.............................................................................. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for PlayStation 2 Walk-Thru & FAQ Version 0.62 Updated: February 8, 2004 Compiled By: Kristi aka vkristikinsv ADDED: ADDED LUMOS CHALLENGE WALK-THROUGH, UPDATED THE DIFFINDO CHALLENGE, ADDED INCENDIO CHALLENGE WALK-THROUGH, ADDED INFO FOR PUFFAPODS & FLOBBERWORM MUCUS, GAME COMPLETE to 62% This is my 1st Walk-Thru. I will do my best to include everything. That means that this will have spoilers in it. I may miss things, please don't yell at me for it. If you have things to add, please send them to me and I will be glad to add them. I started this on January 19, 2004, and will update it as quickly as I can. I am literally writing it as I play the game for the 1st time, so bear with me. Legal Mumbo Jumbo: I didn't create this game. It was made by EA Games and they hold the copyright to the game. This FAQ/Walkthrough is written in an effort to assist other people in playing the game and enjoying the game. Harry Potter and everything related to it is copyrighted to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers and anyone else that holds legal rights to it. I hold no rights to the game, the characters, etc. Please don't sue me for writing this FAQ to help people play the game. That said, this is 100% my original work. Every word was typed by me. If you steal from me, I will be VERY angry with you. So, do not steal from me! I spent a lot of time writing this. I am a full time mom to 3 kids and I did this in my spare time. Please respect that. Thanks!!!! If you want to contribute to this, please do! Email me at vkristikinsv@aol.com with anything you think I missed and should add. I am not perfect and I am sure to miss some things. I am avidly adding to this FAQ and will update it regularly until it is complete. If you email me, do not send any attached files. I will just delete your email without even reading it. I don't want to get a virus from you. Thanks. First let me cover a few basics. Saving your game: You can save at anytime by pressing the Start button. Pressing Start will also give you the options menu to change your flying controls, camera controls, vibration, subtitles, sound effects volume, music volume, and speech volume. Press start again to go back to your game. Using Start or Select will pause your game. I will add more info about camera controls and so forth as I write the walk- thru. If you have played Chamber of Secrets, the controls are very similar. This version is MUCH better than the PlayStation One version of this game. Note about WIZARD CARDS: I added info about the Wizard Cards as I found them. I went back to replay a part of the game to complete the Lumos Challenge portion of this FAQ and I realized that the Wizard Cards do not appear in any kind of order. It seems that each game will reveal different cards, basically at random. You want to find as many as you can and trade your extra copies for cards you don't have. For every 20 cards you find, you get an extra lightning bolt life meter which is very helpful in some parts of this game. So, I am adding the cards I found, but you will more than likely find different cards. It doesn't matter. Someone told me that if you wanted to, you could actually get all 101 cards on the very 1st day of term but I have not attempted to do that yet. You should revisit the classrooms each day. Search all of the desks and every day you will find more items like cards, stink pellets, pumpkin pasties and more. Now for the game!! Have fun!!!! Starts with a short cut scene showing baby Harry arriving at the Dursleys. Next cut scene shows Hagrid and Harry in the Leaky Caldron. They meet Professor Quirrell. Next cut scene shows Hagrid taking Harry into Diagon Alley. Hagrid leaves Harry in Ollivanders to get his wand. When the cut scene ends, you are 1st left in control of Harry and you get to walk around the wand shop a bit. There is an onscreen hint that says (I will be placing hints in boxes as seen below): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: The flashing icon in the corner of the screen is your Remembrall - you can access this at any time by pressing the 'Select' button. When it flashes it means you have a new Task - you can check it now. (then you choose X to continue). You are automatically taken to the Remembrall screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task # 1 - Let your wand choose you at Ollivanders wand shop. You press 'Select' to exit the Remembrall screen and you get another on screen hint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: As well as reminding your of tasks, your Remembrall shows you all the items you have collected in your Inventory. You can also check the Completed Tasks & Hints messages that you've already received. (choose X to continue the game) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You now have control of Harry! Yay! At this point, none of your buttons do anything. Just walk around and explore the shop. When you come to something that Harry can examine, you press the X button. You can also press X to Talk To people when Harry stands next to them. You will get an onscreen prompt for when you can 'Pick Up' an object or 'Talk To' another person. As you explore the room, you will see around the center area that there are 3 tables with wands laying on pillows in display cases. You will be given the option to 'Pick Up' each one. As you approach each case, Mr. Ollivander describes the wand for you: Ebony & unicorn Hair - 8 1/2 inches - Springy - Harry picks it up and Mr. Ollivander will tell him to go to the platform in the center of the room to try the wand. Walk Harry onto the platform and your triangle ( T ), Circle ( O ) and Square ( S ) buttons will now show a glowing wand on them on the screen. Press any one of these buttons...boxes will fly off the shelf and Mr. Ollivander will say "My Goodness, definitely not!" After this, the wand will be replaced in a display case. The cases change around, which seems pointless since he describes each case as you approach it, but whatever. Just look until you find a different case. Beechwood & Dragon Heart String - 9 inches - Nice & Flexible - pick it up and again go to the platform and press either T, O or S and more boxes will go flying around all over the floor and a jar will break. Mr. Ollivander says "No, Definitely not!" and the wand will again be replaced and all 3 choices will be rearranged. When you approach the final case, you will get a little jolt (if you have vibrate on your controller) and this is the case you need. You could just choose this case 1st, but where is the fun in that?? Holly & Phoenix Feather - 11 inches - Nice & Supple - pick it up! - Again, take it to the platform and press T, O or S. Really nice music plays and you have a short cut scene with Ollivander where he says this is curious and he explains about the phoenix whose tail feather is in Harry's wand gave one other feather to the wand which gave Harry the scar. It is almost word for word from the film version. Ollivander then opens a door and tells you to retrieve the spell book that lies beyond. This is the Flipendo Spell Book. Your Remembrall opens automatically to show you this task on the list. Press 'Select' to get back to your game. As you walk forward, you get another hint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Harry can move along narrow ledges and through narrow gaps. Push Harry until his back is against the wall, then move him sideways. ( X to Continue). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will see some barrels and a wooden box in front of you...walk to the wall to the left of the crate and Harry will put his back to the wall...scoot him along the small space to the other side. As you do this you will get another hint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Bertie Bott's Beans are found in all kinds of places - use them to buy things from Fred & George's shop when you get to Hogwarts. (X to Continue). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where you will get your 1st Bean...I think Harry said it was Bogey flavored. Haha. He names the flavor of each one that he finds and that very QUICKLY gets annoying. You can see how many beans you have by looking in your Remembrall at the Inventory Screen. At the start, you can carry 50 beans. Scoot Harry all the way across to the other side and then press X to Step Away from the wall and onto the floor. Another Hint appears. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: To jump Harry over gaps, run him towards the edge of them and he will automatically leap across. X to Continue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will now be on a floor with a gap between it and the next area...run towards the gap and Harry will leap over. You can fall down to the floor below and a ladder will drop for you to climb back up. There are some beans down there, so go on down and grab up your beans and then find the ladder and climb up. When you get to the ladder you will get another Hint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Harry can climb up and down ladders. Press the X button to make him grab one. X to Continue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you climb the ladder, you will get ANOTHER Hint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Sometimes you will want to line the camera up with a jump or quickly see what is in front of Harry. You can move the camera back behind him by pressing the Camera Reset ( L1 ) button. (X to continue) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you have to jump across 2 more gaps but there are some ropes swinging in your way and you have to jump when they swing all the way to one side...just watch it for a moment to get the timing and then run forward and jump across. Pretty easy. If you fall, just climb up and try again. Collect beans along the way. Once across, you need to go to the wall again and scoot Harry along another ledge. This time there are some boxes that pop out from the wall and will knock Harry off. Just watch them for the time and scoot on past. If you fall, just climb up the ladder and go again. Once across, press X to step away from the wall. Keep getting beans all the time...you will even get a vomit flavored one! Revolting! Walk to the left and you will come to another gap which looks HUGE...there is the rope swinging in your way again...just run and leap. It looks too huge of a gap but Harry can make it! You can now get the Flipendo Spell Book!!!!! Walk to the book on a pedestal and use X to pick Up the book to gain the Flipendo Knock Back Jinx. A little cut scene happens when Harry picks up the book. Mr. Ollivander says "Oh Bravo! Yes Indeed. Very good. Well-done Mr. Potter. " And then he explains that when Harry learns more powerful magic, you will be able to make his Knockback Jinx more powerful as well. You get another Hint now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hint: You have a new spell - Flipendo. You can assign it to the S, T or O button by pressing the button now. Spells can also be assigned from the Inventory Screen. X to Continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you press X to Continue, the spell book will open so you can assign your button. It also explains a bit about the Flipendo spell and how to target it using R1. I suggest you use the S (square) button for your Flipendo, but choose whichever is best for you. Select X to close the book and you will be in your Remembrall Inventory Screen. You should see that you have 35 beans out of the 50 you can carry. If you don't have all 35, you can go back around the room to get them now. If you have them all, just exit the Remembrall and Mr. Ollivander will as you to follow him and he will exit the room through a door. Follow him out. Use X to open the door and Harry will walk through it. You will get 2 more Hints. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Certain objects, such as glass jars, can be smashed using Flipendo to release bonuses or reveal switches. X to Continue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Certain objects can be searched. Press X to see what's inside. X to Continue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry is now in a room with some shelves. You can aim at the various jars on the shelves by pressing and holding the R1 button and then press your Flipendo button to break them. Your Remembrall will appear for a moment and if you check the task screen (by pressing 'Select') , it will tell you to smash objects to find your way out of the room. After you break the jars all around the room (there are 4 of them, 3 on shelves and 1 on the floor) you will open a panel in the wall. Behind that panel is a shield that is a Flipendo Shield. You will now get another hint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: Keep a look out for Flipendo Shields. When they are hit with Flipendo, all sorts of things can happen. X to Continue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After this, search each bookcase for more beans. Are you annoyed with Harry naming each flavor yet? =) Aim at the Flipendo Shield that appeared and hit it with Flipendo. A bar will release on the door. Near the door, there is a small opening in the wall. If Harry goes to it, it will say Crawl Into under your X button. Press X and Harry will crawl through into a room. There is a big chest in the room and when you walk to it, you can press X to search it. You will get 2 Hints. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hint: There are many chests hidden around Hogwarts. Search them to find items you might need on your adventure. X to Continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hint: Keep an eye out for the Gold Chests, as these contain more valuable rewards. X to Continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this chest you will get your 1st Wizard Card and your Folio Magi (the book your cards are held in) opens automatically. From here on in this walk thru, when a card appears, I will be listing it like the one below. I am including the # of copies because this may be important later when you want to trade cards with another student. WIZARD CARD # 52 of 101 - Felix Summerbee - 1447- 1508 - Inventor of cheering charms. Number of Copies: 1 Exit the book and the Remembrall. There is nothing else in this room, so go back to the space in the wall and crawl under again. Once in the other room, exit through the door next to the space. You will now have another cut scene with Mr. O...he will tell you to flip these 3 shields he is standing next to with your Flipendo Knockback Jinx. He says to flip them in t he correct order. Of course, he does not tell you what the correct order is and so you have to figure it out but this is easy because the pattern is on a banner just above the shields. Another hint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: To target an object, press the target button ( R1 ) If more targets are nearby, you can cycle through them by quickly pressing the target button again. X to continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You want to hit the top one first, then the middle and then the bottom. Very easy. When you do, you will be able to collect the Folio Bruti. Walk up and pick up the book. You get the following Hint. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: This is a Folio Bruti, the Book of Beasts. This book shows the name and appearance of each beast you may encounter in your adventures. The Folio Bruti will teach you their strengths and weaknesses. X to continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The book will open for you and will be on Page 4. The book Folio Bruti Volume 1 has 13 pages in it. Page 4 is about "Imps" and it explains what they look like and how you can fight them. X to Close the Book and Select to close the Remembrall. Another cut scene where 2 Imps run in and Mr. O tells you to knock them over with Flipendo and lock them in their cages. Target them with R 1 and use Flipendo to knock them down. Be quick because they will only stay stunned for a few seconds and they BITE! If they bite you, you will see some of the Lightning Bolt meter that shows Harry's life will go away. Flipendo them and then use X to Carry them to a cage (there are 2 cages) when you get to the cage, press X to throw them into the cage...if you get them in, the lid will close them in tight and boy does this make them MAD! They sound like rabid cats in the cages! Yikes! After that Mr. O will ask you to follow him out of the room. Before you leave the room, search the shelves for more beans and now you can climb onto the cages for 1 Gold Chest and 2 Brown Chests. In the brown chests you will get a Pumpkin Pasty (these restore Harry's life meter so you will see his lightning bolt will be filled again after he eats it if you had been bitten by the Imps) and a Cauldron Cake (these are just like Pumpkin Pasty's to restore Harry's life meter) Inside the Gold Chest is a Wizard Card. WIZARD CARD # 89 of 101 - Alberta Toothill - 1391 - 1483 - Winner of the All- England Wizarding Dueling Competition of 1430. Famously overcame the favorite, Samson Wiblin, with a blasting curse. After you finish those tasks, then follow Mr. Ollivander through the door he used. I have 48 beans at this point. You enter a room and walk to Mr. Ollivander. He tells you to Flipendo the shield on the wooden object in the middle of the room. The wooden thing is turning and he says you need to target it and hold down the target button. A hint comes up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: While holding down the target button ( R1 ), pushing the left analog stick allows you to move around the target. X to continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is pretty easy, just give it a try and you will get the hang of it very fast. Basically, you need to use R1 to target it and then run around it keeping it targeted and hitting it over and over with Flipendo until the center of it goes all the way up. Mr. O will say "Well Done" and a new area will open up for you. Don't bother searching all the bookcases because there is nothing to find here. Just go on through to the new room. There is a new book to pick up. It is a book that teaches you more powerful spells. It tells you that you can hold down the button for a spell a bit longer to make it stronger. It says if you hold it down too long it will blast you instead. Hehe. Then you have to go back in the other room and hit that moving thing with Flipendo again.... this time you need to hold down the button a bit to "charge up" the spell. If you wait until the light from the wand goes red, you will get zapped. The best time is when it is just going from blue to purple. Go back and Flipendo the moving thing again and a new door will be able to open and Mr. Ollivander will give you a wizard card.. You will now get a hint. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: There are 101 Wizard cards to be collected and traded. Increase your stamina bar by filling pages in your Folio Magi. X to continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIZARD CARD # 41 of 101 - Godric Gryffindor - Medieval, dates unknown - Cofounder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four Hogwarts houses. Number of Copies: 1 Close book and Remembrall. Harry automatically follows Mr. O back out to the shop front where Hagrid will give Harry his birthday gift...an owl named Hedwig. Hagrid says they need to get to the Hogwarts Express now. You get a cut scene of the 1st year students arriving at Hogwarts and riding across the lake and getting their 1st view of Hogwarts. The 1st years get sorted into their houses...Harry gets GRYFFINDOR! And then he meets Ron Weasley. You meet Percy and Hermione Granger in this cut scene. The cut scene goes very fast. They mention the 3rd floor being out of bounds. The 1st years follow Percy to the Gryffindor common room. Harry can go around and talk to the kids who are standing around. You can walk around some but none of the doors will work right now so just follow Percy up the stairs and to the right. Percy will say to follow him through the door but he won't go until you do, so go on through the door that says Grand Staircase and they will go through behind you. You will be on the Ground Floor...Follow Percy up the stairs and you will meet Peeves the poltergeist at the 4th floor. Short cut scene with Peeves and then follow Percy on up the stairs to the 7th Floor (Arithmancy & Gryffindor Tower). Again, they won't go through the door unless Harry goes through 1st, seems kind of silly but just go through the door. Follow Percy and everyone to the right and around the corner. A short cut scene will explain about the password to get through the portrait and into the Gryffindor Tower. Harry will say the password, and everyone will go through and say "Thanks Harry" but Harry doesn't go in! It closes up and you have to walk up to the portrait again and press X to say the password again and go through. You are now in Gryffindor tower!!! Cut Scene - Ron will tell Harry about Fred & George's shop. To get to Fred & George's shop, you need to go through the reading room. Now, Percy is always in the reading room at night and night is the only time the shop is open! If you have played Chamber of Secrets, this will be easy for you, if not, it might take you a few tries. Also, although you can only buy stuff at night, if you go to the shop during the day, there are beans lying around all over the place. =) You enter the room and walk slowly forward until you can see the room like you are looking down from the ceiling. You should be able to see Percy walking around...watch him to see his pattern, he walks around the same way the whole time. When he is facing away from Harry's end of the room, run past the gap between the bookcases and wait until Percy is facing the other side of the room...then go around the corner. When he is looking away again, Harry can creep past and down to the opposite end of the room to the bright blue portrait where you will need to press X to say the password and the use the left analog stick to make Harry go through. If you get caught here, it is no big deal. Percy yells at you and tells you to go back to the common room and you go back outside the reading room door again. When you get into the shop, Fred & George greet you. Look around and buy anything you want. You pay for stuff with the beans you have been collecting. I have 48 beans at the 1st visit to the shop. Items in the Shop: Stink Pellets - 20 beans - great for stopping Prefects from catching you. Albert Grunnion wizard card - 30 beans Dungbombs - 20 beans - great for playing stinky pranks Bertie Bott's Bean Bag - costs 50 beans - can carry ... beans. Limited Edition Bertie Bott card - 50 beans Brown Chest - 10 beans to reach in for a "surprise" - on my 1st visiting, I reached in and got some Dungbombs, Stink Pellets, A Pumpkin Pasty and more Dungbombs. So, you just get a variety of items from the brown chest. There is also a Gold Chest in the shop that contains a wizard card. WIZARD CARD # 38 of 101 - Chauncey Oldridge - 1342 - 1379 - First known victim of Dragon Pox. Number of Copies: 1 After you buy whatever you want, you will have to crawl through the way you came in to get back out. It doesn't matter if Percy catches you, so just run for the exit...back the way you came in. He doesn't usually catch me on my way out. Once back into the hallway, Ron will say he is heading to bed. As you walk down, you will come to a room where there is a Gold Chest...inside it you will find a wizard card. WIZARD CARD # 24 or 101 - Adalbert Waffling - 1899 - 1981 - Famous Magical theoretician. Number of Copies: 1 Also in this room is a glass jar you can break to get some beans. Exit the room and to your right is the Common Room. You can search the shelves here for beans. The stairs to the boys' dormitory are through the Common Room. Go on to the stairs and Ron is waiting there for you. Run up the stairs together and you will get a hint. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: When you have completed all your tasks for one day you will be given the option to End Day in your Remembrall. At this point, you can continue to explore the world or you can decide to End Day/Night and the next day's adventure can then begin! X to Continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF DAY ONE AT HOGWARTS!!!! Congratulations! You have now mastered the basic controls for this game. Your Remembrall should open on its own and you press X to End Night. DAY TWO BEGINS! Your day begins with Harry standing in the bedroom. Head on down the stairs. Hermione will meet you and tell you that you have Potions class 1st and that Ron can show you how to get there. She also tells you that if you can find the missing items which are posted on the Notice Board, that you will be rewarded. Step to the Notice Board and press X to read the board. I will later list these in a separate quest list, but for now, I will add them as I get them... NOTICE BOARD TASK #1 - Lost: Copy of Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling. Could be anywhere on the grounds. If found, please return to this Notice Board. (X to continue) That Notice Board task will now be listed in your Remembrall on the Notice Board page, so you don't have to go all the way back to the board if you forget which task you are looking for. This is a nice change from Chamber of Secrets. Nothing else to do here, so follow Ron to the dungeons to the Potions Class. Go all the way down the stairs to the Ground Floor and through the door to the Entrance Hall...When you get to the hall, you will have a cut scene with Professor McGonagall where she will tell you about the Houses and how to earn House Points. She explains that Teachers and Prefects can award and take away house points. Ron will then say it is time to get to Potions class, so run off to the dungeons. You should be standing near the front doors now, turn around and start walking and Ron will run to the dungeon so follow him. Cut Scene - you meet Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Lines are straight from the movie. Except for the whole "Buzz off Potter" part. Haha. Well, go on in to the class! You get to meet Snape in another cut scene. He tells you that you will learn to mix a Wiggenweld Healing Potion. He tells you which items you need to find and tells you that Hagrid might be able to help with the 1st item. The items you need to find are: Asphodel Dittany Wiggentree bark He says you need to have those items before your next Potions class. He then tells you that it is time for you to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts class and he dismisses you. All of the ingredients you need to find can be found in the Potions Ingredients book on the Quests page in your Remembrall. Go to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. After the cut scene with Professor Quirrell, Harry will go through a crawl space. Walk forward and on the right you will see a book, pick it up. It is the next Folio Bruti. FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 Page 1 GHOSTS General, unnamed non-specific ghosts haunting the classrooms and corridors of Hogwarts (not house ghosts, like Nearly Headless Nick). Ghosts are only hurt by the light directed from a Lumos Spell. On the left you will see a tapestry with scissors pictured on it, you cannot do anything with that until later when you have the Diffindo Spell and return to this challenge area. Now, walk forward and you will enter a very dark room. The floor drops off, so be careful here. You can cast a Flipendo spell to get some light. As you enter the room, on the right of you there is a brown chest that gives you a Cauldron Cake to restore some of your life. Go to the other side, being careful not to walk off the edge. Move up against the wall and you will see a concrete block moving in and out of the wall. Press Harry against the wall so he can scoot along a ledge that goes past that moving block. Watch the timing of the block and scoot past quickly when it goes into the wall. Just past the first concrete block is another one so watch for it and again scoot past. Once you get across the ledge, there will be a brown chest that will give you a Pumpkin Pasty. There will be an imp and you need to Flipendo and carry to the cage near the brown chest. This makes the floor move so you can jump over the gap. There is also a Challenge Shield that you need to pick up and collect for your grade. Once you get to the other side, go through the door. You will be in a large round room. Watch out because there are imps on ledges way up high and they spit green stuff at you! Jump down off the ledge into the pit area. Now use R1 to target one of those imps up on the ledge and cast Flipendo at them so they fall down into the pit. Cast Flipendo at them again and then toss them into the cages. I knocked one down and tossed him into a cage and then climbed up onto the cage and onto the ledge. On the ledge there was a Challenge Shield. Pick it up. Also located here is a GOLD CHEST that gives you: WIZARD CARD #37 of 101 - Cassandra Vablatsky - 1894-1997 - Celebrated Seer and author of Unfogging the Future. Number of Copies: 1 While in the pit area, you should see a brown chest near the center of the room and it will give you a Pumpkin Pasty. Just across from that chest, you will see 2 torches glowing and in the middle there is a Flipendo button. Cast Flipendo at the button and a ramp will come down that you can use to climb back to the upper platform. Once back on the upper level, Walk straight ahead and up the ladder in front of you. On this platform you will see a torch that is not burning. You will also see a large crate and a square opening in the floor. First, have Harry push the crate all the way against the back wall. Then, have him push it over against the wall under the ledge. Climb up onto the ledge for a brown chest with a pumpkin Pasty inside. Climb down again and drag the crate onto the square opening in the floor. You will see a quick cut scene where that torch will light and a round place will open up some in the center of the room. Climb down from this ledge using the ladder. When you climb down, you should see another imp spitting at you from a ledge to the left of the one you just climbed down from. R1 to target it and the cast Flipendo and he will fall into the pit below. You need to go back down into the pit and cast Flipendo on him and toss him into the other cage you saw. Climb onto that cage and onto the ledge for another Challenge Shield and a brown chest that gives you a Cauldron Cake. Use Flipendo on the button in the wall again so the ramp will lower and you can go back up again. Facing the ladder, turn to the left and jump across the gap. You will find 3 brown chests with pumpkin pasties and an OWL TREAT and a Cauldron Cake. You will jump another small gap and you are now on the opposite side of the room with another ladder. Climb the ladder and again, push the crate against the wall under the ledge so you can climb up and get 4 beans a pumpkin pasty. Climb down and move the crate onto the square opening on the floor. The torch here will now light up and a cut scene will show the center of the room open up and a Owl Pedestal will come up out of the floor. Climb down and walk to the center of the room. Press X to Call Hedwig. Press X again to feed Hedwig the Owl Treat you found. She will fly