__ __ __ /\ \/\ \ __/\ \__ \ \ \_\ \/\_\ \ ,_\ ___ ___ __ ___ \ \ _ \/\ \ \ \/ /' __` __`\ /'__`\ /' _ `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/ ##### # #### #### ##### # # #### # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # ## ## # # ## # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # ##### ###### #### #### ##### # # #### # # ###### # Published by: Developed by: _ _ ___(_) __| | ___ ___ / _ \ |/ _` |/ _ \/ __| +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | __/ | (_| | (_) \__ \ |I|O| |I|n|t|e|r|a|c|t|i|v|e| \___|_|\__,_|\___/|___/ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -------------------------------------------------------------DEMO GUIDE _______________________________________________________________________ -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- * An FAQ * - by - * Steve Taylor * - Began: 15/April/06 - * Finished: 16/April/06 * - E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com - *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* To cut down on massive lists and TOCs, I've just made simple Ctrl +F strings for you. Want to visit the actual Walkthrough? Just type W-T in the search function. The guide's not that hard to navigate either way, but just a small feature to make it a little easier. Table of Contents: (I-I) Introduction (I-I) (E-M) E-Mail Me (E-M) (C-C) Controls (C-C) (D-F) Differences (D-F) (W-T) Walkthrough (W-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I-I) INTRODUCTION (I-I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitman is one of the most original and sucessful franchises to grace the realm of video-games. From its first title back in 2000, and it's latest of releases: "Blood Money" - Hitman has shown that bald men can have their day in sun, too. Previous installments see the beloved anti-hero Agent 47 from Japan, Indonesia, the cold subways of Russia, to Amsterdam, England and sky-high penthouses, sporting arsenal from all walks of life, including his iconic fibre-wire. He's been betrayed, left for dead, shot, emotionally lost, but yet he still comes back for more, getting darker and broodier everytime. Anyway, to please loyal fans to the series, a demo of the game has been released before it hits the shelves in late May. If you've managed to grab a copy of the demo (you can find a copy in Official XBox Magazine) and for those who want to have a bash at the game on the PS2 will have to wait until the 20th, when a demo is schedueled to be released then. The PC demo is still unconfirmed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (E-M) E-Mail Me (E-M) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes. It's official. I love the attention. Gimme your e-mails. Make my head explode. To send me mail that I will read, please set it up with the following fields: E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com Subject Line: Hitman FAQs "Hitman FAQs" should cover a multitude of topics, since I'm pretty knowledgeable on the other Hitman titles. Now that you've got my interest, you must abide by the rules below, or else it won't be read and instead, ignored. Please, if you want your voice to be heard, follow the rules/guidelins. THE DO'S =-=-=-=-= - Inform me of errors that I've made. Either constant grammar or factual info. - Pass on strategies and solutions on how to solve parts of the game which I have not mentioned. - Ask for help about things not mentioned in the guide. - Write in words. Not internet short cuts. - I like to read e-mails with proper formatting and grammar. Please do be sure to write your e-mail like so. - And please, read through the guide before even thinking about contacting me. I've had many e-mails in the past about my other guides where they ask me questions which were answered, or not answered in some cases, since some were about the how to complete Level X and Y when it was only a demo guides I had wrote. THE DO NOT'S =-=-=-=-=-=-= - Send me chain letters or spam. That's one big no-no. - Send attachments. In some cases, I do accept them, but usually for pictures only. - Call me names/Insult me/Threaten me/yadda yadda yadda... - Use child like e-mails with crap colours. I don't want size 32 bright yellow font on top of a lime green background. - Type in alterNaTiNg CaPs LiKe ThIs or just in ALL CAPS AND STUFF. - No stupid 1337 speaking. If I see it, it's deleted in a flash. - Ask irelevent questions which I answered in my guide. It irritates me to have that done. See those rules? Well...they're more like guidelines anyway...but it doesn't matter either way! OBEY THEM OR DIE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-C) CONTROLS (C-C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game has a tutorial-type training session included, but as for all my other guides, I've included a diagram and list of the default controls as a fail safe ...just ind case. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XBOX CONTROLLER BUTTON LAYOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ /L.TRIG\ /R.TRIG\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / \ / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ (Y) \ Left Stick------|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B) | | \___/ XBOX (A) | (Back)------|-> O _____ | (Start)---------/--> O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\------(Black) | |_ + _| | | O <---|--------(White) D-PAD------|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <---------|----Right Stick / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / Controller S \ | | / made by Thuyker \ | \____/ \____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON-FOOT CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ Sneak/Crouch ----->/ \ / \ <------------Fire/push/ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ disarm / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯Holster/Inventory / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ v (Y) \ Movement----|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B)<--|---------- | \___/ XBOX (A) <----|- Action button. | O _____ | / O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\-- Reload weapon. | |_ + _| | | O <---|---Open Map. Zoom -----|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <---------|- Camera control / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / \ | | / \ | \____/ \____/ L BUTTON - Tap to sneak, Hold to crouch WHITE BUTTON- Open map. R BUTTON- Fire, Use item, disarm, punch, push... BLACK BUTTON- Reload START BUTTON- PAUSE MENU A BUTTON- Action, Hold to enable scroll, Secondary action B BUTTON- Drop item or weapon X BUTTON- Holster, Unholster Y BUTTON- Inventory, Exit scope BACK BUTTON- Mission Briefing Map DIRECTIONAL PAD + Press Up or Down- Zoom in or out LEFT ANALOG THUMB PAD Move About (press down on the center of the Left Analog Thumb Pad to Slow down aim) RIGHT ANALOG THUMB PAD Look About (press down on the center of the Right Analog Thumb Pad to toggle 1st or 3rd person view) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D-F) DIFFERENCES (D-F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the get-go, Blood Money has been touched up significently. Instead of using the same build of engine, it's been replaced with a brand new one, with a touched up control system. In the last 3 games, you were stuck with an "Over-the-shoulder" view point, but Blood Money sees a complete 360 camera to cover every angle. A great improvement. Not only is the camera tweaked, but 47's movement as well. An interview with Rasmus Hojengaard, Hitman's director, says that it doesn't want to transform the game into a Splinter Cell/Metal Gear clone, so most of the moves remain the same, but with a less clunky and cumbersome menu system. When you want to jump over a railing, you push the thumbstick in that direction and 47 will lock on to it and jump by himself, where as before it was always a case of holding down A and selecting it from a menu. Blood Money takes back on the original game's weapon selection sytem, where before each mission, 47 must buy weapons with the money he's earnt from previous missions. It's a nice incentive to go stealthy, since if you go Rambo and shoot first, ask questions later, you'll be paid less. Less money, less weapons. Less weapons, less chance of completing a mission. One hand washes the next in Blood Money, literally, as a type of "blood on your hands" style of gameplay is present. At the end of each mission, you get a newspaper report which acts as a mission summary. It goes over the amount of people killed, bullets fired, headshots, weapon uses, etc. The most sneaky players will have the newspaper draw a blank, stumping them with mixed-matched descriptions of the assassin. This is key to the game. If the newspapers print a story on how a long-haired man dressed in a mafia outfit was the assassin, the NPCs in later missions would react to this long-haired man, possibily identifying him as a killer, making it might hard for you to carry out your mission. There's still many more changes/improvements, but those will be spotted during the demo. New moves/actions ----------------- -Can break a lock by shooting it -Climb drain pipes -Conceal a body (not just drag it behind a dumpster, but actually hide it inside it) -Conceal your weapon (47 hides it behind his back rather than at his side) -Disarming a gunmen -Headbutt (47 uses his fibre wire on back of neck to pull the head of an enemy towards him and headbutt the enemy) -Hide in a closet -Human shield (in various ways) -Jump walls -Use keycards (actually slides them into the machine) -Can throw knives. -Put bombs in suitcase and detenate from a distance -Rig bombs to certain objects for "accidents" (as seen in the demo level near the end) -Kill someone in elevator by climbing into the emergency hatch and strangleing an enemy from above, before pulling them into the hatch -47 can actually brawl with his fists rather than swipe with