FAQ/Walkthrough for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Made for: Nintendo Gamecube Author: serpantsnake Guide Version: .97 -------------------------------------- Made By: serpantsnake Edited by: SSTwinrova Contact By e-mail: (serpantsnake) serpantsnake@yahoo.com (SSTwinrova) twinrova@swbell.net Contact by AIM: (serpantsnake) serpantsnake (SSTwinrova) SSTwinrova NOTE: This contact information is solely to be used for reporting errors or making contributions. DO NOT send game help requests, as they will be ignored. If you are having problems, please post on the message board for your version of the game. ************************************* Version History Version .88 12/03/02 - Just added to GameFAQs. Version .90 12/04/02 - Tips, tricks & secrets added to walkthrough. Version .92 12/07/02 – More added to tips section Version .95 12/28/02 – Walkthrough Completed through Day 2 (Night) Version .96 12/30/02 – Information added to Contact Section Version .97 12/31/02 – Last update of 2002; Walkthrough through Day 3, Added and rewrote some existing information ************************************* Table of Contents 1. About the Author and the Game 2. Controls 3. Spell Book 4. Special Items 5. Lost and Found 6. Walkthrough I. The Burrow II. Knockturn Alley III. Diagon Alley IV. Hogwarts: Whomping Willow V. Hogwarts: Arrival VI. Hogwarts: Day 1 VII. Hogwarts: Day 1 (Night) VIII. Hogwarts: Day 2 IX. Hogwarts: Day 2 (Night) X. Hogwarts: Day 3 7. Quidditch A. Match Strategies 8. The Good and Bad 9. Gaining House Points 10. Berty Botts Every Flavor Beans 11. Tips, Tricks, and Secrets 12. Credits 13. Copyright Info. 14. See Ya! ************************************* 1. About the Author and the Game ------------------------------------------------- serpantsnake ------------------------------------------------- Hello, I'm serpantsnake. My real name is Vijay Kannu. I enjoy the whole series of Harry Potter; the movies, video games, and books. I have recently become such a fan of Nintendo GameCube. I want to thank EA Games for making such a game, improving it great from the first. I'm happy to say that this FAQ is going to be a great time for me, and for whoever is reading this. I hope this will be fun. Let me say that for anyone that has a complaint or suggestion e-mail me at anytime and I will be glad to help. School occupies most of my time so I will make many different updates. This document contains major spoilers. ************************************* This game is 1 Player, requires 5 blocks of memory, and is Gameboy Advance compatible. Licensed by Nintendo it is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB. Made by EA Games ************************************* 2. Controls Menu Controls: Highlight menu item: Control Pad or Control Stick up or down Change highlighted item: Control Pad or Control Stick left or right Select item/Go to next screen: A button Cancel/Return to previous screen: B button In Game Controls: Move Harry: Control Stick/Pad Cast Spells: B, Y, or X button (Must assign spells first) Action Button: A button Target Spell: L button and C-stick Duck in Targeting Mode: A button Dodge in Targeting Mode: A button + C-Stick Camera 'Look Around': C stick <-- or --> Zoom: C-stick up or down Center View Behind Harry: R button Pause game: START/PAUSE Inventory: Z button Flying Controls: Ascend and Descend: Up and Down Accelerate: A button Boost: Y button (Only available when you have flown between enough rings) ************************************* 3. Spell Book Flipendo (Obtained: The Burrow) "Knockback Jinx" This spell will knock creatures back wards. This symbol is a green fist. It is also helpful for defeating creatures and breaking objects within reach. Lumos (Obtained: Knockturn Alley) "Wand Lighting Charm" This is the spell that lights up your wand. Best used in dark places (Duh). Can also be used to open special passages in doorways. The symbol is a shining dot. Diffindo (Obtained: Day 1 (Night)) "Severing Charm" Will rip materials, ropes or plants. Can expose hidden entrances. Expelliamus (Obtained: Day 2) "Disarming Charm" Used in duels to reflect back a spell at opponents. Can be used only for that purpose. Skurge (Obtained: Day 2 (Night)) "Scouring Charm" Used to clean up stick green substance blocking certain chests and doors called ectoplasm. Avifors "Transfiguration Spell" (Obtained: Day 3) Used to turn small objects into birds. Incendio "Fire-making Charm" Used to make cold blue flames. Can be used for multiple purposes. Alohomora "Unlocking Spell" Used to unlock doors or chests with mechanical locks on them. ************************************* 4. Special Items Jelly Beans: Can be used to buy items at Fred & George's Shop. Chocolate Frogs: Can be used to heal Harry's health gauge. Wizard cards: Can be viewed and traded by fellow Hogwarts students. Are also fun to collect. Owl Treats: Can be given Hedwig as a special treat. Usually causes something to happen. Sickles: Can be used to but supplies at Diagon Alley only. Potion Vials: Can be used to fill Harry's health gauge. Must be filled with Wiggenweld Potion. Stink Pellets: Can create a cloud of stinky green smoke that distracts Prefects. Non-explodable Luminous Balloons: Used to distract prefects. Nimbus 2000 Used in Quidditch. Can be used to fly around Hogwarts ground. ************************************* 5. Lost and Found Go to the board in Gryffindor common room. It shows what items are lost. If you find them you will be rewarded with a Famous Witch or Wizard Card! ************************************* 6. Walkthrough Note: In Nintendo Power Issues 163 and 164, there is coverage of this game up through Day 4 (Night) I. The Burrow ------------- The beginning cut scene starts with you and the Weasleys arriving back at The Burrow. Once you get control of Harry, your first task is to blow up a bottle. Do so by targeting it with L, and pressing X (the default button assigned to Flipendo) to knock it over. Fred and George will then tell you to meet them in the barn. Proceed into the barn, and another cut scene will be triggered with George telling you how to knock the gnomes off of the rafters. Follow his directions and knock the 2 gnomes down. After you have done so, Ron, Fred, and George will tell you to meet them out in the garden to get rid of the gnomes once again. Before you make it out to the garden, however, Fred and George will make you practice dueling against their washing machine. ---------- *Boss Fight: Washing Machine* Whenever it opens its mouth (door), cast Flipendo at it. Move out of the way when it shoots out items. It's that simple. ---------- After beating the washing machine, proceed to the garden. This next part is fun and easy. Listen to the de-gnoming instructions, and then get started. If you break Fred's record or hit a target, you will get a Wizard Card. After you have thrown all of them, a cut scene will be shown with Mrs. Weasley telling everyone that it’s bed time and she will give you another Chocolate Frog. After the cut scene, end the day by pressing Z, going to the “To Do” list (if it isn’t already selected), and pressing A to end the day. II. Knockturn Alley ------------------- A cut scene will start off the next day by Harry trying to get to Diagon Alley via Floo Powder, but instead you have been spit out of a fireplace in Knockturn Alley. Go ahead and save at the Save Scroll here, and then go to the furnace and open it by pressing A. You will go into (yet another) cut scene with the Malfoys and Mr. Borgin. After the cut scene, the back of the furnace will open up. Don’t go that way yet, but instead sneak (slightly tilt the control stick) towards the book. Pick up the book with A to learn the Lumos spell. Assign this spell to a button and now proceed through the newly opened furnace passage to a dark corridor. Use Lumos at the “dead end” and walk very close to the wall. You will hear a unique sound when you get to the right spot and it should say "Push" by the A button at the top right. Press A and the wall will slide back to reveal a new room. Upon entering the new room, walk forward until you see an imp and vases begin to roll towards you. While avoiding the rolling vases, Flipendo all the vases that that the imp hides behind and then finally Flipendo the imp itself. Go towards the wall push up on the control stick to climb up and over it. A cut scene will show a similar imp in a cage and then an open cage. Jump down, Flipendo the imp, and pick him up and drop him in the open cage. Climb on top of the now-closed cage to reach the platform above. Head right until you reach a chest. Open it to get an owl treat. Go back to where you jumped up and continue around the corner to a stand with little dots hovering above it. Go to it and press A, and Hedwig will come. Press A once again to give Hedwig the owl treat that you got from the chest. A ladder will then drop from the open space in the roof. Climb it into the