A long time ago in a galaxy far away... 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I have put asterisks after the chapter heading so that it will go straight to the chapter you want. 1.0 Intro 2.0 Legal Stuff 3.0 Basics 3.1 Controls 3.2 Stuff to Find 3.3 Characters 3.4 Vehicle Levels 3.5 Droidekas 4.0 Dexter's Diner 4.1 Stuff to Buy 4.2 Outside THE WALKTHROUGH 5.0 Episode I 5.1 Chapter 1 5.2 Chapter 2 5.3 Chapter 3 5.4 Chapter 4 5.5 Chapter 5 5.6 Chapter 6 6.0 Episode II 6.1 Chapter 1 6.2 Chapter 2 6.3 Chapter 3 6.4 Chapter 4 6.5 Chapter 5 7.0 Episode III 7.1 Chapter 1 7.2 Chapter 2 7.3 Chapter 3 7.4 Chapter 4 7.5 Chapter 5 7.6 Chapter 6 8.0 Episode VI 9.0 Hints and Cheats 10.0 FAQ 11.0 Contact 12.0 Version History 13.0 Credits ---------------------------- 1.0 Intro -------------- I (Timperius) was never planning on doing this FAQ for Lego Star Wars. Of course I bought this near the time it came out, but I had no inclination to make the walkthrough. I beat the entire game and eagerly anticipated the sequel, Lego Star Wars II. I bought it when it came out, and I had thought about making an FAQ for it. I did. Still, I did not think of making one for LSW 1. Over the past few weeks I have gotten 3 or 4 e-mails from people requesting an FAQ for this game. There is only one FAQ at GameFAQs, so I agreed. Here it is. It will be in the exact same format of Lego Star Wars II, just so you know, except I will only say how to get the mini-kits. 2.0 Legal Stuff -------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough was written by Timothy Sims, (Also known as Timperius) and it is his property. The FBI says don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. This is only for private use and can only be distributed by GameFAQs.com or me. Give credit where credit is due. GameFAQs is so far the best FAQ site by far, so I won't be letting any other sites have this. If I do find a site that is as good as or better than GameFAQs then I shall e-mail them. Don't e-mail me to ask if I'll put it on your site. If you do see a site other than GameFAQs that has this on their site, e-mail me. 3.0 Basics --------------- Here we go! If you've played this and know how to play, or you've played the sequel, scroll down to 3.3. Just like the sequel, this is a platformer game. You go around levels collecing different items. I just relized that I did the guides in the same order as the movies came out. Ha Ha. Though this is the worst of the two, (In my opinion) This is still a great game, and I think it is a lot better for multiplayer battles. Especially the final duel. 3.1 Controls ----------------- Keyboard: If you are playing on the computer, (As I am) then here is a recommended layout for the keyboard. Movements: Arrow Keys Jump: Z Action: X Special Ability: C Tag: V Switch Freeplay Characters: A and S Pause: Enter PS2 Movement: D-pad -or- Analog Stick Jump: X Action: Square [] Special Ability: () Tag: /\ Switch Freeplay Characters: R1 and L1 Pause: Start X-Box Movement: Analog Stick Jump: A Action: X Special Ability: Y Tag: B Switch Freeplay Characters: R Trigger and L Trigger Pause: Start GCN Movement: Analog stick (Duh) Jump: A Action: B Special Ability: X Tag: Y Switch Freeplay Characters: R and L Pause: Start 3.2 Stuff to Find ---------------------- In Lego Star Wars there are lots of things to find. The most important things you have to find are Studs. These are little lego pieces that come out of stuff you destroy. Silver Studs are worth 10 Gold Studs are worth 100 Blue Studs are worth 1,000 You can buy extras and characters with these. The next most important thing to find is Mini-kits. There are ten on each world, and when you have found them all, you get a vehicle you can view outside in the parking lot. They don't let you do anything else with them. 3.3 Characters ------------------- Certain characters have certain abilities. When you unlock a character, you can use him in any level during freeplay mode, allowing you to get mini-kits otherwise inaccessable. Abilities: Jump, Double Jump, High Jump, Hover, and Jetpack: When you press the Jump button, most characters do something. All non-droid characters can jump into the air. Jedi can jump, then perform a higher jump by pressing jump again. High Jumpers will can do a normal jump, and their double jump shoots them really high in the are. Astromech units hovers in the air short periods of time when you press jump. He can reach places Jedi can't reach. Jango Fett has a jetpack, and when you jump, you fly. Geonosians have wings that make them fly too. These only makes you go faster. Shooting, Lightsabers, and other weapons: Most characters carry standard blaster weapons. Press the Action button to use them. Jedi carry lightsabers that when you press the action button, they swing. Timing your swings gets you powerful combos. Jumping and swinging is a forward attack, and Double Jumping makes you slam hard on enemies. R2-D2 and R4-P17 can disable droids by pressing Action. To do a combo move with a lightsaber, press the Action button, then when the jedi pauses with his lightsaber, press it again, when he pauses again with his lightsaber outstretched, press it again. This is a move that gets through blocking. The force, Grapling hooks, and activation panels: Jedi can use the force to influence objects with a blue, green, purple, or red ring around them. Dark Jedi can use the Dark side to influence red/black bricks. Blaster Characters have grapling hooks on their guns. To activate them, press the Special Ability button when you are near a red circle, and you will fly to somewhere. Astromech droids and Protocal Droids can access places others cannot go. Panels have the face of them on them, when you are near them, press the Special Abilities button. Small characters can crawl into vents to get to places otherwise out of reach. 3.4 Vehicle Levels ----------------------- There are three vehicle levels in Lego Star Wars. They are pretty good, though I like the ones in LSW2 better because you can play in freeplay mode. In all of these, the camera drags you around, and it isn't all that fun. But I'm sure it will be all right. Controls: It is too tedious to list all the controls for all the consols. Here is a list for X-Box, (I'm not playing X-Box, I just chose it) you'll need to match the controls yourselves. EPISODE I; Chapter 4 -------------------- Mos Espa Podrace: Left: Analog Stick Left Right: Analog Stick Right Faster: A button EPISODE II; Chapter 4 --------------------- Gunship Calvary: Movement: Analog Stick Fire: X Button EPISODE III; Chapter 1 ---------------------- Battle Over Coruscant: Movement: Analog Stick Fire: X Button 3.5 Droidekas ------------------ I decided to tell everyone how to defeat these things. You must be a Jedi, or it won't work. Normally, the shield takes 10-12 hits from the lightsaber to take it down. Less if you use combos. Jumping once and attacking will still take as long. So how do you beat this tricky foe without losing 4000 studs? Well, the slam down move (Double jump attack) is also known as the shield buster attack. Now isn't that usefull? Now you can take out Droidekas with ease. Just Slam down and then hit it three times. You also can defeat it with another droideka, and it takes 5-6 hits to take down the shield and 3 hits to destroy it totally. If you don't have a Jedi (Which is actually impossible), and you do have an Astromech unit, use the Astromech to disable the droid. Then use the blaster character to shoot it three times. 