his pistol. ~Thanks to bantha_fodder50 from the GameFAQs message board for the new move list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (W-T) WALKTHROUGH (w-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After an excellent intro movie, Agent 47 winds up on the pier of an amusement park. This is the first level of the game, so you're not thrown into any action, just a nice and simple control learner before letting you use the skills later on in the mission. You can read and listen to the on-screen prompts telling you the controls, but you could just skip them with the B button and instead follow the wooden dock around and walk towards the piles of rubble to make 47 climb up. Head foward and turn right, climbing another ledge to make it onto the pier. Run all the way to the large building complex, stop at the gate and wait for the guard. (For those easter-egg hunters, if you examine the side of the ice-cream truck, you'll notice a faded picture of a woman's face - possibly of one of the developers or something...And also, the license plate of the lawyer's car has been replaced by the I-O Interactive logo) Anyway, after a few moments of waiting, the guard'll come over and talk to 47, before having his head smashed in and his body stepped over. Nothing stops this hitman. You're instructed by a prompt to look at a photo in your inventory, but it's not mandatory, so don't bother. Instead, enter the door to your left and enter the gift shop. Navigate your way through and you'll spot your first obstacle - two guards waiting around outside the shop window. Don't worry about hiding, since they don't seem to notice you through the glass. You have two choices: - - - Choice #1 - Sneak through the door, run over to the first gangsta guard and hit R to disarm him, before turning the gun on his him and his cohort. Pros: Gives you experience in disarms and getting out of sticky situations even if unarmed. Cons: outnumbered and you're unarmed. Not to mention in the full release if you did this, it will effect the mission outcome (shots fired, people killed, etc.) - - - Choice #2: - Do what the game suggests and equip a coin (hold down X to enter the inventory screen), then to throw it, hold in the Left Thumbstick and aim it out of the open window to the right of the shop. The longer you hold the coin, the further it's thrown, so you're going to have to be the judge of your own shot here. The coin acts as a distraction for guards to investigate, causing them to leave their posts... Pros: It's sneaky. It avoids kills. It avoids confrontations. Best method. Cons: A little tricky at first to judge the shot right, and if you mess up the shot and they don't investigate the noise, you have to re-enter your inventory and re-equip a coin which is very cumbersome. I'd personally go for the latter, so equip a coin and toss it through the window, and once you spot them going off to check it out, go through the door and run across the open ground to the theatre and through the double doors. In here, you've got an odd sight: a bound and gagged lawyer strapped to a kiddy's elephant ride about to be burned alive, but that's the world of contract killing. You're instructed to kill the gangster and take his gun, giving you more choices: Choice #1: ---------- Sneak up to him like the game suggests, and use the fibre-wire. To do so, enter the inventory and select the fibre wire. To sneak, hold down the left trigger and walk as you normally would to enter sneak mode. When you release the trigger, 47 will resume his normal stance, so don't let go by accident or else 47's footsteps will get louder, possibly alerting guards. Put this into practise and kill the gangster, and take his gun. Pros: Experience on sneak-kills. Cons: You could just as easily avoid him (see choice #3) Choice #2: ---------- The gangster in question has himself a gas-can in his hands, and in Hitman, thinks have a tendency to explode if shot. If you got the gun from the two guards outside the gift shop, take aim at the can in his hands to blow him and the lawyer on the ride up. Pros: It's fun and shows off what can be achieved in the game. Cons: Hardly the approch of a silent assassin, is it? Plus this takes out a poor innocent. Choice #3: ---------- To the right hand-side of the theatre is a red trellis which 47 can climb. Just walk over to it and let 47 climb it, avoiding any fights or kills. Pros: Avoids fights. Cons: None. When you've made your choice, climb the red trellis on the right hand side of the room and walk over to the railings, where 47 will automatically scale it and jump to the next balcony. (If you choose Choice #3, you can wait up here and watch as the gangster pours petrol over the lawyer and burns him alive, and if you go back down and check the corpse, it's charred and burnt to a crisp! Nasty!) Walk into the small room, and if you want, grab the shotgun in the corner with the B Button, but the real task is picking the lock on the door. Do