---------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the temple: Infernal crusade for Sony Playstation2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Full FAQ/Walkthrough; vers. 1.6; Maj 26, 2005 By: Mercury (c) 2004-2005 Vahagn Baghomian. All rights reserved. ============================================ Licenced web-sites: ============================================ www.cheatcc.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatplanet.com www.ign.com www.gamewinners.com www.gamefaqs.com ============================================ Version History ============================================ 1.0: Wrote the walkthrough. 1.2: Corected some mistakes and added some strategy contributed by eblis. 1.3: Corected some more mistakes. 1.4: Added the version history and changed some parts of the guide. Changed the layout of the weapons list part. 1.5: Added the one shot kill notice 1.6: Added the alternate starategy for taking out the last boss ============================================ Table Of Contents ============================================ I. Story II. Button Configuration III. Heads Up Display (HUD) IV. Atacks IV.I Normal atacks IV.II Special Atacks IV.III Divine Powers V. Enemies VI. Items VII. Walkthrough: A. The monastry of Belmont B. Ouside of the monastry of Belmont C. The Catacombs D. The correction facility of Belmont E. West Belmont F. East Belmont G. The harbour H. Acre: The ancient city I. Showdown in Acre J. Sowdown in Acre, continued K. The saracen leader L. A way out M. A way out, continued N. The holy city of Jerusalem O. On top of Jerusalem P. Below Jerusalem Q. The lost city R. The treasury of Petra S. The treasury of Petra, continued T. This is hell U. On the edge of the abyss V. Back to Belmont W. Belmont transformed X. The catacombs revisited Y. The collapsing monastry Z. Belmont possessed XX. The end is near YY. The end is near, continued ZZ. Evil in the house of God VIII. Bosses IX. Puzzle solutions X. Weapon list ============================================ I. Story ============================================ An evil Bishop has abducted Adelle, a mysterious young woman with divine powers. With his entourage of disciples and their captive Adelle, he embarks on an Unholy crusade, moving along the initial routes of the historic crusades. By misusing AdelleĀ“s powers against her will, he plans to complete the Unholy Circle and to perform dark rituals at sacred places to desecrate them. This way he intends to eventually unlock and gain access to the Gateway to Hell. Paul (you), a young, newly initiated Templar knights finds upon him the tough task of starting a mission to uncover the Evil Conspiracy, to interrupt the Unholy Circle and to prevent the Evil Bishop from fulfilling his plan. Only by saving Adelle can he save the world form Evil. ============================================ II. Button Configuration ============================================ Note: this is the defult button configuration. you can change this whenever you want in the options menu. X-button: Light atacks O-button: Heavy atacks triangle-button: confirm/action square-button: block R1: Use divine power L1: Use special atack R3: Bow mode Directional-button up: Equip sword Directional-button left: Equip axe Directional-button down: Equip bow/bow mode Directional-button right: Equip mase Select-button: see atacks,special atacks and divine powers Start-button: Pause menu ============================================ III. Heads Up Display (HUD) ============================================ ______________________________ ______________ |______________________________| 1 |______________| 4 |______________________________| 2 |_______|_______|_______|______| 3 1. Life bar 2. Special atack bar 3. Divine powers units 4. Enemy life bar (displayed when fighting enemies) ============================================ IV. Atacks ============================================ =================== IV.I Normal atacks =================== X-button: Pushing this button will perform a quick but weak atack. O-button: Pushing this button will perform a slow but powerful atack. =================== IV.II Special atacks =================== Special atacks will be available when you use a weapon for a long time, you will earn diffrent special atacks depending on which weapon you are using. you will earn two special atacks by using the sword, one by using the axe and one by using the mase. The weapon needed for earning the special atack is in the parantes. L1+X: Block breaking atack (sword) L1+square: 360 degree swip (sword) L1+O: jumping chop atack (axe) L1+triangle: Windmill death from above (mase) =================== IV.III Divine Powers =================== You will earn one divine power after you complete each chapter making it a total of four. You need to have at least one divine power unit full to use a divine power. Each time you kill an enemy one of your power units will be filled to its half. R1+O: Heal yourself (requires 1 power unit) R1+X: Divine shockwaves (requires 3 power units) R1+triangle: Divine fire bolts (requires 1 power units) R1+square: Divine aura (invincablity) (requires 2 power units) ============================================ V. Enemies ============================================ Note: I didn't have the manual when I played this game so I had to use my fantasy for some of the names. Monks: These are the very first enemies you encounter in the game and are fairly weak. They use knives and cleavers and they atack straight or roll side to side and try to atack you from behind or from the side. Waste them! Recommended weapon: sword City Knights: These guys are equiped with swords and shields and are tougher that the monks. Break their shield and they are almost sitting ducks. They often atack in groups. Recommended weapon: sword City Knight commanders: The same as the city guards except that they don't have shield, instead they atack a lot more and are tougher to kill. Recommended weapon: Sword Knights: Equiped with long swords these guys are good! They can perform all of your atacks and are tough to kill. Recommended weapon: Sword, axe Black knights: These knights come straight from hell and they only want to see you dead. They wield long dark swords or axes and like the knights they can perform all of your atacks plus that they can break your block and do more damage than the knights. Recommended weapon: Axe, mace Hell knight: The same as the black knights except taht they can't break your block, but they do even more damage than the black knights, get careless and you can kiss your butt goodbuy! Recommended weapon: Sword, axe Archers: As the name suggests these guys are equiped with bows, easy to kill at close range, but tough at a distance. Recommended weapon: Any Torturers: You will only meet three of these in the entire game. they use hot irons and axes and they are quite fast and deadly. Recommended weapon: Sword Saracens: These guys are equiped with arabic swords and they are deadly even when faced alone. Keep your distance and try to atack them one and one. Recommended weapon: Sword Elite Saracens: Same as the saracerns except that they wield two arabic swords at the same time, best strategy is to block their atacks first and atack after that, allways allow them to make the first move. Recommended weapon: Sword, mace Saracen priests: These dudes wield serpent like maces and are deadly in close combat. Recommended weapon: Sword Desert Saracens: These are worst that the elites and move much quicker and are deadlyer. Be on your guard. Recommended weapon: Sword, mace Elite desert saracens: The same as the desert saracens except that they are a little slower and they wield a bigger sword. Recommended weapon: Axe, mace Saracen archers: These are more skilled that the europian ones and are much more aqurate. Recommended weapon: Any Saracen bow masters: these bowmen can hit you from any distance and are the most skilled archers in the game. Recommended weapon: Any Demons: There are several types of demons: Demons: You probably know how a demon look likes. Gate keeper: These demons guard the doors. You cann't proceed until you defeat these. their atacks and the way they move is similar to the elite saracens. Recommended weapon: Sword, axe Demon creatures: These look much like the creatures in the resident evil series, they are big and atack with their clows, keep you distance. Recommended weapon: Sword, mace The damned: There are two types of these, those who are crowling and those who are flying. the crowling ones atack you with their hands and toungue and they easly can kill you with five or six hits and the flying ones cast fireballs at you but they are nothing at close range get close and rip the head