4.0 Dexter's Diner ----------------------- If you've played LSW1, you'll remember that you started out in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Well, you start out in Dexter's Diner in this one. There are four doors on the left of the diner, each for a different Episode. Inside these Episode doors are the chapter doors. (Except for Episode VI) 4.1 Stuff to Buy --------------------- If you approach the counter, you will be given a selection of things to buy and the cheat options. 1: Hints Worthless beyond belief, don't even go here. There isn't anything worth buying, but I'll list the costs. There are 8 hints that can be bought. they range in price from 10 studs to 80 studs. They are completely worthless. 2: Characters This is where you buy all the freeplay characters. Here is a list of price and what they can do. (Name) (Abilities) (Cost) 3: Extras You can buy extras here. They are all available at the start, and the only good one to buy is invincibility. The rest are just for comic relief. (Name) (Cost) (What it does) Most of these are for cosmedics, and don't improve or detract from the game. Moustache 150,000 This gives all the characters Moustaches. Mini-kit Detector 750,000 The outrageous price means that this is slightly more usefull than the others. It puts a nice green arrow above mini-kits. But with this guide, it might be on the useless side. Tea Cups 175,000 This replaces the Lightsabers with Tea cups Brushes 200,000 This replaces the Lightsabers with Broomsticks Big Blasters 50,000 All the blasters will be big blasters Classic Blasters 75,000 All the blasters will be Classic blasters Silly Blasters 100,000 All the blasters will be Silly blasters Invinsibility 1,000,000 This also is useful. It makes it so you can't lose hearts, and when you fall you won't lose studs. An extra for sissies. Or for people that were having problems with Battle of Kashyyyk. Like me. Silhouettes 75,000 The characters will turn completely Black Purple 50,000 All Lightsabers (Including Mace Windu's) will turn purple 4.2 Outside ---------------- Outside of the cantina, you can look at all the mini-kits you've collected, and you can get into barfights. This is one thing that LSW2 didn't do as good of a job as LSW1. Just fight your enemies. It's a whole lot of fun. But thats all there is to do. /---------------------------------------------\ |||||||||||||||||WALKTHROUGH||||||||||||||||||| \---------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------\ ||||||5.0 Episode I|||||| |-----------------------| ||||||5.1 Chapter 1|||||| \-----------------------/ Negotiations TJS: 20,000 Mini-kit: Republic Cruiser "You were right about one thing master, the negotiations were short." ~ Obi-wan Kenobi ------------------------- This is the first level. It will give you a good idea of how easy it is to get True Jedi Status on most levels. On some levels, it is difficult, and you may need to do it in freeplay mode. Unlike LSW2, you can get TJS on either mode with the same amount of studs. This is the first room. There are a few studs on the table, and a blue piece in the right corner. Then destroy the equipment in the north corner for more studs. Then use the force to blow out the door. Four security droids will come at you, so destroy them. Two more are down the hall for you to destroy. Then go back to the door. The rubble you created can be moved with the force for more studs. Then go right into a small room. Here there is a machine that it force manipulated. Use the force and get more studs. Then jump to the left platform and use the force on the gears to raise it. Jump to grab another blue piece. On the right platform is another gear, but you need a high jumper to get the stud. Go back out into the hall and head through, using the force on the wall panels. When all the blue panels have been manipulated, a mini-kit will appear. Now turn right at the end to go into another hall. Destroy the battle droids and the equipment, then use the force on the wall panels in this hall. When all 6 of the purple panels are on, another mini-kit will appear. Yeah! We're speeding right along. Go all the way down to TC-14, and tag him. Head all the way back to the beginning and go through the left door, which is a protocal door. Once inside, switch to a Jedi and use the force on the two gears in the room. Then stand on the box in the corner and use the force on the crane to lift yourself to Eight Blue Studs! This should get you to True Jedi Status easily. Now stand on one of the buttons and your partner should stand on the other one. The force field blocking access to the mini-kit will go down. Unfortunately, 4 battle droids will unfold. Oh well. Kill them and grab the mini-kit, then exit. If you entered with TC-14 and switched to a Jedi then TC should be just outside the door. If not, you'll need to go all the way back to where you found him. Tag him and open the Protocal door at the end of the first hall. In here are some studs. Exit and head to where you found TC-14. Switch to him and open the door. Then walk down to the other door and open it. Switch to a Jedi and use the force on the wall panels in this hall, and destroy the equipment in the next room. Use the force on the vent's grate, and two Security Droids will come out. They must be really mad about being stuck in the vents, as they try to hurt you. Talk about Ungrateful! The grate turned into a table, so jump on it, then jump again to reach another mini-kit. Now enter the ventalation shaft. For another mini-kit, jump to the left. Do a double jump. If you don't make it, Drop down, jump on the thing to the right, then jump back to the vent opening. now try again. Anyway, drop down, kill all the droids, and then head left to find one more. Either deflect the blast back at him or jump on the ledge and take him out. Then grab the studs on the ledge. Go south and jump over the railing. At the far left is a few studs. Jump back over the rail and go over to the ramp. Walk down and destroy more droids. Don't worry about the Droidekas until you finish with the others. See 3.5 Droidekas for information on how to defeat them. Walk to the right to find parts of a vehicle. Use the force on it to get more studs and a platform. The platform is useless in story mode. Then go south and to the right to find a lever. These aren't pulled like in LSW2. You use the force on them. 4 bricks will come out on a conveyor belt. Jump on and when the bricks stop, slam down on them to get a few studs. Jump on the ledge above you and grab the studs there, too. Now, one more mini-kit in story mode. To the left of the force feild is a few pieces of machinery. Near it is a large box. Use the force to move it, then move the three smaller pieces around there. On the wall is a lever that you must pull with the force, and a moving platform will turn on above you. Jump on the tower you built and when the platform comes back, jump to it. Then wait until it moves you back to the mini-kit. Drop down and use the force on one of the things to the side of the force field. Jump over the wall and press a button. Your partner will join you and let TC-14 in. Head toward the MTT and the last