up and lower a ladder for Harry to climb. Climb up the ladder. At the top, move aside and the opening you climbed through will close. Be quick here because there are 2 imps on the bookcases that you need to Flipendo and knock down and Flipendo again and toss into the cages. Once you toss them both into their cages, a gate will raise to open a door. Go toward the door and near the door you will find a Challenge Shield. Go through the door and the gate will close behind you. Step forward and pick up the book from the pedestal. You now have the: LUMOS SPELL BOOK If correctly incanted, Lumos will cast light in the immediate vicinity of the caster. Lumos can also be used to illuminate unseen entrances. It is a little known fact that certain areas in the gloomier parts of Hogwarts may be explored by casting the Lumos Spell. A further use of the Lumos Spell is that it can be effective against spectral beasts such as ghosts and Gytrashes. Equip the spell, I use it on the T button. X to Close the Book and Select to close the Remembrall. Harry will say "Wow. The Lumos Spell. Maybe I could use this to find my way out." The area Harry is standing in is lit up, but all around is darkness. Looking straight ahead, you can see a doorway and a Challenge Shield to the left. Cast a charged Lumos Spell and you will be able to see areas of the floor sort of glowing green. Do not step on those areas or the floor will fall through. Go around those areas and collect the Challenge Shield. Directly in front of the Challenge Shield, continue to cast another charged Lumos spell and you will see the outline of a door glowing…push the door to open it. Enter the room and on the left is a small ledge with a crate on it. Push the crate off of the ledge and onto the square opening in the floor. You will see a gate left to open the doorway you saw previously. Exit this room and use Lumos again to see the bad parts of the floor. Go PAST the door that was just opened and on the other side you will find another glowing door. Open the door and go inside. You will see a cut scene with some ghosts. When you regain control of Harry, avoid the ghosts while you cast a good charged Lumos spell and then aim your light at the ghosts. They will shriek and their life meter will go down. This is pretty easy, just keep doing it until they go away. There is now a Challenge Shield in the room with you and a cut scene shows that a Flipendo Shield has been revealed. There are 2 brown chests in the corners of this room. Open the chests for a Cauldron Cake and a Pumpkin Pasty. Cast Flipendo on the Flipendo Shield and a cut scene will show the other gate opening through the other doorway. Exit the room and again use Lumos to find the bad parts of the floor. Enter the center doorway and walk straight through. In the next room you will get a cut scene that will show a Challenge Shield on a high ledge. After you enter this room, turn around and face the doorway again and you will see a Flipendo Button on the wall, cast Flipendo on the button. A cut scene reveals a large statue rising up on a platform. Walk over to it and cast Lumos on it. It will roar and then reveal glowing green platforms. Jump onto the first platform and then the second one. Now, to the left is a green platform in front of a door. Jump onto it and go through the door. Inside is a Challenge Shield and a brown chest with a Cauldron Cake. Exit the room and now continue climbing up the rest of the green platforms to the Challenge Shield at the top. You will see a crawlspace at the end of the passageway. Cast Lumos as you walk down and you will find a hidden doorway on the right side. Push the door and enter the room and you will find lots of beans and a GOLD CHEST that gives you: WIZARD CARD # 57 of 101 - Gifford Ollerton - 1390-1441 - Famous giant-slayer. Killed the giant Hengist of Upper Barnton. Number of Copies: 1 Exit the room and climb through the crawlspace. Walk to the left and cast Lumos and reveal another hidden door. Push the door and go through. You are now back at the beginning! Crawl through the space and return to the classroom. Professor Quirrell will give you a B for a grade based on how many Challenge Shields you collected. You will get more shields later in the game. He dismisses the class and everyone exits. Follow them all out. Ron will tell you to follow him to flying lessons. Just go on outside. You are at 13% of the game complete now. Go outside to Flying Lessons with Madame Hooch - self explanatory, just fly around and get the hang of the controls and go thru as many rings as you can - if you have a hard time with the controls, press the START button and reverse your Flying controls and try again - 28 rings got me an A/Very Good and I missed a TON of rings. Neville crashes on his broom and Malfoy gets the Remembrall. Chase Malfoy. After chase he challenges Harry to a Wizard's Duel and Ron steps up and says he will be Harry's second. Go to Hagrid's Hut, just follow Ron. To the left side of Hagrid's Hut you will find the 1st item for the Notice Board quest, just touch it to pick it up. Return it to the Notice Board when you go back there again. Found in Hagrid's Garden - inside the house, up the stairs and thru the crawlspace in the wooden wall in a Gold Chest: WIZARD CARD #12 0f 101 - Merwyn the Malicious - Medieval, dates unknown - Credited with the invention of many unpleasant jinxes and hexes. Number of copies: 1 Found in Hagrid's Garden - go inside the house, use Lumos to see the secret door in the stone wall, go thru door, go thru crawl space...go thru another crawl space, toss 3 imps down hole in tree...go into hut and cast Lumos on statue, climb onto house, jump to green platform. jump to the raised grassy area and get GOLD CHEST with: WIZARD CARD # 10 of 101 - Burdock Muldoon - 1429 - 1490 - Chief of Wizard's Council 1448 - 1450. Number of Copies: 1 Jump back down to the ground, go back up onto the house and the green platform and then look toward the tree where you tossed in the imps and you should see another green platform now appear. Jump on it and another will appear and so on, keep jumping from one to the next until you can jump onto another grassy ledge and go behind the waterfall and into a cave. WIGGENWELD POTION INGREDIENT FOUND: ASPHODEL - just touch it and Harry will pick it right up and it will be stored in your items. You should see a quick cut scene of more imps - 4 of them this time - rushing out near the little shack that you climbed on. That is all there is in the cave, so jump down and be ready to Flipendo those annoying imps and toss them in the hole in that tree again! After you toss the 4 imps down the hole, the bars over the other entrance on the little shack will open. Inside is another Gold Chest and you get another: WIZARD CARD # 17 0f 101 - Morgan le Fay - Medieval, dates unknown - King Arthur's half sister. Dark sorceress. Enemy of Merlin. Number of Copies: 1 At this point just exit on back out of this whole garden area the same way you came in. You will have a cut scene with Ron and he will say he is going to bed. You can now either go to your Remembrall and press X to Go To Bed right then, or you can make your way back to the castle and go upstairs to the Notice Board to turn in the book. I opted to go turn the book in and as a reward I received: WIZARD CARD # 73 of 101 - Mopsus - Ancient Greek - Soothsayer who vanquished the Seer Calchas in a contest of their powers. Number of Copies: 1 Head up the stairs to the bedroom and end your day!! You completed DAY TWO!!! CONGRATS! At this point there is a cut scene that shows the current House Points. Gryffindor has 65 points in my game. NIGHT!!!! Harry awakens in the middle of the night. Go down the stairs and toward the exit from Gryffindor and you will run into Ron who is waiting to go fight the duel with Malfoy. Hermione appears and says she can't believe you are going to do it. Ron runs off, follow him out and go to the Fourth Floor to meet Malfoy for the Wizard's Duel. Hermione seems to follow you out of the portrait and keeps warning you, and Ron tells her to go away! Hermione says she is going with you. Follow Ron on to the 4th floor now. Once again, when you come to the doors, Harry has to open them before anyone else will go through them. You don't have to hide from prefects or anything, so just run on down to the 4th floor and go through the door. Then go through the door where Ron and Hermione are standing. Cut Scene - Malfoy is there waiting. Suddenly, a trap door opens and Ron, Hermione and Harry fall through into the Forbidden 3rd Floor Corridor. Malfoy says that he has tipped Snape off that you will be there! ACK! The door is locked and Hermione doesn't know the Alohomora spell yet. She says that the Alohomora spell book is in the library and points down a corridor where there is a shortcut to the library. She says that you must go get the spell book and then come back to let them out. Use your Lumos spell and look near where Hermione is standing and you will see a crawlspace. Crawl through it. You are now inside the library. Just walk around the library desk and straight ahead of the space where you crawled in and the Alohomora spell book is right there for you. Pick it up and equip the spell to whichever button you prefer. EASY! After that, some of those ghosts will appear but you can just run past them and right back to the crawl space, crawl through and have another short cut scene with Ron and Hermione about casting Alohomora at the door. When you regain control of Harry, cast the spell. I had to cast it 3 times and the lock opened. When it unlocks, it kind of glitters in the darkness, anyways, open the door. Cut scene shows Snape walking along a corridor. You regain control of Harry and using Lumos you can see another door. Go open it. Then Hermione says "This way, through this door Harry" and she walks to a door. Go to that door and open it next. Ron then says "Quick! In here!" and runs through a door, Harry and Hermione follow him through and then they all see Fluffy the 3 Headed Dog and they scream, you all 3 run out again and then cut scene of Snape walking thru a door. Hermione then says, "Sorry Harry, I meant this door", so go to the door she is standing by now and open it. You are now in the Defense Against the Dark Arts hallway, run to the end of the hallway and out the door to the main staircase, then run up to 7th floor and back through the portrait to be safely in Gryffindor tower again! WHEW!!! All Ron and Hermione have to say now is that they are tired. Read the Notice Board before you go back to bed to get your next item quest. NOTICE BOARD ITEM QUEST: Lost: Copy of Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration. Fell out of an owl package, so it could be anywhere. If found, please return to the Notice Board. Now, end your day, err night. You deserve the sleep! DAY THREE!!!!!!!! You start your day in the bedroom again. Head on down the stairs! Ron and Hermione and Harry talk about the 3 Headed Dog they saw. Hermione mentions that it was standing on a trap door and obviously guarding something. Then she says it is time for Charms class. Go to the 2nd Floor for Charms Class, enter the door at the 2nd floor and before you go to class, go to the open doorway on the left and go through. As you start down the corridor, there is a door on your right, go inside and there are 2 imps to toss into cages. Hit them with Flipendo and toss them into the cages and a Gold Chest will appear in the room under the window. Open it up and you will get: WIZARD CARD # 40 of 101 - Carlotta Pinkstone - 1922 - present - Famous campaigner for lifting the International Confederation of Wizard's Statute of Secrecy and telling the non-magical that wizards still exist. Ms. Pinkstone has been imprisoned several times for her blatant and deliberate use of magic in public places. Number of Copies: 1 Exit the room and continue down this corridor and around the corner. You can break jars if you need some beans, otherwise go up the stairs and at the top of the stairs, go thru a door on the right. As soon as you go in the door, go left and up some steps and then look to your right for a Gold Chest which contains a: WIZARD CARD PACK!!!!! This contains cards # 14, 37, 54, 65, 72 (see details below) WIZARD CARD # 14 of 101 - Fulbert the Fearful - 1014-1097 - Famous for being so cowardly he never ventured out of his house. Died when a defensive charm backfired and the roof fell in. Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 37 of 101 - Cassandra Vablatsky - 1894 - 1997 - Celebrated Seer and author Unfogging the Future. Number of Copies: 2 WIZARD CARD # 54 of 101 - Gaspard Shingleton - 1959 - present - Celebrated inventor if the Self-Stirring Cauldron - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 65 of 101 - Gondoline Oliphant - 1720 - 1799 - Famous for studies of life and habits of trolls. Clubbed to death in the Cotswold's while sketching. Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 72 of 101 - Helga Hufflepuff - Medieval, dates unknown - Co- founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts houses. Number of Copies: 1 Exit that room go back to the left the same way you came in. Go back to Ron and Hermione and go in the door that they are standing closest to.time for Charms class with Professor Flitwick!!! CHARMS CLASS - DAY THREE SPELL LEARNED: SPONGIFY Hermione says that she thinks Flitwick is teaching Spongify this morning. Go on in to the class. Cut Scene - Flitwick indeed is teaching Spongify. He says that you must go collect the Spongify spellbook and then return to the classroom. Harry goes thru a crawlspace in the wall. As soon as you regain control of Harry, you will see a book in front of you. Pick it up. It is: FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 Page 8: Fire Crab - Despite its name, the fire crab resembles a large tortoise with a heavily jeweled shell. In order to defend itself from those who are tempted by its valuable exterior, the fire crab shoots flames from its rear end when attacked. Stun a fire crab by casting Flipendo. (My son calls these crabs "Fire Butts", my son is 7 yrs old hehe). Close the Folio Bruti and close the Remembrall. Go thru the opening next to the book and be prepared, there is a fire crab immediately inside the doors ready to fire at you. As you go thru the doors, go to the left and avoid the flames, don't bother trying to fight the stupid thing. Just run fast past the 1st one and jump across a gap in the floor, avoid the next one and you will see some stairs on your right. Run up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, you will see a book, pick it up. This is the Spongify spellbook!! SPONGIFY - The Softening Charm - most useful for making things rubbery and bouncy, especially certain hard surfaces. Once enchanted by the Spngify Charm, these surfaces or tiles can propel the caster into the air, allowing access to out of reach areas, or simply to avoid trouble. Equip it because you will surely need it to get out of here. Put it in place of your Alohomora spell for now. Now, use your Lumos spell and go to the space where there are 2 torches burning inside a little space in the wall. When Lumos is cast here, a door will glow, push it and go inside. Use R1 to target the imp that is up on the ledge and cast Flipendo on him. He will fall down and you should cast Flipendo on him again and then Carry him to the cage and toss him into it. The cage will close and you can climb on the cage to get a Challenge Shield. There is also a brown chest here that contains: A Pumpkin Pasty. Useful if the imp bit you! Exit the room and use Lumos again to do the same thing on a matching opening on the other side of the area. No imp here. Just go inside and push the box over against the far wall. Climb