attic. You need to reach the other side, but at the same time you must not make the floor bust open. If you walk onto a certain spot the floor will bust. It isn't hard, but it may take a few tries. On the other side, crawl through the hole and open the door on the other side. You are finally outside. Head to the big pile of barrels and boxes and go to the side of it. Press A to wall sneak and go continue. The door at the end is locked, but there is a box by the door with a switch behind it. Get behind it and press A to pull and push the box. Pull it back and go to the square button on the wall. Press it with A and then head back to the stairs. A new door has opened in an alcove next to the staircase that contains another square button. Go in the alcove and open the chest to get another Wizard Card. Press the button with the Hogwarts symbol on it with A. Go back to the door, open it, and you're in Diagon Alley. III. Diagon Alley ----------------- Go up the stairs to find Ginny Weasley and her mom. A cut scene will be shown telling how Ginny lost some supplies and about going to Flourish and Blotts. Go to Flourish and Blotts first and get your spell book. Exit the store to learn the 3 stores where Ginny has lost her things. Save first by going to your right and using a spell scroll, then get ready to go do a little item hunting. Lost Item 1: Spellotape After saving, turn right and go through the door to The Leaky Cauldron. Go straight, but before you get to the bar, turn right into a small room where you will see Ginny’s item behind three barrels. Flipendo all 3 barrels to get 3 sickles, and then walk forward to get the item. Before you reach it, however, a trapdoor opens underneath you. You now must find a way to close the trapdoor and get back up to the top. Press the button on the wall, and a cut scene will be shown with the trapdoor being closed and bolted and the door being opened. Now all you must do is find a way to get back up. In the next room, you must avoid the fire-breathing monsters and the rolling barrels. Once past the rolling barrels, open the door, and you will see Harry almost fall because of the floor again. Wall sneak along the thin plank and then push the box down to the lower floor. Push the box all the way to the other side so that you can use it to jump up. Run up the stairs and cast Lumos to find another section pf the wall you can push. You are now back in the Leaky Cauldron. Run back into the room with Ginny’s Spellotape and get it. One item down, 2 more to go. Lost Item 2: Quill Exit the Leaky Cauldron, and go to Gambol and Japes (the 2nd store on the right). Upon entering, run to your right and cast Lumos where it is dark. Push the right bookcase to reveal a small room with another sickle and a Wizard Card. Go back into the main part of the store, and go through the door to the left of the clerk. Follow the on-screen instructions to cast a “Perfect” Flipendo spell. Once you have done that, a small hole will open up for you to crawl through. Blast all 7 barrels to get 7 more sickles, and pick up the quill. Now, onto the last item. Lost Item 3: Scales Proceed right after Leaving Gambol and Japes until you reach the last store on the left, The Magical Menagerie. Flipendo the barrels that block the opening on the right, and then continue walking until you reach a door on the left. Opening it will start a “game” in which you must avoid being seen so that you can press the button and get through the door. Use the C-Stick to look around to try and avoid him, but beyond that, there’s not much advice for this part. Once through the door, you can pick up a wizard card in a chest and Ginny’s brass scales at the base of the stairs. You now can return to Ginny and Mrs. Weasley, but there’s one other thing you need to buy before your trip in Diagon Alley is over. Exit The Magical Menagerie and go straight across the street to Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary. Buy the postion vial for 8 sickels, and then go ahead and fill it up with the potion from the cauldron. Exit the store and return to the front of Flourish and Blotts to give Ginny back her things. After the cut scene, enter Flourish and Blotts behind Ginny and Mrs. Weasley to begin with yet another cut scene, this time with Gilderoy Lockhart making the announcement that he will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The Malfoy’s come up and make fun of Harry and Ginny, and once they have left, Ron runs in to tell