battle will be fought. Destroy them all and jump on the MTT for a few more studs, then use TC-14 to open the MTT, and go in. -------------------------------------- Earnings ----------------------- Characters: TC-14 (Protocal) Stud Count: 40,000 Mini-kits: 6 Buy Characters: Gonk Droid PK Droid Battle Droid Battle Droid (Security) Battle Droid (Commander) Droideka Mini-kit #1: (Story) Protocal Go straight out of the first door and turn immedietly to the left. Open the door with a protocal droid and enter. Press one of the buttons and your partner will press the other. The field will dissapate and you can get the mini-kit. Mini-kit #2: (Story) Force Use the force on all the blue levers in the first hall. Mini-kit #3: (Freeplay) Protocal, Small, Force, High Jumper At the end of the first hall, turn left and open the protocal door. Go in and head to the far end of the room. To the left is a vent. Go in and press the button. Go back to the center of the room; you should find four blocks. Use the force on all four to make a tower. High jump on and then High Jump to the ledge, or hover there using an astromech. Mini-kit #4: (Story) Force Use the force on all the purple levers in the second hall. Mini-kit #5: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper, Astromech In the middle of the second hall is an Astromech door. Open it and enter. Go near the force field to the right. There is a block on wheels here. Switch to a high jumper and get on. Your partner will use the force to move you under the mini-kit. Jump to get it. Mini-kit #6: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper, Hover In the same room as #5, use the force on the droid starfighter to put it where we need it. Go to the table where the droids were playing cards. Jump to the ledge and use the force on the grate, then jump up to the vent with a high jumper. Enter, then drop and hover across. Jump on the starfighter and high jump to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #7: (Story) Force In the last part before the hangar, there is a grate blocking the vent. Use the force to remove it, then jump on it. Jump up again to grab the mini-kit. Mini-kit #8: (Story) Force When you just enter the hangar, double jump to the left. Mini-kit #9: (Freeplay) Force, Astromech, High Jumper Go to the left after you enter the hangar. You will find a large barrel thing in the corner. Use the force on it and jump to the platform. Use an astromech to open it, then go in. Press the button in the middle, and nothing happens! A little pillar comes up! This is so you can jump in the cages without a high jumper. But you can just jump into the cages with a high jumper. When you jump into the cages, the walls fall down and you can go to the other one. Do the same and press one of the buttons. When both are pressed, the tube around a the mini-kit will rise. Mini-kit #10: (Story) Force After all the baddies south of the force field in the hangar are gone, use the force on the big block, then three little blocks. Now use the force on the lever on the wall to the left of the block stack. This will start a platform moving. Jump on top of the tower, then onto the moving platform. It will take you to the mini-kit. /-----------------------\ ||||||5.1 Chapter 2|||||| \-----------------------/ Invasion of Naboo TJS: 35,000 Mini-kit: Bongo "I spake!" ~Jar Jar Binks "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here!" ~Gui-gon Jinn ------------------------- In this first part, and the last part, there are battle droids running all around. Avoid them please. Use the force on the plants in this first area, then head down to the fallen tree. There will be four Battle Droids that will come out to hinder you. Destroy them, then use the force on the tree to lift it. Then attack it until a mini-kit appears above you. Now head forward and use the force on the plants. Approach the MTT and 6 Battle Droids will come out. Destroy them and use the force on the MTT's engine thing 3 times. It will explode, leaving pieces of MTT on the ground. Jump on the leftmost one and jump up to grab another mini-kit. Then destroy all the other pieces and the base they were on by slamming down. Under it was a hole. In the hole is a mini-kit. Now head forward to get Jar-Jar Binks. Use the force on all the plants to get more studs. Under one in on the left near the stairs you will find a brick. Use the force on it to move it, then switch to Jar-Jar and jump to a mini-kit. Now collect all the studs on the stairs and head in. Head left, then use the force on the Gungan Picture to move it. Then grab the studs and cross the bridge you made. Here there is a Battle Droid that needs to be taught a lesson. Destroy it and switch to Jar-Jar. Jump to the top of this tower thing and it will crumble. Use the force on the gears to lower a bridge. Switch back to Jar-Jar and jump to it, then jump to a blue stud. Then jump to the next tower. Switch to a jedi and use the force on some bricks to get lots of studs. Switch back to Jar-Jar and jump to the next tower, grab the studs in the alcove, then jump on top of the next. There is a Battle Droid in the alcove behind it, so quickly switch back to a Jedi and deal with it. Jump to two more Battle Droids and kill them, then destroy the statue to the left. Next use the force to remove the rail on the platform. It will be moved to a bridge. Now switch to Jar-Jar once again and jump to more studs and another mini-kit. Now go to the right and jump to the platform, then to more droids. Destroy them and grab the studs, then enter the next section. Go to the right and use the force on the bricks to lower the log so you can go up. But first, do you know where the bricks you used the force on went? Right below you, and you can get another mini-kit. Now head up the ramp and destroy all the Battle Droids in theis area. There are approximately 6 or 7. Now use the force on the few plants, and then the MTT engine thing 3 times. The MTT will explode, opening a passage. Go in, grab the studs, then go out. Use the force on the other MTT engine thats lying around, then switch to Jar-Jar and jump to the blue piece. Now head east, drop down, and kill the Battle Droids. Use the force on the blockade and grab the next mini-kit. Switch to Jar-Jar and jump to the ledge to the right of the alcove. follow it until you get to the end, where the platform crumbles, so go through, though you should switch to a Jedi out here. You should just be about 1000-3000 studs away from TJS. Every so often, 4 Battle Droids will come out to harrass you. You need to do two things. Get one mini-kit and get TJS. Use the force on the statue's legs, then its middle, then its head to get the mini-kit. Use the force on the plants until you are about 1,000 away, then run forward, dodging fire, and collecting the studs in the little pool. Head all the way to the water's edge, and grab the finishing studs. Then go all the way into the water. ------------------------------------------------------ Earnings ------------------------ Characters: Jar-Jar Binks (High Jumper) Stud count: 35,000 Mini-kits: 8 Buy Characters: None Mini-kit #1: (Freeplay) Force, Shooter On the first right from the start are three rocks. Use the force on them and switch to a shooter, then jump to the top and blast the target. Mini-kit #2: (Story) Force At the beginning of