up on the box and get the Challenge Shield. Look inside the brown chest to get a Pumpkin Pasty. Yum! Jump down and exit back to the main room. CHOCOLATE FROGS - this is the 1st place I have encountered any chocolate frogs. When you touch one, you eat it and it restores all of Harry's lightning bolt. Very useful after the fire crabs. Go through the large opening and then to the left and then to the right. You will find a chocolate frog down here. Then climb up the ledge and you will see a new kind of floor tile. (you may have noticed one just like it in Hagrid's garden). It is a black square with a yellow circle on it with a red spring shape. This is a tile that can be SPONGIFIED!!! Target the square with R1 and move Harry onto the square at the same time and then cast SPONGIFY on it, let the spell charge up some before you cast it, you may have to cast it a few times and then BOUNCE! Harry will be bounced up onto the higher ledge. Each time, my camera goes a bit crazy for a moment but then it goes normal again and you see Harry on the ledge. He may have to climb up to grab the Challenge Shield. Then hop onto the ledge and move the box over under the crawl space and climb onto the box and crawl through. Cut Scene - a huge thing is rising up in the middle of the room, you see some imps and some ghosts. Remember that you can fight the ghosts away with your Lumos spell, just shine your light on them...and Flipendo those darned imps! After the cut scene you will see a life meter on the screen for the ghosts. Just keep charging your Lumos spell and then chase the ghosts so the light shines on them and they shriek. Eventually their life meter will run out and a quick cut scene will show a Spongify floor tile being revealed and then a glance up into the air where you see more ghosts. After the cut scene find the spongify tile and make sure you are facing in the direction that you can see a platform above your head. Cast Spongify on the tile and when it has the white spring on it, run onto it facing the platform and Harry should jump right up onto the platform above. It may take a few tries to get it, no worries. Once on the platform, go to the door on your right, you will 1st come to a chocolate frog. Go around the corner and you will enter a chamber with a brown chest that will give you a Cauldron Cake. There is a Spongify Tile here so cast Spongify on it and jump on it and up onto the high ledge in front of you. You will get a Challenge Shield and GOLD CHEST that contains: WIZARD CARD # 75 of 101 - Mungo Bonham - 1560-1659 - Famous wizard healer. Founded Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Ailments and Injuries. Number of Copies: 1 Jump down and go back out to the platform in the big chamber and go up the stairs to the right. At the top there is a bean and another Spongify tile. Cast Spongify spell on it and jump up to the next platform. Once you are there, cast Flipendo on the button in front of you and the platform will turn some. When it stops, there will be a new Spongify tile behind you, turn Harry around and step on the new tile. You should see another platform in front of you. Again, cast Spongify on the tile and jump to the new platform. On the new platform you will find a bean. Go up the stairs. You will come to another bean right before a gap in the floor. Jump across. Once on the next platform, turn to face the edge and stand on the Spongify tile there and cast Spongify again and jump up to the next platform. (You can't do anything here yet, you will need the Difindo spell which you will learn later, you will come back again to do this one at a later time). Jump back down to the previous platform and continue up the steps. At the top of the steps is a door with a huge lock on it. So, go into your Remembrall and change one of your spell buttons of Alohomora. Exit the Remembrall and cast Alohomora on the lock and then open the door. There will be a lot of beans in a corridor, get them if you need them, there will be a chocolate frog around the corner. Then go through the doorway beside the frog. Ok...this is VERY annoying. You go into the room and there is a fire crab in There, you need to cast Flipendo on him again and again until he falls off the end of the floor at the end of the hallway, this will make a round thing in the wall start to spit out fire so be careful. If you look across the pit at the end of this hallway you will see a button on the FAR wall, use R1 to target that button and cast Flipendo on it. This will open bars on a statue back near the entrance, up high. Also, a box has now fallen down in the main chamber area, go to the box and push it over to the ledge where the statue sits and then climb up. Cast Lumos on the statue and those glowing green floors will appear like before. Then jump down from the statue and grab the box and pull and push it down the hallway into the square on the floor, be careful of the fire. Once you put the box into that square, you will see a cut scene out in the main chamber showing that moving platform turning some more. Now, jump onto the glowing green platform and to your right is a ledge to jump onto with a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 24 of 101 - Mirabella Plunkett - 1839-unknown- Famous for falling in love with a merman in Loch Lomond while on holiday. When her parents forbade her to marry him, she transfigured herself into a haddock and was never seen again. Number of Copies: 1 Then jump back to the green platform and over to the other ledge to get the Challenge Shield and another GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 8 of 101 - Derwent Shimpling - 1912 - present - Ate an entire Venemous Tentacular for a bet and survived, though is still purple. Number of Copies: 1 Now, jump back to the green platform and go back to the entrance and you can now exit (you were unable to exit this area until you completed it). Go out of the door. And you can walk straight onto the platform now since it has turned around to that point now. Go to the button and cast Flipendo at it. The platform will turn again. Turn Harry around and you will see another Spongify tile, ignore that tile for now. Walk past it so you can jump across to your left to another platform where there is another door. Go thru that door and you will see a lot of beans down a hall and then you will come to a room. Inside the room there are 2 imps. Use Flipendo on them and toss them into the cages on each side of the room. Then climb up on the cages to get a brown chest with a Pumpkin Pasty on one side of the room and on the other side is a statue. Cast Lumos on the statue and it will reveal some more of the glowing green floors. Jump down from the statue and then climb up on the short wall where you see a Challenge Shield. Then jump to the green platforms for the next Challenge Shield. After you get the shield, turn Harry around to look back towards the small wall he climbed over. You will see a square button in the middle of it. Cast Flipendo on that button and then 2 Fire Crabs will be set loose. Run over and get them between you and the pit and just hit them with Flipendo like crazy until they bounce off the edge. A box will fall down from above and you then drag the box over to the square opening in the floor. Inside one of the openings where the fire crabs came out, is a brown chest that contains a Cauldron cake. Yum! After you drop the box into the opening, you will get another cut scene showing the platform in the main chamber moving around some more. Go back across the green floors and over the short wall and back out the way you came in. Now, jump back across to where that last Spongify tile was located and now you can use it to jump up to where the platform has moved. Once up there, you will see another Spongify tile, cast Spongify on it and jump to the next platform. If you fall, by the way, its Ok, the game will drop you right back where you were. Ok, so you are now on a ledge with stairs going to either side of you. Go to the right side 1st and go into the room and cast Lumos on the statue. You will see a short cut scene where a glowing green floor will appear out in the main chamber. Exit the room and go back down the stairs and up to the other side now, you will go around and be able to jump across a large gap using the new glowing green floor. Now, crawl into the opening in the wall and you will be back in the Charms classroom. Flitwick gives you a reminder from Snape to get all of your Potions Ingredients before the next Potions class. Congrats! You most likely have a B in Charms now and a new spell! If you haven't been saving often, this might be a good time to save. I did. LOL. This is 26% of the game complete! Cut Scene as you exit the classroom: Ron reminds you again to get the items for Potions class. He mentions that everyone knows Professor Snape wants Quirrell's job as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Ron then says he will meet you at Hagrid's and he leaves the room. Follow him on outside. Be sure to talk to the students throughout the school. Some of them will want to trade Wizard Cards with you. If you have more than 1 copy of a card, you can trade it. When you encounter a student who wants to trade, press X to Trade Card and your Folio Magi book will open. Find the card you want to trade. You can ONLY trade a card if you have 2 or more copies of that same card. Once you find the card in your book, press X to Select that card for trading. It will ask if you are sure you wish to trade that card. If you are sure, select yes and then it will show you the card the other person is offering to you. If you do not want they offer, select No. If you do want the card, select Yes. They will offer more than 1 card, so you can say No a few times until you get a card you want, or you can decide to not trade at all by pressing T to cancel. For my 1st trade, I traded Cassandra Vablatsky for Dunbar Oglethorpe (card info below). WIZARD CARD # 45 of 101 - Dunbar Oglethorpe - 1968 - Present - Chief of Q.U.A.B.B.L.E. (Quidditch Union for the Administration and Betterment of the British League and its Endeavors) - Number of Copies: 1 As you exit the castle, Snape is standing by the door and you get a quick cut scene where he asks Harry a question that Harry cannot answer. Snape threatens to deduct house points if Harry doesn't find all of the Potion Ingredients. Go ahead and exit the castle. Go to Hagrid's Hut again. Cut Scene - Harry and Ron ask Hagrid about the 3 Headed Dog and Hagrid tells them he let Dumbledore borrow the dog named Fluffy to guard something. Hagrid then tells them to forget about it, that it is the business of Dumbledore and Nicolas Flammel. Now, go back inside Hagrid's Garden to search for more Potion Ingredients. Did you notice the Spongify tile on the ground earlier? Well, go inside the garden and find it there in the courtyard area and cast the Spongify spell on it and jump up onto the wall above. You will land on a grassy area. Walk all the way down the grass path and it will dead end at a Crawl Into space. Crawl through and you will be inside a cave. Inside you will find the next Folio Bruti page. FOLIO BRUTI - Volume 1 - Page 6 - Bowtruckle - The Bowtruckle is a shy, peaceful creature, but will attack if the tree it lives in is threatened. Bowtruckles are adept at dodging all charms, but cast Flipendo on them enough times and they will disappear. Now, on the opposite side of this cave there is another space to crawl into, so crawl on through to the other side. You will be on another grass path, follow the path and when you get to the tree, Harry will say "Bowtruckles! They're bound to be guarding the Wiggentree bark." There is a Spongify tile here so get on it and cast the Spongify spell on it and jump up over the huge tree root. You will see another Spongify tile, so cast the spell again and jump the next tree root. Then you go across a little bridge and then you will get to a gap and there will be Bowtruckles across on the other side. Cast Flipendo at them until they disappear. You will have a quick cut scene that will show the piece of bark on the other side. Now, jump down into the gap and you will find a brown chest and inside it is a Pumpkin Pasty that you might need at this point. There is also a Spongify tile here so cast the spell on it and jump up again onto the ledge where the Bowtruckles had been standing. Pick up the piece of Wiggentree bark. Now, go back across and out the way you came in, all the way down the grass path, crawl back through into the cave and out the other side into the 1st grass path and jump back down into the main garden courtyard are. Now, do you remember earlier in the game when you went into the house area of Hagrid's Garden? From the courtyard area, go thru the door into the house/building. Inside, you will see a door with a lock on it. Cast Alohomora on the door and then go through. You will now be in another garden area with a greenhouse. In the grass near the greenhouse is a brown chest that contains a bean. Go into the greenhouse and you can pick up the last Potion ingredient, Dittany, on the floor. Then you will see a cut scene where Doxies will come flying into the garden. Just cast Flipendo at them and they will vanish. You don't get anything for doing that, so once it is done, just leave the way you came in. There is a brown chest hiding in the dark next to the table in the house area, open it for a Cauldron Cake. You now have everything you need for Snape's next Potions class! YAY! You can simply end your day from your Remembrall. Now you will see a cut scene for the House Points. Gryffindor is still in the lead!! Yay! I had 95 House points at this time. Slytherin has 61. 