 Mistake fixes. Just a few mistakes were bothering the hell out of me... Oh, and I added a contributed tactic for the Human Sniper Rifle. Version <1.8> 5-31-05 Now my guide has a section for vehicle weapons. Yay. Fixed some set-up issues and rearranged a bit. Did the research for vehicles. Yee-Haa. I added the Scarab gun as well. A few mistake fixes. The time gap is due to laziness and school, so shut up. Version <1.7> 3-16-05 Mistake fixes. Version <1.6> 3-13-05 Typed the rest of the info. A tiny amount of research left. Ill be submitting my guide today. Unsubmitted Version <1.5> 3-12-05 My research is coming along nicely, I have a few more Covenant weapons to do, and then I'll get the guide submitted. Hopefully it's accepted. Unsubmitted Version <1.4> 3-5-05 Apparently, I "Don't have as much info as other guides". So, I did even more research on more facts, and the content of the guide will be much higher. I have so much work ahead of me. On a happier thought, I put in some ASCII art. Unsubmitted Version <1.3> 2-24-05 Finished the Covenant weapons stats. Also did grenades and the neutral weapons. Also did some research for little bits of useless info. Unsubmitted Version <1.2> 2-23-05 Did Some research for covenant weapons, and added stats for a couple of weapons. I don't have much time today. Unsubmitted Version <1.1> 2-22-05 Added in stats and stuff for all human weapons. Fixed grammar and spelling mistakes. Unsubmitted Version <1.0> 2-21-05 Began the guide, added the introduction, and table of contents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Future Update Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Side Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost all stats in this guide are from the 'Normal' difficulty setting. Research on higher difficulties would just be too time consuming. :) Regarding the plasma pistol, I am aware that I do not have damage tables for charged shots. I tried a number of times to kill enemies with a charged shot, and nothing happened. It seems that the charged shot can only remove shields. All the data below is regarding the 'Shots to kill' Tables. Here is the key: H = Head B = Body S = Spot (Flood only) ------ = The data is not obtainable Obviously, not all the data can be 100% accurate. Enemies may be stronger or weaker, or already hurt, or being shot at by allies. So don't send me eight million e-mails regarding the tables. The "spot" is around the chest area of any flood. One hit kill, like a head shot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Weapon Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats, tactics, my opinion, everything you need to know about the weapons of the game. I will be showing several bits of info about each weapon. I will also show tips about how to use each weapon, and what each weapon is good against. This is the main part of my guide, so be patient. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Human Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons that were made by humans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Human Weapons all require manual reload, and they all fire metallic or explosive projectiles. Human weapons do great against unshielded opponents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.2 M6C Pistol (Magnum) [Dual Wieldable] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 12 Ammo Capacity- 48 [96] Reload Time- 2.5 Seconds [5 Seconds] Rate of Fire- 2.5 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Grunts, Jackals, Drones Bad Against- Elites, Brutes, Hunters, Flood, Sentinels Dropped By- Humans, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=5 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |-----|------|S=1 |--------| |B=10 |B=4 |B=4 |B=3 |-----|B=10 |B=11 |B=6 | Melee to kill-| 5 | 1 | 4 | 1-2 |-----|------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 5/10 My Rating- 4/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal Summary- Low ammo capacity and clip capacity, so ammo falls short really quickly, and you run out of ammo in the clip and have to reload very often. Not to mention, it doesn't do good damage at all. The only good point is its accurate. This is nothing more then a last resort weapon. Use this when there are no other weapons around and if you're out of grenades. I highly recommend never using this weapon unless you're in a no-weapon/grenade situation. Unless you disagree with me, then go ahead and used it. There are mixed feelings about the pistol. Tactics- Um, aim for the head. That's all I can say for this weapon. Because other then that, it's not going to accomplish much. This weapon shows it's good side against unshielded opponents. Head Shots are all that matter when you use this gun. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- Quite weak under most circumstances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.3 BR55 Rifle (Battle Rifle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clip Capacity- 36 Ammo Capacity- 108 Reload Time- 1 Second Rate of Fire- 6 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Long Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Hunters, Sentinels Bad Against- Flood, Brutes Dropped By- Humans, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=3 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=4 |B=2 |B=3 |B=2 |B=10 |B=8 |B=10 |B=3 | Melee to kill-| 5 | 1 | 3 | 2 | |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 8/10 My Rating- 8/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Personally, I think this gun is quite strong if you aim correctly. It has a scope, so it can zoom up to x2 magnification. It's fairly powerful, so try not to ignore this gun. Tactics- Combined with the Plasma Pistol, it's useful. You take out the enemies shield with the PP(charged), and then pop 'em in the head with the Battle Rifle. Submitted Tactics- "Get close enough to get the enemy to melee you, then back track from them and then blast them in the cranium, works wonders on Elites and Brutes, who love to melee when your close, they're not firing on you and you're close enough that accuracy isn't a huge factor." Other Info- It shoots three bullets at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.4 M7 Caseless Sub Machine Gun (SMG) [Dual Wieldable] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 60 Ammo Capacity- 180 [360] Reload Time- 2 Seconds [5 Seconds] Rate of Fire- 5 Seconds Accuracy- Poor Range- Short Good Against- Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Sentinels Bad Against- Elites, Brutes, Hunters, Flood Dropped By- Humans, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=20 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=30 |B=8 |B=15 |B=20 |B=110|B=35 |B=16 |B=15 | Melee to kill-| 3 | 1-2| 2 | 1 | 9 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 5/10 My Rating- 5/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal Summary- This gun is good on Easy and Normal, mainly because it's a bullet hose. But on Heroic and Legendary, it really lacks when you're trying to kill something. You can pump out a lot of bullets, but the more you shoot without pausing, the more inaccurate it becomes. If you like fast-shooting guns, here you go. But I usually steer clear of this gun. Do what you want. Tactics- Try to shoot the gun in bursts, not fully automatic. When you shoot it fully automatic it pulls up, so you have to control it. It's annoying to try and do that when you're fighting. With doubles, you really need to pay attention to the accuracy. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.5 S2 AM Sniper Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 4 Ammo Capacity- 20 Reload Time- 3 Seconds Rate of Fire- 2.5 Seconds Accuracy- Excellent Range- Medium to Long Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing Dropped By- Humans, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=2 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=3 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=3 |B=1 |B=3 |--------| Melee to kill-| 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |------| 20 |--------| Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Probably my favorite weapon in the game. It does great damage, it shoots where you aim at, and its just fun sniping. You can zoom twice with this gun. 5x magnification and 10x magnification. If you adjust you're looking sensitivity, you can adjust the way it works. This gun is quite useful, but it can run out of ammo fast if you shoot too quickly and take no time to aim. Tactics- Zoom, and aim. That's all I can really say about this gun for tactics. Submitted Tactics- "Hiding, camping, and having the highest ground possible is very important as well." Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.6 M19 SSM Rocket Launcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 2 Ammo Capacity- 6 Reload Time- 3 Seconds Rate of Fire- 1.5 Seconds Accuracy- Excellent Range- Short to Long Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing Dropped By- Humans, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |-----|------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |-----|B=1 |B=1 |B=1 | Melee to kill-| 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |-----|------| 3 | 1 | Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- I like things that cause booms. Seriously though, It's a nice weapon. It Obviously does good damage, and you don't need to hit the target in order to hurt it. It has a few problems though. For one, it needs to hold more ammo. I also think the rockets should fly a little faster towards your enemy. It also sucks to have to reload during a battle, because it takes a while. Other then those few bad things, it's really nice. It can also lock-on to stationary guns and vehicles. If you get the chance to use a rocket launcher, use it. Tactics- Try to shoot the ground near the enemy. It helps, that way you don't miss. There is no point in trying to hit the enemy head on, hitting the ground around them does just fine in blowing them away. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.7 M90 Shotgun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 12 Ammo Capacity- 36 Reload Time- 8 Seconds Rate of Fire- 14 Seconds Accuracy- Poor (Close range only) Range- Short Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing Dropped By- Humans, Flood, Brutes _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=3 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | Melee to kill-| 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 8/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Only good for close range. You are not going to kill something that's to far away. But other then its lack of long range accuracy, it's a good gun indeed. Powerful damage wise, and it shoots several bullets, so you might be able to hit big groups of enemies. Another problem though, it takes a long time to reload when you empty out the gun. There is more good to the Shotgun then bad though. Tactics- Try to reload before it runs out completely, or it will take forever to do it, and that's not good. Also, keep in mind that it's good only for short range killing. Of course, you can shoot while reloading, but... whatever. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- Wonderful flood killing tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Covenant Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons that were made by the Covenant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Covenant weapons include many different types of categories of weapons. Most shoot plasma, while others shoot grenades, or even radioactive shots. There are quite a few more Covenant weapons then human weapons, so be even more patient. Covenant plasma weapons do awesome against shields. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.2 Plasma Pistol (Chargeable) [Dual Wieldable] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- Roughly 250 Shots to Deplete, (10 Shots) Overheats At- About 25 Shots (1 Shot) Cool Down Time- 2 Seconds [2 Seconds] Rate of Fire- 3 Seconds Accuracy- Decent Range- Short (Medium) Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Sentinels Bad Against- Drones, Brutes, Hunters, Flood Dropped By- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=10 |H=2 |H=2 |H=5 |H=20 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=20 |B=4 |B=3 |B=7 |B=45 |B=15 |B=10 |B=6 | Melee to kill-| 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 8 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 3/10 My Rating- 7/10 Recommended Difficulty- Heroic, Legendary Summary- The weakest of the Covenant weapons damage wise. However, it does have other uses which I'll put in tactics. Its accuracy is ok as long as you don't shoot it overly fast. Also, dual wielding this gun is actually pretty pointless in my opinion. I gave this gun such a high rating just because of what it can be useful for. Tactics- Combine a charged Plasma Pistol with a Battle Rifle and you got a good killing combo for shielded enemies on legendary. The charged PP takes out the enemy's shields while the Battle Rifle takes them out, just zoom and shoot them in the head. Awesome combo. Known on multiplayer as the 'noob combo'. Not sure why, as I believe that if you win, you're not a noob. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- 1 Charged shot to kill a Sentinel. 1 charged shot always removes enemy shields. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.3 Plasma Rifle [Dual Wieldable] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- Roughly 400 Shots to Deplete Overheats At- About 24 Shots Cool Down Time- 3 Seconds [3.5 Seconds] Rate of Fire- 4 Seconds Accuracy- Poor Range- Short Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Sentinels Bad Against- Brutes, Hunters, Flood Dropped By- Elites, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=10 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=12 |B=3 |B=6 |B=4 |B=28 |B=10 |B=20 |B=5 | Melee to kill-| 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 9 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 7/10 My Rating- 6/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- For some reason, not many people like to use this gun. I'm not sure why, because it does just fine when you're trying to kill something, or remove its shields. Though, this gun just takes forever to kill enemies on Legendary. This gun gets very inaccurate when you shoot rapid fire. Tactics- Shoot the enemy three times, it usually takes out their shield, but only if it's a direct hit. So kill the shields and then kill them (Preferably with a Human weapon.). Also, try shooting in bursts, not fully automatic. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.4 Brute Plasma Rifle [Dual Wieldable] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- Roughly 400 Shots to Deplete Overheats At- About 16 Shots Cool Down Time- 5 Seconds [5.5 Seconds] Rate of Fire- 2 Seconds Accuracy- Poor Range- Short Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Sentinels Bad Against- Brutes, Hunters, Flood Dropped By- Brutes _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=9 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=11 |B=2 |B=5 |B=3 |B=26 |B=9 |B=19 |B=4 | Melee to kill-| 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 9 |------| 20 |--------| Damage- 8/10 My Rating- 6/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- It's not very much different from the normal plasma rifle. It's only different in a few ways. For one, it's red, and shoots red plasma instead of blue. For two, it shoots much faster then the blue one. Also, I think it does slightly less damage. Personally, I think it's just worse then the other one. I calculated, and it does exactly 3% less damage. Tactics- Same as the normal Plasma Rifle. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.5 Needler [Dual Wieldable] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 30 Ammo Capacity- 90 [180] Reload Time- 2 Seconds [2 Seconds] Rate of Fire- 6 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Drones, Brutes, Flood, Sentinels Bad Against- Jackals, Hunters Dropped By- Grunts, Drones, Elites, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=9 |H=9 |H=9 |H=9 |H=9 |------|S=9 |--------| |B=9 |B=9 |B=9 |B=9 |B=9 |B=54 |B=9 |B=9 | Melee to kill-| 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- I like explosions, and this weapon can cause them. This is a really cool weapon. It shoots, well, needles that explode inside your enemy. And if you shoot enough, they explode quite violently. Also, if it's not nice enough already, the needles home in on the enemy. With doubles, things explode all the time. Tactics- There is no point in shooting fully automatic with a Needler, because it only takes a few needles to blow them up(Roughly 9 consecutive direct hits). So shoot in bursts. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.6 Covenant Carbine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 18 Ammo Capacity- 72 Reload Time- 2.5 Seconds Rate of Fire- 4 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Brutes, Hunters, Sentinels Bad Against- Flood Dropped By- Brutes, Elites, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=10 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=14 |B=4 |B=4 |B=2 |B=12 |B=10 |B=20 |B=2 | Melee to kill-| 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 6 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 8/10 My Rating- 8/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy. Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- This gun is fairly decent. It's basically the Covenant Battle Rifle. It has 2 x magnification, and it holds 72 shots. This gun just seems to do awesome for head shooting. It always kills the enemy if you shoot it in the head, unless it has a helmet or shield. It has good accuracy, does fairly good damage, and is an overall balanced gun. Tactics- Always aim for the head. And, this can be used in the place of a Battle Rifle for the BR/PP combo. Submitted Tactics- "Get close enough to get the enemy to melee you, then back track from them and then blast them in the cranium, works wonders on Elites and Brutes, who love to melee when your close, they're not firing on you and your close enough that accuracy isn't a huge factor." Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.7 Particle Beam Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- 18 Shots to Deplete Overheats At- 2-3 Shots Cool Down Time- 3.5 Seconds Rate of Fire- 2 Seconds Accuracy- Excellent Range- Medium to Long Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Brutes, Hunters, Sentinels Bad Against- Flood Dropped By- Elites, Jackals _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=2 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=5 |B=1 |B=6 |B=1 | Melee to kill-| 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy. Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- I like any sniper rifle. So, I say it's a good gun. But it's not good in just my opinion. This gun is good as a fact. It really hurts when you get shot by this gun, on Legendary it kills you in one hit, always. This gun overheats insanely fast, so try to pace your shots. It zooms at 5x and 10x. Tactics- Zoom, and aim. That's all I can really say about this gun for tactics. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- It overheats way to fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.8 Brute Shot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 4 Ammo Capacity- 12 Reload Time- 4 Seconds Rate of Fire- 1.5 Seconds Accuracy- Poor Range- Medium Good Against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Brutes, Flood, Sentinels Bad Against- Hunters Dropped By- Brutes _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=2 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=3 |------|S=2 |--------| |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=3 |B=14 |B=2 |B=1 | Melee to kill-| 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |------| 1 | 1 | Damage- 8/10 My Rating- 7/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Yet another weapon that causes booms. But amazingly, I don't like it very much. Sure, it shoots grenades, it can shoot rapid fire, and it has an awesome melee attack, but I just don't like it. Also, the grenades bounce everywhere, so that contributes to the poor accuracy. Tactics- Use the melee often. It has a blade on it, so it does good damage. Also, try to hit the target with grenades at medium range so you actually hit. But not to close or you will blow yourself up. You won't hit at all if it's to far. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- The grenades are quite bouncy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.9 Energy Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- Loses Roughly 10 Energy Per Hit (Infinite on Multiplayer) Rate of Swinging- .5 Seconds Accuracy- Excellent Range- Short Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing Dropped By- Elites, Flood _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Melee to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|H=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- It's a sword, so it has to be good right? Right. This weapon is awesome. The best close-range killing weapon in the game. There are two ways to use it, normal slashing, and lunging. You can lunge when you're aiming cursor turns red, you just press the R-Button. To do normal slashing, press the B button. The R-button also slashes when you are not locked-on. Tactics- Try not to lunge into a big group of enemies. Use the normal slash for big groups. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- The sword only loses energy when you hit the enemy directly, not it's shield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.10 Fuel-Rod Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip Capacity- 5 Ammo Capacity- 25 Reload Time- 2 Seconds Rate of Fire- 4.5 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Medium to Long Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing Dropped By- Grunts, Elites _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | Melee to kill-| 2 | 1-2| 1 | 1 | 4 |------| 6 | 1 | Damage- 9/10 My Rating- 9/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Another weapon that causes booms. I love it. This gun can shoot its boomers semi-rapid fire, and also can hold quite a lot of ammo. It does good damage as well. Tactics- Try to shoot the ground near the enemy. It helps, that way you don't miss. There is no point in trying to hit the enemy head on, hitting the ground around them does just fine in blowing them away. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Neutral Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These weapons are not Covenant, and not human. Therefore, they are neutral. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.1 Sentinel Beam (Red Beam) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- It drains as you hold the trigger, 1 unit per, uh, second? Overheats At- A depletion of 23 energy units. (If you hold it down) Cool Down Time- 2.5 Seconds Rate of Fire- 3.5 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Long Good Against- Grunts, Flood, Sentinels Bad Against- Elites, Jackals, Drones, Brutes, Hunters Dropped By- Sentinels, Elites _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=19 |H=7 |------|-----|-----|------|S=10 |--------| |B=20 |B=8 |------|-----|-----|------|B=11 |B=7 | Melee to kill-| 3 | 1 |------|-----|-----|------| 7 | 1 | Damage- 6/10 My Rating- 5/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic Summary- This gun is pretty cool, it shoots a beam (duh) and is fairly weak. The energy depletes insanely fast, because the beam constantly drains energy. The gun is bad at depleting shields, and bad at hurting enemies. Tactics- The gun is fairly large, so try to melee enemies with it. Also, try not to overheat it, because it cools down pretty slowly. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.2 Sentinel Beam (Blue Beam) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- It drains as you hold the trigger, 1 unit per, uh, second? Overheats At- A depletion of 23 energy units. (If you hold it down) Cool Down Time- 2.5 Seconds Rate of Fire- 3.5 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Long Good Against- Grunts, Flood, Sentinels Bad Against- Elites, Jackals, Drones, Brutes, Hunters Dropped By- Sentinels (Gold Type) _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=18 |H=6 |------|-----|-----|------|S=9 |--------| |B=19 |B=7 |------|-----|-----|------|B=10 |B=6 | Melee to kill-| 3 | 1 |------|-----|-----|------| 7 | 1 | Damage- 7/10 My Rating- 6/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic Summary- This gun is pretty cool, it shoots a beam (duh) and is very powerful. The energy depletes insanely fast, because the beam constantly drains energy. This gun is good at shield removing, and fairly good at killing stuff. Tactics- The gun is fairly large, so try to melee enemies with it. Also, try not to overheat it, because it cools down pretty slowly. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- This comes from a golden Sentinel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Grenades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenades go boom. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.1 M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the human grenade, and it is fairly powerful indeed. It has a short fuse which is activated as soon as it touches something, and explodes fairly soon after. Also, the explosion is fairly large, so it can really hurt something. It's good for taking out groups of enemies. A well placed throw can kill multiple enemies, and is quite useful. The grenade is also very bouncy. _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Booms to Kill- | | | | | | | | | |_____|_____|______|_____|_____|______|_____|________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.2 Plasma Grenade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Covenant grenade, and is quite lovely. It can stick to the enemy! It can also stick to vehicles. An enemy always dies if you can stick a plasma grenade to 'em, and its fun to watch them running around before they explode. If you miss the enemy, it has a good blast radius, and can still do damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 Vehicle Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the weapons on vehicles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.1 Human Vehicle Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weapons on human vehicles. Do I really need to explain this? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M41 LAAG (M12 "Warthog" LRV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- .1 Seconds, I think. Accuracy- Decent Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-| This data is way too difficult to obtain. | |----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________| Damage- 9/10 My Rating- 8/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- This is a weapon on the back of one of two types of Warthogs(Human Vehicle), and it's pretty useful. It's basically a rapid fire machine gun. It only has decent accuracy. I say that because once you get to rapidly firing, it's kind of erratic and shoots all over the place. It can do good damage though. So, it does well against vehicles and infantry alike. Tactics- When you are using this gun, the vehicle will most likely be moving, so you need to move with the driver. Stay on target with what you are shooting at. It can kill things faster then you may think, as long as you hit 'em where it hurts (The head comes to mind.). Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M68 Gauss Cannon (M12G1 Warthog LAAV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- 2 Seconds Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Medium Good against- Elites, Grunts, Jackals, Brutes, Hunters, Flood Bad Against- Drones, Sentinels _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | |____________________________________________________| Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 7/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic Summary- The other weapon encountered on the back of a Warthog, it's quite a different gun from the Warthogs counterpart. Instead of shooting bullets, it shoots, well, explosive projectiles that hurt things nicely. A significant problem though, the weapon doesn't fair well against tanks. That's why I don't include Legendary for using this on, because it takes so many dang shots to destroy just one tank. Oddly enough, the good accuracy can be a problem. It shoots where you want it to go, but in a fast moving Warthog, it might not hit because of your speed. Tactics- Don't shoot until you know its going to hit, because you could easily be shooting all over the place just trying to hit your target. The shot gets away from the turret fast, but almost to fast, so aim carefully. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90MM High-Velocity Shell (M8008B Scorpion MBT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- 3 Seconds Accuracy- Excellent Range- Medium to Short Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | |____________________________________________________| Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Quite a powerful weapon. Of course, it is the main weapon on a tank, so it should be good. It can shoot fairly fast for a tank (compared to Halo 1), and of course kills things easy. Tactics- Don't try to shoot them directly, if the explosion is near them, it will still work fine. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.62MM AP-T (M808B Scorpion MBT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- .1 Seconds, I think Accuracy- Decent Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-| This data is way too difficult to obtain. | |----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________| Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Just a tiny rapid-fire gun on the side of a scorpion, but it does have its uses. If your enemies get to close to you, you don't want to shoot them with the main cannon and blow yourself up, so use the nice automatic gun. Tactics- Apart from what I tell you about the other rapid-fire weapons, you do shoot this one fully automatic. Shooting in bursts doesn't work quite the same with this gun. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.2 Covenant Vehicle Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weapons on Covenant Vehicles. Do I really need to explain this? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Plasma Cannons (Ghost) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- .1 Seconds, I think Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-| This data is way too difficult to obtain. | |----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________| Damage- 9/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Quite a nice weapon, but only against infantry. This weapon is not the best for other vehicles. But when you're shooting enemies, it works great. This Is probably the quickest way to send hundreds of plasma bolts at your enemy. The sheer number of plasma bolts this thing can fire is enough to make you happy. Tactics- Hold down the R trigger for this one. The amount of plasma you can shoot is more then enough for an enemy to dodge. Just stay facing your target and you won't have a problem. Of course, stay away from other vehicles. Oh, and if all else fails, just boost-ram the enemy with your ghost. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- Ghosts can get destroyed fairly quickly if you're not careful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Plasma Cannons (Banshee) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- .1 Seconds, I Think Accuracy- Decent Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-| This data is way too difficult to obtain. | |----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________| Damage- 9/10 My Rating- 9/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Refer to the ghost weapon summary for details- it's the same weapon. Tactics- It's a little harder to hit the enemy with this one, because you're flying through the air. But it still does good damage. When it comes to shooting other vehicles, you can try with the banshees plasma cannons, because you're in the air and have more of a chance to dodge their attacks. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuel Rod Cannon (Banshee) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- 2.5 Seconds Accuracy- Decent Range- Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | |____________________________________________________| Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 8/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Now this is probably your favorite weapon on the Banshee. It's simply a Fuel-Rod Cannon attached to the Banshee. Despite the fact that it cant shoot rapid fire. Anyway, use this whenever possible, cause a boom is better then no boom. Tactics- Don't miss, because it's actually quite easy to. The fuel rod is affected by gravity, so don't shoot from too far away. Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- The fuel Rod Cannon only works in campaign mode, NOT MULTIPLAYER! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Mortar (Wraith) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- 3 Seconds Accuracy- Decentish? Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=2 |B=1 |B=1 | |____________________________________________________| Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 7/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Oh yeah, another boom-causer. But just because it can cause explosions doesn't mean it's the best. It has a considerable draw-back on the battlefield. The mortar freaking lobs from the tank. Its not a direct shot, it lobs it into the air like a catapult. Not the best way to blow stuff up. Sure, it's powerful, but trying to be accurate with the lob-shot can be difficult. Tactics- Aim as carefully as you can, because it's pretty hard sometimes. Don't underestimate the power of the boom, though, cause it's still just as nice as a a scorpion. Submitted Tactics- "If you want to shoot the plasma mortar a little farther try shooting it while you're boosting, or at the beginning of your boost. It will make it more accurate, go farther, and go faster." Other Info- It lobs damn it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Cannon (Spectre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate of Fire- .1 Seconds, I Think Accuracy- Good Range- Short to Medium Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-| This data is way too difficult to obtain. | |----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________| Damage- 9/10 My Rating- 9/10 Recommended Difficulty- Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary Summary- Unlike the other Covenant vehicle Plasma Cannons, this one is a rear mounted gun that has to be mounted by a gunner. Which boosts the accuracy up a bit. The Spectre can actually have a nice amount of fire power, with a gunner, and two people sitting on the sides. Also, don't forget that you can boost-ram enemies if needed. Tactics- Now you have better control over the accuracy, so use that to your advantage, eh? Also, just follow your target, you'll get it eventually. :) Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6 Vehicle Vs. Vehicle Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________ Warthog(MG) | 18 | 18 | X | X | 20 | 18 | 12 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Warthog(GC) | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Scorpion | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Wraith | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Ghost | 9 | 9 | 30 | 30 | 7 | 9 | 6 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Spectre | 9 | 9 | 33 | 33 | 13 | 8 | 11 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Banshee | 9 | 9 | 30 | 30 | 18 | 9 | 6 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| To Destroy--> Warthog(MG) Warthog(GC) Scorpion Wraith Ghost Spectre Banshee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Gun Vs. Vehicle Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there is an X after the number, the weapon could not destroy the vehicle. To Destroy--> Warthog(MG) Warthog(GC) Scorpion Wraith Ghost Spectre Banshee ____________________________________________________________ Pistol | 175 | 175 | 200X | 200X | 54 | 120 | 92 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Battle Rifle | 28 | 28 | 180X | 180X | 20 | 28 | 20 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| SMG | 212 | 212 | 400X | 400X | 89 | 203 | 136 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Sniper Rifle | 12 | 12 | 42X | 42X | 8 | 11 | 8 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Rocket Launcher | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Shotgun | 7 | 7 | 530X | 530X | 3 | 8 | 4 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Plasma Pistol | 176% | 176% | 400%X | 400%X | 48% | 162% | 120% | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Plasma Rifle | 65% | 65% | 400%X | 400%X | 25% | 60% | 48% | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| B. Plasma Rifle | 68% | 68% | 400%X | 400%X | 27% | 63% | 51% | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Needler |---------|----------|--------|-------|------|------|--------| |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Carbine | 102 | 102 | 226X | 226X | 38 | 88 | 62 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Beam Rifle | 23 | 23 | 68X | 68X | 10 | 22 | 16 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Brute Shot | 5 | 5 | 36 | 36 | 3 | 4 | 3 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Energy Sword | 15 | 15 | 70X | 70X | 10 | 14 | 10 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Sentinel Beam | 152% | 152% | 300%X | 300%X | 70% | 145% | 80% | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Frag Grenade | 2 | 2 | 12 | 12 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| Plasma Grenade | 3 | 3 | 28 | 28 | 2 | 3 | 2 | |_________|__________|________|_______|______|______|________| To Destroy--> Warthog(MG) Warthog(GC) Scorpion Wraith Ghost Spectre Banshee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8 Stationary Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These weapons cannot be moved around, duh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8.1 Gun Turret ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the human gun turret, and it's not very large, but it has unlimited ammo, and shoots very fast. It is good for killing enemies, but not on legendary. You only find these on earth levels, so don't look for them anywhere else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8.2 Plasma Cannon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Covenants small turret, and it's fairly strong too. It shoots plasma fast, and never overheats. Again, don't use turrets on Legendary, because the enemy will kill you fast. This turret is on most levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8.3 Plasma Turret (Shade) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is much larger then the other turrets, and you actually sit in it. It has a plasma shield to protect you from the front, it shoots fairly fast and accurately, and it can rotate 360 degrees, and up and down. So it's useful, as long as you're not on Legendary. You can find these in outdoor levels only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9 Other Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weapons that are apart from the other weapons... hence, the Other Weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9.1 Scarab Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery- Infinite Overheats At- Never Cool Down Time- None Rate of Fire- 4 Seconds (I'm not entirely sure what that's based on either) Accuracy- Excellent Range- Long Good Against- Everything Bad Against- Nothing _____________________________________________________ |Elite|Grunt|Jackal|Drone|Brute|Hunter|Flood|Sentinel| Shots to Kill-|H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |H=1 |------|S=1 |--------| |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 |B=1 | Melee to kill-| 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 9 |------| 20 | 2 | Damage- 10/10 My Rating- 10/10 Recommended Difficulty- Isn't obvious? All! Summary- The best gun in the game, but not easily obtainable. It kills EVERYTHING in one shot. Powerful gun, yes, but it's a secret weapon. I won't tell you how to get it, because I'm mean. Sadly, this gun is only obtainable on one level, and you won't get to play with it for very long. Tactics- Shoot things. :) Submitted Tactics- N/A yet, if ever. Other Info- It looks like a Plasma Rifle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9.2 Twin Plasma Cannons (Wraith) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to mention that the Wraith has plasma Cannons, but only NPCs can use them for some reason... (If you didn't know, NPC= Non-Player Character) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9.3 Plasma Cannon (Shadow) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I put this here because you can still use it, but not against anything. It has no stats because there is no way to figure them out. Anyway, this is on the back of those big slow purple vehicle things in the Second Level. The gun is on the top, and you can use it if you can kill the gunner and pilot. It shoots the big red plasma a Phantom shoots extremely fast. It would be cool if you could use it more often, but you can't. (Sniff sob sniff and stuff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Level Descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions of the single player levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Cairo Station ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number One Character Used- Master Chief Level Description- "Defend the stations MAC-gun from Covenant Boarders." Level Location- Space station, in orbit above Earth. Weapons on This Level: Battle Rifle SMG Pistol Shotgun Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Needler Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Outskirts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Two Character Used- Master Chief Level Description - "Rally scattered marines, clear hostile contacts from the old city." Level Location- Earth Weapons on This Level: Battle Rifle SMG Pistol Sniper Rifle Particle Beam Rifle Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Needler Sword (Legendary) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Metropolis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Three Character Used- Master Chief Level Description- "Take the bridge, break the Covenant's grip on the city center." Level Location- Earth Weapons on This Level: Battle Rifle SMG Shotgun Rocket Launcher Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Particle Beam