the level, an MTT crawls out of the forest and knocks down a tree. Use the force to lift it up and then use a weapon to destroy it. Mini-kit #3: (Story) Force In the first section, after you destroy the first MTT, jump on the left piece, then jump to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #4: (Story) Force You have to destroy the first MTT in this one also. Blast all the pieces, then the base, and drop down the hole to find it. Mini-kit #5: (Story) Force, High Jumper At the end of the first area, use the force on the plants to the left to find a brick. Use the force on this brick and it will move to a wall. Jump to the mini-kit with a high-jumper. Mini-kit #6: (Story) Force, High Jumper At the end of the second section is a small platform that has rails a round it. To remove the rails, use the force. Then hig jump to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #7: (Story) Force At the beginning of the second to last section are some bricks on the wall. Use the force on them to build a platform that can reach the mini-kit below. Mini-kit #8: (Freeplay) Small In the area just after the log ramp and #7, there is a vent. Go through to find the mini-kit. Mini-kit #9: (Story) Force After #8, go east and drop down the ledge. Blast the Battle Droids and use the force on the brown bricks to open up the alcove to this mini-kit. Mini-kit #10: (Story) Force In the final area at the beginning are three pieces to a statue. Arange them correctly to get the last one. It goes legs, body, head. /-----------------------\ ||||||5.1 Chapter 3|||||| \-----------------------/ Escape from Naboo TJS: 30,000 Mini-kit: Royal Naboo Cruiser "Where are you taking them?" ~Commander Droid "To Coruscant." ~Qui-gon Jinn "Coruscant... That does not compute, you're under arrest!" ~Commander Droid ------------------------- This is the only level where you start out without Jedi. They seem to have taken a shortcut through the palace doors. Run forward and shoot the battle droids, then turn around and shoot the ones coming from behind. Run around and shoot the doors, the cones, and the plants. Make sure to get all the studs. Then go to the Grapple Pad (The Red Circle on the Ground on the left side of the palace courtyard right under the balcony.) and press the SA button to grapple up. Shoot all the fences and go right. 2 battle droids will try to hit you. When you've dealt with that, grab more studs and grapple up another level. Shoot these Battle Droids and then the glass, an the plants. Drop down of the side and shoot the Battle Droids here, too. Grapple back up, then grapple again. Blast the battle droids and then the windows, plants, the cone, and the statue inside the room. Grapple up to the next level and shoot the battle droids here. Then shoot all the cones and the three flower trays. Next to the flower trays is a silver stud that is floating in mid-air. Walk off the ledge and drop down to get it... and lots more studs. Go back to the top and walk into the door. Go toward the camera to find some studs, a mini-kit, and two flower trays. Now head down the stairs and shoot the battle droids. Two more come. Defeat them, then walk through the door. Shoot out the windows, then shoot the battle droids and the flower trays. When you finish this stuff off, drop down where there is a grapple hook. Shoot the three flower trays and then drop down again. Shoot the battle droids and head right. You will find a mini-kit. Grapple back up and then grapple up again. Head across the bridge, and shoot the target to open the door. Go in. Grab the studs and shoot the cover, then drop down. The Jedi join you now. Defeat the battle droids and then destroy the flower trays. If you need to get back up, shoot the targets on the sides of the platform, then press the button. Head right and shoot the bushes, and when you get to the battle droids, wipe them out. Shoot the cones and then get on the elevators. Shoot all four targets to open the gate, but we aren't going in just yet. We need 1 mini-kit and a few studs from this part. Head to the stairs and get on. Pick up all the studs and then find the grapple pad. Grapple up and head left. There's a blue stud in the door way. Keep going left and grapple to the two battle droids. Kill them and then grab the mini-kit, and studs. Drop down and head through the open gateway. Get all the studs and shoot the flower trays. Then cross the bridge to face a Quaternion (Four Roman troops) and their commander. Then go north and hit the next package of battle droids. Continue around the path, shooting cones, trees, bushes, and battle droids. When there is nothing to disturb you, get up on the center and gather all the studs. While you are doing that, press the three buttons that take off the little domes around the 6 cages. Also, use the force to move the tree pots to the center dome. When they are all moved, (It may take some time) jump to the top of them and jump again to get another mini-kit. Head to the west cages and destroy them. You'll get some studs and a mini-kit. Now, go to the east cages. Blast these to get more studs and one more mini-kit that is right above the exit. ------------------------------------------------- Earnings ------------------------ Characters: Queen Amidala Captain Panaka Stud Count: 45,000 Mini-kits: 6 Buy Characters: Royal Guard Padme Mini-kit #1: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper After all the battle droids are gone, shoot the doors. When they are all gone, use the force on the poles between the walls to make three blocks. Use the force on each block to make a tower by the wall. Jump on it, then use a high jumper to reach the mini-kit. Mini-kit #2: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper, Hover At the top of the palace entrance in the first area, use the force on the bricks in the north wall. Jump on them, then use the force on the bricks above that. High jump to them, then hover to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #3: (Story) Nothing Go straight towards the camera when you enter the first door. Mini-kit #4: (Story) Grapple (Needed to get back up) When you get to the third area, where you are in a glass gazebo, drop down to the bottom level. Go all the way to the right to find it. Mini-kit #5: (Freeplay) Hover, Grapple On the bottom level, to the left of #4 is a wide gulf. Cross it with an astromech and then grapple up twice to get to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #6: (Freeplay) Grapple, Small In the section with the stairs, go up them and find the grapple pad. Grapple up and go in the vent with a small character, then go left to find the mini-kit. Mini-kit #7: (Story) Grapple Get to the vent of #6, but instead, go left. When you reach another grapple pad, grapple over to more battle droids. Kill them and grab the mini-kit. Mini-kit #8: (Story) Nothing Press the middle button on the domes in the last section. Go to the three cages to the west and smash the one hiding the canister. Mini-kit #9: (Story) Force In the last section, destroy the four trees in the middle. Use the force on all the pots, then jump to the top of the tower they make. Then jump again to get the mini-kit. If you are having trouble getting it, go back in freeplay mode and use a high jumper. Mini-kit #10: (Story) Nothing It is impossible to not get this mini-kit. Completely