Harry that they have missed the train. Run back to the area next to the Leaky Cauldron, save, and then talk to Ron to leave for Hogwarts. IV. Hogwarts: Whomping Willow ----------------------------- After Ron falls out of the car, run down the path while attempting to avoid the roots that swing back and forth. Run to your left until you reach a spot to climb up on the ledge that goes around the edge of almost the entire area. Jump off the ledge at the very end, and Flipendo the 4 mushrooms behind one of the swinging roots. Crawl through the hole behind the mushrooms to enter the next area. Flipendo all of the imps running around, and then finally the one standing on the pile of branches. Run through the new hole, save and jump up to the cliff on your right using the assistance on the newly placed log. Follow the path around to collect another Wizard Card. Go back and jump up onto the other cliff. Call Hedwig at her stand and read the note about the Gytrashes. Follow the path down and you will have an encounter with some of the Gytrashes. Cast Lumos and hold the light on them until they disappear. Crawl through another hole. Immediately you will be attacked by imps again. Kill all of them, and then proceed to the highest section of this area. Fill up your potion if you need to, and then crawl through another hole to fight the Whomping Willow. ---------- *Boss Fight: Whomping Willow* The tree will try and punch you, hit you with the car, and even throw boulders at you. Look for a glowing green spot on either of its “hands”, target it, and cast Flipendo. Then, run up to Ron and target its eye. Cast Flipendo on it, and the Tree will lose health. Do this cycle 2 more times, and the tree will be destroyed. ---------- (Contributed by SonicFan14: You will then get into a car and fly to Hogwarts. After you go with Ron, the flying car will hit the Whomping Willow, he will fall out, then you have to do this level to try and save him. It starts out very easy. First, go down the hill and onto a field. Watch out 4 the things that pop out of the ground to try and slap you. They hurt, so be careful. You pretty much have to walk around the outside then into the next section. Now, you should have to fight about 5 things that sort of look like gnomes. They're pretty easy. Make your way over to the left and the log should fall. Get atop it, call Hedwig, then you should fight 5 dog spirits. They're easy. All you have to do is cast Lumos, and the light will kill them. Go through the hole in the wall and you will have to fight more gnome looking guys. A lot more this time though. After that, fill your potion vial, if you need to, and go through the hole in the wall behind one of those things that spews smoke. Then, you have a boss fight.) V. Hogwarts: Arrival ------------------ After saving Ron, a cut scene will be shown with Harry and Ron talking about Professor Snape. Snape walks up and threatens them if something like this ever happens again. After he leaves, Ron tells you to meet him at the entrance. You could go exploring, but for now, just walk up and talk to Ron. Open the door to the Entrance Hall. Your next task is to get to the Gryffindor Common Room on the 7th floor. Save at the save scroll at the top of the first set of stairs, and then just follow Ron down a hallway to a door. Open the door to enter the Grand Staircase. Follow Ron up the stairs, pausing only for your brief encounter with Sir Nick. Proceed to the painting on the 7th floor where Hermione will tell you the password. Enter the Common Room. Upon entering, you learn about Fred and George’s shop that they have set up behind another painting. Go through the door and sneak past Percy (a la The Magical Menagerie). In there browse around and buy some things if you have enough beans by this point. Afterwards, you can leave and end the day. Hogwarts: Day 1 --------------- Go down the stairs into the common room. After a short conversation with Ron, you’ll discover that your first class is flying. Exit the common room and proceed back down to the entrance hall. Save at the scroll, and then go through the door to the Hogwarts Grounds. Take the right-most path to reach Madam Hooch. Configure your controls and then take her test on which you get a grade. Fly through as many rings as possible, and afterwards you may end your day. If you did not get the grade you wanted, however, you may retry as many times as you wish. Hogwarts: Day 1 (Night) ----------------------- You will see