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Swiftshark) and is subject to all applicable copyright laws. Anyone wanting to post this FAQ on any websites or other form of publication must request permission in writing by emailing me at the address found at the top of this document. In all likelihood the answer is already no. However, the most recent version of this FAQ can always be found at Gamefaqs.com Presently the only website permitted to host this FAQ are: -www.Gamefaqs.com -www.Neoseeker.com NOTE: If you are reading this FAQ on any other site than those listed above then please email me at GoodVibesPadna@Yahoo.com and let me know. Thanks. *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=II.UPDATE INFORMATION=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* July 26 2004: Added the Chainsaw animations as I was bombarded with over 20 emails about the mistake. Man, what a response. :) Also added a few more contributions here and there throughout the FAQ and added a few missing Weapons/Items in the listing. Thanks for all your emails and compliments. July 23 2004: Finished the FAQ completely. Added all Stealth Kill depictions as well as the complete weapon/item listing and breakdowns. July 15 2004: Added several pieces of information here and there throughout the FAQ and revised certain sections altogether. July 11 2004: Began working on this FAQ. Created the sections and began filling in most of the material. Estimated time until completion about 3 days. *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=III.INTRODUCTION=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* Welcome to my Manhunt "STEALTH KILL FAQ". In this FAQ you will be able to find a completely detailed breakdown of everything associated with stealthily dispatching your enemies. Every Weapon, Item as well as strategies that can be employed are found herein. There is however no walkthrough present in this document. If you need help with any of the particular missions then please refer to some of the outstanding other FAQ's available on both Gamefaqs and Neoseeker. If you absolutely need to contact me then you should first look for me on the Manhunt(PS2) Message Boards over at both GameFAQS.com and Neoseekr.com. Alternately you can send me an email but make sure you type "Manhunt" in the subject line of your email or it will most likely become a midnight snack for my always hungry Recycle bin. If you don't receive a response please don't take it personal, it may just take a while as I often work on various projects simultaneously. Naturally if I do include a contribution I will credit you fully. With that said enjoy the FAQ and the game! ^_~ *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=IV.CONTROLS=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* In this section you can find out about both driving and on-foot controls. Below each diagram is a detailed breakdown of each action. __________________ (L2 + R2) ________________ L2: Strafe Left | <--------- Quick 180 ----------> |R2: Strafe Right _______________ | Hard Attack/ | L1: Lock On | | Reload | | __________ | | None | | |R1: Sprint _=====_ | Pause Game/ | _=====_ / _____ \ | View Menu |/ _____ \ ,.-'_____`-.-----|-----------|--------|-'_____`-. / | | `. | S O N Y | .'| | |-----------Action* / ___| /|\ |___ \ | | / _|_| /_\ |___ \ / | | | ;_| _| ; | | _ | ; Peak --| |<--- ---> | | |__| |__| | ||_| (_)-----Cycle Weapons Left+ | |___ |___| ; SELECT START ; |___ ___| ; Right |\ | \|/ | / _ ___ _ \ | X----------Light Attack | \ |_____| .','" "', |___| ,'" "',`. |_____| .' | | `-._____.-' / \ANALOG/ \ `-._____.-' | | | L3 |______| R3 | | | /\ / \ /\ | | / `.___.' `.___.' \ | | / | | \ | \ / | | \ / \________/ Move Character Free Camera/ \________/ Free Aim** L3............................Move Character D-PAD (Left/Right)............Peek Left or Right R3............................First Person View/Free Aim** X.............................Light Attack/Throw Lure/Kick Doors Open CIRCLE........................Cycle through available Weapons/Items SQUARE........................Hard Attack TRIANGLE......................Action Button* SQUARE + X....................Grapple Opponent L1............................Lock On/Target R1............................Sprint L2............................Strafe Left R2............................Strafe Right L2+R2.........................Quick 180-Degree Turn SELECT........................No Use START.........................Pause Game/View Menu *Actions include Kicking garbage cans, picking up and dropping dead bodies, activating switches, using Items to proceed etc. etc. **Free Aim can only be used with a gun-type weapon. *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=V.THE ART OF STEALTH KILLING=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* Stealth Killing is what this game is all about. Your goal is to perform as many gruesome stealth kills as possible as you progress through each level so that you can get the highest star rating possible. There are a few key points to keep in mind in order to successfully achieve perfection in this department. In no particular order they are: USING SHADOWS: As long as you are standing in a shadow where the little icon on the lower right portion of