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Hopefully this is the first of many FAQS that I will write, I plan to write one for Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow as well. I decided to write a FAQ for the latest Bond game because of how cool it is. Some may argue this is the best Bond game ever made, and I would agree with them. An original story, Everything or Nothing looks and feels like a multi-million dollar Hollywood Bond movie. In fact, it is written by the same guy who wrote the last 4 Bond films. All the voice talents reprise their own role in the game including Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Everything you expect from a great Bond film is in the game, helping to make Everything or Nothing great. My Walkthrough will get you by all the missions, as well as provide strategies on obtaining Gold and Platinum’s. I appreciate any help you wish to give me or correct any errors I might have. Scroll down to the contact section for more info. I hope this FAQ will provide you with all the help you need in completing this great game. Enjoy. =============================================================================== -=2.0 - Legal Stuff=- =============================================================================== Let's get this out of the way quick. This FAQ/Walkthrough is only for use at Gamefaqs.com. It should not appear on any other web site or be reproduced in any other way without written permission from the copyright owner. Copyright 2004 Anthony Paturzo All Rights Reserved =============================================================================== -=3.0 - FAQ/Walkthrough Version History=- =============================================================================== - 0.1: February 23, 2004 - Started the outline and filled in the basic information for the game. - 0.2: February 28, 2004 - Finished first 3 missions and all section outlines. Will submit tomorrow. - 0.3: March 03, 2004 - Finished 3 more Missions =============================================================================== -=4.0 - Controls-= =============================================================================== Here is a list of controls for the Xbox version of Everything or Nothing. I took this straight from the manual that came with the game. --- Game Controls Left Stick Move A Button Action R Trigger Fire Weapon L Trigger Lock on Target/Next Target/Sniper Scope Right Stick Look/Aim Adjust D-Pad right-left Inventory/Bond Sense Y/X Buttons Punch Left/Right B Button Dive D-Pad Up Next Gadget D-Pad Down Next Weapon Black Button Wall Cover White Button Crouch D-Pad Up-Down Sniper Zoom (When Looking Through Sniper Scope) Black Button Turn Around (While Rappelling) Start Button Pause Game Back Button Activate Thermo vision --- Driving Controls R Trigger Forward L Trigger Brake/Reverse B Button Handbrake Left Stick Steer Left/Right A Button Fire Weapon D-Pad Left-right Next Weapon or Black Button X Button Activate Gadget Y Button Enter/Exit Vehicle (Only in Designated Areas) Right Stick Down Look Back Left Stick Move Bond (When Outside Vehicle) Y Button Context Sensitive Action Button (When Outside Vehicle) Left Stick Altitude (Helicopter Only) R Trigger + B Burnout (Motorcycle Only) R Trigger + L Stick Down Wheelie (Motorcycle Only) B Button 180-Degree Spin (Rail Mission Only) R Stick (click) Center Turret (Non-Rail Tank Only) R Stick Up-Down Raise/Lower Cannon (Tank Only) R Stick Left-Right Rotate Cannon (Tank Only) X Button Self Destruct (RC Car Only) D-Pad Up Change Camera White Button Toggle HUD Map Start Button Pause Game =============================================================================== -=5.0 Walkthrough=- =============================================================================== In this Walkthrough I will first break down the mission, telling you how to go about completing all your objectives and leading you to bond moments. Then will come the strategy section on how to obtain Gold and then Platinum on each stage. If you have your own strategy for a mission, feel free to send it to me and I will post it here. Check the contact section for more info. This Walkthrough is written for the Agent and 00 Agent difficulties only. If playing on operative, just follow the objectives that need to be completed. Before each mission is a quick overview of what you need. Ok, that covers it all, here we go... ************** 5.1 - Ground Zero ************** Bond Moments - 2 Difficulty - * Gold Target - 75,000 Platinum Objective - Take 500 damage or less Start up Everything or Nothing for the first time and you will be taken straight into this mission. Very similar to most Bond movie openings. After the cut scene, a very brief tutorial will start. Just follow the instructions on screen and before no time you will gain full control of Bond. Once you have control you must wait for the hover craft to lift off. Go ahead and get a feel for the aiming and shoot a couple of guys. There is body armor to your left if you need it. In just a couple of seconds you will see the hover plane fly up and fire a couple of missiles, then your given your first objective. -Primary