hourglasses setting the house points for each of the 4 houses. Once back in the Gryffindor tower, go back down into the common room. Hermione will ask you for help to get Neville unstuck. Follow her, and she will give you instructions on how to get a severing charm. First you must get a book from the library, so head down to the 2nd floor. On the way, you will hear a strange voice and meet up with Sir Nick again. Go through the door to the Library Annex and play another hiding game. If you get caught, it is possible that Gryffindor will lose house points for your actions. Go through the door to the library. Walk around to the alcove on the exact opposite side of the desk to find the book. You must now get the Severing Charm by proceeding to the Herbology Greenhouses and uprooting some Horklumps. Go back to the Entrance Hall, save, and go outside. Proceed straight ahead to Herbology Greenhouse 3. Open the door and look for the greenhouse that is protected by 5 Horklumps. Get rid of all 5 and proceed inside. Get rid of 3 more and pick up the Diffindo book. Assign it to your last free button, and Diffindo your way out of the greenhouse. Go back up to the common room to help Neville. Upon entering the Grand Staircase, you will hear that strange voice again. When you reach the 2nd floor, you will see Sir Nick paralyzed in mid air. Professor McGonagall will catch you and take you to Dumbledore’s office. After the cut scene and you leave the office, run around the curve and open the door on the left hand side of the hallway. You are now back in the staircase, so proceed up to the 7th floor. Enter the painting and cast Diffindo on the tapestry. Neville and Hermione both go onto bed, but don’t follow them just yet. Enter the room behind the tapestry and open up a chest for another Wizard Card. Return the Potions Kit if you picked it up for yet another card, and end the day. Hogwarts: Day 2 --------------- After the house points are updated again, go back down into the common room to meet Hermione. She will tell you to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor. Exit the common room, save at the scroll next to the staircase, and proceed downstairs. On the 3rd floor, go through the door on the right and then into classroom 3C (directly across the hall). ----- Quest for the Expelliarmus Spell Book Upon entering the class, Professor Lockhart will introduce Snape as his dueling assistant and then ask you to go through a painting to retrieve the Expelliarmus Spell Book. To start off, cast Flipendo on each of the two switches in the room. 3 spiked balls will come out and hover around each. What you must do is to get each of the balls to try and attack you, and then Flipendo it while its shield is down. New ones will continue to respawn for a while, but after a while all of the balls will be gone. Climb up on the side of the room with the tapestry, cast Diffindo, and go through the door. In this room there are 4 giant spiked balls hanging from the ceiling. Start walking up the ledge around the outside of the room until you cannot go any farther. Cast Diffindo on the chain of the spiked ball, which will lower the wall blocking your path and will also release a small creature. Toss the creature off the side, and continue the process until all 4 balls have fallen. Proceed through the door. You will now be in a room with giant spiked balls that are spinning on an axle. Cast Diffindo on the 2 anchor cords to slow down the spinning, and the run over to the door on the opposite side and go through it. In this area, go past the fire-breathing crabs and climb up on the ledge. Cast as strong of a Flipendo spell as you need to get past the fire-breathing statues. Open the chests along the way for extra energy, and finally go through the door. Cast Diffindo on the spiked ball hanging overhead and as watch a new door is revealed. Go through the door and pick up the spell book for Expelliarmus. The test isn’t over quite yet though... ---------- *Boss Fight: Gargoyle* Use your newly acquired Expelliarmus spell to play a game of ping-pong with his fire balls. 