29% of the game is now complete! When you awaken again, it will be the night and when you head down the stairs to the Gryffindor Common Room, you will meet up with Ron who tells you that the Halloween Feast is about to begin and to go to the Great Hall. So, head downstairs and to the Great Hall (it is near the front doors to the school in case you missed it previously. You could not enter it until now). If you want to go buy some things from Fred & George's Shop, now is a good time to go in there and buy some things! I went in and bought a Wizard card for 30 beans and I used my other 20 beans to get stuff from the treasure chest. WIZARD CARD # 47 of 101 - Edgar Stroulger - 1703 - 1798 - Inventor of the Sneakoscope Number of Copies: 1 Now, if you want to, you can explore another hidden area. When you exit the portrait of the Fat Lady, instead of going on down the main stairs, go immediately to Harry's right and there is a bookcase that he can crawl under and go into a hidden passageway behind the wall. Walk down this passageway and on the right will be a room with a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 15 of 101 - Paracelsus - 1493 - 1541 - Renowned physician, alchemist and surgeon. Number of Copies: 1 Exit the room and go crawl back out the way you came in. You could continue down the passageway and you will come to some stairs. Go down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, you will enter another passageway that will end with a wall that will slide open so you can exit. Don't go thru it now though or you will just get nabbed by some Prefects and you will end up back in the passageway. Better not to waste your time. Anyways, go back the way you came in. Once back in the room where the portrait is located, head across the room and you will see a door with a big golden lock on it. You can now use the Alohomora spell to open this door. Cast the spell and then open the door. Inside you will find a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 81 of 101 - Quong Po - 1443 - 1539 - Chinese wizard who discovered the uses of Fireball eggs - Number of Copies: 1 Exit this room and head down the main stairs to go to the Great Hall for the party. When you enter the Great Hall, you immediately go to a cut scene and Harry asks about Hermione and Ron says she has been crying in the bathroom all day. Just then, Quirrell runs in and screams about the troll in the dungeon and Dumbledore tells everyone to go back to the dormitories. Harry mentions that Hermione doesn't know about the troll. When the cut scene ends, you are standing in the Entrance Hall outside the door to the Great Hall. Head for the girls bathroom. It is on the 2nd floor. Go up the stairs and to the 2nd floor. Open the door and when you get through, you will have a short cut scene with Ron and then hear Hermione scream. When you regain control of Harry, make sure you have your SPONGIFY spell equipped and go thru the door and into the bathroom where you will meet up with the troll!!! One you regain control of Harry again, go around the broken slabs of concrete and you will see Spongify tiles all over the floor. Cast Spongify on those and get the troll over to them so when he swings his club at you, his club hits the Spongify tile and bounces back to clunk himself in the head instead! If you get hit too many times and need some life restore, use the Spongify tile to jump up to a ledge where you will find a brown chest with a Pumpkin Pasty in it. There are quite a few of these chests around the room, one has Dungbombs in it. There is also a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 68 of 101 - Kirley Duke - 1971 - Present - Plays guitar with the popular Wizarding band the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 1 I should add that this whole troll thing is quite annoying. Just be patient and eventually you will finish it. It takes a bit of practice to get the timing just right. When you get him, he will fall down and you will get a cut scene where Hermione says it is knocked out. After the cut scene, the troll is magically gone and there is now a GOLD CHEST in the middle of the room that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 6 of 101 - Glanmore Peakes - 1677-1761 - Famous slayer of the Sea Serpent of Cromer - Number of Copies: 1 Go around and make sure you got all of the chests. There were 6 chests on ledges plus the one you get after the troll is knocked out. As you try to leave the bathroom again, you will have a cut scene where McGonagall will take 5 points from Gryffindor for Hermione's stupidity and the she awards Harry and Ron 5 points each for knocking it out. Then Ron thanks Hermione for taking the blame for them and she thanks them for saving her. They are all friends now. Ron runs off to go to bed. After exiting the bathroom, I walked over and went into the Charms class again. Once in the classroom, look up above the entrance to the room and you will see a Flipendo button. Cast Flipendo on the button and a chest will appear in the room that gives you: WIZARD CARD # 22 of 101 - Circe - Ancient Greek - Lived on Island of Aeaea. Expert at turning lost sailors into pigs - Number of Copies: 1 You can now End Night from the Remembrall screen. Congratulations! You have completed DAY & NIGHT THREE!!!! Save your game! This completes 32 % of the game! WOW! DAY FOUR!!!!!!!! You awaken in the dormitory bedroom again. Head down the stairs. You will meet Hermione in the common room and she will say that you have Potions class and that she hopes you have collected all of the ingredients. If you try to go to class without everything, Ron will block the door to the class and so you cannot go on with the game unless you have everything. On my way to leave Gryffindor tower, I decided to pay a visit to Fred & George's shop and gather up some beans that are lying around during the day. When I entered the reading room, I became aware of the fact that straight ahead there was a crawlspace under the bookcase. I crawled through and at the end of the passageway, there is a GOLD CHEST that gives you: WIZARD CARD # 64 of 101 - Jocunda Sykes - 1915-present - Famous for flying across the Atlantic on a broomstick - the first person to do so - Number of Copies: 1 Nothing else is in the passageway, so go back out to the reading room again. Go get beans in the shop if you want to or head on out through the Fat Lady portrait. This time as I left the portrait, I walked around the 7th floor and went into room 7A (Arithmancy) and I broke 3 glass jars to get beans. After I broke the 3rd jar, a GOLD CHEST appeared in the room that gives: WIZARD CARD # 59 of 101 - Gregory the Smarmy - Medieval, dates unknown - Famous originator of Gregory's Unctuous Unction - potion to persuade the drinker than the giver is their very best friend. Alleged to have wormed his way into King Richard's confidence and thus made his fortune - Number of Copies: 1 Be sure to check out the desks! I will list anything good like cards I find, as I find them. Eventually I will make a separate Wizard Card FAQ. Remember, I am writing this as I play the game. Also in room 7A in a desk in the front of the room was a WIZARD CARD PACK which contains cards # 70, 63, 86, 33 and 39. Those 5 cards are as follows: WIZARD CARD # 33 of 101 - Beaumont Majoribanks - 1742-1845 - Pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rare and magical flowers. Discovered Gillyweed. Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 39 of 101 - Gwenog Jones - 1968-present - Captain and Beater of only all-female national Quidditch Team, the Holyhead Harpies - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 63 of 101 - Herman Wintringham - 1974-present - Plays lute with the popular Wizarding band, the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 70 of 101 - Leopoldina Smethwyck - 1829-1910 - First British witch to referee a Quidditch match - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 86 of 101 - Dorcas Wellbeloved - 1812-1904 - Founder of the Society for Distressed Witches - Number of Copies: 1 In a desk in the back of the room, I found another: WIZARD CARD # 33 of 101 - Beaumont Majoribanks - 1742-1845 - Pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rare and magical flowers. Discovered Gillyweed. Number of Copies: 1 I was unable to enter classroom 7B or 7C. I will check them again later. I decided to check out some other classrooms and search all of the desks. Classroom 6B in a DESK in the middle of the room I found: WIZARD CARD # 11 of 101 - Herpo the Foul - Ancient Greek - First known creator of the Basilisk - Number of Copies: 1 Classroom 6A (ANCIENT RUNES) in a DESK in the left side of the room I found a: WIZARD CARD PACK with the following 5 cards! WIZARD CARD # 1 of 101 - Merlin - Medieval, dates unknown - Most famous wizard of all time. Sometimes know as the Prince of Enchanters. Part of the Court of King Arthur - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 16 of 101 - Cliodne - Medieval, dates unknown - Irish druidess who discovered properties of Moondew - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 24 of 101 - Adalbert Waffling - 1899-1981 - Famous magical theoretician - Number of Copies: 2 WIZARD CARD # 37 of 101 - Cassandra Vablatsky - 1894-1997 - Celebrated Seer and author of Unfogging the Future - Number of Copies: 2 ( this is actually the 3rd copy of this card I have found, but I previously traded 1 of the copies) WIZARD CARD # 71 of 101 - Queen Maeve - Medieval, dates unknown - Legendary witch who trained young sorcerers in Ireland prior to the establishment of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Classroom 6A (ANCIENT RUNES) In the desk near the door you will find: WIZARD CARD # 63 of 101 - Herman Wintringham - 1974-present - Plays lute with the popular Wizarding band the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 2 6 cards found in 1 classroom, awesome!!! Keep checking out those desks. On the 5th floor, in Classroom 5B: In a DESK in the back of the room I found: WIZARD CARD # 5 of 101 - Gulliver Pokeby - 1750-1839 - Expert on magical birds. First to identify the meaning of Augurey song - Number of Copies: 1 In a DESK in the front right corner I found: WIZARD CARD # 52 of 101 - Felix Summerbee - 1447-1508 - Inventor of Cheering Charms - Number of Copies: 2 On the 4th Floor: Inside Classroom 4F (HISTORY OF MAGIC) in the 2nd desk in the right front of the room, you will find: WIZARD CARD PACK that contains the following 5 cards: WIZARD CARD # 10 of 101 - Burdock Muldoon - 1429-1490 - Chief of Wizard's Council 1448-1450 - Number of Copies: 2 WIZARD CARD # 30 of 101 - Artemisia Lufkin - 1754-1825 - First witch to become Minister of Magic - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 45 of 101 - Dunbar Oglethorpe - 1968-present - Chief of Q.U.A.B.B.L.E. (Quidditch Union for the Administration and Betterment of the British League and its Endeavors) - Number of Copies: 2 WIZARD CARD # 60 of 101 - Laverne de Montmorency - 1923-1893 - Inventor of many love potions - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 84 of 101 - Roland Kegg - 1903-present - President of English Gobstones Team - Number of Copies: 1 Note that I have been listing when I am carrying more than 1 copy of a card. As I trade the cards and get new ones, I will mention that as well for you. Remember, you can only trade when you have more than 1 copy of a card! In the DESK in the very front right of the room I found: WIZARD CARD # 1 of 101 - Merlin - Medieval, dates unknown - Most famous wizard of all time. Sometimes known as the Prince of Enchanters. Part of the Court of King Arthur - Number of Copies: 2 There are 2 glass jars in this room, break them both and a GOLD CHEST will appear and it will give you: WIZARD CARD # 74 of 101 - Montague Knightley - 1506-1588 - Wizard Chess Champion - Number of Copies: 1 Enter the door on the 3rd floor from the stairs and immediately go to the passageway on the right. Around the corner you will find a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD PACK with 5 cards INCLUDING THE HARRY POTTER CARD!!!!! =) The cards found here are as follows: WIZARD CARD # 28 of 101 - Chauncey Oldridge - 1342-1379 - First known victim of Dragon Pox - Number of Copies: 2 WIZARD CARD # 41 of 101 - Godric Gryffindor - Medieval, dates unknown - Co- founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four Hogwarts houses - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 43 of 101 - Cyprian Youdle - 1312-1357 - Only Quidditch referee ever to be killed during a match. The originator of the curse was never caught but believed to be a member of the crowd - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 77 of 101 - Norvel Twonk - 1888-1957 - Died saving a non-magical child from a runaway manticore. Posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 100 of 101 - HARRY POTTER!!! - The boy who lived - Number of Copies: 1 At this point I have only traded 1 card. I hold 39 different cards and many of them have duplicates. I will be trading a lot soon to see what else I can get. I am sorry if this seems like a choppy walkthrough, I promise to clean it up later. Right now I just want to play it and type it all out. On my way to the Potions class I decided to check out all of these classrooms and so forth, you can do this at anytime you wish between classes. After you finish with that gold chest, you can just slide down the little ramp to the 2nd floor. On the 2nd floor you can go down a passageway where you previously tossed imps into cages and go back in that room and toss the imps in their cages again. Now you can fill a Wiggenweld vial although earlier you could not. (I am not sure if this is a game glitch or not because I assumed I would not be able to fill the vial before learning to make the Wiggenweld potion, oh well). After you do this, go into the Library Annexe and then through the door in the back into the Library. Go around and break all of the glass jars. There are a lot of them on shelves, on top of bookcases, and one under the edge of the librarian's desk. After you break them all, a GOLD CHEST will appear which will give you: WIZARD CARD # 41 of 101 - Godric Gryffindor - Medieval, dates unknown - Co- founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four Hogwarts houses - Number of Copies: 3 That is all you can do in the library for now. You will come back later when you have learned more spells. ON THE FIRST FLOOR Classroom 1C Desk in back of the room you will find: WIZARD CARD # 27 of 101 - Mirabella Plunkett - 1839-unknown - Famous for falling in love with a merman in Loch Lomond while on holiday. When her parents forbade her to marry him, she transfigured herself into a haddock and was never seen again - Number of Copies: 2 Desk in front of the room you will find: WIZARD CARD # 26 of 101 - Joscelind Wadcock - 1911-present - Chaser for Puddlemere United Quidditch Team. Record for highest number of goals during British season this century (against Ballycastle Bats, 1931) - Number of Copies: 1 For every 20 Wizard cards you collect, you get another little lightning bolt life meter next to the big one, so Harry can live longer. Classroom 1E Desk in middle of room you will find: WIZARD CARD # 18 of 101 - Uric the Oddball - Medieval, dates unknown - Highly eccentric wizard who is famed, among other things, for wearing a jellyfish for a hat - Number of Copies: 1 Classroom 1A Break all of the glass jars and a GOLD CHEST will appear which will give you: WIZARD CARD # 71 of 101 - Queen Maeve - Medieval, dates unknown - Legendary witch who trained young sorcerers in Ireland prior to the establishment of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry - Number of Copies: 2 In a desk in the back of the room you will find: WIZARD CARD # 46 of 101 - Miranda Goshawk - 1921-present - Famous spell book writer - Number of Copies: 1 In a desk in the front of the room you will find: WIZARD CARD PACK with the following 5 cards: WIZARD CARD # 21 of 101 - Lord Stoddard Withers - 1672-1769 - Breeder of flying horses - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 27 of 101 - Cassandra Vablatsky - 1894-1997 - Celebrated Seer and author of Unfogging the Future - Number of Copies: 3 WIZARD CARD # 82 of 101 - Rowena Ravenclaw - Medieval, dates unknown - Co- founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts houses - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 85 of 101 - Blenheim Stalk - 1920-present - Expert on the non- magical and author of many books including "People Who Notice," a study of awareness of magic in the non-magical - Number of Copies: 1 WIZARD CARD # 88 of 101 - Celestina Warbeck - 1917-present - Popular singing sorceress - Number of Copies: 1 Well, I now have a lot of cards to trade and so I went in search of students to trade with, instead of going to Potions class. I made the following trades: I traded # 37 Cassandra Vablatsky for WIZARD CARD # 28 of 101 - Tilly Toke - 1903-1991 - Gained Order of Merlin First Class for saving the lives of non-magical tourists during the Ilfracombe Incident of 1932, when a dragon swooped down on a beach full of sunbathers - Number of Copies: 1 Traded # 27 Mirabella Plunkett for WIZARD CARD # 19 of 101 - Newt Scamander - 1897-present - Celebrated author of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them - Number of Copies: 1 Traded # 41 Godric Gryffindor for WIZARD CARD # 80 of 101 - Beatrix Bloxam - 1794-1810 -Author of the Toadstool Tales, a series of children's books since banned because they have been found to cause nausea and vomiting - Number of Copies: 1 And another # 41 for WIZARD CARD # 34 of 101 - Donnaghan Tremlett - 1972-present - Bass player with the popular Wizarding band, the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 1 Traded # 38 Chauncey Oldridge for WIZARD CARD # 78 of 101 - Orsino Thruston - 1976-present - Plays drums