MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE Version 0.18 Written by: tidus346 Email: City: Wexford Country: Ireland Contents 1. Saying Hello b. Version History 2. Walkthrough a. SHIELD Plane b. Omega c. Atlantis d. Valley of spirits e. Murderworld 3. Building your team 4. Wrapping things up Saying Hello Well high I’m tidus346 and this is my first FAQ. I want to apologise in advance for any errors or bad spelling. I am currently a student in college which is great because I get to use the internet as much as I want. If you are looking for an in depth FAQ you’re in the wrong place this will be very basic. If I have any errors or anyone has any updates/strategies can you e-mail me wouldn’t want everyone to follow me into the whole. What i found hard to believe is i bought this game for 40 euro which is very cheap for where im from. Well I’ve been a Marvel fan sense I was 5 when I first watched x-men and spider-man and have played the XML games which are quite similar but MUA seems to take development a few steps further. Well that’s enough about me. Version History 0.01 – Started fAQ. 0.1 – Added Shield & Omega base. 0.13 - Added part of Atlanta & some team building & wrapping things up. 0.18 - Still working on Valley of Spirits SHIELD PLANE You start off with Wolverine, Thor, Captain America and Spiderman The opening trailer is pretty cool. When you get control go up the stairs making sure to avoid the fire (first time i started i lost spidey doing that). The enemies here are Ultron Warriors your standard X attack will suffice. For stronger enemies L2 for ganging up on one enemy is fun. Follow the path till the 2nd bridge where you are up against your 1st Masters of Evil boss Scorpion (dont know how you can call this a boss) SCORPION He has a spray and knockback but more then likely will not get the chance to use them. L2 for gang beating, doubt you will need to use abilities. Does scorpion have a big mouth he kind of remind me of the guy in Shadow Hearts 2. Breaking barrels along the way is a good way to get gold for upgrades. Now thats him taken care of dont forget about the scorpions tail on the ground. Glad to see a spiderman villain sense its my favorite Marvel series hopefully there will be more spidey boss' after this. To reach the command deck continue on and press square very simalar to XML so far so for those who have those nothing new hear this level seems to be more of a tutorial then a level. After your chat go down some stairs and out the only exit. for points this is what i do: Captain America - xp%, Spidey-Wait till symbiot suite Thor- not sure but put 1 point to energy Wolverine-Claw damage increase I think you have to wait till lv4 before you can use points if i remember correctly you should be around lv2 doesnt matter if still lv1. Now an extraction point allowing you to change team currently my team are still the default. If you change team members you loose a large ammount of team points so if you are going to change it may be best to do so ounce. here is a list of the characters: Mr Fantastic (stretch) Invisable Woman (time to disapear) Human Torch (flame on!) The Thing (love his lines) Storm (another Thor gosh she was to good in XML) Luke Cage (dont even know who he is) Iron Man (Yipppeee) Elektra (cant believe we have to wait so long to get Daredevil) Iceman (never was impressed by him) Deadpool (loved him in XML2) Spiderwoman (dont know why she was added) Ms Marvel (would have preffered rouge) is it me or are people creating more then 1 file every time i try and save it creates a new file for me anyway enough chit chat back to the guide. Anyway now its up to you to stop the nukes! Go right and when you enter the room the engine thing will be destroyed. what you have to do is move the damaged one out of the way and push in the one at the left corner. Go back up the stairs and turn on the console to drop the forcefield and you can progress onwards. There is a new Ultron soldior here where they toss multiple blasts at you (hope your a good jumper). you will be contacted by Nick Fury. When you get to the split go left and destroy the console then take the one on the right. In the middle the door will open so you can go against Bullseye. Almost forgot you get sort of a pipe thing in this level which i find great for picking up items and blowing stuff up. BULLSEYE Throws things at you that will explode, so long as you are not right next to him they are easy to avoid, may want to use ranged attacks to take care of him will get assassin's sight as your reward. On a sidenote i saw Daredevil last week and he was much cooler in the movie. Head inside and use the computer. Go downstairs to enter barracks. There is a save point here (there seems a lot less then XML) continue and pick up Black Widow's laptop (suspicous minds) then go up the stairs. Go left and then past the beam you should see 2 consoles move 1 character to the left then switch to a different character then you will release the prisoners. The information in the cells sure makes Black Widdow more suspicous. As i said before breaking barells is good for gold i think by now i had 4 or 5% xp for captain america and they get right expensive very quickly. After your finished head right. Now on to the Doom Bots they go down very quickly. The 1st time i saw them i thought i was against Doom himself. On a side note any hp or energy food that your character doesnt need gets put into xp that is provided none of them need it that is. Jump through the window and follow the path to the other side beating the bots along the way. Take the stairs at the end that go left to go aginst Winter Soldior and Radioactive Man. WS & RM i used spidey to take out WS he will go down very easily as he will just shoot you. I had Captian America out and there was a special bit of conversation. Im guessing if you use Elektra or Daredevil on Bullseye you will get special convo as well. After that set your team on radioactive man. Only hit him when his health bar is red as that will be the only way you will damage him. If you are good at dodging you canavoid his attack. rewards = Bionic arm & Radioactive Touch. There is a body upgrade up top but you need a character that can flyIf you are good at double jumping by double triangle you can get it. To fly double press triangle and use left analogue stick to move hold square to land. Go inside and up(north) the the lift to upper level and head all the way along the path to reach the outdoors. Now Fin Fang Foom not sure if having F4 characters changesthe convo. With this boss there is actually a small chance of faliure. FIN FANG FOOM (Dragon Thing) ultrons appear for the duration of the fight i choose to ignore them till the end. First use the a-air machine to blow Foom out of the sky onto the platform when he is flying he follows the same pattern all the time so easy enough to hit. There is also a red arrow appearing on screen so you know where he will come in. When he lands deal in the hurt i advice getting your team to gang up on him i was controlling Thor and his hammer attack is very effective. His first attack is firebreath with knockback. His other shoots many fireballs. You will more then likely just be shooting it down 2-3 times. Get Dragons Heart as reward mission done. You are now in Stark HQ (iron man) anyway its most of the corner areas that have the good stuff and there is a save point. North on table = striking upgrade save point = bottom of screen sort of in the middle Vision = east of save point gives lots of info (hank is next to vision looking for helmet) black widdow = center get dycryption module and give to vision. Trivia game = yes they have one just like XML near vision Training = Left hand side (need discs first) body upgrade = NE corner, north = sketch book, NW = focus upgrade North is Wyatt and you can talk to him to start the mission he is sort of like your driver now off to find Dum Dum Dugan. OMEGA BASE When you are in the omega base follow the path to the next foom to find dugan. Follow the path and you will meet new enemies super soldier. I find it funny all the things SHIELD research or whatever do to people at least bruce banner seems to be normal and Nick sure likes to keep secrets. Captain America is prettyticked off with all the experiments sence he is the only successful one. It is important for this mission to protect Dugan though i never really had to bother Go down some stairs and get your 1st daredevil action figure and destroy the engine marked with a red X. By now you should be lv6 if not you may need to train using simulator discs as the boss at the end of this mission aint easy. There is another engine at the other side of the room that needs to be destroyed. In the lower area of the room there is a Daredevil action figure. Now in the next room you find Doom has messed your system up and that node doent work (like you expected the mission to be over that quickly). Go right out of the room to get captain america disc which should give you a level or 2 not to mention a bit of gold you have 20 mins what i did is on 1st try break all barrels and explore and pulled off a silver reward (watch out for the boss because you only have 1minute) and then on the 2nd try go for gold to get the talent point. Head south for an easy boss CRIMSON DYNAMO. CD BOSS His attacks are a lightning laser which stays on someone for a few seconds and has a homingprojectile. Team combo all the way to pound him into the ground use special attacks if you need to. Get Luke Cage Suit as a reward. After that riveting boss destroy the final 2 engines. In the next area you can save and you will be leaving Dugan behind so if he was on low health you dont have to worry. If you follow the path you will meet a new enemy that has a shield sort of like riot cops have. What you have to do is press square next to them as if to grapple then rapidly press X if you win you will toss away the shield if you loose he will shoot you. Anyway you have to travel outside eventually i was a bit disapointed they didnt put any scenery sense its the outdoors now but what can you do. This is a long run and a chooper attacks you at first you think its on your side but it makes it pretty clear its not your characters can reach dangerous health if you dilly dally so just take care of enemies and progress to the end of the exterior and you will eventually be back inside. Now you should follow the path and run into Mysterio wondering when he would show up. Anyway he overloads the machine and you have a fight on you. It is important that the troops dont gang beat you so try stunning or knockback attacks or special powers come in handy. Go left and you will meet Banner sorry no Hulk this time round. He will help you by taking youto where the gamma bomb is in this room there is a table with a helmet that you can give back to Pym in Stark Tower(he's the one to the left of vision). The panel is damaged (this is starting to become a pattern) and follow the path along the hall. In the next hall make sure to take the turn on the right to get wolverines simulator disc. I didnt have any problems with this level its pretty much destroy everything in your path and for the boss try cornering him and keeping him trapped while unleashing special powers. Follow the path and you should end up in a pretty big room and defeat the enemy gang. By using the control panel in the center you deactivate the bomb. You tell Banner to stay i found this scene kind of funny because how he agrees with you very quickly. Now go through the door on the left and now it is time to do some pain to Mysterio. I actually found this fight a little bit annoying but if you are lv7-8 i think you will be ok. MYSTERIO This guy creates 2 clones of himself sort of and the thing is though it is useless to attack the fakes in the confusion of being attacked its hard to tell them apart. This is where special powers come in handy. After the boss you get to take a elevator ride that sort of reminds me of MGS. Anyway enemies pop out every so often, nothing to life threatning though the main problem is the bombs that drop down if you did well in Captain America's missionthis should be no problem if not you may want to avoid them though this is difficult. The button you have to press appears on the screen very quickly e.g. X will appear underneaththe bomb, square will appear to the left of the bomb and you have to pres them quickly and in the right order. After you exit the lift follow the path and there is a hidden room where you destroy some ememiesbefore they can destroy a console. After that return to the hall following the path to another lift. You are now up pretty high and that pesky helicopter is nearby. Talk to the agent, boththe a-air guns are on fire so they wont do much good. Go down some stairs if you want a sketch book ive never been to bothered with checking them out but collect them anyway for good completion. Your path should now be blocked by an explosion i think this part took me a while to figure out. Now take the stairs to the catwalk. Move the crate in the corner like you did with the generator in the SHIELD base but this time pull the crate to the edge and you will have to rapidly press the button for me it was X i think and the glass underneath will shatter. I'm surprised that much glass shatters the crate isnt that big. Anyway jump off the catwalk and ito the new entry hole. Follow the path battling the enemies that appear and you will come back up to the upper deck. You should see another SHIELD agent asking you to keep the copter busy and now the fun begins. You don’t have much time to destroy the copter so hop in the a-air at the corner which is easy as long as you ignore the other grunts. After the copter is shot down, that was easy swipe away the enemies and pick up the fpus upgrade up the stairs. Now you have to answer questions from the annoying MODOK i actually got some of these wrong and you get shocked which should be avoided so here are the right answers:AU for symbol for Gold,21% oxygen(dont know how i knew that) and the last answer is Neoprene i think for that one it was just lucky guess. MODOK This guy can be very annoying even if you know what to do. His most irrating move is the radial blast which can be dodged because you can see it coming. If you run low on health pound some minions on the ground or break some barrels. Get your team to pound on the boss with attacks and powers and before you know it you have cleared the level and now back to Stark Tower. You should now be lv10 ATLANTIS You have to have 2 points available to get the xtreme skill at the bottom of the list i wasn't aware of this 1st time so had to wait till lv11. At stark tower talk to Pym and ask him to look at the Jet data. Go to the waterfall and use Iron Man's Lab to reach Jarvis to start a small sidequest called Link to The past(i wonder if that is intentional). Anyway the cufflinks you need are in the main office and are easy enough to spot. Talk to Weasel to continue the laptop quest. In the upper part of the lab is another sketch book. There is a skill point here as well as a simulator disc for Iron Man. Now return to the main room talk to Hank then to vision about Jacob then Black widow about Barron and to Nick about Gabriel. Now back to the lab and talk to Weasel again and you will tell him what the password is. After talking to Wingfoot if you talk to Pym to look at the feed to get it out of the way when your ready talk to Wingfoot again and depart for Atlantis. Now you can create your own team or stick with one of the premaid teams. Every 100 reputation increases your team lv by 1 which will give 1 team skill point which are pretty cool. However it is important to note that every time you make a change to your roster you will loose 50 points. You can gain points by completing objectives. Nanites will be placed in your body so you can survive underwater great to have this level. You can go north to get a focus upgrade and south for the connection tube which is a tunnel which will take you to the dive chamber. Use the dive chamber controls to go in the water then go north east to see Namor who is in serious trouble. You need to kill the 4 guards to save him there are red X's so hard to miss. Now that Namor is free 2 exits should open up head to Temple of Negrete first. Break the wall on the left for a skill point. Follow the path to a big room and take a right following the path to the red X. Go to thedoors and press use and rapidly press the button shown on screen to open the door to collect the pearl. Return to the big room and continue across. You should now be in a room with a big clam. Stand near it and press use. The process is the same as the marked doors and you should get another pearl. To the right there should be a weak wall break it to get Mr Fantastic's disc. It is kind of like some weird carnival level. Return to the big room and continue from where you entered the temple. Kill the enemies and get the trident. Return to previous room and enter the room with a statue. Once the trident is in the statue a beam will come out of the statue and blow open the wall. When you enter the hole you will have to beat a good few enemies then pick up the seaweed then take the portal and give the seaweed to the girl to gain some reputation. Now head north to reach the trenches and you should be up against some atlantis armoured there not much tougher then the defenders. Also when you are up against the atlantis champion you may have to use combinations such as stun. You should now be up against some tough enemies. KRANG & BYRRAYNG For this battle I got the team to gane up on Krang 1st before moving onto Byrrang not exactly hard you can go back to save point if you need a breather. If you have the xtreme powers yet then using them may come in handy I find spiderman to be the most hand as it is general sweep. That is one of the good things about this game returning to the save point and getting to switch characters and if you wait long enough getting revived dont think you will need it though. Once you have defeated them get rid of the emitter in the room. The path splits here to the right is a SAP and a emitter that needs to be destroyed. Near the emitter is a giant clam which as someone trapped. Press the button to release him and he will give you the combination for the save. Then return to the safe to get the goods including a daredevil action figure. To the left is a emitter and a strike upgrade next to it i gave mine to thor but up to you. I give body to spiderman and Focus to captain america. You can now continue on to the Throne. In this room take either path and get the bead on the floor after the enemies are gone. Then follow the path and put the bead in the center hole and this should make enemies appear. In the side rooms avoid the whirlpools they are deadly on both sides and get the beads. I think it was the left one that has the sketch book. Then place the beads in the north door and get ready for the boss. ATTUMA & TIGER SHARK This boss is fairly easy just use the console to ground there "wings" so to speak and team pound them. I found Captain americas shield throw to be helpful here because it goes pretty far. After they are defeated continue on to the defenders crypt. To the left is a body upgrade and you can take the small stairs on the right and head to the arena for the level boss. KRAKEN This is really a mini game boss so it can be very easy if you look at it that way. There are 4 pedestles wait for Kraken to knock one down when it does enter it ignoring the enemies that appear and press the buttons that appear on screen (I think 6 is the average) then if you get it right the whole thing will fall on his head. Now each time you knock its head take care of the grunts while avoiding Kraken attacks especailly the radial one that can get in the way. Continue this way and eventually Kraken will fall and that is the end of Atlantis. VALLEY OF THE SPIRITS You will now be back in Stark Tower. Talk to Wingfoot if you want to start the mission. For me I did any simulator discs i forgot or handnt fully cleared as this level coming up can be a challenge. Anyway you should be lv.13 by now i think. If you have been doing the Weasel sidequests you can continue that by going to him in Iron Man's lab then talk to Pym and Vision then return to the lab and tell him to use Ceb. You can also talk with Nick Fury to open another sidequest. Thats about all now onto the mission. When you reach the temple in the 1st room you come to you will find a sketch book. The enemies here can be tougher some of the regenerate which can be annoying and there are obstacles that can kill you. If you have a character with might you can use it on the rope with the blue icon on it for a short passage if not like i had then it may take longer. In the big room take a left, another left, sub boss. DRAGON MAN For this sub boss use ranged attacks i just pounded him into the ground with spidermans web and captain americas shield. He focuses on close melee attacks so keep your distance and should go down very quickly. Now in the end of this small walkway take yet another left and would you believe it you get greeted by another sub boss. ULTIMO This boss will go down in a few seconds if you use team combination attacks definatly nothing to worry about. At the end of this path near the fire is a strike upgrade. Now in the next room you come to if you are taking the long way you will have to defeat a large bunch of enemies (exit room has SAP). If you are taking theshort way as well as might you will also need to be able to put out fires (i recommend iceman) and flight (i recommend Thor). Whichever way you decided to go you will now be in the Golden Court. Now you will get to go against some new enemies now which are made of clay the good thing about these is that you can sneak up on them before they even have a chance to move. The balcony to the right can be reached by flight to get to the next room. You should find a handy weapon cache now gosh these things come in handy. Then continue along the path brawling your way to a large room. From now on if you see a bald enemy chances are in this level he is a healer so destroy him if you have to get your team to bash him. Go up the big stairs in this room then jump to the left and enter the small room to pick up the schematics that Fury was looking for. Now take the right balcony to get the sim disc for the Thing. In the next room you get a relatively tough boss. GARYGOYLE This boss has as you may have guessed a reliance on melee attacks so ranged attacks are the way to go i think i had me as spiderman and my friend as cap america and we almost single handedly took him down without any help from the other 2. As you might have guessed he can turn you into stone for a short period of time if this happens just switch characters and use that one to bring on the pain. using combinations can considerabally shortan the battle. Watch out for the healers the second they show up nuke them as they will try and heal the boss. Follow the path to reach the next area Celestial Hall. Go straight across and you should see a SAP with a locked door. From SAP go right and enter the room to the side. Kill the enemies then move 2 of the blocks onto the depressions in the ground then move yourself over the 3rd one. This should let you use a lever that will allow you through a door near the SAP and get the cache. Go back to the main room and go through the door on the left. Now you get to go against what seems like an army of monks. After they are gone press the lever to open the other door near the SAP and go through it for another boss. ULTIMO 2 Ounce again this boss is very easy only a little bit tougher then the last battle should be easy to take down with a few team attacks. After the battle get the nearby body and foucs upgrade. I gave bnth of my upgrades to spidey. The body because its so easy to get them ko'd without realising and the focus because its annoying to run out of mp. Now continue on to the Forbidden Passage where you will get to see Dr Strage thought this guy was never going to show his face. He needs to find the orb and you agree and can continue on. Now more death blades gosh these things keep killing my players hate it when computer does this the only thing i can think of is to destroy them and inside them is a Crimson Dynamo disc which is actually quite hard. You are in asgard for the disc and starts off easy but when you get to the gate you get barraged by enemies if you can handle yourself though it gives great xp. Now after the death blade room continue on and ignore the door closed from the other side for now. If you continue on you will reach the orb that strange has been looking for and your reward is you get to have Strange on your team. In the next room some grunts appear after they are gone go up the stairs. Now in this hall there are a lot of statues waiting to be destroyed the only one of value is the one left of entrance to mandarins court which will have a action figure for you. I havent really gone to the bother of getting the Daredevil and Black Panther action figures might on my next run through. Now on to the Court and the level boss. MANDARIN This boss is more annoying then difficult because he hides a lot. Anyway he has a whirlwind attack which is radial and not that terrible. Then there is his ice attack which traps player termporarily. For this all you have to do is switch character. When he has taken a good bit of damage he will retreat and send exploding spider robots after you. You have to use the yellow teleportation device to get to where Mandarin is. What you need to do is get the spider into the yellow disc and it will destroy the Ultimo bot then go in to teleporter and beat up Mandarin. Rinse and Repeat and you will eventaully be back to fighting him in the main hall. After he is betaen pick up the item and take the portal to Stark tower. Looks like Jean GrEy and Nightcrawler have gone missing. Talk to Wingfoot when you are ready and you will now be in act 2 as a reward sit back and watch one of the coolest trailers of the game kind of reminds me of X-men 2. SANCTUM SANCTORUM Cool Strange's crib. First onto the optional stuff. Talk to vision not forgetting the strike upgrade and he asks you to get him a book. Head upstairs and talk to Weasel and he will need a secrity module from Vision(on a side note these people are right next to each other all the time dont see why they don't collaborta more. Go to where the X is on screen to get vision's book and next to that should be another Daredevil action figure. Go up some more stairs from the book to get Dr Strange's disc. Put Strange in your team and enter his room to get 2 sweet focus upgrades. Dont forget the book and security module. If you are ready to hit the road use the orb of teleportation to get to the next level. MURDERWORLD For a second there you think you are in dooms castle, no such luck. Anyway go into the next room and beat the enemies coming out of the paintings. Don't open the treasure chest in this room as it will damage you, this guy has a sence of humour at least. In the next room a sort of a wall comes up and down on you and while this can be easily avoided your computer controlled characters have a great deal of trouble with this part. In the next big room defeat the enemies and enter the smaller rooms attactchedfor some items including another Daredevil aciton figure focus upgrade and a Mysterio simulator disc. In Mysterio's disc there can be a problem if you cant defeat the enemies fast enough especailly in the area where you have to wreck the clown car. When you are left with only one door to cross you will be in a long hallway with spiked walls that come down on you(wondering when/if they would bring this up). Defeat the enemies if you can and break down the walls for this i used thor but any strong character would do. At the end of the hallway go through to the room on the left(duck) to stop the spikes chasing you then return to the hall and push the wall to see a secrete room with a skill point then continue on to a wierd room with doom like squares that attack you so avoid them and continue to the next room. Now from here there are 2 rooms one with a nice striking upgrade that will help you take care of the boss in the other room. Not very tough so no need to worry. JEAN GREY Don't know why im writing this part but guess she is a sub boss at least quite a lot of weak ones on this level at least you get a fun level boss and that is something at least. She doesn't really get enough time to use her pschic attacks so just team beat her and she will retreat. The next area is the big Top. BUILDING YOUR TEAM Ill start off from basic. for getting around problems having a character that is strong is a good idea e.g. Thor, The Thing or wolverine. I find having a thunder element character can come in handy and storm and thor are both good choices. Having a good defender can come in handy such as Captain America. I still dont know what they put in Elektra. Iceman is handy because of his ice slide but I never saw much point in using him. WRAPPING THINGS UP This FAQ was written by Padraic John Mannion. All trade marks are property of there owners. No part of this guide is to be repoduced without my permission. Only sites I give permission may show this FAQ. If you wish to gain permission to show this document on your site please email me at If I have any spelling mistakes, errors, missed any items or assesories or you have a good boss strategy then please send me an email. I wish to say thanks to: Stan Lee for his creative genius all the people at Marvel and all the people who made this game