4 hits on him will end the match and make him crumble. ---------- Climb out of the room, and the gates will open for you to return. ----- Upon returning to the classroom, Professor Lockhart will have you duel Malfoy. The first to 5 points wins the match. ---------- *Duel: Draco Malfoy* Use the same technique as you did against the gargoyle. If you lose, you will keep redoing the duel over until you are the winner. ---------- After you have won the match, Draco will conjure a snake and everyone learns about you being a parseltongue. It is not time for Quidditch practice, so leave the classroom. Go back down to the Entrance Hall, save once again, and take the path outside to the Quidditch Stadium. Go though the doors to start practice. It is the same concept of the flying lesson: fly through as many rings as possible. If your grades are high enough in both this and in flying, you will receive a broom with which you can fly anywhere on the grounds. After exiting the stadium, you learn that Malfoy is the new Slytherin Seeker. You may now go exploring or end the day and go to bed. Hogwarts: Day 2 (Night) ----------------------- Watch the house point totals be updated, and go down into the common room to find Hermione. You now must find “Hogwarts: A History” for her, so exit the room, save, and go down into the library. Go back into the Library Annex, but take the other set of double doors along that wall (not leading into the main library). Continue to hide from and dodge the prefects until you reach the portrait in the very back of the room. Climb the ladder and wall sneak to reach the next ladder. Continue this until you reach the door at the very top of the room. Go through this door, continue down a hallway, and go through yet another door. Go down the right wing first to obtain an owl treat, and then call Hedwig at the owl, stand in the opposite wing. Feed her the owl treat, and she’ll make another ladder drop. Climb the ladder and jump over to the other side of the room, casting Diffindo when necessary, and pick up the book from the stand. Now go through the previously locked door on the bottom floor. Run down the stairs to your left and prepare to fight. ---------- *Boss Battle: Bookshelf* Cast Flipendo at it whenever it spits a book at you or laughs. Knock it back far enough and it will fall over. ---------- Move the box so you can climb on top of the bookcases and then jump across to get the Skurge Spell. Run back into the restricted area and find the green blob. Cast Skurge on it, and go through the newly revealed doors. Run through the hall and enter an area with 4 room blocked by the green stuff and a bolted door. Go into each of the 4 areas by utilizing your spells to find a switch in each one. After the door is completely unbolted, you will enter another duel with a Goyle. ---------- *Duel: Goyle* (Use same technique as against Malfoy) ---------- After winning, go through the unbolted door and continue until you reach another room with a box. Use the box to climb up onto both ledges, get rid of the green stuff, and activate switches. Go through the now unbolted door and climb through the hole to find yourself back in the Library Annex. Stay on the close wall and return to the Gryffindor common room. . Hermione will read a part of the book, and you can then end the day. Hogwarts: Day 3 --------------- Go downstairs to meet up with Ron, and then exit the common room. Save at the top of the stairs, and then proceed down to the first floor. Enter the door at the very end of the hallway to retrieve a Wizard Card from a chest, and then exit. Go to the door with 1B on it, and open it to begin Transfiguration. ----- Quest for the Avifors Spell Book A cut scene will place you in the Avifors challenge. Jump down to the bottom, and get rid of the green blobs on the right hand side of the room. Press the button inside, and do the same thing on the opposite side of the room. Proceed through the now open passage and open the door at the end. Get rid of the green blob again, and follow Harry's advice to use Lumos. Open up the chest for another Wizard Card, and open up the secret passage. Climb the newly created staircase, and make your way around to the green blob by jumping and wall sneaking where necessary all the way around the room. Once at the green blob, get rid of it, and go through the door. Time your movements not to be hit by the ghosts, and then pick up the spell book. Cast Avifors on the two boulders you can reach at the beginning, and then cast it on the third to unblock the hole. Go through the hole to enter the starting room again. Use Avifors to reach the two Flipendo switched, and then jump over to the central platform to fight the Gargoyle. ---------- *Boss Fight: Gargoyle* (See strategy for first) ---------- After defeating it, cast Avifors on the boulder to open the gate to get back