with the popular Wizarding band the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 1 Traded # 52 Felix Summerbee for WIZARD CARD # 12 of 101 - Andros the Invincible - Ancient Greek - Alleged to have been the only known wizard to produce a Patronus the size of a giant - Number of Copies: 1 Traded # 71 Queen Maeve for WIZARD CARD # 79 of 101 - Oswald Beamish - 1850-1932 - Pioneer of Goblin Rights - Number of Copies: 1 Traded # 24 - Adalbert Waffling for WIZARD CARD # 20 of 101 - Wendelin the Weird - Medieval, dates unknown - Alleged to have enjoyed being burnt at the stake so much that she allowed herself to be captured 14 times in various disguises. And after all of that I got bored and quit trading for a while. Now, head out to the Entrance Hall and on to the Dungeons for potions class. In the Dungeon, I went to the right and through the gate into a storage type room and there is a GOLD CHEST in the middle of the room that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 63 of 101 - Herman Wintringham - 1974-present - Plays the lute with the popular Wizarding band the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 3 Run around this room and break A LOT of glass jars. Some of them are tricky to find. When you break them all, you will see a GOLD CHEST appear and it will give you: WIZARD CARD # 93 of 101 - Heathcote Barbary - 1974-present - Plays rhythm guitar with the popular Wizarding band the Weird Sisters - Number of Copies: 1 That is all there is to do in this room right now, so exit and go on down the passageway to where Hermione is waiting for you to go into Potions class. When you walk up to the door, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ALL 3 POTION INGREDIENTS, Ron is blocking the door and says to you that Snape gives him the creeps and that you shouldn't go in without all the ingredients Snape asked you to bring. If you have all 3 ingredients, Ron will be standing with Hermione to the side of the door. Time to go to Potions class! Enter the Potions Class door and you will get a cut scene with Snape. He will tell you that you have found all of the ingredients and that you can now fill your vial in the large cauldron when you need to do so. He will ask Harry if he knows where to find a Bezoar. Harry does not know and Snape insults him as usual. Snape then explains that it is a kind of stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. Snape goes on to explain that today's potion is a less powerful version of this is, The Antidote for Common Poisons. He then gives you a new ingredients list which includes the following 3 items: Puffapod Spores Flobberworm mucus Moondew He tells you to have all of the ingredients before returning for the next class. You see the students leave the class and then you regain control of Harry inside the Potions classroom. Fill up your vial if you need to and then exit the room. Outside the room you will have a cut scene with Ron where he says that Herbology class is next and that Herbology Greenhouse 1 is outside on the grounds. Now, exit the Dungeons through the door next to where Ron and Hermione are standing and head on outside to Herbology class! The Herbology greenhouse is out there close to the right of Hagrid's Hut. When you get to the outside of the greenhouse, Ron will tell Harry that Professor Sprout is waiting. He also says that he heard that you must watch out for the Venemous Tentacular. Go in the doors. You will then meet Professor Sprout...she is green! She says that you must go through the crawlspace and complete the Diffindo Challenge and get the Diffindo Spell Book. Harry will automatically crawl through the space and then you will regain control of Harry. Walk straight ahead through a doorway. At the end of the room, next to the open door, there is a book. Pick up the book. It is: FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 Page 12 TROLLS Trolls are fearsome creatures and are often violent and unpredictable. They are particularly notable for their prodigious strength and prodigious stupidity. There are three types of troll: mountain, forest and river. The mountain troll is the largest and most vicious. Trolls can be disabled using Spongify. I also have another FOLIO BRUTI page which goes with this area but I have no recollection of where I found it. Oops. The info is as follows: FOLIO BRUTO VOLUME 1 PAGE 10 HORKLUMP The Horklump, considered a delicacy by gnomes, resembles a fleshy, pinkish mushroom. It is covered in sparse, wiry bristles and spreads sinewy tentacles into the ground to search for its preferred food: earthworms. Stun Horklumps with Flipendo, then sever them with Diffindo. Now, Obviously, you should make sure you have Spongify equipped because you will need it. There is nothing else inside to do right now, so go on through the door and outside. You will get a cut scene where you will see a troll come running out at you and he breaks a statue and reveals a large Spongify tile. The door to the building closes and so you now must battle the troll. This works just like fighting the troll in the Girls Bathroom earlier in the game. Cast Spongify on the tile and get Harry close to it so the troll will swing at Harry. Move Harry out of the way just in time so the troll hits the tile and his club will bounce back up and hit him instead. It takes 5 times of making the troll hit itself and this is very annoying. I hate the trolls. After the troll falls down, a Challenge Shield will appear near the door where you entered this area. There is a brown chest on the left side of the building that will give you: Cauldron cake. There is also a chocolate frog around the area that you can eat to regain some of your life. Now, there is a new area opened up close to where the troll has fallen down. Go on to the new area. In the new area, 1st jump down into the pit like area. There is an imp down there, Flipendo him and pick him up and carry him over to the hole and throw him down. He might bite you and make you drop beans, but just do it until you get him down that hole. There is a brown chest down here with a Pumpkin Pasty in it. There is also a Challenge Shield down here so grab it. Then climb back up on the tree branch and then back up to the level near the troll. Now, turn around and face the pit again. You will see a large tree has fallen across the pit, carefully make your way across that tree. Once across, you climb over a tree branch and then another one and then you should see a Flipendo Shield up above you. Target that shield and cast Flipendo on it. The tree branch that the Flipendo shield was on will fall down and crush some Horklumps. There are 3 of those Horklumps surrounding a Challenge Shield. R1 to target each one of these and then cast Flipendo and then cast Diffindo on them and they will slice up and go away. If it doesn't work on the first try, just keep trying. I promise that it works. Go on down the path. I used Lumos because it was kind of dark. Nothing tricky...just go down and climb over a tree root and you should find a chocolate frog. You will then cross a little bridge. As soon as your cross the bridge you will get a cut scene that will show you the Diffindo spell book in the middle of the area and it will show 2 Gytrashes pop out. Use Lumos again and again and make sure you charge it good each time and then shine it at the Gytrashes over and over until their life meter goes down and they go away. You can run while charging a spell, so just charge while avoiding them. It is annoying but you can do it. There is a chocolate frog nearby in case you need it. Once you finish you will be able to pick up the Diffindo Spell Book...YAY! Equip it to whatever button you had Spongify on previously. This is what the book says about Diffindo: As is the case with many spells, the Diffindo Severing Charm has a variety of uses. For example, Diffindo can be cast on certain tapestries or wall hangings to reveal heretofore hidden entrances. It is also useful on vines, or plants with tendril-like appendages. Exit the book and the Remembrall and return to the game... Now, head back to the little bridge you came across and jump down into the pit below. Look for the brown chest and you will find an owl treat. Near the end where the chest is located, you will also find a Challenge Shield in a little space near a statue, be sure to pick it up. While you are still at this end, use Lumos near the brown chest and you will reveal a hidden doorway. Push it open and you will find a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 19 of 101 - Newt Scamander - 1897-present - Celebrated author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Number of Copies: 2 At the other end of the pit you will find a pedestal to call Hedwig. Call her and feed her the treat. After you feed her the treat, she will flutter her wings and reveal a statue that you can them cast Lumos on and it will reveal those glowing green floors again. Climb up the glowing green floors and then up on a little ledge and then back onto that same small bridge. Cross back to the side where you found the spell book. You should be able to get another chocolate frog now, as he keeps returning. Go over where you see one of those holes in the tree that you can toss imps down into. Now, use R1 to Target around and cast Diffindo until you hit the ropes above you. This will make another bridge fall and 2 imps will run down the bridge. Cast Flipendo on them and throw them into the hole in the tree. A GOLD CHEST will appear behind you and it will give you: WIZARD CARD # 57 of 101 - Gifford Ollerton - 1390-1441 - Famous giant-slayer. Killed the giant Hengist of Upper Barnton. Number of Copies: 1 If your life meter is down, hang around a bit and the chocolate frog will come back again and you can just fill yourself up completely. A very nice perk after such an annoying section. Now you can go up the bridge. At the top, use R1 again to target a rope and cast Diffindo on it and it will release a round shaped block of wood. Step on it and Harry will fall into a pit. Walk around in here using Lumos and you will find a Challenge Shield. Then you should go find the cave/tunnel area and go through it. At the end of the tunnel you will get a quick cut scene that will show a troll walking around. As you walk into this area you will see a ramp on your right. Go right and past this ramp and all the way to the dead end and you will find a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 87 of 101 - Thaddeus Thurkell - 1632-1692 - Famous for producing 7 Squib sons and turning them into hedgehogs in disgust - Number of Copies: 1 Now, go up the ramp and then climb to the top of it...then jump across to the next ledge and then the next. Some Doxies are flying around so use R1 and cast Flipendo to make them go away. Jump to the tree that is crossing the pit and go across it. Once on the other side, go to the right and to the ladder to climb down. There will be another Doxie on the ground...cast Flipendo to make him go away. In a grassy area here you will find a Challenge Shield. Around a tree in another grassy area is another Challenge Shield in this same area. You should also find a brown chest with a pumpkin pasty inside. Now, go back down past the troll trying to avoid being hit. He only follows you so far and then he gives up. Go back to the ramp and climb up again. This is an annoying part. Go all the way across the gaps again and back to the tree that is across the gap. When you get about half way across that tree, look toward the area you just came from, but look at the opposite wall/ledge. You will see some vines flapping around. Use R1 to target and cast Flipendo and then Diffindo to get rid of these. It will work, so keep trying if it doesn't work on the first attempt. Now, cross the tree and go left this time. You will quickly come to an area where Harry must back up to the wall and scoot along the ledge. At the next area, you will come to some Horklumps blocking your path. Cast Flipendo on each one and then Diffindo until they slive up and go away. Jump across another gap and then onto a ramp-like thing and then jump across another gap into a round opening in the tree...you will see more Doxies flying so R1 to target and cast Flipendo on them as well so they go away. The game gets really funky through this next little part. The camera angles are terrible and shaky which annoys me very much. Try to be patient with it...keep going and you will jump another gap and follow the ramp around the tree. Again, the camera angles through here are awful. When you get to the end, climb off the edge and drop to a ledge below where you will find a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 84 of 101 - Roland Kegg - 1903 - present - President of English Gobstones team - Number of Copies: 2 Now, climb back up the upper ledge and look to Harry's left. Now, jump across to the opposite side. There will be an imp on a ledge above you. Hit him with Flipendo and he will fall down. Cast Flipendo on him again and toss him into the cage. Quick cut scene will show a Challenge Shield appear. Pick up the shield. Now...you will see a Horklump blocking your way to a Challenge Shield and an exit. Again, use Flipendo and then Diffindo and it will slice it up and reveal an opening. Go get the Challenge Shield. Crawl through the opening. The crawl space will close behind you. A cut scene will show you a Venemous Tentacular that will bite at Harry and knock him down. Professor Sprout will appear and tell Harry that he now has the Diffindo spell...duh. She will tell him that he does not yet have the skill to take on a fully grown Venemous Tentacular and to please follow her. Follow her and hopefully she will give you a B if you found enough of the Challenge Shield. She will dismiss the class and you will regain control of Harry inside the greenhouse. Exit the greenhouse and then exit the whole Herbology area through the gate. Congrats! You finished the Diffindo Challenge!!! When you get outside, Ron and Hermione are standing there and if you talk to them, they will say they are going to bed. Go over to Hagrid's Hut and enter the garden area again. You will see a tapestry hanging with the Diffindo symbol on it. Cast Diffindo on the tapestry and it will fall. Go up some steps here and you come to a crawlspace, crawl through and you will find 2 FOLIO BRUTI books, pick up each one. They are as follows: FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 Page 5 DOXY The Doxy is covered in thick, black hair. It has an extra pair of arms and legs and a double row of sharp teeth. If you're bitten by one of these creatures, an antidote should be taken. A Knockback Jinx will hold them at bay. And FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 PAGE 13 FLOBBERWORM The thick, brown Flobberworm can reach up to 10 inches in length. Both ends of the worm produce a mucus that can be used to thicken potions. The Flobberworm's preferred food is lettuce, though it will eat almost any vegetation. Go through the crawlspace on the other side and you will go around to some wooden walkways and bridges. As you walk you will see (and hear) some Doxies flying around. Use R1 to target them and hit them with Flipendo so they will go away. I think there were 5 or 6 of them. When you reach the place where you have to go either right or left, go to the right side first. Keep taking bridges to the right until you come to and end where there is a Flobberworm on the ground. Stand back a little ways from the Flobberworm and cast Flipendo on it. The Flobberworm will jump towards you. Be careful to stay back far enough so he doesn't bump you. Keep baking Harry down the walkway hitting the Flobberworm again and again so it follows him. You will back onto a large platform that has a big contraption hanging above