Objective: Retrieve nuclear device You will see the suitcase lying in the middle of the floor, go ahead and exit to your right and make your way towards the device. Clear the area of enemies, shouldn't be too difficult, just take them out while running and gunning. Once you get to the suitcase, press the A button to pick it up. Objective Complete. You will see another short cut scene and be given another objective. -Primary Objective: Obtain a rocket launcher You see a enemy firing a rocket from a balcony. You need to make your way up to where he was. Once you regain control, go ahead and use your bond sense (left on the control pad) and get a good aim on the guy with the rocket. Hit the left trigger to focus on him and give him a few rounds to finish him off. There are quite a few bad guys in this area, but for the most part, they are not all shooting at you, so don't worry about killing everyone. Go straight and you will see an open door. As you approach a enemy will run out. Just run and gun and make your way up the stairs. Once you reach the top, on your left you will find rocket launchers and some body armor. Picking up the rocket launcher will trigger the next event and open the door in front of you. Objective Complete and your given a new one. -Primary Objective: Destroy the hover jet Alright, we get to take out a jet. You should have your rocket launcher on and ready to fire away. Take some cover along one of the pillars near the center glass. Just be careful because your cover won't last too long. Lock onto the jet and fire a rocket at it. You'll probably get hit from one if its missiles and be knocked down, don't panic, it won't do much damage. Just keep firing and after 4 or 5 hits you will see a cut scene of the jet flying off. Notice that it made a hole in the wall. Objective Complete. -Primary Objective: Escape through the wall 1 Jet down, 2 tanks to go. You should still have rockets left in that launcher, and if you don't, there’s some along the wall and more from the same place you found it. Go ahead and take out those tanks before going back down. 2 hits should do the trick on each. Try not to expose yourself to much, as you'll be under heavy fire. Use whatever extra rockets you got left and take out as many guys as you can. It would be good if you can save at least 2 rockets for later. ***BOND MOMENT*** Once both tanks are down, don't head down the stairs, instead just walk off the same balcony you saw the guy shooting the rocket from earlier. This will be your first Bond move. Rappel to the ground and make your way to the left. Watch out for another tank like gunner to appear towards the left back wall. Use your last couple of rockets to take it out. ***BOND MOMENT*** If you walk all the way to the left wall, 2 enemies will rappel down. Take them out before they get to the ground for another Bond move. After that, just run for the wall while gunning and you'll be finished with the 1st mission. ------------------- * Going for Gold Definitely the easiest mission to get Gold on. You only need 25,000 points. Be sure to take out a few guys and do the Bond moves for an easy Gold. * Going for Platinum Again the easiest mission to get Platinum on. Take 500 damage or less is your objective. There's a meter on the upper right hand side of the screen telling you exactly how much damage you have taken. I ran through the mission at blinding speed and still only took 250-300 damage. Don't worry about your score or doing bond moves, just try and finish the mission as quick as possible, without taking much damage. ************** 5.2 - A Long Way Down ************** Bond Moments - 5 Difficulty - *** Gold Target - 90,000 Platinum Objective - Complete mission in 3:30 After doing the training tutorial you will come upon the 2nd mission of Everything or Nothing, A Long Way Down. You will be doing quite a lot of rappelling in this mission. Watch the opening scene and you will take control of bond on his way down the 1st part of the building. Rappel down the building, move left and right to avoid any flames. When you land you will see the camera zoom through a vent shaft and some guards. -Primary Objective: Drop explosive into vent Alright, let me explain my problem here. From what I hear, you can go through this part without being seen, yet the guards always see me when I hit the ground. Either way, there are 2 Bond Moments in this one section. ***BOND MOMENT*** Once you land, if you use your Bond sense and look to your left, you will see a rappel spot, going up their will get you a Bond Move and a sniper. ***BOND MOMENT*** The other Bond Move is activating the steam vents. Once you rappel down from the previous Bond move, look to your left, there is a machine against the wall that you can press to raise the steam. Use your Bond sense if you can't find it. Just make sure you get a guard on the vents, or you won't receive the Bond move. There is body armor behind a barrel on the right side, near where you first rappelled down from. Finish off the guards and go towards the vent. Press the A Button and you will see a short scene of part of the building exploding. -Primary Objective: Rappel off building edge