into the classroom. McGonagall will award you some points, and then you learn about your first Quidditch match. Go to the Entrance hall, save, and proceed to the stadium. ----- ----- *Match 1: vs. Hufflepuff* Use the same technique as in training. Since this is your first match, it isn't too hard. Fly though the rings to boost, and catch the snitch. ----- After the match, the scores will be shown and you can end your day. ************************************* 7. Quidditch Wow, what a bloody brilliant game. You don’t have to win every game to win the house up but it can help to. Hufflepuff is no match for you. Ravenclaw took me a few resets to beat. I truly gave up on Slytherin. I did wish that EA Games would make it harder in Quidditch and actually have a chance to lose. But what they gave us is a really hard chance to win. When you go to flying practice for the first time it is a real blast to see what it is like. Can you beat my record? Mine was 39 rings! Then later on you will have to meet Oliver Wood by the pitch and test your skills in Quidditch! If you make a B or higher he will give you a Nimbus 2000, one of the best brooms ever! You then have free flight around Hogwarts grounds! This way you can truly test out the graphics the small cube has! ----- A. Match Strategies *Match 1: vs. Hufflepuff* Use the same technique as in training. Since this is your first match, it isn't too hard. Fly though the rings to boost, and catch the snitch. ************************************* 8. The Good and Bad This game has its share of good things...and bad. Good: Only needs 5 blocks of memory, free flight of Hogwarts, More jellybeans, more items, better quidditch, better graphics, cool sounds, more spells, and much, much more! Bad: Bad details on characters, insane difficulty, Only 3 classes, in- game boundaries, and not much more. The only bad thing that bothered me was the insane difficulty. It is that hard! ************************************* 9. Gaining House Points You have to have enough house points to win at the end of the game (duh). Getting the quidditch cup is a good way. Completing classes is another. Your other classmates get some as well, but not near as much as you can. If you get caught by prefects sneaking out at night, you will house points. I had 324 when I won! ************************************* 10. Berty Botts Every Flavor Beans. You can get these and take them to Fred & George’s Shop and buy cool stuff from there. Things to buy: Alohomora Spell Book Wizard Cards Stink Pellets Luminous Balloons COMPLETE LIST COMING SOON! ************************************* 11. Tips, Tricks, and Secrets (*Note: None of the below was made by serpantsnake or SSTwinrova - only be the fans of the game) For easy Berty Botts every flavor beans (spelling?), when you get the Nimbus 2000 just fly above the castle and go through the rings. The color indicates the number of beans you get. I don't remember the order... -SlipKnot863 The color order of the rings are: Yellow Rings - 1 BB Every Flavor bean. Red Rings - 2 BB Every Flavor bean. Green Rings - 5 BB Every Flavor bean. Blue Rings - 10 BB Every Flavor bean. -aharonw Make Slytherin lose house points. when transformed into Goyle, run up into the library on the 2nd floor and get caught by the prefects. they'll say "Five house points from Slytherin!" etc. But when Dumbledore announces the housepoints at the end of the day the loss of points doesn't seem to take effect. Oh well. It's still fun to get them into trouble I suppose. - gotherand hint: go in the classrooms and check the desks for items. - all cubed in (*Note the following is a map of the Slytherin dungeon made by SkipKnot again. LOL it's awsome) Each 0 represents a column. Each "." represents space or floor. the | and -- Represent walls. ................Draco 0----0----0----0====0----0 |..............|.........| |..............|.........| 0....|....|....------....0 |....|....|..............| |....|....|..............| 0....|....|.........-----0 |....|....|..............| |....|....|..............| 0....|....|....----------0 |....|...................| |....|...................| 0....|....-----------....0 |....|....|.........|....| |....|....|.........|....| 0....|....|.........|....0 |....|..............|....| |....|..............|....| 0....-----------....|....0 |........................| |........................| 0----0----0----0====0----0 ............Entrance Hall (From SlipKnot "The map of the Restricted Section coming soon") The following is from SlipKnot "." Represent floor "-", "_", "|" Represent walls/bookcases "0" just represent columns (there are no columns in the walls, but it's just a reference) You begin in the Library Annex side. There are 3 prefects. The first prefect is doing a "8"-shaped patrolling around the first two bookcases. The second prefect is patrolling around the bookcase in the middle. The third is patrolling from one end to the other end of that inverted-"U"-shaped Bookcase. Dodge the 3 prefects to get to the portrait hole in the other side Portrait Hole 0--0--0==0--0--0 |....______....| 0....|....|....0 |....|....|....| 0..............0 |___________...| 0..........|...0 |....|.....|...| 0....|.....|...0 |..............| 0-...----------0 |..............| 0....|.....|...0 |....|.....|...| 0..............0 |------..------| 0..............0 |..............| 0..0..0..0..0..0 Library Annex Keep from losing house points. First off, save your game whenever you gain house points for doing something. If you know you're going to go somewhere where you'll be in danger of being caught by prefects, save at the closest save scroll to that location just before you have to dodge prefects. Then if you go in andget caught and they say that you've lost house points, just pause the game, choose Quit, and reopen. You will have lost no house points. Keep trying until you bypass all the prefects without getting caught. Note: You can use this same method to keep from losing Quidditch matches and wasting Bertie Bott beans on things that you didn't want to spend them on. For instance, if you buy a duplicate card from Fred and George at the end of the game that is useless to you. It's a whole lot easier to use my method that to run around Hogwarts trying to find 30 more beans to use as currency. - gotherand Get unlimited Godric Gryffindor cards. After you've finished the Moaning Myrtle portion of the game, you can return to her bathroom to get card number 41...Godric Gryffindor using the Skurge spell. If you exit and return to the bathroom, the ectoplasm has reformed and you can use Skurge again to get the card. This isn't very useful. Just something weird I noticed. -gotherand Notice Board Lost Items List List (This may not be all of them because I'm doing this from memory): Potion Kits Bag: In a corner near the Greenhouses. Gryffindor Merit Badge: In an "empty" room on the seventh floor. Brass Scales: Next to Hagrid's hut. Dragon Hide Gloves: The GBA-GCN link room (entrance hall). Trevor The Toad: Can be found hopping about the greenhouses. Holidays with Hags: Found in a room on the sixth floor. If I'm mistaken, look at Gadding With Ghouls. Gadding With Ghouls: Can be found in a cubby at the library. Take a right at the desk, go to the end, and it can be found next to the stand on the right. Telescope: Found in a room in the first floor. Wizard Hat: Found in a room near the end/beginning(I don't remember which)of a secret passage. Spider: Can be found roaming around the Library. - Mr Potter ************************************* 12. Credits I would like to thank: Sonicfan14 for his generous act of helping me with the walkthrough. EA Games for making this game and for making the game manual which is where I got some of the info for my FAQ. GameFAQs for having such a great site and giving me the opportunity to post this FAQ on their site for people that need help may look at. Warner Bros. for making the movies. SSTwinrova for revising this FAQ before it was submitted For all of those on the board who submitted to the "Tips" section. And of course, J.K. Rowling for making Harry Potter possible in books which can help improve anyone’s imagination. ************************************* 13. Copyright Info. This document is copyrighted to serpantsnake 2002. Please do not copy/paste this document without my permission If you want it for private use that is fine, but you must contact me for publishing. Please do not print this guide and sell it. If you want to do so contact me first and maybe I can make a deal about it. This FAQ is to only be on GameFAQs.com. I will update any others if needed. You have been warned. ************************************* 14. See Ya! I want to give a shout out to everyone on the HPCOS board for GCN for making this possible. I had fun making this document and I hope it helps a bunch! I want the help topics on the board to really ‘be gone’. I’m sorry if this FAQ/walkthrough was short but it may still help!