Kung-Fu Chaos FAQ V.095 By John T Perkowski Disclaimer: Copyright (c) 2003 John T Perkowski The guidelines for using this FAQ are simple; don't sell it or give it away, and don't reprint it without obtaining permission. You may not incorporate any part of this FAQ into your own guide without obtaining my express written permission. Do you see my Ninja-ness? REVISTIONIST HISTORY - v.08, first version of guide - v.081, fixed format errors, some spelling, spacing errors, then made the mistake of sending it in using a .html format. Whoops! - V. 09, added more Ninja Challenge info, some more tactics, and reworded some sections. Also sent it in the correct format this time. - V.095 Added some mini-series info to some stages. Hey it is SOMETHING =================== CONTENTS OF TABLE =================== 1. Introduction 2. How to Make Pain 3. Characters of Cast 4. Ninja Challenge 5. Multi-Player 6. Series of Mini 7. Quotes Funny that Are 8. See How Awful You Are 9. Credits ============== INTRODUCTION ============== ".... the trees represent power, and the heroes represent stupid actors who never listen to me!!" Welcome to my THIRD FAQ. I am writing this because I love Kung-Fu Chaos, and I think its a highly underappreciated game. Unlike most party games, this one has an actual single player mode that's fun to play. Top this off with an excellent multiplayer, and you have one of the best games out for the X-Box system. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, just email me at amakusa42@hotmail.com. Just don't put me on a mailing list for spammers, and don't ask me how to save to a memory card, I don't know how. ================== HOW TO MAKE PAIN ================== "Sho Yu is so smart! He like 'OW!' with muscles." BASIC BUTTONS X - Normal Attack Y - Counter Attack B - Trip/grab, pick up character/object, throw character/object. A - Jump L - Taunt R - Block L + R - Special Attack X + A - Slow Unblockable (Makes Dizzy) A + B - Spin Attack (Little Damage, but pushes opponents away from you) A + B After Taking a Few Steps - Running Attack X near downed opponent - Disrespectful kick COMBO LIST: (I am using my own descriptions, not the book's) Hold R, Y - Counter attack X, X, X - Basic Combo X, Y - Counter Combo X, X, Y - Combo, Counter Hit Finish X, X, X, Y - Basic Combo, Counter Hit Finish X, X, B - Grab Combo X, Y, B - Counter/Grab Combo X, X, A + X - Combo Unblockable X, X, Y, A + X - Counter Combo Unblockable X, X, A + B - Combo Spin Attack X, X, X, A + B - Extended Combo Spin Attack X, X, Y, A + B - Counter Combo Spin Attack X, X, X, Y, A + B - Counter Extended Combo Spin Attack X, X, X, Y, X + A - Unblockable Extended Counter Attack BASIC SYSTEM: Taunting: When you knock someone down, often they will be dizzy for a brief moment (represented by stars circling around their head). When this happens, hit L for a taunt. Your character will say something mockingly, and foul language will animate from its mouth, hitting the opponent. If the taunt is successful, a small star will float above your character. When you have three small stars, you will also start to glow. This means you have your special attack. Caution: If you are knocked down and taunted while you have a star, the taunter will steal your star. You can also taunt a person if you throw them off stage. Throwing: Hit B Button to knock someone down. They will be dizzy briefly. Hit B near the opponent to pick them up, and your character will raise them above your head. You can then throw them like an object. You can throw them at other characters, into a Stage Hazard, or off camera. This is the fastest way to get rid of most characters. Combos: One combo usually kills off generic Ninja. Other Ninja may need to be dizzied and thrown, or require a special combo to defeat. Learn the differences between the ninja and combo accordingly. Unblockables: They have a huge wind-up and are easy to see coming. If they hit, the target is usually dizzied. This is often the only attack that can effect some ninja. Spin Attack: Unblockable, but not very damaging. Used to push away groups of enemies. Special Attacks: Your first impulse is just to use it as soon as you have it. In 90% of the game, this is fine. On some Ninja Challenge stages, you should hold off on using your special. See the notes on each stage to see when to use it. ===================== CHARACTERS OF CAST ===================== "Lucy! You try to save some stuntmen for next scene, okay?" CHARACTERS PLAY YOU Master Sho Yu (master shows you) "I laugh at you with bad breath!" Weapon: Uses his hands Special Weapon: Fireballs erupt from his head and slowly start drifting to an enemy. They speed up as time passes. It is possible to dodge these attacks, but that depends on the speed the stage is travelling, and it's highly unlikely. Primary Outfit: Yellow Sifu suit with Blue hat Secondary Outfit: Pinstripe Powder Blue Sifu pajamas with matching hat. Notes: Being the oldest and possibly most experienced character, Master Sho Yu is a parody of every Kung-Fu sifu in every Hong Kong action movie you can think of. His taunts are also the best example of HK-inspired terrible dialog you can think of. An all around good character. Ninja Fu Hiya (ninja for hire) "Ninjaronimo!" Weapon: Dual knives Special Weapon: Defies gravity and shoots ninja stars. This attack must be aimed and is a ranged attack. Very fast and hard to dodge. Primary Outfit: Blue Ninja suit Secondary Outfit: Pink Bunny suit with White Tu-Tu Notes: Possibly the most popular character, ninja is a parody of every ninja you will ever see. Some Ninja in the game use his moveset. In Hong Kong movies, ninja were usually typecast as bad guys. Xui Tan Sour (Sweet and Sour) "You are the child of a thousand bastard fathers!" Weapon: Bladed Fans Special Attack: Blades spin around her like a wall and go slowly outward. Not possible to dodge. Primary Outfit: Purple Bodysuit Secondary outfit: Orange skin tight suit. Notes: A parody of the 'fighting female' sub-genre of HK action films. A tribute to Michelle Yeoh and Jade Leung, as well as a few others. Has a unique way of standing up, and a good character choice. Monkey (Monkey God) "Make a monkey outta you!" Weapon: Magic Staff Special Attack: Hops around on staff like pogo stick. Whatever he touches dies. Must be controlled. Not possible to Dodge. Primary Outfit: Green Shirt, red stick, Bad Afro Secondary Outfit: Clown outfit, orange stick, Clown Wig. Notes: The monkey god of China is a mythical hero, similar to Paul Bunyan and Ox. He was also the god of mischief. Look for a game called Monkey Magic for PSX that references this character. Good range with attacks when he uses his stick. Chop&Styx (Chop Sticks) "I bring you dismemberment!" Weapon: Sword Special Attack: Chop covers his ears while Styx screams. They are surrounded by a warping effect, and anything in the radius of the attack gets killed. Chop can move around while this happens. This can be dodged, but it's hard. Primary Outfit: Samurai Suit Secondary Outfit: Black Kilt Notes: A parody of Lone Wolf and Cub, a Japanese comic book character that is a travelling samurai with a baby. An overall good character with medium range. Funniest special in the game. Lucy Cannon (Loose Cannon) "Have a Blast, Sucka!" Weapon: Single barreled shotgun Special Attack: Lucy starts firing off shots in succession that insta-kill. This must be aimed. This is the easiest special to dodge, which means you might escape it once. Primary Outfit: White Mini-Skirt Outfit with White Fur Coat, Sunglasses Secondary Outfit: Brown Lingerie Outfit with Brown Fur Coat, black Sunglasses Notes: A tribute/parody of Blaxsploitation Films of the 70's, and sex goddess Pam Grier. Candi Roll (Candy Roll) "Ewww... You're Sweaty!" Weapon: Yo-Yos Special Attack: Candi Spins around like a tornado. Sucks in everything on the screen, shooting it off screen. Impossible to avoid. Primary Outfit: Pink Rollergirl Outfit Secondary Outfit: Sailor Moon outfit. Notes: A parody of Roller girl and 70's porno films. Also a nod to Cynthia Rothrock, a female action star in HK that hasn't had any success in the states. Captain WonTon (One Ton) "Underwear of Justice!" Weapon: Flatulence Special Attack: Jumps up in the air and bounces around butt first, on everything. Everything he lands on gets squashed. Primary Outfit: Blue Wrestling outfit with White Mask. Secondary outfit: Orange Wrestling outfit with Orange mask. Notes: The only character that doesn't belong in Kung- Fu Chaos, WonTon is the slowest of characters. But he hits REALLY hard. There are no references to wrestlers like this that I can think of, in 70's films. Shou Ting (Shouting) "You just stupid Actors making more money than me!" Weapon: Bullhorn and Voice Special Attack: Screams at the top of his lungs into the bullhorn, which transmits his voice in a line across the screen. Anything touching it dies. Can be aimed. Cannot be avoided. Primary Outfit: Yellow Bruce Lee Motorcycle outfit Secondary Outfit: Black Bruce Lee motorcycle outfit, not yet known if unlockable. Notes: The Boss character, Shou Ting has some great taunts and is very fast. A parody of Ang Lee, John Woo, and Yuen Woo Ping. CHARACTERS YOU NO PLAY The Generic Ninja Purpose: To get butt kicked by heroes. Attacks: Umm... Occasionally... I think. Notes: These guys rarely do anything other than run up to the hero and get killed. If you have difficulty beating these guys, give up now and return the game. Tactics: Any. The Yellow Ninja Purpose: To get butt kicked by heroes, but not as often. Attacks: Sometimes does a 2-3 hit combo, sometimes blocks. Notes: A parody of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, only he uses Ninja Fu Hiya's moves. It could be argued that all the basic ninjas fight like Ninja Fu Hiya, and thus is a very good parody of Mortal Kombat, HK style. Tactics: Any. Flying Ninja Purpose: To get shot out of a cannon at you. Attacks: Spinning blades Notes: Only found on two stages. In one stage, they are easily avoidable. In the other, you want to whip your controller at them. The Straw Hat Ninja Purpose: To use an Unblockable Attacks: An Unblockable Notes: An offhand reference to Raiden for Mortal Kombat, also dresses kind of like a Samurai. Tactics: As they spend time winding up an unblockable, hit them before they get it off. They have a LOT of hit points; so make sure you toss them off stage or toss them into a stage hazard. The Red Ninja Purpose: To block. Attacks: No, Just blocks. Well, he MIGHT do a throw or Unblockable. Notes: Annoying, the first difficult ninja. Tactics: Switch up in Mid-Combo with a throw, unblockable, or spin attack. The Blindfolded Ninja Purpose: To Counter Attacks: Block, Counter, and Repeat. Notes: Actually a lot easier than you think. Tactics: White ninja likes to block the first shots of your character's, then do a counter with X, Y. Therefore, use X, X, Y or X, Y. This will counter his counter and stagger him. Now follow up with a combo. A lot of people are thrown because you NEED to hit an Y attack to counter his counter. Running Moves are also good to use on him as well. The Spinning Ninja Purpose: To spin! Attacks: Umm... Spin? Notes: After a few seconds of spinning, this ninja gets dizzy. While spinning, its only vulnerable to an unblockable or Special. After its dizzy, hit it with whatever you want. The White Ninja Purpose: To IRRITATE Attacks: Block, then counter, then combo. Interrupt your Unblockable and combo. Etc. Notes: ANNOYING, you will learn to despise these guys. Tactics: Running attacks and Unblockables are the way to go here, or combo and pray like hell that it hits. Hopping Vampires Purpose: Stage Hazard Attacks: Kills you Notes: Avoid Tactics: AVOID ===================== THE NINJA CHALLENGE ===================== "When we film this scene, Ninja soo good, I no see him!" The single player mode of Kung-Fu Chaos is fun and challenging. Many stages await the player who ventures forth to play. In here I will detail what you need to do to beat a stage, and what star rating you need to get on each stage. Note that you don't need to get 5 Stars on EVERY stage, just the ones I list here. Also, on a few stages, you can't get a star rating. Stage breakdown and unlocking structure as follows: 4 Backstage Brawls - Riot on the Set ? - Lights! Camera! Attack! ? - Behind the Scenes Brawl - Everyone's A Critic 4 Training Stages - The Way of the Basic Combo - The Way of the Terrible Taunt - The Way of the Swift Strike - The Way of the Advanced Combo 6 Movie Stages - Legend of the Drunken Bastards ? $ - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Princess * ? $ - Night of the Living Fog * ? $ - Gigantic Crack * ? $ - Enter the Dino * ? $ - Revengence Day * ? $ 12 Mini-Games - A Few Good Stuntmen # - Waterwhril * ? - To Catch a Princess ? # - Four Poles and a Princess * ? - Tomb Robber ? # - Fry Hard * ? - Seal of Destiny ? # - Big Trouble on Little Iceberg * ? - Climbing Fish, Falling Turtle ? # - Fish of Fury * ? - Invasion of the Brain Snatchers ? # - Close Encounter of the Worst Kind * ? 1 Boss Fight - Shou Ting's Big End* STAR RANKINGS: 1 Star - Flop 2 Star - Midnight Television 3 Star - Break Even 4 Star - Sleeper Hit 5 Star - Colossal Hit UNLOCKING STAGES Any stage with a star (*) next to them is a multi- player stage that needs to be unlocked in single player mode before it can be used in a multi-player game. To unlock a stage for Multi-Player, you need to get a 3 Star Rating on that stage, and beat the boss of a stage, if applicable. Stages thats are ONLY single player are marked with a number sign (#), but they can still be unlocked for Challenge Mode. Everyone's a Critic Stage can only be unlocked if you have a 4 Star ranking in every stage before it. Shou Ting's Big End is unlocked by scoring a 5 Star Ranking on Everyone's a Critic. UNLOCKING MINI-SERIES Any Stage with a question mark (?) after it is a stage that has a mini-series on it. You must beat this stage with a 5 Star ranking to unlock a mini-series. Notice you don't have to get a 5 Star ranking on every stage to unlock 100%. UNLOCKING OUTFITS To unlock a characters second outfit, you must beat the stage with the same character as the boss of that stage with a three star ranking. Example: You must beat Legend of the Drunken Bastards with Xui Tan Sour to unlock her 2nd outfit, as Xui Tan Sour is the boss on that stage. Only the Feature Film stages have the ability to unlock outfits for the main characters, these are marked with a dollar sign ($). To unlock Candi Roll and Captian WonTon's outftis, you must beat thier Mini-Series. As of this time, it is not known if you can unlock Shou Ting's 2nd outfit. UNLOCKING FEATURES You unlock features by scoring a 4 Star ranking on any stage. Examples of Features to unlock are 70's Kung-Fu effect, Director's Cut Replay, and new multi-player scoring conditions. GAINING STAR POWER You gain starpower (rankings on the bar at the bottom of the screen) by defeating ninja on most stages. You must either beat the ninja down to no health, or toss them into a stage hazard while they are dizzy. You get DOUBLE the starpower ranking for killing Ninja with a special. The more Ninja killed with a special, the more starpower you get. Its ALWAYS a good idea to kill a boss with a Special. Mini-Games have special star- power requirements. REPLAYS Called 'Final Cut', these are replays of your last stage, set to music chosen by you, with commentary by Shou Ting. These replays have dramtic camera angles, and the whole screen is set to a 70's Kung Fu movie filter. I reccomend you save at least one replay of each stage, as these are quiet fun. Shou Ting's comments are hilarious. STAGES OF DESCRIPTION "When they do this part, I said to myself: 'They fight, I film.'" ----------------------------------------------- Here is how I will break it down: Name of stage Type of stage Difficulty Description of stage Basic requirements needed to pass Enemies Encountered on stage Boss enemy, if applicable Description of Hazards Stage Weapons Some tactical suggestions Three Stars Unlocks Four Stars Unlocks Five Stars Unlocks ---------------------------------------------- RIOT ON THE SET Type: Mini-Fight Difficulty: * Description: A small 'stage' in front of a large movie screen. Its near the dressing rooms and bathrooms. Some clothes on a hangar (Shou Ting's) can be seen in the foreground. Enemies: Generic Ninja, Yellow Ninja. Needed to Pass: 3 Stars Boss: None Hazards: Being thrown off the stage results in death. Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Though most enemies encountered on this stage die in one combo, tossing or kicking enemies off stage when they are dizzy also results in a starpower kill. Three Stars: THE WAY OF THE BASIC COMBO Four Stars: Five Stars: THE WAY OF THE BASIC COMBO Type: Training Difficulty: * Description: A small platform on top of a tall cliff. Monasteries can be seen in the background. Enemies: Wooden Dummies Needed to Pass: Complete the indicated combos Boss: None Hazards: Though there are no enemies to do this to you, being tossed off the side results in death. Stage Weapons: Tactics: Repeat the combo on the screen on the wooden men to pass. You must complete 15 of them. Unlocks: LEGEND OF THE DRUNKEN BASTARDS LEGEND OF THE DRUNKEN BASTARDS Type: Feature Film Difficulty: * Description: Section 1 starts out in a Chinese restaurant similar to the one in the fight scene in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The floor drops out unto the ground level, then the restaurant falls apart. Combat resumes in Section 2 on a small barge drifting across the river next to the restaurant. That barge crashes into another one and sinks. Combat continues on the next barge. That then gets rammed into by a police boat, and starts to sink. Next to where it sinks are several windowpanes that open for a few moments in unison, then close after about 30 seconds, this is Section 3. They lead up to a giant boat paddle/spool hung in the air. That crashes into a building, dropping the characters unto a dock, Section 4. The dock starts falling apart, leading the characters up to a small wooden floating platform. Stage ends here. Enemies: Generic Ninja, Yellow Ninja. Red Ninja shows up on the barge, then Straw hat Ninja shows up on the spool. Boss: Xui Tan Sour Hazards: Obviously, falling into the water is bad. The windows tend to close, so avoid standing on them for too long. Also, when the stage starts, being tossed of the second floor is instant death. This ceases when the floor drops out. Stage Weapons: Tables and Chairs and Extras are tossable weapons in the restaurant. On the first Barge, there is only one box. On the second barge, there are some watermelons that you can toss at everyone. When you land on the dock, there are two lobsters, and one box you can toss at the ninjas. Tactics: Any Ninja enemy that has a lot of health should be tossed into a stage hazard. Kill ninja as fast as possible in the restaurant. Remember to taunt. This is the best place to kill ninja, as they show up here and they are all either Generic or Yellow Ninja, and therefore, they are easy to kill. Just as the floor drops out, if you were fast enough, there should be about six ninja here. Toss out a Special Attack to kill them all. On the barges, make them dizzy and kick them into the water. On the windows, knock ninja dizzy, then leave them there. The windows closing will give you the points. Knock them off the spool, and throw them into the water on the docks. Three Stars: A FEW GOOD STUNTMEN, New outfit if you are using Xui Tan Sour Four Stars: A new combat option: Kills. Five Stars: Mini-Series A FEW GOOD STUNTMEN Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: ** Description: Shou Ting has recruited you to help save stuntmen being tossed out of a restaurant window during a fight scene. You character has a trampoline held over his head, and has to maneuver itself underneath each falling stuntman. This bounces them into the first aid boat. Enemies: Occasionally, a cow will be tossed out the window instead (This is an off-reference to Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist). If you attempt to catch the cow, it knocks you down. Boss: None Hazards: None Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Jump for stuntmen high up, it saves time. Otherwise, just keep an eye out for the Mun-Yu clones (The cows). Three Stars: WATERWHIRL Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Ninja Fu Hiya WATERWHIRL Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: ** Description: You and three ninja are standing on logs jutting out of the water. In the center is a large waterpump/pipe. This slowly starts spinning around in a circle. You can either jump over it, or use your spin attack to make it spin in the opposite direction, only faster. The ninja have the same ability as you, and you only have 5 lives. If the pipe hits you, you get knocked into the water, which costs a life. Enemies: The only ninja you really have to concern yourself with are the ninja on either side of you. Boss: None Hazards: Err... that large pipe? Stage Weapons: You guessed it, the pipe. Tactics: The faster it goes, the better for you. Ninja won't be knocked off thier log while its moving slowly, so spin attack at first to get it moving quicker. Just be careful, the ninja around you can spin attack it right back at you. When its moving as fast as it can, jumping is safer than spin attacking. Sometimes you just can't avoid being knocked off, so just try to avoid as much as possible. Three Stars: THE WAT OF THE TERRIBLE TAUNT Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Master Sho You THE WAY OF THE TERRIBLE TAUNT Type: Training Difficulty: * Description: The stage is the same as The Way of the Basic Combo, only you are now facing the trainer. You must knock him down and score three taunts, then unleash your Special Attack. You do this twice. Enemies: Errr... The Trainer? Boss: None Hazards: Same as the prior training stage. Stage Weapons: Nada Tactics: Same as any other training stage. Unlocks: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY PRINCESS THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY PRINCESS Type: Feature Film Difficulty: * Description: This stage is mostly a series of connection bridges, until you are near the end. You start out on an enclosed bridge blocked on both sides by a wall (Section 1). Once the right wall gets knocked down, you run up a ramp to a suspended platform (Section 2). Once the gate is opened, you run along a bridge, over a set of pit spikes, to a closed set of doors(Section 3). Once the doors are opened, you run up a series of ramps until you reach an elevator (Section 4). You fight on the elevator for a few moments, then the stage ends. Enemies: Generic Ninja, Yellow Ninja, Red Ninja, Straw Hat Ninja. Boss: Ninja Fu Hiya Hazards: Until you reach the doors, Flying Ninja are being shot at you from a cannon. In the first section, the ninja hit the planks you are standing on. After that, they just try to hit you. Falling off the sides kill you, as does getting impaled on any of the spikes. In Section 4, poison gas keeps filling up the room. You have to run up the ramps to avoid it. Stage Weapons: Boxes are available by the closed doors. These should mostly be used to smash the doors open. Tactics: In section 4, make Ninja dizzy and toss them into the poison gas. Otherwise, just make sure they are dizzy and keep running. The poison will take care of the rest. Three Stars: TO CATCH A PRINCESS and 2nd outfit if you are using Ninja Fu Hiya. Four Stars: New combat rule, Mojo Five Stars: Mini-Series for Monkey TO CATCH A PRINCESS Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: ***** Description: You are on a wooden bamboo platform suspended in the air. Not too far from you, is the princess you rescued from the prior stage. Suddenly, Flying Ninja attack! Pick up the princess and throw her at the Ninja to knock them down. Enemies: Slow moving, non-flying, but very persistant Ninja. You can only hit them with the princess. Boss: None. Hazards: Get hit by a ninja and you die. Stage Weapons: The Princess Tactics: Pick up princess, throw princess at ninja, repeat. Its a good idea to try and grab the princess while she is bouncing back from a ninja, as it saves time. Jump over ninja to avoid them, but remember: The Princess is the ONLY weapon you have. Three Stars: FOUR POLES AND A PRINCESS Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Ninja Fu Hiya FOUR POLES AND A PRINCESS Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: **** Descrption: You and three ninja are on telephone poles high above the ground. Suddenly the princess drops into your hands. Throw the princess at the ninja to knock them off. You catch the princess by hitting B when she is near you. Simply aim and throw. Enemies: Three other ninja of various types. Boss: None. Hazards: Falling off the pole, getting knocked off the pole. Stage Weapons: The Princess. Tactics: Same as last stage, only this time, the ninja throw the princess back at you. Hit B to catch her. Also, you can leap unto another pole for a cheap knockdown of an enemy if you think your jumping skills are up to it. Three Stars: THE WAY OF THE SWIFT STRIKE Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Monkey THE WAY OF THE SWIFT STRIKE Type: Training Difficulty: * Description: Same as any other training stage, only you block and counter this time. Enemies: The Trainer Boss: None Hazards: Same as any other training mission. Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Same as any other training mission. Unlocks: LIGHTS CAMERA ATTACK! LIGHTS CAMERA ATTACK! Type: Mini-Battle Difficulty: *** Description: Takes place on the same set as Riot on the Set! Enemies: Generic Ninja, Yellow Ninja, Spinning Ninja, Red Ninja, Blindfolded Ninja, White Ninja.: None Hazards: See Riot on the Set! Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Welcome to hell. You are introduced to the two most annoying ninja in the game here: The Blindfolded Ninja and the White Ninja. See their descriptions for tactics against them. Replay this mission a lot, because you will need the practice. Three Stars: NIGHT OF THE LIVING FOG Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series NIGHT OF THE LIVING FOG Type: Feature Film Difficulty: **** Description: Starts on a haunted movie set surrounded by fog. (Section 1) You move along this, over some traps, to a large Yin-Yang symbol, which then drops you into a long shaft (Section 2). You are then treated to a large platform with a huge trap (Seciton 3). After this, you are knocked unto two small wooden beam type lines (section 4). From there to a small stone yin-yang symbol. My least favorite stage. Enemies: Yellow Ninja, White Ninja, Red Ninja, Straw Hat Ninja, Spinning Ninja. Boss: Master Sho Yu Hazards: This stage is full of them. (Section 1) Stuck in the fog? You die. Spike traps with large buttons that operate them are all over the place. Virtually useless, so don't rely on them. Hopping Vampires (good research, this references an old Sammo Hung movie) cover a section of the stage. You touch them, you die. About midway on the surface, there are small poles with potions on top. Hit the pole to knock the potion down, then pick it up and toss it at an enemy. They explode when hit with a potion. (Section 2) When dropping down the shaft, red hot spikes are jutting out from the sides on occasion. You can knock an enemy into them at the risk of exposing yourself. (Section 3) When you FINALLY land, you are on a giant spike trap with three switches. Anyone of the switches activates the whole trap. Right after that on the two wooden beams (Section 4), there is a red button in the background, and a blue button in the foreground. Hit the button on the beam you are standing on to activate the trap on the opposite beam. Finally, when facing Master Sho Yu, there are four potions on the stone circle. Stage Weapons: Potions and Spikes described above. Tactics: Now you will learn to hate the White Ninja. All I can say is to use the stage hazard as best as you can, this is not an easy stage. Three Stars: TOMB ROBBER, 2nd Outfit if you are using Master Sho Yu Four Stars: Unlocks Wooden Men Scoring Method Five Stars: Mini-Series TOMB ROBBER Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: ** Description: Pac-Man, Kung Fu Chaos Style! Run thru the maze picking up dots, but avoid the Hopping Vampires. No magic pills here to make them run away, either. Enemies: Hopping Vampires Boss: None Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Practice playing this stage, its not hard. Three Stars: FRY HARD Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Xui Tan FRY HARD Type: Mini-Battle Difficulty: *** Description: Small battle with ninja in front of two ovens; one red, one blue. Also, two switches... One red, One blue. Stand on a switch to activate the correct color oven. Enemies: Yellow Ninja, Straw Hat Ninja, White Ninja, Blindfolded Ninja, Spinning Ninja. Boss: None Stage Weapons: Two large ovens Tactics: Time to play Iron Chef! Knock down a ninja, make it dizzy, then throw it in an oven. Stand on the correct switch, and fried ninja is your reward. Repeat as many times as possible. Fun stage, and also a good place to practice killing White Ninja. Three Stars: THE WAY OF THE ADVANCED COMBO Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series THE WAY OF THE ADVANCED COMBO Type: Training Difficulty: * Description: See any other training stage. Enemies: Wooden Men Boss: None Stage Weapons: None Tactics: See any other training stage Unlocks: Gigantic Crack GIGANTIC CRACK Type: Feature Film Difficulty: *** Description: A battle with Ninja on the Titanic... while its falling apart after being hit by an iceberg! Section 1 is a small enclosed area. A piano opens that area to Section 2; running across the upper deck. Section 3 is near the lifeboats, while section 4 is the ship turned sideways. Finally Section 5 is the final life boat. Enemies: Yellow Ninja, Straw Hat Ninja, White Ninja, Red Ninja, Spinning Ninja.: Chop&Styx Hazards: Aside from the water, there are iceberg chunks, life preservers, and even passengers (read: cardboard cut-outs) that show up from place to place. In section 2, watch out for the falling cheap movie set walls. In section 4, the ship splits in half! Shou Ting will warn you when this happens, so you must jump unto the railing to avoid dying. After that, you must keep climbing up the set, but avoid the falling boxes and lifeboats. Stage Weapons: Chunks of ice, life preservers, boxes. Tactics: ITs a lot easier to toss ninja into stage hazards on this set. Make em dizzy and toss them into the water. Play it a few times so you know where the stage falls apart. Leave opponents dizzy in those sections, and move to saftey. In section 4, Yellow ninja will crowd the railing. If you are feeling like a dardevil, wait from them to jump on the railing, then knock them off with a basic attack! Its a cheap kill, but it works. Three Stars: SEAL OF DESTINY, 2nd costume for Chop&Styx Four Stars: Unlocks Style scoring method for Multi- player Five Stars: Mini-Series SEAL OF DESTINY Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: ** Description: Ninja are drowning. You are standing on a small life boat next to a pile of life preservers. Save ninja by throwing life preservers at them. Occasionally a seal will pop up in front of a ninja, thinking you are playing a game. It will toss the preserver back at you, knocking you down. Enemies: A Seal Boss: None Hazards: The Seal Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Ninja jutt out of the water waving thier arms. If a seal is going to pop up in front of a ninja, the ninja will NOT move thier arms. Use this to plan your preserver tosses accordingly. Three Stars: BIG TROUBLE ON LITTLE ICEBERG Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Lucy Cannon BIG TROUBLE ON LITTLE ICEBERG Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: **** Description: Three of the ninja you rescued are on the iceberg with you. Think of this game as bumpercars on ice. Press X to ram into someone. The walls have to be rammed to fall off, and once they do, you can knock ninja into the ocean. Enemies: Three ninja Boss: None Hazards: Falling into the water Stage Weapons: None. Tactics: Use X when near an edge to thrust yourself away from it. This can save your life if timed correctly. Otherwise, just ram away. Note to the designers of this level: I HATE YOU!!! Three Stars: ENTER THE DINO Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Master Sho Yu ENTER THE DINO Type: Feature film Difficulty: *** Description: The stage starts out on a bridge where the hero is being chased by a dinosaur (on railroad tracks). Player than leaps into the water and wades over to a small boat. Combat continues on the boat until it crashes and the player is forced to combat unto frog's heads, which pop out of the water. These lead to a new boat, which eventually falls off a waterfall. Combat resumes on a rope bridge across the waterfall. Enemies: Generic Ninja, Yellow Ninja, Straw Hat Ninja, Blindfolded Ninja, White ninja Boss: Monkey Hazards: Once you reach the boat, the water around it gets fill with pirhana fish. Falling into the water will result in you being eaten. This takes a few seconds, though, so if you mash buttons and jump out, you can land on the boat. The Dinosaur stars chasing you at one point, slowly attacking the boat. He will take apart the boat from the aft side, so if you stay in the front side of the boat, you don't have to worry about him. At 4 points during the boat ride, vines appear across the water. They hold you in place, knocking you into the water. The first time they appear, Shou Ting will warn you. The second time, there is only one and you have to watch out for it. Lastly, when you are fighting on the Rope Bridge, it's very narrow and easy to get knocked off. Stage Weapons: Right at the start on the boat there are a few Boxes and some live chickens you can throw at people. Tactics: Easy to say, knock em dizzy and toss em off screen or into the water. Remember to make them dizzy, otherwise you will get no star power for the kill. The water in this stage is your friend, so make use of it. Three Stars: CLIMBING FISH, FALLING TURTLE; Also, you get a 2nd outfit for Monkey if you are using him. Four Stars: Unlocks Kung Fu Film Effect Five Stars: Mini-Series for Xui Tan Sour CLIMBING FISH, FALLING TURTLE Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: *** Description: You are standing at the top of a waterfall and a large hungry fish is slowly coming up eager to get its lunch, you. Turtles are also drifting downstream, and getting caught on the edge. Pick up a turtle and toss it at the fish to knock it back down. Enemies: The Fish Boss: None Hazards: The turtles, if left alone, will stand up and run across the screen, tripping you. Jump to avoid them. You can throw a turtle downward while you are jumping, so don't let it delay you. Stage Weapons: Turtles. Tactics: Divide your attention between the turtles drifting downstream and the fish climbing up. Make sure you are standing near where a turtle will land to pick it up. Also, don't wait to try and hit the fish, hit it even if it is at the bottom of the waterfall. This saves time. Three Stars: FISH OF FURY Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-series FISH OF FURY Type: Mini-Battle Difficulty: **** Description: You are standing on a rock surrounded by lilypads, when suddenly, ninja attack! Enemies: Generic Ninja, Spinning Ninja, Red Ninja, Blindfolded Ninja, and White Ninja Boss: None Hazards: Once you step on a lillypad, it will start to sink, the more people who are on the lillypad, the faster it will sink. The water is pirhana infested, so the longer you spend in it, the more you will get hurt. Also, the fish from last stage stars eating lillypads until only the rock is left. He stars with the NE one, then the SE, then NW, then N, then the S lillypad. Make sure you avoid those. Stage weapons: None Tactics: Ninja swarm you a lot, so spin attack and running attack are the moves of the day. Also, use your unblockable as much as possible. It makes enemies very dizzy and lets the stage hazard eat them. Its hard to get 5 stars on this stage, as enemies are killed more often by stage hazards than by you. Three Stars: BEHIND THE SCENES BRAWL Four Stars: Five Stars: Mini-series BEHIND THE SCENES BRAWL Type: Mini-Battle Difficulty: **** Description: Another small stage fight. Enemies: Spinning Ninja, White Ninja, Blindfolded Ninja, Red Ninja Hazards: falling off the stage Stage Weapons: None Tactics: Since the only ninja here are the tougher ninja, this is not a fun stage. They appear in pairs first, then packs. Remember the fasest way to kill is to toss them or knock them off stage. SAVE your special for when there is a large group of people, and use it then. It gives you more star power that way, AND kills off more enemies at the same time. Three Stars: REVENGENCE DAY Four Stars: Five Stars: Nothing REVENGENCE DAY Type: Feature Film Difficulty: *** Description: Aliens are attacking New York! Your valiant hero tries to escape, but Ninja attack. You start out on a helipad, and run off the roof into an elevator. The elevator explodes, tossing you unto a roof of a nearby building. Then you lean from building top to building top, fighting in the brief respite you get. Eventually, you land on a flying saucer, which crashes into a building. After a few moments fighting amongst the rubble, a helicopter shows up. Jump unto its safety cage and fight until you get to the end. Enemies: Straw Hat Ninja, Red Ninja, Blindfolded Ninja, and White Ninja Boss: Lucy Cannon Hazards: Well, falling off a building is one common hazard, as is falling off the flying saucer. A giant laser fired from a flying saucer destroys the buildings, so you can imagine how bad it would be to stand in its path. Stage Weapons: On the Helipad, bombs get dropped in. Throw a bomb at a ninja to kill it. You can also kick them. Beware as ninja can catch them and throw then back. But so can you. Boxes show up on rooftops. Tactics: At the beginning, throw bombs like your life depends on it. Cause it usually will. When you reach the rooftops, throw boxes at ninja. Mostly you will fight the Blindfolded and White ninja types, so stage weapons are your best friends. Also, knocking a ninja dizzy in the path of a laser weapon is a great tactic, and saves you some time. While dueling on the saucer, it rotates, causing some centrifugal force. Becareful, as it could spin you off the edge, but use a running attack to hit ninja. This should toss them off. Three Stars: INVASION OF THE BRAIN SNATCHERS, 2nd outfit if you are using Lucy Cannon Four Stars: Unlocks new game Speeds Five Stars: Mini-Series INVASION OF THE BRAIN SNATCHERS Type: Mini-Game Difficulty: ** Description: You are standing on a helipad next to a large box. Brains in a jar are running around, trying to avoid you. Grab them and throw them in the box. Enemies: None Boss: None Hazards: None Stage Weapons: The Brains in a Jar Tactics: Run after a brain, grab brain, throw brain into box, and repeat. Note that brains run away from you, so it's a good idea to run to the opposite side of the helpad from the box, then herd them towards it. This saves some time having to run across the area when you finally grab one. Also, its apparently possible to throw a brain into the box in such a way that it registers as being in the box, but it bounces off and lands back on the roof. IF you can figure this out, use it, as it saves time grabbing brains when there are a lot to grab. Three Stars: CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE WORST KIND Four stars: Five Stars: Mini-Series for Ninja Fu Hiya CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE WORST KIND Type: Mini-Battle Diffculty: ***** Description: Think of this as a backstage fight on a flying saucer.... Which is spinning around and tilting at odd angles. Enemies: Blindfolded Ninja, White Ninja, and Straw Hat Ninja Boss: None Hazards: Falling off the saucer. Stage Weapons: None Tactics: This is the hardest stage in the game, as enemies are more likely to be eliminated by the spin of the saucer than by your hits. Plus you can get tossed off as well. Running attacks and unblockables are the main tactics here, but when the saucer starts moving quickly, your spin attack becomes insanely useful. In any other stage, it only pushed them away a little, however, combined with the spin of the saucer, you can knock them to the edge fast. White Ninja are less frustrating here, as they tend to block a lot. If they are near the edge, just keep doing a long hit combo. You will knock them off. Just be cautious that you do not fall off after them! Three Stars: Nothing Four Stars: EVERYONE'S A CRITIC Five Stars: Mini-Series for **REMEMBER! YOU NEED AT LEAST 4 STARS ON EVERY STAGE BEFORE THIS ONE TO PROGRESS** EVERYONE'S A CRITIC Type: Backstage Mini-Battle Difficulty: **** Description: A backstage fight, only with the main cast of characters, and their stunt double!!! They appear in pairs. Enemies: Master Sho Yu, Monkey, Ninja Fu Hiya, Chop&Styx, Lucy Cannon, Candi Roll, Captian WonTon, and Xui Tan Sour Boss: EVERYONE Hazards: Falling off the stage Stage Weapons: None Tactics: First I will describe the enemy's tactics. One will run around, doing seemingly nothing, while the other acts like a White Ninja... Well, it acts like a White Ninja with a taunt ability and serious need to kill you. Will call the attacker #1 and the one who does nothing #2. #1 combos you, then taunts. WHILE #1 starts taunting, #2 runs up to you and either kicks you off the stage or throws you off. They are darn near psychic when they do this, so expect to die a LOT when you first boot up this stage. So what do you do? Simple. Do whatever you can to get rid of ONE of the two. It doesn't matter what you do, just do it. Now, you are only facing one bad guy. Knock them down and TAUNT. Do this three times, then toss them off stage. When the next pair of Bosses show up, use your Special power. Start over with the 3rd group of bosses. You should get a 5 star rating doing this by group number five. Three Stars: Four Stars: Unlock both Candi Roll and Captian WonTon's entire Mini-Series. Five Stars: Unlock SHOU TING'S BIG END **REMEMBER! YOU NEED TO BEAT THE LAST STAGE WITH AT LEAST 5 STARS TO PLAY THE FINAL STAGE** SHOU TING'S BIG END Type: Mini-Fight Difficulty: *** Description: There is only one star in this film, and Shou Ting thinks its him! You are in a cage match to determine who the true star is. Enemies: None Boss: Shou Ting Hazards: None Stage Weapons: A cross selection from every stage before this. Boxes, Lobsters, Life preservers, Ect. Tactics: Shou Ting has a lot of advantages over other characters. He hits hard, he taunts after every combo or knockdown, he catches objects thrown at him, and you CANNOT BLOCK ANY HIT he throws. Also he has one of the best special attacks in the game. Combine those all together and you have a serious problem on your hands. Still, I rated this fight 3 star, why? Because Shou Ting is easy. Run away from Shou and he will start to follow you. Then turn around and meet him halfway. Usually this will catch him flatfooted. Now combo him and TAUNT. Don't try to throw him, don't try to throw objects at him, and don't hesitate to use a special. Shou Ting will ALWAYS counter a combo, like a Blindfolded Ninja. He will either counter on hit #2 or #3 of your combo. So make sure to mix up the X, Y and X, X, Y combos. You will counter his counter, and stagger him. ALWAYS follow up with a combo. You need that taunt. Special him every chance you get, and he will go down with a 5 star rating. Four Stars: Candi Roll and Captian WonTon Five Stars: Character's ending. **ONCE THIS STAGE IS UNLOCKED, YOU CAN REPLAY IT WITH ANY CHARACTER TO GET THEIR ENDING** ============= MULTI-PLAYER ============ "Hey! I never said to do that... I did? Then it's so perfect!" Multiplayer in this game comes in two flavors: Battle Game and Challenge Mode. Game can be team play or free for all. Points are scored in various ways described here: Lives - Each player starts with 10 Lives. If you run out of lives, you are out of the game. The person who has the most lives left at the end of the stage, OR the person who is last left alive wins. Kills - The person with the most kills wins. Mojo - The person with the most Mojo wins. Wooden Men - The person who smashed the most Wooden Men wins. Style - The person with the longest combos wins. BATTLE GAME This is a standard Multi-Player game. The person with the highest score wins. Replays on any stage can be saved and veiwed at a later date. There are no ninja on these stages. Stages are limited to the following: - Legend of the Drunken Bastards * - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Princess * - Night of the Living Fog - Gigantic Crack - Enter the Dino - A Few Good Stuntmen - Revengence Day - Waterwhril * - Four Poles and a Princess - Fry Hard - Big Trouble on Little Iceberg - Fish of Fury - Close Encounter of the Worst Kind - Shou Ting's Big End Stages marked with a star (*) are unlocked before playing Ninja challenge. Challenge Mode This is the party game of Kung Fu Chaos, and its best for 2 on 2 team games. Free for all is fun as well. Stages are played in the same order as ninja challenge, with the best player in each stage getting to play one of the mini-games that is reserved for single player. 2 points are awarded for each Feature Film you win, while 1 point is awarded for each mini- game won. Since you get 1 point for each mini-game won, and some can only be played by one player, competition can get hectic. Ninja only show up in the single player mini-games. Refer to the section of this faq on the Ninja Challenge for the mini-games and tactics for them. ============ MINI-SERIES ============ "I am not saying another thing until someone brings me my coffee! (Wait) (sigh) I'll be right back." The single player game time is extended by unlocking various mini-series for each character. These are simple three stage mini-challenges, designed to test your Kung-Fu Chaos mastery. You need to beat a stage with a 5 Star Rating to unlock a mini-series level. ------------------------------------------------------ - Here is the breakdown on the mini-series: Character's Name Stage Name What stage unlock this one Brief Description Tactics ------------------------------------------------------ - This section will be included in future revisions of the FAQ ======================= QUOTES FUNNY THAT ARE ======================= In this section I will add a database of funny quotes that can be head throughout the game. These will be separated by Character, and usually the character at some point uses. Master Sho Yu "You have an aura of Idiocy!" "I laugh at you with bad breath!" "The brain is the belly and the belly is the brain..." Ninja Fu hiya "You know Kung Fu?" "You make angry Ninja!" "But, can you do this?" Xui Tan Sour "You too fat!" "I avenge you!" Chop&Styx "I bring you dismemberment!" Monkey "Your so stoooopid!" Lucy Cannon "Have a blast, sucka!" Candi Roll "2... 4... 6... 8... Who do I eliminate?" "Ewww... Your sweaty!" Captain WonTon "Underwear of Justice!" Shout Ting "I direct you!" "You just stupid actors making more money than me!" "Go home to your wife!" "I will make ladies love me!" "My greatness must be rubbing off on you, so keep up the good rubbing." "Wow! You can really put away the ninjas, as well as the free coffee." "Hey! I never said to do that! I did? Then it's so perfect!" "Hey! Don't hurt my chicken! What did they ever do to you? (sob)" ======================== SEE HOW AWFUL YOU ARE ======================== "Another Star make me love you more!" I am a serious Hong Kong Action film fan. I have always felt that a lot (but not all) of the action films made here in the United States was inferior to the ones made in Hong Kong. In this section, I would like to share with you the Flims, Actors, and Directors who inspired Kung-Fu Chaos. Bruce Lee (The greatest of all time) - Enter the Dragon (Gee, that song sounds familiar) - The Chinese Connection (AKA Fists of Fury) - Game of Death (ONLY the last 3 fight scenes, don't watch the rest of it) Jacky Chan (The king of Kung-Fu Comedy) - Drunken Master (This comedy classic was made without using wires, and it still looks impossible) - Drunken Master II (AKA Legend of Drunken Master) - Who Am I (Jacky's best fight scene ever is at the end, on the roof, against a guy who only punches and a guy who only kicks) - Snake in Eagle's Shadow Jet Li (The Man) - The Legend (Fight scene balanced on peoples heads!) - The Legend part 2 (Jet fights off bad guys, while juggling a colum of chairs, that holds up his mother, who is in a hangman's noose!) - Fist of Legend (Jet does a loose remake of the Chinese Connection) Chow Yun Fat (Hong Kong's version of Tom Hanks) - The Killer (If you haven't seen this, you are missing one of the greatest films of all time) - Hard Boiled (Ditto) - Full Contact (Chow with a crew cut goes after gangsters. A classic, but its not for kids) Donnie Yen (The prize student of Yuen Woo Ping) - Iron Monkey - Blade II - Hero of Heroes Yuen Woo Ping (No comments necessary) - The Matrix - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Fist of Legend John Woo (I think his films, except Hard Target, speak for themselves) - A Bullet in the Head - Face/Off ======== CREDITS ======== "I'd like to thank all the following people for making this movie possible: Me!" Thanks to Microsoft for the mighty X-Box. Thanks to Just Add Monsters for a great game. Thanks to Kung-Fu Geko for Faq advice and the name for Challenge Mode. Thanks to all the posters on Gamefaq's Kung Fu Chaos message board for believing in me.