impossible. Press the middle button on the domes, then go to the three cages to the east. It is under the left cage, and is right over the exit. You can't exit without getting the mini-kit. /-----------------------\ ||||||5.1 Chapter 4|||||| \-----------------------/ This is the Mos Espa Podrace Vehicle Level. "I don't care what universe you're from! That's gotta hurt!" ~Announcer There are 3 laps, and 3 parts to each lap. You have to beat a certain pod in each of the parts. If you don't beat him, or you crash, (Lose all hearts) you lose studs. You can get all the mini-kits in this level on the first try. Unlike LSW2, there is no freeplay on vehicle levels. I don't know how they'd do it on this level anyway. In the level there are boost pads. They increase your speed and are essential to go across. They are green arrows. Lap 1: --------------- Part 1: You start out at a slight disadvantage to the other pods. They seem to be at the starting line, while you are 10 meters behind! How rude! Well, no use crying about it. For the controls, see section 3.4 Vehicle Levels. Follow the path to the left, then it takes a hard right. Make sure you are on the inside of the curve when you do it. A hard left follows, and you'll see a boost pad. Hit it and then hit some of the poles ahead of you. Take a slight left and follow the path to another boost, and a drop that takes you into another canyon with some pits. Don't fall in. Hit the next boosts and take a hard left, hitting as many poles and the two gates leading to the ramp. The ramp is better than the ground level path because of its boost. There is a mini-kit on the end of the ramp. When you drop down, keep turning left, then take a hard right into the cave. You can hit the purple things for more studs. There is a left in the cave and a small right out into part 2. The next mini-kit was just on the left side of the cave near the opening. Part 2: This is where the Tuskens are camped out. They are firing at the ground. What's up with that? Well, if you get too close to the burn marks, the tusken will start shooting at you. This can easily take out 2 or 3 hearts, so be very careful. The best path at this point is to take the inside of the turn, hitting a few boost pads and grabbing the mini-kit. Go into the opening and hit some poles, then head forward to grab another mini-kit. Up ahead are the arches. On the right side of the first arch is a mini-kit, and on the left are some poles. I would try for the mini-kit first, and if you die, hit the poles next. When you head all the way through, there is another mini-kit on the right side of the canyon. Straight ahead of where you exit the arches is a boost pad and more poles. Now take a hard right, a hard left, and you are in part 3. Part 3: This is just a long stretch of open ground with lots of bombs scattered around. You need to manuever around them and go across the four series of boosters. Each (Except for the last) is preceded by poles. There are two mini-kits in this area. One in the row of poles on the second boost, and one just after the last boost. When you pass the start/finish line, you'll go on to Lap 2. Lap 2: --------------- Part 1: This is pretty much the same as Lap 1, though there are some differences. When you get to the part with the boosts and the double rows of poles, there will be a cutscene of Sebulba knocking Mohawnic into a large rock. You will be forced into this path, and the rock will topple. You have to be very fast to beat the rock. There is a mini-kit and two boosts in the center of the path. The rest continues as Lap 1, though you must be a little faster. Part 2: The difference in this one is that there are a bunch of rocks falling. The Tuskens are still shooting, and the best route is still the inner part, though it is a little harder to dodge the rocks. When you get past the rocks, the rest continues as before, though there is less time. Part 3: This is exactly the same as Lap 1. Less time though. Lap 3: --------------- Part 1: This plays exactly the same as Lap 1, except since the rock toppled, you must go on the right path. This is pretty easy, and there is a mini-kit just to the right of the boosts before the pits. Part 2: The rocks have all settled, so you must find a route through the rocks. There are two ways through that I can find. One is going on the very inmost curve. There are damaging rocks on this path, so you may not exit with full health. The other way is easier to get through, unless a tusken starts shooting you or you just plain miss it. Hit the first boost, then head to the boost that points into a section of rocks close to the outer wall. Dodge the burn marks on the ground and then enter. If you entered fairly straight, you'll make it through just fine. It may take you a few tries. When you make it through, the rest is a breeze. Part 3: There is one change they made. Sebulba is dropping bombs. They are still easy to dodge, and the only thing you need to worry about is ruuning out of time. When you beat Sebulba to the finish, you win! Mini-kits: 1: On the ramp in Part 1. 2: At the end of the cave in part 1. 3: On the inside of the tusken curve in Part 2. 4: Just after the tusken curve in a line of poles in part 2. 5: Take the path throught the arches on the right in part 2. 6: Just after the arches on the right in part 2. 7: In the line of poles just before the second boost in part 3. 8: Right before the start/finish line in a string of poles at the end of part three. 9: Only accessable in Lap 2, it is in the center of the path in Part 1. 10: On the right of a boost pad in Lap 3, Part 1. ------------------------- Stud Count: Anywhere form 0 to 50,000 Mini-kits: All 10 can be aquired. /-----------------------\ ||||||5.1 Chapter 5|||||| \-----------------------/ Retake Theed Palace TJS: 40,000 Mini-kit: Naboo Starfighter "I thought the battle was supposed to take place far from here!" ~Nute Gunray ------------------------- This is the LONGEST Level in Episode I by a long way. You start out undisturbed in a small area. Use the force on the abandoned Flash Speeder and then hit the cones and trees. There is a pile of bricks in one corner, but you need a high jumper to use it. Switch to a blaster character and grapple up. Jump to each balcony and collect the studs. Then drop down and shoot the droids. There are some on the floors above, so use a Jedi to deflect the shots back at them. When the area is clear, use the force to build a ramp, then destroy all the flower trays and cones. Turning on the lights won't do anything. Grapple up to the top level and head to the far right. There is a mini-kit here. Shoot all the flower trays up here. To the left is some more balconies with studs on them. In the middle is a mini-kit behind a window. Shoot it and jump to get the mini-kit, then drop down. Use R2 to open the Astromech door. Go in. Use the force on the grapple hook, the vent, and the bricks on the side of the well so everyone can pass. When you're all across, destroy the droidekas coming out and then the normal battle droids. When they are gone, smash the statue and press the button. There's a mini-kit here. Now head down the left hall, and shoot the windows and the statue, then go back to the circular room. Press one of the buttons, and the rest of your crew will help. Then the door will open. There are a few droids to deal with. Shoot the windows in this hall, and when you go far enough down, more droids come. Blast them and then finish off the windows. Switch to a Jedi and use the force on the two small boxes, then jump to the top. You can't reach the ledge without a high jumper, but you'll be able to get 1 gold stud. Head left when you get to the next circular room, and kill the droidekas. Get the studs by the left wall at the end, and return to the circular room. Use the force on the mural. Switch to R2 and open the door, and go in. Run up the stairs and hit the droids. Shoot the windows and gather the studs that are behind them. Now head out into the open courtyard. Defeat all the droids, including the ones on the high ledge, and then blast the flower trays, the cones, and use the force on the fountains. To the left of the fountain is a pile of bricks similar to the ones at the start, you should use the force to make them into a tower. Hit the windows here and grab the studs, then drop down and switch to Anikan. Use him to go into the vent on the left wall, and then to the right a bit to find a small hall with a blue stud. Go all the way forward and gather the studs here, then use the vent to get to the top. There are more studs around the corner. Drop down and switch to a jedi, then use the force ot fix the stairs. Go to the top and shoot the windows. Inside this place is a mini-kit and more studs. Go back to the stairs and head left to find a broken bridge. Fix it and some battle droids will come to try and make your life difficult. Kill them and hop to the left onto the building. Jump to the ledge and use the force to make a platform. Jump up the the top; go all the way to the left for another mini-kit. Drop down to a ledge and destroy the glass here to get a blue piece. Head back and cross the bridge. Now, use the force on the large box across the gap, then send R2 to get the studs. Fly back and destroy the flower trays. When you approach the grate over the door, you will see a button to push. You'll have to use Anikin. Destroy the flower tray by the door to reveal a button. This isn't the right one. Press it and a different grate will open, revealing a vent. Use a jedi to destroy a large box across the gap and quickly use Anikin to get to the other side. Then walk to the right and go into the vent here. To the left is a button. Drop down and go back to the other side, then enter the building. Run right and slash the group of enemies. Then head more to the right and you will find more to deal with. These are the only enemies in the area, so go around hitting all the flower trays, cones, and other plants until all the destroyable ones are gone. Under one of them was a grapple pad, allowing the blaster characters to get up. Use the force on the tree, the flower tray, and the block to stack them. You'll get some studs in the process. There is a vent to open with the force, and there are some 2X2 rounds to use the force on. This will allow R2 and Anikin to get to a balcony. Now, drop down to a lower level off to the right. Blast the flower trays and grab the studs here, too. Head to the left around the base to find another mini-kit. Now get back up using the lift. There were two blocks near the beginning of the area on the north side. Get on one and your partner will get on the other. Use the force on his block and he will do the same to yours. When you reach the top, use the force on the platform to the right, then jump across. Press one of the remaining buttons and go through the now open window. Shoot the battle droids in front of you, then head to the right of this room. Blast the tables, the left ones reveal a grapple pad. Grapple to the top and collect all the studs. When you get too close to the stairs, more battle droids come. To the right of the stairs are more tables and chairs, use the force on them once, and they switch places. Not very interesting. Use the force again, this time they make stairs going up to the place you got to with the grapple pad. Use the force on the tables/chairs one more time and they'll rearrange into a nice four seat table. Now you can destroy them for studs. Use the force on the tables to the left of the stairs to make another stairway. Use it to get to some studs. Them slam down on the chairs. Go to the middle of the room and use the force on the tables and chairs seperately. Now go to the statue close by and blast it. Press the button to reveal some dining instruments. Use the force on the plates and cups, then destroy your creation. You'll get enough studs for TJS here. Now go up the stairs. Destroy the Droideka and look around. There are 3 statues. One leads to the last area, one gives you two more droidekas, and one gives you two battle droids and some more studs. You can find out for yourself which ones are which. He he he. All right, I'll tell you. Go to section 9.0 Hints and Cheats for the information. When you get to the next section, go toward the camera a bit, then go to the left for a few more studs. Go out into the hangar, and you will find that you need to rescue six Royal Guards. The first is right above you. Head left and switch to a blaster character. Shoot the 3 cones, one reveals a grapple pad. Use it and hop to the right, then up to the royal guard. Shoot the battle droid to free him. Drop down and switch to a Jedi again. Go left, past the first big box, then stop at the second one. Use the force on it and then on the two little boxes close by. Jump up and kill the droid to free the second. Now drop down and head directly to the right, following the broken edge. Gather the studs and use the force on the big box. When you can see two more hostages, go towards them. There are 2 security droids already guarding them, then one commander and a normal one. But when you get close enough, some more droids come out of a door! Including a droideka! When all the droids are gone, you should have freed two more. Now for the last two. Around the door the army came out of are two boxes. Get on one, then lift your partner while he lifts you. Jump and free the last two guards. There are some studs you can get if you go around the edges. When they are freed, an Astromech panel will pop up, and when you activate it, the hangar doors will open, completing the level. ---------------------------------------------------------- Earnings ----------------------- Characters: Padme (Battle) R2-D2 Anikin Skywalker (Boy) Stud Count: 60,000 Mini-kits: 6 Buy Characters: None Mini-kit #1: (Story) Grapple From the start, go forward and grapple up to the top of the balcony. Head all the way to the right to find it. Mini-kit #2: (Story) Grapple Grapple up to the balcony in the first section and go to the middle. There is a mini-kit behind a window. Blast the two sections of the window and jump to get the mini-kit. Mini-kit #3: (Story) Nothing In the first circular room in the building, shoot the statue and press the button to find it. Mini-kit #4: (Freeplay) Dark Force Go through the hallway after #3 and turn left. Kill the droidekas and go into this room. Use the dark side to move the wheely thing to where you can jump up (Or just use a high jumper) and use the dark side to blast the gate. The mini-kit is behind it. Mini-kit #5: (Story) Grapple -or- Force In the third section, go to the right and grapple up to the top. Shoot out one of the mossy panels, there is a mini-kit behind them. Mini-kit #6: (Story) Force In the same section as #5, after you build the stairs and the bridge, jump left onto a building. Use the force on some bricks in the wall and jump to the ledge. Run along to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #7: (Story) Nothing In the Fourth Section, go to the right until you find a grapple hook hanging on the wall. Drop down here and head to the left to find the mini-kit. Mini-kit #8: (Freeplay) Force, Grapple In the dining hall, there are some tables/chairs to the left of the stairway. Use the force on the tables to make stairs. Jump up and grapple to the top. Go all the way to the left to find this mini-kit. Mini-kit #9: (Freeplay) Force, Grapple Go all the way to the left in the last section to where the second captive is being held. Use the force on the big block, then the two little blocks. Jump up and kill the droid, then grapple to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #10: (Freeplay) Force, Hover When you enter the last section, go a little to the left to find a large block and two small blocks. Use the force on the big one, then the little ones. Jump up to the shelf, then use the force on the little pieces to make a platform. Jump to the ledge above and switch to an Astromech. Use the hover ability when you come to gaps, and go all the way around to reach the mini-kit. /-----------------------\ ||||||5.1 Chapter 6|||||| \-----------------------/ Darth Maul TJS: 25,000 Mini-kit: Sith Infiltrator "We'll deal with this." ~Qui-gon Jinn ------------------------- Here we are. Your first boss battle. This one is pretty tough, too. It may take a few tries to get True Jedi Status. A thing to note is that the lights in this level do give you studs. After the cutscene, some battle droids will come out and shoot at you. Deflect their shots back until they are all gone, then Maul will use the force to throw something at you. Use the force right when the force silhouette appears and the barrel will fly back and hit the dark lord. More battle droids will appear, so you'll need to repeat the process twice more. Then Darth Maul will run out of the room. There are two lights on your island, and two levers. If you pull a lever, two battle droids will deploy. Use the force on the bridge to fix it and run across. There are lights to shine here. Use the force on the broken engine to make the N1 Starfighter turn on, and pull the levers with the force on either side to open the door. The N1 will fly out, and you can get some studs. Near where the N1 was are some fuel tanks. Destroy those for studs, and use the force on the buggy and box for more. Use the force on the other N1 to raise it slightly, and you can jump to a mini-kit from it's top. Pull all the levers and turn on the lights for more studs. On both sides of the door are some elevators. Jump on one, use the force to get to the top. Grab the studs, drop down, and exit. Go toward Maul and strike! He runs! Go along the bottom level until you get around the column, then cross the bridge to a mini-kit. Go back to the beginning and jump up. jump to the right, then use the force on the platform, jump, use the force on the next platform. Jump all the way to the right and cross the bridge to the next section. Run forward and jump to the middle. Maul runs and two commander battle droids call in reinforcements. You need to kill the commanders to stop the flow. When they are both gone, and all the other droids, two droidekas will come up out of the abyss. Destroy them and press one button. When your partner presses the other, jump across to the force field room. If you are running out of studs, there is a way to get more. See section 9.0 Hints and Cheats. Use the force on one of the levers and your partner will use the force on the other. The force field will go down, and you can continue. Use the force on the poles, and then the next lever. Keep doing this until you get out. You should get TJS while in this hallway. This is the last part of the chapter. Don't fall in the hole. Hit Maul twice, and he will jump away, then come back. Hit Maul twice again, and he'll jump away again. He'll come back, so blast him two more times and he'll jump to a pile of bricks. Then jump up to the top of them. He'll then throw things at you. Either use the force on the things he throws or use the force on the platform he's on. If it gets low enough or you hit him, he'll jump to the next pile and do the same. When you get him again, he'll go to one last platform, then he'll drop down. You'll battle for a bit, then a red ring will appear around your character. Switch to the other quickly and hit Maul while he's force choking your partner. Do this 4 more times and you'll have beat the level. ------------------------------------------- Earnings ----------------------- Characters: None Stud Count: 30,000 Mini-kits: 2 Buy Characters: Darth Maul Mini-kit #1: (Freeplay) High Jumper, Force Just after you cross the bridge in the first section, turn left and fix the N1 starfighter with the force. Jump on top and use a high jumper to grab the mini-kit. Mini-kit #2: (Story) Force Above the right N1 starfighter, you only need to use the force then double jump with a jedi. Mini-kit #3: (Freeplay) Force, Astromech Also in the first room are two elevators flanking the door out. Get on one and your partner will get on the other, then you can use the force to get to the top. On the left of this wall is an Astromech panel. Activate it to open the door. Enter the door. A lot of droids will come out. Like, A VERY LARGE AMOUNT. They come in shifts. There are 2-4 Droidekas at a time and 10+ Normal Battle Droids. This will take approximately 3 or 4 minutes. This may not seem like a long time, but it is. When no more droids are coming out of the side doors, run to the north side of the room. There are a bunch of red lights on the floor that you must press. Run south, stepping on all of the buttons. When you get to the second and step on it, your partner will start running on the other ones. He is a little behind, so when you press the last button on your side, run and press his last button. Mini-kit #4: (Freeplay) Force, Blaster In the second area, jump to the first platform, then jump again, then grapple up when you reach the pad. High jump to the next platform, then jump to the top. Go all the way to the right. Use the force on the gear until the platform above cannot be moved. Use a high jumper to reach the mini-kit. Mini-kit #5: (Story) In the second area, go along the bottom, jumping across the gaps. When you reach the end, cross the bridge to this mini-kit. Mini-kit #6: (Freeplay) Astromech Go to the 3rd room, the one with the four power beams. On one side of the dome platform at the beginning is an Astromech panel. Activate it and cross to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #7: (Freeplay) Astromech Go to the 3rd room, the one with the four power beams. On one side of the dome platform at the beginning is an Astromech panel. Activate it and cross to the mini-kit. This one is on the side without #6. Mini-kit #8: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper In the final room, after Darth Maul has gotten on the platforms, go to it and use the force to lower the platform. Then switch to a high jumper