Once you gain control of Bond again, a ton of guards are coming after you. Ignore them and jump off the newly made hole on the ledge and start rappelling down again. You will see two raised platforms and one in the middle that’s further down. Make your way to the right raised platform, as soon as you land, put on your Bond sense and look back up towards the building. You should see 2 guards rappelling down, waste them with ease. Go ahead and start rappelling down again, jump to the left and head towards the middle platform. Once there, jump straight off and make for the little ledge you see in front of you. You will see a little explosion before reaching it. Upon touchdown there will be a guard right there waiting for you, waste him and continue on inside. There will be one other guard to your right. Before you make your way to the right side window, head left and pick up the rocket launcher. ***BOND MOMENT*** As you make your way to the window, you should see a table on your left side. Walk up to it and press the A Button to use it as cover for another Bond move. 2 guards will rappel down to the window, shoot them and continue down from the window. On this next ledge, to your right will be 2 more guards, after finishing them, jump off again to the next part of the building. There you will find some body armor. Continue on to the next platform. -Primary Objective: Shut off flame vents Upon arrival, 3 guards will appear. 2 break to the other side and 1 hides behind cover. ***BOND MOMENT*** There is another one of those switches that you hit earlier before, on your left side. Press it again for the steam to come up and for your 4th Bond move. Now take out those 3 guys and press the button to shut off the vents. After the flames are gone, some new guards will appear, including one with a rocket launcher. Use your Bond sense and you will see 2 guards coming down from the walls. Make your way to the opening in the wall after disposing of them, and hug the wall to your left. ***BOND MOMENT*** Look up and you should be able to target something on the ceiling. There will be 2 targets to shoot. Move around a little if your having trouble finding it. There should be one on your right and one to the left. Doing so will cause the ceiling to crumble down for your last Bond move. Finish off anyone who gets in your way, and just run off the building to your left side. Mission Complete. ------------------- * Going for Gold Fairly easy to get gold here. Doing all the Bond moves gets you 50,000. Be sure to kill some enemies and you should be fine. * Going for Platinum 3:30 seems a little hard at first, but really it isn't. Just make sure you stay alive, that’s the biggest key. I was able to finish this with a good minute and half left. Remember that score and bond moves do not matter. Your just trying to finish the mission before time runs out. Stay alive and don’t remain idle and you'll have this one with no problem. ************** 5.3 - Train Chase ************** Bond Moments - 3 Difficulty - * Gold Target - 150,000 Platinum Objective - Get to the train in under 3:30 This is the first driving mission in Everything or Nothing. After the cut scene you gain control of Bond and you have a choice either to go to the right or to the left. Going to the left will allow you to use the Porsche Cheyenne for the mission, going to the right will give you the motorcycle. Either way, the mission is pretty simple, and since your not trying for platinum yet, choice which ever you prefer. -Primary Objective: Catch up to the train The only part that varies in this mission, depending on which vehicle you choose, is the very beginning. So I'll try to brake that up so it doesn’t get confusing. MOTORCYCLE Hop on and take the road straight, you pretty much have one way to go at the start. After breaking through some glass you'll come upon a dirt road. Follow the train on the tracks and you'll fall from the tracks back onto the dirt road again. You are already in the right spot for all 3 Bond Moves. Continue on your path, and you'll see a helicopter, fire a few missiles but ignore it for the most part. Make a jump and you'll be on the same road as the Porsche, continue reading from after the Porsche section. Porsche Hop in to the styling SUV and head straight through the flames. Keep going straight and bust through the first double door glass. As soon as you come out of that, there will be a gate closing, fire a missile to take care of it and continue driving. The bridge will break from the dam, just hop over it and keep going. Some jeeps will come after you, take them out with missiles and your machine guns. Soon enough you'll be in a tunnel. Stay on your left side, as soon as the tunnel ends, there will be a small path on the left side of the road. Take this path and your at the same spot as the motorcycle. Now you pass through a small air field, or so it looks like. Take out any enemies along the way. You'll soon come to a cave like area. ***BOND MOMENT*** As you continue, you will see a hill, and a helicopter will appear from bellow. Fire everything you got at it, and be sure to shoot it down before you make the jump for a Bond Move. Continue on the path through some pillars. You will see some explosions and a pillar coming down. ***BOND MOMENT*** Once the pillar comes down, there is a ramp on your left side, take this ramp at full speed for another Bond Move. If your on the bike, be sure to take the ramp from left to right to avoid crashing into the wall. -Primary Objective: Get underneath the train ***BOND MOMENT*** Continue on and you'll see the train on the right side, firing at your ass like crazy. Just keep driving until you see a hill on the right which will bring you onto the tracks. Make the jump for the last Bond Move. Follow the tracks and fire some missiles at the train to knock out the gunners. Now just accelerate behind the train and wait for it to reach the bridge. Mission Complete. ------------------- * Going for Gold If you are having problems getting gold here, just try and finish the mission quicker and be sure to knock out a few enemies on the way, as well as doing the the Bond moves. * Going for Platinum I recommend the Porsche when going for platinum. Know the map well and try not to hit any corners or to crash. Pretty straight forward, shouldn't be too difficult. ************** 5.4 - An Old Friend ************** Bond Moments - 4 Difficulty - ** Gold Target - 125,000 Platinum Objective - Take no damage This mission is mostly stealth, with a boss fight at the end of it. There are a few slight changes depending if your playing on Agent or 00 Agent, I will bring them out as I go along. - Primary Objective: Destroy 6 missile launch computers You'll start this mission behind a crate and with 3 enemies in front of you. Make sure you don't have a gun equipped and wait for the guard on the right to turn around so that his back is towards you. While crouched, sneak up behind the first guard on the left who is playing around on the computer, and hit the X or Y button to dispose of him. Immediately make your way to the 2nd guard who is in the middle, also playing around with a computer, and dispose of him the same as the previous guard. Remain crouched over the 2nd guard. At this point the 3rd guard on the right should turn around and see a dead body, he will begin to walk over to see what has happened. When he sees you, he will make his way to the alarm, knock him out before he does this. *** BOND MOMENT *** Knock out all 3 guys before they sound the alarm to receive the Bond Move. Once all 3 guards are taken care of, take out a gun and take out the 6 computers that are in this 1st room. There are also some computers in the 2nd room, but you can complete this objective right in the first train cart. Once this is done, head out towards the 2nd room. This room varies depending on the difficulty. On Agent there will only be 2 guards in this room, and on 00 Agent there is 3. No body armor is present while playing on 00 Agent, but you will find some on opposite sides of the 2 desks when you first walk in if your playing on Agent. The 1st guard to the right is the easiest to take out, he has his back turned to you. 00 Agent people, wait for the other guard in front of you to turn the corner before taking out this 1st guard. When the guard closest to you (00 Agent) sees that his fellow guard is dead, he will make his way towards the dead body. Play a little hide and go seek with him. When he comes towards the body, go crouched to the other side of the desk so he can't see you. Basically you want to keep the desk between you and him. After investigating, he will draw out his weapon and move slowly, this is the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind him and take care of it. There is one other guard walking around the back of the room who can be taken out with stealth pretty easily. Do this and continue on to the next room. ***BOND MOMENT*** Take out all the guards without them seeing you to get the Bond Move in the 2nd room. As soon as you walk into the 3rd room (remaining crouched), walk straight up to the guy who is walking away from you. Take him out before he reaches the corner of the crates. Now wait and hide behind the double stacked crates, there is a little hole in between crates, and you should see the next guard patrolling the area. Wait for him to reach the corner and turn around, then do that thing you do and snap his neck. Onto the 4th room ***BOND MOMENT*** Take out both guards without being spotted to receive this Bond Move. Again, as soon as you enter the 4th room, break immediately to the left and take care of the guard walking away from you. You will see another guard right in front of you, playing on his computer. Take care of him easily. Now take care of the 3rd guard, who is on the opposite side of the machinery, any way you want, just don't make him sound the alarm. And make your way into the final room. ***BOND MOMENT*** Kill all guards before the alarm is sounded to get the Bond Move. This next room is pitch black and you don't have to worry about stealth. Press the back button to turn on your thermals and take out the biggest gun you got. There is roughly 4 or 5 guards in this room, take them out the usual way and make your way into the boss fight area. Once you make it into the fight with Jaws, the game will automatically continue from here, should you die. BOSS FIGHT - JAWS When this fight starts, Jaws will rip one of the 4 pillars and throw it at you. Your best bet is to hid behind one of the 2 in the back row where you stand. He will do this twice, revealing electricity where the pillars used to be. Go out and punch him a couple of times. He will lose his balance and start falling backwards. Do this until he gets electrocuted. If your on 00 Agent, do it again and punch him into the electricity the same way. For his last life, Jaws will charge at you every time. Just keep the electricity in front of and you and Jaws, and when he tries to charge at you, he will go right into the electricity and finish himself off. Mission Complete. ------------------- * Going for Gold Getting Gold should be really simple. Do the Bond moves and go through the lvl with stealth. Your weapon accuracy and efficiency should be really high which allows Gold to be a walk in the park. * Going for Platinum This can get difficult. The first 4 rooms shouldn't be a problem. Stealth through them like you normally would. The major problem is the 5th room, the dark one where you are forced to fight with a gun. Some luck is required here, try to take your time and use as much cover as you can. Keep in mind, taking damage during the boss fight is OK, it doesn't count against you. ************** 5.5 - Sand Storm ************** Bond Moments - 3 Difficulty - *** Gold Target - 160,000 Platinum Objective - Destroy General's base in less than 0:45 Get to do a little flying now. This mission isn't to bad on Agent, but you really get pounded good when on 00 Agent. -Primary Objective: Catch up to the General's helicopter This mission is pretty linear, meaning you have 1 straight path to take. Stay near the water and take out the first boat that you see, make sure it is completely destroyed. Continue on and watch out for any tanks on the cliffs edge. ***BOND MOMENT*** A little further you will see a wooden bridge with some tanks on them, fire a missile at one of the tanks for a Bond Move. Be careful as a helicopter will start shooting at you, press the X button to release some flare to avoid on coming missiles. Be sure to shoot down any boats if you see them. You'll now come to a open area, where you will see another helicopter firing missiles at you and at the pillars. Be careful of the falling pillars, make sure not to get hit, as you'll take some hefty damage. ***BOND MOMENT*** Take out the 3rd and last boat in the water to finish this Bond Moment. Another helicopter will be in front of you, firing missiles at the arc of rocks, be sure to fly high to avoid any falling rocks. Follow the path till you get an open shot at him, and take him down. Continue on a little further and you will see a short scene of the general's helicopter flying away. - Primary Objective: Eliminate the General Follow the General's helicopter and be sure to use flares. Don't fire missiles, as he will release his own flares and block your missiles. It is better to save them for latter. ***BOND MOMENT*** Continue following the General's helicopter and avoid all the fire that comes out from the walls to get the last Bond Move. - Primary Objective: Destroy General's secret base After coming out of the pyramid type structure, the General will flee to his hideout. You must now take it out. Fire flares from time to time to avoid the missiles. Fire at the three shield like structures and knock them all down. Once that is done, fire bombs or missiles at the top of the structure until it is completely destroyed. Mission Complete. ------------------- * Going for Gold Getting gold here shouldn't be a problem. Don't squander away missiles and keep your accuracy high. * Going for Platinum The timer will appear as soon as the cut scene is over. Just save missiles early on in the mission and pound away at the structure while locked on. This becomes a little more difficult if you are forced to use bombs. Try to find a good position and just keep nailing it. ************** 5.6 - Serena St. Germaine ************** Bond Moments - 2 Difficulty - *** Gold Target - 150,000 Platinum Objective - Get to Diavolos fortress in less than 1:50 Another driving mission. This one starts with a little chase. - Primary Objective: Intercept the patrol jeep before it reaches the village If your on Agent, just follow and wait to lock on and fire away with missiles. On 00 Agent, the car will use flares, so your best bet is to use the machine gun. At this point it should be upgraded. Don't worry if you lose a lot of life here, you won't be fighting anymore until you reach a checkpoint. - Primary Objective: Locate and enter 003'sk hideout Once the car is destroyed, bring up your map (white button) and follow the blue dot. Once you approach, a mechanical entrance will appear. Follow the on screen instructions and receive the telephone call. - Primary Objective: Get to the Hotel Americano Once you get in the Cheyenne a timer will appear. You will have 3 minutes on Agent and 2:10 on 00 Agent, to reach the hotel that Serena is at. Once you exit the mechanical bridge, make a right, as there is a blockade to your left. Use your map if necessary. Once you reach the town, there are patrol vehicles that are driving around. Pay attention to your map, it is similar to the Metal Gear Solid radar, where the jeeps can only see in there yellow cone. Use the Q-Cloak by pressing the X button. But try to save the energy, only use it when you know a patrol vehicle is in your view. Make your way towards the street that leads to the blue dot on your map, and you will see a short scene. You need to make a distraction by using fireworks. Make your way to the opposite side of the village your in, stay hidden from patrols, and make your way to the blue marker, which is across the street from the fire work store. Press the Y button to release the RC Car. Control the car across the street and up the ramp on your right. Make a right turn and follow the ledge. You'll eventually come upon a vent on the left side of the wall. Press the A button to use your laser to cut through. ***BOND MOMENT*** Once inside the fire work place, the RC Car will lock onto a opening in a crate of fire works. Press the A button to use your laser to set it off. You will cause a distraction and get a Bond Move. Now make your way back to the street that was blocked and pass through. Go around 3 or 4 U turns and you'll come to another small village. The hotel is not far off from here. Follow your map and stay away from any patrols. Use the cloak when necessary. Once you get to the hotel, you have reached a check-point. If you should die, you will restart here with full health. - Primary Objective: Reach the base of mountain fortress Now you can fire away at anything if you wish. But I recommend using the Q cloak and avoiding any fire fights. Turn it on and off as you see them coming. Just follow your map or listen to what Serena tells you. Eventually you will come to a S turn in a small shopping district. ***BOND MOMENT*** You will come across a small blockade of 2 jeeps in your way. Drive straight to the left side to avoid them and get a Bond Move. Follow this path until you see a tank. Where to go from here is quite obvious. Go off the road to the left and make the jump back across the road. As you approach the front door, you'll hear M tell you to find another way. You will see a blockade to the left as your driving. Just go through this to reach the end of the mission. ------------------- * Going for Gold Know the board well and cut your time short if your having trouble with Gold. Try not to waste ammo and do all the Bond moves. * Going for Platinum This time is brutal. Keep in mind the time keeps ticking even during the cut scenes, so be sure to skip those. I made this while the clock was ticking from 00:00 to failed, that’s how close it was. My only suggestions is that you avoid fighting at all costs. Know where the patrols are and Cloak right before you come to them, and uncloak when your in the clear. Once you reach the little village before the Bond move, your cloak is going to be finished, but don't worry about it, you won't need it, just keep driving. Try this a few times and you should get it. 3 more mission coming soon (if I can get away from Ninja Gaiden) =============================================================================== -=6.0 - Game Basics=- =============================================================================== This section will explain some basics from Everything or Nothing that will help you while playing. Targeting To lock onto a target, pull and hold the L trigger. You see the target indicator. Pull R trigger to fire. To use manual aim, pull and hold the L trigger, adjust the target location with the Right stick. You can change targets by moving the manual aim crosshairs in the direction of the target you want to select. Fire in short burst for better accuracy. Crouch Crouching behind crates, furniture, or other items in your environment is an excellent way to remain undetected. To crouch, press the White button. Crouching behind objects in your environment can help you avoid being hit during a fire fight. You can shoot over cover while crouching. Wall Hug To avoid detection, sometimes it is best to closely strafe a wall instead of walking out in the open. To wall hug, approach a wall and press the black button. To strafe, move the Left stick left and right while in a wall hug, To shoot from a corner, lock onto your target by pulling and holding the L trigger and fire by pulling the R trigger. Engaging in a wall hug and peering around corners is an excellent way of determining if there are enemies in the vicinity while still remaining undetected. Hand-To-Hand Combat Sometimes the best weapon for the job is your own hands. To engage in hand-to- hand combat, press Y and/or X. To throw an opponent, press Y and X at the same time. To counter an enemy hand-to-hand attack, press Y and A at the same time just before he attacks. To subdue an enemy with stealth, sneak up on him and use a hand attack from behind. Bond Sense Use Bond Sense to take a quick reading of your surroundings and obtain useful information about objects in the world around you. To enter Bond Sense, press left or right on the D-pad. The action around you slows and your inventory list appears. While using Bond Sense, move the right stick to move the camera view. When the interest indicator appears, pull and hold the R trigger to zoom in. Rappel To rappel, run directly at the ledge. The rappel gadget automatically attaches itself to the ledge and allows you to descend. Pull and hold L trigger to lock onto the ledge you want to attach to. Pull R trigger to fire rappel. Run directly towards the wall and automatically begin to scale it. Driving To accelerate, pull and hold the R trigger. To steer left or right move the L stick left and right. To brake and reverse, pull and hold the L trigger. To fire the currently selected weapon, press A. To switch weapons, move the D-pad left or right or press the Black button. To strafe in a helicopter, press and hold the B button and move left and right. =============================================================================== -=7.0 - Weapons and Gadgets=- =============================================================================== This section covers a description of all weapons and gadgets in Everything or Nothing. Rappel This wall climbing gadget comes in handy when a swift exit is required. See Rappel in Game Basics section for more information on how to use the Rappel. Q Spider The Q Spider is not only an excellent remote reconnaissance gadget; it also handily doubles as a deadly weapon. To use the Q Spider, select if from the inventory, press A button to activate. Move the Left stick to control the Q Spider. You can now penetrate hostile territory remotely. When available, to detonate the Q Spider, putt the R trigger. Be mindful of how you control the Q Spider. It is only silent when moving slowly. Nano Suit Remaining undetected during covert operations is essential. Use this Nano Suit to become invisible. But be careful, if you move to quickly to effect is broken. Sleeper Dart One shot from this standard-issue MI6 sleeper dart gun puts an enemy to sleep for hours. Coin Grenades These seemingly normal-looking coins carry a dangerous payload. Choose between three types: Explosive - Damages enemies caught in the explosion. Strobe - Creates a blinding flash that stuns enemies for a time. EMP - Disables electronic equipment in the blast area. Thermovision These contact lenses allow you to see the heat signatures of enemies, even in the dark. Press the back button to turn thermos on. RC Car The RC Car is perfect for getting into places where going through the front door is not an option, To deploy the RC Car, press Y when prompted. To fire the RC Car's laser, press A, to detonate, press X. Keep your eye on the battery meter. The vehicle self-destructs when it runs out of power. This is not a complete list, more coming soon. =============================================================================== -=8.0 - Unlockables and Codes=- =============================================================================== Here will be a list of everything you can unlock as well as the cheat codes that you get for completing platinum’s. I'm currently working on this section, I will fill it in as I go along in the Walkthrough =============================================================================== -=9.0 - FAQ=- =============================================================================== Q: How do I target objects that can't be targeted by pressing the L Trigger? A: You have to enter into Bond Sense. Press Left on the directional pad, and look around until you find the target you want. Now press the L Trigger to lock onto it and exit Bond Sense. Ask a question and I will try to answer it. I will fill this in as I receive questions. =============================================================================== -=10.0 - Contact and Personal Info=- =============================================================================== I'm accepting all e-mails as of now. Any comments, questions, concerns, your own walkthrough's, strategies, idea's, correct my mistakes, anything. Send all e-mails to M4HLeon@optonline.com. A little about myself - I live in Nutley, NJ and I've been a gamer since age 3. I'm currently 18 and in my last year of high school. One of the most inspiring moments in my life was on February the 27th, when I met Penny-Arcade owners Gabe and Tycho (Mike and Jerry) at Ubercon. Here is a link to a picture of Gabe, me, and Tycho in that order. http://www.geocities.com/leonresd2/ The most influential games in my life, in no particular order: Mortal Kombat - My first PSX game. Twisted Metal Black - Brought me back into gaming after a good while off. Metal Gear Solid - This and RE2 converted me into a true gamer. Resident Evil 2 - This and MGS converted me into a true gamer. Final Fantasy 7 - First RPG. =============================================================================== -=11.0 - Credits=- =============================================================================== Thank you Gamefaqs.com for having such a great site and a great community. Thank you EA for not using XBox Live, we all love you for that. --------------------------------------End--------------------------------------