it and there is a round symbol on the floor with a picture of a Flobberworm on it. Keep bring the Flobberworm until you get it situated right on the round symbol. Go back down the walkways to the cut off area again and now go down the other path. There will be a brown chest on the left with a Cauldron Cake. You will come to a platform with an even bigger mechanism and there will be some Bowtruckles there. Cast Flipendo on the Bowtruckles so they will go away. I think there were 3 of them. Now go on the platform and you will see that it is another one of those things that turns around and around with a Flipendo button on it. Cast Flipendo at that button a few times and the mechanism will rise up and you will see a cut scene of the Flobberworm getting SQUISHED! Haha! Go all the way around again and you can pick up the Flobberworm mucus. Go back out of this area the same way you entered. There may have been a brown chest here somewhere but I just don't recall. Now, you could just end your day right now, but this is a good time to go get the next item for the Notice Board. So, head back to the castle and around to Madame Hooch at the Flying Practice Area. When you see Madame Hooch, go thru the entrance on Harry's left and onto the wooden bridge. You will find the book there. Harry will pick it up and say that he needs to return it to the common room. Go back inside the castle and return to the Notice Board in Gryffindor common room to turn in the book. When you return the book, you will be given: WIZARD CARD # 35 of 101 - Bowman Wright - 1492-1560 - Famous for developing the Golden Snitch - Number of Copies: 1 Read the Notice Board again and you will see this notice: LOST: One pair of dragon-hide gloves. Last known location: near the Lake. If found, please return to this Notice Board. End Day and you will see the House Points: Gryffindor has 130 and Slytherin has 99 at this point in my game...the other 2 houses are not even close. A cut scene will show it snowing outside and it is really pretty!!!! You see the castle at night with snow falling and all over the castle and it is just really a cool sight to see. Then it is CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Harry gets the Invisibility Cloak!!! Hedwig arrives with a letter for Harry from Hermione. It is about Nicholas Flammel. She mentions sneaking into the Restricted Section and finding a specific book. Hmmm...how convenient. Hehe. Oh yah, a reminder...I hope you have been saving often as you play! The game sometimes will freeze up and you don't want to get stuck doing some of the more annoying tasks again. I also recommend that if you have not done it yet, you make sure you have 50 beans and go buy the Bertie Bott Bean Carrying Bag from Fred & George. It will allow you to carry 150 beans, which means you can buy more stuff from the shop! Make sure you have all the beans you can carry before you end each day so you can visit the shop during your nightly challenges. Go downstairs with Ron and he will tell you to Come on and go to the library to find that book! So, follow Ron to the 2nd Floor. Go in and just outside the library and you will get a cut scene with Ron where he tells you to use the Invisibility Cloak to sneak past the Prefects and Madame Pince (the librarian) and get into the Restricted Section. You will then be put inside the Library Annexe room so be ready to move. Harry will have the Cloak on already and if you just stand there, a Prefect will walk into you. So, get moving! Move Harry as quietly as you can. The prefects can still hear his footsteps. Just move straight ahead to the door at the end right in front of where you start. A prefect heard me, but I pushed the door anyways and got on through. You will now be in another area filled with prefects, so again, move carefully and quietly! You have to go thru stacks of bookshelves. Go down the center area first, stay to the left side so a prefect won't bump you. Try to watch the prefects a bit to see the pattern they are walking in and avoid getting in their path. Just creep along slowly. At the end of the center area, go left and around the long bookshelf. Then you need to go to the right to the wall and then left and all the way to the end of the room and you will see an opening in the wall that you can crawl through. I recommend having some stink pellets equipped to toss at a prefect if they hear you. Once you crawl through the space you will be in the actual large library area. In front of Harry to the left you will see a book on a pedestal...pick it up and you will have: FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 Page 2 Flying Books - These weighty tomes may erupt dangerously from bookcases in the library - especially in the Restricted Section. They can be stunned with Flipendo; however, they're easily combustible. Make sure to have Flipendo equipped. Now, over to the right you will see a GOLD CHEST that will give you: WIZARD CARD # 25 of 101 - Perpetua Fancourt - 1900-1991 - Witch who invented the Lunascope - Number of Copies: 1 As you pass the chest, a quick cut scene will show bookcases closing behind you blocking the exit. As you enter the next room, which is very dark (this game is way too dark), another quick cut scene will show high walls filled with bookcases and you will see books flying around. Go to the left and around to the far back corner of the room and you will find a ladder. Climb up. At the top you will have to scoot across a ledge. Just be careful of the flying books. On the other side, climb up again. At the top you will have to scoot across another ledge. Then move to the middle of that platform and it will suddenly rise up and take you to the next level. Step off. Across from you there will be a Flipendo Shield. Use R1 to target it and cast Flipendo. The platform across from you will extend so Harry can jump across the gap. Jump across and then you will need to scoot along another ledge to the next platform. Again, step to the center and the floor will rise you to the next level. Now, you will have an annoying camera angle. You need to jump across 6 gaps until you come to a door that has a Tapestry hanging over it. This is only annoying because of the camera angle. I should also add that none of the books in this area bothered me at all. Cast Diffindo on the Tapestry. The door will now be revealed. Open the door. Just inside the door there is a brown chest that contains a Pumpkin Pasty. Just on the other side of the room is another brown chest with a Pumpkin Pasty. Go thru the door and down some steps to another door. Open the door. You are now in a large library area that has a large circle area in the middle of the floor. First you will need to use Lumos to fight some ghosts away. Once you do that, 2 Spongify tiles will appear. Cast Spongify on the tile and jump up to the ledge on the far side of the room. You will find 2 brown chests here that will give you Pumpkin Pasties. Jump down and cast Spongify on the other tile and jump to the other ledge. There is a brown chest here with Stink Pellets. Also on this ledge, you will see a Flipendo Shield above Harry's head. R1 to target it and cast Flipendo. You will see a large bookcase move out of the way. Jump back to the floor area again. Go to where the bookcase has moved out of the way and go to the end and the right side. The books here will attack you so be careful! You will see another Flipendo Shield ob the wall. Again, cast Flipendo on the shield. You will now see a spinning thing come up through the floor. You may recall seeing this earlier in the game with Mr. Ollivander. Go back to this area of the room and cast Flipendo on the shield on the turning mechanism. This is annoying so just keep hitting it again and again until it finally goes all the way up and you see another bookcase move. The new area is where a Prefect will get you if you aren't careful. Now…move very slowly!!! You don't have to go far into the new area and you need to move slowly so you don't pass the ladder. I crept around slowly to the left and stayed against the bookcases in the dark. You will come to a ladder. Climb up. If you use Lumos, the Prefect will see you, so just go slowly. At the top of the ladder it is still really dark. Go to the right and you will jump a small gap. On the next ledge there is a Statue. Cast Lumos on it and it will reveal those glowing green floors once again. Jump back across and climb down the ladder. Again, quietly and slowly make your way back to the main center area of the room. Now head back to the other side of the room where the glowing green floors are located and climb up and onto the bookcase. There will be a book on a pedestal. This is the book you are looking for. Pick it up and a cut scene will show that the bookcases that closed behind you when you came into the room are now moved out of the way. After you pick up the book, you can jump across to a ledge where there is a brown chest that gives a Pumpkin Pasty. Yummy. Jump down and go back to the entrance to this room and open the door and go back out again. Go up the steps and you will have a quick cut scene that reveals a crawl space. Walk forward a bit and crawl through. You now have the invisibility cloak on. The music here is very annoying. When you exit the crawl space, go to the left and crawl back through the space where you came in earlier. You now have to avoid prefects again and make your way back across the room. Just take your time and be quiet. Casting Flipendo to distract the prefects, or tossing down Stink Pellets can help if you get caught too easily. I just throw Stink Pellets and run for the door. The door is at the far right end of the room. Once you go through the door, you will be in the room with the desks again. Go to the left of all the desks and run for the door at the opposite end of the room. Toss more Stink Pellets if you need to. As soon as you exit the room, Peeves will attack you and steal the book and fly off. Follow Peeves up the stairs and you will see him go through the door on the 5th floor. Go through the door. You will see Peeves fly through the 1st door on the left. Go through the door. Peeves will throw the book down on the floor. Then you will see the Mirror of Erised and Harry will see his family in the mirror. Dumbledore will now come and tell Harry all about the Mirror of Erised. Dumbledore takes the Invisibility Cloak and then he leaves and tells Harry to go to bed. Go to your Remembrall and End Night. Next is a cut scene at breakfast. Harry gets his broom! Harry, Ron and Hermione also discuss the fact that the book did not mention Flammel. The game is now 48% completed! Once you regain control of Harry, you will be in the Entrance Hall. Hermione says she is going to Charms class and will meet you there. You can go outside now and try out your new broom!!! This is a good time to find the next item on the Notice Board list. Hop on your broom and fly down to the lake. Right along the water's edge you will find the Dragon-hide gloves. Pick them up. You can fly around some more if you wish. Whenever you are ready, head to the 2nd floor for Charms class. Before you go to Charms class, I strongly recommend that you make sure you have 101 cards. If you have been collecting cards from classrooms every day, and then trading your extras for other cards, you should have all 101 by now. If not, go search some desks and trade until you have as many as you can find. It will help you greatly to have all 6 lightning bolt life meters by this part of the game. This is the halfway point! The final part of this challenge is VERY annoying and hard to get the pattern down. Having all six life meters filled will really save you from throwing the controller through your TV. Hehe. INCENDIO CHALLENGE - Charms class Enter the Charms class and Flitwick will tell you to sit. He then tells you about the Incendio spell. A portrait will move aside and reveal a crawl space. Harry crawls through automatically. To the right is a book: FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 Page 11 Venemous Tentacula - The Venemous Tentacula is a long, straggly plant with moving tendrils and fanged shoots. The bite of the Venemous Tentacular is very painful and poisonous, and an antidote should be taken if inflicted. Use Diffindo to stun the creature and sever its tendrils. Incendio can then be used to finish it off. Walk forward and up a few little steps for a cut scene that will show that the spell book is in the middle of the room behind a cage. When you regain control of Harry, move forward and pick up the Challenge Shield that is in front of him. Walk around the ledge to the right and you will see a Flipendo Button. Cast Flipendo on it and platform will move across to the ledge you are standing on. Beware, there are fire crabs here! Remember, Flipendo will stun them! You can hit them a few times and knock them off the ledge. After you get rid of those fire crabs, go to the new platform and walk across to the statue. Cast Lumos on the statue. Hooray for green glowing platforms! Go out and then climb the platforms. On the 3rd platform you will find a Challenge Shield. Keep going. There are 7 green platforms to climb to the top. Now you will be on the higher area where the spell book is inside the cage. There are fire jets being shot across platforms and into a room. I selected the one on the left to try first. Watch the timing…as soon as you get a chance, RUN across the platform and into the room and move Harry to the right side of the room as fast as you can so he won't be hit by the flames. Go around the corner and up a few little steps to the next area. As soon as you enter the new area, there will be a brown chest to the left that will give you Cauldron Cake. Now, watch the fire jets which shoot to the ceiling. They go in a pattern. Right, left and then center. You will see a Spongify tile on the floor. Cast Spongify on it and wait until the flame moves to the left side and then jump to ledge above. There is another Spongify tile here, so do the same thing to jump to the next ledge. Next you will back up to the wall and scoot across the ledge. There are fire jets in the wall here so be patient and wait for them to stop and scoot past them quickly. There is another Spongify tile here so use it to jump up to the next ledge. There is a crate here that you need to shove off the ledge. After you push the crate off of the ledge, you need to scoot along the wall again to get to some brown chests that will give you an Own Treat and a Pumpkin Pasty. Scoot back across to the previous ledge and then scoot along the ledge of the next wall to the little pedestal and Call Hedwig. Feed her the treat. She will fly up and make a ladder drop down to the ground floor for you. Scoot back across again to the previous ledge and climb down the ladder. Grab the crate you shoved down from the above ledge and drag it over to the square switch in the corner of the room. This will give you a cut scene that will show one of the fire jets out by the spell book turn to face the ceiling. It will also show a space opening in the floor of the room you are in, a cage blocking your exit to the room and a space opening in the wall for some fire crabs to come in the room with you. These 2 fire crabs are very annoying. You have to get them to chase you close enough to the hole in the floor and then Flipendo them again and again until you manage to push them into the hole. It took me a few tries but I managed it. When you drop them both down the hole, the door will open again. Before you leave the room, go back up the platforms again to get a Challenge Shield that has just appeared. Go back down and exit the room. As you walk out, there is a door in front of you with a lock on it. Cast Alohomora and open the door. Inside you will find a