off the flying ones but keep your distance from the crowling ones. Recommended weapon: Sword, axe ============================================ VI. Items ============================================ Healing ointment: These will replenish your health. pick these up whenever you can. Arrows: Pick these up to increase your arrow amount. Divine power upgrades: These boxes are well hidden and hard to find. When found these will upgrade one of your divine powers. Weapon upgrades: You will find new weapons throughout the game. whenever you find a new weapon it will replace your old one. For example if you find a new sword it will replace your currently carried sword. Each weapon can only be picked up once, so keep your eyes open. Keys: Are used to open gates or doors. ============================================ VII. Walkthrough ============================================ ============================================ A. The monastry of Belmont ============================================ Note: All enemys including the bosses (exkept the last one) can be killed with one headshot with the bow. After the intro movie you will find yourself in some kind of bedroom. Move forth a litle bit and you will see a glowing thing on a smal shelf on your left approach it and pick it up, it's a key for the door right in front. You see the box on the right side of the door, break it. remember whenever you see these boxes break them. They may contain items, some barrels can also be breaked. Anyways open the door in front and you will encounter your very first enemy in the game, a simple monk, kill him and continue downstairs. You will be atacked by two monks so get rid of them. You'll notice that something is glowing beneath one of the tables. Break the table and pick up the healing ointment if you need it. There is a locked door on your left, you need a key to unlock it. Now aproach the glowing chair behind the table at the end of the hall. Whenever something glows that means you can interact with them. As you approach the chair a message will pop up, press the confirm key to rotate the chair and open up a secretpath. The path you just discovered is to the right of your current position. Go through the hidden door and you will notice a barrel in front of you. Hit it and it will fall down killng a monk for you. Go down the stairs and kill the two monks down there. Move a little bit forward and you will encounter three more monks so eliminate them as well and continue till you come to a junction. See the little staircase on your right? take it and go downstairs. A little bit forth there is a tomb on your right, enter it and pick up the "dead guard's sword". Now exit the tomb and enter the door right in front of the tomb and kill the monk inside and pick up the key he was holding. Go the way you came back and go upstairs. Move towards the locked door and unlock it with the key you picked up. A cutscene will play showing a monk setting the place on fire. Ignore him and move towards the door just in front of the door you came in from to escape the burning building. END OF LEVEL ============================================ B. Outside of the monastry of Belmont ============================================ Move a little bit forward and you will see that your way is blocked by flames. Approach the water container on your rightand hit it a few times to break it. Water will splash out of it and put out the fire for you. Approach the burned door and break it. Continue down the path and you will encounter a new enemy, a city knight, and a monk. Kill them both and move on. You will come to a yard. There is a guard house with a locked door just to the side of the huge gate on your right. Approach the well in the middle of the yard and drink some water to replenish your health if you need it. A city knight will atack you, kill him and pick up his key. Move towards the guard house and open its door. Pick up the key inside and get out to battle one city knight and two monks. After getting rid of them go straight up and you will see a small door. Use the key on it and open it. You see the statue on your right? It's a checkpoint. Aproach it and hit the confirm button to save your progress. Remember that you can use every checkpoint only once so save carefully. There is a healing ointment behind the little roof-like structure. Go left from the checkpoint and go down the path. Kill the two city knights and the monk on the way and continue on. Open the door and go up the stairs and kill the city knight, there is a healing ointment inside one of the barrels on the right. Go forth and then right, go downstairs and kill the atacking city knight. Break the wooden wall on your right to get a healing ointment. Take the only way available and you will see a gate on your left, it's locked. Continue the way and you will come to a forge. Kill the two monks and pick up the key one of them will drop, also pick up the "broken beak sword" on the table then go back, unlock the gate and continue. You will encounter two monks in the hall, kill them both and one of them will drop a scalper. See the glowing crusifix on the wall? Remove it with the scapler and pick it up. There is a hole in the wall near one of the bookshelves in th end on the hall. Place the crusifix inside the hole and a hidden path will open. Move inside a little and get ready to enter the catacombs. END OF LEVEL ============================================ C. The caracombs ============================================ The gate in front will not open so take the hallway. You come to a round hall with a large hole in the middle. Kill the four monks and pick up the key. Enter the halway in the middle and open the gate. Move inside and kill the two city knights and the city knight commander and pick up his key. Go back the way you came and take a right. Take the hallway in front and kill the two monks blocking the way. Open the gate with the key and kill the two monks on the way and continue till you see a cutscene, go all the way foth and kill the lone monk and open the grave, another cutscene will play, after that go back and kill the city knight and take the hallway on your left, kill the two city knights and save at the checkpoint if you want. Take the only door in front, continue down the path kill the two monks and you will see a locked gate on your right. Continue down the path and pass the door at the end, the door will close and you will be atacked by two city knights and a black knight. Kill them and pick up the key the black knight was carrying. To open the door you need to solve a simple puzzle: See the four signs on the walls? Approach the bookstand and read the book. Then fix the signs according to the book, simple ha? In case you can't figure it out here's the solution, fix the figures as below: _______ ____ \____/ || \ / \ / \ ---- \ / | \____/ ||__ \_/ ____/ || \ ---||--- | || \___/ After you solve the puzzle the door will open, take it and go towards the locked gate, unlock it and kill the city knight take a left and prepare for the next level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ D. The correction facility of Belmont ============================================ Take the gate on the left and go forth. As you progress through this hallway you will be atacked by a total of 6 monks, so do whatever you have to do. Then continue to go forth and kill a monk and a city knight. There is a healing ointment in the box to the right. Continue the path and a cutscene will play and the gate you just passed through will get blocked. There is no turning point now. Break the woods blocking the way and kill the two city knights and the city knight commander. Open the tomb in order to open the way. After two or three steps two city knights and a monk will atack you, kill them and pick up the key they drop. There is a healing ointment in one of the barrels on your right. Continue the way and open the gate with the key and go left. A torturer will atack you with a hot iron. Kill him quick becouse otherwise he will kill you quick and follow the corridor. When you get to the dead end take a left and go down the stairs. Two more torturers will atack. One with hot iron and one with a small axe. After you kill them pick up the "wood choping axe". Break the box for a healing ointment then head up the stairs. A cutscene will play and get ready for your first boss fight: =================== Boss: Executioner =================== Well this guy is big and wields a big axe. He will atack you on the spot and he dose a lot of damage. Block his axe atacks and time your movments and don't stand there just blocking because he will kick you in the stomach causing you to loose your guard. If you get hurt badly there is a healing ointment a little bit forth on the right and another inside a barrel on the left just in front of the ointment. ====================================================================================================================== After you kill him move towards the only door on the far side of the room where the executioner came from and pass through it, hit the confirm button to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ E. West Belmont ============================================ As soon as the level starts you will be atacked by two city knights. After kiling them one of them will dropp a sword, go ahead and pick up the "city knights's sword". There is an archer on the left, get close and finish him of and take the "archers bow". Turn around and continue down the path and kill the city knight. There are two boxes on the left one of them contains arrows. Follow the path and kill the city knight. A little bit forth after you kill the city knight are two archers on a balcony, equip the bow and finish them off before they spot you. After that continue the way and you will end up in fornt of a locked door. Break the barrel on the left side of the gate to pick up the gate key. Unlock the gate and move on. Two city knights will atack you, you know what you need to do. After that move through the large doors they were guarding and finish off the city knight and the city knight commander, after a bit finish off another city knight and open the large doors. A knight will atack you, kill him and enter the tower in the middle of the square. Read the glowingnote on the wall, then enter bow mode and aim up. Shoot the glowing wood toallow the rope to fall down. If you are out of arrows there are some behind the tower you are inside a box. After the rope falls down hit the confirm button to chime the bells. After that exit the tower and kill the two city knights and the city knight commander who have came out to investigate why the bells are chiming. Pick up the key and open the door right in front of you. There is a checkpoint on your left. Kill the city knight and move on, breaking the boxes on the left will give you a healing ointment. Move on and finish off the two city knights and the city knight commander, after a bit two more city knights and another city knight commander will atack you. After them a knight opens the only gate and comes to challenge you, finish him off,then break the boxes on the right side of the place for some arrow and healing ointment. When done enter the gate the knight came from and the level is finished. END OF LEVEL ============================================ F. East Belmont ============================================ Kill the two city knights and break the box to find a healing ointment then go right and keep moving. You will finally run in four city knights, finish them off but do not turn left yet, keep going until you see two boxes by each other. Beside the boxes is the "war axe". Pick it up and break the boxes to find 2 healing ointments. Now head back and take right and cross the bridge. As you approach the next side of the bridge one city knight and one city knight commander will come out of the small house and atack you, kill them and pick up the cranck, a cutscene plays and now some city knights are waiting for you at the other side of the bridge. Aproach the bridge and enter bow mode, try to kill the two city knights, after that cross the bridge kill the knight and enter the door they came from. Go upstairs, kill the two city knights on the way and keep going upstairs. Open the door and break the wood on your left. Move through the hole you've made and save your progress at the checkpoint if you wish. Continue down and take the door on your right. Kill the city knight and the knight. Take a left from the door till you see a city knight, kill him and take another left and continue onto the stable and pick up the rope. Go back till you reach the place you turned to encounter three city knights. Finish them off and go straight instead of turning right. Kill the city knights that come out of the corner, go up a bit and another city knight will show himself so kill him as well. At the end of the alley you will notice a glowing hole in the wall beside the watergate. Place the cranck into the hole then use the rope to close the watergate. This will decrease the flowing water and enable you to enter the waterway. Follow the water and go down the stairs. Hit confirm button to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ G. The Harbour ============================================ As soon as the level starts you will be atacked by to city knights and one archer. Break the box for a healing ointment and move forth a bit. Two more city knights will atack you. Kill them and one of them will dropp a key. Pick it up and open the gate. two city knights and a knight will immediatlly atack you. Rip their heads off then check behind the little cotage to find a skewer, you will also find a healing ointment in one of the boxes. Aproach the house in front and go upstairs, get inside and use the skewer to stop the devise, a cutscene plays and you have just made a way for youself. Go out and play with the three city knights. After done playing pass cross the little river and open the gate. Kill the city knight and city knight commander, use the checkpoint if you want then get moving. A little bit forth two archers will start practising their skills on you. Kill them then break the small little woods holding a half of the bridge, this will make the half of the bridge that is on your side to fall. Now what? Enter bow mode and aim for the ropes holding the other half of the bridge. When the bridge is completed cross it. A cutscene will play and after that the level is over. END OF LEVEL ============================================ H. Acre: The Ancient City ============================================ You have completed the first chapture of the game and for doing that you've been blessed with the divine power of healing. From now on you can heal yourself by holding R1 and pressing the O button. Remember that you need at least one divine powers unit full to do this. Anyways welcome to the ancient city of Acre, or not, because you will be atacked by a saracen as soon as the level starts. Kill him, this will cause two more saracens to come out and atack, after wasting them move towards the waterfilled place, there is something glowing down there but since it's in water you can't get it. Now move a bit to the left of the waterfilled place, see that crack on the wall? Hit it a few times and the wall will be destroyed allowing the water to come out and the waterfilled place to get dried. Now just descent the stairs and pick up the glowing thing which is an arabic sword "scimitar". Now head up the stairs, go left until you come to a gate and open it, there is a healing ointment in one of the boxes, grab it if you need it the head on, there are some boxes to the left containing ointment, you'll soon be needing it because you will be atacked by two saracen as soon as you get by the gate. Finish them off, take the ointment in the box and head on, break the woods to open the way and continue, on the way you will be atacked by a total of 6 saracen and one elite saracen,finish them off as you go and in the end there will be some boxes. Break them to get a healing ointment and the key for the locked door upstairs. Grab the key and head upstairs and unlock the door. There is a checkpoint right by your side when you enter, so use it then finish of the saracen roaming around, then enter bow mode kill the damn saracen archer on the balcony, exit the bow mode and head left for a healing ointment on the ground, but take care of the saracen archer on your left first. Grab the ointment and head back, take a left and go straight and kill two elite saracens just for fun, hehe, then move on and turn two saracens into oblivion, and pick up the key and break the box to get a healing ointment. Unlock the gate at the right side of box and move down, a cutscene will play and you will be forced to take care of five elite saracens then pick up their key, there is a healing ointment on the ground in the upper side of the place and another in a box to the right side, there are also some arrows in the box near the gate, open the gate and take care of the three elite saracens, pick up the key move towards the door and finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ I. Showdown in Acre ============================================ As usual take care of two elite saracens and prepare to solve a puzzle: You need to close all of the watergates in order to lower the water level in order to move on. Do as explained below: Gate control 1 gate control 2 gate control 3 gate control 4 Move the gate control levers in this order: 4-3-2-1-3-1 After solving the puzzle the water will go down and the you can continue. Go downstairs and go right, kill the two elite saracens and the saracen priest and move on. Go upstairs and take car of the two elite saracens and the saracen priest and pick up the key, take the ointment in the box near the door if you need it then pass through the door kill the elite saracens and the priest, use the checkpoint. Take the only hallway and head downstairs, kill the three elite saracens, take the door, kill the two elite saracens and the saracen archer, take the "saracen bow" he drops and continue down the corridor, exterminate the three elite saracens and the saracen priest, take the ointment in the barrel, move on and kill the two elite saracens, head upstairs and finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ J. Showdown in Acre, continued ============================================ Move forward and kill the two atacking elite saracens and the saracen archer. There is a healing ointment in one of the barrels here, anyways break the wood to open the way and head on. Kill the three elite saracens, the saracen archer and the caracen priest. Pick up the key then unlock the gate and move on. After passing the gate you will be confronted by three elite saracens and a saracen archer, finish them off to get the key for the gate, unlock it and pass through. Three angry elite saracens will atack you show them what you got. There are some arrows in one of the barrels on the right and a healing ointment in one of the barrels on the left. After collecting them move on, kill the two elite saracens and the saracen priest and take a right and head up the stairs, break the barrels for a healing ointment and the key for the gate, unlock the gate adn pass through, kill the two elite saracens then head downstairs to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ K. The saracen leader ============================================ Go straight and tich the elite saracen a leasen, also break the barrel for some arrows and a healing ointment, head back and take right, kill the elite saracen and the saracen archer and head upstairs, kill the saracen archer and open the door. Take the only door in front and eliminate the three elite saracens and the saracen priest then head down the stairs. You'll see some stairs going down with a fence blocking the way, you need a key to unlock the fence. Head left and open the door, watch the cutscen and get prepared for your second boss fight: ==================== Boss: Saracen leader ==================== This guy sucks! He atacks the same way as the ordinary saracens and do almost the same amount of damage, you can finish this guy off realy quickly, but the problem is that he has a saracen and a black knight at his help. First finish off the saracen, then the saracen leader. The real challenge is the black knight, but he will fall soon if you time your movments. ====================================================================================================================== After the fight, pick up the key the black knight drops and head back the door you came in from, unlock the fence to access the stairs, go down to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ L. A way out ============================================ This level is a straight one, there is no turning places. So hit the road and kill the three saracens. Then take the only available way and kill the saracen priest and pick up his "mace", then get prepared to solve the hardest puzzle of the game: The door in front is locked with some mechanism. There are cracks on the panel disks on the door, you need to align all three cracks in order to open the door and you can't align them any way you want. Look at the other symbols on the walls, you need to align the cracks as shown in the symbols. There are two valves beside the door. If you turn the right one the visable crack will turn counter-clockwise turning one of the other two with it. If you turn the left valve the hardly visable cracks will turn clockwise. The hardly visable cracks will be more visable if you play the game in a little darkened room. Look below for solution: / / \ \ / / / / The cracks are positioned the way shown above and they are align, you need to get them the way shown below ALIGN: | | | | / / | | First turn the left valve till you get the hardly visable cracks as shown above. Then turn the right valve and place the visable crack as above. Then do as followed: Turn the left valve until the cracks make 2 full turns, turn the right valve until the cracks turn 1 full turn, turn the left valve until the cracks make 1 full turn, turn the right valve until the cracks turn 2 full turns. After geting the cracks aligned approach the door and hit the confirm button to open it, if it dose not open it means the cracks are not in the right locations and you must do everything once more or try to solve the puzzle yourself. Puzzle solved. Pass through the door and break the woods blocking the way. Some rocks will block the way, hit the wall on the right passed the woods to open a way. Move inside and kill the saracen priest. Continue and head right then keep going. There is a healing ointment on the ground, grab it if needed, then head upstairs to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ M. A way out, countinued ============================================ As usual kill the three saracens and move on, kill the two saracens and the elite one, open the gate and continue, kill the saracen, the saracen priest and the desert saracen, pick up the key, pick also up the healing ointment in the box on the right if you need it. Open the gate, kill the four elite saracens and the saracen archer, there is a healing ointment and some arrows in the boxes. Go left from the gate and move on a bit and take out the ambushing elite saracen and move on. Kill the three elite saracens, breaking the boxes in the upper corner will give you a healing ointment, anyways head on and open the gate, pass through it, kill the saracen priest and the two saracens, move forth a bit and a cutscene will play, after that the level ends. END OF LEVEL ============================================ N. The holy city of Jerusalem ============================================ Congratulations! You have been blessed with the divine aura. Whenever you have two divine powers units full you can become invincable for a short time. Hold R1 and hit the square button. This level will be the longest one yet. Well go straight and finish off the three saracens, if you entered the little yard go back and continue the way you previously followed, go downstairs and kill the two desert saracens, open the door and go straight, pick up the key lying on the boxes then take the stairs up, open the box in front for an upgrade for your divine aura then head back through the door you came in, kill the two saracens and return to the small yard and go to the other side of the yard, take the small staircase, there is a healing ointment in the box, anyways open the gate on the left and save use the checkpoint if you wish, kill the three saracens. The gate on the right will not open for now so go left, kill the saracen , break the woods to open the way and head on. Go upstairs and take the key on the wall at the end of the way. Cutscene plays, after that head back and finish off the three saracens, the door that didn't open is now open head through it. Kill the three saracens and open the door on your left. Move in and read the glowing book on the table, then continue into the room and prepare to solve a puzzle: See the big wheels on the wall? You need to get three symbols in a line. Now read the sheet on your right, then all you need to do is to get the three symbols displayed in the sheet in one line, simple isn't it? Take a look below for solution: The valves on the right rotate the wheels. The right one rotates the outer and the inner wheels. The left one rotates the wheel in the middle. Get the three symbols displayed below in one line by doing as followed: \____/ / \/ \ \ | / / \ | | | \ | / | | | | | \|/ \____/ | | | / /|\ || \__/ / | \ ---||--- / | \ || | ---|--- | The M like symbol is located on the outer wheel, the middle symbol is located on the inner wheel and the final symbol is loacted on the middle wheel. Take notice that there are two symbols like the final symbol, you need to get the symbol with white background in the line. Rotate the right wheel until the M like symbol and the middle symbol get in on line, there is only one place they can get in one line. Then rotate the left wheel and get the last symbol with the white background in its place, Puzzle solved. After solving the puzzle a door just outside of this room will unlock, exit this building and prepare for battle as two elite saracens and a black knight will atack you. After finishing them off pick up the "sword of black knight" then head towards the door to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ O. On top of Jerusalem ============================================ Head forth and kill the two elite saracens then head right and continue, one elie saracen and one saracen priest will come to play with you, after you've done playing move on, there is a healing ointment in one of the barrels. Kill the three elite saracens and take left, there are some arrows under the table, pick them up and head on, pass through the gate and kill the elite saracen and the two saracens priests, then pick up the "bearded axe" one of the priests drop. there is an ointment in one of the boxes. Anyways head on, the gate will not open so head left and kill the saracen priest and take the gate and go upstairs, save at the checkpoint then head left, kill the two elite saracens and the saracen priest, hit the boxes on the right to open the way and head on. Kill the irritating elite saracen then turn right and continue kill the two elite saracens on the way and move forth a bit, turn the saracen archer apart and head on. Kill the elite saracen and the saracen priest then head downstairs to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ P. Below Jerusalem ============================================ Head forth and take the healing ointment in the box on the right if needed then go left and go downstairs, eliminate the elite saracen and go right, finish off the two elite saracens and continue downstairs, kill th elite saracen and the saracen archer and take a left before going through the corridor, take the glowing lever on the wall, then take the corridor. You can't pass the water right now so go towards the lever in front and pull it down, this will lower the water level, allowing you to pass. After you pull down the lever remember to hit the confirm button once more to place the lever you take above the lever you pulled to prevent it from comming up again. Take the stairs and go up the stairs at the other side. Now turn towards the lever, enter bow mode and shoot the lever. This will rise the water level again, which is necessary if you wish to move on. If you move down the corridor in front you will see what I mean. A little in front there is a waterfilled place, if the water level stays down you wont be able to pass, that's why you need to shoot the lever. Continue down the corridor, there is a healing ointment on a shelf on the left side of the corridor. When you exit the corridor two elite saracens will atack you, deal with them and move on, take the stairs and go up. Move forth a bit, finish off the three elite saracens. There is a healing ointment in one of the boxes. After finishing the elite saracens off continue the way, three more elite saracens plus a saracen priest will atack you, finish them off and open the only gate in front, a cutscene plats and after that the level ends. END OF LEVEL ============================================ Q. The lost city ============================================ Move forth a bit and quickly enter the bow mode and finish off the two saracen bow masters on the roof of the building in front. After that head on and a desert saracen will jump down from a rock in front of you, deal with him then move on, kill the two desert saracens but ignore the saracen bow master standing on the rock above you, berak the door-like wall in front of you and head in, kill the desert saracen and the elite desert saracen, pick up his key and unlock the door. There is a healing ointment in one of the buckets on the right. Anyways head through the door pick up the ointment in front if needed then head on, eliminate the two desert saracens and use the checkpoint if you wish. Then head left, break one more of those wall-like doors and head in, deal with the two desert saracens and move on, when you reach the room with the open door on your right don't head through it just yet, break the wall in front to find a secret room and an upgrade for your divine aura. Now head back and take the open door. Kill the desert saracen and the saracen bow master just a few steps from you and pick up the "saracen master bow" then continue down the path. Kill the desert saracen and ehad straight, take the ointment in the bucket then head back and take the stairs on your right. Eliminate the two desert saracens and the elite saracen on the way and at the end you will be challenged by a puzzle: There are three symbol plates on the ground. Each plate contains three symbols. There are also three big triangles on the ground that rotate the symbol plates. The right triangle rotates the right plate, the middle triange rotates the upper plate and finally the left triangle rotates the left plate. All you need to do is to get the lion symbols carved in the symbol plates face the door in front. Easy wasn't it? After solving the puzzle the door in front will open, granting you access. Move throgh and take care of the three desert saracens inside the head on, three elite desert saracens will challenge you, take care of them as well, then approach the wall-like door in the middle to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ R. The treasury of Petra ============================================ Immediatlly kill the two desert saracens, a cutscene plays then you have to take care of two more desert saracens. Then take the door they came from and go than any of the two ramps, it dosn't matter which one. Hej what are you doing here? Ask this quastion to the city knight before you kil him! There is also a desert saracen down here so deal with him as well. There is a healing ointment in a bucket behind you, take it if needed then proceed, kill the city knight and the desert saracen then take the door they came in from. Move a little bit forth to see the glowing "Sword of holy warrior", pick it up then go back and turn left and go down the corridor, kill the city knight and the archer, also take the healing ointment inside the bucket near the door. Open the door, use the checkpoint if you wish then head on, kill the city knight and move on. Kill the two city knights then head down the stairs. If you are wounded take the healing ointment inside the tomb just before the stairs. On your way down kil the lone city knight and continue downstairs and kill the two city knights that challenge you. Open the door, kill the city knight and the knight, then just continue to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ S. The treasury of Petra, countinued ============================================ This is the shortest level of the game since it's a boss level. Go forth and open the door, kill the two city knights and the knight, a cutscene plays, after that get ready for a boss fight: ==================== ==================== Boss: Hell knight Boss: Black knight ==================== ==================== This boss fight is tough since you ahve to fight against two bosses at the same time. You should concider eleminating the black knight first because he atacks a lot more than the hell knight and he breaks you blocks, using the divine aura is of course recommended. While invulnerable try dameging or rather killing the black knight. The hell knight will then be an easier match, but don't get carless just because he can't break your blocks. You can finish this fight quite fast if you manage to get a headshot, if you connect the boss will go down with just one hit. ======================================================================================================================= After you defeat the knights the door in front will open, go through it to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ T. This is hell ============================================ Welcome to hell! Prepare to meet your doom! In this level you have a nice chance to kick some deamon butt, so get going. A few steps forth a total of six damned will atack you, show them what it means to be a knight of the temple tehn ehad on, four flying damned will begin to cast fireballs at you and three crowling damned will try to test your flesh, finish them off the move on, you don't want to stay here forever. Head across the bridge, kill the flying damned and the two crowling ones and a gate keeper will rise from the ground and seal the gate in front, you cannot proceed unless you deal with him, slay him, this will unlock the gate. Move towards it and finish off the crowling and flying damned. Pass through the door, show the three flying damned and the two crowling ones a thing or two and head arcoss the bridge, slay the two flying damned and the three crowling ones and the gate keeper to allow you to pass. Head through the door, save your progress at the checkpoint on the left side of teh door, then head down the ramp. Kill the crowling damned and the three flying ones then proceed through the door in front, enter the bow mode and shoot the two flying damned at the other side. After they fall head on, whait until the flames between the platforms to go down then proceed or you'll get dameged. When you get to the dead end, hit the pillar on your right to make a bridge, move on the pillar and get to the other side, kill the crowling damned then head through the door on your right. Kill the two flying damned and open the chest for an upgrade for the divine shockwaves, there is also a healing ointment on the ground, anyways head back through the door and go straight kill the crowling damned and move on, kill the crowling damned and the gate keeper, continue on to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ U. On the edge of the abyss ============================================ Go down the stairs, kill the four flying damned and the gate keeper to unlock the door, go through it, kill the two crowling damned, three flying ones and head down the ramp. Go on and kill the crowling damned and the three flying ones, if you continue you will find a healing ointment. Anyways take the door kill the two flying damned and the two crowling ones and the gate keeper then take the only door except the one you came in from a copple of four damned will atack you, finish them off and head on. Kill the flying damned, take the door and you will find a checkpoint, use it if you wish, then head on. Wow! take it easy, six damned at the same time, well this is how it's gonna be, finish them off then head on, kill the two flying damend and the gate keeper. He will drop his sword, pick it up, it the "sword of eternal fire". After you pcik up the sword head across the bridge. Head forth, open the door on the left for an upgrade for the divine fire bolts, get out of the room and eliminate the two crowling damned and send the flying one back to hell, head on kill the two flying ones then head upstairs, continue and kill the last crowling damned in the level, head on and you will see somthing glowing on the ground, pick it up, it's the "cleaver", then just head left to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ V. Back to Belmont ============================================ welcome back to where it all began, and here is where it all will end. Go forth and take left, a cutscene plays after that head over the bridge, the bridge breaks so there is no turning back now, so continue the path and go right, after the cutscene kill the three atacking demon creatures and head on. After a long cutscene kill the city knight, the city knight commander and the black knight, you know what to do after that. If you're hurt take the left path for a healing ointment. If you took the ointment then head back and continue the previous path. There is a checkpoint on the way, use it then head on, kill the four atacking demon creatures then take the left path, pick up the key on the door, then go pack and continue the way you were following. After the cutscene kill the two demon creatures and pick up the "spiked mace" on the ground near the dead monk. Then go on and unlock the door with the key. Pick up the key lying on the ground near the dead monk, then head back to the door you picked up the key from, unlock it and gain your reward, an upgrade for the divine shockwaves. Backtrack to the dead monk you picked up the key from and continue downstairs. Hey what's going on? Shouldn't you be in hell now? Say hello to your old friends who have returned from hell in a diffrent way. The ghosts of the evil monks have returned to stop you but all they are going to do is to go back to hell. Waste the four ghost monks after that don't let your guard down yet because you'll be atacked by five demon creatures. The last of them drops the key for the gate in front, pick it up and unlock the door, kill the three ghost monk and open the door in front, kill the ghost monk, after that the level is finished. END OF LEVEL ============================================ W. Belmont transformed ============================================ Go forth then take left, kill the three ghost monks then head on, do not go left there's nothing but two demon creatures there. Head straight, break the woods and go on. Cutscene and the way abck is closed, the way forward is the only way left so go forth. Kill the two demon creatures, open the gate, head on, kill the three ghost monks and the two flying damned. A healing ointment glows on the ground in the little place, take it if needed then head on. Take the stairs and go down. Kill the three ghost monks and continue. When you reach the dead end and don't know what to do take the little wooden platform leading to other platforms from the dead end, you cannot miss it. Two demon creatures will atack you, kill them, use the checkpoint then head on, open the gate and eliminate the three crowling damned and the two flying ones, then pick up the "sword of the saint" then head upstairs. Kill the three ghost monks and head on, pick up the arrows in front then go right kill the demon creature and continue, kill the two ghost monks and the crowling damned and continue the path. Go right at the first junktion, there is an upgrade for the divine fire bolts , take it then go left, kill the ghost monk and go upstairs, take the gate on the right to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ X. The catacombs revisited ============================================ Head right. The gate on the left will not open so head on, there is a healing ointment on the left side. Continue and send the three ghost monks back to hell. After that head on and the wooden platform on the left, kill the three ghost monks and head on. Open the door, eliminate the three ghost city knights, go through the gate, kill the two ghost city knights. Do not go right as there is nothing but enemies awaiting you. Head left instead, kill the ghost city knight and open the gate, use the checkpoint if you wish then head on, kill the three ghost city knighst, the creature and the demon and head on, you're unstopable! Take the second path on the left and you will come to another hall just like the one you just left. Head straight and take the path in front. Kill the two ghost city knights and the demon, take left and a bit forth you will see the greatest axe of the game, the "double bladed battle axe". After geting this cool weapon head back the way you came, take care of the demon and the creature, take the middle corridor, kill the demon and take the door at the end of the corridor to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ Y. The collapsing monastry ============================================ We are now in the monastry of evil! To start head forth and take the door eliminate the demon then head on. The hallway in front leads to a locked door, you need to find the key. So go right, take out the two demons, pick up the key one of them drops then backtrack to the locked door. Before you backtrack you can pick up a healing ointment under the table at the dead end where you faced the demons. Anyway unlock the door with the key and head upstairs. Kill the demon and the two ghost city knights. The door to the left is locked with a puzzle so ignore it for now. Take the ointment in the barrel just before the stairs if you need it then head up the stairs. Eliminate the ghost city knight and head on. As you come to a hallway conecting the stairs leading up and the stairs you are carrently climbing you will see a door, take it. Inside you will face three ghost city knights, kill them and one of them will drop a key. Pick it up, also break the box at the far end of the room for the "hooked mace". Go back to the hallway and head up, you are now in the library of the monastry, kill the two ghost city knighst, take the healing ointment in the barrel to the right if needed then unlock the only door with the key you picked up and head through. Head upstairs, kill the ghost city knight and proceed to the next room, take care of the two city knights and the city knight commander then get ready to solve a puzzle: The light-boll kept inside the forcefield of the pentagram is what you need to unlock the door in the basement. As you see there are purple flames coming out of the each of the corners of the pentagram, if you aproach the flames you will hear a