so, or alternativly you can use the shotgun to blast the door's lock open, but either way, you've got to open it. As soon as the door swings open, you've got two thugs inside seated at a table. Shoot them both, or go for a disarm. When they're both down, you've got to conceal the bodies in a freezer and a dumpster. To do so, carry the body with the A button, and once next to the container, hit A to open the lid and A again to dump the body in. Do the same for the next body, but since you can only have one body per container, you need to drag it to the other one. Once he's concealed, run over to the closet and hit A to hide inside. Once inside, a druglab chemist will burst through the doors and look for the two missing gangstas, but on seeing they're not there, decides to line his pockets from the wads of cash on the table. Come out the closet (no pun intended) and dispose of the scientist in anyway you like. When he's down, take his clothes with the B button to disguise yourself and then pick up the keycard from the ground. Head through the newly opened door and over to the keycard reader, scan the card and through. Now that you're disguised, you don't need to worry about hiding or sneaking past, as with your new suit, you can walk clean past guards. Anywho, run along the walkway and into the first room on your left. On the side is a pistol and on the floor is a little crate. When standing over it, hit A and 47 should hide the pistol inside the crate, and once done, pick up the crate with B. Leave the room and carry on along the walkway to the next door. The guard here's going to do a stop and search with a metal detector, so just stop when he tells you to and wait. As long as you dropped your weapon into the crate, you'll be fine. When he gives you the all clear, pass through the door and drop the crate. Hit B to retrieve the gun and walk foward to the elevator shaft. Drop down on top of the elevator and pick a choice: either drop down behind the dumb guard and push the right trigger to push him into the wall, knocking him out, or you could simply take out your fibre-wire and hit A to strangle him from above. Go for the latter. When you've disposed of him, walk over to the powerbox on the lower level and open it, where 47 will automatically pull the circuit breaker and shut off the power to the entire factory. With the power out, you can walk across the factory no problem without being seen. If you don't cut the power, they open fire on you, and it's a good 3 guys and 10 bikini-clad cocaine girls against you. If you fancy taking out the entire factory in one swoop, look for one of the blue gas containers on the ground near the tables and shoot it twice or so to make it detonate, taking out 90% of the people. Anyway, cross the factory somehow and over to the over side and through the door. Enter sneak mode by holding the left trigger and walk over to the sink, picking up the gangsta's submachine gun whilst he takes a leak. Now, get right behind the gangsta and hit A whilst you have your gun drawn to take him as a human shield. Walk him around the corner and into a large locker room. 3 more guards sit around a table playing poker and as soon as you enter, they'll draw their guns. However, since you've got one of their friends as hostage, they won't fire, so take aim for one of their heads and pop off a round. Repeat for the other two before hitting Y to knock out the currently held guard. Collect the ammo if you want, then climb the ladder to the second floor and into a small circular room. On the floor is a sniper rifle suitcase. Pick it up, and to open it, use your inventory. Once equipped, click the right thumbstick twice to enter zoom mode. Outside are 3 guards - one on the ground acting as sentry, and two up high covering the area as snipers. Aim your sights on the ferris wheel and look to the left hand side of it, and you should see the first sniper on a tiny platform. Go for his head. Next, look at the end of the large white building to the left of the courtyard and on the roof stands your next target. Once again, headshot. Now it's just left to pick off the sentry. When you're done, drop the rifle and head out the room and through the door. Wall-hug and climb down the pipe and to the ground. Head over to the next door on the ground and pick up the syringe in the box on the floor before sneaking upstairs. Hide around the corner and wait for the secretary and guard to stop talking. Either syringe the guard, or holster it and when he's looking out the window, push R to throw him out the window. Now, head through the door into the office and make a choice: Choice #1 - Equip your poison and secrete it in the secretary's drink by aiming at it and pushing the Right Trigge. Hide in the closet and wait until she drinks it and passes out. Choice #2 - Hide in the closet, wait until she sits down and either strangle her, shoot her (blungeon her to death with a fire extinguisher, etc.) or equip a coin and throw it in