GOLD CHEST that contains: WIZARD CARD # 92 of 101 - Xavier Rastrick - 1750-1836 - Flamboyant wizard entertainer who vanished unexpectedly while tap-dancing to a crowd of three hundred in Painswick and was never seen again - Number of Copies: 1 (I would like to add that I have not yet traded anymore cards, I have 64 different cards at this time). Exit that room and go back to the main platform area again. Go left to the next platform where fire is being shot and run across it again. This time go to the left as you enter the room. There is a tapestry in the next room but I could not get it to fall with Diffindo at this time. You will see flames coming up from the floor. Wait until they stop and run across. Now you will see 2 objects shooting fire across the room and blocking the path. Cast a charged Flipendo at each one quickly and they will face the ceiling and you can run through. Go up the stairs ahead of you and on the right will be a brown chest that has a Pumpkin Pasty inside. Go through the next opening and you will get a cut scene that shows you the layout of the room. Make your way across the ledge using Flipendo to make the fire jets shoot at the ceiling so you can walk past each one. Once you get through this there will be imps! Be ready to Flipendo them! Cast Flipendo and pick one up and toss it into the cage. Cast Flipendo on the other imp and toss him off the side into the pit. Climb on top of the cage and you will find a GOLD CHEST that gives you: WIZARD CARD # 33 of 101 - Beaumont Marjoribanks - WILL ADD INFO LATER…Number of Copies: 3 Now…go back to where you climbed up and you will see a rope holding up a ramp. R1 to target the rope and cast Diffindo on the rope and the ramp will fall down. Climb down and go up the ramp. You will now see a crate hanging from a rope. R1 again and cast Diffindo on the rope so the block will fall down. Go back down the ramp and to the crate that you knocked down. Drag it to the other side and put it into the square switch space. Another fun filled cut scene will show that the next fire jet out where the spell book is has turned to the ceiling now, the entrance to the room you are now in will be blocked and an opening in the wall will let 2 fire crabs come in to join you. Flipendo them until they drop off the edge into the pit. After you knock them both into the pit, the entrance will be unblocked and a Challenge Shield will appear. Use Flipendo on the fire jets again and go across the ledge to get the Challenge Shield and exit the room and go back out to the main platform. On your way out, you can now use Diffindo on that Tapestry. A little chime will play and the tapestry vanishes but there is nothing but a wall behind it. Go around to the final Fire jet (I have been calling these things fire jets for lack of a better term. They actually appear to be metal boars…anyways…) Run across this ledge and around to the right to avoid being hit by the flames. There are 2 tapestries hanging on the wall. Cast Diffindo on the one on the left side and a room will be revealed. Inside the room is a GOLD CHEST that will give you a WIZARD CARD PACK with the following 5 cards: 2, 52, 73, 96, and 67 - INFO TO ADDED LATER..I have 2 copies of 52 and 73 at this time. You can cast Diffindo on the other tapestry and when it falls you will hear a little chime, but there is nothing behind it. Walk up the small steps and through the door. Jump across the gap to the platform in the center of the room. Jump to the platform on the right and cast Lumos to reveal a hidden door. Push the door and go through. There is a brown chest with a cauldron cake. Exit the room and jump back to the center platform and then to the one on the left side of the room. Cast Lumos again and Push open the door that is revealed. Inside is a brown chest that has a Pumpkin Pasty. Exit the room and jump to the center platform again. Now, jump to the next platform straight ahead. Then jump to the platform on the right side. Cast Lumos again and push open the door. Inside this room is a brown chest with a cauldron cake and also a Challenge Shield. Exit the room and jump back to the previous platform and then to the left side of the room. Cast Lumos again and push open the door. Inside this room is a statue. Cast Lumos on it and exit the room. Jump to the platform straight ahead of you and then jump to the one on the right and then jump to the one on the right again. You should now be next to the glowing green platform. Jump onto it. Harry will be lifted up to the next level. Walk forward off the platform and you will see fire coming from the floor. When it stops, walk across. Go straight and then to the right and again wait for the fire to stop and cross the floor. Do the same thing around another corner. Now you should see an opening in the little wall and if you look out you will see a platform. Jump onto it. Look to the wall on the left and you will see a Flipendo button in the wall. Use R1 to target the button and cast Flipendo on it. A cut scene will show a crate falling from the ceiling. Turn around and you will see a platform where the crate fell. Jump to that platform. Drag the crate into the square opening in the floor. A cut scene will show the final fire jet in that main room turning to face the ceiling. You will also see some ghosts appear and when you regain control of Harry again, there will be a life meter on the screen for the ghosts. Jump back across and go back around to the green platform. Step on it and you will be lowered again. Jump carefully back to the center platform. This is where the first ghost will be waiting for you. Cast Lumos and shine your light on it a few times and it will vanish. Now, jump to the other platform in the middle of the room and do the same thing for the second ghost. When you defeat the second ghost, the gate will open so you can exit this room, and a Challenge Shield will appear. Jump to the platform to get the shield and then exit the room and go back to the main room where the spell book is located. Now, go around to each of the fire jets (boars) that are facing upwards. On each one there is a Flipendo button. Cast Flipendo on each of the buttons and a part of the gate surrounding the spell book will be lowered for you. You may now pick up the Incendio Spell Book! INCENDIO SPELL The Incendio Charm, otherwise known as the bluebell flames or cold fire, is a spell of an incendiary nature. Useful for lighting braziers or fires. It can also be very effective when certain plants are encountered. Like Flipendo, Incendio can be targeted using R1. Equip Incendio to the button you were using for Flipendo. A quick cut scene will show a torch (or I guess the game calls the statue torch things braziers) being lit with a blue flame. Walk over to the torch which was just lit up and there is one next to it which is not lit. I had to try from a few different angles before I could get it to light. Just keep trying to cast Incendio on the torch until it lights. Once it does, a cut scene will show the floor moving and steps raise up just below you so you can get the Challenge Shield that was floating too high before. Climb down and get the Challenge Shield. Climb down the remaining steps and through the door in front of you. Pick up another Challenge Shield just inside the doorway. Go around the corner and up some small steps. You will find 4 brown chests that have pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes inside. Go around another corner and you will see an open door and through it will be a Challenge Shield. Go pick it up. You will also find a GOLD CHEST that gives you: WIZARD CARD # 3 of 101 - Elfrida Clagg - 1612-1687 - Chieftainess of Warlock's Council - Number of Copies: 1 Exit this room and there is a door on your left. Hopefully, you have all 6 life meters for Harry and hopefully they are all filled or close to filled. SAVE YOR GAME OUTSIDE THIS DOOR. If you die in the next part, just press Start and the select Quit to Main Menu and reload your saved game again. Brace yourself. Hehe. Open the door and go through. A cut scene will show Harry walk through a passage and through a door. The door will slam shut and the music will go all annoying again. You will see a huge Venemous Tentacular. If you recall from earlier in the game, a Folio Bruti stated that you fight Venemous Tentacular using Diffindo to stun it and Incendio to finish it off. That said, R1 to target and go for it! This is annoying! There are some chocolate frogs so be sure to eat them to restore your life meter. It took many A LOT of tries to complete this. This has to be even more annoying that anything so far in the game. You will swear that the plant is cheating. This is how to defeat it. Run up to it and as it prepares to spit at you, move aside, R1 to target and then cast Diffindo on the LEFT red flower…make it a good Diffindo and it will collapse. Now do this again to get the flower on the RIGHT side to fall. Be careful that you don't back up into a green glob because that will also take your life. As soon as you knock down the second flower, cast a Diffindo on the part that is spitting and then immediately cast Incendio on it. If you get it right, it will make a whining sound and the life meter will go down. If you mess it up, the red flowers will come right back to life again. YOU MUST USE THE R1 BUTTON TO TARGET OR YOUR SPELLS WILL NEVER HIT IT CORRECTLY!!! If you need a break for a minute so you don't throw your controller at the screen, just run to the back of the room and the plant will stop spitting at you until you come forward again. Just be patient and trust me, it can be done. It took me about 10 attempts to get through the 1st time because I wasn't following the correct pattern. It is a beautiful sight to behold when that darn plant finally dies!!! YAY! Right behind where the plant was standing, you will now see some openings in the wall that have little grates inside. Light them using Incendio and the middle one will open to reveal the crawlspace to get out of this place finally! After crawling out, Flitwick gives Harry an A and tells him that it was "Well done." You will see the class leaving the room and you now regain control of Harry. Exit the charms classroom. A boy will run up to Harry and say "Harry. Harry!" and Harry asks "What's up?" and the boy replies, "It's Neville. You've got to come to the common room quickly!" Since you are now standing right outside the door to the Library Annexe, go on into the library annexe and then walk back and enter the library. Go straight back and up the stairs on the left. Keep in mind that if you need beans, you can search all of the bookcases for them. If you look above the bookcase on the left, you will see a Flipendo button. Cast Flipendo on the button and the door next to this will now be unlocked. Go inside for a GOLD CHEST with a WIZARD CARD. Exit this room. Now, look left and you will see a door with 2 torches outside that are not lit. Cast Incendio to light them. You may need to stand back a bit to do this, use R1 to target. You need them both lit at the same time and the door will unlock for you. Enter the room. There is a GOLD CHEST with a WIZARD CARD. Exit this room. Go down the stairs and over to the other side and up those stairs. Cast Diffindo on the tapestry over the first door on the right side. The door will be revealed with a lock on it. Cast Alohomora on the door and go inside. There is a GOLD CHEST with a WIZARD CARD. Exit the room. Go the next tapestry on the right side and cast Diffindo on it. It will fall and reveal a door. Open the door and go inside. There is a GOLD CHEST with a WIZARD CARD. Exit the room. This seems to be all there is to do here right now. I went around and broke the jars to get beans and then I exited the library and the library annexe. Return to the 7th floor and the Gryffindor Common Room. You will have a cut scene that says that Malfoy put a Leg Locker curse on Neville. Harry will release the curse and Neville will give Harry another wizard card. It is the card for Nicolas Flamel. He reads the card and you regain control of Harry again. This is a great time to return the Dragon-Hide gloves to the Notice Board (if you haven't already) and you will be give another WIZARD CARD. Read the Notice Board again for the next quest. NOTICE BOARD QUEST #4 Lost: Telescope. Dropped from the Astronomy Tower, seen somewhere on the rooftops. If found, please return to this Notice Board. Now, exit the common room and go outside the castle. Equip your broom. Fly directly up above the front door of the castle and land on the roof there. You will see the telescope. Pick it up. Hop back onto the broom again and fly to the right. On the rooftop directly to the right you will see a GOLD CHEST that has a WIZARD CARD PACK inside with 5 cards. Back on the broom again, keep flying to the right and go around the outside of the castle around to the right and head for the Lake. You will see a small boathouse at the bottom of some stairs. Go inside and you will find a GOLD CHEST with a WIZARD CARD PACK inside with 5 cards. Fly out to Hagrid's Hut. You cannot fly all the way to it, so get as close as you can and hope off the broom. Go to Hagrid's Garden. Walk straight to the other side and cast Incendio on the 2 torches that are not lit. Once the light, the bars will open and a cave will be revealed. Go inside and at the end of this passage you will crawl through a space. Inside this next area you will find a Folio Bruti. FOLIO BRUTI VOLUME 1 PAGE 9 PUFFAPOD Puffapods can be hit with Flipendo. Be careful of their spores, however. They can appear to create a confusing haze in the air when thrown. Go to other side of this little cave and crawl through the space. Walk down the grass path and you will find a brown chest on the left with a Cauldron Cake inside. A little farther down will be another brown chest on the left with a Pumpkin Pasty. Continue down the path until you see a quick cut scene that shows some Puffapods spitting some dusty stuff into the air. Now, you will come to a little house on the right. Go around it and you will find a space to crawl through. Crawl into the space and inside there will be 3 imps. Flipendo each one and toss it into a cage. You will see a cut scene of the gate outside opening. Exit this room through the crawl space. Go through the open gate. You will encounter some 3 gnomes. Quickly Flipendo each one and toss them into the hole in the tree. Another gate will now open, so go through the gate. Be prepared to fight another Venemous Tentacula and it is just as annoying as the last one. Do the same thing you did on the first one. Be careful not to get stuck in a corner because the thing will just spit at you again and again and you can't get up fast enough to move out of the corner. Just be patient once again and when you defeat it the gates on each side of this area will be open. Go through the gate you haven't been through yet. Walk up the grass path around the tree and you will have a cut scene that will show some Doxies flying around. R1 to target them and cast Flipendo on them and they will go away. Continue around until you see the Puffapods. R1 to target each one and cast Flipendo and they will pop and disappear. They will leave some white spores in the air. Go over and Harry will grab a handful of the spores. This is the second ingredient for your Potions Lesson. Straight ahead of this you should see the tops of the concrete walls. Climb over and you will find 2 GOLD CHESTS and they each have a WIZARD CARD inside. You can now go to your Remembrall and select to End Day. At this time I have all 101 cards plus tons of duplicates. The house points for Gryffindor are 180 and for Slytherin are 129. The game is 62% completed. This FAQ is updated all the way through to this point in the game.