Rifle Needler Sword Scarab Gun (Secret) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 The Arbiter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Four Character Used- Arbiter Level Description- "Infiltrate a Forerunner facility, quell the heresy within." Level Location- Heretic Base, above Harvest Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Particle Beam Rifle Sword Needler Carbine Fuel-Rod Gun Sentinel Beam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 Oracle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Five Character Used- Arbiter Level Description- "Kill the Heretic Leader. The Prophets will be done." Location- Heretic Base, Above Harvest Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Fuel-Rod Gun Sentinel Beam Carbine Needler Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 Delta Halo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Six Character Used- Master Chief Level Description- "A Covenant army stands between you and the Prophet of Regret. Get to Work." Location- Delta Halo (Duh) Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle SMG Battle Rifle Rocket Launcher Sword Needler Particle Beam Rifle Carbine Sniper Pistol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Regret ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Seven Character Used- Master Chief Level Description- "You heard the lady. Locate the Prophet, take him down." Location- Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Shotgun Battle Rifle SMG Sniper Sword Particle Beam Rifle Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Needler Carbine Rocket Launcher Fuel-Rod Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 Sacred Icon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Eight Character Used- Arbiter Level Description- "Succeed where other have failed. Lower the Shield protecting the sacred Icon." Location: Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Needler Carbine Sentinel Beam Battle Rifle SMG Shotgun Pistol Rocket Launcher Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9 Quarantine Zone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Nine Character Used- Arbiter Level Description- "Parasites, humans- no matter. The icon must be found." Location: Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle SMG Battle Rifle Sword Shotgun Sentinel Beam Rocket Launcher Carbine Needler Sniper Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10 Gravemind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Ten Character Used- Master Chief Level Description- "The Prophets have the index and plan to use it? Over your dead body." Location- Covenant ship High Charity, above Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Brute Plasma Rifle Needler Carbine Brute Shot Particle Beam Rifle Sword Fuel-Rod Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11 Uprising ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Eleven Character Used- Arbiter Level Description- "This is certain: The Brutes shall pay for the blood they have spilled." Location- Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Sword Brute Shot Brute Plasma Rifle Needler Fuel-Rod Gun Carbine Particle Beam Rifle Rocket Launcher Shotgun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12 High Charity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Twelve Character Used- Master Chief Level Description- "Cortana can handle the index- stopping Truth is up to you." Location- Covenant ship High Charity, above Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Brute Plasma Rifle Rocket Launcher Carbine Brute Shot Particle Beam Rifle SMG Pistol Sword Needler Battle Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13 Great Journey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Number Thirteen (Final Level) Character Used- Arbiter Level Description- "Form an unexpected alliance, keep 'Tartar-Sauce' from activating the ring." Location- Delta Halo Weapons on This Level: Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Brute Plasma Rifle Carbine Needler Fuel-Rod Gun Sword Brute Shot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Difficulty Descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy- There is a noob in all of us... and this is where they flock too. Easy is well... easy. AS HELL. No challenge at all. Unless you really suck, only play this to explore levels or whatever. The lack of a challenge is... ucky. Yes, ucky. "Your foes cower and fall before your unstoppable onslaught, yet, final victory will leave you wanting more." Normal- Not to much harder then easy. Normal is great if you just started playing, because it gives you some time to memorize the levels. It's also a good place to start building up your skills, as there is a chance of the enemies killing you, if you let your guard down. "Hordes of aliens vie to destroy you, but nerves of steel and a quick trigger finger give you a solid chance to prevail." Heroic- Finally, a challenge. Heroic is the best difficulty in my opinion. It's not so hard that you get frustrated, but it's still a great challenge. I trained here for a long time. Quite a bit of fun. "Your enemies are as numerous as they are ferocious; their attacks are devastating. Survival is not guaranteed." Legendary- Ahhh, the most challenging difficulty, for any FPS I have encountered. The true face of difficult, Legendary is a great test of skill and patience. You sometimes need the noob combo just to win. Legendary is all I play anymore, I love the challenge. This is a lot of fun on Cooperative. "You face opponents who have never known defeat, who laugh in alien tongues at your efforts to survive. This is suicide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Enemy Descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions of enemies... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Covenant Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The highest amount of enemies in this game are Covenant. From the pathetic Grunt to the damn Hunters. Classes are in order from weakest to strongest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1.1 Grunt (So cute >.>) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C! The weakest of the weak, these little things aren't exactly the strongest enemy in the universe. They stand about four feet tall, have huge arms and legs, and are so damn cute. I almost feel sad killing them... Classes (Armor Color): Orange- Rookie Red- Standard Weird Armor- Heretic Black- Special Ops. White- Ultra Green- Veteran/Gunner Battle Tactics- They like to hide, run, and scream. However, they do like to shoot you when you aren't looking. Also, the higher skill Grunts often throw grenades like theres no tomorrow. Make sure they don't have one. :) Head shots are easy to pull off. Their heads are at about gun level. A well placed grenade can also kill them with ease. If you stick one, they usually run back to the other Grunts, so that works too. If you kill a stronger enemy (like an elite), they tend to run away. Use this to your advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1.2 Jackal (So ugly x.x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- These guys can be so very annoying. On a bad day, I have so much trouble killing them. Their shields are so very annoying... and the snipers are the worst on higher difficulties. Jackals are vaguely bird-like. They stand about five feet tall, have either an energy shield or a Beam Rifle, and tend to move in groups of three or more. (With the exception of the sniper) Classes (Shield Color) Blue Shield- Rookie Orange Shield- Standard Sniper (EVIL!!!!) Battle Tactics- The shield types have Plasma Pistols, and on Legendary, they shoot them so fast it seems like it's a rifle. They also like to charge up the pistol if you go off and hide during a fight, so when you come back to the action they remove your shields once again. Human weapons will not harm the Jackals shields, however, there is a tiny little spot on the shield where the Jackal is exposed. It's a little slot where they can shoot there gun through. That's your ticket to knocking them out of position and taking them out. Frag Grenades are also a great way to kill Jackals. If it doesn't kill them, they are usually blown out of position and you can pick them off. Now lets talk about the snipers. (shudder) These guys are a pain in your shiny green-plated ass. On Legendary, they kill you no matter what, no matter where they hit you. Whether it's your body, your big toe, or a part of your armor that isn't even touching you. It bypasses your shields completely as well. Best way to take these out is, well, there is no good way. You need to see them before they see you, or your as good as dead. Just snipe them with a sniper rifle or Battle Rifle. If you shoot them while they are off guard, they drop their Beam Rifle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1.3 Elite (Rawr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- The commanders of the Covenant. Also a pain in the ass. They have shields, and tend to carry Plasma Rifles. Each Elite is as strong as any Spartan, so your allies can't handle them very well. They stand a good seven feet tall, and have a wierd four jawed mouth. (Makes me wonder how they say any word that starts with an M...) Elites come in many different colors of armor and flavors. Classes (Armor Color) Blue- Rookie Weird Armor- Heretic Red- Veteran Brown- Cloaked Jetpack- They have a jetpack... Black- Special Ops. Gold- Commander Cool Helmet- Honor Guard Silver- Ultra Battle Tactics- There are many a tactic they use, and there are many a tactic you can use against them. First off, they love to shoot you. Ok, so maybe they don't have much in the way of tactics, but they still kill you easily enough. On Legendary, It can be easy for one of these to kill you. If they catch you off guard while you're out in the open, you're as good as dead. (4 shots is all it takes...) It's a wise idea to take Elites out before they see you, or from a good distance. You won't win a pistol/rifle ranged fight. (Unless you're really lucky) Stick them, snipe them, assassinate them. Once in a while, Elites can be stupid though. Sometimes they just stare at the grenade you threw at their feet. They also like to jump up on top of crates to get a better view of the battlefield, which makes them vulnerable. One last note: The higher ranked elites will pull out an energy sword when stuck or when their health is low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1.4 Drones (Buggers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- Probably the one enemy I hate the most. So annoying. Usually found in groups of five or more, the Drones can be a major problem. They are merely giant bugs. In case you didn't know, they fly. -_- Classes (Uhhh... exoskeleton color?) Green- Annoying Battle Tactics- Only one type of Drone to worry about, but that doesn't change the fact that they can disinigrate you if you aren't careful. Often they carry plasma pistols, and a few like to carry needlers, which makes them worse of course. For some reason, it seems like their shots home in on you, no matter how fast they are flying, and no matter how fast you bob left to right or whatever your mighty dodging tactics are. Fast shooting weapons are they way to go. SMG's, plasma Rifles, what have you. The Sniper Rifle kills them in one shot, however it's pretty hard to hit them. (Though, I'm a master at sniping them) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1.5 Brute (DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELLLLL!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- Brutes. Big gorillas is a good description. Brutes are usually in groups of 3-4. They are furry, tall, and are just plain strong. They have no shield generators. (Thank god) Their only armor is a helmet on their head. Classes (Accessaries) Nothing- Standard Flag- Captain Cool Helmet- Honor Guard Battle Tactics- Brutes typically carry Carbines, Brute Plasma Rifles, and Brute Shots. Some also have Shotguns. They move in groups, and tactics may include just standing there, bombarding you with grenades, or running around aimlessly. They are not to be underestimated at CQB, however. Brutes are easier then you may think. A carbine or Battle Rifle is a great weapon for dispatching Brutes. Their head is their only weak spot. Shoot off their helmet, and then pop 'em in the head. Be advised: When a Brute is hurt or when you kill his cohorts, he will go into a weird berserk rage. He drops his weapon, and runs at you (albeit like a monkey), and tries to melee you. Really fast and powerfully too. I like to call this state of rage "Gorilla Mode". Needlers are also an awesome tool for removing Brutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1.6 Hunters (Living Tank) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- It's hard to miss a Hunter. They are about nine feet tall, are covered in blue armor, and carry around a huge shield, as well as a Fuel-Rod Beam. They always come in pairs. Classes (Hi!) Blue Armor- Standard Battle Tactics- Since Hunters always come in pairs, they always have something to cover their backs. Which is a problem, since their back is their only vulnerable spot. From far to medium range, they will blast you with a beam, and it usually always kills you unless you get out of the way. If you get too close to a Hunter, they will try to swat you with their shield. It helps to get the initiative on Hunters. They are quite vulnerable to rockets and sniper shots, so use those. If all else fails, you'll have to charge them. Doing this will cause them to try to melee you. Move out of the way and run behind them, then blast them in their exposed orange skin. Beware though, in Halo 2 Hunters have an attack where they lurch up and try to smash you while you are behind them. Also avoidable, but not entirely. If you stick a Hunter, it sometimes will just stand in an awkward position for a few seconds, not doing anything. Also a good time to kill them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Flood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who likes decaying flesh? If you do, you're in the right place! (And weird... go away) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2.1 Infector Form (Popcorn Flood) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- Always in swarms. They look like little baloons with tentacles. Class (Hi again!) Ugly- Standard Battle Tactics- They swarm and swarm at you. It seems as if they are endless. They have no attack persay, they just jump at you. If your shields are up, it will take minor damage. However, if you have no shields, they kill you instantly. This can catch you off guard, but it happens. Also, an annoying new feature Infectors have is they can climb into the corpse of a dead flood and bring it back to life. Rapid fire weapons are the best idea. SMG's or Plasma Rifles will remove them. Also use grenades. Make sure you throw frags though, because if you accidentally stick one with a plasma, it's not gonna stop running towards you. You can melee them as they jump at you as well. Just don't get overwhelmed by them, if enough of them pop on you, your shields will fail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2.2 Combat Form- Human ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- The ugliest most disgusting form of flood in my opinion. They got bits of flesh hanging off of them, and they have a horribly distorted look on their face. (Also a tad creepy) Class (Hola!) Ugly- Standard Battle Tactics- They are a sight to behold. Running at you with their head tipped sideways, broken arms, missing limbs. The Human Flood are a little weaker thent the Elite type. This doesn't mean underestimate them. They are still quite powerful. The flood aren't usually alone. They do carry guns, but aren't overly proficient with them. They do enjoy running up to you and smacking you with their tentacles. Their melee attack is unusually powerful. Shotgun, Sword, Grenades. Best weapons for the flood. You can also use a gun like a Carbine or Battle Rifle to shoot the instant kill 'spot' on their chest. A dot will appear in your targeting reticle when you aim at this spot, as if it were their head. Shooting the Flood in the head however, does little. The flood have three limbs that can be shot off. Their head, their left arm, and their right arm. If you shoot off their head, they can't see you as well. Shooting off their arms has more of an advantage though. The flood have one screwed up arm with tentacles on it, and a normal (I guess) arm. Shooting off the weird arm prevents them from using melee, and shooting off the normal arm prevents them from using guns. If you shoot off both arms and their head, they will slowly walk forward and then spontaneously explode into dust for some reason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2.3 Combat Form- Elite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- Also quite ugly. Taller then the human form, and they seem to have bits of their armor still on. They also have their neck folded back behind them. Tasty. Class (Omg!) Ugly- Standard (Some have remnants of their shield left!) Battle Tactics- The Elite types basically do the same thing as the Human type. They like to melee you, and aren't too good with guns. The Elite type is slighter stronger, however, and are also a little harder to kill, for they have peices of their armor still on. Some may have a little energy shield left, so be extra careful when facing this type. Shotgun, Sword, Grenades. Best weapons for the flood. You can also use a gun like a Carbine or Battle Rifle to shoot the instant kill 'spot' on their chest. A dot will appear in your targeting reticle when you aim at this spot, as if it were their head. Shooting the Flood in the head however, does little. The flood have three limbs that can be shot off. Their head, their left arm, and their right arm. If you shoot off their head, they can't see you as well. Shooting off their arms has more of an advantage though. The flood have one screwed up arm with tentacles on it, and a normal (I guess) arm. Shooting off the weird arm prevents them from using melee, and shooting off the normal arm prevents them from using guns. If you shoot off both arms and their head, they will slowly walk forward and then spontaneously explode into dust for some reason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2.4 Carrier Form (Exploder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- Haha, you're fat! These guys are so ugly. They are basically a big glob of flesh. And you gotta love what they do. They explode. They expand, go boom, and release infectors. They have a couple tentacles, and their legs look like a Grunts. Class (There can be only one!) Ugly- Standard Battle Tactics- Exploders have no real tactics. They walk towards you, fall down in front of you, and explode. Thats it. Exploders have a real strategic use when you're facing the Flood. Use them as a walking grenade. Always shoot for the exploders first in a group of flood, it kills them all quickly. No particular gun is needed for an exploder, what you have is all you need. Make sure they don't get close to you. The explosions do hurt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Forerunner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All robots. Zap... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.1 Sentinel (Woosh!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- Not hard to miss. It's a flying robot. Shoots lasers. Makes robot noises. Not a difficult concept. Silver type has red laser, Gold type has a blue laser. Class (Color) Silver- Standard (Some are shielded) Gold- Model 2? (Always shielded, stronger laser) Battle Tactics- Sentinels have no real tactics either. They just fly around and shoot you randomly. Lots of tactics against them though. All you really need when facing a Sentinel is a Plasma Pistol. Charge it, and shoot them. Takes 'em out in one shot. Also, Sentinels are quite vunerable to explosions. When near a blast, they will fall to the ground-- lifeless, for a little while. Kill them at this time. The gold Sentinels can be more of a challenge, as they do more damage and can take more damage. One last general rule for Sentinels; use plasma weapons. Plasma weapons kill them much faster. Human weapons do not. (Unless it's a rocket Launcher) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.2 Enforcer (Vehicle Snatcher) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- BIG robot. Has four arms that hang below it. This thing is also heavly armed. It has missles, really fast shooting mini-red-needle things, and two shields in front. And yes, they can pick up your vehicle. Class (Size) Big- Standard Battle Tactics- This thing doesn't really need tactics just because it has so much damn fire power. It just shoots you whenever. It's rare, but it may try to pick up your vehicle while you're driving it. You're about screwed when that happens. Heavy fire power is a good choice. Rockets, Fuel-Rods, and Grenades. If you do not have any of these, get below the Enforcer, and first blast off it's four legs. This will weaken it signifigantly. Pump it full of lead/plasma until it finally goes boom. Shooting an Enforcer from the front is useless, even if you remove it's front shields. It takes little damage from the front. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4. Boss Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harder enemies... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4.1 Heretic Leader ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- This guy can be a major pain. He looks like other Heretic Elites, he just has a jetpack. He always has two Plasma Rifles. Battle Tactics (His)- The only majorly difficult thing is that he has these holograms. It wouldn't be so bad, but for whatever reason, they can hurt you. Now that doesn't seem logical to me, but whatever. The only real tactic he uses is sending the holograms after you. If you do NOT kill these holograms when he flees back inside his little hole, the ones you did not defeat and new ones will come out with him. If you let them multiply, you're only making it harder for yourself. Battle Tactics (Yours)- You start off right next to two of his holograms. Stick one and then run for cover inside one of those conveyor belt places. He will talk a lot. Listen if you want, but make sure to emerge every once in a while after they are off guard and try to stick them, assassinate them, or shoot them down. I do not suggest the latter, for they usually win the fire fights. On Legendary, you CANNOT kill the Heretic Leader the first few times he is out. (Trust me, I was flying through the air lunging at him for a long time.) It can be hard to tell which one is him. Just use the process of elimination. Either you'll kill all the holograms, or get lucky and destroy him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4.2 The Prophet of Regret ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- If you don't know which one this is, you aren't too smart. He sits in a big hover-chair. It has the most annoying gun as well. Seems to be a super-powered laser beam thing. It sounds like a Hunters weapon. Battle Tactics (His)- He likes to send his goons at you. And oh he will. Elites and Grunts. But not just any elites or Grunts, the deadliest kind. All the Grunts are Ultra, and the Elites are either Honor Guard or Ultra. The Grunts have Plasma Pistols and throw tons of grenades. The Elites have either a sword or a Plasma Rifle. (Sometimes two) He will also attempt to blast you. He's usually the one covering his goons instead of the other way around, because you're either chasing them or running from them. Did I mention the goons never stop spawning? Battle Tactics (Yours)- You can't shoot him with any weapon. He has an all powerful invinci-shield thing. So the only way is the coolest ever. Ya gotta jump up on his chair and punch him in the face. Just don't let his goons build up on you. They can, and will, overwhelm. I suggest bringing along a shotgun or sword for close range, and whatever you want for a secondary weapon. (I use a Battle Rifle/Carbine.) After a few punches he will go down. (Unless you're on Legendary, he takes forever to kill) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4.3 Tartarus (Tartar-Sauce!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info- He's simply a white Brute with a really REALLY big hammer. And a mohawk. He's cool that way. Battle Tactics (His)- Smashy Smashy. Seriously, don't get close to him. One hit from his hammer is all it takes to make your face fly off. Now and then he will call in some Brute reinforcements. Battle Tactics (Yours)- Patience. You need to wait for Sgt. Johnson to take out his invinci-shield before you can harm him. When Johnson hits Tartar-Sauce with all three shots, start blasting. If you have a Carbine/BR, aim for the head. Otherwise, use any automatic weapons. He does take a good deal of time to kill. So just be nimble and dodge when you need to. (Don't forget that you can cloak) Oddly enough, pushing him off the edge does nothing. He just ninja-flys back up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank www.GameFAQS.com for posting my guide. I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this. (Not sure why) I'd like to thank my friend for helping me figure out the bits of random info. I'd like to thank Bungie for making an awesome game, and Microsoft for publishing it. I'd like to thank the people that sent input or tactics via e-mail and AIM/YIM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to make suggestions, complain, or report errors, you can contact me on AIM, YIM, and E-mail: Not needed anymore. Go away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Done* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------