and jump on the platform. Then jump to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #9: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper In the final room, after Darth Maul has gotten on the platforms, go to it and use the force to lower the platform. Then switch to a high jumper and jump on the platform. Then jump to the mini-kit. Mini-kit #10: (Freeplay) Force, High Jumper In the final room, after Darth Maul has gotten on the platforms, go to it and use the force to lower the platform. Then switch to a high jumper and jump on the platform. Then jump to the mini-kit. /-----------------------\ ||||||6.0 Episode II||||| |-----------------------| ||||||6.1 Chapter 1|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||6.2 Chapter 2|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||6.3 Chapter 3|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||6.4 Chapter 4|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||6.5 Chapter 5|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ |||||7.0 Episode III||||| |-----------------------| ||||||7.1 Chapter 1|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||7.2 Chapter 2|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||7.3 Chapter 3|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||7.4 Chapter 4|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||7.5 Chapter 5|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /-----------------------\ ||||||7.6 Chapter 6|||||| \-----------------------/ Mini-kit #1: Mini-kit #2: Mini-kit #3: Mini-kit #4: Mini-kit #5: Mini-kit #6: Mini-kit #7: Mini-kit #8: Mini-kit #9: Mini-kit #10: /----------------------\ |||||8.0 EPISODE IV||||| \----------------------/ This is the bonus level. It has no mini-kits and no true jedi status. To unlock it, you must get true jedi status on all levels. It gives you 150,000+, so when you need some more studs, just come here. Good Luck! LEGO Puzzle: This is the puzzle at the end of the left hallway that comes first. There are a bunch of big bricks here. They need to be put in order to spell 'LEGO'. The L is Yellow The E is Blue The G is Green The O is Red Yellow: 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 Blue: 3, 1, 2, 1, 3 Green: 3, 1-1, 1-1, 1, 3 Red: 3, 1-1, 1-1, 1-1, 3. It should look like this: H HHH HHH HHH H H H H-H H HH H-H H-H H H H-H H-H HHH HHH HHH HHH Freeing C-3PO: This is the hardest part of the whole game. It it is the first hallway to the right. First, destroy all the domes on the floor. This is so much easier if you've got a friend that can play this game well. Now you have to run around and step on every single one of the buttons. It is so hard. It isn't impossible though. I did it once. Then I could never do it again. I had to go into the Lego Star Wars folder in the hard drive (I'm using the PC version) and then I went to the character files. Here you can hack into the characters and increase their speed and such. I redid Darth Vader's speed and then tried it. This helped a bunch, but as most of you aren't using the PC Version, this won't help you. Good Luck to you all. That is all I'll say on the Bonus Level. ------------------------------- _______ __ __ __ | | || | |\ || \ | |--||-- |-- | \ || | | | ||__ |__ | \||__/ ------------------------------- 9.0 Hints and Cheats ------------------------- Cheat codes: You really don't need these. If you use the cheat for a character, he/she only becomes available to buy. If you use an extra cheat, you do get the extra. So the only cheat worth your while is the invinsibility cheat. You loser. Why'd you go and use a cheat? Enter these in at the bar. Characters: Gonk Droid U63B2A PK Droid R840JU Battle Droid (Security) KF999A Battle Droid 987UYR Battle Droid (Commander) EN11K5 Droideka DH382U Royal Guard PP43JX Padme 92UJ7D Darth Maul H35TUX Clone F8B4L6 Geonosian 19D7NB Battle Droid (Geonosis) LK42U6 Super Battle Droid XZNR21 Jango Fett PL47NH Boba Fett LA811Y Luminara A725X4 Ki-Adi Mundi DP55MV Kit Fisto CBR954 Shaak Ti EUW862 Count Dooku 14PGMN Grievous' Bodyguard ZTY392 General Grievous SF321Y Clone (Episode III) ER33JN Clone (Episode III Pilot) BHU72T Clone (Episode III Swamp) N3T6P8 Clone (Episode III Walker) RS6E25 Mace Windu (Episode III) MS952L Disguised Clone VR832U Darth Sidious A32CAM Rebel Trooper L54YUK Princess Leia BEQ82H Extras: Invincibility 4PR28U Silhouettes MS999Q Purple YD77GC Moustaches RP924W Minikit Detector LD116B Tea cups PUCEAT Brushes SHRUB1 Big Blasters IG72X4 Classic Blasters L449HD Silly Blasters NR37W1 EPISODE I; Chapter 5: I told you I'd explain which statue hid the droidekas, and it's the left one. Infinite studs: There are two levels that give you infinite studs: EPISODE I; Chapter 6 EPISODE III; Chapter 6 In the laser field hallway of E1 C6, open the first shield and go into the previous room. Return, and you can do it again, then exit and do it again. It's also funny to watch Maul dance back and force like there still is a field. In the first hallway in E3 C6, go all the way down the hall, then fall in the lava. You should get 4,000 studs, then lose 1,000. Keep doing this to get the full TJS amount. 10.0 FAQ ------------- Q: Which is the best character? A: Ha. What a question. For Jedi, my favorites are Qui-gon and Mace. All the others have the same moves. Except Anikin, but I don't like him. For Sith, that's a harder one. Maul and Sidious have higher jumps than others, but they are slow! I prefer Dooku. My favorite blaster character used to be Jango, but after playing LSW2 and having so much better weaponry for him, I just can't go back. I like the Naboo personel. Q: I'm using PC, and my game is slow! What can I do to fix it? A: Go to effects options in the pause menu and turn them all off. 11.0 Contact ----------------- To contact me with questions, comments, corrections, fan mail, or suggestions, contact me at this e-mail adress: timperius@bresnan.net Please put 'Lego Star Wars' as the subject. Please don't send: Corrections that include spelling and grammar! I don't want you to e-mail me just to say 'you can't spell.' That is stupid. Corrections means if I accidentily put in the wrong directions. Ex. I say go south into the abyss and die instead of go north into the eternal glory waiting for you. Other corrections are welcome. I would like to be able to quickly read the e-mails you send me. Don't send me a file with your questions. I will delete them. Don't send an e-mail that has something like: yer faq roks, dood! Spam. Nobody likes spam, including me, so please don't ever send this. Hate mail. Why? Why would someone want to send a hate mail? The only logical explanation is if you found somewhere there was a line that if you read it in a secret code, it insulted your grandma. It wastes my time, and yours. 12.0 Version History ------------------------- 0.3 - Finished the Episode I walkthrough, Episode IV, and the Basics section. 0.4 - ^^^Posted Wrong Version. Sorry 13.0 Credits ----------------- GameFAQs: for hosting this FAQ GameFAQs: for the cheats Ole Kirk Christiansen: for making legos George Lucas: for the galaxy that we can all play in... ------------------------------------------------------ (c) 2006 Timperius ______ |__ __| || 0 ________ ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ || || || || || | \ /___\ || \ || || || |__ || || || || || |__/ \___ || || \\_/\ ___| || ||