the screen is darkened, you will remain undetected. If you are spotted running into a shadow however, a pursuing enemy will find you. You will see your icon flashing red when this happens. Whenever you approach a new environment or room, always look for the nearest shadow to hide in so that you can lure the first unsuspecting goons to their death. If you are spotted, run as far as you can and then hide in the shadows and repeat the stake out process again. It should be noted that even when hidden in the shadows, if an enemy happens to walk in those shadows, which they rarely do when hiding in a corner, and he walks right into you, he WILL spot you! It doesn't happen often, and he has to be DAMN close, or in actual contact with you, but it does happen on occasion, and getting spotted in this game just once can end it all for you, if you aren't smart enough to get away. Also, when you are on the edge of leaving a shadow, or the enemy is alerted to you by sound or otherwise, it's usually not a good idea to move AT ALL when they are looking towards you. I have been spotted doing that before, although it is very rare. (Credit: Joe Rogers) LURING ENEMIES: There are several ways to lure enemies over to you. You can throw Items such as BOTTLES, BRICKS and SEVERED HEADS to attract them or you can simply bang on a wall while safely hidden in the shadows to bring them right over to you. Always wait until the enemy turns to walk away (Typically Yellow Arrow Status) before Targeting him and going in for the kill. TARGETING HINTS: Targeting for the sake of a stealth kill consists of simply pressing and holding L1. If you are in range you will see the enemy targeted by a green reticule. Do not press and hold SQUARE OR X until you see the reticule turn white or the director tells you to snuff him out because often times you will simply swing once causing the enemy to turn and the stealth kill is lost. Once the reticule is white however, a stealth kill can be easily executed. WHEN TO STRIKE: Picking your time is dependent on a few factors. The questions you need to ask yourself are: How many enemies are in the immediate area? Is your next victim stationary or patrolling? Is he unaware of your presence (Yellow), alerted (Orange) or in pursuit of you (RED)? The assassin always studies his prey, I urge you to do the same. WHAT TO STRIKE WITH: Some Items are noisier than others (e.g BASEBALL BAT) and might attract unwanted attention if multiple enemies are nearby. Also, for the sake of scoring a higher star rating it is important that you vary your kills. Use different levels of Kills, use different Weapons, Lure enemies to their demise with LURES etc. etc. Variety is king in entertainment. HOW GRUESOME DO YOU WANT IT: There are three levels of stealth kills for each Weapon. The one you trigger is dependent on how long you are able to press and hold the SQUARE or X button wile remaining undetected. The more gruesome the kill, the more pleased the director is which means the better the rating is gonna be. The levels are color coded as follows: WHITE RETICULE: Level 1 YELLOW RETICULE: Level 2 RED RETICULE: Level 3 (Most gruesome) CLEANING UP: It is very wise to pick up and hide your killed victims in the shadows especially in areas where more than one enemy patrol. The main reason for this is to avoid having another enemy spot his fallen comrade and go on alert. A) It costs you time while you wait for him to go back to unaware and B) Sometimes he calls for backup and it'll cost you even more time. Also make sure that you hide severed heads as well since the sight of them will alarm patrolling guards the same way. *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=VI.WEAPONS/ITEMS=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* Here is a detailed listing of every WEAPON and ITEM found in the game along with a brief overview. +=====================+========================================================+ | *---------------* | *-------------------------* | | WEAPONS | BRIEF OVERVIEW / COMMENTS | | *---------------* | *-------------------------* | +=====================+========================================================+ | PLASTIC BAG | Your basic supermarket variety shopping bag. Found | | (Green) | early on in the game, this Weapon has some gruesome | | | Stealth Kill potential and it relatively silent. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | GLASS SHARD | This fragment of glass is used just like a knife. Found| | (Green) | either lying on the ground or by smashing a window, | | | this Weapon really inflicts some serious pain. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | WOODEN SPIKE | You'll only find this item very late in the game. There| | (Green) | are no stealth kill animations associated with it. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | WIRE | The WIRE Weapon is found several levels into the game | | (Green) | and like all other green coded weapons can only be used| | | once. The nice thing about it is that you can sever an | | | enemy's head with it silently and then use it as a LURE| | | repeatedly thereafter. The kills are really gory. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | BLACKJACK | This is the first repeat use Weapon you will find in | | (Blue) | the game. It is really a miniature version of the | | | Baseball bat and inflicts quite some damage. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | CROWBAR | This Item not only makes for insanely gory kills, it | | (Blue) | also allows you to break open padlocks that hinder your| | | progress. You'll find one early on in the game. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | KNIFE | This is your simple combat knife. Execution wise it is | | (Blue) | identical to the GLASS SHARD with the exception being | | | that you won't lose the Weapon after using it. It also | | | allows you to cut ropes that hinder your progress. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | MACHETTE | All I can tell you is that you won't be cutting sugar | | (Blue) | cane with this one. Each Stealth Kill is terribly | | | brutal and decapitations are a given. Comon Hunters. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | SICKLE | Another very damaging blade type of weapon, the Sickle | | (Blue) | really makes these hunters wish they hadn't responded | | | to your incessant tapping on the walls. Some of the | | | kills are just unbelievable. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | AX | Although this intensely powerful weapon is a little bit| | (Blue) | slower than others, it packs quite a wallop. The kills | | | are magnificently brutal and gory. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | MEAT CLEAVER | This butcher's tool acts just like the Machette in | | (Blue) | terms of stealth kill animations. All three levels of | | | execution will result in decapitations. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | HAMMER | This weapon inflicts massive damage as you can well | | (Blue) | expect and the stealth kill animations are quite | | | impressive. Give Hammer time a whole new meaning. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | NIGHTSTICK | The Nightstick acts exactly as the Blackjack does in | | (Blue) | the sense that stealth kill animations are exactly | | | alike. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | NAILGUN | This carpenter's tool is highly effective early on in | | (Blue) | the game. You can not use it to perform executions but | | | you can freely aim it and also blow up gas canisters. | | | Head shots take enemies down much quicker than body | | | shots. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | SIX SHOOTER | This is your typical revolver pistol. Executions are | | (Blue) | not possible but taking down your enemies head to head | | | is a whole lot easier. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | LIGHT HAND GUN | A slightly weaker handgun but as a trade of you have a | | (Blue) | few more shots. Executions are not possible. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | HEAVY HAND GUN | As the name implies, this is the most powerful hand gun| | (Blue) | of the bunch. Executions are not possible and it only | | | holds a few shots per clip but the shot is powerful. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | BASEBALL BAT | The first of the red coded weapons you'll find in the | | (Red) | game. The stealth kills are absolutely fantastic and | | | although the kills are not silent, you'll find yourself| | | using this weapon quite a bit. They also come in two | | | varieties: Wooden and Metal. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | TRANQUILIZER RIFLE | As the name implies this rifle will render your victims| | (Red) | unconscious. Don't forget to finish them off with | | | another weapon. Aim for the head and keep in mind that | | | executions are not possible with this weapon. | +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------| | SHOTGUN | While extremely lethal up close, the shotgun is not too| | (Red) | effective from a distance. It holds 8 shots but cannot | | | be used for stealth kills either. Later on in the game | | | you'll find a modified one with a flashlight attached | | | to it. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN | Same as with the regular shotgun with the exception | | (Red) | that it only holds 2 shots compared to 8. I think it is| | | a little more powerful up close than the regular | | | shotgun as well. No executions are possible. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | UZI | Carried by Carcer City's SWAT team. This gun has quite | | (Red) | some bite to it. No execution animations though. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ASSAULT RIFLE | This is clearly the most powerful gun in the game. It | | (Red) | carries 30 shots in the clip and can be taken from | | | Starkweather's personal henchmen, the Cerberus. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | SNIPER RIFLE | Silent and deadly. Aim for the head and say goodnight | | (Red) | to the bad guy. There are no execution animations | | | possible but one well placed shot is all it takes. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | CHAINSAW | The Chainsaw is a very brutal weapon indeed. Press | | (Red) | Square or X to turn it on/off and get used to timing | | | your kills with it to surprise your foes. Stealth kills| | | are possible (and utterly gruesome) with this noisy | | | weapon. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | BRICK | The brick is used only as a lure. It can be used | | (Yellow) | repeatedly but you cannot use it to attack or execute | | | someone. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE | Can only be used once as it breaks upon impact. Use it | | (Yellow) | as a lure to set your victims up. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | CAN | Same as the brick. Use it as a lure to set your next | | (Yellow) | victim up. No attacks or executions are possible. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | SEVERED HEAD | Severed heads can only be gotten by performing certain | | (Yellow) | executions. The Wire (Level 3 - Red) for example is | | | perfect for taking a guys head off as is the Machette | | | or meat Cleaver. You can use severed heads repeatedly | | | to lure enemies over. |=============================================================================+ +=====================+========================================================+ | *-------------* | *-------------------------* | | OTHER ITEMS | BRIEF OVERVIEW / COMMENTS | | *-------------* | *-------------------------* | +=====================+========================================================+ | PAINKILLERS | Painkillers are found throughout the levels as you | | (White) | progress through the game. They appear as white glowing| | | vitamin bottles and each one will replenish 50% of your| | | health meter. Once your meter is full you cannot take | | | anymore with you. | +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | AMMO | Found throughout several gun oriented levels. Ammo is | | | seen glowing on the ground just like all other | | | weapons/items are. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | SAVEPOINTS | Savepoints show up as blue glowing video cassettes as | | (Blue) | you progress from section to section. If you die you | | | will restart from the previous savepoint. If you exit | | | the level altogether though you will have to restart | | | from the very beginning the next time you power up the | | | game. switch at your Nice safehouse. | |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | SWITCHES | Switches are found throughout the levels and the | | | director will usually make it known whenever you need | | | to look for one. They come in various shapes and sizes.| |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | OBJECTS | In various levels you will need to find items in order | | | to advance. (e.g the Gas Can in Fuelled By Hate) The | | | director will make you aware of these items and they | | | will show up on your radar as well. | +==============================================================================+ *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=VII.STEALTH KILLS=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* Here is the meat of the FAQ. The actual Stealth Kill animations for each weapon in the game. Keep in mind that there are three levels for each weapon as described earlier. White is Level 1, Yellow is Level 2 and Red is Level 3 according to the legend below. Try to mix it up as you go through each level and use various weapons and lures. Here we go. ________ / LEGEND \ []=========================================[] || Level 1 (White) : The least brutal kill || || Level 2 (Yellow): Medium brutality kill || || Level 3 (Red) : The most brutal kill || []=========================================[] NOTE: Some weapons share duplicate animations so both will be listed side by side for simplicity's sake. O-------------O | PLASTIC BAG | O-------------O Level 1: Cash forces the bag over the victims head and then chokes him until he crumples to his knees and dies. Cash then lets him fall flat on his face in a dead heap. Level 2: Cash quickly forces the bag over the enemy's head and swiftly punches him in the lower back causing him to fall to his knees. Cash then presses his knee into the guy's back while pulling back on the bag thereby effectively killing him. Level 3: Cash forces the bag over the enemy's head and turnsd him around while violently punching him in the face several times before strangling and then breaking his neck. Brutality at it's finest. O---------------------O | GLASS SHARD / KNIFE | O---------------------O Level 1: Cash quickly stabs the victim in his neck thereby severing his jugular vein. Blood squirts out as the enemy falls dead onto the ground. Level 2: Cash stabs his victim repeatedly in the stomach until he is dead. This one looks pretty painful. Level 3: Cash slashes the enemy down across his back and then as the enemy falls backwards he comes around and grabs his head and then proceeds to stab the shard/knife into each eye socket. Ouch! O------O | WIRE | O------O Level 1: Cash places the wire around the enemy's neck from behind and violently chokes the life out of him. Level 2: Cash places the wire around the enemy's neck from behind, then spins him around to wrap the wire even tighter around his neck and chokes him to death. Level 3: Cash places the wire around the enemy's neck from behind and forces his knee into his back for leverage. He then proceeds to saw back and forth with the wire until the enemy dies and his head comes off. O------------------------O | BLACKJACK / NIGHTSTICK | O------------------------O Level 1: Cash clubs the enemy in his stomach and then strikes him several more times in the head as he dies. Level 2: Cash strikes the victim quickly in the head causing him to sink to his knees. Cash then chokes the enemy with the Blackjack and then finally kicks him in the back as he dies. Level 3: Cash quickly strikes the victim in the head twice before quickly getting him in a headlock and breaking his neck. O---------O | CROWBAR | O---------O Level 1: Cash springs towards the enemy and stabs him in the neck with the sharp end of the crowbar. The enemy simply crumples onto the floor as blood spurts out. Level 2: Cash swings and lodges the hooked portion of the crowbar in the enemy's head and then kicks the enemy to free the crowbar as the enemy dies a painful death. Level 3: Cash stabs the enemy in the back with the crowbar and after a brief pause yanks it out and as the enemy falls to his knees he stabs him straight down in the head with it. He then wretches it free. O-------------------------O | MACHETTE / MEAT CLEAVER | O-------------------------O Level 1: Cash slashes the enemy in his back which drops him to his knees. Next he grabs him by the hair and chops away at his neck until the head is severed. The enemy cries out in pain until the first chop lands. Also it sounds just like when you chop open a coconut if any of you ever heard that sound. *Shudders* Level 2: Cash slashes the enemy twice in the chest before finishing the job by hacking away at his neck until the enemy is decapitated. Level 3: Cash gives the enemy a powerful chop to the torso and then hacks away at the neck until the head falls off. O--------O | SICKLE | O--------O Level 1: Cash gouges his victim in the head and then finishes him of be slashing him in his back. Level 2: Cash stabs his enemy in the privates and then pauses for a moment before brutally ripping it free. Level 3: Cash puts his hand around the enemy's face and pulls him back as he stabs him in the stomach and guts him. O-----O | AXE | O-----O Level 1: Cash taps the enemy to get his attention and then swings the axe full force into his face as he turns around. Level 2: Cash swings and chops into his victims back causing them to fall to their knees. He then finishes them off with a massive chop to the head. Level 3: Cash swings the axe into the enemy's torso and then forces the axe all the way through the body and out the other side. O--------O | HAMMER | O--------O Level 1: Cash grabs his enemy by the head while simultaneously swinging the hammer hard into his temple. Level 2: Cash pounds the hammer into his victims back which causes him to fall to his knees. He then bends his head backwards and finishes him with a hard over handed strike to the face. Level 3: Cash smashes the enemy in the stomach which causes him to sink to his knees. He then finishes the job by swinging the hammer upwards into his face causing his head to snap back violently. O--------------O | BASEBALL BAT | O--------------O Level 1: Cash strikes the enemy twice in the head thereby killing him. The second strike is easily a base hit. The enemy simply collapses dead from the blows. Level 2: Cash clubs the enemy in the groin/lower stomach area causing him to reel over in pain. Then Cash finishes him off with a solid over handed strike to the head. He never had a chance. Level 3: Cash chokes the enemy from behind with the bat until the enemy falls to his knees in semi-consciousness. Cash then takes a step back, lines up and takes a full home run swing at the enemy's head. The head comes off the body in a gory mess and usually splatters the surroundings. O----------O | CHAINSAW | O----------O Level 1: Cash turns on the chainsaw and swings it as the hunter starts to turn around thereby instantly decapitating him. Level 2: Cash stabs the hunter through the chest with the revving chainsaw and holds it for a brief moment before pulling it out to let the hunter fall to his death. Level 3: Cash holds the chainsaw vertically and slams it through the hunter's Skull thereby completely destroying it as well as and most if not all of the organs in the torso. (Credit: Mike Brayack) *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* >-=VIII.THANKS/CREDITS=-< *=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~* Thanks to CJAYC for GameFAQS. Without you all of this never happened. Thanks to Neoseeker for a great place to host my work. Thank you to Rockstar and Take Two interactive for yet another great game. Special thanks go out to the following for their valuable contributions: > Mike Brayack: For the Chainsaw execution animations as well as a correction about the Wooden Stake and a Mission Title. > Joe Rogers: For some information found in the "Using Shadows" paragraph. And last but not least, Thanks to YOU for reading my FAQ. For more of my work simply copy and past the following link into your browser: >>> http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/22095.html <<< Parting Quote: "Little fox, little fox, the hounds have come to play!" -Cerebrus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- (c)2004 Oliver A. Ferrier (SWIFTSHARK) - Unauthorized reproduction is unlawful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------