=============================================================================== Kill.Switch FAQ/Walkthrough =============================================================================== - Author : Jim Baker (A.K.A. Gorillaz BT) - Version : 0.20 - Platform : Sony PlayStation 2 - Last Update: December 27, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention: This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough I have ever made so if you have any suggestions on how to make it better, comments, or questions then e-mail me at: Washington_Sniper_223@hotmail.com I know that I will have probably missed a lot of stuff or made things unclear. If that happens then e-mail me ASAP so I can get it fixed and have a good guide This FAQ/Walkthrough is property of Gamefaqs. If you would like to put it up on your site then e-mail me at the address mentioned above. Sites that can use my FAQ/Walkthrough: - www.gamefaqs.com - www.gamespot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Table of Contents ================= 1. Controls 1.1 Controls List 1.2 Moving Around The Environment 1.2.1 Moving 1.2.2 Crouching 1.2.3 Evasive Diving 1.3 Interacting With The Environment 1.3.1 Using Cover 1.3.2 Using Objects 1.3.3 Using Gun Placements 1.4 Using The Weapons 1.4.1 Blindfiring 1.4.2 Peeking Around Corners 1.4.3 Throwing Grenades 1.4.4 Scopes 2. Weapons 2.1 Assault Rifles/SMG's 2.2 Sniper Rifles 2.3 Shotguns 2.4 Machine Guns/Gun Placements 2.5 Grenades 3. The HUD (Heads Up Display) 3.1 Health Indicator 3.2 Current Mission Objective 3.3 Weapon Indicator And Ammo Bar/Counter Grenade Type And Number 3.4 Targeting Reticle 3.5 Threat Indicator 3.6 Pickup Message 3.7 Timer (Not Always Available) 3.8 Scope/Sniper Rifle Zoom View 4. Walkthrough *HAVEN'T STARTED* 4.1 Mission 1 4.2 Mission 2 4.3 Mission 3 5. Cheats *HAVEN'T STARTED* 4.1 Button Cheats 4.2 Gameshark Cheats 6. Tips and Hints *HAVEN'T STARTED* 7. Known Bugs *HAVEN'T STARTED* 8. Closing/Thanks/Version Information *HAVEN'T STARTED* =============================================================================== 1. Controls =============================================================================== This section will introduce you to the controls of the game as well as some advanced tactics such as blindfiring, evasive diving, and throwing grenades accurately. ================= 1.1 Controls List ================= Up - Next Grenade Down - Previous Grenade Left - Previous Weapon Right - Next Weapon Left Analog Stick - Move Right Analog Stick - Aim/Look X - Evasive Dive Square - Throw Grenade Triangle - Action/Interact Circle - Weapon Bash L1 (hold) - Crouch/Cover L2 - Cycle Weapons L3 - N/A R1 - Fire Weapon/Blindfire R2 - Reload R3 - Activate Scope/Sniper Rifle Zoom Select - Display Current Mission Objectives ================================= 1.2 Moving Around The Environment ================================= Moving around the environment is a big part in games because if you didn't you wouldn't really get anywhere (unless your playing Time Crisis). ------------ 1.2.1 Moving ------------ Use the left analog stick to move your person and the right analog stick to aim. In the options menu you can change the speed that you turn and whether the Y or X axis is reversed. Experiment with the options until you are comfortable moving around. --------------- 1.2.2 Crouching --------------- Crouching is a very big part of staying alive. Although you move slower you are about half your size and your harder to see. Most of the time you will want to be running but when your up against a wall or trying to sneak around crouching is your best bet. -------------------- 1.2.3 Evasive Diving -------------------- Evasive diving is fun and it also saved my life a couple of times! You can dive into cover or dive into a crouch if you hold L1 after you land. It is almost a necessity if you have to move through a choke point. It makes you a harder target and it looks cool. It is also the preferred way of dodging grenades. ==================================== 1.3 Interacting With The Environment ==================================== Most of the time you will be interacting with the environment by pressing a button, using a gun placement, or using a wall as cover as some people are shooting you. No matter how you use it, it will keep you alive and let you progress through the game. ----------------- 1.3.1 Using Cover ----------------- When you go near a wall and press L1 you will press against it. This lets you peek around corners, fire at people, makes you harder to see, and lets you be stealthier. Almost anything you see in the game can be used as cover: pillars, car doors, cars, and pretty much anything you see. You can crouch or stand up while pressed against an object by pressing the left analog stick up or down. ------------------- 1.3.2 Using Objects ------------------- When you come across a blue circle thing that somehow draws you in with it's beautifullness, you either finished a level or you can interact with something. When you go up to the blue circle thing press triangle and you will use it. If that doesn't work then try holding triangle and you will see a bar start filling up next to you. If that doesn't work, then you either can't use it yet or it's the end of the level. -------------------------- 1.3.3 Using Gun Placements -------------------------- When you see a gun placement go up behind them and press triangle. You should see a bar that only fills up when you shoot the gun. That is the current heat of the barrel. Once it fills up all the way you have to wait a couple of seconds for it to cool down. The controls are the same as the regular weapons and it's really fun to use! ===================== 1.4 Using The Weapons ===================== Using the weapons is just as important as moving because it's either shoot them or run like a bat out of hell and hope you don't get too many holes punched through you. So, now that we have that out of the way let's learn how to use them! ----------------- 1.4.1 Blindfiring ----------------- Blindfiring is one of the great gimmicks of the game! It allows you to shoot around a corner without exposing your body. You may think that you would use this instead of peeking around corners but blindfiring is as accurate as..... shooting a gun around the corner without looking (O_o). But, if you learn to use this effectivly then it will save your life many times. ---------------------------- 1.4.2 Peeking Around Corners ---------------------------- Peeking around corners is the best way to kill the enemies in this game. Just aim at them in third person then peek around the corner and fire a couple of shots. Go near a corner and keep holding that direction to peek out. Don't stay out too long or your head may be taken off. ----------------------- 1.4.3 Throwing Grenades ----------------------- Throwing grenades is as easy as blindfiring and a lot more accurate. Pressing square lightly throws the grenade a short distance and pressing it hard throws it farther! Just be sure your out of the blast range or you will be blown to hell. I know from experiance :/ ------------ 1.4.4 Scopes ------------ Using the scope only works while peeking around corners or standing still. You can move a little while in scoped view but if you move too fast then it will reset to the normal view. Almost all of the guns have a scope and are really good to use when people are far away (duh!). The sniper rifle has two modes and the second one is accessed by pressing R3 again. ========== 2. Weapons ========== When you start a mission you will usually start with one or two weapons but as you progress through the level you will be able to pick up weapons that the terrorists dropped. Kill.Switch doesn't have a lot of weapons but the weapons they have are pretty damn good. The weapons will be organized like this: Weapon: Ammo Type: Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: Description: (Taken from the manual) ======================== 2.1 Assault Rifles/SMG's ======================== Weapon: M4 Ammo Type: 5.56 mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip Description: A compact assault rifle derived from the M16. It has a shorter barrel, a telescoping buttstock, and a higher rate of fire than the M16 but with lower bullet velocity. The 5.56mm M4 is handy and flexible and provides good firepower. Weapon: M203 Ammo Type: 40mm HE grenade Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 8 loads/1 round Description: The M203 Grenade Launcher is a lightweight single shot attachment for the M4 that sits underneath the barrel. It fires a spherical 40mm diameter grenade with an effective kill radius of up to 5 meters. Weapon: AK47 Ammo Type: 7.62mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip Description: The AK47 is one of the most prolific small arms weapons in the world. It has been (and still is) manufactured in dozens of countries, and has been used in hundreds of conflicts since its introduction. The AK47 is most well-known for its ruggedness, simplicity of maintenance and operation, and for its reliability even in the worst of conditions. Weapon: AKU Ammo Type: 5.45mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip Description: The AKU was developed as a personal defense weapon for vehicle crews and for special operations forces that required a compact but powerful automatic weapon. Derived from the AKS assault rifle, it has a much shorter barrel and cannot mount a bayonet, but is similar in all other aspects. Weapon: AKUG Ammo Type: 5.45mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip Description: The AKUG is a variant of the AKU assault rifle. Weapon: HK5A3 Ammo Type: 9mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip Description: The HK5 submachine gun is one of the most famous and widespread firearms of its class. The success of the Hk5 is outstanding due to the high quality and reliability of the weapon, great flexibility and its great accuracy. Weapon: HK5SD5 Ammo Type: 9mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip Description: The HK5SD5 is a dedicated silenced version of the HK5. It is equipped with a non detachable integral silencer and a vented barrel to reduce the muzzle velocity below the speed of sound. ================= 2.2 Sniper Rifles ================= Weapon: MCRT 300 Ammo Type: .300 magnum Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 5 clips/5 rounds per clip Description: The MCRT 300 is a bolt-action sniper rifle. It is an excellent long-range weapon, used for sniping enemies in a covert fashion. Ideally, you want to target the head or central mass. One well- placed shot will take out a threat quickly and silently. ============ 2.3 Shotguns ============ Weapon: M1 Ammo Type: 12 gauge Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 8 shells/ 32 shells max Description: The M1 is a high quality tactical shotgun that uses 12 gauge shells. While the firing rate is rather low and its accuracy at longer range questionable, its effectiveness at close range is absolute. =============================== 2.4 Machine Guns/Gun Placements =============================== Weapon: M249 Ammo Type: 5.56mm Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: 2 box clips/200 rounds per box Description: The M249 SAW or Squad Automatic Weapon is an air cooled, gas operated light machine gun. It fires the 5.56mm NATO round from 200 round belts fed from special plastic boxes clipped beneath the reciever. With its high rate of fire and large amount of ammunition, the M249 is an extremely effective covering weapon. Weapon: Gun Placement Ammo Type: N/A Max Clips/Ammo Per Clip: N/A Description: Around most of the levels you will find gun placements randomly placed and usually a guard to go with it. When you go up to the placement and use it you will get a special bar that goes up when you fire. When it's all the way up you will have to wait for the barrel to cool down. Although there aren't many times you will need to use these they are very fun to use. ============ 2.5 Grenades ============ Grenade: Grenade Max amount: Unknown Description: Highly explosive fragmentation device that is useful in taking out a large number of enemies. Grenade: Mini Grenade Max amount: Unknown Description: Smaller and less powerful version of the regular Grenade. Due to its size, operatives are able to carry more in their inventory. Grenade: Sticky Grenade Max amount: Unknown Description: Similar to the Frag Grenade, but sticks to surfaces before it explodes. Grenade: Flash Grenade Max amount: Unknown Description: Non-lethal grenade that temporarily stuns and blinds enemies within its explosive radius. ============================= 3. The HUD (Heads Up Display) ============================= This part of the guide is taken straight from the manual but I thought that some [lazy] people who don't read the manual could benefit from. ==================== 3.1 Health Indicator ==================== The blue Health Indicator displays the operative's current health. An operative's health status is at 100% when the blue bar is full. If an operative takes damage in the field, the blue bar depletes and the Health Indicator becomes smaller. As you know, each operative has been the recipient of the latest nanotechnology. Wounds and damage taken in the field will heal to a certain degree thanks to the nanotech in the operative's system. The black portion underneath the blue bar shows the amount of health that can be recovered through nanotech. To restore or recover additional health in the field, the operative should seek out aid until proper treatment can be obtained. Despite their accelerated healing abilities, you should remember that operatives are NOT superhuman. Successive trauma to an operative's system will negate or overload the nanotech, causing the body to go into shock and shut down. ============================= 3.2 Current Mission Objective ============================= Mission Objectives are displayed underneath the Health Indicator. Your Commanding Officer (CO) or Base will relay Mission Objectives to the operative through the Neural Interface/Link via a secure and encrypted Datastream transmissionl. Only the CO, yourself, and the operative will know the contents of the transmission. ================================================================= 3.3 Weapon Indicator And Ammo Bar/Counter Grenade Type And Number ================================================================= You can review an operative's weapon loadout with these indicators. The operatives currenly equipped weapon, its remaining ammunition, the current type of grenade being used, along with their remaining number, are all displayed simultaneously here. The weapon's ammo bar depletes as rounds are spent. The counter next to it indicates the total number of rounds left. The number of grenades will decrease for that particular type as they are used. Of course, if the operative obtains additional weapons, ammunition, or grenades, the indicators will reflect those changes instantaneously. As a safeguard, the Weapon Indicator will begin to blink as a reminder for the operative to reload a weapon. The blinking will become more frequent and flash red as a weapon's clip comes closer to being emptied. To conserver HUD space, the indicators will "close up" after a few moments. The indicators will "open up" again if a different weapon or grenade type is selected. ===================== 3.4 Targeting Reticle ===================== The targeting reticle is used for aiming an operative's weapon. The shape of the targeting reticle will change depending on the weapon currently being used. The targeting reticle can also change in size. The larger the reticle, the more inaccurate the shot an operative will take if he fires his weapon at that time. By default, the targeting reticle will turn red to indicate that it is being aimed directly at a hostile threat. If you disable the highlight function of the targeting reticle, it will not turn red ==================== 3.5 Threat Indicator ==================== Indicators may pop up if a threat to the operative happens "off-screen" in relation of the HUD viewing area. Threat Indicators are mostly for your reference, to aid the operative in assessing and determining the location of threats such as hostile fire. ================== 3.6 Pickup Message ================== Non-mission objectives or miscellaneous types of messages may show here from time to time. (e.g., items an operative aquires during a mission will be displayed here as they are taken to his inventory. ================================ 3.7 Timer (Not Always Available) ================================ Certain missions may have a time-related element to them. The timer will display the amount of time remaining to complete a certain objective or mission. ================================ 3.8 Scope/Sniper Rifle Zoom View ================================ The operative has access to weapons that may utilize a scope or zoom view, such as a sniper rifle. This type of close-up view is usefl when attempting to make more powerful and accurate shots in the field.