sound. All you need to do is to put out the flames in the right order, if you put one in wrong order the flames will be reset. Put out the flames in the order shown below: 2 3 4 5 1 After solving the puzzle a cutscene will play and the locked door will be open, so backtrack to the basement, one city knight and two city knight commanders will atack you in the library so be on guard! A lone city knight will appear in front of the door, take care of him and head through the door to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ Z. Belmont possessed ============================================ As usual you have no way but forth, so get moving! A bit forth a flying damned and a crowling one will atack you, take them out and head on. Another pair of a flying and a crowling damned will irritate you, so deal with them! Continue after finishing the damned and finish off two other flying and two crowling damned, head on, kill the ghost monk and the demon creature then take the left path. Kill the flying damned and the two crowling ones. Ahead are a demon and flying damned, you know what to do. There is a healing ointment in one of the barrels, take it, I know you need it. A bit forth you will see the glowing "sword of Beelzebub" on the ground, take it, there is no chance you can miss it. After picking the sword up take the only door available. Be sure to checkpoint because things are going to get tough. After checkpointing head on kill the ghost city knight commander and head downstairs. Eliminate the two city knight commanders and say hello to a black knight. After geting ride of all of them take the healing ointment somewhere on the ground, there are also some arrows in one of the barrels. It seems that the hole in the wall is the only way out so take it. Kill the two demons blocking the way and the flying damned and move on, kill the ghost archer and the city knight commander, head on, kill the three demons and take the door to put an end to the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ XX. The end is near ============================================ Jap! The end is near so get moving! Kill the two flying damned, the demon and the crowling damned then take the left path. Eliminate the demon, the flying and crowling damned ones, take the stairs and go up. Kill the crowling damned, take the stairs on the left. Take out the black knight first, then the two flying damend and the crowling one. After finishing the foes off take the door. Here is a bit tough. You will be atacked by five flying damned and a crowling one and a demon. Finish them off then head straight from the door you came, pick up the "grand master's sword". If you take the stairs to the right from the door you came you'll see your path is blocked with a huge gate, you must find a way to open it. So take the stairs to the right (from the door) of the place where to picked up the sword. Go up and open the door. Kill the executioner, then rotate the levers. A cutscene plays and after taht the huge gate is open, backtrack to the gate to end the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ YY. The end is near, continued ============================================ This is a short level and also a straight forward one. Take the stairs and go up, kill the two flying damned and the three crowling ones and head on. When you go up the stairs concider eliminating the black knight first, then take out the two crowling damned and the three flying ones and pick up the key. Unlock the door to the left and head through, kill the crowling damned and head left. Continue on and take out the three crowling damned and the three flying ones as you proceed. Go through the only door in front. Kill the black knight, the two crowling damned and the flying ones, head up the long staircase and when you reach the door hit the confirm button to finish the level. END OF LEVEL ============================================ ZZ. Evil in the house of God ============================================ Finally the creature we have been fighting for so long will stand before us and he will pay, he will definitely pay! As soon as the level starts a cutscene will play. After that equip the double bladed battle axe and head straight for the giant demon in front, four Windmill death from above special atacks will finish him off. After that that it's time to finish off the bishop himself: ==================== Boss: Bishop ==================== first it's better to use the mace, i already used the double bladed battle axe,but i found the hooked mace more useful. Then try to kill the firdt demon using windmill death from above and blocking him immediately until he push you back the go far and continue until his death. "first i should tell to keep the distance to bishop in left of him where the pillar is for all demons the after you killed every demon and the forcefield disappeared use windmill death from above as the last hit (from 3 hits) contacts bishop,this causes him more damage, of course you should continue untill all demons were killed." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= then the GHOST one : use 360 degree swip and then windmill death from above attack to kill him soon,then from the place i told hit the bishop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the RED KNIGHT: use what told on ghost knight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the HELLISH DEMONS: you can use 360 degree swip to throw them on the ground and use any attack ,i recommand (windmill death from above) to kill them immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the FIRE KNIGHTS: when they appear ,immediately go to the back scene where Adelle is crucified, and wait untill one of the knights come to you,(if both of them came at you the escape from the other side and go to Adelle again and wait for one of them),it's easier to kill one of them than the both. i think if you used what i told for bishop now his life bar is empty,but you have twe other demones front of yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the METAL DEMONS: as you cannot block them and they will hit Paul and kill him,so you should use the same way as fire knights,so try to lead one them near Adelle and kill him =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= then come down where the only way for going to bishop and lead the other demon ther and kill him,just remeber after killing the last demon you should immediately hit the bishop other wise he throw you back and the metal demons will appear again and you should kill them once again?!! At last i remind it to use heal power when you see you are half life or when you are killing a demon and you that his death will add 2 or more divine power units. Credits goes to: Eblis Alternate Strategy: To kill the bishop without depleting his life completly hit the bishop after you kill the metal demons. Hints for the fire knights: Use divine shockwaves or fire balls, they will do about 65% damage. Then kill one before they get together near you. Hints for the metal knights: Shockwaves and fire balls are useless against them but divine aura works well, when your surarounded by divine aura kill one of them as soon as possible. Killing a metal knight will completly refill your divine powers. They are not fast either so try head shots as well. Credits goes to: steef ====================================================================================================================== So he's finally dead and not just dead, also sent to hell! After that the final cutscene will play and congratulations you have beaten the game! END OF LEVEL ============================================ VIII. Bosses ============================================ =================== Boss: Executioner =================== Well this guy is big and wields a big axe. He will atack you on the spot and he dose a lot of damage. Block his axe atacks and time your movments and don't stand there just blocking because he will kick you in the stomach causing you to loose your guard. If you get hurt badly there is a healing ointment a little bit forth on the right and another inside a barrel on the left just in front of the ointment. ==================== Boss: Saracen leader ==================== This guy sucks! He atacks the same way as the ordinary saracens and do almost the same amount of damage, you can finish this guy off realy quickly, but the problem is that he has a saracen and a black knight at his help. First finish off the saracen, then the saracen leader. The real challenge is the black knight, but he will fall soon if you time your movments. ==================== ==================== Boss: Hell knight Boss: Black knight ==================== ==================== This boss fight is tough since you have to fight against two bosses at the same time. You should concider eleminating the black knight first because he atacks a lot more than the hell knight and he breaks you blocks, using the divine aura is of course recommended. While invulnerable try dameging or rather killing the black knight. The hell knight will then be an easier match, but don't get carless just because he can't break your blocks. You can finish this fight quite fast if you manage to get a headshot, if you connect the boss will go down with just one hit. ==================== Boss: Bishop ==================== First it's better to use the mace, i already used the double bladed battle axe,but i found the hooked mace more useful. Then try to kill the firdt demon using windmill death from above and blocking him immediately until he push you back the go far and continue until his death. "first i should tell to keep the distance to bishop in left of him where the pillar is for all demons the after you killed every demon and the forcefield disappeared use windmill death from above as the last hit (from 3 hits) contacts bishop,this causes him more damage, of course you should continue untill all demons were killed." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= then the GHOST one : use 360 degree swip and then windmill death from above attack to kill him soon,then from the place i told hit the bishop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the RED KNIGHT: use what told on ghost knight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the HELLISH DEMONS: you can use 360 degree swip to throw them on the ground and use any attack ,i recommand (windmill death from above) to kill them immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the FIRE KNIGHTS: when they appear ,immediately go to the back scene where Adelle is crucified, and wait untill one of the knights come to you,(if both of them came at you the escape from the other side and go to Adelle again and wait for one of them),it's easier to kill one of them than the both. i think if you used what i told for bishop now his life bar is empty,but you have twe other demones front of yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the METAL DEMONS: as you cannot block them and they will hit Paul and kill him,so you should use the same way as fire knights,so try to lead one them near Adelle and kill him =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= then come down where the only way for going to bishop and lead the other demon ther and kill him,just remeber after killing the last demon you should immediately hit the bishop other wise he throw you back and the metal demons will appear again and you should kill them once again?!! At last i remind it to use heal power when you see you are half life or when you are killing a demon and you that his death will add 2 or more divine power units. Credits goes to: Eblis ============================================ IX. Puzzle solutions ============================================ ============================================ C. The caracombs ============================================ See the four signs on the walls? Approach the bookstand and read the book. Then fix the signs according to the book, simple ha? In case you can't figure it out here's the solution, fix the figures as below: _______ ____ \____/ || \ / \ / \ ---- \ / | \____/ ||__ \_/ ____/ || \ ---||--- | || \___/ ============================================ I. Showdown in Acre ============================================ You need to close all of the watergates in order to low the water level in order to move on. Do as explained below: Gate control 1 gate control 2 gate control 3 gate control 4 Move the gate control levers in this order: 4-3-2-1-3-1 ============================================ L. A way out ============================================ The door in front is locked with some mechanism. There are cracks on the panel disks on the door, you need to align all three cracks in order to open the door and you can't align them any way you want. Look at the other symbols on the walls, you need to align the cracks as shown in the symbols. There are two valves beside the door. If you turn the right one the visable crack will turn counter clockwise turning one of the other two with it. If you turn the left valve the hardly visable cracks will turn clockwise. The hardly visable cracks will be more visable if you play the game in a little darkened room. Look below for solution: / / \ \ / / / / The cracks are positioned the way shown above and they are align, you need to get them the way shown below ALIGN: | | | | / / | | First turn the left valve till you get the hardly visable cracks as shown above. Then turn the right valve and place the visable crack as above. Then do as followed: Turn the left valve until the cracks make 2 full turns, turn the right valve until the cracks turn 1 full turn, turn the left valve until the cracks make 1 full turn, turn the right valve until the cracks turn 2 full turns. ============================================ N. The holy city of Jerusalem ============================================ See the big wheels on the wall? You need to get three symbols in a line. Now read the sheet on your right, then all you need to do is to get the three symbols displayed in the sheet in one line, simple isn't it? Take a look below for solution: The valves on the right rotate the wheels. The right one rotates the outer and the inner wheels. The left one rotates the wheel in the middle. Get the three symbols displayed below in one line by doing as followed: \____/ / \/ \ \ | / / \ | | | \ | / | | | | | \|/ \____/ | | | / /|\ || \__/ / | \ ---||--- / | \ || | ---|--- | The M like symbol is located on the outer wheel, the middle symbol is located on the inner wheel and the final symbol is loacted on the middle wheel. Take notice that there are two symbols like the final symbol, you need to get the symbol with white background in the line. Rotate the right wheel until the M like symbol and the middle symbol get in on line, there is only one place they can get in one line. Then rotate the left wheel and get the last symbol with the white background in its place, puzzle solved. ============================================ Q. The lost city ============================================ There are three symbol plates on the ground. Each plate contains three symbols. There are also three big triangles on the ground that rotate the symbol plates. The right triangle rotates the right plate, the middle triange rotates the upper plate and finally the left triangle rotates the left plate. All you need to do is to get the lion symbols carved in the symbol plates face the door in front. Easy wasn't it? ============================================ Y. The collapsing monastry ============================================ The light-boll kept inside the forcefield of the pentagram is what you need to unlock the door in the basement. As you see there are purple flames coming out of the each of the corners of the pentagram, if you aproach the flames you will hear a sound. All you need to do is to put out the flames in the right order, if you put one in wrong order the flames will be reset. Put out the flames in the order shown below: 2 3 4 5 1 ============================================ X. Weapon list ============================================ Note: The level names are represented by letters, see the table of contents to see which level is represented by which letter. Swords Level Location Dead guard's sword A The tomb of the dead guard Broken beak sword B The forge City knight's sword E Start of the level Scimitar H In the waterfilled place Sword of black knight N Dropped by a black knight Sword of holy warrior R The tomb of the holy warrior Sword of eternal fire U Dropped by a demon Sword of the saint W The tomb of the saint Sword of Beelzebub Z Lying on the ground before the checkpoint Grand master's sword XX Lying on the ground near the end of the level Axes Level Location Wood choping axe D Dropped by a torturer War axe F By the wall at the parallell path with the bridge Bearded axe O Dropped by a saracen priest Cleaver U Lying on the ground just before the end of the level Dual bladed battle axe X Lying by the wall in the second pillar-hall near the end of the level Maces Level Location Mace L Dropped by the first saracen priest in the level Spiked Mace V Lying on the ground near a dead monk Hooked mace Y Lying in the box in the room with three ghost city knights Bows Level Location Archer's bow E Droped by an archer, start of the level Saracen bow I Droped by a saracen archer saracen master's bow Q Dropped by a saracen bow master