the far corner of the room. Sneak past her. Choice #3 - Just run into the next room. A glitch occurs which makes the secretary just pass out for some reason. When she's disposed of, go through to the Swing King's office. You'll get a cutscene of him begging for mercy before gaining control again. Two choices again: kill him in anyway you like, or take him as a human shield, pushing him back out to where the guard looking out the window was. Once there, knock him out and you should get the option to "Throw Him Out window." (credits to NitestalkerX from the forums) This is the accidently death feature that the game boosts about, that the Swing King must have tripped and fell out the window, making his death less suspicious. However, since you've been seen by many guards, they'll know a killer did it, but the full release should be less linear than the demo... Once the Swing King is disposed of, pick up the photo from the ground (or leave it, as it is evidence that proves blood money was involved if you want a different newspaper report) and then climb out of the window in the Swing King's office. On the ground will be a box of explosives, and I suggest you pick the bomb up and it's detonator. Carry on along the catwalk and through the next window. Down below on the first floor are 4 guards enemies - 3 guards, 1 pimp boss and a prostitute makes a fifth. Couple of options: #1. If you wait, the pimp boss shoots dead one of the guards, evening the odds a little for a gun fight. #2. Plant the bomb on the winch controls and detontate it, causing the lighting rig above the guards below fall and crush the 3 guards, leaving only the pimp left. #3. Run and gun your way down the stairs, heading for the exit to the left of the pimp's bed. Either way, you've got to kill at least one of these guys by gunfire. Pick a method and then head down the stairs, dispatching any justice as you see fit before escaping through the door in the corner to end the level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like all Hitman games, there's a mission summary avaliable at the end of each mission, but Blood Money marks a much more novel summary in the form of a newspaper. It includes all the info found in the normal menu, like bullets fired, description of killer, but slotted into an article: "The police are looking for a Caucasian boy. Witnesses describe the killer as being 'pretty' and 'unusually fancy dressed'. The police are now searching all gay bars." Performing different actions gives a different article at the end. Going crazy and leaving everybody alive will give you a positive ID on Agent 47. If you go sneaky, the killer will be unidentified and no description what-so-ever. Even a extra bullet fired could alter the paper significently.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weapons avaliable to you in the demo are: SLP .40 Pistol (All guards carry it) Steyr TMP Sub Machine Gun (First found in the bathroom on the sink) 12 Gauge Shotgun (In the small room in the theatre) Kitchen Knife (In the room with the two poker playing gangstas - the ones you kill and conceal.) Dragunov Sniper Rifle (In Sniper suitcase at top of the ladder in the factory) Fire Extinguisher (just outside the secretary's office) Poison Syringe (first floor of the Swing King's office) Baseball Bat (In the Swing King's office on the wall) Hammer (On the Swing King's desk) Desert Eagle (Owned by the Gangstas at the end with the pimp boss) Remote Bomb (Outside the Swing King's office) Fibre-Wire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (T-K) THANKS TO... (T-K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are people who deserve credit, and they are as follows: Thanks to: -GameFAQs: Top Billing everytime. -OXM demo disc. -Eidos. -Stuff. -http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator! -The hitman fanatics over at the GameFAQs forums. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-R) Copyright Information (C-R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== This text file, "Hitman Blood Money Demo FAQ" may not be republished and reprinted for any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books, magazines, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, on other web sites other than GameFAQs without the permission of the original author. Any changes to this file without the permission of the author is wrong and breaks the law of copyright, so please don't do it. And as the legal owner of this guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of this guides to be removed from any source of media that may use this guide. You are free to save it for later reference, and you may also print it if you wish. The latest version of this guide can always be found on the GameFAQs.com gaming website. This FAQ may only be hosted on other sites if permission is sought. Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it? _|-|_ Copyright 2006 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM