Jet Set Radio Future FAQ/WALKTHROUGH, by Jonathan Pereira Email: =================== Table of Contents =================== 1. Intro 2. Revision History 3. Story 4. Main Characters 5. Moves List 6. Walkthrough 7. Graffiti Soul and Secret Tape Locations 8. Special Thanks 9. Credits ======================================================================= 1. Intro ======================================================================= Hi, welcome to my FAQ of one of the best games I've ever played on the XBox, Jet Set Radio Future! This FAQ isn't complete yet, so please email me if you've got some information not in this FAQ. If you do help me out, I will put you on the Special Thanks section. Don't tell me about unlocking characters and street challenges since there's already FAQs about them. ====================================================================== 2. Revision History ====================================================================== I have not updated yet. Do'h! ====================================================================== 3. Story ====================================================================== You are a member of the GG's who are a gang of Rudies who go out sprayin' graffiti throughout the streets. They have a bunch of rival gangs like Poison Jam and constantly fight over territory. Recently Gouji Rokakku has made a bunch of harsh laws taking away the peoples freedom for profit. It is up to you to stop Gouji's evil plans. ====================================================================== 4. Moves List ====================================================================== Here's a list of all the moves you can perform during the game. Grind: Very easy, just jump on a rail and you will automatically do a Grind. 180: Press Y when skating or Grinding. Boost Dash: When you have collected 10 spray cans, press B to do a Boost Dash. Phone Pole Grind: When you see a Phone Pole, jump on it and you will automatically Grind up it. You can also jump off pressing A, which is important in some parts of the game. Grind Combo: While Grinding, Press X to change the Grind you're in. You can do it repeatedly if you keep pressing X, but the timing has to be just right or the character will stop doing the combos. It a little practice. You can also do the same thing witht the Y button, but the timing is a little different. Lock-On: When your near a Rival or enemy a yellow cursor should appear when facing it. Press the Left Trigger to lock on to it. When locked on you will always be facing the person you've just locked on. This move is very useful when doing a Tagger's Tag challenge. Shuffle: Press the Left Thumbstick to do a Shuffle. This move is used to regulate your speed when skating without stopping. Halfpipe Tricks: When in a Halfpipe, jump off one of the sides and you'll do a random trick. Handplant: When in a Halfpipe, hold X and run to the edge of the Halfpipe to do a Handplant. Super Air: When in a Halfpipe, do a handplant move and then quickly run to the other end of the Halfpipe and jump REALLY high. Air Combo: Before the character finishes doing an Air Trick, press X and he'll do another one. You can do this repeatedly, but it takes practice because this is one of the hardest moves in the game. Jump really high without getting hurt: This is a move I accidently discovered when doing Air Combos in the Skyscraper District and Pharoh Park level. Do repeated Air Combos without fail and you won't get hurt when you hit the ground no matter how high you fall. ====================================================================== 5. Main Characters ====================================================================== Below are the Main Characters of the game. Corn: The founder and leader of the GGs. Gum: Member of the GGs. Yoyo: He has come to join the GGs. Not much is known about him, though. Beat: Original leader of the GGs. He has just appeared in Tokyo and has been spreading a bunch of rumors of stuff like the blackout at 99th street. DJ Professor K: The DJ of the underground pirate radio station Jet Set Radio. Man this guy plays some awesome music! He will also give you some tips throughout the game. ====================================================================== 6. Walkthrough ====================================================================== Chapter 1: You begin as Yoyo, who comes to the GGs Garage to join them. After you talk to Corn, the GG's leader, talk to the Gum, I mean Gum and she will test you to see if your good enough to join the GGs. Since the test is so easy that my 5 year old sister can do it, (and I'm not joking)I won't bother to post it here. After that, go to Dogenzaka Hill. - Dogenzaka Hill DJ Professor K will tell you that some punks are spreading rumors around here and that someone stole the goddess statue of Dogenzaka Hill. Spray all the Graffiti marks on the level and one of the punks that were spreading rumors, Beat, will appear. Check the map in the Pause menu to see where he is and talk to him. He'll run away from you and stop at some point. You have to follow him and talk to him again. He'll do this repeatedly until he gives up and will challenge you to a race. He'll also say that if he wins you must give Dogenzaka Hill, which is GG territory, to him. As with all challenges, you must beat him or you'll get a big fat GAME OVER. When you beat him, he'll join you. After that, you'll here that the cops have spotted you and are coming. Beat heads to the Garage and then you'll start your first cop battle. Heres what to do. Run quickly into the cops to knock 'em down. When they are on the floor, spray them quickly before they get up. Keep doing this until they're all tagged. Now that wasn't so hard, was it? After that, you'll here that some someone has sprayed some ugly graffiti in Shibuya Terminal. I'm sure you know where to go now. - Shibuya Terminal Not that hard of a level, except for the fact there is some major grinding to be done. Check the map for the locations of the graffiti (They are the orange dots). If you don't do this, you won't EVER finish the game. Well, at least not this year :). After a little skating, you will find that Poison Jam, a rival gang, has been spraying the graffiti in Shibuya Terminal. Now it's your job to cover it up! After you finish covering the graffiti up, Poison Jam will appear. Check for the blue dots on the map to find them. When you talk to them, they will run away like Beat did. After talking to them 3 times, they will run away to Chuo Street. Then Combo will show up. Talk to him and he will challenge you. This challenge is very easy and, to my suprise, it is the only challenge in the game where you have to do the same trick as the other person. Especially weird since the last game did this all the time. Anyway, after you beat him, he will join you. After that, you will engage in another Cop Battle. After you defeat the normal cops Captain Hayashi will try and shoot you. (I got hit 3 times and didn't die, what kind of bullets does he use) Defeat him like you do with every cop, knock him down and tag him. He uses more spray cans to defeat though, so make sure you got quite a few. Well, you're done here. Now lets head on over to Chuo Street. - Chuo Street Right when you enter the level, Captain Hayashi will send in a bunch of tanks to get rid of you! Don't worry, these tanks are extremely weak and it's the only time you'll see 'em in the game. To beat them, tag both sides of the tank to, somehow, disable it. When you do, some guy will come out of the top and start shootin' you with a, weak, machine gun. Tag him to. Keep doing this repeatedly 'till there are no more tanks. (The tanks are the gray dots on the map) After that, Hayashi will try and kill you himself. (Man this guy's stupid. If tanks couldn't kill ya, how can he?) To get to him go to the intersection between the 2 exits to Shibuya Terminal (ever wonder why there's 2) and look for a stairway by a building to get to him and you know the rest. Okay, now it's graffiti sprayin' time. This level's pretty easy, so I won't bother postin' where to spray graffiti. After your done with that Poison Jam will show up again. They will challenge you to a City Rush challenge. This City Rush challenge is pretty tricky, so I will post the best way to beat it. When you start, skate down the hill in front of you. When you get to the bottom go to the glass doors in the building in front of you which will lead you to 2 rails. Grind these rails and then jump off back on course for a big lead. (well, unless you were slow) Continue until you get near a dead end with 2 ramps. Grind the side of one ofthe ramps and you should go up a phonepole and to the top of a small building. Now you have to jump over several pools of water. Be sure not to fall or you'll lose some stamina and fall behind. After that, you will go to this mall or something. Keep going 'till you find the first rail. Grind it and do grind combos to keep your speed. At the end of the rail jump to the billboard to do a wallride and jump back on to another rail. This keeps on repeating for a while, but make sure not to fall off. When you reach the last rail, instead of going to the sewers, go left before the entrance to the sewer halfpipe and you will enter an alley. This alley is a major shortcut in this race. When you exit the alley skate foward a little more then grind up the stair rail in front of you and you will have completed the race. After you win, Poison Jam will get ticked off and run to Rokakku Dai Heights. - Rokkaku Dai Heights Congratulations! You have made it to the first level of JSRF that will REALLY tick you off. Spray the Graffiti Stop and save here. Then continue through the level until you find Poison Jam. Do what ya always do. Talk to 'em 3 times. When you do they will run out of the level. While your chasin' them though, you will encounter a Cop Battle. After that, spray all the graffiti in the level, which is easier said then done. After about an hour, you should figure out this level and have sprayed all the graffiti here. I will put in some pointers on how to finish this level later. Okay, now after that's over DJ Professor K will tell you that Rapid 99 has been sighted in 99th street (how original). Skate on over there, but first, take a loooooong break after a level like that or else your head will explode :). - 99th Street After a level like Rokkaku Dai Heights, you must be thinking a level like this will be a real pain in the arse :). Well, THINK AGAIN! This level is only a little harder than Chuo Street. Just remember to look for the little orange dots on the map. When you get to certain parts of the level a bunch of spotlights will shine on you. Disable them by grinding up them and tagging them. This happens twice in the level. After you finish the graffiti on the level Rapid 99, Poison Jam's sworn enemy, will show up. Go back to the center of the level where the 2 dragons are stuck together and grind up the dragon that's on the bottom and it should take you to Rapid 99. Talk to them and they will challenge you to their version of Capture the Flag, but only if you have collected 25 Graffiti Souls. If you haven't, collect them. This challenge is pretty hard so I'll tell ya the best way to do it. When you start, there should be a spike or something in front of you with spray cans on it. Grind it and you'll fall down the dragon and there should be a pink rail underneath you. Grind it, or else you'll suffer from one very painful face plant. When grinding a little you'll come to a billboard. Wallride it and jump to another rail that's in front of you. This will continue a little until you reach the end. The flag should be right in front of you. (use the map if you can't find it, it's the big red dot) When you get the flag run quickly back to the dragon, but let Rapid 99 take the next flag. Grind up the tail and you should reach the entrance the place where you entered the level. Stay there until Rapid 99 gets the flag and another should appear right in front of you. Take it, and Rapid 99 should be far away from where they got the last flag. Jump to the bottom of the dragon and there will be another flag near it. When you get it Rapid 99 should be close by now. Get back to the place where you talked to them before and the last flag will be there. And you will have finished the first, and last flag hunt challenge of the game! When you beat Rapid 99 they will tell you the secret hidout of Poison Jam, which is in the undergrond sewers in Rokkaku Dai Heights. I suggest you go to Roboy first because he'll teach you some very useful tips for the sewers. But then again, why bother? I already posted all of the moves above :P . - Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility This level is as hard (or almost as hard) as Rokkaku Dai Heights. When you enter, jump down to the halfpipe below and you'll be trapped there FOREVER!! MWAHAHAHA!!! Luckly, before you get a chance to rot in your slimy grave, Garam shows up. He'll agree to let you out if you are able to do a few easy to learn tricks. When your done, he'll somehow rip off and throw a few steel beams so you can Grind out and continue the level. (Pretty strong fellow, ain't he?) After you Grind out talk to him and he'll join you. Sorry! I'm gonna have to review the game a bit before I can post anything else. I will post up some more soon, real soon, so come back later. ====================================================================== 7. Graffiti Souls and Secret Tape Locations ====================================================================== Secret Tapes: Dogenzaka Hill: There is a small hidden section close to the place where you first talk to Beat. That's where it is. Shibuya Terminal: At the roof where Poison Jam went to the first time you talk to them. It's at the very end. Graffiti Souls: Dogenzaka Hill: 1# When you first enter from the Garage skate down the sidewalk to the right of the street and you should find it. Shibuya Terminal: 1# It's on one of the parked buses I know this is not much and the chances are you got these already. I can't remember where the others are right now so email me some of the locations. ====================================================================== 8. Special Thanks ====================================================================== - To me for actually bothering to write this FAQ. Well, that's it. If ya help me out I'll write you up. ====================================================================== 9. Credits ====================================================================== - To Sega for making such a great game. - To GameFaqs for putting my FAQ up. - I used a bit of information on the other FAQs. I hope that's okay. - To me for beating the game and writing this FAQ This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2002 to Jonathan Pereira. Any reproduction of this FAQ without the authors permission is strictly forbidden. If you want to post this FAQ on your website please contact me at Keep coming back! This FAQ is long from finished.